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Film Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free Template Download + How to Write it

The importance of a film proposal template.

As a filmmaker, creating a compelling and professional proposal is essential for securing funding and support for your project. A film proposal template is a valuable tool that provides a framework for outlining the key details of your film, including the story, budget, and creative vision. What sets a film proposal template apart from a standard proposal is its specific focus on the unique requirements and considerations of the film industry. In this article, we will explore the importance of using a film proposal template and how it can help streamline the proposal process for your next film project.

Film Proposal Template

  • Example: “The Last Adventure: A Swashbuckling Tale of Pirates and Treasure”
  • In this section, you should include the working title of your film, the names of the key creatives involved (such as the director and producer), and contact information for the production company. This page sets the tone for the entire proposal, so make sure it is engaging and professional.

My advice on the title page : The title of your film should be captivating and give potential investors a sense of the story and genre. Including the names of key creatives adds credibility to your proposal.

  • Example: “The Last Adventure follows the journey of Captain Jack and his ragtag crew as they search for a legendary treasure on a remote island. Along the way, they encounter rival pirates, ancient curses, and unexpected alliances. This thrilling tale of high-seas adventure will have audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.”
  • In this section, provide a concise and compelling summary of your film’s plot, characters, and themes. Capture the essence of the story and what makes it unique.

My advice on the synopsis : Keep it brief and engaging. Highlight the most exciting and original aspects of your film to pique the interest of potential investors.

Example: “The film will open with a dramatic sea battle between Captain Jack’s crew and a rival pirate ship, setting the tone for the action-packed adventure to come. As they journey to the mysterious island, the crew will face various obstacles and challenges, including a betrayal within their own ranks and a race against time to find the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands.”

In this section, provide a more detailed overview of the film’s plot, including specific scenes, characters, and visual elements. This helps investors visualize the film and understand the creative vision.

My advice on the treatment : Be as detailed as possible in describing key scenes and moments in the film. Paint a vivid picture of the story and the world it inhabits to bring the proposal to life for potential investors.

Example: “The estimated budget for The Last Adventure is $10 million, with a breakdown of costs including pre-production, production, post-production, and marketing. This budget reflects the high production value and visual effects necessary to bring this epic adventure to the big screen.”

In this section, provide a comprehensive budget for the film, detailing all the expenses involved in bringing the project to fruition. This helps investors understand the financial scope of the project and the potential return on investment .

My advice on the budget : Be transparent and realistic about the costs involved in making the film. Include specific details and justifications for each expense to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the financial aspects of the project.

Download free Film Proposal Template in Word DocX, Powerpoint PPTX, and PDF. We included Film Proposal Template examples as well.

Download Free Film Proposal Template PDF and Examples Download Free Film Proposal Template Word Document

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Film Proposal Template FAQ

1. what is the purpose of a film proposal.

A film proposal is a document that outlines the details of a film project, including the story, budget, and potential market for the film. Its purpose is to attract investors, producers, or other stakeholders to support and finance the film.

2. What should be included in a film proposal?

A film proposal should include a synopsis of the story, information about the target audience , a budget breakdown , a marketing and distribution plan , and any other relevant details about the project.

3. Why is a budget breakdown important in a film proposal?

A budget breakdown is important because it shows potential investors where their money will be allocated and how it will be used in the production of the film. It provides transparency and helps to build trust with potential financiers.

4. How should the synopsis of the story be presented in a film proposal?

The synopsis should be a concise summary of the plot, characters, and themes of the film. It should capture the essence of the story and entice the reader to want to learn more about the project.

5. How should a marketing and distribution plan be tailored in a film proposal?

The marketing and distribution plan should outline how the film will be promoted and how it will reach its target audience. It should also address potential distribution channels , such as theaters, streaming platforms, and international markets.

6. What is the typical length of a film proposal?

A film proposal can vary in length depending on the complexity of the project, but generally, it should be concise and to the point. Most film proposals are between 5-15 pages long.

7. How should a film proposal be formatted?

A film proposal should be well-organized and visually appealing. It should have a clear structure with headings and subheadings, and include any relevant visuals, such as concept art or storyboards.

8. What are the key elements that should stand out in a film proposal?

The key elements that should stand out in a film proposal are the uniqueness of the story, the potential market for the film, the budget breakdown, and the marketing and distribution plan. These elements are crucial for attracting investors and stakeholders to the project.

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Film Pitch Deck Examples & Templates That Stand Out

Learn how to create a pitch deck for movies or TV series. See examples and get templates that sell your screenplay to publishers, investors, and producers.


9 minute read

Film pitch deck examples

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Short answer

What is a film pitch deck?

A film pitch deck is a concise, visually engaging presentation used by filmmakers to showcase their movie concept. It highlights key elements like storyline, characters, and visual style, aiming to persuade investors or studios to back the project.

Without a solid film pitch deck, your project will never come to life

In the high-stakes world of film, a weak pitch deck is like a leak in a ship – it can sink your project before it even sets sail.

Imagine your groundbreaking movie idea getting lost in a sea of pitches because it lacked that compelling presentation. This isn't just disappointing; it's a missed opportunity in an industry where first impressions are everything.

But crafting a movie pitch deck that resonates deeply with producers, publishers, and investors is a fine art.

This post will equipping you with the tools to win. I’m here to help you craft a compelling screenwriting pitch deck that no producer could say no to.

Let’s get started!

What makes a successful film pitch deck?

A successful film pitch deck captivates with a clear storyline, compelling visuals, and a unique selling point. It should weave the film's vision, target audience, and potential market appeal, to persuade investors and producers of its commercial potential.

What does a film pitch deck include?

Crafting a movie pitch deck is an art form, blending storytelling with marketing to captivate potential backers. It's not just about listing elements; it's about weaving a narrative that showcases your film's potential.

10 critical film pitch deck slides:

Title slide: This is your first impression. Feature your film's name and logo prominently, setting the stage for what follows.

Synopsis: Your story's heart. Offer a concise, compelling summary of your film's plot, capturing its essence in a few gripping sentences.

Moodboard: Visual storytelling at its finest. Use images or collages to convey the film's tone and aesthetic, giving a taste of the visual experience.

Main characters: The soul of your film. Provide detailed descriptions and visuals of key characters, making them memorable and relatable.

Setting/Location: More than a backdrop. Showcase visuals and descriptions of main settings, highlighting how they contribute to the story's mood and narrative.

Key scenes: Your script's highlights. Present pivotal moments or sequences that are crucial to the story, demonstrating the emotional or dramatic peaks.

Target audience: Know your viewers. Clearly define who the film is for and its appeal, backing it up with market analysis to show its potential reach and impact.

Budget breakdown: Transparency builds trust. Offer a clear overview of estimated costs, showing you've thoughtfully considered the financial aspect of bringing your vision to life.

Market analysis: Show your business acumen. Include data on potential audience size, competitors, and distribution opportunities, proving your film's market viability.

Team overview: The driving force. Introduce key members behind the film, highlighting their roles, experience, and contributions to the project's credibility and potential success.

Each element of your pitch deck should tell a part of your film's story, from the creative vision to the practicalities of production and marketing.

Remember, a successful pitch deck for movies is more than a collection of slides; it's a compelling narrative that brings your film to life for potential investors and collaborators. To have an easier time, perhaps consider a screenwriting software to write a screenplay before working on your film pitch deck.

how to make a pit

Film pitch deck examples that stand out

Let's explore some standout movie pitch deck examples. Whether you're a budding filmmaker or a seasoned director, these examples will provide invaluable insights into what makes a screenplay pitch deck effective.

Similarly to a startup pitch deck , a film pitch deck rises above the noise through a strong story. But unlike a startup deck, a film deck relies heavily on visualizing the story to claw its way to the top of the pile.

You can also use each of these examples as a template to create your own movie pitch deck.

Film production proposal

This example offers a comprehensive layout for presenting film production projects, with sections for character descriptions, location details, and a comprehensive marketing and distribution plan, making it ideal for presenting a well-rounded film proposal.

What makes this film pitch deck great:

The template features segmented content in tabs for easy navigation and organization of film project details.

An expandable 'Read more' section allows for detailed storytelling without overwhelming the initial presentation.

The timeline slide visually tracks character evolution and project milestones, enhancing narrative clarity.

Film investment proposal

Designed for pitching film investments, this example includes an executive summary, financial projections, and a marketing strategy section, making it perfect for presenting a compelling case to potential investors.

A narrated slide for the moodboard creates an immersive storytelling experience, setting the tone of the film.

Multiple image placeholders enable personalized visual storytelling tailored to the film's theme.

A video on the cover slide immediately engages viewers with a cinematic preview of the film concept.

Documentary proposal

Tailored for documentary pitches, this example features a strong narrative structure, character exploration sections, and conservation themes, ideal for presenting impactful and emotionally resonant documentary concepts.

The cover includes the average reading time , setting expectations and respecting the viewer's time.

The ability to embed videos directly into the deck allows for a rich, multimedia presentation of the documentary concept.

A smart CTA at the end effectively prompts viewers to take action, enhancing engagement and response.

Film pitch deck

A versatile pitch deck example for films, offering a narrative-focused layout with character breakdowns, thematic explorations, and directorial vision, suitable for a wide range of film genres.

The layout is clean with ample white space , ensuring a focus on content without visual clutter.

Character and plot elements are presented in a visually engaging manner, enhancing the narrative appeal.

The design incorporates a balance of text and visuals , making the pitch both informative and visually appealing.

Movie pitch deck

This example is designed for movie pitches, featuring detailed sections for plot development, character arcs, and a comprehensive marketing and distribution plan, perfect for presenting a complete movie concept.

A scroll-based design offers an interactive and modern way to explore the movie concept.

The built-in analytics panel provides insights into viewer engagement and interactions with the deck.

The design facilitates a smooth narrative flow , keeping viewers engaged from start to finish.

TV series pitch deck

Ideal for pitching TV series concepts, this example includes sections for episode breakdowns, character development, and thematic elements, along with a marketing strategy, tailored for both comedy and drama genres.

Dynamic variables can be added to personalize the deck for each reader, creating a unique experience.

The design is mobile-responsive , ensuring accessibility and a seamless experience across devices.

The template includes interactive elements that enhance viewer engagement and understanding of the TV series concept.

TV series pitch deck for Wednesday

A specialized example for TV series pitches, focusing on character development, setting, and mood, with additional sections for marketing and audience engagement, appealing to fans of gothic and dark humor.

Branded elements throughout the deck ensure a consistent and professional presentation of the TV series.

Grayed-out content for competitors focuses attention on the main content while providing context.

Easy to use, intuitive editor makes it easy to replace the image and text placeholders with your own content.

How to create a film pitch deck?

Embarking on the journey of creating a film pitch deck is much like directing a movie itself. It requires a blend of creativity, strategic storytelling, and a keen understanding of your audience.

This guide is designed to walk you through the process step by step, helping you craft a movie pitch deck that not only showcases your unique vision but also resonates deeply with those who have the power to turn your cinematic dreams into reality.

Here's how to create your deck:

1) Dive deep into your project

Before anything else, immerse yourself completely in your project. Understand every nuance of your story, from the overarching themes to the minute details of your characters and settings.

This depth of knowledge will lend authenticity and richness to your pitch, making it more compelling.

2) Conduct thorough research

Begin with extensive research. Look into similar films or shows, market trends, and audience preferences. This step is crucial not just for understanding your competition but also for identifying gaps your project can fill, and trends it can capitalize on.

3) Craft a compelling logline

Your logline is the heart of your pitch. It should be a concise and catchy sentence that sums up the essence of your story. Think of it as the hook that will grab your audience's attention.

For example, for a thriller, your logline might be, "A retired detective is drawn back into the game when a serial killer he once chased resurfaces, leaving clues only he can decipher."

4) Create a narrative flow

Your pitch deck should narratively unfold like your film would. Start by setting the scene, introduce the main characters, outline the conflict, and give a sense of the journey and resolution.

This flow helps your audience visualize the film and connect with its story.

A useful strategy is to draw inspiration from existing movies. For example, if your film is a blend of genres or styles, you might describe it as "The whimsical charm of 'Amélie' meets the gripping suspense of 'Inception'."

This kind of comparison can quickly give investors a clear idea of the unique visual and thematic blend you're aiming for.

Here's our recommended pitch deck storyline:

How to write a film pitch deck storyline to get you funded

5) Choose visuals that tell a story

When selecting visuals for your pitch deck, think of them as an extension of your storytelling. They should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also convey the mood, style, and essence of your film.

"The key thing is to be creative and offer an engaging visual presentation for industry insiders to consider.

If you have too much information (too much text), you're going to lose them. Focus on the broad strokes. Paint a picture of the story you want to tell, and showcase how you intend on telling it."

—Ken Miyamoto, Screenwriter and former Sony Studios liaison

Ken Miyamoto, Screenwriter and former Sony Studios liaison

6) Demonstrate commercial viability

A market analysis is vital to show you understand your audience and the market. Discuss audience demographics, compare with similar successful projects, and outline potential distribution channels and marketing strategies.

Here's a great example of a marketing and distribution plan slide:

Marketing and distribution plan slide

7) Be transparent about the budget

A detailed budget breakdown shows you're realistic and prepared. Include production costs, media and entertainment software , distribution, and any other significant expenses. This transparency is key to building investor confidence.

8) Showcase your team

Highlight the strengths of your team. Detail their previous successes and relevant experiences to build credibility. Your team's track record can be a significant factor in securing investment.

Here's an example of a team slide:

Team slide example

9) Address potential risks

Acknowledge and address potential risks in your project. This could include budget overruns, production delays, or market changes. Show that you have thought about these risks and have plans to mitigate them. This level of foresight can significantly enhance investor confidence.

10) Tailor your pitch to different audiences

When it comes to pitching your film, one size does not fit all. Different investors and producers have varied interests and priorities, and understanding these nuances can make or break your pitch.

Here’s how to tailor your pitch:

Studio executives: Focus on marketability, potential for return on investment, and audience appeal. Highlight aspects like genre trends, potential for sequels, or merchandising.

Independent investors: Emphasize the creative aspects, unique storytelling elements, and artistic vision. Discuss how your project stands out creatively in the current market.

Equity investors: Concentrate on the financial returns. Provide detailed market analysis, expected revenue streams, and a clear exit strategy.

Producers: Align your pitch with their past projects and interests. Show how your project fits into their portfolio and meets their artistic and commercial goals.

11) Conclude with a call to action

A compelling conclusion is as crucial as the opening of your pitch deck. It's the final act that leaves a lasting impression and prompts action from your audience.

Whether it's setting up a meeting, reviewing a script, or considering investment, your CTA should be direct and easy to follow. Use decisive language and make it clear what the next steps are and how they can be taken.

Consider embedding your calendar directly into your pitch deck. This innovative approach allows potential investors or collaborators to see your availability and schedule a meeting with you instantly.

Here's an example of a CTA slide:

CTA slide example

How to design a film pitch deck?

Designing a pitch deck for a movie is like setting the stage for your film's narrative, where each slide is a crucial scene in its own right.

This section will guide you through the essential elements of designing a movie pitch deck that not only showcases your vision but also connects with your audience on a personal and professional level.

Here’s how to do it:

1) Embrace scrollytelling

Scrollytelling , a method of storytelling that combines scrolling with multimedia elements, can be a game-changer for your screenplay pitch deck. This approach allows you to create a narrative journey, guiding the viewer through your story in a dynamic and interactive way.

Use this technique to unfold your story as the viewer scrolls, integrating images, text, and other elements that bring your film to life.

Here's an example of scrollytelling:

Film pitch deck scrollytelling example

2) Create personalized slides

Address specific investors, producers, or studio executives by name and customize content to reflect their interests or past projects. This level of personalization shows that you've done your homework and are serious about your proposal.

3) Maintain visual consistency

Maintain a consistent visual theme throughout your deck. This includes using a uniform color scheme, typography, and layout style. Consistency in design not only looks professional but also helps in creating a cohesive visual story.

You can also use custom designs that echo the tone, style, and color palette of your film. For instance, if your film is a noir thriller, use a dark, moody color scheme and imagery that reflects the genre's aesthetic.

4) Add engaging visuals

Your visuals should do more than just look good; they should speak. Use high-quality images, concept art, or stills that give a glimpse into your film’s world. These visuals should be powerful enough to convey the mood and tone of your film without needing much explanation.

Here's a great example of a visually engaging deck:

Wednesday TV series pitch deck

5) Include interactive elements

Consider incorporating interactive elements like clickable links or embedded videos. These features can provide a deeper insight into your film, such as showing a teaser trailer, director’s statement, or behind-the-scenes content.

6) Tell a story through data

If your pitch includes market analysis or budget breakdowns, present this data in a storytelling format. Use infographics, charts, and graphs that are easy to understand and visually appealing. This approach makes complex information digestible and engaging.

Interactive film pitch deck templates

Staring at a blank slide can be daunting, even for the most creative minds. So let our interactive film pitch deck templates lead the way.

These templates provide a solid foundation and were optimized based on real-world performance. They're completely customizable, allowing you to infuse your unique vision while maintaining an effective structure.

film proposal presentation pdf

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Engaging decks. Made easy

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How to Write a Documentary Film Proposal That Stands Out

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: September 18, 2021  - Last updated: February 14, 2024

Categories Writing , Documentary , Filmmaking

Writing an effective and accurate documentary film proposal is one of the most important tasks you’ll face as a documentary filmmaker.

Writing a professional film proposal will secure your funding, give your team members confidence that they’re working on the right project, and keep you on track.

This guide will walk you through all the steps necessary to write a documentary proposal that won’t only secure funding for your documentary, but also increase the likelihood that your film will win awards and accolades.

The Difference Between a Documentary Film Proposal That Fails and One That Succeeds

To write a documentary proposal, you need to know your intended audience, the story structure of your film, and your financial requirements.

The difference between an outstanding documentary proposal and a film proposal that doesn’t receive funding is that a successful proposal is a powerful sales tool.

Therefore, you must write an outstanding proposal for your film to satisfy both the need for accuracy and comprehensiveness, but also the requirement to subtly pitch your film.

The Most Important Factor in a Documentary Film Proposal

The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful documentary proposal lies in the controlling idea.

The controlling idea is the central hypothesis of your film; it’s the main question that will be tested in your documentary.

The controlling idea is more precise than the theme of the film because it gives a concrete thing to be explored and tested with the film and its characters.

If you can see the controlling idea in your film, the film will come alive. The challenge in the project proposal is to make sure that the controlling idea is clear at every stage.

Be Brave With Controlling Ideas

Making a controlling idea clear in your film proposal takes some work. And courage. After all, the most interesting controlling ideas are the ones that are the most controversial or the most difficult to prove.

If you’re clear about the controlling idea, it’s almost always possible to express it quite simply in a single sentence.

You need to decide on a controlling idea, and then express it in a simple, direct, and compelling way.

This is an important part of the synopsis, project description, and logline of your documentary and, by extension, your documentary proposal.

It’s a good idea to put a deal of time and thought into this part of your proposal. Many documentary filmmakers, when writing their proposals, substitute big, complex controlling ideas for clear, focused ones.

They think they’re being clever, when in fact they fail to grab the attention of the financiers. However, if you can clearly define your controlling idea, your chances of convincing anyone to support your documentary project will improve dramatically.

The controlling idea in your film is the reason your documentary needs to be made.

Once you’ve got an excellent controlling idea, you’ll find that it’s much easier to write the rest of your film proposal.

Show Don’t Tell the Controlling Idea in the Proposal

Just as it’s very good advice to show and not tell in writing and filmmaking, the controlling idea you want to put forward should shine through on every page of your documentary proposal, but not be explicitly stated on every page.

The idea is that your film has cohesion and a dynamic that everyone feels when reading the proposal.

It’s a case of making your controlling idea an invisible central organizing force of your documentary.

The Connection Between an Outstanding Documentary Film and Its Proposal

An outstanding documentary is amazing because it shows you a world you thought you knew and shows you that you didn’t know anything at all.

A truly memorable documentary lives on long after its audience has left the theater or screen at home. This is a documentary that will haunt you, a documentary that proves something. One that makes people change their minds.

Very occasionally it’s a documentary that can change the course of history.

A documentary proposal that meets this criterion of impact has a much greater chance of being commissioned than a documentary proposal that doesn’t.

An excellent documentary proposal shows the commissioning editor that you’re passionate about your subject, that you’re committed to telling the story in the best way possible, and that you think long and hard about your choices.

Most importantly, you manage to capture the audience’s consciousness with your film and make them see the world in a different light. This is a memorable documentary. One that you want to watch over and over again.

Getting the Emotional Connection in Your Documentary Proposal

It’s that emotional connection that makes the documentary special. You must be passionate, and motivated, and feel that the documentary project will represent the truth.

Your engagement with the story as a filmmaker needs to shine through in the proposal.

Your job is to have a clear idea of your vision for the film and convince the commissioning editor that it’ll be a hit. Something that the commissioning editor will be proud to be associated with.

A documentary proposal that works well has a very personal, unique vision of what you want the film to accomplish.

The proposal shows how you plan to achieve that vision. It gives the commissioning editor an overview of what the film will entail.

An excellent documentary proposal reflects the true intent of the film .

It’s safe to assume that you care deeply about the story you want to tell when you write a proposal for a documentary. If that’s the case, your proposal will be filled with a genuine passion that will translate to the potential distributors of your film.

This Story MUST Be Told – and Needs to Be Told NOW

In any documentary proposal, it’s important that you clearly state why your film needs to be made in the first few pages of your document and made NOW!

It’s also important that you tell a potential funder what’s different about your documentary.

The real danger with feature documentaries is that they’re made over long periods of time. There are two main problems this brings:

The first is that it’s tricky sometimes to identify the thing that requires sustained urgency throughout the search for film funding.

Secondly, there’s the question of whether the film can retain its relevancy by the time it is finally made and screened.

The two simple questions you need to keep asking are: Why now? Why this story?

The philosopher Michel de Montaigne said, “I don’t know if he’s alive or dead, but I know one thing: if he’s born now, he’s too late.

Build Tension and Conflict Into Your Film and Its Proposal

One of the most important points in a good documentary proposal that’s often forgotten is the role of tension and conflict in your story. Every film needs these ingredients to be successful.

Whether it be fictional or factual.

When you think about how to incorporate suspense and conflict into a movie, the very first thing you need to think about is who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist.

Of course, the antagonist doesn’t have to be a human being, it can be a force of nature. But you’ve to have it in the movie for the movie to be successful.

It takes skill to keep the audience on the edge of their seats and the story driving toward the climax.

Specifying how that tension and conflict will work in the film is an important part of a successful proposal. Because that’s one of the main dynamics that will ensure that the overall film will be a success.

Thinking About Juxtapositions

A movie works best through juxtapositions. Whether in character, story, sequences, transitions, and many other ways.

Juxtaposition is one of the most important ways to make your audience sit up and take notice.

If you build a sense of these juxtapositions into your documentary proposal, it’ll help your film.

We’ll go into this later in the article, but it’s safe to say that some of the images in your proposal should also reflect the juxtapositions that your film promises.

It’s Not a Dry Document

Sometimes you’ll come across advice that makes documentary proposals sound like dry documents. Nothing could be further from the truth. To stand out in the crowd of competing projects, your proposal must jump off the page.

That doesn’t mean you pack your proposal with exaggerations, untruths, hyperbole, or any kind of paranoia!

But it does mean that you think very carefully about how your proposal will come across to the reader. Indeed, it’s a very good idea to have someone who isn’t you, or even your production team, read the proposal so they can give their feedback.

Top tip: Don’t talk to them while they’re working through it, but allow them to actually read through the proposal and only then give you feedback.

The documentary proposal is ultimately a business proposal. It must include elements of a business plan, film budget, action plan, etc. to meet the requirements. We’ll go into more detail later on what these elements are. And how they work.

What’s the Purpose of a Documentary Proposal?

The purpose of almost all documentary proposals is to raise money.

Sometimes in the world of documentary film, you feel a bit like you’re in a medieval court. Some barons and baronesses control access to funding and thus determine which documentaries get to the screen.

While there are people who have a very good rapport with commissioning editors, and there are certainly trusted production companies you can turn to if you want to try to get your film commissioned, documentary film proposals are still an essential part of the whole sales process.

To sell the project and get funding, whether it’s from television networks, streaming services, film grant bodies – whether as a grant proposal or grant application – or whatever … but also, and this is very important, to reassure, build trust and anchor the film project in reality.

It’s not just about gaining the attention and commitment of a commissioning editor, but also about trust and trust-building.

Not only do they need to feel that the film will be excellent and have a clear plan for how it’ll be shot, but they also need to feel that they aren’t hurting their careers by supporting the film.

Never underestimate the fear factor that exists among the staff in television and streaming networks!

The Difference Between a Documentary Film Proposal and a Film Treatment

Writing treatments for documentaries is a difficult task because a really good documentary is usually a process of discovery, where what you expect to happen doesn’t happen, and what you don’t expect to happen does happen.

That’s the beauty and magic of a real documentary, as opposed to highly constructed ‘Reality TV’.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t always sit well with those who need to commission documentaries. As we noted above, they need assurance that they’ll get a tangible result. The goal of the proposal is to give them that.

Increasingly, television stations and networks are asking that the proposal for a documentary be accompanied by a documentary film treatment. Not only is this an exercise in UNreality for the documentary filmmaker (because you simply cannot know what’ll be discovered and said in your documentary) but it’s also very time-consuming to put together a treatment.

The treatment is something like a screenplay, where the story unfolds almost in real time.

In the good old days, a good story synopsis and plot outline was usually enough to sell a film, and a treatment or documentary script was written before you went out on the road to shoot.

When a Documentary Film Proposal Is Written

The stage at which you write a proposal for a documentary can vary greatly.

You may need to convince a production company to hire you to get your film through the lengthy financing process, or you may already have a relationship or contract with a production company and the decision has been made to submit a proposal.

If you’re lucky, you might even get paid to write the proposal.

In any case, a proposal for a documentary is usually written before you meet with a funder or commissioning editor.

If you’re more advanced in your film production/directing career, the process sometimes works in reverse: the commissioning editor makes it clear that he or she agrees with the film, and you write a proposal that matches the intent that was discussed – but that’s rare.

Be prepared to do several rewrites!

How to Use Proposals in Your Pitch

A well-written documentary proposal can be enormously valuable when you’re pitching a documentary at festivals and such.

Not only does it give you the basis for an effective pitch that you can think of as a pure sales job in a nutshell, but it also gives you something to put in the hands of people who are interested in your pitch and wish to follow up.

So, when the screener arrives and you’re asked questions like ‘Who’s in it?’, ‘What’s it about?’ and ‘Why should I bother?’ – at least you’ll have something to hand to them with your answers written down.

You could call the pitch the documentary business card – the original calling card, so to speak. The proposal is the follow-up.

The Audiences for Documentary Film Proposals

Most of the time, different audiences or rather recipients require different versions of a documentary proposal. Sometimes organizations and networks have templates for proposals that you must follow. Professional production companies usually know how to do it.

The general guide for success is to have one general proposal that you send out to festivals, sales agents, potential co-producers, potential investors, or broadcasters that require them to respond quickly.

You then need ‘customized’ proposals that are targeted specifically to the recipient, that either very clearly explains all the information they are expected to know or are built to make the recipient work to find out more.

In almost every case, you’ll find that the more clearly you define the audience you’re writing for – whether it’s a funder, a commissioning editor, or a standard – the easier it is to write a successful proposal.

You need to find the balance.

Top tip: if you get a rejection, ask for honest feedback on your proposal. It will help the rewrite hugely. Then, re-submit the proposal! Huge determination is a critical factor in documentary filmmaking success!

How to Track Calls for Documentary Proposals – Alerts

Sometimes you’ll see calls for proposals for documentaries in various places. It can be a good idea to set up a tracking alert in Google Alerts to notify you when such calls are posted.

I have never done a documentary on such a process. I also suspect that other mechanisms determine in reality which films get funded and made.

However, as a documentary filmmaker, it is incredibly useful to know what’s going on in the market.

In addition, don’t just wait until the calls are open. Start preparing your proposal from the moment you receive notification of a call. It’s a race against time!

How a Proposal Can Help You Succeed With Your Documentary Film

It must be said that one of the worst parts of documentary filmmaking is what’s known in the industry as Development Hell.

This is the seemingly endless hell loop associated with trying to get a film financed and made. Development Hell can last anywhere from a few weeks to years.

With my last film, ‘The Warning’, I had to wait 20 years because the subject was subject to secrecy, and then develop for 3 years before we finally got funding for the film.

Granted, it was a 90-minute documentary and a very ambitious one at that. Still, Development Hell and endless waiting can gnaw at your liver. That’s why it’s important to write a passionate, effective, and compelling documentary proposal when faced with such a time frame. You don’t want to make a mistake at the documentary proposal stage!

How to Approach Writing a Documentary Film Proposal

What are the steps to writing a good documentary proposal?

Get Clear About the Story

The very first step in writing a good documentary proposal is to know the story. You need to be very clear about the story you want to tell. If you can’t do that, you’ve little chance of writing a documentary proposal that’s compelling and at its best.

You can feel the story, but you also need to enunciate it.

One of the best ways to do this is to use stream-of-consciousness dictation to cast the story into a document that no one but you will ever get to see.

Another very effective technique is to ask someone in your team to ask you a series of questions and record and transcribe the answers. is a great way to do this, by the way – you get 10 hours monthly for free.

The point is that you’ve unburdened yourself with what you know about the film you want to make, and then you can pull the best parts out of that working document into a proposal.

Access and Exclusivity

The second important step in writing a compelling documentary proposal is to have a clear idea of where your access and exclusivity lie.

All documentaries are “access films” – whether you’re making an observational film, an investigative film, a portrait, or a historical documentary … no documentary can stand out unless you have a significant amount of access to the people involved, the locations, and often archival footage.

That’s why you must describe the access you have, explain exactly why it’s exclusive, and that you back it up with evidence in the proposal.

Anyone who has experience commissioning documentaries knows that evaluating the degree of exclusive access in a documentary is a critical component of its success.

Therefore, it’s your job as a filmmaker to sell the access you have as best you can in your proposal.

However, you don’t have to have access to every single component of your planned film. Often, it’s enough if you have access to one of the main characters or an important piece of information.

‘Finding’ the film then becomes a process of discovery and achievement as various elements are secured during research, filming, and even editing.

Point of View

The third important step in making a stellar documentary proposal is to have a clear idea of your point of view.

The point of view not only influences how you assess what you’re seeing, but also drives research (journalism), filming, and editing.

The point of view is what the filmmaker brings to the documentary. It is what makes the documentary unique and different from similar films. It drives the assembly and structure of the material in a documentary.

In the end, that clarity of point of view is what allows a documentary filmmaker to cut through the “noise” on the documentary festival circuit. It also helps audiences to make a connection with a film and to reach a conclusion.


Sometimes a documentary can be told in the first person. The main character might even be the voice of the film, and things are seen from his or her point of view.

Usually, most documentaries are told in the third person. Although there’s no such thing as an objective film, since every decision you make in filmmaking makes your film a subjective affair, you still need a comprehensive view of a subject, story, or issue.

To the extent that a third narrator points out what the characters don’t see or experience, it’s worth mentioning in the proposal. This is because it makes the narrative structure of your documentary much clearer.

Characters in a Documentary Film Proposal

An important part of the overall concept and style of a film is how it deals with its characters.

Not just the protagonist and antagonist, but often the supporting characters as well. Nowadays, when we think of the content for a documentary, we also think of the casting. Even though the term is more associated with dramas and feature films.

The fact is that the characters in your film often determine the energy of the entire film.

Do the characters take the audience inside the scenes and scenes for a fly-on-the-wall perspective? Or is the camera’s focus on the action and points of conflict? Do the characters meditate? Do they provide insights and analysis? Or do they simply represent the story and the emotions of the audience?

Therefore, the characters must come alive in your proposal.

One way to do this is to clearly explain how the characters are portrayed and the extent to which their point of view drives the sequences in the film.

You might want to speculate on how the characters will behave later in the film. This speculation will have to be based on research, but it allows you to get a sense of the flow of the material.

Present Tense or Past Tense?

Although you’re sometimes advised to write in the present tense when writing a proposal for a documentary, the present tense is more appropriate for documentary treatment.

If something happened in the past, it would be burdensome to insist that it is happening in the present; at least as far as the proposal is concerned. In the actual film, of course, you may well use the present tense to put the audience in the moment.

As a basic rule, you should use the tense that most clearly conveys what you want to say about the story, the sequences, the story arc, and so on.

Documentary Film Templates

You’ll find many templates for documentary ideas on the Internet from a variety of sources. I’ve linked to some of them in the Resources section at the end of this article.

Although these templates are very useful and sometimes even necessary when applying to certain funding organizations or festivals, you must be careful not to limit your imagination, curiosity, passion, and commitment to the film you want to make by following a template.

Honestly, if I felt a filmmaker wasn’t fully committed to the film they were proposing, I wouldn’t commission the film.

Of course, if you’re submitting to an event like Sundance, you’d be remiss if you didn’t follow exactly the template for documentaries that they put out. Also, make sure you have the latest version of the template.

If you’ve thought out and expressed your ideas in a general proposal that you can send to anyone, you’ll be better able to fill it out quickly and effectively when you sit down with a proposal template.

Related: Documentary Ideas

Short and Long Form Documentary Film Proposals

In recent years, there’s been a trend toward short films that are shot as documentaries but function as quasi-drama films.

If you want to make a film in this style, you should make sure that the proposal reflects the editing rhythm, perspectives, and camera work that you want to use in your film. This is because shooting and cutting will likely play a very important role in the success of the film, and therefore the proposal.

Writing Documentary Film Proposals With Collaborators

The first thing to say is that writing proposals for documentaries is always a team effort. This is because the views of the director, the researcher, and the producer must all be incorporated into the final result.

Chances are, the final formatting and presentation of the proposal will be handled by the producer. After all, the producer is responsible for the relationship with the commissioning editor and for the film’s budget.

However, if you’re the director of the film, you must make sure that the way the story is shaped in the proposal is yours.

It can be a disaster if you’ve two directors on a film, and the same goes for the presentation of the story – for example, the story synopsis, the logline, and so on – because if there are mixed messages or a misinterpretation of what the film is going to do, that could sabotage not only the proposal’s chance of success but the actual film once it is underway in production.

The Essential Elements of a Documentary Film Proposal

There’s no set order to the elements of an annotated movie proposal unless you follow one of the templates we’ve already pointed out. However, there are certain elements that you should include in your proposals, and we’ll give you a brief guide on what to look for.


We all know that documentary filmmaking is a difficult art and craft. Most of the time, there’s no certainty about the result and the way things will go once you start shooting and enter the editing process.

Therefore, when preparing a proposal for a documentary, it’s advisable to keep these imponderables in mind and take them into account when formulating the proposal.

For example, you shouldn’t be too committed when the reality is that it may or may not happen.

Sometimes it’s necessary to state in the proposal what you’ll do if the main plan cannot be implemented for some reason. In other words, you need to state that you have a backup plan to ensure that the film can be successful.

In the documentary world, there are – or at least there were – wonderful commissioning editors. I remember that my first major film, Soldier (‘Soldat’), was commissioned primarily because Peter Dale, the commissioner at Channel 4 Television in the UK trusted that we’d get access to a regular Russian army unit for a long-term observational film.

It was clear to all involved that this would be an enormous effort and that there was no certainty whatsoever that we’d succeed. Nonetheless, the project was greenlit, and it took me and the researcher for the film three months of solid fieldwork in Russia to gain access.

When I was asked about it later, after the film was shown, I explained to Peter that failure wasn’t an option for me. He loved that answer.

A good logline sells the film. By definition, a logline should be short, unique, to the point, and intriguing.

It captures the spirit, the intent, and the sense of adventure that the film will bring.

To write a good logline, you need to think about what you’d say to get someone to read on. If your writing doesn’t have that quality, you probably didn’t work on it enough!

Sometimes the logline will come naturally during the writing of the proposal.

The Controlling Idea for the Movie – and the BIG Reveal

As I described earlier, the controlling idea for a documentary is probably the most important element in its success.

That’s why it’s often very useful to formulate the controlling idea before you even write the script. You don’t necessarily have to state it explicitly, but you could give a brief introduction to the story of the film that includes the controlling idea as something important and necessary.

As you continue to develop your proposal, pay attention to how the elements you describe in your proposal serve the controlling idea. Do they advance it? If not, has your proposal lost its way?

At the end of your proposal, be sure to indicate how the main idea is resolved in the finished film. It’s important to close this loop in the proposal.

Story Synopsis

Draw a clear picture of your story and characters.

A good way to create a story synopsis in a documentary proposal is to outline several main sequences that you want to include in the film. They must relate to the main story of the film.

This doesn’t mean you write them in full treatment, but it does mean that the reader of the proposal will get a clear sense of how the story progresses in the film and the feeling the audience will get from watching it.

If it’s an insightful film, sometimes a factual summary of the story is necessary before you get into how you’re going to tell the story. Still, you need to show the narrative path you’re going to take in making your film.

The Relationship Between Your Protagonists and the Story

The trick with characters and their role in the overall plot is to keep things as clear as possible in the proposal. If someone is a major character, say so. If someone is the opposing force, make that clear.

Don’t assume that the reader will remember the names of the various characters. Therefore, use descriptors over and over in the proposal to show who’s doing what, when, and why.

Signpost in your proposal in the same way that you would signpost inside your actual film.

Style and Genre of the Film

Docufiction? Compilation? Exploration? Observation? Hybrid? Animation?

The style of the film – its genre if you like – must be clearly stated in the documentary proposal.

If your film is observational, say that. If it’s an investigative film, make that clear. The sooner the better, in the running order of the proposal.

Chances are, the type of film you make will determine who the proposal goes to. Including if it is an independent film.

If they don’t know you as a director or don’t have an established relationship with the producer, it’s even more important to be clear about the type of film being proposed. Any ambiguity on this point will almost certainly cause the proposal to fail.

It’s amazing how many documentary proposals may have a cover image and then very few images after that! Every film, including documentaries, is a visual medium! Don’t forget that!

So – pepper images in your proposal that serve the points and story you’re selling.

You should have compelling images of the main characters, key locations, and significant moments in the past that you want to bring to life using either archival footage or perhaps reconstruction.

In addition to images, you should also think about the music in the film. Music will play an important role in your film or will be a common thread throughout the film. A reference to the music you intend to use can also help to make the effect of the photos or images in your proposal more intense.

The same goes for graphics if your film uses them.

One last tip about including images in a documentary proposal: think about the framing you’d use in the actual film.

So if you’re using Dutch angles to build momentum or tension in the film, use some Dutch angles with the proposal images. Or if you’re using a certain type of lighting in your film, such as contra-light, make sure the relevant images show that.

Images play an important role in setting the style and tone of your film, even at the proposal stage.

Access to Characters and Rights

We mentioned the important role that access plays in any documentary.

There’s also a legal and financial component to this because if your film is based on someone’s book or account, you must specify how you have or will secure the rights, or how those rights are publicly available and incorporated into the film.

Plan of Work

Your plan of work doesn’t have to be super detailed, but it does need to indicate the time frame in which you plan to make the film.

It’s a good idea to at least indicate the time you plan to spend researching, shooting, and editing the film. This should give the person reading your proposal an idea of what the budget will be and when the film could realistically be finished.

Distribution and Co-Production Plan

Documentary producers are familiar with the various formats, lengths, and co-production needs to get a documentary made.

The commissioning editor needs to know which partners have already been secured for the film and what options are available for broadcast on television or in theaters.

In the world of television documentaries, it’s common to produce a 90-minute feature version and a 52-minute television version. Often the 90-minute version is shown at festivals and sometimes in theaters, while the 52-minute version is broadcast on television.

Note that it’s rare that television and cinema can run simultaneously. You usually have to decide which market you’re targeting with your film project.

To some degree, streaming services like Netflix have brought the 90-minute documentary back to life and made it a true cinematic experience. Documentary series is another case in point.

Film Proposal Cover Letter

Films don’t exist without an author and director.

That’s why it’s important to say in the cover letter who’ll be directing the film and why he or she will make a great movie. This can usually be done in one or two sentences.

Another important part of the cover letter is to state how to follow up.

Of course, you should also state why the proposed film is an ideal candidate for the slot for which the commissioning editor is responsible.

How do I write a documentary pitch?

The best way to write a documentary pitch is to construct it as a series of slides.

How much money does a documentary make?

This varies tremendously. Typical budgets for a professional 60-minute documentary film range from $80,000 to $500,000, and sometimes above that.

Documentary Treatment:

Sundance Template

Documentary Storytelling: Making Stronger, More Dramatic Nonfiction Films by Sheila Curran Bernard

film proposal presentation pdf

Film Proposal

film proposal presentation pdf

About The Film

The problem, the approach, market feedback.

film proposal presentation pdf

Budget Estimate

Terms and conditions.

  • Relationship of the Parties: [Sender] and [Client] will enter into a written contractual agreement if this Proposal is accepted. The Contract will define and govern all the aspects of this relationship between the parties as per the agreed terms according to [State] laws.
  • Term and Termination: The terms of this proposal shall be valid and available to be accepted until [Expiration Date] .
  • After this expiration date, please contact [Sender] for the updated proposal and the availability.
  • After acceptance, the termination of this proposal can be done by either party unless a contract is signed. Such termination needs to be notified to the other party within [Time Period] upon receipt of this proposal in writing along with the reason for such termination.
  • Payment: All the payments and transactions shall be in terms of USD through [Payment Mode] .
  • Intellectual Property:
  • [Sender] warrants that the Film idea in this proposal is the [Sender] 's original work. 
  • [Sender] will reserve the right to own any intellectual property arising out of this work. 
  • Disclaimer: [Sender] acknowledges that this Film Proposal is submitted voluntarily. Upon recieving this proposal, the [Client] is hereby bound to not reveal or share the information of this Film Proposal to anyone besides the relevant members of his employees. All such employees are further bound to keep this information confidential and private. 

Acceptance and Signature

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Free Film Proposal Templates

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Filmmaking Lifestyle

How to Write a Powerful Film Proposal

film proposal presentation pdf

Whether you are an aspiring film academy graduate or a passionate scriptwriter, getting your story to the big screen takes a lot of time and effort. Depending on where you live and what type of public and private film financiers you have access to, your film proposal will be shaped differently. After all, submitting a proposal for a film you know won’t get approved by a certain third party is like applying for a job position with a terrible resume.

According to the American Cinematographer , the movie industry is still going strong on the global level with $40 billion in yearly revenue, 41% of which is generated by the top 20 films on the market.

Deadline also reports that the movie industry and film attendance is stagnating due to market oversaturation with franchise flicks and the rise of streaming services such as Hulu and Netflix.

The need for new, inventive filmmakers is there, however, and now is your time to make the most of it. Let’s take a look at how you can pitch your movie in the right way and get the film proposal approved by financial backers and production companies.

film proposal

Who Is Your Film For?

The most important question on your agenda should be to pinpoint the right audience for your movie. Is your movie a crime drama, a coming-of-age story or a sci-fi comedy?

Think about who would be interested in your movie, what their movie-going preferences are and how you can cater to their wishes through the film proposal. Don’t target “everyone” since very few companies can get away with that type of film production (a la Disney).

Know Your Script By Heart

We’ve mentioned that a film proposal is not unlike a resume you submit for a job application. This isn’t far from the truth since production companies want to know what your film is all about before green lighting it. You can expect to be grilled about the script extensively after submission, so it’s a good idea to know it by heart.

Don’t let someone surprise you with a part of the script you wrote half-consciously or in a spur of creativity. Defend your creative and storytelling choices in order to seal the deal with the right backers.

film proposal presentation pdf

Develop A Logline

Your film’s logline should reflect the previously written synopsis and act as a sales pitch for the investors and producers. This is the part of your film proposal where you will be asked to describe the entirety of your script’s plot in 30 seconds or less.

While it may seem like a disservice to your work of art, this is typically the way investment companies operate in terms of evaluating film proposals. Dozens of proposals hit production companies’ desks on a weekly basis so it’s important to sell your story quickly and clearly given the opportunity.

film proposal presentation pdf

You can use platforms such as Grammarly and Hemingway to ensure that your proposal is well-written and ready to be presented to potential backers or production studios. While some of them may overlook an error or two (mistakes can happen), don’t allow a document riddled with grammar mistakes to represent your work of art.

Take time to format your film proposal and submit it to the parties you chose to reach out to in a professional manner. Once submitted, all you have to do is to wait for the inevitable follow-up to arrive to hear whether or not your search is finally over.

Writing Your Film Proposal – In Summary

Being a filmmaker isn’t easy, especially early on in a career when no one will give you the benefit of doubt. Treat your film proposal like the script itself and pay close attention to each detail we’ve outlined above.

Some production companies will undoubtedly turn you down not because of the quality of your work but for numerous other explanations. Look for the right fit for your script and the final product will be that much more enjoyable to work on.

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The Longest Movie in the World: 11 of the Longest Films Ever Made

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Matt Crawford

Related posts, what is nonlinear narrative in writing & film: ultimate guide [with examples], mastering tricolon crescens: enhancing writing rhythm, what is rhetoric essential guide [with examples & tips on using it], what is fantasy writing in film & literature a realm of imagination, what is imagery in literature and film: the complete guide, final draft review: complete guide [with examples & tutorials], 12 comments.

' src=

This was very helpful

film proposal presentation pdf

Thanks a lot, Mirabel. Appreciate the feedback!

' src=

Thank you for this. Learnt a lot

No problem! Thanks for the comment.

' src=

I really enjoyed this post on film proposals. It was very informative and helpful. Thank you for writing it.

Thanks, Mitchell.

' src=

This was really helpful, thanks for putting out it.

One question, once I registered my idea, should I include that in the film proposal, is that standard protocol or not?

Thanks for the comment, Mario.

And, yes, you absolutely can include it in the film proposal.

' src=

I found this blog post incredibly helpful in understanding the key elements of a successful film proposal.

As a aspiring screenwriter, I’m excited to put these tips into practice and create a proposal that will grab the attention of industry professionals.

Thank you for sharing your expertise!

' src=

I completely agree that a well-crafted proposal can make all the difference in securing funding for a film project.

The tips provided in the post, such as identifying the audience and creating a compelling logline, are invaluable.

I’ll definitely be using these strategies when working on my own film proposals in the future.

' src=

Great advice on structuring a compelling film proposal! I especially appreciated the section on developing relatable characters and the importance of showcasing the film’s unique perspective. Definitely going to try following these tips when pitching my own projects. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the comment

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Film Proposal

Proposal maker.

film proposal presentation pdf

Some people have the gift of having better imaginations than others, and some people like you even have the talent for making it into a film. Moviemakers want to share with other people what they see in their heads. Filmmaking is one of the best ways of storytelling. Although before achieving all of that, the process of making a film requires endless effort and sleepless nights. It involves writing scripts, and of course, composing a film proposal.

6+ Film Proposal Examples

1. film sponsorship proposal template.


  • Google Docs

2. Documentary Film Proposal


Size: 124 KB

3. Proposals for Production of Corporate Film

Proposals for Production of Corporate Film

Size: 356 KB

4. Request for Proposals for a Film

Request for Proposals for a Film

Size: 383 KB

5. Printable Film Proposal

Printable Film Proposal

Size: 364 KB

6. Network Proposal for World Films

Network Proposal for World Films

7. Proposal for the Analysis Film

Proposal for the Analysis Film

What Is a Film Proposal?

A film proposal is a document that filmmakers write to negotiate and secure financial funding for their movie. This type of proposal letter provides a synopsis and short overview of what will happen in the film. In addition, it presents information about the characters as well as the setting of the story. This paperwork is crucial to continue the development of a film. 

How to Compose an Engrossing Film Proposal

Before getting to impress your audience, you should first impress the film investors. It is not easy to impress people enough to persuade them to finance your project. Show them that you are good enough and that their money would not go to waste. Film proposals are a business document. Despite that, it does not follow the format of a standard business proposal . That said, read and follow the steps below to ensure your film proposal is compelling. 

1. Craft Your Title Page

The cover page of your proposal should contain the title of your film, followed by the name of the recipient investors and your name. People judge movies based on their film titles. The film investors would also do the same thing. That said, you should ensure to craft a title that piques the curiosity of the people. Also, do not forget to write the name of your studio and your email address. 

2. Provide a Sypnosis and Logline

The next step in ensuring your film gets a sponsor is to provide a synopsis. This segment should provide a brief movie summary of the plot. Ensure to keep a veil over the essential parts to maintain its mysteriousness. Following it should be a logline. Your story logline is a lot similar to a thirty-second  sales pitch but in written form.

3. Discuss Essential Film Details

The elements you will discuss in this part of your document are the most crucial. The first thing you should go over is the characters of your film. You should list their roles, characteristics, and how they contribute to the flow of the project. The next one is the setting of your movie. Write the location of your choice and include your reasons for why you chose that particular place. Lastly, compose a segment that discusses the essential features of your script. 

4. Detail Your Film Budget

Your budgeting for your film could considerably influence the decisions of the investors to either reject or seal the deal. Aside from writing the sum of money your movie entails, there is another thing you should consider in outlining your film budget . It is the organization and the presentation of your budget plan . Ensure that your potential prospects understand where every penny of their investment will go. 

What is a film business plan?

A film business plan is a lengthy document that provides an executive summary and a description of the story flow of the video film. In addition, it also involves project portfolios  and resumes of people who are working in your team. Your business plan for your film also requires you to compose a production plan, as well as a financial plan.

What is a film production contract?

A film production contract is a legal document that protects all the parties involved in making the film production. This contract ensures to keep everyone on the same page by including artist agreements in this document. This paperwork clarifies the demands of each member of the management team from each other. It details specific hours of services, payment, and other terms of the agreement.

How do you write a TV program proposal?

TV programs undergo a complex process before they start airing. Just like movies, it starts with submitting a business proposal. A proposal letter for TV shows includes a presentation of the title and the description of the program features. Aside from that, it also involves target audience analysis and competitive analysis .

The documentaries, movies, and short film productions of famous streaming services all started with a film proposal. Yes, for sure, the tables of the people responsible for reading and approving proposal documents on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu are always full of numerous other proposals claiming to be the best. That said, compose your film proposal with the end goal of being the best of all the best. 


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3+ SAMPLE Film Production Proposal in PDF

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Film and Video Production Proposal

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FREE 10+ Film Proposal Templates in PDF | MS Word

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The film-makers put in their soul and heart along with years of dedication, perseverance and hard work to make legendary films. But, all of this gets in vain once those films don’t get proper responses and funds from the investors just because they feel that the film proposals were not that convincing. In order to save you from such disappointments, Film Proposal Templates,  freelance proposal  have been created.

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Sample Documentary Film Proposal Template

documentary film proposal template

Size: 78 KB

The Documentary Film Proposal Templates allow the director of the documentary films to gather voluntary contributions from sponsors and various foundations for the making of the documentary project. Such templates help to fabricate proficient proposals so as to lure investors to be a part of the project.You may also see project proposal examples .

Short Film Proposal Template

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Size: 36 KB

A detailed synopsis and systematic layout of the short films in a presentable, customized and professional way helps the filmmaker lay the underpinning of the process of seeking financial support from sponsors. So, don’t get into time-consuming and chaotic work, just download Short Film Proposal Templates and take your short films to great heights.You may also see non profit proposal

Independent Film Proposal Template

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Size: 130 KB

Independent films dwell in utmost need of funds and sponsorship. These films cannot appeal to the acquaintances and other private investors for self-funding of the project unless the film proposals are ingenious and scrupulous. Independent Film Proposal Templates can help you out in this aspect efficiently.You may also see professional proposal

Use and Purpose of Film Proposal Templates

Film Proposal Templates are tools having exceptional features that can give your Film Proposal a new angle. Easy-to- use customisations, impressive designs, and pre- formatted layout save you hours of hard work and pave a new path of smart work.You may also see financial proposal templates .

Sample Film Production Proposal Form Template

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Size: 428 KB

Basic Film Proposal Template

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Size: 103 KB

Film Production Insurance Proposal Form Example

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Size: 75 KB

Sample Film Proposal Template

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Size: 133 KB

Why do I need Film Proposal Templates?

Film Proposals set important benchmarks that decide for the film for its becoming a great success or a complete failure. The proposals need to be so efficient that they are not rejected by the business team or sponsoring individuals. So, Film Proposal Templates,  Fundraising Proposal  allow us to make our film proposals more phenomenal.

Standard Film Project Proposal Template

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Size: 330 KB

Film Proposal in PDF Template

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Size: 68 KB

Film Proposal Template DOC

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How can I Create Film Proposal Templates?

You don’t really need to worry about the steps to create Film Proposal Templates. The internet offers you ample options for downloading these  Photography Proposal  and you are just one click away from giving your film proposals an entirely new look. So, don’t refrain yourself from trying some amazing features of these templates that aim to make your proposals more presentable.

The versatility and flexibility of the Film Proposal Templates allow you to use these templates in PDF and DOC format as well. So, don’t waste your precious time, just download these Film Proposal Templates with a click and get ready to enjoy the success of your film projects through awe-inspiring Film Proposals.You may also see non profit proposal templates.

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Film Presentation Template

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film proposal presentation pdf

This film Powerpoint template is a helpful tool for the film's team to find all needed resources. Every movie will need right funding plans and investors, the best possible production staff and a group of committed actors ready to take on a challenge.

A directors vision fulfills through great writing as well as acting. Technicians and producers come together with the same goal in mind: telling a great story on the big screen. Creating audiovisual material depends on the work of dozens of people to reach the correct audience.

Regardless of the product being a movie, a short or an animated film, it's essential to make sure the correct team is on board.  This might include being able to raise funds and ensure the production will be completed as it has been thought out.

What does this film powerpoint template include?

Start with an impactful elevator pitch : a short and clear objective for your production. You can follow your presentation with a summary of your fantastic story. Your presentation must be thorough but quite clear, including the genres and themes to be included in your film.

Don't forget to include relevant data about structure in your film Powerpoint template, visual references for design and digital. As well, make an influential closure including a basic distribution plan where you can map out from the beginning a way to get your movie to all audiences.

Which information can you include in a Film Presentation?

During the funding stage, your possible investors will need to know the basics of your project. Further, your producers and technicians will need to know specifics and timelines, as well as workflows to set expectations.

• Include all story relevant details that can hype up possible team members for the project.

• Share all touch points in your film Powerpoint template for production including themes and structure for your film.

• Develop a strong elevator pitch to excite crew and investors equally

A film pitch will be helpful all along production stages. You will need to convince many people to follow you on this trail. A film film Powerpoint template is a tool thought out to accompany you through all the process and support the success of your project.

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Shooting short film proposal powerpoint presentation slides

Visual media is the most influential communication tool to position your brand in your targeted demographic’s minds. Businesses realize the significance of producing corporate video in website traffic generation. It also boosts your company website’s SEO score. There is a huge market for corporate video production services. And, our latest offering helps corporate video makers in closing more deals. SlideTeam presents Shooting Short Film Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Hook more marketing directors and corporate communications managers with our solicited business proposal PPT templates. The cover letter plays a pivotal part in building a responsive corporate video proposal. The cover letter featured in this PowerPoint theme presents a preview of the project. It is coherent enough for the client to picture the benefits of your services. Showcase the context and objectives of the video. Demonstrate your proficiency in guiding your clients as per their requirements. Walk your customers through the whole process of corporate filmmaking. Elaborate on the plan of action for shooting a short film. Elucidate the process and timeframe with the visual aid of a linear diagram. These PPT slides help you consolidate additional services like distribution, talent casting, filming permits, and equipment rentals. Communicate the cost of services involved at each stage of the corporate film production process. This includes stages like kickoff meeting, pre-production, production, post-production, and delivery. Employ our business proposal PowerPoint format to illustrate your competitive edge. Introduce your company's core values, vision, mission, and background. Offer a glimpse of awards or recognition received for your work. Acquaint your clients with key team members that will take care of the corporate short film production. Familiarize your customers with your past experience within the industry. Show them what your clients think about your work through testimonials. Offer insight into your approach to corporate movie production through a case study. Hit the download button and stay rolling.

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SlideTeam presents Shooting Short Film Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This PPT deck is made up of 35 visually-gripping templates. All the PowerPoint slides feature 100% customizability. You can rearrange the design element to create any desired outcome. Modify font, colors, patterns, text, background, shapes, and orientation. Change the PPT format into PDF, PNG, or JPG as and when necessary. Use standard or widescreen resolutions to access this PowerPoint layout. It is compatible with Google Slides.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide introduces Shooting Short Film Proposal. State Client name, Submission date, User assigned and begin. Slide 2 : This slide displays Cover Letter for Shooting Short Film Services Slide 3 : This slide displays Table of Contents Slide 4 : This slide showcases Project Context and Objectives. Slide 5 : This slide depicts Project Context and Objectives for Shooting Short Film Services Slide 6 : This slide contains Our Process with- Plan of Action, Timeframe, Additional Service Offerings. Slide 7 : Thi slide showcases Plan of Action for Shooting Short Film Services Slide 8 : This slide displays Timeframe for Shooting Short Film Services Slide 9 : This slide shows Additional Service Offerings for Shooting Short Film Proposal Slide 10 : This slide represents Investment details. Slide 11 : This slide also displays Investment for Shooting Short Film Services with- Stages, Price (In USD). Slide 12 : This slide shows Your Investment details for Shooting Short Film Services. Slide 13 : This slide shows Your Investment details for Shooting Short Film Services. Slide 14 : This slide depicts Company Overview Slide 15 : This slide describes Why Us for Shooting Short Film Services Slide 16 : This is About Us slide with Vision, Mission and Goals of the company. Slide 17 : This slide displays Awards for Shooting Short Film Services Slide 18 : This is Our Team slide with Names and Designations. Slide 19 : This is Our Team slide with Names and Designations. Slide 20 : This slide depicts Our Past Experience. Slide 21 : This slide shows Client Testimonials for Shooting Short Film Proposal. Slide 22 : This slide shows Client Testimonials for Shooting Short Film Proposal. Slide 23 : This slide showcases Case Study for Shooting Short Film Services. Slide 24 : This slide displays Statement of Work and Contract Slide 25 : This slide displays Statement of Work and Contract details for Shooting Short Film Services. Slide 26 : This slide depicts Next Steps. Slide 27 : This slide shows Next Steps for Shooting Short Film Services. Slide 28 : This is Contact Us slide with Contact number, Email address and Company details. Slide 29 : This is Shooting Short Film Proposal Icons Slide Slide 30 : This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward. Slide 31 : This is About Us slide to showcase Company specifications. Slide 32 : This is Our Mission slide with Vision, Mission and Goal. Slide 33 : This slide shows Timeline process. Slide 34 : This is 30 60 90 Days Plan slide. Slide 35 : This slide depicts Roadmap process.

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Use our Shooting Short Film Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Shooting short film proposal powerpoint presentation slides

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    Film Proposal Template. Use This Template. Convey your cinematic vision for a client's brand video with this suave, artistic proposal template. Frame your creative strategy for a branding video project using the classic style of this proposal template. The black and white color scheme gives your pitch a simple sophistication.

  8. Documentary Film Project Proposal Presentation

    Download the "Documentary Film Project Proposal" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to invest their time, resources, and ...

  9. How to Write a Powerful Film Proposal

    Learning to write a film proposal is straightforward with our guide to writing film proposals. You need to know where to start and how to lead the reader.

  10. 12 Tips for Writing a Killer Film Proposal (For Grants)

    Yes, you can reuse parts of your proposal (like budgeting), but you should approach writing a film proposal for each grant application as distinct and catered to each organization. 3. Get your budget down to the fine details. Yes, committees want to see compelling narratives, innovative projects, and shared perspectives.

  11. 12+ Film Proposal Templates For Your Project

    15+ Production Proposal Templates. Acquire Film Investment or Sponsorship with the Help of a Format Sample in DOC, PDF, and More. Outline the Script, Production, Project, and Other Details of Your Movie. Whether It's for a Nature Documentary or a Short Animation, There's an Example Document for You.

  12. How to Write a Documentary Proposal for Film Fundraising

    If you're a first-time documentary filmmaker, follow these best practices for researching and writing a documentary film proposal.

  13. Film Proposal

    A film proposal is a document that filmmakers write to negotiate and secure financial funding for their movie. This type of proposal letter provides a synopsis and short overview of what will happen in the film.

  14. 3+ SAMPLE Film Production Proposal in PDF

    A Video Production Proposal is the most comprehensive way to pitch a film, containing various details of all aspects of your proposed film, including the crew behind the project and the history that goes with it. It will also feature a breakdown of the different acts of the film, as well as how the picture as a whole comes together. A proposal might range from two to sixty pages in length ...

  15. FREE 10+ Film Proposal Templates in PDF

    Details. File Format. PDF. Size: 78 KB. Download. The Documentary Film Proposal Templates allow the director of the documentary films to gather voluntary contributions from sponsors and various foundations for the making of the documentary project. Such templates help to fabricate proficient proposals so as to lure investors to be a part of the ...

  16. PDF Documentary Film Proposal

    Finally, the movie will provide heart-felt encouragement from real people who have experienced the common struggles and blessings of homeschooling. We believe that by providing a realistic picture of the benefits, challenges, and real-world outcomes of homeschooling, by disseminating wise advice and valuable resources, and by offering heart ...

  17. (PDF) Film proposal template

    View PDF. FILM PROPOSAL Submitted by Elizabeth Bouiss SYNOPSIS Decadence, Death and Brilliance is a story of risk-taking, creativity, rebellion and survival as told through the personal experiences of the gender blending, gay, straight, and bi patrons, performers, and workers who were part of the underground performance, art, and music ...

  18. Top 10 Documentary Proposal Templates

    Pitch your business capabilities and tech know-how to create dazzling motion pictures using our documentary proposal templates.

  19. Film Script Project Proposal

    Professional Creative Business Company Movie Project Proposal Cream Sticker Editable in Canva. This custom-made template for the film industry will make your film script project proposal a massive hit! For Google Slides & PPT.

  20. Free Movie Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the "Documentary Film Project Proposal" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project.

  21. Film Presentation Template [Customizable]

    Film Presentation Template. The film Powerpoint template is a helpful tool to ask for funds. It will come handy when presenting a film proposal to potential investors and producers. Use this template. 12.2k uses.

  22. Shooting short film proposal powerpoint presentation slides

    Find predesigned Shooting short film proposal powerpoint presentation slides PowerPoint templates slides, graphics, and image designs provided by SlideTeam.