
Mass Communication Thesis Topics

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thesis topic for mass communication students

Selecting the right thesis topic in mass communication is a pivotal step for students aiming to delve deeply into this diverse and ever-evolving field. The right choice can pave the way for groundbreaking research and significant contributions to the landscape of media studies. Whether exploring the impact of social media , dissecting the nuances of digital journalism , or analyzing advertising strategies, a well-chosen topic in mass communication can significantly shape one’s academic journey and offer fresh perspectives in this dynamic field.

What are Mass Communication Thesis Topics?

Mass communication thesis topics are specific subjects or areas of research that students can choose for their thesis in the field of mass communication . These topics typically focus on various aspects of communication and media, ranging from the impact of social media on society to the ethical considerations in journalism and advertising. The choice of a thesis topic in mass communication reflects a student’s academic interests and is crucial for their in-depth study and contribution to the field. These topics not only allow students to explore specific areas in mass communication but also contribute new insights and perspectives to the broader field of media studies.

What is the List of Mass Communication Thesis Topics?

When embarking on a thesis in the dynamic field of mass communication, choosing the right topic is essential. This comprehensive list of mass communication thesis topics provides a variety of ideas that cover different aspects of the field, tailored to suit a range of academic interests and explorations.

What is the List of Mass Communication Thesis Topics

The Role of Social Media in Modern-Day Politics

Social media platforms play a pivotal role in shaping political landscapes. This topic examines their influence on political campaigns, voter behavior, and public opinion, revealing how digital platforms are redefining political engagement and discourse.

The Impact of Digital Journalism on Traditional News Media

Investigate the seismic shift in news media caused by the advent of digital journalism . This topic delves into how online platforms are affecting traditional news outlets, reshaping news distribution and consumption.

Ethical Considerations in Advertising

Explore the ethical boundaries within the advertising industry, focusing on consumer rights and the authenticity of advertising content. This topic is crucial for understanding the moral implications and responsibilities in mass communication.

The Evolution of Public Relations in the Digital Era

Analyze how digital media has revolutionized public relations strategies and practices. This topic highlights the transformation and challenges faced by PR professionals in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Media Coverage and Public Perception of Climate Change

Study the role of mass communication in shaping public understanding and attitudes towards climate change . This topic focuses on how media coverage influences public perception and policy-making regarding environmental issues.

The Effectiveness of Crisis Communication in Public Health Emergencies

Evaluate mass communication strategies during public health crises, such as pandemics. This topic explores how crisis communication is managed and its impact on public response and safety.

Cultural Representation in Mass Media

Research how mainstream media represents various cultures and its influence on societal attitudes. This topic is significant for understanding media’s role in promoting cultural diversity and shaping public perception.

The Psychology of Social Media Marketing

Delve into the psychological aspects of social media marketing and its impact on consumer behavior. This topic examines the strategies used in social media to influence consumer decisions and behavior.

Communication Strategies in Non-Profit Organizations

Examine how non-profit organizations leverage mass communication to advocate for their causes and engage with the public. This topic is crucial for understanding the communication tactics used in the non-profit sector.

The Influence of Celebrity Endorsements in Media Advertising

Analyze the impact and effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in advertising campaigns . This topic explores the power of celebrity influence in shaping consumer preferences and brand perception.

The Role of Media in Shaping Gender Perceptions

Explore the influence of media on societal gender stereotypes and perceptions. This topic focuses on how media representation affects gender norms and societal attitudes.

The Future of Broadcast Media in the Age of Streaming Services

Investigate the challenges faced by broadcast media in the era of streaming services. This topic is vital for understanding how traditional media adapts to the changing landscape of digital consumption.

Privacy and Ethics in Digital Media Consumption

Examine the ethical concerns and privacy issues associated with digital media consumption. This topic is increasingly relevant in an age where digital privacy and ethics are of paramount concern.

The Impact of Virtual Reality on Media Consumption

Research the emerging role of virtual reality in media and its potential implications. This topic explores how VR is changing the way media is consumed and experienced.

Audience Analysis in Media Programming

Study the importance and techniques of audience analysis in media content creation and adaptation. This topic is key to understanding how media tailors content to meet the preferences and needs of diverse audiences.

50 Mass Communication Thesis Topics

Choosing the right thesis topic in mass communication is crucial for students looking to make a meaningful impact in this dynamic and ever-evolving field. With the rapid advancement of technology and the changing landscape of media, there are numerous areas ripe for exploration. From analyzing the role of social media in shaping public opinion to examining the ethical dimensions of advertising, each topic offers a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of communication and its influence on society. Whether interested in the effects of digital journalism, the power of public relations, or the impact of emerging technologies like virtual reality, students in mass communication have a rich array of topics to explore, each promising to contribute valuable insights and foster a deeper understanding of the complexities of media and communication in the modern world.

  • The Influence of Social Media on Political Campaigns Social media has revolutionized political campaigning. This topic explores its impact on voter engagement and political discourse, assessing how platforms like Twitter and Facebook shape electoral outcomes.
  • Digital Transformation in News Media The shift to digital platforms has significantly altered the landscape of news media. This thesis examines how traditional newspapers and television news adapt to the digital age.
  • Ethical Challenges in Advertising Advertising faces numerous ethical challenges, from misleading claims to targeting vulnerable audiences. This topic delves into these issues, evaluating the responsibilities of advertisers.
  • Public Relations and Crisis Management Effective public relations strategies are crucial in crisis management. This thesis explores how PR professionals navigate crises to maintain or restore public trust.
  • Media’s Role in Environmental Awareness Media plays a key role in shaping public perception of environmental issues. This topic examines how coverage of topics like climate change influences public attitudes and policies.
  • Effectiveness of Health Campaigns in Mass Media The success of public health campaigns often relies on mass media . This thesis evaluates the strategies used and their impact on public health outcomes.
  • Cultural Representation in Hollywood Films Hollywood’s global influence makes the cultural representation in its films a vital study. This topic examines how accurately and diversely cultures are portrayed.
  • Consumer Behavior and Social Media Marketing Social media marketing significantly influences consumer behavior. This thesis investigates the strategies used and their effectiveness in shaping consumer choices.
  • Non-Profit Organizations and Digital Communication Strategies Digital communication is key for non-profit organizations in reaching their audience. This topic assesses the effectiveness of these strategies in fundraising and awareness campaigns.
  • Celebrity Endorsements in Brand Promotion Celebrity endorsements play a significant role in brand promotion. This topic analyzes their impact on brand perception and consumer buying behavior.
  • Gender Stereotypes in Television Advertising Television advertising often perpetuates gender stereotypes. This thesis examines these portrayals and their societal implications.
  • Challenges for Traditional Broadcasting in the Streaming Era The rise of streaming services presents challenges for traditional broadcasting . This topic explores the adaptations and future of traditional broadcasting mediums.
  • Privacy Concerns in Digital Media Consumption The consumption of digital media raises significant privacy concerns. This thesis studies the balance between personalized content and user privacy.
  • Virtual Reality as a Media Tool Virtual reality technology is reshaping media consumption. This topic examines its potential and challenges in transforming the media experience.
  • Audience Segmentation in Television Programming Understanding audience segments is crucial for television programming . This thesis analyzes the strategies for and impact of audience segmentation.
  • The Role of Podcasts in Modern Journalism Podcasts have become a powerful tool in journalism . This topic explores their role in storytelling and news dissemination.
  • Advertising Strategies in E-commerce E-commerce platforms utilize unique advertising strategies . This thesis investigates these methods and their effectiveness in driving sales.
  • Influence of Music Videos on Youth Culture Music videos significantly influence youth culture and trends. This topic examines this influence and its implications on cultural and behavioral norms.
  • Media Literacy Education in Schools Enhancing media literacy in education is vital in the digital age. This thesis assesses the current state and potential strategies for media literacy education.
  • The Ethics of Photojournalism in Conflict Zones Photojournalism in conflict zones raises ethical questions. This topic delves into the responsibilities and challenges faced by photojournalists.
  • The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Trust Influencer marketing is reshaping consumer trust. This thesis evaluates how influencers affect brand credibility and consumer decisions.
  • The Evolution of Print Media in the Digital Age Print media faces unique challenges in the digital era. This topic explores its evolution and strategies for survival.
  • Political Satire and Public Opinion Political satire has a notable impact on public opinion. This thesis investigates its role and influence in political discourse.
  • Social Media’s Role in Mental Health Awareness Social media platforms are increasingly used for mental health awareness. This topic assesses their impact on public awareness and stigma reduction.
  • The Dynamics of Newsroom Decision-Making Decision-making in newsrooms is crucial for journalism . This thesis explores the processes and influences behind editorial decisions.
  • Mobile Journalism and Its Future Mobile journalism is redefining news reporting. This topic examines its advantages, challenges, and future potential.
  • Interactive Advertising and Consumer Engagement Interactive advertising enhances consumer engagement. This thesis investigates its techniques and effectiveness in engaging audiences.
  • The Role of Documentaries in Social Activism Documentaries are a powerful tool in social activism. This topic examines their impact on raising awareness and driving change.
  • Impact of 24-Hour News Cycle on Journalism Quality The 24-hour news cycle poses challenges to journalism quality. This thesis analyzes its effects on news reporting and information quality.
  • The Power of Radio in the Digital Age Despite the rise of digital media, radio retains significant power. This topic explores its role and relevance in the current media landscape.
  • Children’s Advertising and Ethical Considerations Advertising to children brings unique ethical considerations. This thesis studies these issues and the regulatory environment.
  • Media’s Influence on Body Image Perceptions Media plays a significant role in shaping body image perceptions. This topic investigates this influence and its consequences.
  • Digital Divide and Access to Information The digital divide affects access to information. This thesis examines its implications on society and efforts to bridge the gap.
  • Globalization of Media and Cultural Impact Media globalization has significant cultural impacts. This topic analyzes its effects on cultural identities and global communication.
  • Sensationalism in News Reporting Sensationalism in news reporting affects public perception. This thesis investigates its prevalence and impact on journalism integrity.
  • User-Generated Content and Its Influence on News User-generated content is changing the landscape of news . This topic explores its role and implications for traditional journalism.
  • Corporate Communication Strategies in the Digital Era Corporate communication strategies have evolved in the digital age. This thesis examines these changes and their impact on corporate reputation.
  • Film Censorship and Freedom of Expression Film censorship raises questions about freedom of expression. This topic delves into the balance between regulation and artistic freedom.
  • The Role of Community Radio in Social Development Community radio plays a key role in social development. This thesis assesses its impact on local communities and empowerment.
  • Fashion Blogging and Its Impact on the Industry Fashion blogging has transformed the fashion industry. This topic explores its influence on trends and consumer behavior.
  • Sports Broadcasting and Fan Engagement Sports broadcasting significantly impacts fan engagement. This thesis examines its strategies and effectiveness in engaging sports audiences.
  • The Impact of Online Reviews on Consumer Decisions Online reviews greatly influence consumer decisions. This topic investigates their role and credibility in the digital marketplace.
  • Media’s Role in Disaster Management and Communication Effective media communication is vital in disaster management. This thesis studies its strategies and impact during emergencies.
  • The Ethics of Reality Television Reality television poses unique ethical challenges. This topic explores these challenges and their implications for participants and audiences.
  • The Impact of Animation in Children’s Education Animation plays a significant role in children’s education. This thesis assesses its effectiveness and educational value.
  • Political Economy of Media The political economy of media is crucial for understanding media operations and influences. This topic delves into the interplay between media, politics, and economics.
  • The Role of Mass Media in National Development Mass media plays a key role in national development. This thesis explores its contributions to societal growth and development.
  • Digital Storytelling and Narrative Techniques Digital storytelling uses innovative narrative techniques. This topic examines its methods and impact on audience engagement.
  • Media Censorship in Authoritarian Regimes Media censorship in authoritarian regimes reveals power dynamics. This thesis investigates its methods and impact on freedom of information.
  • The Impact of E-books on the Publishing Industry The rise of e-books presents challenges and opportunities for the publishing industry. This topic explores its effects on traditional publishing practices.

How to Select the Mass Communication Thesis Topic?

Choosing the right thesis topic in mass communication is a crucial step for students aspiring to contribute effectively to this evolving field. A well-selected topic not only paves the way for a successful research journey but also enhances academic and professional growth.

How to Select the Mass Communication Thesis Topic

Understanding Your Interests and Strengths

Begin by introspecting your interests and strengths within mass communication . Whether your passion lies in social media , journalism , or any other media field, aligning your topic with your interests ensures a more engaged and motivated research process.

Analyzing Current Trends and Gaps

Keep an eye on current trends in the field of mass communication . This includes emerging themes in digital journalism , social media dynamics, or the latest in advertising strategies. Identifying gaps in existing research can lead to a more impactful thesis topic.

Considering the Scope and Resources

Evaluate the scope of your potential topic in terms of research feasibility. Ensure you have access to necessary resources, be it for studying broadcasting techniques or analyzing print media . The availability of data and resources will significantly shape your research journey.

Seeking Academic and Professional Opinions

Consult with academic advisors and industry professionals. Their insights, especially on evolving aspects like email marketing or television broadcasting , can provide valuable guidance on choosing a topic that is both academically relevant and industry pertinent.

Evaluating Relevance and Contribution

Consider how your chosen topic will contribute to the field of mass communication . A topic that offers fresh insights into public relations strategies or blogging trends can be more rewarding and have a greater impact on your professional trajectory.

Balancing Passion and Practicality

While it’s important to choose a topic you are passionate about, balancing this with practicality is key. Ensure your topic is realistic and manageable within the given time frame and academic requirements.

Future Career Implications

Reflect on how your thesis topic in mass communication can align with or influence your career goals. Whether you aim to specialize in television production , social media analytics , or any other area, your thesis can be a stepping stone towards that career path.

Tips on Choosing the Best Communication Thesis Topic

Selecting the right thesis topic in the field of mass communication is a critical decision that sets the stage for your academic research. Here are some key tips to guide you in choosing the best topic, ensuring it aligns with your interests and the ever-evolving landscape of mass communication.

Align with Current Trends and Relevance

Choose a topic that aligns with current trends in mass communication . This ensures your research is relevant and contributes to ongoing conversations in the field. For instance, exploring the impact of social media on traditional news outlets could offer timely insights.

Personal Interest and Passion

Select a topic that you are personally interested in. Passion for your subject matter not only makes the research process more engaging but also drives deeper exploration. Whether it’s the ethics of advertising or the evolution of public relations , choose a topic that resonates with you.

Scope for Innovation and Originality

Look for topics that offer scope for innovation. A unique angle or an underexplored area in mass communication can set your work apart. For example, investigating the use of virtual reality in media programming could provide fresh insights.

Availability of Resources and Research Material

Ensure there are sufficient resources and research material available on your chosen topic. Accessibility to relevant data, case studies, and existing literature in fields like digital journalism or broadcast media is crucial for comprehensive research.

Consider Future Career Implications

Choose a topic that could benefit your future career. If you’re aiming for a career in media advertising , selecting a topic in this area could provide valuable insights and experience for your professional journey.

Academic Advisor Consultation

Consult with your academic advisor or mentor. Their expertise in mass communication can guide you toward a topic that is feasible, valuable, and academically sound. They can provide perspective on areas like the role of media in shaping public opinion.

Feasibility and Research Methodology

Assess the feasibility of your research. Ensure that the methodology required for topics like crisis communication in public health or cultural representation in media is practical and manageable within your time and resource constraints.

Contribution to the Field

Consider how your research could contribute to the field of mass communication. A topic that addresses gaps in areas like audience analysis or the psychological impact of social media marketing can make your thesis more impactful.

Ethical Considerations

Ensure your topic adheres to ethical standards, especially when dealing with sensitive areas like privacy in digital media or gender perceptions in mass media. Ethical research is crucial for credibility and integrity.

Future Research Opportunities

Think about how your topic can pave the way for future research. Topics that open doors for further exploration, like the changing landscape of television media in the digital age, can be particularly rewarding.

Choosing the right thesis topic in mass communication is a crucial step in your academic journey. By aligning with current trends, personal interests, and career goals, and considering innovation, resources, and ethical standards, you can select a topic that not only enriches your understanding but also makes a meaningful contribution to the evolving landscape of mass communication.


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Mass Communications Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

An Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Crisis Response Message Strategies on Consumer Emotions, Perceptual Beliefs and Intended Behavior , Valentina Ahumada

How the Taiwanese podcast Bailingguo News framed the 2019 Hong Kong movement: A framing analysis of the anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill , Yu-Fei Chiu

Advocating for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Study of the NHL’s #HockeyIsForEveryone Campaign on Twitter , Jessica Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

An Analysis of International Soccer Fans’ Knowledge of Qatar, Perceptions of Qatar’s Country Image, and Intention to Support the 2022 FIFA World Cup , Taleb Al-Adbah

Analysis of Prescription Drug Brand Mentions in Music: Prevalence and Consumer Perceptions , Lisa A. Blake

Elements of Instagram Influencer Posts that Drive Follower Engagement , Yishan Li

Communicating Breast Cancer Awareness: Using the Health Belief Model to Develop Mass Communication Themes to Influence Early Detection Behaviors , Srisai Kamakshi Ramya Harika Pucha

The European Super League (ESL): A Political Economy and Media Framing Analysis , Patrick Sidwell

Inaugural Addresses, Framing Theory, and the Impact on American Perceptions of the Presidency , Kalin Meagan Velez

The Use of Social Media by Leaders in Times of Crisis: 2020–21 United States Election Protests , Cagdas Yuksel

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Influence of Hate Speech on TikTok on Chinese College Students , Tengyue Chen

Cultivating Courage: Medical Dramas and Portrayals of Patient Self-Advocacy , Alyssa H. Harrell

The Media Reproduction of Racial Violence: A Content Analysis of News Coverage Following the Death of George Floyd Jr. , Keylon Lovett

Credibility of Spokespersons and E-cigarette Prevention Messages: Elaboration Likelihood Model and The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk , Emmanuel Maduneme

An Examination of COVID-19 Health Behaviors and Public Health Messaging Using the Health Belief Model and Organization-Public Relationship Quality , Aaron L. Nichols

The Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) and Risk Perceptions of Twitter messages related to COVID-19 , Muhammad E. Rasul

Framing #MeToo movement in China A Content Analysis of China Women’s News Coverage , Wenminzi Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Super Bowl Ads and the Donald Trump Culture War , Jessica Barron

A Case Study on Black Twitter’s Reactions to the Framing of Blacks in Dove’s 2017 Facebook Advertisement , Shereena Farrington

The Roles of Emotional Cues and Purchasing Incentives in WeChat Commerce: A Content Analysis , Xuezhu Hao

People with Parkinson’s and Care Partners of PwPs’ Uncertainty Management Through Information Strategies , Amy Haywood

Asian Male Stereotypes: An Investigation of Current Beliefs About Asian Males and Stereotypes Perpetuated by U.S. Modern Cinema , Noelle Knopp

Developing Design Elements for a Parkinson’s Disease Informative Website: A Social Marketing Approach , Emilie R. Madsen

Evaluation of Native Advertisement though Third Person Effect Theory: An Experimental Design , Inga Nafetvaridze

EPPM and Its Effectiveness in Advertisements of Colorectal Cancer Screening among Young Adults , Anh T. Nguyen

The Role of Threat and Efficacy in Anti-Vaping Ads: A Test of the Extended Parallel Process Model , Ryan Noone

An Experimental Investigation into the Impact of Crisis Response Strategies and Relationship Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry , Nikoletta Pappas

Media Fandom: Social Media Use and Collective Identity in China: A Case Study of Z.Tao’s Weibo Fandom , Mier Sha

'Golden Spike': Examining Atlanta United FC Communications During the Launch of the Team , Maria Tsyruleva

The Role of Influencer Endorsement in Consumer Brand Engagement on Sina Weibo , Xiaofan Wei

One News Event, Three Media Frames , Le Xin

Applying the Situational Theory of Publics to Children's Sex Education in China , Baoyi Zeng

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Role of Social Media Journalists in TV News:Their Effects on the Profession and Identity of TV Journalism, the Quality of News, and theAudience Engagement , Yousuf Humiad AL Yousufi

Relationship Management Communications by NHL Teams on Twitter , Kelsey M. Baker

2018 China-United States Trade War: Framing Analysis of Online News Coverage in the United States and China as portrayed by the New York Times and the People’s Daily , Jiangling Huang

The Research on the Determinants of Users' Willingness to Pay for Chinese Paid Sports Model Based on Use and Gratification Theory , Jing Li

Online MMORPG Games in China: Player Motivations and the Mediating Role of Flow , Jiaxin Liu

The Hostile Media Effect and Its Potential Consequences: Examining the Influence of Presumed Influence of International Media Coverage , Zhennan Liu

Womenpreneurs in a Digital Environment: Utilizing Instagram to Build a Personal Brand , Michelle N. Nuñez

Objectification of Women in Bollywood Item Numbers , Zahabia Z. Slatewala

A Research on eSports Users’ Motives and Satisfaction in China The Case of League of Legends , Qianyin Sun

An Analysis of the Language and the Relationship of the President of the USA Related Twitter Accounts toward the National Media , Sait Serif Turhan

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Perception of Kazakhstan in the U.S through the New York Times Coverage , Tursynay Alikhanova

The Influence of Instagram Selfies on Female Millennials’ Appearance Satisfaction , Diliara Bagautdinova

Women’s Body Image in the Media: Fitspiration on Instagram , Brook M. Bryant

Political Talk Shows in Taiwan: First- and Third-Person Effects, Their Attitudinal Antecedents and Consequences , Shou-Chen Hsieh

An Examination of Image Repair Theory and BP’s Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill , William Anthony Korte Jr.

An Analysis of Organ Donation Presentations on Weibo , Shengfei Li

Gender Sexualization in Digital Games: Exploring Female Character Changes in Tomb Raider , Jingjing Liu

Shithole Countries: An Analysis of News Coverage in the U.S. , Murewa O. Olubela

Self-esteem, motivation, and self-enhancement presentation on WeChat , Xiao Qiu

The Portrayal of Women in the Oldest Russian Women’s Magazine “Rabotnitsa” From 1970-2017 , Anastasiia Utiuzh

Cultural Adaptation and Maintenance: Chinese International Students' Use of Facebook and WeChat , Mengni Wang

The Understanding of Absolute Right to Freedom of Expression in the Case of Hate Speech , Qinqin Wang

Body Image, Self-Esteem and Eating Disturbance among Chinese Women: Testing the Tripartite Influence model , Weiwei Wang

I’m Your Fan – Engaging in Celebrity’s Social Media Page with the Mediation of Parasocial Interaction and Parasocial Relationship , Jiahui Zhuang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Household Food Waste Prevention in Malaysia: An Issue Processes Model Perspective , Syahirah Abd Razak

Countering the Questionable Actions of the CPD and FEC , Brian C. Cole

“You Know Who I Am, Don’t You? I’m the One They’re Writing About in the Newspapers and on TV” , Casey Killen Crane

To Tell the Truth: The Credibility of Cable News Networks In an Era of Increasingly Partisan Political News Coverage , Christopher Jadick

Political Media Bias in the United States: Immigration and the Trump Administration , Bryce Josepher

Social Media Use and Political Participation in China: The Mediating Role of Political Efficacy , Bingyang Liu

Framing Genetically-modified Foods Communication in China: A Content Analysis of News Coverage of People’s Daily and Southern Metropolis , Linqi Lu

Conceptualizing Social Wealth in the Digital Age: A Mixed Methods Approach , Kristina Oliva

The Road to the White House: A Correlational Analysis of Twitter Sentiment and National Polls in the 2016 Election Cycle , Melissa G. Pelletier

Using Green Messages to Cue Recycling Tendencies , Danielle Quichocho

Traversing Privacy Issues on Social Networking Sites Among Kuwaiti Females , Shahad Shihab

Chinese National Identity and Media Framing , Yufeng Tian

Smog Pollution in China: News Framing and Issue-Attention Cycle per the , Yingying Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Beliefs in Motives, First- and Third-Person Effects and Behavioral Consequences , Nianyuan Cheng

Crimean Referendum: Annexation VS Reunification. Framing Analysis of Online News Coverage in Russia and the U.S. , Anna Dedova

Investigating the Determinants of Recycling Behavior in Youth by Using Theory of Planned Behavior. , Tejaswini Gadiraju

Media Perceptions on Sexual Assault on College Campuses , Maggie M. Hall

The Impact of Emojis and Emoticons on Online Consumer Reviews, Perceived Company Response Quality, Brand Relationship, and Purchase Intent. , Jayme Hill Hill

Media Multitasking and Memory: The Role of Message Modalities , Le Nguyen

Cultivating Philanthropy in Community Colleges: A Dual-Model Approach , Rachel Faith Pleasant

Avatar Self-Identification, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Social Capital in the Real World: A Study of World of Warcraft Players and their Avatars , Melissa Watts

The Effects of Mission Statement Design on Behavioral Intention , Jonathan David West

Impact of a Brand Crisis on Nation Branding: An Analysis of Tweets about VW’s Emissions Crisis , Kara Julie Whytas

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Responding to a Rumor: How Crisis Response Strategies Influence Relationship Outcomes , Bo Breuklander

Crisis Communication and Celebrity Scandal: An Experiment on Response Strategies , Leah Champion

Speaking Their Language: Textisms in Today's Communication , Adam Lloyd Drum

Direct-to-Consumer Messaging: A Phenomenological Examination of DTC Best Practices , Nicholas Dominick Fancera

Examining Endorsement and Viewership Effects on the Source Credibility of YouTubers , Stephanie Fred

The Cultivation of Eating Disorders through Instagram , Kendall O'Brien

Online Game Advertising and Chinese College Students: Attitudes, First- and Third-Person Effects , Yan Tang

On the Convergence of Cinema and Theme Parks: Developing a Predictable Model for Creative Design , Ryan Luke Terry

I Threw My Pie for You: Engagement and Loyalty on TV Show Facebook Pages , Tracy M. Wisneski

First- and Third-Person Effects of Alcohol Advertising on Chinese College Students , Dong Xue

Framing Occupy Central: A Content Analysis of Hong Kong, American and British Newspaper Coverage , Mengjiao Yu

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Climate Change, Situational Theory of Problem Solving, and Issue Framing Effects , Michael Eddie Burch

British Cultural Narrative in Winston Churchill's Political Communication , Andres L. Faza

Communication Behavior Study of Support in the Arts Using the Situational Theory of Publics and the Theory of Reasoned Action , Ashleigh Gallant

A Comparison Study on Violent Video Games: Explained by the Gamers Themselves , Christopher John Kneifer

Applying Public Relations Theory to Assess Service-Learning Relationships , Karen Strand


The Accidental Motivator: Florida's Medicinal Marijuana Ballot Initiative's Impact on the Youth Vote , Robert Winsler

An Examination of Motives, Experiences, and Behaviors of MMORPG Players , Theresa Lynn Woods

Social Media Use During The College Transition , Kevin J. Yurasek

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178 Communication Research Topics For Your Paper

178 Communication Research Topics

Imagine what the world would be without communication! How would we get along? I guess there would be no sense in existing after all. That is just a tiny snippet of how important communication is in everyday life. Exchanging information is a key component of coexistence as it creates order and a sense of satisfaction in the end.

However, communication as a discipline cuts across all other niches in the academic world. Students from an Engineering course would also take up communication as a unit of study. Students delve into the transmission, representation, reception, and decoding of information communicated to a greater extent.

Situations When You May Need To Write A Communication Paper

Various scenarios call for a communication paper either as an assignment or a research project in college. The communication papers needed for every situation vary in format and outline. Here are some of the cases when communication papers are necessary:

When writing a resume or cover letter In presentations and reports Internal or external communication in a company Writing a thesis statement

When writing communication papers in these different scenarios, students can develop the following aspects:

Understand the various communication phenomena Ability to direct communication messages towards accomplishing individual and organizational goals Understand various types of communication such as rhetoric, interpersonal or organizational

Such an assignment is peculiar because it deals with students’ communication processes. Therefore, the student can easily relate a communication assignment to the real-world environment.

You will have to conduct extensive digging before writing your paper like any other research project. In writing a communication research paper, you will benefit from the importance of communication in general, such as building better relationships and finding the right solutions to various problems.

It takes a lot of time to create a high-quality writing, so you have all the right to ask dissertation writers for hire to help.

Guidelines On Structure And Step By Step Tips On Writing

To have an award-winning communication paper, you need to understand that structure is always at the heart of it all. A great communication paper follows the structure below:

Solid intro : Begin by presenting a captivating introduction by highlighting the facts, questions, or problems that you will explore in the body. The reader should find more than a million reasons to proceed with your essay by reading the first two lines. A strong thesis statement is also necessary for the introduction. An insightful literature review : It shows the theoretical basis of your research project, thus giving it validity. An in-depth literature review will give room for exploration and further research. Main body : This is where we expect to find all your findings, methodological steps, concepts, analyses, and the outcome. Discussion and conclusion : Depending on your professor’s instructions, you can divide this into two parts or put it as one. In either case, this section will consist of the strengths and weaknesses of your research and any future development or improvements. You could also compare the results found in your research with what other authors have discovered.

Provided you have all your facts at hand, a communication research paper will be the easiest you will ever handle in college. Nonetheless, you can order a custom paper from various online writing experts.

If you want to make an impression with your communication research paper, here are some tips to consider:

Select a thought-provoking and captivating research topic Have a working outline with all the arguments and examples/evidence in place Ensure that you exhaust reading all the possible research materials on your topic Such papers are always in the first person except in unique cases

You can review some of the samples on our essay writer to familiarize yourself with the structure and outline of a communication research paper.

Let’s now explore 178 of the hottest communication research topics to ace your project:

Top Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

  • Evaluate the different relational patterns of interaction theory
  • How to achieve coordinated management of meaning
  • Discuss the fundamentals of pedagogical communication
  • How does technology relate to interpersonal communication?
  • Key constructs of openness and closeness
  • Establishing identities in the identity management theory
  • Evaluate the contribution of interpersonal communication scholars
  • How mental representations influence how people interpret information
  • Conceptualizing the process of social interaction
  • Discuss the various behavioral interaction patterns among siblings
  • Why do individuals modify their communicative behavior?
  • Describe why new environments present a challenge for most people to communicate effectively
  • The role of eye contact and gestures in interpersonal communication
  • Varying effects of nonverbal and verbal acts of interpersonal communication
  • Effects of different cultures on interpersonal communication strategies

World-Class Communication Research Topics For College Students

  • Understanding the historical research methods in communication
  • Discuss the relationship between technology, media, and culture
  • Evaluate the various revolutions in human communication
  • Discuss the developments made in the invention of human speech and language
  • The role of image-making, cinema, and media entertainment in communication
  • How to overcome communication barriers among students
  • Steps in encouraging participation in meetings
  • How employees contribute to the information flow in organizations
  • How to evaluate a report based on its findings
  • Sources of error during nonverbal communication
  • How the media can match the channels of communication to their audience
  • Ensuring audience attention during a presentation
  • The impact of graphics in communication strategies
  • How to interpret non-verbal signals
  • Developing communication methods that match a given purpose

Possible Topics For Communication Research

  • How to develop realistic communication strategies
  • Discuss the economics of finance in communication processes
  • How exposure to radio and TV impacts communication
  • How to manage controversial issues in communication
  • Why speaking with confidence is still difficult for many people
  • The effectiveness of communicating with words and body language
  • Why defining your purpose is key in any communication process
  • Why explanatory communication is more difficult than informative communication
  • The place of communication in long-distance relationships
  • Communication strategies that influence people
  • How to use communication effectively for conflict resolution
  • Developing your self-esteem for effective communication
  • Effects of redundancy in communication processes
  • The place of responsibility in developing communication messages
  • How to acquire effective communication skills in college

Latest Communication Topic For Research

  • The role of persuasive dialogue in negotiations
  • Why everyone must learn proper expression strategies
  • Effects of emoji and other characters in enhancing textual conversations
  • The role of propaganda in shaping communication tones
  • Evaluate the unique political language used in America versus Africa
  • The continuing impact of the internet on interpersonal communication
  • How images are enhancing communication
  • Discuss the effects of gender victimization on communication
  • Evaluate the development of modern digital communication
  • How to effectively communicate during a war or crisis
  • How hacking is transforming communication of encrypted messages
  • Effects of stereotyping in developing communication messages
  • Is virtual reality ruining effective communication?
  • Evaluate language as a barrier in communicating messages
  • The role of empathy in communicating to victims of a disaster

Top-Notch Communication Research Paper Topics

  • The role of diplomacy in fostering better relations among countries
  • Why aided communication may not achieve the intended purpose
  • Effects of using a translator in the communication of critical messages
  • Evaluate the development of audio-visual devices for communication
  • The dangers of failing to notice barriers to communication
  • How stigma and prejudice impact effective communication
  • Discuss the impact of having a common language in a country
  • How social classes affect communication messages
  • Factors that hinder communication between fighting political sides
  • How to develop strong communication skills in a marketplace
  • Why opinions may prevent one from seeing the true picture
  • Discuss the role of fantasy and exaggeration in communication
  • Differences between oral and verbal messages in conveying information
  • The role of attitude and mood in enhancing effective message delivery
  • How the media sets the communication pattern of a given society

Highly Rated Mass Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss the essence of social media among PR practitioners
  • The role of mass media in rebranding a nation
  • Challenges to media freedom and their impact on proper communication
  • Discuss the effects of news commercialization and their credibility
  • How TV advertisements impact children and their development
  • Compare and contrast between animation and real-people adverts in mass media
  • How the internet affects professionalization in news media
  • How mass media messages contribute to the development of religion in Africa
  • Evaluate the radio listenership patterns between men and women
  • How does mass media contribute to an emerging democracy
  • Discuss how the media enlightens the public on issues of concern
  • The role of mass media in communicating development messages
  • Why mass media is critical before, during, and after elections
  • Assess the influence of community radio in remote areas
  • How mass media contributes to national integration

Good Communication Research Topics

  • What determines consumer preference patterns in the 21 st century?
  • Effective communication strategies for creating awareness against drug abuse
  • Prospects and challenges of local dialects in communication
  • Evaluate the influence of television on public opinion
  • Discuss the growing cyberactivism in the digital age
  • How social media is contributing to misleading information
  • Challenges facing teachers when communicating to pre-school students
  • Discuss the impact of information overload on the credibility of information
  • Evaluate communication patterns among the youth in the US
  • Assess the effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on communication patterns
  • How public perception influences communication strategies
  • Explain how mothers learn to communicate with and understand their babies at such a tender age
  • The role of music in shaping communication models
  • How to overcome the challenge of top-down communication in companies
  • Management of information on online media for effective use

Business Communication Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the increasing role of influencers on brand marketing
  • Why company blogs are essential in attracting new clients
  • Evaluate the differences between face to face and virtual business meetings
  • The growing popularity of social media in business marketing
  • Why every company should have a partner relations department
  • Dealing with complaints in a relaxed and useful manner
  • Why online project management is the future of business
  • Discuss why it is necessary to have company retreats
  • Explore the role of digital document sharing in speeding up business communication
  • Effects of relying on online communication at the expense of physical meetings
  • The role of effective business management in the performance of an organization
  • How staff motivation improve the overall working environment
  • Discuss the place of corporate social responsibility in a company
  • Effective ways of handling crisis in a large company
  • Explain why trust is important in any business partnerships

Intercultural Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss how Muslims interact with Christians at a social level
  • Evaluate the reception of instructions from a man to a woman
  • How Americans interact with Africans at the basic level
  • Discuss how an American Democrat would associate with a Chinese politician
  • Discuss the impact of marginalization in developing communication messages
  • How migration and immigration affect communication patterns
  • Effects of social stereotyping in communication
  • How do Western communication models differ from those of Africa?
  • Impact of discriminatory communication messages
  • How to organize an effective intergroup come-together
  • How the media represents various groups in its communication
  • Effects of the growing intercultural norms
  • The role of language attitudes in inhibiting effective communication
  • Evaluate how ethnographic perspectives affect communication messages
  • Why it is difficult to solve intercultural conflicts

Additional Interpersonal Communication Topics For Research Paper

  • The role of interpersonal communication in team member satisfaction
  • How collaboration and teamwork enhances business success
  • Discuss how interpersonal communication enhances problem-solving skills
  • The role of trust in interpersonal communication
  • Effects of confusion, negativity, and conflicts on interpersonal communication
  • How to deal with workplace miscommunication effectively
  • The role of personalizing information
  • How to improve internal communication channels in a company
  • Discuss the role of interests in communication patterns
  • Challenges when implementing modern communication solutions
  • Evaluate how jargon and inattention make internal communication difficult
  • The role of feedback in interpreting messages correctly
  • Discuss the influence of environmental factors in communication
  • Why miscommunication may result in a disconnect among a group of people
  • Discuss the role of skills and knowledge in effective communication among leaders

Interesting Communication Research Topics

  • How can effective interpersonal communication be a catalyst for action
  • Why a focused and intentional approach is necessary for effective communication
  • Discuss why online dating is not successful in most cases
  • Evaluate the role of non-verbal communication and customer satisfaction
  • Why is it important to have a list of communication networks?
  • Effects of lack of personal contact when it comes to communication
  • Discuss the various forms of human interactions and their influence on communication
  • The role of clear communication during an organizational change process
  • Why online communication is not as effective as physical meetings
  • Evaluate the roles and issues involved in a nurse-patient communication
  • The role of TV shows in determining how people relate to each other in the society
  • Effects of the digital divide in communication paradigms
  • The relationship between quality leadership and effective communication
  • Why is email still not yet an effective communication medium?
  • Effects of integrating marketing communication

General Communication Studies Research Topics

  • Discuss the differences in body language between male and female
  • The role of communication in familiarizing with someone
  • How online gaming communication affects one’s interpersonal communication
  • Why a leader without proper communication skills may not succeed
  • The role of communication in achieving an organization’s vision
  • How mobile phone conversations are turning around interpersonal communication
  • Discuss the role of different personality types in communication
  • Is there a difference between language and communication?
  • Discuss how communication in the military is different from that in a normal setting
  • Compare and contrast between written and spoken forms of communication
  • Why family communication is critical for a peaceful coexistence
  • Shortcomings to understanding foreign languages
  • Discuss the effectiveness of web-based communication

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58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best mass communication topic ideas & essay examples, 🔍 most interesting mass communication topics to write about, 🔎 simple & easy mass communication essay titles.

  • Movies as a Medium of Mass Communication Over the decades of its development, the phenomenon of a movie has changed significantly, especially with the introduction of new genres and the discovery of new ways of conveying a particular idea visually.
  • Ethical Issues in Mass Communication and Advertising The following are some of the primary ethical issues that mass communication and advertising need to observe in modern society where media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion.
  • India Movie Industry as a Medium of Mass Communication India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is therefore charged with the development and regulation of the broadcasting, print, film and other media on behalf of the state.
  • What is “Two-step Flow”? What Implications Does It Have for Our Understanding of Mass Communication? It should be known that there has been an implication of our understanding of mass communication as a result of this theory based on the fact that it has redefined our predictions on the influence […]
  • Telegraph and Its Impacts in Mass Communication The invention of electricity was very instrumental as it led to the discovery of electric telegraphy by William and Charles in the 19th century.
  • Larry King: The Pioneer of Mass Communication The ‘Numbers Guy,’ as he was referred to by callers while hosting the Larry King Show, makes one of the greatest broadcasters in media history despite not having taken a course in mass communication. Larry […]
  • Social Media as a Component of Mass Communication The reasons for such a claim are justified and refer to different opportunities that social media and the Internet give their users. During that time, social media helped me to stay aware of the current […]
  • E-Media Fast: Mass Communication Theory The level of my media usage had risen to a point that I could not spend a day without the use of any of the media sources.
  • Mass Communication Law and Ethics As the hotel employee did not clean up the water out of a fish tank that resulted in an accident, the hotel was to be responsible for that situation.
  • The Study of Mass Communication and Popular Culture The contributions of the French sociologist emile Durkheim to the formation of sociology are rather sufficient, as the scientist has studied the ways in which societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in the present […]
  • Global Mass Communication: Web Television The Web TV and IPTV are a powerful enabling force that enables the use of similar ideas in different corners of the world.
  • Mass Communication Impact on Modern language Within the frames of another tradition, the impact of mass communication and mass culture on language and mass consciousness is analyzed in a different critical way.
  • The History of Mass Communication: New Opportunities and Challenges for Society In the history of mass communication, it is possible to distinguish three main stages: ethic-legal paradoxes, techno-legal time-gap, and surveillance society, The new media is characterized by technological changes and changes in ideas and ideals […]
  • Mass Media Communication: Personal Analysis Finally, when I do the same in the kitchen in the morning, I am occupied with preparing and eating my breakfast; therefore, television serves as a background and I cannot be focused on the information […]
  • Global Music: Mass Communication The era of globalization had a dramatic impact not only on the economic development of the countries but also implied cultural exchange while distributing national music around the world.
  • Mass Communication and Public Policy One example of the websites that help to exchange ideas but negatively is the In the real sense, there several public interests in conflict when the information about the funding of a politician is disclosed […]
  • The Implication of Chaffee and Metzger’s Article “The End of Mass Communication” With the development of computer-based communication technologies, the university should focus on this issue in determining the impact of technological changes on mass communication and the need to change the courses offered at the Lindenwood […]
  • Americans: Global Awareness and Mass Communication
  • How Technology and Convergence Has Changed the Face of Mass Communication
  • Basic Ideas and Theories of Mass Communication
  • Bringing Cultural Change Through Mass Communication
  • Criteria for Professional Journalism and Mass Communication Programs
  • The Uses and Impacts of Mass Communication
  • Celebrity Phenomenon in an Era of Mass Communication
  • Debating Mass Communication During the Rise and Fall of Broadcasting
  • Demystifying Mass Communication Majors Into the Magazine Industry
  • Digital History: Leading the Rise of Mass Communication
  • How Mass Communication Approach Can Change Into Perspective
  • Improving Physical Fitness Through Methods of Mass Communication
  • Incorporating Mass Communication, Philosophy, and Sociology in the Education of an Athlete
  • Internet Addiction Between Mass Communication and Nursing Students of Segi University
  • Language and Mass Communication: Omnivore’s Dilemma
  • Mass Communication and Its Effects on the Audience
  • Linking Mass Communication and Academic Art
  • The Relations Between Mass Communication and Culture
  • Mass Communication Between People and Communities
  • Relations Between Mass Communication and Social Policies
  • The Parallels Between Mass Communication and Graphic Design
  • Historical Analysis of Mass Communication During World War II
  • The Link Between Mass Communication, Media, and Culture
  • Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion Controlling America
  • Relationship With Smartphones: Mass Communication
  • Mass Communication Theory and Practice: An Overview
  • Social Learning Theory: Are Children Being Corrupted by the Mass Communication Industry?
  • Experience in Using Social Media for Mass Communication
  • Sustainable Consumption and Mass Communication: A German Experiment
  • The African Americans Throughout the History of Mass Communication
  • The History and Evolution of Technology and Mass Communication
  • Theories, Concepts, and Models in Mass Communication Theory Foundations and Future
  • The Uses and Gratifications of Research of Mass Communication
  • Understanding and Evaluating Mass Communication Theory
  • The Role and Impact of Mass Communication on Sexuality in TV Programs
  • Review of the Origin and Evolution of Mass Communication and Technology
  • Mass Communication and Technological Advancement in “How Are Media Born”
  • Synopsis of Dynamics of Mass Communication
  • Corporate Communication Questions
  • Nonverbal Communication Essay Titles
  • Telecommunications Questions
  • Media Bias Questions
  • Television Ideas
  • Google Paper Topics
  • TV Show Titles
  • Twitter Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, September 26). 58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/mass-communication-essay-topics/

"58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/mass-communication-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/mass-communication-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/mass-communication-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "58 Mass Communication Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/mass-communication-essay-topics/.

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Home > USC Columbia > College of Information and Communications > Journalism & Mass Communications > Journalism & Mass Communications Theses and Dissertations

Journalism & Mass Communications Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

The Impact of Follower-Influencer Relationship Stages on Consumers’ Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions in the Context of Influencer Marketing , Khalid Obaid Alharbi

The Effect of Social Media (Instagram) Use Patterns on The Cultural and Athletic Identity of Black Female Collegiate Athletes’ Body Image Dissatisfaction , Shelbretta Kar’Anna Ball

Contextualizing Search: An Analysis of the Impacts of Construal Level Theory, Mood, and Product Type on Search Engine Activity , Jackson Everitt Carter

Words Evaporate, the Images Remain: Testing Visual Warnings in the Context of Intentions to Vape Among U.S. Adults as an Expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) , Carl Arland Ciccarelli

Risk Propensity in Journalists: An Analysis of Journalists’ Personality Traits and How They Direct Behavior in the Field , Ellen Katherine Dunn

Online Information-Seeking and Cancer Screening Intention: An Analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey 2022 , Rachel Aileen Ford

Always on Display: South Carolina Civil Rights Lawyer Matthew J. Perry Jr. Expanding the Civil Sphere Through the Courts and the News Media, 1954-1963 , Christopher G. Frear

Exploring the Agenda-Setting Dynamics Between Traditional Newspapers and Twitter During Mass Shooting Event , Yujin Heo

Extreme Persuasion: Analyzing Meaning Creation and Persuasive Strategies Within Extreme Discourse on Alternative Social Media , Naomi Kathryn Lawrence

Framing Police Brutality: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Walter Scott’s Murder , Shamira S. McCray

Understanding Podcast Advertising Processing and Outcomes: An Analysis of Podcast Ad Types, Message Types, and Media Context on Consumer Responses , Colin Piacentine

The Unsung Heroes for Intercollegiate Athletics: Examining the Dialogic Principles of Communication in Community College Athletic Departments , Matthew Alan Stilwell

Exploring Trustworthiness Issues About Disaster-related Information Generated by Artificial Intelligence , Xin Tao

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Effect of Emotional Intensity, Arousal, and Valence On Online Video Ad Sharing , Chang Won Choi

“Power, Poison, Pain & Joy”: Applying a Critical Race Conceptual Model of Implicit Racial Bias to Narratives Framing Blackness in Black Sports Columns, Black Music, and Black Journalism , Christina Lauren Myers

Gatekeeping Blackness: Roles, Relationships, and Pressures of Black Television Journalists at a Time of Racial Reckoning , Denetra Walker

The Binge Viewing Index: Creating and Testing a New Measure , Larry J. Webster Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Portion of Profit Donations: CSR as Public Relations Strategy and its Relationships with Trust and Purchase Intentions , Branden Dylan Cameron Birmingham

The Role of Sexting in the Development of Romantic Relationships , Max Bretscher

Let’s Be Friends: Examining Consumer Brand Relationships Through the Lens Of Brand Personality, Engagement, and Reciprocal Altruism , Daniel D. Haun

Go with The Flow: Testing the Effects of Emotional Flow on Psychophysiological, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Changes , Chris R. Noland

Brand New: How Visual Context Shapes Initial Response To Logos and Corporate Visual Identity Systems , Robert A. Wertz

Inoculating the Public Against Misinformation: Testing The Effectiveness of “Pre-bunking” Techniques in the Context of Mental Illness and Violence , Nanlan Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Gun Violence and Advocacy Communication , Minhee Choi

The Role of Third-person Perceptions in Predicting the Public’s Support for Electronic Cigarette Advertising Regulations , Joon Kyoung Kim

Conservative Media’s Coverage of Coronavirus on YouTube: A Qualitative Analysis of Media Effects on Consumers , Michael J. Layer

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Problem Chain Recognition Effect and CSR Communication: Examining the Impact of Issue Salience and Proximity on Environmental Communication Behaviors , Nandini Bhalla

The Games Behind the Scenes: Newspaper Framing of Female African American Olympic Athletes , Martin Reece Funderburk

Effectiveness of a Brand’s Paid, Owned, and Earned Media in a Social Media Environment , Anan Wan

Providing Prevention Education About Child Sexual Abuse to Parents: Testing Media Effects on Knowledge, Behavioral Intentions and Outcomes , Jane Long Weatherred

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Creating an Online Social Movement in Socially Conservative Societies: A Case Study of Manshoor Blog Using Frame Alignment Process , Noura Abdullah Al-Duaijani

How S. C. Daily Newspapers Framed the Removal of the Confederate Flag from the State House Grounds in 2015 Through Letters to the Editor and Editorials , Thomas Craig Anderson

Breaking The Silence: Extending Theory To Address The Underutilization Of Mental Health Services Among Chinese Immigrants In The United States , Jo-Yun Queenie Li

Fandom In Politics: Scale Development And Validation , Won-Ki Moon

Fatal Force: A Conversation With Journalists Who Cover Deadly, Highly-Publicized Police Shootings , Denetra Walker

Domestic Extension Of Public Diplomacy: Media Competition For Credibility, Dependency And Activation Of Publics , Yicheng Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Hydraulic Fracturing In the United States: A Framing Analysis , Kenneth Stephen Cardell Jr.

Network vs. Netflix: A Comparative Content Analysis of Demographics Across Prime-Time Television and Netflix Original Programming , James Corfield

Framing Marijuana: A Study of How us Newspapers Frame Marijuana Legalization Stories and Framing Effects of Marijuana Stories , Hwalbin Kim

The Allure of Isis: Examining the Underlying Mechanisms that Helped the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria , Alexander Luchsinger

International Twitter Comments About 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates Trump And Clinton: Agenda-Building Analysis In The U.S., U.K., Brazil, Russia, India and China , Jane O’Boyle

Is That Online Review Fake News? How Sponsorship Disclosure Influences Reader Credibility , Mark W. Tatge

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Measuring Strategic Communications , Jeffrey A. Ranta

Public Perceptions Of Genetically Modified Food On Social Media: A Content Analysis Of Youtube Comments On Videos , Nanlan Zhang

Toward A Situational Technology Acceptance Model: Combining the Situational Theory of Problem Solving and Technology Acceptance Model to Promote Mobile Donations for Nonprofit Organizations , Yue Zheng

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Promoting HPV Vaccination for Male Young Adults: Effects of Social Influence , Wan Chi Leung

Redneckaissance: Honey Boo Boo, Tumblr, and the Stereotype of Poor White Trash , Ashley F. Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Conflicted Union: Culture, Economics and European Union Media Policy , Daphney Pernola Barr

Beating Down the Fear: The Civil Sphere and Political Change in South Carolina, 1940-1962 , Sid Bedingfield

The State v. Perry: Comparative Newspaper Coverage of South Carolina's Most Prominent Civil Rights Lawyer , Christopher G. Frear


Innovation Among Georgian Journalism Educators: A Network Analysis Perspective , Ana Keshelashvili

Emotional Bond between the Creator and the Avatar: Changes in Behavioral Intentions to Engage in Alcohol-Related Traffic Risk Behaviors , Hokyung Kim

Handcuffing Speech: Federal Fraud Statutes and the Criminalization of Advertising , Carmen Maye

Social Movements, Media, and Democratization in Georgia , Maia Mikashavidze

Am I in Danger? : Predictors and Behavioral Outcomes of Public Perception of Risk Associated with Food Hazards , Sang-Hwa Oh

Parental Mediation of Adolescent Movie Viewing , Larry James Webster Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Political Advertising In Kuwait - A Functional Discourse Analysis , Jasem Alqaseer

The Westernization of Advertisements Published In Kuwaiti Newspapers From 1992 to 2012; A Content Analysis , Farah Taleb Alrefai

What Can Reader Comments to News Online Contribute to Engagement and Interactivity? A Quantitative Approach , Brett A. Borton

Exploring a paradigm shift: The New York Times' framing of sub-Saharan Africa in stories of conflict, war and development during the Cold War and post-Cold War eras, 1945-2009 , Zadok Opero Ekimwere

Mental Health On Youtube: Exploring the Potential of Interactive Media to Change Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors About Mental Health , Caroline Belser Foster

That's News to Me: An Exploratory Study of the Uses and Gratifications of Current Events On Social Media of 18-24 Year-Olds , John Vincent Karlis

Making Stewardship Meaningful For Nonprofits: Stakeholder Motivations, Attitudes, Loyalty and Behaviors , Geah N. Pressgrove

An Alternative Path: The Intellectual Legacy of James W. Carey , Matthew Ross

The Corporation in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Law and Economics of Corporate Political Speech , Matthew W. Telleen

Child Sexual Abuse In the Media: Is Institutional Failure to Blame? , Jane Long Weatherred

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Relationship Between Facebook Use and Religiosity Among Emerging Adults , Heidi D. Campbell

Attribute Agenda Setting, Attribtue Priming, and The Public's Evaluation of Genetically Modified (GM) Food in South Korea , Soo Yun Kim

What's Mine is Yours: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Conceptions About Online Personal Privacy In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam , Patrick Sharbaugh

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

How Journalists Perceive Internal and External Influence: A Qualitative Assessment of Local Television Reporters' Ethical Decision-Making , Beth Eckard Concepcion

Collective Memory of the War In Iraq: An Analysis of Letters to the Editor and Public Opinion Polls, 2003-2008 , Lisa Cash Luedeman

A Framing Analysis and Model of Barack Obama in Political Cartoons , Anthony Palmer

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Breaking Down the Fear' -- John H. Mccray, Accommodationism and theFraming of the Civil Rights Struggle in South Carolina, 1940-1948 , Sid Bedingfield

Do You See What I See?: A Comparative Content Analysis of Iraq War Photographs As Published In the New York Times and the Tehran Times , Garen Cansler

Exploring Intention to Adopt Mobile Tv Services In the U.S.: Toward A New Model With Cognitive-Based and Emotional-Based Constructs , Seoyoon Choi

Media Representations and Implications For Collective Memory: A Grounded Theory Analysis of TV News Broadcasts of Hillary Clinton From 1993-2008 , Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin

Resonance and Elaboration: the Framing Effect of Chinese Product Safety Issue Coverage , Ji Pan

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100 Communication Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is Communication Research?
  • 2.1 Top Research Topic Ideas
  • 2.2 Research Topics for College Students
  • 2.3 Business-Focused Research Topics
  • 2.4 Social Media Research Topics
  • 2.5 Mass Communication Research Topics
  • 2.6 Interpersonal Communication Research Topics
  • 2.7 Intercultural Communication Research Topics
  • 2.8 Virtual Communication Research Topics
  • 2.9 Health-Related Research Topics
  • 2.10 Interesting Communication Research Topics
  • 3 Coming up with a Thesis Statement
  • 4.1 How to Create Strong Questions for Your Paper?
  • 4.2 How to Find the Right Research Topics?
  • 4.3 What Makes a Research Paper Topic Strong?
  • 4.4 Tips for Structuring and Writing Your Paper
  • 5 Conclusion

All fields of study have fresh and intriguing new research paper topics to explore. Within the subject of communication, there are loads of possibilities for research papers . This is thanks to the development of mass media and the growing popularity of various modern communication methods.

This article covers a broad range of effective research paper topics that are both interesting and relevant for this field. Any of them would make a suitable focal point for any research paper to do with how we interact with one another.

What Is Communication Research?

This is the study of how we interact with one another. It includes how the way we interact is affected by technology, culture, and individual differences. Researchers in this field use a variety of methods to study the way we converse and interact with each other, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and experiments.

Research in this area can be used to improve communication skills in personal relationships, in the workplace, and in other settings.

Lists of Key Communication Research Topics

The range of research paper topics in this field is extensive, to say the least. Below are 100 relevant topics that are arranged in groups of 10.

They cover a broad selection of modern communication issues and debates, from corporate and computer mediated communication to effective interpersonal communication, communication strategies, and more.

Top Research Topic Ideas

The topics in this first group mostly focus on how different factors impact the way we interact with one another. These are some of the key issues in the communication discipline today.

  • The role communication plays in organizations.
  • How technology influences it.
  • The way globalization affects it.
  • How it’s influenced by broadcast media.
  • Ways in which advertising impacts it.
  • The influence propaganda has on it.
  • How it’s impacted by public relations.
  • The effects of international journalism and journalism ethics on it.
  • How the use of social media influences it.
  • How it’s affected by language.

Research Topics for College Students

These topics are ideal for college students. They focus on how communication processes can influence someone’s mental health and personality traits. Both of these are important since they can influence a student’s academic progress.

  • How does communication shape our identities?
  • How do we use it to build relationships?
  • What role does it play in influencing our emotions?
  • How is our thinking influenced by it?
  • In what ways do we use it to manage conflict?
  • How is our behavior influenced by it?
  • What factors influence the effectiveness of communication?
  • In what way is it impacted by technology?
  • What influences do cultural differences have on it?
  • How does it shape our physical and mental health?


Business-Focused Research Topics

Having effective business communication is necessary for any sort of commercial activity to improve its marketing value. Both business to business communication and interactions with the public have to get the right message across. Below are some potential areas to do with organizational communication and public relations.

  • The impact of new communication technologies.
  • The use of social media and external communication.
  • What effects does globalization have?
  • How organizational communication is used in virtual teams.
  • The impact that intercultural communication has.
  • The way humor is used.
  • What are the effects of gender?
  • How we use non-verbal communication.
  • The effect that technology has on corporate communication etiquette.
  • The way we use business communication in crisis situations.

Social Media Research Topics

The focus of these topics is on social media, and it affects the way we communicate with one another. Using social media and being exposed to social media marketing can both have significant effects on practical communication skills. These topics focus on the way modern digital platforms influence our interactions.

  • The effect of social media on communication practices and patterns.
  • How social media changes relationship development.
  • What influence does social media have on how people interact with each other?
  • The effect of social media on the way people share information.
  • How social media impacts the way people interact with businesses.
  • The effect of social media on the way people interact with governments through proper communication channels.
  • What consequences does social media have on online interactions?
  • The effect that social media has on the way people interact with each other offline.
  • Social media’s influence on the way people interact with each other in different cultures.
  • What effects does social media have on the way people interact with each other in different age groups?

Mass Communication Research Topics

Mass communication is when you share information with a large number of people at the same time. Topics to do with mass communication are very relevant, thanks to the internet, social media platforms, and other kinds of mass media. The purpose of mass media is simply to inform loads of people about something as quickly and conveniently as possible.

  • What effect do social media platforms have on mass communication?
  • How does new technology affect it?
  • The impact that advertising has on it.
  • How news media influences it.
  • Ways in which propaganda impacts it.
  • The influence that public relations have on it.
  • How it’s impacted by digital media and print media.
  • Globalization’s impact on it.
  • How new forms of media affect it.
  • The ways it’s influenced by social networking.

Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

This is a broad term that refers to the exchanging of information between people. It’s when you use effective communication skills to share thoughts, ideas, and facts with at least one other person. The topics in this section look at some of the latest interpersonal communication trends.

  • The effect of technology on interpersonal communication.
  • The effect of culture on it.
  • How gender influences it.
  • The effect of age on it.
  • How someone’s interaction style may impact it.
  • The way context may influence it.
  • How relationships can influence it.
  • How it can be influenced by social apprehension.
  • The effect of social competence on it.
  • How it’s impacted by satisfaction.


Intercultural Communication Research Topics

This is when people from different cultures exchange information. Things like different languages, traditions, and even artifacts affect intercultural communication. The topics below look at intercultural communication and how culture shapes the many ways we interact with one another.

  • How culture influences the ways we interact with one another.
  • The impact of intercultural communication styles on relationships.
  • How culture impacts our perceptions of interaction.
  • The effect that interaction has on business relationships.
  • How culture influences the way we interpret nonverbal communication.
  • The impact of culture on our way of interpreting speech.
  • How culture influences our information processing.
  • The way culture impacts our process of making decision.
  • The impact of culture on how we solve problems.
  • How culture influences our interactions with others.

Virtual Communication Research Topics

Are virtual communication skills essential? You have to be just as proficient at virtual dialogue as you are at spoken words. Mastering interactive online communication is key for anyone who wants to succeed, and the topics below delve into this further.

  • The impact on the development of personal relationships.
  • The use of virtual dialogue in the business world.
  • How it influences the way we think and learn.
  • The benefits of virtual communication for people with social anxiety.
  • The way it’s used in education.
  • How it impacts our mental health.
  • Ways in which it influences family relationships.
  • How it’s used in the workplace.
  • The effect it has on relationships.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of virtual communication.

Health-Related Research Topics

It’s essential to have effective communication strategies in any sort of healthcare setting. Having interpersonal communication competence is vital so that practitioners can speak with patients clearly and effectively. The topics below look at how internal and external communication in the healthcare industry affects and is affected by different factors.

  • The effectiveness of health communication campaigns in changing health behaviors.
  • The impact of social media on interactions in the health industry.
  • How humor is used in it.
  • How storytelling is used in it.
  • What effects it has on reducing health disparities.
  • What effects it has on increasing health literacy.
  • How new media technologies are used in it.
  • How it influences public health outcomes.
  • The role it plays in health education.
  • The impact it has on patient satisfaction.

Interesting Communication Research Topics

This last batch of topics looks at how both spoken words and non-verbal communication affect different things. Some of the topics are about how we interact with one another in different areas of life.

  • The impact of new communication technology on social interactions.
  • The way it is used in the workplace.
  • How we use it in education.
  • Ways in which it is used in marketing.
  • How people use it in healthcare.
  • The way it affects personal relationships.
  • The effects it has on organizational cultures.
  • How it impacts individual productivity.
  • Its effects on consumer behavior.
  • The influences it has on the environment.
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Coming up with a Thesis Statement

Once you have come up with a potential research topic, you should start writing. Your first step is to write an effective thesis statement .

Your thesis statement is the argument or main point you want to make about your topic. It’s a summary of what your paper is going to be about. The purpose of it is to show the reader what you will be discussing and invite them to read your work.

Once you have your thesis statement, start writing your paper. Make sure to include evidence from scholarly sources to support your work.

Topic Selection and Writing Tips

How to create strong questions for your paper.

This question doesn’t have a single answer, as the best way to create strong questions for your paper will vary depending on the specific research project and its goals.

However, some tips on how to create strong questions include:

  • Start by thinking about the specific goals of your research project. What are you trying to learn or understand?
  • Draft a few potential research questions that can help you answer your goals. Be sure to make them as specific as possible.
  • Test your research questions by asking them to others to see if they are clear and understandable. Are they interesting to people outside of your field of study?
  • Revise and refine your research questions as needed. Be sure to keep them concise and easy to understand.

How to Find the Right Research Topics?

When writing a communication research paper, first, you should decide what topic you want to learn more about.

  • Do the effects of social media and mass media on communication interest you?
  • What about the role of communication in a competitive global business environment?
  • What is the impact of new technology on the ways we exchange information?
  • Whether effective communication is necessary to ensure credible reporting?
  • How do improved relations make broadcasting media laws effective?

Once you have a general topic in mind, you can begin to narrow it down by focusing on a specific aspect of this field that interests you.

For example, if you are interested in the communication importance in a business market, you might want to focus on the impact of effective business interactions on employee productivity or customer satisfaction.

Alternatively, you could look at how private media ownership is affecting mass media, bringing journalism ethics into the discussion, and how journalists are ensuring credible reporting.

What Makes a Research Paper Topic Strong?

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the individual and the specific research goals. However, some factors that could make a research topic strong include its relevance to current events or real-world issues, its potential to generate new and innovative ideas, and its ability to generate interesting and valuable research findings.

Additionally, a strong topic should be interesting and engaging to read and write about, and it should be something that the researcher can be passionate about.

Tips for Structuring and Writing Your Paper

When writing communication research papers, it is important to structure your argument in a manner that’s clear and concise. Your paper should have a clear research paper introduction , body, and conclusion. Within the body of your paper, there should be a strong thesis statement, evidence that supports your argument, and a conclusion summarizing your argument.

Additionally, throughout the research paper writing process, it is significant to use clear and concise language. Use communication tips to help you put your own points across more effectively.

Deciding what to focus your research paper doesn’t have to be daunting. There are a huge number of research topics available. Finding the right one is easy.

First, think about the ideas that interest you the most. Which part of communication studies are you most passionate about? Is it media ethics, mass media, or something else?

When you’ve settled on one of the research topic ideas , start the research paper writing process. Find key sources such as books and academic articles. Think about what needs addressing in your research paper.

Now, it’s time for you to produce an excellent communication research paper.

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thesis topic for mass communication students

thesis topic for mass communication students

Communication Studies

Master's thesis topics, 2023 graduates.

Master’s Student: Ellen Alley

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Anita Vangelisti

I CAN SEE HOW YOU FEEL: FRAMEWORKS FOR EMOTION RECOGNITION AND THEIR ASSOCIATIONS WITH RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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IN AND BEYOND THE GATE OF PESANTREN:  ISLAMIC FEMINISM AND FEMALE ULAMA CONTRIBUTIONS TO ISLAMIC DISCOURSE IN INDONESIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Master’s Student: Faith Osterberg

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UNDERSTANDING CONCEPTS OF WORK THROUGH YOUNG PROFESSIONALS' NOTIONS OF WORK, CALLING, AND SELF-ADVANCEMENT IN FULLY REMOTE ROLES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Master’s Student:  Karissa Marie Hernandez

PARENTS, PRIVACY, PARENTIFICATION: EXPLORING PARENTAL DISCLOSURES OF FAMILY SECRETS, PARENTIFICATION, PRIVACY MANAGEMENT, AND RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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SURVIVORS' DISCLOSURE AND THEIR ABILITY TO RECALL AND COPE WITH THEIR SEXUAL ASSAULT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Master’s Student:  Margaret E Solice

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What are some of the topics for a thesis in Mass Communications?

thesis topic for mass communication students

Krystle Dodge

Managing Editor

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To write or not to write – that is the question. Students contemplating a master’s degree in communications or mass communications generally choose a thesis or no thesis program. One exception is the University of North Carolina’s online Master of Arts in Media and Communication ; students have a mandatory thesis as the final project.

The Master of Science in Communication Studies at Eastern Washington University has four communication specializations: Cultural, Instructional, Organizational, and Technological. All four have two choices; you may select Option A – the thesis or research project. Alternatively, Option B, which consists of a written examination to test your knowledge of the entire program’s material. The former requires an oral exam conducted at least two weeks after submitting the research paper.

For students opting for a thesis or are in a program mandating one, your faculty advisor can help you with a topic. However, an internet search reveals numerous possibilities, many with different areas of concentration. For example, if your degree specializes in journalism, there are relevant topics from which to choose.

Why select a thesis program?

One reason is if you want to conduct research work upon graduation, the thesis is a means to gain experience researching, documenting, organization, and writing an informative paper. Your piece becomes the selection of an original subject upon which you expound using the master’s coursework knowledge. The length can vary from 20,000 to 40,000 words of a quality worthy of publishing. The finished product could be 40 to 80 pages, not including the bibliography. A seemingly daunting task, but you will be assisted early in the process by faculty.

Another reason to consider a thesis is if you plan to pursue a doctorate. Writing a thesis is excellent preparation for the research paper required in the Ph.D. program. The master’s thesis may also impress the admission panel of a doctorate program and increase your chances of acceptance.

Communication Topics

You can start with a statement or a question. As mentioned above, the area of specialization in the master’s degree will influence your choices. The following are examples of concentrations and possible thesis subjects in question (Q) and statement (S) form.

Corporate Communication

  • What are the best qualities of effective communicators in the corporate world?
  • The importance of corporate Communication for the performance of the organization.

Public Relations

  • What is the impact of public relations on local and global communities?
  • The evolution of social media’s influence on the public’s perception of current events.
  • Is investigative journalism important for mass communication, and how successful is it?
  • The impact of technology on journalism
  • What is the relationship between successful marketing and Communication?
  • Marketing strategies and Communication

Social Media

  • How has social media changed the patterns of Communication compared to conventional mass media?
  • The effects of social media on political campaigns and dissemination of political views.
  • How do communication styles and personality traits affect an organization’s productivity and the public’s perception?
  • Theories of Communication on leadership in the corporate world.

To reiterate, the choice of topic will coincide with your specific area of mass communication. The trend for master’s programs in this discipline is to offer multiple specializations. The Master of Arts in Communication at the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins University has six:

  • Applied Research in Communication
  • Public and Media Relations
  • Health Communication
  • Digital Communication
  • Political Communication
  • Corporate and Nonprofit Communication

Bucking the trend is the online Master of Arts in Communication (non-thesis) at Arizona State University. The diverse study plan benefits human resource specialists, public relations specialists, corporate and marketing managers, sales personnel, and communication consultants.

As stated in the first paragraph, a thesis choice or not is a personal decision governed by your career and educational goals. Students set on pursuing a doctorate will benefit from the experience of researching and preparing a lengthy paper. Graduates who do not intend to do research work or earning a Ph.D. may forgo the thesis when given a choice.

Perhaps there are other projects equally challenging instead of the rigors of a thesis. The extra time may allow you to take additional courses to enhance your future resume. Before committing, talk to other students and faculty about the pros and cons of a thesis program.

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thesis topic for mass communication students

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The Top 10 Most Interesting Communication Research Topics

Communication students usually face two problems when it comes to research. The first is identifying compelling communication research topics. The second is crafting appropriate communication research questions that are specific and relevant.

Fortunately, choosing communication research paper topics doesn’t have to be challenging. This article outlines all you need to know about selecting the right topics for your research. It also lists 10 interesting examples of communication research topics you can consider for your essay or thesis.

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What makes a strong communication research topic.

Simplicity is what makes a strong communication research topic. Your research topic should contain relevant content that gives readers a general insight into what you intend to study. However, it must be concise and free from unnecessary jargon or wordy sentences.

As a communication researcher, you must also tackle relevant subjects. Your research should contribute to existing knowledge in your field by corroborating previously known facts or drawing attention to new insights.

Tips for Choosing a Communication Research Topic

  • Find out your school’s requirements. Some schools have curriculum requirements that may streamline your communication research topic ideas. For example, your department may have a specified word count for research papers. Such a condition would prevent you from selecting a topic that would require a lengthy write-up.
  • Read industry-related surveys. If you want your research to address a specific industry pain point, industry-related surveys can help you choose a suitable topic. Some communication and media firms release their survey findings to the public. You can explore these surveys to identify the direction your research should take.
  • Visit an academic journal. Journals like The International Journal of Communication and Journal of Health Communication can provide you with inspiration for choosing your communication topic. These reliable sources cover many subjects and contain ideas that can steer you on the right path.
  • Attend conferences. Conferences are a credible source to learn about the future of communication research. This knowledge can be beneficial for choosing a topic that would attract much interest. You can visit online sources like conferenceindex.org to find a list of upcoming communication conferences.
  • Avoid over-researched topics. There is already a wealth of research available on many communication topics. As much as you can, it’s best to avoid over-researched topics. Choose topics that allow you to provide unique information rather than rehashing previously published ideas.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

A research topic highlights the researcher’s area of focus during research. Research questions are usually narrow enough to allow the researcher to focus on a particular sub-topic within their field. However, they are also extensive enough to allow for exploration of the chosen subject from various angles.

Research questions, on the other hand, are more succinct. They are usually derived from the chosen research topic and leave no room for ambiguity. Research questions show the purpose of the study. They clearly define the parameters being studied. They may also provide insight into the research methods employed.

How to Create Strong Communication Research Questions

Strong communication research questions must focus on addressing a particular issue. Also, they must be presented objectively. Your research question should not reflect bias or attempt to tilt the reader’s mind toward a particular direction.

Top 10 Communication Research Paper Topics

1. personality differences and their effect on negotiation techniques.

Different factors affect how individuals approach a negotiation. One of the most influential factors is personality type. A compelling research idea would be to provide insight into the most common negotiation styles applied by individuals based on their personality type.

2. The Influence of Public Relations in Building Thriving Businesses

Most highly ranked companies place a premium on maintaining their brand image through external communication. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for public relations specialists are expected to increase by 11 percent between 2020 and 2030. An examination into the impact of public relations in building a reputable business would make a great research topic.

3. Critical Approaches for Dealing With Fake News

Due to the prominent role of bloggers in contemporary society, there is a shortage of legitimate sources for information. This challenge has brought about a need to provide credible reporting and establish proper communication channels. Your research could provide a critical approach for examining the spread of fake news and suggest effective methods for building reliable communication networks.

4. Practical Communication Skills for the Development of Intimate Relationships

Interpersonal dialogue is one of the most intriguing aspects of communication. Several studies have been carried out on effective dialogue as a tool for building strong personal relationships. However, there is still a wide knowledge gap on the subject. You could carry out communication studies on practical communication skills that can facilitate the growth of relationships.

5. Email as an Effective Business Communication Tool

All emerging tech businesses use email as a corporate communication tool, according to Statista. Despite this, some still have concerns about the adverse effects of email on business-to-business communication. You could carry out research to determine the positive or negative influences of email and instant messaging on the overall work culture of organizations.

6. The Evolution of Horizontal and Downward Communication in the Business Environment

Workplace culture has changed massively in the 21st century with the advent of Zoom meetings and other non-traditional discussion channels. Your research could examine the history of communication in organizations. It could also highlight the changes in downward and horizontal communication practices in leading global businesses.

7. Regular Social Media Communication and Its Impact on Human Behavior

Social media has become a vital part of our personal life. Unfortunately, regular social media use has been linked to vices like substance abuse and several mental health challenges. A study of the effect of social networks on the attitude of viewers would make a very relevant topic for a communication research paper.

8. Techniques for Improving Virtual Communication

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a sharp increase in the use of virtual dialogue globally. Various companies have experimented with different techniques to improve the experience of virtual communication technology. Your research could compare these strategies and, if possible, offer some communication tips for virtual environments.

9. The Relationship Between Organizational Communication and Workplace Culture

Communication is one of the vital factors that affect employee performance and workplace culture. Different companies have devised effective communication strategies to eliminate organizational uncertainty. You can study these various communication processes and show how they influence employee behavior in the workplace.

10. The Growth of Instant Messaging and Its Effect on Modern Society

No one can deny that instant messaging apps have become a ubiquitous phenomenon. Presently, Whatsapp has a total of 2 billion active monthly users , according to Statista. For your research paper, you could explore the impact of this mass adoption of instant messaging apps on our overall quality of everyday life.

Other Examples of Communication Research Topics & Questions

Communication research topics.

  • Building successful mass media campaigns
  • Non-verbal communication and its impact on relationships
  • Teenage texting and its impact on relational development
  • Religious affiliation and its impact on communication
  • An in-depth analysis of communication theory

Communication Research Questions

  • What are the most effective public health communication methods for patient-centered communication?
  • What is the importance of non-verbal interpersonal communication in developing professional relationships?
  • What is the role of mass media in improving international relations?
  • What are the most effective communication styles for social marketing?
  • What is the role of social media platforms in promoting intercultural dialogue?

Choosing the Right Communication Research Topic

Although it is essential to learn different research methods , your research won’t have much impact without choosing a strong topic. So, selecting an excellent research topic is the first step in writing a noteworthy research paper on communication.

Also, selecting the right communication research paper topic can help you identify which communication discipline is right for you. If you are wondering what you can do with your communications degree , a research paper is a perfect way to get a feel of various areas of interest before you graduate.

Communication Research Topics FAQ

Qualitative questions are open-ended and aim to explore a thought or subject matter through qualitative methods. For example, with qualitative research, rather than comparing data sets, the goal is to gather and interpret data to generate a hypothesis.

Quantitative research questions usually seek to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two or more data sets. Unlike qualitative research, quantitative research aims to confirm or test the accuracy of a hypothesis.

A thesis statement is a brief overview of the main point of a research paper. Your thesis statement should be short, straightforward, and inform the reader of what your paper is all about.

Yes, online communication master’s degree programs also involve research work. So, if you are considering getting an online master’s in communication , you must be ready to write a research paper as one of the major requirements for graduating.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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100 Best Communication Research Topics For College Students

communication topics

Interesting communication topics are not impossible to find. Communication is the conveyance of meanings through the use of signs and symbols that are mutually understood. Communication can be divided into information theory, communication studies, and biosemiotics. Communication can be verbal, nonverbal, written, business, political, interpersonal, and lots more.

The channels of communication could be visual, auditory, etc., and is unique in that it uses abstract languages extensively. The many innovations in transportation, computing, and telecommunication have necessitated finding means to increase the frequency and ease of communication around the world.

Choose Our Communication Research Topics!

Nowadays, there are many interestingly complex areas that the communication discipline covers. This makes choosing the best communication topics a challenge for students. However, we have prepared 100 communication topics covering many diverse fields of communication. These topics about communication include:

Communication research paper topics Business communication topics for presentation Communication essay topics Communication phenomenon topics Other possible topics for communication research

So, you can explore this list of communication research topics spanning all major communication areas and make your pick! Ready to choose? Let’s roll!

Interpersonal Communication Topics

Every human being communicates one way or the other with other humans. This forms the basis for the field of interpersonal communication. For this, you may need some interpersonal communication research paper topics for your thesis or research. This is why we have made a pick of 10 interpersonal communication research topics for you!

  • The Influence of culture on interpersonal discourse
  • How context impacts the quality of interpersonal dialogue
  • Methods to simulate interpersonal dialogue
  • How effective interpersonal dialogue can promote success both professionally and personally
  • How interaction via computers impacts communication
  • What roles do communication mediums play in interpersonal communication?
  • How to facilitate information exchange and persuasion
  • The concept of dysfunctional interpersonal communication
  • The role and challenges of interpersonal dialogues in mass media campaigns
  • How the concept of competence applies to interpersonal dialogue

Business Communication Topics

To succeed in business, one must be able to communicate effectively! Here are 15 business communication topics for the research paper. You can also take a look at our business ethics topics .

  • How excellent public relations facilitate business success
  • English as the universal language in business communication
  • Effective managerial communication
  • Comparisons between internal and external communication
  • How presentation and oral skills boost business success
  • The impact of public relations on global and local communities
  • How social media use can influence business communication
  • The impact of online interactions on outcomes of business communication
  • How does organizational structure affect business communication
  • How to reach customers via email
  • Best practices for effective business communication
  • Effective business to business (B2B) communication
  • How creative designs can help to communicate business ideas
  • Best practices for email writing in the workplace
  • Creating brand awareness through communication

Intercultural Communication Topics

Sometimes, difficulties arise when people of different cultures try to communicate. Here are five intercultural communication research topics for you!

  • How to facilitate intercultural information exchange
  • How culture affects intercultural communication
  • How to build competence in intercultural dialogue
  • How intercultural students can adapt to American colleges
  • How studying abroad can facilitate better intercultural dialogue competence

Mass Communication Research Topics

The world is a global village connected by the wildfire-like spread of information. Technology continuously spins new ways of reaching and communicating with a large number of people at a time. You may require some research topics in media and communication, and thus we have made this pick. Here are ten excellent mass communication topics for your research.

  • How advertisement influences consumer behavior
  • How social media affects student performance
  • Press freedom: the pro and cons
  • Comparisons of the effect of various mass communication methods on consumer behavior
  • How social media influences the effectiveness of political campaigns
  • Evolving patterns of mass communication over the last three decades
  • How mass communication facilitates rebellious social movements
  • How to effectively communicate ideas to a large audience
  • How Information Communication Technology (ICT) affects modern-day broadcast journalism
  • Social interaction across media

Health Communication Topics

Communication is essential in the field of health, whether it is communication between healthcare providers and patients or caregivers, or among healthcare providers. Here is a list of some excellent health communication research topics.

  • Communication problems between healthcare providers and patients
  • How social media and the spread of health news affect the health of citizens
  • How to effectively pass health-related information to health workers
  • Effective vertical and horizontal health communication techniques among health care providers
  • How to communicate health schemes to the public

Technical Communication Topics

Technical communication is a means of conveying scientific, engineering, law, or other technical information. Only people in these technical fields fully understand what is written and said in technical language. This is why technical communication is vital. Here are ten technical communication topics for you!

  • How cultural expression affects virtual dialogue
  • Virtual Classrooms: Less effective than traditional classroom learning?
  • Virtual reality and interpersonal communication
  • How technology has changed the game in journalism
  • How technical language differs from everyday language in corporate communication
  • How to seek and find information in the Law field
  • How to make technical textbooks more informative and accessible
  • Communicating intellectual property law to the public
  • How to teach technical communication to non-majoring English students
  • How the general public can make sense of technical essays

Organizational Communication Research Topics

Organizational communication refers to communication channels and forms within an organization as well as public-facing communications. Here are 15 great organizational communication research topics for you!

  • How supervisors can communicate better in an organization
  • How to write an effective organizational communique
  • Best organizational communication practices to teach in every organization
  • How to facilitate and enhance better leadership communication in an organization
  • Organizational channels, communication, and systems
  • Removing barriers to effective organizational communication
  • How personality traits and leadership communication styles affect organizational productivity
  • How social media impacts organizational communication
  • How organizational communication can allow for better organizational transition
  • Exploring the types of organizational communication
  • Vital problems in organizational communication
  • How to deal with uncertainties in an organization
  • How to manage communication crises in an organization
  • How organizations can benefit from the press
  • How to effectively change management culture in an organization

Nonverbal Communication Research Topics

Nonverbal communication is a fascinating field of communication. It refers to the use of tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions, posture, body language, eye contact (or lack thereof), and other techniques. Here are ten nonverbal communication topics for you!

  • Nonverbal communication in virtual dialogue environments
  • How nonverbal communication can pass wrong messages
  • How to effectively fine-tune nonverbal communication skills
  • How facial expressions could help close bigger business deals
  • Social media and its effect on nonverbal communication
  • The history and development of nonverbal communication
  • The crucial roles of nonverbal skills in interpersonal communication
  • Comparisons and contrasts between verbal and nonverbal communication
  • How to effectively combine the art of verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Nonverbal communication practices in the workplace

Communication Topics for Research

Here are some communication topics for your research. This list also covers communication research topics for college students and communication thesis topics!

  • How the style of a leader’s communication influences employee satisfaction
  • Leadership outcomes and communication styles
  • How gender affects communication effectiveness
  • Communication in relationships versus friendships
  • Going back in time: The history of communication
  • Analyzing the theories of communication
  • New communication technologies over the past decade
  • Why is radio communication still popular?
  • How international journalism grew
  • How communication determines productivity

Communication Topics for Presentation

You may be required to give a business presentation or speech. To captivate your audience, you must choose communication speech topics and business communication presentation topics that are not only easy to grasp but enjoyable to hear. Here’s our pick of 10 communication topics to serve this purpose!

  • Models of communication
  • Types of communication
  • The importance of communication in life and business
  • The dos and don’ts of nonverbal communication
  • How to grow social and personal relationships
  • Is print media still competitive?
  • The media and terrorism
  • The media and virtual reality
  • How effective communication enhances negotiation
  • The media and wrong information

So here we are! One hundred communication topics just for you! Make your pick and get ready to have an A+! Contact our thesis writers for further help!

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Advice for Completing a Master's in Communication Thesis

thesis topic for mass communication students

The Structure of the Master’s Thesis

The steps to successfully completing a thesis: tips from real alumni, identify your research interests and potential mentors early, consult your faculty mentors and form your committee, conduct preliminary research and draft your proposal, conduct your study and analyze the results, revise, finalize, and submit your thesis, defend your thesis, final thoughts on your thesis journey.

For many students of master’s in communication programs, especially for those who have chosen an academic or research-oriented course of study, the thesis is a cornerstone of their graduate experience. As an extended and independent research project that contributes to the existing scholarly literature on the student’s topic of choice, the thesis can seem daunting at first. Indeed, in our interviews with alumni of master’s in communication programs, many of them noted that the thesis was an intimidating prospect for them. However, these students also described the process of completing their thesis as a highly educational and formative experience.

Chelsea Moss, who is an alumnus of Purdue University’s Master’s Degree in Communication with a focus on Media, Technology, and Society, explained in an interview with MastersinCommunications.com, “To be honest, I was somewhat terrified of writing the thesis. Attending grad school was a big learning curve for me as I was making the shift from a very hands-on, practical undergrad program to a very theoretical, research-oriented master’s program. However, writing the thesis gave me invaluable experience, not only in research skills, but [also] in project management, data collection and analysis, and training […] undergraduate research assistants.”

Sakina Jangbar, Ph.D. a graduate of California State University, Northridge’s Master of Arts in Communication Studies program, in her interview gave a candid view of her thesis experience and its impact on her career trajectory. “The thesis writing experience was quite difficult for me because it was my first major scholarly undertaking,” she said, “My thesis was 150 pages, as my mentor had high standards in terms of strength of the argument and length of the chapters.” Yet despite the daunting nature of her project, Dr. Jangbar’s thesis prepared her for even higher-level work as a doctoral student, and later as an Assistant Professor of Communication at St. John’s University. “Even though writing my thesis was a challenge for me, I think it was a valuable experience as it paved the way for me to write my doctoral dissertation.”

This feature provides a comprehensive look at the process of completing a master’s-level thesis for a graduate communication program. It delves into the typical structure of a thesis and the necessary steps in the process of researching, analyzing, and presenting one’s results. In addition, it features insights from alumni of master’s in communication programs across the nation who successfully completed their theses and used their project as a stepping stone to an advanced career in their area of interest.

The thesis is traditionally an extended, multi-chapter written project that students complete to answer an advanced research inquiry. While the structure of a thesis may vary, below is a general outline of the chapters of a traditional thesis:

  • Chapter 1—Introduction : In the introduction, one discusses the background and context of one’s research topic, including a statement around the problem, question, or challenge at hand and its social significance. In the introduction, one must also outline the purpose and specific objectives of one’s study, and emphasize the target outcomes of one’s research.
  • Chapter 2—Literature Review : This chapter contains a thorough overview of the historical background of one’s research topic, as well as key theoretical frameworks that are necessary to set up one’s research question and core hypotheses. This chapter explains how one’s research question contributes to the field by identifying the gaps in the existing literature and how they will be addressed by the research inquiry and study.
  • Chapter 3—Research Design : This chapter delves into the research methodologies that one will use in one’s study, including the participants recruited, instruments used (including data analysis technologies), and the concrete procedures and timeline for the research project. This section also provides for any ethical considerations that one has taken into account, as well as the limitations of one’s research.
  • Chapter 4—Results : This chapter includes all the results of one’s study, generally without any interpretations or inferences (which will be covered in Chapter 5). The structure of the results report should follow that of the study design outlined in the Research Design chapter, and should speak to the research questions outlined in the Introduction. This section may use figures, charts, or graphs to represent data in addition to text.
  • Chapter 5—Analysis : This chapter is comprised of a thorough discussion and interpretation of the results outlined in the Results chapter. It will refer to the Literature Review chapter and discuss the results within the context of existing theories and established data. It is important to tie one’s results to the theories, existing research, and rationales provided in the Literature Review section.
  • Chapter 6—Conclusions : This chapter discusses the practical implications of the results, as well as recommendations for further study and any theories or frameworks that may change as a result of one’s findings. This chapter also delves into any limitations of the study’s results, in terms of conclusions that can be drawn and how they impact further research and/or practice within the discipline.
  • Chapter 7—Bibliography and Appendices : These sections provide a comprehensive listing of all sources used, as well as any additional information or tables that might be relevant.

As the outline above illustrates, the traditional thesis has a highly formal structure. That said, many of the alumni whom we interviewed for our Alumni Interview Series noted that their faculty advisors allowed them creative license in terms of the subject matter and potentially even the structure of their thesis (although this varies by university). In this way, students often end up creating a thesis that incorporates elements from other types of capstone options like applied projects.

For example, Millie Njezic, who graduated from the University of Northern Iowa’s Master of Arts in Communication Studies program, wrote a play as part of her thesis project, which investigated the different dynamics of neighbor relations between people in Bosnia versus Bosnian immigrants in Waterloo, Iowa. “I used the autoethnographic method in order to use my own experiences with neighbors back home [in Bosnia] and then I conducted qualitative interviews with Bosnian refugees in Waterloo, IA. The data from both areas was analyzed using poetic inquiry and I came up with a script for a play: Live Thy Neighbor,” she told MastersinCommunications.com, “I then directed the play and over the course of three showings at the Interpreters Theatre, I had amazing discussions with the audience as well as the cast. Finally, I wrote the traditional thesis chapters and defended in front of my committee. […] I was very fortunate to be able to do research in such a liberating and creative way.”

As Ms. Njezic’s anecdote reveals, by working closely with faculty mentors and explaining the types of topics and research methodologies that resonate the most with them, students can optimize their experience working on their thesis.

While the thesis may seem a daunting endeavor, the process for completing one is structured to provide students with support and guidance throughout. There are set deadlines for a student’s thesis proposal submission and defense, chapter drafts, final submission, and final oral defense. Below are key steps to successfully completing your thesis, featuring candid advice from alumni of a wide diversity of master’s in communication programs.

During your classes, it is important to take stock of what topics interest you the most and to connect with the faculty whose research interests align with your own. Doing so will help you to determine your ideal research question and its proper scope. In addition, taking the initiative to speak with faculty early on will help optimize your choice of professors for your thesis committee, which is the group of three faculty members who support your work on your thesis.

For many students, the choice of a thesis topic is an organic result of taking classes and getting a sense of what interests them. In her alumni interview, Olivia Hook Frey, a graduate of Illinois State University’s Master’s in Communication program, explained how she identified her thesis topic from a class she took that piqued her interest. “I stumbled upon my research idea in a training and development course,” she said, “I was intrigued by the onboarding and socialization processes across different organizations. Retention is something all organizations are concerned about, so I decided to investigate how the initial new employee socialization process predicts retention.”

Taylor McDade, DePaul University

For other students, a thesis can be an opportunity to delve into a topic of personal interest. Lauren Lee, an alumnus of University of Arkansas at Little-Rock’s Master of Arts in Applied Communication Studies, selected a topic that was connected to a life-changing event in her family. “Just a few months after entering graduate school, I found out I was pregnant with our first child,” she said, “[After my daughter was born] I spoke with a lactation consultant after her birth, [and] I knew there was something different about the way she communicated. […] When I took Interpersonal Communication in the fall of 2014 and studied Dr. Mirivel’s Model of Positive Communication, the light bulb came on. The lactation consultant demonstrated all seven behaviors from the model. Her communication was the foundation to my success!” These experiences led her on a path to exploring the role of interpersonal communication—specifically the Model of Positive Communication—in the work of registered nurses and lactation consultants in health care settings.

Choosing a topic of emotional and intellectual investment is crucial, said many of our alumni interviewees. Taylor McDade, who completed a Master of Digital Communication and Media Arts at DePaul University, told MastersinCommunications.com, “My advice to students who are tasked with completing a thesis is to first choose something you are passionate about, because in doing so the rest will come easily. Maybe you’re looking to solve some kind of problem, or maybe you simply want to investigate a topic related to your field that excites you. Either way, be sure to push boundaries.” Caleb Malik, a graduate of Illinois State University’s Master’s in Communication program, similarly advised, “[P]ick a topic you are interested in. You’re going to spend a lot of time on the topic, so don’t waste your time and hours on research you don’t find interesting. It’s also going to be challenging to succeed with a project and have continued dedication to a project that you don’t enjoy.”

Another crucial step in the thesis process is approaching faculty members in your program who can optimally advise you. Students writing their thesis typically have the support of a three-person faculty committee, comprised of one main advisor (the committee chair) and two additional faculty readers and mentors. These mentors are instrumental to your success, as they provide important feedback and guidance throughout your work, from the development of your initial proposal to the preparation for your final presentation.

In his alumni interview, Caleb Malik placed central importance on this step of the thesis process. “[M]ost importantly, give a lot of thought to whom you select for your committee,” he said, “You’re building a team, and you want to think about the skills and knowledge they are bringing to the table, and how they’ll interact as a group.” Choosing an ideal faculty mentor requires not only a strong rapport between student and professor, but also choosing an advisor whose research expertise aligns with the topic of your thesis (as well as the research methodologies you plan on implementing).

Jeremy Pesner, an alumnus of Georgetown University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Culture, and Technology explained how all of his faculty committee members were extremely helpful and supportive, but that selecting a committee chair whose expertise paralleled the type of research he wished to do for his thesis would have been wise. “My advice for students considering a thesis is to plan out what you’ll do a little more thoroughly than I did,” he said, “It was more of a challenge than I anticipated that my thesis advisor actually lacked experience in the research methodology I was using – in retrospect, it may have been more useful for the “methods” professor to be my main advisor, with the other as a secondary.”

Your faculty thesis advisors can also help you navigate unexpected snags in your research process. For example, Tiffany Wang, Ph.D. explained how her faculty advisor supported her through each stage of her research process. “Going into the thesis, I knew that I wanted to study an Instructional Communication topic. After talking to my faculty advisor, I decided to focus on studying students’ perceptions of instructors’ nonverbal immediacy behaviors using a quantitative survey research design. As I began to explore the literature and start my literature review, a Communication Studies scholar published a journal article on my initial thesis topic,” she recalled in her interview, “Going back to square one and selecting a new thesis topic was discouraging. However, my faculty advisor and committee members helped me identify new hypotheses and variables that would still allow me to retain much of the work I had already done on the initial topic.”

Once you have established your committee, the next step is to draft a proposal (also known as a prospectus). A thesis proposal provides details on your thesis topic and specific inquiry, as well as the issues that your inquiry seeks to address. In other words, it should describe a socially or academically significant challenge and explain how answering your research query will work towards solving this problem. The proposal is your opportunity to conduct much of the preliminary research that will be necessary in writing the Literature Review section of your thesis.

Throughout your work on your proposal, you are expected and encouraged to consult your committee and in particular your primary advisor/committee chair for advice and guidance. Ms. Lee explained how her faculty advisor worked closely with her as she developed her thesis proposal and established a process for completing her research project. “A critical piece in thesis topic prep is ensuring you will have enough research to write a full thesis. I did a preliminary paper about my own observations and experience and applied each concept accordingly,” she said, “From there, I created a prospectus which included the theory and methodology needed for conducting research. I began working with my faculty advisor to create a research process. After contacting possible research participants, I was on my way to writing a full thesis.”

As Ms. Lee’s example illustrates, your thesis proposal serves as a road map for your final thesis product, and therefore it is beneficial to include as accurate and as detailed information about your research topic, background, objectives, and methodologies as possible. In fact, master’s in communication programs typically require students to orally defend their thesis proposal as a way of preparing them for the type of questioning they will encounter in their formal thesis defense. While this defense may initially feel intimidating, many students find the proposal defense to be more of a constructive conversation rather than a formal presentation, a conversation that helps them solidify their research questions and methods.

Caleb Malik, Illinois State University

Megan Kendall, graduate of Purdue University’s Masters of Communication program, described in her alumni interview how her proposal defense was an opportunity to discuss her thesis topic in-depth with her faculty committee, and to receive detailed feedback that she could incorporate into her project moving forward. “For the prospectus, my advisor encouraged me to think of it as a proposal meeting to make sure the project idea is sound, and to receive any feedback before I started to really dig into the project, which was a helpful way to approach it,” she said, “[The oral defense was] a bit stressful just […by] nature of presenting to three faculty members on my personal project, but it was also an opportunity to connect with communication scholars and discuss something I was interested in.”

During the proposal development and revision stage, your faculty advisors will also provide questions to help you narrow the scope of your research inquiry. Mr. Malik recalled, “[T]he best advice I got from a professor was, ‘You’re not trying to create the overarching, all-encompassing theory of communication. You’re not expected to alter the field. […] Research is about theory building, taking small steps forward and progressing the field.’ For me, this helped take a weight off my back.”

Once your proposal is approved by your committee, your next task is to refine and implement your research study, employing quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, rhetorical research, or a combination of two or more of the aforementioned methods, which is formally known as mixed methodologies. Quantitative research methods involve gathering and analyzing numbers and/or measurements in order to arrive at insights. Examples of quantitative research methods include surveys, statistical analyses, controlled experiments, and the use of mathematical models to analyze and form predictions or conclusions around aggregate data. On the other hand, qualitative research methods focus on gathering data that explores the “why” and the “how” more than the “how much” or “how many.” In other words, while quantitative data might determine how many people visit a particular news site or interact with a specific kind of content (be it a news article or a blockbuster film) within a given period of time, qualitative data would delve into these people’s motivations and content interests through methods such as interviews, observations, and focus groups.

Rhetorical research, which is also referred to as rhetorical criticism or literary/textual analysis, is the examination and analysis of content, be it written works such as novels, essays, and articles, or visual and multimedia content such as online videos, computer games, movies, radio and television. Rhetorical research involves analyzing the use of diction, images and symbols, allusions, emotional vs. logical appeals, irony and satire, juxtapositions, and other rhetorical devices present in a particular work to identify the arguments being made and also how they are conveyed. A scholar of communication might use rhetorical research to identify the pro-diversity message in a short story, or to describe the ways in which a movie or television show contains problematic messages about masculinity.

Mixed methodologies describes when a scholar implements two or more of the aforementioned methodologies in his or her study. For example, a researcher might use a survey (a quantitative methodology) to measure the characteristics of workplace communication within a given organization, while also supplementing this survey with detailed interviews (a qualitative method) of specific people within the organization. In a mixture of rhetorical and quantitative research, another scholar might identify the use of certain words in a particular type of content (such as presidential campaign speeches), and evaluate both the occurrence of these words and their meaning within the context of political agendas. As these examples illustrate, integrating different methodologies in a given study is common as research inquiries are often complex and require multifaceted approaches to gain insight into a given topic.

While designing an entire research study may seem overwhelming at first, at its core the objective of any study is to gather and analyze data to answer a targeted research query. Answering the questions, “What exactly do I wish to understand about my research topic? What types of data will help me arrive at an answer to my inquiry?” is the starting point; from that foundation, the next steps are to investigate what methods have been used in previous studies relating to your topic, and to consult your faculty advisors who have expertise in the methodologies you need to be most effective. In some cases, a mix of qualitative, quantitative, and/or rhetorical analysis data may be optimal for answering your particular research query.

Zach McGeehon, alumnus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Master of Arts in Applied Communication Studies, utilized qualitative methods, namely surveys, for his thesis. “I decided to investigate one of my hobbies a bit more. I have over 10 years’ experience in FX makeup and costumes, so I started researching levels of narcissism in cosplayers (people who dress in costumes from various media) for that research project,” he explained, “That topic eventually led me to a larger question, ‘What motivates people to cosplay in the first place?’ which ended up being the focus of my thesis. I utilized two different qualitative methods during my thesis, where I distributed an online questionnaire and held semi-structured interviews with cosplayers. After a lot of transcription and coding, I was able to exhaustively identify 14 different motivations that cosplayers communicated during the study. Some of those results were a bit surprising, but it was an awesome feeling knowing that I finally got the answer to my query.”

Millie Njezic, University of Northern Iowa

Mary Worley, Ph.D. utilized primarily quantitative research methods in her thesis for her Master of Arts in Communication, which she completed at Illinois State University. “I wanted my thesis to align with my passion for teaching. My thesis advisor was my ultimate champion, sharing my passion for social media and technology in the classroom while acting as a steady source of encouragement,” she said, “The other members of my committee had expertise in communication pedagogy and quantitative data analysis and worked with me to deepen my understanding of theory and analytic procedures. My thesis explored social media (specifically, Twitter) as an educational tool for the classroom and its effects on social media competence, student motivation, affective learning, and perceptions of instructor immediacy. I was able to implement a series of activities into 10 sections of the basic communication course and collected data from both experimental and control groups to assess group differences. Data were primarily quantitative and provided support for social media as a useful educational tool.”

Scott Bredman, graduate of the University of Northern Iowa’s Master of Arts in Communication Studies program, completed a thesis that was centered on rhetorical research. “I knew I wanted to do a project using rhetorical research methods but was struggling to find the right topic,” he recalled in an interview, “During the summer of 2015, public discourse about confederate imagery was abundant, and I started down a rabbit hole of research that ultimately led me to discover the mascot controversy in the school district in Vestavia Hills, Alabama. My advisor, Dr. Ryan McGeough, and I were fascinated by the public deliberation occurring within the community and decided that the deliberation of the community (mostly a special school board meeting that occurred) and these symbols themselves were worthy of rhetorical analysis.” Through his research, Mr. Bredman evaluated both the mascot images as forms of cultural rhetoric, and also analyzed the messages contained in the discourse and debates surrounding these images.

Emma Mackenzie, alumnus of Montana Tech’s Master of Science in Technical Communication, employed mixed methodologies for her thesis, which examined the media representation and discussion of the debate to keep wolves on or off the national Endangered Species list. “I gathered reader comments in local, regional, and national media outlets and analyzed them using Grounded Theory, Semiotics, and Actor Network Theory, a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research,” she explained in her alumni interview.

Once you have collected all the relevant data for your study, you must analyze your results to try and find meaningful patterns or connections within your data or between your data and existing research, with the aim of answering your original research query. As with every step in the thesis completion process, frequent and in-depth discussions with your faculty mentors are very important at this stage, as your mentors can help you to identify important patterns within your data and to place those patterns within the context of past theories, frameworks, and research.

Your faculty committee can also help you work through challenges in the interpretation of your data. In her interview with MastersinCommunications.com, Dr. Wang explained how, when her study did not yield the anticipated results, her advisor helped her to assess and present the data in a way that still contributed to the existing literature on instructional communication in a meaningful way. “After I collected data, my faculty advisor helped me run and interpret the data in his office, “she said, “When there were no significant findings, he helped me determine how I could explain these non-significant findings in my Discussion section in a way that would still allow me to present and publish my research.”

Throughout your preliminary research, collection of data, and analysis of your study results, you should also be writing and working with your committee to continually review and revise your thesis chapters. Staying consistent with your writing at each stage of the process ensures that you have the time to receive quality feedback from your committee and to optimize your final thesis product.

Ms. Njezic described the role that regular discussions with her faculty committee chair played in her thesis. “My thesis chair, Dr. Danielle McGeough, held weekly touch base meetings with me and helped me determine my writing goals for the next week,” she recalled, “This helped me stay organized and focused on my work. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the questions. There is so much value in asking early and asking often. Lastly, remember that you’re doing this research because you’re curious about it. That does not mean that you will have all the answers, neither do you need to have all the answers in the end.” Dr. Wang similarly advised, “Looking back on the research and writing process, I would encourage students to be proactive in discussing any problems that may arise during the writing process with their faculty advisor so that they can get the help and support they need to be successful.”

Megan Kendall, Purdue University

In addition to your faculty mentors, your peers can also serve as support both during the writing and editing stages of your thesis. In her interview, Ms. Kendall explained how a peer writing group helped her manage her time effectively and optimize her writing process. “I highly recommend creating a writing group with several other master’s students,” she advised, “I connected with two others in my cohort and it was so helpful in managing deadlines, handling stress, and just working through the project together. We would meet for half an hour on a weekly basis and take time to update each other on what we were working on or any questions we had.” Weekly peer group meetings can help students think through difficult or complex questions arising from their research, and also create a non-intimidating venue for writing, editing, and workshopping chapters of their thesis.

Once you have completed a full draft of all the chapters of your thesis, you must submit your work to your committee chair as well as your other two faculty readers, who will provide additional feedback and targeted questions to ensure that each chapter is thorough and that your analysis and conclusions properly address your research inquiry and its relevance. It is important to finish your full thesis draft early enough to provide for any necessary revisions well before the final thesis deadline.

Once your faculty committee has approved your final thesis submission, the final stage is your oral thesis defense. The oral defense is considered by many students to be one of the most intimidating parts of the thesis completion process. However, most of the alumni we spoke with pointed out that their oral defense was less of a test and more of an engaging and even enjoyable discussion with the faculty members who served as their foremost allies during their thesis journey.

Mr. McGeehon explained how supportive his entire faculty committee was throughout his work on his thesis, and how their commitment to his success was reflected in his experience defending his final work. “After the completion of my thesis, I was required to orally defend it in front of my committee, which included Dr. Nastasia (thesis chair), Dr. DeGroot-Brown, and Dr. Wrobbel. Though, as expected, I was nervous about facing some difficult questions, I was able to thoroughly prepare for my defense, and I successfully passed on my first attempt,” he said, “Thankfully, I was able to work with a group of people that supported me throughout the entire endeavor. If I needed assistance, the committee was always there for me. They were never afraid to push me to do my best work or question my thought process and give me some constructive criticism.”

Of her experience defending her thesis, Ms. Moss told MastersinCommunications.com, “I found both of my defenses (prospectus and final defense) to be very rewarding and (dare I say) wonderful experiences! It was truly an honor to sit around a table with three brilliant minds who had taken the time to read my work and offer constructive critique on my project. In my case, both defenses were essentially conversations where my advisor had a few questions for me to answer (which he gave me ahead of time), and then I answered other questions from my two other committee members.” In addition, Ms. Moss’s thesis defense was an opportunity for her to find ways to push her research even further, beyond the time frame of her thesis project. “[The] suggestions of my committee encouraged me regarding the significance of my findings and gave me helpful suggestions that ultimately led to a stronger final product,” she said.

Dr. Jangbar similarly explained how the outcome of your thesis defense is a direct product of your efforts throughout the term, and therefore you have a great deal of control over it. “Defending a thesis is not hard if you have done quality work. When the writing is good, the question is not whether you will pass or fail,” she said, “Rather, the faculty are interested in having a conversation about your work. In any case, I thought it was flattering that three professors read my thesis and wanted to talk to me about it for an hour. The defense time went by so quickly. I found myself wishing for more time. Before I knew it, everyone was congratulating me. I wish I could go back to my past-self and tell the other Sakina to enjoy the process rather than worry.”

While students are expected to put in a great deal of independent work conducting preliminary research, designing their study, analyzing their results, and writing their thesis, their committee of faculty mentors is with them every step of the way. Students are not only expected, but also encouraged to consult with their committee members frequently and benefit from their expertise in order to step with confidence into the role of an advanced and independent scholar.

Faculty mentors are dedicated to providing constructive criticism and guidance, and eager to celebrate their students’ efforts. Dr. Stevie Munz, Ph.D., a graduate of Illinois State University’s Master’s program in Communication and an Assistant Professor of Communication herself at Utah Valley University, described how her faculty committee congratulated her on her hard work during her thesis defense. “All thesis projects are defended orally, which serves as an opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and competency in soliciting questions from their committee,” she told MastersinCommunications.com, “Because the department is supportive and collaborative, the oral defense is often an event attended by other faculty and graduate students–the department celebrates you on this day.” This final and highly positive experience paved the way for Dr. Munz’s future work in communication studies scholarship and pedagogy. “I found the oral defense important preparation for doctoral-level thinking and academic conversations,” she said, “The experience continues to be influential and permeate my research and teaching today.”

The master’s thesis is a challenging, time-consuming, yet incredibly empowering and formative endeavor. It not only represents the extent of the knowledge you have gained in your graduate program, but also propels you into higher levels of research expertise, writing and analytical skill, and intellectual inquiry. For more candid insights from alumni on their experiences completing their thesis, as well as details on other aspects of completing a master’s in communication program, please visit our flagship: Alumni Interview Series .


California State University, San Bernardino

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Communication Studies Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Theses/projects/dissertations from 2024 2024.


Investigating the Potential of Augmented Reality in Creating a Sense of Place on College Campuses , Linda White

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2023 2023






Public Relations for Cryptocurrency: Coinbase Guidebook , Logan Odneal


Anticolonial Feminism, Sylvia Moreno-Garcia, and the Female Gothic: A Textual Analysis of Mexican Gothic , Hana Vega

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2022 2022








Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2021 2021


How Couples YouTube Channels Forge "Friendships" With Their Viewers: A Thematic Textual Analysis , Marisol Botello









When the Victim Becomes the Accused: A Critical Analysis of Silence and Power in the Sexual Harassment Case of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh , Erendira Torres



Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2020 2020






Passing vs Non-Passing: Latina/o/x Experiences and Understandings of Being Presumed White , Francisco Rodriguez

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Fully Immersed, Fully Present: Examining the User Experience Through the Multimodal Presence Scale and Virtual Reality Gaming Variables , Andre Adame




Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2018 2018


Performing Stereotypical Tropes on Social Media Sites: How Popular Latina Performers Reinscribe Heteropatriarchy on Instagram , Ariana Arely Cano






Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2017 2017





The Construction of Candidate’s Political Image on Social Media: A Thematic Analysis of Facebook Comments in the 2014 Presidential Election in Indonesia , Siti A. Rachim Marpaung Malik


Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Value Driven: An Analysis of Attitudes and Values Via BET Programming Past and Present , Sasha M. Rice

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2014 2014



Selling Disbelief , Gregory S. McKinley-Powell

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Media and corporate blame: Gate keeping and framing of the British Petroleum oil spill of 2010 , Kudratdeep Kaur Dhaliwal

Sperm stealers & post gay politics: Lesbian-parented families in film and television , Elena Rose Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Like us on Facebook: A social media campaign's effect on relationship management outcomes for a non-profit organization , Natalia Isabel López-Thismón

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

This is not a love story: A semiotic discourse analysis of romantic comedies , Stephanie Lynn Gomez

Blackness as a weapon: A critical discourse analysis of the 2009 Henry Louis Gates arrest in national mainstream media , Ashley Ann Jones

Fabulistic: Examination and application of narratology and screenplay craft , Nicholas DeVan Snead

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The effect of cold calling and culture on communication apprehension , Kimberly Noreen Aguilar

The artistry of teaching: Commedia Dell'arte's improvisational strategies and its implications for classroom participation , Jean Artemis Vezzalini

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Internet marketing strategy and the cognitive response approach: Achieving online fundraising success with targeted donor outreach , Carrie Dawn Cornwall

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

The design of an intercultural communication skills training for multicultural Catholic parishes in the Diocese of San Bernardino , Marco Aurelio De Tolosa Raposo

Religious social support groups: Strengthening leadership with communication competence , JoAnne Irene Flynn

Parametric media: A strategic market analysis and marketing plan for a digital signage, interactive kiosk and content company , Helena Irita Fowler

Factors affecting cognitive dissonance among automobile magazine subscribers , Petroulla Giasoumi

Web templates: Unifying the Web presence of California State University San Bernardino , Angela Marie Gillespie

United States media portrayals of the developing world: A semiotic analysis of the One campaign's internet web site , Lindsey Marie Haussamen

The Use of Violence as Feminist Rhetoric: Third-Wave Feminism in Tarantino's Kill Bill Films , Leah Andrea Katona

Superior-subordinate relationships found in Scrubs: A discourse analysis , Nicolle Elizabeth Quick

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

A cultural studies analysis of the Christian women vocalists movement from the 1980's to 2000: Influences, stars and lyrical meaning making , Mary Elizabeth Akers

The application of marketing and communication theories on community festival event planning , Khara Louise Dizmon

The mad rhetoric: Toward a rigor on radical creativity and its function in consciousness as a communicative principle , Eugene David Hetzel

Millennial pre-camp staff training: Incorporating generational knowledge, learning strategies and compliance gaining techniques , Dana Robin Magilen

Images and lyrics: Representations of African American women in blues lyrics written by black women , Danette Marie Pugh-Patton

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Views from the center: Middle-class white men and perspectives on social privilege , Sandra Jane Cross

Rendering whiteness visible in the Filipino culture through skin-whitening cosmetic advertisements , Beverly Romero Natividad

Bias in the network nightly news coverage of the 2004 presidential election , Stephen Arthur Shelton

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

A proposed resource development plan for the Department of Communication Studies, California State University San Bernardino , Donna Louise Cooley

From 9/11 to Iraq: Analysis and critique of the rhetoric of the Bush Administration leading to the war in Iraq , LaKesha Nicole Covington

A queer look at feminist science fiction: Examing Sally Miller Gearhart's The Kanshou , Jennifer Jodelle Floerke

Proposed marketing and advertising campaign for the United Negro College Fund , Rashida Patrice Hamm

The online marketing plan for Indra Jewelry Company, Thailand , Vorapoj Liyawarakhun

A metaphoric cluster analysis of the rhetoric of digital technology , Michael Eugene Marse and Nicholas Negroponte

Talking about drugs: Examining self-disclosure and trust in adult children from substance abusive families , Susan Renee Mattson

The public relations campaign for Bangkok fashion week, Thailand , Chanoknart Paitoonmongkon

A web design shop for local business owners , Mary Colleen Rice

International students' reliance on home-country related internet use , Songkwun Sukontapatipak

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Zapatistas: The shifting rhetoric of a modern revolution , Ofelia Morales Bejar

Globalization, values, and consumer trends: A French and USA comparison , Alexandre Hatlestad-Shey

Values and symbols: An intercultural analysis of web pages on the Internet , Aura Constanza Mosquera

Creating community through communication: The case of East Desert Unified School District , Michelle Elizabeth Shader

A comparison of women's roles as portrayed in Taiwanese and Chinese magazine print advertising , Yi-Chen Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

The concept of interest in the Western and Middle Eastern society , Mustapha Ben Amira

A comprehensive examination of the precode horror comic books of the 1950's , Gene Marshall Broxson

Narrative versus traditional journalism: Appeal, believability, understanding, retention , John David Emig

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exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

A List Of Good Thesis Topics On Mass Communication

Mass communication students normally have a challenging time when it comes to choosing the topics that they want to write on. This is because more often than not, most of the topics that students come up with have always been used in one way or the other, or at least by someone a few years ago. It becomes harder for them to come up with really awesome topics in such a scenario, but with someone willing to help you out, there is a good chance that you will not need to worry anymore.

Herein are some very good topics that you might want to look into for your thesis paper:

  • Comparative study on the effect of violent video games on the minds of players, with an inference to interviews by avid gamers
  • Communication and behavioral study of the arts, under the theory of reasoned action
  • Service – learning relationships and the importance of public relations theory
  • Experiences on product judgment with an emphasis on the country of origin, and impact of animosity towards foreign products
  • The use of social media when transitioning through college. How important is it?
  • The role of mass media in global terrorism
  • Gender disparity in the communications industry
  • Learning from past mistakes; milestones that have been made in the telecommunications industry, owing to major setbacks in the history of the industry
  • Sex appeal in the communications industry, how much is too much?
  • Impact of dictatorial regimes on the freedoms of media, media owners and the citizenry

In as much as you will be trying to write a good paper, there are some basics that you must never forget at all times. The principal thing you need to do is issue yourself enough time to work. For a normal length paper you ought to issue yourself a month to sufficiently gather the library research and materials. At an absolute minimum you ought to issue yourself a week. Being organized will help you capitalize on however much time you have. Compose a speedy calendar to help you stay informed concerning time.

Get some time and got to the library or anywhere else from where you can study. Take some notes, if possible come up with diagrams on how to proceed. Write up the draft of the paper, and from there you will have an easier time with writing the paper in general

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Selected Project topics and materials in Mass Communication

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Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)

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Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

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Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche vétérinaire

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arXiv (Cornell University)

Angela A Albanese

Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals

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Student Online Journal (SOJ) UMRAH - Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Wahyu Indrayatti

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American Journal of Epidemiology

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Communication Studies Theses, Dissertations, and Professional Papers

This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana Department of Communication Studies. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

The Role of Face Threats in Understanding Target’s Interpretation of a Tease , Shawn M. Deegan


To Revise Or Not To Revise: How Feedback Type, Interpersonal Liking, and Messenger Credibility Influence Revision , Rachel Jane Jensen

Minimizing Toxicity and Maximizing Social Connection in Collegiate Esports Teams , Julia Kay Tonne

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023


Navigating Toxic Identities Within League of Legends , Jeremy Thomas Miner

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022




Is Loss a Laughing Matter?: A Study of Humor Reactions and Benign Violation Theory in the Context of Grief. , Miranda B. Henrich

The Request Is Not Compatible: Competing Frames of Public Lands Discourse in the Lolo Peak Ski Resort Controversy , Philip A. Sharp

Patient Expectations, Satisfaction, and Provider Communication Within the Oncology Experience , Elizabeth Margaret Sholey

Psychological Safety at Amazon: A CCO Approach , Kathryn K. Zyskowski

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Discourse of Renewal: A Qualitative Analysis of the University of Montana’s COVID-19 Crisis Communication , Haley Renae Gabel

Activating Hope: How Functional Support Can Improve Hope in Unemployed Individuals , Rylee P. Walter

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020




Belonging for Dementia Caregivers , Sabrina Singh

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Making the Most of People We Do Not Like: Capitalizing on Negative Feedback , Christopher Edward Anderson

Understanding the Relationship Between Discursive Resources and Risk-Taking Behaviors in Outdoor Adventure Athletes , Mira Ione Cleveland

Service Failure Management in High-End Hospitality Resorts , Hunter A. Dietrich

Fear, Power, & Teeth (2007) , Olivia Hockenbroch

The climate change sublime: Leveraging the immense awe of the planetary threat of climate change , Sean D. Quartz

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Relationship Between Memorable Messages and Identity Construction , Raphaela P. Barros Campbell

Wonder Woman: A Case Study for Critical Media Literacy , Adriana N. Fehrs

Curated Chaos: A Rhetorical Study of Axmen , Rebekah A. McDonald


Cruising to be a Board Gamer: Understanding Socialization Relating to Board Gaming and The Dice Tower , Benjamin Wassink

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017


Beyond the Bike; Identity and Belonging of Free Cycles Members , Caitlyn Lewis

Adherence and Uncertainty Management: A Test Of The Theory Of Motivated Information Management , Ryan Thiel

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Redskins Revisited: Competing Constructions of the Washington Redskins Mascot , Eean Grimshaw

A Qualitative Analysis of Belonging in Communities of Practice: Exploring Transformative Organizational Elements within the Choral Arts , Aubrielle J. Holly

Training the Professoraite of Tomorrow: Implementing the Needs Centered Training Model to Instruct Graduate Teaching Assistants in the use of Teacher Immediacy , Leah R. Johnson

Beyond Blood: Examining the Communicative Challenges of Adoptive Families , Mackensie C. Minniear

Attitudes Toward Execution: The Tragic and Grotesque Framing of Capital Punishment in the News , Katherine Shuy

Knowledge and Resistance: Feminine Style and Signifyin[g] in Michelle Obama’s Public Address , Tracy Valgento

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015



Diabesties: How Diabetic Support on Campus can Alleviate Diabetic Burnout , Kassandra E. Martin

Resisting NSA Surveillance: Glenn Greenwald and the public sphere debate about privacy , Rebecca Rice

Rhetoric, participation, and democracy: The positioning of public hearings under the National Environmental Policy Act , Kevin C. Stone

Socialization and Volunteers: A Training Program for Volunteer Managers , Allison M. Sullivan

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014


Commodity or Dignity? Nurturing Managers' Courtesy Nurtures Workers' Productivity , Montana Rafferty Moss

"It Was My Job to Keep My Children Safe": Sandra Steingraber and the Parental Rhetoric of Precaution , Mollie Katherine Murphy

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Free Markets: ALEC's Populist Constructions of "the People" in State Politics , Anne Sherwood

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013


Let’s talk about sex: A training program for parents of 4th and 5th grade children , Elizabeth Kay Eickhoff

"You Is The Church": Identity and Identification in Church Leadership , Megan E. Gesler

This land is your land, this land is my land: A qualitative study of tensions in an environmental decision making group , Gabriel Patrick Grelle

The Constitution of Queer Identity in the 1972 APA Panel, "Psychiatry: Friend or Foe to Homosexuals? A Dialogue" , Dustin Vern Edward Schneider

The Effect of Religious Similarity on the Use of Relational Maintenance Strategies in Marriages , Jamie Karen Taylor

Justice, Equality, and SlutWalk: The Rhetoric of Protesting Rape Culture , Dana Whitney Underwood

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Collective Privacy Boundary Turbulence and Facework Strategies: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of South Korea and the United States , Min Kyong Cho


Communication Apprehension and Perceived Responsiveness , Elise Alexandra Fanney

Improving Patient-Provider Communication in the Health Care context , Charlotte M. Glidden

What They Consider, How They Decide: Best Practices of Technical Experts in Environmental Decision-Making , Cassandra J. Hemphill

Rebuilding Place: Exploring Strategies to Align Place Identity During Relocation , Brigette Renee McKamey

Sarah Palin, Conservative Feminism, and the Politics of Family , Jasmine Rose Zink

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Salud, Dignidad, Justicia: Articulating "Choice" and "Reproductive Justice" for Latinas in the United States , Kathleen Maire de Onis

Environmental Documentary Film: A Contemporary Tool For Social Movement , Rachel Gregg

In The Pink: The (Un)Healthy Complexion of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month , Kira Stacey Jones

Jihad as an Ideograph: Osama bin Laden's rhetorical weapon of choice , Faye Lingarajan

The Heart of the Matter: The Function and Relational Effects of Humor for Cardiovascular Patients , Nicholas Lee Lockwood

Feeling the Burn: A Discursive Analysis of Organizational Burnout in Seasonal Wildland Firefighters , Whitney Eleanor Marie Maphis

Making A Comeback: An Exploration of Nontraditional Students & Identity Support , Jessica Kate McFadden

In the Game of Love, Play by the Rules: Implications of Relationship Rule Consensus over Honesty and Deception in Romantic Relationships , Katlyn Elise Roggensack

Assessing the balance: Burkean frames and Lil' Bush , Elizabeth Anne Sills

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Discipline of Identity: Examining the Challenges of Developing Interdisciplinary Identities Within the Science Disciplines , Nicholas Richard Burk

Occupational Therapists: A Study of Managing Multiple Identities , Katherine Elise Lloyd

Discourse, Identity, and Culture in Diverse Organizations: A Study of The Muslim Students Association (University of Montana) , Burhanuddin Bin Omar

The Skinny on Weight Watchers: A Critical Analysis of Weight Watcher's Use of Metaphors , Ashlynn Laura Reynolds-Dyk

You Got the Job, Now What?: An Evaluation of the New Employee Orientation Program at the University of Montana , Shiloh M. A. Sullivan

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Because We Have the Power to Choose: A Critical Analysis of the Rhetorical Strategies Used in Merck's Gardasil Campaign , Brittney Lee Buttweiler

Communicative Strategies Used in the Introduction of Spirituality in the Workplace , Matthew Alan Condon

Cultures in Residence: Intercultural Communication Competence for Residence Life Staff , Bridget Eileen Flaherty

The Influence of Sibling Support on Children's Post-Divorce Adjustment: A Turning Point Analysis , Kimberly Ann Jacobs


The Effect of Imagined Interactions on Secret Revelation and Health , Adam Stephens Richards

Teaching Intercultural Communication Competence in the Healthcare Context , Jelena Stojakovic

Quitting versus Not Quitting: The Process and Development of an Assimilation Program Within Opportunity Resources, Inc. , Amanda N. Stovall

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008


Relational Transgressions in Romantic Relationships: How Individuals Negotiate the Revelation and Concealment of Transgression Information within the Social Network , Melissa A. Maier

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007


Friends the family you choose (no matter what: An investigation of fictive kin relationships amoung young adults. , Kimberly Anne Clinger

Public relations in nonprofit organizations: A guide to establishing public relations programs in nonprofit settings , Megan Kate Gale

Negotiated Forgiveness in Parent-Child Relationships: Investigating Links to Politeness, Wellness and Sickness , Jennifer Lynn Geist

Developing and Communicating Better Sexual Harassment Policies Through Ethics and Human Rights , Thain Yates Hagan

Managing Multiple Identities: A Qualitative Study of Nurses and Implications for Work-Family Balance , Claire Marie Spanier


Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Graduate Teaching Assistant Interpretations and Responses to Student Immediacy Cues , Clair Owen Canfield

Verbal negotiation of affection in romantic relationships , Andrea Ann Richards

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Art of forgiveness , Carrie Benedict

"We shall fight for the things we have always held nearest our hearts": Rhetorical strategies in the U.S. woman suffrage movement , Stephanie L. Durnford

War on Terror Middle-East peace and a drive around the ranch: The rhetoric of US-Saudi diplomacy in the post-911 period , J. Robert Harper

What do you mean by competence?: A comparison of perceived communication competence among North Americans and Chinese , Chao He

Rhetoric of public interest in an inter-organizational environmental debate: The Fernie mining controversy. , Shelby Jo. Long

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221+ Best Project Topics for Mass Communication Students

project topics for mass communication

Mass Communication is vital for students as it cultivates effective communication skills and a deep understanding of the media’s role in society. It enhances critical thinking and fosters creativity, preparing students for diverse career paths. When it comes to Project Topics for Mass Communication, students must select subjects aligning with their interests and industry trends. 

However, research and analysis play a key role in ensuring projects are well-informed and impactful. Creativity is encouraged as innovative approaches set projects apart. Challenges in topic selection are addressed through guidelines, helping students navigate the process. Connecting chosen topics to future career goals enhances relevance, providing a solid foundation for a successful academic and professional journey in Mass Communication.

What is Mass Communication?

Table of Contents

Mass Communication is a dynamic field that involves creating, disseminating, and analyzing information to a broad audience through various channels. It encompasses a range of mediums, including television, radio, newspapers, and digital platforms. Mass Communication plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion, cultural trends, and societal norms. It involves the study of communication theories, media ethics, and the impact of media on individuals and societies, making it a crucial discipline in our interconnected global landscape.

Importance of Project Topics for Mass Communication

Here are some importance of project topics for mass communication students:

1. Relevance to Industry Trends

Project topics in Mass Communication ensure students engage with current industry trends, fostering a connection between academic learning and real-world challenges.

2. Personalized Learning Experience

Selecting a meaningful project topic allows students to explore areas of personal interest, making the learning experience more engaging and tailored to their passions within the vast field of Mass Communication.

3. Contribution to Knowledge

Well-chosen project topics contribute to the overall knowledge pool in Mass Communication, offering insights, solutions, or innovative perspectives that can benefit the academic community and the industry.

4. Career Alignment

Aligning project topics with future career goals enables students to develop specialized expertise, making them more competitive and marketable in their chosen professional paths.

5. Development of Critical Skills

Working on project topics hones essential skills such as research, analysis, presentation, and problem-solving, preparing students for the multifaceted challenges they may encounter in their Mass Communication careers.

Guidelines for Selecting Project Topics

  • Personal Interest: Choose a project topic that aligns with your personal interests and passions in Mass Communication to maintain enthusiasm throughout the research process.
  • Relevance to Current Trends: Opt for topics that reflect the dynamic nature of the industry, ensuring your project remains current and contributes to contemporary discussions.
  • Feasibility: Consider the availability of resources and time, selecting a project that is realistic and feasible within the given academic constraints.
  • Potential Impact : Evaluate the potential impact of your chosen topic, aiming for research that can bring value or contribute new perspectives to the field.
  • Alignment with Career Goals: Select a project topic that aligns with your future career goals, allowing you to build expertise in areas directly relevant to your desired professional path.

List of Project Topics for Mass Communication Students

Here is a complete list of project topics for mass communication students in 2024:

1. Journalism and News Reporting

  • The Impact of Social Media on Traditional Journalism
  • Investigative Reporting in the Digital Age
  • Ethics in Journalism: Navigating the Gray Areas
  • Fake News and Its Effects on Public Opinion
  • Citizen Journalism: Empowering the Masses
  • The Role of Journalists in Shaping Public Policy
  • News Framing and Its Influence on Audience Perception
  • Challenges of Reporting in Conflict Zones
  • Solutions Journalism: A New Approach to Reporting
  • The Evolution of Broadcast Journalism
  • Sports Journalism: Beyond the Scores
  • Environmental Journalism: Communicating Climate Change
  • Media Literacy in the Age of Misinformation
  • Coverage of Diversity in Media
  • Crisis Communication: Lessons from Media Responses

2. Advertising and Public Relations

  • Influencer Marketing: Strategies and Impacts
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Advertising
  • Crisis Communication in Public Relations
  • The Psychology of Advertising: Understanding Consumer Behavior
  • Branding in the Digital Age
  • Political Advertising: Impact on Public Opinion
  • Greenwashing: Deceptive Environmental Advertising
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Ad Campaigns
  • The Role of Public Relations in Building Corporate Reputation
  • Viral Marketing: Unleashing the Power of Social Sharing
  • Advertising to Children: Ethics and Regulations
  • Social Media Influencers: Power and Responsibility
  • Integrated Marketing Communication: Strategies and Challenges
  • Public Relations in the Entertainment Industry
  • Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Brand Perception

3. Broadcasting and Film Production

  • Evolution of Radio Broadcasting
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on Traditional TV
  • Virtual Reality in Film: A New Cinematic Experience
  • Documentary Filmmaking: Advocacy through Visual Storytelling
  • Challenges of Independent Film Production
  • The Role of Film Festivals in Promoting Diversity
  • Live Broadcasting in the Age of Social Media
  • Representation in Media: Gender, Race, and LGBTQ+ Perspectives
  • Podcasting: Rise of a New Digital Medium
  • Augmented Reality in Broadcast News
  • Sound Design in Film: Enhancing the Viewing Experience
  • Cinematic Techniques in Television Production
  • Media and Cultural Identity in Global Cinema
  • The Future of 3D Technology in Film
  • Mobile Journalism: Filming and Reporting on the Go

4. Digital Media and Technology

  • The Influence of Algorithms on Content Consumption
  • Virtual Communities: Social Interaction in Online Spaces
  • Augmented Reality in Digital Advertising
  • Gaming and Esports: Emerging Media Trends
  • Cybersecurity in Media Organizations
  • The Impact of 5G on Media and Communication
  • Digital Detox: Balancing Online and Offline Life
  • Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation
  • Digital Natives: Understanding the Habits of Gen Z
  • E-books vs. Traditional Publishing: Changing Reading Habits
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Media Integration
  • Online Activism: Social Media as a Tool for Change
  • Virtual Influencers: The Rise of Computer-Generated Personalities
  • Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data
  • Accessibility in Digital Media: Designing for Inclusivity

5. Media Management and Economics

  • Business Models in the Media Industry
  • Subscription-Based vs. Ad-Supported Media Platforms
  • Media Consolidation: Impact on Diversity and Competition
  • Crisis Management in Media Organizations
  • Audience Measurement and Analytics in Media
  • Globalization of Media Companies: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Economics of News: Ad Revenue vs. Public Funding
  • Content Monetization Strategies for Online Platforms
  • Media Ownership and Its Influence on Editorial Independence
  • The Role of Government in Media Regulation
  • Media Startups: Navigating the Challenges of a New Venture
  • Media Literacy Education: Bridging the Gap
  • Branding and Positioning in Media Management
  • Subscription Fatigue: Challenges for Media Subscription Services
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Media Companies

6. Photojournalism and Visual Communication

  • The Ethics of Photojournalism: Balancing Truth and Sensitivity
  • Visual Storytelling in the Age of Instagram
  • Iconic Images in Photojournalism: Impact and Legacy
  • Photography and Social Change: Documenting Activism
  • The Role of Photojournalists in Conflict Zones
  • Drone Photography in Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Visual Communication
  • Photo Editing Ethics: Navigating the Digital Landscape
  • Virtual Reality in Photojournalism: Creating Immersive Narratives
  • The Power of Images: Influencing Public Opinion
  • Photography and Environmental Activism
  • Visual Trends in Contemporary Advertising
  • Photojournalism in the Age of Deepfakes
  • Documentary Photography: Capturing Unseen Realities
  • The Evolution of Image Editing Software

7. Communication Research and Methods

  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research in Media Studies
  • The Role of Surveys in Media Audience Analysis
  • Content Analysis of Social Media Discourse
  • Experimental Design in Communication Research
  • Ethnographic Approaches in Media Studies
  • Big Data in Communication Research: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Longitudinal Studies in Media Impact Assessment
  • Survey Sampling Techniques in Media Research
  • Comparative Analysis of Media Systems
  • Case Study Research in Media and Communication
  • Online Ethnography: Studying Digital Subcultures
  • Participatory Action Research in Community Media
  • Cross-Cultural Communication Research
  • Media Framing Analysis: Understanding Persuasion Techniques
  • The Use of Eye-Tracking in Media Consumption Studies

8. International Communication

  • Cultural Imperialism in Global Media
  • Media Representation of Global Conflicts
  • Transnational Media Flows: Impact on Local Cultures
  • Soft Power and Media Diplomacy
  • Globalization of News: Challenges for Local Journalism
  • The Role of International Organizations in Media Regulation
  • Cultural Sensitivity in International Advertising
  • Media and Cultural Identity in the Globalized World
  • Diaspora Media: Connecting Communities Across Borders
  • Global Media Ethics: Balancing Universal Principles and Cultural Differences
  • International Collaboration in Film and Television Production
  • Impact of Social Media on Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Media and Human Rights: Reporting on Global Injustices
  • Cultural Diplomacy through Public Diplomacy Campaigns
  • The Role of International News Agencies in Shaping Global Narratives

9. Health Communication

  • The Influence of Media on Health Behaviors
  • Crisis Communication in Public Health Emergencies
  • Media Representation of Mental Health: Breaking Stigmas
  • Health Communication Campaigns: Successes and Challenges
  • Social Media and Health Advocacy
  • The Role of Entertainment Media in Health Education
  • Vaccine Communication: Addressing Misinformation
  • Public Perception of Healthcare in Media
  • Ethical Issues in Health Journalism
  • Digital Health Communication: Apps and Online Platforms
  • Cultural Competence in Health Communication
  • Media Influence on Body Image and Eating Disorders
  • Telehealth and the Role of Media in Healthcare Accessibility
  • Health Communication in Rural Communities
  • The Impact of Health Narratives in Entertainment Media

10. Political Communication

  • Political Advertising Strategies and Ethics
  • Media Influence on Political Opinion Formation
  • Election Coverage: Bias and Fairness in Media
  • Social Media and Political Mobilization
  • The Role of Satire in Political Communication
  • Media Framing of Political Scandals
  • Political Communication in Authoritarian Regimes
  • The Impact of Political Cartoons on Public Perception
  • Political Debates in the Age of Live Broadcasting
  • Media Literacy and Informed Citizenship
  • Digital Campaigning: Strategies and Concerns
  • The Role of Political Talk Shows in Public Discourse
  • Political Communication and Populism
  • Media’s Role in Shaping Political Agendas
  • The Use of Social Media by Political Leaders

11. Entertainment and Pop Culture

  • Celebrity Culture and Media Influence
  • Reality TV and Its Impact on Society
  • Streaming Services and the Changing Landscape of Entertainment
  • Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Media
  • The Influence of Music Videos on Youth Culture
  • Nostalgia and Remakes in Film and Television
  • Fandom Culture: Community and Identity
  • Video Games as a Form of Art and Entertainment
  • Social Media and Celebrity Endorsements
  • Cultural Appropriation in Popular Media
  • Influences of Japanese Pop Culture on Global Media
  • Diversity in Casting: Addressing Representation in Entertainment
  • Memes and Internet Culture: A New Language of Communication
  • The Impact of Social Media Challenges on Pop Culture
  • Cultural Critique through Comedy: Satire and Social Commentary

12. Environmental Communication

  • Media Coverage of Environmental Issues
  • Climate Change Communication: Challenges and Strategies
  • Environmental Documentaries: Advocacy through Film
  • Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Reporting
  • Green Marketing: Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles
  • Indigenous Perspectives in Environmental Communication
  • Environmental Activism in Digital Spaces
  • Wildlife Conservation Communication
  • Environmental Journalism and Science Reporting
  • Eco-friendly Practices in Media Production
  • The Role of Social Media in Environmental Awareness
  • Public Perception of Climate Change: Media Influence
  • Environmental Campaigns: Analyzing Effective Communication
  • Environmental Ethics in Advertising
  • The Role of Art and Creativity in Environmental Communication

13. Interpersonal Communication

  • The Impact of Social Media on Personal Relationships
  • Online Dating and Communication Patterns
  • Family Communication in the Digital Age
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Interpersonal Relationships
  • Mobile Communication and Its Effects on Face-to-Face Interaction
  • Gender Differences in Communication Styles
  • Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Environments
  • Workplace Communication: Strategies for Effective Collaboration
  • Interpersonal Conflict Resolution in the Media Industry
  • The Influence of Friendship Portrayals in Media on Real-Life Relationships
  • Communication Challenges in Long-Distance Relationships
  • Social Media and Self-Presentation: Impacts on Identity
  • Communication Strategies for Building Trust in Online Environments
  • Parent-Child Communication in the Digital Era
  • Communicating Empathy: The Role of Media in Fostering Understanding

14. Educational Communication

  • The Role of Media in Distance Education
  • Digital Learning Platforms: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Educational Podcasts: Enhancing Learning Experiences
  • Social Media in the Classroom: Benefits and Pitfalls
  • Media Literacy Education: Curriculum Development
  • Gamification in Education: Using Media for Learning
  • Online Tutoring and the Future of Educational Communication
  • The Impact of Educational TV Programs on Childhood Development
  • E-Learning Platforms: Accessibility and Inclusivity
  • The Use of Augmented Reality in Educational Settings
  • Student-Generated Content in the Digital Classroom
  • Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Higher Education
  • Blended Learning Models: Integrating Online and In-Person Education
  • Educational Campaigns: Addressing Social Issues through Media
  • The Role of Educational Media in Promoting Cultural Understanding

15. Cultural Studies in Media

  • Media Representations of Subcultures
  • Cultural Appropriation in Advertising and Entertainment
  • Identity and Intersectionality in Media
  • Cultural Hegemony in Popular Media
  • The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity
  • Queer Representation in Media: Progress and Challenges
  • Indigenous Perspectives in Media Narratives
  • Cultural Diversity in Children’s Programming
  • Counterculture Movements and Media Representation
  • Media and the Construction of Gender Roles
  • The intersection of Race and Media: Challenges and Progress
  • Cultural Sensitivity in International Media Production
  • Media Consumption and Cultural Identity Formation
  • Cultural Influences on Fashion in Media
  • Folklore and Mythology in Contemporary Media Narratives

These project topics span a wide range of categories within the field of mass communication, providing students with ample opportunities to explore diverse areas of interest and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of media and communication studies.

In conclusion, the process of selecting project topics for Mass Communication is a pivotal aspect of a student’s academic journey. It goes beyond a mere academic requirement, serving as a gateway to personalized learning, skill development, and future career alignment. By adhering to guidelines, students ensure their topics remain relevant, impactful, and feasible. The ability to choose wisely not only contributes to the broader knowledge landscape of Mass Communication but also shapes individual growth and expertise. 

As students embark on this journey, they discover that the thoughtful selection of a project topic is not just a task; it is a strategic investment in their academic and professional success in the dynamic realm of Mass Communication.

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Eduproject Topics


Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials PDF Free Download

Mass Communication Project Topics And Materials PDF

Mass communication project topics and research materials PDF and DOC free Download with case studies for final year students in Nigeria of 2023 academic session.

Are you a final year student in need of mass communication project topics and materials? you are on the right page. We have a complete list of mass comm, media, and journalism project topics with good research and complete materials ready for download in PDF or DOC format.

Eduprojecttopics is one of the best online research repository platforms . We have helped so many students Studying media and journalism around the globe by assisting them with their mass communication project topics and materials on getting good grades (A).

What is Mass Communication Research?

Mass communication research is research that studies data that is related to any type of mass media.   The term “mass media” refers to older types, such as newspapers and radio. However, now includes television, the Internet as well as, more recently social media.

Undergraduate and master’s students can get their mass communication project topics here for free. All mass comm project materials listed on this website are easy projects and they are recent ready-made complete final year projects for students acquiring a degree in any school.


Free Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials PDF for Final Year Students

In our project archive, we have thousands of free mass communication project topics and premium research papers in journalism, broadcasting, newspaper, content analysis, photojournalism, and development communication, and also, related research seminar topics and journals for final year students in the Mass comm department.

Masters and Ph.D.   students can also find their research topics for their thesis and dissertation mass communications projects on this page.   All you have to do is choose three to four subjects below and send them to your supervisor for their approval.

Be aware that your supervisor must decide whether or not to approve the topic that you presented to him or his.   Once your topic is approved, you will be able to return to our website to download the full content of the topic you have approved.


Contents of Mass Communication Project Material PDF Document on this Website

Mass Communication project topics on t his website contain all their works and documents and are available for immediate download in either MS-Word or PDF formats from chapters 1-5.

If you’re looking to download our papers from chapters 1-5, we’d like to inform you that all project documents on any mass communication topic include proposal samples, a title page with the case study, table of contents, abstract, the background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the study, research hypothesis, signification of the study, the scope of the study, the definition of terms, organization of the study, literature review (theoretical framework or conceptual framework ), research methodology, sources of data collection, the population of the study, sampling and sampling distribution, validation of research instrument, method of data analysis, data analysis and Presentation, introduction, summary, conclusion, recommendation, references and questionnaire

Mass comm degree students studying in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, India, and other countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe, can use these free project topic ideas listed on this website with case studies for their academic research works.

Do you need a copy of any complete project material? you can contact us: at (+234) 08060082010, 08107932631 or via email address: [email protected] .

Below is a list of best mass communication project topics and materials PDF documents for students acquiring a degree in the college of education, polytechnic, and university e.g. (NCE), National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Postgraduate Diploma (PGD), Master of Science (MSC), and Bachelor of Science (BSC).

List of Free Mass Communication Project Topics and Research Materials PDF

  • Mass media and government restriction in the 21st century using twitter ban in Nigeria as a case study
  • The Social Media and the Challenge of Freedom of Expression: A case study of Twitter Ban in Nigeria
  • Social Media And Impact Of Audience Responses To Domestic Violence Against Women (A Study Of Lil Frosh And Girlfriend)
  • Evaluation Of The Role Of Radio In The Campaign Against Child Abuse In Rivers State
  • Audience Perception of the Impact of Indigenous Language on the Understanding of Broadcasting Programmes Among Warri Residents Case Study of Delta Broadcasting Station
  • The role of broadcast journalism in nigeria
  • The role of mass media in curbing the spread of corona virus pandemic in Nigeria
  • Influence of Digital Technology on the Practice of Journalism in Nigeria
  • Social Media And Management Of Covid-19 Information In Nigeria
  • Perception Of Mass Media As Tools For Sensitizing Rural Dwellers About Infectious Epidemic. A Study Of Corona virus In Nigeria
  • Social Media Usage Among Students During Endsars Protest
  • The role of anti-graft agencies in anti- corruption campaigns in nigeria
  • Impact of social media on drugs usage among youth: A case study of Nima community in Ghana
  • The role of advertisement in newspaper patronage
  • Big Brother Naija and It’s Influence on Youth of Nigeria
  • Sexual Appeals In Television Advertising: A Content Analysis Of Commercials Aimed At Teenagers On Dstv Station Of Your Choice
  • Newspaper Readership Pattern Among Traders In Major Markets In Uyo Metropolis
  • Influence Of Big Brother Africa Television Reality Show On Youths
  • The press and sensitization of the public on fake drugs in nigeria; an evaluation of the coverage of nafdac by the nigeria press
  • The place of in-house journal in the life of a commercial organization
  • The influence of western programmes on dstv television on the behavioural values of nigerian youths
  • The implication of national broadcasting commission rules and regulations on broadcast media
  • The impact of satellite television on nigerian culture
  • The impact of radio musical programmes on nigerian youths
  • The impact of phone-in programmes in sensitizing the electorate
  • The impact of opinion leaders in information dissemination in nigeria
  • The effect of advertisement on the success of a business organization
  • Role of public relations in non commercial organization
  • The influence of broadcast media on the sales of fast moving consumer goods
  • The impact of graphic presentation in newspaper production
  • Customers perception of gsm interruptive advertisment in nigeria
  • Influence of mobile phone usage on conventional tools amongst undergraduate students
  • The role of public relations in image and crisis maganement
  • The place of social media in the practice of public relations in higer institution
  • The influence of omo detergent television commercials on consumer’s patronage of the product
  • The impact of peak milk television advertisement on consumer’s buying behaviour
  • The examination of the level of news commercialization in media organization
  • Perception of newspaper readers of newspaper political advertisement
  • Perception of gubernatorial newspaper advertisements in the 2015 election by the electorate
  • The impact of adverisement revenue on media sustanability
  • An assessment of the broadcast media campaign against drugs abuse in nigeria
  • An assessment of television in political development of rural areas in nigeria
  • An assessment of students response to television reality programmes
  • An assessment of readers perception of the importance and role of cartoons in nigeria newspaper
  • An assessment of political advertising on electorates in the 2015 presidential election
  • An assessment of photographs and cartoons as communication instruments a study of the guardian newspaper
  • An assessment of mass media and the management of human rights in nigeria
  • An assessment of community newspaper in the promotion of cultural heritage in nigeria
  • An assessment of broadcast media role in mobilizing women for political participation
  • An analytical study of newspaper paper reportage in combating national security problem
  • An analysis of media ownership and the credibility of news reporting in nigeria
  • A content analysis of the punch and sun newspapers reportage of crime in nigeria
  • Effectiveness of mass media in sensitizing against human trafficking in nigeria
  • Broadcast deregulation and efficient information dissemination in nigeria
  • Effects of ownership pattern and the editorial content of nigerian newspapers
  • Television broadcasting, reality tv shows and moral development of nigeria youths
  • The role of mass media in crisis management in nigeria
  • The role of the broadcast media in the campaign against hiv/aids in nigeria
  • Determinants and challenges of reading print version of newspaper among youths
  • The role of nigerian mass media in electioneering campaigns
  • The impact of news commentaries on radio listeners in nigeria
  • The role of television in political persuation
  • The effect of traditional media and communication on rural development of nigeria
  • The role of the press in the free and fair election in nigeria
  • The role of public relations in achieving millenium development goals
  • The challenges facing nigeria television in switching to digital broadcasting in nigeria
  • The challenges confronting privately owned media stations in a democratic dispensation in nigeria
  • Readers perception of the use of photograph in reenforcement of newspaper message
  • Readers perception of the role of print media in sports development in nigeria
  • Readers perception of the effectiveness of the print media in the creation of awareness against breast cancer a study punch newspaper
  • Public perception of newspaper coverage of ebola epidemic outbreak in nigeria
  • Prospect and challenges of media management in nigeria
  • The relationship between animated commercials and the buying habit of audience members
  • Modern journalism practice and the quest for professionalism among journalism
  • Community journalism and the challenges of rural reporting in nigeria
  • Children and mass media the role of mass media in childhood socialization
  • Broadcasters assessment of problems and prospects in migration from analogue to digital broadcasting platform
  • Audience perception of print media in curmbing corruption in nigeria
  • Audience perception and opinion formation on the potency of print media
  • Assessment of broadcast media role in mobilizing women for political participation
  • An assessment of the role of newspaper in mobilizing women for political participation in nigeria
  • An assessment of the public relations strategies of rebranding the nigeria police force
  • An assessment of the print media in the campaign against drug abuse in nigeria
  • An assessment of the print media in the promotion of sports development in nigeria
  • An assessment of the print media in awareness campaign of lassa fever in nigeria
  • An assessment of the broadcast media in the campaign against malaria in rural community
  • An assessment of the effectivenespaper coverage ofs of news kidnapping in nigeria comparative study of the punch and daily vanguard
  • An assessment of the broadcast media in the campaign against child labour and human trafficking in nigeria
  • An assessment of the print media in the promotion of the roll back malaria campaign in nigeria
  • The impact of the mass media on rural development
  • The perception of media staff welfare on the effectiveness of journalism in nigeria
  • The prospects and challenges of campus broadcasting station in nigeria
  • The role of the mass media on the attitude of teenagers on the prevalence of hiv/aids
  • Effects of violent films on nigerian cultural values
  • The use of radio broadcasting in rural development
  • The role of social media in electioneering credibility
  • The rise of citizen journalism in nigeria
  • The print media, cartoons and social commentary in nigeria
  • The nigeria presss and it’s influence on free and fair election in nigeria
  • The newspaper coverge of election petition tribunal in nigeria a comparative analysis of observer and guardian newspaper
  • The mass media the law and national security issue
  • The mass media ownership policies and ethical problems of nigerian journalist
  • The mass media brand loyalty and promotional strategies in the mobile industry in nigeria
  • The print media and crisis resolution in the niger-delta region of nigeria
  • The nigeria press, social media and free and fair election in the 21st century
  • The influence of social media on the academic performance of student
  • The influence of online journalism on revenue generation of nigeria new media
  • The influence of nigeria mass media on political campaign
  • The implication of national broadcasting commission rules and regulation on africa independent television
  • The impact of western television programme on the cultural value of nigeria youths
  • The impact of social networking on tourism development
  • The guardian and the nation newspapers coverage of development issues
  • The effect of information and communication on technology in broadcast media
  • Managing crisis on social media platform
  • The impact of television on the learning habits of primary school children
  • Effect of social media on the academic performance of students
  • Assessment of the role of social media in raising awareness about domestic violence in nigeria
  • Contributions of vanguard newspaper to the development of democracy during the 2015 general elections.
  • An evaluation of mass media influence on lifestyle of youths
  • The roles of the mass media in the fight against religious crisis
  • The effects of ownership on professionalism in the broadcast industries
  • Smartphone usage and social interaction among students
  • Audience perception on television programmes on global warming
  • Influennce of educational broadcasting on academic performance secondary school stiudents
  • Effect of television advertising on consumer purchasing behaviour
  • The effect of ownership on political campaign and reporting in nigeria, a study of guardian newspaper
  • Influence of social media in addressing farmers-herdsmen’s conflict in nigeria
  • Relevance of oramedia in the enlightenment and prevention of measles among women
  • The punch and guardian the newspapers coverage of terrorism in nigeria
  • Patterns of instagram usage among undergraduate students of delta state university, abraka
  • The effect of ownership on political campaign and reporting in nigeria, a study of guardian newspaper.
  • Influence of newspaper reports on terrorism in nigeria: content analysis of punch and guardian newspapers from january to june 2018
  • Influence of social media in addressing farmers-herdsmen’s conflict in nigeria: a case study of enugu state
  • Relevance of oramedia in the enlightenment and prevention of measles among women in bateren community, warri, delta state
  • The punch and guardian the newspapers coverage of terrorism in nigeria from january to june 2018
  • The influence of the “not too young to run” campaign on instagram & twitter on youths’ participation in the 2019 electoral process in nigeria
  • A comparative analysis of newspaper coverage of electricity in nigeria
  • Mass media and political mobilization: an assessment of democracy in practice
  • Societal impact of corruption in the journalism practices
  • Residents’ perception of the credibility of select online newspapers
  • Broadcast contents and listeners’ choice of programmes on select private radio stations
  • Coverage of development needs of rural communities by select local newspapers
  • The role of the mass media in promoting anti-corruption campaigns
  • Poverty alleviation programme as a strategy of improving nigeria’s economy
  • Assessment of communication as a strategic public relation
  • Influence of advertising on consumers’ purchasing behaviour of toothpaste brands
  • Newspaper coverage of drug abuse in nigeria a study three selected news papers
  • Traditional communication and promotion of good health habits
  • Drama as a tool for addressing gender inequality in nigeria
  • The influence of social environment on media ethics amongst journalist
  • Local newspapers’ coverage of child rights matters
  • The use of gsm as a medium for learning
  • The reflections of modernization in the nigerian media
  • Impact of radio in propagating culture
  • Challenges and prospects of campus radio broadcast
  • Special television programmes and movies as instrument for social change in hiv/aids campaign
  • Impact of social media in managing brand reputation in crises
  • Communication as indispensible tool of effective administration
  • Television advertising and consumer patronage of soft drinks
  • Journalists’ perception of the credibility of citizen journalism on social media platforms
  • The effects and consequences of social media on music artists, music consumption and its impact on the nigerian music industry
  • Media channel and audience retention: a comparative study of traditional media (radio, television, magazine, newspaper etc) and new media (facebook, 2go, twitter, yahoo mail and online news etc
  • Critical assessment of nta national integration programme
  • Influence of advertisement revenue on programmes and services delivery
  • Influence of radio broadcast messages on family planning attitude of couples
  • Media and creation of political awareness
  • Audience perception of the media in mobilizing women for political participation
  • Impact of ait programme “hero’s of our time” on women emancipation
  • Radio and promotion of culture in nigeria
  • Television viewership habits
  • The use of print media as tool for public relation practice
  • The perception of chief executive officers of select organisations on the application of public relations in management
  • Effect of television adverts on children
  • Newspaper and television: social media as channels for social mobilization in rural areas
  • Akbc tv content and western culture trend among youth
  • Role of vision africa on political mobilization of rural dwellers
  • Effects of commercialization on the performance of broadcasting organization
  • Development journalism as a pre-requisite for rural development
  • Proposals for effective application of the media in the crusade against female circumcision in nigeria
  • Audience perception of the credibility of foreign and local news organizations
  • Intensive promotion and students consumption pattern of coca cola products
  • The uses of traditional modes of communication in the mobilization of citizens for community development projects
  • Internet usage pattern
  • Satellite television chance preference among youths
  • Academic staff assessment of the role of communication in the stress management efforts
  • The influence of television educational and entertainment programmes on viewers
  • Information management in broadcast programme production
  • Effects of watching pornographic materials
  • Influence of second chance: a foreign television programme on the social behaviour
  • The role of public relations in enhancing customer’s satisfaction
  • Information technology and the changing role of mass media in nigeria: a discourse on the impact of information technology and media development in nigeria
  • The role of radio in the development of rural areas
  • Community relations programmes
  • Advertising in enhancing social responsibility
  • Communication in stress management and employee job satisfaction
  • Analyze the relevance of strategic planning in the management parastatals
  • Failure frequencies of the transmitter system of the nigerian television authority (nta)
  • The impact of media link programme of frcn in promoting economic development of rural communities
  • The role of electronic media in national image building
  • The electronic media as a channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support in national development

Best MSC Mass Communication Project Topics for Masters Thesis Students

  • Comparative analysis of the role of gate keeping in government and private media
  • The impact of effective communication on managerial performance in the private sector
  • Hazards of journalism profession under the military regime (1993 – 1998)
  • The effectiveness of the mass media as an instrument for national development
  • Campaign for women empowerment in nigeria: strategies, problems and prospects
  • Evaluation of government attitude towards the nigeria media in the present democratic dispensation (1999 – 2006)
  • Portrayal of women in advertisement
  • The influence of newspaper ownership in coverage of government policies and programmes
  • The impact of television in the political development of rural areas
  • The role of television as an instrument for educational development in nigeria
  • An appraisal of attitudes and behaviours of elderly people towards television programmes
  • The impact of radio broadcasting in improving the educational system in nigeria
  • A comparative analysis of gate keeping function in mass media establishment
  • Investigative journalism practices and problems in nigeria
  • Accessing the role of the broadcasting media as instrument for rural development
  • The effects of public relations practices in private nigeria airline
  • The relevance of community journalism in poverty alleviation programme in nigeria
  • The nigeria media under the military rule
  • Children and mass media: the role of mass media in children socialization
  • Social media advertising and patronage of selected products
  • Impact of new media on journalism
  • Influence of social media on the moral behaviour of teenagers
  • Pattern of instagram usage among undergraduate students
  • Examination of newspaper reports of tragedy incidents involving nysc members in nigeria
  • Undergraduate readership of online newspapers
  • Teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancy and educational pursuit among youths
  • Social dynamics of career choices among final year students
  • Effect of exposure youths to pornographic films
  • Influence of news commercialization on the news credibility in broadcast media
  • Effect of new media technology on newspaper production and circulation in nigeria
  • The effect of gender discrimination on women employment opportunity
  • Learner’s assessment on agricultural programmes on rural area based radio
  • The role of organizational communication in tertiary institution of learning in nigeria
  • Influence of pornography on youth
  • Challenges of newspaper management
  • The media choice and advertising effectiveness: a survey of users of soft complexion cream
  • The influence of radio on the promotion of entrepreneurship among mass communication students
  • Listenership level and perception
  • Television as an instrument for educational advancement in nigeria
  • Impact of anti-hiv/aids programme of abs television on the sexual habits of youth
  • The impact of selected factors affecting tele-density in nigeria
  • The roles broadcast media in the recent boko haram crises in nigeria
  • Mass media and gender discrimination
  • Newspaper coverage of violence in nigeria
  • Role of nigerian mass media in the promoting free and fair elections
  • The effect of dress code on employee’s performances in the office
  • The role of mass media in promoting gender equality in nigeria
  • Influence of social media on political marketing in 2015 governorship election
  • Impact of political advertisement on 2015 governorship election
  • Customers perception of gsm interruptive advertisement in nigeria
  • An assessment of mass media’s role in supporting women empowerment campaign in nigeria
  • Roles of radio and interpersonal communication in the eradication of guinea worm
  • The role of africa independent television in promoting popular culture
  • The influence of ait coverage on post 2011 election sentiments
  • Use of state broadcast media as propaganda machinery by state government
  • The impact of phone-in programmes
  • The impact of government ownership on media objectivity
  • Effects of unethical practices in advertising
  • The effect of (public service advertising-psa) on examination malpractice prevention
  • Factors affecting the quality of family forum
  • Effect of traditional media of communication as tools for effective rural development
  • The effect of cultism in nigeria tertiary institution.
  • Communication: the key in effective public relation
  • Western culture and the yoruba ethics: a philosophical analysis
  • Influence of television viewing on young adult’s deviant behaviour
  • The influence of television viewing on young adult’s deviant behaviour
  • Assessment of effect of the media on performance of islamic studies students in secondary schools
  • An assessment of mass media availability and level of usage in the teaching and learning
  • The relationship between television viewing and aggressive behaviour
  • Semantic and lexis used in the selected household adverts aired in television media houses in nigeria
  • Usage of news pictures in newspaper
  • Newspaper coverage of nigeria 2015 general election
  • Television as a tool for moulding public opinion
  • An evaluation of role of the media and national security in nigeria
  • Agenda setting in nigeria newspaper and challenges in rural development
  • Instances of data driven journalism in the daily trust 2016-2018
  • Television as tool for students education and development in nigeria
  • Television viewership among students of secondary school students
  • Television viewing habit among families
  • Influence of animated cartoons on the behavioral development
  • Attitude and perception of female students towards journalism as a career
  • Television advertisement of milo beverage on consumers purchasing habit among residents
  • Cultural impact on women education
  • Role of radio in achieving millennium development goals (mdgs)
  • Role of radio in mobilising electorate towards participating in governorship election
  • An assessment of the role of mass media in rebranding nigeria
  • Impact of radio in political mobilisation of electorate
  • Role of radio and interpersonal communication in the eradication of malaria
  • Role of radio in propagating yoruba culture
  • The impact of social media on modern journalism practices in nigeria
  • Influence of billboard advertisement in the promotion of lux soap
  • The effect of consumer perception on advertising message on buying behaviour
  • Influence of graphics communication on the newspaper publication and patronage
  • Influence of media credibility on news consumption among civil servants
  • Role of public relations in enhancing peace in higher institutions
  • Impact of mass media campaign on reduction of malaria
  • Influence of billboard advertisement in promoting dark and lovely hair relaxer to pedestrians
  • The impact of radio on political participation
  • The impact of women in advertisement
  • The nigeria press and ethics of journalism profession
  • Problems of private media management in nigeria
  • Relevance of public relations in health institutions
  • Role of community newspapers in political awareness
  • Roles of print media in creating awareness against drug abuse
  • Role of mass media in crusade against terrorism
  • The role of mass media towards the eradication of child trafficking in nigeria
  • Influence of home video on the moral behaviour
  • Influence of online news on the traditional newspaper patronage
  • The influence of sms political advertising (messages) on voting pattern of electorates in the 2015 governorship election
  • Social media advertising and its influence on audience preference of similar product
  • Radio leadership pattern among market women in nigeria
  • Role of mass media in achieving a sustainable health care in nigeria
  • Influence of outdoor advertising on the consumers
  • Problems and prospects of media management in nigeria
  • Assessment of the role of broadcast media in the sensitization towards environmental sanitation
  • Perception of on media coverage of boko-haram insurgency in nigeria
  • Impact of newspaper advertisement
  • Mass media and crusade against boko haram
  • Influence of audio drama in educating youths on hiv/aids and sex
  • Challenges of newspaper circulation in nigeria
  • The use of english language in nigerian television drama
  • Role of radio in mobilizing electorate for the general election
  • Perception of students towards social media
  • Influence of maggi star kitchen family show in educating women on their food preparation
  • Attitude and perception of people towards transit advertisement
  • File encryption and hash system using advanced encryption system
  • Use of information and communication technologies among academics in nigerian universities
  • Influences of media ownership patterns on media freedom and professionalism in nigeria
  • Improving network security using key stroke dynamics
  • Factors influencing the selection or procurement methods for construction works in nigeria
  • Effects of information technology audit controls in financial institutions
  • Assessment of the x-lib and lib+ library software in academic and special libraries in nigeria The role of radio in the political mobilization of women
  • The influence of online journalism on revenue generation of nigeria news media
  • The influence of advertisement on consumer behaviour
  • The impacts of television advertisement on the mental development of children
  • The impacts of public relations on corporate organization
  • The impacts of ineffective communication on organization efficiency in nigeria
  • The impacts of governments ownership on media objectivity
  • The impacts of billboard advertising on product promotion
  • The evaluation of the effectiveness of radio jingles on family planning programmes
  • The effects of television commercials on buying habits
  • The effects of sales promotions on customer growth in the nigerian mobile telecommunication industry
  • The dynamics of digital technology in television broadcasting in nigeria
  • The dynamics of digital technology in television broadcasting
  • The comparative study of the performance of government owned and privately owned broadcasting media organization
  • Students’ perception of tertiary music studies
  • Prospects and challenges of mobile banking technology in nigeria
  • New media as a tool for effective and efficient communication tool among nigerian students
  • Impacts of social media in modern journalism in nigeria
  • Impacts of social media in modern journalism
  • Evaluation of newspaper coverage of pink pearl foundation breast cancer campaigns
  • Communication as a tool for enhancing organizational performances
  • Attitude of university female mass communication students towards journalism as a career
  • Analysis on the 2015 election campaign flayer-poster
  • An evaluation of the impacts of campus journalism in nigerian polytechnics
  • An evaluation of internal financial controls in public hospitals
  • An assessment of internet compliance news in gathering by journalists
  • A study on the level of efficiency and productivity in the public sector
  • A study of the knowledge and perceptions of students on the issue of the menace of brown envelope syndrome
  • A case for community radio in the development of okuama, eku and jeddo communities
  • The effect of government ownership and control of mass media objectivity reporting
  • The effect of akbc tv peak milk advertising on the consumers buying habit
  • Perception of cyber crime among nigerian youths
  • Influence of news censorship on the performance of media houses in ngeria
  • Impact of mobile phone on agricultutral information
  • Impact of information and communication technology (ict) on radio news
  • Effect of public relations on the customer
  • Audience perception of nigerian newspaper on the internet
  • Effectiveness of interpersonal communication on community development
  • Tv educational programmes and cognitive abilities of students
  • Influence of social media on educational performance of children
  • Impact of advertising on select hotels profitability
  • The effectiveness of akbc radio programme akwa ibom today in political mobilization of women
  • The assessment of exxonmobil corporate social responsibilities
  • The effect of violence movies on teenagers
  • Influence of airtel billboard advertisement on consumers patronage
  • Effectiveness of written communication on organizational performance
  • Public relations and staff harmony
  • Effectiveness of akbc radio news commentaries on social change
  • The impact of internet on the reading habit of nigerian students
  • Infuence of akbc radio indomie noodle commercials on the buying habit of consumers
  • Communication and organizational management
  • Effectiveness of traditional mode of communication in conflict resolution
  • The influence of advertising on consumers brand preference of star maggi
  • Influence of nta 12 programme “nuptial bliss” on viewers
  • Ikot ekpene audience perception of akbc television news commercialization
  • Influence of interpersonal communication on community development
  • Influence of nta – uyo programme “esa iban” on ibibio cultural promotion
  • The influence of gratification on journalism practice
  • The influence of akbc radio programme aids and you on listerners
  • The effects of akbc radio in political mobilization of women
  • Effectiveness of planet radio programme “ifiok” in the enhancement of rural development
  • Customer relations practice and patronage of banks
  • The influence of journalism code of ethics on journalism practice
  • Influence of information and communication technologies on work performance
  • The impact of public relations attitude of personnel
  • Influence of ict on modern day practice of broadcasts journalism

Seminar Topics for Mass Communication Students in ND, HND, BSC, and MSC

  • Influence of public relations on customers’ satisfaction
  • Effect of information and communication technology in banking
  • The roles of public relation in crisis management
  • Influence of billboard advertising on the patronage of pepsi cola
  • Influence of information and communication technnology (ict) on radio news reporting
  • The influence of government policies on broadcasting
  • Influence of akbc – radio programme “market guide” on listeners
  • Impact of computer on the practice of journalism
  • Opinion leaders influence on voters decision in ikot ekpene during the 2015 general election
  • Impact of awareness of media campaign on drug abuse among undergraduates
  • Impact of information and communication technologies in banking sector
  • Copy right and the entertainment industry in nigeria coson in focus
  • An assessment of mass media’s role in the campaign against drug abuse in nigeria
  • Impact of home movie on the life students of tertiary institution in nigeria
  • The impact of the press in shaping nigerian political structure
  • Nigeria’s image and the place of the public relation in its reconstruction
  • The impact of advertising in a corporate organization
  • The impact of using celebrities in television advertisement
  • The role of esbs radio on rural development
  • Social responsibility roles of the nigeria press in obasanjo’s leadership, a fulfillment or betrayal
  • Impact of public relations on crisis management of multi-national corporations
  • The role of radio in improving the educational system
  • The role of radio in mobilising women for politics in nigeria
  • The role of the press in a democracy (the press in perspective)
  • Solving the problem of perennial cash scarcity (among workers) through the membership of ctls
  • The effects of television advertisements on the buying habit of consumers [peak milk advert in perspective]
  • The impact of western television programmes on the cultural values of the nigerian youths
  • The influence of social media on youths in nigeria
  • The role of modern technology in achieving communication efficiency in nigeria
  • The role of public relations in enhancing customers satisfaction in a government perastattals
  • Reporters responsibilities and the urban ” rural news imbalances in nigerian newspapers
  • Television viewing habits of nigerian elites
  • The effect of good public relation and organized promotions on the achievement of marketing objective
  • The advent of modern communication gadgets: implications for nigerian journalism
  • Mass media and the management of human rights abuses in nigeria
  • Press freedom in african society
  • Western media contents and nigerian youths: issues and challenges
  • An assessment of mass media role in supporting women employment campaign in nigeria
  • Assessment of the role of the media in anti – corruption campaign
  • Attitude of female mass communication students towards journalism as a career
  • Attitude of mass communication students towards journalism as a career
  • Documenting human rights violations in the age of internet in africa
  • Moral probity and youth development in nigeria
  • Public relations as a tool for conflict resolution in nitel territorial office
  • Sales promotion as a panacea for improved sales the nigeria botlling company experience
  • The role of third world news agencies in global dissemination of information
  • A comparative study on the importance of pidgin english in broadcasting
  • Distribution of bread in metropolis problems and prospects
  • Effect of mass media campaign on the hiv and aids menace in nigeria
  • Impact of home movie on the life of students of tertiary institution in nigeria
  • Mass media and coverage of health awareness system in nigeria
  • Mass media coverage of rural development news
  • Impact of radio campaign against human trafficking
  • Impact of urhobo voice newspaper on national development
  • The impact of breath-away programmes (crbc-tv) on children as related to social behavioral problems in nigeria
  • Impact of broadcasting service (e.s.b.s) radio on voters’ mobilizaiton during election in 2011
  • Impact of integrated marketing communication (imc) on brand building
  • Impact of “ka oh malu” radio nigeria, enugu phone-in programme on residents
  • Impact of nta entertainment programmes on youths
  • Impact of pornographic films on nigerian youths
  • Impact of radio nigeria enugus awareness campaign on global warming
  • Impact of the “the fast and furious” (action film) on the social behavioural pattern of students
  • Impact of top rank hotels profitability through advertising in n.t.a
  • Influence of information and communication technologies (icts) in news gathering
  • Influence of home videos on the moral behavior of students
  • Influence of nigerian television authority (n.t.a.) In improving rural health care services
  • Influence of opinion leaders in the development of arable farming
  • Influence of radio ownership on professional journalism practice
  • Influence of second chance
  • Public relations as a tool of industrial harmony
  • The role of imo broadcasting corporation in the rural education development
  • Role of independent television benin in political mobilization of rural areas
  • Role of “na so i see am” programme of murhi international television (mitv) in the integration of yoruba and egun ethnic groups
  • Role of nta in the campaign against hiv/aids in rural area
  • Role of public relations in crisis management
  • Roles of radio in combating drug abuse among university students
  • The impact of benue this week a radio benue programme on the rural development
  • The impact of nta in the economic development
  • The role of independent television benin in political mobilization of rural areas in nigeria
  • Traditional institutions as instrument for rural development
  • Violations of ethical journalism among media practitioners in nigeria. Causes, effects and solutions
  • The effect of radio programmes on teenage pregnancy in rural communities
  • The effect of foreign films on teenagers in nigeria
  • Television as a means of cultural promotion in our indigenous environment
  • Readership of sports pages of nigerian tribune among students
  • Radio programme: a tool for effective home management
  • Radio: an effective medium of reaching the largest audience
  • Impact of radio broadcast on rural areas/communities
  • Impact of electronic media on the development of rural area (radio and television)
  • Effectiveness of private television stations in cultural promotion
  • Effect of trado – medical advertising on human health and broadcast meadia
  • Effect of ownership control on broadcast media
  • Adherence level of journalist to journalism code of conducts
  • A study of challenges facing independent broadcast programme producers
  • Contribution of television advertisement to consumption of alcoholic drinks confidentiality
  • Effect of indigenous language in outdoor advertising of goldberg beer on youths
  • Impact of television advert on consumers purchasing habit of rural community dweller’s
  • Public relations as the surviving force of political organisations in nigeria
  • The effect of foreign films on youth
  • The effect of foreign home video films on nigerian teenagers
  • The effect of public relations practice in government institutions
  • The effectiveness of advertisement on newly established institution
  • The role of information and communication technology in the management of tertiary institutions
  • The role of the internet in research and information dissemination amongst students
  • The role of social media in creating of awareness during 2015 general election in nigeria
  • The use of public relations as a means of fostering mutual understanding between an organization and its publics
  • The effects of advertising on sales volume in a manufacturing industry
  • Advertising as a tool for increasing profitability of manufacturing industries
  • Influence of campus journalism in nigerian polytechnics: causes, effects and recommendation
  • Mother tongue interference in the pronounciation of english words among broadcasters
  • The advent of modern communication gadgets implication on nigerian journalism
  • The challenges and prospects of a campus radio (fm) station: what it should be and what it is
  • The effect of foreign movies on nigerian culture


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250+ Communication Research Topics & Ideas for Students to Consider

Communication Research Paper Topics

Table of contents


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Picture this: you're sitting at your desk, racking your brain for a killer communication research paper topic. You've scrolled through countless websites, but nothing is resonating. Sounds frustrating, right?

Well, good news – your search ends here. Our blog has been carefully designed to combat this exact problem by providing a broad array of unique communication research topics. Aimed at students like you, it offers topics that are not only relevant, but also engaging and thought-provoking.

We invite you to dive into these communication research paper topics, sure to set your communication study on the right track. They're ready to be picked, expanded, or simply serve as a spark to ignite your creativity. Forget the nightmare of topic selection! With our blog, that's a problem of the past. Dive in this collection from our paper writers online and let the inspiration flow!

What Are Communication Research Topics?

Communication studies is an academic field that integrates aspects of sociology, psychology, media and politics to examine human communication. It's an incredibly dynamic field that explores how information is transmitted and understood among people, organizations, cultures, or nations. 

In this regard, communication research topics cover a wildly diverse range of areas. Some subjects might revolve around understanding social media algorithms, while others focus on the power of political speeches. Basically, if your research explores sending, receiving, and understanding of messages – it fits right into communication studies.

Characteristics of Good Communication Research Paper Topics

Finding the right communication topics for a research paper is like looking for the perfect ingredient. It's not just about grabbing the first thing you see. Instead, you need to select a topic that satisfies your professor’s requirements and adds value to the academic conversation. 

So, what makes a communication research paper topic truly stand out? The answer is simple. You should be governed by a few key attributes that elevate a topic from good to great. Below are some of these features:

  • Present-time significance Choose a topic that resonates with contemporary issues. These subjects may vary from understanding the impact of social media on public discourse to exploring the ethics in digital advertising.
  • Novelty Communication field is vast, but repetitive themes can lose their appeal. Strive for novelty. A fresh viewpoint or a new exploration in a familiar domain can make your paper truly distinctive.
  • Practicality Grand ideas are wonderful, but an effective topic is the one that can be comfortably researched given your resources and timeframe. Consider your access to data, available literature, and your expertise while navigating through research topics for communication.
  • Personal engagement A study should keep you involved. Your own enthusiasm can make the research process more rewarding.
  • Precision A crucial attribute is the scope. An overly broad topic can lead to a surface-level discussion, while a hyper-narrow theme can limit the scope of your research. Make sure your communication research topic keeps that balance.

How to Choose a Communication Research Topic?

Selecting a good research topic in communication can be a time-consuming process since there are many areas to pick from. But with these steps, making a choice can be way easier.

  • Discover Stay updated with the latest trends, theories, and debates in communication studies. This can help you identify emerging or important areas that could form the basis of your title.
  • Ideate Generate a list of possible topics for communication research based on your readings, interests, and specific requirements. Ensure these themes are intriguing and meet instructions.
  • Refine Critically assess your ideas considering the availability of resources for research. Narrow down your list to ideas that can be researched with the resources you have.
  • Finalize Select a theme that you are genuinely interested in. Confirm your choice after discussing it with your mentors, peers or online research paper writing service .

Communication Research Topics List

Before you begin searching, remember to align your topic with your instructor's guidelines and course objectives. Our expert term paper writers have curated a list of engaging communication research paper topics. These ideas, both intriguing and diverse, can provide a robust starting point for your exploration.

  • Impact of emojis on digital conversation.
  • Non-verbal cues in virtual meetings.
  • Evolution of political discourse on social media.
  • Crisis communication in the age of Twitter.
  • Role of memes in shaping public opinion.
  • Ethics of persuasion in advertising.
  • Are podcasts a new form of storytelling?
  • Influence of cultural nuances on business communication.
  • Fake news and media literacy.
  • Language barriers in international diplomacy.
  • Social media influencers as modern change-makers.
  • Impact of technology on interpersonal communication.
  • Role of humor in effective communication.
  • How does workplace diversity affect communication styles?
  • Accessibility in digital communication.

Interesting Communication Research Topics

Great communications research topics should also tackle real-world issues and invite further exploration. We've tailored our suggestions to align with these criteria, aiming to pique your curiosity. Here are fascinating topics that you might find interesting:

  • Role of communication in climate change awareness.
  • Deconstructing political rhetoric in election campaigns.
  • Can emojis replace words in digital conversations?
  • Impact of influencers on consumer behavior.
  • Fake news and public trust in media.
  • Miscommunication: Root causes and effects.
  • Bridging cultural gaps in international negotiations.
  • Understanding gender dynamics in conversation.
  • Ethical boundaries in persuasive advertising.
  • Memes as a form of political commentary.
  • Podcasts: Reviving oral traditions in a digital age?
  • Influence of social media on body image.
  • Digital detox: A solution for information overload?
  • Negotiating language barriers in global diplomacy.
  • What impact does social media have on public opinion?

Good Communication Research Topics

If you are still in search of something more specific, the following communication research topics ideas can help. They cover a range of disciplines and avenues for exploration, from healthcare research topics to business topics and ideas.

  • Crisis communication in natural disasters.
  • Role of body language in job interviews.
  • Digital activism: Effective tool or just noise?
  • How does social media shape our self-image?
  • Impact of AI on interpersonal communication.
  • Ethics and transparency in public relations.
  • Humor as a communication tool in education.
  • Can language shape our perception of reality?
  • Exploring intercultural communication in multinational companies.
  • Analyzing propaganda techniques in modern media.
  • Role of storytelling in organizational leadership.
  • Communication strategies in health campaigns.
  • Power dynamics in family conversations.
  • Navigating digital communication etiquette: Do’s and don'ts.
  • Is anonymity empowering or threatening in online communication?

Simple Communication Research Paper Topics

Browsing through tons of research topics in communication can quickly become overwhelming if not managed properly. To simplify the process, these easy yet comprehensive ideas may be of help.

  • Role of silence in effective communication.
  • Influence of celebrity endorsements on brand image.
  • Impact of texting on language skills.
  • Social media as a tool for social change.
  • Power of non-verbal communication in public speaking.
  • Exploring communication styles across cultures.
  • Understanding effective communication in sports teams.
  • Cyberbullying: A new face of aggression?
  • Role of communication in customer service excellence.
  • Music as a universal language: Myth or reality?
  • Exploring personal space in different cultures.
  • Are billboards still effective advertising tools?
  • Impact of language proficiency on academic performance.
  • Bridging generational gaps through effective communication.
  • Role of communication in conflict resolution.

Latest Communication Research Topics

Keeping pace with the latest trends is crucial, as it allows you to tap into contemporary debates. It's about understanding the pulse of the present, exploring the new, and challenging the status quo. To help you get involved in these current discussions, here are some trending communication topics for research:

  • Role of TikTok in shaping youth culture.
  • Impact of remote work on team communication.
  • Is cancel culture affecting freedom of speech?
  • Rise of mental health conversations on social media.
  • Understanding AI's role in customer service communication.
  • Influencer marketing: Revolutionizing traditional advertising?
  • Dealing with misinformation in the era of instant news.
  • Impact of virtual reality on interpersonal communication.
  • Communication strategies in pandemic crisis management.
  • Role of livestreaming in shaping consumer behavior.
  • Can chatbots replace human customer service?
  • NFTs and their impact on digital art communication.
  • E-sports communication: New rules of the game.
  • Voice technology: Future of human-machine communication?
  • Communication patterns in online learning environments.

Communication Research Topic Ideas for Students

Requirements to research differ depending on the academic level. If you are searching for research topics on communication divided into separate groups based on their academic complexity, don’t go any further. Below we selected the best communication research ideas for both college and university students.

Communication Research Paper Topics for College Students

College-level studies require a more sophisticated approach than a high-school one. You should explore beyond the surface and engage critically with various facets of communication. To meet these academic expectations, we offer you a selection of communication research topics for college students.

  • Biases in news media coverage.
  • Understanding communication breakdown in diplomatic relations.
  • Role of data visualization in business communication.
  • The psychology of persuasion in advertising.
  • Impact of subliminal messaging in advertising.
  • Cross-cultural communication in global business.
  • Role of LinkedIn in professional networking.
  • Impact of language nuances on legal communication.
  • Political correctness in public discourse: Necessity or limitation?
  • Social media algorithms and user behavior.
  • Analyzing crisis communication in the airline industry.
  • Impact of cyber communication on teenage self-esteem.
  • Exploring echo chambers in digital media.
  • Communication strategies for environmental advocacy.
  • Role of whistleblowers in corporate communication.

Communication Research Paper Topics for University Students

University-level research is often more intensive and complex. To help you cope with this, we've prepared a selection of communication research topics for university students. These ideas should give you plenty of material to investigate.

  • Impact of bilingualism on interpersonal communication.
  • Role of visual aids in classroom communication.
  • AI's influence on journalism: A revolution?
  • Social networking sites: Anxieties and self-presentation.
  • How does music communicate cultural identities?
  • Body language in job interviews: What does it communicate?
  • Gated communities and their communication culture.
  • Graffiti: A form of social communication?
  • Comics: Communicating societal issues through art.
  • Silent films: Mastering communication without words.
  • Decoding communication in dance forms across cultures.
  • Role of color in marketing communication.
  • Dealing with information overload in the digital age.
  • Visual communication in the age of Instagram and Snapchat.
  • The impact of dark social on marketing.

Research Topics in Communication by Subject

Navigating through different communication research paper topics can be daunting, which is why we've categorized them by subject for your convenience. Whether you're focused on interpersonal communication, media studies, or communication technology, there's something here for everyone. Below, you'll find an array of communication paper topics, thoughtfully organized to cater to your specific academic needs.

Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages. It's not just about what is said or expressed, but also how it's perceived and understood. Below are some interpersonal communication research paper topics you might find interesting:

  • Impact of language barriers on interpersonal relationships.
  • Perception of sarcasm in online communication.
  • Power dynamics in family communication.
  • Self-disclosure in romantic relationships: Benefit or bane?
  • Face-to-face vs. digital communication.
  • Exploring communication styles in leadership roles.
  • Interpersonal communication in multi-generational workplaces.
  • Art of persuasion in interpersonal communication.
  • Examining the role of empathy in effective communication.
  • Listening skills: Their impact on interpersonal relationships.
  • The role of humor in easing interpersonal tensions.
  • Social etiquette: Unspoken rules of interpersonal communication.
  • Impact of cultural norms on interpersonal communication.
  • Role of interpersonal communication in fostering team spirit.
  • The psychology of small talk.

Intercultural Communication Research Topics

Intercultural communication investigates how people from different societies interact and communicate with each other. It encompasses various topics, including language acquisition, cultural identity, political discourse, cross-cultural differences in business communication, and more. Here are some intercultural communication topics for research papers to get you started:

  • Body language: Deciphering variations across cultures.
  • Cultural adaptations in international business communication.
  • Etiquette in digital correspondence between representatives of different cultures.
  • Role of cultural intelligence in effective intercultural communication.
  • Impact of cultural stereotyping on communication.
  • Religious sensitivities in intercultural dialogue.
  • Challenges in international diplomacy.
  • Interpreting emotions across cultures.
  • Exploring cultural nuances in humor.
  • Role of intercultural communication in global marketing.
  • Cross-cultural adaptation of immigrants: Communication barriers and breakthroughs.
  • Cultural perceptions of privacy in communication.
  • Role of translation in intercultural understanding.
  • Impact of globalization on intercultural communication.
  • How cultural backgrounds affect negotiation tactics.

Communication Research Paper Topics on Public Relations

Public relations involve strategic communication and relationships between organizations, their target audiences, customers, suppliers, employees, media stakeholders, and other relevant publics. Below are some topics related to communication and public relations:

  • Ethics in PR: Navigating gray areas.
  • Social media's influence on modern PR strategies.
  • Celebrity endorsements: A PR perspective.
  • Public relations and communication in corporate social responsibility.
  • PR for start-ups: Building a brand from scratch.
  • The influence of PR on consumer decision-making.
  • PR in sports: Handling controversies and scandals.
  • Environmental PR: Advocating for sustainability.
  • Impact of fake news on PR practices.
  • Diversity and inclusion in PR campaigns.
  • PR and event management: Making a splash.
  • Dealing with PR failures: Lessons from high-profile cases.
  • PR in the hospitality industry: Ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • How does PR shape the public image of celebrities?
  • Communication strategies for handling negative PR.

Mass Communication Research Topics

Mass communication is a mechanism for disseminating information and ideas to large audiences. It can be used for educational, marketing, or advertising purposes. Here are some of the best mass communications research topics on offer:

  • Influence of political bias in news reporting.
  • Analyzing audience behavior in the digital age.
  • Impact of sensationalism on news quality.
  • How mass communication shapes societal norms.
  • Mass communication in health promotion campaigns.
  • Effects of product placement in television shows.
  • Understanding censorship in mass media.
  • Media literacy: The need for critical consumption.
  • Role of mass communication in electoral politics.
  • Effects of celebrity culture on mass audiences.
  • Representation of minority groups in mainstream media.
  • Pop culture influence on youth.
  • Role of mass communication in environmental awareness.
  • Impact of digital platforms on print journalism.
  • Mass communication and its effect on consumer behavior.

Communication Research Topics on Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate, with far-reaching implications for marketing and public relations. Below are some research topics in communication for your next social media essay or project:

  • Balancing privacy and connectivity on social platforms.
  • What makes content shareable?
  • Brands navigating cancel culture on social platforms.
  • Social media and mental health: Exploring connections.
  • LinkedIn etiquette: Navigating professional communication online.
  • Snapchat's influence on short-term content consumption.
  • Crisis management on social media: Case studies.
  • The evolution of Facebook's news feed algorithm.
  • How does social media affect political discourse?
  • Twitch and the rise of livestreaming cultures.
  • Ethical considerations in data mining on social platforms.
  • Digital activism: Social media's role in social movements.
  • Analyzing the growth and influence of TikTok.
  • Determining the impact of fake news on voting preferences.
  • Pros and cons of using AI for content moderation.

>> View more: Social Media Research Paper Topics

Communication Research Topics on Journalism

Journalism is an integral part of our society as it informs and shapes a public opinion. As this field evolves, especially with digital technology, new research angles constantly arise. We did our best to collect the best journalism communication related topics below:

  • Challenges of investigative journalism in the digital age.
  • Citizen journalism versus traditional journalism.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in news generation.
  • Journalism ethics in the era of "clickbait."
  • Combating fake news: Strategies for news outlets.
  • The impact of podcasts on journalism.
  • Role of photojournalism in conflict reporting.
  • Impact of social media on newsroom practices.
  • 24/7 news cycle: A boon or a bane?
  • Exploring objectivity in political journalism.
  • The decline of print media: What's next?
  • Environmental journalism and its role in climate change awareness.
  • Multimedia communication: Integration of text, audio, and video.
  • Journalism's role in fostering social change.
  • The rise and impact of opinion journalism.

Communication Research Ideas on Negotiations

Negotiations are at the heart of business communication and diplomacy, making them a highly relevant topic of research. Explore these research topics about communication and negotiations:

  • Role of cultural understanding in international negotiations.
  • How do emotions affect negotiation outcomes?
  • Strategies for dealing with deadlock.
  • The art of persuasive language in communication.
  • Power dynamics in business negotiations.
  • The effect of gender stereotypes on negotiation.
  • Online negotiations: New rules and dynamics.
  • The psychology of 'win-win' scenarios.
  • Pre-negotiation stage: Preparation and its importance.
  • Building trust in communication processes.
  • Negotiation styles across different industries.
  • The role of ethics in negotiations.
  • The impact of negotiation training on business outcomes.
  • Strategies to handle aggressive negotiators.
  • Do introverts or extroverts negotiate better?

Virtual Communication Topics for a Research Paper

Virtual communication refers to the process of exchanging information between two or more people within a simulated environment. This could be anything from social media platforms to online gaming forums, virtual reality, and computer-mediated conferencing. Here are some digital communication research paper topics to consider:

  • Exploring how virtual teams bridge geographic divides.
  • Investigating how emojis and emoticons are changing language norms.
  • Defining digital etiquette and rules for the new age.
  • Virtual communication and work-life balance.
  • What is the role of virtual reality in revolutionizing communication?
  • Is social media a friend or foe in professional communication?
  • The evolution of language in the age of texting.
  • How does 5G influence our communication habits?
  • Is e-learning an effective method or just a convenient option?
  • How to navigate misinformation in online conversations?
  • Telemedicine marks a new era for healthcare communication.
  • Are virtual meetings a productivity booster or a time waster?
  • Is blockchain a game changer for secure communication?
  • The use of virtual reality in public speaking training.
  • Digital communication and the paradox of loneliness.

Communication Research Topics on Advertising

Advertising is the process of attracting attention to products and services through various forms of communication — from TV commercials to creative content marketing campaigns. Take a look at these advertising communication research ideas to pick a fitting topic:

  • How does emotional appeal work in advertising campaigns?
  • How do colors influence purchasing decisions in advertising?
  • Can humor in advertising guarantee a positive response?
  • The role of nostalgia in marketing campaigns.
  • How do different cultures react to the same ad?
  • Analyzing the communication techniques in Nike's 'Just Do It' campaign.
  • Evaluating the 'Got Milk?' campaign: The role of concise messaging.
  • The influence of McDonald's 'I'm Lovin' It' campaign on consumer behavior.
  • The impact of Apple's 'Think Different' campaign on brand perception.
  • Analysis of 'Share a Coke' ad: Personalization as a communication tool.
  • The 'Because You're Worth It' campaign by L'Oreal: A study in self-affirmative messaging.
  • 'Don't Be Evil': Understanding Google's corporate identity through its original slogan.
  • How are 'Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt' (FUD) used in smear campaigns?
  • How do 'Calls to Action' affect the success of digital campaigns?
  • The role of user-generated content in advertising.

>> More ideas: Marketing Research Topics

Communication Research Topics on Leadership

Leadership is all about effective communication. Leaders must be able to communicate their vision effectively in order for their followers to understand and buy into it. Below are some communication research topic ideas for your leadership essay or scholarly study.

  • Impact of transformational leadership communication on employee morale.
  • Persuasive techniques of successful women leaders.
  • Leadership and team productivity: The unspoken connection.
  • Comparison of narrative styles among autocratic and democratic leaders.
  • Communication pitfalls in leadership.
  • Effect of non-verbal communication in leadership efficacy.
  • Role of effective message conveying in conflict resolution among leaders.
  • Analysis of Steve Jobs' leadership communication style.
  • Assertive message conveyance and its effect on leadership success.
  • How does style of expression influence perception of leadership?
  • Importance of cultural intelligence in leadership communication.
  • Emotional intelligence and empathy in leadership.
  • Role of open dialogue in leadership and trust building.
  • Examining the importance of listening skills in effective leadership.
  • Communication strategies for leading remote teams.

Extra Communication Research Topic Ideas

As the field of communication is vast and encompasses multiple subjects, not all topics find their exact match in pre-established categories. For those unique, fascinating, and sometimes offbeat communication research paper topics, we have created an extra section. Here, you can explore additional ideas that although didn't neatly fit into a particular category, hold immense research potential.

Communication Research Questions

Are you about to write a research paper or a dissertation in communication but haven't settled on a topic yet? If so, then you can consider one of the following communication research questions:

  • In what ways has COVID-19 influenced remote communication techniques?
  • Can online video platforms replace face-to-face meetings fully?
  • How do different age groups perceive and interpret memes?
  • Is digital detox a viable solution for communication overload?
  • How does color psychology influence marketing communication?
  • What role does silence play in non-verbal dialogue?
  • How do political leaders use body language in public speaking?
  • How has podcasting influenced knowledge dissemination?
  • What are the communication challenges faced by astronauts during space missions?
  • Can communication training improve emotional intelligence?
  • How does culture impact our perception of visual communication?
  • How is AI changing the landscape of communication in healthcare?
  • Does text messaging and instant messaging deteriorate writing skills?
  • How does bilingualism influence communication styles?
  • What role does music play in cross-cultural communication?

Research Topics on Communication for Exam

If you have scrolled down this far, chances are you are about to take an exam on communication topics. To help you make the best of your exam preparation, we've compiled a list of communication research paper topics that you might face on your exam.

  • Evolving trends in workplace interactions.
  • The impact of social media on personal connections.
  • Ethical considerations in journalistic practices.
  • Influence of culture on conversation styles.
  • Symbolism in advertising messages.
  • Effect of virtual reality on social interactions.
  • The role of storytelling in organizational dialogue.
  • Gender differences in dialogue styles.
  • Importance of active listening in effective exchanges.
  • How leadership effectiveness is influenced by dialogue techniques.
  • Effects of mass media on societal behavior.
  • AI's impact on future interaction systems.
  • Technological advancements in telecommunication fields.
  • How does noise affect the quality of conversation?
  • Influence of personal branding on messaging.

Main Approaches to Studying Communication

Scholars have developed multiple frameworks to study this discipline. These techniques provide the backbone to many communication research studies and guide how we understand, analyze, and interpret messages. In the subsequent section, you can see 4 major approaches to studying communication, each offering a unique perspective.

Bottom Line on Research Topics About Communication

We hope that this assortment of communication research paper topics will aid you in finding the right idea. Keep in mind that the research questions are just a starting point. Don’t hesitate to build on them or explore related sub-topics based on the direction your project takes. And remember to always cite properly when using existing studies for your paper. From how to cite a book in APA to how to cite a journal in MLA or create a Chicago website citation , we’ve collected the latest guidelines and examples for any citation format.


If you're feeling overwhelmed or simply need some expert guidance, reach out to our team of academic professionals. They all have solid experience in the field and are eager to assist you. Just say " write my research paper ," and get your project done in no time.


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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