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IELTS Internet vs Newspaper Essay

In this internet vs newspaper essay you have to discuss whether you think reading from newspapers will stay more popular than reading the news online. 

This was a recent question in the IELTS exam. You'll find they pick on topical issues, which is why you should keep up-to-date with the news! 

Although more and more people read news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Thinking about the essay

Before you write your internet vs newspaper essay, you should spend some time deciding what your views and opinions are and how you will support them.

Man reading newspaper

You could write about one side of the essay, for example stating that you think newspapers will remain more popular and then writing about the benefits of newspapers. 

But there are two good reasons for making sure you discuss both  reading newspapers  and  reading online .

Firstly as both those issues are mentioned in the questions you don't want the examiner thinking that you haven't fully answered the question . Also, if you discuss both you will have more to write about .

In this model IELTS internet vs newspaper essay that you can read below, the writer believes that online sources will become the most popular. 

The writer supports this by first giving the counter-argument (opposing view) - why newspapers are still popular - but then goes on to explain why this habit will be taken over by online reading. 

Now take a look at the internet vs newspaper essay model answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

It is common at the present time to see people getting updates on the latest news from the internet rather than the traditional method of reading a newspaper. I would argue that electronic sources of news will gradually replace that of the newspaper. 

Newspapers remain an important source of news for several reasons.  The first of these is that the older generation still prefer to read their news this way, which is because they have traditionally bought a newspaper over the years and so do not wish to change or simply do not know how to do so online in some cases. In addition to this a newspaper also comes with other supplements, such as magazines and television guides, and sources of entertainment, such as crosswords. This makes it more attractive for some than going online.  

However, though newspapers may not disappear completely, the Internet is likely to become the more dominant source of news over time. This is primarily because younger people tend to read the news online and prefer not to pay for it, so those reading newspapers, the older generations, will gradually decline. This links in with the second reason, which is that as media companies start to see a drop income from newspapers, printing them will become unprofitable and they will be forced to find ways to make money from news online. 

In conclusion, although newspapers remain popular today, they will gradually be replaced by the desire to read the news through electronic sources. This may be a sad loss given their history, but unfortunately it is an unavoidable development. 

(265 Words)

This internet vs newspaper essay would score highly in the test as it meets the four criteria required for a good IELTS band score. 

It fully answers the question . The writer clearly sets out their opinion and then goes on to provide support for this.

Girl on computer

The essay supports the opinion well as it sets out why people like to read newspapers but then goes on to explain why this will change , with people switching to online reading. The support of the question is specific and ideas are extended and explained. 

The essay is also  well-organised , with a clear introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. 

Topic sentences lead the reader through the essay and there are good linking devices that are not too mechanical. You don't want things too mechanical if you are looking for a score above band 6. 

Examples of mechanical are  'firstly', 'secondly', 'thirdly' 'for example' . They can be a bit boring and easy. 

It also has some good examples of vocabulary and  collocations  related to the topic, and a good range of  complex sentences .

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Are Newspapers Dead or Adapting in the Age of Digital News?

Some say the Internet will kill off papers, but others say not so fast

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Are newspapers dying? That’s the raging debate these days. Many say the demise of the daily paper is just a matter of time—and not much time at that. The future of journalism is in the digital world of websites and apps—not newsprint—they say.

But wait. Another group of folks insist that newspapers have been with us for hundreds of years , and although all news may someday be found online, papers have plenty of life in them yet.

So who’s right? Here are the arguments so you can decide.

Newspapers Are Dead

Newspaper circulation is dropping, display and classified ad revenue are drying up, and the industry has experienced an unprecedented wave of layoffs in recent years. A third of the large newsrooms across the country had layoffs between 2017 and April 2018 alone. Big metro papers such as the Rocky Mountain News and Seattle Post-Intelligencer have gone under, and even bigger newspaper companies such as the Tribune Company have been in bankruptcy.

Gloomy business considerations aside, the dead-newspaper people say the internet is just a better place to get news. “On the web, newspapers are live, and they can supplement their coverage with audio, video, and the invaluable resources of their vast archives,” said Jeffrey I. Cole, director of USC's s Digital Future Center. “For the first time in 60 years, newspapers are back in the breaking news business, except now their delivery method is electronic and not paper.”

Conclusion: The internet will kill off newspapers.

Papers Aren't Dead—Not Yet, Anyway

Yes, newspapers are facing tough times, and yes, the internet can offer many things that papers can’t. But pundits and prognosticators have been predicting the death of newspapers for decades. Radio, TV, and now the internet were all supposed to kill them off, but they’re still here.

Contrary to expectations, many newspapers remain profitable, although they no longer have the 20 percent profit margins they did in the late 1990s. Rick Edmonds, a media business analyst for the Poynter Institute, says the widespread newspaper industry layoffs of the last decade should make papers more viable. “At the end of the day, these companies are operating more leanly now,” Edmonds said. “The business will be smaller and there may be more reductions, but there should enough profit there to make a viable business for some years to come.”

Years after the digital pundits started predicting the demise of print, newspapers still take significant revenue from print advertising, but it declined from $60 billion to about $16.5 billion between 2010 and 2017. 

And those who claim that the future of news is online and only online ignore one critical point: Online ad revenue alone just isn’t enough to support most news companies. Google and Facebook dominate when it comes to online ad revenue. So online news sites will need an as-yet undiscovered business model to survive. 

One possibility may be paywalls, which many newspapers and news websites are increasingly using to generate much-needed revenue. The 2013 Pew Research Center media report found that paywalls had been adopted at 450 of the country's 1,380 dailies, though they won't replace all the lost revenue from shrinking ad and subscription sales.

That study also found that the success of paywalls combined with a print subscription and single-copy price increases has led to a stabilization—or, in some cases, even an increase in revenues from circulation. Digital subscriptions are growing.

"In the age of Netflix and Spotify, people are coming around to paying for content again," wrote John Micklethwait for Bloomberg in 2018.

Until someone figures out how to make online-only news sites profitable (they've also suffered layoffs), newspapers aren't going anywhere. Despite the occasional scandal at print institutions, they remain trusted sources of information that people turn to cut through the clutter of (potentially fake) online news or for the real story when social media outlets show them information on an event slanted in any number of ways.

Conclusion: Newspapers aren't going anywhere.

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May 2, 2024

With the rise in popularity of the Internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. To

“with the rise in popularity of the internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. to what extent do you agree or disagree”, sample answer:.

In today’s digital age, the Internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we consume information. With the convenience of accessing news online, many argue that traditional newspapers will eventually become obsolete. However, I disagree with this viewpoint and believe that newspapers will continue to hold significance in the future.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge the impact of the Internet on the newspaper industry. The rise of online news platforms and social media has led to a decline in print newspaper circulation. Many people now prefer to get their news from digital sources due to the speed and accessibility it offers. Despite this shift, newspapers still play a crucial role in providing in-depth analysis, investigative journalism, and a sense of credibility that is often lacking in online news.

Furthermore, newspapers have a loyal readership that values the tactile experience of reading a physical paper. There is a certain charm in flipping through the pages of a newspaper, which cannot be replicated by scrolling through a screen. Additionally, print newspapers are often seen as a more reliable source of information, as they undergo rigorous editorial processes and fact-checking procedures before publication.

Moreover, newspapers have adapted to the digital age by establishing their online presence. Many leading newspapers have developed user-friendly websites and mobile applications to cater to the changing preferences of readers. This demonstrates that newspapers are not becoming obsolete, but rather evolving to coexist with digital media.

In conclusion, while the Internet has transformed the way news is consumed, I believe that newspapers will not become a thing of the past. Their unique value proposition, loyal readership, and ability to adapt to changing times will ensure their relevance in the future.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 493 - with the rise in popularity of the internet newspapers will become a thing of the past, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, with the rise in popularity of the internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past..

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Newspaper vs. Online News

What's the difference.

Newspapers and online news platforms both serve the purpose of delivering news and information to the public, but they differ in several aspects. Newspapers are traditional print publications that offer a tangible reading experience. They are typically published daily or weekly and provide in-depth coverage of various topics. On the other hand, online news platforms offer instant access to news through the internet. They provide real-time updates, multimedia content, and the ability to interact with the news through comments and social media sharing. While newspapers offer a more immersive reading experience, online news platforms provide convenience, accessibility, and the ability to personalize news consumption.

Further Detail


Newspapers and online news platforms have become the primary sources of information for people around the world. While newspapers have been a traditional medium for centuries, the rise of the internet has revolutionized the way news is consumed. In this article, we will compare the attributes of newspapers and online news, exploring their advantages and disadvantages in various aspects.


Newspapers have long been a staple in households, providing physical copies of news articles that can be read at any time. They are easily accessible to those who prefer a tangible reading experience and do not require an internet connection. On the other hand, online news offers unparalleled accessibility. With just a few clicks, readers can access news articles from anywhere in the world, at any time, using their smartphones, tablets, or computers. This convenience allows for instant updates and breaking news coverage.

One of the key advantages of online news is its timeliness. Online platforms can provide real-time updates, ensuring readers are always up to date with the latest news developments. Breaking news stories can be published and shared within minutes, reaching a global audience instantaneously. In contrast, newspapers have a longer production process. They are printed and distributed daily, meaning the news articles may be a few hours or even a day old by the time they reach readers. While newspapers strive to provide accurate information, the delay in publication can make them less timely compared to online news.

Depth of Coverage

Newspapers often offer in-depth coverage of news stories, providing comprehensive analysis and background information. Journalists have more space to explore complex issues, conduct interviews, and present multiple perspectives. This depth of coverage allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the news. On the other hand, online news platforms may prioritize brevity due to the fast-paced nature of the internet. Articles are often shorter and more concise, focusing on the key points. While this can be advantageous for readers who prefer quick updates, it may lack the depth and context provided by newspapers.


Online news platforms excel in interactivity, allowing readers to engage with the content in various ways. Readers can leave comments, share articles on social media, and participate in discussions. This fosters a sense of community and encourages dialogue among readers. Additionally, online news often includes multimedia elements such as videos, images, and interactive graphics, enhancing the overall reading experience. In contrast, newspapers are a one-way communication medium. Readers can only consume the information presented without actively participating or sharing their thoughts.

Archival Access

When it comes to archival access, online news has a clear advantage. Articles published online are typically stored in databases, allowing readers to search and retrieve information from the past. This is particularly useful for research purposes or when trying to find older news articles. On the other hand, newspapers are physical copies that can be easily lost or damaged over time. While some newspapers may have archives, accessing specific articles can be more challenging and time-consuming compared to the convenience of online search functions.

Credibility and Fact-Checking

Credibility and fact-checking are crucial aspects of journalism. Newspapers have a long-standing reputation for upholding journalistic standards and ethics. They often have dedicated teams of editors and fact-checkers who ensure the accuracy of the information presented. This rigorous process helps establish trust between the newspaper and its readers. Online news platforms, however, face challenges in maintaining the same level of credibility. With the ease of publishing online, misinformation and fake news can spread rapidly. While reputable online news sources also employ fact-checking measures, readers must be cautious and verify the credibility of the sources they rely on.

Advertising and Revenue

Newspapers have traditionally relied heavily on advertising revenue to sustain their operations. Advertisements are prominently displayed within the physical copies, providing a source of income for newspapers. However, with the rise of online news, advertising models have shifted. Online platforms often rely on digital advertisements, sponsored content, and subscriptions to generate revenue. This transition has presented both challenges and opportunities for the news industry, as online advertising can be more targeted and personalized, but also more intrusive and disruptive to the reading experience.

Environmental Impact

Considering the environmental impact, newspapers have faced criticism due to the use of paper and ink. The production and distribution of physical copies contribute to deforestation and carbon emissions. However, many newspapers have taken steps towards sustainability by using recycled paper and implementing eco-friendly practices. On the other hand, online news has a smaller carbon footprint as it eliminates the need for paper production and transportation. However, the energy consumption associated with data centers and electronic devices used to access online news should also be considered.

In conclusion, both newspapers and online news platforms offer unique attributes and cater to different preferences. Newspapers provide a tangible reading experience, in-depth coverage, and a sense of credibility. On the other hand, online news offers unparalleled accessibility, timeliness, interactivity, and archival access. Ultimately, the choice between the two mediums depends on individual preferences, the desired level of engagement, and the importance placed on factors such as timeliness and depth of coverage. As technology continues to evolve, the news industry will undoubtedly undergo further transformations, shaping the way we consume and interact with news in the future.

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Newspaper Industry and the Internet Essay

The media which is commonly referred to as the fourth estate is one of the most dynamic fields. This is especially in the wake of technological developments and the availability of internet in virtually every household. The main stream media which is television and newspapers is now finding it necessary to make several adjustments to be able to survive in a now highly competitive industry as consumers find alternative ways of getting news. (Varian 2000)

The internet is becoming an increasingly important source of news for many people both young and old. The discussion looks at some of the issues that the use of internet for news raises for traditional newspapers. The discussion will also look at some of the strategies that media enterprises especially those that specialise in point are employing to build and sustain willing readership in the future.

Since the emergence of technology and internet in particular, most people are now able to access news as soon as they happen. This has led to lack of motivation for a wide readership from buying newspapers which take some time before they can report in issues (Meyer 2004). Most of the readers are now finding the news in newspapers somewhat stale considering that the news on the internet is instant, fresh and immediate.

The coming of new media and interactive forms of communication blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other social platforms has made it easy for audiences to choose what kind of information and how to get it (Li 2006) This is unlike in the past where a large audience had heavy dependence on the mainstream and sort of shared in terms of interests the kind of news they wanted.

Observers have noted that readership of newspapers has been on the decline as more people seem to have a preference on the emerging technology which is not only instant in delivery of news but also more interactive (Franklin 2009).This kind of method of accessing news is a two way form of communication so that even the audience have a say regarding what is happening.

The traditional newspaper on the other has not been able to offer this kind of benefit so that it remains a one way kind of communication where the media gives the information on what is happening without an opportunity to their audience to make responses on their opinions about a given issues (Wurff & Lauf 2005).

The rate at which the popularity of traditional newspapers is declining is quite alarming. Print media practitioners have now resulted into drastic measures to ensure that they survive the storm that is internet. One measure that has been taken is to limit the amount of content that gets posted online (Sylvie 2002).

This means if a newspaper has an online edition, the latter is condensed with only a few big stories being published. This means readers will still need to buy a hardcopy of the newspaper to read other stories. In addition the stories that posted online are very shallow. This is done on purpose so that a reader still finds it necessary to buy a newspaper to get an in-depth perspective of any given story.

Another method that newspaper enterprises have embraced is using internet to their advantage. The electronic media was the first to face threats as a result of emergence of news content in the internet (Kung 2008). However, this type of media was able to identify in good time the pitfalls as well as the opportunities that exist in the internet. As a result they were able to blend their services with those of the internet.

The result was that instead the electronic media being forced to close shop due to the internet, it was made more effective. The print media has also learned the secret that “if you cannot beat them, join them.” Therefore they have learned it is no use fighting the internet which is obviously overpowering them. Instead, they are using the internet hand in hand with the actual newspaper to provide even a more in-depth coverage of stories than they were doing before.

Utilising the internet to the full may also mean that the newspapers may have the entire copy of the newspaper posted online including the advertisements (Baran & Davis 2008). Most big advertisers had begun pulling out from hard copy newspapers citing decline in readership of the same. However, if advertisers are assured that their advertisements will be posted online where most people are accessing the news then they will have no problem giving the advertisements to the newspapers.

Print media analysts have also cited a misconception in the whole issue of internet being a threat to the print media. They argue that it is the paper method that will become extinct and not the news of print media. It is therefore argued it is the method that will fade and not the quality of the news that has always been provided in the print news. Looking at it from that angle, it no longer is a threat but an opportunity for change which guarantees quality content for newspaper readers.

Adjustment of prices will also go a long way in ensuring that traditional newspapers still survive even if the internet seems to have gained popularity (Franklin 2008). The newspaper companies can decide to revise the prices of newspapers downwards. By so doing, newspapers will still command a relative wide readership considering that is not every person who has access to internet connectivity.

Again, not all people have the relevant skills to access the internet especially in the developing countries so that such people will still depend on newspapers for news. Newspapers may also consider lowering the rates at which they charge for their advertisements. If they place their rates lower than what the internet is offering, most advertisers will prefer to have their advertisements on newspapers which will be a cheaper option for them than the internet.

Being able to ensure that the internet does not totally cripple and kill the print media industry is a merely a battle of wits (Allan 2006). What the print media enterprises need to do is look for opportunities that the internet is providing as well as look for loopholes on what the internet is not able to provide and maximise on those loopholes to ensures that readers of newspapers have a reason to buy newspapers despite the fact there is content available on the internet.

This battle has been fought for long and even though the readership and volume of sales for newspapers have declined, it is not all lost. If the print media can begin looking at the internet more as a partner who helps complement what the print is not able to offer than an enemy, then there is likelihood for them to survive the threat of internet.

Allan, S. (2006) Online news: journalism and the internet. California : Mc-Graw Hill International

Baran, S.J. & Davis, D.K. (2008) Mass communication theory: foundations, ferment, and future . London: Cengage Learning

Franklin, B. (2008) Pulling newspapers apart: analysing print journalism . New York: Routledge

Franklin, B. (2009) The future of newspapers. New York: Routledge

Kung, L. (2008) Threat of Internet to Mass Media. London : Sage

Li, X. (2006 Internet newspapers: the making of a mainstream medium . New York: Routledge

Meyer, P. (2004) The varnishing newspaper: saving journalism in the information age. Missouri: University of Missouri Press.

Sylvie, G. (2002) Time, change and the American newspaper. London: Sage

Varian, H.R. (2000) Internet publishing and beyond. London: MIT Press

Wurff, R., & Lauf, E. (2005) Print and online newspapers in Europe: a comparative analysis in 16 countries . London: Het Spinhuis

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). Newspaper Industry and the Internet. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-newspaper-industry/

"Newspaper Industry and the Internet." IvyPanda , 20 Feb. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-newspaper-industry/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Newspaper Industry and the Internet'. 20 February.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Newspaper Industry and the Internet." February 20, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-newspaper-industry/.

1. IvyPanda . "Newspaper Industry and the Internet." February 20, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-newspaper-industry/.


IvyPanda . "Newspaper Industry and the Internet." February 20, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-newspaper-industry/.

  • Essay On Newspaper

Essay on Newspaper

500+ words essay on newspaper.

The newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication, which provides information from all around the world. It contains news, editorials, features, articles on a variety of current topics and other information of public interest. Sometimes the word NEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South. It means that the newspapers provide information from everywhere. The newspaper covers topics related to health, war, politics, climate forecast, economy, environment, agriculture, education, business, government policies, fashion, sports entertainment, etc. It covers regional, national and international news.

Here, we have provided an essay on ‘Newspaper’, which will help students to improve their writing section. So, students must try to write a ‘Newspaper Essay’ in English after going through this sample essay . This essay on ‘Newspaper’ will give them ideas on how to organise their thoughts in a structured format to frame a good essay.

The newspaper is the most authentic and reliable source of information as it only prints the news after proper investigation. Newspapers are delivered to our doorstep early in the morning. We can read the news by having a cup of tea and get to know what is going on around the world. Newspapers are economical as we get information at a very low cost. They are easily available and are also printed in different languages. Thus, newspapers make it easier for people to read news in their native language.

Newspapers cover different columns, and each column is reserved for a particular topic. The employment column provides information related to jobs. This column is very useful for youth who are searching for suitable jobs. Similarly, there are other columns, such as the matrimonial column for finding the perfect match for marriages, a political column for news related to politics, a sports column for analysis and opinion on sports updates, etc. Other than this, there are editorials, readers, and critics’ reviews that provide a wide variety of information.

History of Newspapers in India

The first newspaper to be printed in India was called Gazette Bengal. It was published by an Englishman, James Augustus Hicky in 1780. This newspaper was followed by the publication of other newspapers like the Indian Gazette, Calcutta Gazette, Madras Gazette Courier and Bombay Herald in the coming years. After the first freedom struggle of 1857, the number of newspapers appearing in different languages of India continued to grow. At the time of this freedom struggle, media expansion in India was not large. However, after India became independent, the expansion of newspapers continued.

Importance of Newspaper

A newspaper is an important prerequisite for democracy. It helps in the proper functioning of government bodies by making citizens informed about government work. Newspapers act as powerful public opinion changes. In the absence of a newspaper, we cannot have a true picture of our surroundings. It makes us realise that we are living in a dynamic world of knowledge and learning. Daily reading of the newspaper will help improve English grammar and vocabulary, which is especially helpful for students. It also improves reading skills along with learning skills. Thus, it enhances our knowledge and broadens our vision.

Newspapers contain advertisements which are essential to run a paper. So, along with news, newspapers are also a medium of advertising. Advertisements related to goods, services and recruitment are broadcast. There are also missing, lost-found, and government-release ads. Though these advertisements are useful most of the time, sometimes they result in misleading people. Many big companies and firms also advertise through newspapers to enhance their brand value in the market.

Disadvantages of Newspaper

There are numerous advantages of the newspaper, but on the other side, there are some drawbacks too. Newspapers are a source of exchanging diverse views. So, they can mould the opinion of people in positive and negative ways. Biased articles can cause riots, hatred and disunity. Sometimes immoral advertisements and vulgar pictures printed in the newspaper can severely damage society’s moral values.

Deletion of the vulgar ads and controversial articles removes the above-mentioned demerits of the newspaper to a great extent. Thus, an active reader cannot be misled and deceived by journalism.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Newspaper Essay

Is the newspaper still in use as much as in the earlier days.

Although news feeds and news channels instantly update us on the happenings around us, daily newspapers are very much still in use. Many people still refer to and wait for the news to be updated in these newspapers, even today.

What are the 5 main sections of a newspaper?

The five main sections of a newspaper are national/international news, sports, entertainment/amusement, classified advertisements, and neighbourhood news.

Who invented the newspaper?

Johann Carolus invented the first newspaper in Strasbourg, Germany.

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Nowadays more and more people prefer to look for information of different kind in online newspapers. In our high-tech world people choose mobility and fast temper of life. That’s why I dare say that almost every piece of news can be found by means of Internet. Along with traditional printed newspapers there appeared up-to-date and more efficient way to present information. Online newspapers became widely spread as a way to inform and unite readers according to their interests. I’ll make an attempt to define clearly privileges and drawbacks of both variants.

There is a wide variety of newspapers published online. Readers may mostly get access to sociological, psychological and political newspapers and those intended for a wide range of people. In general online newspapers don’t seem to differ much from printed versions by the contents of articles. But there still can be defined certain advantages and disadvantages. I will examine Epoch Times International newspaper. The article for comparison deals with the spring festival in Vancouver which is held every year in order to view the beauty of local cherry blossom. It’s common knowledge that such festival is a Japanese tradition which takes place every spring. The first thing to catch readers’ eyes is illustrations for the topic. It shows a row of trees all in pink blossom. There is only one picture in online version. Newsprint article is known to contain more pictures to the topic. Attentive reader however will notice that online version gives links to more illustrations especially devoted to Vancouver cherry blossom. (http://www.vancouvercherryblossomfestival.com/vcbf/map)

In this way online newspaper page gives more freedom to find some additional information in case readers became deeply concerned in the topic. It gives opportunity to subscribe the edition and view some similar editions which would probably be more detailed.

I doubt whether it is an advantage or not, that newsprint version doesn’t contain any advertisements which may distract reader’s attention. Advertisements which often give unnecessary information usually irritate readers. In this way newspaper print version has an important privilege for readers. Printed version is more specific. It gives nothing more than an article with illustrations and brief information about the newspaper. At the top of the article there is always given its Internet address.

I consider online newspaper to be more useful in some way. The example of Epoch Times International shows that such newspapers usually give an opportunity to choose different languages. It would actually help people of different nationalities to read the same article in their native languages. Moreover such options let readers view newspapers of different countries as well. It is especially valuable for translators and people dealing with international affairs. For example, an article about cherry blossom in Vancouver can be read and appreciated by a Japanese person either. Readers are able to leave their comments on the article and newspaper itself. Some online newspapers provide an opportunity to add some more article of this kind to enrich the content of the newspaper. In this respect printed version yields much to the online one. I mean that online newspapers actually became an international source, while newsprint versions just give a piece of information and no one would know whether it was appreciated or not. Online newspapers give an opportunity to discuss the topic on forum, e-mail other readers or editors themselves. The most striking difference is that online articles may be renovated or improved, unlike printed ones.

All in all I consider it obvious that online newspaper has doubtless advantages in comparison with printed ones. In our fast-moving world it gives people more opportunities not only to read the article but to view other resources on the topic and share opinion with other readers. It is obviously more convenient and appropriate to modern life.

Joan Delaney. (2007, March 29). Epoch Times International. Cherry Blossom Festival Delights Vancouverites. http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-3-29/53475.html

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