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board game about problem solving

[Top 15] Board Games That Improve Problem-Solving Skills

Board Games That Improve Problem-Solving Skills

15. The Isle of Cats

board game about problem solving

How to play Isle of Cats 

Oh no! The dread pirate Lord Vesh Darkhand is approaching your isle to plunder and destroy! You’ll only have a certain amount of time to get off the island before he arrives, but it being the Isle of Cats, you want to save as many as you can. 

Your goal is to put as many cat tiles as possible onto your boat, which is also the board. There are shapes lined out inside the boat, almost similar to Tetris. The boat has rats inside, so you must use your cats (and the occasional treasure) to cover them up so you don’t lose points. 

board game about problem solving

How many cats can you fit into your ship?

In the beginning, everyone starts with seven cards. You keep two cards and hand the rest to your neighbor. You repeat this until you have seven cards again in your hand. Depending on the selection, you may have the following: baskets, broken baskets, treasure cards, cards that let you grab a cat (regardless of color), and special ability cards.

You’ll start out with 20 fish that act as currency, and you’ll spend fish to play each card that you keep during the handout round. You’ll couple these with the basket cards to catch as many cats as you can. Certain colored cats earn you more points, but regardless of which cats you catch, you’ll need to carefully select where each cat will fit because if you mess up near the beginning, you’ll run out of space quickly and your points will be severely cut at the end. You can use treasure cards to fill up empty spaces if needed. After five rounds, the player with the most points wins.

With I first heard that there was a game out there that focuses on capturing cats and putting them onto a boat, I didn’t think that there couldn’t have been much strategy involved. But I was wrong! There is a lot of problem-solving because if you aren’t careful with placement from start to finish, you lose an opportunity for more points. So you have to choose your cards carefully, decide which ones are worth spending your fish on, and place the cat tiles accordingly.

Buy this game if:

  • You want a game with a solo mode as well as a cooperative mode.
  • You want a game with colorful artwork.

14. Picture Perfect

board game about problem solving

The Dice Tower's Review of Picture Perfect 

Family pictures are always such a pain. Once Grandma calls everyone over for a photo, you know you are in for a few minutes of aggravation. You just pray that you don’t end up next to that one uncle that always smells like garlic or the little cousin who never stops sniffling. And in the end, you hope that everything looks good so you don’t have to do it again. 

In Picture Perfect, you have to bring the pains of family photos to board game form. 

You and up to three others will attempt to make fourteen characters in the game gather together for a photograph. Simple right? The problem is that each character will have preferences on where they want to be and who they want to be next to (or don’t want to be next to) and it is up to you to solve that.   

These preferences that each character has will be given to them on cards that will be kept in their envelopes. Every player will keep one of these envelopes, so essentially you will know the preferences of one or two characters. In order to find out the others, you will need to communicate, because the more you know, the more points you earn in the end. Or to solve the problem of someone withholding information, you can use action cards to see other character preferences that other players are holding.  

Once you believe you have everyone in their right positions, you take a picture with your mobile device to act as the “final answer” to the game. Then you will review the picture with the preferences to see how many points you earned. The player who meets the most preferences for the characters is the winner. 

Randomization guarantees that no two games are ever alike, and because every character involved will never have the same preference, you always have to be mindful of all the information you have and come up with a solution on where everyone needs to go to rack in the most preferences. 

Buy this game if: 

  • You enjoy brain-teaser games and want to apply that to a board game.

13. Galaxy Trucker

board game about problem solving

How to play Galaxy Trucker 

Listed in the Best Science Fiction Board Games previous, Galaxy Trucker once again makes an appearance as an effective problem-solving board game! 

In Galaxy Trucker, your goal will be to make as much money as possible for delivering cargo. You will achieve that goal in two parts: building your spaceship/truck and then surviving the delivery route long enough to transport your said cargo in (hopefully) one piece.  

In the building rounds, you start with your board that has your cabin in the center. You then grab from a pile of facedown tiles that have the cargo you want as well as other space truck essentials and flip them up to attach to the cabin to make your sweet ride. Of course, your truck needs to be functional, meaning that any thrusters you find MUST point to the back of the ship, with nothing blocking their path. 

board game about problem solving

Build the best vehicle possible with what you've got!

You’ll also find lasers, engines, and cabins, which you’ll want to add as much to your vehicle as possible for later, but there should be nothing built in front of the lasers. More cabin space will also mean more crew for your ship. Meet special requirements, and you’ll also acquire alien crewmen, which will boost your truck’s laser/engine power. 

After you make your truck, you shove off to make your delivery. Along the way, you’ll be pulling from a deck of cards that determine your next course of action. You may encounter planets where you can grab more cargo for your ship. You may run into an abandoned ship to grab more scrap. Or you may run into space pirates that will challenge the integrity of your truck and your crew, which is why having plenty of weapons and engine power is important for a safe voyage. 

In the end, all you need is one point to win the game. That’s how much faith the game has in you completing your tasks successfully. The game is so maddening that it is confident that you will hit rock bottom every single time. But you’re a strong, independent galaxy trucker, so prove them wrong! 

While part of the game relies on luck, there is much more to it than that. Part of the problem-solving process depends on how well you work with what you are given. Once you know how all of the pieces are supposed to fit in to make your space truck functional, it’s up to you to put it together and prepare for the worst. And what doesn’t work in one play, you’ll learn how to make it better in the next.

  • You want a challenge in creating the perfect truck/ship through luck-of-the-draw gameplay and trial-and-error.

12. Factory Funner

board game about problem solving

Learn to play Factory Funner 

The title of this board game is going to offend every stickler of English Grammar that reads this list, myself included. That being said, Factory Funner will be a challenge to those looking for a challenging board game that also acts as a puzzle.  

Similar to Galaxy Trucker, your goal is to create a machine to produce the raw materials that you want in the most efficient way possible. You’ll grab tiles and connect them properly so that they have inputs and outputs, which is simple at first, but then they will begin to twist and turn all across the board. It can start to look a little chaotic, but as long as you know where everything is going and you are confident you are going to get all of the different-colored goops you need to be produced, then you can move on to the bookkeeping phase. If you need to move any pieces at any time, that will cost you points. 

board game about problem solving

Can you build the most efficient factory for the most points?

During the Bookkeeping phase, one player will tally up the potential money (points) your machine will produce. Tiles will tell you sometimes how much they can earn, so they’ll be tallied in minus the costs of adding new parts to a factory. The winner after eight rounds is the one that earned the most money.  

Your brain will struggle to keep up if you are not being mindful of where all of your machine parts are going, as well as how much each tile is going to earn you in profit after it is all completed, or how it's going to cost you money. 

  • You enjoyed Galaxy Trucker’s tile-laying gameplay, but want a different theme.

11. Overbooked

board game about problem solving

How to play Overbooked 

Airlines can be such a pain. You buy the tickets, but you never know who is going to be surrounding you in the other seats. If only there was a way to let the airline know ahead of time what you prefer in terms of which strangers you are okay with sitting with and where. In Overbooked, you get to live out that fantasy. 

Overbooked is a strategy game where you are an employee of an airline and you are tasked with booking flights and placing passengers inside the plane according to their needs. Couples must stick together, friends want to stick with groups, etc. 

board game about problem solving

Use your problem-solving skills to win the game!

During your turn, you’ll draw a passenger tile and learn its identity. You’ll know beforehand what criteria the passenger has in order to be seated properly. There will be cases where a passenger will not be able to be seated depending on that criteria, so he is considered “overbooked” and can be put aside, for now, to wait for the next available flight. Other players can take these tiles for their own flights if needed when that happens.

The game is over once everyone has had a turn after the last child passenger tile is drawn. 

Like Picture Perfect, there are preferences that your passengers want you to know, and it's up to you to figure out a way to make everyone happy. It’s a true puzzle game in that sense, and anyone that likes these kinds of brain teasers will enjoy this. 

  • You have played Picture Perfect, 
  • You are interested in Brain Teasers.

10. Tiny Towns

board game about problem solving

How to play Tiny Towns 

Think you live in a small town? All across the US, there are many small, unincorporated towns that have less than 10 people living in their population. But we’re not talking about those types of towns right now, because we’re going to be busy making our own tiny town in this game. 

In Tiny TownsEvery player has a 4x4 grid that represents their town. You’ll know which building to create through card drawing, and you’ll gather resources to build the tiny homes in your tiny town.

During each turn, a player will have a turn as a Master Builder. He or she will announce a resource that must be used. All other players will gather one cube of that resource and place it on an empty grid in their town. When a player decides what building they are constructing, they must announce it to the group. When you have enough resources for that building, you’ll remove the resource cubes from your board and add your brand-new building to an empty square.

board game about problem solving

Can you make the most of the tiny space you have to make a town?

Once you have no more empty squares you are done with your game, so you’ll tally your score. The whole game ends once everyone has no more squares to fill. The player with the most points from their tiny town is the winner.

In Tiny Towns, sometimes you just have to deal with the hand you have been dealt, so you have to be mindful ahead of time of what you can possibly build and what you cannot. Sometimes it isn’t about creating the biggest building to win but making the most of your Tiny Town. Mixing up how you play each time will help you better make your little town flourish.

  • You like games with high replayability.
  • You want a game that encourages different strategies in each playthrough. 

9. Scooby-Doo Escape from the Haunted Mansion

board game about problem solving

Escape from the Haunted Mansion Playthrough 

Ruh Roh! The gang is in trouble again and it's up to you to help them solve the mystery and escape from being trapped inside a haunted mansion! You and your friends take on the role of the Mystery, INC. gang and try to escape the mansion of Lady Fairmount. The game comes with narrative books instead of an app, and everything is written out for everyone playing to understand. 

Without giving away any context/spoilers of the game, your goal is the solve the mystery of the ghost of Lady Fairmount and escape her mansion. Each character has their own ability that contributes to solving the mystery and escaping the mansion. Scooby-Doo can sniff, Velma researches, Daphne can use items, Fred investigates, and Shaggy eats (naturally). No one player takes on the role of any character solely; all players are working together to escape the mansion.

board game about problem solving

Use all of the Mystery Inc. gang characters correctly to escape!

You’ll follow the narrative of all of the character books to continue through the mansion. It will guide you on how to use coded numbers located in each room. Since each character can only do certain things such as smell and use items, you’ll need to move those said characters into a room to see if can provide you with context clues to progress.

If you get stuck on a puzzle, you’ll be encouraged to try three times before eating a Scooby Snack, which provides you with a clue. The more Scooby Snacks you eat, the lower your overall score will be after escaping the mansion.  

While using the themes from a children’s tv show, this game’s puzzles can prove to be challenging since each character only has one ability to help solve them. This encourages you to pull each character to a spot to see if something different happens when you use those abilities or give you some idea of what needs to be done. Wisely using all of the Mystery Inc. members will guarantee your escape from the doomed mansion.

  • You love the Scooby-Doo franchise and want to feel like you are in one of their episodes.
  • You want a game where using the characters is all part of the escape room experience.

8. Pandemic

board game about problem solving

Learn to play Pandemic 

A popular board game among enthusiasts, Pandemic throws players into the beginnings of a global-wide disaster where four horrible diseases threaten to take over. It’s up to you and your team to go around the world and research and find cures to put an end to the pandemic. 

  In Pandemic, you are tasked with saving the world from four different diseases. Sounds a little daunting, admittedly, but the gameplay is simple. Here is how it is played.  

On your turn, you take up to four actions:

1. Drive/Ferry-move your character to a city that is connected by a white line to the location you are on.

2. Direct Flight-use a special card to go directly to the city that is named.

3. Charter Flight-use a card that has the city you are currently on and moves yourself to any other city.

4. Shuttle Flight-move to a city with a research station, but only if you are currently in a different city that also has a research station.

board game about problem solving

Travel around the world to find cures!

During these moves, you can also build a research station (if your location currently doesn’t have one), share knowledge, treat or cure diseases, etc. After this, you draw two cards and do any of the epidemic cards that you get. You can also get event cards which you can use when you feel it is best.

The game is over if all four diseases are eradicated (win) or if there are no more cards left to draw (lose)

For being a board game that hits a little too close to home with everything that has happened in the past few years, Pandemic still succeeds in being fun and enjoyable to play. Tasking you with the problem of how to save the world, you need to team up with your friends to come up with a strategy on how to build your research stations and find or treat those diseases before they have enough time to run rampant to the point of global devastation. 

  • You are looking for a solid co-op board game. 

7. Quoridor 

board game about problem solving

Learn how to play Quoridor 

When you first look at this game, you would think that you are going to observe a game of chess. But upon watching the gameplay, it is not as complicated-in fact, anyone could play it and be an expert after one try!

Your goal is to reach your opponent’s line at the opposite end of the board. Everyone’s pawns on the board can move one space at a time in any direction except diagonally. You and the other Players will place wooden blocks to hinder each other’s progress, so you will need to find ways around it.

board game about problem solving

Make your way to your opponent's end of the board to win!

Everything you do in this game will either earn you victory or give you a taste of defeat. When you can only do one thing at a time, you’ll need to solve the problem of how to win while anticipating what your opponent will do to try to hinder your progress. 

  • You want a game you can play and enjoy with one other person. 
  • You need a game that isn’t complicated to play or hard to teach. 

6. Forbidden Island

board game about problem solving

How to play Forbidden Island 

There’s a fortune to be had on a mysterious island, and it's up to you and your intrepid team to get it out! The island is sinking, however, so unless you want to swim home, you’ll need to get the treasure fast!

Your goal is to figure out how to keep the island from sinking for as long as possible while getting as much treasure as you can. You’ll each get an adventurer card to determine what you can and cannot do during a turn. Cooperation is key to solving how to best get the treasure.

board game about problem solving

Move through the island and gather the treasure before it's too late!

During your turn, you can take three of four actions which are: Move, Give a Treasure Card, Capture a Treasure, and Shore Up. Then you will draw two treasure cards and flood cards equal to the water level (which is measured with a water level marker). 

The island is slowly sinking during the game, so you all must team up together to use sandbag cards to stem it up. It won’t hold forever though; it will only buy you time to get the rest of the treasure. 

Teamwork is key for Forbidden Island. Your abilities in the game may be what makes the difference between sink and swim, so you’ll need to rely on your team a lot to solve the puzzle of this island. Forbidden Island is a tried-and-true game that has been played for years and still holds up for fun gameplay. 

  • You need a game to build teamwork. 
  • You want something that is popular in the gaming community.

5. Photosynthesis

board game about problem solving

Learn how to play Photosynthesis here! 

Nature is beautiful. People have been expressing its beauty for years and years and years. Poems, songs, postcards; there hasn’t been a source of media that hasn’t been used for it. Until now at least. In the board game Photosynthesis, you’ll take charge of growing trees and preserving a forest. 

Throughout the game, you’ll be planting seeds to grow trees to earn points. Sunlight is key to growing your trees, giving you light points to use for future rounds. You need to avoid any shade that can block the process of photosynthesis. 

Everyone has their own set spot on the board, so there is a possibility that one of their trees will block out your spots, which you will not earn light points for, so you’ll need to plan ahead and plant carefully. If the tree is taller than the one casting the shadow though, light points will still be earned. 

board game about problem solving

Grow and harvest your trees wisely to bring in more points!

Once everyone has earned their points for the round, it’s time to spend them. You can spend points to plant more seeds in your part of the board, or you can use them to make an already available tree to grow. And if a tree is large enough, you can spend those points to harvest it, thus giving you a scoring token and another opportunity to grow a new tree in its place.

After three rounds, the player with the most victory points earned from available light tokens and scoring tokens is the winner.

The main problem that you need to keep in is how your trees will be affected depending on where you plant them. Plant them a certain way, then they’ll get their potential sunlight blocked by opposing trees and they won’t grow to their full potential. Keep your trees tall for too long and you miss out on more points. There is a lot to consider, so you have to keep everything in mind and also know when to harvest for maximum points. 

  • You are big on unique games. You don’t see many tree-growing games out there. 
  • You want a game that raises awareness on topics like the ecosystem.

4. Tokyo Highway

board game about problem solving

How to play Tokyo Highway 

In Tokyo Highway, Your goal is to create a highway efficient enough to have 10 cars run through without any complications. You will have three things that you need to accomplish before your turn is over. You’ll first a.) construct a pillar, which is the multiple gray tokens, and six yellow tokens. 

You’ll make a base first with your road and gray token, and place a car on it. Every other player will do the same thing. You’ll have to work around the other players' roads and if you knock any of their roads, cards, or pillars, you must offer your materials (equal to the amount they lost) as a penalty.  

If you lose all of your construction material before the game is over, you are out and the rest continue playing. But if you have constructed enough roads that can hold all 10 of your cars, you win! 

board game about problem solving

Keep all 10 of your cars on your highway to win!

This is a fun game to play if you’re into puzzles that depend on balance and stability. Keeping track of where your strengths are on your personal highways and you’ll be able to succeed quickly get all of your 10 cars on and raring to go to wherever life takes them next. 

  • You enjoy games with balance and stability. 

3. Evolution

board game about problem solving

How to play Evolution 

Your goal in Evolution is to adapt your species to survive in an “ever-changing environment” by gaining the most points in feeding it, increasing its population, and evolving it. 

Each round will play out in four phases: Dealing with trait cards, selecting food, playing cards, and feeding. When it is your turn, you’ll be dealt your trait cards, which you’ll examine their food select one secretly, and put into the center of the table (the watering hole). This card will serve as food during the feeding phase.  

After that, you’ll play as many of the trait cards as you’d like during the play phase, as long as your species doesn’t exceed three traits altogether, and there are no duplicates. And during the feeding phase, all the cards that each player added to the watering hole are revealed, and how much plant food is determined and given to players. If you have a non-carnivore species, this is fine, but if you have a carnivore though, you’ll need to find another way to feed.

board game about problem solving

Feed your creatures wisely so that they can survive their environment!

And that is by attacking other species. Depending on the size and traits of your carnivores, you can attack any other species that the other players have. If an attack is successful, you will take meat food from the food bank and place it on your carnivore’s board. 

If the population of your species goes to zero, that means they are extinct and no longer available to be played. The game is over after the cards deck is shuffled once and played through twice. The player with the most food tokens at the end of that is the winner. 

Giving your animals the best chance of surviving is a real challenge at times. You need to make them thrive in their environment, but if you are not going to make them into carnivores, you’ll also need to make them strong contenders. So finding the perfect balance with some of the luck mechanics in this game may be tough. But if you solve that problem, you are almost certainly guaranteed a win.

  • You want a game with beautiful illustrations. 

2. Pelican Cove

board game about problem solving

Learn to play Pelican Cove here 

The goal of Pelican Cove is to take eight magical birds from Australia and fulfill their deepest wishes. They are very particular about where they land to rest, so your task is to make sure that they land exactly where they need to be on the board.  

Each player will refer to the eight randomly drawn cards that will point to how the different colored pelicans want to be in their final positions. Players will each try to match it as best as possible. Afterward, you’ll tally up points depending on how correct you are to how the drawn cards asked you to place the birds. 

Much like in Picture Perfect and Overbooked, it’s all about finding out where everything goes in a timely fashion. The clues for each bird will cause you to pause and think carefully before putting them in their spot. There are varying levels of difficulty, so you can keep playing this for more challenging puzzles. 

  • You can’t get enough of those brain teaser puzzles. 
  • You need a game that doesn’t have over-complicated rules.

1. Wingspan

board game about problem solving

How to play Wingspan 

A lot of puzzle-based board games have the theme of nature. Photosynthesis and Pelican Cove fit that theme. On the top of this list though is a game that has had a lot of positive feedback since it’s release, and we’re happy to have it on the top of our list. Here is Wingspan.

In Wingspan, your goal is the create an effective wildlife preserve for birds. In order to have a wildlife preserve for birds, you’ll need birds to put it in. In order to get birds, you’ll need food. Each player will receive five food tokens at the beginning but if you need more, you’ll need to take a roll with the birdfeeder (which is a dice tower). 

board game about problem solving

Collect eggs to earn points. The rarer the bird, the better!

With birds that you collect, you may gain new abilities that are activated when you play the bird onto your board. Some can help you draw additional cards, which is helpful when trying to get the rarer birds for your preserve. Birds will also provide you with more eggs depending on which slot you put them in on the board. 

Whoever has the most birds and eggs on their board at the end of four rounds is the winner. 

A lot of games, in order to be effective in problem-solving, should have a lot of evolving, complex challenges. Wingspan does this well. This is a perfect game because you are trying to accumulate the most points possible with birds and eggs. The further slots you put birds in, the more eggs you accumulate, so you’ll probably want the rarest bird there, but if you are trying only for the rare birds, you’ll miss out on easy points. So you need to balance out your gameplay if you hope to become the winner.  

  • You want a beautifully illustrated game with easy-to-learn rules. 

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The big list of board games that inspire mathematical thinking.

When a board game is presented as a math game, I am always eager to try it out!

Unfortunately, in many cases I find the math in these games are too straightforward with cards of math problems for players to solve, or numbered spaces to count. These games are usually far from fun, only allowing kids to practice math facts or formulas. They lack the opportunity for the player to choose from different actions, strategize or even plan ahead.

The math in board games doesn't have to be so straightforward! Math is not just about numbers and formulas, and games is one way we can experience the beauty of math all around us.

There are many fun board games that integrate deeper mathematical thinking into the gameplay. These games help students develop skills such as multi-step problem-solving, spatial reasoning, pattern recognition, resource management and much more.

Here's my list of go-to board games for engaging students in math through games. I've arranged them loosely by recommend ages, but many of these games play great whether your students are six years old or seventeen years old (for example, Tsuro). 

Math Board Games for Early Learners

Achi is a game played by the Asante people of Ghana that is similiar to tic-tac-toe. However, where tic-tac-toe ends when all the pieces have been placed, Achi continues as players move their pieces to adjacent spaces until a 3-in-a-row is formed. Download the free  printable board game from MIND Research Institute! You can also find the storybook board game version with even more math in MathMINDs Games: South of the Sahara .

Number of players : 2 Recommended ages : 6+ Time to play:  Less than 5 minutes (but you'll want to play several games) Math connections :   Achi is structured to naturally lead to questions that can be resolved through logic and deduction. 


Explore the history of Achi and its math connections in  MathMINDs Games: South of the Sahara .

Robot Turtles

Robot Turtles is a quick, fun and fast game which teaches programming fundamentals. The older student, or adult, as the "turtle mover" provides informative feedback by moving the players' turtles according to the actions each player chose. Another neat thing about this game is that you can start very simple and in the next games add elements to make it more challenging. 

Number of players : 2-5 Recommended ages : 4+ Time to play:  10+ minutes Math connections : rotation, multi-step problem solving,  computational thinking.

Qwirkle is a sequence creation game. Players play a sequence of tiles that match in either shape or color to score points. This game is very quick to learn and play! 

Number of players : 2-4 Recommended ages : 5+ Time to play:  15 minutes Math connections : Shape identification, counting, addition.

 math board games for kindergartners qwirkle

Ice Cool combines two of my favorite things: penguins and geometry. Players flick their penguin piece across the board and through doorways to collect fish, or chase other players. Students develop fine motor skills as well as an understanding of angles as they maneuver their piece around the board.

Number of Players: 2-4 Recommended ages:  6+ Time to play: 20 minutes Math connections: geometry, measurement and estimation, counting.

Set is a time-based set collection card game. A set is a combination that is all alike or all different in all categories: shape, number, pattern/shading, and color. The game is very visual and language-free, which is great for English learners or other students with communication challenges. The flexibility in number of players and ways you can play make it great as a filler or early finisher activity.  For younger ages and for travel, there is a mini-version of the game with only 3 categories.

Set cards can also be used to create math talks or puzzles for a quick warm-up activity.

Number of players:   1+ (recommend 2-6) Recommended ages:  6+ Time to play: 5-10 minutes Math connections:  Pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, logic

Describe the card that could complete the set:


Answer: Both cards are shaded, so the card must be shaded. One is a 1, and the other a 3, so the third card must be a 2. One card is a diamond, and the other an oval, so the final card must be a squiggle. Both cards are red, so the final card must also be red.


Another fun warm-up puzzle is to put an image of an array of 12 cards on the screen/board, and ask students to find all possible sets:  


In Tsuro, players take turns placing tiles, which create paths for the player to follow, some of which may lead off of the board. The object of the game is to be the last player on the board. No two tiles are alike, which is in itself a great math question. "Place a tile and follow the path" is an easy enough concept for younger players to understand, and older players will be able to strategize about which card to play and where to move on the board to control more of the space. 

Number of players : 2-8 Recommended ages : 6+ Time to play:  20 minutes Math connections : Multi-step problem solving, spatial reasoning, patterns, graph theory.

Tsuro is a tile-placement game in which players can develop spatial reasoning as they visualize how their piece will move along the paths.

Math board games for kids 8+.

This centuries-old game is traditionally played by the Dakarkari people in what is now the Sokota State region of Nigeria. Players take turns placing their pieces on the board, then move pieces in an attempt to form rows of three. When a player forms a row of three, they get to remove one of the opponent's pieces.  Download the free  printable board game from MIND Research Institute!

Number of players : 2 Recommended ages : 8+ Time to play:  20 minutes Math connections:  Dara is an ancestor of chess, sharing a focus on deductive reasoning and multi-step problem solving.

Players add notched wire pieces to build a shifting sculpture that appears to always be just hanging in balance. There are multiple ways to play, making it great for a range of ages. This game is simple but exciting, because at any move the whole structure could collapse!

Number of players : 1+ Recommended ages : 8+ Time to play: 15+ minutes Math connections : Symmetry, equal parts, physics.

Ticket to Ride

Players build train tracks across the United States, attempting to complete their unique tasks for bonus points. The strategy is in choosing which routes to take, jugding which bonus cards to target and reacting to how your opponents place.

Number of players: 2-4 Recommended ages: 8+ Time to play: 60 minutes Math connections:  Multi-step problem solving, resource management.

math board games for kids ticket to ride

Laser Khet 2.0

Khet is similiar to a laser version of chess, where players must rotate and move mirror pieces and blocking pieces to get their laser beam to hit the other player's pharoh while protecting their own pharoh. When players move or rotate a piece, they end their turn by pressing their laser beam. The informative feedback helps players determine their next moves.

Number of players : 2 Recommended ages : 8+ Time to play:  20+ minutes Math connections:  Rotation, angles, reflection and refraction as well as multi-step problem solving.

Khet fun math board games

Loony Quest

Available on eBay.

Loony Quest is a drawing game where players study the level card for a short time and draw a path on their own transparent sheet. After the time runs out, players take turns overlaying their transparent sheet onto the board to see how well they did. Players get bonuses (depending on the card) for things like grabbing coins and keys, and completing the objective, and lose points for hitting obstacles or enemies. The level cards look like video games, which is very appealing to kids.

Players have to use spatial reasoning to visualize the path and draw where they need to go on the board. The time forces players to estimate and move quickly, though for students with fine motor difficulties you could add time (two turns) or do away with the timer.


Ricochet Robots

In Ricochet Robots, players must figure out how to get the robot to a particular spot on the board in the lowest number of moves compared to your opponents. Once someone thinks they have a solution, they say the number of moves they will use. The timer starts for the rest of the players to say their number if they think they have a solution with fewer moves. There are multiple solutions to every problem, and every game is different. This game also helps build working memory, as you must visualize your solution and remember it even while others try out their own solutions. There's also an   online version of Ricochet Robots , but it is a solo version.

Number of players : 2+ Recommended ages : 9+ Time to play:  3-5 minutes per round (you can limit the number of rounds) Math connections : Patterns, algorithms, working memory.

Math Board Games for Middle School and High School Students

Love letter.

This quick card game has limited rules: on your turn you draw a card and play a card. The goal is to get to the princess, but the deck is stacked with all kinds of other characters who can help and hinder you. Since there are only 16 cards, it is a great exercise in memory and deduction, as players try to eliminate other players and find the princess. There are also many different themed versions of the game, including Lovecraft, The Hobbit, Batman, etc, that you can find one that resonates with your students.

Number of players: 2-4 Recommended ages: 10+ Time to play: 20 minutes Math connections: logic and deduction, memory.

Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space

Not only is Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space a fun theme that students will enjoy, it really tests your students' abilities to think logically. Each player has their own map and dry erase marker, choosing where they will move on the map then drawing a card that determines if they state their location or lie about their location to the group.

Depending on if they are a human or alien, the player must escape or prevent escape to win. If students are listening and tracking, they can absolutely deduce where the other players are located on the map! A print and play version is available for a small fee.

Number of players:  2-8 Recommended ages: 12+ Time to play:  20-45 minutes Math connections: logic, pattern recognition, deduction.

 educational math board games

Players hide their movements while trying to deduce and track where other players are moving.

Splendor is a turn-based strategy game. Players collect gems and cards each turn, generating combinations that garner them extra points. After one player hits a certain amount of points, the player with the most points at the end of the round wins.

Number of players:  2-4 Recommended ages: 12+ Time to play:  40-60 minutes Math connections: resource management, multi-step problem-solving.

Five Tribes

Five Tribes is an updated and expanded version of Mancala. Players move colored meeples (board game pieces) in a similar fashion to Mancala, picking up a group and dropping one meeple at a time as they move around the board, then performing an action on their final space. There are many ways to gain points in this game, including claiming spaces, gaining abilities, and collecting resources. Players also have an opportunity to bid to go first, which allows players to risk a certain amount of points to gain possibly more points. 

Number of players: 3-4 Recommended ages: 12+ Time to play:  60-90 minutes Math connections: spatial reasoning, resource management, multi-step problem-solving.

board games with math five tribes

Sagrada is a turn-based strategy game where you are building your stained glass mosaic using colored dice. However, you must follow certain rules for building (for each adjacent piece, the color and number must be different than those surrounding it) in addition to the rules on your individual building plans.

Depending on how and where you add your dice, you can make it easier or more difficult for yourself. This is where looking at probability comes into play, so you can make it more likely that you’ll be able to build each turn. In addition, there are bonus points from cards (they change each game) - so players need to weigh which dice and placement will net them more points.

It’s also a great game to build productive struggle and learning from mistakes, because you get much better the more you play. It’s competitive, but you can also play to beat your personal score each game.

Number of players: 1-4 players (up to 6 with expansion) Recommended ages: 14+ Time to play: 30-45 minutes Math connections: Multi-step thinking, pattern recognition, logic and deduction, number sense, probability.

Honorable Mentions

These games have been mentioned to have math connections, but I found that the math was not quite integrated well into the strategy and gameplay (for example, just practicing math facts), or the gameplay did not make enough deeper math connections for me to consider adding it to the list. Please note, this is just my opinion and that doesn’t mean that these games don’t have merit for educational play.

Prime Climb (math facts practice)

Telepathy (logic and deduction)

Settlers of Catan (resource management)

Straw ( math facts  practice)

I hope this list helps you get started building your own library of math board games and help facilitate tons of interesting math discussions! 

Looking for even more games? Check out the big list of STEM board games !

Did I miss any of your favorite board games? Please let me know on  twitter !

Don't forget to check out our box of storybook board games, MathMINDs Games: South of the Sahara!

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Please note, some links direct the user to the product on Amazon Smile , where you can set your charity of choice to MIND Research Institute and support math education through your purchase. Thank you for joining us on our mission to ensure that all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world's biggest challenges.

Board game photography on this page by Unfiltered Gamer .

Calli Wright

About the Author

Calli Wright was the Marketing Manager at MIND Research Institute. She loves playing and designing board games, which she often talks about on twitter @CalliWrights .

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Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games

by playeditwell | Nov 21, 2023 | Games

board game about problem solving

Looking for a fun and challenging way to exercise your problem-solving skills? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the best problem-solving board games that are guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours. Whether you enjoy unraveling mysteries, strategizing your moves, or collaborating with friends to crack puzzles, these games have got you covered. From classic favorites like Clue and Scrabble to newer, innovative options like Pandemic and Codenames, you’ll discover a wide range of options to suit your taste. Get ready to roll the dice and put your critical thinking to the test as we explore the world of problem-solving board games!

Click to view the Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games.

Table of Contents

Overview of Problem-Solving Board Games

Problem-solving board games are a fantastic way to exercise your brain, challenge your strategic thinking, and have fun with friends and family. These games are designed to promote critical thinking, logical reasoning, and creative problem-solving skills. Whether you enjoy traditional classics or more modern alternatives, there is a problem-solving board game out there for everyone.

Definition of problem-solving board games

Problem-solving board games, also known as strategy games, are tabletop games where players must navigate complex challenges, puzzles, and decisions in order to achieve a specific goal. These games often involve competitive or cooperative gameplay and require players to analyze situations, make strategic choices, and adapt their plans based on changing circumstances. From classic favorites to newer releases, problem-solving board games offer a wide variety of gameplay experiences that cater to different interests and skill levels.

Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games

This image is property of images.pexels.com.

Check out the Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games here.

Benefits of playing problem-solving board games

Playing problem-solving board games offers numerous benefits beyond sheer entertainment. These games provide a range of advantages for players of all ages, making them both enjoyable and educational. Some key benefits of playing problem-solving board games include:

  • Mental stimulation: Problem-solving board games engage your brain, promoting critical thinking, logical reasoning, and strategic planning. They challenge you to analyze options, weigh risks and rewards, and make decisions based on limited information.
  • Social interaction: Many problem-solving board games involve multiplayer gameplay, fostering social interaction, cooperation, and healthy competition. They provide opportunities to bond with friends and family, enhance communication skills, and build teamwork.
  • Creativity and imagination: Problem-solving board games often require players to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to overcome obstacles. They encourage creativity, imagination, and lateral thinking, allowing players to explore new ideas and perspectives.
  • Problem-solving skills: As the name suggests, problem-solving board games help develop problem-solving skills. Players learn to identify problems, evaluate alternative solutions, and make informed choices to achieve their objectives.
  • Relaxation and stress relief: Engaging in a challenging problem-solving board game can serve as a fantastic way to unwind and relax. The immersive nature of these games, combined with the focus required, can help alleviate stress and provide a break from daily responsibilities.

Popular themes in problem-solving board games

Problem-solving board games come in a variety of themes, catering to different interests and preferences. Whether you’re a fan of fantasy, history, mystery, or wordplay, there’s a game out there to suit your taste. Some of the most popular themes in problem-solving board games include:

  • Fantasy: Games set in magical realms, featuring mythical creatures, epic quests, and magical abilities.
  • History: Games based on real or fictional historical events, allowing players to relive important moments or build their own civilizations.
  • Mystery: Games that involve solving mysteries, uncovering clues, and deducing the culprits behind crimes or other puzzles.
  • Sci-fi: Games set in futuristic, science fiction settings, exploring advanced technology, space exploration, and alien encounters.
  • Horror: Thrilling games that immerse players in chilling and suspenseful scenarios, often incorporating elements of supernatural or psychological horror.
  • Wordplay: Games that test vocabulary, language skills, and creativity, such as crossword puzzles or word-building challenges.

With such a wide range of themes available, problem-solving board games offer something for everyone, regardless of personal preferences or interests.

Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games

Classic Problem-Solving Board Games

Classic problem-solving board games have been enjoyed by generations and continue to captivate players today. These timeless games have withstood the test of time and remain popular due to their engaging gameplay and strategic depth. Let’s explore a few of these classics:

Chess is a two-player game that embodies the epitome of strategic problem-solving. With a 2,000-year history, this ancient game requires players to anticipate their opponent’s moves, plan several steps ahead, and execute carefully calculated strategies. Chess develops critical thinking, concentration, and analytical skills, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a challenging problem-solving experience.

Scrabble is a beloved word game that challenges players to create words and strategically place them on a game board. By utilizing their vocabulary, spelling, and letter placement skills, players must maximize their points while strategically blocking opponents. Scrabble is an excellent choice for individuals who enjoy wordplay, strategy, and expanding their vocabulary.

Monopoly is a classic game of economics and strategy. Players take on the role of real estate moguls, buying, selling, and trading properties to accumulate wealth and bankrupt their opponents. Monopoly requires players to make strategic decisions regarding property purchases, rent prices, and investments, all while carefully managing their finances. This game promotes critical thinking, negotiation skills, and risk assessment.

Cluedo, known as Clue in North America, is a mystery-solving game that has players attempt to determine the killer, weapon, and location of a crime. By gathering clues, deducing information, and making logical deductions, players work to solve the murder mystery before their opponents. Clue encourages critical reasoning, deductive thinking, and attention to detail.

Whether you choose to engage in a battle of wits with chess, challenge your vocabulary with Scrabble, build your empire in Monopoly, or become a master detective in Clue, these classic problem-solving board games offer endless hours of entertainment and opportunities for strategic thinking.

To be continued…

Discover more about the Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games.

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The 15 Best Puzzle Board Games That Are Thinky and Fun

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Board games can be engaging for all kinds of reasons. For me, I love being challenged by a game that presents itself as a puzzle to be solved, whether it's a spatial puzzle, logical puzzle, or some other kind.

What exactly is a puzzle board game? It's hard to define because nearly every board game—except for dexterity-based games—is a kind of puzzle where you're solving for a solution (i.e. how to win the game) within the constraints of that game (i.e. the rules of play).

A board game is a puzzle game when solving for a solution is the core experience and not just one of many aspects. You aren't molding the game with clever play; rather, the game is putting you inside a box and you're figuring your way out of it.

Here are my picks for the best puzzle board games and why you need to try these if you're looking for a thinky but fun time.

board game about problem solving

Designed by Dustin Dobson and Milan Zivkovic

Supports 1 player

About 10 to 15 minutes

ROVE is a tiny card game by Button Shy Games, a company who specializes in 18-card "wallet games" that are highly portable. This one is a solo spatial puzzle game that's extremely thinky.

In ROVE , six of your cards are module cards that are positioned on an imaginary grid. Your goal is to move them around into a formation that matches the pattern of your current mission card.

You only have a limited number of moves—dictated by the cards you play from your hand—and each module has its own unique rules for movement (along with one special ability each).

You'll love ROVE if you like puzzle games where the challenge is to move things around and reach a solution in as few moves as possible.

board game about problem solving

14. Sprawlopolis

board game about problem solving

Designed by Steven Aramini, Danny Devine, and Paul Kluka

Supports 1 to 4 players

About 10 to 20 minutes

Sprawlopolis is another tiny 18-card game by Button Shy Games and this one is the company's best puzzle game yet. (There won't be any other wallet games by this company on this list.)

In Sprawlopolis , you're building out a city by placing cards that have different districts on them: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Park. The largest region of each type will earn you points.

But it's not easy because every card also has roads going through the districts, and each separate road will lose you points. You're trying to build regions, but you also need to connect your roads.

And there's one final twist: Every game starts with three random scoring cards that provide more ways to earn and lose points. These cards combine to form your target score to win!

If you're looking for a puzzle card game that's portable, affordable, and plays in under 20 minutes, it doesn't get better than Sprawlopolis .

board game about problem solving

13. Patchwork

board game about problem solving

Designed by Uwe Rosenberg

Supports 2 players

About 15 to 30 minutes

If your idea of an intriguing puzzle board game is along the lines of Tetris , then you should definitely check out Patchwork .

Patchwork is a two-player spatial puzzle game where you take turns drafting Tetris -style polyomino tiles and placing them onto your own player boards that each have a 9x9 grid.

But it's more than just a spatial puzzle game. You'll also be collecting buttons as currency, which are needed to buy the tiles for your board. Patchwork is as much about managing your button economy as it is making sure you can fill out your grid.

Patchwork is a simple and quick game that strikes a great balance between these two elements, which is why it's one of the most popular two-player board games (particularly for couples).

board game about problem solving

12. Bärenpark

board game about problem solving

Designed by Phil Walker-Harding

Supports 2 to 4 players

About 30 to 45 minutes

If you like the idea of Patchwork 's spatial puzzle gameplay with polyomino tiles but want a game that lasts a little longer and supports a higher player count, then Bärenpark is the one you want.

In Bärenpark , you're building out your own bear park by placing polyomino tiles on your own personal player board.

Some of the park spaces on your board have special icons on them. As you place your tiles, covering these icons will trigger special actions like drafting even better tiles or expanding your park.

What's great about Bärenpark is that this is actually a race game: the first player to expand their park three times and fill out the entirety of their park is the winner.

In that sense, Bärenpark is both a spatial puzzle (i.e. maximizing tile placements) and an efficiency puzzle (i.e. triggering the right actions at the right time to minimize wasted turns).

board game about problem solving

11. Savannah Park

board game about problem solving

Designed by Michael Kiesling and Wolfgang Kramer

Savannah Park is a game where everyone has their own identical player board, plus a set of 33 unique animal tiles for each player. Those tiles are randomly dispersed to fill each player's board—and when that's done, each player's board will have 10 open spots.

Turn by turn, each player will pick one of the unique animal tiles. Then, every player must move that exact tile on their own board to one of the available open spots on their own board. When an animal is moved, the tile is flipped over to show it can't be picked anymore.

After 33 turns, all players will have moved all the animal tiles. Boards are scored according to several spatial constraints (e.g. points for the largest grouping of each animal type) and the highest scorer wins.

Savannah Park is a full-on spatial puzzle game where you need to think ahead to ensure your animals can go where they need to. But it's also a strategy game where you can mess up other players through your tile selection on your turn. That combination is surprisingly fun!

board game about problem solving

10. Evergreen

board game about problem solving

Designed by Hjalmar Hach

About 45 to 60 minutes

In Evergreen , players each have their own planet boards that start off barren but will grow trees over the course of the game. These planets are divided into different biome regions.

Every round, players will draft from a set of cards. These cards dictate two things: the biome in which they can act that round (e.g. seed saplings, grow saplings into trees, etc.) and a special ability that they can use that round.

The main puzzle element comes in the placement and growth of trees. Trees only score points when they're mature, but mature trees block sunlight from other trees behind them (so they can't score points).

On top of that, the direction of sunlight changes every season so trees that didn't block any trees in spring might block trees in summer, and the different biomes score differently over the course of the game.

The key to winning Evergreen rests in managing all of these different aspects in proper balance, making it one of the best midweight puzzle board games for hobby gamers.

board game about problem solving

9. Welcome to Your Perfect Home

board game about problem solving

Designed by Benoit Turpin

Supports 1 to 100 players

About 20 to 30 minutes

Welcome to Your Perfect Home (also called Welcome To... ) is one of my favorite paper-and-pencil board games. Why? Because it's really just an elegant puzzle game that's thinky but not stressful.

Every round, you're presented with three options. Depending on which option you pick, you get to develop your neighborhood in different ways, and those paths each have their own scoring rules.

But no matter what you do, you're always beholden to the same constraint: the houses on each street must always be numbered in ascending order. As you fill out your houses, you always want to make sure you're leaving yourself room for numbers in between.

Welcome to Your Perfect Home is just a series of simple decisions and you never feel overwhelmed, but it's such a satisfying puzzle where your goal is optimizing your house placements for maximum points.

board game about problem solving

8. Switch & Signal

board game about problem solving

Designed by David Thompson

Switch & Signal is a cooperative puzzle board game with trains. But this isn't a game about building routes and connecting cities! Rather, this game is about guiding trains by toggling the switches that force trains to switch between tracks.

In Switch & Signal , the trains just keep coming—they appear on random tracks and they move at different speeds. You want to guide these trains to different destinations so they can pick up goods to be delivered to other destinations elsewhere.

You only have a limited number of actions per turn, so you need to toggle the right tracks at the right times to ensure each train gets to where it needs to be.

And while you can certainly play it solo, Switch & Signal is made even better by its cooperative gameplay. When you all find your groove and cleanly conduct these trains with teamwork, it's just so satisfying.

board game about problem solving

7. Tiny Towns

board game about problem solving

Designed by Peter McPherson

Supports 1 to 6 players

Tiny Towns is a fun spatial puzzle board game that has a bit of a bingo flair to it: on a player's turn, they pick one of the five resources—and every player gets to collect that resource.

Each player also has their own 4x4 player board. They can place the collected resource anywhere they want on their board. Why are these resources being placed on boards? Well...

Every game of Tiny Towns starts with a random set of seven buildings. Each building has its own pattern that involves resources grouped together in a specific shape.

When players make that exact pattern on their board using resources, the resources are wiped from their board and they get to place one of those buildings on any of the spots where those resources were.

Each building provides points for various things (e.g. one building might gain points for every adjacent building of a certain type).

All in all, the spatial puzzle of Tiny Towns is two-fold: first, where to place resources, and second, where to place buildings. And because every player is collecting the same exact resources as everyone else, there's absolutely no luck involved!

board game about problem solving

6. Cascadia

board game about problem solving

Designed by Randy Flynn

About 30 to 60 minutes

Cascadia is one of the best spatial puzzle board games because it's actually two spatial puzzles in one. That extra layer makes it so fun and engaging, but it never tips into "stressful brain burner" territory.

The first layer of the puzzle involves hex-shaped terrain tiles that fit together to create regions of each terrain type. Only the largest region of each terrain type gets scored, so smart placement is important.

The second layer of the puzzle involves animal tokens that are placed on top of the terrain tiles. Each tile can only support certain animal types, and animal tokens need to be placed in specific patterns to score. (Each animal has its own unique scoring pattern.)

Every round, you draft one of four random tile-and-token pairs, then add that tile and token to your personal board. Figuring out how to maximize your terrain regions and animal patterns is key to winning Cascadia , and that makes this one of the most engaging puzzle board games.

board game about problem solving

Designed by Adrian Adamescu and Daryl Andrews

Sagrada presents itself as a beautiful game about constructing a stained-glass window using colorful, translucent dice. In reality, it's a brain-crunching puzzle game for smarties.

Each player has a unique player board that consists of a 5x4 grid where dice will be placed, but some of the grid cells have restrictions on what kinds of dice can be placed on them.

How do you get dice? Every round, a handful of dice are randomly grabbed from a bag and rolled. Players then take turns drafting one die at a time to add to their player boards.

When placing a die, it must always be placed adjacent to an existing die on the grid. However, no two adjacent dice can ever be the same color or the same number value.

With all these rules involved, you can see how Sagrada is a full-blown puzzle. The stained-glass theme is icing on top.

board game about problem solving

4. Roll Player

board game about problem solving

Designed by Keith Matejka

About 60 to 90 minutes

If you've ever played Dungeons & Dragons , then you know what it means to "roll a new character." In D&D , every character has six different attributes (e.g. Strength, Dexterity, etc.) and their values are determined using dice rolls. Hence, rolling a new character.

Roll Player turns this whole process into a fun puzzle game—and while you can certainly enjoy Roll Player even if you've never played any tabletop RPGs, the enjoyment is double if you have!

You start by drafting your character's Race, Class, and Alignment, which determine your ideal targets for each of your attributes. Then, turn by turn, you draft dice and add them to your different attributes.

The catch? Each attribute only has enough room for three dice, so you need to be selective in where you place each die. Furthermore, each attribute triggers a special ability when you place a die there (e.g. adding a die to Dexterity lets you swap any two dice).

And if that weren't enough, Roll Player also has Skills and Equipment that alter your character in various ways.

As you build your character's attributes, you'll earn points as your character starts meeting their ideal stats. Whoever has the most points at the end wins. Roll Player is several different puzzles that combine to form one big and thinky puzzle—and it's one of the best.

board game about problem solving

3. The Search for Planet X

board game about problem solving

Designed by Matthew O'Malley and Ben Rosset

The Search for Planet X is the ultimate logical deduction puzzle board game. If you like games like Clue but you want meatier gameplay, or you want less of a luck factor, or you prefer a space theme over the murder mystery theme, then this one's a must-play for you!

In this game, you'll be navigating deep space in search of the elusive Planet X. In order to locate it, you'll need to travel around the sun and scan various sectors to figure out what they contain.

As you gain more information about each sector, you'll also gain information about where Planet X is—and eventually, by ruling out certain sectors and using logical deduction, you'll be able to pinpoint where it is. (Hopefully before anyone else does!)

Perhaps the best thing about The Search for Planet X is that the game logic is managed by a mobile app. Everything is randomized at the start of each game and you'll use the app to scan sectors and learn about what lurks in every sector you scan.

board game about problem solving

2. Factory Funner

board game about problem solving

Designed by Corné van Moorsel

Factory Funner may remind you of a particular style of pipe-connecting puzzle games that used to be popular as web games and mobile games, except Factory Funner adds more depth to the concept.

In this game, players have their own factory boards where they'll be placing hex-shaped "machine" tiles that earn money. However, each machine tile requires different kinds of energy inputs in order to run, so your job is to hook them up to the necessary energy reservoirs.

Of course, each length of pipe that you lay down costs you money. Plus, you only have one reservoir of each energy type, so if you aren't careful, you'll end up running lots of pipe and cutting into your profits. (And whoever has the most money at the end wins.)

Factory Funner is both a spatial puzzle and an efficiency puzzle where your placements directly affect how much income you make. It's not just a great puzzle board game—it's also extremely fun!

board game about problem solving

1. Project L

board game about problem solving

Designed by Michal Mikeš, Jan Soukal, Adam Spanel

Project L is the quintessential puzzle board game. It takes the idea of a spatial polyomino puzzle, combines it with a bit of engine-building, and tops it all off with a race element for added time pressure.

In Project L , you're trying to complete individual polyomino puzzles by filling them in with polyomino pieces. When you complete a puzzle, you get all the pieces back, plus any extra pieces awarded by the puzzle.

But what if you don't have enough pieces to complete a puzzle? Well, you can use an action to acquire a Level 1 piece. Or you can use an action to upgrade one of your pieces to a piece of the next level. Otherwise, you can use actions to place pieces or take more puzzles.

The thing is, you only have three actions per turn. Because of that, Project L demands utmost efficiency—you need to make full use of every action to complete more puzzles than everyone else.

Some puzzles are harder than others, and those puzzles are worth more points. When the stack of puzzles runs out, the game ends and whoever has the most points wins.

All of these elements come together and result in a high-tension puzzle board game experience that rewards clever moves and feels incredibly satisfying to play. Without a doubt, Project L is up there as one of the best puzzle board games of all time.

board game about problem solving


10 Board Games to Stimulate Logical and Mathematical Thinking

Dec 20, 2023 | Education | 0 comments

Playing Chess

As the holiday season approaches, and we anticipate spending many hours at home with family and friends, one of the best ways to have fun is by playing board games together. Board games not only provide entertainment but also serve as a valuable tool for developing cognitive skills, such as logical and mathematical thinking . These games present strategic challenges, force us to solve complex problems, and even demand mental calculations. This week, we suggest 10 board games that, besides being enjoyable, stimulate logical and mathematical thinking, helping keep your mind active.

Chess is an ancient strategy game that challenges the mind and promotes logical and mathematical thinking. Players must anticipate moves, plan strategies, and foresee the consequences of each move. The ability to calculate multiple moves ahead and evaluate possible opponent responses enhances analytical and problem-solving skills. Chess also stimulates mathematical skills, requiring the use of numerical concepts such as counting moves, evaluating patterns, and calculating positions. It’s a great option for two-player moments or even organizing a family tournament.

Catan is a strategic board game that demands good resource management and intelligent decision-making. Players must negotiate, trade, and build settlements while competing for control of lands. Probability calculation and strategic evaluation of actions are crucial elements for advancing in the game. Catan encourages long-term planning, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt to changing situations.

Sudoku is a numerical puzzle that challenges logic and deductive reasoning. By completing a 9×9 grid with numbers 1 to 9 without repetition in rows, columns, and subgroups, it stimulates the ability to identify patterns, apply rules, and solve complex problems. It’s an individual game that promotes concentration, memory, and numerical understanding, contributing to the development of logical and mathematical thinking.

4. Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is a game based on the strategic construction of railway routes. Players must plan and execute optimal routes while collecting train cards and connecting cities. Evaluating options, decision-making, and point calculation are fundamental aspects for success in this game. The need to manage resources and optimize strategies fosters logical thinking and basic mathematical skills, such as mental calculation and estimation.

5. Dominion

Dominion is a deck-building game where players compete to accumulate the most points. Strategy and resource optimization are essential to acquire cards and build an effective deck. Careful decision-making and evaluating available cards require analytical and strategic planning skills. Additionally, this game involves calculations to maximize moves and adapt to opponents’ strategies.

Qwirkle is a game that challenges logic and pattern recognition through the placement of pieces with different shapes and colors to achieve the highest score. Players must identify and create logical sequences based on similar colors or shapes. This game promotes spatial reasoning, strategic planning, and the ability to identify and apply patterns—crucial skills in logical and mathematical thinking.

7. Rummikub

The classic Rummikub is a strategy game based on forming numerical groups and sequences with numbered tiles. Players must use logical reasoning to get rid of their tiles while planning and adapting their strategy throughout the game. This game encourages quick mental calculations, pattern identification, and the ability to make numerical combinations.

8. Pandemic

Pandemic is a cooperative game where players take on roles to stop global disease outbreaks. Collaboration, strategic planning, and resource management are vital for success. This game stimulates logical thinking by requiring the identification of patterns in the progression of diseases and decision-making to counteract them. It also involves calculations related to resource management and probabilities.

9. Carcassonne

Carcassonne is a tile-placement game where players build medieval landscapes. Strategy to expand territories and decision-making on where to place tiles are essential aspects of the game. It requires spatial skills to evaluate the board layout and foresee future moves. This game promotes strategic thinking, planning, and point calculation.

Finally, we can’t forget another classic board game. Risk is a global conquest game where players aim to dominate the world. Strategy, decision-making, and risk assessment are crucial for success. Players must calculate probabilities and assess the balance between attacking and defending to achieve victory. Risk stimulates strategic thinking and the ability to evaluate multiple scenarios, improving logical and mathematical thinking skills.

In summary, what all these board games have in common is that they are not only fun but also a valuable tool for the development of logical and mathematical thinking. They require strategic planning, the use of problem-solving skills, and the ability to perform quick mental calculations, among other cognitive abilities. Each game offers the opportunity to strengthen different cognitive skills, and they all allow us to enjoy moments of entertainment, whether individually, in pairs, or with friends and family.

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6 Best Board Games for Sharpening Your Problem-Solving Skills

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When you sit down to play the Ravensburger Suspicion Family Board Game, you're not just enjoying quality time with friends and family; you're also honing your problem-solving skills in a way that's both engaging and challenging.

Each of the games on our list, from the strategic depth of Cultivate by Pops & Bejou Games to the emotional intelligence fostered by Breaking Barriers Down, offers unique benefits that extend well beyond the game board.

As you explore these options, consider how they might not only entertain but also develop critical thinking and decision-making skills.

What's more, understanding the factors to consider when selecting these games can significantly enhance your ability to choose wisely, ensuring each game night is an opportunity for growth.

Life Skills for Kids Board Game

teaching essential life skills

For families seeking to bolster their children's problem-solving and social skills, the 'Life Skills for Kids Board Game ' emerges as a top choice. Tailored for kids aged 4-10, it accommodates 2-8 players, making it perfect for family game nights or classroom activities. With over 200 question and activity cards, it dives into essential topics like manners, feelings, and behaviors, encouraging kids to discuss and navigate through scenarios involving bullying, personal safety, and more. It's not just a game; it's a conversation starter for important life lessons, designed to engage kids in meaningful discussions on problem-solving, safety, health, and smart choices.

Whether you're a parent, educator, or therapist, this game's versatile nature and educational benefits make it a highly recommended tool for fostering social skill development in young minds.

Best For: Families, educators, and therapists seeking a fun and engaging way to teach children aged 4-10 essential life skills.

  • Encourages meaningful conversations on important topics like safety, health, and social behaviors.
  • Suitable for a wide age range, making it versatile for family game nights or educational settings.
  • Highly praised for its educational value in homeschooling, therapy, and social skill development.
  • Some users suggest modifications for better engagement, indicating room for improvement in gameplay.

Thought-Spot Growth/Fixed Mindset Card Game

mindset card game innovation

Are you seeking a fun and educational way to enhance your child's problem-solving skills? The Thought-Spot Growth/Fixed Mindset Card Game is tailored just for that. This game cultivates coping and social skills, develops resilience, and significantly reduces meltdowns and stress. It's not just a game; it's a journey towards mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy, suitable for children aged 8 and above.

Best For: Families and educators seeking to foster growth mindsets and improve emotional intelligence in children and teens.

  • Cultivates coping, social skills, and resilience effectively.
  • Encourages a positive mindset change and enhances self-motivation.
  • Autism-friendly and suitable for a diverse range of cognitive abilities.
  • Mixed feedback on language and game aspects.

Cultivate Board Game by Pops & Bejou Games

unique farm themed board game

If you're looking to sharpen your problem-solving skills through playful competition, the Cultivate Board Game by Pops & Bejou Games, with its award-winning blend of strategy and simplicity, is an ideal choice.

Grabbing the Best General Card Game title at the 2022 UK Games Expo, Cultivate thrives on a perfect mix of easy-to-learn mechanics and deep strategic play. You'll dive into a world of satirical cult leaders, employing take-that tactics to outwit rivals. With 91 screen-printed wooden meeples adding charm, the game promises a high replay value, offering new challenges with every session.

It's not just about fun; it's a strategic endeavor wrapped in humor, making it a great pick for anyone looking to bolster their tactical thinking in an enjoyable way.

Best For: Gamers looking for a balance between strategy and fun with a humorous twist on cult leadership.

  • Award-winning gameplay recognized at the 2022 UK Games Expo for its blend of strategy and simplicity.
  • High replay value with a variety of cult leaders, game boards, and strategic options.
  • Family-friendly design with easy-to-learn rules and light-hearted, satirical content.
  • May not appeal to those uninterested in satirical or cultish themes.

Breaking Barriers Down – Social Skills and Emotion Regulation Game

breaking social barriers through games

Designed to foster emotion regulation and explore feelings, 'Breaking Barriers Down' is an ideal choice for kids, teens, and adults aiming to enhance their social skills. Created by Therapy U, this game dives into emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and joy with 208 questions designed to encourage discussion. It's a hit with school counselors, teachers, and therapists, widely used to build self-esteem and prompt reflection on emotions.

Plus, it's a great tool for family therapy, helping forge deeper connections through meaningful conversations. With positive feedback for its effectiveness in therapy sessions and its ability to engage players in exploring their feelings, it's clear why this game is cherished. Whether you're in a therapy setting or just looking to improve communication and empathy within your family, 'Breaking Barriers Down' offers a valuable and interactive experience.

Best For: Individuals of all ages looking to enhance their social skills and emotional understanding, including children, teenagers, and adults.

  • Developed by Therapy U, a reputable creator in therapeutic games.
  • Facilitates meaningful conversations on emotions, aiding in therapy and family discussions.
  • Positive feedback on its effectiveness in therapy and educational settings.
  • Initially considered overpriced before being discounted.

Ravensburger Suspicion Family Board Game

intriguing family board game

For families seeking to enhance their problem-solving skills through play, the Ravensburger Suspicion Family Board Game emerges as a top pick, offering a blend of deductive reasoning and strategic gameplay. You'll join a masquerade at Baron Whitetooth's estate, acting as a jewel thief. With components like guest movers, a deduction pad, and gem tiles, you're set for a thrilling 45-minute challenge.

Designed for ages 10 and up, it's not just fun but also sharpens your strategic thinking as you deduce other players' identities while collecting gems. With easy-to-understand instructions and high replay value, it's perfect for game nights. Plus, customers rave about its engaging gameplay and quality components, likening it to a simpler, yet equally captivating version of Clue.

So, gather your family, it's time to put your detective hats on and dive into this intriguing game of stealth and strategy.

Best For: Families and friends looking for a fun, strategic board game that enhances deductive reasoning and problem-solving skills.

  • Offers engaging gameplay with a mix of strategy and deduction, appealing to a wide age range.
  • High replay value with quality components, ensuring a lasting gaming experience.
  • Easy to learn and set up, making it accessible for game nights and gatherings.
  • Limited to 2-6 players, which may not accommodate larger groups.

Mindfulness Therapy Games for Social Skills and Self Care (40 Cards)

therapeutic card game set

Catering to individuals seeking to enhance their social skills and self-care routines, Mindfulness Therapy Games offers an engaging experience with its 40-card set. Developed by InnerIcons, this game isn't just about fun; it's a tool designed to improve visualization and social interactions among kids, teens, and adults. Each card in the deck prompts you to engage in activities that foster mindfulness, grounding, and relaxation. You'll find the game comes with a handy 12-page booklet filled with activities to guide your journey towards better communication skills and self-care practices.

Moreover, the magnetic strip on the box ensures your cards are securely stored, while their sturdiness promises long-lasting use. Whether you're looking to enhance group discussions, therapy sessions, or simply want a meaningful game night at home, this game is versatile enough to meet a wide range of needs. It's not just about playing; it's about growing and learning to live in the moment, making it a valuable addition to anyone's collection.

Best For: Individuals and families seeking to enhance mindfulness, social skills, and self-care through engaging and interactive gameplay.

  • Comes with a variety of activities that promote mindfulness and self-care.
  • Suitable for a wide age range, making it versatile for both kids and adults.
  • Supports charity initiatives, adding a socially responsible aspect to your purchase.
  • Limited to 40 cards, which may reduce replayability over time.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Board Games for Boosting Problem-Solving Abilities

selecting board games for problem solving

When you're selecting board games to enhance problem-solving skills, it's important to consider several key factors.

You'll want to ensure the game is suitable for the player's age, offers educational value, and supports skill development.

Additionally, look for games with high replayability and encourage player interaction to maximize the benefits.

Age Appropriateness

Selecting the right board game requires careful consideration of the recommended age range to match the child's developmental stage accurately. You'll want to find games that adapt in difficulty as skills improve, ensuring they're always just right for the player's current level.

It's essential to look for themes and content that are age-appropriate, keeping the gameplay engaging without being too complex or simple. Assessing the rules and mechanics is crucial; they should be easy for the intended age group to grasp and enjoy.

Educational Value

After considering age appropriateness, it's crucial to evaluate the educational value of board games to ensure they effectively boost problem-solving abilities. Educational board games excel by weaving critical thinking, strategy, and decision-making into their gameplay.

They often target specific learning areas like math, logic, language, and social skills, making learning engaging and interactive. By pushing players to analyze situations, foresee outcomes, and innovate, these games foster cognitive development and enhance problem-solving skills. Designed with clear learning goals, they offer a hands-on approach to acquiring new knowledge and skills, all while having a blast.

Skill Development

To boost your problem-solving skills, consider how a board game's design can sharpen your critical thinking and strategic planning abilities. Games demanding logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and creative problem-solving enhance your ability to think flexibly and adapt to new challenges.

You'll find that engaging in board games requiring you to solve puzzles, navigate obstacles, and overcome strategic challenges directly hones your decision-making skills. Cooperative games push this further by encouraging teamwork, fostering effective communication, and requiring shared decision-making, crucial for real-world problem-solving.

Lastly, games centered around resource management, risk assessment, and adapting strategies in changing scenarios will significantly strengthen your capacity to solve problems in dynamic environments, making you better equipped to tackle complex issues.

Replayability Factor

When choosing board games to enhance your problem-solving skills, it's crucial to consider the replayability factor, as it ensures each game session brings fresh challenges and learning opportunities. Replayability refers to a game's ability to remain engaging and enjoyable after numerous plays.

High replayability in a board game means you'll encounter varied experiences each time, keeping you intrigued and on your toes. This variety stems from elements like randomization, multiple victory paths, and changing game dynamics, which introduce new puzzles and challenges.

With branching decision points and hidden information, these games compel you to think differently, adapt strategies, and solve problems in innovative ways. Opting for games with high replayability maximizes your learning and keeps your problem-solving skills sharp with every play.

Player Interaction

Exploring the realm of player interaction reveals its power to dramatically enhance your problem-solving skills through dynamic collaboration and competition. When you dive into cooperative board games, you're signing up for a journey where teamwork and shared strategies are key. You'll learn to communicate effectively and pool your collective intellect to overcome challenges.

On the flip side, competitive games push you into the deep end of critical thinking. You'll need to outsmart your rivals and adapt quickly to ever-changing conditions. Social deduction games add another layer, sharpening your deductive reasoning as you decode hidden cues and untangle puzzles.

Strategic Depth

Delving into strategic depth, it's crucial to consider how the complexity of a board game's decision-making processes can significantly enhance your problem-solving abilities. Strategic depth involves evaluating multiple options, predicting outcomes, and planning ahead.

This depth isn't static; it changes based on the game's mechanics, rules, player interactions, and randomness factors. When choosing a board game to boost your problem-solving skills, look for ones where you must adapt to changing circumstances and think critically to outsmart opponents.

Games with high strategic depth challenge you to anticipate and counter various strategies, making them ideal for sharpening your abilities. Remember, players with strong problem-solving skills often excel in these games, as they navigate complex decision-making landscapes to achieve their goals.

Game Duration

Considering game duration is essential when selecting board games to enhance your problem-solving skills. Game length can greatly influence your overall enjoyment and engagement.

If you're tight on time or prefer quick thinking exercises, shorter games are ideal. They fit easily into busy schedules and can keep everyone's attention from start to finish.

On the other hand, longer games dive deeper into strategic challenges, offering a more immersive experience. When choosing a game, it's important to balance its duration with its complexity and the players' interests.

Think about everyone's attention span and preferences. This balance ensures that the game remains engaging and enjoyable, maximizing the potential for developing problem-solving abilities without losing interest midway.

Theme Relevance

When selecting board games to sharpen your problem-solving skills, it's crucial to consider how well the game's theme aligns with this goal. Opt for themes that demand strategic thinking, critical analysis, and decision-making. These elements enhance your ability to solve problems effectively.

Look for games that present thematic challenges and puzzles, engaging you in scenarios that require a thoughtful approach. It's important to choose games that allow you to apply problem-solving strategies within the context of the theme, making the experience both challenging and rewarding.

Ensure the theme provides a stimulating environment, immersing you fully and encouraging the use of your problem-solving skills. This approach ensures that your gaming experience isn't only fun but also beneficial to your cognitive development.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can integrating these board games into a traditional educational curriculum enhance students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

By integrating these games into your curriculum, you're engaging students in fun, yet challenging activities. They'll sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by facing and solving complex problems in a playful, interactive environment.

Are There Any Studies or Research That Show a Direct Correlation Between Playing These Types of Board Games and Improved Problem-Solving Skills in Adults?

Yes, there are studies indicating that playing strategy-focused board games can enhance adults' problem-solving skills. These games stimulate critical thinking and strategic planning, leading to improved cognitive function and decision-making abilities.

Can These Board Games Be Adapted for Individuals With Learning Differences, Such as Dyslexia or ADHD, to Help Them Improve Their Problem-Solving Skills?

Yes, these games can be adapted for those with dyslexia or ADHD. You'll find that with some adjustments, they can greatly aid in enhancing their problem-solving abilities while ensuring the games remain enjoyable.

What Are the Environmental Impacts of Producing These Board Games, and Are There Sustainable or Eco-Friendly Options Available?

You're wondering about the environmental impacts of board game production and if there are greener choices out there. Yes, eco-friendly options are available, using sustainable materials and practices to minimize their ecological footprint.

How Do These Games Address Cultural Inclusivity and Sensitivity to Ensure They Are Accessible and Appropriate for a Diverse Range of Players?

You've asked how these games ensure cultural inclusivity and sensitivity. They often do so by incorporating diverse themes, characters, and perspectives, making sure they're accessible and respectful to players from various backgrounds.

In wrapping up, you've got a solid lineup of board games designed to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Whether you're leaning towards enhancing social skills, boosting emotional intelligence, or just having fun while cultivating a growth mindset, there's something for everyone.

Remember, when picking out the perfect game, consider its impact on critical thinking, adaptability, and collaboration. So, go ahead, choose a game that resonates with you, and get ready to challenge your mind while having a blast!

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board game about problem solving

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Best Problem-Solving Board Games

By: Author Cheryl Kochenderfer

Categories Board Games , 2 Player Board Games , Cooperative Board Games , Dice , Family Board Games , Kids Board Games , Round-Ups

Best Problem-Solving Board Games

Houston, we have a problem!  

Problems of all kinds pop up from time to time. It’s only natural! It’s what you do about them that matters. 

So how are your problem-solving skills? Can you identify issues and think of creative solutions? Now is your chance to test those skills with our top picks for the best problem-solving board games. Analyze issues, make decisions, and test your solutions. 

If your problem-solving abilities weren’t quite what you thought… practice makes perfect! So keep calm and play on.   

Table of Contents

???? Our Top Picks for Best Problem-Solving Board Games

In a hurry? Take a quick peek before you go.

A Feast For Odin

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Featured

Players: 1-8 Playing time: 60-120 minutes

Cracking crimes involve your best problem-solving skills. 

Sherlock Holmes knows this all too well. Step into his world of Victorian-era London, where crimes range from stolen artifacts from the National Gallery to murder in Hyde Park. 

The game stays true to its theme and setting. The clues are laid out before you in the form of era-appropriate maps , interviews, and newspapers. Work solo or collaboratively, piecing together the puzzle to uncover the mystery . 

Who committed the offense and how? Use deductive reasoning and eliminate suspects to narrow down the culprit in question. There are several versions of this game, so dust off that detective hat to keep solving crimes! 

Keen to know more? Check out our in-depth review of Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective before you buy!

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective - Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures

A Feast for Odin

A Feast for Odin Board Game Box and Player Boards

Players: 1-4 Playing time: 30-120 minutes

A Feast for Odin is an economic engine-building game . It’s a complex game with many components but very satisfying once it gets rolling. 

In A Feast for Odin, you must juggle many components, from the mundane everyday activities of preparing food to the outward expansion of claiming land and hunting. Build up your territory and stabilize your resources. 

It’s all about taking risks and weighing rewards. Where will your workers be most advantageous? How can you best use your resources? Taking actions might be simple, but predicting their end results is trickier. 

Who will prepare the best Feast for Odin? See what you can bring to the table with this medieval strategy game. 

A Feast for Odin

Players: 3-8 Playing time: 15-45 minutes

Decrypto is a puzzle of vocabulary and word order. 

Problem-solving in this game means determining the correct order of target words based on clues. 

Working against each other, each team receives a set of four words only they can see. Let’s say the target words are “banana-water-table-toy.” The team’s clue master gets a numbered code such as “3-2-1”. Giving one-word hints, the clue master must lead their team to guess the correct word order. The clue master could provide the hints “desk-hydrating-monkey.”    

The rules are straightforward. However, clues and guessing require more strategy than first meets the eye. If the opposing team guesses your words correctly, they win points. Play to your audience and achieve those victory points first!    

Pandemic Board Game Featured Image

Players: 2-4  Playing time: 45 minutes

The world has seen far too many pandemics in modern times. We know just how important problem-solving skills can be. 

It may be easy to sit back and criticize the decisions made. But could you do better in a position of power? Here’s your chance to find out!

In Pandemic , players take on roles such as scientists or medics. Work together to stop the deadly disease in its tracks. 

Each turn, players can travel to foreign lands or work from their current location. The disease spreads from region to region across a map – much like an actual virus would. Collect the right set of cards to control outbreaks and eradicate the disease. If it spreads beyond your control, it’s game over for all, including humanity.  


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Kingdomino Board Game

Players: 2-4 Playing time: 15-25 minutes

Kingdom building meets dominos in Kingdomino!

Your goal is to build the best kingdom in the best locations to win. Instead of just numbers, these dominos have landscapes and bodies of water as well. Take turns choosing your desired pieces from a communal pool. But be strategic – picking the most valuable piece means you’ll go last in the next turn. 

Add dominos to your 5×5 grid to complete your territory. Once everyone has completed their grids, tally up points. Points are awarded for the number of adjacent terrains with crowns in them. For example, if you have four forest pieces next to each other with two crowns, you get eight points (4×2=8). 

Kingdomino is simple and plays quickly but still requires enough strategy to keep you engaged. Who’s the best king of the land? Play to find out!


Players: 2-4 Playing time: 15 minutes

Build corridors in Quoridor! 

Quoridor is a straightforward game to learn but requires spatial awareness, logic , and strategy. 

The goal is to get your pawns to the opposite side of the board. Sounds easy enough! However, walls are being built as you go, constantly changing the path ahead of you. 

On each turn, you can either place a wall or move your pawn one space. Turn-taking is quick but tricky. Will you choose to sabotage your opponents? Or move your pieces as quickly as possible? 

Don’t become a pawn in this game – get them across that board fast!   


Players: 3-4 Playing time: 60-120 minutes

Catan is an all-time favorite problem-solving game. It’s a game of card collection, resource management, and negotiation.

Players build cities, structures, and armies across a modular map with hexagon tiles. The goal is to achieve ten points by getting a certain number of structures. You need just the right combination of cards to build and expand. Use those resources to get cards – or exercise those expert negotiation skills. 

It’s a race to control the board while balancing your resources. But don’t expand too slowly, or you’ll opponents will take over valuable real estate.  

Catan has high replayability with a constantly changing board, a little luck, and varying strategies. 


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Escape Room

Escape Room: The Game Box and Components

Players: 3-5 Playing time: 60 minutes

Bring an escape room right to your tabletop!

Escape Room comes with 4 hour-long challenges to get you thinking outside the box– and hopefully get you out of the room!

Like an actual escape room , the players work together over three rounds. Combine your minds to solve puzzles, crack codes, and uncover mysteries. Every wrong answer counts against your time. So be careful with those guesses! When the ominous counter hits zero – it’s game over, and you’re locked in for good. 

The Escape Room challenges come in varying themes and levels. Work your way up in difficulty and grab an expansion when you’ve mastered them all!

Escape Room: The Game

Players: 2-8 Playing time: 15-20 minutes

Tsuro is a strategic tile placement game . It’s an elegant yet simply designed game. Once you see the board, the gameplay is very intuitive.  

Players have one stone that travels as paths are created in front of them. Tracks move in varying ways as they are created… they may head straight or curve in unpredictable and dangerous directions. 

Players hold three tiles in their hands at all times. Each turn, place one tile on the board. All stones connected to that tile’s path must move accordingly. If your piece moves off the board or collides with another stone, you’re out! 

Can you be the last player standing? Lead your opponents down an unsuspecting path of destruction to get there!


Players: 2-4 Playing time: 120 minutes 

Being the best alchemist requires the right mixture of strategy and savvy. 

Outsmart your opponents by selling potions, publishing research, and getting grants. Disprove their hypotheses to bring them down. But beware — if your theory isn’t failproof, they could do the same!  

As any scientist knows, reputation also matters. Although it does fluctuate throughout their careers. So maintain a good one to grab more points.

After six rounds, final points are tallied to determine the winner. Points are awarded for reputation, artifacts, and grants. Final scoring is also a moment of truth, and theories are revealed to be correct or complete fallacies. 

See how you would fare in the world of alchemy. Mix things up by playing Alchemists!


We hope you enjoyed our list of the best problem-solving board games! Have you tried any of these board games for kids and adults? Did we miss any of your favorites? Drop a comment below and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear from you.

Cheryl Kochenderfer

Cheryl is a teacher, writer, and board game fan. She likes incorporating games into all areas of her life, from classrooms and family nights to lively parties with friends. While she’s played too many to count, her favorites have always been classics like Codenames and chess.

Denise Gaskins' Let's Play Math

Helping families to learn and enjoy math together.

Build Problem-Solving Skills with Board Games

Board games are a celebration of problem solving, and problem solving is at the heart of a quality mathematics education… The mathematics might be hidden, but I guarantee you that it will be there. — Gordon Hamilton, MathPickle.com Commercial Games 8

Games for Ages 8+

Games for Ages 12+

5 thoughts on “ Build Problem-Solving Skills with Board Games ”

I love the 8+ video and recommendations but the 12+ has a link to the 8+ video.

Oops! Thank you for pointing that out. My internet connection was running so slow that I didn’t take time to double-check the post. I should have known better. Fixed now.

Any recommendations for the 6-8 age range please? cheers

We have found that most games that an 8 year old can play can also be played by my 6 year old. If you’re unsure, try playing on a team with your 6 year old and let them do as much on their own as they can – they may surprise you!

One game that is actually rated 6+ that we enjoy is Qwirkle.

Have used many games in the classroom. One worth your site mentioning is Mathopoly, which comes out of Canada. I ordered it online (mathopoly.ca) Amazing for ages 12 and up, some of my students parents are using it to brush up on their own skills too. Thanks for the great site.

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Nurture Your Child's Wonder


in Good Ancestors/Traditions Brighter Children · Good Parenting Brighter Children

11 Best Brain-Building Board Games for Teens in the World!

Inside: If you want to build your teen’s sense of creativity and problem-solving skills, you need brain-building board games for teens. Playing the right games will exercise the brain and make teens smarter. These games require strategy, spatial organization, and visual perception. They are perfect for teens and tweens. Play games with your kids and watch their brains soar.

Board Games for Teens

board games for teens, playing chess

Playing games with your kids will help develop their abilities to problem-solve and strategize. These are qualities they can use in later life

If you’re looking for the perfect activity to do with your teens or a gift to give your teens–try board games! The right board games for teens will exercise their brains in amazing ways and make them smarter kids. And I speak from experience.

Here is a list of 10 board games for teens plus a super bonus game that will get your tweens and teens thinking on all four cylinders. These are brain-building board games for teens that involve intricate strategy, spatial organization, and visual perception. Several of them are considered “oldies but goodies,” because they have stood the test of time and are loved and beloved by many.

Bottom line: For this age group, they are literally the best board games for teens in the world. Plus–check out the “review section” from people who play these games regularly.

Best Board Games for Teens & Tweens

#1 board games for teens: settlers of catan.

board game about problem solving

About the Game :

The goal is to build cities, settlements, roads and to collect development cards.

Each player uses various resources such as grain, ore, lumber, farm animals, or brick to sell or trade with other players. You get resources by rolling the dice and trading with other players. However, you must be on the lookout for someone trying to rob you or block your ability to trade.

Catan is a landmark game, and a modern classic of teaching social order wrapped up in play. It was awarded “Game of the Year,” in the United States and Germany and is considered an international favorite and an amazing board game for teens.

Ages: 10 and up

How it builds the brain:.

Players are required to think and both visually and mentally strategize their moves. This kind of play builds the spatial areas of the brain which in turn helps kids in math. It also teaches basic economics.

Review from Jason:

This is a must-have for any game-playing family. Strategic enough to entice adults yet simple to reel in young children. Warning: highly addictive!

board game about problem solving

Teens and tweens love to play board games–they build problem-solving skills, spatial intelligence, and team-building skills.

#2 Board Games for Teens: Hive

board game about problem solving

About the Game:

As more and more pieces are added; the game becomes a fight to see who can be the first to capture the opposing Queen Bee. Playing the game is easy and you can become quite proficient in a short amount of time.

Although not as intense as chess, it is more interesting than playing checkers. Unlike chess, the board is always changing (as you build the hive), and it’s easier than chess—even though you have to be on your toes thinking through each move.

Ages: 8 and up

How it builds the brain: .

It’s   a game of strategy and perception, so each player must think and think again. Many board games just require shaking the dice and moving the pieces. Not this! You are thinking, strategizing and maneuvering the entire time. And, it also strengthens the spatial areas of the brain as you build your hive (which increases math understanding).

Review from Brandon:

Hive is a lot like chess. Lots of versatile pieces, two-player only, super addicting, and tons of strategy play. It brings out the best problem-solving skills you never thought you had.

#3 Board Games for Teens: Coup (The Dystopian Universe)

This is considered one of the “Resistance” games because Coup is all about deception and political intrigue.

board game about problem solving

Kids love to play board games–especially when their parents join in the fun!

The government is run for profit by the “royal class” of multinational CEOs. Because of their greed, most people live lives of poverty and desperation while the upper class lives, “high on the hog.”

Out of the depressed rises “The Resistance,” an underground organization bent on overthrowing the greedy rulers. They create discord and weakness in the political royal, almost bringing the government to collapse.

According to the cards you draw, you can manipulate, bribe, and bluff your way into absolute power. In order to win, you must destroy the influence of your rivals and send them to exile. Unfortunately, there is only room for one person to survive.

Ages: 12 and up

Another game about thinking and strategizing. Consider this: your teen must use his/her thinking hats when playing these games and in turn, he/she translates those same skills while doing schoolwork. Playing and strategizing using games is the best way to learn thinking skills.

Coup is a fun social game about honesty and deception. You can bluff your way into any action, but it’s never mandatory. Truth-telling can also be rewarded. You get to decide. The fun of the game is detecting the fibbers, calling them out, or perhaps even getting tempted yourself to spin a yarn. It’s a game that’s best elevated when you’re playing with people who can appreciate a good poker bluff and not mind being called out for it.

#4 Board Games for Teens: Dominion: 2 nd Edition

board game about problem solving

About the game:

Each player is a monarch and ruler of a small kingdom (just like your parents before you). But, you have bigger hopes and dreams than your parents and want a larger kingdom. You want a Dominion.

In all directions on the board are small pieces of land, controlled by petty lords; verging on anarchy. Your goal is to bring civilization and unite these people under your banner. However, other monarchs (players) have the same idea. The race is on and you must get as much unclaimed land as possible. To accomplish this, you hire minions, construct buildings, spruce up your castle, and fill the coffers of your treasury.

Ages: 14 and up

How it builds the brain :.

This game builds critical thinking skills because players analyze, synthesize and evaluate each move as they play.

Review from Melissa: 

Though intimidating at first, quickly becomes addictive and exciting , to say the least. Don’t let the many decks of cards stress you out. Strategically placing a specific card may be the turning point in you winning or losing the game.

#5 Board Games for Teens: Blokus

board game about problem solving

The goal of this game is for the players to fit all of their pieces onto the board. As they place a piece, it cannot lie adjacent to the other player’s pieces. But it must be placed touching at least one corner of their pieces already on the board. The player who gets rid of all of their tiles first is the winner.

The game is easy to learn, takes about 30 minutes to play and can be repeated for more family fun.

Ages: 7 and up

Blokus is a fast-paced strategy game that defines “One Rule, Endless Possibilities.” It requires quick-thinking, considering all possibilities, and making careful calculations. This game strengthens the spatial areas of the brain which translates into better math skills.

This is a great game for budding engineers and anyone who is good at spatial games (think Tetris). Will also come in handy for later endeavors like packing suitcases in the car.

board game about problem solving

Games teach kids how to strategize and think–all important life-time skills!

#6 Board Games for Teens: Codenames

board game about problem solving

There are two rival spymasters who know the identity of 25 agents. Their teammates know the agents only by their codenames. Each team tries to make contact with all their agents first and win the game.

Spymasters give one-word clues that can point to multiple words on the board. Teammates try to guess words while avoiding those belonging to the opposing team. There is also an assassin that everyone tries to avoid.

Helps your teen to strategize, analyze, and evaluate knowledge. In other words, it is building critical thinking skills. For your child to be successful in school and beyond, they must learn how to think critically. This game helps to develop those skills.

Review from Melissa:

A card game like no other. Having to think of one word to describe many things — It’s a fun way to stretch your brain and really see if you know the people you think you know.

#7 Board Games For Teens: Stratego

board game about problem solving

About the game :

Two armies clash and one is victorious. These are Napoleonic armies and each player must devise plans to deploy troops with strategic attacks and clever deception to break through the opponent’s line and capture the flag.

Ages : 8 and up

How it builds the brain :.

Another game of strategy, evaluation, and analyzation—the basis of critical thinking skills

Review from Jason :

A simple game that has stood the test of time. I loved it as a kid, and I love it as an adult. It combines the quintessential features of a quality game: enjoyable for all ages, and fun enough to keep coming back for more.

board game about problem solving

The ultimate game of strategy, careful evaluation and knowing your opponent’s next move

#8 Board Games for Teens: SET: The family game of visual perception

board game about problem solving

The object of the game is to find as many SETs as you can—the player with the most SETs at the end of the game wins. A set of cards consists of 3 cards that are either All Alike or All Different in each of 4 features: symbols, colors, numbers, and shadings. Twelve cards are displayed at once and everyone is racing to find sets and when a player finds a set, he/she must call it out and point it out.

Ages: 6 and up

As the game states, it’s about visual perception. Visual perception is extremely important for learning, reading, and writing. It’s the process of absorbing what you see, organizing it in the brain, and making sense of it.

Review from Yael:

I love SET because not only does it exercise your brain, but I love seeing how everyone’s minds work. Some people notice the simple sets, some only look for the complicated ones (that was me, sometimes I wouldn’t see a super easy one staring me in the face!), some people are methodical about searching…anyway, it is always a lot of fun and very rewarding to win!

#9 Board Games for Teens: Spontuneous : The Song Game

board game about problem solving

One player says a “trigger” word and the race is on for the others to sing a song containing that word. Each player tries to stump other players from singing a portion of any song containing the trigger word. The first person to reach the “Finish Line” of their song wins the game.

How it Builds the Brain:

I’m all for anything that has a musical component to it. As you “sing” your way through this game you are building the auditory areas of your brain which translates into better reading, writing and concentration skills.

Review from Sharlene:

Last year I didn’t know a whole lot about this game–got it, played it–and it’s fabulous! Because there is a listening component to it, it will help to develop the aural skills (or listening skills) of your children. This is a keeper!

#10 Board Games for Teens:   The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

board game about problem solving

When choosing board games for your tweens and teens, choose ones that require higher-order thinking skills such as having to analyze, synthesize and evaluate their moves

Okay, I’m not a fan of video games. I’ve seen too many kids stare comatose into a screen hour after hour and push buttons to maim or kill their opponents. Most video games are not educational (sorry). And all that staring at a 2-dimensional screen is anything BUT good for the brain.

However, my daughter-in-law encouraged me to include one video game that actually requires a lot of strategy and thinking. Hence: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Each player is exploring the wilds of Hyrule; climbing towers, mountain peaks and braving the wilderness. They battle enemies, wild beasts and gather ingredients for food and elixirs for the journey. Players discover 100 Shrines of Trials and solve puzzles inside that include physics, harnessing the power of nature, (including electricity, wind, and fire), and thinking outside the box.

Players must be prepared and equipped with different outfits and gears as they encounter varying temperatures and a need for clothes that can make you faster or stronger. And of course, battling enemies is part of the deal. And each enemy has its own attack method and weaponry—so you must put on your best thinking caps to defeat them.

After carefully reading dozens of reviews on this game, I’ve come to the conclusion that it really does require higher-level thinking skills and strategizing. I believe that kids develop these skills precisely through game playing and NOT through boring workbooks (that they are given in school). Hence, I think this sounds like a game that will definitely build critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills.

Breath of the Wild is not your average video game. It opens you to a massive, open universe and dares you to explore. It challenges you to problem solve in super creative ways. It tests your ability to analyze complex puzzles like no Zelda game has ever done before. You’re always learning how to best survive, forage for food and weapons, adapt to cold and hot climates, and how to best defeat your enemies. Best of all, this game allows you to discover all of this through experimentation. The level of freedom is incredible and super refreshing. You’d be hard-pressed to find a smarter, more rewarding video game experience.

#11 Board Games for Teens:  Bonus Game: Dabble

board game about problem solving

You say “go” and the race to spell 5 words in 2 minutes using your 20 tiles is on! The first person to spell 5 words wins the round.

Ages: 8 and up. 2-4 players needed

How it builds the brain:.

Strong readers have strong spelling and vocabulary skills. This game builds both. Each player needs to think and work fast to spell 5 words correctly. Plus for older players, it acts as a brain-teaser and keeps the brain sharp!

Review by Max:

This game is amazing for kids as young as 8 and as old as 100. Why? Because it provides a great brain-teaser for people wanting to keep their minds in tip-top shape. At times it almost feels like a crossword puzzle—having to think of words and spell them correctly. Another advantage; it can be played solo. 

So, there it is—11 of the “Best Brain-building Games in the World” for your tweens and teens.

board game about problem solving

Here is the “Teaching Tips for Parents” section. They include ideas for parents to help increase fun, learning, and interaction with your kids as you play the best board games for teens.

board games for teens, board games for kids, board games for families, sequence board games, family board games, best board games, best board games for adults.

Check out the 2-minute video here

If you have experience with any of these games—please comment below. Or, if your family plays other games that you love, and that build your kid’s brains, please let us know which games (so we can join in the fun).

Want to remember this post post these “ 11 best brain-building board games for teens in the world ” to your favorite pinterest board.

board game about problem solving

February 2, 2023 at 10:03 pm

My Daughter is 9. She struggles with dyslexia. She is in 3rd grade. During COVID I keep her home and tried to home school her. It was a major failure. So she pretty much didn’t go to 2nsd grade. Now she’s struggling. I want to find fun learning games and activities we can do to help her in school.

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February 3, 2023 at 10:25 am

I had a son that was dyslexic. If possible, I would talk to an Occupational Therapist for ideas on how to help your daughter. It can be very frustrating for kids to learn when they have learning challenges. Have you had your daughter tested for auditory processing? There could be a connection. We played lots of games with my son–all of the ones I’ve listed here. It takes time to help learning-challenged kids. And reach out to her school and teachers–they may have ideas, too. Best of luck!

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December 16, 2018 at 4:54 pm

I love your list. We are a HUGE board game family! Settlers of Catan is our second favorite game! One that didn’t hit your list but our house favorite is 7 Wonders. We are an extremely competitive family, and this is one where your play doesn’t negatively affect other players. So, nobody gets mad. It’s not a cooperative game, but your play affects only you, and it’s just a really fun game. Pandemic is another house favorite, a cooperative game… And for extended play, Pandemic Legacy.

December 16, 2018 at 6:58 pm

Stephanie! These are great suggestions! I’m going to check them out–before Christmas. We like to exchange board games (we used to exchange DVDs–a waste). These sound perfect for the gifts I still need to get. Thanks for your input & suggestions!

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December 11, 2018 at 3:53 pm

What a great list of games for teens!!! I can honestly say I haven’t played a single one of this list. This excites me though because now I have 11 games to introduce in our house. First on my list, Spontuneous:The Song Game, for my music loving son.

December 11, 2018 at 5:01 pm

He will love Spontuneous! But–try Settlers of Catan–that one is amazing! Thanks for your input–always appreciate your support!

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November 14, 2017 at 9:34 pm

Thanks for the info about these games. I’m always looking for new and GREAT games. My grandkids are getting older and several of these games sound perfect. They are smart kids who like a challenge!

[…] teens and older kids, some of the best brain-building board games to play during the pandemic include Settlers of Catan, […]

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Developing Thinking Skills Through Board Games

Despite the millions of apps and video games that invade our everyday lives, board games (also known as tabletop games) are making a comeback to the family table. If what comes to mind when you hear the phrase family board games is Monopoly or Scrabble , then think again, there are now a myriad of themes with enticing illustrations and complex mechanics to spice up your tabletop gaming experience. This new generation of games offers parents opportunities to bond with their children and reclaim time away from screens whilst building key 21 st century thinking skills in an entertaining way.

Board games offer multiple ways to develop a number of thinking skills . For example, problem solving , logical thinking and decision making are developed through:

  • planning within a restrictive amount of choice
  • management and prioritising of limited resources
  • thinking ahead of the current turn
  • predicting what others may do
  • evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of different moves
  • staying ahead while remembering and adhering to the rules of the game
  • flexibility in playing the same game differently each time.

Another important benefit derived from playing board games is the unique opportunity that they offer to process sets of information simultaneously . This creates regular practice in working memory and information processing . These cognitive skills have been shown to play a crucial role in academic performance as well as in the everyday life of all adults. They involve being able to remember key facts about the issue at hand, while mentally comparing and contrasting options or propositions, then organising or prioritising these key facts to produce a response, which may be verbal or by means of a chosen behaviour or action. The more variables the child can manipulate at once, the higher the probability that they will choose an optimal resolution.

Some introductory games that could be used by your family to develop these skills, include:

  • Alhambra – Create your own Alhambra complex, buying gardens, pavilions and other structures, while building the longest garden wall. The more of each structure you have compared to other players, the more points you get, and if you are efficient with the use of your money, you get rewarded with another turn.
  • Azul – Compete to get tiles from suppliers for your Portuguese mosaic grid. The order in which you complete it will determine your points, but wasted supplies will cost you, and you can’t repeat a pattern within a column or row. For an added level of complexity see Azul: Summer Pavilion .
  • Carcassonne, like Catan, has been around for a long time, but their simple rules make them good entry games for all ages. In Carcassonne, tiles are placed to create the board, and the player has to decide whether and which choice of worker to place; some will get you points for the tiles around it or the longest farm area. In Catan the player creates their own settlement, building houses and roads, for which resource cards (wood, grain, brick, sheep and stone) are needed.
  • Sagrada – Each player builds a stained-glass window by building up a grid of dice on their player board. Each board has some restrictions on which colour and die value can be placed, with same colour or value not being allowed next to each other. Special cards allow a player to break a rule, and individual goal cards give additional points for those who achieve them.
  • One Night Ultimate Werewolf – This is a fast-paced game of deceit, where the town people need to catch the werewolf. With each player having a hidden role, trying to discover who is the werewolf or trying to conceal that you are, takes wit and quick thinking.
  • 7 Wonders – As the leader of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World, you need to gather basic resources to develop commercial routes and affirm military supremacy. A set of cards is dealt in each of the three rounds, the player takes one and passes the rest to an adjacent player. Then, players play their one card simultaneously, paying or taking resources to place them. This is repeated until all cards have been used. After each of the three rounds, players get points for their buildings and military strength as compared to immediate neighbours.
  • Between Cities – You work with the player on your left to design the heart of one city (playing a factory, shop, park, landmark or house), and with the player on your right to design the heart of another city. On each turn you select two tiles from a hand, reveal them, then work with your partners separately to place one of those tiles into each of your two cities before passing the remaining hand of tiles around the table. The tricky bit is that the winner is the player whose lowest scoring city has the higher score!
  • The Quacks of Quedlinburg – Be a quack doctor creating secret brews. Each player has a bag of ingredients chips and, during each round, they simultaneously draw chips to place in their pot. The higher the value of the chip, the further it can be placed and the more coins received for ingredients. However, if you push your luck and get too many cherry bombs, your pot will explode.

Other skills can also be developed through board games; for example, some games train social skills like theory of mind , as players learn to predict how others will react or have to consider another player’s interpretation of a given picture (e.g. Dixit, Mysterium or Codenames ). In other games, the whole family play as a team, developing team-working skills, effective communication and collaborative problem solving , as players present and discuss their ideas for best movement for the whole team (e.g. Forbidden Desert, Subterra, or Pandemic ). Yet other games are highly creative , they require players to imagine unique scenarios, characters or weapons and develop flexibility , as each game requires a novel way of thinking and making points (e.g. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D ; or Mice and Mystics ).

Card games often have easier instructions to follow and can be used to play when short of time, going on holiday (they are small and easy to pack) or when you want to start introducing these skills for the very first time. Some games include: Hanabi (a cooperative game where you can see everyone’s cards but yours!); For Sale (get into real estate by bidding for buildings to later sell at the best profit); Splendor (become a Renaissance merchant and collect gems to buy mines, factories and shops, if you get rich enough, a noble visitor will bring extra points); Love Letter (a game of deduction where you have to secretly deliver your letter to the princess while deflecting those of others); Bohnanza (earn money by planting fields of sets of beans and harvesting them. You will need to trade and make deals with your opponents to win the game, as you can’t rearrange your hand of cards and you only have a few fields); and Century: Spice Road (players are caravan leaders who travel the silk road to deliver spices to the far reaches of the continent for fame and glory).

Some games are highly thematic and immerse you in a theme of choice. These include Wingspan (create a beautifully illustrated bird wildlife reserve); Viticulture (wine making at its best); Photosynthesis (plant trees in the best spots to collect sunshine and create shadows to slow down your opponents); Takenoko (tend a bamboo garden for the royal panda by cultivating and irrigating a colourful garden); Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (no board, this time a Victorian London map, newspaper cuttings, and interviews with suspects will have to be enough for you to solve the crime); and Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (a cooperative game set on JK Rowling’s wizardry world).

Board games can also be used with a subject-centred approach to increase your child’s ability and knowledge of numeracy (e.g. Times Square , Prime Climb ); vocabulary ( Taboo Kids vs Parents , Scattergories ); creative writing ( It’s Just a Theory, Snake Oil ); science ( Cytosis, Evolution ); coding ( RoboRally, CodingFarmers ); and the humanities ( Planet, Ticket to Ride, Nippon Rails, Medici , Teotihuacan, The Downfall of Pompeii, History of the World, Wars of the Roses: Lancaster vs. York, Battle of Britain ); and art ( Bruxelles 1893 , Tokaido , Kanagawa, The Gallerist ). Because young people are having fun, they learn faster and are willing to engage in the many repetitions that will allow information to stick. However, testing your child or forcing them to play a game would be counterproductive. For more games in these areas here are some of our favourite lists about maths, coding, science or history games:

  • https://thejohnfox.com/2017/01/15-boardgames-help-writers/
  • https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/board-games-to-learn-english/
  • https://blog.mindresearch.org/blog/big-list-mathematical-board-games
  • https://www.codemom.ai/coding-board-games-for-kids/
  • https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/206920/favourite-accurate-science-games .

If you are not used to playing board games as a family, start with card games or games that involve nonverbal skills , such as Tsuro, Ingenious, Set Game, Swish, Qwirkle, Patchwork, Doodle Quest, Blokus or Tangoes. Some of these (e.g. Set, Swish ) have junior versions to include a very young member of the family. You should be prepared to scaffold* young children, however, and they may need to first play the game with everyone’s hand open to view by all players. Parents and older siblings can help by verbalising their thinking process in order to model for the younger members of the family how to go about considering options and alternative moves. Another helpful tip to support younger children is to give older players a handicap. Depending on the game this could be, for example, getting fewer cards or actions, or allowing the younger player to take more actions. If the child is very young, three years old or so, there are games designed just for them. These are basic and won’t keep them entertained for long but could help them engage with the first steps of playing a board game (e.g. Little Orchard and Outfoxed , for a longer list see https://boardgamegeek.com/childrensgames/browse/boardgame ).

For those who have children who hate losing, cooperative games can ease the frustration of losing against another player while simultaneously providing opportunities for the adults in the house to model a good sports attitude when losing in a game. Be aware that some people can take over cooperative games, repeatedly deciding moves for the whole team. To avoid this, allow each player to propose an idea to the active player, but leave it to the player taking the turn to decide the move, even if this means losing the game!

An excellent resource to accompany your gaming experience is the website Board Game Geek ( https://boardgamegeek.com/ ), where you can find complete details about any game, such as recommended by age; by members and manufacturer; ranking among all members; best number of players to play a game; print outs of rules in case you lose or damage yours; gaming aids (like action options or round stages); alternative instructions (for example, a cooperative way to play Carcassonne ); written and video reviews, ‘how to play’ videos and even full playthroughs. You can also keep track of your own collection there and, for adults, there is a forum to connect with the board game community. You can also look up your local Board Game Café and Tabletop group online, many of which are open to families.

If after reading this you are now thinking of throwing your traditional board games away, don’t! To name just a few: Scrabble builds vocabulary and teaches about spelling, Monopoly is great to teach children how to count money if they are allowed to be the bank, Uno has very simple rules that young children can learn and still be enjoyed by the whole family, and Yahtzee teaches about addition and decision making. So, even if you only have these in the house, it is still well worth getting the board out!

*Scaffolding is an education technique which enhances, encourages, and enables learning by starting with specific instructions, then gradually reducing support and using more open-ended questioning as prompts.

About the author: Andrea Anguera is the Potential Plus UK Senior Assessor and holds an MSc in the Psychology of Education and Child Development.  She is the mother of two children with high learning potential.

skills builder aiming high, creativity, leadership, listening, problem solving, staying positive, teamwork

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10 Problem Solving Games for Kids

Playing board games is one of the best ways to spend time with your children. Why? Board games offer ample ways for kids to build their brains. Not only does playing games with your children improve family relationships and give opportunities for caring adults to help nurture good sportsmanship but the best games build kids' critical thinking and problem solving skills.

black and white checkers board

Note: this post contains affiliate links that may earn commission.

We've composed a list of problem solving games for kids that help develop the following critical skills:

  • Advance planning - what steps do you need to make in order to reach your goal?
  • Decision making - evaluating the benefits of multiple choices
  • Drawing conclusions and inference - how will your opponent respond to your choice?
  • Reevaluation - how you respond when the result is unexpected

Games work on all these skills while also being fun. What could be better? Here are our favorite 10 problem solving games for kids and families!

A note regarding age recommendations. I've included the manufacturer's recommendation, but most games can be played with younger kids, provided an adult is at the ready to assist.

Battle sheep game tiles


Every time you play Battle Sheep the playing space is different! That's because players start with 4 pasture boards that they take turns placing down to create the playing field. Kids are using advance planning and reevaluation right off the bat! Each player begins with 16 sheep and aims towards occupying as many pastures as they can. Players must chose between placing sheep or strategically blocking their opponents. We love this game that engages players' abstract thinking, strategic, and visual perception skills. Ages 7 and up. 2-4 players.

Find it: Amazon

Tsuro game of the path board, box and pieces

The board changes every time you play, keeping players on their toes and constantly reassessing their strategy. Players use tiles to create paths along which they move their tokens. The objective is to create paths in such a way that keep you moving but force your opponents off the board. Players must anticipate other's moves and problem solve in order accomplish both goals. Tsuro is also surprisingly easy to learn! Ages 8 and up. 2-8 players.

MORE : Our favorite tile-based games

Labyrinth board game box with game boards and pieces

Players make their way through an ever-shifting maze in pursuit of treasure. Each player begins with a set number of treasure cards and the player who collects all their treasure first, wins. The board consists of moving panels and on their turn, a player shifts the panels in an effort to further their own progress or hinder that of others. Ages 7 and up. 2-4 players

Kingdomino tiles and game pieces

Kingdomino is a tile placing game in which players must make choices regarding how to build their kingdom. The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible by matching tiles based on terrain. But some terrains score more than others. Players must decide if they want to build a lot of low scoring terrains, or fewer high-scoring terrains. Your tile choice also affects the order of play for the next round so it's important to be thoughtful. We've throughly enjoyed this game. An expansion pack is available. Ages 8 and up. 2-4 players

Find it: Kingdomino | Expansion pack | Queendomino

Photosynthesis game board with tree tokens laid out


Photosynthesis from Blue Orange Games has an environmental theme. Players focus on growing trees through their life cycle from seed to maturity. Players strategize to "plant" their seeds where they will receive the most light, without being blocked in the future by other, maturing, trees. Successful game play requires planning and analysis. The artwork is beautiful and adds to the unique game play. We have enjoyed playing this game! Ages 8 and up. 2-4 players.

Azul game board and tiles

Azul's stunningly colorful game design was inspired by azulejos , a type of decorated ceramic tile introduced to Spain by the Moors and made popular in Portugal by King Manuel I. Players transform into tile laying artists, and must strategize over three phases of game play: choosing tiles, laying them and prepping for the next round. The object is to collect the most points by creating lines of 5 consecutive tiles. Each line of tiles must contain only one of each type of tile. The game ends when one player has completed a row, but that player is not necessarily the winner. Strategic problem solving and planning are required because players can lose points in the wall-tiling phase for any remaining, unused tiles. Ages 8 and up. 2-4 players.

Gobblet game board and wooden pieces

Gobblet looks like Tic Tac Toe but players have large, medium and small pieces that nestle inside each other like Russian dolls. Players attempt to get four in a row by "gobbling" up smaller pieces. The game relies on advance planning, anticipating your opponent's moves and memory skills since you have to remember which Gobblets have been gobbled without peeking! Ages 7 and up. 2 players. A version for ages 5 and up is available as Gobblet Gobblers.

Find it: Gobblet | Gobblet Gobblers

Cat Crimes single player game from ThinkFun


Logic games are the ultimate problem solving entertainment! We love single player logic games and probably own an unhealthy number of these brain boosting puzzle games.

The following are some of our top favorites:

  • Cat Crimes , ages 8 and up ( pictured above ) - see it as our game of the month feature
  • Code Master , ages 8 and up - see it as our game of the month feature
  • Castle Logix , ages 3 and up - see it as our game of the month feature

wooden Mancala board with marbles

Mancala is a classic game every family should have. The board has two rows of depressions, plus end "home" bowls. The goal is to transfer the most stones from the rows into your home. A set of rules govern how you deposit and capture stones. You must use strategy to capture stones and ensure you do not leave them vulnerable to your opponent's greedy, greedy paws. Playing Mancala improves memory and observation skills. You must engage your strategic thinking skills to make sure you don't inadvertently give your opponent the opportunity to thwart you. Ages 8 and up. 2 players.

Clue game box and game board

There's a reason the classic detective board game, Clue, remains so popular. I loved it when I was a kid and I bet you did, too. Players race to be the first person to solve the mystery of the who, what and where of a murder. Clue requires deductive reasoning and logic skills to narrow down the possibilities. Players must also vigilantly observe the actions of other players to help them make logical decisions. Ages 8 and up, 2-6 players ( much better with 3 or more players ).

  • 6 games that improve visual perception
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10 Best Team Building Board Games for Office Bonding

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: November 30, 2022

You found our list of the best team building board games !

Team building board games are board games that focus on improving group dynamics. For example, these games include Reverse Charades, Codenames, and Telestrations. The purpose of these games is to develop teamwork competencies like delegation, interpretation, and compromise.

Team building board games are a type of team building games and games for the office , and similar to online board games .


Specifically, this list includes:

  • fun team board games
  • bonding board games
  • board games for team building
  • team building card games
  • office board games

So, check out the list!

List of team building board games

An hours-long game of Monopoly may challenge even the closest of friendships, but the board games on this collection help teams bond through collaborative effort. The team building board games on this list are suitable for large groups and employ teamwork skills such as problem solving and communication.

Twister is a game that challenges participants to position certain body parts on colored dots on a mat. For example, left hand green, right leg red. Anyone who has ever stepped onto the Twister mat knows that players turn into human pretzels fast. The game demands conversation, especially if you want to maintain any semblance of personal space. For example, “maybe if you moved your left leg toward the corner of the mat…” or “excuse me, I am just going to slide my right hand right onto this blue dot near your elbow.”

Twister is the board game version of the human knot . You will need to talk to the other players to avoid collapsing into a tangled pile, and you will get up close and personal. Twister teaches skills like communication and collaboration . The game breaks down barriers quickly; you and your team will bond by bending.

Link: Twister

2. Apples to Apples

Apples to Apples is a great game to play in a big group because the card game accommodates many players. The rules of the game are simple.

How to play:

  • The turntaker picks a “Green Apple” card from the top of the pile and places it face up in the middle of the circle. The Green Apple card contains an adjective such as sweet, wicked, or trustworthy.
  • Each player holds a handful of “Red Apple” noun cards like “people with no rhythm,” “misspelled tattoos,” or “funnel cakes.” Every player picks a card that corresponds to the selected Green Apple card and places the red card face down in the circle center.
  • The turntaker shuffles the red cards before flipping and reading each red card aloud. Once the turntaker reads all red cards, the judge picks the red card that most closely matches the green card.
  • The player who selected the winning red card gets to keep the green card. The player with the most green cards at the end of the game wins.

This game is one of the most fun card games to play with coworkers. Apples to Apples is a great game for team building because the game challenges players to discern teammates’ thought processes and senses of humor. A skilled player selects a red card not on first instinct, but rather based on what word the judge will most likely pick.

Note: The game Cards Against Humanity operates on the exact same rule structure, but the content of the cards can be NSFW. If all team members are comfortable with Cards Against Humanity’s dark and edgy sense of humor, then you may prefer to play the more adult version of this game. Otherwise, the office-safe option is to stick with Apples to Apples.

Link: Apples to Apples

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3. Scattergories

Scattergories is a word-based board game that challenges players to generate answers which all start with a single letter. Players work off lists of categories that include topics like “A girl’s name,” “foreign cities,” and “things found in a park.”

  • All players turn to the same list. You can use our list of Scattergories prompts or make your own.
  • One player rolls a letter die to select an alphabet letter.
  • A team member starts the three-minute timer.
  • Players produce as many answers as possible within the allotted time. For instance, if the letter is B, then a girl’s name could be Betty, a foreign city could be Baghdad, and things found in the park could be bicycles.
  • Once time is up, all players read the answers. Every answer is worth one point, unless it uses alliteration, in which case it is worth two points. Betty Boop, for example, would be a double point answer. If two players write down the same answer, then neither receives a point.
  • At the end of each round, tally up points. The player with the most points wins.

The more teammates who join a game of Scattergories, the more likely players will duplicate answers. To avoid repeating an answer and losing a point, players will have to predict teammates’ guesses and summon alternate answers. Scattergories teaches teammates to anticipate team members’ responses to prevent double work.

Link: Scattergories

4. Wits & Wagers

Wits & Wagers is half trivia, half gambling. In this game, players answer questions and bet on the most likely response. You can play Wits & Wagers as individuals, or can split the group into small teams.

  • Name one player to be the “Banker,” who keeps score.
  • Players take turns picking and reading a question off of a question card.
  • All non-reading players have 30 seconds to write down an answer to the question and place the answer in the center of the circle.
  • The reader arranges the guesses on the betting mat.
  • Players have 30 seconds to place a betting chip on the answer which seems most correct. Players may move the chips and change answers anytime within the 30 seconds.
  • The reader reveals the answer and instructs the Banker to award chips to the team members who guessed the number closest to the answer.
  • The banker also awards chips to the player who guessed the correct answer.
  • The player or team with the most point chips at the end of all rounds wins the game.

In the course of collaboration, team members will occasionally need to back up or bet on colleague’s work. Wits & Wagers is an exercise in using logic to decide whether to support or challenge a teammate. The game can also serve as a good litmus test of whether teams rally around a popular answer or an accurate answer.

Link: Wits & Wagers

5. Codenames

Codenames, a guessing game that centers around the acts of giving and following directions, is one of the most clever board games that help with team building.

  • Players split into two teams, named red and blue.
  • Each team selects one player to serve as spymaster. The remaining players become operatives.
  • Players lay out 25 cards in a five-by five grid. These cards contain “codenames” of sixteen agents, two double agents, one assassin, and seven innocent bystanders. Spymasters receive a guide to the grid.
  • Spymasters give operatives a clue containing one word and one number. For instance, if two of the words are “Saturn” and “Alien,” then the spymaster might give the clue, “Space: 2” since both words relate to outer space.
  • When an operative names the codename, the spymaster covers the card with the appropriate identity card, such as red agent, blue agent, assassin, or bystander.
  • The first team to identify all the team’s agents wins.

If any operative picks the assassin’s codename at any point, then the game immediately ends and the identifying team loses.

Codenames requires critical thinking and careful listening, which are great benefits of team building games . Spymasters must communicate minimally and meaningfully with teammates to guide the team without alerting opponents. Operatives must decode messages and infer the spymaster’s intent. Codenames teaches teams a lesson in instruction and interpretation.

Link: Codenames

6. Reverse Charades

Reverse Charades is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of one player acting out a word for a team, a team acts out a word for one player. Conveying a quiet message as a group requires skilled communication. In order for the player to guess a word correctly, a team needs to act in unison. While single mimes can switch moves in response to audience confusion, group pantomimes require more coordination to change tactics. Group members will learn to examine each other’s body language, pick up on cues, and adapt quickly.

One of the benefits of Reverse Charades is that you can easily play even if you do not possess the board game. All you really need for this exercise is a few teams and a list of phrases.

Link: Reverse Charades

7. Telestrations

Telestrations is a mix between Pictionary and the telephone game. In this game, players take turns drawing and interpreting pictures to convey messages between teammates.

  • Every player receives a notebook, a marker, and a card.
  • Roll the die to determine a number.
  • In the first page of the sketchbook, each player writes down the word on the card that corresponds to the number on the dice.
  • If there are an even number of players, then the starting teammate will sketch the secret word on the following page. If there are an odd number of players, then the teammate will pass the sketchbook to the right and the player on the write will sketch the word.
  • Start the timer and pass the book.
  • Each teammate will alternate either sketching a word or guessing the word based on the sketch.
  • Continue passing the book until the sketchbook reaches its owner.
  • Each teammate reveals the progression of the words and pictures within the sketchbook to the rest of the group.

The game manual assigns points to correct guesses. You can either keep score and award the teammate or team with the most points at the end of the game, or you can forgo points and enjoy the game. If you have a very large group, then you can divide employees into smaller teams to allow many folks to play simultaneously.

Telestrations calls on analytical and creative skills and teaches the need for clarity when expressing ideas. Not to mention, teams will have a blast drawing, deciphering, and displaying the hilarious results.

Link: Telestrations

8. Pandemic

Long before the word pandemic exploded across the news, the game Pandemic appeared on team building activity lists. Pandemic is one of the best team building board games because the rules require each player to assume a distinct role and responsibilities. Each turn, teammates will select an action card and perform an action to contain infections and research remedies. Players need to think and react to outbreaks and other events that occur over the course of the game. Teams can coordinate efforts to reach the desired final result. Pandemic ends when players discover cures for all the game’s diseases.

Pandemic teaches delegation and strategy among teams. This game requires teammates to work cooperatively within designated roles to advance towards group goals.

Note: Given the plausibility of the games’ events, some teammates may be understandably sensitive about Pandemic’s scenario. Games like Horrified and Forbidden Island operate on similar structures but present less realistic situations like defeating movie monsters or escaping a sinking island. If you think the premise of Pandemic may upset your employees, then consider playing one of these alternatives instead.

Link: Pandemic

Cranium is one of the board games for office game nights. The purpose of the game Cranium is for players to move around the board and perform challenges in one of four areas: Creative Cat, Data Head, Star Performer, and Word Worm.

Cranium is an excellent activity for teams because the game demonstrates that teams need players with different skills to achieve goals. Winning teams are combinations of analysts, artists, performers, and describer. Savvy players will identify each team member’s strengths and weaknesses and divide tasks strategically. Every teammate will have a role to play in the group’s success.

Cranium adapts easily for large groups. Playing Cranium teaches employees to assemble optimal teams and offers practice in how to compensate when groups lack necessary experts.

Plus, with challenges like “make this out of clay,” “choose a teammate who can correctly spell this word,” and “act this out,” Cranium is an ideal icebreaker activity for small groups .

Link: Cranium

You can play Jenga solo or with a team. To set up Jenga, you build a tower of wooden blocks by arranging three blocks in each row, with the rows alternating direction. The object of this game is to remove blocks from the lower levels of the tower and to use those blocks to form new rows on the top. Players aim to successfully extract and stack the blocks without knocking over the rest of the tower. The team that causes the tower to topple loses.

While the original version of Jenga fits on tabletop, you can also buy giant free-standing versions of Jenga which are ideal for larger groups.

Jenga serves as a solemn reminder that the miscalculation of a single team member can bring down the work of an entire team. Team members can guide teammates towards the optimal blocks to unwedge and decide next moves as a team. However, sometimes even the most wobbly tower holds and the stable tower suddenly tumbles, which teaches teams to manage expectations and prepare for unanticipated failures.

Link: Jenga

Closing thoughts

While other team building games and activities may feel unnatural to employees, board games are a common pastime. Chances are, your teammates play or have played these games in the past, and will feel comfortable embracing the game’s objectives.

When you break out a board game, your team will not ask, “Why are we doing this?” because the answer is obviously to win.

Next, check out our list of team building brain teasers and this one with team building puzzles .

We also have a list of office game room ideas .

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FAQ: Team Building Board Games

The following are common questions and answers about team building board games.

What are team building board games?

Team building board games are games that emphasize core teamwork attributes such as clear direction, mutual accountability, and emotional intelligence.

What are some good team building board games?

Effective games accommodate large parties and necessitate teamwork to fulfill the game’s objectives. Some good team building board games are Cranium, Pandemic, and Apples to Apples.

Why should you play board games at work?

Board games improve cognitive processes like memory and critical thinking, and sharpen teamwork skills such as decision making and communication. Additionally, board games encourage team bonding in a fun and relaxed environment.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com.

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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My Favorite Board Games for Problem Solving and Strategy

From an OT point of view, board and card games are the best. Games promote fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, planning, social skills, and problem-solving. However, as a mom, I find a lot of games tedious and boring. Some games are only suited to a very small age range of children, but my favorites have lasted for years.

Here are some of my family’s favorites, with both the reasons I like it as an occupational therapist and as a mom. I’ve tried to list games for a variety of ages so that you can find one that works for your family.

Princess by Family Pastimes Games

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I love this game as an OT because little game parts to move and tiny cards to turn over mean that this game has a great fine motor component. The problem-solving of thinking through how to get through each obstacle with the objects you have and the cooperative aspect of working together is a great way to build social skills and verbal skills.

As a mom, I love this game for children who are 4-8 and don’t yet feel comfortable with winning and losing. Small children can feel like they are “losers” if they lose a game, which causes them to become upset and act out. This game allows everyone to win or lose together, which teaches children that both of those are okay. It also builds trust with the children as they work together to win. I think that playing these games together was great for my children’s relationship with each other, which was the best part of the game.

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As an OT, I love that the game works on visual scanning skills. Each turn you need to look for where to place your piece in relation to the other pieces. It also develops motor control by requiring you to place the tiles and has the added component of color and shape matching. As a bonus, it requires no reading and can be played with a wide range of ages.

This is one of the few games that my husband and I could play with kids ranging from a kindergarten-age pre-reader to teenager and all enjoy. The game can be played with as few as 2 and as many players as you have, which is nice for our family of 5.

The puzzle aspect of the game allows adults to look for complex plays that set up the possibility of making a higher score, so it stays interesting for us too. My husband’s competitive nature means that he likes keeping score in this game. However, if you are playing with younger children, keeping score is optional.

Gobblet Gobblers

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From an OT perspective, I like the different-sized pieces for fine motor control. The simple style of the game and the fact that it can be played quickly, also make it a winner. Children need to learn to both win and lose graciously, and this game takes little enough time that your child can experience both in less time than some other games take to set up. The game also requires visual scanning and problem-solving as players work out where or how to move to block their opponent and be the first to get three in a row.

As a Mom, I really love that this is another game that requires no reading and can be played in less than 5 minutes. The fast gameplay means that we can play it between other daily activities or before bed, without fear we won’t have time for a story. While I threw a few games early in teaching them to play, I like that this game is easy enough that all of my children have learned to use strategy to win, so I can play for real against them, which makes it more fun for me.

board game about problem solving

It’s an OT’s dream for fine motor control exercises. I love the act of moving the little rocks. Children have to pick them up, manipulate them in their hands, and cross midline to put them down in each cup. Once the child understands the game, there is planning and prediction of what will help them win which helps them learn to plan other activities.

At home, I like that this game is simple enough that kids can play it without really understanding the strategy needed to win, and so can I. We can play this game while talking about other things or while I keep an eye on dinner. Yes, you can take it seriously, but you can also just play it; moving along the pebbles until they are all gone. Sometimes you need a game you can play while you sip coffee and don’t quite feel ready to think for the day.

board game about problem solving

This is my favorite game for children with poor fine motor control. The blocks are much easier to grasp and stack than the pieces of more traditional games. And while there is a nice little dice to roll and use for following directions, you can also choose to just take turns adding a single item to the tower.  For children who struggle with complex games, this is great. This game makes an excellent first game.

As a Mom, I made this game a “cooperative game” by simply saying that “we all win if we get all 10 elephants stacked up.” Then we won or lost together, which made it more fun. This game is adorable and engaging for younger children and can be played on the floor instead of on a table, too. My husband and I both found Zimbbos to be much more fun and interesting than the usual games targeted at younger kids and liked how the gameplay was quick and easy.

board game about problem solving

This might actually be the official card game of occupational therapy. It is easy to play and sets up quickly. It involves motor control to hold cards, deal, and place them. Plus there is a color and number matching aspect. The addition of cards that require one to do specific tasks and follow directions like “Draw 4” also encourage focus and attention to detail as the child counts the right number of cards.

In my house, I love that this game works for any number of people, so my whole family can play together, or the kids can all play with friends. Plus, no one argues about “I don’t want to be green”, which happens with board games. This game is also great for travel. Even the grandparents remember how to play, which is also a win.

board game about problem solving

As an OT, I love the visual scanning aspect of this game. Many children need to learn to look for details and look carefully when reading both stories and instructions. By practicing looking closely at the pictures, children prepare their eyes to look closely at words and not to skip over any.

This game is another one that plays quickly and is easy to pull out for a short break and then put away again. It comes in many themes so you can get one that interests your child. I like the little tin it comes in, which makes keeping up with a card game easier. The number of players is flexible, which is always nice.

Battle Ship

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It’s a win from an OT perspective because of those tiny pegs and ships for fine motor control. I also love the grid shape that requires kids to learn how to tell where the “hit” happened. Learning to chart both where they have had hits and misses in the game, along with their opponent, works on higher level visual perceptual skills. Predicting where they might be able to target to hit another ship builds excellent problem-solving skills.

The inexpensive travel version of this game has been great for my kids to play together while I work on something else, like the dishes. The clear rules of the game and ability to sit the kids on opposite sides of the table where they can’t touch each other’s game pieces means that kids who normally fight over games can play this with just a little supervision.

There are tons of other great games out there, but these are ones my family has really gotten our money’s worth out of. And I know they have also helped my children with their development. I hope you found a game on this list that you can add to your family’s wish list. Did you see any games you like or hate? Let me know! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

P.S. Here are the links to the games I’ve recommended today.

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23 Problem-solving games for busy work teams

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Problem solving is a skill that can serve almost anyone, in any role, in any industry. The ability to think critically, and resolve issues is a welcome talent that is helpful for every organization. How can you encourage such thinking in your team? In this article, we are talking about our favorite problem-solving games, activities, and exercises for work. Use these activities to sharpen the reasoning and decision-making skills of your department or your entire company. Without further ado, let’s dive into the best problem solving games for getting the most of your next work event. 

In-person problem solving games

If you have the opportunity to get your team together in person, that’s a gift! Perhaps you are planning a company retreat or a department-wide in-person meeting. Whatever the circumstances, in today’s more digital workspace, it’s not always easy to have everyone in the same room. When you actually do, make the most of it! These activities are set up for in-person groups. They are part team-building activity, part icebreaker, and all fun! All of these activities are guaranteed to get people thinking, communicating, and having fun. If you have a particularly big group, you may want to browse our article on large group games too. 

1. Treasure hunt

Similar to a scavenger hunt, a treasure hunt is a lot of fun but with a bit more intention. Rather than collecting a random list of items, participants use clues to find more prompts and hints, until the group solves a mystery (or finds a treasure). You can also create a treasure map if you want to play into the “pirate” fantasy a little more. The important thing is that only clues point toward the next stop - areas of the map should not be spelled out, but involve some problem solving and critical thinking to figure out what the clue means. 

2. Story challenge

For the language lovers on your team, try this version of an ongoing story icebreaker. To play, each person receives a number of words (a word bank) that they can use to create a story. Then, everyone reads their piece out loud or presents it to the group. To come up with the words available for each person, you can use a random word generator online, or get creative. For example, consider instructing participants that they can only use words from the company website, or from the emails they received in their inbox yesterday. 

3. Moral dilemma

Similar to a “ would you rather ” game, this activity centers on ethical dilemmas. Players should try to flex their moral problem-solving muscles by tackling a social issue. For example, Scruples is a popular board game that can be played. Or, you can look online for versions of games like Dilemma or Quandary. This is a great way to learn more about your colleagues while getting a peek at the way they think. 

4. Build a shelter

How would you survive if you were stranded in an isolated place with a blizzard coming? Use this activity to find out! As an added complication, you can pretend that everyone is blinded by frostbite (by using blindfolds). The team leader must give the group instructions for building a shelter that can withstand the arctic winds. To play, you need a large space and some supplies. Then, select a leader (who can see) and blindfold everyone else. You’ll also need a large fan. The leader guides everyone in putting together their shelter (remember, while blindfolded). When everyone feels confident that their shelter is up to the test, turn on the fan and see if the structure can withstand the wind! This game is sure to lead to a lot of laughs and you’ll be surprised at some of the clever ideas that people come up with. This is also a powerful exercise for effective leadership - it’s not easy to reach a goal with a group that is blindfolded! Check out our article on team activities especially for leadership as well.

5. Improv games

You may think of improv games as more of an icebreaker activity, but the truth is there is a lot of brain power that goes into well-done improv. Look for ways to add both logic and entertainment to your next improv effort. Consider scenarios like banned words, where people cannot use a certain list of words, or “miracle cure”, where one person shares a problem they’re having and the other person must come up with the solution on the spot. Both are fun and easy ideas that don’t require anything but willing participants! If you need some other quick and easy team building activities , make sure to follow our blog. 

6. Spaghetti tower

In this classic team building game, users try to build a tower using uncooked pasta noodles and marshmallows. The instructions are simple: use the tools at your disposal to design and build the tallest tower in order to win the challenge. You can judge on height alone, or weigh other factors like innovation, number of towers, or stability. For more simple team building activities , make sure to follow our blog. 

7. What would you do?

Another classic icebreaker, this game involves coming up with some scenarios that require brain power to address. Here are some prompts you can use with your group: 

  • What would you do if you were at the zoo and all the animals escaped? 
  • What would you do if you were the first person to find out about an upcoming zombie apocalypse? 
  • What would you do if you were in line for a really important item, and a person cut in front of you, getting the last item? 
  • What would you do if you were invited for dinner at the home of someone you really needed to impress, and the food was terrible? 
  • What would you do if an imposter that looks and acts just like you infiltrated your organization? How can you convince everyone that you’re the “real” you?

8. “MacGyver” challenge

MacGyver is an older television program where the hero escaped sticky situations by improvising tools made of unlikely materials. You can recreate this set-up in your event space or office. To play, challenge participants to use 3-5 items to reach a desired end result. For example, something like “a way to pick the door lock” or “escape vehicle” are fun options. You can either set out some various equipment, or have people collect their own based on what they can find around the office. Note: if you are doing this in a conference room or other rented space, it makes sense to have a table set up with random odds and ends for people to pick from. 

9. Egg drop challenge

This one will take you back to high school physics class! Break a larger group into smaller teams and challenge them to come up with a container that will protect an egg even when it’s dropped from up high. You can either let people know far enough in advance that they can discuss, design, and collect materials; or you can have supplies ready and have everyone build their creation on the spot. If you go that route, you’ll want to provide a variety of boxes, packing supplies, rubber bands, fabric, etc. Then set up a ladder and have each team drop their container and see if their egg remained intact. 

10. Shrinking circle

Adaptability and flexibility are huge in the business world. One way to focus on both of those items is by playing this simple and silly game. Start out by using a rope to create a large circle that everyone can fit in. Then, every few minutes, make the circle a bit smaller. Depending on how large the circle is in the first place, you can take away an inch or a foot each round. The challenge is for everyone present to stay inside the circle. This will require some serious innovation once the circle gets small, and lots of laughs almost always ensue. Note: People are likely to end up touching each other in this exercise. It’s difficult not to once the space gets small, like a game of Twister. You know your colleagues best - if that level of closeness would make anyone uncomfortable, it’s probably best to try a different exercise. 

Out-of-the-office problem-solving activities

Everyone once in a while, it can be really valuable to get out of your usual work environment and into a new mental space. If your team is planning a multi-day retreat, don’t be afraid to include an organized activity that will help everyone to think more critically. Most towns have at least one option for getting your group together and learning some new ways to problem solve. Do some research on what you have available locally, or work with an organization like Surf Office who can plan your next retreat - including the fun elements that your employees will be talking about for months to come! If you know that you can’t get out of the office right now, stick to this list of indoor team building activities . 

11. Escape room

The goal of an escape room is to follow a series of clues and take on some challenges in order to unlock the space that everyone is locked in. There are usually 5 - 10 puzzles that teams will work together to figure out. Typically finishing one leads to another clue, so that participants can move onto the next phase. Only when they’ve successfully completed all of the tasks can they find the key and escape. While you can definitely set up an escape room on your own, we think it’s worth finding a local version in your town (or wherever your retreat is taking place). These are professionally set up and usually in really cool spaces like an underground bunker or a historic building. An escape room is a good excuse to get out of the office and spend time with coworkers in a new environment. 

12. Murder mystery

These story-based games have people take on a role in a pretend scenario. They may take on a role like detective, dinner guest, or even killer in their dinner. Most of the time the games involve reading lines from a script, searching for clues, or even solving some simple challenges to move onto the next phase. Participants have to pay attention to conversations and context clues in order to get an understanding of who the killer might be. Observation and logic are key to catching the killer. Some murder mysteries involve getting dressed up and having a nice dinner, so if you’re looking for an idea for a big night out capping off your next retreat, this is perfect. 

13. Ax throwing

What do axes have to do with problem solving? You might be surprised. This is definitely an activity you’ll want to go to a professional venue for. Ax throwing outfits have everything you need, plus the right safety precautions. They have everything set up with the proper distances, buffers between throwing stations, safe ax materials, etc. Plus, many of them offer food and drinks! Ax throwing can help with problem solving because most people don’t excel at it their first time. It takes some practice and careful consideration to figure out where to stand, the best stance, the force of the throw, etc. As you take turns, you’ll make adjustments and also consider new methods based on observing your teammates. The more you watch and the more you try, the better you’ll get. In fact, instead of having people compete against each other, we suggest having the team compete against themselves, aiming for a higher total score in their second or third consecutive game. This activity allows you to observe others and then optimize - essentially learning from each other. 

14. Paper boat race

If you are able to visit a location by water, you can try this really fun activity. In this fun and creative exercise, participants build a small boat with paper (and other supplies) and then race them in a small body of water like a pond or stream. The boats are usually made by folding paper into a boat shape, but you can also try offering cardboard, balloons, popsicle sticks, or other crafty materials. You’ll also want to supply materials for decorating so that everyone can really have their creation stand out. Obviously the person who reaches the finish line first is the winner, but you can offer a few other prizes just for fun, like most beautiful boat or best effort. Make sure to check out our article on other creativity and innovation games , too. 

Problem-solving puzzles

When it’s just not possible to get everyone together, you can still encourage your team to put on their thinking caps and hone their skills. There are tons of critical thinking games, puzzles , and even apps that people can use to practice problem solving. You can encourage your team members to play these games in their spare time, or even set up a competition where people log minutes playing such games or using the apps. If you’re feeling really generous, give everyone a small stiped to be used on a problem solving app of their choice. This special touch makes a nice addition to a holiday gift, too!

Sudoku has become one of the most popular problem solving games for adults. There are dozens of free app options, as well as paperback books that you can pick up. The goal of this game is to fill each box on a 9×9 grid so that every row, column, and letter contains each number from one to nine. It sounds tricky - and it is - but players tend to find it addicting and the game has grown a huge following in recent years. Encourage people to play on their own by downloading an app or purchasing a puzzle book, or as a team by having the puzzles available in your office or at your next event. 

16. Crossword puzzles

These classic word games have players fill out words based on clues. Words interconnect, and people must think critically about the context clues of what they’ve filled out so far. These puzzles are super versatile and one of the best things about them is that you can make them yourself so they are themed. You can use an online crossword puzzle maker to create a custom puzzle with clues about your business or other relevant subjects. For your next event, it might be fun to have a custom crossword puzzle about your company history or trivia! 

17. Tic-tac-toe tournament

It sounds a little silly, but tic-tac-toe requires more brain power than one might think. Set up an ongoing tic-tac-toe board in your office and encourage people to use it on their breaks or when they have a few minutes to kill. You can set up a scoreboard and keep track of the leader; it’s a lot of fun to see the rankings change and to challenge the top performers. If you need an even simpler version of the same concept, simply set up the Connect Four game board in your break room and let people have at it! 

Problem-solving for virtual teams 

If your team is a bit scattered, it doesn’t mean that you can’t practice solving challenges together. In our digital world, there are plenty of options for online activities that teams can work on either independently or as a group. In the section above, we shared some ideas for independent work. These ideas are designed to bring your team together, no matter where they are. Set a time and have everyone hop onto your preferred communication tool, and then work together tackling these challenges. 

18. Virtual hackathon

A hackathon normally refers to an event where participants have a set amount of time to design and pitch a new product or solution. It’s normally used in the tech space for pitching things like new apps, but you can apply the concept in lots of other ways too. In this online version, teams work with each other using virtual meeting software and pitch ideas to a panel of judges. This type of event requires some advance notice for the participants, as they’ll want to collect a team and come up with some designs. If you want to raise the stakes, offer a prize for first place.

19. Online escape room

Just like an in-person escape room, in an online version people must solve a variety of puzzles in order to make it “out”. Digital escape rooms normally come in one of two ways: in a Zoom “room” led by a host, or in a choose-your-own-adventure style via Google Forms or other websites. To play virtually, staff will enter the meeting and follow the prompts they get, and it might involve screen sharing some Google tools to work on puzzles together. Because of the platforms and tools that may be involved, this activity is better for teams who are a bit more tech-savvy and comfortable with online meetings, apps, etc. 

20. Survival plans

Prioritizing is an important mental exercise. You can work on this with a game about survival. Have everyone imagine they are stranded on a desert island, and they must decide the correct order to perform life-saving steps in. Have this list handy, and ask everyone to pair off or get in small groups and number the list according to the best likelihood of survival: 

  • Set up shelter
  • Look around the island
  • Signal for help
  • Create weapons for self-defense
  • Build a raft for water
  • Start a fire
  • Select a group leader
  • Find other survivors
  • Anything else you think of! 

The catch is that everyone must agree on the order of events!  That will typically involve discussion and coming to some sort of consensus. Once everyone is done with the exercise, have them present to the larger group and explain their reasoning. This exercise is good for team-building, communication, and problem resolution. Plus, you will be better prepared if you ever get stuck on a deserted island! 

21. Online role-playing games (like Dungeons and Dragons)

Seeing how people react in real-world situations is a really interesting way to get to know them better. Find an online game that has real-world actions and consequences, like Dungeons and Dragons. Or, you can make things even simpler by hopping on a Zoom together and reading a Choose Your Own Adventure book aloud, with the reader getting group consensus before making a decision. The important part is the discussion that will occur before choosing the next action. This is helpful for bonding and also helps you to see how your colleagues tick. These activities can be difficult to organize for big groups, so if you have a substantial team, try some of these team building activities for large groups instead. 

22. Google Docs story

Similar to an ongoing story icebreaker, this game is easy to do online as people have time. You start by creating a Google Doc that everyone on the team has access to. Then, have people go into the Doc and add to the story that’s developing. If you want, you can pick a prompt to kick things off - or you can just let the first person get creative and go for it! The more specific or bizarre the scenario, the more creative and clever people will have to get to add their portion. 

23. Model UN

Chances are you might be familiar with this concept from high school. Fortunately, adults can have a lot of fun with it too. You can play this virtually as long as everyone is a strong communicator. Each participant should take on the role of an international diplomat, and work together to form alliances and solve crises. Come up with a potential scenario that the UN must work through. Consider things like a global food shortage, natural disaster, or cyber-security threats. If your group is particularly large, you can have multiple people assigned to a country and they will have separate roles. If politics is a sensitive topic on your team, you might want to tweak this exercise to be focused on a business and treat participants like board members - or even a musical group! 

Set the tone of your next company retreat

These problem solving games and activities are great virtually any time - there is something for everyone, whether you’re remote or in person, on a large team or a small one. One of the best ways to implement a problem solving exercise is at the beginning of a team retreat. If you have organized a large meeting or team building event, consider getting things started with such an activity. Many of these problem solving games will get everyone thinking and make people more comfortable, plus a lot of them also serve as a form of icebreaker.

The next time you plan a work retreat , consider including a few of these on the agenda to set the tone for a fun, energizing event. Need help ensuring that your retreat is, in fact, fun and energizing?

Let Surf Office help ! We can help with organizing your next team retreat or all-company meeting so that you can focus on the fun.

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Retreat Budget Spreadsheet

Are you organising a company retreat and want to make sure you have all the costs under the control?

Get a copy of our free Budget Calculator spreadsheet.

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Try these 20 games for corporate events

20 Team-building activities for unstoppable sales teams

20 Team-building activities for unstoppable sales teams

Unlock fun with 25 work night out ideas

Unlock fun with 25 work night out ideas

18 Benefits of team building in any working environment

18 Benefits of team building in any working environment

Setting up virtual water cooler chat for your team

Setting up virtual water cooler chat for your team

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{{item.title}}, my essentials, ask for help, contact edconnect, directory a to z, how to guides, maths trains brains, five games to have fun with maths in years 7 and 8.

These games will help enrich your child's reasoning and problem-solving skills as they enhance their knowledge of how numbers work, quantifying collections, patterning, algebra and probability. Help your child expand their mathematical skills using these five fun games.

board game about problem solving

Prime Climb

A colourful board game for ages 10 and up, Prime Climb combines strategy and luck as players battle to be the first to land both pawns in the 101 circle at the centre of the game board.

By rolling dice and choosing which operation you’d like to use, players can bump their opponent’s pawns off the board in this exciting race to 101!

A classic game, chess is steeped in opportunities to deepen mathematical skills and understanding. Players take turns moving one chess piece at a time until one player is able to capture their opponent's king

A great game to develop mathematical reasoning and patient problem solving, chess promotes your child’s understanding of concepts such as position, angles and probability.

Does your child like codebreaking? They may enjoy Mastermind, where they can pit themselves against an opponent and use deduction to unlock a secret code recorded in coloured pegs on a board.

Fun fact: Mind lends itself to strategy, mathematical reasoning and algebra, with mathematicians studying the game since the late 1970s to come up with elegant and efficient solutions.

Monopoly isn’t just a great family board game, it can also be a great experience to enrich an understanding of working with money. Players have to budget, invest and explore the value of acquiring assets - in a fun, risk-free way!

By applying skills and understanding in position, probability and patterning, players can give themselves a competitive edge.

Cribbage is a classic game that can lead to some amazing battles. The game is based on scoring points by collecting particular combinations of cards. Each card is given a numerical value, with the players aiming to keep the sum of the cards at 31 or lower. The first player to reach 121 points wins.

Aside from the opportunity to develop their understanding of operations and quantifying collections, Cribbage can help your teen enhance their problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning. It also requires relatively little equipment to play - just a deck of cards and a cribbage board for keeping score, which your teen can make.

Explore more

board game about problem solving

Best Games That Reward Creative Problem-Solving

  • As video game technology advances, puzzles have become more open-ended, allowing for creative solutions and multiple outcomes.
  • Games like Portal 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 reward players for thinking creatively and finding unique ways to solve problems.
  • Undertale and Scribblenauts Unlimited offer players the freedom to approach puzzles in their own way, showcasing the importance of player choice.

In the early days of video games, puzzles and their solutions were pretty cut and dry. Get from Point A to Point B, and accomplish A, B, and C using a very specific method. There was only one way to beat the game; players just needed to find it. Part of this was due to hardware and scripting limitations. Consoles had such limited memory that there simply wasn't room for more creative solutions.

11 Best Puzzle Games On Steam That Deserve More Attention

But as video games and consoles become more advanced, puzzle-solving in games has become more open-ended. Developers are now usually more than happy to hand players the reins and let them run wild with their creativity. All the pieces are there; players just need to put them together. There are no right or wrong answers, just what works and what doesn't, and for those looking to flex their creative puzzle-solving muscles and get rewarded for doing so , there are plenty of gaming options available.

Peace is Always An Option

Platform(s) PS Vita, Switch, PS4, PC, Xbox One

Released September 15, 2015

Developer(s) Toby Fox

Genre(s) RPG

This 2015 smash hit revolutionized puzzle-solving and story progression in RPG adventure games, being one of the first where players could complete the entire game without killing a single enemy. Instead, they could choose the Pacifist route and befriend NPCs instead (or go from killing a single enemy to all of them in the notorious Genocide route ).

Beyond the multiple endings, Undertale is filled with puzzles to overcome, not all of which have a single solution. Is a dastardly skeleton placing a maze trap before the fallen human? They might be able to solve it, or they can opt to simply walk around it. New dialogue options and story branches open and close based on who the player chooses to spare and how. The reward for creative puzzle-solving is that players get to explore more of this colorful world and iconic characters.

Scribblenauts Unlimited

The noun's the limit.

Platform(s) Wii U, Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, Android, 3DS, Xbox One

Released November 13, 2012

Developer(s) 5th Cell

Genre(s) Puzzle, Sandbox

Scribblenauts proves that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword. No, seriously. The titular heroes in this popular puzzle RPG series use the power of words to solve all their problems. Players can write down a noun and watch it appear in the world. Giving it an adjective results in the object or creature transforming to match its new description. Giving a pig wings will allow it to fly, and manifesting some glue out of the ether will permit players to stick things together. The possibilities are literally endless.

Scribblenauts Unlimited builds on its predecessors with an expansive list of nouns, adjectives, and adverbs that players can use and provides multiple ways to solve each puzzle. The game doesn't care how players accomplish their goals, so long as they clear the level's main objective. The only real limit is the player's imagination (and their vocabulary).

Aperture Science Tests One's Creativity

Platform(s) PS3, Switch, Xbox 360, PC

Released April 18, 2011

Developer(s) Valve

Genre(s) Puzzle, Platformer

The Portal games make no secret that they want to test players' problem-solving abilities. The game's central antagonist, GLaDOS , makes that abundantly clear. In fact, the entire plot is to use those same skills to escape the testing facility once and for all. Each test follows the same simple premise: get to the end of the testing chamber in one piece. How the player does it is up to them - and the game's physics engine. Jump through portals, avoid deadly turrets and bottomless pits, propel through the air -- it doesn't matter. As the saying goes, "If it's stupid and it works, it isn't stupid."

Portal 2 takes this engaging premise and amps it up to eleven. Puzzles are bigger, deadlier, and more complicated than ever before. While some answers are laid out more obviously than others, players are free to ignore those options and think outside the box as much as they want. So long as they reach the final door, GLaDOS doesn't mind how they did it. After all, data is data.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Zonai devices help players reinvent the wheel.

Platform(s) Switch

Released May 12, 2023

Developer(s) Nintendo

Genre(s) Adventure

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a massive breath of fresh air for the franchise. Linear adventures with clear-cut solutions were swapped out for a massive open world and a fun new physics engine that led to infinitely creative gameplay. Many fans of the series felt the game essentially reinvented the wheel of a franchise that had started to get a bit formulaic. However, its direct sequel, Tears of the Kingdom , didn't just reinvent the wheel; it allowed players to invent their own.

8 Hardest Zelda Games To 100% Complete

On top of the many new mechanics introduced in Breath of the Wild , Tears of the Kingdom introduced several new mechanics for players to tinker around with. The best by far is the introduction of Zonai devices, allowing players to use various moving mechanical parts in endless combinations to solve puzzles. Gamers can build siege engines that breathe fire, gliders powered by fans, or massive catapaults to launch enemies (or themselves) off into the horizon.

Baldur's Gate 3

Any solution is just a dice roll away.

Platform(s) Xbox Series X, PS5, PC, macOS, Stadia

Released August 3, 2023

Developer(s) Larian Studios

This award-winning RPG action-adventure game from 2023 famously adapted the core rules of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition into a video game format. But the game didn't just take the basic stats and mechanics; it went above and beyond to allow players to think just as creatively as they would while playing real D&D . Any D&D campaign can go off the rails at any moment. One bad dice roll or truly chaotic player choice, and there will be consequences. That's what makes the game so fun, and Baldur's Gate 3 understands this.

No two playthroughs of Baldur's Gate 3 are the same, thanks to the infinite array of choices , dice checks, and consequences. Players are rewarded for seeing just how many different ways they can solve the same problem. Do they exterminate the goblin camp or side with them? Can they pickpocket the vendor for powerful items to avoid paying? Can they talk their way out of being arrested, either through smooth-talking or saber-rattling? Every decision opens doors and closes others. Each interaction can forge new allies or enemies. Every quest has multiple endings, good or bad. Players can play the campaign however they want and will be rewarded for their creative thinking along the way.

Puzzle Games You Have To Be A Genius To Complete

Best Games That Reward Creative Problem-Solving

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Hot Off the Presses

Alana Platt makes her New York Times debut.

George Foreman stands next to three double-sided grills with meats on top.

By Sam Corbin

Jump to: Today’s Theme | Tricky Clues

MONDAY PUZZLE — I trust that many of you, being puzzle lovers, have already stumbled upon a New York Times game called Strands. It’s a word search gone rogue that relies on wordplay for its themes. The current version is still a beta, but I mention it here because the impish spirit that makes its puzzles so much fun is present in spades in today’s crossword, constructed by Alana Platt.

Ms. Platt’s theme entries, much like the hidden phrases in a word search puzzle, aren’t easy to see. Even after solving the revealer, I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking at. But after my “aha!” moment, I bounced around the grid again just to enjoy the cleverness of the finished product. Congratulations to Ms. Platt on a dynamic debut. I hope to see more from her soon.

Today’s Theme

Although I don’t eat any “Artfully arranged meats” (35A), this was the only themed clue that jumped out right away. The answer had to be CHARCUTERIE — though another version of this arrangement may be called a “ girl dinner .” “Cousin of a pushpin” (32D) wasn’t too obscure, either: THUMBTACK.

A phrase for “Helping to manage a nonprofit, say” (56A) tells us, in some witty way, “where to find” the entries above. ON THE BOARD describes where a THUMBTACK may be found — a bulletin board, anyway — and how CHARCUTERIE is presented. WOOD GRAIN (10D), the “Texture in a cross section of timber,” is found on a floorboard. And I hardly need to tell you where to find a CHESS PIECE (17A).

I love that the grid is also a kind of board, which makes Ms. Platt’s revealer even more of a wink.

Tricky Clues

19A. How novel to have a crossword clue that reads like a riddle: “What’s black and white and wet all over?” An ORCA. Other answers that don’t fit in the grid include: photographs in a darkroom, a soggy newspaper or a nun after a water balloon fight.

32A. TRIP OUT seems like a try-hard way to say, “Get high on acid.” But what do I know? The closest I ever got to such an experience was probably watching the Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine.”

40A. When a trivia clue requires trial and error, as in the case of “Around 37 million people shop at it every day, roughly equivalent to the population of Canada,” there’s no harm in allowing your imagination to run a little wild. I tried Wegmans first (people love this supermarket) and then Sephora (people love makeup) before crossings led me to the correct entry, WALMART.

60A. The Ogden Nash line “So they flew through a flaw in the ___” begins a pattern of alliteration, so there’s a good chance this entry will begin with FL-. And it does! The answer is FLUE.

1D. A more common phrase to describe “a quick visit” might be “drop in” — did you try that first, too? — but tacking on “as to a show” is what cues us to the correct answer, DUCK IN. In other words, there’s a difference between a quick stop and a quick stoop.

4D. I can’t remember the last time that I placed “Two fingers in the shape of an ‘L’” on my forehead in order to call someone a LOSER. Maybe I never did. But the reference lives on forever in “All Star” by Smash Mouth. Who says I’m not a “Shrek” fan? (A few commenters, in fact, on a recent column .)

35D. If you’ve come to this column to complain about “Alternative to iced coffee,” come sit with me. The distinction between iced coffee and COLD BREW is more than a nominal one, though the terms are often used interchangeably: While most iced coffee is first brewed hot, COLD BREW is made by steeping coffee grounds in room-temperature water for up to 24 hours, then diluting the concentrate.

Join Our Other Game Discussions

Want to be part of the conversation about New York Times Games, or maybe get some help with a particularly thorny puzzle? Here are the:

Spelling Bee Forum

Wordle Review

Connections Companion

Improve Your Crossword Solving

Work your way through our guide, “ How to Solve the New York Times Crossword .” It contains an explanation of most of the types of clues you will see in the puzzles and a practice Mini at the end of each section.

Want to Submit Crosswords to The New York Times?

The New York Times Crossword has an open submission system, and you can submit your puzzles online . For tips on how to get started, read our series “ How to Make a Crossword Puzzle .”

“Board” to Tears?

Dry your eyes: Subscribers can take a peek at the answer key .

Trying to get back to the main Gameplay page? You can find it here .

Sam Corbin writes about language, wordplay and the daily crossword for The Times. More about Sam Corbin

It’s Game Time!

Take your puzzling skills in new directions..

WordleBot , our daily Wordle companion that tells you how skillful or lucky you are, is getting an upgrade. Here’s what to know .

The editor of Connections , our new game about finding common threads between words, talks about how she makes this daily puzzle feel fun .

We asked some of the best Sudoku  solvers in the world for their tips and tricks. Try them to  tackle even the most challenging puzzles.

Read today’s Wordle Review , and get insights on the game from our columnists.

We asked Times readers how they play Spelling Bee. The hive mind weighed in with their favorite tips and tricks .

Ready to play? Try Wordle , Spelling Bee  or The Crossword .

Mind Maze Puzzle Quest 17+

Puzzle game, designed for iphone, iphone screenshots, description.

Embark on an Epic Brain-Teasing Adventure! Mind Maze Puzzle Quest is an intriguing and addictive puzzle game that will put your problem-solving skills to the test. In this captivating game, your mission is deceptively simple yet challenging: draw a path with the white square to navigate it to the gleaming prize, marking the destination of your victory. With its intuitive gameplay and a wide array of increasingly complex levels, Maze Game 3D offers endless hours of brain-bending entertainment for players of all ages. Your goal is to draw a path with precision using the white square, leading it from the starting point to the shiny object, which signifies your triumph. As you advance, the mazes become progressively more intricate and demanding, pushing your problem-solving abilities to their limits. The intricate maze puzzles are at the heart of the Maze puzzle game. Each level presents you with a unique maze filled with obstacles and challenges. One of the standout features of Mind Maze Quest is its level progression system. Successfully conquering each level unlocks access to the next, providing an enticing incentive to keep playing and exploring new, more challenging mazes. This Mind Maze Game progression keeps the gameplay fresh and exhilarating, ensuring there's always a thrilling puzzle awaiting your strategic insight. Dive into Mind Maze Puzzle Quest, the ultimate game for puzzle enthusiasts and adventurers alike! Test your wits and strategy in a world where every twist and turn presents a new challenge. Features: Challenging Puzzles: Navigate through intricate mazes, solve complex puzzles, and overcome mind-bending obstacles. Stunning Graphics: Immerse yourself in beautifully crafted environments that bring each level to life. Captivating Soundtrack: Enjoy a mesmerizing musical score that enhances your gaming experience. Global Leaderboards: Compete with players around the world and climb to the top of the leaderboard. Mind Maze Puzzle Quest is the ultimate quest for puzzle enthusiasts and anyone seeking an intellectually stimulating gaming experience. If you have any questions, or feedback, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact uspravin. [email protected]

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Educational game enhances problem-solving skills in programming

Educational game enhances problem-solving skills in programming

MUSCAT: In hopes of enhancing the education environment and bringing something new to make teaching interesting, a research study titled “Teaching Problem Solving Skills using an Educational Game in a Computer Programming Course” by principal investigator Dr Roy Mathew, Assistant Professor and Software Engineering Program Coordinator at Al Buraimi University College, utilizes a game to improve problem-solving skills among students in a programming course.

According to Dr Roy Mathew, problem solving skills are considered an important component in learning to program in an introductory programming (IP) course for novices. The research project therefore aimed to introduce a PROSOLVE game to enhance problem solving skills of novice programmers in the introductory programming course.

Dr Roy elaborated that the game is based on pseudo-code technique. The game covers most of the teaching topics of the IP course. Consequently, students practice the problem-solving skills throughout the course. A survey was employed to collect students’ feedback and semi-structured interviews were organized to collect instructors’ opinion about the game.

For the main findings, Dr Roy stated that the game helped most of the students in understanding the programming concepts, structures and problem-solving strategies. Moreover, the game supports students’ cognitive engagement, gains, and affective engagement in the IP course. Most of the students supported the idea that games should also be introduced in advanced courses of programming.

Dr Roy emphasized that instructors appreciated the game and considered it as an additional supporting teaching tool in the IP course. Students practice the problem-solving strategy for the whole semester because the game covers most of the teaching topics of the IP course. This process helps students to pay equal attention on the programming knowledge (syntax and semantics) and the problem-solving strategies. The instructors also considered the game as good alternative of traditional pen and paper learning approach in attracting students’ interest in the programming domain.

The PROSOLVE game brings fun and competition elements which attract more attention of students in the learning process. The game is web-based which helps students with finishing exercises at their own convenience and time. Students can collect points and win medals and cups for their correct solutions against the given problem statements. This process also urges students to practice more questions and acquires deep learning of the programming domain.

This research project was published in the journal Informatics in Education.

The research team consisted of Dr Roy Mathew, Assistant Professor and Software Engineering Program Coordinator at Al Buraimi University College, Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik, Assistant Professor and Head of Information Technology Department at Al Buraimi University College, and Dr. Ragad Moufaq Tawafak, Assistant Professor and Computer Science Program Coordinator at Al Buraimi University College.

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    board game about problem solving

  3. Social Problem Solving Board Game

    board game about problem solving

  4. UKS2 Theme Park Problem Solving Board Game

    board game about problem solving

  5. Problem Solving Game Board

    board game about problem solving

  6. Problem-Solving Board Game

    board game about problem solving


  1. difficult level completed game

  2. The Display Shelf

  3. Game Problem Solving, Satu Lembar Kertas Bisa Masuk 5 Orang

  4. Turn the chair with two moves #brain #games

  5. 4 Matchstick Puzzles For Your Brain 🧠

  6. How Solve This Game 😱 #dzanum #cartoon #shorts #viral #games


  1. 12 Board Games for Developing Thinking Abilities and Life Skills

    KLOO's Race to London - The Teach English as a Foreign Language Board Game. 5. Chutes and Ladders. Although Chutes and Ladders is a simple kids' game, it's filled with important life lessons. In fact, I wrote an entire blog post on this one: Dealing With Life's Challenges - Life is Like a Game of Chutes and Ladders.

  2. [Top 15] Board Games That Improve Problem-Solving Skills

    1. Wingspan. A lot of puzzle-based board games have the theme of nature. Photosynthesis and Pelican Cove fit that theme. On the top of this list though is a game that has had a lot of positive feedback since it's release, and we're happy to have it on the top of our list. Here is Wingspan.

  3. The Big List of Board Games that Inspire Mathematical Thinking

    There are many fun board games that integrate deeper mathematical thinking into the gameplay. These games help students develop skills such as multi-step problem-solving, spatial reasoning, pattern recognition, resource management and much more. Here's my list of go-to board games for engaging students in math through games.

  4. Guide to the Best Problem-Solving Board Games

    Problem-solving board games are a fantastic way to exercise your brain, challenge your strategic thinking, and have fun with friends and family. These games are designed to promote critical thinking, logical reasoning, and creative problem-solving skills. Whether you enjoy traditional classics or more modern alternatives, there is a problem ...

  5. The 15 Best Puzzle Board Games That Are Thinky and Fun

    It's hard to define because nearly every board game—except for dexterity-based games—is a kind of puzzle where you're solving for a solution (i.e. how to win the game) within the constraints of that game (i.e. the rules of play). A board game is a puzzle game when solving for a solution is the core experience and not just one of many aspects.

  6. Best Critical Thinking Board Games for Adults Problem-Solving

    Players: 2-7. Playing time: 45-60 minutes. If you like critical thinking games with a theme, you'll enjoy Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig. It's the Post-Napoleonic era, and castles are in high demand. The Mad King Ludwig commissioned his finest architects to design a castle according to his demands.

  7. 10 Board Games to Stimulate Logical and Mathematical Thinking

    These games present strategic challenges, force us to solve complex problems, and even demand mental calculations. This week, we suggest 10 board games that, besides being enjoyable, stimulate logical and mathematical thinking, helping keep your mind active. 1. Chess. Chess is an ancient strategy game that challenges the mind and promotes ...

  8. 6 Best Board Games for Sharpening Your Problem-Solving Skills

    For families seeking to bolster their children's problem-solving and social skills, the 'Life Skills for Kids Board Game' emerges as a top choice. Tailored for kids aged 4-10, it accommodates 2-8 players, making it perfect for family game nights or classroom activities.

  9. Best Problem-Solving Board Games for Kids & Adults

    Playing time: 60-120 minutes. Catan is an all-time favorite problem-solving game. It's a game of card collection, resource management, and negotiation. Players build cities, structures, and armies across a modular map with hexagon tiles. The goal is to achieve ten points by getting a certain number of structures.

  10. Build Problem-Solving Skills with Board Games

    Board games are a celebration of problem solving, and problem solving is at the heart of a quality mathematics education… The mathematics might be hidden, but I guarantee you that it will be there. — Gordon Hamilton, MathPickle.com Commercial Games 8. Games for Ages 8+

  11. 6 great board games to boost critical thinking in teens ...

    Time's Up. This game is played in teams of two and is similar to charades. Each team has a deck of 40 cards that name famous people. One player gives clues to get his teammate to guess the person on the card. Here's where critical thinking comes in: In each round of play, there are increasingly tougher restrictions on the clues players can ...

  12. 11 Best Brain-Building Board Games for Teens in the World!

    Teens and tweens love to play board games-they build problem-solving skills, spatial intelligence, and team-building skills. #2 Board Games for Teens: Hive. Hive is considered a board game, except there is no board. As each player adds pieces, the board is created. Hive comes with an excellent rulebook and explains all the different things ...

  13. 25+ Best Logic Board Games for Kids of All Ages

    It teaches strategic thinking and planning. 3. Dinosaur Escape. Ages 4 and up, 2-4 players, 10-minute playtime. Kids work together using memory and strategy to rescue the dinosaurs before the volcano erupts! This is a great logic board game for younger kids that incorporates team-building and shared decision making. 4.

  14. 7 brain-boosting board games to help kids think outside the box

    Two quick notes on our thought process. First, to keep this family-friendly, every game here can be played with at least four players. This means otherwise excellent board games like Go and Chess ...

  15. Developing Thinking Skills Through Board Games

    Board games offer multiple ways to develop a number of thinking skills. For example, problem solving, logical thinking and decision making are developed through: planning within a restrictive amount of choice. management and prioritising of limited resources. thinking ahead of the current turn. predicting what others may do.

  16. Puzzle

    Many puzzle games require players to use problem solving, pattern recognition, organization and/or sequencing to reach their objectives. Puzzle games are those in which the players are trying to solve a puzzle. ... Slay the Spire: The Board Game Published 2024 0 A Gest of Robin Hood Published 2024 0 Sand Published 2024 3 Oath: Chronicles of ...

  17. Problem Solving Games, Activities & Exercises for Adults

    4. Sudoku. Sudoku is one of the most popular free problem solving games for adults. The objective of this game is to fill each box of a 9×9 grid so that every row, column, and letter contains each number from one to nine. The puzzle makes a great team challenge. To play Sudoku on Zoom, screen share the game board.

  18. 14 Board games that encourage team-building in the workplace

    Provides opportunities for leadership development and team bonding. Pandemic can help teams think on their feet and learn the importance of decision-making under pressure. This game is beneficial for nurturing communication in the context of collective problem-solving. 3. Settlers of Catan.

  19. 10 Problem Solving Games for Kids

    We love single player logic games and probably own an unhealthy number of these brain boosting puzzle games. The following are some of our top favorites: Cat Crimes, ages 8 and up ( pictured above) - see it as our game of the month feature. Code Master, ages 8 and up - see it as our game of the month feature.

  20. 7 (more) board games to help kids think big

    The number of board games being released each year is unprecedented. Among the deluge of new and interesting titles, many can help develop life-critical skills, such as creativity, problem solving ...

  21. 10 Best Team Building Board Games for Office Bonding

    List of team building board games. An hours-long game of Monopoly may challenge even the closest of friendships, but the board games on this collection help teams bond through collaborative effort. The team building board games on this list are suitable for large groups and employ teamwork skills such as problem solving and communication. 1 ...

  22. My Favorite Board Games for Problem Solving and Strategy

    From an OT point of view, board and card games are the best. Games promote fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, planning, social skills, and problem-solving. However, as a mom, I find a lot of games tedious and boring. Some games are only suited to a very small age range of children, but my favorites have lasted for years.

  23. 23 Problem-solving games for busy work teams

    15. Sudoku. Sudoku has become one of the most popular problem solving games for adults. There are dozens of free app options, as well as paperback books that you can pick up. The goal of this game is to fill each box on a 9×9 grid so that every row, column, and letter contains each number from one to nine.

  24. Five games to have fun with maths in Years 7 and 8

    These games will help enrich your child's reasoning and problem-solving skills as they enhance their knowledge of how numbers work, quantifying collections, patterning, algebra and probability. ... A colourful board game for ages 10 and up, Prime Climb combines strategy and luck as players battle to be the first to land both pawns in the 101 ...

  25. 15 Childhood Games That Unexpectedly Prepared Us for Adulthood

    Board Games (Monopoly, Scrabble, etc.) Board games such as Monopoly and Scrabble teach strategic thinking, negotiation skills, and decision-making abilities, all essential for adult life. Monopoly ...

  26. Best Games That Reward Creative Problem-Solving

    Games like Portal 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 reward players for thinking creatively and finding unique ways to solve problems. Undertale and Scribblenauts Unlimited offer players the freedom to ...

  27. 46 Problem-Solving Products That Legit Work So Well

    2. Tonymoly's octopus-shaped scrub stick to help remove whiteheads and blackheads *and* exfoliate your skin. You can just rinse it off with warm water when you're done, so no need to buy those ...

  28. NYT Crossword Answers for June 3, 2024

    The answer is FLUE. 1D. A more common phrase to describe "a quick visit" might be "drop in" — did you try that first, too? — but tacking on "as to a show" is what cues us to the ...

  29. ‎Mind Maze Puzzle Quest on the App Store

    ‎Mind Maze Puzzle Quest is an intriguing and addictive puzzle game that will put your problem-solving skills to the test. In this captivating game, your mission is deceptively simple yet challenging: draw a path with the white square to navigate it to the gleaming prize, marking the destination of yo…

  30. Educational game enhances problem-solving skills in programming

    The research project therefore aimed to introduce a PROSOLVE game to enhance problem solving skills of novice programmers in the introductory programming course. Dr Roy elaborated that the game is based on pseudo-code technique. The game covers most of the teaching topics of the IP course. Consequently, students practice the problem-solving ...