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New principal for Presentation Junior School, Mullingar

Natasha Miskell has recently commenced her role as the new principal of Presentation Convent Junior National School.

The Sligo native started three weeks ago following the retirement of Mrs Bernadette Beddows.

Miss Miskell has taught in the Mullingar area for the last 15 years, at Educate Together and at Scoil Phádraig Naofa, Dysart, as principal for five years. Miss Miskell said she is “honoured and privileged to join a hard-working caring staff and the warm welcome from all the school community including staff, children and parents has been fantastic”. Her aim is to support the child-centred and caring ethos that the school is already known for.

She looks forward to building relationships with the children and their families in a school that is inclusive ,caring and respectful of its long history in the town.

presentation school mullingar

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Tánaiste to open this year's Goldsmith Festival

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Our School History

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Download The Story Of Nano Nagle .pdf

On the 29th of October at 5 pm the Presentation Nuns formally came to Mullingar. Miss Ellen Martin opened classes in the first floor of the Convent.

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Electric light was first installed in the Convent and the Junior School.

presentation school mullingar

During 1957 the Senior School, Scoil na Maighdine Muire opened.

2000 – 175th Anniversary Presentation Order

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2000 On the 21st of November a special mass was held to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the arrival of the Presentation order in Mullingar.

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On the 10th of January 2000 Mrs Valerie Moore commenced duty as the first lay Principal of the School since its foundation in 1825.

2007 Green Flag

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In February 2007 our school was awarded the Green Flag!

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Mrs Bernie Beddows commenced duty as Principal of the school, another exciting era in our history begins.

presentation school mullingar

We also said Slán to Dympna Nally ,our secretary of forty four years.

In 2025 the Presentation school will be in Mullingar 200 years. The students in our school now will have gone to college and started their careers............

Like the many thousands before them. We are excited to see where our school journey will take us!!!!

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TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More

  • PO Box 8. Harbour Street. Mullingar. Co. Westmeath.
  • Monday - Friday 8:50 a.m - 2:30 p.m

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Mullingar (Westmeath)

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The Presentation Convent School Mullingar was built in 1869. 

Alterations took place in 1921. 

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Mullingar (Westmeath)

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Presentation Schools Mullingar

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Maher (A Minor) v Presentation School Mullingar

[2004] IEHC 337

The High Court


Tort - Personal injuries - Negligence - Education - Liability of School - Litigation - Damages - Whether school responsible for injury - Whether failure to adequately supervise pupils.

Facts: The plaintiff had been involved in an accident whilst in school. From the evidence tendered it appeared that the plaintiff had suffered an injury to his eye when a schoolmate had used a rubber band to catapult a pencil which struck the plaintiff's eye. Counsel on behalf of the plaintiff contended that there had been a failure in the level of supervision afforded by the plaintiff's teacher in not confiscating the rubber band in question (rubber bands were banned under the schools rules) which would have prevented the injury from occurring. On behalf of the defendant it was submitted that the correct standard to be imposed upon the teacher was one of the prudent parent which was to take reasonable care. The class was a well-behaved one and what had occurred was a sudden act which could not have been anticipated. Evidence was given that the incident had occurred when the teacher was engaged in conversation with a teacher who had just come to the door of the classroom.

Held by Peart J in dismissing the claim. In order for the incident not to have happened it would have been necessary to search each child and their schoolbag which would have been an unreasonable burden and not one required under the duty of care owed by the school. The classroom had been conducted in a perfectly ordinary way. In any normal child there would be a certain propensity for horseplay and high spirits. Simply because an injury took place ina school did not mean that the school management or any individual teacher had been negligent. Negligence had not been established and the claim would be dismissed.

Reporter: R.F.

Mr Justice Michael Peart delivered on the 22nd October 2004 :

Wayne is now a young boy of about 11 years of age who, almost five years ago at the age of 6, sustained a nasty injury to his right eye in an incident in the classroom of the defendant school, when another boy of the same age, who was sitting at the classroom table opposite Wayne, used a rubber-band as a catapult, while the teacher's attention was not on him, and propelled his pencil in the direction of Wayne's face hitting him in the right eye.

Although not discovered until a few days later on examination by an Eye Specialist in Dublin, the fact is that in this incident Wayne suffered a laceration to the cornea and there was evidence of a prolapse into the wound resulting in an irregular pupil. Very fortunately for this young boy, this injury was expertly treated surgically by Mr Donal Brosnahan, and to a large extent there is relatively normal vision with improbable adverse sequelae in the future apart from some watering of the eye which is likely to remain. It is also evident on a close examination of the eye that the pupil itself is somewhat oval or elliptical in shape rather than round or circular, but it is not in my view disfiguring to any great extent when viewed other than closely. I will if necessary deal in more detail with the medical evidence; but it is first necessary to deal with the question of whether the defendant school has been negligent at all. Liability is in issue.

For that purpose I will set out in summary from the relevant evidence which was given to me yesterday.

Having satisfied myself that Wayne understands what it means to take an oath and give sworn evidence, he gave his evidence in a very sincere manner and I completely accept, especially given that this incident occurred almost five yeas ago – a very long time within a life of only eleven years – that he has given his evidence truthfully as he remembers matters now, and sincerely. Neither did he attempt to distort or exaggerate what might have happened. That is in spite of the fact that in some respects I believe that his recall of this day is not clear, which is understandable, and that in some instances I accept the version of events as given by adult witnesses called for the defendant. If I may be allowed to say so, I believe that Wayne acquitted himself admirably given his age, even under an understanding, yet at times firm, cross-examination, in what for him must have been a very formal and formidable court environment, and over a period of at least one hour, and possibly more.

Wayne entered first class in this school in September 1999. This is a class of between 25 and 30 children in the charge of a young teacher, Ms. Shaw. The class of 1999 was her third such class in this school. She had finished her teacher training in the summer of 1997, whereupon having spent about eight weeks at a school in Swords, Co. Dublin, she commenced as a teacher in the defendant school in 1997.

The school day starts at about 9.30 and ends at about 3pm. There is a short break taken at about 11.15am during which time the children go out to play for a while and return to the classroom at about 11.15am, whereupon they are allowed to have a small drink and biscuit snack. When that has concluded the children tidy away their lunch boxes, clear their desks, and class resumes until lunchtime.

On this day, Wayne was brought to school as usual by his mother's sister whose own children are also pupils in the school, but I do not understand any of them to be in Wayne's class. She also picks him up again at 3pm and brings him back to her own house until about 7.30pm when he is collected from there by his mother after her work. That is what happened on this particular day also.

In the classroom there are three rows of tables, as opposed to individual desks, at which about five pupils sit on each side facing each other. Wayne occupied habitually a seat which was second in from the left of the table closest to the classroom door. He therefore had a classmate on his left, and another to his right, and others further down to his right. Others were seated at the opposite side of the table, including the boy who caused the injury. That person was seated immediately opposite him. Each table appears from the photograph to be about four feet in width, being therefore the distance Wayne was from the boy who caused this injury.

He says that at some time after the short morning break had ended and the class had resumed on this particular day, but before the lunch break, a person whom he believes to be another teacher called Ms. Brennan, who teaches the class just beside and adjoining his classroom (but who the defendants say in fact was a Special Needs teacher, Ms. Fitzsimons) came into the classroom. He would have been a matter of a few feet away from them, being seated near and facing the door. He says that while Ms. Shaw was speaking to this person near the door, he was looking away to his right. He heard the boy opposite him say "Look!" , whereupon he turned back and was immediately hit in his right eye by a pencil which had been propelled towards him by this boy with the aid of a rubber-band which he had in his possession. He said that just before that this boy had been playing with his pencils which he had removed from his pencil case when the other teacher came in.

Wayne says did not shout out or make any noise which drew Ms. Shaw's attention to what had happened to him. He stated that he was not crying after it happened. It was the classmate sitting just to his left who went up to Ms Shaw after the other teacher left, who told Ms Shaw what had happened. He stated that it was very painful at the time, and that his eye was watery and his vision was blurred. He just remained in his seat holding his hand to his eye. He stated that Ms Shaw came over to him and asked what happened. He told her, but according to his evidence, she did not look into his eye at the time. Her evidence differs in this respect. He also thought that Ms. Brennan was still in the room at this time, but that when she had left, the class continued. He says that he was told to go and see the principal, Sr. Angela, and when he did so, Sr. Angela asked him to open his eye but did not treat him in any way. He says that he went to Sr. Angela on his own.

This is an area of the evidence where I cannot rely on the version of events given by Wayne. That is not because I think he is being untruthful, but having heard the evidence both of Ms Shaw and Sr. Angela, I have no doubt that on the balance of probabilities, their evidence is the more likely to represent what actually happened after the incident. I believe that for an 11 year old to remember back nearly half his life span is an almost impossible task, and that while of course he would remember reasonably clearly the moment of the injury, he could not be expected to recall with exactitude all the other less memorable events in the aftermath of the incident. As I have said and am at pains to stress, this is no criticism of Wayne. He has done his very best to be as exact as possible in his recollection, but where that evidence is disputed by a version of events which seems completely likely, plausible, and probable, I accept the latter.

As it happens, nothing much turns on what exactly happened after the incident, as there is no part of the subsequent events which has been alleged to have contributed in any way to a worsening or indeed improvement of the injury. It is simply what happened up to that point in time which is relevant as far as the issue of liability is concerned. But I believe it to be ...

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  1. Presentation Senior School Mullingar, Westmeath on

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  2. Presentation Convent School Mullingar

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  3. Presentation Mullingar

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  4. Presentation Convent (Jnr), Westmeath on

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  5. New principal for Presentation Junior School, Mullingar

    presentation school mullingar

  6. Physical Activity

    presentation school mullingar


  1. Presentation Mullingar

    Located in beautiful Mullingar or "An Muileann gCearr" as it is known in Irish, our schools have a long and proud tradition of service to Mullingar town and the surrounding areas. Indeed the Presentation Sisters first came to Mullingar in 1825, almost 200 years ago and founded the present Junior school. Presentation Senior later opened in 1957.

  2. home 2

    Mullingar Shamrocks Spring Online Training. Mar 11, 2021 | Information for Parents/Guardians. AGREED REPORT JANUARY 2021. Jan 28, 2021 | Information for Parents/Guardians. Agreed Report Jan2021. Application Form 2021-2022. ... School Facilities. A friendly, enthusiastic and talented staff who keep abreast of all the educational developments and ...

  3. Presentation Senior School Mullingar

    Presentation Senior School Mullingar. 22 likes. Presentation Senior School Mullingar is a senior co-educational school catering for 3rd to 6th class.

  4. Presentation School in good hands, says departing principal

    Incoming principal Claire Dorr, outgoing principal Declan Fry and Fr Phil Gaffney, Adm, Mullingar Parish. Declan with Presentation Senior School teachers, Alma Manny, Rachel McCarthy and Regina Glynn. Declan with Des Walsh (left) and Bob Marron, former members of the board of management at Presentation. Declan Fry with Lucy and Claire Dorr.

  5. Presentation Senior School Mullingar, Westmeath on

    You are here : Home » Education System » Primary Schools » Presentation Senior School Mullingar. Presentation Senior School Mullingar--- Phone: 044 9340933 P.O.Box 8 Harbour Street Mullingar Co Westmeath ,Westmeath N91YD83 Primary School Roll number: 18212O e: [email protected].

  6. Physical Education

    All children in Presentation Senior School receive at least one hour of P.E. a week. The P.E. lessons are planned by the teachers of the school using the P.S.S.I lesson plans. ... We are also very lucky to have close ties with Mullingar Shamorcks GFC and Mullingar Rugby Club who both provide training in both sports for all classes.

  7. New principal for Presentation Junior School, Mullingar

    New principal for Presentation Junior School, Mullingar. Natasha Miskell has recently commenced her role as the new principal of Presentation Convent Junior National School. The Sligo native started three weeks ago following the retirement of Mrs Bernadette Beddows. Miss Miskell has taught in the Mullingar area for the last 15 years, at Educate ...

  8. Presentation Senior School Mullingar

    Presentation Senior has recently begun the process towards achieving. an Active School Flag. The initiative is focused on providing inclusive physical activity opportunities for. all members of our school community with an emphasis on fun. Our first Active Schools Committee has. been appointed and they are eager to get started.

  9. PDF The Presentation School 2024-2025 Academic Calendar

    THE PRESENTATION SCHOOL 2024-2025 ACADEMIC CALENDAR. July 2024. July. 4 Independence Day - Office Closed 22-31 Administrative Offices Closed. August. 1-2 Administrative Offices Closed 14-20 Faculty In Service Days. 21 First Day of School, Welcome AM Assembly. 26 Kindergarten starts full days. September.

  10. Our School History

    Located in beautiful Mullingar, our school has a long and proud tradition of service to Mullingar town and the surrounding areas.

  11. PDF Presentation Primary School 2022/23 School Calendar August 2022

    School Closures / Holidays / Bank Holidays First & Last day of the school year Half Day - Closed at 12:00 Author

  12. Schools in Mullingar

    Find primary and Secondary Schools in Mullingar and surrounding areas. There is a numbers of schools to choose from. #LoveMullingar. Skip to content. See & Do. Arts, Music & Culture; ... Presentation Convent Senior School Harbour St Mullingar Tel 044-9340933. St Colmcilles National School Gainstown Mullingar Tel 044-9343219. Baile Coireil ...

  13. gov

    Roll Number : 00934G : Local name of school : PRESENTATION JUNIOR SCHOOL : School Level : PRIMARY : School Level Detail : ORDINARY : Principal's Name : NATASHA MISKELL

  14. Presentation Senior School Mullingar (@presentationseniorschool

    154 Followers, 97 Following, 30 Posts - Presentation Senior School Mullingar (@presentationseniorschool) on Instagram: "Presentation Senior School Mullingar is a senior co-educational school catering for 3rd to 6th class." Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. ...

  15. PDF Presentation Primary School 2023/2024 School Calendar

    Presentation Primary School 2023/2024 School Calendar Aug/Sep 2023 S M T W T F S 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  16. Presentation Convent School Mullingar

    Presentation Convent School Mullingar. Mullingar (Westmeath) Back to List. Share This: Image. Map. Image from The Presentation Convent School Mullingar was built in 1869. Alterations took place in 1921.

  17. Presentation Schools Mullingar

    Presentation Schools Mullingar Back to top Serving the people of Cavan and The Surrounding areas with quality local news since 1846 Editor: Linda O' Reilly Address: Unit 5 Kilmore Business Park, Dublin Road, Cavan H12 YY9, Ireland Phone: +353 (0) 49 433 1100

  18. Presentation Schools Mullingar

    Presentation Schools Mullingar Back to top Featuring all the latest news and sport for Nenagh and the surrounding area of North Tipperary.The family-run newspaper is the leading market title for the region and is the perfect platform for advertisiers to target their audience.

  19. 21 Marlinstown Park, Dublin Road, Mullingar, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

    Daft ID: 25698632. 21 Marlinstown Park, Dublin Road, Mullingar, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath a 2 Bed Apartment is now for rent by Niall on with an asking price of €1,500 per month.

  20. Maher (A Minor) v Presentation School Mullingar

    Wayne is now a young boy of about 11 years of age who, almost five years ago at the age of 6, sustained a nasty injury to his right eye in an incident in the classroom of the defendant school, when another boy of the same age, who was sitting at the classroom table opposite Wayne, used a rubber-band as a catapult, while the teacher's attention ...