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  • My Favorite Game Badminton Essay


Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

Badminton is an indoor game played across the net with a shuttlecock and a racket. It is considered one of the most popular racket sports among amateurs as well as professionals and serves to be a great recreational activity. The most commonly played patterns are singles which only require one player on each side of the net and doubles consists of four players with two on each side. So, this essay on my favorite game badminton is an insight into the history, rules, and regulations of the game and its gaining popularity.

Short Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

Games including shuttlecock were played in Europe and Asia in countries like China, Greece, and India for centuries but the rise of modern game badminton in the mid 19th century. And, its name is also taken from the country's residence for the dukes of Beaufort in England where the first match was played in the year 1873. It is played in a rectangular court which is divided into halves by a net and the size of the court differs for singles and doubles. The tournaments are of five types, Men’s Singles, Men’s Doubles, Women Singles, Women Doubles, and Mixed Doubles. The court is wider for the doubles tournament and a single line is marked at the center dividing the width of the court.

This racket sport does not use a ball unlike others like tennis and squash, a lightweight shuttlecock is used which is easily affected by the wind and therefore played as an indoor sport. All the equipment required for the sport like rackets, strings, grip, shuttlecock, and shoes must be BWF approved. BWF is short for Badminton World Federation which is the governing body that was established in 1934 and the first championship was held in the year 1977. And the BWF Championships is the most prestigious tournament. This game also helps in leading an active life by increasing stamina and strength.

Long Essay on My Favorite Sport Badminton

Badminton in India is the most popular sport after cricket and is casually played outside but matches take place indoors. The governing body of Badminton is Badminton World Federation which famously also goes by BWF. It monitors the court, nets and is also responsible for approving all other equipment used to play the sport. All matches are played under the supervision of this body and the championships organized include the Thomas Cup for Men and Uber Cup for Women which is held every two years and more than 50 national teams compete to qualify for the tournament. One of the popular leagues in the Premier Badminton League of India featuring the world's best players. 

Badminton among all racket sports is very demanding and is the fastest racket sport in the world. 

Rules and Regulations of My Favorite Game Badminton Essay

The rectangular court for a singles match is 13.4 meters long and reduced to  5.2 meters wide, and the net which is 1.5 meters in height is stretched at the center throughout the court, whereas the court for doubles is the full width of 6.1 meters.

The game commences with a coin toss and the team who wins the toss has a choice to pick a side to play and whether they will first serve or receive.

It is always to be observed that the service is from below the waist, diagonally and at no point the shuttlecock can be carried or come to rest on the racket during the game.

The player should not reach over and touch the net with racket or body to hit, nor should he touch any of the lines drawn in the court during the serve.

In a singles match, the server stands on the right service court corner when the score is even and the server moves to the left corner when the score is odd.

The scores are given on the basis of the best 2 of 3 games, with each game played up to 21 points. And when both teams tie at 29 points, then the game continues till one team achieves a two-point advantage. 

A point is given each time a player wins a rally, or strikes by the shuttlecock and it touches the floor of the opponent’s side. The player also scores when the opponent commits any fault by not abiding by the aforementioned rules. 

Badminton as an Olympic Sport

After the year 1934 when the Badminton World Federation held the first match, it was not until 1972 that Badminton was introduced as a demonstration sport. Due to its gaining popularity, in 1992 the game was introduced in the medal category and the medal category included both singles and doubles for men and women. The mixed doubles category was introduced into the Olympics four years later i.e in 1996. 

Badminton is the most delightful game, and each time I play, there is some fervor and uneasiness eventually. In the last round, there must be a champ that makes the fight considerably seriously invigorating.

I began playing badminton matches when I was just ten years old in light for different reasons. I was impacted by my disposition towards playing badminton, and from that point, I acquired the greater part of the abilities by noticing him in numerous expert competitions where he normally arises as to the champ. 

How to Play a Badminton Game?

Shuttlecock behaves like a ball and is produced using a goose feather connected to a little piece of the plug.

The rackets for playing are lightweight, around 90 to 100 grams. While playing, you should crush the light shuttlecock towards the adversary's bearing. 

These sorts of vans are still used these days. However, the vans are produced using manufactured materials permitted by BWF, which is a short name for Badminton World Federation. Thus, this essay is an understanding of my beloved game, and the principles and guidelines kept around the world.

While playing, there are six significant shorts, and these are the forehand drive, the strike drive, the crush, the drop, the clearing, and the serve. Badminton is played over a rectangular court that has a division in the center utilizing a net.

Badminton resembles tennis; the main contrast is that the net is raised higher, and the ball is lighter. The name "badminton" was derived from the place of Duke of Beaufort, in England, and there the principal game was being played.

Challenges and Friends During Playing My Favorite Sport Badminton

I play badminton with my remaining energy since I can have a bond with my loved ones. My companions and I have played countless contests, and I have even arrived at the finals.

The most intriguing thing about playing this game is that the more you play, the more you feel tested by the rival. This game additionally reminds me of the principle that my dad gave.

The normality of this game is even if it isn't played consistently, it was effectively recollected. The normal in playing badminton is the more you play, the more companions you'll get tested, and realize that you are an incredible player.

Badminton is a game for 2 or 4 individuals. The game is played by one or the other player against one player or a group of two players against one more group of two players. The players use rackets to hit a bus over a net.

Badminton plans to hit the shuttlecock over the net such that the other player or sets can't hit it back appropriately before it hits the floor. Each time this is done, the player gets one point. He additionally will serve, and the principal player or pair to arrive at 21 focuses dominates a match. Here, the victor of the match is quick to win two sets.

History of Badminton Game

That game was returned by resigned officials to England, where it was created and immediately filled in prominence.

In 1877, the principal composed guidelines were organized by the recently shaped Bath Badminton Club. This game has been an Olympic game starting around 1992, and regardless of whether it began in England, it has predominantly been played in nations of Asia like India, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia, and China that presently rule this game.

As referenced before, badminton match-up depends on the country domain for the dukes of Beaufort in England. Further, this game was played there and followed to antiquated India, Greece, and China. Additionally, this game was firmly identified with children's down battledore and shuttlecock.

The BWF broadly is the administering body for the game, which was formed in 1934. Additionally, the main title under the Badminton World Federation was held in 1977. Presently, there are a few zonal, provincial, and public competitions that assist in various nations.

One of the renowned competitions in badminton  All England titles, and others incorporate the Thomas Cup and Uber Cup.

Badminton was presented in the Olympics without precedent for 1972 as an exhibition sport. While at the 1992 Olympics, the game was under the total decoration classification. Further, this opposition included all kinds of mixed pairs being presented in the 1996 Olympics.

Further, sporting badminton is played outside and is a well-known open-air movement. Further, the net is 1.5 m high and stretches all through the width of the court in the middle.

There is a reasonable space of 1.3 m around the court that is required. The play in badminton contains volleying and hitting the shuttlecock this way and that across the following. Presently, it ought to be borne as a top priority that the shuttlecock shouldn't contact the floor or ground inside the court limits.

What is the Importance of Playing a Badminton Game?

Having sports is great as sports fill in as more intriguing than mobiles or PCs that we use. Playing badminton can cause your body to have a decent body dynamic and strength in all things. It will likewise assist you with making new companions and a renewed individual train how to play it.

Playing badminton much of the time makes you need to consummate your abilities and be a decent player. This game is really satisfying, connecting with, and more fun than playing PC games.

Badminton playing for quite a while acquires your body in great shape and you can make companions en route. Anybody can play badminton; it isn't only a game; rather, it likewise assists anybody with remaining dynamic for the duration of the day.

It makes me great as a solid individual in light of the fact that each time I play it, my body feels an entire decent day. It will make you great as well. I honestly think playing sports such as badminton will unquestionably take care of your body to become solid. It is an exceptionally intriguing game in light of the fact that in each fight that you join, there is energy, however, in the last round match, there is just a single champ and a washout.

In this essay on My Favorite Sport Badminton, it is safe to say that this competitive sport is played in great zeal and the number of courts is only increasing in each district, town, and city as well. This is a great recreational activity often played outdoors as it is a good way of bonding a great source of engaging entertainment and a way to remain fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Badminton is considered to be a very physically demanding sport like any other sport and it requires a great deal of focus and dedication to enhancing strength and stamina for playing it competitively.


FAQs on My Favorite Game Badminton Essay

1. What is the importance of Badminton?

Badminton is an engaging sport that requires great physical strength and it helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle as it is a great form of exercise, it gets the heartbeat faster and the blood flowing which keeps one agile and active.

2. Is Badminton an expensive sport?

Badminton expenses are only depending on the type of equipment one wishes to purchase. Usually, the racket and shuttlecock are widely sold and cheaper and the shoes required for practice are also easily available at a reasonable price.

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Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton

Badminton is more than just a game to me, it's a passion. The feeling of hitting the shuttlecock over the net and hearing the satisfying "thwack" as it lands in my opponent's court is indescribable. The thrill of a well-executed drop shot or a powerful smash is what keeps me coming back to the court time and time again. Here are a few sample essays on ‘My Favourite Game Badminton ’.

Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton

100 Words On My Favourite Game Badminton

The best part about badminton is that it's a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, there's always room to improve and new challenges to tackle. I love the feeling of pushing myself to the limit and coming out victorious. It's a game that requires a lot of focus and concentration and that's what makes it so much fun. Overall, badminton is my favourite game because it combines physical exertion with mental focus and gives me the opportunity to challenge myself and focus on improving.

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton

One of the reasons why I love badminton is that it's a game that requires both physical exertion and mental focus. The game demands quick reflexes, agility, and precise hand-eye coordination, which makes it a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase muscle strength and flexibility, and sharpen reflexes.

The Thrill of the Game

The thrill of a well-executed drop shot or a powerful smash is what keeps me coming back to the court time and time again. The sound of the shuttlecock hitting the racket and the anticipation of the next move makes the game so much more exciting. The game is also incredibly fast-paced, which keeps my adrenaline pumping throughout the match.

A Game for Everyone

One of the best things about badminton is that it's a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, there's always room to improve and new challenges to tackle. It's a game that can be played indoors or outdoors, making it a great option for year-round fun. It's also a great way to spend time with friends and family, as it's a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton

Badminton is my favourite game because it offers the perfect balance of physical and mental challenges. It's fast-paced, exciting, and offers endless opportunities for improvement. Playing badminton is not just good for physical fitness, but also for mental well-being, it's a great stress buster. It's a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels, and it's a great way to spend time with friends and family. It's a sport that I truly enjoy and I feel it's a unique way to stay active and healthy. The feeling of myself to the limit and coming out victorious is truly satisfying.

Meeting My Idol

I started playing badminton when I was just a kid and it quickly became my favourite sport. I would spend hours on the court, practicing my shots and trying to perfect my technique. As I got better, I started competing in local tournaments and eventually made it to the state level. But my ultimate goal was always to meet my idol, Saina Nehwal.

One day, I got the chance to meet her in a unique way. I had been selected to participate in a training camp for up-and-coming badminton players. The camp was held in Hyderabad, Saina's hometown and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to learn from some of the best coaches in the country.

I arrived at the camp and was greeted by a sea of familiar faces, all of us united by our love for badminton. We spent the first few days training hard, working on our footwork, shots, and strategies. But the highlight of the camp was when Saina Nehwal walked into the training hall.

I couldn't believe my eyes, my idol was standing right in front of me. She greeted us with a warm smile and began to demonstrate her techniques and strategies. I was in awe as she effortlessly executed her shots and moved around the court with grace and precision.

Saina took the time to answer all our questions and offer feedback on our own performances. She even shared her own experiences and gave us advice on how to improve our game. It was an unforgettable experience for me, not only because I got to meet my idol but also because she was so down to earth and approachable.

I left the camp feeling motivated and inspired. I had not only learned new techniques and strategies, but I had also gained a new perspective on the game. It was a unique opportunity to learn from one of the best badminton players in the world and I felt grateful for the experience.

Ever since that camp, I've been working even harder to improve my game and make my dream of playing at the national level a reality. I know that it's not going to be easy, but I'm determined to make it happen. And I'll always remember the training camp where I got to meet my idol Saina Nehwal in a unique way and it gave me a new perspective on the game.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my favourite game – badminton.

Badminton is an indoor game that is played with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. Historically, the shuttlecock was a small cork with a hemisphere with 16 geese that was attached and weighing about 5 grams. So, these types of the shuttle may still be useful nowadays. But the shuttles generally used are made from synthetic materials are also allowed by BWF which is a short name for a badminton world federation. So, the essay on my favorite game badminton is an insight into my favorite game and the rules and regulations followed around the world. 

Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton

The name badminton is based on the country estate for the dukes of Beaufort in England. Also, the game was the first time playing there in 1873. Additionally, the roots of the game are further traced to ancient China, Greece, and India. Also, this game is said to be closely related to children’s game shuttlecock and battledore. 

The badminton world federation famously known as BWF is the governing body for the sport worldwide. Also, this governing body was formed in the year 1934. Furthermore, badminton is famous in Indonesia, Japan, Denmark, and Malaysia. The first championship under BWF was held in the year 1977.

Also, there are a number of national, regional, and zonal tournaments which are held in many countries. One of the famous tournament in badminton is All-England championships. Additionally, the international and well-known tournaments include Uber cup and Thomas cup. 

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Badminton in the Olympics

Badminton was introduced in the Olympics for the first time in 1972 as a demonstration sport. While at the 1992 Olympics, this game was under the full medal category. Also, the competition included men’s as well as women’s doubles and mixed doubles were introduced in the 1996 Olympics. 

Competitive badminton all around the world is played indoors because even the lightest of winds can affect the course of the shuttlecock. Also, recreational badminton is played outside and is a famous outdoor activity. The court for badminton is rectangular 13.4 meters long and 5.2 meters wide for the singles match. Also, the net is 1.5 meters high and stretches throughout the width of the court at its center.

Additionally, there is a clear space of 1.3 meters around the court that is needed. The play in badminton consists entirely of hitting and volleying the shuttlecock back and forth across the net. Also, it should be kept in mind that the shuttlecock should not touch the ground or floor within the court boundaries. 

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Essay on Badminton

Students are often asked to write an essay on Badminton in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on Badminton

Introduction to badminton.

Badminton is a popular racket sport. It’s played on a rectangular court, divided by a net. Players score points by hitting a shuttlecock with their racket so it lands in the opponent’s half.

Basic Rules

Each game is played to 21 points. A point is scored when the shuttlecock lands in the opponent’s court. The player who first reaches 21 points wins the game.

The main equipment in badminton are a racket and a shuttlecock. The racket is lightweight and the shuttlecock is made of feathers or synthetic material.

Benefits of Playing

Badminton improves physical fitness and coordination. It also teaches discipline and teamwork.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Badminton
  • Paragraph on Badminton
  • Speech on Badminton

250 Words Essay on Badminton

Badminton is a captivating and dynamic sport that requires agility, quick decision-making, and strategic planning. Originating over 2000 years ago, it has evolved into a globally recognized sport, featured prominently in the Olympics and various international tournaments.

Technical Aspects and Skills

The technicalities of badminton are multifaceted. Players need to master a variety of strokes, including the serve, lob, drop, and smash, each requiring different levels of power and precision. Footwork and positioning are equally important, dictating the player’s ability to respond to the opponent’s shots effectively.

Physical and Mental Benefits

Badminton offers numerous physical benefits, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, agility, strength, and hand-eye coordination. However, its advantages are not limited to the physical realm. The sport also fosters mental acuity. Players must anticipate their opponent’s moves, strategize their game, and make split-second decisions under pressure.

The Spirit of Competition

Badminton is a sport that embodies the spirit of competition. It tests the player’s perseverance, resilience, and sportsmanship. Win or lose, each game is an opportunity for self-improvement and learning.

Badminton, with its blend of physical exertion and mental exercise, is more than just a game. It is a testament to human endurance, strategic thinking, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Whether played casually or professionally, it offers a rewarding and enriching experience.

500 Words Essay on Badminton

Badminton is a dynamic and exciting racquet sport that is played by millions of people worldwide. The game’s origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations in Europe and Asia, but it was in England during the 19th century where it was formalized and gained popularity. Badminton is now an integral part of the Olympic Games, a testament to its global appeal and competitive nature.

The Game and Its Rules

Two or four players play badminton, making it a singles or doubles game respectively. The objective is to hit a shuttlecock, also known as a birdie, over a net and into the opponent’s half of the court. The shuttlecock’s unique aerodynamic design makes it fly differently from balls used in other racquet sports, adding a layer of complexity and skill to the game.

The rules of badminton are straightforward yet demand strategic thinking. Each game is played to 21 points, with players scoring a point every time they win a rally. If the score reaches 20-all, the game continues until one player leads by 2 points, or when the score hits 30-all, the player who scores the 31st point wins.

Badminton offers a wealth of physical and mental benefits. It requires agility, speed, and endurance, promoting cardiovascular health and physical fitness. The fast-paced nature of the game also enhances reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

On the mental front, badminton is a strategic game that requires quick decision-making and adaptability. Players must continually analyze their opponents’ tactics, adapt their play style, and make split-second decisions. This cognitive engagement can improve concentration, reduce stress, and enhance overall mental well-being.

Equipment and Infrastructure

The equipment required for badminton is minimal, making it accessible to many. Players need a racquet, a shuttlecock, and a net. The racquets are lightweight, with a long handle for grip and a stringed oval area to hit the shuttlecock.

The infrastructure needed for badminton is also simple: a rectangular court divided into two halves by a net. The court’s specifications differ for singles and doubles play. However, badminton can be played casually in any open space, making it a popular choice for recreational activity.

In conclusion, badminton is a sport that combines physical agility, mental acuity, and strategic thinking. Its simple rules, minimal equipment, and the ability to play in limited spaces make it a popular choice worldwide. Whether one aspires to compete at an elite level or simply enjoy a friendly match, badminton offers a compelling blend of physical exertion and mental engagement.

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Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Badminton For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘my favourite game: badminton’ for kids, a paragraph on badminton, short essay on ‘my favourite game: badminton’, long essay on ‘my favourite game: badminton’ for kids, how can you play the game, what will your child learn from this essay.

Badminton can be played with a light racquet and requires only a few players. It is one of the best sports that require a certain level of fitness, and this essay will discuss what you need to know about it. We will also discuss how kids can write an essay on badminton for classes 1, 2, and 3 and the key points to cover. By the end of this write-up, you will be familiarised with all the rules, regulations, tips, and tricks regarding the game.

Badminton is one of the coolest games that kids like to play. Given below are a few points to keep in mind when writing an essay on ‘my favourite game, badminton’:

  • Start your essay with an introductory paragraph on its origins and where the game was played for the first time in history.
  • It’s important to talk about the various rules and regulations of the game: the different ways to handle the racquets, how to hit the shuttlecock and more. Expand on these topics.
  • Write a few lines on the benefits of playing badminton for both physical and mental health.
  • End the essay with a conclusion paragraph and summarise.

Badminton is a great sport that is excellent for all age groups, and kids get the most joy out of it and can play with their friends. Here are 10 lines on my favourite game, badminton, for an essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Playing badminton increases natural immunity.
  • I love playing badminton, and it’s a fun sport.
  • At least 2 to 4 players are needed to play this game.
  • My brother plays with me, and also knows the benefits of playing badminton.
  • Badminton is an excellent way to keep yourself physically active.
  • It is healthier to play badminton than to play computer games.
  • I feel happy playing badminton, and it is good exercise for my body.
  • All I need is a shuttlecock and a racquet to start playing it.
  • It is very easy to play badminton since the rules are simple.
  • The game has improved my hand-eye coordination.

Writing a small paragraph is beneficial for kids as they feel comfortable writing small sentences. Given below a small paragraph on badminton for their reference:

Badminton is one of the most played games worldwide. I am very fond of this game and want to be an internationally acclaimed player. Therefore, I work very hard to learn the game. This game has benefited me in many ways- my stamina, speed, and concentration power have increased tremendously. Currently, the Badminton Association of India manages this sport in the country. Players can participate in either singles, doubles, or mixed groups. Did you know that a small cork was used to play badminton instead of a shuttlecock in the olden days? Nowadays, the Badminton World Federation (BWF) has approved using lightweight shuttlecocks.

Badminton is an indoor sport that can also be played outdoors by both kids and adults. Here are a few lines that make a good essay for classes 1, 2, and 3:

Badminton is a fantastic game to be played by many people professionally and just for fun worldwide. A racquet is used to hit a shuttlecock, and players must try to land it on the other side of the court. When the shuttlecock is missed by a player and lands on their side of the court, the other team scores a point. The best part about the game is that it is easy to play and the rules are simple. The game is a great stress-buster, burns calories, and helps keep a healthy weight. Players must wear lightweight shoes since they must be on their feet throughout the game and run across the court. Playing badminton makes an individual physically active, and their concentration power increases. Top players like PV Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, P Gopichand, Srikanth Kidambi, and P Kashyap have taken Indian Badminton to the global platform and inspired many kids to take up this sport seriously.

Playing badminton is fun because one can make new friends along the way. School children are often asked to write an essay for class 3 on their favourite game, badminton. Here is how to go about it:

I love playing a game like badminton as it keeps me well, uplifts my mood, and keeps my brain sharp. Running around the court all day long is a great way to have fun; my friends play it too. I enjoy playing badminton since I can play it outdoors and indoors.

My father has taught me the best techniques for playing badminton, and there are different ways to handle the racquet. Ensuring a comfortable grip on the handle is essential, so the hands don’t get tired easily, and we can play longer. Playing a sport like a badminton is good for the mind and body, and it’s a lot better than playing computer games since I’m active all day. There are different games like cricket, kabaddi, baseball, and table tennis famous in India, but badminton is the second most popular game.

History Of Badminton

Badminton’s roots were laid down in countries like Greece, China, and India, with the game being first played in 1873. Since then, it has evolved and come a long way. Badminton was played first over 2,000 years ago in China and was introduced to English in the 1870s. The game became popular in America and Canada after 1929, and by 1992, it became an Olympic sport.

Rules And Regulations Of Badminton

  • A badminton match consists of 3 games, with a total score of 21 points each.
  • To score, a player’s shuttlecock should hit within the court of the opponent.
  • A server has to step forward while making the serve.
  • The winner serves first in the next game.
  • There is a 1-minute interval between each game.
  • All students are required to report damaged racquets to the instructor and get them replaced.
  • The racquet grip should be fixed below a player’s wrist.
  • The server should serve only when the receiver is ready and not without warning.
  • Partners and game players can stand anywhere, provided they are not obstructing the view of the other players on the court.
  • A point is given to your opponent if you hit the shuttlecock and it hits the net or goes outside the court.

Benefits Of Playing Badminton

There are many benefits of playing badminton, such as:

  • Decreased blood pressure, improved metabolism, and more energy
  • Enhanced mental clarity and good hand-eye coordination
  • Improved mobility and life expectancy due to a healthier lifestyle
  • Good for cardiovascular fitness and building muscle tone

Before getting started, you will need to familiarise yourself with the game’s essential rules and regulations. As for the equipment, not much is required. Learn the primary ways you strike a shuttlecock and how to handle the racquet. Also, focus on your footwork.

Your child will learn the importance of movement and staying active on their feet when writing an essay about badminton. They will understand the ins and outs of the game, how many players are needed, and how to avoid faults during sessions.

1. When Was The First Badminton Game Played?

The first game of badminton was played over 2,000 years ago in Siam, China.

2. What Was The Original Name Of The Game Badminton?

‘Poona,’ was the original name of badminton.

3. Why Is Badminton Called An Indoor Sport?

Badminton is labelled an indoor sport because even a tiny breeze can affect the direction a shuttlecock lands. It’s very delicate and sensitive to weather conditions.

4. What Are Basic Skills You Need For Playing Badminton?

The basic skills needed for playing badminton are-

  • Grip – Backhand and overhand
  • Stance – Classified as stances for the attack, defence, and net stance
  • Footwork – Maneuvering 2-3 steps back, 1 step sideways, and 2 to 3 steps front
  • Serve – Of two types, high and low serves
  • Smash – Forehand smash, backhand smash, and jumping smash
  • Drop-shot and clear/lob are two fundamental skills as well

Playing badminton is not complicated, and the rules are kept simple. All you need to get started is someone willing to hold a racquet with you and get moving. Now that you know the basics, you can write an essay on badminton with your kids and tell them more about the game.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton for Students in English

January 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton: Badminton is accepted globally as the fastest racket game. It is played with rackets and shuttlecock. It is preferably an indoor game. It keeps the body active, agile and well maintained. It is popularly played during the winter season. It offers strength and immunity to the whole body. The game is played by minimum two and maximum of four players.

Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton

Below we have provided my favourite game Badminton Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Badminton is one of the popular games in India and also in the world. This game is played for a long ago. It is an indoor game where two or four people can participate. It is played with a shuttlecock and rackets. There are a lot of games to play indoor, like Table Tennis, Chess, Carom Board, etc. However, badminton is my favourite. I play it with my siblings and also with my friends on vacations. When I was eight years old, my father taught me about playing the badminton. He taught me about the rules.

How to Play Badminton Game?

The Badminton is played either with a single player or two players on both sides where they hit with their rackets to a shuttlecock. In badminton, there are six main shots-the drops, the smash, the clear, the server, the backhand drive, and the forehand drive. The area or field where the players play badminton is known as the court. The court has a rectangle shape that is divided in half via a net. One or two players stand in both sides with rackets in their hands. One player starts the game by hitting the shuttlecock with his racket to another player’s side. This process is followed until shuttlecock falls down on the floor. That player who is unable to hit the shuttle lose a point. It means another player itself gets the point.

History of Badminton Game

Badminton was first played in England in Badminton House in Gloucestershire. The badminton name was taken from the home of the Duke of Beaufort. This game was first originated in India, after then in Japan, China, and Thailand. Even British army officers played it as a competition in Pune by giving it a name as Poona. In the year 1877, Bath Badminton Club provided the first set of rules to this game. In the year 1899, the first badminton competition was played in the world with the name ‘The All England Open Badminton Championships.

BWF (Badminton World Federation) is the governing body of Badminton that is played worldwide. It was formed in 1934. In the year 1977, the first championship of this game under BWF was played. At that time, a number of zonal, regional, and national tournaments were played in many countries. All-England was one of the famous. Moreover, Thomas Cup and Uber Cup are remarkable and international tournaments of Badminton.

Badminton in the Olympics

In 1972, Badminton grabbed a place in the Olympics as a demonstration sport. Moreover, in the year 1992, Badminton came under the full medal category. Also, in the year 1996, this game introduced women’s and men’s doubles and mixed doubles. Aside from England, India, China, and Japan, the Republic of Korea and Indonesia also dominated this game and soon started to play it.

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Badminton

Badminton, a popular and dynamic sport enjoyed by millions worldwide, combines speed, agility, and strategy. Writing a short essay on badminton allows you to explore its history, rules, benefits, and cultural significance. Whether you are a student, a badminton enthusiast, or just curious about the sport, following a structured approach can help you craft an engaging and informative essay. Here’s how to go about it.

Table of Contents


Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that captures the essence of badminton. Introduce badminton as more than just a physical game, highlighting its role in promoting health, fostering social interactions, and offering competitive challenges. Set the stage by briefly mentioning its origin and global popularity. End your introduction with a thesis statement that presents the main focus of your essay, whether it’s the health benefits of playing badminton, its history, or the skills it develops.

The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each dedicated to a specific aspect of badminton. Organize the content to ensure a logical flow of ideas from one paragraph to the next.

  • History and Evolution:  Start by exploring the history of badminton. Discuss its origins in ancient civilizations and its development into a modern sport with standardized rules. Mention significant milestones, such as its Olympic debut.
  • Rules and Gameplay:  Describe the basic rules of badminton. Explain the court layout, scoring system, and equipment used, such as rackets, shuttlecocks, and nets. This section can also briefly cover different styles of play and techniques.
  • Physical and Mental Benefits:  Highlight the health benefits of playing badminton, including improved muscle tone, better cardiovascular health, and enhanced reflexes. Discuss the mental benefits, such as improved concentration, strategic thinking, and stress reduction.
  • Cultural Impact:  Discuss how badminton has influenced various cultures and how different countries have embraced and adapted the sport. You can also mention prominent players who have shaped the sport.

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points discussed. Reinforce the significance of badminton as a sport that offers various physical, mental, and social benefits. End with a compelling closing statement that reflects the excitement and joy of participating in badminton, encouraging readers to consider both watching and playing the sport.

Badminton Essay Example #1

Badminton is a popular racket sport that is played all over the world. It is a fast-paced game that requires quick reflexes, agility, and hand-eye coordination. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court. Players can compete in singles or doubles matches, and the sport can be played both indoors and outdoors. In this essay, we will explore the world of badminton and delve into its various aspects.

Badminton is a racket sport that is played with a feathered shuttlecock and a net. The shuttlecock, also known as a birdie, is made up of 16 feathers and is hit back and forth between two opposing sides of the court. The net is placed in the center of the court and is 5 feet high at the center and 5 feet 1 inch high at the poles. The court is divided into two halves by the net, and each half is further divided into a front and a backcourt. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court without allowing it to hit the ground. The player or team that wins a rally scores a point.

Players can compete in singles or doubles matches in badminton. In singles, there is only one player on each side of the court, while in doubles, there are two players on each side. The rules of the game are the same for both singles and doubles matches. Players can serve from either the left or right side of the court, and the serve must be diagonal to the opponent’s court. Once the shuttlecock is in play, players can hit it with their racket as many times as they need to keep it in the air. Badminton requires quick reflexes, agility, and hand-eye coordination, making it a popular recreational and competitive sport worldwide.

Badminton is a sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It can be played both indoors and outdoors, and it is a great way to stay active and healthy. The sport has a rich history, with its origins dating back to ancient India. Today, it is played in over 160 countries and is one of the most popular sports in the world. The Badminton World Federation (BWF) is the governing body for the sport, and it oversees international tournaments such as the World Championships and the Olympic Games.

In conclusion, badminton is a popular and exciting sport that requires skill, agility, and quick reflexes. It is played with a feathered shuttlecock and a net, and players can compete in singles or doubles matches. The sport is enjoyed by people all over the world and is a great way to stay active and healthy. With its rich history and international tournaments, badminton continues to be one of the most popular sports in the world.

Badminton Essay Example #2

Badminton is a widely popular racket sport that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. It is an exciting and fast-paced game that requires skill, agility, and precision. The game is played with a shuttlecock and a net, where players compete in singles or doubles matches. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and onto the opponent’s side of the court without the opponent returning it. In this essay, I will be exploring the different aspects of badminton, including its history, rules, and techniques.

Badminton is a racket sport that originated in India in the 18th century. The game was originally called “Poona” and was played with a shuttlecock made of feathers and a net. It was then introduced to England by British officers, and the game’s popularity spread throughout the world. Badminton is now an Olympic sport and is played in countries all over the world.

The game is played on a rectangular court, and the objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and onto the opponent’s side of the court without the opponent returning it. The game can be played in singles or doubles matches, and each player or team is allowed to hit the shuttlecock only once before it crosses the net. The scoring system is based on a best-of-three games format, with each game played up to 21 points.

Badminton requires a lot of skill and technique to play at a competitive level. Players need to have good hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and excellent footwork. One of the most important techniques in badminton is the overhead smash, where the player hits the shuttlecock with a powerful downward motion to score a point. Another important technique is the drop shot, where the shuttlecock is hit softly over the net to catch the opponent off guard.

Badminton also has several rules that players need to follow. Players are not allowed to touch the net with their racket or body, and the shuttlecock must be hit within the boundaries of the court. If the shuttlecock lands outside the boundary lines, it is considered out of bounds, and the opponent scores a point. Players are also not allowed to obstruct their opponent’s movement on the court.

Badminton is a sport that offers many health benefits. It is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that can help improve heart health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Playing badminton also helps improve overall fitness, including endurance, strength, and flexibility. It is also a great way to relieve stress and improve mental well-being.

In conclusion, badminton is a fun and exciting sport that has gained popularity all over the world. It requires skill, agility, and precision to play at a competitive level. The game has a rich history and has evolved into a popular Olympic sport. Badminton is also an excellent form of exercise that offers many health benefits. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, badminton is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

Badminton Essay Example #3

Badminton is a popular racquet sport played by individuals or pairs. The game is played with a shuttlecock and the objective is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and land it within the opponent’s court to score points. Badminton requires speed, agility, and hand-eye coordination, making it a popular recreational and competitive sport around the world. In this essay, we will explore the different aspects of badminton that make it a unique and exciting sport to play and watch.

Badminton is a racquet sport played with a shuttlecock and can be played individually or in pairs. The game is believed to have originated in India and was named “Poona.” The game was introduced to England in the mid-19th century and was played as a social pastime. Over time, the game evolved, and the rules were standardized, which led to the formation of international badminton tournaments. Today, badminton is played at all levels, from casual games to international competitions like the Olympics.

The court used for badminton is rectangular, and the dimensions of the court vary depending on whether it is used for singles or doubles play. The net divides the court into two halves, and players must hit the shuttlecock over the net and land it within the opponent’s court to score points. Each game consists of three sets, and the player or team that wins two sets wins the match.

The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and land it within the opponent’s court to score points. Badminton is a game that requires speed, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Players must be able to move quickly around the court and react quickly to the shuttlecock to stay in the game. The shuttlecock can travel up to 200 miles per hour, which makes it challenging to hit and requires quick reflexes.

Badminton is a sport that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. It is a popular recreational activity and can be played in parks, community centers, and schools. The sport is also played at a competitive level, with international tournaments held around the world. The Badminton World Federation is the governing body of the sport and oversees international competitions like the Thomas Cup and the Uber Cup.

Badminton requires speed, agility, and hand-eye coordination, making it a popular recreational and competitive sport around the world. The sport is played in many countries, including China, Indonesia, Denmark, India, and Malaysia. In some countries, badminton is considered a national sport, and players receive financial support from the government to train and compete at a high level.

Badminton is a sport that provides many health benefits. It is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness, as it requires a lot of movement and can increase heart rate. It also helps to improve hand-eye coordination, balance, and agility. Playing badminton can also help to reduce stress and improve mental health, as it requires concentration and focus.

Badminton is a unique and exciting sport that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you are playing for fun or competing at a high level, badminton provides many health benefits and is a great way to stay active. The sport requires speed, agility, and hand-eye coordination, and players must be able to react quickly to the shuttlecock to stay in the game. With international tournaments like the Olympics, badminton has become a popular sport around the world, and its popularity is only set to grow.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

  • Engage Your Reader:  Use engaging anecdotes or interesting facts to make your essay more relatable and enjoyable.
  • Stay on Topic:  Keep your essay focused on the assigned or chosen aspect of badminton.
  • Proofread:  Before submitting your essay, check for grammatical errors and ensure that the information flows logically.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

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essay on game badminton in english

English Summary

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton In English

My favourite game is badminton. Badminton is a game that can be played as singles or doubles. The side that gets 21 points first would emerge as the victor. 

Badminton is considered an excellent sport and is played both nationally and internationally. It is a popular Olympic sport. 

Although considered an indoor game, it is a great exercise for the body and the mind and is extremely fun to play! Let’s take inspiration from Indian players such as Saina Nehwal, Kashyap Parupalli, and P. V. Sindhu who play badminton and play it ourselves as well! 

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Paragraph on Badminton - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words

Badminton is a type of indoor game which is played between either two teams or two players. It is one of the best indoor games for an individual’s physical fitness. The game is played with a racket and a shuttlecock. Badminton was first played in 1873 in England. The game is also rooted in China, Greece and India. Learn more about badminton and how to write a paragraph on badminton in this article.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on badminton in 100 words, paragraph on badminton in 150 words, paragraph on badminton in 200 words, paragraph on badminton in 250 words, frequently asked questions on badminton paragraph.

Badminton is an indoor game that needs a lot of energy and is suitable for physical fitness. This game is played with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock and does not need a lot of players. It can be played with one or two players in each team. Some of the best badminton players in India are Saina Nehwal, P.V. Sindhu, P. Gopichand, Srikant Kadambi, and P. Kashyap. These players represent India in badminton in various tournaments around the world.

Badminton is an indoor game that is controlled by the Badminton World Federation (BWF) globally. This game necessitates a lot of energy and is beneficial to one’s physical fitness. This sport is played using a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. It is a game that can be played by one or two players on each side.  Saina Nehwal, P.V. Sindhu, P. Gopichand, Srikant Kadambi, and P. Kashyap are among India’s greatest badminton players. In various tournaments around the world, these badminton players represent India. The name ‘badminton’ is taken from a country estate owned by the Dukes of Beaufort in England. The game was first played in 1873 in England. Its roots can be further traced to Ancient Greece, China and India. It is a very simple game to play as it does not have a lot of rules and regulations, and there are fewer chances of injuries in this game.

Badminton is a global indoor sport governed by the Badminton World Federation (BWF). This game requires a lot of energy and is good for physical fitness. A lightweight racket and a shuttlecock are used in this sport. It is a game that each side with one or two players can play. This game doesn’t have too many complicated rules, making it simple to play. Among India’s best badminton players are Saina Nehwal, P.V. Sindhu, P. Gopichand, Srikant Kadambi, and P. Kashyap. These badminton players represent India in various tournaments around the world. The name ‘badminton’ comes from a country estate in England owned by the Dukes of Beaufort. The game was first played in England in 1873, and its roots can be traced to China, Greece, and India. This game is played at the national and international levels. A lot of regional and zonal tournaments are also held in the country. The best part about the game is it can be played by people of all age groups and of any gender.

Badminton is an indoor sport that is governed by the Badminton World Federation (BWF). The BWF was established in the year 1934, and the first championship was arranged in the year 1977. The players of this game require a lot of energy and are found physically fit. To play this game, a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock are required. Previously, players used cork to play this game, but now, with the permission of BWF, a synthetic shuttlecock is used. This game can be played in singles or doubles, meaning with either one or two players on each side of the badminton court. This game is simple; it does not have any complicated rules and has fewer chances of injuries. The best part about the game is it can be played by people of all age groups and of any gender. Among India’s best badminton players are Saina Nehwal, P.V. Sindhu, P. Gopichand, Srikant Kadambi, and P. Kashyap. These badminton players represent India in various tournaments around the world. The name ‘badminton’ is taken from a country estate owned by the Dukes of Beaufort in England. The game was first played in 1873 in England, and its roots can be traced to China, Greece and India. Badminton is famous in countries like Denmark, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. This game is played not only at the national and international levels but also in various schools and colleges.

Which is the governing body of badminton?

The Badminton World Federation (BWF) is the governing body of badminton worldwide. It was established in 1934.

When and where was the first badminton tournament played?

The first badminton tournament was held in England in 1873. After the establishment of the BWF, the first championship under the BWF was held in 1977.

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Essay on Badminton

Read essay badminton in English language in 300 words. Know more about an essay on my favourite game badminton for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Essay on Badminton

Essay on Badminton 300 Words

Badminton is a common sport played widely in different countries. It involves the use of a racquet and a shuttlecock that is hit back and forth across the net between the two players or team. The badminton racquets used in the game are lightweight and have oblong-shaped hitting web made of steel. The rod of the racquet is made up of rubber grip which makes it easy to hold it during the game. The shuttlecock contains a small ball at the bottom with the feathers all around. 

The badminton court is divided into two parts with the net and the players wear lightweight shoes so that they can move swiftly to hit the shuttlecock in the opponent’s region.

The primary objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock quickly with the racquet so that it touches the floor of the opponent’s court. On the other hand, the opponent makes the best possible efforts to stop the shuttlecock from falling on the ground and to hit it back. Usually, a match is held between two individual opponents or two pairs. 

There are numerous benefits of playing badminton as it is a kind of physical exercise of the body and the mind. It makes us physically fit and increases our muscle strength. It helps in making our body flexible and also builds up athleticism in us. In addition to this, it also acts as a great stress buster and reduces our anxiety and depression issues. Moreover, it is great for our overall well-being as it makes us physically active and reduces the risk of high BP, obesity and diabetes. The most prominent benefit of playing badminton is that it helps in weight loss as it promotes calorie burn and thus reduces your weight. 

Therefore, playing badminton is a great way to strengthen your muscles and enhance your quality of life. One must indulge in playing badminton in their spare time so as to live a stress-free and healthy life.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton in English for Students Exams

January 8, 2024 entranciology Full Essays and Articles For All Competitive Exams 0

In the realm of sports and physical activities, one game has etched itself into the fabric of my life, providing not only a source of recreation but also a passion that fuels my competitive spirit – badminton. The swift movements, the precision required, and the sheer joy of hitting a well-executed shot make badminton my favourite game, offering a unique blend of physical fitness, skill development, and pure enjoyment.

First and foremost, badminton is a sport that demands agility, speed, and endurance. The rapid back-and-forth movements across the court, coupled with the sudden bursts of energy required for powerful smashes, make it an excellent cardiovascular workout. Engaging in badminton not only helps maintain physical fitness but also enhances overall stamina, reflexes, and coordination. The dynamic nature of the game keeps players on their toes, making it an exciting and invigorating activity.

Furthermore, the game of badminton is a test of skill and strategy. The delicate interplay between offense and defense, the art of placing the shuttlecock precisely within the opponent’s court, and the split-second decision-making required contribute to the intellectual appeal of the sport. Each rally is a strategic dance, requiring players to anticipate their opponent’s moves, adapt to changing situations, and execute precise shots. This mental stimulation adds a layer of complexity that keeps the game intriguing and challenging.

Moreover, badminton is a sport that fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship. Whether playing singles or doubles, the game encourages teamwork, communication, and mutual support. The shared victories and defeats build a sense of unity among players, creating lasting bonds that extend beyond the court. The etiquette of the game, including respecting opponents, acknowledging good shots, and maintaining a fair and friendly atmosphere, contributes to the positive spirit of badminton.

Additionally, the accessibility of badminton adds to its appeal. Unlike some sports that require elaborate equipment or specific playing conditions, badminton can be enjoyed in various settings – be it a professional court, a community center, or even a backyard. The simplicity of the game makes it inclusive, allowing people of all ages and skill levels to participate and enjoy its benefits.

In conclusion, badminton holds a special place in my heart as my favourite game. Its combination of physical activity, strategic thinking, and social interaction makes it a holistic and enjoyable pursuit. The joy of chasing a shuttlecock, the thrill of a well-executed rally, and the friendships forged on the court make badminton not just a game but a lifestyle. As I continue to engage in this dynamic and spirited sport, I am reminded of the enduring impact it has had on my well-being and personal growth.

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Judy Devlin Hashman, Record-Holding Badminton Champion, Dies at 88

She won 10 singles titles at the prestigious all-England championships.

A young Judy Devlin Hashman plays badminton dressed in an all white uniform.

By Victor Mather

Judy Devlin Hashman, who won the all-England badminton singles championships 10 times, more than any other player, man or woman, died on Monday in Oxford, England. She was 88.

Her son Geoff Hashman confirmed the death, saying she had been in cancer hospice care.

Before badminton established a world championship or joined the Olympics, the All England Open Badminton Championships was the sport’s pinnacle. Hashman won the women’s singles title in that event for the first time in 1954 at age 18. Then she added her record-setting nine more, the last in 1967.

She also won seven women’s doubles titles, six of them with her sister Susan Devlin, later known as Susan Peard.

Judy Devlin was born on Oct. 22, 1935, in Winnipeg, Canada, the daughter of J. Frank Devlin, a badminton coach who excelled at several sports, and Grace (Steed) Devlin, a scientist who was a good enough tennis player to play doubles at Wimbledon. The family moved to Maryland when Judy was a child. She went on to attend Goucher College in Baltimore, graduating in 1958.

Her total of 17 titles at the all-England championships is tied for third behind Sir George Thomas and her father, who both played in the 1920s.

She also played field hockey, lacrosse and tennis, but made badminton her No. 1 priority. “I started badminton at age 7, at my choice,” she told the Badminton World Federation in 2020. Her father had suggested tennis, but she “didn’t want that,” she said.

“One of the neighbors was playing badminton in the backyard,” she recalled. “I can remember so well pointing across and saying: ‘That’s the one I want to play. The one that has the long name.’ But I couldn’t remember the name.”

She recounted how her father would stand at the bottom of a hill, and “I had to throw a ball into his hand without him having to move his arm.”

“It was all guided by the follow-through,” she said. “That’s basically what gave me accuracy in badminton.”

After she married George Cecil Kenneth Hashman, an Englishman known as Dick, who worked for the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, in 1960, she began to enter tournaments under the name Judy Hashman.

She made every all-England final from 1954 to 1967 — except 1965, when she had given birth to Geoff two months earlier. (She still had made the fourth round.)

In addition to her son Geoff, she is survived by another son, Joe; her sister, Ms. Peard; and a grandson. Her husband died in 2021.

“Despite her significant sporting achievements, Mum always remained modest and shunned the limelight,” Geoff Hashman said.

For her final all-England title in 1967 , Hashman faced a formidable challenge from Noriko Takagi of Japan, who had defeated her that year at the Uber Cup, a team competition. In the deciding set, Hashman trailed by 5-1 but fought back to record a 12-10 victory for her 10th title.

She also won 12 U.S. singles titles, the last one in 1967, after which she retired. “I accomplished what I set out to accomplish,” she told Sports Illustrated at the time. “This game takes a lot out of you both physically and mentally. I have nothing more to gain from it. And besides, if you’ve been good in a sport, you don’t like to play to less than your best, and I’m not willing to devote the time it would take to do that.”

Her accomplishments earned her a place in the International Badminton Hall of Fame.

Her game was known for its simplicity. “Daddy always thought the simplest shot for anything was the least tiring,” she told Sports Illustrated, “and that there was no point in a fancy windup.”

Because badminton was an amateur sport, Hashman supported herself by teaching English and geography at Josca’s Preparatory School (now Abingdon Prep) in Abingdon, England.

“You didn’t play in it for the money,” she said of the all-England championships in a video interview . “If you played badminton, that was the one thing you wanted to do more than anything else. That was sufficient.”

With expenses, the sport was a net negative financially. “It was a hobby,” she said. “And you spend money on your hobbies — everyone does.”

In retirement, Hashman said, she seldom watched the modern game, which offers prize money, although nothing like what tennis and other major sports pay. “It’s all fitness; none of us could be so fit” as amateurs, she said in a 2020 video posted by the all-England championships. “My fitness regime was 10 minutes a day.”

In retirement, she wrote several books, including her autobiography, “Badminton a Champion’s Way.”

In 1970, Hashman had achieved enough celebrity status to merit an appearance on the staple BBC radio program “Desert Island Discs.” Asked what she would want to take with her to a desert island, she selected songs by Mitch Miller, Perry Como and Mario Lanza, with “Camelot” by Richard Burton as her top choice. Her chosen book was the “Anthology of English Verse,” and her luxury item was a stamp album.

Although tennis champions have always received more attention, Hashman said she had no regrets about her choice.

“Tennis is very slow; you have a lot of time in between to fret,” she told the Badminton World Federation. “Badminton is much quicker, the brain has to keep working all the time, there’s no resting.”

She added: “Temperamentally, badminton suited me that way. I can’t see this beating around the bush, having a lot of time to do things. Just get on with it and be done with it.”

Derrick Taylor contributed reporting from London.

Victor Mather , who has been a reporter and editor at The Times for 25 years, covers sports and breaking news. More about Victor Mather

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Essay on Playground for Children in English for School Students

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  • May 21, 2024

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Essay on Playground: A playground is a vibrant space where children engage in recreational activities, fostering physical, social, and cognitive development. It serves as a haven for exploration, creativity, and joyful interactions, promoting health and well-being in communities worldwide. Let’s discuss an essay on playground to understand their importance in our lives.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Physical Development
  • 1.2 Social Interaction
  • 1.3 Cognitive Stimulation
  • 1.4 Safety Measures
  • 1.5 Community Engagement
  • 1.6 Conclusion
  • 2 Essay on Playground in 200 Words

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Essay on Playground in 500 Words

Playgrounds serve as more than mere recreational spaces; they are essential arenas for fostering children’s holistic development. With a blend of physical challenges, social interactions, and cognitive stimulation, playgrounds play a pivotal role in shaping the future generation.

Physical Development

At the heart of playgrounds lies the promotion of physical activity, crucial for developing gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. Climbing structures strengthen muscles, while swings promote sensory integration and spatial awareness. The varied terrain encourages exploration, enhancing agility and proprioception. Additionally, outdoor play fosters a connection with nature, promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing the risk of childhood obesity.

Social Interaction

Playgrounds act as bustling hubs where children learn vital social skills. Through unstructured play, they navigate social dynamics, negotiate conflicts, and develop empathy. Cooperative games foster teamwork and communication, while imaginative play encourages creativity and problem-solving. Moreover, playgrounds facilitate interactions across diverse backgrounds, fostering inclusivity and cultural understanding.

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Cognitive Stimulation

Beyond physical activity, playgrounds provide valuable cognitive stimulation. Imaginative play nurtures creativity and divergent thinking as children invent scenarios and role-play different roles. Navigating playground equipment enhances spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills. By experimenting with cause and effect, children learn valuable lessons about risk-taking and decision-making.

Safety Measures

While playgrounds offer numerous benefits, safety remains paramount. Proper surfacing materials, such as rubber mulch or synthetic turf, cushion falls and reduce injuries. Regular maintenance ensures equipment remains safe and functional, while supervision by caregivers promotes responsible play. Furthermore, inclusive design principles accommodate children of all abilities, creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

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Community Engagement

Playgrounds serve as focal points for community engagement, fostering social connections among families. They provide opportunities for parents to interact while their children play, strengthening neighbourhood bonds. Community-led initiatives, such as volunteer clean-up efforts or fundraising for new equipment, promote a sense of ownership and pride in local parks.

Playgrounds are indispensable for children’s development, offering a multifaceted approach to physical, social, and cognitive growth. By providing safe and stimulating environments for play, communities can nurture the next generation of healthy, empathetic, and creative individuals. Recognizing the importance of outdoor play in a digital age, investing in playgrounds becomes essential for building resilient and thriving communities. Through collaboration and commitment, we can ensure that playgrounds remain vibrant spaces where children can thrive and flourish.

Essay on Playground in 200 Words

A.1 A playground, playpark, or play area is a place designed to provide an environment for children that facilitates play, typically outdoors.

A.2 My school has the largest playground in the entire city, This playground is better than the other one. We play in the playground in the evening. The playground is swampy because of rain.

A.3 A playground is made for physical and sporty activities like running, jumping, football, cricket, badminton, hockey, etc.

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Malaysia Masters 2024 badminton: PV Sindhu wins opening match in straight games

The two-time Olympic medallist defeated Scotland’s Kirsty Gilmour in 46 minutes. Ashmita Chaliha and Kiran George also won their respective singles matches.

PV Sindhu of India.

Former world champion PV Sindhu progressed to the second round of the Malaysia Masters 2024 badminton women’s singles event at the Axiata Arena in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Wednesday.

PV Sindhu, 15th in the latest badminton world rankings , defeated her world No. 22 opponent 21-17, 21-16 in a 46-minute opening-round clash.

Sindhu, who had recently skipped the Uber Cup and Thailand Open, will face world No. 34 Sim Yu Jin of the Republic of Korea in the second round of the BWF Super 500 tournament.

The Indian badminton player is searching for her first BWF title since winning the Singapore Open back in 2022.

Ashmita Chaliha will join the two-time Olympic medallist Sindhu in the second round of the women’s singles.

Chaliha, world No. 53, picked up a 21-17, 21-16 victory over 89th-ranked Lin Sih Yun of Chinese Taipei in 32 minutes. She will face world No. 10 Beiwen Zhang of the USA in the next round.

Meanwhile, 16-year-old Unnati Hooda , who made it to the main draw from the qualifiers, failed to overcome world No. 32 Gao Fang Jie of China. Hooda, ranked 60th, went down fighting 21-13, 21-18.

World No. 40 Aakarshi Kashyap also failed to progress to the second round. She suffered a 24-22, 21-13 loss to world No. 7 Wang Zhi Yi of the People’s Republic of China.

Kiran George, India’s lone representative in men’s singles, secured a 21-16, 21-17 win against world No. 39 Takuma Obayashi of Japan after a 41-minute match. George, ranked 36th in the world, will face world No. 10 Lee Zii Jia of Malaysia in the next round.

In the mixed doubles, India’s B Sumeeth Reddy and Sikki Reddy, world No. 53, progressed to the second round after beating 239th-ranked Lui Chun Wai and Fu Chi Yan of Hong Kong China 21-15, 12-21, 21-17. They will square off against top seeds Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei of Malaysia next.

Meanwhile, SK Karunakaran and Aadya Variath lost to sixth seeds Dejan Ferdinansyah and Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja of Indonesia 21-16, 21-13 in their mixed doubles opening round match.

Krishna Prasad Garaga and Sai Pratheek K emerged victorious in their men’s doubles first-round encounter against Ming Che Lu and Tang Kai Wei of Chinese Taipei. Having secured a 23-21, 21-11 win in 35 minutes, they will face the third-seeded Chinese pair of He Ji Ting and Ren Xiang Yu in the next round.


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    Long Essay on Badminton 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Badminton is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Badminton is a game that is mainly played indoors with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. Anciently, a small cork was instead of the shuttlecock, with a hemisphere, and 16 geese were attached to it, weighing about 5 grams.

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    Practising essays on similar topics like Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton will boost your writing skills. History of Badminton. Badminton was earlier known as Poona or Poonah when British Army officers started playing the game at Pune in 1860. The name Badminton derives from the Duke of Beaufort's Badminton House in Gloucestershire.

  7. Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Favourite Game - Badminton. Badminton is an indoor game that is played with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. Historically, the shuttlecock was a small cork with a hemisphere with 16 geese that was attached and weighing about 5 grams. So, these types of the shuttle may still be useful nowadays.

  8. Essay on Badminton in English for School Students in 500 Words

    Read this essay on badminton in English to learn more about this sport. Download this Essay on Badminton in PDF Here Badminton Game. A light-weight racket and a shuttlecock are used to play the indoor sport of badminton. The shuttlecock used to be a little cork with a globe attached that had 16 geese on it. It weighed around 5 grams.

  9. Essay on Badminton: In 100 to 500 Words

    10 Lines on Essay on Badminton in English. 1. After cricket, in India, Badminton is the second most popular game. 2. It is an indoor game, but it can also be played outside. 3. It is a sport which is played using lightweight "racquet" and shuttlecock on both sides of the net. 4.

  10. Essay on Badminton

    500 Words Essay on Badminton Introduction to Badminton. Badminton is a dynamic and exciting racquet sport that is played by millions of people worldwide. The game's origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations in Europe and Asia, but it was in England during the 19th century where it was formalized and gained popularity.

  11. Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton

    You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. Long and Short Essays on My Favourite Game Badminton for Students and Kids in English. We provide children and students with essays and an extended essay of 500 words and short writing of 150 words on the topic "Badminton" for reference.

  12. Essay On Badminton Game in English for Classes 1,2,3 Children: 10 Lines

    Here are 10 lines on my favourite game, badminton, for an essay for classes 1 and 2. Playing badminton increases natural immunity. I love playing badminton, and it's a fun sport. At least 2 to 4 players are needed to play this game. My brother plays with me, and also knows the benefits of playing badminton.

  13. Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton for Students in English

    January 2, 2021 by Sandeep. Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton: Badminton is accepted globally as the fastest racket game. It is played with rackets and shuttlecock. It is preferably an indoor game. It keeps the body active, agile and well maintained. It is popularly played during the winter season. It offers strength and immunity to the ...

  14. Short Essay: Badminton

    Badminton is a popular racket sport that is played all over the world. It is a fast-paced game that requires quick reflexes, agility, and hand-eye coordination. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent's court. Players can compete in singles or doubles matches, and the sport can be played both ...

  15. 100 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton In English

    100 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton In English. My favourite game is badminton. Badminton is a game that can be played as singles or doubles. The side that gets 21 points first would emerge as the victor. Badminton is considered an excellent sport and is played both nationally and internationally. It is a popular Olympic sport.

  16. Badminton

    badminton, court or lawn game played with lightweight rackets and a shuttlecock.Historically, the shuttlecock (also known as a "bird" or "birdie") was a small cork hemisphere with 16 goose feathers attached and weighing about 0.17 ounce (5 grams). These types of shuttles may still be used in modern play, but shuttles made from synthetic materials are also allowed by the Badminton World ...

  17. Badminton

    Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most common forms of the game are "singles" (with one player per side) and "doubles" (with two players per side). Badminton is often played as a casual outdoor activity in a yard or on a beach; formal games are ...

  18. Paragraph on Badminton

    Paragraph on Badminton - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words. Badminton is a type of indoor game which is played between either two teams or two players. It is one of the best indoor games for an individual's physical fitness. The game is played with a racket and a shuttlecock. Badminton was first played in 1873 in England.

  19. Essay on My Favourite Game/Sport Badminton In English

    👇Visit Website To Read This Essay :👇Playlist : My Favourite Game...

  20. Essay on Badminton in English Language for Students 300 Words

    Essay on Badminton 300 Words. Badminton is a common sport played widely in different countries. It involves the use of a racquet and a shuttlecock that is hit back and forth across the net between the two players or team. The badminton racquets used in the game are lightweight and have oblong-shaped hitting web made of steel.

  21. Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

    Rules of badminton. The rules of this game are pretty simple and easy to understand. The first one is that the game can allow two or four players to play at once, and each player must have a racket. The whole game can be played by one single shuttlecock. There is a net used in this game, and if there are two players, they have to stand on ...

  22. Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton in English for Students Exams

    Furthermore, the game of badminton is a test of skill and strategy. The delicate interplay between offense and defense, the art of placing the shuttlecock precisely within the opponent's court, and the split-second decision-making required contribute to the intellectual appeal of the sport.

  23. Judy Devlin Hashman, Record-Holding Badminton Champion, Dies at 88

    Judy Devlin was born on Oct. 22, 1935, in Winnipeg, Canada, the daughter of J. Frank Devlin, a badminton coach who excelled at several sports, and Grace (Steed) Devlin, a scientist who was a good ...

  24. Essay on Playground for Children in English for School Students

    Cooperative games foster teamwork and communication, while imaginative play encourages creativity and problem-solving. Moreover, playgrounds facilitate interactions across diverse backgrounds, fostering inclusivity and cultural understanding. Quick Read: Essay on Voting Rights in India: 500 Words in English for Students. Cognitive Stimulation

  25. Malaysia Masters 2024 badminton: PV Sindhu beats Kristy Gilmour on return

    Former world champion PV Sindhu progressed to the second round of the Malaysia Masters 2024 badminton women's singles event at the Axiata Arena in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Wednesday.. PV Sindhu, 15th in the latest badminton world rankings, defeated her world No. 22 opponent 21-17, 21-16 in a 46-minute opening-round clash.. Sindhu, who had recently skipped the Uber Cup and Thailand Open ...

  26. Celebrate Minecraft's 15th Anniversary with Sales & Giveaways

    Celebrate 15 years of Minecraft! Shop the Minecraft anniversary sale to take 50% off all games until June 15th and enjoy 15 days of free giveaways and collectible wallpapers.