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Notes on Research Proposals

Published by Timothy Harper Modified over 9 years ago

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Notes on Research Proposals

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Presenting Your Research

A WORD Studio guide to presenting your research.

I. The Research Proposal Presentation

The overall purpose of a research proposal presentation is inquiry: you’re sharing what you’ve learned so far and how you hope to develop it so that you might hear from others what questions they have, where they felt confused, and new directions they think you might pursue.


  • Remember that the proposal presentation is about your work in progress. You don’t have to have firm conclusions yet. Offer some possible ends you see reaching, and find out from your audience whether they think those are achievable.
  • Don’t worry at this point about having every statistic lined up to support yourself or every quotation at hand. However, do be able to speak confidently about what the major scholars you’ve read have argued.
  • Discuss your methodology, both what you have already done and what else you hope to do. A classmate may have run into a source that would work well for you and can bring this up during this time.


  • Although you are on the spot for a somewhat formal presentation, think of the proposal presentation as a conversation. Be open to interruptions or questions as you go, and stop and ask questions yourself if some occur to you.


You might not use many visual aids during a proposal feedback session; a full PowerPoint show, for example, might not be feasible if you haven’t yet collected all the information you’d want to share in this visual medium. A handout, however, might be helpful. Consider a handout of the working outline of your final paper; don’t read the outline at your audience but call their attention to each section as it comes up in your presentation. And since it’s a working outline, you can solicit advice from your listeners on how you might improve the organization or the development of ideas.

Active Listening and Peer Feedback

  • Remember that the feedback you provide here will have a direct impact on the way your classmate shapes his or her final research project.
  • Take notes (on an outline, if provided) with questions you have or terms you want better explained. Also note any parts of the proposal that sounded particularly interesting or fruitful. However, don’t let note-taking keep you from giving attention and eye contact to the speaker.
  • Try to make a sketch of the speaker’s organizational scheme—even if the speaker has provided you with an outline, you may find as a listener that the speaker skips around or needs to bring related points closer together.
  • When it comes time to offer feedback, make comments that are constructive and specific rather than general. For example, instead of saying, “I was confused by your organization,” say, “The section on the economic implications of the Beijing Olympics needs to go earlier.”
  • Ask the presenter what visual aids they might plan to use in the final presentation. Make specific suggestions about what the audience might find helpful: “I’d like to see images of Beijing clean-up” or “You’ll probably want to offer a graph that shows how the population changed over time.”

II. The Final Research Presentation

Once you have completed your research project, you’ll want to share your findings and conclusions with others, helping each other add to the knowledge base you will all draw on as you continue your conversation with others in the field.

  • Begin by making a sentence outline of your entire paper—this entails summarizing each paragraph in a single sentence and organizing those sentences into smaller paragraphs of related points.
  • Then, keeping in mind the time allotted for your presentation, cut out any of these sentences that are interesting but not vital for an audience’s understanding.
  • Using your pared-down sentence outline, find one or two specific pieces of evidence from your research to support each; then work on smooth transitions between all the sections. Depending on the context of your presentation, you might add introductory remarks about your methodology.
  • Although one or two well-placed quotations can help add some power and authority to your presentation, don’t overwhelm your audience by reading many long quotations from other sources, no matter how interesting or well-written they may be—listeners might get confused about where the quote begins or ends, or whether it’s a quotation at all.
  • Similarly, decide which statistics, facts, figures, or dates are essential for you to discuss aloud. If you must show a progression over time or make a comparison of statistics, use a visual aid of some sort to display the information rather than trying to make listeners strain to keep it all straight.
  • Prepare ahead of time for questions: rehearse your presentation in front of a friend or WORD Studio tutor and ask them to lob the questions they might imagine your listeners having.
  • If possible and permissible within the context of your presentation, add an interactive element, something that asks the audience to respond to you or to each other. This can be as simple as taking a show of hands on a few questions to see how much your audience knows, or asking them to describe to you what they see on a visual aid (for example, telling you what a graph seems to be showing).


Handouts can be useful for showing data that you want everyone to look at several times (rather than having them squint at a PowerPoint slide); handouts can also be a place to gather some of the important quotations that you don’t read aloud during your presentation. Avoid the temptation to simply read a handout straight through to your audience; even consider not giving the handout out until near the end of the presentation.

PowerPoint might be preferable to handouts if you have many different data sets you need to go through, or if you want to display visual images (photographs, maps, etc.) to complement your discussion. Using PowerPoint well is an art; consult with good online guides or a WORD Studio tutor for more advice.

  • Since you’ve heard your classmates’ proposals, you already have an idea of what the presentation will cover. Before a classmate begins speaking, therefore, identify at least one question you have and listen to see how (or if) they answer it.
  • Use handouts actively: take notes, underline key points, jot down questions in the margin.
  • If the speaker gives a PowerPoint presentation, consider it a visual outline of the overall presentation. Don’t attempt to write down everything on a slide; instead, write down one key point from each to remind yourself of questions and observations later.
  • If this is a final research product, offering structural feedback might not be that helpful. Instead, aim for questions about content that might engender further thought in the speaker and the rest of the audience—even if the speaker never revises this particular research project further, he or she will have been exposed to new venues of exploration through your questions.

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Top 10 Research Paper Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Research Paper Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

Sapna Singh


“The writing of an accurate, understandable paper is just as important as the research itself,” said Robert A Day, the world-renowned money manager, in ‘ How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper ’. Good, clear writing turns the pain-staking research you did into an effective, well-structured and readable document, making sure it makes its mark.

As you ponder upon how will this ‘miracle-of-sorts’ happen, the thing to recognize is that writing a research paper is not as challenging as it seems. Just be sure to give yourself plenty of time and be methodical. Since you may have worked on the project for months or years, you are aware of the significance of your findings. The reader, however, is in the dark. To avoid wasting time in re-planning and rewriting entire sections of your paper, develop a method or a template.

To help you out with this, we at SlideTeam have done our own bit of thorough research and evaluation and developed the finest way of presenting one’s research paper proposal. Before we take you through our research paper proposal presentation templates, kindly check out our amazing dissertation proposals to make a mind-map of this amazing field of work as well.

This blog walks you through everything you need to do to write an effective, impactful research paper and achieve the intended outcome!

Here are the steps and resources you need to write a strong research paper, as well as a thorough professional’s checklist to ensure you meet your objective. Writing a research paper is a specialized task, but with some practise and our specialized research paper proposal templates, it can be a piece of cake.

Happy exploring!

Template 1: Research Paper Proposal PPT

Use this sample research paper proposal to lay out the issues you’ll investigate, the importance of the subject, and the methodology to be used. It can be tailored to fit pretty much any research topic. You may need to add just a section or two, depending on preferences and requirements. This presentation template stays true to fundamental components of a good research paper proposal. Grab this PowerPoint presentation deck to create a well-written research paper.

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Template 2: Thesis Research Paper Proposal PPT

Make a compelling working thesis explicit in this editable PPT to establish credibility and authenticity. This template provides information about the background, problem statement, hypothesis, goals, literature review, and expected impact of the study. This content-ready PPT visual lets you pin-pointing obstacles to writing an engaging paper and for setting a reasonable completion date. Showcase steps needed to complete the study in this PowerPoint Presentation. Download this complete deck for an academic paper to define the key measurable output or result.

thesis research paper proposal powerpoint presentation slides wd

Template 3: Cover Letter for Research Paper Templates

Take advantage of this fantastic cover letter sample to promote your research during submission. You can convince the assessor to send the research for additional review with the aid of this one-pager. In the letter, make sure to highlight your most important findings and make the case for why your study is appropriate for the journal you are submitting it to. Let us help you write the best cover letter possible. Download now!

research paper proposal powerpoint presentation slides wd

Template 4: Abstract for Research Paper Content PPT

Use this PPT to give a succinct, one to two paragraph gist of your research paper. Use this template to display the abstract research, paper information, and content processes. An effective abstract helps readers remember ideas from your paper. It also helps readers grasp the essence of your paper or article. Download this presentation template, which also helps you add visuals to the powerful abstract.

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Template 5: Problem Statement Overview PPT

Deploy this set of slides to present a problem statement for faster action. This template helps you transform challenging issues into manageable goals that can then be communicated across an organization. The 100% customizable PowerPoint presentation helps you see an issue in new perspective. Download it and outline problems that need to be solved.

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Template 6: Research Question Hypothesis Expected Impact Template

Make a strong, testable hypothesis using this set of slides. Use the template to demonstrate scientific research techniques and the steps involved, such as the Research Question, Hypothesis Research, Paper Expected, and Impact. You can edit this PowerPoint Presentation to suit your preferences and business requirement. Download it right away to show, as opposed to just speculating, the established theories and the body of knowledge through careful experimentation, observation, and data analysis.

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Template 7: Literature Review Summary Layout

Use our user-friendly PPT layout to highlight a thorough summary of earlier research on a topic. With a thorough literature review, you can explain the already established knowledge and concepts that govern the subject of your research. Use this eye-catching template to list, summarize, critically evaluate, and give a concise overview of the subject. Showcase in-depth analysis and provide a refutation with a download of this presentation template.

research paper proposal powerpoint presentation slides wd

Template 8: Research Method Overview PPT Slide

Use this pre-made template to present a research methodology that works. It is beneficial to explain how you were able to gather and analyse your research data. This presentation template allows you to offer a solution to a research proposal. How you interpreted the data and the conclusion you drew can also be explained using this presentation template. Get hold of this fantastic PPT and get going.

thesis research paper proposal powerpoint presentation slides wd

Template 9: Project Sample Size Outline PPT Graphic

Use this one-pager to draw conclusions from statistics. Use our presentation template to summarize research findings based on data from a sample of the target population. You can download this PowerPoint Presentation and give a focused quality to your research paper proposal that will ensure a fast-tracked passage to publication.

thesis research paper proposal powerpoint presentation slides wd

Template 10: Steps for Writing Dissertation Proposal Template

Use this slide to understand the necessary steps to present a powerful dissertation proposal. Showcase your knowledge and in-depth understanding of the topic based on proper analysis, interpretation, and arguments to convince your audience with your research project. This expert designed PPT is in line with the six-stage process: background and introduction, research objectives and significance, literature review, definition of terms, methodology, and references. Download it now.

steps for writing dissertation proposal for research paper wd

Final Thoughts

Making an outline is really just a way to organize your paper. Avoid being overly conventional, but it can be beneficial to adhere to rules and guidelines. Consider what you are attempting to convey or explain in your research paper as you construct an outline to determine what format will help you do so in a concise, systematic manner. Add the researched information in the selected template to begin a fruitful journey, where your research will get published in as short a time as possible.

PS:   Searching for some exclusive and professional templates to meet your research objectives, go through our curated list of templates to showcase your knowledge of the problem domain and draft an impactful research proposal.


What is a research paper.

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that uses empirical data and statistical analysis to evaluate and interpret a single topic in a new light or showcase newer applications. Facts are the basis of research papers. To write a research paper, you must develop an opinion on a subject, research it in-depth, become an authority on it, and then cite evidence to support your claims. Example: Submission of research papers is a requirement in college courses to evaluate a student’s understanding of a particular subject or their ability to research a subject and bring a fresh perspective to a field of study. Check out our exclusive thesis proposals.

What should you bear in mind prior to beginning a research paper?

To write a research paper, following some crucial steps is a must. These are:

  • Pick your subject in a wise manner. Be specific and choose a subject of interest to work on.
  • Select reliable sources. Use libraries, internet, etc. to get valuable information about your topic.
  • You should use index cards to write down any helpful notes you might require while writing. Use of highlighter for research will also be useful.
  • Your notes ought to be arranged according to the subject they are under. This will help you segregate useful information in an easy manner.

Write a first draft to create an outline for your research paper. Give it a thorough reading, then rewrite it. Share the draft with your seniors and peers to get feedback and edit, if necessary.

What are the different sections of a research paper?

Most common parts of a research paper are:

  • Title/Cover Page: It contains the paper’s title, the author's name, phone number, name of the institution, details of educational qualifications, name of the supervisor, and the date.
  • Abstract: It is a broad overview of the research paper. It summarizes the core idea and the major theme of the paper. It includes the research question that was asked, why it was important, the methodology, and the key findings.
  • Introduction and Statement of the Problem: It identifies the primary research issue and argument for the thesis.
  • Methodology: It highlights the type of research methods to be used such as surveys, experiments, case study, etc.
  • Literature  Review:  It lists, summarizes , critically evaluates, and give a concise overview of the research done on the topic. It presents a critical analysis which includes strengths and weaknesses of the prior literature/work available on the project.

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notes on research proposals

Notes on Research Proposals

Mar 11, 2019

890 likes | 1.32k Views

Notes on Research Proposals. Components of the Research Proposal. Problem Description/Statement Research Objectives Importance/Benefits of the Study Literature Review Research Design / Data Analysis Deliverables Schedule [Facilities and Special Resources] References Budget (Appendix).

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  • research objectives
  • data analysis
  • problem statement
  • research objectives section
  • historically significant research studies


Presentation Transcript

Components of the Research Proposal • Problem Description/Statement • Research Objectives • Importance/Benefits of the Study • Literature Review • Research Design / Data Analysis • Deliverables • Schedule • [Facilities and Special Resources] • References • Budget (Appendix)

Problem Statement • Review the discussion from Week 2 on problem statements.

Purpose of the Problem Statement • Represents the reasons/motivation behind your proposal (based on the specific domain of study). • It specifies the conditions you want to change or the gaps in existing knowledge you intend to fill (this is the specification of the research problem). • Should be supported by evidence. • Specifies your hypothesis that suggests a solution to the problem. • Shows your familiarity with prior research on the topic and why it needs to be extended. • Even if the problem is obvious, your reviewers want to know how clearly you can state it.

Guidelines for writing a good abstract/problem statement All should have the following elements in this order: • State the general case / problem • Describe what others have done • What’s missing / where is the gap in knowledge? • Describe the proposed solution or research objectives/questions • Specify one or more specific hypotheses • Should include specific metrics/measurements • Discuss how their validation addresses the research questions • Specific results (or research design, if it is a proposal)

Purpose of the Research Objectives Section • Specify the outcome of your project, the end product(s) • Keep you objectives • Specific: indicate precisely what you intend to change through your project • Measurable –what you accept as proof of project success • Logical – how each objective contributes to systematically to achieving your overall goal

Research Objectives • Flows naturally from the problem statement • state your hypotheses clearly • give the reader a concrete, achievable goal • Verify the consistency of the proposal • check to see that each objective is discussed in the research design, data analysis and results sections

Literature Review • Recent or historically significant research studies • Always refer to the original source • Discuss how the literature applies, show the weaknesses in the design, discuss how you would avoid similar problems • How is your idea different/better?

Importance/Benefits of the Study • Importance of the doing the study now • What are the potential impacts on • Research in the area • Applications of the research if successful • Broader impact (in other areas, on the society, in education, etc.) • If you find this difficult to write, then most likely you have not understood the problem

Research Design • What you are going to do in technical terms. • May contain many subsections • Be specific about what research methodology you will use and why • Provide details of your proposed solutions to the problem and sub-problems • Provide information for tasks such as sample selection, data collection, instrumentation, validation, procedures, ethical requirements

Schedule & Deliverables • Include the major phases of the project • exploratory studies, data analysis, report generation • Critical Path Method (CPM) of scheduling may help • Deliverables: • Measurement instruments • Algorithms • Computer programs / prototypes • Comparative evaluation • Other technical reports

Budget and Resources • Itemized Budget • Access to special systems or computers • Infrastructure needs • Costs of surveys, user studies, etc. • Cost of travel if related to research design • Provide a Budget Narrative • This part is usually an appendix.

Proposal Characteristics • Straightforward document • No extraneous or irreverent material • Don’t tell us why you became interested in the topic • The first words you write are the most important ones • Not a literary production • Clear, sharp and precise • economy of words; no rambling sentences • Clearly organized • Outlined with proper use of headings and subheadings

Suggested Organization • Title, Abstract, Keywords (problem statement) • Introduction and Overview • Background information; problem description in context • Hypotheses and objectives • Assumptions and delimitations • Importance and benefits • Related Work/Literature Review • Research Design and Methodology • Plan of Work and Outcomes (deliverables, schedule) • Conclusions and Future Work • References • Budget (appendix)

Weaknesses in Research Proposals • Research Problem • unfocused • unimportant (done before!) • more complex • limited relevance

Weaknesses in Research Proposals • Research Design • so vague it prevents evaluation • inappropriate or impossible data • procedures inappropriate for problem • Threats to validity • Lack of reliable measures • lacking controls

A Sample Research Proposal • Read (and study) the sample proposal in Chapter 5 of in Practical Research • Fill in the critique in Chapter 12 for this proposal. • Since the critique is designed for a REPORT, simply change the tense for most questions. • Is the sample size adequate? -> Will the sample size be adequate

Guide to Writing the Research Proposal

5 Key Questions to Answer in Your Problem Statement • Does your problem statement: • Demonstrate a precise understanding of the problem you are attempting to solve? • Clearly convey the focus of your project early in the narrative? • Indicate the relationship of your project to a larger set of problems and justify why your particular focus has been chosen? • Demonstrate that your problem is feasible to solve? • Make others what to read it further?

5 Key Questions to Answer for Purpose and Objectives • Does this section • Clearly describe your project’s objective, hypotheses and/or research question? • Bury them in a morass of narrative? • Demonstrate that your objectives are important, significant and timely? • Include objectives that comprehensively describe the intended outcomes of the project? • State objectives, hypothesis or questions in a way they can be evaluated or tested later

Writing Tips for Objectives Section • Don’t confuse your objectives (ends) with you methods (means). • A good objective emphasizes what will be done, whereas a method will explain why or how it will be done. • Include goals (ultimate) and objectives (immediate)

Purpose of the Research Design • Describes your project activities in detail • Indicates how your objective will be accomplished • Description should include the sequence, flow, and interrelationship of activities • It should discuss the risks of your method, and indicate why your success is probable • Relate what is unique about your approach.

Data Analysis Data Analysis is essentially a four step process • Identify precisely what will be evaluated. If you wrote measurable objectives, you already know. • Determine the methods used to evaluate each objective. More precisely, you will need to describe the information you will need and how you propose to collect it. 3. Specify the analyses you plan to make and the data you need to collect. Your design may be simply to observe behavior of a particular population or something more complex like a rigorous experimental and multiple control group design. 4. Summarize the resulting data analyses and indicate its use. Consider mock data tables that show what your resulting data might look like.

Key Questions to Answer for Research Design/Data Analysis • Does the research design and data analysis section • Describe why analysis is needed in the project? • Clearly identify the purpose of your analysis? • Demonstrate that an appropriate analysis procedure is included for each project objective • Provide a general organizational plan or model? • Demonstrate what information will be needed to complete the analysis, the potential sources and the instruments that will be used to collect it.

Writing Tips for Research Design • Begin with your objectives • Describe the precise steps you will follow to carry out each objective, including what will be done, and who will do it. • Keep asking and answering the “What’s next?” question. • Once you have determined the sequence of events, cast the major milestones into a time-and-task chart

Scientific Writing • Prosaic • Clear, accurate, but not dull • Economy – every sentence necessary but not to the point of over condensing • Ego less – you are writing for the readers not yourself

Scientific Tone • Objective and accurate • To inform not entertain • Do not over qualify – modify every claim with caveats and cautions • Never use idioms like “crop up”, “loose track”, “it turned out that”, etc. • Use examples if they aid in clarification

Scientific Motivation • Brief summaries at the beginning and end of each section • The connection between one paragraph and the next should be obvious • Make sure your reader has sufficient knowledge to understand what follows

Other Writing Issues • The upper hand – inclusion of offhanded remarks like “ …this is a straightforward application …” • Obfuscation – aim is to give an impression of having done something without actually claiming to have done it • Analogies – only worthwhile if it significantly reduces the work of understanding, most of the time bad analogies lead the reader astray

Writing Issues • Straw men – indefensible hypothesis posed for the sole purpose of being demolished • “it can be argued that databases do not require indexes” • Also use to contrast a new idea with some impossibly bad alternative, to put the new idea in a favorable light

Unsubstantiated Claims • Example: • Most user prefer the graphical style of interface. • We believe that …. • Example • Another possibility would be a disk-based method, but this approach is unlikely to be successful. • Another …, but our experience suggests that …

References and Citation • Up-to-date • Relevant (no padding) • Original source • First order: books and journal articles • Second order: conference article • Third order: technical report • No private communications or forums ( material cannot be accessed or verified) if you must leave as a footnote not in the bibliography • Do not cite support for common knowledge

Reference and Citation • Carefully relate your new work to existing work, show how your work builds on previous knowledge, and how it differs from other relevant results. • References – demonstrate the claims of new, knowledge of the research area, pointers to background reading

Citation Style • References should not be anonymous • Other work [6] -> Marsden [6] has … • In self-references, readers should know that you are using yourself to support your argument not independent authorities • Avoid unnecessary discussion of references, Several authors …., we cite …

Citation style • Ordinal-number style, name-and-date style, superscripted ordinal numbers, and strings. • Use anyone, but use one! • Entries ordered • By appearance of citation • alphabetically

Quotation Text from another source If short – enclosed in double quotes If long – set aside in an indented block Long quotations, full material, algorithms, figures may require permission from the publisher and from the author of the original Use of quotes for other reasons is not recommended

Acknowledgements • Anyone who made a contribution • Advice, proofreading, technical support, funding resources • Don’t list your family, unless they really contributed to the scientific contents

Ethics • Don’t • Present opinions as fact • Distort truths • Plagiarize • Imply that previously published results are original • Papers available on the internet – authors put out an informal publication and becomes accepted as a formal. It is expected that the informal version will be removed

Notes on Research Design • You have decided • What the problem is • What the study goals are • Why it is important for you to do the study • Now you will construct the research design which describes what you are going to do in technical terms.

General Structure of Research Proposals

Research Design • Is a plan for selecting the sources and types of information used to answer the research question. • Is a framework for specifying the relationships among the study’s variables • Is a blueprint that outlines each procedure from the hypothesis to the analysis of data.

Research Design The research design will provide information for tasks such as • Sample selection and size • Data collection method • Instrumentation • Procedures • Ethical requirements • Rejected alternative designs

Classification of Research Designs • Exploratory or formal • Observational or communication based • Experimental or ex post facto • Descriptive or causal • Cross-sectional or longitudinal • Case or statistical study • Field, laboratory or simulation

Exploratory or Formal • Exploratory studies tend toward loose structures with the objective of discovering future research tasks • Goal - to develop hypotheses or questions for further research • Formal study begins where the exploration leaves off and begins with the hypothesis or research question • Goal – test the hypothesis or answer the research question posed

Observational or Communication Based • Observational studies – the researcher inspects the activities of a subject or the nature of some material without attempting elicit responses from anyone. • Communicational – the researcher questions the subjects and collects response by personal or impersonal means.

Experimental or Ex Post Facto • In an experiment the researcher attempts to control and/or manipulate the variables in the study. Experimentation provides the most powerful support possible for a hypothesis of causation • With an ex post facto design, investigators have no control over the variables in the sense of being able to manipulate them. Report only what has happened or what is happening. Important that researches do not influence variables

Descriptive or Causal • If the research is concerned with finding out who, what, where, when or how much then the study is descriptive. • If is concerned with finding out why then it is causal. How one variable produces changes in another.

Cross-sectional or Longitudinal • Cross-sectional are carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time. • Longitudinal are repeated over an extended period

Case or Statistical Study • Statistical studies are designed for breath rather than depth. They attempt to capture a population’s characteristics by making inference from a sample’s characteristics. • Case studies – full contextual analysis of fewer events or conditions and their interrelations. (Remember that a universal can be falsified by a single counter-instance)

Field, Laboratory or Simulation • Designs differ in the actual environmental conditions

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Research proposal presentation

Research proposal 704 _Quantitative Research Methods in LIS Presentation by Sadaf Batool M.Phil. (scholar) Roll no 14 Contents  What is research  What is proposal  Definition of research proposal  Types of research proposal  Importance of research proposal  Advantages of research proposal  Relationship of research proposal with research  Component of research proposal  1-title  2-introduction  3-statement of the problem  4-review of related literature  5-Hypothesis  6-purpose /objective of study  7- work plane  8-Method, research design, sample.  9-Refrences  common error in research proposal  Evaluation of research proposal What is research?  The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. What is proposal?  A plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others.  A research proposal “is a document that outlines how you propose to undertake your research studies” (Mouton 2001:p.44). Definition of research proposal  A research proposal is a document written by a researcher that provides a detailed description of the proposed program, It is like an outline of the entire research process that gives a reader a summary of the information discussed in a project. Importance of research proposal  Helps examine what the researcher intends to do.  Research proposal can serve as a document of contract for the project.  Research proposals can be effective starting places to discuss projects with your professors, too.  The research proposal is able to give an overview of the research project so that other people understand the scope of the research, the significance of the research, as well as your proposed methodology and chosen research method. Advantages of research proposal  Fund to support your research  Allow you to review and critically evaluate your current research program  Convince yourself and others that your research is worth supporting  Keep you focused on your research program  Develop novel ideas during writing proposal. Relationship of research proposal with research  Research proposal is a plan, and research is action.  Research proposal is compulsory for approving proposed research.  Research proposal is a schedule and research is activity.  Research proposal is a mirror of research  Research proposal is a blue print of research.  Research proposal can serve as a document of contract for the project. Types of research proposal  There are two major types of research proposal; Academic: • An academic proposal is the first step in producing a thesis or major project. Its intent is to convince a supervisor or academic committee that your topic and approach are sound, Non-academ Read less

research proposal lecture notes ppt


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  • 1. 704 _Quantitative Research Methods in LIS Presentation by Sadaf Batool M.Phil. (scholar ) Roll no 14
  • 2. contents What is research What is proposal Definition of research proposal Types of research proposal Importance of research proposal Advantages of research proposal Relationship of research proposal with research
  • 3. contents Component of research proposal 1-title 2-introduction 3-statement of the problem 4-review of related literature 5-Hypothesis 6-purpose /objective of study 7- work plane 8-Method,research design ,sample. 9-Refrences common error in research proposal Evaluation of research proposal
  • 4. What is research? The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
  • 5. What is proposal ? A plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others. A research proposal “is a document that outlines how you propose to undertake your research studies” (Mouton 2001:p.44).
  • 6. Definition of research proposal A research proposal is a document written by a researcher that provides a detailed description of the proposed program, it is like an outline of the entire research process that gives a reader a summary of the information discussed in a project.
  • 7. Importance of research proposal Helps examine what the researcher intends t o do. Research proposal can serve as a document of contract for the project. Research proposals can be effective starting places to discuss projects with your professors, too. The research proposal is able to give an overview of the research project so that other people understand the scope of the research, the significance of the research, as well as your proposed methodology and chosen research method.
  • 8. Advantages of research proposal Fund to support your research Allow you to review and critically evaluate your current research program Convince yourself and others that your research is worth supporting Keep you focused on your research program Develop novel ideas during writing proposal
  • 9. Relationship of research proposal with research Research proposal is a plan ,and research is action. Research proposal is compulsory for approving proposed research. Research proposal is a schedule and research is activity. Research proposal is a mirror of research Research proposal is a blue print of research. Research proposal can serve as a document of contract for the project.
  • 10. Types of research proposal There are two major types of research proposal; Internal research proposal Academic research proposal Non-academic research proposal External research proposal Solicited research proposal Unsolicited research proposal
  • 11. Internal research proposal Academic : • An academic proposal is the first step in producing a thesis or major project. Its intent is to convince a supervisor or academic committee that your topic and approach are sound, Non-academic: This one is not for degree requirement that is submitted by a university or a college teacher to some research organization.
  • 12. External research proposal Solicited: Solicited proposals are those that are written and submitted in response to the issuance of a "Request for Proposals" (RFP), a document that identifies a specific research problem of interest to the funding agency for which they are specifically seeking a solution. Interested investigator then submits a “concept” or "white paper" briefly outlining their proposed solution to the problem. If the funding agency or company is interested, they may then request that the investigator submit a full proposal for consideration of funding.
  • 13. External research proposal Unsolicited : Unsolicited proposals are those proposals that are submitted by an investigator in response to a "general call" for proposals that is issued by a funding agency or company in a field or area of study.
  • 14. Component of research proposal Title  Precise and accurate  Unambiguous  Avoid extremely long titles
  • 15. Component of research proposal Introduction Orient the readers towards the topic. Explain the importance and relevance of the topic Justifies the choice of the topic. Research question/hypothesis .
  • 16. Component of research proposal Statement of the problem “The problem statement describes the context for the study and it also identifies the general analysis approach”(Wiersma, 1995, p.404) Should indicate why the researcher needs to be done and what will be its relevance. Conveys information about a research problem.
  • 17. Component of research proposal Literature review It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being reported( Fraenkel &Wallen, 1990) It prevents the duplication of work that has been done before. Theoretical framework A summary.
  • 18. Component of research proposal Hypotheses Build the case to support the hypothesis with literature and data---no reinventing the wheel Seeing is believing: Use schematic figures or diagrams to help reviewers understand your model and idea State your hypothesis clearly in the abstract and specific aims; alternative hypothesis in case
  • 19. Component of research proposal Objective of study The general objective of a study states what researcher expect to achieve by the study in general terms. What to achieve.?
  • 20. Component of research proposal Work Plan Include the major phases of the project: estimate when you will start each stage of the work, and how long it will take. Sequencing, flow and timeline of the study.
  • 22. Component of research proposal Methodology Subjective Interviews Questionnaires Discussions Surveys Objective Experimental Use of measuring devices Use of recording devices.
  • 23. Component of research proposal RESEARCH DESIGN Descriptive case study Mixed Method Quantitative Method Design Qualitative Method Design
  • 24. Component of research proposal POPULATION AND SAMPLING Indicate your sampling techniques , e.g.: Quantitative Cluster Random Sampling Size of sample Population Experimental and control groups Prevention of bias, etc.
  • 25. Component of research proposal References List all references cited in the proposal. Make sure these references are:– Up-to-date Relevant Original source
  • 26. The common error in proposal writing Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues Too many citation lapses and incorrect references Sloppy writing Failure to state all of the basic assumptions that are relevant to the study. Concerns irrelevant assumptions. Selecting unsubstantiated assumptions which cannot be defended by any logic, empirical evidence.
  • 27. Evaluation of research proposal 1.Problem identification: Is the problem/line of enquiry clearly defined? Is the basic research problem well formulated, or is it poorly and vaguely structured? Is it briefly and concisely stated?
  • 28. Evaluation of research proposal 2.Background to the research problem Has there been an adequate description of the background to the problem either under a separate heading or as part of the literature? 3.Literature review Is there clear evidence of a thorough review of the literature? Is there a theoretical engagement with the relevant literature?
  • 29. Evaluation of research proposal 4.Conceptual framework Has a suitable hypothesis (or hypotheses) been formulated, or has a suitable research question (or research questions) been stated? 5.Objectives Have the objectives been stated clearly? 6.Research design  Is the project and research design well structured and outlined, or is it poorly articulated? Has the research methodology been articulated clearly?
  • 30. Evaluation of research proposal 7.Significance Why is it important to undertake this research? Whom will it benefit or to whom will it be important? Has the expected outcome (or outcomes) of the research been clearly identified? 8.Feasibility  Is the problem researchable and is it feasible? Do the preliminary data and available resources support its feasibility?  Does the candidate’s academic profile or potential support his/her ability to accomplish the project?
  • 31. Evaluation of research proposal 9.Other general comments Is the proposal well structured or poorly compiled? If the latter, what should be done to make it a well-structured proposal? 10. Language Has the research proposal been proofread and edited?
  • 32. References Turney,B., George, Robb(1971).Research in education: An introduction. Wiersma, William,(1975).Research methods in education. Koul,Lokesh,(1997).Methodology of educational research Best,Jone W.(2006).Research in education. Marshall,Catherine,GretchB.Bossman.(1989).Designin g Qualitative research.

research proposal lecture notes ppt

Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work

Mar 16, 2023 | Jared Spataro - CVP, AI at Work

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Screenshot Microsoft 365 Copilot

Humans are hard-wired to dream, to create, to innovate. Each of us seeks to do work that gives us purpose — to write a great novel, to make a discovery, to build strong communities, to care for the sick. The urge to connect to the core of our work lives in all of us. But today, we spend too much time consumed by the drudgery of work on tasks that zap our time, creativity and energy. To reconnect to the soul of our work, we don’t just need a better way of doing the same things. We need a whole new way to work.

Today, we are bringing the power of next-generation AI to work. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot — your copilot for work . It combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps to turn your words into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet.

“Today marks the next major step in the evolution of how we interact with computing, which will fundamentally change the way we work and unlock a new wave of productivity growth,” said Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, Microsoft. “With our new copilot for work, we’re giving people more agency and making technology more accessible through the most universal interface — natural language.”

Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded in the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — to unleash creativity, unlock productivity and uplevel skills. Today we’re also announcing an entirely new experience: Business Chat . Business Chat works across the LLM, the Microsoft 365 apps, and your data — your calendar, emails, chats, documents, meetings and contacts — to do things you’ve never been able to do before. You can give it natural language prompts like “Tell my team how we updated the product strategy,” and it will generate a status update based on the morning’s meetings, emails and chat threads.

With Copilot, you’re always in control. You decide what to keep, modify or discard. Now, you can be more creative in Word, more analytical in Excel, more expressive in PowerPoint, more productive in Outlook and more collaborative in Teams.

Microsoft 365 Copilot transforms work in three ways:

Unleash creativity. With Copilot in Word, you can jump-start the creative process so you never start with a blank slate again. Copilot gives you a first draft to edit and iterate on — saving hours in writing, sourcing, and editing time. Sometimes Copilot will be right, other times usefully wrong — but it will always put you further ahead. You’re always in control as the author, driving your unique ideas forward, prompting Copilot to shorten, rewrite or give feedback. Copilot in PowerPoint helps you create beautiful presentations with a simple prompt, adding relevant content from a document you made last week or last year. And with Copilot in Excel, you can analyze trends and create professional-looking data visualizations in seconds.

Unlock productivity. We all want to focus on the 20% of our work that really matters, but 80% of our time is consumed with busywork that bogs us down. Copilot lightens the load. From summarizing long email threads to quickly drafting suggested replies, Copilot in Outlook helps you clear your inbox in minutes, not hours. And every meeting is a productive meeting with Copilot in Teams. It can summarize key discussion points — including who said what and where people are aligned and where they disagree — and suggest action items, all in real time during a meeting. And with Copilot in Power Platform, anyone can automate repetitive tasks, create chatbots and go from idea to working app in minutes.

GitHub data shows that Copilot promises to unlock productivity for everyone. Among developers who use GitHub Copilot, 88% say they are more productive, 74% say that they can focus on more satisfying work, and 77% say it helps them spend less time searching for information or examples.

But Copilot doesn’t just supercharge individual productivity. It creates a new knowledge model for every organization — harnessing the massive reservoir of data and insights that lies largely inaccessible and untapped today. Business Chat works across all your business data and apps to surface the information and insights you need from a sea of data — so knowledge flows freely across the organization, saving you valuable time searching for answers. You will be able to access Business Chat from Microsoft, from Bing when you’re signed in with your work account, or from Teams.

Uplevel skills. Copilot makes you better at what you’re good at and lets you quickly master what you’ve yet to learn. The average person uses only a handful of commands — such as “animate a slide” or “insert a table” — from the thousands available across Microsoft 365. Now, all that rich functionality is unlocked using just natural language. And this is only the beginning.

Copilot will fundamentally change how people work with AI and how AI works with people. As with any new pattern of work, there’s a learning curve — but those who embrace this new way of working will quickly gain an edge.

Screenshot Microsoft 365 Copilot

The Copilot System: Enterprise-ready AI

Microsoft is uniquely positioned to deliver enterprise-ready AI with the Copilot System . Copilot is more than OpenAI’s ChatGPT embedded into Microsoft 365. It’s a sophisticated processing and orchestration engine working behind the scenes to combine the power of LLMs, including GPT-4, with the Microsoft 365 apps and your business data in the Microsoft Graph — now accessible to everyone through natural language.

Grounded in your business data. AI-powered LLMs are trained on a large but limited corpus of data. The key to unlocking productivity in business lies in connecting LLMs to your business data — in a secure, compliant, privacy-preserving way. Microsoft 365 Copilot has real-time access to both your content and context in the Microsoft Graph. This means it generates answers anchored in your business content — your documents, emails, calendar, chats, meetings, contacts and other business data — and combines them with your working context — the meeting you’re in now, the email exchanges you’ve had on a topic, the chat conversations you had last week — to deliver accurate, relevant, contextual responses.

Built on Microsoft’s comprehensive approach to security, compliance and privacy. Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 and automatically inherits all your company’s valuable security, compliance, and privacy policies and processes. Two-factor authentication, compliance boundaries, privacy protections, and more make Copilot the AI solution you can trust.

Architected to protect tenant, group and individual data. We know data leakage is a concern for customers. Copilot LLMs are not trained on your tenant data or your prompts. Within your tenant, our time-tested permissioning model ensures that data won’t leak across user groups. And on an individual level, Copilot presents only data you can access using the same technology that we’ve been using for years to secure customer data.

Integrated into the apps millions use every day. Microsoft 365 Copilot is integrated in the productivity apps millions of people use and rely on every day for work and life — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more. An intuitive and consistent user experience ensures it looks, feels and behaves the same way in Teams as it does in Outlook, with a shared design language for prompts, refinements and commands.

Designed to learn new skills.  Microsoft 365 Copilot’s foundational skills are a game changer for productivity: It can already create, summarize, analyze, collaborate and automate using your specific business content and context. But it doesn’t stop there. Copilot knows how to command apps (e.g., “animate this slide”) and work across apps, translating a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation. And Copilot is designed to learn new skills. For example, with Viva Sales, Copilot can learn how to connect to CRM systems of record to pull customer data — like interaction and order histories — into communications. As Copilot learns about new domains and processes, it will be able to perform even more sophisticated tasks and queries.

Committed to building responsibly

At Microsoft, we are guided by our AI principles and Responsible AI Standard and decades of research on AI, grounding and privacy-preserving machine learning. A multidisciplinary team of researchers, engineers and policy experts reviews our AI systems for potential harms and mitigations — refining training data, filtering to limit harmful content, query- and result-blocking sensitive topics, and applying Microsoft technologies like InterpretML and Fairlearn to help detect and correct data bias. We make it clear how the system makes decisions by noting limitations, linking to sources, and prompting users to review, fact-check and adjust content based on subject-matter expertise.

Moving boldly as we learn  

In the months ahead, we’re bringing Copilot to all our productivity apps—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, Viva, Power Platform, and more. We’ll share more on pricing and licensing soon. Earlier this month we announced Dynamics 365 Copilot as the world’s first AI Copilot in both CRM and ERP to bring the next-generation AI to every line of business.

Everyone deserves to find purpose and meaning in their work — and Microsoft 365 Copilot can help. To serve the unmet needs of our customers, we must move quickly and responsibly, learning as we go. We’re testing Copilot with a small group of customers to get feedback and improve our models as we scale, and we will expand to more soon.

Learn more on the Microsoft 365 blog and visit WorkLab to get expert insights on how AI will create a brighter future of work for everyone.

And for all the blogs, videos and assets related to today’s announcements, please visit our microsite .

Tags: AI , Microsoft 365 , Microsoft 365 Copilot

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    research proposal lecture notes ppt

  4. SOLUTION: Concept Note and Research Proposal Presentation

    research proposal lecture notes ppt

  5. PPT

    research proposal lecture notes ppt

  6. PPT

    research proposal lecture notes ppt


  1. Research Proposal Lecture Video

  2. How to write a Research Proposal? || lecture #1 || 1st step to research writing

  3. How to Prepare Research Funding Presentation

  4. The Proposal |Class 10th English

  5. Part 6: Research Studies

  6. Qualitative Research Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides


  1. PDF Chapter 4: How to Write a Research Proposal

    I. The introduction section of your proposal. The purpose of this section is to introduce your research idea, establish its importance (i.e., you want to "sell" it to your reader), and explain its significance. Flow of the introduction: Start with a general introduction that. defines the research topic. demonstrates its importance.

  2. Lecture 2: Research Proposal Development

    Steps in writing. 1) Research Background •. 2) Goals and. 3) Propose Methodology •. 4) Determine Sources. 5) Develop a. Types of Data, Quantitative Research Methods •. Quantitative Research Methods •.

  3. Writing Research Proposal

    Writing Research Proposal. May 29, 2018 •. 9 likes • 708 views. D. Dr Mallanagouda R. Patil. This presentation emphasizes key components of Research Proposal, Essentials of Good Research Title, Importance of Title, Framing of Research Title with examples, Importance of Introduction, Statement of Research Problem with examples, Irrelevant ...

  4. PDF Writing a Research Proposal

    3. the specific research question or problem you're trying to discover or investigate 4. the purpose/goal of your research •e.g. test a hypothesis, fill a knowledge gap, explore patterns/inconsistencies 5. the significance •why does this matter; why should we care? •what makes this worth investigating? •what are the consequences of

  5. PDF AED 615 Developing your Research Proposal

    Proposal Format. Instrument - Draft copy (develop the instrument as as far as possible to determine if it will accomplish the objectives. Timeline - When do you plan to begin your work, when you do anticipate completing your project. In. Include a month-to-month breakdown of events. Human Subjects Form - Draft copy of form to be submitted ...

  6. Notes on Research Proposals

    Presentation on theme: "Notes on Research Proposals"— Presentation transcript: ... Download ppt "Notes on Research Proposals" ... Research Proposal and Dissertation Daing Nasir Ibrahim. Research Proposal Development of research question. Experimental Psychology PSY 433.

  7. PDF Writing a Research Proposal

    research •Relevant skills you've mastered needed for the research •Life experiences that indicate special knowledge/interest in topic •Access to people, tools, institutions needed to complete your proposed project (attach letters of support if permitted) •Access to guidance

  8. PDF Research Proposal Presentation Tips

    Research Proposal Presentation Tips 1. Title/topic (1 slide) To ensure that your title and topic point directly to the focus of your research, check to see that key terms in the statement of the gap in the literature and the research aim are reproduced in the title. 2. Research 'problem' or justification (1-2 slides)

  9. (PPT) How to Prepare Research Proposal

    research proposal is a comprehensive plan for a research project. It is a written description of a research plan that has to be undertaken. It determines the specific areas of research, states the purpose, scope, methodology, overall organization and limitations of the study. It also estimates its requirements for equipment (if necessary ...

  10. PDF Tips on Preparing and Presenting Research Proposal PPT

    Aim for consistency on each slide and avoid crowding. Add audio and video appropriately. Preparation Tips for PPT. Use a max of 3 font styles. Use approx. 6-7 lines per slide, 7-8 words per line and proof read. Use ample blank spaces. Use animations appropriately such as. slide transitions.

  11. Research Proposal

    Validity and reliability Chapter 2-Research methodology/proposal lecture Notes by Dr stephen; Chapter 11 -Research methodology/proposal lecture Notes by Dr stephen; Chapter 1 -Research methodology/proposal lecture Notes by Dr stephen; Chapter 8 -Research methodology/proposal lecture Notes by Dr stephen

  12. Research PROPOSAL.ppt

    Research PROPOSAL.ppt. This document provides an overview of key aspects of a research proposal, including definitions, objectives, types, elements, structure, advantages, limitations, evaluation criteria, and reasons for failure. It defines a research proposal as a document that describes the purpose and methodology of a proposed investigation.

  13. PDF Research Proposal Notes (3)

    Research Proposal Notes (3) Research Proposal Notes. The research proposal can serve many useful functions. • The most important is that it helps you to think out the research project you are about to undertake and predict any difficulties that might arise. • For those who aren't quite sure what their focus will be, the research proposal ...

  14. PDF Lecture 9: How to write a good research proposal

    The length and structure of the proposal should follow either agency's requirements, or to be at most 5 pages and follow p. 22 points. Proposal should include a budget (for what are you asking the money) Proposal should include a CV+ list of publications. The deadline to submit me .pdf your proposal (and your paper) is March 31st.

  15. (PPT) introduction to research proposal writting

    The procedure for writing the research proposal is discussed with regards to: 1) Identifying the problem 2) Deciding on the topic 3) Deciding the locale of study 4) Deciding on the data needs 5) Planning the source of data collection 6) Plotting down ways to collect data 7) Identifying methods for analyzing data collection 8) Establishing a ...

  16. PDF Chapter: Writing a Research Proposal

    University of Gondar, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Sociology 19/011/25/2020. 1. Hand Out. Chapter: Writing a Research Proposal. 1.1 Introduction. A research proposal is a document which accounts for the research topic chosen by a researcher. It is a written document which totally describes the investigator's plan ...

  17. Presenting Your Research

    A WORD Studio guide to presenting your research. I. The Research Proposal Presentation. The overall purpose of a research proposal presentation is inquiry: you're sharing what you've learned so far and how you hope to develop it so that you might hear from others what questions they have, where they felt confused, and new directions they ...

  18. PDF Eie 510 Lecture Notes Research Methodology

    human and societal problems. This research is more prescriptive in nature, focusing on how questions. 3. Evaluation Research (summative and formative): Evaluation research studies the processes and outcomes aimed at attempted solution. The purpose of formative research is to improve human intervention within specific conditions, such as

  19. The Research Proposal

    The Research Proposal. Mar 2, 2010 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 422 likes • 382,249 views. AI-enhanced description. G. guest349908. The document provides an overview of the key elements that should be included in a research proposal. It discusses the purpose of a research proposal is to convince others that the proposed research project is ...

  20. Top 10 Research Paper Proposal Templates with Samples & Examples

    Template 8: Research Method Overview PPT Slide. Use this pre-made template to present a research methodology that works. It is beneficial to explain how you were able to gather and analyse your research data. This presentation template allows you to offer a solution to a research proposal.

  21. PPT

    Mar 11, 2019. 890 likes | 1.29k Views. Notes on Research Proposals. Components of the Research Proposal. Problem Description/Statement Research Objectives Importance/Benefits of the Study Literature Review Research Design / Data Analysis Deliverables Schedule [Facilities and Special Resources] References Budget (Appendix). Download Presentation.

  22. Research Project Proposal Google Slides Theme & PPT Template

    Premium Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Before embarking yourself on a new project, especially if it's about research, you need to set out a proposal to explain its viability. Here at Slidesgo we're offering this theme that you can actually use for any kind of project, regardless of the topic. We've designed this template ...

  23. Developmental Biology Lab

    Page 1 of 4. Biology document from Phoenix College, 4 pages, Developmental Biology Lab - Midterm Presentation Rubric Spring 2024 Each research group should prepare a Powerpoint presentation following the below guidelines: 5-7 minutes in length Containing the following major "sections": (# slides recommended per.

  24. Research proposal presentation

    Research proposal 704 _Quantitative Research Methods in LIS Presentation by Sadaf Batool M.Phil. (scholar) Roll no 14 Contents What is research What is proposal Definition of research proposal Types of research proposal Importance of research proposal Advantages of research proposal Relationship of research proposal with research Component of research proposal 1-title 2-introduction 3 ...

  25. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot

    Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded in the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — to unleash creativity, unlock productivity and uplevel skills. Today we're also announcing an entirely new experience: Business Chat.