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PSA - Public Service Announcements

Making a Public Service Announcement

What is a PSA?

A public service announcement, commonly known by the PSA acronym, is a message spread in the interest of the public. Their objectives are to bring about awareness about civic groups and more, and change public attitudes, opinions, or even actions towards an issue. These can be instructional, inspirational, or even shocking to elicit emotion and action. Their meanings can vary widely depending on the specific purpose. However, they generally aim to convey important information, discuss social issues, promote responsible behavior, inspire action, and contribute to positive changes in society.

They are powerful tools that effectively communicate important points. They provide students with an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, develop their creative skills, and make a positive impact in their communities. Whether you're looking for public service announcement ideas or PSA examples, there is no shortage of compelling topics to address. From promoting road safety among civic groups, to addressing mental health stigma, the range of PSA topics is vast. By utilizing a storyboard template and employing effective writing techniques, students can craft engaging and impactful messages that capture the audience's attention.

Types of Public Service Announcements

  • Narrative: Engage viewers emotionally through storytelling techniques, creating a connection with the message.
  • Animation: Use visuals, characters, and storytelling to communicate important creative ideas in an engaging way.
  • Testimonial: Feature real people sharing personal stories or experiences to inspire action.
  • Print Ads: In the form of print ads displayed in newspapers, magazines, billboards, and other print media to reach a broad audience.
  • Social Media: Created specifically for online sharing on social media platforms, leveraging the reach and engagement potential of social media users. Public interest in PSAs is also different on social media, where users are more likely to engage with and share topics that resonate with their personal interests and values.
  • Educational: Focus on informing and educating about specific issues or topics, often using clear explanations, visuals, and statistics.

Create Awareness - Global Warming

Why Have Your Students Create a PSA?

Something created by a child can be a very powerful way to get others to hear essential facts about a certain issue. A PSA, meaning announcement that happens in a public space, may be the best format for conveying brief and attention-grabbing, simple and memorable messages quickly. Many campaigns have educated the public or contributed to social change. The number of people who smoke cigarettes has decreased dramatically since the 1960s, not only because of legal restrictions, but also because the general public as a whole has become more aware of the severe health risks. Consider the effects of famous characters on your own life such as Smokey the Bear or McGruff the Crime Dog and phrases rings like, "Only you can prevent forest fires", or “Don’t drink and drive.”

The most commonly used media are video on television and the internet, and audio during radio shows or podcasts, but there are many instances in print media. On Storyboard That, you can make a digital public service announcement school assignment or project that you can distribute via email, printed out, or projected during a presentation. You can even record and add audio!

PSA Examples - Train - psa ideas

How to Make a Public Service Announcement

They are for the benefit of the public, and usually contain information that you should take away. What do you want to say? Should you write a story or make a bold statement? Storyboard That offers storyboard templates for you to choose from. Here are a few steps on how to write your own storyboard.

1. Choose an Issue

Write about a topic or issue that would benefit the public. A vital topic may focus on social or environmental issues such as bullying, littering, or industrial pollution, but also might be on a smaller scale like “push in your chair” or “cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.” Think about what you want to get across and to whom you are directing it.

PSA Example - Fridge - psa example

2. Hook Your Audience

Good topics will be noteworthy for at least one reason. Maybe it will grab attention because of its comedy, shock value, emotionality, or importance to the audience. Make phrases ring or resonate with your audience, and use the various character positions and expressions to demonstrate an array of emotions. Use eye-catching images in your storyboard cells from the Storyboard That library and Photos For Class , and try not to leave much empty white space. Use dialogue bubbles or other text boxes to explain your point. A very different, but effective, strategy is to limit the text to a single word or slogan, or to leave text out entirely.

PSA - Raise Awareness

3. Get Your Facts Straight

It is vital to research the topic as necessary. If you have incorrect information, your idea will quickly lose its credibility. Make sure the factual information that you present, such as statistics examples, is correct and relevant. Use a blend of figurative language, images, and jokes to prove a point, but be sure that you are not insinuating untrue things. Choose appropriate scenes, characters, and items that enhance your message.

4. Be Straightforward

Your project should be clear and concise. Get your point across without dawdling. If you choose to make a more thought-provoking point to your targeted audience, you still want them to understand after a moment of consideration, rather than spend time puzzling over the higher meaning.

How Can I Use PSAs in the Classroom?

  • Use storyboards as an introduction to a unit on persuasive writing . They usually do not have legitimate opposing stances, but many public service announcements want to persuade the audience in some way. Making a storyboard can help students think about their passions, important issues in our society, and convincing reasons to back up claims.
  • Make storyboards to understand and address contemporary issues in your school, town, country, or world. They can cover numerous serious topics like racism, sex trafficking, drunk driving, but also smaller concerns in modern day. Here at Storyboard That, we love seeing what the next generation is thinking and how they are going to tackle the problems they are actively inheriting.
  • Use storyboards as a means of planning for video assignments. PSAs are great templates for advertisements, and often occur alongside commercials on TV, on radio, or in print. Storyboarding is very useful when planning for the needs of filming: set, actors, props, etc. The Fridge and The Arrest storyboards above are two examples of storyboards that could be easily turned into a video.
  • You or your class can create posters and PSA infographics to hang in the classroom or in the halls of the school to start a movement, like encouraging recycling or reminding their peers about bullying or peer pressure. Often these types of public announcements have a clear statement and call to action, and are made with vibrant, eye-catching colors.

PSA Comic - Test - public service announcement school

Example Activities

Compelling public service examples for students involves for instance making a campaign in their school to promote eco-friendly practices, demonstrating how young individuals can make a positive impact on the environment.

Where Do Polar Bears Live? by Sarah Thomson - Save the Arctic Poster or PSA

Follow-Up Discussion Questions

Showcase or present public service announcements samples and storyboards at various stations around the classroom. Discuss the effect of the various elements. Use some of these questions to guide the discussion.

What message should you take away? Is it presented explicitly or implicitly?

Who is the intended audience? Where would you post or present this public service announcement?

Do you believe it? Do you understand why you should [follow the message]?

Do you have an emotional reaction or a personal connection? What makes you feel that way?

How else could you present the same point in a different way? (i.e. use comedy as opposed to emotional connection) Which approach is more effective?

Related Resources

  • Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
  • Health & Wellness Lesson Plans
  • The Rhetorical Triangle: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
  • PSA Infographics

Activity Ideas

  • Digital Ideas Campaign: Task the class with designing a digital campaign using social media platforms. They can create engaging posts, videos, or images that highlight the issue, encourage discussion, and prompt action, aiming to create consciousness and reach a wide audience. In this case you might be wondering what does PSA mean on social media platforms? On social media, "PSA" stands for "Public Service Announcement." It's used informally by users, organizations, or influencers to share important information or advice about various topics. Unlike traditional PSAs, social media PSAs are user-generated, cover diverse subjects, leverage multimedia, encourage interactivity, and have the potential to go viral due to their shareability and targeting options.
  • Poster Design: Ask students to design eye-catching posters that will talk about and explain a particular cause or issue. Provide them with information on effective design principles and direct them to incorporate persuasive language and visuals to capture the audience's attention. Some topic examples include taking a stand against bullying, diseases such as cancer, health organizations, and kids helping the environment.
  • Podcast: Have students produce a PSA in the form of a podcast episode. They can research and discuss the issue, interview experts or individuals affected by the issue, and present solutions or actions that listeners can take, effectively bringing about consciousness and encouraging people to take action.
  • Storyboard and Animation: Guide the class in making a storyboard and animating their PSAs using digital tools or even simple stop-motion techniques. This allows them to bring their messages to life, capturing the audience's attention and effectively conveying important information in an engaging format.

Social Issues Public Service Announcement Examples

The following activity suggestions present a curated selection of compelling examples that can be applied to illustrate the effectiveness of public service announcements in inspiring action, and making a positive impact on society.

  • Cyberbullying: Discuss the lasting impact of cyberbullying and encourage kindness and respect online. Use real examples and personal stories to engage the audience and emphasize the importance of online empathy.
  • Mental Health: Develop a PSA that aims to reduce stigma and promote the importance of seeking help and support. Feature interviews with professionals, individuals with lived experiences, and help for accessing the correct services.
  • Environmental Conservation: Create a visually impactful PSA that highlights the urgency of environmental issues like climate change, deforestation, or plastic pollution. Use compelling visuals, statistics, and call-to-action statements to encourage sustainable practices and emphasize the role of individuals in making a difference.
  • Road Safety: Discuss the importance of responsible driving, seatbelt usage, and avoiding distracted driving through a dynamic campaign. Include testimonials from accident survivors, interviews with traffic safety experts, and reenactments to emphasize the consequences of reckless driving.
  • Healthy Eating: Develop a relatable and informative presentation to promote healthy eating habits. Include practical tips, recipes, and visuals showcasing the benefits of balanced diets. Address the risks of consuming unhealthy processed foods and encourage individuals to make nutritious choices.
  • Anti-Drug Abuse: Make something powerful that emphasizes the dangers of drug abuse and addiction. Incorporate testimonials from recovering addicts, interviews with substance abuse counselors, and information about local addiction treatment sources to encourage individuals struggling with addiction to seek help.
  • Gender Equality: Develop an empowering PSA that promotes gender equality, challenges stereotypes, and encourages equal opportunities for all genders. Highlight success stories of individuals breaking gender barriers and emphasize the importance of inclusive and respectful manners.
  • Internet Safety: Discuss online safety, privacy, and the prevention of cybercrimes like phishing and identity theft through an informative and engaging PSA. Provide practical tips for protecting personal information, recognizing online scams, and fostering a healthy digital environment.

How to Integrate Public Service Announcements into the Curriculum for Cross-Disciplinary Learning

Identify relevant topics and learning objectives.

Determine the relevant topics or social issues that will get an audience's attention quickly, and that align with your curriculum and learning objectives. Consider issues that can be addressed through PSAs, such as environmental sustainability (clean air and pollution), social justice, or health and wellness.

Engage Students in Research and Analysis

Guide students in researching and analyzing the chosen topic, encouraging them to gather information from reliable sources, evaluate different perspectives, and identify key messages to be conveyed through PSAs.

Collaborative Planning and Storyboarding

Facilitate collaborative planning sessions where students from different disciplines can work together to develop PSA concepts and storyboards. Encourage students to leverage their knowledge and skills from various subjects to create well-rounded PSAs.

Media Production and Implementation

Provide students with access to media production tools and resources, such as video editing software or graphic design platforms, to create their PSAs. Support students in the implementation of their PSAs, whether through broadcasting in the school, sharing on social media, or presenting to relevant stakeholders.

Reflection and Evaluation

Allocate time for students to reflect on their PSA creation process, discussing the challenges, successes, and lessons learned. Establish evaluation criteria that assess both the content and the effectiveness of the PSAs, allowing students to receive feedback and refine their work.

Integration and Application

Encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills from various subjects to contextualize the PSA topic within their respective disciplines. Provide opportunities for students to present or showcase their PSAs in subject-specific settings, such as science fairs, art exhibits, or language arts presentations.

Frequently Asked Questions about PSAs

What is a psa announcement.

It is a brief message or advertisement designed to inform and educate the public about important social issues, promote responsible behaviors, or encourage community involvement. PSAs are typically broadcast through various channels and are an effective method to inspire action for the greater good.

How many visual elements are enough or too much to use on a PSA template?

The number of elements to use on a PSA template depends on the what you want to say and to whom. Students should be advised that it is recommended to use a balance of images, text, and other design elements to convey the message effectively when making their own. It is important to avoid overloading the announcement with too many visual elements, which can make it difficult to read and understand.

What are some often overlooked issues that may arise when creating a PSA?

Some often overlooked issues when creating a PSA include ensuring that the message is clear and concise, selecting appropriate images and design elements, and considering the cultural and social context of those who will see or hear it. Any public service announcement definition revolves around the purposeful dissemination of messages aimed at creating awareness, promoting social responsibility, and fostering positive behavior change within a specific target audience. Therefore, it is important to avoid using language or images that may be offensive or inappropriate and to test the announcement with a small group of students before sharing it widely. It is also important to only use images that are in the public domain or have a Creative Commons license to avoid copyright infringement issues.

Are there any guidelines I should follow when creating a PSA template?

Yes, you should consider the target audience, message, and format of the PSA when designing the template. For instance, when creating templates, it is important to consider the age range of the target audience. Topics that are age-appropriate should use language and images that are appropriate for the target age group. It is important to avoid using images or language that may be too mature or difficult for younger students to understand. It is also important to ensure that the crafted announcement follows ethical and legal guidelines.

What are some factors to consider in terms of instruction and design when developing PSA templates for students with special needs in the classroom?

When considering how to create a PSA template for students with special needs, it is important to acknowledge their individual needs and ensure that the materials are accessible and understandable to them. This may involve simplifying the language used, providing additional visual aids or audio instructions, and allowing for extra time or breaks during the design process. It is also important to consider the specific disability or special need of each student and tailor the instruction and design accordingly.

What are PSAs that would be suitable for creating activity worksheets?

PSAs that are suitable for creating activity worksheets can cover a wide range of common topics and themes. Some examples to focus on that are great starting points for activity worksheets include those related to health and safety (e.g., seat belts, smoking prevention), environmental issues (e.g., recycling, conservation), social awareness (e.g., anti-bullying, mental health), and community engagement (e.g., volunteering, civic responsibility). These often have clear messages, target specific people, and use persuasive techniques that can be analyzed and explored in activity worksheets to promote learning and engagement.

What are some tips for how to write a PSA script that resonates with social media audiences?

When crafting a PSA script, start by understanding your audience and their preferences. Use a strong hook to grab their attention swiftly, as social media users have limited patience. Keep the script concise and straightforward while telling an emotionally engaging story. Include a clear call to action that guides viewers on what to do next, such as sharing the post or visiting a website. Incorporate visuals and audio, and avoid using complex language or jargon. Test your announcement on the chosen platform, actively engage with your audience, and measure its performance using key metrics to refine your future strategies.

What is the difference between a commercial and a PSA?

A commercial is created for profit-driven advertising, promoting products or services, while a PSA serves a public interest, educating about social issues, safety, or community initiatives without profit as the primary goal.

What is a good PSA?

Creating an effective public service announcement requires a clear message, engaging content, and a call to action. The effectiveness depends on various factors including the medium of delivery and the nature of the issue being addressed. Here are some tips for creating a good PSA:

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to the specific demographics and interests of your target audience.
  • Emotional Appeal: Appeal to emotions to create a connection with the audience. People are more likely to respond emotionally.
  • Clarity is Key: Ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or complicated language.
  • Use Storytelling: Narratives are powerful tools for engagement. Personal stories can make the issue more relatable.

What is the most popular PSA?

Determining the "most popular" PSA can be challenging, as it depends on factors such as the region, time period, and the criteria used for measurement (e.g., views, impact, cultural significance). However, one of the most iconic and widely recognized PSAs is the "This is your brain on drugs" campaign.

The campaign, launched in the 1980s by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, featured an egg sizzling in a frying pan, symbolizing the brain on drugs. The accompanying narration emphasized the harmful effects of drug use. The simplicity and impact of the visual metaphor made it memorable, and it became a cultural phenomenon, often referenced and parodied in various forms of media such as radio stations, television, and print.

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public service announcement essay

How to Write a PSA (Public Service Announcement)

What is a psa (public service announcement).

A public service announcement (PSA) is a short, community-oriented message that radio stations air at no cost in order to fulfill their obligation to serve the public interest. PSAs are a cost-effective way for non-profit organizations to raise awareness about the benefits their organizations provide. Radio stations receive PSAs as audio files – typically recorded as :30 or :60-second messages. These files can be accompanied by scripts for announcers to read live on air. Through appropriate distribution, they can be targeted to preferred demographics and markets.

Radio stations have a vested interest in serving their communities, and they really do want to help promote your non-profit message. However, depending on the time of year and the markets you want to reach, there might be dozens of other organizations competing for airtime.

Here is our list of the top five things you can implement as you conceive, write and produce your public service announcement to ensure your message reaches and resonates with the right audience.

How to Write a PSA (Public Service Announcement)

1. Be Authentic

PSAs must be linked to a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization with local or national recognition. One way to ensure that your public service announcement gets the attention of radio station public affairs directors is to include an appeal on your organizational letterhead, signed by your communications director or your president. You’ll also want to direct their attention to your website and social media pages where they can find more information about your organization. If you are active and making an impact in your community, it should be visible online which will help increase your credibility and improve your odds of having your message air.

Every station has a different vetting process, but here’s a typical example from a station website of their requirements for submitting a PSA:

To Submit a PSA please email our Public Affairs Director with the following info:

  • 501(c)(3) Charity/NonProfit official name
  • Description of event, initiative or cause
  • Name of event, date, time and location, and a website if there is one.
  • Description of who your organization benefits, and how donations work (what portion of the proceeds go to the beneficiaries)
  • Your name, title and phone number

2. Keep It Simple – Easy – Quick

The key to getting a quick response is to make it simple for stations to access the PSA and reply. Provide them with an easy way to download the PSA and script from a website and an automated way to let you know if they’re using it. Years ago, we would record the PSAs onto CDs which we mailed to stations with an introductory letter, a copy of the script, and a self-addressed stamped postcard for them to respond. It worked fine then, but now our PSAs are submitted digitally and we get a much higher rate of participation and trackable response.

3. Carefully Select Format & Delivery

It’s best to create both a :30 second (65-90 words) and a :60 second (150-180 words) version of your public service announcement and to include the scripts of both versions, or alternate scripted versions. Some stations won’t air the produced piece but will instead enlist one of their hosts to read it on-air — we call that a “live reader.”  For an American Cancer Society PSA, we produced recorded versions of a 60-second and 30-second PSA, and a 15-second live reader script as well, after several stations requested something shorter than the 30-second option.

Hearing a few examples might also be helpful as you think about how to write a public service announcement. You can hear a :30 second and a :60 second example that we produced for the USDA called “Eat Smart, Play Hard,” on healthy food choices and staying active. See our Public Service Announcement page .

Keep in mind that emails with multiple attachments (like audio files) from unknown senders often get flagged by an email server as spam. To help prevent that from happening, craft an introductory email that includes a letter, the text of the PSA, and a link to a website or a Dropbox folder from where stations can easily download the audio and scripts.

This is where our experience and digital training work for you. Let MediaTracks Communications manage all the parts and pieces of not only drafting your message but also the digital delivery system to maximize ease and efficiency of distribution.

Stations often schedule the rotation of their PSAs weeks or even months in advance. If you are promoting a time-sensitive event, you’ll want to begin reaching out to stations 6-8 weeks prior to the event date. For content that is Health and Wellness Awareness related, consult our calendar to help you plan ahead.

4. Follow-up & Track

Some radio stations may post a disclaimer about PSAs saying that “due to the volume received, we are not able to acknowledge receipt of your submission.” This is why it is essential that your campaign employs a well-planned effort to follow-up through phone calls and emails to as many stations as possible. This subsequent contact is also another opportunity to pitch the merits of your cause and persuade the station representative into airing your PSA.

Make it easy for stations to respond to your request for airing a PSA, even if the answer is “no, thank you.” We’ve had a lot of success with including a short response form on the same website page where stations download the audio and scripts. For a recent PSA about Opioid Abuse targeted to the State of Illinois, we used an online form, and followed up with emails and phone calls, resulting in nearly 50% of the responding stations using it as recorded, or doing live reads.

5. Measure Success – What is a good response?

The frequency and duration of how stations air public service announcements vary greatly. Some of the bigger stations might commit to daily airings for only a few weeks, depending on how many other PSAs they are running at the same time. However, if the content is “evergreen,” meaning that the PSA isn’t connected to a specific event in time and doesn’t contain information with an expiration date, it might be put into on-air rotation for several months. Expect a variety of air dates and time slots.

Some stations give priority to local nonprofits and it’s impossible to know how many other organizations are also competing for airtime, so a usage rate of 35-50% is considered a success. Anything above 50% is a home run!

Next Steps for your Public Service Announcement

Radio PSAs provide highly cost-effective, community-focused outreach for charitable organizations. While there are costs associated with writing, production, targeting, distribution, tracking and reporting, the airtime you get on radio stations is ultimately free.

Radio reaches more than 243 million consumers weekly. At MediaTracks Communications we are dedicated to using AM/FM Radio to distribute your message and advance your cause. A well written and produced public service announcement can deliver enormous exposure and benefit for both your organization and the communities it serves. We offer a full range of PSA services including scripting, production, station targeting, distribution, tracking and reporting to ensure the message gets heard by the widest possible audience. You can learn more about that here or contact us today to get started.

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A sample script for public service announcements.

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Customizing for your office

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Public service announcements (PSAs) are a powerful tool for raising awareness on important issues that affect society. PSAs are typically broadcast through various media platforms such as television, radio, newspapers, billboards and social media. Poll worker recruitment is an important issue through which PSAs can be used to inform the public.

PSAs are useful because they can reach a wide audience and effectively communicate a message in a short amount of time. They are designed to be attention-grabbing and memorable, often featuring catchy slogans that make a lasting impression on viewers.

What you’ll need

  • Download the Public Service Announcement sample messages (.docx file, 13KB)
  • Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or another word processing application
  • Contact information for local television or radio stations

When creating a public service announcement, it is important to have a clear message that you are trying to communicate. For example, you may use a public service announcement to put out a call for prospective poll workers.

Begin by downloading the sample messages from the “What you’ll need” section. You can also copy and paste the sample messages into your own documents from the “Using the tool” section below.

Using The tool

Election offices can use these samples to create similar announcements. (As you adapt the samples, be sure to replace the highlighted sections with accurate information for your office.)

0:15 Spot Script (40 Words)

[Democracy County] needs you to be a poll worker. Poll workers play a vital role in our democracy and you can be paid for helping out. For more information, call [One-Two-Three Four-Five-Six Seven-Eight-Nine-Ten] or apply online at [Vote Democracy Dot Gov]

0:30 Spot Script (80 Words)

[Democracy County] needs you! Poll workers play a vital role administering elections and you can be paid for helping out. Poll workers can serve in a variety of ways: checking in and assisting voters at voting locations; verifying signatures on mail ballot envelopes; and preparing ballots for counting. For more information, call [One-Two-Three Four-Five-Six Seven-Eight-Nine-Ten] or apply online at [Vote Democracy Dot Gov]

As you’re thinking about creating your own announcements, there are a few key elements to keep in mind:

  • The message should contain one main point
  • The message should be actionable – provide a phone number or website address
  • Write out every word – even numbers and punctuation. For example, the phone number 555-555-5555 would be “FIVE-FIVE-FIVE FIVE-FIVE-FIVE FIVE-FIVE-FIVE-FIVE,” and the website would be “VOTE HAMILTON DOT GOV.”

The length of these announcements is also important. You’ll want to pay attention to how many words your PSA contains, and match that to the amount of time you have for your announcement. Here are a few recommendations:

  • 160 words for a 1:00 spot
  • 80 words for a 0:30 spot
  • 40 words for a 0:15 spot

Consider writing and sharing announcements that conform to all of the above guidance. This will make it easier for the stations to use.

In addition to requesting stations to run content as a public service, your office may consider purchasing advertisements (or “spots”). The format for the PSAs matches what would be required for paid radio or television ads, which are generally low-cost and effective ways to reach wide audiences.

Any tips for customizing this resource for my office?

Cast a wide net when booking PSAs. If available in your area, be sure to reach out to stations that serve voters speaking a variety of languages. (For help on this and other language access issues, check out  guidance from the Center for Civic Design .)

How do I know if this resource is helping?

Election officials can determine if this resource is helping by tracking the sources of poll worker applications. This could look like including a question on the application asking where the applicant heard about becoming a poll worker.

Which Values for Election Excellence does this resource support? Why?

Values for the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence define our shared vision for the way election departments across the country can aspire to excellence. These values help us navigate the challenges of delivering successful elections and maintaining our healthy democracy.

Alliance values are designed by local election officials, designers, technologists and other experts to support local election departments.

You may find this tool especially helpful for these Values:

  • Voter-centricity , why: Voters will be well-informed about upcoming elections.
  • Proactive transparency , why: Election offices will be forthright about upcoming elections and activities of the office.
  • Comprehensive preparedness , why: Poll workers will feel well-prepared for their duties.

To learn more about the Values for Election Excellence, and to see the full list, visit the  Alliance website .

How was this resource developed?

This resource has been developed based on research, but has yet to be tested with voters or put into practice. Share your experience with this resource and improve it for your peers by reaching out via  [email protected]

How do I stay in touch?

  • For the latest news, resources, and more, sign up for our  email list .
  • Have a specific idea, piece of feedback, or question? Send an email to  [email protected]

Related Resources

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“Leading a Successful Poll Worker Program” courses

A four-course series for election administrators that addresses poll worker recruitment, training, management, and retention.

public service announcement essay

Digital poll worker application toolkit

A tool for efficiently managing poll worker applicants.

public service announcement essay

Standards of conduct for election workers

Standards of conduct set expectations for participants and observers in normal election operations.

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Public Service Announcement Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Communication , Cinema , Media , Love , Television , Movies , Nation , Time

Published: 02/02/2020


The media has for a long time been a means of mass communication in, the world. It may be associated with the old age communication techniques used by our ancestors in the past. The current mode of communication is through television sets, the radio or the World Wide Web. The most commonly used mean of communication is through the television. It is thus the major party that involves itself much with public service communications. Public service announcements are “messages in the public interest disseminated by the media without charge, with the objective of awareness creation, changing public attitude and behavior towards a social issue” (Goodrum, Charles and Helen, 1990). It was initially shaped by the AD council, initially known the War Advertising council, during the World War II. Unlike the current, the announcement were focusing n the countries needs at the time, they then expanded to address issues of forest fires, blood donations and high way safety. With time more issues entered its realm and changed the whole idea (Goodrum, Charles and Helen, 1990). One of the best announcements in time was done by a national station in Kenya. It came in a time when violence due to election malpractices had supposedly taken place. The then president of Kenya, Mwai Kibaki had been said to have rigged the election against his opponent, Raila Odinga. The Sunday nation recorded numerous deaths. Tribal clashes become rampant in the region as President Mwai Kibaki’s tribesmen fought with other communities. The media decided to end this cancer by making a movie geared to peaceful coexistence. The movie titled ‘My love for Kenya’, was aired in one of the local television stations, K.T.N, and uploaded in the internet for view and commentary. It was aired every day in the morning and in the evening at seven, a time at which everyone in the family is seated close to their television sets. Its upload in the internet was to ensure that even people, who could not receive the signal, would have the opportunity to watch the movie and the announcement made thereafter. It exposed the motives behind the fights and showed Kenyans how they used to love each other prior to the election. It motivated nation building by involving each and every tribe in the cast of the movie. Among the best scenes in the announcement ,was when Maina, the main character of the movie, turned back to the audience and lifted up the Kenyan flag, slowly all the people in the background came out and did the same, then they all joined in singing the Kenyan national anthem. A message of peace love and unity was being passed at the very pick of tribal war. The announcement was effective, after a few days of its airing; most of Kenyans were seen with white flags in their cars as reported by CNN. Peace was starting to come back, the American aid was able to reach Kenyans and tolerance took its course. Ten years down the line, people thought that another fight will prop up. This was not the case, deep down the hearts of Kenyan, there has increased a level of love and acceptance of culture that they understand in their own ways, thanks to the media. The good part of the public service announcement is majorly its motive, to correct wrongs that have occurred in the society, it approaches the problem holistically and at times, comprehensively. The downside of it is that it deals with the problem when it has occurred, it should be improved to work on an issue before it becomes a problem.

Goodrum, Charles & Helen Dalrymple (1990). Advertising in America: the first 200 years


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60 Powerful Social Issue Ads That’ll Make You Stop And Think

We’ve seen some great public service announcements recently which made us wonder – why not do a post on the best PSA campaigns in the last couple of years?

We scoured the internet, filtered the not-so-great ones and came up with this list of 60 hard-hitting ads that deal with social, environmental, health and other issues. From ad school assignments to Cannes-winners, these powerful visuals do more than just spread the message. Check them out below.

1. Before it’s too late

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 1

2. Certain things hang on forever

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 2

3. Plastic bags kill

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 3

4. Ignore us, ignore human rights

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 4

5. Stop the violence, don’t drink and drive

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 5

6. It’s not happening here, but it is happening now

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 6

7. If you don’t pick it up, they will

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 7

8. See how easy feeding the hungry can be?

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 8

9. Guess which item is banned in America?

Social Issue Ad 9

10. The back seat’s no safer, belt up

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 10

11. Every 60 seconds a species dies out

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 11

12. Schizophrenia can be treated. Seek help.

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 12

13. Slower is better

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 13

14. Nobody’s immune to breast cancer, not even superwomen

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 14

15. If dying for your faith makes you a martyr…

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 15

16. He has his mother’s eyes

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 16

17. Tailgating isn’t worth it

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 17

18. For some, it’s Mt.Everest

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 18

19. 1988 –

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 19

20. On the internet, some things are not what they seem

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 20

21. Women need to be seen as equal

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 21

22. Give a hand to wildlife

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 22

23. Help before it’s too late

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 23

24. Thousands of people owe their lives to organ donors

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 24

25. Sexual predators can hide in your child’s smartphone

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 25

26. One click could change your life. Belt up.

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 26

27. Save paper. Save the planet.

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 27

28. If you don’t feed them, who will?

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 28

29. You are not a sketch, say no to anorexia

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 29

30. Now you see it, now you don’t

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 30

31. Victims are people just like you and me

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 31

32. Don’t cut a dream

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 32

33. Censorship tells the wrong story

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 33

34. It should’t  be this dangerous. Stop for flashing red lights.

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 34

35. Sleepiness is stronger than you

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 35

36. I’ll be there in a while, wheelchair

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 36

37. What goes around, comes around. Keep the sea clean.

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 37

38. The longer a child with autism goes without help, the harder they are to reach

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 38

39. If you smoke, statistically your story will end 15% before it should

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 39

40. Animals are not clowns

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 40

41. What goes around, comes around

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 41

42. Bullets leave bigger holes than you think

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 42

43. Be patient with people who stutter

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 43

44. The earth is heating up

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 44

45. Signs are there for a reason

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 45

46. The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 46

47. Air pollution kills 60,000 people a year

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 47

48. Hunger kills 2.5 million children every year

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 48

49. Don’t buy exotic animal souvenirs

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 49

50. Workers are not tools

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 50

51. Don’t talk while he drives

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 51

52. Think of both sides

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 52

53. Stop the (animal) abuse

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 53

54. Neglected children are made to feel invisible

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 54

55. Your skin color shouldn’t dictate your future

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 55

56. Same dog, different owner

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 56

57. Prevent breast cancer. Do the self examination.

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 57

58. Liking isn’t helping

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 58

59. For the homeless, every day is a struggle

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 59

60. Smoking causes premature ageing

Public Service Announcements - Social Issue Ad 60

If we had to pick three, it would be tough, but no.2 (Casa Do Menor), 28 (Concordia) and 45 (Buick) would be our choices. What about you? Did we miss one that should be on this list? Share this post and join the discussion below .

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Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The focus on one’s physical appearance and attractiveness strongly affects people in the modern age of social media and aggressive advertising. Young men and women whose growing bodies change quickly may fall victims of trying to adhere to the image created by others. Excessive information about diets and the idea that a “perfect body” should be among people’s most desirable goals destroy some persons’ lives. Eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia nervosa, can affect people of all ages and genders, being prevalent in younger individuals (Fichter & Quadflieg, 2016). For instance, more than 10 percent of all young people experience an eating disorder before they turn 20 (Culbert, Racine, & Klump, 2015). However, these problems can be prevented and treated if a person seeks professional medical help and takes a few steps to recovery.

The causes of eating disorders may vary from one person to another. Some individuals believe that a thin body equates to attractiveness, wanting to belong to a certain company or community. Others are driven by their athletic achievements, thinking that a smaller frame will help to be fast and strong. The outcomes of these thoughts are serious – the mortality of people with untreated eating disorders is much higher than that of individuals with depression or schizophrenia (Fichter & Quadflieg, 2016). In particular, anorexia is among the most dangerous mental health problems for younger adults. Eating disorders may go unacknowledged for a long time.

The problem in asking for help is rooted in the feeling of shame. To combat eating disorders, a person has to overcome his or her fear and guilt. One’s thoughts about worthlessness exacerbate the problem further, and embarrassment becomes the driver that pushes victims to hide their condition instead of seeking assistance and support. The Christian outlook reminds these people that this feeling of shame is false (Uhley, 2016). One’s value is measured not by their appearance but by their existence and trust in the Creator. Thus, seeking help and battling the disorder is a way to accept that all people were created by God and loved by Him regardless of how thin they are.

Notes: Such images as one’s obsession with advertisements and models can be used to visualize unhealthiness. Symptoms, weaknesses, and outcomes can also be used to raise awareness in opposition to healthy, happy relationships and self-acceptance.

Culbert, K. M., Racine, S. E., & Klump, K. L. (2015). Research review: What we have learned about the causes of eating disorders – A synthesis of sociocultural, psychological, and biological research. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 56 (11), 1141-1164. Web.

Fichter, M. M., & Quadflieg, N. (2016). Mortality in eating disorders – Results of a large prospective clinical longitudinal study. International Journal of Eating Disorders , 49 (4), 391-401. Web.

Uhley, J. (2016). Chapter 10: Emotional obstacles to wisdom. In A. DiVincenzo (Ed.) , The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, June 30). Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement.

"Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement." IvyPanda , 30 June 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement'. 30 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement." June 30, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement." June 30, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement." June 30, 2021.


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Egypt Faces Hard Choices After Israeli Seizure of Gaza’s Southern Border

Egypt’s government is weighing its “cornerstone” relationship with Israel against the economic damage the war in Gaza is inflicting and against the domestic outrage over the devastation there.

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Several women, one of them holding a small child, sit on desert sand, facing away from the camera and toward an encampment.

By Aaron Boxerman and Thomas Fuller

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel announced plans late last year to occupy a sensitive corridor of land in the Gaza Strip, along the border with Egypt, the response from Cairo was public, explicit and ominous.

“It must be strictly emphasized that any Israeli move in this direction will lead to a serious threat to Egyptian-Israeli relations,” the Egyptian government said in a statement in English in January, weeks after Mr. Netanyahu announced plans to occupy the so-called Philadelphi Corridor. Egypt said that an Israeli military presence there would violate the 1979 peace treaty between the two countries.

This week, the Israeli military announced that it had seized “tactical control” of the corridor. Yet despite the Egyptian government facing domestic pressure to take a harsher stance on Israel following its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, there has been no public Egyptian comment on the seizure of the corridor.

The silence may be a reflection of the dilemma Egypt finds itself in after nearly eight months of war in Gaza.

Egypt and Israel view their relationship as a cornerstone of their national security, according to former Israeli and Egyptian officials, making it unlikely the Egyptian government would take substantial steps against Israel. Peace between Egypt and Israel has been an anchor of Middle East stability for 45 years.

Ezzedine Fishere, a former Egyptian diplomat, said in an interview Thursday that Egypt has hewed to a doctrine of keeping the relationship with Israel stable and protecting it “from the inevitable crises that come from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

“Egypt has been consistent in trying to shield this relationship and minimize the impact of the conflict,” Mr. Fishere said.

The Egyptian economy , fragile even before the war, has been hit by a collapse in traffic through the Suez Canal, losing billions of dollars in revenue because of ships diverted by Houthi attacks in or near the Red Sea.

Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is alarmed by the prospect of Gazan refugees streaming across its border, is sensitive to the outrage in Egypt and across the Arab world to Israel’s bloody Gaza campaign, and is wary of the influence of Islamist groups like Hamas. Hamas grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist movement that Mr. el-Sisi ousted from power in a 2013 coup.

While expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, Egypt’s government has also cracked down on dissent at home. According to the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, 120 people have been detained against the backdrop of pro-Palestinian protests in the country, of whom around 30 were ultimately released.

The Israeli military has said it advanced into the border zone in an attempt to choke off Hamas’s ability to smuggle munitions into Gaza through tunnels from Egypt. Egypt has strenuously rejected that claim, saying that over the past decade it has destroyed 1,500 tunnels and fortified the wall between Gaza and Egypt.

Israel’s move into the corridor this week was part of the Israeli offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, which has prompted more than one million Palestinians, most of them already displaced from their homes, to flee the city, according to the United Nations.

Former enemies who fought several wars from 1948 to 1973, Israel and Egypt have clashed diplomatically over the Israeli campaign in Gaza, particularly over Israel’s Rafah offensive. But Egyptian and Israeli authorities now coordinate closely on security, with defense officials regularly meeting in Cairo and Tel Aviv.

“The security people will keep talking to the security people,” Mr. Fishere said. “The border will be managed jointly, and the communication continues. Both sides know that it’s in their interest.”

Even so, those ties are now being put under considerable strain.

In early May, Israel captured the Gaza side of the Rafah border crossing, a vital portal for food and other goods, and it has been closed since then. Egyptian, Israeli and Palestinian officials have wrangled over who is to blame for the closure and how to resume operations there.

Kan, the Israeli public broadcaster, reported on Thursday night that Israel and Egypt had agreed in principle to reopen the crossing, but the most fundamental question, who would operate it on the Gaza side, remained unanswered. The report could not immediately be confirmed.

Moreover, analysts say the prospect of Israeli forces conducting intense military operations so close to Egyptian soil has worried Egyptian and Israeli officials, who prefer to keep their militaries as separate as possible.

On Monday, at least one Egyptian soldier was killed in a shooting incident with Israeli forces near the Rafah crossing — the kind of clash that could inflame public opinion. Both sides say they are investigating the incident, and Egypt’s government and its tightly-controlled news media have downplayed it.

Egyptian officials also warned for months against Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, saying it could be catastrophic for civilians in Gaza.

Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Cairo, said one of Egypt’s key concerns was that Israeli operations could prompt Gazans to flood across the border. As long as that prospect remains distant, whatever discontent Israel’s operation in the Philadelphi Corridor stirs in Egypt can likely be managed, said Mr. Shaked.

“Both Israel and Egypt understand their true interests,” he added. “There’s tension, disappointment and frustrations on both sides — but they are trying to keep those under the table.”

Israeli military officials have generally shied away from appearing to accuse Egypt of failing to crack down on cross-border smuggling, which some analysts called an attempt to avoid damaging the sensitive and important ties between the two countries.

On Wednesday night, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, declined to explicitly confirm that Israeli forces had uncovered cross-border tunnels in the corridor. But an Israeli military official, who briefed reporters Wednesday on condition of anonymity to comply with military protocol, said that troops had identified at least 20 tunnels running from Gaza into Egypt.

One of the tunnel networks in the area — an entrance to which lay 100 yards from the Rafah crossing — sprawled for nearly a mile underground, including a room intended as a hide-out for militants, Admiral Hagari said. Israeli forces demolished the tunnel complex with explosives, he added.

The Israeli military official said “tactical control” did not mean that Israeli forces were present at every point along the Philadelphi Corridor. But he said it meant that Israel could effectively disrupt Hamas’s supply lines, which pass through the border zone. Israeli troops, he indicated, were working to begin dismantling the tunnel network in the Rafah area.

On Wednesday night, in response to Israel’s announcement about the corridor, Egypt’s state-run Al-Qahera News channel quoted an unnamed senior official saying “there is no truth” to claims of tunnels under the border. But the official did not directly address Israel’s claim to control the corridor, or threaten further diplomatic action.

Aaron Boxerman is a Times reporting fellow with a focus on international news. More about Aaron Boxerman

Thomas Fuller , a Page One Correspondent for The Times, writes and rewrites stories for the front page. More about Thomas Fuller

Our Coverage of the Israel-Hamas War

News and Analysis

The Israeli military’s announcement that it had seized “tactical control” of a sensitive border strip  between Gaza and Egypt comes after weeks of rising tensions between Egypt and Israel .

Israel’s national security adviser said that he expected Israel’s military operations in Gaza to continue through at least the end of the year , appearing to reject the idea of a quick end to the war.

The bombs used in the Israeli strike that killed dozens of Palestinians in a camp for displaced people in Rafah were made in the United States , according to weapons experts and a Times visual analysis.

A Fateful Encounter: In an Israeli prison infirmary, a Jewish dentist came to the aid of a desperately ill Hamas inmate. Years later, the prisoner became a mastermind of the Oct. 7 attack .

Getting Relatives Out: For Americans racing to evacuate their family members from Gaza, the closure of the Rafah border crossing into Egypt — the only way out for civilians — has thrown an already complicated system into disarray .

Awaiting Her Husband’s Release: Aviva Siegel was held captive by Hamas in Gaza with her husband until late November. She was one of 105 hostages released  as part of a cease-fire deal.


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  10. Public Service Announcement Essay

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  14. Public service announcement script sample

    Public service announcements (PSAs) are a powerful tool for raising awareness on important issues that affect society. PSAs are typically broadcast through various media platforms such as television, radio, newspapers, billboards and social media. Poll worker recruitment is an important issue through which PSAs can be used to inform the public.

  15. Public Service Announcement Essay Example For FREE

    Public Service Announcement. Public service announcements, or PSA's, are short messages produced on film, videotape, DVD, CD, audiotape, or as a computer file and given to radio and television stations. Generally, PSA's are sent as ready-to-air audio or video tapes, although radio stations (especially community or public stations, such as ...

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    Public Service Announcements (PSA) Decent Essays. 765 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Texting while driving has become a public epidemic especially within these past years'. With the growth of the public texting and driving, the Public Service Announcements (PSA) have been put in place to help persuade the public to stop.

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    Public Service Announcement is a free of charge message which act like an advertisement. It is used by a Non-Profit Organization or groups to promote event. PSA can be produced in audio, video, and even written form such as television station, radios and newspapers. Generally, the function of PSA in television station and radio station is similar.

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    Public Service Announcement Essay Sample. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Communication, Cinema, Media, Love, Television, Movies, Nation, Time. Pages: 3. Words: 650. Published: 02/02/2020. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. The media has for a long time been a means of mass communication in, the world. It may be associated with the old age communication ...

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    We've seen some great public service announcements recently which made us wonder - why not do a post on the best PSA campaigns in the last couple of years?. We scoured the internet, filtered the not-so-great ones and came up with this list of 60 hard-hitting ads that deal with social, environmental, health and other issues.

  22. Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement Essay

    Eating Disorders: Public Service Announcement Essay. The focus on one's physical appearance and attractiveness strongly affects people in the modern age of social media and aggressive advertising. Young men and women whose growing bodies change quickly may fall victims of trying to adhere to the image created by others.

  23. Public service announcement Essays

    The Government of Ontario created a Public Service Announcement that shed light on sexual harassment and violence. 1 in every 6 American women are exposed to some type of sexual harassment/violence (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network). This particular PSA focused on men with negative motives creating these acts of violence and bystanders ...

  24. Egypt Faces Hard Choices After Israeli Seizure of Gaza's Southern

    Egypt's government is weighing its "cornerstone" relationship with Israel against the economic damage the war in Gaza is inflicting and against the domestic outrage over the devastation there.