Do you wonder how long it takes to deliver your speech?

This website helps you convert the number of words into the time it takes to deliver your speech, online and for free. This tool is useful when preparing a speech or a presentation. The number of minutes you will take is dependent on the number of words and your speed of speech, or reading speed.

Note: This calculator provides an indication only.

Enter details below

The overview below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 130 words per minute):

  • Words in a 1 minute speech 130 words
  • Words in a 2 minute speech 260 words
  • Words in a 3 minute speech 390 words
  • Words in a 4 minute speech 520 words
  • Words in a 5 minute speech 650 words
  • Words in a 10 minute speech 1300 words
  • Words in a 15 minute speech 1950 words
  • Words in a 20 minute speech 2600 words
  • How long does a 500 word speech take? 3.8 minutes
  • How long does a 1000 word speech take? 7.7 minutes
  • How long does a 1250 word speech take? 9.6 minutes
  • How long does a 1500 word speech take? 11.5 minutes
  • How long does a 1750 word speech take? 13.5 minutes
  • How long does a 2000 word speech take? 15.4 minutes
  • How long does a 2500 word speech take? 19.2 minutes
  • How long does a 5000 word speech take? 38.5 minutes
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  • How many words per minute in a speech

How many words per minute in a speech?

A quick guide for slow, average and fast rates of speech.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

If you're preparing a speech or presentation with a strict time limit it’s useful to have an estimate of the number of words you’ll need to fit the number of minutes you've been given.

And it's even more useful to have those guidelines before you rush into writing, only to discover when you’re done, you’ve written far too much. Something I used to do on a regular basis! (And then, I had the tedious job of pruning to fit.)

What's on this page:

How many words are there in a 1-minute speech, how many words are there in a 2-minute speech, how many words are there in a 3-minute speech, how many words are there in a 4-minute speech, how many words are there in a 5-minute speech, how many words are there in a 6-minute speech, how many words are there in a 7-minute speech, how many words are there in an 8-minute speech, how many words are there in a 9-minute speech, how many words are there in a 10-minute speech, how many words are there in a 15-minute speech, how many words are there in a 20-minute speech, how many words are there in a 25-minute speech, how many words are there in a 30-minute speech.

  • How to calculate your own speech rate: 2 easy methods
  • How many pages is a 4, 7 or 20-minute speech?     

speech number words

About this quick reference guide

The following table (below) shows the average number of words spoken per minute for speeches from 1 to 30 minutes long. It's a quick reference guide: one only intended to provide general information.

Who, and what, is truly average?

An average word count for any timed speech (one minute, two minutes, three, four, five, six...or more, minutes) is impossible to give. As there really is no such thing as an average person, who uses an average rate of words per minute when they speak.

We are individuals: each of us different. Speech patterns and speech (speaking) rates vary considerably between person to person for a great many reasons. The best you’ll ever get is an educated guess.

Use as an estimate: test yourself to be sure

That aside, the following estimates will give you a handy indication of the number of minutes it takes to say x number of words depending on whether you talk at a slow speed, a medium speed or you're one of the world's fast talkers.

(And, no, it's never a good idea to gabble at a mile a minute to fit everything you've prepared into the length of time you've been given!)

To be absolutely sure what you've done will fit the time allocation you've been given it's a good idea to test yourself to establish your own speaking rate or speed of speech .

How many pages is a 'x' minute speech?

Multiple variations on the question how many pages are needed for a speech are frequently asked. For instance:

  • How many pages is a 4-minute speech?
  • How many pages is a 7-minute speech?
  • How many pages is a 20-minute presentation?

Unfortunately, the answer is not simple. Calculating the number of A4 pages of text you need for a speech of any number of minutes long is tricky for two reasons.

How many words are on an A4 page?

The first reason is that the number of words on an A4 page depends on how the page has been formatted. The answers to the questions below make a very big difference to the total number of pages needed to print a speech.

  • What is the font family being used? (Different fonts take up differing amounts of space because of the shape/design of their characters.)  
  • What is the size of the font? (The font size you're reading right now is 20px.)
  • What is the spacing between each of the letters in a word?
  • What is the spacing between each line of text? Is it single spacing, 1.5 or double line spacing?
  • What spacing has been set for paragraphs?
  • What size have the margins of the page been set at?
  • Are there headings? Sub-headings or lists?

On average if the font is plain, (sans-serif, without embellishment), like Arial or Verdana, its size is set for 12px, and the line spacing is set for 1.5, then a page may have between 400-500 words on it.

Speech rate changes how we calculate the number of words we need

The second reason why using the number of pages to gauge how long a speech will take to deliver is problematical is because we speak at different rates. 

A 500-word page may take someone speaking at very slow rate 4 minutes to get through.

Another person, who has a much faster speaking rate, may take about 2.5 minutes to deliver exactly the same text.

Using the number of pages as a guide for a speech that has to fit a time limit is completely unreliable.

If you need to use a 'guesstimate' use the speech rate table below. Forget about counting the pages! 

If you are a slow speaker, less than 120 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 120 - 160 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 160 - 200 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 240 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 240 - 320 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 320 - 400 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 360 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 360 – 480 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 480 - 600 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 480 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 480 – 640 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 640 - 800 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 600 words,

If you speak at an average speed between: 600 – 760 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 760 - 1000 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 720 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 720 – 960 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 960 - 1200 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 840 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 840 – 1120 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1120 - 1400 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 960 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 960 – 1280 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1280 - 1600 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 1080 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1080 – 1440 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1440 - 1800 words.

If you are a slow speaker a little less than 1200 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1200 – 1600 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1600 - 2000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 1,800 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1,800 - 2,400 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 2,400 - 3,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 2,400 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 2,400 - 3,200 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 3,200 - 4,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 3,000 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 3,000 - 4,000 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 4,000 - 5,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 3,600 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 3,600 - 4,800 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 4,800 - 6,000 words.

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Find out more about speech rate

  • How to calculate your own words per minute speech rate - two easy methods
  • The factors influencing a faster rate or slower rate of speech
  • How to develop an ideal rate of speech : one matching content, speech purpose and your audience: six exercises for flexible speaking rate

Words per minute calculator

Lastly here's the link to a useful online words per minutes calculator . Once you've completed your speech enter the total number of words, and select whether you want it to give you an average for a minute of your speech at a slow rate, average or fast rate. Again, it's a 'guesstimate'. ☺

The only really safe way to find out whether your speech fits your time allocation is to say it aloud at an ideal rate or pace: one taking into account the content, and the audience who is going to listen to it, while timing it.

(Use the record function on your phone. It will assist in lots of other ways too! You'll hear where you need more vocal variety, where your pronunciation is blurred ...and, so on. It's super helpful.)

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Speaking time calculator

Type or paste your speech to instantly calculate your speaking time

How does this speech timer work

To begin, delete the sample text and either type in your speech or copy and paste it into the editor.

The average reading speed and speech rate is 200 words per minute and is the default setting above. Once you paste your speech, click “Play” and Speechify will analyze your speech by the number of words and generate a time to speak it at the default rate.

You can listen to your speech in various accents or languages. If you are aiming for a specific timeframe for your speech, click edit to either increase or decrease the number of words to see how long it would take to speak them.

You can also increase or decrease the speaking rate to gauge how fast or slow you should speak in order to get to a specific time with the number of words you have in your speech.

To get to that perfect word count to fit with the speech length time, you’ll have to keep editing between words per minute (WPM) and number of words.

The best part is that you can share your speech in audio format to your friends, relatives, or peers to review it. They can simply click play and listen to your speech.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many words are there in a 1 minute speech.

Based on the average speed of speech, there are 150 words in a 1 minute speech.

How many words are there in a 2 minute speech?

There are 300 words per minute in a 2 minute speech. 2 minutes isn’t a long time so when you speak, you could endure the average speaking rate.

How many words are there in a 3 minute speech?

On average there are 450 words in a 3 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. At the 3 minute mark, even a novice speaker could keep going at the rate they started – with some practice.

How many words are there in a 4 minute speech?

On average there are 600 words in a 4 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. Still, even a novice speaker could maintain the 150 words per minute rate. Try it in the Soundbite above. Set your words per minute and speak along to see if you could endure consistency over 4 minutes.

How many words are there in a 5 minute speech?

On average there are 750 words in a 5 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. While this is simple math, we after all are humans and 5 minutes can be pushing the boundaries of a consistent speech tempo and words per minute.

How many words are there in a 10 minute speech?

In a 10 minute speech aim for 1000 words. The math might tell you 1,500 words but consider your speech. You might need pauses, rest for your voice, dramatic effects, and perhaps even audience interaction. Also, it becomes quite difficult to endure a consistent 150 words per minute speech rate for 10 minutes. Consider your listeners. We doubt very few people would want to listen to a precisely 150 words per minute speech for 10 minutes. It wouldn’t be engaging. And in a speech, you should engage and communicate.

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Introducing Speech Time Calculate

Estimate how many minutes your speeches, presentations, and voice-over scripts will take based on your words per minute rate!

How To Speech Time Calculate Using This Tool?

If you have a certain number of words or a piece of text you want to time, you can either type in the word count or paste the text into the provided area. This tool will then calculate how long it would take to read that text out loud.

The talk time estimate is calculated using the average speaking speed of adults, which is determined to be 183 words per minute based on scientific studies. If you’re interested in how long it would take to read silently, it’s estimated at 238 words per minute ( This data is also backed by research )

You can adjust the slider to change the words per minute value, which will affect the talk time estimate. However, the silent reading time estimate remains fixed at 238 words per minute.

For ease of use, we’ve also provided reference points for slow, average, and fast reading rates below the slider.

To begin anew, simply click the ‘clear text’ button to erase the content and restore the slider back to its original setting of 183.

Who is This Words to Minutes Converter Tool For?

If you are a student wondering how long is my essay or you’ve been tasked with writing a speech and need to know how many words to aim for and how many minutes will it take to deliver or perhaps you are a podcaster, just starting out, who wants the ability to easily synchronize music and spoken word without having to painstakingly calculate seconds between them, then this Speech Time Calculate is precisely for you!

From now on, instead of spending long hours in front of the computer trying to figure out how many seconds it takes for one phrase or section of dialogue to end and another to begin, you can let our innovative tool do all the work and convert your text to time quickly and accurately. With this powerful tool at your disposal, whether you’re giving a TED talk or just need to nail a business presentation, your life will become a little bit easier.

So keep reading to learn more about what this fantastic words to minutes converter has in store for public speakers, aspiring students, and professional radio producers alike!

Whether you want to read the text silently or speak aloud, you can use this tool as both:

  • Reading time calculator
  • Talk time calculator

Explanation of the Reading Time

Reading time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a written text silently while still comprehending its content. Based on an extensive analysis of 190 studies that involved 18,573 participants , research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 suggests that the typical silent reading speed for an adult individual is approximately 238 words per minute .

To convert word count to read time for a specific text, you can do so by dividing the total word count of the text by this established value of 238. Here is the mathematical equation for determining the duration of reading time in minutes:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238

Explanation of the Speech Time

Speech time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a text out loud. Based on data from 77 studies involving 5,965 people , it’s been found that most adults read aloud at a speed of approximately 183 words per minute ( research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 ). To figure out how long it will take to read a specific piece of text aloud, you can divide the total number of words in the text by this average rate of 183 words per minute.

Of course, it’s important to note that talk time can vary depending on factors such as clarity of speech, pauses for emphasis, and use of visual aids. However, using this tool for converting the number of words to minutes can still provide a helpful guideline for planning and practicing your presentation. By having a better understanding of speech rates, you can ensure that your message is delivered effectively and efficiently.

Benefits of Using a Speech Time Calculate

Time management in presentations.

Effective time management during presentations is crucial to ensure the audience remains engaged and the information is accurately conveyed. This is where our words to speaking time converter comes in handy. By using this tool, presenters can easily determine how many words they need to include in their presentation to stay within the allotted time frame.

Not only does it help with time management, but it also ensures that the pacing of the presentation is consistent, making it easier for the audience to follow. With the use of this presentation time calculator, presenters can confidently deliver their presentations without the worry of running over time or rushing through it.

Estimated speech time for public speaking

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have too little or too much information to fill your time slot. You wonder only if there were an accurate public speaking time calculator available so that you could be able to allocate the appropriate amount of time to each section of your presentation, ensuring that you cover all the necessary points without rushing or going over time.

Effective pacing is key in ensuring your message is delivered with clarity and impact.

Most public speakers target an average of 130-150 words per minute for their spoken content, meaning you should aim to limit your speaking time to roughly one minute per 130-150 words. While this may take some practice to achieve, the end result is a confident, well-timed delivery that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

Remember, in public speaking, less is often more—take your time to breathe and emphasize key points. Your audience will appreciate your thoughtful and measured approach. For that, you can use this tool and adjust your words to speech time.

Accurate estimations for audiobooks and podcasts

As more and more people turn to audiobooks and podcasts for their entertainment and information needs, accurate estimations of listening time have become more important than ever. After all, there’s nothing worse than settling in for a quick listen only to find yourself trapped in a story that goes on for hours longer than you anticipated.

That’s why it’s great to see publishers and podcast producers taking estimated reading time seriously, providing listeners with the information they need to choose the right content for their schedule. Whether you’re looking for a quick listen on your daily commute or a lengthy distraction for a lazy Sunday afternoon, accurate estimations using this words to speak time calculator make it easier than ever to find the perfect content.

Some Popular Speech Times

how many words in a 2 minute speech

Almost 300 words

how many words in a 3 minute speech

Almost 450 words

how many words in a 4 minute speech

Almost 600 words

how many words in a 15 minute speech

Almost 2250 words

The speech time is calculated taking 150 words per minute as reference value

Common conversions (average speed)

How long does it take to read 500 words?

3.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 750 words?

5.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 1000 words?

7.7 minutes

How long does it take to read 1200 words?

9.2 minutes

How long does it take to read 1500 words?

11.5 minutes

How long does it take to read 1800 words?

13.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 2000 words?

15.4 minutes

How long does it take to read 3000 words?

23.1 minutes

As the world becomes more fast-paced, time is a precious commodity. Determining how long your script will take to read, whether for a presentation or a video, can make a significant difference in engaging and retaining your audience’s attention.

That’s where our Words to Time Converter comes in handy. It’s a valuable tool for anyone working in various professions, from broadcast journalists to teachers to executives. No matter the industry, time is of the essence, and knowing how long your speech or presentation will take is crucial for effective communication.

convert words to time .

How long will it take to read a speech or presentation?

Enter the word count into the tool below (or paste in text) to see how many minutes it will take you to read. Estimates number of minutes based on a slow, average, or fast paced reading speed.

Number of words

Reading speed

speech number words

Common conversions (average speed)

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Convert Words to Time

Calculate how long it will take to read a speech or presentation

Enter the word count of your speech below to see how long it will take you to read. Estimate the number of minutes based on a slow, average, or fast speaking pace.

Number of words

Reading speed, common conversions (average speed).

Convert words to time

Word per minute speech

Enter the number of words in the box below to find out how many minutes it will take you to give your speech.

Word Counter

Paste your text here to find out the word count

Word Count: 0

Online Stopwatch

Time your speech on a timer for the actual time it takes you to deliver your speech, practice.

Our tool comes in handy when you are preparing for a speech or creating a presentation. The length of your speech depends on the amount of text and your speaking or reading speed.

Debatrix International

Speech calculator:  how long does it take to deliver your speech?

With this speech calculator, you can easily calculate how long it will take you to deliver a speech.

How many words per minute?

In the English language, people speak about 140 words per minute. A fast speaker will get to 170 words per minute, a slow speaker will use around 110 words.

Professional speechwriters use this speech calculator to find out how long a speech takes.

speech calculator

Copy your full text and paste it in the box below:

The entire analysis happens within your browser. The text will NOT be stored and NOT be sent over the web.

Word count:

Your speech rate:

Speech duration:


How many words is a 3 minute speech  .

A speaker with an average speaking speed will need 420 words for a 3 minute speech. A fast speaker will need 510 words while a slow speaker will only need 330 words.

How many words is a 5 minute speech?  

A speaker with an average speaking speed will need 700 words for a 5 minutes speech. A fast speaker will need 850 words for the same speech length. A slow speaker will only need 550 words.

Is this a word count calculator?  

The speech calculator is a word count calculator. Insert your text and the tool will automatically calculate the word count.  It will then also calculate the speech length depending on the selected talking speed.

How to best select the right speaking speed?

Fast, average or slow? The answer depends on the speaker, the speech type and the speech setting.

The speaking speed of the speaker

Some speakers are natural fast or slow speakers. The best speakers keep a variance during their speeches. They speed up to keep momentum and slow down to put special emphasis on other parts.

The speech type

The type of speech matters a lot in selecting the right speech speed. If you read the whole speech word for word from paper then your average speech speed will be lower. If you intend to use the written speech as speaker notes then your average speaking speed will be much higher.

The speech setting

An informal setting will have a faster average speaking speed compared to a more formal setting.

Keeping all three factors in mind you will able make a better judgement about selecting the right speech speed in the speech calculator.

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Savvy Calculator

Speech Time Calculator


The Speech Time Calculator is a valuable tool designed to assist speakers, presenters, and event organizers in effectively managing their time during public speaking engagements. Whether preparing for a conference, seminar, or any public address, this calculator helps individuals allocate time wisely, ensuring a smooth and well-paced presentation.

The formula for the Speech Time Calculator revolves around dividing the total number of words in a speech by the average words spoken per minute. The formula can be expressed as:

Speech Time (minutes)=Total Words Words Per Minute Speech Time (minutes) = Words Per Minute  Total Words ​

This formula provides an estimate of the time required to deliver a speech based on the speaker’s average speaking speed.

How to Use?

Utilizing the Speech Time Calculator is straightforward and efficient. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Input Total Words : Enter the total number of words in your speech. This can be an estimate or the actual word count.
  • Enter Words Per Minute : Specify your average speaking speed in words per minute. This is a personal metric that can be determined through practice or previous speaking engagements.
  • Click Calculate or Submit : Initiate the calculation process by clicking the designated button on the calculator interface.
  • Review the Output : The calculator will display the estimated speech time in minutes, allowing the speaker to plan and allocate time effectively.

Suppose a speaker has prepared a speech with 800 words and speaks at an average rate of 150 words per minute. Using the Speech Time Calculator, the estimated speech time would be:

Speech Time (minutes)=800150≈5.33 minutes  Speech Time (minutes) = 150 800 ​ ≈ 5.33 minutes

Therefore, the estimated speech time for the given scenario is approximately 5.33 minutes.

Q: Can the Speech Time Calculator account for pauses or audience interaction?

A: The calculator provides a general estimate and does not account for pauses or audience interaction. Speakers may adjust the calculated time based on their individual presentation style.

Q: Is there a recommended words-per-minute rate for public speaking?

A: While an average speaking rate is around 125-150 words per minute, the ideal rate varies based on the speaker’s style, content complexity, and audience.

Q: How accurate is the Speech Time Calculator?

A: The calculator provides a helpful estimate, but actual speech times may vary based on delivery speed, pauses, and other factors.


The Speech Time Calculator is a valuable tool for speakers and presenters, offering a quick and efficient means of estimating the time required for a speech. By considering the total word count and the speaker’s average words-per-minute rate, this calculator empowers individuals to plan their presentations effectively, ensuring a well-paced and engaging delivery. Whether addressing a large audience or participating in a time-sensitive event, the Speech Time Calculator proves to be an indispensable resource for optimizing speech preparation and delivery.

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Speech Length Calculator

Author: Calculator Academy Team

Last Updated: July 31, 2023

Enter the total number of words, and your words per minute speech speed into the calculator to determine the total length of a speech.

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Speech Length Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the length of a speech.

  • Where T is the total time
  • W is the total number of words
  • SS is the speaking speed in words/min

To calculate the speech length, divide the total number of words by the speaking rate.

Speech Length Definition

A speech length is defined as the total time it takes to perform a speech or presentation.

Speech Length Example

How to calculate speech length?

Measure the total number of words in the speech.

Determine the average speed at which you speak.

Calculate the time of the speech using the equation above.

A speech should be as long as it needs to be to convey the information being presented. No shorter and no longer than that exact length. What that length is, is a little hard to determine. If you get your point across concisely and quickly, it can be good enough.

speech length calculator

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How Many Words Are in a Speech?

How can you measure your spoken words per minute.

To quickly know what your speaking rate is, write a 650-word essay and then get out a stopwatch. Time how long it takes you to speak all of the words in the essay.

Once you’ve finished, divide the word count (650 words) by the number of minutes in decimals (30 seconds = 0.5 minutes) and you’ll get an estimate of your words per minute speaking rate.

For example, if it takes you 4.5 minutes to speak 650 words, you would do 650 divided by 4.5 and get 144 words per minute.

Word Count per Speech Length

To quickly find out how many words a typical speaking length requires, see the table below. You can quickly map word counts to typical speaking rates:

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Updated on November 26, 2023

Words to Time Calculator

Words to time calculator is online tool that convert words to time in minutes. It can be used to calculate speech time or convert words into time.

Enter Number of Words or paste text for auto-counting

Reading speed

Words to Speech Time Conversion (average speed)

What is words to time converter.

The words to time converter is a calculator that helps users find the speed at which they recognize and form words while communicating with others. The platform works on a standard formula that enables you to find the words per minute conveniently.

Whether it’s about solving the speed in typing or speaking, or reading, one can easily calculate the exact value using this tool. For calculating the words per Minute here, all you have to do is, simply enter number of words or paste text for auto word counter and select speed to get speech time instantly. Once you have successfully entered all the values in the provided space very carefully, the words-to-minutes calculator will automatically display the speech time in minutes for you.

This words to time calculator has following reading speed options:

  • Slow: 100 words per minute
  • Average:  130 words per minute
  • Fast: 160 words per minute.

Words to time converter is a fundamental tool designed to assist people looking forward to converting the number of words into the time taken to deliver your speech. The tool is available online and offline, making it easier for people to prepare their speeches or presentations effectively. The number of minutes required for the address depends upon the number of words and speed of vocabulary or reading.

How to Convert Words to Time

To convert words to time in minutes, follow below steps:

  • Enter number of words or paste text for auto counting words in text.
  • Select reading speed for speech from slow, average and fast options.
  • Now, words to time converter displays speech time in minutes instantly.

Words to Pages Converter

Numbers to Words Converter

Characters to Words Converter

Words To Speech Time Calculator

Speech Time Conversion for fast reading speed

Have you ever thought about how many words you must have in your speech to make it perfect? Finding out the number of words to speak per Minute to ensure that your audience will follow up your speed is quite hard.

Although these questions seem entirely pointless, they can prove advantageous in different situations. This Words to speech time in minutes converter can be your best friend and offer excellent assistance anytime.

Writing a speech is a bit of a challenging task. Ideally, one needs to consider the different factors to put things on the platform. When considering essentials for the address, time is a primary concern that comes forward. Interest, knowledge, attitude, and quality are the few things that push the audience to stay connected with your speech till the end. The length of the address is something that also needs to be considered to put on a positive impact on the audience.

So, guys! You have learned how to use words to the minute converter on your device successfully. It is a beautiful tool whose integration has made it easier for users to conveniently find their reading and speaking speed.

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Speech time calculator

Speech time: 0 minutes 0 seconds

Characters: 0

150 Words per minute

Speaking speed may vary depending on your style of speech. Test your speech rate first here .

Test your speech rate

To test your speech rate , read the sample text below out loud at your desired pace .

Click on the 'Start Speech Test' button , then read the provided text out loud . Once you finish reading, click on the 'Stop Speech Test' button .

Your speech rate (words per minute) will then appear . Use this value in the tool below to better estimate your reading time.

To improve the accuracy of this speech test, you can replace the text in the text area with your own sample. We do the Math for you.

Number of words: 0

Time elapsed: 0 second(s)

Your speech rate: NaN words per minute

How to use the speech time calculator?

This tool can help you estimate the speech time for your provided text . It can also test your speech rate by using a sample text . Let's start with the speech rate test.

Guide to the Speech Rate Test Tool

How to use the speech rate test.

As mentioned earlier, the speech rate test can estimate how many words per minute you can speak out loud . We provide a sample text consisting of 100 words. All you have to do is click the 'Start Speech Test' button , read the text at your desired pace , and then click on the 'Stop Speech Test' button . Our tool will estimate your speech rate for you . You can learn more about this estimation in the article below.

Can I use my own text for the Speech rate test?

Certainly, you can paste any text into the sample text area . The text can be shorter or longer and can be in a different language as well. Our tool will try to count the number of words which will be used for the calculation .

Where will my speech rate appear?

After clicking on the Stop Speech Test button, the estimated speech rate will appear above the button . The bold text will say something like: 'Your speech rate: 110 words per minute'. Our tool will also ask you if you want to import the estimated value into the speech time calculator tool.

Speech time calculator guide:

How can i use this tool.

To estimate the speech time of your text, paste the text into the first text area . Our tool will then count the number of words and do the math for the calculation . Your estimated speech time will appear in the stats box .

Can I adjust the speaking pace?

Certainly, you can adjust the speaking pace by clicking on one of the three buttons in the 'Speaking Speed' box. You can choose from 'Slow Speaking', 'Normal Speaking', and 'Fast Speaking' as predefined values. You are also free to drag the slider between 100 to 250 words per minute to set a custom pace .

Is this tool accurate?

We strive to be as accurate as possible. If you want to improve the accuracy of the speech time calculator, you can run the speech rate test first . This way, you can test your own speaking pace first.

Are the estimations for foreign languages correct?

The default values are for English. However, by running the speech rate test first, you can get your own estimation for any foreign language .

Did this tool help you?

We did this tool available to anyone for free . If we helped you don't forget to spread it to the world .

More about speech time

This free tool was created to help you estimate your speaking time . There are many reasons why you might need to know how long it takes to read your text out loud . The most typical situations include presentations and speeches, such as public speaking or conference speeches .

During presentations and speeches, there is often a lot to say but limited time . That's why our tool can be handy.

With our tool, you can adjust the amount of text you have prepared to fit your allotted time.

How can I improve my speeches?

If you want to improve your public speaking and conference skills , preparation and practice are key . Try to research your topic thoroughly and simplify all key information , memorizing it as well. This way, you will feel more confident and reduce the chance of stumbling over your words .

It's also important to know who your audience will be. Don't go too deep if your audience doesn't consist of experts .

To make your presentation more appealing , you can also add visuals, such as slides and images , to help deliver your message.

Always speak clearly and confidently . Choosing the right tone, volume, and pace is also crucial , as otherwise, you risk losing your audience's attention.

Try to engage with your audience. Ask them questions or choose interactive activities that keep them engaged with your speech.

Seek feedback by running a 'dry presentation' for your friends or family before the event. Ask for feedback to help you improve.

What is the ideal speech rate?

The ideal speech rate can vary depending on the situation, language, and topic of the speech. Generally, the average speech rate is somewhere between 120 to 150 words per minute . The key here is not to speak as fast as possible but to focus on the content itself . Try to play with your tone, voice, and volume . For certain speeches, a slower rate may be more effective .

Can this tool be used as a speech timer app?

Yes, this tool can be used as a speech timer app . You can paste your text into the 'Test Your Speech Rate' section, start the counter, and read the entire text. After reading, you can click 'Stop,' and the tool will show you how long it took.

Is my data safe?

The data you paste into our tool is not sent to the server . All processing is done in your browser. Therefore, we don't know or store what you paste into this tool. You can even load this page and disable your internet connection afterward, and it will still work.

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Words To Time Converter

Estimate how many minutes your speeches, presentations, and voice-over scripts will take based on your words per minute rate!

Words per Minute: 183

How To Convert Words to Minutes Using This Tool?

If you have a certain number of words or a piece of text you want to time, you can either type in the word count or paste the text into the provided area. This tool will then calculate how long it would take to read that text out loud.

The talk time estimate is calculated using the average speaking speed of adults, which is determined to be 183 words per minute based on scientific studies. If you’re interested in how long it would take to read silently, it’s estimated at 238 words per minute ( This data is also backed by research )

You can adjust the slider to change the words per minute value, which will affect the talk time estimate. However, the silent reading time estimate remains fixed at 238 words per minute. 

For ease of use, we’ve also provided reference points for slow, average, and fast reading rates below the slider.

To begin anew, simply click the ‘clear text’ button to erase the content and restore the slider back to its original setting of 183.

I. Who is This Words to Minutes Converter Tool For?

If you are a student wondering how long is my essay or you’ve been tasked with writing a speech and need to know how many words to aim for and how many minutes will it take to deliver or perhaps you are a podcaster, just starting out, who wants the ability to easily synchronize music and spoken word without having to painstakingly calculate seconds between them, then this words to time converter (or speech time calculator-you may call it if you are a public speaker) is precisely for you! 

From now on, instead of spending long hours in front of the computer trying to figure out how many seconds it takes for one phrase or section of dialogue to end and another to begin, you can let our innovative tool do all the work and convert your text to time quickly and accurately. With this powerful tool at your disposal, whether you’re giving a TED talk or just need to nail a business presentation, your life will become a little bit easier.

So keep reading to learn more about what this fantastic words to minutes converter has in store for public speakers, aspiring students, and professional radio producers alike!

Whether you want to read the text silently or speak aloud, you can use this tool as both:

  • Reading time calculator
  • Talk time calculator

II.I Explanation of the Reading Time

Reading time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a written text silently while still comprehending its content. Based on an extensive analysis of 190 studies that involved 18,573 participants , research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 suggests that the typical silent reading speed for an adult individual is approximately 238 words per minute .

To convert word count to read time for a specific text, you can do so by dividing the total word count of the text by this established value of 238. Here is the mathematical equation for determining the duration of reading time in minutes:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238

II.II Explanation of the Speech Time

Speech time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a text out loud. Based on data from 77 studies involving 5,965 people , it’s been found that most adults read aloud at a speed of approximately 183 words per minute ( research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 ). To figure out how long it will take to read a specific piece of text aloud, you can divide the total number of words in the text by this average rate of 183 words per minute.

Of course, it’s important to note that talk time can vary depending on factors such as clarity of speech, pauses for emphasis, and use of visual aids. However, using this tool for converting the number of words to minutes can still provide a helpful guideline for planning and practicing your presentation. By having a better understanding of speech rates, you can ensure that your message is delivered effectively and efficiently.

III. Benefits of Using a Words to Time Converter

Time management in presentations.

Effective time management during presentations is crucial to ensure the audience remains engaged and the information is accurately conveyed. This is where our speaking time converter comes in handy. By using this tool, presenters can easily determine how many words they need to include in their presentation to stay within the allotted time frame.

Not only does it help with time management, but it also ensures that the pacing of the presentation is consistent, making it easier for the audience to follow. With the use of this tool, presenters can confidently deliver their presentations without the worry of running over time or rushing through it.

Estimated speech time for public speaking

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have too little or too much information to fill your time slot. You wonder only if there were an accurate public speaking time calculator available so that you could be able to allocate the appropriate amount of time to each section of your presentation, ensuring that you cover all the necessary points without rushing or going over time. 

Effective pacing is key in ensuring your message is delivered with clarity and impact.

Most public speakers target an average of 130-150 words per minute for their spoken content, meaning you should aim to limit your speaking time to roughly one minute per 130-150 words. While this may take some practice to achieve, the end result is a confident, well-timed delivery that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

Remember, in public speaking, less is often more—take your time to breathe and emphasize key points. Your audience will appreciate your thoughtful and measured approach. For that, you can use this tool and adjust your words to speech time.

Accurate estimations for audiobooks and podcasts

As more and more people turn to audiobooks and podcasts for their entertainment and information needs, accurate estimations of listening time have become more important than ever. After all, there’s nothing worse than settling in for a quick listen only to find yourself trapped in a story that goes on for hours longer than you anticipated.

That’s why it’s great to see publishers and podcast producers taking estimated reading time seriously, providing listeners with the information they need to choose the right content for their schedule. Whether you’re looking for a quick listen on your daily commute or a lengthy distraction for a lazy Sunday afternoon, accurate estimations using this speaking time calculator make it easier than ever to find the perfect content.

IV. Some Popular Speech Times

V. conclusion.

As the world becomes more fast-paced, time is a precious commodity. Determining how long your script will take to read, whether for a presentation or a video, can make a significant difference in engaging and retaining your audience’s attention.

That’s where our Words to Time Converter comes in handy. It’s a valuable tool for anyone working in various professions, from broadcast journalists to teachers to executives. No matter the industry, time is of the essence, and knowing how long your speech or presentation will take is crucial for effective communication.

Free Words-to-Minutes Converter by PapersOwl

Figure out how many words your speech or presentation should have.

Step 1. Choose Your Score of Reading

Step 2. Input number of Words or Time

Or Paste Your Text Here

We Can Turn Your Paper Into a Perfect One

Words-to-minutes converter, what is a word to minutes calculator.

Use a speech convertor or words-to-time calculator to find out in seconds how long it will take you to deliver your perfect address. This is a powerful application that takes your text limits and synchronizes them with the chosen speed at which you read to give you precise results. A words-to-minutes calculator aids in estimating the duration of any speech whether it be for your class, an awaited event, or a professional meeting. This online app makes it easier for you to speak according to any given time.

This is the perfect tool if you want quick solutions and accurate answers that will help you write and then read perfectly crafted speeches for specific occasions.

Why Should I Convert Words Into Minutes?

Isn’t it easier to just know instead of guessing exactly the span in which to read a script or speak on a given topic or even deliver a speech? It is a crucial part of any good deliverance to know the accurate span and then make preparations to read accordingly so that the order of the event or day continues smoothly. Convert words into minutes to be in a comfortable position while presenting anything.

Every so often, certain formats of speech or presentation require a set time frame, and sometimes it is important to keep your text precise and time short. A conversion website like PapersOwl helps in doing just that by transforming the text into time so it becomes easier to adjust your writing if and when necessary.

For many speeches and essays, some parts require more emphasis and longer durations than the rest. When you read, you adjust your tone and voice, and your pace according to the importance of the topics. Similarly, word count can also be adjusted with words to time conversion, in turn helping with the length of paragraphs within any essay to re-establish the importance of a certain topic. If you get help from a custom research paper writing service , using a words to minutes converter becomes essential as it can help you find out exactly how many words per minute have been used or are needed according to your own speaking rate.

Converting Words Into Minutes Online: Benefits

While writing, you never try to guess the words per minute or know if 2 pages will take you more than a minute to read. Stay on top of your presentations and speeches with words conversion. A word to minutes calculator has many benefits for students, businessmen, teachers, or anyone looking to perfect their art of speech time or speak about any topic.

Manage the Span of your Text

A speech calculator is a hassle-free way to determine the span and speed of your speech according to the word count. You can use it multiple times and keep iterating your content. A words-to-minutes calculator gives you accurate results according to the average speaking rate.

Easy and Efficient to Use

Converting each word into the exact span is easy for all types of people. A good speech calculator also includes information about speaking speeds, giving you all the essential information you need to get your work done quickly.

Helps You Practice

Practice your speech without worrying about managing time with a timer easily with a words-to-minutes converter. A words-to-minutes converter can also be adjusted to your own speaking rate, and you can add specific excerpts where you tend to speak fast or slower than normal. Just a few clicks can get you to the desired result and the exact number of words needed for your speech. Remember to always be original with your writing and a free plagiarism checker to use is a great way to ensure this. Once you’re sure that the text is unique, our tool can be used to your advantage to make your speech memorable when you read it. By increasing and decreasing your voice along the way and by adding pauses where necessary, emphasis where required, and omitting unnecessary details, you can practice your words before heading onto the stage.

How to Use a Words to Time Calculator?

Public speaking is a monstrous task on its own. For some, it might be harder than for others. It demands a certain level of confidence, and with good preparation and exactly the right tools, you can equip yourself to read and deliver any presentation with confidence.

A words-per-minute calculator is one such tool. It is easy to use and adjustable according to your pace. Crafting your presentation has been made easier than ever, with the words-to-minutes converter to determine the words-to-minutes ratio. To start using the words to time convertor, just enter the word count into the app. This will give you the results in just seconds and you can then use this to edit your essay fast , which in turn helps you save days and take full advantage of the tools available. After entering the word count, you can choose the reading speed. This is the speaking rate at which you speak. Options include slow, average, and fast speakers. It is important to choose the correct option according to your average reading speed for the most effective results.

That’s pretty much all you need to do to get your results quickly and easily. Once you have an answer, simply adjust your text depending on whether you need it to last longer or end more quickly.

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Speech time calculator

Know how many minutes takes to read a text..

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The Read Time

Words to time converter, accurately estimate talk time for presentations, speeches and voice-over scripts.

Words per Minute:

Not sure about your reading speed? Get it tested with our Free Reading Speed Test

Learn to Speed Read with our Speed Reader

A tool to find out what any word count looks like: What does any word count look like?

Require a sentence count? Do try out our Sentence Counter

Also, convert text to speech with Read My Text

Does This Free Tool Convert Words To Time?

Yes, this tool essentially converts words to time by estimating speech time for texts of all lengths. This is ideal for people who want to calculate talk time for presentations, speeches and voice-over scripts beforehand

How Do I Use This Words To Time Tool?

  • If you know the number of words, enter this amount in number format into the text area OR if you have a body of text, just copy and paste this onto the text area.
  • The tool will automatically calculate the Talk Time based on your input. The default Talk Time estimate is based on an oral reading rate of 183 words per minute ; which is considered to be the accepted average for adults according to scientific research. Silent Reading Time is estimated based on a fixed reading speed of 238 words per minute .
  • Drag the slider to change the words per minute value to see corresponding Talk Time estimates. This will not have an effect on the Silent Reading Time estimate as the reading rate is fixed at 238 words per minute. Slow, Average and Fast reading rates have been denoted in the above table for guidance.
  • Press the 'clear text' button to empty the text area and reset the slider to its default value of 183.

Is 183 Words Per Minute An Accurate Measure Of Oral Reading Speed?

Yes, based on a paper published by Marc Brysbaert , the average speed for reading aloud is estimated to be 183 words per minute for adults. This value is based on 77 studies involving 5965 participants. The paper further states that reading rates are lower for older adults, children and readers with English as a second language.

What Is Read Time?

Read time is the time taken for an average person to silently read a piece of text while maintaining reading comprehension. Based on the meta-analysis of 100's of studies involving over 18000 participants, the average silent reading speed for an adult individual has been estimated to be approximately 238 words per minute (Marc Brysbaert,2019) .

The reading time of a piece of text can thus be deduced by dividing the total word count by this value of 238. Below is the mathematical formula for calculating reading time in minutes:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238

If the reading material consists of images or illustrations, we can assume that an average reader spends around 5 seconds per image, which is equivalent to 0.083 minutes. Hence, we can further modify this formula as below:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238 + (Number of Images * 0.083)

Simple Math Really! 🙂

How Long Does It Take To Read 1000 Words?

Assuming the average reading speed of an adult individual is 238 words per minute, it takes approximately 4 minutes and 12 seconds to read 1000 words.

Reading Time For Popular Word Counts (Table)

How long does it take to read 100 pages.

Assuming a page consists of 500 words, it approximately takes 3 hours and 30 minutes to read 100 pages.

Reading Time For Popular Page Counts (Table)

What is speech time.

Speech Time is the time taken for an average person to read aloud a piece of text. Based on the meta-analysis of nearly 80 studies involving 6000 participants, the average oral reading speed for an adult individual is considered to be 183 words per minute (Marc Brysbaert,2019) . The speech time of a piece of text can then be deduced by dividing the total word count by this value of 183. Again simple Math. 🙂

How Long Does It Take To Speak 1000 Words?

Assuming the average oral reading speed of an adult individual is 183 words per minute, it takes approximately 5 minutes and 28 seconds to orate 1000 words.

What Other Metrics Does The Read Time Provide?

In addition to reading time and speech time, The Read Time provides the word count for texts of all lengths.

Who Is It For?

The Read Time is an ideal free tool for scriptwriters, content writers, educators, students and just about anyone who wants to measure the number of words and reading time for texts of all lengths.

Is My Text/Data Safe? does not store or process any text/data on its servers while the computations are done purely on the client's browser.

End-to-End Speech Recognition: A Survey

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Trump leads his supporters in vulgar chants at Jersey Shore rally

  • Donald Trump held a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday night.
  • The former president launched vulgar jabs at his opponents and roused crude chants from his supporters.
  • Trump is on trial accused of making a hush money payment to the porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016.

Insider Today

Donald Trump launched a slew of vulgar jabs at his legal and political opponents and encouraged crude chants at a rally Saturday evening in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Thousands of MAGA supporters listened as Trump referred to the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, as "fat Alvin," calling him "radical" and "a corrupt guy."

The presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 elections then turned his attention to the judge presiding over his hush-money trial, New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan. He said Merchan was a "highly conflicted judge."

Trump's trial , where he stands accused of falsifying 34 business records to cover up a $130,000 hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels days before the 2016 election, is about to enter its fourth week in New York.

Daniels testified before the court this week, giving granular details about a sexual encounter she claims to have had with Trump in 2006.

At the rally, Trump said the whole thing was a "Biden show trial."

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The former president said he had been indicted "more than the great Alphonse Capone… on bullshit, too." It prompted members of the crowd to chant "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!" in response.

Trump says he’s “been indicted more than the great Al Capone, on bullshit.” The crowd erupts into a chant: “BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!” Trump seems to realize this is not a good look, glitches hard looking for an out, and comes up with his father who was in the KKK. — Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙🎈 (@jimstewartson) May 11, 2024

As Trump continued his typical attacks on the Biden administration, he asked the crowd: "Everything they touch turns to what?"

"Shit!" the crowd chanted in response.

"You can't use the word shit," Trump joked back.

Trump: "Everything they touch... turns to what?" Crowd: "SH*T!" Trump: "You shouldn't use that kind of language" — johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) May 11, 2024

The last time Trump was in Wildwood in January 2020, the Senate had been holding Trump's first impeachment trial. At the time, he told his supporters, "Democrats are obsessed with demented hoaxes, crazy witch hunts and deranged partisan crusades."

Trump took a similar line on Saturday night: "The radical left Democrats rigged the election in 2020, and we're not going to allow them to rig the election in 2024."

Trump predicted on Saturday that he would "win the state of New Jersey," per The Washington Post.

Wildwood is a Republican enclave in a solid blue state. New Jersey has not voted Republican since George H.W. Bush in 1988. Latest polling for the 2024 presidential election puts Biden comfortably ahead by 7%.

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Away From the Confines of a Courtroom, Trump Rallies Beachside at the Jersey Shore

Former President Donald J. Trump held a rally in Wildwood, N.J., on Saturday, declaring that his campaign would “officially play” in a state he has lost twice by double digits.

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Donald Trump stands on a stage, facing away from the camera. A large crowd of supporters cheers him on.

By Michael Gold

Reporting from Wildwood, N.J.

  • May 11, 2024

After a long and often tense week in his criminal trial in Manhattan, former President Donald J. Trump on Saturday took part in a time-honored ritual enjoyed by countless New Yorkers in need of a break: He went to the shore.

Sandwiched between the boardwalk and the Atlantic Ocean, Mr. Trump stood in front of tens of thousands of people at a rally on the beach in Wildwood, N.J., where he largely repeated the same criticisms of President Biden that have characterized his stump speech in recent months.

Fresh from court, Mr. Trump insisted that his case in Manhattan, on charges that he falsified business records related to a hush-money payment, was a “Biden show trial,” even though there is no evidence to suggest that Mr. Biden has been involved in the case.

Mr. Trump railed against pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, vowed to crack down on immigration and repeated his false claims that Democrats stole the 2020 election from him.

But if Mr. Trump’s speech largely consisted of what has become his standard fare, the setting stood out. Though New Jersey has voted for Democratic presidential candidates in every election since 1992, and Mr. Trump lost the state by double-digit margins in both 2016 and 2020, he insisted that he could win there in November.

“We’re expanding the electoral map, because we are going to officially play in the state of New Jersey,” Mr. Trump said to a packed crowd on the beach. “We’re going to win the state of New Jersey.”

Mr. Trump, who once owned casinos in Atlantic City, N.J., and who often spends summers at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., has been publicly bullish on his chances in New Jersey for months. Political experts, and even some of his advisers, are skeptical.

Still, parts of the state are deeply conservative, including the area around Wildwood, a boardwalk town on the southern end of the Jersey Shore and a beach destination popular with working-class families. Many visitors come from Pennsylvania, a battleground state that backed Mr. Trump in 2016 but swung to Mr. Biden in 2020.

Mr. Trump’s rally, held shortly before the start of the summer season, brought hordes of people to the boardwalk, where many of the vendors who usually hawk an array of novelty items filled the front of their stores with Trump-related T-shirts and hats. Supporters stretched out on blankets and dabbed on sunscreen hours ahead of Mr. Trump’s arrival.

Against the backdrop of classic Americana, Mr. Trump repeated his typical criticism that Mr. Biden’s economic policies were hurting the middle class. With an amusement park operating rides in the background, he insisted that only he could preserve the summer shore tradition.

“The choice for New Jersey and Pennsylvania is simple,” Mr. Trump said, telling supporters to vote for him if they wanted “lower costs, higher income and more weekends down at the shore.” (The area’s locals usually say “down the shore,” but judging by the cheers of the crowd, the point was well received.)

The rally was a stark contrast to the scene at the Manhattan courthouse, where proceedings are more sober and Mr. Trump’s comments are limited to remarks to reporters before he enters and leaves the courtroom.

At his rally, Mr. Trump largely built on statements he has made in those limited appearances. He once again criticized Mr. Biden for warning Israel that he would not supply the country with weapons if it launched a major ground offensive, and he made his most explicit approval yet of Israel’s military strategy.

“I support Israel’s right to win its war on terror,” he told the crowd. “Is that OK? I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s good or bad politically. I don’t care.”

The rally in New Jersey was only Mr. Trump’s third since his trial began last month. Last week, he held back-to-back events in Wisconsin and Michigan, two battleground states expected to be more critical than New Jersey in the November election.

Mr. Trump, who is bound by a gag order in the case that keeps him from commenting on witnesses and jurors, limited his criticism of the case on Saturday. The judge in the case has found him in contempt, fining him $10,000 for violating the order and warning of possible jail time.

Michael Gold is a political correspondent for The Times covering the campaigns of Donald J. Trump and other candidates in the 2024 presidential elections. More about Michael Gold

Our Coverage of the 2024 Election

Presidential Race

Donald Trump leads President Biden in five crucial battleground states, a new set of polls shows , as young and nonwhite voters express discontent with the president over the economy and the war in Gaza.

Biden’s campaign brushed off the findings of the new polls , dismissing their significance and arguing that the president still has six months left before Election Day to persuade voters to support him.

The new polls showed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling stronger than any third-party candidate has in decades , sapping support from both Biden and Trump.

Trade War With China:  Biden ran for the White House as a sharp critic of Trump’s crackdown on trade with China. In office, though, he has escalated Trump’s trade war  with Beijing, albeit with a very different aim .

A Return to Normal?:  Biden has argued for years that he is the politician to restore normalcy to American politics. But a subset of American voters, have argued that they do not want his version of it .

Trump’s Exaggerated   Emails:  Trump’s campaign has sent supporters a steady stream of fund-raising solicitations that depict a highly dramatized account of his actions at his criminal trial .

Split Over Israel:  Democrats’ divisions over the war in Gaza flared in New York as a tense debate between Representative Jamaal Bowman and his primary opponent, George Latimer, exposed sharp divisions in their party .

Apr 14, 2024 The Power is In Your Speech-Pastor Michael E. Jackson T.O.P. Church Las Vegas

  • Religion & Spirituality

🌟 Discover the profound impact of your words in today's message with Pastor Michael E. Jackson titled "The Power Is In Your Speech," based on Numbers 20:7-13. 📖 Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:7-13 In this enlightening sermon, Pastor Jackson will delve into the story of Moses striking the rock and the consequences of his words. Explore the significance of speaking in alignment with God's will and the transformative power it holds. 💬 Learn how your speech has the power to shape your circumstances, influence others, and manifest God's promises in your life. Gain practical insights on harnessing the power of your words for positive change and spiritual growth. 🙏 Don't miss this opportunity to be empowered and encouraged by the Word of God. Tune in, reflect on the power of your speech, and discover how you can speak life into every situation.

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  1. Convert Words to Minutes

    The number of minutes you will take is dependent on the number of words and your speed of speech, or reading speed. Note: This calculator provides an indication only. Enter details below. Number of words. Words per minute (wpm) 0 Minutes. The overview below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of ...

  2. How many words per minute in a speech: a quick reference guide

    On average if the font is plain, (sans-serif, without embellishment), like Arial or Verdana, its size is set for 12px, and the line spacing is set for 1.5, then a page may have between 400-500 words on it. Speech rate changes how we calculate the number of words we need

  3. Convert Words to Minutes

    Use the calculator below to convert your words to minutes. 1) Enter the number of words your speech is. 2) Choose your speaking style/speed 3) Find your speech length. 0 Minutes. The following table below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 125 words per minute): How many words are in 1 ...

  4. Interactive Speaking Time Calculator

    How does this speech timer work. To begin, delete the sample text and either type in your speech or copy and paste it into the editor. The average reading speed and speech rate is 200 words per minute and is the default setting above. Once you paste your speech, click "Play" and Speechify will analyze your speech by the number of words and ...

  5. Speech Time Calculator

    If you have a certain number of words or a piece of text you want to time, you can either type in the word count or paste the text into the provided area. ... Almost 2250 words. The speech time is calculated taking 150 words per minute as reference value. Common conversions (average speed) How long does it take to read 500 words? 3.8 minutes.

  6. Convert Words to Time

    Quickly convert the number of words in a talk, presentation, or speech to how many minutes it will take to read. convert words to time. ... Number of words...or paste in text from your document for auto-counting. Reading speed. Slow (100 wpm) Average (130 wpm) Fast (160 wpm)

  7. Convert Words to Time

    19.2 minutes. How long does it take to read 3900 words? 30 minutes. How long does it take to read 7800 words? 60 minutes. Speech length calculator. Enter the word count of your speech to see how long it will take you to read. Estimate the number of minutes based on a slow, average, or fast speaking pace.

  8. How Many Words Should Be in My Speech? (Based on Number of Minutes

    10-minute speech: 1250 - 2000 words. 15-minute speech: 1875 - 3000 words. 20-minute speech: 2500 - 4000 words. 30-minute speech: 3750 - 6000 words. 45-minute speech: 5625 - 9000 words. 60-minute (or 1-hour) speech: 7500 - 12000 words. For intermediate minutes, you can use the average rate of 125-200 wpm to estimate.

  9. Words to Time Conversion Calculator (Free), word per minute speech

    Time your speech on a timer for the actual time it takes you to deliver your speech, practice. 00:00:00. Our tool comes in handy when you are preparing for a speech or creating a presentation. The length of your speech depends on the amount of text and your speaking or reading speed. Find out how many words per minute you speak during a speech.

  10. Average Speaking Rate and Words per Minute

    Divide the total number of words by the number of minutes your speech took. Speaking rate (wpm) = total words / number of minutes. You can record yourself with this online voice recorder. Once you have the audio of your speech, there are two ways to get the number of words: Manually count the words as you listen back to the audio; Upload the ...

  11. Speech calculator: how long does your speech take?

    A fast speaker will get to 170 words per minute, a slow speaker will use around 110 words. Professional speechwriters use this speech calculator to find out how long a speech takes. Copy your full text and paste it in the box below: The entire analysis happens within your browser. The text will NOT be stored and NOT be sent over the web.

  12. Speech Time Calculator

    Input Total Words: Enter the total number of words in your speech. This can be an estimate or the actual word count. ... Suppose a speaker has prepared a speech with 800 words and speaks at an average rate of 150 words per minute. Using the Speech Time Calculator, the estimated speech time would be:

  13. Speech Length Calculator

    W is the total number of words; SS is the speaking speed in words/min; To calculate the speech length, divide the total number of words by the speaking rate. Speech Length Definition. A speech length is defined as the total time it takes to perform a speech or presentation. Speech Length Example

  14. Words to Time Conversion Calculator

    Speech Count. Average person reads 3 words per second (range is 2 to 4) Average person reads 88 words per half-minute (range is 60 to 120) Average person reads 170 words per minute (range is 135 to 215) Average person reads 10,320 words per hour (range is 8,625 to 12,030) Line Count. Average number of lines per page: 21

  15. Speech Time Calculator: Text to Speech Time

    How Many Words Are in a 2-Minute Speech. For a 2-minute speech, assuming an average speaking rate of 125 to 150 words per minute, the estimated word count would be between 250 and 300 words. How Many Words In A 3-Minute Speech. The number of words in a 3-minute speech can vary depending on several factors, mainly your speaking speed and ...

  16. How Many Words Are in a Speech?

    Speech and publication coach Daphne Gray-Grant says that the average person speaks at about 125 to 150 words per minute (wpm) which means a 60 minutes long speech uses between 7,500 to 9,000 words. ... Once you've finished, divide the word count (650 words) by the number of minutes in decimals (30 seconds = 0.5 minutes) and you'll get an ...

  17. Words to Time Calculator: Words to Minutes Converter

    Slow: 100 words per minute. Average: 130 words per minute. Fast: 160 words per minute. Words to time converter is a fundamental tool designed to assist people looking forward to converting the number of words into the time taken to deliver your speech. The tool is available online and offline, making it easier for people to prepare their ...

  18. Speech time calculator

    As mentioned earlier, the speech rate test can estimate how many words per minute you can speak out loud. We provide a sample text consisting of 100 words. All you have to do is click the 'Start Speech Test' button, read the text at your desired pace, and then click on the 'Stop Speech Test' button. Our tool will estimate your speech rate for you.

  19. Words To Time

    To figure out how long it will take to read a specific piece of text aloud, you can divide the total number of words in the text by this average rate of 183 words per minute. Of course, it's important to note that talk time can vary depending on factors such as clarity of speech, pauses for emphasis, and use of visual aids.

  20. Free Words-to-Minutes Converter by PapersOwl

    The length of your speech in terms of quantity of time relates directly to the quantity of words present in your speech, as well as the speed in which the individual speaks or reads. Note: This words to minutes calculator works based on approximations. Step 1. Choose Your Score of Reading. Your speech rate: 140 words per minute. Step 2.

  21. Speech time calculator

    Know how many minutes takes to read a text (Speech and Locution). Reading Time Calculator. Easy tool to Convert Words to Time. English . ... Numbers Numbers to words Numbers to letters Roman to Number Ordinal Numbers. Text . Upper case Lower case Capitalize Trim text Clean spaces Hashtags Order Text.

  22. Words To Time Converter

    What Is Speech Time? Speech Time is the time taken for an average person to read aloud a piece of text. Based on the meta-analysis of nearly 80 studies involving 6000 participants, the average oral reading speed for an adult individual is considered to be 183 words per minute (Marc Brysbaert,2019).The speech time of a piece of text can then be deduced by dividing the total word count by this ...

  23. Numbers to Words Converter

    Choose to have words for the numbers in lowercase, uppercase or title case to easily copy and paste to another application. This converter will convert numbers to words and figures to words. The number to words can be done for real numbers and Scientific E Notation. Limited to use of 200 characters and 1e-200 and 1e+200.

  24. End-to-End Speech Recognition: A Survey

    In the last decade of automatic speech recognition (ASR) research, the introduction of deep learning has brought considerable reductions in word ... compared to modeling without deep learning. In the wake of this transition, a number of all-neural ASR architectures have been introduced. These so-called end-to-end (E2E) models provide highly ...

  25. Trump leads his supporters in vulgar chants at Jersey Shore rally

    Donald Trump held a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday night. The former president launched vulgar jabs at his opponents and roused crude chants from his supporters. Trump is on trial ...

  26. What Part of Speech Is "And"?

    What Part of Speech Is "And"? Of the tens of thousands of words in the English language—estimates range upward from around 170,000—the word and is one of the most frequently used, beaten only by he, be, to, and of. That's because and is an extremely useful word. It exists to make connections, linking words, thoughts, and sentences ...

  27. Away From the Confines of a Courtroom, Trump Rallies Beachside at the

    Former President Donald J. Trump held a rally in Wildwood, N.J., on Saturday, declaring that his campaign would "officially play" in a state he has lost twice by double digits.

  28. Apr 14, 2024 The Power is In Your Speech-Pastor Michael E. Jackson

    🌟 Discover the profound impact of your words in today's message with Pastor Michael E. Jackson titled "The Power Is In Your Speech," based on Numbers 20:7-13. 📖 Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:7-13 In this enlightening sermon, Pastor Jackson will delve into the story of Moses striking the rock and the consequences of his words.