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Navigating the ProQuest Electronic Submission Process

After you have successfully defended your dissertation and made any committee requested changes, the Office of Graduate Studies requires that you create an online account at ProQuest ( http://www.etdadmin.com/wustl ) to submit your final text. ProQuest is this country’s most widely used commercial archiving service for dissertations and theses. This guide is to inform and advise you in making selections through the submission process in ProQuest. The tabs below including “Publishing Options”, “PDF”, and “Register U.S. Copyright” require special attention and will be addressed in detail.

Before you create your account, make sure that you have the following items at hand:

  • The full text of your dissertation, formatted as a PDF, with embedded fonts
  • Supplementary files and/or supporting documents (optional)
  • The body of your abstract, without the heading; note that there is no word limit on your abstract
  • A full list of your committee members
  • Any copyright permissions obtained; these will need to be submitted as a part of this process.

Log in to ETD Administrator. If you have not yet created an account, you must do so now. Make sure to register with an email address that is checked regularly, even after your graduation.



After you have created your account and logged in, select “Submit ETD” from the “My ETDs” tab.



On the left side of the webpage, you will see a menu of checkboxes that look like the following image. This portion of the guide will take you through each checkbox, step by step.





The instructions page includes similar information to what we have up above; please review and then click continue, which will bring you to the second checkbox, “PQ Publishing Options”.

PQ-publishing options.png


The first half of this page requires you to indicate a selection for either “traditional” publishing or “open access” publishing.

Washington University is committed to providing open access for scholarly work authored by WUSTL students and faculty. Therefore, the WU Library has launched a platform called  Open Scholarship :  http://openscholarship.wustl.edu . When a student submits a dissertation to ProQuest, the Library automatically receives an electronic copy and makes it available on Open Scholarship. However, the Library respects all limitations, such as embargoes, that authors set on their submissions in ProQuest.

As you can see in the image below, Open Access Publishing PLUS requires a $95 registration fee, whereas Traditional Publishing is free for Washington University students; the Library pays the fee to ProQuest for this option. Because the Open Scholarship platform will give your dissertation as much open access, at no charge, as ProQuest will charge $95 to give it, we recommend that students choose Traditional Publishing.



The second half of the PQ Publishing Options page asks you to select your publishing and access options.



The table below, from ProQuest, is an excellent summary of the advice our office would give you about whether or not you should embargo your dissertation.



If you choose to embargo your work, select “No – I have patents pending, or another reason why I need to delay access to the full text of my work” and select how long an embargo you would like. If you need to embargo your work for more than two years, request as long an embargo as you wish by using the “Note to administrator” text box.



You can lift an embargo on your work at any time – or impose or extend an embargo – by contacting both ProQuest (at  [email protected]  or 1.877.408.5027) and the Washington University Libraries (at  [email protected] ) directly.



On the contact information page, please use an email address that is checked regularly, because that is how the Office of Graduate Studies will get in touch with you regarding your submission. Please note that you must include an abstract on the Dissertation/Thesis details page, even if your dissertation does not include one. There is no word limit on your abstract.


You are required to submit your dissertation as a PDF.



You do not need to register your claim to copyright in order to include a copyright page in your manuscript. If your dissertation is not itself of monetary value and does not contain information of monetary value, then registering your claim to copyright is not necessary. In order to sue others for monetary damages caused by their infringing your copyright, you must have registered your claim to copyright.

If you wish to register your claim to copyright, you may choose to have ProQuest act as your agent to register your copyright for a fee, or you may decline that service and register your work yourself. More information about copyright registration can be found at  http://libguides.wustl.edu/copyright/registration .





There is an alternate way to order copies of your dissertation. See the section called “How to submit copies for printing and binding”.


ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

Link to proquest platform libguide, new citation connections, look up lists, document view: supplemental files, order a copy and references.

In this page we will show the unique search features for ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global  . Go to the Platform LibGuide for a complete guide to ProQuest's search and display features.

ProQuest brings more focus to the search process by combining its unique dissertation citation database with knowledge graph technology, delivering only highly relevant, impactful sources, including newspapers, journal articles, dissertations, and more. The new Citation Connections, a dynamic network discovery tool which transform each dissertation or theses into a catalyst for topic-related source collection for all types of users.

Foundational Research

Foundational Research panel displays all those records who shares at least five similar references with the seed document. These foundational research documents are available with number of citations which may be journal articles, newspapers, books, dissertations, video etc. Foundational Research records are ranked according to the frequency with which they are cited by documents in the Neighborhood. These documents are available in ProQuest databases that have cited this source.

The idea behind the Foundational Research papers is to connect the students and research scholars with those highly cited research documents which have related themes and ideas with the seed document. This collection of Foundational Research documents can be useful when building a foundational understanding of a topic or when selecting a topic for a research project.

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Dissertation citations

Dissertation citations are extracted, cross-linked, and searchable, offering users a “ready-made” list of sources on a topic through Reference links, Cited by links, and Shared References links. Researchers can quickly build a credible source list targeted to their specific topic.

Similar Dissertations 

Similar Dissertations is a collection of dissertations with research closely aligned with the seed document displayed on the page, which can be useful to identify other dissertations that have been written on this topic. 

order dissertation from proquest

Similarity Index 

The similarity index is used to rank the collection of Similar Dissertations by the degree of relationship to the topic of the seed document displayed on the page. The closer the score is to 100%, the more likely this dissertation is about the same topic .  

order dissertation from proquest

Shared References

Shared References is the number of references in common with the seed document displayed on the page. The more references in common, the more likely the overlap in the topic of research. 

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Click on any “i” icon to view the description of a feature for more information. 

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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses  offers five   Look ups or browsable indexes, so you can easily find spelling or format variations of, for example, an author's name or a subject name. You can find the Look up links in the advanced search page and they are available for the following searchable fields: Author, Advisor, Subject name, Index term and School name. For a description of these fields, please see the Searchable fields table to the right. 

Note: Look ups are also available from the Command Line search (through the Look up terms link). 

To use and locate a Look up or browsable index, select the field from the Advanced Search pull-down menu. If a Look up is available, under the search row you will see a link to the Look up. Other Look ups and browsable indexes will be listed in the Limit To section of the Advanced Search page.

order dissertation from proquest

Each Look-up provides a search and browse function and the ability to add multiple terms separated by Boolean Operators similar to the thesaurus.

order dissertation from proquest

Some of the Look up links will be listed in the lower section of the advanced search page.

order dissertation from proquest

In Advanced Search, you can find 2 boxes with advanced limiters:  Manuscript types  provides a controlled list highly specific to this database, and  Language features  allows to select dissertation/thesis with  several types of  languages.

order dissertation from proquest

In your results page, you might see links to supplemental files, order a copy and references, if available.

order dissertation from proquest

Supplemental files are included if part of the documentation that had been submitted with the dissertations/theses text to enhance the scholarly record. You can download the supplemental files as required:

order dissertation from proquest

You can use the order a copy tab to purchase any dissertation/thesis.

You can dive deeper into the relevant literature by reviewing references within each dissertation on your topic. Examining the resources that other authors rely upon may reveal a very useful resource that hadn’t turned up in your own search .

If one of the References is available to your library through another ProQuest database, you will be able to click on the reference to view the full record.

order dissertation from proquest

On results page, you can also get an unique option to filter the documents based on university/institution and university/institution location.

order dissertation from proquest

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global offers browsing (in addition to searching) as a way of finding content. Use this page to easily locate dissertations/theses based on subject and location.

order dissertation from proquest

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  • Last Updated: May 4, 2024 10:06 AM
  • URL: https://proquest.libguides.com/pqdt

Can I purchase copies of my dissertation or thesis?

  • Article Number: 000035346

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Answer Last Updated: Jun 28, 2023 Views: 12768

When citing dissertations, the publication number is usually preferred, since it is more widely recognized..

  • In ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, click the Abstract/Details page
  • Look for the Dissertation/thesis  number.
  • Use Publication No.  or Order No. in front of the publication/order number when citing the dissertation in APA.

Example citation:

Johnson, E. K. (2003). Word segmentation during infancy: The role of subphonemic cues to word boundaries (Order No.

3080693). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (288178193).

Screenshot of clicking abstract.

  •   Scroll down the article information page to Dissertation/thesis number  and include Publication No.  before the number.

Screenshot of dissertation/thesis number.

For more information see the APA Style website resource:  Published Dissertation or Thesis References .

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UAlbany Home | Apply | Research

Scholars Archive

Home > Grad School > Legacy ETDs

Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024)

The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.

These ETDs are still available and searchable within PQDT Global , and UAlbany authors still retain copyright of their ETD, allowing them to publish their own work at any time with any publisher.

By making this work openly available in Scholars Archive and sharing this scholarship with the global community free of charge, UAlbany’s valuable scholarship enjoys a broader reach and deeper impact and better embodies the spirit of the Graduate School and UAlbany’s mission to provide “the leaders, the knowledge, and the innovations to create a better world.”

Note: Retrospective ETDs are provided for research and educational purposes only and are under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us .

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Applications of search and matching to international trade and unemployment insurance , Kai You

Innovation capacity in local government organizations : a comparative case study of three innovation labs in the U.S , Qianli Yuan

Contrapuntal readings of the exilic consciousness : reading Yehuda Amichai and Mahmoud Darwish together , Sarah Brooks Zahed

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

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The role of school and district leaders in discipline systems in positive outlier high schools , Catherine E. Guthrie

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Manuscript Clearance Deadlines

The Manuscript Clearance Portal will automatically calculate a student's deadlines once the " Defense Announcement Form " is submitted. Students in the manuscript clearance process should be familiar with both types of deadlines:  Semester and 60-Day.

Summer 2024 Manuscript Clearance Semester Deadlines

Initial, pre-defense doctoral deadline, june 17, 2024.

Last day for doctoral students to submit doctoral dissertation or treatise for pre-defense format review. 

Initial, Pre-Defense Masters Deadline

June 24, 2024.

Last day for master’s students to submit master's thesis for pre-defense format review. 

Final, Post-Defense Deadline (All degrees)

July 8, 2024.

Last day for the post-defense, final content-approved manuscript (all degrees) and required Manuscript Clearance Portal forms to be submitted. 

Formatting Deadline

july 30, 2024

Last day for students (all degrees) to receive an email from Manuscript Clearance Office confirming final clearance. 

Manuscripts must be submitted by 11:59 pm (Eastern Time) of the listed deadline date. Forms must be completed by the same time on the deadline date.

Explanation of Manuscript Clearance Deadlines

Initial, Pre-Defense Deadline

  • The relevant pre-defense (initial) format review deadline is the date by which students must submit their manuscript to the Manuscript Clearance Advisor for a pre-defense (initial) formatting review. Manuscripts will not be reviewed and counted as an initial submission under the following conditions: 1) not submitted via the ProQuest ETD website; 2) poorly formatted based on The Graduate School's guidelines, or 3) otherwise appears incomplete (e.g., multiple sections omitted). While it is understood that content will likely change after the defense, it is expected that manuscripts submitted for the pre-defense (initial) format review are at least 90% complete and have been formatted in full accordance with the criteria in the most recent version of The Graduate School's formatting guidelines.

Final, Post-Defense Deadline

  • The post-defense deadline indicates the date by which students must submit the post-defense, final content-approved version of their manuscript to ProQuest ETD and ensure completion/signatures of all required manuscript clearance forms in The Graduate School's Manuscript Clearance Portal by 11:59 p.m. ET (except "Official Final Clearance"). Although students cannot complete all forms in the Manuscript Clearance Portal directly, they are ultimately responsible for ensuring their committee has completed the needed approvals. 
  • *If there are no content changes requested by the student's supervisory committee or made to the manuscript after the defense, a resubmission of the final, content-approved manuscript is still required in ProQuest ETD by this deadline. A pre-defense manuscript submission in ProQuest ETD is not sufficient in meeting this deadline. 
  • Additional formatting revisions are often required after this date in order for final manuscript clearance to be completed, but content changes are prohibited .
  •  The Formatting Deadline is the date by which any post-defense formatting revisions (only those required by the Manuscript Clearance Office) should be completed and "Official Final Manuscript Clearance" should be granted in the Manuscript Clearance Portal. 

Academic units may set their own deadlines in advance of these manuscript clearance deadlines. Students must adhere to their unit's deadlines in addition to those established by The Graduate School. Please consult with your Graduate Program Coordinator, if you are unsure of your academic unit's requirements.

In the absence of additional deadlines set by academic units, we strongly recommend students defend at least 1 week prior to the post-defense deadline . Missing a semester deadline will result in the student automatically becoming ineligible to graduate in the current term. While students may be allowed to defend until the semester's post-defense deadline, they should understand that ALL content changes must be completed AND approved in the Portal by their committee prior to the deadline. The finalized manuscript must be submitted to ProQuest ETD by the deadline as well.  Extensions will not be granted for students who defended late and were unable to complete any content changes in time.

60-Day Deadline  

No later than 60 days after a successful defense :

  • Post-defense, final content-approved manuscript must be submitted.
  • Required forms (through Final Content Approval) must be completed in the Portal.

No later than 1 week after the 60-day deadline :

  • All requested formatting corrections must be complete. (Multiple reviews may be required.)
  • Official Final Manuscript Clearance must be achieved in the Portal.

This deadline applies to students who :

  • Defend early in their semester of expected graduation.
  • Defend in a semester prior to their expected graduation.
  • Missed a semester deadline after defending (resulting in delayed graduation).

University closures are not excluded from the 60 days, but deadlines may be adjusted (forward or backward) if they fall on a weekend or a day the university is closed. The deadline will be automatically adjusted in the Portal.

Future Manuscript Clearance Semester Deadlines

Summer 2024.


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  5. Order Dissertation From Proquest: Order Dissertation Proquest

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  6. Find Dissertations and Theses via the ProQuest Dissertations Database

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  6. Literature Online on the ProQuest Platform


  1. How Do I Order A Dissertation?

    If your library subscribes to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database, you should be able to access it here.You will find PQDT listed as "Interdisciplinary - Dissertations & Theses" in the Database pull-down menu. Once you search and find the dissertation that you are seeking, you should be able to order the dissertation within the database.

  2. ETD Administrator- Electronic Submissions

    The submission process provides assurance that all of the critical areas needed for properly publishing a dissertation or thesis have been covered. It includes the following steps: Submit -- Authors will review all of the rules, guidelines, and options for publication and initially submit to administrators. Review -- An assigned institutional ...

  3. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

    The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities. ... Order a dissertation title ProQuest Dissertations & Theses ...

  4. LibGuides: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Home

    ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is a wealth of unique global scholarship, which is a credible and quality source to Uncover the Undiscovered research insights and intelligence in easiest and most effective ways. The equitable discoverability of more than 5.8 million dissertations and theses with coverage from year 1637, allows researchers to amplify diverse voices and place their ...

  5. How long will it take to get my order?

    This article provides an overview of ProQuest's ETD publishing and order fulfillment processes.

  6. ProQuest Dissertation Express

    If you are an author purchasing your own dissertation, please contact Customer Support to receive author pricing. Call: 1-800-521-0600.Email: [email protected] the U.S. and Canada, Visit: The Support Directory.

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    Can I track my dissertation order? Article Number: 000037051. Once your order ships, you will receive a tracking number via email. Check our order production timelines here.

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    Have you ever wondered which dissertations and theses are accessed most by researchers? ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from thousands of universities around the world. Each month ProQuest posts the top 25 Most-Accessed Dissertations and Theses across all subjects, based upon ...

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    When a student submits a dissertation to ProQuest, the Library automatically receives an electronic copy and makes it available on Open Scholarship. However, the Library respects all limitations, such as embargoes, that authors set on their submissions in ProQuest. ... In order to sue others for monetary damages caused by their infringing your ...

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    We offer your dissertation or thesis in several different formats, including PDF, hardcover, and softcover. If you purchase print copies in quantities of three or more, you will receive an additional discount per copy. Print copy formats and pricing can be found here. Authors may call 1-800-521-0600 or submit a support case to place an order.

  14. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) is an online database that indexes, abstracts, and provides full-text access to dissertations and theses.The database includes over 2.4 million records and covers 1637 to the present. It is produced by ProQuest and was formerly known as ProQuest Digital Dissertations.The bibliographic database (without full-text dissertations) is known as Dissertation ...

  15. I am citing a dissertation. Where do I find the publication no

    When citing dissertations, the Publication number is usually preferred, since it is more widely recognized. In ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, click the Abstract/Details page. Look for the Dissertation/thesis number. Use Publication No. or Order No. in front of the publication/order number when citing the dissertation in APA.

  16. Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009

    Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024) The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022. These ETDs are still available and searchable within PQDT Global , and UAlbany authors still retain copyright of their ETD, allowing them to publish their own work at any time ...

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  19. Accessibility of the Curriculum in a Diverse District

    ProQuest LLC, Ed.D. Dissertation, Northeastern University. Culturally relevant pedagogy aims to build on students' individual and cultural experiences and to allow diverse populations opportunities to access a generalized curriculum. The purpose of this action research study was to create a culturally relevant teaching framework to integrate ...

  20. ERIC

    The Paso del Norte segment of the Rio Grande experiences two seasons per year; the (wet) irrigation season and the (dry) non-irrigation season. The goal of this study was to improve the understanding of occurrence and contribution of dissolved metals in this region during the non-irrigation season. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the impact of anthropogenic sources of metals ...