business management assignment sample pdf

Assignment on Business Management: Quick Guide

business management assignment sample pdf

What is Business Management Assignment

College curriculums are loaded with unfamiliar subjects, and students often feel lost. The first assignments are usually the hardest to get done, and a little help would be nice. If you are a beginner facing this challenge and are asking all around 'what is business management' or how it differs from business administration, you have come to the right place. This quick guide will explain the basics of the management of business and will provide topics of business management essays.

To put it simply, business management is a process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the organizational resources to achieve the company's objectives. While business administration concentrates on the organization's day-to-day operations, business management focuses on the overall process.

Business management is vital for a successful business. A business manager's job is to make strategic decisions, allocate resources, hire the best employees, and ensure the company meets its business objectives.

A business management assignment helps students demonstrate their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real scenarios and prepare them for future challenges. While the structure of the assignment is not foreign to experienced students, it covers a wide range of topics. It could involve operations management, financial and human resources management, organizational behavior, etc.

In the following chapters, you will find useful tips, a formal structure, and a general outline of a business management essay. Down below, there is a list of essay topics you could write a magnificent essay about. To clarify things, here is a business assignment sample essay. Our college essay writing services will provide a business essay crafted to meet the highest standards of your university.

How to Write a Business Assignment: Helpful Tips

Even though every essay structure and general outline resembles one another for each type, there are still many intricate details that you should consider when writing a business management assignment.

Let's move on to discuss constructing an impressive business paper without wasting time making mistakes. The following guide will save you the trouble of extensive research on how to polish an academic paper and help you reach the academic success you deserve.

If you don't have much free time on your hands, our exceptional custom essay writing service is also a great option. Let us know what is due, and we will deliver unforgettable reports on business management.

how to write business

Choose Relevant Business Management Topics

Start by implementing a general to a specific approach. Think about the areas of your expertise and how it links with the business assignment. A topic you feel comfortable writing will help you construct a high-quality and meaningful research paper.

Writing about the topics of business you feel passionate about will make the process more engaging and enjoyable. Consider your audience, and make the topic meet their needs. This will help you write an informative and engaging paper. Be relevant. Stay up to date with trending topics of business management. Choose a topic about an important issue and provide new perspectives or even a solution. Filling in the existing gaps will help your essay stand out.

Narrowing down the scope is always a good idea. The specific topic will make your work more manageable and keep you focused. A broad topic is always difficult to cover, but narrowing it down too much can limit your research options. Thus, balance is the key!

Maintain Your Management Assignment Structure

Maintaining the structure of the assignment is crucial. Make sure to keep your ideas coherent and your essay easy to follow. Whether you are writing about international business management or organizational structure, the most important thing is simply communicating your ideas to the readers.

Start by following the course guideline. Make sure you understand every component. Usually, professors give out this kind of map to determine the structure, format, and length of the management of business assignments.

Before you start writing, create an outline. Organize your thoughts and ideas and stay on track. Use headings and subheadings to break up your assignment into sections. Start with a strong introduction and an easy-to-digest thesis statement. Follow it with comprehensive body paragraphs. Here you can provide your arguments, show other people's work, and communicate with the audience about the problems you've discovered. Use transitional sentences to connect your ideas and eventually to the bigger picture. Finally, write a powerful conclusion that ties everything up. Showcase your ability to link various arguments to one another.

Following our guidelines will bring clarity and coherence to your writing. Well-structured and easy-to-follow essays always get positive feedback from their readers.

Analyze Topics of Business, Don't Repeat

Analyzing business paper topics can get tricky, especially for beginners who have to develop their writing style. Chances are you will repeat the same argument several times to make it look more convincing. But answering the question 'what is business management' several times with different words will only make your paper look unprofessional.

It's tricky, but there are ways to avoid repeating the arguments. Do the prior research. Acquiring knowledge will expand your horizon, and you won't feel the need to repeat the same sentence couple of times. Create the general outline. Knowing the order of your essay elements will help you avoid restating the same information twice.

Besides the general outline, it's a good idea to list all the key points and prioritize them. This way, you will cover every important detail in your essay. Last but not least, consider alternative perspectives. If you incorporate opposing viewpoints, you will enrich the paper and show off your writing skill level.

Provide Rationale for Your Business Assignment

It is trivial, but for safety reasons, let's point out: an argument without supporting evidence is not valid. The same goes for the topics of business management essay. You must provide a rationale for every stage of the essay.

Being able to provide supporting evidence demonstrates strong research abilities. Writing a well-reasoned essay requires thorough research. Providing rationale and citing sources in the assignment shows that the writer has done their best. Besides looking professional, it will be easier to convince the reader about the credibility of your argument if they can see the reasoning behind it. If you can explain why you think what you think, it shows that you have considered opposing viewpoints. Critical thinking is one of the most important aspects of the writing process.

Writing essays about the management of business takes extensive research. If the deadline is too close and there is not enough time to master the art of writing, you can go to the website and check out our custom research papers writing service . Our team of professional writers is always here to help you.

Use Formal Language in Your Business Assignment

In business, academia, or any other professional setting, we use formal language. It strictly adheres to the rules of grammar, tone, and vocabulary.

Formal language helps to establish a professional tone in A management assignment which supports creating a positive impression on the reader. Using formal language also increases the clarity of the arguments. Formal language is more precise, which can help avoid ambiguity and confusion.

No matter which business management topic assignment you write, having a respectful relationship with your audience is crucial. Formal language and correctly chosen vocabulary can take you a long way. It shows respect to the reader and the topic also.

Thus, you must avoid using slang, vocabulary unsuitable for the audience, contractions, and other unprofessional language or tone forms. And if you are reading all these, you are thinking, 'why can't somebody else write an essay for me ,' visit our website, and your wish will become a reality in no time. Get top-notch essays tailored to your specific requirements.

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Business Management Topics

Mastering the art of constructing an impressive essay is only one-half of the job. First of all, you need an engaging topic. Our team has prepared a comprehensive list of business management topics to write about. From operations to business process management, explore a list of topics covering a wide range of fields, choose the one that excites you the most, and start implementing the freshly acquired knowledge.

International Business Management Topics

Our experienced writers have gathered the 20 most engaging topics about international business management. Explore the list and find the most attractive one:

  • Exploring management concepts in international business
  • Cross-cultural challenges in achieving Organizational goals
  • The challenges of the first line managers in international organizations
  • Key strategies for managing international business operations in an efficient and effective manner
  • Maximizing international business success through effective human resource management strategies
  • Navigating global business challenges through effective management of cultural intelligence
  • Effective leadership strategies for international business management
  • Cross-cultural communication as an essential part of international business management
  • The link between happy employees and successful international business management
  • Maximizing global business performance through effective staff managers
  • Leveraging various resources for competitive advantage
  • Understanding the universal phenomenon of cross-cultural communication challenges
  • Foreign direct investment and risks for international businesses
  • Sustainability in international business
  • Challenges of corporate governance in international businesses
  • The role of ethical leadership as an essential part of international business management
  • Developing a high degree of cross-cultural competence
  • Managing global value chains: integrating all the activities in international business management
  • The importance of cultural awareness in international business management
  • The role of self-confidence in international business management

Operations Management Assignment Topics

Below you will find the most relevant and moderns operations management assignment topics:

  • Enhancing Organizational Performance through Effective Operations Management and Managerial Skills
  • The role of organizational chart in effective operations management
  • The impact of executive functions on operations management
  • The role of operations management in achieving success at a shareholder meeting
  • The importance of understanding human behavior in operations management
  • Leveraging consumer insights based on market research
  • Optimizing group dynamics in operations management
  • Leadership and strategies of general managers in operations management
  • Planning effectively: best practices for operations management
  • Tools, techniques, and approaches for a good knowledge base in operations management
  • How to manage an organization effectively: operations management strategies
  • The role of operations management in organizational development
  • Achieving efficiency and productivity through simple form and process
  • The role of independent decision-making in operations management
  • Management theories: How to plan effectively toward organizational success
  • Optimizing human activities for the entire organization's success
  • Streamlining operations management for a particular job: important strategies for effectiveness
  • From plans decided to action implemented: the importance of effective operations management
  • Provide guidance for upper management: strategies for leadership and direction
  • Balancing technology and human beings for global success

Business Process Management Topics

Explore 20 more topics about business process management:

  • Strategies for implementing effective business process management principles across the entire organization
  • The role of human effort and organizational structure in achieving operational excellence
  • How successful managers utilize basic principles for achieving operational excellence
  • Interplay between management principles and executive function in driving business process
  • Achieving synergy between top management and other employees for improved operational efficiency
  • The crucial role of company leadership in aligning objectives and strengthening decision making
  • A critical analysis of management theories: exploring the role of functional managers in achieving goals
  • Optimizing the management process to achieve organizational goals
  • Effective business process management consists of strategic allocation for company growth
  • How to manage challenges created by leadership and top management
  • Optimizing business process management through collaborative efforts between top managers and the best employees
  • Crucial managerial skills: Optimizing processes through nurturing talent and celebrating human efforts
  • The role of the functional manager in talent acquisition and optimizing human resource management
  • Why business process management involves determining the journey, not just the destination
  • Aligning employee decision-making with business objectives
  • How process-centered leadership empowers organizations to manage change
  • Process improvement through agile methodologies
  • The evolution of process management thought
  • The role of information technology in business process management
  • The impact of business process management on customer satisfaction and retention

Additional Interesting Topics of Business

If you can choose from a wide range of topics, this list is for you. Impress your professor with an intriguing topic assignment:

  • Measuring the ROI: Key metrics and techniques for demonstrating value to stakeholders
  • Effective change management: how to implement and adapt
  • Digital transformation in business management
  • Strategies for handling and overcoming business crises
  • Strategies for reducing environmental impact and promoting social responsibility
  • Best practices and emerging trends for effective online branding
  • Strategies for driving innovation and creating a culture of creativity
  • Managing human resources in small business
  • Strategies for managing cash flow, budgets, and investments
  • The importance of market research and analysis for effective business management
  • Using game mechanics to improve employee performance and engagement
  • Strategies for effective time management and priorities in a busy workplace
  • Strategies and tactics for successful business deals
  • Emerging trends in remote work, automation, and AI
  • Benefits and best practices for reducing stress and improving productivity
  • Creating a workplace culture that fosters happy employees
  • How understanding human behavior can inform business decision making
  • Is servant leadership a new paradigm for effective business management?
  • Techniques for handling uncertainty and complexity in an organization
  • The role of entrepreneurial mindset and creativity in business success

Business Assignment Sample Essay

In the next section of the article, you will find a sample business management essay to help you understand how to structure and write a successful business assignment. Read through it carefully and take notes on the techniques used.

Further Academic Help

Are you struggling to come up with an assignment on management topic? Let us help you! Our online assignment writing service provides a comprehensive list of essay titles across various subjects to choose from, whether it's topics of business management or history assignment.

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Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

business management assignment sample pdf

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Fundamentals of Business - 4th Edition

(9 reviews)

business management assignment sample pdf

Stephen J. Skripak, Virginia Tech

Ron Poff, Virginia Tech

Copyright Year: 2023

ISBN 13: 9780997920178

Publisher: Virginia Tech Libraries

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Stacy McManus, Adjunct Professor, Minnesota West Community & Technical College on 2/16/23

The book did an excellent job of covering the basics of business. Everything that I cover in my course was covered in this book. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The book did an excellent job of covering the basics of business. Everything that I cover in my course was covered in this book.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

Book was very accurate, up-to-date and thorough.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The chapters were ordered thoughtfully and progressed in a manner which will help the students to learn the material. Content was up-to-date, and I don't feel that it will be situation where a new edition is required each year.

Clarity rating: 4

The book was clear and easy to understand.

Consistency rating: 4

The e-book is easy to navigate and follows a consistent pattern. The material is pleasing to the eye and is an easy read.

Modularity rating: 5

The chapters are set up well - not too long to lose interest but yet detailed and thorough.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The chapters and topics were arranged in a logical manner.

Interface rating: 5

I reviewed the e-book version and did not have any issues with the interface. The book was easy to navigate and the appearance was very professional.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors were immediately apparent.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

I did not notice anything offensive or concerning.

I was excited to find this OER book. It is well done, detailed, and thorough. I appreciated the test banks that were included. I would like to see some recommended activities for each chapter, but overall the book was excellent. I was happy to see an additional chapter on hospitality as well. I look forward to adopting this for my Foundations of Business class.

Reviewed by Marie Looby, adjunct instructor, Massasoit Community College on 6/5/21

Varied subject matters that progress logically and are covered in detail with terms well defined. Offers outside links for further enrichment. read more

Varied subject matters that progress logically and are covered in detail with terms well defined. Offers outside links for further enrichment.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Found no errors while moving through the text including the quizzes.

The book uses modern day examples that the student can relate to and reference. Although the examples are current the skills are timeless.

Clarity rating: 5

There are embedded links for sources allowing students to access backup while reading online.

Consistency rating: 5

The text shows all the same tools throughout making it easy for students to develop study skills for this book.

The text is organized in chapters with mini quizzes built in as the subject veers in a different direction in each chapter.

The chapters build on the skills and knowledge as they go along eg: group think.

No navigation problems. While clicking on various links there were no difficulties reaching the sources.

Well done and consistent grammar.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

Illustrations showed diversity

The materials were interesting enough to encourage you to continue reading.

Reviewed by Steve Lesh, Associate Professor, Bowling Green State University on 1/8/21

I must first state that I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy educator who holds a PhD in Business which is not a common combination of degree paths. I was intrigued by the possibility of adding more business theory to my health service administration... read more

I must first state that I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy educator who holds a PhD in Business which is not a common combination of degree paths. I was intrigued by the possibility of adding more business theory to my health service administration courses, but the cost has been historically prohibitive to the students in my experience. We utilize a niche health care admin textbook which misses some of the greater foundational business skills. When this opportunity presented to review materials that I could add to my course without adding cost, I was very pleased. I find Skripak to be comprehensive with the added bonus of my favorite chapter #18 Personal Finances which for Physical Therapy students who typically leave school with great debt to be invaluable!

I found the materials to be easy to read, well organized and did not find errors. I really enjoyed the links to external videos that supported the concepts. I feel the presentation was unbiased.

As this is the second edition with a 2018 publish date it was very current, however, I noticed after I began reading the 2nds edition that a 3rd edition (2020) has been released which updates figures, graphs, and some of the recent law changes. Having the book turn over that quickly makes it even a greater value to me as the instructor and to the student. I appreciate the relevance of being able to submit suggestions or corrections to the author and that they are making a test bank available in support of this material! Doesn't get much better than that!

Well written and not overly technical. The narrative flows well from the beginning to the end of each chapter.

From what I can tell, it is very consistent. I did not observe any changes in tone or terminology, but again, I am reading this through the eyes of someone who has earned a PhD in Business, so it is all very familiar to me.

Modularity rating: 4

When you go to the website, you can easily download each chapter in bits []. I first started reviewing the full .pdf of the 2nd edition and found that it didn't have bookmarks for each chapter so the scrolling was a bit annoying. I would add that piece to the full .pdf if possible and it appears they did that in the 3rd ed. However, the module approach online eliminates the need for a full book .pdf download.

Starts with teamwork which is perhaps one of the most important concepts in modern business. So I really appreciate that. The 18 chapters of the 2nd (and 3rd) edition cover all of the major elements of modern business. Certainly, each chapter could be expanded into it's own book. For example, Chapter 14 is Marketing, and there are full marketing textbooks, however, that is not the function of this book. The purpose is to take you through all of the major components of business as opposed to deep dives into each topic.

Again, I loved the interface with online videos. The links appeared to all work. Adds a multimedia approach to the words on the page.

I didn't see any that were obvious during my readings.

There were no elements that were culturally insensitive or offensive that I noted.

I look forward to integrating this open textbook into my Physical Therapy health service admin course as I can now get a glimpse of business fundamentals to supplement the health care niche that my students receive! Thank you for this opportunity. I do have some ideas for writing open textbooks and would be open to doing so. Steven G. Lesh

Reviewed by Babu George, Associate Professor, Fort Hays State University on 10/26/18

This book covers the overall landscape of contemporary businesses pretty well. While nothing significant is 'lacking', I would love to have the authors provide a chapter that quickly takes students through the history of business and another... read more

This book covers the overall landscape of contemporary businesses pretty well. While nothing significant is 'lacking', I would love to have the authors provide a chapter that quickly takes students through the history of business and another chapter that discusses the futuristic dimensions of business.

The contents are accurate. The authors have provided citations to key claims. The references have hyperlinks to more scholarly resources on topics discussed in the book.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The contents are presented in a generalized manner - meaning, the book could stand the test of time for a significant duration. The dynamism of the contemporary businesses could have been captured better, however. The digital transformation of businesses and societies has made the life cycle of knowledge shorter. More stress on e-businesses and digital models would have made the book more relevant.

The authors have used simple English. Overall, the book is very accessible.

Yes, there is a unity of purpose and a sense of unity, throughout the book.

The chapters are stand-alone, for the most part. So, professors need not teach the content sequentially.

Ideas are organized systematically. Every chapter opens with a set of learning objectives and this gives direction to the learners. The students are asked to reflect upon certain key questions, from time to time. Answers to these question are then made available in the content discussed. At the end of each chapter, certain key takeaways are listed. This facilitates a natural form of learning.

No issue noted.

Well written.

No culturally insensitive use of language or images noted. However, in the forthcoming iterations, the authors are requested to bring in more dimensions of global businesses. Examples of business practices in other countries and cultures would add value.

One chapter (Chapter 15: Hospitality and Tourism) does not make a lot of sense. One might wonder why the authors devoted a full chapter for one industry! Why not similar chapters for other industries? It almost sounds like one of the authors had a chapter written for some other purpose, which needed to be inserted in this book. There are several other examples and case studies related to tourism in this book, too. Thinking of it positively, this book thus has an added advantages for students majoring in Hospitality and Tourism.

Reviewed by Mindy Bean, Faculty, Linn-Benton Community College on 6/19/18

The OER does well on covering topics in an introductory level business course. It adds a section that is not in typical business fundamental material of hospitality which compliments our new program that we started at our college. read more

The OER does well on covering topics in an introductory level business course. It adds a section that is not in typical business fundamental material of hospitality which compliments our new program that we started at our college.

The book is consistent with most material that is available.

The examples in the book are commonly used in most topics of basic business fundamentals. It should hold relevancy for 4-5 more years.

The book is clear in the writing that can be easily read. Business terms are well represented and explained thoroughly. The material is written well for a student's first time learning business and how to apply it to what is happening around them.

The book is consistent from chapter to chapter. The sources of material are well represented. Visuals compliment the written material.

The chapters are seamless with transition from topic to topic. It could easily be broken up into sections of reading during certain points in the course. This text seems to be set up well for student team work to learn on each important topic of business basics.

Chapters are organized in a good way to learn all material and have it related to each former chapter. Personally I will be teaching the chapters in a different order to complement a business plan being created by students.

Interface rating: 3

The book could use a few more visuals for students to relate to the material. Some of the visuals could use improvement, but as for the written material, it is clear and written well for beginners understanding business.

I did not find any grammatical errors.

Globalization section addresses cultural differences in a way that is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. It used examples of variety of countries and global management practices.

Reviewed by Jeff Bauer, Professor of Management & Dean, University of Cincinnati - Clermont on 3/27/18

The text is quite comprehensive covering: ECON, Ethics, Global Business, Forms of Ownership, Entre, MGMT, OB/OD, OM, Motivation, H/R, Unions, MKTG, Pricing, Hospitality MGMT, ACCT/FIN, and Personal FIN. Only areas "missing" = Information Systems... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The text is quite comprehensive covering: ECON, Ethics, Global Business, Forms of Ownership, Entre, MGMT, OB/OD, OM, Motivation, H/R, Unions, MKTG, Pricing, Hospitality MGMT, ACCT/FIN, and Personal FIN. Only areas "missing" = Information Systems and Data Analytics/Analysis.

Well researched and the sources are thoroughly documented.

With a 2016 publication date, it is up-to-date and should have a shelf life of several years. The biggest challenge will be updating the stories/vignettes as new information becomes available on the firms mentioned and technology inevitably impacts the content.

The material is easily accessible to the Introduction to Business student. Well written and the material flows well. Terms/jargon are thoroughly explained in the chapter and at the end of each chapter.

Consistency format for each of the chapters and interspersed well with photos, charts, and real-world stories.

The layout presents the material well and is easy to read. Chapter lengths and the length of the entire text fit well with the organization of a class over a semester.

I might organize the material a bit differently as the Global and Ethics items are early in the text and I might bump them to later in the term after additional terminology is learned and can be applied to that material. That said, overall the text is laid out logically and "like" content is connected in successive chapters, e.g. MGMT then OB/OD, etc.

Worked fine for me reading it on-screen.

I did not edit the text, but nothing glaring related to grammar jumped out at me.

On the contrary, I think the text tackles diversity head on and provides a good review of the 21st Century workplace and marketplace.

I am VERY likely to adopt this text for the next Intro to Business class that I teach.

Reviewed by Thomas Goodwin, Part-time Instructor, Miami University on 6/20/17

This text does a good job of introducing key functions of an organization (Marketing, HR, Accounting/Finance) as well as core principles such as ethics, legal issues, and economics. The material is appropriate for an introductory course to serve... read more

This text does a good job of introducing key functions of an organization (Marketing, HR, Accounting/Finance) as well as core principles such as ethics, legal issues, and economics. The material is appropriate for an introductory course to serve as the foundation for general business or to move on to a concentration in any of these business disciplines. There are two chapters that do not quite seem to fit in with the rest of the text: chapter 12 discusses Union/Management Issues, which makes sense in the flow of the book that it follows chapter 11 on HR, but for an introductory course the chapter 12 topic gets into a lot of HR detail not generally covered in an introductory course. Chapter 15 focuses on the hospitality and tourism industry. This is a very specific chapter embedded within the book about an industry while the rest of the book is mostly general information that could be applied to any number or types of organizations. Still, out of 17 chapters there are 15 solid chapters that provide great content and overview of the subject matter.

The book is written in an easy to read format with no noticeable grammatical errors or formatting issues. It is easy to find topics within chapters based on the layout, fonts, etc. The information itself is rooted in fundamental concepts of each chapter's topic or subject matter within the business discipline and there are no overt attempts to lead the reader in a particular manner to form bias or opinions, other than to establish critical thinking of topics.

While there are some examples that may seem somewhat dated, they are explained in a manner that is easy to understand and they are relevant (or "fit") within the context of the chapters and course concepts being discussed. The book is quite lengthy but given the 17 chapters that is to be expected. The author could probably eliminate two chapters on ancillary material to make it a shorter text but the chapters are not unnecessarily bloated for the sake of adding more vocabulary or unnecessary graphics.

The book uses easy to understand language, explains course concepts and terminology, and reinforces abstract ideas with examples. Overall it does a good job of relaying topics that are being introduced to students for the first time.

The text remains consistent in present tense tone of voice, chapter structure is organized consistently throughout the text, and the use of masculine vs. feminine language is muted so that it presents information to readers in a gender-neutral manner.

One could easily pick up this course text and only read select chapters that were of interest. Gaining an understanding of the legal topics (Chapter 5 Forms of Business Ownership) was not necessary to learning about subsequent chapters such as Marketing, HR, economics, etc. An instructor could pull needed material from this course text to supplement other teaching materials as well as to expand on the introductory materials contained herein to build out a more robust, in-depth course on any of the topics contained within this textbook.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

There is a very logical structure with the early chapters discussing types of business formation, teamwork, and ethics before moving to more operational activities such as financing, marketing, management and so forth. A few chapters could be reorganized. The ethics chapter could be moved to coincide with the legal (chapters 3 & 5) and there are two chapters that do not seem to fit with the introductory material (Chapter 12 on Unions and Chapter 15 on Hospitality & Tourism) but otherwise the book had a good flow of advancing through the broad goal of introducing multiple aspects of business.

Interface rating: 4

The book could use more graphs, pictures, diagrams, etc. to emphasize course concepts; however, the author made the textbook very easy to read (especially online) so the lack of numerous photos or graphics may conversely make it easier to download and read as plain text.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

There are no noticeable grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. There are a few figures that are either not labeled or are not appropriately referencing the course text where they are presented, leaving "floating images" in some places that have no meaning to the topic discussed. Figure 7.3 on page 167 is an example. There is a photo of someone's arm by a laptop and notepad next to sections discussing operational plans and planning for contingencies or crises.

Gender neutral language is used throughout the course text and no offensive references are made or examples presented. The textbook examples cover a wide array of businesses, industries, and geographical reference points.

This course is an excellent resource for a first-year business student that is seeking a broad overview of several business disciplines and to lead into more in-depth study of the course topics throughout an undergraduate curriculum.

Reviewed by Ann Strunk, Adjunct Instructor, Klamath Community College on 6/20/17

The text covers all the typical topics for introductory business course. The Chapter 15: Hospitality and Tourism is relevant to the increasing industry segment. The last chapter on Personal Finances does come after Chapter 16 Accounting but seems... read more

The text covers all the typical topics for introductory business course. The Chapter 15: Hospitality and Tourism is relevant to the increasing industry segment. The last chapter on Personal Finances does come after Chapter 16 Accounting but seems out of place with no connection to the rest of the text.

There does not seem to be any errors or biases.

The textbook was recently written making issues and news items current. Social media marketing is thorough discussed. The Marketing chapter introduces the SAVE marketing model which is taking the place of the four Ps of the marketing mix. Historic ethics cases such as WorldCom and Bernie Madoff are presented.

Pages are of a simple layout with easy readability. All terms are defined and this would also be an appropriate text to use with high school dual credit courses.

Graphics are appealing and provide a distinct look for the various sections of the text. All chapters start with learning objectives and end with take-aways. The individual chapters are of various lengths. Chapter 12: Labor Unions covers just the one topic. Other chapters are much longer with up to seven sections.

There many chapters that could be assigned or presented in a different sequence. It is easy to find and refer to tables and divisions of the chapters.

I find the placement of teamwork as the preface could be very be very beneficial in setting up for class activities and useful for students as they become active in college clubs and organizations.

Effective graphics make the chapters and sections clear. There are very few photos and those are clear and useful.

I found no grammatical errors.

Cultural differences, of course, are addressed in Chapter 4: Globalization of Business. Although there are few photos only one features a person of color.

While the chapter concepts are summarized with "Key Take-Aways", there is no end of chapter "check for understanding" such as review questions, discussions, or activities. Adoption of this textbook would require significant development of assessment tools. The references section at the end of the book is organized by chapter and provides a valuable resource of website hyperlinks.

Reviewed by Ehsan Salek, Professor of Business, Virginia Wesleyan College on 2/8/17

The text has an extensive coverage and actually has several chapters one doesn't normally find in an introductory textbook on business. If this was a traditional textbook, I would not adopt it since there are superfluous chapters and sections that... read more

The text has an extensive coverage and actually has several chapters one doesn't normally find in an introductory textbook on business. If this was a traditional textbook, I would not adopt it since there are superfluous chapters and sections that I would not want in the book but since I can custom-make an electronic copy, I would cut the unnecessary section.

The content is standard and can be found in many similar textbooks. I did not find any errors or biased opinion. All assertions are backed by reputable sources.

In such a book, the only areas that need regular updating are the examples, vocabulary, and technology. 1. Examples must be current, real, and interesting for the students in order to drive home the issues. Most recent news from companies like Apple, Amazon, or Starbucks attract the attention of students. 2. Vocabulary. "Human Resources" instead of "Personnel" or "Tossed salad" instead of "Melting Pot," etc. 3. Technology. Other than specific case studies which might have a historical significance, all references to hardware, software, and telecom should show the most current examples.

It flows well if a freshman or any student new to the business major (otherwise why one would read such a book) can get past the boring look and "feel" of the book. the book looks like a long term paper! Proper use of deeper indentations and special boxes can give the book a more interesting and magazine-like feel, although I understand that part of the bland look is due to cost restrictions.

I did not find any inconsistencies.

The book, by it's electronic nature, is naturally flexible but only to the extent of being able to cut or move materials but I am not sure if an adopter can add his/her own chapters/sections.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 2

This is where I will offer the bulk of my feedback. A. Why does TEAMWORK has its own special section before the chapters start? It should be moved to chapter 7, 8, or 10. B. Chapter 12 (Union-Management Issues) is not necessary in such a basic business text. The topic can be subsumed under chapter 3 or 11. C. Another superfluous chapter is #15 (Hospitality and Tourism). It looks like one of the contributors to this text has a specialty in this area. For instance, do students also need to read a chapter about Real Estate or another one about the Airline Industry? D. As much as Personal Finance (chap. 17) is a very useful topic, especially for younger generation of students, allocating a separate chapter to it seems unnecessary to me. How about moving an itemized summary of it to an appendix at the end. E. In place of the deleted chapters, add or restructure as follows, so as to have more chapters about marketing which has the effect of making the text a lot more interesting for the commercial and consumer-driven society we all live in. Chapter 13, Marketing (Introduction to the topic plus discussion of the Product aspects) Chapter 14, Marketing (Price & Place) or (Price and Distribution) Chapter 15, Marketing (Promotion & Advertising)

The only interface issue I found is mentioned in #7.

Grammar is good.

I did not find any of words or phrases that may come across as culturally insensitive or politically incorrect.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Teamwork in Business

Chapter 2 The Foundations of Business

Chapter 3 Economics and Business

Chapter 4 Ethics and Social Responsibility

Chapter 5 Business in a Global Environment

Chapter 6 Forms of Business Ownership

Chapter 7 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

Chapter 8 Management and Leadership

Chapter 9 Structuring Organizations

Chapter 10 Operations Management

Chapter 11 Motivating Employees

Chapter 12 Managing Human Resources

Chapter 13 Union/Management Issues

Chapter 14 Marketing: Providing Value to Customers

Chapter 15 Pricing Strategy

Chapter 16 Hospitality and Tourism

Chapter 17 Accounting and Financial Information

Chapter 18 Personal Finances

Chapter 19 Technology in Business

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Fundamentals of Business , 4th Edition is an open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, faculty-customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, personal finances, and technology in business. The textbook was designed for use in Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business introductory level business course, MGT1104 Foundations of Business and is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 license.

If you are an instructor reviewing, adopting, or adapting this textbook, please help us understand your use by filling out this form .

A testbank is now available by request for this book: . The testbank covers chapters 1-18 and (currently) aligns to previous editions of the textbook. It is  available to any instructor who has adopted Fundamentals of Business in their course.

About the Contributors

Stephen J. Skripak  is (retired) Professor of Practice in Management at Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech (2005  – 2021) and former Associate Dean for Graduate Programs (2006-2014). He is a senior executive with 25 years of business leadership experience, including positions as General Manager and Chief Financial Officer with divisions of Fortune 500 companies. His background includes financial services, consumer packaged goods, apparel, and industrial companies, with emphasis in turnaround situations. He was the lead contributor and subject matter expert for the 2016 and 2018 editions of  Fundamentals of Business , and reviewed the 2020 and 2023 versions of the book.

Ron Poff is Assistant Professor of Management Practice in the Management Department at Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, where he teaches management courses. He began his career as an enlisted member of the US Navy Reserves before entering his primary career in supply chain operations then sales and marketing, where he served in executive roles with large corporations for over 25 years. As an entrepreneur, he then founded his own marketing agency. His education includes a B.S. in Business Management, M.S. Marketing, and a Graduate Certificate in eMarketing. He is the project lead, chief contributor, and coordinator of contributors for the third (2020) and fourth editions (2023) of Fundamentals of Business.

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The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. Selected answer keys are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool.

Sun City Boards Assignments and Discussions

Half of the written assignments and discussions are based on a case study, whose focus is a fictional high-end surfboard company, Sun City Boards, which is also highlighted in the Why It Matters and Putting it Together in Module 3: Planning and Mission. Many of these assignments take the form of asking students to give Tom, the company’s inexperienced owner, advice about how he can run his business more effectively. The Sun City Boards assignments create a common framework for applying knowledge and skills developed through the course, encouraging students to demonstrate mastery of the content through real-world tasks and work products.

Alternate Assignments and Discussions

The other half of the written assignments and discussions use a variety of approaches, depending on the subject and learning outcome being assessed; many ask students to go beyond course content to form connections between research topics and what they’ve learned in class.

Using Assignments

We recommend assigning one discussion OR one assignment per chapter, rather than all of them. Some instructors prefer to stick with the Sun City Boards theme throughout the course; others like to use some of the alternates along the way. You can view any assignments or discussions below or throughout the course.

You can view them below or throughout the course:

Rubric for Assignments

There is also a sample rubric to assist you in grading. Instructors may modify these guidelines or use their own.

Open Pedagogy Assignments

Open Pedagogy Assignments are assignments in which students use their agency and creativity to create knowledge artifacts that can support their own learning, their classmates’ learning, and the learning of students around the world. (See this  peer-reviewed article  for more details.) All of the assignments can be created with a cell phone camera or any video recording device, Google or Word documents, and your learning management system.


The following discussion assignments will also be preloaded (into the discussion-board tool) in your learning management system if you import the course. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can view them below or throughout the course.

Rubric for Discussion Posts

  • This discussion invites conversation on race, which might require additional monitoring and involvement from instructors. This blog post from the Choices Program at Brown University contains links to helpful resources to facilitate talking about race in the classroom: "Approaching Race in the Classroom, Actively" ↵
  • Assignments. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

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Business Management Assignment Sample

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Be it any field corporate, non-profitable, profitable, government, charitable, it is the management that handles all the related tasks. Subjects like human resources, finance, business, marketing, healthcare all require management to handle the organization. These diversifying fields require subject specialization and skill development in the organization to work on diversifying grounds. We provide business management assignment sample in pdf format to provide the validation to the facts that are presented in the assignments.

Business Management Assignment Sample

Though the subjects are very complicated and require enough efforts to solve students require our help to solve the assignments. Renowned universities and colleges provide management courses for the students in both public as well as the private sector. online management assignments help the students to gather vast knowledge and enhance learning in the associated field to form the written document by focusing on the marking scheme of the requirements by the students.

Our management assignment writing experts follow the perfect writing procedure to attempt the assignments. These are as follows:

  • Firstly, we understand the question very well, read the requirements of the student, as well as the assignments, including the content and ends with referencing and citations. We also site our text with reviewed samples, government websites, the university library, and journals. Basically, we use Meta-analysis for the research.
  • Use proper format as prescribed in the requirement among the globally followed style like APA, Vancouver, Chicago or Harvard.
  • We use headings, sub-headings and paragraphs to present the content.
  • We also provide a sample to each assignment which is the brief of every assignment.

Students usually search for these kinds of services but we are here to help you in providing samples for business management. If you are also looking for this kind of assistance, our team of experts is there. Sample Assignment will help you in providing content related to various management subjects. Our management assignment writing experts are post-doctoral students in the respective fields with extensive knowledge. They all are the academic toppers from their renowned universities and colleges.

Here is a business management assignment sample written recently by one of our experts:

Business Management Assignment Sample

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We provide business management assignment writing services across the globe. Students from different parts of the world take our help if they need any kind of samples in the management field. It is the need of an hour for the students to know how our tasks could be managed. We provide services with limited finance as we understand the problem of students.

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  • Human resource management: It is the field in which individuals are involved in hiring and firing the employees. Our experts are experienced in this field and will provide you with the best management assignment samples.
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  • Operational management: Operations management is the subject that is a bit tough than other subjects. It requires the need for tools and techniques that could be followed by the professionals to minimize the defects in the task. It requires extensive knowledge of quality management tools also. Our, team has several years of experience in this field and has helped many students to solve their assignments.
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Students require extensive knowledge on these topics. Our team of experts provides and prepares samples regarding all these management subjects. It has been observed that we are highly appreciated in terms of coping with the problems of students and providing them with the subject matter. Our business management assignment writing experts have significant knowledge on all the topics and if still you are not satisfied, we offer 100% money-back policy.

Business Management Assignment Sample

Top-quality learning and solutions: Our professionals provide help on all types of formatting techniques that are followed all around the globe like APA, Harvard, Vancouver, Chicago or MLA.

Original content: Sample Assignment provides services with zero plagiarism reports. It shows copy-pasted content, so our team prevents from providing the same content that is present in any publications.

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As soon as you approach us our team of experts will be ready for you to help with the promised services. So, contact us right away!

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Strategic Management Assignment Sample

Profile image of Lucy Shuker

Strategic Management Assignment Help This is an era of globalization and cut throat market competition. It becomes of paramount importance for organizations to use their resources strategically so that they can meet their predefined goals by maximizing their internal strengths and stay afloat in the market. The process adopted by organizations to achieve this is known as strategic management. Strategic management is a vast area which includes proper planning in advance, creating a schedule of each and every task, monitoring the whole process and once all the tasks completed analyzing if the idea is working or not by comparing previous results with current performance. We, at Best Assignment Experts, provide strategic management assignment help for students to help them gain significant knowledge from our top experts who have vast theoretical knowledge as well as practical business experience. We help students to write their strategic management assignment in a structured manner which is explained below –  Problem – Any strategic management assignment will definitely have a problem which you will be trying to solve with your managerial skills and knowledge. In this section, you will be defining the problem which you are aiming to solve. You will need to explain the problem to the readers so that they are aware of the situation.  Solution – Our experts will help you to define an approach which you will be used to provide a solution for the mentioned problem. You will need to explain the method you will be using to effectively answer the question. Experts will help you to research and try to ascertain how this problem was solved effectively previously and if they are of any help in your situation.  Analytics – It is very important to provide an analytical approach in your assignment as you will be talking about huge data. You need to talk about every aspect in detail as just scratching the surface wouldn’t be sufficient for strategic management assignment.  Assumptions – Since you will be discussing the future goals of an organization, you will be making assumptions based on your market study and analysis of the current situation. Our experts will help you to come to an assumption which will work for the organization. Their years of experience will come in handy for you to state estimates and goals in your assumption.  Creativity – More often than not people assume that there is no place for creativity in academic writing. This is completely wrong as creativity in any field will work positively for you. Our top experts always suggest following a structure for writing strategic management assignments with scope for creativity. This will not only keep readers interested but will also show your enthusiasm towards solving a problem. Our strategic management assignment help follows a structure so that you will be able to express your thoughts and findings in a manner which will definitely work for your institution/professor. We offer 24x7 help for students so that they don’t feel the pressure of working on such a serious assignment all by themselves. We take special care of quality for your assignment with plagiarism free work and we abide by the university rules.

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Assignment 2022 (all links open as pdf files).

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Assignment 2019 (All links open as PDF files)

Candidate A - the marketing mix of Marks & Spencer Group PLC Candidate B - to assess the corporate social responsibility of Costa Coffee Candidate C - to evaluate the effectiveness of Sephora’s marketing mix Candidate D - impact of external factors in Ted Baker PLC using PESTEC analysis

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Free PDF Project Management Templates

By Kate Eby | August 7, 2023

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This article offers a roundup of our top PDF project management templates. Choose from a comprehensive selection of templates, with and without example copy. All of the templates are printable and free to download.

On this page, you’ll find a project management plan template , a project proposal template , a project closeout report , a project charter template , and many other project management forms.

Project Management Outline Template for Adobe PDF

Project Management Outline Example Template

Download the Sample Project Management Outline Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Management Outline Template for Adobe PDF

Create a project outline that includes high-level details related to objectives, scope of work, deliverables, and the project timeline. The sample version of this template shows an example outline for a brand awareness campaign. The blank version is a fillable PDF form that you can customize to meet your specific needs.

Learn more about how to write a project outline .

Project Management Plan Template for Adobe PDF

Project Management Plan Template

Download the Project Management Plan Template for Adobe PDF

This project management plan template allows you to create a comprehensive plan with a table of contents and preformatted tables. To use the template, download the fillable PDF document and enter your details. The template includes an appendix for additional reference documents and signature lines for approving the project plan.

For more planning tools, see our collection of free project management plan templates .

Adobe PDF Project Checklist Template

Project Checklist Template

Download the Project Checklist Template for Adobe PDF

Use this checklist template to track and manage tasks at each phase of a project . For each item on the list, enter the priority, status, assigned owner, and due date. Check items off the list as they are completed, and use the notes section for updates or reminders.

Adobe PDF Project Budget Template

Project Budget Template

Download the Project Budget Template for Adobe PDF

This template provides an outline for your project cost management plan and budget. Enter your information in the fillable sections, which include a plan overview, a cost variance action plan, a spending limit authorization, the management approach, a cost estimation, reporting and change control, and a project budget. The template also includes a version history for tracking revisions.

Read this guide to project cost management to learn more about the process.

Adobe PDF Project Proposal Template

Project Proposal Template

Download the Project Proposal Template for Adobe PDF

This simple one-page template for a project proposal covers the basics. At the top of the template, enter project details and contact information. Other fillable sections include a project summary, goals, benefits, projected schedule, budget, and resource requirements. At the bottom of the template, you’ll find space for a signature and due date for approving the proposal.

Adobe PDF Project Charter Template

Project Charter Example Template

Download the Sample Project Charter Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Charter Template for Adobe PDF

Download the sample version of this project charter to view a template with example data. Viewing a filled-in document provides a clear picture of how your completed charter will appear. The blank version is a fillable PDF form, which can be combined with and serve as a concise breakdown of your narrative written charter. The template provides sections with alternating colors and preformatted tables for a readable document that is easy to use.

Learn more about how to write a project charter .

Project Communication Plan Template for Adobe PDF

Project Communication Plan Example Template

Download the Sample Project Communication Plan Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Communication Plan Template for Adobe PDF

Designed for project teams, these communication plan templates list communication goals, the roles of team members, and communication channels. Use the second page to add detailed info on meetings, reports, and other communication types. Download the sample template to see an example project communication plan for a software development team.

Get expert tips on how to create a project communication plan .

Adobe PDF Project Closeout Template

Project Closeout Template

Download the Project Closeout Template for Adobe PDF

This project closeout template provides a thorough outline for a final report. Add your text to the fillable sections for project summary and outcomes, lessons learned , performance review, and future recommendations. Document revisions and list stakeholder roles and responsibilities in the space provided on the second page.

Learn more about everything involved in closing a project .

Project Execution Plan Template for Adobe PDF

Project Execution Plan Example Template

Download the Sample Project Execution Plan Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Execution Plan Template for Adobe PDF

View the sample version of this template to see how a completed project execution plan will appear. Use the blank template to create your own plan. Enter your project details, including scope, goals, quality and technical specifications, resource allocation, and schedule to complete the document.

Learn about creating a project execution plan and everything you’ll need to get started.

Project Status Report Template for Adobe PDF

Project Status Report Template

Download the Project Status Report Template for Adobe PDF

This progress report template can be used for any time period. The simple layout and preformatted tables allow for a concise status report. Enter the project title, estimated completion date, and project manager name at the top of the template. Use the sections below to report on key risks and issues, task timelines, and other project status updates.

Adobe PDF Project Schedule Template

Project Schedule Template

Download the Project Schedule Template for Adobe PDF

This schedule template helps you track the progress of individual tasks and your project as a whole. At the top of the template, enter the project name, starting and ending dates, deliverables, and overall progress. In the table below, list project activities and assigned owners, and add a timeline, duration, and status for each task. This is a fillable, reusable template for planning and tracking project tasks.

Learn more about a project schedule and how to make one.

Adobe PDF Project Scope Template

Simple Project Scope Template

Download the Project Scope Template for Adobe PDF

Create a project scope statement that includes objectives, deliverables, assumptions, and constraints. Link to a work breakdown structure to include a complete list of project tasks. The template also provides a section for describing activities and deliverables that are out of the project’s scope. 

Read this project scope management guide to learn more.

Adobe PDF Project Overview Template

Project Overview Sample Template

Download the Sample Project Overview Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Overview Template for Adobe PDF

Organize the key elements of your project plan into a succinct summary. Download the sample version of this template to see an example project overview for a marketing campaign. Use the template to provide stakeholders with an overview of the project scope, deliverables, proposed schedule, budget, and other important details.

Project Change Control Template for Adobe PDF

Project Change Control Example Template

Download the Sample Project Change Control Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Change Control Template for Adobe PDF

Manage change requests with this fillable PDF form. To see an example project change control template, download the sample version. The template includes details about the change request and evaluation, a section for approval or rejection, and a change control tracking sheet. The control sheet lists each change request with dates for evaluation and approval.

Adobe PDF Project Brief Template

Project Brief Sample Template

Download the Sample Project Brief Template for Adobe PDF Download the Blank Project Brief Template for Adobe PDF

Keep stakeholders informed with a high-level overview of your project. This simple project brief template covers basic project elements, including goals, team members, budget, and timeframe. To get a sense of how a completed project brief will appear, download and view the sample version of this template.

Adobe PDF Project Initiation Template

Project Initiation Template

Download the Project Initiation Template for Adobe PDF

Define the requirements and purpose of your project with this project initiation template. Use the fillable fields to add your project summary, objectives, selection criteria, project performance, and more.

Project Risk Assessment Template for Adobe PDF

Project Risk Assessment Template

Download the Project Risk Assessment Template for Adobe PDF

Use this template to assess project risks before and after implementing mitigation actions. The template includes a tracking sheet for listing risks, potential severity and likelihood, and remedies. It also provides a risk rating key to help you assess risks and determine whether to proceed, take mitigation efforts, seek support, or put an activity or project on hold.

Read this project risk assessments guide to find tips and more tools.

Adobe PDF Project Sign-Off Template

Simple Project Sign-Off Template

Download the Project Sign-Off Template for Adobe PDF

This project sign-off sheet provides an acceptance statement with approval signatures and a table for listing unresolved issues. Enter your data into the fillable fields, or use the PDF as a model for creating your own customized project sign-off template.

Project Management Rubric Template for Adobe PDF

Project Management Rubric Template

Download the Project Management Rubric Template for Adobe PDF

This printable rubric template offers a method for evaluating how well a project was managed. The template includes a scoring scale and sections for reviewing project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Project managers can use this rubric as a tool for self-reflection and learning. 

For more free downloads, see our broad selection of project management templates , which includes templates for Agile and construction project management.

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

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[Solved] Business Management Sample Report Example in PDF - 2023

Added on   2021-09-21

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