Modern Studies Department

Resources for tgs modern studies pupils, higher modern studies essay plans/guides, essay plans.

Decision-making in Central Government

Download Relationship between the PM and cabinet model answer

Download Role of cabinet model essay

Download Scrutiny of the executive model essay

Electoral Systems

'The UK can no longer claim to have a 2-party system.' Discuss

In the past few voters backed anyone other than a Conservative or Labour candidate, few MPs belonged to anything other than the Conservative or Labour parties and one party always managed to secure an overall majority. These characteristics led some to claim the UK has a classic 2-party system. Recently, with a decrease in the numbers of people voting for the 2 main parties, an increase in third party voting and representation, and a coalition government in the House of Commons, this claim is under scrutiny.

The UK can no longer claim to have a 2-party system because fewer people are voting for the two main parties. In the immediate post-ward period Britain came to be regarded has having a classic two-party system as few voters backed anyone other than a Labour or Conservative candidate. For example, the lowest proportion of the electorate voted for the two main parties in 2010 than any other general election since 1922. However, more people still voted for Labour and Conservative than any other party. For example, two-thirds (66.6%) of the votes in Great Britain in 2010 were cast for either the Conservatives or Labour. This shows that although the 2 main parties appear to be losing support they remain dominant in the meantime confirming the continued existance of the 2-party system.

As there has been an increase in the number of people voting for parties other than Labour or the Conservatives, the UK can no longer be claim to have a 2-party system. Smaller parties are picking up more votes. For example, in the 2010 General Election almost one in four votes went to the Liberal Democrats; their second highest vote share to be secured by the party (or its predecessors) since 1923. Also, nearly one in ten voters in Great Britain (9.7%) voted for someone other than the three main parties. However, in the recent local council elections Labour and the Conservatives won much more seats than any other party. For example, there are 2158 Labour councillors, 1005 Conservative councillors compared to only 431 Lib Dem councillors. This shows while there is some evidence of party dealignment at general elections, more recent local council elections confirm the 2-party system is still strong in the UK.

The 2-party system could be said to be alive and well in Scotland as the two main parties continue to vie for power. The only difference is the the two main parties vying for power are the SNP and Labour, not Labour and Conservative. For example, despite using the AMS which has an element of proportional representation, in 2011 the SNP won 69 seats, Labour 37 and the Conservatives only 15 seats out of a total of 129. However, third party representation in the UK Parliament suggests the UK is no longer a 2-party system. There has been an increase in the number of representatives elected under a banner other than Conservative or Labour. For example, in the 2010 General Election 85 MPs (including 18 from Northern Ireland) were elected under a banner other than Labour or Conservative. This shows that, despite a strong 2-party system in the Scottish Parliament, the 2-party system in the UK Parliament appears to be weakening.

The UK does still have a 2-party system because general elections usually produce a majority government. Under FPTP the country is split up into 650 constituencies with seats won on a 'winner-takes-all' basis, which usually returns single party majorities. For example, single party majorities have occured in every post-war UK Parliament except for 1974 when there was a hung parliament and in 2010. However, the 2010 General Election saw the party with the largest number of seats - the Conservatives - unable to win an outright majority of seats. For example, although the Conservatives won 307 of the 650 seats, they did not manage to secure the 326 seats needed to win a majority. This led them to form a coalition with the 3rd place party, the Liberal Democrats. This shows although the FPTP usually leads to a 2-party system, the UK currently can not claim to be a 2-party system as a result of the coalition government.

In conclusion, although the FPTP electoral system usually returns a majority government and there is still evidence of a strong 2-party system in Scotland, the UK cannot claim to have a 2-party system. With fewer people voting Labour or Conservative, an increase in third party voting and representation, and a Con-Dem coalition goverment in power, the UK can no longer claim to have a 2-party system.

Download STV v FPTP

Download AMS v FPTP responsive to the will of the people and choice

Social Issues

Download To what extent does social class exist in the UK today 2012

These are only suggested essay plans and do not need to be followed.

Assess the importance of social class in influencing income and health. (15 marks)


Paragraph One

Social class is a very important factor in influencing income.

Income determines area lived in which in turn determines the school attended. Better qualifications = better chance of attending higher education = higher income.

However, ...

Recession and unemployed graduates.

Paragraph Two

Social class is a hugely important factor and influences health to a very large extent.

Lower classes less likely to eat healthy diets compared to middle classes.

Lower classes less likely to drink in excess of recommended alcohol levels compared to those in the least deprived areas.

Paragraph Three

Ethnicity is also an important factor which influences income.

As a result of discrimination, many ethnic minority groups sufffer from higher unemployment levels.

Ethnic minorities are concentrated in working class jobs where all workers are low paid.

Poverty as a result of social class is often compounded (intensified) by the introduction of an equality characteristic such as ethnicity.

Paragraph Four

Health is greatly influenced by gender.

Male life expectancy is lower than female life expectancy. One reason is the number of males dying prematurely due to heart disease.

Risk factors for coronary heart disease are cigarette smoking, lower exercise levels and poor diet which are associated with lower social class.

Gender interacts with socio-economic status.

International Issues

Critically examine the view that the US government has been successful in tackling political inequality in the US. (15 marks)

Paragragh One

The US government has been successful in tackling political inequality through the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Higher levels of those registered to vote maintained.

the overall percent is down. Although total number of voters increased, numbers decreased. 

Success of increased registration rates of minorites as a result of NVRA.

2008 most ethnically diverse electorate.

the very low availability of registering to vote at public assistance agenices will ensure continued under-representation of the poor in elections. 

The creation of 'majority-minority' districts through the Voting Rights Act has led to an overall reduction in minority influence in Congress.

More ethnic minority representatives in Congress but fewer Democrats overall.

the Voting Rights Act ensures equal opportunties to participate in the voting process.

The first Asian-American city councillor of Bayou La Batre, Alabama, was successfully elected in 2004 following an investigation into racially-targetted challenges carried out by the Justice Department as a result of their remit under the Voting Rights Act. 

It is largely independent campaigns and party campaigns - not the US government - through registration drives that increase voter registration levels.

E.g. ACORN and the Obama campaign

laws passed by the US government have created fairer representation for minorities.

'Majority-minority' districts have led to an increased number of ethnic minority representatives in Congress.

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STA Higher Modern Studies

Higher modern studies, usa model essays.

See blow for model essays on various USA sub-topics:

USA Influence – USA Influence Model Essay

USA influence 2 – USA-Influence-Model-Essay

Rights and Responsibilities 12 mark analyse paragraph – Rights and Responsibilities USA Essay

Political progress minorities essay paragraph – Progress for Minorities Essay

Participation Essay paragraph – Participation Voting Paragraph

How democratic paragraph – How democratic paragraph Feb 2018

Government responses to social and economic inequalities, Affirmative Action paragraph – Government Responses to S and E inequalities model para AA

Checks on Government Model Essay – Checks on Government Model Essay

Analyse Paragraph – Social and Economic Inequalities – Analyse – Social and Inequalities Model Essay

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29/12/23 UPDATE: Terrorism added in National 5 section; Advanced Higher content updated; revision strategy suggestions published.

higher modern studies 20 mark essay examples

Please note: Since August 2019, we have taught 'Crime and the Law in the UK' at Higher. Therefore, this page will no longer be updated.

higher modern studies 20 mark essay examples

Social Inequality in the UK

Social Inequality in the UK is 'Part A' of Section 2 in the exam paper. You use your knowledge & understanding of socio-economic issues in the UK to answer one question. The topics studied are detailed in the Course Assessment Specification (CAS), which is outlined below. Use the contents table below to click to relevant headings.

Course Assessment Specification (CAS)

In the social inequality context, candidates focus on the impact of social inequality on any relevant group.

reasons why income and wealth inequality exists

reasons why health inequalities exist

effect of inequality on a group or groups in society

individualist and collectivist debate

effectiveness of measures taken to tackle inequalities, including government measures

PowerPoint presentation

higher modern studies 20 mark essay examples

Class resources and materials

The documents in the section below were given out in class and are intended to support your revision.

Find the Answer

Universal credit, causes of poverty, essay questions.

The questions below are common essay questions, drawn from either past papers or made up to provide examples, based on the CAS at the top of this page. The essay answers below may be completed or provide you with the skeleton necessary to create a comprehensive response in the exam. 


Kindly shared by Mr Beattie at Vale of Leven Academy.

Lifestyle choices

General essay revision, government responses to health inequalities.

This part essay template looks at the success and failure of the sugar tax and minimum unit pricing to address health inequalities. The essay responds to the following question: 'Government policies have failed to reduce health inequalities. Discuss. (20 marks).'

Effectiveness of tackling social inequalities

This part essay template looks at the success and failure of the NHS and wider health services in addressing social inequalities in the UK. The essay responds to the following question: 'Evaluate the effectiveness of the health services in tackling social inequality. (12 marks).'

Theories of the welfare state

This part essay, part plan looks at the different theoretical perspectives of the welfare state. It addresses the following question: 'Health and welfare provision should be the responsibility of the government. Discuss. (20 marks).'

Paper One exam questions How are 20 mark essays marked?

How to answer Paper One exam essay questions to get for Higher Modern Studies

Part of Modern Studies Exam and assignment

How are 20 mark essays marked?

There are eight marks for knowledge and understanding which includes description, explanation and exemplification .

There are six marks for analysis and evaluation but if you achieve more than six then the marks can be counted as knowledge and understanding marks if you have not achieved full marks in that category. This does not apply the other way around.

Four marks are available for conclusion and evaluation . These marks can be picked up as you go through your essay by concluding/evaluating at the end of each major section and/or having a traditional overall conclusion at the end.

Two marks are available for structure which means writing an essay that has a consistent structured argument running throughout it.

It is important that your essays have up-to-date examples and doesn't rely on material that is out of date. You should also ensure that your essay is balanced and discusses different viewpoints, arguments and factors.

Note: The problem with many essays is that students identify the topic being asked about and address that topic rather than the specifics of the question.

For example in the question, To what extent can parliamentary representatives effectively check the powers of the government? students will often focus simply on the work of MSPs rather than how they hold the government to account.

More guides on this topic

  • Paper Two exam questions

Related links

  • BBC News: Politics
  • BBC News: Business
  • BBC Democracy Live
  • SQA Higher Modern Studies
  • Scottish Parliament
  • Scottish Government


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  17. Mr Campbell

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    See blow for model essays on various USA sub-topics: USA Influence - USA Influence Model Essay. USA influence 2 - USA-Influence-Model-Essay. Rights and Responsibilities 12 mark analyse paragraph - Rights and Responsibilities USA Essay. Political progress minorities essay paragraph - Progress for Minorities Essay.

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    A 20 mark sqa modern studies essay on health inequalities. health inequalities in scotland england introduction despite the fact that the nhs offers free. Skip to document. ... The higher your income, the more subject you are to health inequalities. This has been proven by the fact that poverty alone leads to all other health inequality factors ...