Home Blog Presentation Ideas How to Create a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

How to Create a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

Cover for how to create a Pecha Kucha Presentation

Brevity is considered the soul of wit, but it can also be a powerful technique for effective communication. When you say more with less, you capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. This is precisely what Pecha Kucha is all about.

It’s a quick-fire format presentation where the speaker tells a story using photos within strict timing.

Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or just starting, Pecha Kucha has something to offer those who want to take their presentations to the next level. In this article, we’ll dive into its benefits as a presentation style and provide tips and strategies for creating effective Pecha Kucha presentations.

What Is Pecha Kucha Presentation?

The format of a Pecha Kucha, or 20×20 presentation, is simple: the presenter shows 20 slides containing an image, each displaying for exactly 20 seconds. The images will auto-forward, so there’s no way of going back to or skipping ahead of the slides. This means each presentation is exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds long.

This style is quite similar to lightning talk, where the speakers have five minutes to present a five-slide presentation, or the ignite talk, where presenters have 15 seconds to present each slide of a 20-slide presentation.

The challenge for presenters is to convey their idea with the combined use of images and concise, impactful statements within this tight time frame.

Pecha Kucha, which means “chit-chat” in Japanese, was created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, who seek to encourage a fast-paced presentation style. Since then, it has become a worldwide phenomenon, used in settings ranging from academic conferences to business meetings and even informal gatherings.

The Benefits of Pecha Kucha

Infographic on the benefits of Pecha Kucha presentations

Pecha Kucha presentations are highly engaging. The timing of Pecha Kucha presentations adds an element of excitement. Each slide changes every 20 seconds, keeping the audience engaged, and this helps hold their attention and prevents them from becoming distracted or disengaged.

Pecha Kucha helps you focus on the main topic. The time limit helps presenters stay on track and avoid going off on tangents, which can be a problem in more traditional presentations. This can be a valuable skill in the corporate world, where time is often limited, and getting to the point quickly is crucial.

Pecha Kucha presentations are highly visual. Because Pecha Kucha presentations rely heavily on visual aids, they can effectively communicate complex or abstract ideas to an audience. This helps make presentations more memorable and impactful, as the brain processes visual information more quickly and effectively than written or spoken information.

Pecha Kucha promotes creative thinking and communication. The format challenges presenters to distill their ideas into a concise and visually engaging format. So instead of running around the bush and filling in their talk with non-essential information, they focus on the most important aspects of their message. 

Furthermore, the challenge of syncing the message with images stimulates creativity by inspiring connections and associations between ideas.

How to Make a Pecha Kucha

1. define your main message.

Defining your main message, a.k.a thesis, is crucial in preparing a presentation or communication. When you can pinpoint the core message you want to convey during a presentation, it becomes easier to identify which information to include and which to eliminate.

To narrow down your presentation’s key message or idea, ask yourself the following questions.

  • What is the purpose of my presentation – to inform, to inspire, to convince?
  • What do I want my audience to know?
  • What do I want my audience to do after the presentation?

Your main message should be a direct answer to these questions and something your audience can easily grasp and remember.

Example: Let’s say you are giving a presentation on a new diet cereal bar product. A good thesis could be, “Diet cereal bars are a convenient and nutritious snack option that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Defining your main message in Pecha Kucha presentations

From here, you can start outlining and structure your presentation. Let the main message lead the way.

So, in our example, you can cite studies showing the health benefits of eating a nutritious diet and present the nutritional value of cereal bars that can help achieve that goal.

2. Select the Best Visuals

You can identify the main message of your presentation and the points that go along with it. The second step would be turning them into visuals.

Many presentation guides will tell you how important visualizations are in a PowerPoint, but Pecha Kucha takes that even further. As mentioned, it emphasizes storytelling with the use of images.

You may still use text to provide context for visual elements, but use it sparingly and avoid paragraphs. Remember, you only have 20 seconds to present each slide, so your audience won’t have the time to read lengthy texts.

Instead, you should use high-quality images directly related to your message. This will help reinforce your message and ensure your visuals are not distracting or confusing.

It’s a hard rule to avoid cartoonish and clipart photos, especially in the business setting, as they make your slide look tacky. This might mean using more modern, minimalist images for a sleek, professional look or more vibrant, colorful images for a more playful and creative feel.

It’s also important to consider the overall aesthetic of your presentation template and choose images consistent with that theme. If you represent a brand, use slides with the look and feel you are known for.

Example: In our diet cereal bar example, you may choose images that showcase the bar’s ingredients, such as images of whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits. You could also use images of people engaging in healthy activities, such as jogging or hiking, to reinforce the idea that the cereal bar is a healthy snack option for people on the go.

3. Structure Your Presentation

Like other forms of presentation, a Pecha Kucha presentation should have a clear structure – no matter how short. You may need it more in this scenario to avoid losing any of your precious time going off on tangents.

Conversely, it will be easier for your audience to follow along and understand your message if you present it organized and coherently.

You can follow several presentation structures, but for something like Pecha Kucha, we recommend a more linear style. One that has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The Pyramid Principle has all these elements and might work in a fast-paced presentation format. In this style, the main idea or conclusion is presented at the beginning, followed by a series of supporting points that are organized hierarchically. This approach can help your audience engage in critical thinking, as they are encouraged to consider how each piece of information relates to the larger message being presented.

Example: Let’s return to our diet cereal bar example to illustrate how the Pyramid Principle can be applied in a Pecha Kucha presentation.

Open your presentation by stating your main idea or message: “Our diet cereal bars are a convenient and nutritious snack option that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Then, discuss the supporting points that further develop the main idea.

  • You may discuss the natural ingredients and X calories it contains, making it a healthy snack option.
  • You may talk about the range of delicious flavors that it comes with, establishing the idea that it’s a nutritious option that does not compromise on taste.
  • You may talk about the convenient packaging that makes it perfect for busy people on the go.

4. Practice, practice, practice

Pecha Kucha’s presentation is all about timing and mastery, so you must conduct a  dry run to ensure that you’d feel comfortable with the flow of your presentation on the actual delivery.

Rehearse your presentation multiple times as if it’s the real thing. This means setting a strict timer for 20 seconds per slide to ensure that you are staying on track and not going over time. Google Slide and PowerPoint have an option that automatically advances slides within several seconds.

Although 20 seconds may feel very short, speak at a moderate pace to ensure you are not rushing through the presentation. But, also avoid lingering on any one slide for too long.

Tips and Tricks for an Effective Pecha Kucha Delivery

1. using engaging storytelling techniques.

Although we did say that you may state your main idea at the beginning of your presentation , you don’t just get to drop the bomb, or it will sound dry. Using an engaging story will help you do this with finesse.

People are naturally drawn to stories – they love journeys. Structure your presentation like a story, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Sharing personal experiences or anecdotes can help to humanize your presentation and make it more relatable for your audience.

Example: You can share a personal anecdote about your struggles with maintaining a healthy diet. You could talk about how you struggled to find healthy snack options while working long hours at your desk job.

Exposing a personal anecdote on a Pecha Kucha presentation

2. Connecting With Your Audience and Maintaining It

Sharing a story or a personal experience is one way to connect with your audience. Still, it isn’t just about getting their attention – keeping their attention on you is far more important.

It’s common advice for speakers to keep eye contact with the audience. We’d like to add something to this – look at your audience intently and respond to what you see. Knowing your audience’s nonverbal cues can help you connect with them and respond to their needs.

Speaking of nonverbal, you should be aware of your body language too. Use intentional hand gestures, but avoid excessive movements that may take the audience’s attention from you.

Finally, don’t forget to smile. Smiling helps convey a positive and approachable attitude and shows that you like your audience.

3. Handling Unexpected Challenges Or Technical Issues

With over six minutes to present your case, there should be no room for mistakes when making a Pecha Kucha presentation. The best advice is to have a backup plan for your backup plan.

No, we don’t mean carrying 2 laptops and 2 projectors around! But it’s best practice to have a USB drive with your presentation saved on it, just in case. You may also save your presentation on the cloud if you lose both copies on your device and external drive.

In the event of a complete technology failure, be ready to present without the slides. Remember, the slides are only a visual aid, and your delivery and message are the most important aspects of your presentation.

Pecha Kucha makes it possible to deliver a compelling presentation within minutes. Remember to keep your main message at the forefront when creating this type of presentation, choose high-quality visuals that reinforce your message, and practice your timing to ensure your presentation flows smoothly. With these tips, you can deliver a presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

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Pecha Kucha presentations explained

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera January 24, 2024

We’ve all experienced those lengthy presentations that are overflowing with details, yet they’re so cluttered that we hardly absorb any of the information. When it’s your turn to present, you’ll want a method that captures your audience’s attention and communicates your message clearly. This is where the Pecha Kucha technique comes into play. When you combine this with Prezi for your presentation design , you’re setting yourself up for a successful delivery.

A women presenting a presentation with a school presentation theme

What is a Pecha Kucha presentation? 

Many elements make a Pecha Kucha presentation different from conventional styles. Let’s look at what makes up a PechaKucha: 

  • Basic concept: PechaKucha is a presentation style designed to be concise and fast-paced.
  • Slide count: It uses exactly 20 slides.
  • Timing: Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds.
  • Total duration: This means your entire presentation will last 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
  • Content approach: The idea is to make your points quickly and clearly. It’s more about the key ideas rather than lots of details.
  • Purpose: The Pecha Kucha format helps to avoid long and complicated presentations. It keeps things simple and engaging.
  • Common use: It’s popular in creative and professional settings. People often use it to share new ideas or projects.
  • Audience engagement: With its quick pace, it tends to hold the audience’s attention better than traditional presentation styles.

In summary, a Pecha Kucha presentation is all about brevity and clarity. You get just enough time to make your point, but not so much that your audience loses interest. It’s a great way to present if you want to leave a lasting impression without overwhelming your listeners with too much information.

A man presenting on stage, giving a Ted Talk presentation.

Where did this presentation style come from? 

The Pecha Kucha presentation style originated in Tokyo back in 2003, created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. They noticed a common problem at meetups where speakers, often overenthusiastic or poorly prepared, would go on for too long, causing the audience to lose interest. So, they came up with PechaKucha as a solution. 

This style was created to keep presentations short and clear. It lets speakers share their ideas or work in a time-efficient and engaging way. The PechaKucha became popular quickly, as it became known for helping make presentations easier to understand.

The name ‘PechaKucha’ translates to ‘chit-chat’. A great reflection of the formats designed for simple, fast-paced presentations, where each speaker shares their ideas in a brief, conversational manner. 

Growth in popularity

Since its start in 2003, Pecha Kucha presentations have really taken off. By 2019, it had spread to more than 1,142 cities, and over 3 million people had attended PechaKucha events . This shows just how well-received and adaptable this presentation style is across the globe, resonating with a wide range of audiences.

Who might use a Pecha Kucha presentation? 

Pecha Kucha presentations are quite versatile, so they’re used by a wide range of people and industries. Let’s look at a few examples:

  • Educators and students: In schools and universities, teachers and students use Pecha Kucha for classroom presentations. It’s great for keeping lectures engaging and helping students learn to express their ideas concisely.
  • Designers and architects: This is where Pecha Kucha presentations started. Design professionals use it to showcase their projects or concepts in a format that’s quick and visually driven, perfect for highlighting design elements.
  • Business professionals: In the corporate world, from startups to large companies, Pecha Kucha helps in pitching ideas or presenting updates without dragging on. It’s effective for keeping meetings efficient and focused.
  • Marketing teams: Marketing professionals use it to brainstorm and present campaign ideas. The format forces them to boil down their concepts to the essentials, which is key in marketing.
  • Tech industry: In tech, where things change rapidly, Pecha Kucha allows professionals to share updates or innovations in a fast-paced, digestible manner, which is crucial for keeping up with the industry’s pace.
  • Creative artists: Artists, photographers, and writers use it to present their work or concepts in a narrative yet concise way, often to peers or potential clients.

Pecha Kucha presentations are popular in many fields because they emphasize being brief and clear. It pushes presenters to get straight to the point, which is vital in our fast-paced world. Also, its structured format brings in a creative aspect, making presentations more than just informative, but artistic too.

powerpoint presentation pecha kucha

Pecha Kucha in the digital age

Today, where virtual settings are dominating in business and education, Pecha Kucha presentations stand out. This format’s concise nature is perfect for online meetings and webinars, where keeping the audience engaged is crucial. And with the Prezi Video functionality, you don’t need to settle for screen sharing – you can effectively showcase your slides right next to you on-screen, improving engagement.

It’s also a great tool in online education, helping to deliver compact lessons that are easy for students to digest. This blend of brevity and visual storytelling makes Pecha Kucha presentations an ideal choice for digital communication.

Prezi Video

Tips for making the most of your virtual Pecha Kucha presentation

  • Test your tech: Ensure your microphone, camera, and internet connection are stable, and your Prezi Video is connected.
  • Engage your audience: Although uncommon in traditional Pecha Kucha presentations, in adapting Pecha Kucha for virtual settings, you can consider interactive elements like polls or Q&A to enhance engagement, especially in an environment where audience attention can be more fragmented.
  • Practice timing: Rehearse to keep each slide to 20 seconds. Online environments demand precise timing to hold attention.
  • Eye contact: Although virtual, try to look at the camera to create a sense of connection with your audience.

Challenges and tips for overcoming them in Pecha Kucha presentations

While Pecha Kucha presentations offer a unique and engaging way to convey information, they also come with their own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges that presenters may face and tips on how to overcome them:

Content selection

When it comes to picking what goes on each slide, it can be a bit tricky. The key here is to keep things focused. Stick to your main ideas and visuals that really back up what you’re saying. Avoid adding in extra stuff that doesn’t directly support your message.


Presenting in a fast-paced style like Pecha Kucha can make anyone feel a bit jittery. To tackle this , practice your presentation in front of friends or colleagues. Getting comfortable with your material and the timing can help ease those nerves.

Technical issues

Whether you’re presenting digitally or in person, tech problems can pop up unexpectedly. It’s a good idea to be ready for these hiccups by testing your equipment beforehand. Having a backup plan in case of any technical glitches will ensure your presentation stays smooth and professional.

Lack of detail

Pecha Kucha is all about brevity, but sometimes, you might worry about leaving out important details. To deal with this, consider offering extra resources or references for those who want to dive deeper into your topic after your presentation.

Slide design

Creating visually appealing slides that match your message can be a bit of a challenge. Don’t hesitate to use Prezi’s design tools to your advantage. And if you’re not sure about your presentation’s look, asking for feedback on its aesthetics can be really helpful.

By recognizing and getting ready for these challenges, you’ll be well-prepared to make sure your Pecha Kucha presentation delivers your message effectively.

Learn more about creating and delivering a Pecha Kucha presentation in the following video:

Prezi: the best platform to create your Pecha Kucha presentation 

Prezi is well-suited for Pecha Kucha presentations for many reasons. First, its non-linear presentation style allows for creative storytelling , which aligns with the concise and impactful nature of Pecha Kucha. The zooming feature of Prezi helps to maintain audience engagement , a key aspect of Pecha Kucha. Also, Prezi’s visual-centric approach is perfect for Pecha Kucha’s emphasis on visuals over text. And finally, Prezi’s ease of use and flexibility in arranging content helps presenters focus on timing, crucial for the 20 seconds per slide format of Pecha Kucha.

How to create a Pecha Kucha using Prezi

Creating a Pecha Kucha presentation using Prezi involves a few key steps:

  • Start a new Prezi: Choose a blank presentation or a template or one that suits your topic.
  • Plan your content: Since Pecha Kucha requires 20 slides, each for 20 seconds, outline your main points to fit this format.
  • Choose a theme: Think about a theme such as colors and fonts that align with the message of your Pecha Kucha. You want to be consistent on every slide so be sure to use the same theme throughout the whole presentation.
  • Add slides: Create 20 slides in Prezi. Focus on using images and minimal text for each slide. This will help you attain your goal of sharp, concise content, which is crucial for a Pecha Kucha presentation.
  • Design your slides: Use Prezi’s tools to add visuals, keeping in mind the zoom and pan features that can make transitions more engaging.
  • Time for your presentation: Practice your speech to ensure each slide is presented for 20 seconds.
  • Rehearse: Run through your presentation multiple times to get the timing right.

Remember, Prezi’s strength is in creating visually appealing and non-linear presentations, which can add a dynamic element to your Pecha Kucha.

A young woman in a modern office space uses a laptop at a desk. Space for copy.

Presenting your Pecha Kucha

So, you’ve designed and created your Pecha Kucha, but what about presenting it successfully? Here’s some tips for presenting your Pecha Kucha in the most effective way: 

  • Start strong: Open by saying something engaging to grab attention immediately. Your first slide sets the tone.
  • Confidence: Always use strong body language to make yourself appear confident, even if you’re not. Good posture, clear gestures, and a loud voice can make you seem self-assured despite nerves. 
  • Storytelling: Weave your information into a fast-paced story. Stories are easier for audiences to follow and remember.
  • Visuals are key: Use strong, relevant images. Pecha Kucha is visually driven; let your pictures do the talking.
  • Minimize text: Avoid clutter. Use key phrases or words only, as visuals should lead the narrative.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Know your material well. This ensures smooth transitions and timing.
  • Keep to the point: Focus on your main message. Each slide should contribute clearly to your overall point. During the speech, choose your words wisely to stick to the punchy, attention-grabbing method of Pecha Kucha. 
  • Engage with your audience: Make eye contact. Engaging with your audience creates a connection.
  • Use humor wisely: If appropriate, humor can make your presentation memorable. But keep it relevant.
  • Time management: Again, it’s important to stick to the 20-second rule per slide to maintain pace and structure.
  • End with impact: Conclude with a strong, memorable point or call to action. Leave your audience with something to think about.

Young businesswoman saying thank-you to audience after seminar. Happy businesswoman smiling and saying thank-you to her team in office.

It’s essential to understand that how you deliver your Pecha Kucha is as crucial as its design. A confident and clear presentation keeps the audience engaged and interested in your message. Preparation is key. Stick to your plan and avoid deviating or getting sidetracked, as this can disrupt the structure and purpose of your Pecha Kucha.

Final thoughts on Pecha Kucha presentations

Wrapping up, Pecha Kucha presentations are a great way to share ideas effectively, especially in the digital era. They are quick, focused, and keep audiences engaged. For creating these presentations, Prezi stands out as an ideal tool. Its features complement the Pecha Kucha style, helping your presentation make a stronger impact. If you’re planning your next presentation, give Prezi a try to bring your Pecha Kucha to life.

powerpoint presentation pecha kucha

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4 Tips To Craft A Winning Pecha Kucha Style Presentation

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • May 14, 2024

Pecha Kucha, also known as “PechaKucha,” is a presentation format that emphasizes speed and visuals. Originating from Japan, the term translates to “chit-chat” in Japanese, reflecting its conversational nature.

In this style, presenters tell stories using images rather than lengthy text. Each presentation consists of precisely 20 slides, each displayed for only 20 seconds. This strict timing means the entire presentation lasts just 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

The challenge lies in conveying ideas effectively within this brief timeframe, requiring speakers to be concise and impactful. The auto-advancing slides keep the pace swift, leaving no room for going back or lingering.

Pecha Kucha isn’t just for formal settings; it’s a popular choice for various occasions, from business meetings to informal gatherings. It’s a tool for sharpening public speaking skills and fostering connectivity among participants.

Whether in academic conferences, business plan presentations , or creative disciplines, Pecha Kucha offers a unique way to share stories and ideas with energy and purpose.

Key Takeaways

  • Start Strong: Select a topic that excites you and clearly defines your main message to engage your audience from the beginning.   
  • Preparation is Crucial: Plan your narrative before creating slides, ensuring a cohesive and impactful presentation.   
  • Structure like a Story: Craft your presentation with a clear beginning, middle, and end, using storytelling techniques to maintain audience interest.   
  • Prioritize Quality Visuals: Choose high-quality images that align with your message and evoke relevant emotions, enhancing audience engagement and retention.

Origins of Pecha Kucha Style Presentations

Pecha Kucha presentations originated in Tokyo in 2003 when architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham pioneered the format. Initially conceived as a platform for young designers to showcase their work and exchange ideas, Pecha Kucha embraced the principle of “talk less, show more.”

Pecha Kucha swiftly gained traction from its humble beginnings, expanding beyond design to become a global phenomenon. It found applications in various settings, from academic conferences to business meetings and informal gatherings. The emergence of dedicated communities organizing “Pecha Kucha Nights” further propelled its popularity.

The success of Pecha Kucha also spurred innovation, giving rise to related types of presentation styles such as Ignite in 2006. Despite variations, the essence of Pecha Kucha—concise, visual storytelling —remains at the heart of its enduring appeal, fostering creativity, collaboration, and exchange of ideas across cultures and disciplines.

How Pecha Kucha Works

Pecha Kucha operates on a specific format, blending words and images, which is   designed to keep presentations engaging and concise. Here’s how it works – 

1. The Topic: Presenters tackle a predetermined topic, often related to their work or interests. They must convey their ideas using precisely twenty slides.

2. The Images: Each Pecha Kucha slide features a central image, usually with minimal text. While captions are allowed, they must be brief to ensure the audience can grasp them within the allotted time. Some events permit video art as well.

3. The Rules: Pecha Kucha is governed by strict regulations akin to haiku poetry. Speakers have six minutes and forty seconds to complete their presentation. They can speak for only twenty seconds per slide without pausing, revisiting previous slides, or skipping ahead.

This approach diverges from traditional presentations that risk “Death by PowerPoint,” where presenters merely read text-heavy slides, leading to boredom among the audience. Pecha Kucha challenges presenters to captivate their audience by telling stories with visuals rather than descriptions.

The term “Pecha Kucha,” meaning “chit-chat” in Japanese, encapsulates its essence—a fast-paced presentation style emphasizing images over text. Originating from the brainchild of architects Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, Pecha Kucha  has become a global phenomenon since its inception in 2003, with over 1,000 cities hosting Pecha Kucha nights annually.

Studies have shown that Pecha Kucha is effective in engaging students and enhancing learning outcomes. Students exhibit higher levels of enjoyment and engagement with Pecha Kucha presentations, leading to improved critical thinking skills and better retention of material.

Benefits of Pecha Kucha Presentations

Benefits of Pecha Kucha Presentations

Pecha Kucha presentations offer a host of benefits, making them a valuable tool for engaging audiences and enhancing communication skills – 

1. Engagement: The timed format of Pecha Kucha presentations keeps audiences captivated, with slides changing every 20 seconds. This dynamic rhythm prevents distractions and maintains audience focus throughout the presentation.

2. Focus: The strict time limit encourages presenters to stay on topic. This skill is invaluable in environments where time is precious, such as the corporate world, fostering concise and efficient communication.

3. Visual Impact: Pecha Kucha presentations convey complex ideas in a memorable way by relying heavily on visuals. Visual presentation aids stimulate the brain and enhance audience comprehension, ensuring key messages resonate long after you end a presentation .

4. Promotion of Creativity: The challenge of distilling ideas into a concise and visually compelling format encourages creative thinking. Presenters must craft a seamless narrative, fostering connections between ideas and engaging the audience through innovative storytelling techniques.

5. Improved Audience Experience: Pecha Kucha presentations offer audiences a more dynamic and engaging experience. They are concise, prevent boredom, and require presenters to deliver a coherent story, resulting in a seamless narrative. This format minimizes distractions and maximizes engagement, making it enjoyable for presenters and audience members.

6. Skill Development: Pecha Kucha presentations help develop valuable skills applicable in various settings. From the corporate world to educational environments, communicating concisely and engaging audiences effectively is highly sought after. Research supports the benefits of Pecha Kucha in enhancing public speaking abilities and fostering audience engagement .

Pecha Kucha presentations offer a refreshing approach to communication, promoting engagement, creativity, and skill development across diverse contexts.

Tips to Craft a Winning Pecha Kucha Presentation

Tips to Craft a Winning Pecha Kucha Presentation

Crafting a Pecha Kucha presentation that wows your audience requires a mix of skill and strategy. Here’s a rundown of tips from presentation experts to help you nail your next presentation.

Start with a Strong Foundation

Creating a memorable Pecha Kucha presentation begins with choosing the right topic and defining your main message. Here’s how to lay the groundwork for success – 

1. Choose an Engaging Topic: Select a topic that aligns with your passions, talents, or interests. Your presentation should be on a subject that excites you and is likely to captivate your audience. Whether it’s something quirky like a magazine collection or a fun place to visit, your topic should reflect your enthusiasm and personality.

2. Define Your Main Message: Clarify the core message you want to convey to your audience. Ask yourself key questions such as the purpose of your presentation, what you want your audience to know, and what action you want them to take afterward. Your main message should be clear, concise, and easily understandable, guiding the direction of your presentation.

3. Take Time to Prepare: Prioritize preparation by thoroughly planning your presentation before creating slides. Consider the story you want to tell, the impression you want to leave, and the emotions you want to evoke in your audience. Draft your ideas freely, allowing them to flow without filtering, and refine them into a cohesive narrative.

Set yourself up for success with a solid start and create a Pecha Kucha presentation that resonates with your audience.

Structure Your Presentation

Creating a captivating Pecha Kucha presentation requires careful structuring to keep your audience engaged. Here’s how to craft a compelling narrative – 

1. Start with an Outline: Outline your presentation using a basic essay structure. Start with a clear thesis statement, support it with evidence in the body of your presentation, and summarize your main points in the concluding slides. This presentation outline will provide a roadmap and ensure your message is cohesive and well-organized.

2. Use Engaging Storytelling: Structure your presentation with a clear beginning, middle, and end, just like a story. Incorporate personal experiences or anecdotes to humanize your presentation and make it relatable for your audience. People are drawn to stories, so leveraging storytelling techniques can help you capture and maintain their attention.

3. Establish a Clear Structure: Ensure your presentation follows a clear and coherent structure. Organize your ideas into sections and define the content of each slide. Aim for a linear style with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Consider using frameworks like the Pyramid Principle, which presents the main idea upfront and supports it with hierarchical supporting points. This approach encourages critical thinking and helps your audience understand the larger message.

4. Refine Your Content: Take the time to refine your presentation structure and content. Group your ideas into cohesive sections, ensuring each slide flows logically from the one before. Pay special attention to your introduction, middle, and closing sections, as critical elements will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Remember that crafting the perfect structure and content may take several attempts, so don’t be discouraged by the iterative process.  With practice, you can create a   persuasive presentation that your audience can relate to.

Select Images To Maximize Visual Impact

Pecha Kucha Presentation Tips

Choosing the right images for your Pecha Kucha presentation is crucial for engaging your audience and enhancing your message. Here’s how to make the most of your visuals – 

1. Prioritize Quality: Opt for high-quality images that are clear, captivating, and visually appealing. High-resolution visuals, especially when displayed full screen, can significantly elevate the overall impression of your presentation and grab your audience’s attention.

2. Align with Your Message: Ensure that your chosen images align with your presentation’s narrative. Reflect on each slide’s content and select visuals that reinforce your intended message. Establish visual coherence by choosing images that seamlessly integrate with your theme and support your story.

3. Evoke Emotions: Consider your images’ emotional impact on your audience. Choose visuals that resonate with your viewers and evoke emotions relevant to your message. Well-selected photos can make your presentation  more engaging, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

4. Avoid Distractions: Avoid cartoonish or clipart photos that may detract from your presentation’s professionalism. Instead, opt for modern, minimalist images for a sleek, professional look or vibrant, colorful visuals for a more playful and creative feel. Ensure that your images complement the overall aesthetic of your presentation template and align with your brand’s identity, if applicable.

5. Use Available Resources: Use stock images and Pecha Kucha templates from various online sources. These resources can inspire and streamline the image selection process, helping you create a visually stunning presentation that captivates your audience from beginning to end.

Master Your Presentation With Practice

Practice makes perfect, especially when delivering a flawless Pecha Kucha presentation. Here’s how to hone your skills and ensure a polished delivery – 

1. Rehearse for Natural Delivery: Practice your presentation’s content and timing to convey your enthusiasm and expertise on the topic. Rehearse multiple times to familiarize yourself with the flow of your presentation and ensure a natural delivery. Avoid reading from a script, as it may signal unfamiliarity or disinterest in your topic.

2. Timing is Key: Pecha Kucha presentations are about timing and precision. Conduct your presentation’s dry runs to ensure you feel comfortable with the flow and pacing. Set a strict timer for 20 seconds per slide to stay on track and avoid exceeding the time limit. Utilize features in presentation software like Google Slides or PowerPoint to automatically advance slides at set intervals.

3. Speak Clearly and Moderately: While 20 seconds per slide may seem short, speak at a moderate pace to ensure clarity and comprehension. Avoid rushing through your presentation, but also refrain from lingering on any one slide for too long. Find a balance that allows you to cover each point effectively within the allotted time.

4. Practice Techniques for Clarity and Conciseness: Short presentations require clear and concise communication, which can be challenging. Practice adjusting your content to fit the 20-second-per-slide format, making necessary adjustments to ensure balance and coherence across all slides. Focus on perfecting your delivery, including intonation, vocal tone, pauses, breath control, body language , and eye contact .

5. Utilize Recording and Mirror Practice: Record yourself delivering the presentation or practice in front of a mirror to evaluate your performance. This may initially feel uncomfortable, but it’s an effective way to identify areas for improvement and refine your presentation skills. With consistent practice and feedback, you’ll enhance your ability to captivate and engage your audience during the actual delivery.

Crafting a Winning Pecha Kucha: Key Tips Unveiled!

Pecha Kucha presentations are all about speed, visuals, and concise storytelling. Originating from Japan, this format challenges presenters to convey ideas effectively within a strict timeframe of 20 slides shown for 20 seconds each. But fear not! Here’s a rundown of key takeaways to help you craft a winning Pecha Kucha presentation.

Starting strong is key. Choose a topic that excites you and clearly defines your main message. Preparation is crucial, so plan your narrative before creating slides. Structure your presentation with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Prioritize quality visuals that align with your message and evoke emotions relevant to your audience.

Practice, practice, practice! Rehearse for a natural delivery, focusing on timing and clarity. Use recording and mirror practice to refine your skills and perfect your delivery. With these tips in your toolkit, you’re ready to wow your audience and nail your next Pecha Kucha presentation!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Pecha Kucha?

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style from Japan that focuses on speedy, visual storytelling. Presenters use precisely 20 slides, each displayed for 20 seconds, making the entire presentation last only 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

2. How does Pecha Kucha differ from traditional presentations?

Unlike traditional presentations with lengthy text, Pecha Kucha emphasizes concise storytelling with captivating visuals. Speakers have strict time limits, promoting engagement and preventing boredom among the audience.

3. Where can Pecha Kucha presentations be used?

Pecha Kucha isn’t limited to formal settings; it’s popular in various contexts, including academic conferences, business meetings, and informal gatherings. It enhances public speaking skills and fosters connectivity among participants.

4. What are the benefits of Pecha Kucha presentations?

Pecha Kucha presentations offer several benefits, including higher audience engagement, improved focus, enhanced visual impact, promotion of creativity, and skill development. They provide a dynamic and enjoyable experience for both presenters and audience members and foster effective communication across diverse settings.

Create Captivating Pecha Kucha Presentations with Prezentium

Crafting a Pecha Kucha presentation that captivates your audience is a breeze with Prezentium by your side. Our AI-powered business presentation service specializes in delivering stunning presentations tailored to your needs.

With Prezentium’s overnight presentations service, email us your requirements by 5:30 pm PST, and wake up to a stellar presentation in your inbox by 9:30 am PST the following business day. Our team combines business understanding, visual design, and data science to make your Pecha Kucha presentation stand out.

Need help to transform ideas into exquisite presentations? Our team of Prezentation Specialists is here for you. From brainstorming sessions to creating new designs and templates, we’ll help you craft a presentation that leaves a lasting impression.

Join our Zenith Learning workshops and training programs to master the art of interactive communication. Learn the best practices of structured problem-solving and visual storytelling, empowering you to deliver impactful Pecha Kucha presentations confidently.

Start crafting winning Pecha Kucha presentations with Prezentium today. Let’s turn your ideas into captivating stories that resonate with your audience. Reach out to us now and unleash your creative potential!

Why wait? Avail a complimentary 1-on-1 session with our presentation expert. See how other enterprise leaders are creating impactful presentations with us.

12 Effective Presentation Techniques To Help You Succeed

9 ideas for hosting an amazing presentation night, what is swot analysis and how to use it in a presentation.

Mastering pecha kucha presentation - A definitive guide

Master the essence of this unique style, craft impactful Pecha Kucha presentations.

Supriya Sarkar

Building presentations

team discussing on pecha kucha presentation

Are you ready to dive into the world of Pecha Kucha presentations and ignite your audience's interest with a dynamic and concise presentation style?

Pecha kucha, often referred to as PK, is a presentation format that originated in Tokyo and has taken the global stage by storm. It's closely related to the Ignite presentation method and has gained popularity for its fast-paced, creative approach to sharing ideas and inspiration.

What is Pecha Kucha?

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style that follows a strict structure: 20 slides for 20 seconds each, resulting in a total presentation time of exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds. The format was created by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham in 2003 and has since spread to cities around the world. In fact, many cities host Pecha Kucha nights where presenters showcase their ideas and stories using this unique and engaging format.

The 20×20 presentation method

The heart of a Pecha Kucha presentation lies in its 20×20 format. Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds, and there are precisely 20 slides in the entire presentation. This constraint forces presenters to be concise, focused, and to the point. It's a refreshing departure from lengthy PowerPoint presentations that can sometimes leave audiences feeling overwhelmed.

Why did Pecha Kucha presentation gain popularity in the business world?

Pecha Kucha was designed to engage the audience during a presentation. The presenter has to deliver the lesson or presentation in the form of a story instead of making it feel like a lecture. Pecha Kucha gained popularity in the business world because of its unique style and efficiency with which time-sensitive information gets delivered.

Also, the Pecha Kucha presentation is versatile since it is used for various industries or topics. A presenter can render a valuable piece of information quickly without eliminating the essence of the information.

How can Pecha Kucha benefit your business presentation?

Pecha Kucha style of presentation is being used around the globe by various industries. It has shown many advantages in the business world that make it unique and useful. Some of the advantages are:

  • Time efficiency: With 20 slides displayed in just 6 minutes and 40 seconds, this concise format saves time. It aids in quick and efficient communication, enabling swifter decision-making by employees and management.
  • Engagement: The rapid format keeps audiences captivated and focused. This high level of engagement ensures the core message remains impactful without losing its essence.
  • Clarity in communication: Pecha Kucha focuses on clear and concise messaging and promotes straightforward communication, enhancing understanding and retention of information.
  • Visual storytelling: This format emphasizes strong visual impact and integrates storytelling powerfully with visuals. Connecting verbal content with impactful visuals makes information more memorable and enhances retention among the audience.

Overall, Pecha Kucha’s time efficiency, engagement, clarity, and strong visual impact make it an effective tool for business presentations across various industries.

What key factors to keep in mind when preparing a Pecha Kucha presentation?

Pecha Kutcha’s uniqueness is in the definite number of slides and time in which you present. Therefore, you need to ask yourself three important questions:

What details do you want to tell in 6 minutes and 40 seconds?

Identify the critical and essential details or key points you plan to communicate within the allotted duration of a Pecha Kucha presentation. This response would include outlining the core messages or primary information intended for delivery within the concise time frame.

How can the information be sequenced to weave a cohesive storyline?

You can sequence the information in a Pecha Kucha presentation to craft a cohesive storyline, enabling a logical and engaging flow. This involves arranging the details, key points, or visuals in a structured sequence that naturally progresses, ensuring a coherent and engaging narrative throughout the concise duration of the presentation.

Which parts are unnecessary and can be removed to streamline the presentation?

Scrutinize the presentation content to identify sections or details that may be deemed redundant, excessive, or less crucial. These parts can be modified, condensed, or eliminated to streamline the overall presentation, ensuring a more focused and impactful delivery within the limited timeframe of a Pecha Kucha session.

After you know the answers to these questions you will be clear on the content you want to present. Keep the following things in mind before delivering your Pecha Kucha presentation:

  • Precision: Maintain concise and straightforward content to optimize time usage. Ensure that despite time constraints, the core message remains intact.
  • Practice makes perfect: Rehearse your presentation multiple times to identify any shortcomings or areas for improvement in your delivery.
  • Storytelling mastery: Hone your storytelling abilities. Crafting a well-structured narrative is an art, and a compelling story is memorable. Focus on shaping your presentation to construct a captivating storyline within the allotted time.

How to deliver a Pecha Kucha presentation perfectly?

Your efforts can go to waste if your presentation isn't delivered effectively. So here are a few tips to help you enhance your presentation skills.

  • Visual cues: As you prepare your slides, jot down the key points you intend to convey. You should employ visual cues whenever possible, as it becomes easy to retain information if you associate content with images or graphics. You should review your slides to ensure they align with your intended narrative flow. Adjust the presentation's trajectory as needed, enabling these visual cues to guide your focus.
  • Avoid scripts: Refrain from relying on scripts or cue cards during your presentation. Depending on such aids might create a disconnect between you and the audience. Instead, familiarize yourself with the overarching story you wish to convey. It's acceptable if your words don't precisely match your planned script. If you miss specific details on a slide, resist the urge to force that information into another slide. Embrace the flow and embrace the storytelling process as it unfolds naturally.
  • Repetition is key: Keep in mind the saying, "Practice makes perfect." Rehearse your slides multiple times to achieve mastery. Practice with a friend or family member who can offer constructive feedback similar to that of an audience. Pay close attention during these practice sessions to your timing and the narrative flow of your storyline. This dedicated practice will significantly enhance your presentation readiness.

Creating an effective Pecha Kucha presentation using Prezent

Now, you might be wondering how Prezent, fits into this Pecha Kucha equation. Well, Prezent offers a set of tools and features that can greatly enhance your Pecha Kucha experience.

Using Prezent for your Pecha Kucha presentation offers several significant advantages. First and foremost, Prezent provides a vast library of brand-approved designs that can elevate the visual appeal of your presentation. You can choose from a wide range of professionally designed templates, ensuring that your slides look polished and engaging. Additionally, Prezent facilitates real-time sharing and collaboration, making it easy to work with team members and co-presenters during your Pecha Kucha night. This feature ensures a seamless and synchronized presentation flow, enhancing the overall quality of your delivery.

Managing your Pecha Kucha slides is a breeze with Prezent's document management capabilities. You can easily organize and access all your presentation assets in one place, streamlining your preparation process. For those moments when time is of the essence, Prezent offers an overnight presentation service. You can submit your content, and by the next business day, you'll receive a professionally designed presentation, ready to impress your audience.

Personalization is key in Pecha Kucha, and Prezent allows you to tailor your presentation to your audience's preferences and your brand's identity. With customization options at your fingertips, you can make each slide uniquely yours. Lastly, Prezent ensures 100% compliance with your brand's guidelines, guaranteeing that your Pecha Kucha presentation is on-brand and visually consistent. This feature ensures that your presentation not only captivates but also aligns perfectly with your brand's image.

Ready to create your Pecha Kucha presentation? Try our free trial or book a demo today with Prezent!

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Pecha Kucha Presentations: Spice Up PowerPoint Slideshows with Stock Photos

Pecha Kucha Presentations: Spice Up PowerPoint Slideshows with Stock Photos

A memorable pecha kucha presentation requires nothing more than photos. here’s the what, why, and how of the pecha kucha method..

How many times have you sat through a business presentation only to have the speaker read bullet point after bullet point, slide after slide? Probably way too many times to count. Text-heavy PowerPoint presentations can all start to blend together. What’s a presenter to do when they want to ensure their slides stand out?

Next time you’re presenting, try Pecha Kucha instead.

By prioritizing brevity and visual storytelling, Pecha Kucha is a 180-degree departure from traditional presentations—instantly making any topic more memorable, effective, and engaging.

Here’s what you need to know to become a Pecha Kucha presentation pro.

What Is a Pecha Kucha?

Originating from the Japanese phrase for “chit chat,” the Pecha Kucha method revolves around a single principle: Speak less and show more. 

To do that, Pecha Kucha presentations follow a strict format: 

  • No text—only photos!
  • 20 seconds per slide

No matter how complex your topic might be, you’ve got exactly six minutes and 40 seconds to get your point across. By working within these specific limitations, presenters are challenged to be  extremely  intentional about every aspect of the presentation—proving that less really is more.

3 Quick Tips for Effective Pecha Kucha Imagery

If you had to answer the question, “What is Pecha Kucha about?”, the answer is simple: imagery, imagery, imagery. Follow these three best practices to make sure your imagery makes an impression.

1. Choose High-Quality Stock Photos

When the sole focus of your slides is imagery , those images had better look great! It’s not only important to look for quality in the  authenticity of your stock photography , but also quality in resolution.

Make sure your images are high resolution and won’t look blurry or pixelated even when displayed on a large screen. This is especially important if you’re giving your presentation onstage.

2. Don’t Be Too Literal

One of the biggest mistakes Pecha Kucha presenters make is being too literal with their imagery. Extremely on-the-nose photos (think: a marketer looking frustrated at a computer when talking about marketing challenges) often come across as cheesy or low effort.

Instead of choosing exact representations, go with images that are more evocative, emotional, conceptual, or metaphorical. 

An image about marketing challenges, for instance, might be better served with a person walking forward with determination on a long road. Select images based more on  color , mood, undertone, or vibe, as much as literal content.

3. Keep It Simple

With only 20 seconds on the clock for each slide, simple imagery works best. You want people to “get it” right away instead of struggling to analyze what’s on the screen while also trying to hear what you’re saying. 

Keep images clear and recognizable, so they’ll serve as a natural, non-distracting backdrop for your speech.

Pecha Kucha Example: Slides & Speaker Notes

Pecha Kucha presentations are most common in creative fields like design, architecture, and photography—but their innovative visual approach is also perfect for business!

To see what we mean, check out the fully built-out Pecha Kucha example below, speaker notes and all.

In this  beautiful PowerPoint presentation , we’re announcing a hypothetical product launch of Organic Home Cleaner, using stock imagery  to tell the story, communicate objectives, and gain buy-in.

Slide 1 Speaker Notes 

Home interior with pastel accents

License these images via ImageFlow and Sarunyu_foto .

Thanks for joining us! Today, I am thrilled to announce the launch of Organic Home Cleaner, an eco-friendly cleaning product that actually works.

Slide 2 Speaker Notes

Young girl holding her hands up in confusion on blue background

A few months ago, I was walking in the cleaning aisle with my seven-year-old. She picked up a blue bottle of spray cleaner (you know the one) and tried reading the ingredients.

Let’s just say it didn’t go well. . . . If I’m being honest, I didn’t fare all too much better.

Slide 3 Speaker Notes

Woman squinting through reading glasses on pink background

And we’re not alone. As recent sales reports have shown, our customers’ preferences have significantly changed in recent years. Folks who were once happy to use anything and everything are now much more judicious in what they buy.

They’re looking at labels, and asking questions.

Slide 4 Speaker Notes

Chocolate oatmeal porridge with blueberry, nuts, banana, and dried apricot on blue backdrop

Our customers not only want cleaning products that kill the germs and smell nice—they want to know every single ingredient in that product (and trust that they can pronounce them).

They want products that are 100% safe for their kids and pets . . . without compromising on effectiveness.

Slide 5 Speaker Notes

Business man sitting at a desk looking through a magnifying glass

As we know, this has been a huge challenge for our industry. I myself have often wondered, “What on earth is perchloroethyl. Huh?”

Effective cleaning ingredients can seem caustic and overly chemicalized, while more natural ingredients (let’s face it) often fail to do the job beyond adding the nice, natural scent of lemons or lavender.

Slide 6 Speaker Notes 

Interior of stylish laundry room with modern washing machine

Organic Home Cleaner fills a critical market gap and speaks to the growing number of consumers who care about safety and environmental impact, just as much as a clean and tidy home.

What good is a fresh scent and clean appearance if it’s just making harmful germs and bacteria? 

Slide 7 Speaker Notes

Clear gel drops on pink background

Unlike the competition, Organic Home Cleaner comes with independent lab testing for every ingredient, along with peer-reviewed scientific studies. This product line is based on radical transparency and evidence-based R&D.

It may cost more and take a bit more effort to execute, but this is something I wouldn’t compromise on—for my family or yours. 

Slide 8 Speaker Notes

Closeup of lemon grass flowers

At the same time, though, it smells great (hint hint: lemongrass) and feels familiar. If you walked through the lab like I did, you’d never be able to tell which product was “different.”

They all felt like something I already have under my kitchen sink. Minus the harsh chemicals. 

Slide 9 Speaker Notes

Sustainable glass office building with tree for reducing heat and carbon dioxide

The brand feel is both natural and scientific—leaning on beautiful plant/nature imagery while also feeling lightly technological. It’s natural for folks who wouldn’t call themselves “granola.”

Slide 10 Speaker Notes

Mother and son holding hands and kissing each other in the forest park

Organic Home Cleaner is really an extension of our customers’ deepest values. It was born out of a question we’ve all asked at some time or another in our lives: Aren’t some things—like family—worth investing in?

Slide 11 Speaker Notes 

Man with ace up his sleeve, cheating at poker

Our customers are savvy to typical “marketing speak” and won’t let the wool be pulled over their eyes. They’re tired of greenwashing and (without knowing it) are looking for something exactly like Organic Home Cleaner’s brand-new cleaning product.

Slide 12 Speaker Notes 

Hands holding a stack of 100 dollar bills on pink background

License these images via nazarovsergey , Cast Of Thousands , and 5PH .

So, how will we get it out there? Our marketing roadmap includes three key components: a national paid media campaign, a social media influencer program, and partnerships/direct sales with key local grocers.

Slide 13 Speaker Notes

Woman talking through a megaphone standing amidst orange curtains

Paid media budget will be allocated to podcast ads, YouTube ads, and PPC. We’ll create cohesiveness by using one (or similar) stock photos , and editing them directly from there.

This will help create recognizability for Organic Home Cleaner’s product, reaching our customers during the best moments of their days—catching up on favorite shows or driving to meet friends after work.

Slide 14 Speaker Notes

Hands of subscribers photographing influencer on smartphones at meetup

I would also see Organic Home Cleaner as I’m scrolling through my daily feeds, from Instagram to TikTok (#CleanTok). I’d see my favorite influencers breaking it down, ingredient by ingredient—earning my trust as a consumer, who always spends time researching before buying.

Slide 15 Speaker Notes

Fair-skinned young girl holds an orange while shopping at an outdoor fruit market

While social media will be a critical component of our go-to-market strategy, retail partnerships are likely to drive the most sales.

That’s why we’ve carefully selected independently owned local grocers—the kind of shops that sustain my community. The ones that love seeing my kids grow up year after year.

The ones where family comes first.

Slide 16 Speaker Notes

Martini glass filled with jewels on pink background

In line with our target market and USP, pricing for Organic Home Cleaner is notably higher than our competitors, which reflects the rigor of our safety testing.

As an Organic Home Cleaner parent, I firmly believe that quality should cost more—and my kids are worth it.

Slide 17 Speaker Notes

Vibrant young woman flipping her hair playfully while dancing in a studio

Post-launch, we will host a series of focus groups to measure market response and customer satisfaction. We expect to use these results as social proof for future marketing campaigns. (And, as my browsing history attests, there’s nothing like a great review to make me hit that “buy” button.)

Slide 18 Speaker Notes

Pink shipping containers

Of course, no launch is completely hitch-free, so we’ve drafted mitigation plans for the top-two threats: disruptions in manufacturing (due to supply chain issues) and delays in online order fulfillment.

Slide 19 Speaker Notes

Cheerful woman surrounded by orange balloons

With these strategies in place, Organic Home Cleaner is poised to capture significant market share among increasingly conscientious, eco-focused consumers. 

Slide 20 Speaker Notes

Organic Home Cleaner product reveal

License these images via LukeProject , naulicrea , and AKaiser .

It’s been tested, patented, and validated by hundreds of focus group participants. Join me in getting it out into the world—starting with our own homes.

As you exit the room, you’ll see a freshly stocked table with Organic Home Cleaner, please take one home and share it with your family. 

Breathe Life into Your Presentations with Pecha Kucha

Your turn! From product launches to creative pitches and process reviews, Pecha Kucha is the fresh approach your marketing and business presentations need. 

Looking for a quick and easy place to begin? Get started with Shutterstock’s library of 600 million images. With more than 200,000 new stock photos added daily, you’ll never be at a loss for great imagery!

License these cover images via Westend61 on Offset , fotaro100 , Westend61 on Offset , images72 , and Eloisa Ramos / Westend61 on Offset .

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powerpoint presentation pecha kucha

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Catherine Cronin

Pecha kucha: tips, resources & examples.

Some wonderful examples of Pecha Kucha presentations were a highlight of the recent Galway Symposium on Higher Education (#celt12) held at NUI Galway. If you’ve attended or delivered a Pecha Kucha presentation, you’ll know that it can be both a dynamic and challenging presentation format. Over the past two years I’ve had the opportunity to prepare and deliver four different Pecha Kucha presentations. Each time is a unique learning experience! This past year I did something I’d considered for quite a while: I assigned Pecha Kucha presentations to my students. In terms of presentation quality and the skills students developed, this was a great success. In this post I’ll share a few tips about Pecha Kucha presentations, some resources which my students and I found helpful, and a few examples of PK presentations.

I. Pecha Kucha presentation tips

A Pecha Kucha or 20×20 presentation contains 20 slides, with each slide shown for 20 seconds, for a presentation of exactly 6 minutes, 40 seconds. The format is similar to an Ignite talk, which is 20×15 (i.e. 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide, 5 minutes in length), so advice for preparing and delivering Ignite and Pecha Kucha presentations is similar.

The advantages of the Pecha Kucha format for a conference or a class are clear. Within a given time slot, more presentations can be scheduled and the schedule is predictable. In addition, the atmosphere in a Pecha Kucha session is usually very engaging. Once the “clock starts ticking”, the audience is on the side of the presenter, willing them to succeed. This is a wonderful atmosphere for both new and experienced presenters.

Tips for presenters:

  • Images are the key to effective Pecha Kucha. Try to find images which are illustrations or metaphors of your key points and/or use words-as-image, as in the example above. This makes delivery of your presentation much easier, as you’re not trying to race through a list of points. It also makes your presentation more engaging. This is why Pecha Kucha is so successful, I think. It’s not the timing, as such, but the fact that it leads presenters to use best practice in creating presentations which are visually strong and appealing. Let’s banish the bullets! 🙂
  • Practice, practice and practice again. I’m not a person who tends to memorize my presentations. For a Pecha Kucha presentation, however, memorizing your key points for each slide is usually the best approach. I suggest writing down the 2 key points you want to make for each slide and trying to stick to that. Then practice delivering your presentation until it flows easily. Practice really makes the difference.
  • Hack the format! If you want to go into depth on one particular slide and 20 seconds just won’t be enough, repeat the slide and add text or graphics to develop your points. Your information will then be on-screen for 40 seconds, with small changes appearing midway through. This is a very graceful way to keep within the format but still go into depth.
  • When delivering the presentation, don’t worry if you finish making your points on one slide before the next slide advances. Pausing will break your flow. Just start speaking about your next slide; it will likely appear midway through your first sentence. This makes for a more polished presentation rather than pausing for a few seconds to wait for the next slide to appear.
  • In working with students, I found that it was important to spend plenty of time beforehand to help students to develop not just an understanding of good presentation skills, but also of copyright, Creative Commons, and how to find, use and assign CC-licensed images . Most students who completed Pecha Kucha presentations in my Professional Skills course assigned CC licenses to their presentations and uploaded their work to Slideshare, forming part of their e-portfolio and digital footprint (some examples below).

Tips for organisers:

  • If possible, schedule Pecha Kucha presentations in a room that is not too large. I’ve attended Pecha Kucha sessions in small rooms and in large lecture halls, and I’ve found the atmosphere in rooms with a higher density of people is more connected and more fun. Participants tend to feel in touch with the presenter and the presenter can feed off the positive energy of the audience.
  • If you are organising a Pecha Kucha conference session, make sure all presenters send you their presentations ahead of time so that you can be sure that the timings are set correctly to 20 seconds per slide. Another approach you might consider is creating one long presentation for each Pecha Kucha session, with a transition slide (or two) between each presentation. This makes for a seamless session.
  • In one conference I attended ( #ece11 ) yet another element of excitement was added by putting the presentations in each session in random order. Presenters didn’t know where their presentation fell in the running order, so had to be prepared to pop up when their name appeared. This led to much hilarity and great audience engagement and support.
  • When organising Pecha Kucha presentations for a class, I took on less of the organising work. I asked students to bring their own laptops or share laptops. Students learned a lot from loading presentations, connecting to the projector system, adjusting the room lighting, etc. And in one or two cases where students had not set the slide timings correctly, it served as a great learning moment for everyone.

II. Pecha Kucha resources

Pecha Kucha 20×20 —  This page gives the basics and a brief history of Pecha Kucha.

Why and How to Give an Ignite Talk  by Scott Berkun — This terrific presentation (in Ignite format) is relevant for both Pecha Kucha and Ignite presentations. Take Scott’s advice and “hack the format” if necessary. If it’s Pecha Kucha, just be sure your presentation is 6 minute and 40 seconds long.

Creating an Ignite presentation — This article was written by presentation expert Olivia Mitchell about creating an Ignite presentation, however the guidelines apply just as easily to Pecha Kucha. This is a terrific, visual article, very helpful for careful planning of your presentation.

Choosing good images for presentations — This blog post has excellent advice on finding relevant, potent images for your presentation.

Finding CC-licensed images — the following sites are helpful in finding Creative Commons-licensed images and learning how to reference them:

  • Compfight – excellent search tool for Creative Commons-licensed Flickr images
  • Creative Commons Wiki – a Creative Commons image directory
  • CC Search — powerful search across a variety of platforms (e.g. Flickr, Google images, YouTube) to help you find content you can share, use, remix
  • Flickr images – enter search term, click Advanced Search , then tick the box “ only search within Creative Commons-licensed content”
  • Content Directories — extensive list of directories of Creative Commons-licensed materials (audio, video, image, text

40+ Tips for awesome PowerPoint presentations — This is a useful checklist for all presentations, not just PowerPoint.

Prezi workshop  — Prezi videos, examples and templates

Great Presentations by Nancy Duarte — Nancy Duarte is the author of the excellent books Resonate and Slideology – unbeatable sources of ideas and inspiration for all presenters. This 25-minute video is worth viewing if you want a deeper understanding of what makes a presentation which truly connects with an audience.

III. Pecha Kucha examples

The first two presentations below are examples of student Pecha Kucha presentations. Each of these was the first presentation ever created by the student — wonderful work, I’m sure you’ll agree! Also, please check out the CT231 Student Showcase  — a collection of student work including Ignite & Pecha Kucha presentations, blogs and audio podcasts.

The final two presentations are conference presentations. The first is by Mary Loftus , an excellent presentation from #celt12 on ‘ways of being’ in the online classroom. The second is one of my own Pecha Kucha presentations, delivered at #ece11, on learning and teaching Professional Skills.

Image source: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 edmontonnextgen

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27 thoughts on “Pecha Kucha: tips, resources & examples”

  • Pingback: Pecha Kucha: tips, resources & examples « catherinecronin | Profesorbaker's Blog: A Bit of Everything

Catherine, this format has been talked about a lot recently in both the business and elearning sectors. I’m wondering if you have any ideas as to how the pecha kucha presentation format might be adapted by instructors to create brief, compelling educational ‘bites’ to use as part of an online education program.

  • Pingback: Ignite your audience with lightning or Pecha Kucha form talks | Sociobiology

Hey there, You have done a great job. I will certainly digg it and personally suggest to my friends. I am confident they’ll be benefited from this site.

excellent put up, very informative. I’m wondering why the other experts of this sector do not notice this. You must continue your writing. I am confident, you’ve a great readers’ base already!

This is an app for Pechakucha Speakers. You can see Timer, Slides & Text in your hand.


  • Pingback: Introduction to Pecha Kucha at Basquill's Seniors

Reblogged this on MumPhD and commented: V helpful guidance

  • Pingback: How to Organize a PechaKucha Panel - OEDB.org
  • Pingback: Pecha Kucha 20×20 tips | domenikagrinkeviciute/illustration
  • Pingback: Introduction to Pecha Kucha « Basquill's British Lit
  • Pingback: British Literature with Basquill - Introduction to Pecha Kucha
  • Pingback: So you want to create a presentation? « ICT for Teaching & Learning in Falkirk Primary Schools
  • Pingback: So you want to create a presentation?ICT for Teaching & Learning … – News4Security

I have a question about the total presentation time. Does it have to strictly follow 6.6 minutes? Because my professor deducted 5 points off my grade for “not following Pecha Kucha guidelines” because my total time was 5:43. I would appreciate any advise and I can use some references that shows Pecha Kucha CANNOT fall below 6.6 minutes. I need help because we will be doing more of this sort of assignment.

Hi Grace – thanks for your comment. The best way to time a Pecha Kucha presentation correctly is to set the timer for each slide in the presentation. You should have 20 slides (including the title slide) and each slide time should be set for 20 seconds exactly. This way, you do not manually advance the slides at all; the timing of the presentation will be 20 slides x 20 seconds = 400 seconds, i.e. 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Best of luck!

Reblogged this on anagabriela904 and commented: Let’s check it out.

Reblogged this on and commented: I have been assigned to a task to present at a Teachmeet Melbourne session. One of the criteria’s is to present in 7 minutes! Here is a concept known as Pecha Kucka which is a Japanese word for chit chat. The concept is to present 20 slides for 20 seconds.

  • Pingback: Group Project: Going Global | Virtual Environments: Is one life enough?
  • Pingback: Pecha Kucha Presentations | EmSwaim
  • Pingback: LIBRARY TOOL: PechaKucha | The Prodigal Librarian
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  • Pingback: America House Pecha Kucha Night on May 29 gives teachers a chance to earn certificate faster! | ETRC
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  • Pingback: Pecha kucha | For English Lovers
  • Pingback: Week 12-I. 關於Pecha-Kucha 20×20 – Prelude to Data Analysis 2016
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TLT Tutorials

Creating a Pecha Kucha Presentation Using PowerPoint

by Mendi Benigni | Oct 25, 2012 | Content Delivery , Mobile , Presentation | 2 comments

Pecha Kucha is a simple presentation format devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham where you show 20 slides or images, each for only 20 second.  The images or slides advance automatically to keep you on time and you can only talk about each slide or image while it’s being displayed.  Designed to keep presentations short and to the point, each presentation is only 6 minutes and 40 seconds long!

This tutorial will discuss how to create a pecha kucha style presentation using PowerPoint

  • Public speaking presentations
  • Introducing new concepts
  • Final presentations
  • Reviewing a book or movie

Application: Microsoft PowerPoint

Tutorial Type :  Video

Platform : Online, cloud-based

Price : Free

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Thanks so much for letting me know. I have fixed it so the video should now play. I really appreciate the feedback. – Mendi

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Sage Leaf Pecha Kucha

It seems that you like this template, sage leaf pecha kucha presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Download the Sage Leaf Pecha Kucha presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. You need to talk about a specific topic, but you don't know how to do it? Try using presentations like this one here, 100% customizable!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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What is a Pecha Kucha Presentation?

Pecha Kucha Presentation: Powerpoint vs. PDF. Powerpoint overview: Includes Speaker Notes, Aspect Ratio, Built-in Timer but not font transfer or custom designs. PDF overview: includes font transfer and custom designs, but not speaker notes, aspect ratio, or a built-in timer

A Pecha Kucha presentation is a format that uses 20 slides or images that are displayed for 20 seconds each. The slides will move automatically as the presenter is speaking. This format ensures that the speaker is concise, keeps the presentation moving, and gets through all of their content. Although it is an uncommon format, it is most often used for creative disciplines to share their work or for professionals to share a journey or story. Some college courses will ask students to use this format to increase their proficiency in presenting content quickly, with purpose, and energy.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating a Pecha Kucha:

  • For PowerPoint Users:
  • If you are designing slides and using custom fonts installed on your computer, they will not be visible on a different computer unless they are installed prior to the presentation.
  • (Note for Cedarville University students: Install your desired fonts while signed into the campus computer you will be presenting on prior to the presentation. Make sure you sign out of the previous presenter's account and into your account right before you present.)
  • You will be able to type your speaker notes for each slide in the presentation file and view them during using presenter mode. Since your slides will automatically change for this presentation, your notes will as well.
  • You will not need to set an aspect ratio for a typical screen. Only change it to square if you know it is an old screen or have been informed that it is necessary. (If you have images and make this change after you have placed them in the presentation, there may be some distortion.)
  • In PowerPoint, you may feel limited in designing custom slides if you are accustomed to using the adobe suite for projects. If you have very specific requirements or expectations for a presentation in a creative discipline, you may want to consider designing with your familiar tools and importing them to PowerPoint or using the PDF option.
  • If you set the timer in PowerPoint and save the file, you will not need to set it up before you present.
  • Make sure you have created a file with the correct aspect ratio for the presentation screen. The standard screen ratios are 4:3 for old screens (close to a square) and 16:9 for most modern screens (widescreens). Always use the widescreen if you are unsure what kind of screen you will be presenting on since it is the most common.
  • With this option you can design your presentation in any program you are comfortable with and export it as a pdf. You can then present it in Adobe Reader. Make sure the computer you present on has Adobe Reader prior to the presentation.
  • Since you are using a PDF, your fonts will be in the presentation, so no prior setup is needed on any computer.
  • You will not be able to have speaker notes like in PowerPoint, so you may have to use paper or memorize more of the presentation.
  • You will need to set up the timer on Adobe Reader right before your presentation, so give it a try before you present!

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PechaKucha CREATE


Mar 12, 2020

powerpoint presentation pecha kucha

Mark Dytham

Featured In:

We will get through this together. Here are some ways people are staying positive.


A PechaKucha presentation on the new PechaKucha CREATE platform where anyone can upload 20 images, voice and share online through a browser on a laptop, tablet or smart phone. It's simple and fun! #covid20x20

hello from Tokyo. My name's Mark IFM on. I'm one of the founders of Protector. The show and tell format where you get 20 images shown for 20 seconds each to share your work. Protection has taken the world by storm on. We have protected nights, live events running in over 1200 cities around the world, and that was really the only way you could make presentations on get them recorded and put onto our global website. But today we're really happy to announce Protector creates on online Browse Atoll, where anybody can make a protector presentation. All you need to do is click on the create button in the menu, but over a protector dot com, I've just got a male Andi. It's really storytelling made easy. You click get started on Off you go. You upload 20 images on you. Voice them. You don't need any plug ins and then you can share them onto the tractor website So the protracted global communities can see them on the world at large. Concede them really amazing. So how did you get started? Well, after you click create, you're taken to this page and you upload a title for your presentation. On a short description later, we'll show you how you can get categories to your presentations so they can be found by other other set searches. So this is where you click on images, and this is where you upload images. Believe it or not, we suggest you make your presentations in keynote or PowerPoint on. Then you can upload your images. Here, you can either drag and drop them or I blow them. What, one by one, it's really up to you. Very straightforward. Click saving. Next. Andi. You'll see your images appear on a light box. You can reorder your images here by simply dragging them around. You can also select the cover page, got the cover image dropped down, and you can add a background black or white at the moment. So really super simple, really, really straightforward. From there you click on next, and it takes you to the audio section, where you can record the audio. You can either do it as a complete presentation, which I'm doing right now, or you can go slide by slide. If you're anything your presentation later, you can keep the audio and change the images or upload a separate audio track. If you want better audio, then you kick off your presentation. You press play on Do start recording. It goes slide by slide on you can. Also, if you're doing it by slide by slide, you can go back and re edit the audio, which I kind of guessed they should be doing here. But I'm doing it all in one go, which is sometimes a bit of a challenge. But yeah, it should be relaxed and fun, as opposed to really serious and to professional. That's my excuse. So after you've run all the way through the presentation, you click finish, then the images and the sound is compiled on its put up onto the Web on the protector website. Very, very simple. So here's my presentation that have already uploaded. You can see it there. Um, you can see my profile to everybody can add a profile. You can also act Facebook page Twitter page instead, and pace or your Social media's here. People could like the presentations on also report them. If there's inappropriate content over the profile dropped down. You've got on area where you can obviously, somewhere isn't counts, sit settings, profile settings. Also my presentation. So if you've got more than one, which we hope you have, you can edit your presentations. You content the presentations on or publishing. So here is the presentation Sit section. So you could say about two presentations online at the moment, you can see that I can edit them, Aiken unpublished them. I can also download a power point file off the presentation automatically, which is a really lovely function. So, um yeah, when you are when you're making the description for your presentation, you can add kept categories and that allows other people to search for the presentations. All see, this is education, communication to design. So you take your presentations. What I should say is all the presentations, the transcript you can see here just below my profile. There is a transcription. The voice is turned into text and that allows images to be searched. So here, because I've given my categories as creativity and design other presentations company on the right hand side. So it's a really great way to discover presentations. People click on your presentation on they can find other people's presentations to So this is my profile page on. Do you can change the big, big top image but automatically, my Reese. Most recent presentations appear on this page on Ben. If I scroll down further, you can also see where my theme, the most recent events that I've presented at or events which are upcoming. So you know, your whole projector life is here on your profile page. Super Pac. Powerful Onda There'll be more features are being added to this in the future. So there you go protector, create storytelling, made easy. It really is a big move for us, allowing anybody to make it protector presentation about their hobbies. Whether you're talking about reindeer horns or whatever you want your skateboard collection, you can do it here and share it with the rest of the protracted community, our next step on which is already on going on. In the next few weeks, we'll be releasing it. It will be protracted for scores on a tractor for business. It's already being adopted in thousands of schools around the world, and we think that this moment in time it's an extremely important at all. For Jordan, shown share their experiences on what they're up to on exactly the same for business. Now, with so much remote working attract has become a really simple tour for making presentations about what you're up to and showing it with your team Back, Back up, back up pace. So, yeah, tough timing for this is really amazing. And we really hope you enjoy using protector creates. So thank you from Tokyo. We hope your old safe Onda uh, we'll find this tour useful in the coming months. I think the world is a different place from when we started making this 66 months ago. But we're really happy how valid this platform has become.

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  5. Creating a Pecha Kucha Presentation Using PowerPoint

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    Description. A PechaKucha presentation on the new PechaKucha CREATE platform where anyone can upload 20 images, voice and share online through a browser on a laptop, tablet or smart phone. It's simple and fun! #covid20x20. Transcript. hello from Tokyo. My name's Mark IFM on. I'm one of the founders of Protector.