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10 lines on Hockey in English - Few lines about Hockey in English

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Hockey . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Hockey in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

Hockey essay in english

10 lines on Hockey in English

  • Hockey is the national sport of India.
  • This game is played in other countries besides India.
  • India has been a world champion in hockey.
  • This game started first from England.
  • Like cricket, also hockey was brought to India by the British.
  • In this game, players have to run continuously.
  • In this game too, like cricket, there are two teams.
  • Each team consists of 11 players.
  • But in this game, both teams are in the field during the play.
  • Dhyanchand was a brilliant hockey player who is called the hero of hockey.

hockey essay in english 10 lines

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hockey essay in english 10 lines

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Essay on Hockey


Our National Game Hockey

Field Hockey is the National Sport of our Country. The designation of ‘National Sport’ is either designated on the basis of the popularity of a Game, or on the basis of the Game’s historical background. Hockey has a long-standing rich legacy, and this fact also gives this Sport the credibility of being the ‘National Game’ of our Country, India. Added to this, another obvious reason for designating this Sport as the National Sport of the Country, for the pride that is always evoked by the Countrymen.

In order to play this Game, this Game is required to be conducted either on plain grass or on a mat-like material called the turf. India displayed phenomenal performance in Hockey at various International forums during the 1920-1950s period and this was yet another reason for accepting this Game as a National Sport in this Country.  

Playing field Hockey is a popularly played Sport in our Country, which is played by forming teams. This Game is played on grass, on artificial or watered turf, or on synthetic fields. The team has ten players in total and a Goalkeeper.

Hockey is played with a curved stick in the form of the letter ‘J’. The aim here is to move the ball forward to the Goal post with the curved end of the stick and thereby scoring a Goal. The strikers who play this Game are exceptionally skilled at hitting the targets, this will help them to shoot their shots successfully and make them enter the Goal post. While the Goalkeeper gets the responsibility of hurdling and stopping the Goals so that they can stop the opposite team from scoring.

Hockey is a Sport that requires a lot of practice and dedication. The Game is played usually on a rectangular field, and this is considered to be an outdoor Sport. The Goalkeeper stands near the Goal post wearing a heavily padded jersey and helmets also with a curved Hockey stick. The Goalkeeper is required to wear protective suits because the ball, striking with the Hockey stick, rushes towards the Goal post at a highly accelerated speed, if the Goalkeeper does not wear a padded suit this may cause severe injuries to the Goalkeeper.

The Game starts with a toss between the captains of the two distinct teams. The captain who wins the toss will either select his side of the field where his team will play or he chooses to pass. The Game is played for 75 minutes in a single session. There are two rounds of each thirty-five minutes and one break in between the two sessions. The interval time is used for medications, strategic planning, also for treatment.

My Favorite Game Hockey Essay in English 

Hockey is ranked as my favourite Game. The Game is the most interesting outdoor Game in my view, as there is too much life and energy going on in the Game. Hockey keeps all the players busy, both physically as well as mentally. This is a very popular Game all over the world and considered as the National Sport of my Country, India. 

In this Sport, there are two teams who play against each other and they both try to score by posting the Goal in the Goalpost. At present, there are different forms of Hockey i.e.- Field Hockey, Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, Sledge Hockey, and even Street Hockey.

India made an impressive record with many Olympic gold medals, in the year 1928-1956, this is known as the Golden Era of Hockey in India. India won 6 consecutive gold medals in this Olympic Games.

Short Note on Hockey

Hockey is an ancient Game that is being played in India year wide. In earlier times, this Game was being played with a stick and a ball. Hockey is the National Sport of this Country. This is a popular and interesting Game which many countries play. The Game consists of rules which are required to be followed by both the teams in order to conduct fair play. There are quite a number of variances of this Game that is played across the globe. While the basic rules remain the same at all places. In India, the track record is quite an exemption. Indian has won six gold medals in the Olympics and in many other consecutive matches. 

Points to Remember while Writing this Essay: 

Students should always pay attention to details. There is a lot of history that can be delved into Hockey as a subject overall so students should bear in mind that they need to have a proper sense of idea on this topic to write an Essay about. 

Students should do their research. An Essay is nothing without proper research, it is essential to be well versed with the points and remember them in order to write an Essay quickly on the topic. 

The key to writing an English Essay is  accurate English, knowing the proper usage of the language will lead to less errors and it will be helpful for the students in scoring better marks. 

Students should know the structure of the Essay. For example, in this Essay of Hockey, students should begin with the introduction which states the importance and history of Hockey and how revered the Game is for it’s the National Game and then continue to elaborate further on it. 

The conclusion of the saay should be all binding  regarding the topic. The conclusion is the best thing about an Essay and it should land correctly so as to conclude the Essay in a note that leaves the reader satisfied. It is essential to keep in mind that students should pay attention to tying loose ends in order to conclude the Essay. 

Students should pay attention to errors. Essays normally demand to be error free. There must be no error in facts as well as construction of sentences. 

Essays should be organized in a systematic way that makes sense, whether short Essays or long ones, there is a structure that needs to be followed in order for the Essay to make sense. 

Students should analyze the question and the topic of the Essay. It must not be mistaken and the Essay should not consist of information that is not required or related to the topic. For example,  writing about baseball in an Essay regarding Hockey is not relevant. If the consistency does not remain then the Essay will not make sense. 

Tips to Learn How to Write Essays

Students should pay attention in classes in order to know how the Essays are written and what the teachers expect out of Essays. It is essential to pay attention in classes to learn how to write Essays in the class. 

Students should note the points on a particular topic so as to know how to write Essays quickly during the exams. 

Students should refer to the previous year question papers so as to know the possible topics of the Essay and analyze the topic and prepare for the Essays accordingly. 

Students should understand the structure of Essays and then practice writing Essays accordingly. Vedantu offers several Essays that will surely help the students in preparing and analyzing the kind of points that are required to be mentioned in an Essay. 

Students should have a general idea on any topic so as to be able to write an Essay. Having basic and general knowledge comes very handy with students who are willing to write Essays. 

Students should learn how to tie the subject matters and points together to make it a coherent Essay. It is essential that a student knows that consistency is the key and the flow must not be disturbed in an Essay.   

Students should present their arguments or matters of the subject in an Essay that is feasible to the reader. It should be simple yet extensive only to the right amount.  

There must be a certain outline of the Essay that a student has to decide upon writing an Essay. It is an easy task but writing an Essay under a limited amount of time can cause a student to lack the proper sketch of the Essay which is always the first thing that is often noticed about an Essay. 

Students should learn to write Essays not because of any prizes, but because it has to be written with passion. It is essential that students should write Essay with a clear attitude to depict the Essay instead of simply writing an Essay only to get marks. That kind of pressure can cause a student to miss out on the important details of writing an Essay. 

Hockey is a revered Game that has been played by people since ancient times, there are several points that can be elaborated in order to be condensed in an Essay. The trick to writing an Essay is writing comprehensive yet intensive details regarding the topic. 


FAQs on Essay on Hockey

1.How is Ice Hockey being played?

Playing Ice Hockey requires high speed and frequent physical contact among the players, this made ice Hockey one of the most popular international sports. The game is so popular that this is an Olympic sport, and around the globe, there are a million registered players who perform regularly in league matches. This game is quite popular in Canada.

Ice Hockey is played by two teams on the ice. The players in this game wear ice skates on their feet and this helps them to skate across the ice at very high speed. They hold the Hockey sticks, with which they push, shoot or pass a puck around the ice. The players score the game by shooting the puck into the net, while the goaltenders try to stop them.

2.What are the basic Rules of Field Hockey?

The rules are as follows:

Both the team should consist of 11 players (including the goalkeeper) and 6 substitutes.

All the players hold a Hockey stick which they can use to hit the ball.  

A goal is scored when the ball is hit into the opponent’s goal from16 the yard area.

The ball must be passed or it should be dribbled and no other body part is allowed to intentionally come in contact with the ball.

3.Name some famous Hockey players of India?

Major Dhyan Chand is the most famous Hockey player in India. He was an Indian field Hockey player who is widely regarded as the greatest player in the history of Hockey. Balbir Singh Sr., Roop Singh are the other famous players in this game from our country. 

Essay on Hockey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on hockey.

Hockey is the national game of India . Also, it is a popular game and an interesting game that many countries play. The game has many rules that need to be followed by each team so that a fair play can be conducted. There are different varieties of this game played across the globe. But, the basic rules remain the same at all places. If we talk about India then the track record of India then it is quite good. Indian has won six gold medals in the Olympics and many consecutive matches.

Essay on Hockey

Origin and history of Hockey

It is an ancient game that is played in India for years. Also, the game is always played with a stick and a ball. Before 1272 BC it was played in Ireland and during 600 BC ancient Greece used to play it. Around the world, there are many variations of the game known by the name ice hockey, field hockey, street hockey, sled hockey, and roller hockey.

Equipment Required for Playing the Game

To play hockey in a safe manner there are various gears and equipment that protect a player from the serious injury. Moreover, this equipment includes helmets, shoulder, pads, neck guards, jockstrap, elbow pads, hockey stick, and a ball or puck.

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Rules of Hockey Game

The field has a fixed dimension and it is in rectangular shape divided into two halves of equal length and breadth. In addition, earlier the game used to be of 70 minutes, which is divided into two halves. But recently a change has been made and now the game consists of 60 minutes that divides into three-quarters of 20 minutes each.

Besides, a team consists of 11 players each. The aim of the match is to hit maximum goals in the opponent team goal post. The team who successfully score more goals wins the match. Also, the dimensions of the stick and the weight of the ball is predefined in the rule books. If on the field they found the dimensions and weight incorrect then the one responsible for false play is eliminated.

Besides, most of the rules of the game are similar to Football and violation of rule has some penalties. There are rules for everything that happens during the math whether it relates to a player or the referee.

Importance of Hockey

The game has much importance in India as it has chosen it as its national game. Also, India has a bright and big deep-rooted history related to sports. In addition, India has many brilliant players that played for the country and it is the oldest known game in the country.

In conclusion, Hockey is the national game of India but it was never declared officially. But, we can make this official by bringing the golden period of hockey back once again. Currently, our hockey team lacks support from the government but with our support they can bring the glory days of hockey back.

FAQs about Essay on Hockey

Q.1 How to start a hockey game? A.1 The game of hockey starts with a face-off in the center of the rink. In this rink, the referee drop the ball or puck and the players of the opposite team have to fight to gain control over the ball or puck.

Q.2 How to score a goal in hockey? A.2 For scoring a goal in hockey the player needs to hit the ball in opponents’ team goal post without committing any foul. If he misses the goalpost then no points are given to her/his team. But for scoring the ball needs to either cross the line or hit the net. Moreover, if it is not successful in doing so then no points will be awarded to his team.

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Essay on Hockey

500+ words essay on hockey.

Hockey is one of the oldest and most popular team sports. Hockey is believed to have been in existence about 1200 years before the Ancient Games of Olympia. This game is played in most countries of the world. In India, hockey was introduced by the British Army regiments, and soon it became popular. The Indian Hockey team has won a total of eight gold medals, one silver and three bronze medals in the Olympics. This essay on hockey will help students to understand the sport. Also, they get to know the rules for playing this sport. They can also go through the CBSE Essays to get the list of essay topics. It helps them in improving their writing skills, and they can score good marks in the writing section of the English exam.

History of Hockey

The Hockey Association was founded in 1886. The first international tournament took place in 1895, and the International Rules Board was founded in 1900. The International Hockey Federation is the global governing body of field hockey, founded on 7th January 1924 in Paris. The Federation of International Hockey (FIH) not only regulates the sport but is also responsible for its development and promotion so as to guarantee a secure future for hockey. The FIH retains overall responsibility for hockey worldwide, including the rules of hockey, umpiring and coaching.

The British brought the hockey game to India. The first hockey club was formed in Kolkata in 1885. The Indian hockey team won the first Olympic gold in 1928 at the Amsterdam Games. They made their Olympic debut without conceding a single goal. The credit for this win goes to the legend Dhyan Chand, who stole the heart of everyone with his dazzling skills. It was the golden era of Indian hockey when India produced some of the finest players in hockey.

How to Play Hockey?

The rules set by the International Hockey Federation FIH are used worldwide to play hockey games. Hockey is played between two teams of 11 players each, including a goalkeeper. Before starting the game, a coin is tossed between the captains of the two teams. The team captain that wins the toss has to choose the starting end or start with the ball. The game time is divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each, 15-02-15-10-15-2-15. At the start of each quarter, as well as after goals are scored, the match is started with a pass from the centre of the field.

Field players may only play the ball with the flat side of the stick. Tackling is permitted as long as the tackler does not make contact with the attacker or his stick before playing the ball. Further, the player is not allowed to deliberately use his body or stick to shield the ball from a legitimate tackle. A goal is scored when an attacker strikes the ball into the goal from within the striking circle, even if the ball touches the defender and goes into the goal.

When the ball passes over the sidelines, it is returned to play from the sideline either by an individual player by himself or with a push or hit, taken by a member of the team whose players were not the last to touch the ball before crossing the sideline. If it crosses the goal line after being last touched by an attacker, a 15-metre hit or pass can be made by any player in the defending team. A 15-metre hit is also awarded for offences committed by the attacking side within 15 metres of the end of the pitch they are attacking.

National Sports Day of India

The National Sports Day in India is celebrated on 29th August to commemorate Major Dhyan Chand’s birth anniversary. In 2012, the Government of India designated 29th August as the country’s “National Sports Day”. On this occasion, the President of India gives out all the sports-related awards like Arjuna Award, Dronacharya Award and Rajiv Khel Ratna Award. It is done to honour sportspersons and coaches who have made the nation proud with their service in their respective sports.

Hockey is a popular and interesting sport. But still, in India, it has not got much attention. There are very few people who have a passion for hockey and would like to be a part of the Indian hockey team. The Government of India should give more facilities and pay more attention to promoting hockey. It should be included in Physical Education, and proper coaching should be provided so students can start playing hockey at the school level.

Students must have found this essay on hockey useful for improving their essay-writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

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Essay on Hockey

Hockey is an invasion game played by two teams of eleven players each. The purpose of each group is to push a small and heavy hockey ball into their opponent's goal. At the start of a hockey game, a coin is tossed to determine which team gets the ball first, the players pass ball from the center of the court. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Hockey’.

100 Words Essay on Hockey

200 words essay on hockey, 500 words essay on hockey.

Essay on Hockey

Hockey is India's national sport, but it is played by many countries. It is a high-speed game played between two teams. Both sides have 11 players each. The goal of all players is to strike the ball into the net of the opposing team in order to score points. In 1928, India won the world championship in hockey and six gold medals in the Olympic Games. The period from 1928 to 1956 is regarded as the golden period of Indian hockey. The athletic hockey players made the country proud as India had won numerous Olympic hockey medals.

Hockey is the national sport of India. This game is played in many forms all throughout the world. The core rules, however, apply everywhere. When it comes to India, the country has an excellent track record. India has won six gold medals and numerous matches in a row at the Olympics. The origins of hockey can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century. In its Olympic debut in the 1928 Amsterdam Games, the Indian hockey team won its first Olympic gold medal without allowing a single goal.

India's hockey juggernaut won six straight Olympic gold medals and 24 consecutive matches from 1928 to 1956.

When playing hockey, there are several gears and equipment that protect a player from serious harm. Helmets, shoulder pads, neck protection, and jockstraps are all recommended for safety. The game is particularly important in India because it has been designated as the national sport of the country. Furthermore, India has a lengthy and distinguished sporting heritage.

To summarise, despite the fact that hockey is India's national sport, it has never been adequately recognised. But this can be done by reviving hockey's golden age.

Our hockey team is currently underfunded by the government, but with our assistance, they can revive hockey's golden days.

Hockey is India's national sport. It is also a popular and engaging game that many countries like playing. The game has many rules that must be obeyed by each team for fair play to occur. This game is performed in various variations all across the world. However, the fundamental rules apply everywhere. When it comes to India, the country's track record is pretty good. India has won six gold medals in the Olympics and numerous matches in a row.

Origins | Hockey's origins can be traced back to ancient times.. According to historical sources, a rudimentary variant of the game used to be played in Egypt 4,000 years ago and in Ethiopia approximately 1,000 years ago. An ancient form of the game was also played in Iran around 2,000 years ago. Several museums have proof that the Romans, Greeks, and Aztecs all played a variation of the game several centuries before Columbus arrived in the New World. The modern game of hockey arose in England in the mid-18th century, owing partly to the expansion of public institutions such as Eton.

India’s History Of Hockey | The first hockey club was established in Calcutta in 1885-86, and shortly after, Bombay and Punjab followed suit. The Indian hockey team won its first Olympic gold medal without allowing a single goal in its Olympic debut tournament at the 1928 Amsterdam Games. The wizardry of Indian hockey star Dhyan Chand, who dazzled the Amsterdam crowd with his brilliant talents, was the defining feature of this ruthless dominance. From 1928 until 1956, India's hockey juggernaut won six consecutive Olympic gold medals and won 24 successive matches. During this time, India scored 178 goals while surrendering only seven.

Hockey Equipment | There are numerous gears and equipment that safeguard a player from significant injury when playing hockey in a safe manner. Helmets, shoulder pads, neck guards, jockstraps, elbow pads, a hockey stick, and a ball or puck are also included in this equipment.

Hockey Rules | When teaching hockey to young children, you can apply the following basic rules; the ball can only be hit using the flat side of the player's stick. Other than the goalkeeper, Hockey players are not permitted to control the ball with their feet or any other part of their body at any time.

A goal can only be scored from inside the striking circle in front of the opposing goal box. It does not count if the hockey ball is hit from outside the circle and goes into the goal.

Hockey is a contact-free sport. Players are not permitted to push, trip, or physically contact an opponent. If this occurs, the other side may be given a free hit or a penalty.

The game is very important in India because it has been designated as the country's national sport. In addition, India has a long and illustrious history in sports. Furthermore, India has numerous excellent players who have represented the country, and it is the oldest recognised game in the country.

To summarise, hockey is India's national sport, yet it has never been formally recognised. But we can make this official by resurrecting the golden era of hockey. Our hockey team currently lacks government funding, but with our help, they can restore hockey's glory days.

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Write 10 Lines on Hockey

Hockey is a fast-paced, exciting sport enjoyed by millions around the world. You might know it as a game where players slide on ice, chasing a small puck with sticks.

Yet, hockey isn’t just about ice and cold weather. There’s also field hockey, played on grass or turf. This sport is equally thrilling and requires great skill and teamwork.

10 sentences on Hockey for kids (set #1)

  • Hockey is a fun sport that kids can play on ice or on a field.
  • Players use sticks to hit a puck or ball into the opponent’s goal.
  • Every hockey team has a goalie who tries to stop the other team from scoring.
  • Wearing a helmet, pads, and gloves is important for safety in hockey.
  • Hockey helps kids learn teamwork as everyone has to work together.
  • Practicing hockey can make you stronger and improve your balance.
  • There are different positions in hockey, like forward, defenseman, and goalie.
  • Hockey games have three periods, and the team with the most goals wins.
  • Passing the puck or ball to your teammates is a key part of hockey.
  • Skating fast and controlling the puck are skills you learn in ice hockey.
  • Field hockey is played on grass or turf, and players wear cleats for better grip.
  • Hockey is played all around the world and is even in the Olympics!

Also read the Essay on Hockey

10 lines on Hockey (set #2)

  • Hockey is a fast-paced sport played on ice or a field.
  • Two teams compete, each trying to hit a puck or ball into the opponent’s goal.
  • Ice hockey players wear skates, while field hockey players run in shoes.
  • A hockey team usually consists of six players, including the goalie.
  • The goalie’s main job is to prevent the puck or ball from entering their goal.
  • Hockey sticks are used to control and shoot the puck or ball.
  • Protective gear is important in hockey to prevent injuries.
  • Ice hockey is famous in countries like Canada, USA, and Russia.
  • Field hockey is more popular in countries like India, Pakistan, and the Netherlands.
  • Hockey games are divided into periods, with breaks in between.
  • Penalties are given for breaking the rules, like high sticking or tripping.
  • The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.

So, this is 10 points on Hockey in an easy-to-understand way.

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Essay on Hockey for Students in English [500+ Words Essay]

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Hockey: Hockey is the national game of India. It is played with a stick and a ball. The game requires two teams, and each team comprises 11 players. The main aim of each team is to score as many goals possible against the opponent team. India has bagged six gold medals till date in the Olympics. It is a popular outdoor game. The period between the years 1928 to 1956 are considered the golden period of Indian hockey.

Essay on Hockey 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Hockey Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Wayne Gretzky

Hockey is the national sport of India. The word hockey is said to be originated from the French word Hoquet that means shepherd’s crook. There is evidence suggesting that hockey was first played in Egypt and Ethiopia, and there are proofs in museums that suggest that this sport was also one played by the Greeks, the Romans and the Indians.  India’s first hockey club was formed in the city of Calcutta, better known now as Kolkata. In the year 1925, the Indian Hockey Federation was formed, which gave a chance to all players to play and prove themselves on a global scale.

India becomes world champions in hockey by winning the gold medal at the Amsterdam Olympics in the year 1928. Various trophies are associated with hockey. They include Lady Rata Trophy (for women), Ragaswamy Cup, Dhyan Chand Trophy, Scindia Gold Cup and many others. The Indian men’s hockey team currently holds the fifth rank in world rankings while the women’s hockey team stands at the ninth place internationally.

Types of Hockey

Bandy also known as Banty, is a form of hockey which is mostly played in Mongolia and the Scandinavian countries. It is the national sport of Russia and has its roots originating in England. It comprises of 8 to 11 players and is played on a rink the size of a football pitch.

Field hockey is a form of hockey played on grass, gravel or any other sand-based artificial turf. It is also the national sport of Pakistan. The British army was responsible for spreading this game, especially in India. This form of hockey has become increasingly popular in women as well. Countries like India, Pakistan, Argentina, Australia, etc. excel at playing field hockey.

Ice hockey is a variation of hockey that is played in an ice rink with players on skates or roller blades. Instead of a ball, they have to score with a puck which is like a rubber disk. It is frozen before any match to reduce the friction and bounce on the ice. It is the national sport of Latvia and is the national winter sport of Canada. It is more prevalent in North America and Europe.

Ice Sledge hockey is another type which is played on ice by people suffering from disabilities in the lower body. Canada leads in this type of a variation, and much of the equipment required for this game was first developed there.

Rules of Hockey Game

There are a few basic and standard rules which are to be followed while playing this sport. Only two teams are to play at once with eleven members each. Players can be substituted any number of times. Only two players are allowed to touch the ball at once, and no third person can intervene.

The players should not swing their sticks too high to avoid hitting other players. The ball cannot be kicked or touched by the legs. It should come in contact only with the stick. Using the backside of the hockey stick can attract a penalty. Only the face of the stick should be used in this case.

Importance of Hockey

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Essay on Hockey for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Hockey is a field game played between two teams consisting of eleven players each. The game is played with sticks and a ball. Each team tries to score a goal by hitting the ball in opponent team’s goal with the help of hockey sticks. There are many types of hockey game such as bandy – played on ice; field hockey- played on grass or artificial turf and rink hockey or roller hockey played with five members in each team. Games similar to the hockey have been played in the ancient Egypt, almost 4000 years ago, dating before 1272 BC. Field Hockey is also the national sports of India.

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Long and Short Essay on Hockey in English

We have provided below various short and long essay on hockey game under various words limit to help students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc.

Essays or paragraphs writing have been one of the common strategies followed by the teachers to enhance writing skill and knowledge of student about any topic.

All the hockey essay provided below are written in easy words and simple sentences.

So, students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Hockey Essay 1 (100 words)

Hockey is a national game of India however played all over the country. It is a fast game played between two teams against each other. Each team has 11 players. All the players aim to hit the ball in other team net in order to get more score. Our country has been the world champion of hockey in 1928 and had won 6 gold medals in the Olympics games.

The period between 1928 to 1956 is known as the golden era of Indian hockey. The brilliant Indian hockey players has made the country so proud of them as they have won Olympics games for hockey many times for India. They knew well the magic of playing hockey and won the heart of everyone.

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Hockey Essay 2 (150 words)

Hockey is a most popular game and known as the national game of India. Playing it regularly benefits us in many ways. It helps in improving the body stamina by offering good health. The person playing and practicing it, needs more effort and dedication to continue. It is an outdoor game generally liked by Indian youths. It is not so easy however regular practice of this game may help a lot to be the champion.

There are 11 players in each team (divided as five forwards, two full backs, three half backs, and a goal-keeper). It is played in two halves of 35 minutes with an interval of 5 to 10 minutes. It is a game of much interest and enjoyment easily motivates watchers to see the hockey match. It provides various health and financial benefits to the player. A person interested in this game can easily make his/her nice career.

Hockey Essay 3 (200 words)


Hockey is a national game of India in spite of ever-growing popularity of other games and sports in India (like cricket, badminton, etc). It is not officially recognized however chosen as national game. The golden period of hockey in India was from 1928 to 1956 when its brilliant players had won the six consecutive Olympic gold medals for it.

Later, the future of hockey got in darkness after the death of a hockey star and hero named Dhyan Chand. At that time many hockey-playing Anglo Indians were migrated to the Australia. However, recently it is seen a little growth in the interest of Indian players towards hockey. Dhanraj Pillay was another hero of Indian field hockey who has been a former captain of Indian hockey team. Currently he is appointed as the manager of Indian hockey team. He had won an Arjuna Award for Hockey.

Why Hockey is National Game of India

Hockey has been chosen as the National Game because of the golden period of hockey in India (from 1928 to 1956). At that time, the Indian hockey players were doing really excellent job of them, so their regular win and outstanding talent was the reason to choose this game as a national game of the country. During that golden time, India had actively participated and played 24 Olympic matches. And the most surprising thing was that it had won all the matches scoring 178 goals and conceding only 7 goals. It had won gold medals in Tokyo Olympics (1964) and Moscow Olympics (1980).

Hockey is a nice game and mostly liked by the students. In order to bring another golden period for the hockey, it should be promoted in the schools and colleges among students to actively participate. Talented children should be properly trained to play hockey right from the school level. There should be the arrangement of necessary funds and other facilities for students by the government in order to preserve the Indian glory.

Hockey Essay 4 (250 words)

Hockey is a nice game generally liked and played by the youths of the country. It is also played in other countries worldwide. However, it is the national game of India, as India has been glorified by this sport many times through amazing wins. Indian has been the world champion in the field of hockey for many years.

Now this game has also been popular in other countries such as Holland, Germany, Pakistan, Australia, England, etc. It is a fast game, in which players have to run all time whenever game takes its speed. It is a game of two teams with eleven players in each. Players have to be alert all through the time till game becomes over. All the positions of players in this game (such as goal keeper, right backs, centre forwards and left backs) become very important.

Some of the Indian heroes of golden era hockey were Dhyan Chand, Ajit Pal Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Baboo Nimal, Balbir Singh Sr., Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, etc. They were real heroes who led India towards a huge success in the field of hockey. Dhyan Chand was a brilliant hockey player who is still called as the wizard of hockey.

India became the world champion first time in hockey in 1928 and won the Gold Medal at Amsterdam Olympics. After that year, India had continued maintaining its world championship in hockey till it lost to win in the Rome Olympics. Later, it got seventh place in Montreal Olympics, regained Gold Medal in Moscow Olympics (1980); however, again lost a Gold Medal in 1984.

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Hockey Essay 5 (300 words)

Hockey is an outdoor game played by two teams having eleven players in each. It has been chosen as the national game of India because India has been a world champion in hockey for many years. It is not officially declared as the national game however only considered as the national game as India had won many gold medals in hockey. It is played in many countries all over the world. It is not an expensive game and can be played by any youth. It is a game of much interest and enjoyment which involves lot of action and suspense. It is very fast game and situation changes very often in this game which creates surprise.

Importance of Hockey in India

Hockey is a game of much importance in India as it is chosen as the national game because it had made India a world champion in hockey many times. This game has a big and bright history as it was deep rooted in India by the brilliant hockey players. It is one of the oldest known sports of India however the root has been weak now because of the lack of talented hockey players and required facilities. This game is considered to be in existence for around 1200 years old before the Ancient Games of Olympia.

Earlier it was played in different variations, however currently it is played as field hockey which was developed in British Isles in 19 th century. It was an English school game however brought to India by British Army regiments. Later, it was spread internationally and got worldwide popularity. In order to govern this game and standardize its rules, London Hockey Association was formed. Later, the International Hockey Federation (in 1924) and International Federation of Women’s Hockey were formed.

First hockey club in India was formed in Calcutta (1885-86). Indian hockey players made their successful Olympic debut in 1928 Amsterdam Games where they won the Olympic gold medal. It happened because of a brilliant Indian hockey legend named Dhyan Chand. He really mesmerized all the Indians in front of the Amsterdam crowd. India continuously won six Olympic gold medals and 24 consecutive hockey matches during its golden era of hockey. Some of the outstanding players of golden era of hockey were Dhyan Chand, Balbir Singh Sr., Ajit Pal Singh, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Baboo Nimal, Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, etc.

Hockey Essay 6 (400 words)

Hockey is a most popular and interesting game played in many countries. It has been chosen as the national game of India however never got any official declaration. This game has two teams with eleven players in each. Players of a team in this game aimed to make maximum goals against other team by putting a ball into the opponent’s goal post using hockey stick. Our country has made an excellent record in the field of hockey after winning the six Olympic gold medals and various consecutive matches. The period when India won various consecutive hockey matches is called as the golden period (1928 to 1956). Dhyan Chand was a famous hockey player of the golden time and known as the wizard of hockey because of his outstanding achievement.

History and Origin of Hockey

Hockey is an ancient game played for years in India. It is played with a hockey stick and a ball. It was played in Ireland before 1272 BC and during 600 BC in Ancient Greece. There are various variations of the hockey; some of them are named as field hockey, ice hockey, sledge hockey, roller hockey, street hockey, etc. Now-a-days, field hockey is generally played. Ice hockey was evolved as a derivative of field hockey to be played in the icy conditions of Canada and northern United States.

Equipment Needed to Play Hockey

Playing hockey game in safe manner requires some important equipment which are named as helmet, neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, Jockstrap with cup pocket and protective cup (to support or protect male genitals), hockey stick, and a puck or ball.

Forms of Hockey

Other forms of the hockey (derived from hockey or its predecessors) are like air hockey, beach hockey, ball hockey, box hockey, deck hockey, floor hockey, foot hockey, gym hockey, mini hockey, nok Hockey, pond hockey, power hockey, rossall hockey, skater hockey, table hockey, underwater hockey, unicycle hockey and many more.

Future of Hockey in India

As we all know that, the good time of hockey game in India became really over after the golden era of hockey in India. It was due to the lack of interested and talented hockey players as well as required facilities for youths to continue the game in future. It seems that it will never finish and the golden era of hockey will return back because of the love, respect and dedication of Indian youths in this national game.

However, it needs a lot of effort, dedication and support by the Indian government to bring golden period of hockey back in India. Hockey India League is planning to implement some effective strategies to expand hockey teams (8 teams by 2016 and 10 teams by 2018). There is a favorable agreement made between Hockey India and Hockey Australia to participate in hockey for the upcoming three seasons (6 match test tournament will take place from 2016 to 2018 in Australia).

Hockey is a national game of India. It is only said so, however not officially declared. Now, it is our responsibility to make it an officially declared national game by bringing its golden period again. It should be highly promoted among students from the school time by providing them all the facilities from the end of teachers, parents and government.

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English Summary

100 Words Essay On Hockey In English

Hockey is an outdoor game played between two teams both having 11 players each. Hockey was originally called shinty. It is India and Canada’s national game.  The word hockey has been attributed to the French word hoquet (shepherd’s stick). It is so because, in the game hockey, the players use hooked sticks with which the players try to drive a small hard ball toward goals at opposite ends of a field.

The true origins of the game hockey are unknown, or rather have many different points of view from varied scholars as they did their study and research towards it, however, Canada gets credit for modernizing and popularising, the game we know today.

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hockey essay in english 10 lines

Essay on “A Hockey Match” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

A Hockey Match

Total 3 Essays 

Essay No. 01

Hockey is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and exciting games, from the point of view of both the players and the spectators. It is a fast game, not slow and leisurely like cricket. Besides, there are a few uncertainties and surprises in the game. In hockey, victory always goes to the better players, better both as regards skill and coordination. We had an interesting exhibition of hockey the other day at the Shiva Ji Stadium. It was a match between the University eleven and District eleven. The District eleven won this match by two goals to one. The District victory was hard-earned. The University men played well, but not well enough in comparison with the District team. But the University men certainly made the District players fight for every inch.

The University men proceeded to give the District team one of the hardest times experienced by them. Never at any time were the District allowed to relax. While the District team had to thank Ajay Sharma and Ravi for their many breakthroughs and Manoj for his cleverly initiated moves, the University team owed much to Rajesh and Wazir.

Exchanges were more or less even in the initial session, though the University team for long spells pinned the District team to their own area. But when it came to scoring, it was the District team who took the initiative first. Manoj tried to get the District’s attack going with some well-spread passes. The University team was out first with a penalty corner that could not be used to a better advantage. Then followed good hockey, though unproductive as far as goals went, for the next fifteen minutes. A fine move between Sunil, Manoj, and Ajay Sharma ended with the last getting the better of right-back Hari and hitting the ball in from next to the advancing goalkeeper. But even as the ball hit the boards, umpire Davi Singh pulled up Raman for obstruction and awarded a penalty-push. Ajit converted it into a goal. This happened in the 17th minute. The University team applied pressure, following the reverse and five minutes later inside-right Jain scooped out from the top of the area. In the last minute of the first half, District eleven wasted a penalty corner hit.

Once the teams changed sides for the second half, the District team took over the attack and for about ten minutes gave the University defense a grueling time. The University wasted n penalty corner. Immediately the ball was propelled to the other end where a timely advance by Pawan stopped Aditya at the top of the “D”. The game swung to the District half with University forwards, spurred by Hari, going all out for the equalizer. They were not denied for long when Divyansh pushed the ball in from a hectic melee, following a penalty corner hit taken by full-back Wazir that was padded weakly by Raman.

But it was to be a District’s day, and now they subjected the University defense to some pounding. Two minutes from the equalize; Lakhi Ram cut the ball as he took a penalty corner shot and the goal was disallowed.

The next minute in a rare flash by Ajay Sharma, the District went ahead, put through by outside left, he entered the area with the ball well in control and dodged the advancing Pawan with a backhand flick. Pawan stood bewildered as the ball was shot past him into the goal.

The game was exciting from beginning to end and it was a hill of suspense. The crowd was very enthusiastic and except at one point fully endorsed the judgment of the umpire Davi Singh. No ugly incident marred the play. There were some partisan clapping and hearty shouts of ‘buck up, buck up’ by the respective supporters in the crowd, but that always happens at such matches. The end-of-monsoon weather was excellent, and the match was played in a picturesque setting in which the soft green grass blended beautifully well with the contrasting blue and yellow colors of the District and the University teams.

Essay No. 02

Hockey is the national game of India. Almost every school and college has its own hockey team.

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to watch a hockey match between our school and the D.A.V. Modern School.

There was great excitement among the students of both schools. The parents of some of the players also had come to watch their children play along with the Principals and Teachers of both the schools.

The match started at three o’clock. Both the teams were in good form. We chose our side as our team won the toss. In the beginning, the match was slow but as time passed it became interesting as both the teams played vigorously. In spite of the game becoming brisk, neither team could score any goal before the interval.

After interval our team felt a bit discouraged as the team of D.A.V. had scored a goal, but suddenly there came a twist in the game as our team started making furious attacks and as its intensity increased our team scored three goals in the last fifteen minutes. The other team now was really having a hard time.

The rival team tried its best to equalize but did not succeed and our team began to cheer loudly and some students even began to dance sensing the coming victory. At last, the referee blew the whistle and the match came to end. Our school team was declared victorious.

It was a game played by both teams with the spirit of sportsmanship.

Essay No. 03

Hockey is a popular game not only in India but in other countries of the world too. Schools and colleges also have their own hockey team at the national level.

Last week, I was lucky enough to watch a hockey match between our school and that of Modern School.

There was great excitement among the students of both schools. The parents of the players were also there to cheer their children from both schools with other spectators including teachers and principals of both the schools.

The match started around 2 pm in the afternoon. Both the team players were in good health. Our team won the toss. To start with, the match was slow but as the time passed by it became interesting as both the teams played vigorously. In spite of the game becoming brisk neither team could score a goal before halftime.

After some time our teammates felt a bit discouraged as the team of Modern School kept scoring goal after goal but suddenly there came a twist in the match when our team started making goals. As the pressure mounted our team scored five goals during the last fifteen minutes. The other team had to face a hard time.

The other team tried its best to secure goals but did not succeed. At last, the referee blew his whistle signaling the game to end. Our school won the match.

It was a fair game played by both the teams with the spirit of sportsmanship.

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Hockey Essay

Hockey is a field game played between two teams consisting of eleven players each. The game is played with sticks and a ball. Each team tries to score a goal by hitting the ball in opponent team’s goal with the help of hockey sticks. There are many types of hockey games such as bandy – played on ice; field hockey- played on grass or artificial turf and rink hockey or roller hockey played with five members in each team.  Games similar to the hockey have been played in the ancient Egypt, almost 4000 years ago, dating before 1272 BC. Field Hockey is also the national sports of India.

Long and Short Essay on Hockey in English

We have provided below various short and long essay on hockey game under various words limit to help students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc.

Essays or paragraphs writing have been one of the common strategies followed by the teachers to enhance writing skill and knowledge of student about any topic.

All the hockey essay provided below are written in easy words and simple sentences.

So, students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Hockey Essay 1 (100 words)

Hockey is a national game of India however played all over the country. It is a fast game played between two teams against each other. Each team has 11 players. All the players aim to hit the ball in other team net in order to get more score. Our country has been the world champion of hockey in 1928 and had won 6 gold medals in the Olympics games.

The period between 1928 to 1956 is known as the golden era of Indian hockey. The brilliant Indian hockey players has made the country so proud of them as they have won Olympics games for hockey many times for India. They knew well the magic of playing hockey and won the heart of everyone.


Hockey Essay 2 (150 words)

Hockey is a most popular game and known as the national game of India. Playing it regularly benefits us in many ways. It helps in improving the body stamina by offering good health. The person playing and practicing it, needs more effort and dedication to continue. It is an outdoor game generally liked by Indian youths. It is not so easy however regular practice of this game may help a lot to be the champion.

There are 11 players in each team (divided as five forwards, two full backs, three half backs, and a goal-keeper). It is played in two halves of 35 minutes with an interval of 5 to 10 minutes. It is a game of much interest and enjoyment easily motivates watchers to see the hockey match. It provides various health and financial benefits to the player. A person interested in this game can easily make his/her nice career.

Hockey Essay 3 (200 words)


Hockey is a national game of India in spite of ever-growing popularity of other games and sports in India (like cricket, badminton, etc). It is not officially recognized however chosen as national game. The golden period of hockey in India was from 1928 to 1956 when its brilliant players had won the six consecutive Olympic gold medals for it.

Later, the future of hockey got in darkness after the death of a hockey star and hero named Dhyan Chand. At that time many hockey-playing Anglo Indians were migrated to the Australia. However, recently it is seen a little growth in the interest of Indian players towards hockey. Dhanraj Pillay was another hero of Indian field hockey who has been a former captain of Indian hockey team. Currently he is appointed as the manager of Indian hockey team. He had won an Arjuna Award for Hockey.

Why Hockey is National Game of India

Hockey has been chosen as the National Game because of the golden period of hockey in India (from 1928 to 1956). At that time, the Indian hockey players were doing really excellent job of them, so their regular win and outstanding talent was the reason to choose this game as a national game of the country. During that golden time, India had actively participated and played 24 Olympic matches. And the most surprising thing was that it had won all the matches scoring 178 goals and conceding only 7 goals. It had won gold medals in Tokyo Olympics (1964) and Moscow Olympics (1980).

Hockey is a nice game and mostly liked by the students. In order to bring another golden period for the hockey, it should be promoted in the schools and colleges among students to actively participate. Talented children should be properly trained to play hockey right from the school level. There should be the arrangement of necessary funds and other facilities for students by the government in order to preserve the Indian glory.

Hockey Essay 4 (250 words)

Hockey is a nice game generally liked and played by the youths of the country. It is also played in other countries worldwide. However, it is the national game of India, as India has been glorified by this sport many times through amazing wins. Indian has been the world champion in the field of hockey for many years.

Now this game has also been popular in other countries such as Holland, Germany, Pakistan, Australia, England, etc. It is a fast game, in which players have to run all time whenever game takes its speed. It is a game of two teams with eleven players in each. Players have to be alert all through the time till game becomes over. All the positions of players in this game (such as goal keeper, right backs, centre forwards and left backs) become very important.

Some of the Indian heroes of golden era hockey were Dhyan Chand, Ajit Pal Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Baboo Nimal, Balbir Singh Sr., Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, etc. They were real heroes who led India towards a huge success in the field of hockey. Dhyan Chand was a brilliant hockey player who is still called as the wizard of hockey.

India became the world champion first time in hockey in 1928 and won the Gold Medal at Amsterdam Olympics. After that year, India had continued maintaining its world championship in hockey till it lost to win in the Rome Olympics. Later, it got seventh place in Montreal Olympics, regained Gold Medal in Moscow Olympics (1980); however, again lost a Gold Medal in 1984.

Hockey Essay 5 (300 words)

Hockey is an outdoor game played by two teams having eleven players in each. It has been chosen as the national game of India because India has been a world champion in hockey for many years. It is not officially declared as the national game however only considered as the national game as India had won many gold medals in hockey. It is played in many countries all over the world. It is not an expensive game and can be played by any youth. It is a game of much interest and enjoyment which involves lot of action and suspense. It is very fast game and situation changes very often in this game which creates surprise.

Importance of Hockey in India

Hockey is a game of much importance in India as it is chosen as the national game because it had made India a world champion in hockey many times. This game has a big and bright history as it was deep rooted in India by the brilliant hockey players. It is one of the oldest known sports of India however the root has been weak now because of the lack of talented hockey players and required facilities. This game is considered to be in existence for around 1200 years old before the Ancient Games of Olympia.

Earlier it was played in different variations, however currently it is played as field hockey which was developed in British Isles in 19 th century. It was an English school game however brought to India by British Army regiments. Later, it was spread internationally and got worldwide popularity. In order to govern this game and standardize its rules, London Hockey Association was formed. Later, the International Hockey Federation (in 1924) and International Federation of Women’s Hockey were formed.

First hockey club in India was formed in Calcutta (1885-86). Indian hockey players made their successful Olympic debut in 1928 Amsterdam Games where they won the Olympic gold medal. It happened because of a brilliant Indian hockey legend named Dhyan Chand. He really mesmerized all the Indians in front of the Amsterdam crowd. India continuously won six Olympic gold medals and 24 consecutive hockey matches during its golden era of hockey. Some of the outstanding players of golden era of hockey were Dhyan Chand, Balbir Singh Sr., Ajit Pal Singh, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Baboo Nimal, Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, etc.

Hockey Essay 6 (400 words)

Hockey is a most popular and interesting game played in many countries. It has been chosen as the national game of India however never got any official declaration. This game has two teams with eleven players in each. Players of a team in this game aimed to make maximum goals against other team by putting a ball into the opponent’s goal post using hockey stick. Our country has made an excellent record in the field of hockey after winning the six Olympic gold medals and various consecutive matches. The period when India won various consecutive hockey matches is called as the golden period (1928 to 1956). Dhyan Chand was a famous hockey player of the golden time and known as the wizard of hockey because of his outstanding achievement.

History and Origin of Hockey

Hockey is an ancient game played for years in India. It is played with a hockey stick and a ball. It was played in Ireland before 1272 BC and during 600 BC in Ancient Greece. There are various variations of the hockey; some of them are named as field hockey, ice hockey, sledge hockey, roller hockey, street hockey, etc. Now-a-days, field hockey is generally played. Ice hockey was evolved as a derivative of field hockey to be played in the icy conditions of Canada and northern United States.

Equipment Needed to Play Hockey

Playing hockey game in safe manner requires some important equipment which are named as helmet, neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, Jockstrap with cup pocket and protective cup (to support or protect male genitals), hockey stick, and a puck or ball.

Forms of Hockey

Other forms of the hockey (derived from hockey or its predecessors) are like air hockey, beach hockey, ball hockey, box hockey, deck hockey, floor hockey, foot hockey, gym hockey, mini hockey, nok Hockey, pond hockey, power hockey, rossall hockey, skater hockey, table hockey, underwater hockey, unicycle hockey and many more.

Future of Hockey in India

As we all know that, the good time of hockey game in India became really over after the golden era of hockey in India. It was due to the lack of interested and talented hockey players as well as required facilities for youths to continue the game in future. It seems that it will never finish and the golden era of hockey will return back because of the love, respect and dedication of Indian youths in this national game.

However, it needs a lot of effort, dedication and support by the Indian government to bring golden period of hockey back in India. Hockey India League is planning to implement some effective strategies to expand hockey teams (8 teams by 2016 and 10 teams by 2018). There is a favorable agreement made between Hockey India and Hockey Australia to participate in hockey for the upcoming three seasons (6 match test tournament will take place from 2016 to 2018 in Australia).

Hockey is a national game of India. It is only said so, however not officially declared. Now, it is our responsibility to make it an officially declared national game by bringing its golden period again. It should be highly promoted among students from the school time by providing them all the facilities from the end of teachers, parents and government.

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A Hockey Match Essay in English for Class 10

A hockey match essay in english.

Hockey is our national game. It is played all over the country. I am very fond of playing hockey. Last Sunday, I witnessed a hockey match. It was played between our school and Islamia High School. The match started at 3:30.

The referee blew the whistle and the match started. In the beginning, the game was slow but within 15 minutes the game became very fast. Both the teams were trying their best to score a goal. The ball was rolling swiftly among the players.

Just before the interval, the captain of Islamia School team succeeded in scoring a goal with the help of a beautiful shot. After the interval, the game started again. Our team became more active and dominated in the ground. Soon our team scored two goals one after the other. The students of our school felt very happy and clapped their hands to encourage the players.

The players of our rival team fought bravely to socre any goal. But they could not succeed in their move till the end of the game. The spectators enjoyed the game played by both the teams very much. Our school won the match by one goal. Our headmaster appreciated ‫the performance of our players and gave away the prizes.

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Seriously, what's that aboot, eh? —

How do you pronounce “hockey” us players say it with “fake canadian” accent., they don't want to sound canadian, but like a hockey player—a "linguistic persona.".

Jennifer Ouellette - May 16, 2024 5:32 pm UTC

hockey player in yellow jersey front and center, surrounded by players in red jerseys, all on the ice

University of Rochester linguist Andrew Bray started out studying the evolution of the trademark sports jargon used in hockey for his master's thesis. For instance, a hockey arena is a "barn," while the puck is a "biscuit." When he would tell people about the project, however, they kept asking if he was trying to determine why American hockey players sound like "fake Canadians." Intrigued, Bray decided to shift his research focus to find out if hockey players did indeed have distinctively Canadian speech patterns and, if so, why this might be the case.

He discovered that US hockey players borrow certain aspects of the Canadian English accent, particularly when it comes to hockey jargon. But they don't follow the typical rules of pronunciation. In short, "American hockey players are not trying to shift their speech to sound more Canadian," Bray said during a press briefing. "They're trying to sound more like a hockey player. That's why it's most evident in hockey-specific terms."

It's a concept known as a "linguistic persona," a means of communicating how one identifies—in this case, as a hockey player— through speech. Bray gave a talk about his research today at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Ottawa, Canada, held in conjunction with the Canadian Acoustical Association.

Bray first had to figure out how to design a study to examine this question. "What does it even mean to sound like a 'fake' Canadian?" he said. The stereotypical Canadian speech patterns are well-known: pronouncing "out" as "oot," for example, or "about" as "aboot," not to mention adding a questioning "eh?" at the end of sentences. According to Bray, there are three common linguistic variables typical of Canadian English.

One is called the lower back merger shift, which involves lowering the tongue to pronounce the vowels in words like "bit" (ih), "bet" (eh), and "bat" (ah). The second is called Canadian raising, in which the body of the tongue is raised to pronounce the vowels in words like "tight" and "doubt." Finally, there are the vowels in words like "bait" and "boat." Canadians pronounce these vowels with only one configuration of the tongue, known as a monophthongal pronunciation. (If the tongue moves to a secondary configuration, that would be a diphthongal pronunciation.)

Bray thought the American players might be exhibiting some Canadian English variables in their speech but to different degrees, such that their pronunciations sounded just a wee bit off—i.e., "fake." He opted to focus on the monophthongal component since he thought those pronunciations were likely to be the most prevalent in "fake Canadian" speech among US hockey players.

Bray used to play hockey for the University of Georgia Ice Dawgs, shown here in 2016.

Next, Bray had to build his own "corpus of hockey player speech" focused on American-born hockey players. That required extensive interviews with players. Professional National League Hockey (NHL) players might not have the time to participate, so he focused on the American Hockey League (AHL) and East Coast Hockey League (ECHL), narrowing his pool to four teams: the Charlotte Checkers, the Greenville Swamp Rabbits, the Rochester Americans, and the South Carolina Stingrays.

Bray played hockey for the University of Georgia Ice Dawgs, which helped him quickly establish a rapport with his subjects over their shared interest and get them talking at length about their hockey career trajectories. Among other benefits, it helped him avoid the dreaded "observer's paradox," in which asking someone to talk about their speech makes them self-conscious and subtly changes how they would normally talk. He collected data from 20 such interviews, conducted between 2017 and 2019, each lasting about 30 minutes.

He then turned those interviews into a database of "formants"—resonant frequencies that amplify some groups of harmonics above others in speech. Bray's ASA presentation focused on two common vowel formants. The first formant (F1) roughly corresponds to tongue height, while the second (F2) corresponds to how far forward or retracted the tongue is during pronunciation.

In the case of "bait"-like vowel sounds, Bray found some evidence among his US hockey players of a monophthongal pronunciation (minimal tongue movement), as one would expect in Canadian English and perhaps parts of the upper Midwest, but which would not otherwise be present in American English dialects. "Boat"-like vowel sounds seemed more "pseudo-monophthongal" in nature. But when these were compared with benchmark expectations for Canadian English F1 and F2 formants, US hockey players came close but fell just a bit short of the mark. Nor are their pronunciations in line with standard American English dialects.

"This might be why they sound 'fake,'" said Bray. "I'm arguing that this is the construction of a linguistic variant uniquely linked to hockey. It's influenced by Canadian English, but it's not entirely Canadian." And the way the US players in his dataset pronounced "hockey" seems to be "an entirely novel pronunciation of a word linked to this community." Bray suspects this influence will be relevant to his initial research on hockey slang, expecting to find that "hockey slang terms are pronounced differently than you'd expect for the other non-hockey related terms."

Bray suspects this happens via some sort of "lexical diffusion." At the junior league level (around 14 to 20 years of age), US players might not have these distinctive speech patterns, but their pronunciations may gradually shift over time the longer they play and pick up hockey slang terms. The more strongly they self-identify as hockey players, the more they will sound like "fake Canadians."

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Voice of Democracy essay winner to deliver Memorial Day keynote

Gold Star family members participated in a wreath laying ceremony on Memorial Day 2023 at the Rhode Island Veterans Cemetery in Exeter. (Courtesy of Rhode Island Office of Veterans Services)

A Westerly teen will be the featured speaker at the state’s 50th Annual Memorial Day ceremony taking place Monday at 1 p.m. at the Rhode Island Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Exeter.

Abiagael Emery, 15, a sophomore at Westerly High School, took first place for Rhode Island in the 2023-2024 Voice of Democracy audio essay competition , a scholarship program sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Emery, daughter of Tiffinay Antoch and Kevin Emery, will read her essay during the program honoring fallen military service members. 

Emery’s winning essay centers on her grandfather, Albert Antoch, a U.S. Navy veteran now in his 80s, who served on the aircraft carrier USS Essex in the blockade around Cuba during the October 1962 missile crisis. The United States and the Soviet Union were in a tense political and military standoff over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from the U.S. coast. While many people feared the world was on the brink of nuclear war, Antoch, who was just 21 years old at the time, told his granddaughter he remembers being confused and had no idea what was going on.

Emery said she asked her grandfather if he would tell her about his military service once she became interested in writing an essay for the Voice of Democracy competition. He was glad to share his story, and she said it made her see her grandfather in a different light.

“I knew my grandfather was in the Navy,” Emery said in an interview. “Not that I didn’t care. It just wasn’t a huge interest point for me.”

“His story is so powerful to me because it’s a direct example of protecting American democracy and the public’s welfare,” she wrote in her essay initially submitted to Amancio-Falcone-Gaccione VFW Post 8955 . “The willingness and sacrifice of those involved in the Cuban missile crisis were building blocks to secure what America has built: democracy, freedom, and opportunity.”

The theme of the essay competition changes each year. For Emery and other students entering this school year, it was  “What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy?” The winning audio essays from each state can be found here .

At Monday’s ceremony, Rhode Island’s congressional delegation and general officers will join in honoring service members, veterans and their families, paying tribute to those who died in the line of duty. The Rhode Island National Guard 88th Army Band is scheduled to perform

Gov. Dan McKee, who missed last year’s ceremony because he was traveling back to Rhode Island from out of state, is scheduled to deliver remarks followed in order by U.S. Sens. Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse; U.S. Rep. Seth Magaziner; Lt. Gov. Sabina Matos; Secretary of State Gregg Amore; Attorney General Peter Neronha; and General Treasurer James Diossa.

During the ceremony, wreaths will be laid at the Gold Star Family Memorial at the cemetery.

U.S. Rep Gabe Amo is unable to attend Monday’s ceremony because he is participating in the North Providence Memorial Day Parade. The ceremony and the parade in North Providence both begin at 1 p.m. Amo’s office said he is also planning to march in Memorial Day parades in Barrington and Lincoln on Monday morning.

McKee has directed U.S. and Rhode Island flags at all state agencies and buildings to be flown at half staff from sunrise until noon on Monday in observation of Memorial Day. McKee also asked Rhode Islanders to lower their own flags to half staff during this time. Flags should return to full staff at noon.

“Memorial Day is day for Rhode Islanders and the nation to stand together and say ‘thank you’ to our brave men and women who have served our country and have protected the freedoms we enjoy today,” McKee said in a statement Friday.

“This is a moment to recognize them, their families, and their sacrifice. Our service members represent the very best of Rhode Island and the United States and we are forever grateful for their selflessness and courage.”


The post Voice of Democracy essay winner to deliver Memorial Day keynote appeared first on Rhode Island Current .

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Traffic Jams – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Note: Essay On Traffic Jams For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘traffic jam’ in english for kids, paragraph on ‘traffic jam’ for children, short essay on ‘problems of traffic’ in 250 words for kids, long essay on ‘traffic jam’ in english for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

Essay writing helps children organise their thoughts into sentences with proper grammar. It also assists them in expanding their knowledge on a specific topic. Essay on a traffic jam for class 1, 2, and 3 kids is a topic that is very relevant these days, and this article will teach you how to write a good essay in English.

You can use these tips to write an essay on traffic congestion for school competitions or debates, making your essay more impactful and unique from other students. It will also allow your kids to learn simple sentence construction related to the topic.

Even though traffic jams are a common occurrence, children may find writing an essay about them a little difficult. In such a case, here are some key points on writing an essay on traffic jams:

  • Create an opening or introductory paragraph that includes two things: what your essay is about, and your thoughts on it.
  • To make the content more understandable, it should be divided into small paragraphs. Every paragraph should focus on a different aspect of the topic, providing readers with an overview of the subject.
  • A conclusion should be written in such a way that it summarises the entire essay in a few lines.

Traffic jams generally occur in the morning or the late evening, affecting the students during their school time too. Given below are the 10 lines, that will teach students how to use short sentences to explain the theme of the essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Traffic jams are a common occurrence in today’s hectic world.
  • The increasing number of vehicles is the primary cause of traffic congestion.
  • Traffic jams can also be caused by some drivers’ carelessness and disobedience of traffic rules.
  • A traffic jam wastes fuel and time while polluting the environment.
  • Traffic jams are also a big reason behind road rage incidents.
  • Traffic jams cause inconvenience to the people as it does not allow them to reach their workplace on time.
  • Traffic jams can cause irreparable harm to patients in ambulances and firefighters.
  • Traffic congestion is a major issue in major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata.
  • Appropriate steps should be taken to reduce traffic congestion.
  • Following traffic rules can also help to reduce traffic jams to some extent.

Traffic jams are stressful for adults and affect children; therefore, kids can also have a lot of experiences to share. Here is a short paragraph on traffic jams for children which can help them to write an essay on traffic jams:

Traffic jams occur when too many vehicles are in one location and not moving. It is tolerable during the winter, but unbearable during the summer. Traffic jams generate a lot of noise pollution because people honk unnecessarily to show their urgency. People from big cities are so used to traffic jams that they leave the house early to avoid being late. I’ve also been late to school sometimes due to traffic. The odd-even rule is used to reduce traffic in cities such as Delhi. Traffic jams also result in fuel waste. Sensible driving by people and proper management by traffic police can help reduce traffic jams making our lives easier.

Traffic jams cause a lot of problems for daily travellers. In big cities, traffic jams have become an everyday sight. Below is a short essay for class 1,2 and 3 kids on traffic jams that can give them an idea as to how to write:

A traffic jam occurs when there are an excessive number of vehicles on the road at the same time, and none of them is moving. The main causes of traffic jams are overcrowding and an increase in the number of vehicles, both public and private. Every other month, new buses are introduced, and they all take the same route, causing increased traffic congestion. These traffic jams cause people to be late for work or other important appointments.

Getting stuck in traffic daily affects a person physically and psychologically. Spending more than half of the morning in traffic has a negative impact on people’s moods, affecting their entire day. People stuck in traffic begin shouting and blaming others unnecessarily, resulting in quarrels early in the morning and spoiling the overall mood. All of this leads to a lack of focus throughout the day, which impacts their jobs.

Traffic jams are the worst thing anyone can face while travelling for an exam. If we get stuck in traffic on our way to an exam, we will be late and nervous, and we may not be able to perform as well as we should have. Traffic jams can have serious consequences, such as the death of a patient in an ambulance stuck in traffic. Traffic congestion can also contribute to global warming and an increase in pollution. Following traffic rules is the most basic and overlooked rule for preventing traffic congestion. We should do everything possible to reduce traffic jams.

Essays on traffic jams are relevant for students of all classes. Here is a long essay for class 3 kids on traffic jams that can help them frame their essays accordingly.

India is a developing country, with economic development occurring daily. Traffic jams happen when more than the permitted number of vehicles enter the road at the same time, causing congestion. Traffic jams are common in urban areas during peak hours, such as early morning and evening when most people are on their way to or returning from work.

Causes of Traffic Jams in Cities

In cities, traffic jams are caused due to several reasons such as:

  • Overpopulation: The main cause of traffic jams is overpopulation and excess vehicles. The number of public and private vehicles continues to rise, resulting in the problem of traffic jams.
  • Narrow Roads: The rate at which the number of vehicles is increasing is slower than the rate at which the roads are getting expanded or new roads are getting constructed, resulting in traffic jams.
  • Ineffective Traffic Personnel: Poor management skills of traffic officers on duty are sometimes to blame for traffic jams.

Impact of Traffic Jams on People

Traffic jams affect the daily lives of working professionals and students in many ways:

  • Being stuck in traffic for long periods causes irritability, negatively impacting people’s entire day.
  • Traffic congestion causes a lot of air and noise pollution, emits greenhouse gases, and contributes to global warming.
  • Pollution caused by traffic jams may cause several respiratory diseases, and spending more time in these jams may potentially expose children to these diseases.

Solutions and How to Prevent Traffic Congestions

Traffic congestion can be decreased to a certain extent by:

  • Using Two-Wheelers : Two-wheelers can access narrow lanes and help us avoid traffic jams on the main road.
  • Carpooling: Reducing the number of vehicles is a major solution for reducing traffic congestion, and carpooling is an efficient way to do so. Carpooling means sharing one car with 4-5 people going in a similar direction.
  • Using Google Maps: Google Maps provides us with an exact scenario of traffic at a specific location, allowing us to plan our trip and decide which lane to take accordingly, thus, avoiding traffic jams.
  • Following Traffic Rules: This is one of the most basic yet often overlooked mediums for reducing traffic congestion.

The traffic congestion essay will give your child a brief idea about the traffic problems and solutions. This will give their thoughts a direction and an idea as to how to present their thoughts into words. Finally, this essay will make them more aware of their surroundings and their problems.

1. How Does Traffic Congestion Affect Our Daily Lives?

Traffic congestion affects our daily lives in numerous ways, such as reaching our workplaces or school late, irritability, lack of focus, waste of time etc.

2. Is A Traffic Jam A Global Problem? Why?

Yes. Traffic jams are common in almost any developed or developing country like China, the USA, the UK etc. Any developed nation, even with the best traffic management, has the problem of either overpopulation or an excess number of vehicles, thus resulting in traffic jams.

3. What Are The Major Reasons For Traffic Jams In India?

The major reasons for traffic jams in India are:

  • Overpopulation
  • Narrow roads
  • Mismanagement of traffic rules
  • Overspeeding
  • Inefficient traffic personnel

All of us have been stuck in a traffic jam sometime or the other, making us aware of the problems faced by daily travellers. Essays about traffic jams are a good topic because it allows children to share their experiences and also teach them how to present their thoughts in words.

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UWGB to name Fox Sports radio host and analyst Doug Gottlieb as new men's basketball coach

GREEN BAY – The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay men’s basketball team is expected to hire Fox Sports radio host and basketball analyst Doug Gottlieb as its new coach, one year after he was among the final five candidates for an opening that went to Sundance Wicks .

UWGB athletic director Josh Moon expected a quick hiring process after Wicks was named the head coach at Wyoming on Sunday.

Gottlieb will keep doing his radio show during the week while coaching at UWGB, providing a rather unusual dynamic but one that will give the program some national exposure.

He signed a five-year contract with UWGB, although he won't be making the annual salaries Wicks was in line to make each of the next five years. Wicks was set to earn $300,000 next season and receive a $25,000 raise each season through 2028-29.

"I’d say in today’s college basketball world, especially at a mid-major institution like ours, we have to be outside the box," Moon said. "Sunny did an amazing job providing this program and now Doug, his challenge is to continue that road. We went way down the road with Doug last year and felt comfortable at that point with where he is at and the whole transition of being a college coach."

Gottlieb doesn’t have much coaching experience, although he was part of a staff that coached the U.S. team at the Maccabiah Games in 2009 and 2017.

UWGB was impressed with him during his initial interview last year, so much so that he survived longer than some established head coaches and assistant coaches.

More: Doug Gottlieb to UWGB men's basketball has Twitter stunned. Reactions to radio personality's hire as Green Bay's next coach

More: What to know about Doug Gottlieb, national radio host and new UWGB men's basketball coach

The Milwaukee native is among the all-time assist leaders in NCAA history during a career that started at the University of Notre Dame. He spent just one season at the school before a well-known incident in which he stole credit cards from fellow students, something he wrote about at length in an  essay for The Athletic  in 2018.

He eventually ended up at Oklahoma State, where he was a strong player for three seasons from 1997 to 2000 and still holds several school records.

Gottlieb interviewed at OSU twice when the job opened in the past and was considered a legitimate contender both times.

His late father, Bob, was the coach at UW-Milwaukee for five seasons from 1975 to 1980.

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: UWGB to name Doug Gottlieb as its new men's basketball coach

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  2. Essay On Hockey in English for Class 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines, Short & Long

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  11. 10 Lines on Hockey

    Hockey is an outdoor game.2. It is played between two teams with stick and ball.3. Each team plays with ten players and one goalkeeper.4. Hockey is played with curved stick and ball. ... Basic English Grammars; Paragraph Writing; Essays. 5 Lines Essay; 10 Lines Essay;

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