Education Degree

Scholarships for Education Majors and Grad Students

Reviewed by Jon Konen, District Superintendent

If you’re thinking about earning an education degree or attending graduate school, it’s likely that cost will be a determining factor. A federal study found that more than half of young adults who attended college in 2017-18 took on some debt to pay for their education.

Fortunately, students have access to types of financial aid that, unlike student loans, don’t need to be paid back. These include scholarships, grants, and fellowships. This page offers education majors and grad students a head start in identifying these funding sources to help pay for education.

Scholarships for Education Students

Early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education, special education, school administration, where to find scholarships, grants, and fellowships  .

Grants, scholarships, and fellowships are all, technically, gifts of money for education that don’t need to be paid back by the student. But although they’re similar, there is some distinction among these three terms:

A grant is usually awarded based on financial need and provided by federal or state governments as well as individual colleges. At the federal level, an example is the TEACH Grant , which is awarded to graduate students who are studying to pursue teaching in a high-need field or school.

At the state and college level, for example, a student interested in Oglethorpe University’s education degree program may qualify for a school-provided Oglethorpe Grant and a state-provided Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant , both of which are need-based. To obtain grant funding, the first step should be completing the FAFSA .

A scholarship , on the other hand, usually has some additional requirement beyond need (though need may be part of the criteria). Students may need to demonstrate merit through high grades, personal or professional experience, affiliation with a group, selection of a major or career path, or a combination of these. Scholarships are usually offered by private foundations or organizations (non-profit or for-profit), though states and colleges may offer them too. Usually, scholarships have their own applications, though they may also require a FAFSA.

A fellowship is a type of grant that funds the pursuit of certain short-term professional development opportunities. Fellowships can be very competitive and are offered to a small number of students. They often come with some sort of commitment, such as a graduate degree program, length of service, or completion of a research study.

Another distinction is that they are usually (though not always) offered to post-graduate students as opposed to undergraduates. Sometimes applications require interviews, presentations, or even nominations from peers.

Government entities, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and schools all are sources to explore when you’re seeking financial awards. Here are some tips for where to start looking for these funding sources:

  • Start by submitting your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . This document is what the federal government uses to determine your eligibility to receive a grant, and for how much. Many scholarship and fellowship programs also make their award decisions based on the information in your FAFSA application.
  • If you’re an incoming college freshman, take advantage of your high school guidance counselor. These professionals make it a priority to collect college funding information and work with students to find scholarships and grants that are a good fit.
  • Talk to the financial aid office at your prospective college about awards that may be available to you. If you’ve already chosen a major, individual departments at the college may also have info about scholarships for that subject area.
  • Consider organizations you may be involved with or affiliations you may have. Many businesses, foundations, professional associations, and community organizations offer scholarships.

Wherever you begin your search, remember that you should never pay for scholarship information — money should flow to you, not the other way around.

How to Win Scholarships

While grants are typically awarded by schools and governments and are based mostly on need, scholarships often involve some other special qualification. A high grade point average (GPA), membership in a particular group, or a demonstrated talent are all common reasons to win scholarships.

There’s no way to guarantee you’ll receive a scholarship, but here are 10 tried-and-true tips that can work in your favor:

  • Be thorough and accurate. Scholarship sponsors may receive thousands of applications. If your application doesn’t have all the information and documentation in order, it will be tossed aside before they’ve even read it.
  • Double check spelling and punctuation. Even slight errors could be a reason to eliminate you.
  • Apply for as many as you can. The more scholarships you apply for, the better the odds that you’ll win one.
  • Don’t discount small awards. If you submit a lot of applications, those small awards could add up. They may also have fewer applicants competing against you.
  • Think local. National organizations are likely going to have more competing applicants than, say, your hometown’s community foundation.
  • Distinguish yourself with an essay. Many students get lazy and avoid scholarship applications requiring essays. Use this as an opportunity to showcase your passion, your interests, and the distinctive qualities that can help you to shine.
  • Write what you’re asked to write. If the question asks for three examples, don’t give two or four.
  • Have someone proofread the essay to be sure it doesn’t contain mistakes.
  • Stay within the prescribed word count; going over actually may disqualify you.
  • Make the most of your education and experience. Take every opportunity to enroll in challenging courses, participate in community service, gain career training, receive mentorship, or otherwise show initiative and leadership.
  • Join a professional association, which may offer scholarships or fellowships. For example, Educators Rising , a division of Phi Delta Kappa International, and the National Education Association’s NEA Aspiring Educators program are both student organizations for future teachers that offer scholarships or information about affording college.
  • Never lie. Most scholarship applications undergo a thorough screening process. Even small exaggerations could be enough to rule you out.

Grants and Fellowships for Education Students

How to win grants and fellowships.

The first step to receiving a grant is completing your FAFSA as soon as possible; it’s available starting October 1st for the following school year. Though students have until June 30 to complete the form, many states and colleges have earlier deadlines. States and colleges may also have additional applications for you to complete.

To win financial aid grants, you must demonstrate need. However, there’s another type of grant that graduate students may seek. Like grant monies provided to nonprofit organizations, some grants may be available from private foundations or organizations that support research, community service, or professional activities.

Graduate students wishing to receive fellowships or grant funding may find these tips helpful:

  • Find as many opportunities as you can to apply for. Securing a fellowship isn’t a task to be taken lightly. Conduct in-depth research through your school’s fellowship or financial aid office or career services center, and be sure to speak with faculty in your program about possible opportunities.
  • Take a workshop or class on grant writing. These courses can help you to strengthen your writing and use language that appeals to awards committees.
  • Take the time necessary to complete your fellowship application. This is not something to rush through. Some fellowships are designed to serve as an annual salary; there is an expectation that you will work as hard for this as you will to obtain a job (and sometimes it’s much harder). Don’t expect to cram it into a weekend.
  • If you’re proposing a research project, you’ll need to sell it to selection committees , who may not be as familiar with the field as you are. You must be able to clearly articulate the goals, that the work is needed, that it has real-world applications, and that you are the person to perform the work.
  • Remember that the grant or fellowship would support you , not the program or research product. In other words, you must show on your application that you have the qualities necessary to perform the research or other activities involved. Skip the generic platitudes about how “children are our future.” Instead, demonstrate what you bring to the table. Your application should showcase your background, skills, professional experience, goals, and passion that make you uniquely

Finding scholarships, grants, and fellowships can be a lot of work, but the reward of receiving money to pursue your chosen profession and embarking on a career in education are sure to make it worth the effort.

50 Incredible Scholarships for Education Majors

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Best Scholarships for Education Majors

Key Takeaways :

  • The Gates Scholarship and Horatio Alger Association scholarships are among the top scholarships available for education majors.
  • Various organizations offer scholarships to support education majors, emphasizing accessibility and quality in the teaching profession.
  • The list includes a variety of scholarships targeting different aspects of education, providing financial aid to aspiring educators.

The importance of accessible, quality education cannot be overstated. The good news is that there are many organizations that recognized this and are offering teaching scholarships for education majors of all stripes. This list of 50 great scholarships for future teachers features a wide range of scholarships available from any number of sources. Professional organizations, fraternities, corporations, scholarly associations, social clubs, and more are featured on our list; all are offering financial assistance in the form of great scholarships to students majoring in education.

Most of the scholarships for ed majors on our list are intended as financial assistance for undergraduate students, but there are also a good number of fantastic scholarships and fellowships offered to graduate and post-graduate students featured. Whether for undergrad or graduate school, each scholarship is intended for very specific kinds of education majors. Some emphasize academic success in an education program while others focus on community service and leadership. Still others want to reward students who have struggled to overcome adversity in their pursuit of higher education. Some of these scholarships exist to incentivize students to major in areas of education where there are shortages like special education, for instance, while others strive to make majoring in education more accessible to minority students.

Featured Programs

No matter who you are, you can find a scholarship for your higher education goals on this list. And don’t neglect to check out our teaching scholarships FAQ at the end of the article! What follows is our collection of the best scholarships out there for education majors 2021 and beyond.

Top Scholarships for Education Majors

#1. the gates scholarship.

Gates Scholarship- logo

The Gates Millennium Scholars Program was one of the biggest private scholarships in the United States and has now been replaced by The Gates Scholarship. This is a last-dollar scholarship for education majors, meaning when a student’s financial aid and expected family contributions are less than the cost of room, board, and tuition, this scholarship fills the gap. The scholarship is for high-performing students of African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian & Pacific Islander, and/or Hispanic American ethnicities. Proof of tribal enrollment is required for American Indian/Alaska Native students. This scholarship is awarded to 300 high school students demonstrating financial need every year. College students must be Pell-eligible, U.S. Citizen, national, or permanent resident, have a 3.3 GPA and plan to enroll full-time in a four-year degree program at an accredited not-for-profit university.

  • Award: Last-Dollar
  • Application Deadline: September 15th

#2. Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans Targeted Scholarships

Horatio Alger Association Scholarship- logo

The targeted scholarships offered by the Horatio Alger Association all have similar requirements to the main scholarships. The difference is that these top scholarships all require college students to attend specific colleges or universities, or require a specific major in order to be eligible. One is for students who aspire to be a science teacher or teacher of other STEM subjects, for instance. There are some great opportunities here for education majors who fit the criteria, as there will be less competition and the awards are quite significant.

  • Award: $10,000-$52,000
  • Application Deadline: Varies by Scholarship

#3. Burger King McLamore Foundation Scholarship

Burger King Scholarship- logo

This scholarship was created in memory of Jim W. McLamore, co-founder of Burger King. It’s intended to aid employees of the restaurant chain and their family members who wish to attend college. In 2018, the scholarship was awarded to over 3,400 students. With $3.7 million awarded this makes the average award $1,088.24.

  • Award: $1,000-$50,000
  • Application Deadline: Dec. 15

#4. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation - logo

The Jack Kent Cooke young scholars program is designed to provide educational advising and financial support from 8th grade through high school graduation. The college scholarship program awards education majors and students planning to teach with up to $40,000/year, academic advising, networking opportunities, and college planning. The undergraduate transfer scholarship awards up to $40,000/year for up to three years to college students seeking to complete an education degree at elite four-year colleges or universities.

  • Award: Up to $40,000/year
  • Application Deadline: App. Period is Fall

#5. Ron Brown Scholar Program

Ron Brown Scholarship- logo

This scholarship for gifted and community-minded African Americans is for undergraduate students and is paid out $10,000 per year over the course of four years. The teaching scholarships are intended to aid the most promising and economically disadvantaged high school students interested in public service, community engagement, and entrepreneurship. 300 Ron Brown scholarships have been awarded over the past 24 years, meaning an average of 12.5 college students per year receive this scholarship. Early application deadline is November 1st.

  • Award: $40,000
  • Application Deadline: January 9th

#6. Thurgood Marshall College Fund

Thurgood Marshall Scholarship- logo

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund partners with a great number of corporations like McDonald’s, CVS, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Lowes, Boeing, Walmart, Kellogg’s and Comcast. In partnership, they award teaching scholarships to students attending historically black colleges and universities and primarily black institutions. Scholarships and fellowships offered through the TMCF range in value from $750 in emergency funds to full-on graduate teaching fellowships worth over $40,000/year. Not all of them are available to education majors but many are.

  • Award: $750-$40,000
  • Application Deadline: Varies

#7. Harry S. Truman Scholarship

Harry S. Truman Scholarship - logo

The Truman Fellowship competition is for college students who are pursuing higher education with the goal of becoming a force of change in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or educational institutions. Truman scholars devote their lives and careers to improving organizations that serve the public. The fellowship is open to current graduate students who are pursuing a master’s degree in one of several areas including education.

  • Award: Up to $30,000
  • Application Deadline: Feb. 4

#8. Ford Foundation Fellowships

Ford Foundation Scholarship - logo

The Ford Foundation awards roughly 70 predoctoral fellowships per year, each providing three years of support for graduate students earning a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree. Recognizing the severe lack of representation from groups including Alaska Natives, Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders, and Puerto Ricans in American higher education, the Ford Foundation considers belonging to one of these groups as a positive factor when evaluating candidates.

  • Award: $27,000 3-year Stipend

#9. Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans National Scholarships

Horatio Alger Scholarship - logo

The Horatio Alger Association national scholarships are massive financial aid awards. They are awarded to 106 college students. Students must display both integrity and perseverance even as they overcome hardships in their life. The minimum GPA for applicants for these scholarships is 2.0. Students must be high school graduates planning to earn their bachelor’s degree at public schools, private schools, or a not-for-profit college or university within the United States. Undergraduate students majoring in education may start at a two-year college. These community college students must intend to transfer to a four-year institution to complete their degree, though.

  • Award: $25,000
  • Application Deadline: Oct. 25

#10. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Scholarship- logo

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers a wide range of teaching scholarships and research grants to aspiring teachers of all levels, including graduate students, those pursuing bachelor’s degrees, and community college students. Most of the scholarships are highly targeted, making it easier for education majors to decide which to apply for. The National Council of Teachers scholarships are available to math educators and future math educators at the undergraduate through post-graduate level. This includes those high school students planning to teach at the early childhood, elementary and secondary school level.

  • Award: $1,500-$24,000
  • Application Deadline: Nov. 1st

#11. James Madison Memorial Fellowship

James Madison Memorial Scholarship - logo

The James Madison Fellowship is available to teachers earning their master of arts, master of arts in teaching, or master of education degree with a concentration in American history, American government, political science, or government. Students applying for this fellowship must be high school teachers of grades 7-12 committed to teaching American history, American government, or civics classes where they will be covering topics related to the U.S. Constitution. Early childhood education and elementary majors are not eligible.

  • Award: $24,000
  • Application Deadline: Mar. 1st

#12. Dell Scholars

Dell Scholarship- logo

In addition to the significant monetary award, the Dell Scholars program provides college students with confidential counseling, financial aid coaching, work-life solutions, and access to support staff who have similar experiences to the student. High school graduates who are Dell scholars are 25% more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree than students from similar socioeconomic backgrounds. Half of Dell scholars graduate with no student debt, and those who do graduate with debt average $15,000 in loans, about half the national average.

  • Award: $20,000
  • Application Deadline: December 1

#13. Peters Foundation Scholarship

Peters Foundation Scholarship- logo

The Peters Foundation scholarship is for high school seniors planning to attend a Christian university and major in areas of environment, conservation and forestry, or education. The scholarship is limited to college students attending schools in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, or Colorado. These financial aid awards are granted based on a combination of financial need and academic performance. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for these scholarships.

  • Award: $10,000-$20,000 Over 4 years
  • Application Deadline: April 1st

#14. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship- logo

While not limited to college students majoring in education, the Coca-Cola Scholars Program offers a wide range of scholarships to students pursuing bachelor’s degrees. The flagship scholarship is a $20,000 scholarship awarded to 150 students per year. The community college scholarship offers 50 $1,500, 50, $1,250, and 50 $1,000 scholarships per year to students attending community colleges. The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise scholarship offers 200 scholarships of $1,000 each to members of Phi Theta Kappa, an honors society that helps high-school students reach their full potential, providing them with professional and leadership skills and explore career paths.

  • Award: $1,000-$20,000
  • Application Deadline: N/A

#15. Jewish Community Center Scholarship Programs

Jewish Community Centers Scholarship- logo

The Jewish Community Centers scholarships are available to Jewish college students who are working or intend to work with Jewish affiliated community centers in an educational or administrative capacity. There is a work requirement attached equivalent to six months of work with JCCs per $5,000 granted by the scholarships. The teaching scholarships are available to graduate students and will pay up to $20,000 at a rate of $5,000 per semester towards a graduate degree. For those education professionals who decide not to meet the work requirement after graduation the scholarship converts to an interest free loan. Scholarships are available for full-time students or part-time students working towards graduate degrees, certificate programs, and continuing education classes.

  • Award: $5,000-$20,000
  • Application Deadline: October 1st For Following Year

#16. Intercollegiate Studies Institute Fellowships

Intercollegiate Studies Institute Scholarship- logo

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute awards up to 15 graduate fellowships to students pursuing an graduate degree in the humanities or social sciences. The one requirement is an intent to teach at the college level. This is a great opportunity for experienced teachers and education professionals who decide they want to earn their advanced degree and play a role in educating the next generation of teachers. The awards can be used for tuition, living expenses, books, computers, software and anything else related to earning their degree.

  • Award: $5,000-$15,000
  • Application Deadline: Feb. 1

#17. Omega Psi Phi Scholarships

Omega Psi Phi Scholarship- logo

There are a great number of fraternities and sororities that offer scholarships to their members. Some of these financial aid awards can be quite significant. Omega Psi Phi was the first international fraternity founded on the campus of a historically black college. The organization offers a variety of teaching scholarships, including a scholarship competition in which all members compete. Those college students with outstanding academic results can receive both district scholar of the year awards. Those scholars are then eligible for consideration in the international scholar of the year award.

  • Award: $1,000-$15,000

#18. Elks Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship

Elks Foundation Scholarship- logo

The Elks Foundation awards 500 4-year scholarships for full time students this year. The top 20 applicants are invited to an all expenses paid leadership weekend in Chicago where they interview with national judges. The 20 finalists compete with each other for two first place awards of $50,000, two second-place awards of $40,000, and two third-place awards of $30,000. The rest of the finalists receive $20,000 awards. The 480 other high school seniors are all granted $4,000 scholarships.

  • Award: $4,000-$12,500/Year
  • Application Deadline: November 5th

#19. National Federation of the Blind

National Federation of the Blind- logo

The National Federation of the Blind offers thirty merit-based scholarships to legally blind college students every year. The evaluators take into account academic excellence, community service, and leadership when selecting the award winners. It is mandatory for finalists to attend and fully participate in the NFB national convention (they will receive financial assistance to cover the cost of attendance) where the award-winners will be announced.

  • Award: $3,000-$12,000
  • Application Deadline: Mar. 31

#20. Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans State Scholarships

The Horatio Alger Association state scholarships award teaching scholarships for full time students in all 50 states. These financial aid awards are for high school students who plan to attend an accredited, public or private, not-for-profit college or university. College students must display academic achievement, maintain a GPA of 2.0 or greater and be a U.S. citizen. The scholarships are aimed at high school seniors who have experienced hardships but are fighting to overcome those hardships. All applicants must demonstrate financial need (household adjusted gross income must be less than $55,000).

  • Award: $10,000

#21. Pittsburgh Foundation

The Pittsburgh Foundation - logo

There are over 700 community organizations like The Pittsburgh Foundation serving their communities around the country. So, even if you don’t live in Pittsburgh, you should look for similar community organizations offering scholarships for urban teachers near you. The $10,000 Weimann Family Teaching Scholarship is awarded for a single year but previous winners are welcome and encouraged to apply again every year.

#22. Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships

Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships- logo

This scholarship program offers funding at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including teaching fellowships and research awards at the postgraduate level. The undergraduate award is predicated on a commitment to serve as a STEM teacher in a high-need educational organization for at least two years for each year the scholarship is received. High school seniors and college graduates with high academic achievement should consider this very interesting offering among best scholarships for education majors.

  • Application Deadline: Aug. 25

#23. American Federation of Teachers Scholarships

American Federation of Teachers Scholarship- logo

AFT’s Robert G. Porter Scholars Program offers four post-secondary scholarships of $8,000 over the course of four years. The $8,000 financial aid awards are available to students who are dependents of members of the American Federation of Teachers and desire to enroll in a a teacher education program. There are also 10 one-time grants awarded to AFT members that can be used for continuing education after receiving an initial teaching degree from an accredited school. The applications are open for 2020 with an April 14th deadline. Recipients must meet certain academic standards.

  • Award: $1,000-$8,000
  • Application Deadline: April 14th

#24. Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars

Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars- logo

The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars distributes two scholarships annually to Native American students. Applicants must be an enrolled tribal member, plan to work with a tribe or nation in education or social service, be enrolled or accepted into an accredited university, maintain a 3.0 GPA, and carry at least eight semester hours. These scholarships for minority students are awarded to high school seniors based on a written statement of financial need and the past two semesters of high school coursework. Applications and scholarship renewal applications must be submitted between April 1 and June 15th each year.

  • Award: $2,500-$5,000
  • Application Deadline: June 15

#25. Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund- logo

The Hispanic Scholarship fund awards scholarships to minority students based on merit. The financial aid award amounts are need-based. Undergraduate college students must have a 3.0 GPA and graduate students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Scholarships are available to U.S. citizens, permanent legal residents, DACA students, or FAFSA-eligible non-citizens. Preference is given to STEM majors.

  • Award: $500-$5,000
  • Application Deadline: Feb. 15th

#26. PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship Program

PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship - logo

High school students wishing to apply for the PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship Program are required to be a member in good standing of one of numerous affiliated organizations. These organizations are Educators Rising, Educators Rising Collegiate, Pi Lambda Thet  a, or PDK association. They must also intend to pursue a teaching degree through an approved teacher education program and work in public education after they graduate. Applicants for the financial aid award must be enrolled and pursuing education degrees for the fall semester of the application year. The application period opens on January 6th.

  • Award: $500-$5000
  • Application Deadline: April 6

#27. Union Plus Scholarships

Union Plus Scholarship- logo

Union Plus Scholarships was founded to help union families afford college. The scholarship is open to current and retired members of unions that participate in the program, spouses, and dependent children. The applicants are evaluated based on their academic ability, social awareness, financial need, and appreciation of labor. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.0 or greater and the essays are worth up to half your score. The awards are not automatically recurring but college students attending an accredited school can apply for the awards every year (which also means if you don’t get it one year, you can still apply the next).

  • Award: $500-$4,000
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 31

#28. AFCEA STEM Teachers Undergraduate Scholarships

AFCEA Stem Major Scholarship- logo

Both the STEM Major Scholarship and the Undergraduate Diversity Scholarships are offered to undergraduate students majoring in STEM education. Candidates for the diversity scholarship must be a woman or minority student. The diversity scholarship also particularly encourages minority students attending historically black colleges and universities for their education degrees to apply for the financial aid award.

  • Award: $2,500-$3,000
  • Application Deadline: Apr. 10

#29. Hubertus W.V. Willems Scholarship for Male Students

Hubertus W.V. Willems Scholarship for Male Students- logo

This scholarship is available to male students majoring in engineering, chemistry, physics, or mathematical sciences. Students must be enrolled in a public or private non-profit and accredited college or university for their education degrees. High school seniors must have a GPA of 2.5 or greater, while applicants in graduate programs must have a 3.0 GPA. 20-40 scholarships are awarded every year with a maximum value of $3,000

  • Award: $3,000
  • Application Deadline: May

#30. American Montessori Society Scholarships

American Montessori Society- logo

In 2018, the American Montessori Society awarded 24 aspiring early childhood Montessori teachers $71,200 in scholarships. The application period for the 2020-2021 academic year’s scholarships opens in Feb. 2020. Aspiring Montessori teachers applying for the financial aid award will be evaluated based on financial need, a written personal statement, three letters of recommendation, and acceptance into an early childhood education or elementary education degree program affiliated with the American Montessori Society.

  • Award: 2018 Average $2,967
  • Application Deadline:

#31. AFCEA STEM Teachers Graduate Scholarship

AFCEA STEM Teachers Graduate Scholarship - logo

Graduate students who are teachers majoring in STEM areas are eligible for two scholarships offered by AFCEA. Applicants to the STEM Teacher Graduate Scholarship are also considered for the Eugene C. Renzy STEM Teachers Scholarship. College students must be pursuing an education degree for the express purpose of teaching STEM subjects in an elementary or secondary school context. Financial aid awards to graduate students are restricted to use for tuition, books, fees, supplies, and equipment related to education degrees.

  • Award: $2,500

#32. Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation

Alpha Kappa Alpha offers one-year, one-time scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. There are scholarships for education are based on merit, requiring a minimum 3.0 GPA, and scholarships based on financial need, requiring a 2.5 GPA. Scholarships are only available to full-time enrolled sophomores and beyond. A demonstration of community service and involvement is required for all financial aid awards. Recipients must be post secondary education students enrolled full-time at an accredited university or college.

  • Award: Up to $2,500
  • Application Deadline: April 15th

#33. Comcast Leaders Scholarships

Comcast Leaders Scholarship- logo

The Comcast Leaders Scholarship considers the applicant’s academic performance, community service, and leadership skills. This one-time $2,500 scholarship is intended to be used toward undergraduate education related expenses. Comcast NBCUniversal has awarded over $33,000,000 in financial aid to over 30,000 students pursuing higher education since 2001.

  • Application Deadline: Dec. 6th

#34. SILA Foundation

SILA Foundation Scholarship- logo

The Securities and Licensing Association Foundation offers ten $2,500 scholarships that education students can use at any accredited college or university in the continental United States. These financial aid awards are available to students pursuing a degree in one of seven different areas, including primary and secondary school education. Education students must be enrolled full-time, or enrolled part-time while employed full-time. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Applications are accepted between April 1st-May 31st for the upcoming school year.

  • Application Deadline: April 1st-May 31st

#35. NEA Jack Kinnaman Scholarship

NEA Jack Kinnaman Scholarship- logo

This scholarship for education students is offered through the National Education Association is in memory of Jack Kinnaman, an educator who devoted his entire life to teaching and education. Even in his retirement, he kept serving the education community through advocacy. One important note about this scholarship is that it can’t be applied for online. So make sure you gather all elements of your physical submission and submit it as one package with room to breathe before the deadline. This scholarship award is open to aspiring primary and secondary school educators.

  • Application Deadline: Apr. 15

#36. Leon Bradley Scholarship

Leon Bradley Scholarship- logo

The purpose of this particular scholarship is to encourage minorities and persons of color to pursue teaching and school leadership through an education degree. The AASPA (American Association of School Personnel Administrators) believes that it’s important for students to have diverse role models to look up to throughout their educational experience from kindergarten to high school. One scholarship is offered to a minority education student in the final year of teacher prep (including student teaching), another scholarship is available to a minority paraprofessional student who wants to change their career and become a full-time teacher, and the third scholarship is available to minority graduate students who are pursuing a school administrator credential.

  • Award: $1,500-$2,500
  • Application Deadline: May 31

#37. National Merit Scholarship

National Merit Scholarship- logo

The National Merit Scholarship competition can be entered once the student has taken the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test. The must be taken prior to completion of the third year of high school in grades 9-12 or equivalent. The questions relevant to entering the competition are asked prior to students taking the test. 1.6 million high school students enter the competition, and of those 50,000 will be recognized as national merit scholars. Even if students aren’t selected as finalists by the national council, they can still receive financial aid from the program’s partner corporations.

  • Award: $500-$2,500

#38. Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund

Shawn Carter Foundation - logo

This scholarship fund is dedicated to rewarding high school students with fight and tenacity. Students with high financial need who have managed to earn above a 2.0 GPA or GED despite growing up in adverse circumstances. The scholarship is designed to reward those who overcome. 79% of recipients come from single parent households, 64% are first generation college students, 77% come from households earning less than $44,000/year, 59% of students from those households are under the national poverty line.

  • Application Deadline: Apr. 30th

#39. Ulman Foundation Scholarships

Ulman Foundation Scholarship - logo

The Ulman Foundation’s scholarships are intended for young adults in the state of Maryland who wish to continue their education after being diagnosed with cancer or having a loved one diagnosed with cancer. Applicants or their loved one must have been diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 15 and 39. Applications open January 13th and no specific deadline for this financial aid award is listed at this time.

#40. Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship

Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship- logo

The Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship is available to current members of the NAACP. Applicants must be under 25 years old, a U.S. citizen, currently enrolled in or accepted to an accredited college in the U.S., and demonstrate financial need. Students must be enrolled full-time and have a GPA of 2.5 or greater. The fund awards 20-40 scholarships with a maximum financial aid award of $2,000.

  • Award: $2,000

#41. American Association of Physics Teachers

American Association of Physics Teachers - logo

The Barbara Lotze Scholarship is offered by the American Association of Physics Teachers to education students who intend to teach physics at the secondary education level. This teaching scholarship for the aspiring science teacher is available only to U.S. citizens attending U.S. 2-year college, or 4-year college or university for an education degree. The financial aid awards are granted to different numbers of students each year: six in 2017, and ten in 2018.

  • Application Deadline: Dec. 1

#42. First Trust Bank Scholarships

First Trust Bank Scholarships - logo

First Trust Bank is a great example of a local community institution offering great education scholarships for residents. This kind of financial aid award can be found all over the country offered by regional companies and organizations. First Trust offers eight $1,000 scholarships and one special $1,600 scholarship for students who plan to major in education. Local scholarships like this mean significantly reduced applicant pools and are a great source of funding for an education degree.

  • Award: $1,000-$1,600
  • Application Deadline: Oct. 11

#43. AAEE Critical Need Teacher Scholarship

AAEE Critical Needs Scholarship- logo

The critical need education scholarship is designed to incentivize and reward students who want to teach high school subjects where there are current teacher shortages. These subjects include bilingual/multicultural education, chemistry, mathematics, physics, special education, and speech pathology. Another area of shortage is languages, so these teaching scholarships are available to those who intend to earn an education degree to teach Chinese, Japanese, or German.

  • Award: $1,000
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 15th

#44. AAEE Teacher of Color Scholarship

AAEE Teacher of Color Scholarship- logo

The Teacher of Color Scholarship is a one-time, non-renewable education scholarship intended to aid the professional development of teacher candidates of color. Applicants must be enrolled in a teacher preparation program and intend to earn an education degree at the baccalaureate level. This financial aid award is available to students of African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American, or Native American origin.

#45. Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship

Barbara A. Cooley Master's Scholarship- logo

This SHAPE America scholarship is open to students studying health education at the graduate level. Applicants must be currently enrolled in or accepted to an accredited college or university in the U.S. or a U.S. territory. Applicants must have a 3.0 or higher GPA in order to be considered for the financial aid award. Scholarship winners may spend the $1,000 in any way they please. They also are awarded a one-year membership in SHAPE America for free.

  • Application Deadline: Oct. 15

#46. Bill Kane Undergraduate Scholarship

Bill Kane Undergraduate Scholarship- logo

Applicants for this education scholarship must be officially recognized as a bachelor’s level health education major and enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university in the U.S. or a United States territory. The minimum GPA for consideration is 3.25. Students who win this scholarship also receive a one-year membership in SHAPE America for free.

#47. Bright Futures Scholarship for Early Childhood Education

Bright Futures Scholarship- logo

Bright Horizons is one of the largest early childhood education companies in the world with 1,000+ child care centers around the globe and over 32,000 employees. These education scholarships offered are available to college students pursuing an early childhood education degree as it is the goal of Bright Horizons to enrich and grow the child care/education field. Recipients of the scholarship in early childhood education are awarded funds directly (instead of through the school), and the awards are intended to help with purchasing books, laptops, covering fees, or other education-related expenses.

  • Award: $250-$1,000
  • Application Deadline: Deadline not Announced

#48. Nancy Larson Foundation College Scholarship

Nancy Larson Foundation Scholarship- logo

This education scholarship is available to college juniors, seniors, and graduate students for whom elementary education is a declared major. Applicants will be evaluated based on their grades, resume, and a personal narrative highlighting experiences that have led them to teaching as a career. The last two years the Nancy Larson Foundation has awarded this scholarship to ten college students each year, including those pursuing a master’s degree.

#49. National Institute for Labor Relations Research

National Institute for Labor Relations Research- logo

The Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teachers Scholarship is offered by the NILRR organization for students who have an interest in the organization’s research into voluntary unionism vs compulsory unionism. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to one student that meets the academic requirements. The application period opens September 1st.

  • Application Deadline: January 31st

#50. Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholarship

Edwyna Wheaton Postgraduate Training Scholarship- logo

This $500 education scholarship is intended specifically for English/Language Arts teachers working in public schools who want to pursue postgraduate professional development towards a master’s degree in teaching. Applicants for the scholarship complete the application form and write a personal statement of less than 500 words describing the professional development purposes for which the money will be used.

  • Award: $500

Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships for Education Students

When should i start researching scholarships.

You may have noticed that many education scholarships have application deadlines in the spring of the year. For high school students pursuing a career in education, this means you should be looking for scholarships at the beginning of your senior year of high school at the latest. Compile your list, with all the application deadlines and application open dates and maybe even pre-fill the applications so all you have to do is send them in when the application period opens. In some cases the earlier you apply the better chance you have at receiving the scholarship. Nobody has ever been denied a scholarship for applying on the first day of the application season.

Ideally, you might start researching applications even earlier than the beginning of your senior year of high school. Maybe the summer before, or even the spring semester of your junior year. It’s never too early to start looking at all the funding sources available to education students. You might think competition for many scholarships will be stiff. And while that’s true for the famous scholarships like Coca-Cola Foundation or Gates Scholars, it’s often the case that many education scholarship funds for undergraduate students go almost completely untapped every year.

The most important thing is to get your FAFSA paperwork filled out as soon as possible. Many private education scholarships still require this information and almost all public ones do as well. Getting that done early also puts you at the front of the queue for resources. It’s often the case that those who fill out FAFSA late receive less money than those who fill it out early. It’s also important to apply for federal student aid every year, not just your first year.

How can I make sure I maintain my renewable scholarships for education studies?

It’s incredibly important for prospective educators to maintain an awareness of all the requirements of keeping their scholarships. Many scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students require more than just a GPA. There are often community involvement and other requirements attached to scholarships that, if you do not meet them, can result in your losing the scholarship next year. Many scholarships for future teachers do not automatically renew and require renewal applications, so you should make sure to submit those on time. You also need to make sure to keep your FAFSA information updated if the scholarship requires you to resubmit that information.

How can I maximize my chances of winning a scholarship award?

This is one of the reasons it’s good to start researching scholarships in your Junior year of high school. It gives you time to focus on meeting the requirements of the scholarship. That might mean bringing your GPA up (a high GPA is quite important for many scholarships). It also might mean finding a way to get involved with local nonprofits and community agencies that offer financial aid resources to people who work with them. Many scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students alike have a general community service requirement built into them as well. Put a lot of time and effort into your personal essays for each of the scholarships. Make sure they’re polished. Find somebody else to give you advice on your essays and proof-read them for you.

What can my scholarship money be used for?

It depends on the scholarship. Some scholarships for future teachers are awarded directly to you, the student, instead of through the school. This allows you to use the financial aid resources to pay tuition, but also to use it to buy books, supplies, and pay for housing and food. Supplies include basic things like calculators, paper, pencils and pens, notebooks, 3×5 cards, etc. But they also include big ticket items like laptops or tablets. So while the primary use for scholarships is tuition, if you earn more financial aid resources than your tuition and room/board amounts to, that money can go toward all sorts of education-related expenses.

Related Resources

  • Best Online Colleges
  • Free Online Colleges
  • Fast Online Degrees
  • Cheap Online Colleges
  • Great Scholarships for High School Seniors

Online Master's in Education

An education professional works on a laptop in a comfy chair in a library.

Contact Information

Connect with program staff.

If you have program-specific questions, please contact OEL Associate Director Nicole Barone . 

Additional Information

  • Download the Master's Viewbook
  • Admissions & Aid

Today’s education landscape needs leaders like you — dynamic educators and innovators committed to making sustainable and scalable change for all students by building on your professional experience in PreK–12 classrooms and districts; on college and university campuses; or in philanthropies, nonprofits, policy organizations, and ed-tech initiatives.

That’s why the Harvard Graduate School of Education launched an online Master's in Education Leadership, a two-year, part-time Ed.M. program with Higher Education and PreK-12 pathways specifically designed for working education professionals who bring at least seven years of relevant or transferrable work experience. The program will strengthen the invaluable skills you’ve already developed and give you the tools to propel yourself to new leadership opportunities and to even greater impact.

“Skilled leadership is essential to creating opportunity and overcoming the longstanding inequities that create barriers to success. At HGSE, we are committed to helping you meet today’s complex challenges by becoming the type of leader education needs.” Bridget Long Dean and Saris Professor of Education and Economics Harvard Graduate School of Education

A New Option for Experienced Educators

The online Master's in Education Leadership from HGSE consists of a diverse cohort of professionals like you — leaders who are advancing in their careers, and who bring important perspectives grounded in real-world challenges. Our program is conducted almost exclusively online — except for one short on-campus experience, where you'll meet your cohort in person and build community prior to the start of the first fall semester.

The program offers a distinctive Harvard experience — including deep engagement and interaction with Harvard faculty and talented peers, as well as a lifelong professional network — within an intentionally designed curriculum and robust opportunities for mentorship and coaching. The program is career-embedded — so you can immediately apply what you are learning, in real time, to the work you are doing on the ground. 

Two Pathways: Higher Education and PreK–12

In the online Master’s in Education Leadership, you will choose between two Professional Pathways — Higher Education or PreK–12 — that align with the area of practice or the student community in which your work will make an impact. Students interested in advancing into senior leadership roles in colleges and universities, or in organizations that impact higher education, should study in the Higher Education Pathway . Students who want to do change-making work within the education ecosystem on behalf of students from early childhood to secondary education levels should select the PreK–12 Pathway .

Our prescribed curriculum is intentionally designed to meet your professional needs. It is anchored in both foundational knowledge and core competencies in education leadership related to the U.S. education system. You will also complete pathway-specific courses to advance your leadership in higher education or preK–12 education, as well as the Foundations courses. You will also have the opportunity to select courses from a small subset of electives. A minimum of 42 credits are required to graduate with an Ed.M. degree from HGSE.

The main elements of the curriculum are: 

Foundations Courses

Throughout the two-year program, you will participate in Foundations courses in four areas: How People Learn, Leading Change, Evidence, and Equity and Opportunity. Through the Foundations, you’ll build core skills central to the profession of education.

  • The online Ed.M. program commences with How People Learn, which runs online June–July and requires a time commitment of 12–15 hours per week.  
  • Additional Foundations learning goals and experiences tied to Leading Change and Equity and Opportunity will be incorporated into other required courses during your two-year program.

Professional Pathways

All students will choose between the Higher Education and PreK–12 Pathways. Throughout the program, you will take both cross-pathway courses and pathway-specific courses. Cross-pathway courses will allow you to develop leadership skills that are important across sectors, as well as have discussions about how higher education and preK–12 can work more effectively together. Cross-pathway courses include:

  • Real Talk: The Art and Practice of Communications 
  • Strategic Finance for Nonprofit Leaders

Pathway-specific courses are directed to the knowledge and skills important for leadership in the Pathway professional setting. 

Elective Coursework

Students will have the opportunity to choose from a curated list of electives during the optional January terms, and during the fall and spring of their second year. Sample elective courses: 

  • Law and Higher Education
  • Leading a School through Challenge and Crisis   
  • Race, Equity, and Leadership 
  • Teaching Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Classrooms 
  • Why Can’t Higher Education Change? 
  • Writing Workshop   

Note: Though some courses may include comparative and international examples, applicants should expect a focus on leadership within U.S. domestic educational institutions and systems. 

Leadership Core Competencies

To help you manage, lead, and implement change in complex organizations, our curriculum explores the core leadership competencies that you'll need to elevate your skills, knowledge, and expertise, wherever you are in your career. Throughout your coursework, you will strengthen your ability to:

  • Lead change and think strategically 
  • Foster productive organizational conditions 
  • Navigate politics and practice political inclusion
  • Communicate effectively 
  • Cultivate self-development and team professional development skills 

Higher Education Pathway

All students will choose between the Higher Education and PreK–12 Pathways. The Higher Education Pathway prepares you to be a dynamic leader in a diverse range of postsecondary education contexts. It is designed to increase your knowledge of the practices, policies, processes, challenges, and opportunities in American postsecondary education. You will enhance your repertoire of strategies and management skills for tackling critical issues and introducing change — while preparing you to advance in your current career or move into other important leadership roles in higher education.  

Sample courses for the Higher Education Pathway: 

  • Creating the Future of American Postsecondary Education 
  • Higher Education Leadership & Governance 
  • Student Affairs in Higher Education: Theory-Driven Practices to Help Students Thrive 

You will also have the opportunity to engage with accomplished leaders through HGSE’s unique President-in-Residence program. 

Students interested in the Higher Education Pathway currently hold administrative and mid-level leadership roles: 

  • Colleges and universities, including in academic affairs, student affairs, admissions and enrollment management, advancement, and institutional research
  • Nonprofit education organizations
  • State and federal government agencies 
  • Policy organizations focused on higher education

PreK–12 Pathway

All students will choose between the Higher Education and PreK–12 Pathways. The PreK–12 Pathway equips you to advance your leadership across the preK–12 landscape, including in such positions as teacher leader, principal, afterschool director, education agency representative, education nonprofit/philanthropic leader, or education entrepreneur.  

Sample courses for the PreK–12 Pathway: 

  • Strategic Leadership in the PreK–12 Ecosystem 
  • Creating Conditions for Effective School, Family, and Community Partnerships 
  • Leading Learning

Students interested in the PreK-12 Pathway currently hold administrative and mid-level leadership roles in:

  • PreK–12 schools, including as principals, assistant principals, and department heads
  • Nonprofit education organizations (I.e., foundations, advocacy organizations, technical assistant organizations).
  • Policy organizations focused on preK–12 education 

Projected Time Commitment

Courses combine synchronous meetings and asynchronous work and assignments. Live or synchronous aspects of required courses will occur on weekdays (Monday–Friday) between 6 and 9 p.m. ET . Some elective courses, outside the required curriculum, may be offered at alternative times. On average, this degree requires 12 to 18 hours of work per week, though the weekly commitment will vary by term, courses taken, and students' own work styles. Students can expect to spend approximately five to seven hours per week in synchronous online class sessions with faculty members and classmates. The remaining hours will be spent working independently on asynchronous class preparation, in self-scheduled small-group work with other students or working on assignments. 

Weekly Time Estimate

To complete the online Ed.M. in Education Leadership, students must complete 42 total credit hours of coursework over the two-year program. While the weekly time commitment varies, the graphic below provides a snapshot of the estimated weekly time commitment students may experience during the fall and spring semesters, when they will typically take 8 credits, the equivalent of two courses . 


Includes live, scheduled sessions with faculty members and other students.


Self-paced activities, discussion posts, and other course-related work.


Readings, projects, papers, research, etc.

Total Estimated Weekly Hours

Hours reflect estimates and vary by term, course, and student work style.

Occurs between Monday-Friday, according to a specific schedule.

Asynchronous work and assignments will have clear deadlines or milestones, but students can set their own schedules to complete this work. Note that there may be days or weeks during the semester that are busier than average, requiring more than the estimated time shown.

Program Faculty

The faculty co-chair for the Higher Education Pathway is Francesca Purcell . The faculty co-chair for the PreK–12 Pathway is Irvin Scott .

Faculty Co-Chairs

Francesca Purcell

Francesca Purcell

Francesca Purcell is a specialist in higher education policy and practice, with expertise on topics including college completion, student transfer, and developmental education.

Irvin Scott

Irvin Leon Scott

A former teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, chief academic officer, and foundation leader, Irvin Scott's focus is on education leadership and faith-based education.

James P. Honan

James Honan

Karen L. Mapp

graduate scholarships for education majors

Timothy Patrick McCarthy

Timothy McCarthy

Mary Grassa O'Neill

Mary Grassa O'Neill

Alexis Redding

Alexis Redding

On-Campus Experience

Prior to kicking off your first fall semester, you will participate in the On-Campus Institute, an immersive experience on the HGSE campus in Cambridge. This will provide the opportunity to not only form deep relationships with your cohort, but also learn together with the faculty and advisers with whom you will spend two years. The immersive residential experience is a core component to the two-year degree program that is required of all students in the program. 

Over several days in late July and/or early August, you and your fellow peers will discuss your professional experiences and examine some of the persistent challenges in your organizations. You will immerse yourself in rich exercises and community building, set expectations of what it means to be in a rigorous HGSE degree program, and set intentions for yourself, your cohort, and your course of study. 

Career Pathways

The Master's in Education Leadership Program prepares you to advance to a senior leadership role in a variety of career pathways, including:

  • Academic affairs 
  • Admissions and financial aid
  • Development
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Institutional research
  • Student affairs

PreK-12 Pathway

  • Education entrepreneur
  • Executive director for an education nonprofit
  • Principal* or head of school 
  • Program officer for a foundation 
  • School department head
  • School designer and developer
  • School district or network leader
  • Teacher leader

Overall Program

  • Education nonprofit CEO/COO 
  • Educational advocate and organizer 
  • Entrepreneur 

*Note: This program is not able to provide principal certification at this time.

Introduce Yourself

Tell us about yourself so that we can tailor our communication to best fit your interests and provide you with relevant information about our programs, events, and other opportunities to connect with us.

Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Online Master's in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

OEL Students

Same Questions, One Year Apart

Online Master’s in Education students reflect on their first year in the program

Liz Hara

The Puppet Wrangler

Even puppets need an entourage

Teaching Scholarships & Grants

Select scholarship category.

Use the drop down menu below to jump to the scholarship category you are interested in.

graduate scholarships for education majors

Apply for the $500 "Inspire Our Future" Scholarship!

There are many scholarships and grants available for educators and those thinking of becoming educators. We have included details below on numerous scholarships that are offered in the United States. So, let's get started!

What is a Scholarship? What is a Grant?

Sponsored school(s), art teacher scholarships.

Art is a talent that many people like to develop on their own. In some cases, young people are motivated and talented enough to make a career from art and design for other purposes - such as web design, cover art, and more. These scholarships help teachers achieve their goal in bringing out the best in their students, or to pursue art teaching themselves.

Learn more about becoming an art teacher . Many art teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in art.

NAEA (National Art Education Association) - Click for more information on NAEF grants and scholarships.

NAEF - Various Awards

The National Art Education Foundation is a large philanthropic organization dedicated to promoting good teaching practices and allowing people to enter into art education. They offer a number of grants and scholarships, among them are the Ruth Halvorsen Professional Development Grants, Mary McMullan Grants, NAEF Research Grants, SHIP Grants, and Teacher Incentive Grants. The monetary value varies depending on the grant applied for, so it is best to check the website and the application process for further details.

More information on grants and scholarship is available at the NAEA website . All applicants need to be a member of the Foundation in order to be eligible.

Haig and Janette Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship

Available from the Western Michigan University, this scholarship is in recognition of excellence for art students who are in financial need - students will need to demonstrate this through the application process. The dollar value of the award varies, and it rotates between schools every second year. The award is limited to students who intend to go on to a career in teaching. You must be studying an art major for this, be in your junior or senior year, and must be nominated by the faculty. Click here for more details on the Haig and Janette Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship.

GPA 3.5: or above Deadline: 1 st February in the year of awarding (2016, 2018, 2020...)

UMW Mary Baker Emerick Art Scholarships

This award from The University of Montana Western is for students of art. It is a fund set up in honor of Mary Baker Emerick and available only to female students who intend to study for a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education while choosing art as their major. Alternatively, they can be studying a degree in Visual Arts with a focus or minors in art and crafts business and art therapy. The value of the award presently stands at $2000 and is awarded to up to ten individuals every year. Cick here for information on the UMW Mary Baker Emerick Art Scholarships .

GPA : 2.5 or above Deadline : 1 st March every year

College Educator Scholarships

In order to become a lecturer/professor at a college or university, you are going to need an advanced degree. In some cases, a Master's Degree will do, but increasingly, Doctorates are required for teaching and research roles. Here are just some of the funding programs you may use to fund your path towards a career as a college professor.

Learn more about becoming a college professor . Many college professors seek degrees in Adult Education or advanced degrees in their area of study.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) - Click here for more information.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid should be the first port of call for most students, but especially those looking to go onto post-graduate study. American colleges and universities will always need university level teachers and lecturers. The great thing about FAFSA is that there are very few restrictions to the program - each applicant is considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must be a US citizen, an eligible non-citizen (such as a permanent resident), and have a valid Social Security number. Funding is also dependent on "satisfactory" academic grades with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Click here for a full list of FAFSA requirements .

Fulbright Scholar Program - Click here for more information on grants and scholarships to undergraduates and graduate students.

Fulbright Scholar Program

Fulbright offers a number of grants and scholarships to undergraduates and graduate students, with a particular focus on early career research, lecturing and funding the first post-doctoral research that would be vital to your college teaching career. In this case, you already need to have completed your doctoral degree - you cannot apply while you are still a student. They offer several funding paths: some are available only to women and ethnic minorities for example, and most are field-flexible meaning you can apply from almost any discipline. Click here for a full list of Fullbright Scholar Programs and eligibility .

Hispanic Scholarship Fund - Click here for more information on the HSF.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The HSF presently offers access to two separate scholarship programs. Their general program, which has run for many years, is available for people of Hispanic ethnicity from underprivileged backgrounds. It is not just for high school students looking to enter college, but also existing undergraduate and postgraduate students looking to further their studies and research - this includes doctorates with a view to carry on into teaching and researching at college. The value of the fund ranges from $500 to $5,000. You have a higher chance of acceptance if you are studying a STEM subject.

Requirements include:

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA for High School Students
  • Minimum 2.5GPA for college students (undergraduate and postgraduate).
  • Completion of the FAFSA application

For other criteria and details, visit the Hispanic Scholarship Fund .

AICPA Fellowship

There is considered to be a lack of ethnic minorities in the accounting field. With that said, the AICPA Fellowship for Minority Doctoral Students focuses on increasing representation in the teaching of accounting and other financial subjects. This fellowship is available to ethnic minorities who are presently studying for a doctorate in finance and intend to devote their studies towards teaching the subject to others. You do not need to have gained acceptance onto a doctoral program. Applicants can also be awaiting a decision from a college. Also, applicants should be a member of or intend to apply to become a full member of the CPA. For more details, visit AICPA scholarships .

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The ASME Fellowship seeks to address the critical shortage of engineers. ASME have set up this fund in an attempt to encourage the brightest and best young people (who might have otherwise felt hindered by costs) to apply to an essential field. Anyone can apply, but the selection process generally favors women and ethnic minorities. However, that's not to say you will receive automatic refusal for not being part of this demographic. The fund is available for those who intend to pursue engineering education as a career, so college professorships are ideal. Award value is $5,000. To see more details and apply, visit ASME engineering scholarships .

NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship

This education development fellowship seeks to improve education standards across all disciplines within our schools. With a value of $27,500, the fellowship is available to anyone who has proposed a research dissertation on how to improve education standards in the US. It is a highly competitive fellowship, with just 35 granted each year to an expected 600+ applicants. Applicants need not be US citizens, but should be candidates for a doctoral program at a US university. They need to have demonstrable experience of researching standards in education. For further details, visit the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program .

Deadline : 1 st June every year

English Teacher Scholarships

Another essential area of education is the English language. Whether you have a passion for teaching the great works of literature to kids, or are more interested in linguistics (the mechanics and rules of language), there are many funds available for this highly important field.

Learn more about becoming an English teacher . Often times, English teachers earn degrees in Secondary Education or a Bachelor's in Education . Many English teachers even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education in order to advance their careers.

Fulbright Awards

The Fulbright Awards offer a number of scholarship programs crossing many major fields so that American students can study and work abroad as part of their degree, and to get working experience. One of the most successful and best-known scholarship areas is the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Named in honor of J. William Fulbright, it provides funding for international relations through education. Applicants must be looking to study or work abroad as part of their education. For more information, visit Fulbright TEFL scholarships.

Gates Millennium Foundation

Though you may apply for the GMF to study for any major, it is most encouraging of those wishing to enter into education as a career (and therefore it is applicable to any degree type listed here). Set up by Bill Gates to enable the underprivileged into higher education, applicants must be an ethnic minority within the US and either a citizen, permanent resident or American National. It is a full scholarship fund that can be applied for undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral studies. You must have applied for the PELL grant to be eligible. For more information, visit the Gates Millennium Scholars Program .

Deadline : mid-January every year GPA : 3.3

Edwyna Wheadon Training Scholarship Fund

It can be difficult to get funding for a postgraduate course, and teaching English is no exception. For those who wish to advance in their career to study a master's or other post-grad course, the EWTSF offers $500-1,000 annually to one applicant. Set up in honor of a woman who did much in her career to encourage advanced training for English teachers in her native Houston. The money goes directly to the institution. You must already be an English teacher at a publicly funded education establishment in order to apply and be a member of the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). For further information, please visit the Edwyna Wheadon Scholarship Fund page.

Deadline : 31 st January (the same every year)

High School Teacher Scholarships

High school teaching is one of the most essential careers that anybody coming out of the college system can consider. Most roles require only an undergraduate degree, but if you wish to further your career with a higher pay scale and more responsibility, you should consider further study. The following list highlights some of the best scholarships and grants to anybody looking to enter into a career in high school education.

Learn more about becoming a high school teacher . Most high school teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education , Education , or even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education .

Federal TEACH Grant

Though not limited to high school teaching, these federal grants and scholarships are available to undergraduates, graduate students, and those in post-baccalaureate programs associated with teaching. You must check that the program you are already on is eligible as a TEACH course or you may not be able to apply. It is worth up to $4,000 per year for each individual student with some adjustments made in the next few years. You are also bound by a number of conditions to teach in deprived schools, or in a high needs field for at least four of the eight years after receiving your grant. For further details, please visit the TEACH website.

Grade : Varies, but is typically the 75 th percentile Deadline : End of September, for 2015 it is the 30 th

NILRR Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship

Set up in honor of three Michigan teachers who refused to pay union fees (and were consequently fired for refusing to do so), this scholarship is for both undergraduates and graduates who have pursued or are pursuing a degree in education at an accredited and publicly funded institution. Approval is dependent on the applicant having a teaching license, or pending acceptance of said license. You will be expected to write a mini essay on the subject of voluntary unionism and the problems of compulsory unionism. The fund will go directly to the education establishment upon approval. For further criteria and to apply, visit the Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship application page .

Deadline : December 31 st every year.

James Madison Graduate Fellowship

It's important that High School students understand the importance of the US Constitution, its history and context, its meaning, and why it is so important to the country's laws.

The James Madison Graduate Fellowship is a fund set up in honor of the fourth president for people who wish to teach about the Constitution in our high schools. It has a value of $24,000 and is limited to one person, per state, per year. Therefore, the only competition you will have will be other people in your state applying for the fund. More information on the foundation and their fellowship, visit the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation .

Minority Teaching Fellows

This Tennessee specific fund is for ethnic minorities in the state who are an eligible US citizen or permanent resident and who wishes to pursue a career in post-secondary education. It is for a flat $5000 fund going to a single selected candidate every year. Applicants will be required to write a statement titled "Why I chose teaching as a profession" with a limit of 250 words along with a number of other selection criteria. To check the details on eligibility of this fellowship, please visit the Minority Teaching Fellows Program .

GPA : minimum 2.75

Kindergarten Teacher Scholarships

The earliest years of our childhood are vital for setting up the rest of our educational years. This is where we learn to socialize, develop thinking skills, and much more. It's important that we have teachers willing and able to teach children during the formative years of schooling. If you want to become a kindergarten teacher, you will need to have earned at least a Bachelor's Degree. The following grants and scholarships will help you achieve that.

Learn more about becoming a Kindergarten teacher . To become a Kindergarten teacher, most will earn an Elementary Education Degree , a Bachelor's Degree in Education , or even a Master's Degree in Education .

Sol Hirsch Education Fund

Children are curious about the world around us from an early age. The Sol Hirsch Education Fund is a grant for teachers of children of all ages who wish to improve their teaching of the understanding of weather. The grant is worth $750 and you must already be in teaching position. The money may be used for professional development, learning materials, and anything else that may help towards teaching children about the importance of weather systems and their importance. For more information, review the Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants.

Deadline : 1 st June every year.

Nancy Larson Foundation

This scholarship is designed specifically for college and university students training to become elementary school teachers. You can apply whether you are a junior, senior, or graduate student wishing to teach the youngest among us. Nancy Larson herself is famous for having written a number of math and science textbooks, but this found can be applied for teaching any subject. The value of each scholarship is $1,000 and it has only a short application window from 1 st of October to 15 th of November. For more information, visit Nancy Larson Foundation College Scholarship.

Middle School Teacher Scholarships

The importance of middle school should not be underestimated. This is where children will begin to understand their academic strengths and weaknesses. A middle school teacher's job is to encourage and aid them to make the best of their strengths and weaknesses. Here they will develop social skills as well as begin the basics of subjects they will go on to study in greater depth at high school. Becoming a middle school teacher is an honorable choice.

Learn more about becoming a middle school teacher . Many middle school teacher first seek to earn a Secondary Education Degree , Bachelor's in Education , or even go on to earn their Master's in Education Degree .

NCTM Equity in Mathematics Grant

If you're already a middle school teacher, then you may wish to apply for this $8,000 grant to help improve math standards. The class must have been recorded as underachieving in grades 6-8 and can be for an individual teacher or a group of teachers wishing to improve standards in their school. Applicants must be a full member of the NCTM and will be required to write a 2,000 word proposal in order to be considered. All activities to improve math standards in the class or school should aim to be completed within one year. For further details, visit NCTM .

AFCEA Educational Foundation STEM Scholarship

Encouraging interest in science and technology from an early age is a vital step in securing the future of America's competitiveness on the world stage. To that end, AFCEA offers an annual scholarship for high school and college students who are seeking a career in science and technology (and other STEM subjects) with a goal to teach middle school students. The scholarship is valued at $5,000. In addition, an extra candidate is selected for the special MG Eugene C Remzi award. This too is worth $5,000. For further information, visit AFCEA STEM Majors Scholarships for Undergraduate Students .

GPA : 3.5 from an accredited college or university.

NFB Blind's Scholarship Program

Blindness is no barrier to teaching. To that end, the National Foundation for the Blind has made available 30 scholarships for those who wish to pursue a career in teaching. The value of the scholarship is anything between $3,000 and $12,000, and will go towards education that will lead to a teaching career at middle or high school. Applicants must be blind in both eyes and a resident of the US, District of Colombia, or Puerto Rico. Winning candidates will also be expected to take part in all NFB activities for its national convention. Complete details are here at the NFB website .

Deadline: end of March every year

Lewis & Clark MAT Teaching Scholarships

The Graduate School of Education and Teaching offers a number of scholarship programs for its students, among them are funds for student counseling as well as middle school teaching of specific and general subjects. They range from $500 to $6,000. Candidates must be a student of the university, or recently had an application accepted. Anybody wishing to apply for this scholarship must already have applied for the FAFSA scheme in order to be considered. For a full list of their scholarships and details on how to apply, visit the Teacher Education MAT Program .

Deadline: December 1st of every year

Music Teacher Scholarships

Schooling and education are not just about producing the scientists, linguists, and business leaders of tomorrow. Many prefer to pursue an education path that allows them to explore a vocation such as music or art & design. We need technology engineers of tomorrow, but we also need musicians. The arts are great for tourism and for developing our culture. If you wish to pursue a vocation in music teaching, these scholarships can help you do that.

Learn more about becoming a music teacher . A lot of music teachers earn a Secondary Education Degree with an emphasis in music.

Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity Scholarships

This is an international body allowing students to get together to discuss their love of music and holds a convention every three years to conduct business. SAI offer a number of scholarship programs - some of which are dedicated to enabling students or prospective students to enter into a career as a music teacher. They offer annual awards of $1,000-$5,000 depending on the subject and level of study, and during convention years (every third year) offer an extra set of scholarships. For a full list of their scholarships and grants, and for further details on the application process, visit Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity Scholarship Grant Program .

Suzuki Association of the Americas

The SAA is an association dedicated to teaching music to children using the Shinichi Suzuki Method. It encourages and helps children to learn through the right learning environment. To that end, the SAA offers several scholarships to its members who intend to use the money to apply the method in their teaching, and be pursuing a career in music education. Your membership of the SAA must be older than three months prior to the application, a statement of financial need and letters from professionals and a recommendation from a trainer. For more details on how to apply, and for values of their many programs, review SAA Teacher Development scholarships .

UNT College of Music Scholarships

The University of North Texas has an impressive music scholarship program that are designed with a career in teaching in mind that lead to certification in music teaching. Whether you wish to teach vocal music or instruments, you can apply for one of their seven scholarship programs. You must already be a student at the university. For further details and to apply, visit their official named scholarships .

American Music Therapy Association

A growing body of evidence has shown the usefulness of music therapy as a form of personal development and for coping with the stresses of modern life for some people. To encourage more professional musicians to enter into teaching music therapy, the AMTA provides several scholarships annually for undergraduates, postgraduates and people already working in the music therapy profession. Some of their scholarships require nomination by the institution, not by the individual student - and only for AMTA approved faculty members. For further information about all their programs, go to Edwina Eustis Dick Scholarship for Music Therapy Interns.

Preschool Teacher Scholarships

Pre-school are the earliest years of schooling - focusing more on personal development, play and socializing in order that children get used to being around each other. Rarely any academic schooling as such, it prepares children for the years ahead. You will certainly need a high school diploma - preferably at least an associate's degree. Generally though, a bachelor's degree is required if you wish to work in public schools.

Learn more about becoming a Preschool teacher . Preschool teachers often earn degrees in Child Development or Early Childhood Education .

The Association of American Educators is a general scholarship and grant fund dedicated to the improvement of education standards all over the country. There are few specific criteria that you need in order to apply for this fund - they are just as likely to give money to a pre-school teacher for a project as they are to give to a high school student applying for money to do a degree in education. Those who are already members of AAEF are preferred. Most individual scholarships and funds are worth a maximum of $500. For more information on the AAEF and on their funding opportunities, please visit AAEF National Scholarship and Grant Program .

Bright Horizons - Bright Futures Scholarship

The Bright Horizons Scholarship Program is one of only a few dedicated to training and encouraging the next generation of early childhood teachers. Applicants need to provide proof of their academic excellence, write a short essay in support of their application and provide multiple strong references. Finally, you must demonstrate potential as a teacher of under 8s (the age limit against which your education degree should apply). Typically, the value of the award is between $250 and $1000; any scholarship over the value of $600 are sent directly to the college. For further details of eligibility, go to Bright Futures Scholarship .

GPA : minimum 3.0

TEACH Early Childhood

The TEACH scholarships and grants are the most extensive Federal programs presently available. Knowing how important it is to get early education years right, they have made available one Early Childhood scholarship available for each state. The money is to be used against earning an Associates Degree or other accredited program to improve the standards of preschool education. One applicant is chosen per state, For further details, please visit the TEACH website.

Grade : Varies, but is typically the 75 th percentile. Deadline : End of September, for 2015 it is the 30 th

Preschool Development Grants

This is a competition applied for by preschools to aid in the development of their education programs. The money should be used to develop preschool programs and the infrastructure to enable high-quality preschool services to the children who attend. Secondly, so that the establishment can develop high-quality preschool programs in low and moderate income family areas. There is no upper limit to the grant value; in 2014, recipients received over $224m between them. Fore more information on the grants, read the Preschool Development Grants information sheet .

School Administrator Scholarships

Educational Administration is as important as teaching - somebody needs to carry out the daily tasks, outreach, student administration, program organizing, field trips and so on in order that a school or college runs smoothly. It can be a thankless task requiring professional skills and qualifications. Here are some scholarships and grants that might help you achieve your qualifications in educational administration. Most jobs require a master's degree in administration.

Learn more about becoming a school administrator . School administrators often earn degrees in one of the following: Educational Administration , Master's in Education , or Doctorate in Education .

TKE Scholarships

Tau Kappa Epsilon is one of the country's largest fraternities. In order to apply for their available scholarships, you must already be a member and studying at a college or university. More than that though, you must be an active member and demonstrated leadership and prominence within your chapter of the fraternity. You will be expected to provide a transcript of recent grades and a photograph in support of your application. Many of their scholarships can apply to any degree, but some are specific to administration and education. Value of the award varies depending on a variety of factors. For the full list of scholarships and details on applications, visit TKE's Grand Chapter Scholarships .

WMU Scholarship in Education Leadership

Western Michigan University has several scholarships available for their students that can be applied against Education Administration and Education Leadership courses. Amongst them are Robert O. Brinkerhoff Endowed Scholarship for organizational learning (must be pursuing a Master's Degree in Organizational Learning and Performance) and the Van E. Cooley Memorial Scholarship for educational leadership (applications are accepted only from students of Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology). Review the full details for the Educational Leadership, Research and Technology scholarships .

GPA : for the Robert O. Brinkerhoff Award, students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above. For the Van E. Cooley, the grade must be 3.5 or above.

CSDIW Scholarships

The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars is a group dedicated to strengthening ties and preserving the records of Native American descendants. As part of a wider scheme to encourage and aid education, they have a single scholarship worth $5000. Any woman over the age of 16 who can prove lineage may join; only members can apply for the scholarship. Applicants can be studying any education related course (including administration) or social service as an undergraduate. A letter of statement of financial need is required. Learn more at CSDIW .

GPA : minimum 3.0 Deadline : 15 th June every year

School Librarian Scholarships

Books are an essential part of civilization and an essential part of the education system. Being a modern librarian requires a wide range of skills particularly in organization and cataloging. A love of books is also essential, as does knowledge in more than one key area. If working in a book archive is for you, then you may wish to look at these scholarships and grants to help you achieve that goal. Most librarian careers expect a master's degree.

Learn more about becoming a school librarian or earning a Library Science degree.

ALA Scholarships

The American Library Association is the largest organization in the country for librarians. As one of the oldest in the world, they have a long tradition in helping people enter into the field as a career. They also have one of the most extensive scholarship programs with many different awards. Some are for general application, and some are set aside for people from low-income families, ethnic minorities and so on. They also have subject specific scholarships and grants for those who wish to train and specialize. Their scholarships are not limited to the US either - Canadian citizens are also eligible for some programs. GPA varies from scholarship to scholarship so check the ALA site for details .

ACRL Scholarships

The Association of College and Research Libraries is a division of the ALA (above) dedicated to librarian who work or want to work in the education and research sector. Knowing that having good academic librarians is a must for selecting books for our schools and colleges, the ACRL have made available a number of scholarships and grants for librarians who are still in the early part of their career. The Early Career Librarian Scholarship is for librarians already working in the field (but with less than six years of experience) to develop professionally - particularly amongst minorities and other disadvantaged groups. There are 120 scholarships available, valued at $385 with an extra $250 for traveling expenses to reach the annual conference. For further details, visit the ACRL scholarship program .

AALL George A. Strait Minority Scholarship

The American Association of Law Libraries makes available a number of scholarships to college graduate students who are a) part of an ethnic minority as defined by government guidelines and b) have significant law library experience that could lead to a career as a librarian and c) are at an accredited law school or library. Candidates need a transcript from the college that granted their most recent degree, three letters of personal recommendation and a personal statement amongst other things. Value of the award varies every year. For further details on this scholarship and other programs, visit George A. Strait Scholarship & Fellows .

SAA Scholarships

Archiving includes libraries, but it also includes any system of storage of documents and material, and their cataloging in order that an interested audience can search and access them. For those who want to work in a more specific niche, the SAA are one of the country's major organizations dedicated to indexing, storing and preserving the nation's important book, evidence, historical records and other vital collections. Some of the country's top universities (particularly in the medical sector and in anthropology) have important archives. The SAA have three scholarships. F. Gerald Ham and Elsie Ham Scholarship is worth $10,000 and is for the post-graduate archival education of second year undergraduate students. The Mosaic Scholarship is for ethnic minorities (scholarship value varies). For details, visit SAA scholarships to apply .

Science Teacher Scholarships

It is a widely recognized fact that the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and math) is one area where we have a shortage of graduates. Those that do tend to go into research or industry, fewer into education. To this end, a number of government and private scholarships are available to improve provision in our high schools and colleges.

Learn more about becoming a science teacher . Science teachers often earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Science. Many even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education .

NSF Robert Noyce Scholarships

The National Science Foundation is the country's largest science education organization. The Robert Noyce Scholarships seek to readdress the balance of a lack of science education at lower levels by offering a $10,000 annual scholarship to encourage STEM graduates and professionals to consider teaching as a career option rather than research and development or other commercial or industrial applications. Encouraging interest in science at an early age is key to producing the STEM graduates of the future. More information is available at the National Science Foundation website .

KSTF Fellowship

Another organization looking to improve the standard of STEM teaching at an earlier age is the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation. Instead of scholarships, they offer a number of early career fellowships to aspiring STEM teachers based on three criteria:

  • Potential to develop content for teaching
  • Potential to develop teaching practices
  • Potential to develop outstanding teaching qualities

The fellowships are practical programs to help the brightest and best not just financially, but also developing practical skills in an educational workplace. Candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to a long-term career in teaching, leadership skills and have graduated in a relevant subject. The award is based on achievement and promise, not on financial need. Award value varies and includes grants and development funds. For more information, visit the KSTF fellowship section of their website.

NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Scholarship

This scholarship is in place in the state of New York in order to encourage science and math graduates to enter into teaching those subjects to grades 7-12. In order to be eligible, you must be enrolled in a college in New York State (High School Students are not eligible) and not receiving scholarships from any other program - especially those that might commit you to conditions of receipt (to work in a certain school or field). Undergraduates and postgraduates are equally eligible. Maximum value of the grant is $6,195. For more information, visit NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program .

Deadline : 31 st January every year GPA : 2.5 or higher

The Mikkelson Foundation

Some funds require that you already be in a teaching position in order to qualify; this is one of them. The scholarship for teachers provides money for extra training for teachers wishing to increase the breadth and depth of their knowledge. Eligible subjects are the core STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and math - to improve what is a vital field with a skills shortage in the US. Its aim is to improve science education amongst teachers to impart greater knowledge amongst children. For more information on whether you are eligible and to apply, check the Mikkelson Foundation website .

Biology Teacher Scholarships

Biology is one of the core "hard" sciences that help us to understand the natural world. Every year, new biology graduates are needed in the medical field, in environmental research, biotech and much more. Encouraging understanding of biological sciences such as evolution from an early age can ensure an adequate supply of graduates in this important field.

Learn more about becoming a biology teacher . Biology teachers often earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Biology. Many even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education .

NABT Scholarships and Awards

National Association of Biology Teachers is dedicated to excellence in teaching biology in school. They offer several scholarships, some aimed at students and others aimed at those who are already teaching biology for a living but wish to apply for funding to further develop their methods, skills and knowledge. The BELS (Biology Educator Leadership Scholarship) is such a fund for biology teaching professionals who are members of NABT and enrolled (or already studying) a master's or doctorate. Maximum award value for the BELS is $5000. To check various programs and deadlines, refer to the NABT Awards Information .

Deadline : Varies, but most (unless stated) are typically mid-April

Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship

Residents of Oklahoma who may be studying key shortage subjects and wish to teach it as a career (most STEM, including biology) may be eligible for the Future Teacher Scholarship. Unlike most scholarships, the student cannot apply for the fund - instead, their education establishment must nominate them for consideration. Upon graduation, you are bound by the decision to teach the shortage subject within the state of Oklahoma. The value of the awards depends on a number of criteria including the length of the study course. For further details, visit Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education .

GPA : Maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA throughout matriculation

NOAA Scholarships

Looking at the science from the perspective of ocean science (including biology), their scholarship programs encourage undergraduates and graduates in getting hands on experience. They have a number of fellowships and scholarships available for anyone with an interest and strong aptitude in ocean sciences. The Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship, for example, is worth up to $8000 (it does not have a set amount, but this is the upper limit) and is for 2 nd and 3 rd year students in relevant disciplines looking to go on into any career in ocean sciences. For more information, visit the NOAA scholarship programs .

Deadline : Applications between June and September every year

Learn more about the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology awards for excellence in teaching and contributions to the scientific community.

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology rewards one woman every year on a number of criteria including scientific achievement, excellence in teaching (at post doctoral and undergraduate levels) and contributions to the scientific community. Evidence will include details of excellence, research papers, biography and supporting statements. Award recipients will receive a cash prize and funds. They will also get to present an Excellence In Science Award Lecture at the annual meeting of a FASEB member society of their choice. For more information, see FASEB's Excellence in Science Awards .

Deadline : Nominations for the 2023 award cycle will be accepted between October 10 - December 12. 2022.

Elementary Teacher Scholarships

Elementary school teachers need to know about a wide range of subjects in order to teach the basics to the children who study under them. Having a broad knowledge is advantageous so if you feel that teaching is your strength rather than any one subject, you may find a rewarding career in this area. Here are a few scholarships that may help you develop along these lines. Particularly, elementary school teachers in low income areas are in short supply.

Learn more about becoming an elementary school teacher . Elementary school teachers often earn degrees in the following: Elementary Education , Education , Child Development , or Early Childhood Education . Earning a Master's Degree in Education can also lead to becoming an elementary school teacher.

AKA Educational Advancement Scholarships

The Sorority House has a number of scholarships, some education specific, for which members may apply to aid their degree in education. They pride themselves on improving education and it represents one of their prime outreach programs. Some are needs based, some are merit based. None have an upper limit value. Applicants need to be a member of the group and already enrolled on a relevant degree course; it will also help your application if you have engaged in leadership and promoting the house. For further details, visit AKA EAF scholarships .

GPA : 3.0 (merit based); 2.5 (need based) Deadline : mid-April every year

DAR Scholarships

Daughters of the American Revolution offer a number of scholarships pertaining to education - elementary, middle and high school options. Specific to elementary school teaching is the Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Scholarships. Each year, two students are chosen for a one-off scholarship of $1500 (one for elementary school, one for secondary education). Applicant must be a college sophomore or high school graduate looking to enter into education. More information, including details on other scholarships, visit DAR scholarships .

Z-NEF Education Program

Like most Sorority organizations, Zeta Phi Beta has a number of scholarships covering most educational areas. Of particularly interests to students and graduates of Elementary Education, is the Isabel M. Herson Scholarship in Education. Valued at between $500 and $1000, applicants need not be members of the House but should provide proof of their enrollment. Selection is based on academic merit. Three letters of recommendation are required including. For further details, please visit National Education Foundation Scholarships .

  • One from college professor
  • Minister of Community Leader
  • From the graduate Zeta Chapter in support of your application (if the applicant is a member)

ESL Teacher Scholarships

Teaching English as a second language works twofold - firstly for encouraging first generation immigrants to America to fully integrate and make themselves employable in their new home, allowing the full benefit of living here. Secondly, working abroad and teaching English as a foreign language can be an enriching experience and help you in your teaching career.

Learn more about becoming an ESL teacher . Many ESL teachers earn a Bachelor's Degree in Education .

TESOL International

The international organization dedicated to helping learners to become fluent in English, and allowing teachers to expand their career in teaching English as a second language, have several scholarships and grants available. Some are dedicated to teaching and others are more for researching teaching methods. The Ruth Crymes TESOL Fellowship, for example, is a $1500 fellowship awarded to one member every year researching classroom application. Applicants must be a member of TESOL Intl, should produce a statement and brief essay in support of their application; fellowship is awarded on the basis of financial need and project merit. Deadline is 1 st November every year. For more details and to apply, visit TESOL Access Awards, Grants and Scholarships .

Jaqueline Ross TOEFL Dissertation Award

ETS are another international education organization dedicated to improving education standards the world over. Their TOEFL dissertation award grants $2,500 to one Doctoral student every year whose dissertation is on the subject of second or foreign language testing standards. Part of the award will be compensation for accommodation and travel fees for traveling to the ceremony to collect the award. Candidates may be studying outside the US and is applicable only against eligible doctoral programs. For full details, visit Jacqueline Ross TOEFL® Dissertation Award .

Bureau of Education Exchange Program

Not a scholarship or grant, but a government organized exchange program (and therefore more like a fellowship), invites highly experience individuals in the areas of TEFL and TESOL to apply for a 10-month program. Here, they will learn a wide range of extra skills including: Classroom Teaching, Curriculum Development, Program Evaluation, Needs Assessment and much more. Applicants must be a US Citizen with a master's degree in TESOL and with practical ESL/EFL classroom experience. See more details at the English Language Fellow Program .

History Teacher Scholarships

The teaching of history in any country is integral to understanding its culture and laws; this is why it is considered so important to every country around the world and why it is vital to have history teachers at all grades teaching all topics related to history.

Learn more about become a history teacher . History teachers often earn a Bachelor's Degree in Education or Secondary Education with an emphasis in History/Social Studies.

James Madison Memorial Foundation

The JMMF makes available a number of set bursaries for the research and teaching of US history. Fellowship value is anything up to $24,000 which - where granted - is spread over two years. Applicants must be US citizens and either a teacher or planning to become a teacher of American history or government or social studies, of children aged 7-12. The coursework should concern the US Constitution considerably, and the applicant must be graduates of certain (designated) subjects. For a full list, see their eligibility page .

American Historical Society Grants

As the country's largest organization dedicated to research and teaching standards of history across the US, the AHA offers a number of research grants to members. They are to be used for research that is already in progress, not for starting academic projects - for travel fees, borrowing from libraries and archives and other research expenses. Only members are permitted to apply for the grants. Though the value of the grant varies, no member is entitled to more than $1000 from the AHA in a five year period. For a full list of AHA grants, visit AHA Grants and Fellowships .

AFSCME Member Scholarships

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is one of the largest unions in the country today. As part of their outreach programs and perks, they have a list of scholarships available to members and their families who wish to study certain relevant degree programs. Though most of their scholarships can be applied against any education subject, there is one specifically for social sciences such as history. The Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship, worth $5,000 for the two chosen applicants, includes the opportunity to intern with the Union. For further details, visit the AFSCME Member Scholarships dedicated page .

GPA : 2.5 or above

Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship

One of the many United Negro College Fund scholarships, this $5,000 value scholarship is for black students of history, American Studies, art and other social sciences such as anthropology. Students must be enrolled at an accredited university and studying a four-year course. Application should be supported by an academic transcript. For further details, visit the Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship website .

GPA : 2.5 Deadline : Usually late June

Samuel Eliot Morison Naval History Scholarship

This $5,000 scholarship is available only to full commissioned naval officers who wish to retrain to teaching naval history in an American school. This niche area is important to understanding America's maritime history, particularly of its military. The Officer must already have a degree and be actively studying or pursuing further education such as a Master's Degree. A copy of the university transcript is required, as is a 500-word supporting statement. To see the full terms and to apply, visit the Naval History and Heritage Grants and Fellowships page .

Deadline : end of April every year

Math Teacher Scholarships

Mathematics is one of the most important subjects to teach in our schools and universities. As one of the STEM subjects, it is a recognized graduate shortage area even though we all use it every day. Advanced math is vital to the other hard sciences. Thinking of pursuing a career in math? Here are some scholarships for which you may be eligible.

Learn more about becoming a math teacher . To become a math teacher, many earn Bachelor's Degrees in Education or Secondary Education with an emphasis in mathematics. Earning a Master's Degree in Education will also allow you to become a math teacher.

NCTM - Various

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has a full range of grants, scholarships, awards and funds for the improvement of math quality in schools. Amongst them are the Connecting Math to Other Subject Areas - to develop teaching materials and methods that promote the study of the subject and encourage children to understand its importance. This particular grant is valued at $4,000. For their full list, visit the NCTM dedicated grants page .

National Merit Scholarship Program

Offering a number of scholarships, but particularly in STEM subjects, this organization rewards academic excellence in high school students looking to go to college and university to train as math teachers and as an applied science. In order to be eligible, a student must take the preliminary SAT, the result of which will form part of the application process. They must also be planning to enroll at college the same fall season of the year of application and be either a US Citizen or qualifying Permanent Resident. The standard Merit Scholarship is worth $2,500 but they have other programs with varying amounts. Deadlines vary so check the website for NMSC individual program details .

AAUW Selected Scholarships

To encourage women to enter into what are traditionally male-dominated fields (and especially STEM), the American Association of University Women makes available scholarships worth $25,000 for women applying for or already studying master's degrees in select subjects. In addition, they have other scholarships available only to women of color to enter into business and law. Applicants must be US Citizens are Permanent Residents. For further details, visit AAUW Fellowships and Grants .

Deadline : mid-January every year

Math for America Fellowship

MfA is one the country's largest math teaching organizations. Their mission is to help make teaching a viable, rewarding, and respected career choice for the best minds in science and mathematics. Currently, there are three fellowship opportunities offered through MfA. The fellowships are for new and experienced math and science teachers and leaders. For more details, visit MfA Fellowships .

Montessori Teacher Scholarships

A relatively new development in teaching methods respecting the individual psychological and sociological needs of the student, there are bursaries, scholarships and grants available to teachers wishing to explore this method of student-teacher interaction. It is advisable first to try the two largest organizations before looking elsewhere.

Learn more about becoming a Montessori teacher .

Association Montessori International USA

At present, they offer the MES Fund and school sponsorships. The school sponsorship program is set up to provide training for members wishing to train as a Montessori teacher - inquire directly with the listed schools to see eligibility. The major funding program (MES) was set up in honor of Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson who dedicated her life to promoting the method. Applicant musts be a US citizen or permanent resident and planning on taking up study at an AMI training center located in the USA and have a demonstrable financial need. Priority will be given to candidates who already have a teaching degree and have taught or worked at an AMI school. For further information about the fund, visit AMI's dedicated page on financial aid resources .

Deadline : mid-May every year

American Montessori Society

AMS is the largest Montessori organization in the USA. Every year, they make available a number of scholarships to people who are already on, have been accepted to, or has an application pending for an AMS affiliated program or school. Applicants are chosen on the basis of financial need, and chosen from a strict set of criteria that includes a personal statement, three recommendations and verification of the candidates attendance or application to an official affiliated program. Value is $1,000 (each) given to three candidates every year from existing funds. For more details on all their scholarships, please visit Montessori Teacher Education Scholarships .

Deadline : 1 st May every year

Montessori Schools of Massachusetts

The MSM network, being a representative body in the state, has made available a single scholarship worth $3,000 to one select student every year. The selected applicant must be applying for, or has already been accepted to, a registered course affiliated with the AMI or MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) in Massachusetts. Selection is made largely on the basis of financial need, but you will be expected to also demonstrate a commitment to the Montessori Method. Check GS Memorial Scholarship for how you can apply .

Deadline : mid March every year

Physical Education Teacher Scholarships

If there is one class that divides children, it's physical education. Some love to get outside and play team sports while others dislike it. It takes a good PE teacher to actively encourage children of all ages to take part, get fit and enjoy being active. In the past, it didn't necessarily take qualifications for this but with competitive sports being a big part of school extra-curricular activities, you now need qualifications. Here are some scholarships to help you achieve that.

Learn more about becoming a physical education teacher . A lot of PE teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in physical education. Many PE teachers also go on to earn an advanced Master's Degree in Education .

SHAPE America

The Society of Health and Physical Educators have three scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students looking to enter into physical education teaching as a career. For the Ruth Abernathy Presidential Award, the value is $1,250 (undergrad) and $1,750 (postgrad) and a complementary three-year membership to SHAPE. A separate scholarship (The Cooley Scholarship) is worth $1,000 and eligible for master's students only. All scholarships require a supporting statement and proof of enrollment. Other requirements vary depending on the scholarship program. The Bill Kane Scholarship is also valued at $1,000 and for undergraduate students only. Not only scholarships, but they also offer grants for qualified teachers and researchers seeking to improve fitness of young people. For full details on SHAPE America scholarships and grants available, visit their Grants and Scholarships page.

GPA : 3.0 minimum Deadline : mid-October

CANFIT Scholarships

CANFIT is a non-profit organization that prides itself on providing a bridge between communities and decision makers particularly relating to areas such as fitness and nutrition. Based in California, their funds are available to ethnic minorities on an accredited degree or postgraduate degree program in the state. Selection is made on the basis of financial need (primarily) and checks will be made to ensure that the funds have gone towards the cost of tuition. Dollar value varies depending on need and availability. For full details and to apply, visit CANFIT Scholarships .

GPA : 3.0 or higher Deadline : End of March every year

FAMU Scholarships

The prestigious black university in Florida has several scholarships available to its students studying programs at the HPER Department. Amongst them are the Robert "Pete" Griffen & Hansel Tooke Scholarship rewarding Physical Education majors and outstanding athletes representing the school (worth $1,500), the Costa Kittle Award (worth $1,000 also for athletes and physical education majors - applicants judged on sporting merit) and the Althea Gibson Award in honor of the Wimbledon and US Open winner (worth $1,500). Each are judged on academic and sporting merits to evaluate eligibility. For more details and to apply, visit Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Scholarships.

GPA : 2.5 (Robert "Pete" Griffen & Hansel Tooke Scholarship, and Costa Kittle Award). 3.5 (Althea Gibson) Deadline : 1 st June (all scholarships)

Tobin Sorenson Physical Education Scholarship

Available to members of Pi Lambda Theta, this scholarship is for undergraduate and postgraduate students intending to pursue a career in the physical education of children grades K-12. The scholarship is worth $1,000 and is sent directly to the accredited institution at which the student is presently studying or about to commence a program of education. Candidate must display leadership qualities and extracurricular activities in sports and physical education. For more information, visit Pi Lambda Theta .

Deadline : 1 st April every year GPA : 3.5

Principal & Secretary Scholarships

To become a school principal takes more than becoming a teacher and rising through the ranks - it takes more than being a great school administrator. It's not a career for everyone and that's why it takes specialist training after serving as a teacher. Take a look at the scholarships and grants below to help you become a school principal.

Learn more about becoming a school principal , becoming a vice principal , or becoming a school secretary . In many cases, school principals have a Doctorate in Education or Educational Administration .

Larry Graham Aspiring Principal Scholarship

Offered by the Alaska Association of Secondary Principals (AASP) it is named after a former School Principal who did much during his life to promote the importance of having qualified, dedicated people in the role. Applicants must already be enrolled on the Alaska Type B Administrative Certificate to be eligible to apply for this $1,500 scholarship. Applicants must also supply a personal statement on why they wish to become a school principal. For more details, visit Alaska Principals Foundation (APF) Aspiring Principal Scholarships .

Deadline : early October

AASA Education Administration Scholarship

The American Association of School Administrators is the leading educational administration organization in the USA. It honors and aids graduate students to achieve an administration role in a school or college - including for those wishing to train to be school principals and secretaries. It is one of the country's oldest scholarship awards having been founded in 1949. The value of the award is $2,500 per successful applicant who will be given up to $500 as a travel bursary to go to the award ceremony to collect the scholarship. They also have other scholarships and awards. For further details and to apply, visit AASA's Educational Administration Scholarships .

Business Professionals of America Scholarship

The BPA offer scholarships to certain administration students, but only if the college or other education institution has affiliated with the BPA. There is a set list of criteria - for example you must be studying one of the defined courses which include most finance, business and public administration programs at any accredited college in those states. There are three scholarships available with the first chosen receiving $3,000, the second receiving $2,500 and the third $2,000. You must also be a member of the BPA. For more details, scholarship opportunities available to members of Business Professionals of America .

GPA : varies by institution - check if your college is eligible Deadline : mid-March every year

School Counselor Scholarships

Therapy and counseling can be a difficult yet rewarding job. Some children go through difficulty at an early age - whether problems in their parents' marriage or with their academic work. Schools need counselors as much as they need teachers and administrators. If you feel your calling is in this direction, then look at these scholarships to help you counsel young people.

Learn more about becoming a school counselor .

American Psychological Association

The APA is the country's largest psychology organization offering many scholarships relating to training in counseling and psychology, and helping people research and develop treatments for a variety of mental illnesses. Amongst them are a number for child psychology and those for people wishing to provide counseling services to young people. The Jacqueline Ann Morris is an annual fund for teachers looking to improve mental health in their elementary or middle school. Maximum value of $4,500 annually. For further details, visit APA's Scholarships and Grants .

National Association of School Psychologists

The largest group in the USA dedicated to providing training and information to school psychologists, have several scholarships and grant programs available for applicants wishing to enter into school counseling / psychology as a career. Amongst them are the Minority Scholarship Program available to lower financial barriers to ethnic minority students wishing to enter into a career as a school psychologist. The scholarship is valued at $5,000 and applicants must be members of NASP, a US citizen and enrolled at a NASP approved institution. For more information, refer to NASP Awards, Scholarships, and Grants .

Special Education Teacher Scholarships

Special education teaching takes a special kind of teacher. Teaching children with special needs - whether that be learning difficulties such as dyslexia, or children with learning disabilities such as neurological or physical disability, it can be rewarding but presents a different kind of challenge. Because there is a shortage of such teachers, there are special grants and scholarships available.

Learn more about becoming a special education teacher and earning a Special Education Degree .

Dr. Marc Hull Special Education Leadership Scholarship

Available to residents of Vermont, this $1,750 scholarship is available to students pursuing a career as an administrator of special needs education services. The institution of attendance must be Federally approved Title IV funding (Pell and TEACH grants). Applicants must be seeking application of certification or license of special education administration and provide a letter of recommendation and references. For more details, see VSAC-Assisted Scholarships .

GPA : 3.0 Deadline : early March

Not limited to teaching kids with special needs, extra consideration is given to those students at undergraduate and graduate level who intend to teach children and young adults with special education needs. The grant is worth up to $4,000 every year and special conditions are placed on recipients such as that they are contractually bound to teach in a US school for a certain number of years (usually in a socially deprived area). There are no limits to who can apply. More information and application is on the TEACH Teaching Scholarships webpage.

Grade : factors vary, but typically anyone in or above the 75 th percentile will be prioritized. Deadline : End of September

Indiana Minority Teacher/Special Services Scholarship

Available only to minority students living in the state of Indiana, applicants must already have applied for FAFSA to be eligible, and the commission must receive a copy of this. You may already be studying an accredited education course or have received an offer of a place to study at a relevant education establishment and a US citizen or eligible non-citizen (such as a permanent resident). Scholarship is also limited to those who will teach at an accredited school upon graduation. For more details, see the Indiana Commission for Higher Education William A Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarships .

More Scholarships

Learn more about the PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship Program.

PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship

The PDK Educational Foundation awards scholarships every year across all PDK International membership categories. They offer one-time and renewable awards with the award amount ranging from$500 - $4,000. Find out more by visiting the PDK Educational Foundation Scholarship Program.

Deadline: Beginning of April

Learn more about the Indiana Commision for Higher Education minority scholarships for graduates who plan to teach at an accredited Indiana school.

William A Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship

This scholarship is for minority students (defined as Black and Hispanic/Latinx individuals) who after graduating plan to teach at an accredited Indiana school. Students must agree that once hired they teach for at least three years in Indiana. You can find out more at the Indiana Commision for Higher Education.

Deadline: August 31st

Learn more about the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers.

Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teacher

This scholarship is open to students who are currently enrolled in, or plan to participate at a Charles Butt Foundation Raising Texas Teachers partner university. The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers offers scholarships of up to $8,000 - $10,000 per year. Other unique benefits from this opportunity is professional development opportunities and mentorship among others. Find out more about the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers .

Learn more about the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority teaching scholarships.

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority

This scholarship opportunity offers financial aid to students in Kentucky who are pursuing teacher certification at participating Kentucky colleges. This award can be up to $2,500 per semesters. You can find more details at the KHEAA Teacher Scholarship Program .

Deadline: May 1st

Learn more about the Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarships.

Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarship

This scholarship offers financial aid in the form of one-half tuition scholarships for three credits per term, or 1.5 credits. The Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarship is for teachers that are employed as an elementary or secondary teacher in the Milwaukee area. To find out more details visit Milwaukee Area Teachers Scholarships .

Deadline to Apply: Fall Semester is February 14, Spring Semster is November 15, and summer session is April 15

NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program - Click here to find out more about the program.

NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program

This incentive program is offered in hopes to encourage students to pursue a career as a math or science teacher in secondary education. Students can be attending school at an undergraduate and/or graduate degree level. In exchange for this incentive, you will need to work as a full-time math or science teacher in secondary education in NYS. Find out more about the NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program .

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Land your dream job, finding the best grad school scholarship options.

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Attending graduate school next year? Secure funding for your degree by researching scholarship opportunities.

In this post, we break down the different types of grad school scholarships you’ll want to consider, and where to find options to help you start your grad school journey.

Types of scholarships

Scholarships for graduate school may be offered by universities, professional organizations, states, private companies, and more.

Need-based scholarships  

These scholarships are based on a student's and/or their family’s financial situation. Eligibility requirements may vary based on the kind of scholarship. 

Merit scholarships

Based on achievement, merit scholarships are awarded in areas like academics, artistry, and athletics. Some merit scholarships take financial need into consideration but their primary objective is to reward talent. 

These awards often relate to your field and are typically need-based. Grants are like scholarships in the sense that you don’t have to pay them back.


Fellowships for graduate students usually fund short-term opportunities to study or conduct research in a specific field. They are typically awarded for academic excellence and can include an internship, service commitment, or offer a stipend. Fellowship opportunities can be found in most graduate fields.

Scholarships are awarded for different criteria. As you explore opportunities, here are a couple ways to consider your search:  

  • Field: Look for scholarships based on your field, particularly if you’re involved in STEM subjects or other areas where your expertise may be in high demand. Research councils in most disciplines also provide grants for research-based study.
  • Region: There are a lot of national scholarships with name recognition, but it can be easy to miss scholarships offered by your community or region. Search for scholarship opportunities by state , or contact your local department of education.
  • Demographic: Scholarships are available to promote study for specific populations and support students with diverse racial, religious, and/or ethnic backgrounds and orientations. These include but are not limited to scholarships for women , first-generation college students , and students with disabilities .
  • Service: If you are a current or former service program member—such as through AmeriCorps or Peace Corps—you may be eligible for an educational award through your program, and/or scholarships through your school. There are also graduate school scholarships for veterans available to those with military service. 

Pro Tip: If you’re a current or former participant in a service program, check out our list of helpful tips and resources for applying to grad school .

Where to look for scholarships

Within your network.

Consider making connections through informational interviews , as well as building relationships with your colleagues and supervisors. In addition to securing potential funding through employer tuition assistance , those you work with may have connections to funding opportunities in the sector.

Alongside this more formalized networking, tap into your connections through family and friends. Those who know you best can act as an extra set of ears and eyes for opportunities. They may also know of scholarships beyond those available in your specific field.

At your undergraduate institution and prospective grad schools

Tap into the resources available to you through both your undergraduate and prospective graduate institutions. Career centers, professors, department chairs, and academic advisors are all great sources of information.

Through professional associations 

Professional associations can be found across most disciplines and may provide scholarships and grants for members to advance their education or develop professionally. Use your network to make connections and pursue opportunities at these associations. Additionally, consider signing up for newsletters or publications from these associations, as they may advertise scholarships and funding opportunities in the field. 

In your local community

Institutions, organizations, and businesses usually offer scholarships to assist students in their communities. Civic clubs like Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions are great local sponsors. 

At your library

Contact your local library for help with finding information and resources about available grants and scholarships, as well as educational materials to help you apply for grad school funding.

How to apply for grad school scholarships 

Scholarship selection committees receive many applications, so it's important that you're clear and concise. When sharing about yourself, talk about your unique skills and achievements and how graduate school (and this scholarship in particular!) will support your long-term goals.

Be sure to also communicate your achievements in relation to the priorities and goals of each scholarship you’re pursuing. For example, a scholarship sponsored by your state might be most interested in how you would take your learnings from a law degree and support civic engagement in your local community. A professional association scholarship that wants to support the next generation of legal scholars may want to hear about how your studies will support the field and contribute to the values of the association. 

Finding and applying for scholarships can be time consuming, so it’s important to begin the process as early as you can. Make sure to leave time to request additional application materials like official transcripts or letters of recommendation, and keep copies of your application for your records.

Considering grad school, but unsure of which type of program is right for you? Take our quiz to determine whether you should pursue a full-time or part-time grad degree program to narrow your options when applying.

Angel uses his skills as a storyteller to support and inspire job seekers and aspiring social-impact professionals.

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Graduate Scholarships

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How to Apply for Graduate Scholarships

Students admitted to graduate programs in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education are encouraged to apply for college-administered scholarships. Complete applications are placed in consideration for each scholarship for which the applicant is deemed to be a qualified applicant. Not every scholarship account listed will have sufficient funding to be awarded for each academic year.  The application deadline is Feb. 1 for scholarships to be awarded for the following academic year (ie. February 1, 2022 deadline for 2022-23 scholarships) .    More information is available on the OU Scholarship website.  Click the link for information on how to apply for JRCoE graduate scholarships.


All Education Majors

Anita S. Bednar Education Endowed Scholarship: Candidates must be a full-time, regularly enrolled student in the College; must have a GPA that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements for admission to the College; must not be the Donor or an immediate family member of the Donor.

Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship: To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a. Must be a regularly enrolled graduate student in the College; b. must meet minimum grade point average requirements for admission to the College; c. Must have a demonstrated financial need as to jeopardize the completion of his/her education; d. Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

Judith Cathey Clapp Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time, regularly enrolled students in the College of Education; demonstrate financial need.

Dallas Area Education Alumni Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be full-time, regularly enrolled students in the College of Education; provided, however, that no scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor. Any eligible deserving undergraduate or graduate student is qualified for either an initial award or a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance. For purpose of this scholarship, satisfactory progress shall be deemed to be the achievement of and maintenance of at least a 3.0 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale.

Betsy Douglass and Millar B. White, Jr. Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be regularly enrolled graduate students in the College, must have the minimum GPA required for admission, must have demonstrated financial need, must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor to the Fund, must be a current Pre-K through 12 classroom teacher in a K-12 school.

Carl P. and Erma W. Dunifon Education Scholarship Fund: Applicants must demonstrate academic achievement, demonstrate financial need for scholarship assistance, must be enrolled as a full time student in the College of Education at the University of Oklahoma .

Dr. Lucy Freeman Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be a regularly enrolled graduate student in the College, must have a minimum 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, must have demonstrated financial need, must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor to the Fund, must be a current classroom teacher or administrator in a K-12 school with at least two years of teaching experience. Dr. Stephen H. McDonald Endowed Scholarship To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a) Must be a regularly enrolled graduate student in the College; b) must meet minimum 3.0 grade point average; c) must be majoring in one of the ILAC or ELPS graduate programs; d) Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.   Priority to students studying to become an elementary principal.

Estes Family Education Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must meet the following criteria: a. Must be a regularly enrolled student in the College; b. Must be a student who exemplifies or has committed themselves to building community, understanding and tolerance; c. Must have a demonstrated financial need; d. This will be a one-year scholarship, but recipients may reapply; e. Is not the Donor or an immediate family member of the Donor(s).

Hannah Foreman Davis Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be residents of Oklahoma; must be regularly enrolled full-time in the College of Education; must achieve and maintain a 3.0 overall GPA; must demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance as determined by qualification for either a grant or subsidized student loan through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Janet Townsend Crain Endowed Scholarship Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria: a. Must be a regularly enrolled graduate student in the College; b. Must have a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale; c. Must have graduated from an Oklahoma high school or currently be teaching at an Oklahoma high school; d. Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

Jeanne Reeder Perkins Scholarship Fund: All individuals who are full-time, regularly enrolled students in the University of Oklahoma are eligible for this scholarship; provided, however, that no scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor. Any eligible deserving undergraduate or graduate student is qualified, providing the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance. Student has achieved and maintained at least a 3.0 combined retention grade point average on a 4.0 system.

Katherine Elizabeth Lasseter Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be regularly enrolled JRCoE students with a grade point average meeting or exceeding the minimum required for admission to their program.  Applicant must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

Kenny Comer Graduate Scholarship: Candidates must be a graduate student in the College of Education; must have a minimum 3.0 GPA; must have a demonstrated financial need; must not be the donor or an immediate family member of the donor(s).

Kern and Ruth Chastaine Johnson Scholarship: Residents of the State of Oklahoma who are current classroom teachers wishing to pursue a graduate degree as regularly enrolled students in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education of the University’s Norman campus; provided, however, that no scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor. Any eligible deserving graduate student is qualified for either an initial award or a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance. Achievement of and maintenance of at least a 3.0 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

Leah Copass Brakebill Scholarship: College of Education majors enrolled at the University of Oklahoma only. Must be a full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduate or part-time or greater graduate student in the College; b. Must have a demonstrated financial need.

Patricia Elaine Rigney Scholarship Fund: All individuals who are full-time, regularly enrolled students in the University of Oklahoma are eligible for this scholarship; provided, however, that no scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor. Any eligible deserving undergraduate or graduate student who is committed to completing a degree in Education and becoming a fully certified teacher is qualified, student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance. Student has achieved and maintained at least a 3.0 combined retention grade point average on a 4.0 system. Preference shall be given to candidates from homes where both parents are teachers ; however, in the absence of such qualified candidates, the selection committee shall make the award on its own discretion while honoring the donor’s basic intent.

Paul F. Kleine Graduate Scholarship: To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a. Must be a regularly enrolled graduate student in the College; b. must meet minimum grade point average requirements for admission to the College; c. Must have a demonstrated financial need; d. Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

Sarabeth and Gary Farney Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Education; have a grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, must demonstrate financial need, no scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor.

Sharen Jester Turney Education Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time, regularly enrolled students in the College of Education;  3.0 overall grade point average and with a demonstrated need for supplemental financial assistance.  No scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor.

Tara Reilly Education Endowed Scholarship: Candidates must be full-time regularly enrolled in the College of Education; must have a GPA of 2.5 or beter, must demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance . 

Virginia Hallum Scholarship: To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a. Must be a regularly enrolled student in the College; b. must meet minimum grade point average requirements for admission to the College; c. Must have a demonstrated financial need; d. Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

William B. Ragan Elementary Education Graduate Scholarship: To be eligible for scholarship(s), candidates must meet the following criteria: a. Must be an enrolled graduate student in the College; b. Must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale; c. Must have a demonstrated financial need; d. Must have completed at least three years of service as an elementary teacher in the state of Oklahoma ; e. Must not be the Donor or an immediate family member of the Donor.

Teaching Profession

Dr. Lucy Freeman Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be a regularly enrolled graduate student in the College, must have a minimum 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, must have demonstrated financial need, must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor to the Fund, must be a current classroom teacher or administrator in a K-12 school with at least two years of teaching experience. 

Early Childhood Education Endowed Scholarship To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a) Must be a regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate student in the College; b) Must be majoring in Early Childhood Education (emphasis area of ILAC graduate program); c) Must meet minimum GPA requirement for admission to program; d) Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

Gearldine Henderson Scholarship: Eligible applicants will: a) Be a full-time undergraduate or part-time graduate student (if currently a working teacher) in the College; b) demonstrate financial need; c) meet minimum 3.0 GPA, d) not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor. Judith Bratcher Crockett Scholarship in Education: Applicants must be residents of Oklahoma; Must be regularly enrolled full-time in the College of Education; must achieve and maintain a 3.0 overall GPA; must demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance as certified by the University of Oklahoma Office of Financial Aid. Preference will be given to students majoring in Teacher Preparation.

Ruth D. Withrow and Family Scholarship/Fellowship Fund: To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a) Must be a regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate student in the College; b) minimum GPA for undergraduates is 2.5; minimum GPA for graduate students is 3.5; c) Must have a demonstrated financial need; d) Must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.  Recipient must plan to become or remain a teacher after degree completion.

Sherry S. Steele Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be full-time regularly enrolled in the College of Education; must achieve and maintain a 3.0 grade point average; and must demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance .

Doctoral Students - Dissertation

A.E. Clark Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be doctoral level graduate students, with first priority given to those students at the dissertation stage. Students must demonstrate financial need and academic promise.

Professional Counseling Scholarships

Dr. Boleslaus S. Kurpiewski Scholarship Applicant is a Graduate degree-seeking student in a JRCoE Counseling program. Requires demonstration of financial need, 3.0 GPA, FT enrollment.  Oklahoma Residents only.

Donald L. Ranallo, Jr. Endowed Scholarship: To be eligible for scholarship(s) candidates must meet the following criteria: a. Must be a full-time, regularly enrolled student in the Educational Psychology Department; b. Must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale; d. Must have a demonstrated financial need; and e. Is not the Donor or an immediate family member of the Donor. 

EDAH - Higher Education Scholarships

Herbert R. Hengst Scholarship Fund in Higher Education Administration (EDAH): Applicants must be Administration in Higher Education majors through the Adult and Higher Education program and regularly enrolled in the College of Education; must maintain a 3.0 overall GPA and demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance.

Education Administration and Curriculum Supervision Scholarships

Dr. Glenn Snider Education Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be full-time regularly enrolled Ph.D. students in the College of Education who are studying secondary school administration (EACS).

Michael Langenbach Scholarship Fund: Education Administration and Curriculum Supervision majors enrolled in the CoE and must maintain a 3.0 combined retention GPA; must demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance.

Educational Psychology (Learning Sciences) Scholarships

William Jeffrey Argo Scholarship Fund: Educational Psychology (Learning Sciences) graduate students who are pursuing a master’s or doctorate degree; maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA; and needs supplemental financial assistance.

Educational Technology (Learning Sciences) Scholarships

Dr. Tillman "Tim" Ragan Endowed Scholarship: Full-time, regularly enrolled students in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education's Learning Sciences programs with an emphasis in instructional design-development or closely related area are eligible for this scholarship.  Priority will be given first to an exceptional full-time doctoral student, followed by an exceptional full-time master's student in his/her final year.  Any eligible deserving graduate student is qualified for either an initial award of a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and needs supplemental financial assistance.  For the purpose of this scholarship, satisfactory progress shall be deemed to be the achievement of and maintenance of at least a 3.0 overall GPA.

ILAC-Early Childhood Education Scholarships

Barbara Brite Paul Early Childhood Education Endowed Scholarship: Must be a regularly enrolled student in the college majoring in Early Childhood Education meeting the minimum GPA for full admission to the College.  Donors to this scholarship fund or any immediate family members of donors to this scholarship fund are ineligible.

Mary Rule Murphy Endowed Scholarship Fund: U.S. Citizens only.  Applicant must demonstrate financial need is a full-time, regularly enrolled student in Special Education or Early Childhood Education with at least Sophomore status. Eligible undergraduate or graduate students that maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA; must have demonstrated financial need; is not the Donor or immediate family member of the Donor. Preference will be given to those who plan to teach in U.S. upon Graduation. NOTE: no student may receive the Mary Rule Murphy Endowed Scholarship more than twice while pursuing a degree in the college.

Ramona Ware Emmons Paul Early Childhood Education Endowed Scholarship: Must be a regularly enrolled student in the college majoring in Early Childhood Education meeting the minimum GPA for full admission to the College.  Donors to this scholarship fund or any immediate family members of donors to this scholarship fund are ineligible.

ILAC - Elementary Education Scholarships

Blanche Honaker Brakebill Scholarship: FT Undergraduate or PT Graduate student enrolled in the JRCoE who has a demonstrated financial need and is not a fund contributor.  

Jeannine T. Rainbolt Scholarship Fund: All individuals who are residents of the state of Oklahoma, full-time, regularly enrolled students in the University of Oklahoma are eligible for this scholarship; provided, however, that no scholarship may be awarded to or for the direct benefit of the Donor or any member of the immediate family of the Donor. Any eligible deserving undergraduate or graduate student who is committed to completing the elementary education program and becoming a fully certified teacher is qualified, student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance. Student has achieved and maintained at least a 3.0 combined retention grade point average on a 4.0 system. Each Jeannine T. Rainbolt Scholar shall be expected to submit to the donor a one-page report of his/her activities at the end of each academic year during which he/she is receiving the scholarship.

Judith "Judy" Ann Head Gwinn Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship Fund: Must be full-time regularly enrolled student in the College; must be an ILAC-Elementary Education student; Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale; Must demonstrate financial need; priority consideration will be given to student with the greatest financial need.  Donor of this scholarship or immediately family member of the donor is ineligible.

ILAC - English Education Scholarships

Frances Ranson Dunham Scholarship Fund: A graduate student seeking a master’s degree in English Education or for an undergraduate student seeking certification in Language Arts with either a B.A. or a B.S. Must be a resident of Oklahoma and a full-time, regularly enrolled student in the College of Education; must maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA and demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance.

Sue Stein House Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Recipients are full time, regularly enrolled students in the College; must have a minimum 3.0 GPA; must have a demonstrated financial need; must not be the Donor or an immediate family member of the Donor.

ILAC - Mathematics Education Scholarships

Eunice Lewis Mathematics Education Scholarship: All full-time, regularly students enrolled in the College of Education at OU who are majoring in Mathematics Education are eligible for consideration for this scholarship. Must achieve and maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA and demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance.

Rosa Brink and Shirley Brink Holladay Scholarship Fund: Applicant is a full-time, regularly enrolled student with a minimum of 90 hours complete and is a declared Education major at OU. Eligible undergraduate or graduate students that maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA; recipients are to be students who are children of active or retired Oklahoma Public School Teachers and secondary preference to students who are children of active or retired Texas Public School Teachers. Preference given to students who plan a career in disciplines in reading education, science education or mathematics education.

ILAC - Reading Education Scholarships

Richard P. Williams Memorial Scholarship: Established in memory of Dr. Richard P. Williams to provide scholarships for master's or doctoral students in Reading Education in the College of Education.  Any eligible deserving graduate student is qualified for either an initial award or a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance.

Rosa Brink and Shirley Brink Holladay Scholarship Fund: Applicant is a full-time, regularly enrolled student with a minimum of 90 hours complete and is a declared Education major at OU. Eligible undergraduate or graduate students that maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA; r ecipients are to be students who are children of active or retired Oklahoma Public School Teachers and secondary preference to students who are children of active or retired Texas Public School Teachers. Preference given to students who plan a career in disciplines in reading education, science education or mathematics education.

ILAC - Science Education Majors

Edmund A. Marek Endowed Scholarship: Science Education majors.  Must be a full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduate student in the College or a full- or part-time graduate student in the College.  Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA; must have a demonstrated financial need; must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.

R. Steven Hsu Special Education Endowed Scholarship Must be a junior or senior undergraduate majoring in Special Education -OR- a graduate student majoring in Special Education who has completed one year of postgraduate EDSP coursework.  Applicant must be a full-time, regularly enrolled student who has a minimum 3.0 GPA, has a demonstrated financial need, and is not the donor or an immediate family member of the donor.  Priority will be given to those with a specific interest in autism research or a passion for serving individuals with autism.

Denman/Thompson Family Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time, regularly enrolled students in the College of Education; maintain at least a 3.0 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale; priority consideration given to those studying Special Education.

Joseph D. Purdy, Ph.D. and Family Scholarship: Special Education majors. Candidates must be a senior level undergraduate student or finishing an advanced degree (Masters or Doctoral level) in Special Education.  Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA; must have a demonstrated financial need; must not be the Donor or an immediate family member of the donor.

Sandra L. O'Brien Endowed Scholarship Fund: Special Education majors. Applicants must be regularly enrolled in the College of Education; must achieve and maintain a 3.0 overall GPA and demonstrate need for supplemental financial assistance.

Sarah Owen Memorial Scholarship: Special Education majors.  Applicants must be full-time, regularly enrolled in the College of Education; must have a minimum 2.75 GPA; must not be a contributor to the Fund or an immediate family member of a contributor.  Priority consideration will be given to students who are at the undergraduate level who plan to teach at the junior high or high school level, and/or who are currently overcoming additional obstacles in life.

Two students smiling at scholarship luncheon

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Graduate student scholarships for all, international graduate student scholarships, us graduate student scholarships, science scholarships, fellowships.

This scholarship is designed to assist in funding higher education for individuals. Students provide short answers to questions concerning financial literacy to encourage positive behaviors in managing finances.

The National Medical Fellowships awards scholarships to graduate students who are pursing a career in healthcare. Learn more .

Whether Asian or American, whether a cutting-edge painter or a traditional dancer, whether a classical musician or a modern cultural archeologist—any gifted individual artist or scholar who seeks to grow in his or her craft or field can apply for funding to conduct research and study, receive specialized training, undertake observation tours, or pursue non-commercial creative activity in the United States or among the countries of Asia. Learn More .

The JR Program for International Peace awards Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships to students enrolled in U.S. universities who are researching and writing doctoral dissertations on topics related to international conflict management and peacebuilding. Proposals from all disciplines are welcome. Learn More .

American Center of Research Scholarships and Fellowships  

The foundation offers a series of monetary grants and fellowships based on research within the Asian continent, and is open to various nationalities. This is available to pre-doctoral and post-doctoral students. Learn More .

Davis-Putter Scholarships

Need-based grants (up to $6,000) to undergraduate or graduate students who are able to do academic work at the college level, and are actively working for peace and justice. Grantees must receive college credits for the time period covered by their grant. Open to non-US citizens who are attending an accredited university.  Learn More .

Educational exchanges that strengthen understanding and communication between the United States and over students from 140 countries . Students interested in applying for the Fulbright Student Program must apply through the Fulbright Program Office in their home country. Learn More .

Organization of American States (OAS) Fellowships  

This organization offers general scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study. All applications must be submitted through the corresponding National Liaison Office in your country. OAS academic scholarships are awarded for no more than two years of full-time studies at any university in an OAS member state, with the exception of the applicant’s sponsoring country.  Learn More .

American Association for University Women - International Fellowships  

International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported. Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree by September 30, 2014, and must have applied to their proposed institutions of study by the time of the application. Up to five International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships are renewable for a second year. Learn More .

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund  

The International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program which provides scholarships for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. Members of P.E.O. believe that education is fundamental to world peace and understanding. The maximum amount awarded to a student is $10,000. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs. Learn More .   

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)

The Fellowships and Awards Program supports graduate study, literacy, and the creative arts through awards and grants ranging from $2,000 to $11,500. Numerous fellowships available to graduate students. Eligibility is restricted to women, and those who are either Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada. Learn More .

American Scandinavian Foundation

The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers over $500,000 in funding to Scandinavians to undertake study or research programs (usually at the graduate level) in the United States for up to one year. Candidates for awards are recommended to the ASF by our cooperating organizations. In order to apply submit applications to the appropriate cooperative organization (see below). Awards are made in all fields.  Eligible candidates must be citizens of one of the following countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. Learn More .  

Belgian American Education Fund, Inc.

The foundation offers fellowships for study or/and research in the United States. In addition to the amounts indicated, BAEF also pays for health insurance at the US institution. Fellows are Belgian citizens, who are expected to stay in the USA for a full academic year at a US institution or for a full year to do research institution. Learn More .

The Norway-America Association

The Norway-America Association (NORAM) is an non-profit organization that since 1919 has helped Norwegian students to study in North-America, and American students to study in Norway. NORAM awards approximately five scholarships for Americans students who will attend graduate school or do PhD research here. Applicants must be members of the Norway-America Association (NAA) and must have completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree. Award amounts range from $ 2,000 to $20,000. Learn More .

Onassis Foundation Scholarships

Offers scholarships for Greek graduate for postgraduate and doctoral studies outside of Greece. Offers research grants and educational scholarships in the Humanistic Sciences, Political Science, Law and Economics, Architecture, Fine Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Cinema. Learn More .

Rotalia Foundation  

The primary goal of this foundation is to provide financial support to various activities associated with Rotalia, such as academic scholarships, travel grants, and to support Rotalia’s publications, libraries, archives, conferences and sporting events. Scholarships and research grants for individuals in the U.S. and abroad who read, speak, and understand Estonian. Grants are given at all levels – undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and for research. The foundation is particularly interested in supporting qualified individuals in the U.S. to study in Estonia, and individuals in Estonia to study in the U.S. For more information, contact Rotalia by phone (+372 7 343 970) or by [email protected] . Learn More .  

Statens Lanekasse for Utdanning

Provides educational grants and loans for Norwegian students abroad. Citizens of an EEA or EFTA country who have accrued rights in Norway are also eligible . Normally, grants are only given to people who have a consecutive period of at least two years of residency in Norway during the five years before the education begins. Applicants must be in at least their sophomore year of undergraduate study. Apply for funding as soon as you get accepted to your desired program of study. Learn More .  

The Sweden-American Foundation

Awards approximately 40 fellowships for graduate, postgraduate and post-doc studies in the U.S. and Canada. Only Swedish citizens with a completed undergraduate degree are eligible to apply. Every year, the Sweden-America Foundation awards approximately 40 fellowships for Graduate, Postgraduate and Post Doc Studies in the United States and Canada. Learn More .  

Swiss Benevolent Society of New York Scholarships  

Merit based awards for study at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels both in the U.S. and abroad. To be eligible, the applicant must be or have parents who are Swiss nationals . Applicants for Pellegrini and Zimmerman scholarships and the OSA award must be residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania or Delaware. Applicants for Medicus grants for study in Switzerland must reside in the United States. Learn More .

Swiss Friends of the USA

The Company Swiss-American Society awards per year CHF 15'000-20'000 on scholarship contributions. These contributions are intended as a funding supplement and be in 5-7 candidates who are either Swiss or have long ties with Switzerland. This scholarship is oriented to those who want to continue their education in the United States with the goal of a university degree. Learn More .

Kosovo Scholarship

JMU’s Kosovo Scholarship provides financial support to citizens of Kosovo to pursue master’s and doctoral degrees in select programs. Students must plan to return to Kosovo after completing degree. Learn More .

The Lituanian Foundation

Supports students who have Lithuaninan heritage and are active in their community. Students can be US citizens, US permanent resident, or Lithuanian citizens. Scholarships up to $7,500 for one academic year are available. Read more.

Digital Responsibility Scholarships

Four scholarships to promote awareness of digital responsibility. Each scholarship requires essay specific to an area of digital responsibility. $1000 scholarship.  Designed to encourage students to increase literacy skills. No required field of study necessary to apply. Learn More .

Students with Heart Foundation

Supports students who have suffered from various types of heart disease and deformities. Learn more about the criteria.

American Indian Graduate Center – The Center for Native Scholarships

Offering a variety of scholarships to Native American students. Scholarship amounts vary. Learn More .

American Indian Education Fund

The Bridging the Dream Scholarship Program for Graduate Students

The scholarships helps outstanding students from minority and other historically underserved communities attend graduate school. Grad students who are facing financial challenges may apply to receive a $10,000 scholarship to help them pay for their graduate or professional degree program. Learn more here .

The Protecting Black Voices Graduate Scholarship

The Protecting Black Voices Graduate Scholarship was created to support students committed to civic responsibility and community engagement. Students who are pursuing graduate studies in History, Political Science, Communications, and Public Administration or related fields are encouraged to apply. Learn more .

Otsuka Scholarship

This scholarship for black students in a business or STEM related graduate program. More details can be found here .

National Black MBA Assoication, Inc.

The National Black MBA Association seeks to support black graduate students in the advancement of their careers by partnering with more than 300 top businesses. Learn more .

United Health Foundation Diversity in Health Care Scholarship

UNCF offers the United Health Foundation Diversity in Health Care Scholarship for students of color pursuing a career as a clinical professional. Deadline to apply for the $5000 award is August 27, 2023. Learn more .

(ISC)2 Graduate Cybersecurity Scholarship

For students pursuing a degree with a focus on cybersecurity or information assurance. Scholarship amounts between $1000-$5000. Minimum 3.5 GPA. Citizenship not required. Learn More .

CyberCorps Scholarship of Service

For students earning the bacherlor's degree in cybersecurity. Scholarship includes full tuition and fees plus stipends. Learn more .

2023 National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholar Application

For applicants with the intention of pursuing a career in STEM fields and excel in public speaking. $10,000 scholarship. Learn More .

Thermo Scientific Pierce Scholarship Program

Thermo Fisher Scientific scholarship was created to help provide educational opportunities for the future generation of scientists. Graduate students or undergraduate students must be enrolled in an accredited college to qualify for this scholarship, and majoring in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or a related life-science field.  A pre-selected committee will award two $10,000 scholarships and four $5,000 scholarships among the candidates. To qualify for the scholarship, students must have a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and be enrolled in an accredited college for university for the Fall 2014 semester. In addition to these qualifications, students must also be legal United States residents, meaning that students possessing appropriate Visa status in order to study in the United States are also eligible. Learn More .


Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance Foundation Scholarship

For students in five year programs, the awards are presented to students who have completed their sophomore year of college by application deadline and majoring in accounting or finance. Minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.0. Learn More .

ACES Scholarships

Multiple scholarships between $1500 – 3500 awarded to students who excel in critical thinking about written materials in any field. The selection is a two-step process to include a timed test. Learn More .

William B. Ruggles Right to Work Journalism Scholarship

Graduates students in journalism or related programs. $2000. Learn More .

Applegate/Jackson/Parks Future Teacher Scholarship

For graduate students in education programs. $1000 scholarship. Learn More .

Eckenfelder Scholarship

US citizens or permanent residents who are studying environmental sciences and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. See additional requirments.

The Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship

This scholarship benefits students whose career interests include long-term protection of the wilderness in the US. Learn more.

AMBUCS Scholars – Scholarships for Therapists

US citizens in a graduate-level program in audiology, occupational therapy, or speech language pathology. One page personal statement submitted with FAFSA required. $6000 award. Learn More .

National Federation of the Blind (NFB)

Students must be legally blind in both eyes; residing in the US, DC, or Puerto Rico. Learn More .

CBCF Louis Stokes Health Scholars Program

The CBCF Louis Stokes Health Scholars Program is for students attending professional health programs including physician assistant and nursing. More details can be found here .

Army Nurse Corps Association

The Melanie Foundation

Supporting graduate students are studying in the mental health field in the United States. Find more details here.

A federal/university partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and 34 university-based programs in coastal areas, Great Lakes states, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Applicants should have interest in marine study to improve coastal environments. Learn more.

The Generation Google

Students interested in computer science graduate degrees are encouraged to consider applying for The Generation Google Scholarship. Learn more. Learn more .

Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity

For graduate students funded by active NSF grants. Students must have completed at least one year of academic study. Learn more.

Presidential Management Fellows Program is open to current gradaute students who expect to be graduating the year following the annual application. Students who are interested in public service and government leadership are encouraged to apply. Learn more.

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Exploring Graduate School Financial Aid for Minorities

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the average U.S. university charged graduate students $17,868 in tuition, fees, and room and board during the 2015-16 academic year. For most individuals, this figure represents a significant financial investment. As a result, many turn to financial aid to alleviate some or all of their educational expenses.

Financial Aid Information

Graduate students who attend accredited schools may be eligible for certain types of federal aid , such as direct unsubsidized loans, which offer recipients up to $20,500 per school year. Other federal aid opportunities include direct PLUS loans, TEACH Grants, and federal work-study grants. In addition, a variety of private companies, nonprofit organizations, community foundations, and other sources sponsor scholarships for graduate students. Many of these awards are reserved for students who belong to underrepresented minority groups.

Read on to find tips for securing scholarship aid, explore our extensive directory of scholarships for minority graduate students, and learn about other financial aid resources.

What to Look for When Searching for Grad School Scholarship Opportunities

As you research scholarship opportunities, it is important to examine the eligibility criteria for each award. Most scholarships maintain requirements such as minimum GPA, enrollment status, and state of residence, along with any stipulations regarding the recipient's gender and/or racial background.

The scholarship amount is another point to consider. Some awards provide a flat amount, such as $100 or $500, while others cover full tuition costs for one year or longer. Candidates should also determine how scholarship money is awarded. While many distribute funds in a single lump sum, some scholarships are disbursed periodically throughout the school year. Renewable scholarships offer recipients funding for each year they remain in school.

Members of minority groups have access to a variety of scholarship opportunities, and many professional organizations, nonprofit groups, cultural foundations, and private companies sponsor awards for minority students. In addition, colleges and universities often provide institutional scholarships and grants that target candidates from underrepresented groups.

Other scholarships assist students pursuing specific careers or degrees. Scholarships based on major, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and hobbies are widely available. Students may also secure funding based on their family background. For example, many scholarships support candidates with parents in the military.

Below, we've listed scholarship opportunities for graduate students in the following minority groups:

We've also compiled a list of general opportunities, including diversity scholarships. These nonspecific awards are available to members of any underrepresented or minority group.

This page focuses exclusively on scholarships for graduate students belonging to racial and ethnic minority groups. For more information about scholarships for students in other underrepresented demographics, please visit the following GoGrad pages:

  • Scholarships and Financial Aid for LGBTQ Students
  • Funding Graduate School for Women
  • Paying for Graduate School: Military Veterans

Scholarship Search Directory

The following scholarship directory describes awards for graduate students who are members of minority racial and ethnic groups. Each profile includes the scholarship amount, eligibility information, application deadlines, and whether or not the award is renewable. For more information, please visit the links found in each award profile.

American Indian/Alaskan Native

American indian college fund full circle scholarship.

Application Details: This scholarship is open to American Indian and Alaska Native graduate students enrolled full time at any accredited institution. Candidates must hold a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Required application materials include a digital photo, proof of tribal enrollment, and an official or unofficial college transcript.

Amount: Varies

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American Indian Education Fund

Application Details: The AIEF offers competitive grants to American Indian or Alaska Native graduate students who take between six and 18 credits per term. This award is reserved for brick-and-mortar students. Applicants must demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Amount: $1,000-$2,000

American Indian Graduate Center Scholarships

Application Details: AIGC offers several graduate scholarships for candidates who are enrolled members of federally recognized American Indian tribes or Alaska Native groups. Awards are available for students pursuing degrees in STEM fields, veterinary medicine, public health, nursing, and library science. AIGC also sponsors a graduate fellowship.

American Indian Nurse Scholarship Program

Application Details: The National Society of Colonial Dames of America offers this scholarship to candidates who claim at least one-quarter Native ancestry. Applicants must be enrolled in a nursing, healthcare or health education program at an accredited institution, and must demonstrate financial need. Funds are distributed in two installments.

Amount: $3,000

Association on Indian American Affairs Scholarship

Application Details: The AAIA Scholarship is open to full-time students belonging to any federally, state, or non-federally recognized tribe in the contiguous U.S. or Alaska. Required application materials include an official transcript, proof of tribal enrollment and a two- to three-page essay.

Brown and Caldwell Minority Scholarship

Application Details: This award funds full-time graduate students who identify as Alaska Natives or members of other minority groups and are enrolled in a civil, chemical, electrical, environmental, or mechanical engineering program. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required. Applicants must submit a resume, two letters of recommendation, and a 250-word essay.

Amount: $5,000

Cherokee Nation Scholarships

Application Details: The Cherokee Nation offers two graduate-level scholarships for tribal members. The Graduate Scholarship award funds students pursuing their first master's or doctoral degree, while the Direct Study Scholarship is available to candidates pursuing a postgraduate degree in a field aimed at strengthening the Cherokee Nation government and economy. Residency restrictions apply for both awards.

Chickasaw Nation Scholarships and Grants

Application Details: The Chickasaw Nation sponsors several financial aid opportunities for tribal members seeking graduate degrees. The General Scholarship is open to part- or full-time Chickasaw students who maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Master's and doctoral students with at least a 2.0 GPA may apply for additional grants. Additional opportunities include textbook grants and a laptop scholarship.

Osage Nation Higher Education Scholarship

Application Details: This award is available to enrolled members of the Osage Nation who are pursuing a master's or doctoral degree. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher. The Osage Nation also sponsors the Mary E. Tinker Scholarship for graduate students and the Eugene Daniel Scholarship for medical students at any degree level.

Truman D. Picard Scholarship

Application Details: This award from the Intertribal Timber Council supports Native American students pursuing degrees related to natural resources. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and should submit an application letter discussing their interest in natural resources and commitment to their education, community, and culture.

Amount: $2,500

Asian/Pacific Islander

Aicpa scholarship award for minority accounting students.

Application Details: The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants provides this scholarship to full-time graduate-level accounting students. Candidates must belong to an ethnic minority group and plan to obtain CPA licensure after graduation.

Amount: $3,000 to $5,000

APALA Scholarship

Application Details: The Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association offers this award for students earning a master's or doctoral degree in library and/or information science. Candidates may be enrolled full- or part-time, and must claim Asian/Pacific Islander heritage. This award is administered in two equal payments during the fall and spring terms.

Amount: $1,000

Filipino-American Psychology Scholarship

Application Details: This award is open to Filipino-American students earning a master's or doctoral degree in any psychology field. Graduating seniors planning to earn a graduate-level psychology degree are also eligible to apply. Applicants must submit an unofficial transcript, two letters of recommendation, and an essay describing their commitment to the Filipino-American community.

Amount: $500

Hsiao Memorial Social Sciences Scholarship

Application Details: This scholarship from the Asian Pacific Fund funds graduate students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Candidates claiming Asian heritage who pursue graduate degrees in social science or economics receive preference. U.S. citizens, residents, and foreign nationals may apply.

Hmong American Education Fund Scholarships

Application Details: The Hmong American Education Fund offers five individual awards for full-time graduate students. Application materials include an essay of up to 1,500 words, an unofficial transcript, and one letter of recommendation.

Amount: $500-$4,000

Japanese Medical Society of America Scholarships

Application Details: The JMSA offers multiple scholarships for candidates pursuing medical degrees. Application may qualify for multiple scholarships. Candidates must submit a project proposal related to their academic field and a letter of recommendation.

Korean American Scholarship Foundation

Application Details: These scholarships are intended for full-time Korean American graduate students. Funds are awarded by the organization's seven regional chapters and vary by region. Candidates are evaluated for financial need and scholastic achievement. Applicants must submit letters of recommendation and a personal essay.

Amount: $500 to $5,000

Mary Quon Moy Ing Memorial Scholarship

Application Details: The Asian American Journalists Association provides this award to graduate-level journalism students. AAJA membership is encouraged, but not required, and applicants must demonstrate commitment to the organization's mission.

Amount: $2,000

South Asian Journalists Association Scholarship

Application Details: This nonrenewable award is open to graduate students pursuing journalism degrees and careers. Candidates who claim heritage from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and/or Sri Lanka receive preference. Other applicants who express an interest in covering South Asia may also apply for funding.

Tang Scholarship

Application Details: This award is available to students who claim Asian/Pacific Islander ancestry and identify as LGBTQ. Eligible candidates must be high school graduates from one of nine California counties hold a minimum 3.0 GPA. The award is renewable for up to three years.


Application Details: This AICPA scholarship is intended for full-time graduate students pursuing an accounting degree. Candidates must identify as black or African American, or belong to other ethnic groups underrepresented in the accounting field. Applicants must also plan to become CPAs after graduation.

Amount: $3,000-$5,000

Albert W. Dent Graduate Scholarship

Application Details: Sponsored by the American College of Healthcare Executives, this award funds graduate students entering their final year of a healthcare management program. Candidates should identify as black/African-American or as members of another minority group, and must be pursuing an MHA, MPH, and MBA in healthcare administration.

Allison E. Fisher Scholarship

Application Details: This scholarship from the National Association of Black Journalists targets graduate students majoring in journalism or communication-related fields. Candidates must provide a record of community service and an essay explaining their reasons for choosing a journalism career. Applicants must hold a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Application Details: Brown and Caldwell offers this scholarship for students enrolled in civil, chemical, electrical, environmental, or mechanical engineering graduate programs. Candidates must identify as African-American or belong to another minority group. Application materials include two letters of recommendation and a personal essay.

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship

Application Details: The Congressional Black Caucus provides this scholarship to full-time graduate students in any academic field who identify as black or African-American. Candidates should maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, demonstrate an interest in leadership and community service, and provide two letters of recommendation and a current resume.

Amount: $500-$8,200

Charles Shelton Foundation

Application Details: This nonrenewable scholarship provides funding for African American, full-time graduate students who are pursuing a degree and career in veterinary medicine. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Applicants must submit two sealed letters of recommendation, a resume, and an essay of up to 750 words.

NABA Scholarships

Application Details: The National Association of Black Accountants sponsors three scholarships for graduate students earning degrees in accounting, finance, or business. Candidates must identify as black, African American, or Caribbean. Eligible applicants should hold a 3.0 GPA or higher and current student membership in the NABA.

Amount: $1,000-$5,000

National Black Nurses Association Scholarships

Application Details: The NBNA offers a total of 18 scholarships for graduate-level nursing students with at least one year of school remaining. Candidates must be members of their NBNA local chapter, or direct members if they live more than 50 miles from the nearest chapter location. Required application materials include two letters of recommendation and a personal essay.

Amount: $1,000-$15,000

NBMBAA Collegiate Partnership Program

Application Details: The National Black MBA Association sponsors scholarships for MBA candidates and graduate-level business students at more than 30 schools nationwide. In addition to financial aid, students receive discounts on test preparation and one-on-one mentoring services.

Wynetta E. Frazier Sister-to-Sister Scholarship

Application Details: Sponsored by the National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc., this scholarship funds female African American female students whose education has been delayed or interrupted due to personal reasons. Qualifying candidates must be at least 21 years old, and should provide two letters of recommendation, an official transcript, and a personal statement.


Application Details: AICPA offers this award to graduate students pursuing accounting degrees. Candidates must identify as Hispanic or Latino, or belong to another ethnic group that is underrepresented in the accounting field. Applicants must be full-time students who plan to obtain CPA licensure.

Association of Cuban-American Engineers Scholarship Foundation

Application Details: The ACAESF provides this scholarship for engineering graduate students claiming Cuban-American or other Hispanic heritage. Candidates must be full-time students who have completed at least 30 credits at an ABET-accredited school. U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status is also required.

Amount: $500-$2,500

Carlos M. Castañeda Journalism Scholarship

Application Details: This award is open to Spanish-speaking graduate-level journalism students who are interested in covering Latin America. Applicants must submit three letters of faculty recommendation, three samples of work published in Spanish, and a 2,000-word personal essay in Spanish.

Amount: $7,000

HACU Scholarship

Application Details: The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities offers multiple scholarships for graduate students enrolled at HACU-member schools. These include the Miller Light and Coors Light scholarships, both of which are valued at $2,500 and open to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Candidates for all awards must demonstrate financial need.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Application Details: The HSF is a merit-based scholarship fund that supports graduate students claiming Hispanic heritage. Candidates must hold a 2.5 GPA or higher who plan to enroll full time in an accredited master's or doctoral program. The HSF is open to all majors, but STEM majors receive preference.

Amount: $500-$5,000

John Deere Scholarship

Application Details: This scholarship is available to Hispanic and Latino/a graduate students earning their degree in a STEM field. Candidates must be enrolled at a school in Region 6, which comprises the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Applicants should also hold U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status.

MALDEF Law School Scholarship

Application Details: The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund provides financial support for graduate-level law students planning to advance Latino/a rights through their legal career. MALDEF awards up to 15 scholarships annually. Applicants must submit a resume, a personal essay, and one letter of recommendation.

NAHN Scholarship

Application Details: Graduate-level nursing students who claim Hispanic heritage may apply for this scholarship from the National Association of Hispanic Nurses. Recipients are chosen based on academic standing and merit, financial need, and NAHN membership status. Winners must attend the NAHN Annual Conference to accept the award in person.

Prospanica Foundation Scholarships

Application Details: Sponsored by the Prospanica Foundation, this award is open to Hispanic and Latino/a grad students enrolled in accredited business programs. Candidates must be current Prospanica members with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and at least two years of full-time work experience. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is also required.

Amount: $2,000-$5,000

Women of ALPFA Scholarship

Application Details: The Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting offers this scholarship to female students of Hispanic origin who are currently enrolled in or planning to enter graduate school. Accepted majors include accounting, finance, business, or engineering. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher.

ABA Foundation Diversity Scholarship

Application Details: The American Bus Association provides this scholarship for graduate students earning degrees in a travel- or tourism-related field. Candidates should also belong to a traditionally underrepresented group in the industry, including ethnic minority groups. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay describing their career goals in travel and tourism.

Ford Foundation Fellowship

Application Details: The Ford Foundation Fellowship provides three years of financial support for full-time graduate students pursuing a doctoral degree in science. American Indian/Alaska Native, Pacific Islander, black/African-American, and Hispanic/Latino receive preference. This award is extended to U.S. citizens, nationals, permanent residents, and DACA recipients.

Amount: $24,000 per year; $72,000 for three years

George A. Strait Minority Scholarship

Application Details: This award from the American Association of Law Libraries is available to students belonging to any minority group who are earning a graduate-level degree in library science or attending law school. Candidates must plan to pursue careers as law librarians. Applicants may also qualify for the George A. Strait Minority Fellowship, which includes a paid fellowship in a law library.

Judith McManus Price Scholarship

Application Details: This scholarship from the American Planning Association is open to grad students pursuing degrees in professional planning who identify as female and/or American Indian/Alaska Native, black/African-American, or Hispanic/Latino. Candidates should also be U.S. citizens, and intend to pursue planning careers in the public sector.

LITA/LSSI Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology

Application Details: The Library and Information Technology Association offers this scholarship to American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, black/African-American, or Hispanic/Latino students earning a master's degree in library science. U.S. or Canadian citizenship is required. Candidates who have earned more than 12 credits in their program are ineligible.

NBCC Foundation Minority Fellowships

Application Details: The National Board for Certified Counselors sponsors three fellowships aimed at students in underrepresented minority groups who are earning graduate degrees in mental health or addictions counseling. Two fellowships are available at the master's level and one is offered to doctoral students. Candidates must be enrolled in a CACREP-accredited program related to the fellowship category. Recipients must attend the Bridging the Gap Symposium prior to and after being named as a fellow.

Amount: $15,000

Financial Aid, Scholarship and Advocacy Resources Directory

Locating and applying for scholarships and other forms of financial aid can be a challenging, confusing process. The following list includes guides, student networks, advocacy centers, and other helpful resources for minority grad students seeking scholarship support. The entries are listed alphabetically.

  • ABRCMS The Annual Biomedical Research Conference showcases presentations and exhibits from minority, first-generation, veteran, and disabled students earning degrees in STEM fields.
  • American Council on Education ACE's page dedicated to racial and ethnic minority students features news articles, upcoming events, and information about current advocacy activities.
  • America's Most Diverse Colleges This BestColleges ranking highlights the 25 most diverse institutions in the country. Selection criteria include on- and off-campus resources for minority students, school clubs and organizations, and financial assistance options.
  • Black Student Advocate Network This organization provides black/African-American students of all ages with assistance and support. The network's website features a collection of interviews with education professionals.
  • Building Bonds, Breaking B.A.R.S. These testimonials from African-American men who have attended UNC-Chapel Hill offers an insightful look at college life for people of color across the country.
  • Campus Ethnic Diversity This extensive list from U.S. News & World Report ranks U.S. colleges and universities according to their diversity index score, which indicates the overall percentage of students belonging to minority groups attending each school.
  • College Enrollment Rates Using data collected from 2000 to 2016, this NCES report details enrollment rates for undergraduate and graduate students belonging to different racial and ethnic groups.
  • College Resources for Diverse and Multicultural Students People of color, women, LGBTQIA students, and members of minority groups can all benefit from BestColleges' helpful list of resources.
  • College Scholarship Guide This informative post from The Simple Dollar provides scholarship seekers with helpful advice for each stage of the application process.
  • College Students of Color This 2018 article from Higher Education Today examines the ways in which attending college affects the emotional and mental health of students of color.
  • Guide to Scholarships for Minorities and New Americans DFW International's comprehensive overview of financial aid opportunities includes a scholarship directory for members of minority groups.
  • HBCUConnect Created in 1999, this online hub serves students and alumni of historically black colleges and universities. The site includes photos and videos, membership-based groups, job listings, and scholarship information.
  • Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities HACU was established in 1986 to promote inclusion of Hispanic and Latino students at U.S. schools. The association currently represents more than 450 colleges and universities in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, Latin America, and Europe.
  • How DACA Students Can Get Help Paying for College This 2018 piece from MarketWatch explores financial aid opportunities for DACA recipients, such as scholarships that do not require U.S. citizenship and private student loans.
  • The Neglected College Race Gap Published in 2018, this publication from the Center for American Progress uses statistics and anecdotal data to examine disparate graduation rates between students of color and their white counterparts.
  • Should I Tell Colleges I Am Asian-American? Yes Forbes makes the case for disclosing one's Asian-American background to admissions counselors in this 2018 article, which also includes general college application tips.
  • Student Diversity at More Than 4,600 Institutions Compiled by the Chronicle for Higher Education, this extensive report describes student racial and ethnic demographics at U.S. colleges and universities.
  • Today's College Students This infographic from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation offers a comprehensive overview of today's college students in terms of race, gender, age, and other identifying factors.
  • Tools for Success Aimed at Native American college students and their families, this 2018 publication provides useful information regarding college applications, financial aid, and postgraduate planning.
  • Ultimate Guide: How to Find and Secure Scholarships for College This helpful article from U.S. News & World Report describes common scholarship types and offers tips for finding and applying for awards.

For more information about online graduate degree opportunities, please visit our guides to Online Master's Degree and Programs and Online Ph.D. and Doctoral Programs .

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  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence and Analysis
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • National Security Agency
  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • Coast Guard Intelligence
  • United States Space Force
  • Department of the Army
  • Department of the Air Force
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation

National Security Agency seal

Students and Internships

graduate scholarships for education majors

We offer internships, scholarships, a co-op program and other programs for students in high school up through doctoral candidates. The application process for our student programs is the same as our job application process.

Our programs are paid; salary is based on your education level. We may also offer paid time off, holiday and sick leave, subsidized housing assistance (if eligible) and travel reimbursement (if eligible).

Undergrad and graduate programs

We generally accept applications from September 1 to October 15. Check the individual programs for exceptions. Each internship announcement will provide specific application requirements.

Mathematics programs

Director's summer program (dsp).

Open to: Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors Majors/fields: Mathematics, computer science and physics When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Each summer, we invite about two dozen exceptional mathematics students to collaborate with each other and with NSA mathematicians on problems critical to the intelligence gathering and information assurance missions of the agency. You will work on a wide range of problems and apply abstract algebra, geometry, number theory, analysis, probability, statistics, combinatorics, graph theory, algorithms and computer science skills. You will use mathematical theory, apply what you learn to real-time solutions and enjoy success built on hard work and innovation. You will use state-of-the-art resources, as well as a variety of computational algebra and statistics packages.

We are seeking participants who have distinguished themselves in undergraduate research or national mathematics competitions. Admission to this program is highly competitive.

Cryptanalysis and Signals Analysis Summer Program

Open to: Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors Majors/fields: Mathematics and computer programming When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will contribute to mission-essential operations by transforming collected data into a format analysts can readily consume for intelligence purposes by analyzing signals and protocols and overcoming security measures. Each summer, we invite 12 students to learn, use and further NSA's tradecraft as they work on operational problems of national importance.

This program begins with classified briefings on modern cryptography and operational projects that you will use for research throughout the summer. Research problems may include applications of math, statistics, computer science, reverse engineering and software development. You will work with data from many sources, analyze a wide range of technologies and access cutting-edge computing resources. Your results are integrated to provide new capabilities to our organization.

Graduate Mathematics Summer Internship (GMP)

Open to: Graduate students Majors/fields: Mathematics and statistics When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

In this program, exceptional mathematics and statistics graduate students work directly with mathematicians and statisticians on mission-critical problems and experience the excitement of the NSA technical community firsthand. You will work on a wide range of problems involving mathematics, statistics, data science, cryptology, and communications technology and document your work in internally published technical papers. You will access state-of-the-art computing resources and software packages such as Python, R, Sage, Magma, MATLAB and others.

Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT)

Open to: Graduate or doctoral students Majors/fields: Applied mathematics, data science and big data analytics, statistics, operations research, modeling and simulation, industrial engineering, systems engineering, computer network engineering, computer science or management science. When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

SPORT offers you the opportunity to apply your academic knowledge in the stimulating professional environment of one of the most advanced intelligence agencies in the world. You will spend the summer developing innovative solutions to unique problems.

You will apply the technical skills you've learned in graduate school to challenging operational problems. You will lead the technical development of your project and communication with your agency customer, work with operations research analysts and attend weekly seminars on best methods and practices. At the end of your internship, you will present your findings directly to your project customer, fellow interns and senior leadership.

Cybersecurity programs

Centers of academic excellence in cyber operations (cae-cyber ops) summer intern program.

Open to: Undergraduate sophomores, juniors, or seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Cybersecurity, computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

The CAE-Cyber Ops Summer Program is our premier outreach program for students enrolled in the cyber operations specialization at NSA-designated universities. You will gain knowledge of specific cyber-related topics and apply your skills to address various real-world technical challenges. You will work on a broad range of problems involving applications of computer science and engineering.

You will participate in a capstone activity focused on specific real-world technical problems. You will gain better understanding of how to conduct data analysis and will apply that learning to developing real-time solutions and experience the excitement of success built on hard work and innovation. The outstanding work you accomplish is documented in the program's year-end report.

The goals of the program:

  • Introduce our country's future leaders in cyber-related fields to the agency's mission and share the excitement of working on problems of national importance.
  • Provide a deep understanding of the vital role that computer science and engineering play in enabling the agency to tackle a diverse set of technical challenges.
  • Encourage undergraduate and graduate computer science and engineering majors to continue cyber-related studies and careers.
  • Afford participants the opportunity to provide solutions to current operational problems.

Cyber Summer Program

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and seniors, graduate students Majors/fields: Cybersecurity, computer science, engineering, mathematics, network security, Information assurance When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

This program is our outreach effort to the very best undergraduate and graduate computer cybersecurity, computer science, engineering, mathematics, network security and information assurance students in the country. You will work with other students in teams and directly with technical professionals on mission-critical cyber-related problems.

You will work on a broad range of problems, applying computer science and engineering skills. In the first two weeks, you are broadly exposed to the NSA's cyber mission through lectures, classes and tours. Then, you choose a current mission-drive problem that you will focus on for the summer. You will present your work to senior leadership, as well as have it documented in the year-end report. You will learn and develop data analysis, network analysis and exploitation techniques, apply what you learn to come up with real-time solutions and experience the excitement of success built on hard work and innovation.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Introduce our country's future leaders in cyber-related fields to the Agency's mission and share with them the excitement of working on problems of national importance.
  • Provide a deep understanding of the vital role that cybersecurity, engineering, mathematics, network security and information assurance majors to continue their studies and pursue careers in the cyber-related fields.
  • Provide solutions to current operational problems.

Cybersecurity Directorate Summer Intern Program (CSDIP)

Open to: Undergraduate juniors, graduate students and doctoral students Majors/fields: Cybersecurity, computer science, computer engineering, information systems, information assurance, computer forensics, systems engineering, network engineering When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

The National Security Agency's (NSA) Cybersecurity Directorate Summer Intern Program (CSDIP) is an exciting opportunity for outstanding undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students in a variety of technical fields to experience and contribute to the mission of NSA. The newest of NSA's internship programs, CSDIP invites students in Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information Assurance, Computer Forensics, Systems Engineering and Network Engineering to participate in a 10-12 week program where they join the Cybersecurity Directorate (CSD) and work directly with NSA technical professionals on mission-critical cyber-related problems.

The goal of the CSDIP is to:

  • Introduce our country's future cyber leaders to the CSD mission in cyber-related fields and to share with them the excitement of working on problems of national importance.
  • Provide a deep understanding of the vital role that Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information Assurance, Computer Forensics, Systems Engineering and Network Engineering plays in enabling the Cybersecurity Directorate to tackle a diverse set of technical challenges,
  • Encourage bright undergraduate, graduate and doctorate students in Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information Assurance, Computer Forensics, Systems Engineering and Network Engineering majors to leverage their studies and pursue careers in the cyber-related fields,
  • Provide solutions to current cyber related operational problems.

The students participating in the program work on a broad range of cybersecurity problems involving applications of computer science, cybersecurity and engineering. The students are presented with a set of current mission-driven problems which they will focus on for the summer. Students learn and develop data analysis and cybersecurity skills, apply what they learn to obtain real-time solutions, and experience the excitement of success built on hard work and innovation within NSA's Cybersecurity Directorate.

Hawaii CAE Cyber Operations Summer Internship

Open to: Undergraduate sophomores, juniors or seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Cybersecurity, computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Your knowledge is applied to real-world, mission-related technical projects. Participants in the program will work on a broad range of problems involving computer science and engineering. As an added bonus, this position is in Hawaii, so you will spend the summer in a tropical paradise unlike anything you can find stateside.

As a participant in the program:

  • You will learn about NSA's unique mission and will be exposed to the broad scope of cyber studies and careers.
  • You will gain a deep understanding of the vital role that cyber operations play in enabling NSA to work a diverse set of technical challenges.
  • You will work on a classified project that will support a real mission.

Computer science, engineering and information systems programs

Installations and logistics (iandl) intern program.

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Architecture, accounting, business management, business statistics, control systems, data analytics, data visualization, design and planning, economics, engineering, environmental science, finance, fire protection, operations/supply chain management and urban development/city planning When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Along with valuable work experience, you will gain substantial exposure to our mission operations through supporting functions and tours of various sites. You will interact with leaders daily and receive unparalleled mentorship and professional development. The internship will culminate in a final presentation to senior leadership, describing your project impact and summer experience at the NSA. By the end of the program, you will understand the infrastructure backbone of an intelligence agency.

Previous intern projects have included:

  • Contribute to construction and renovation projects that support facility operations and maintenance through infrastructure planning, design development, standards application and project management services.
  • Monitor our 24/7 operations at the Facilities Control Center with a team of control systems specialists, including experts on fire alarms, SCADA and electrical systems.
  • Coordinate master plans for the new campus under construction, backed by quantifiable cost-benefit analysis.
  • Troubleshoot mechanical and electrical system deficiencies through control management systems with a team of seniors engineering and optimizing functionality for successful future operations.

Data Center Facility Management (DCFM) intern program

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Mechanical engineering, electrical/power engineering, industrial control systems and information technology/networking When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

This program provides you with real world exposure to data center facility management and technology. You will gain hands-on experience managing a data center. Positions are available in Washington D.C.–Ft. Meade, San Antonio, Texas and outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.

You will learn about the dynamic field that governs the facilities and complex engineering frameworks that support massive parallel computing systems. DCFM involves an unprecedented integrated approach that combines power and HVAC engineering disciplines with information technology. All these branches of knowledge join together to help create a safe and secure environment where parallel computing systems and their infrastructure can operate at peak efficiency with optimal potential for future expansion. DCFM also ensures that efficient and forward-thinking practices are implemented during the design, construction, installation, and maintenance projects that occur regularly within the walls of an operating data center.

  • Research of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) tools, which are software-based programs to better manage most aspects of a data center.
  • Creation of room layouts to optimize efficiency of a data center.
  • Collect and analyze power space and cooling data for new system installations.
  • Use of 6 Sigma Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool to better understand how certain factors affect the information technology environment.
  • Design of a new-zero data center facility with the latest industry power and cooling infrastructure technology.

Science of Security (SoS) summer intern program

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Computer science, cybersecurity, engineering, information technology, mathematics, psychology When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

This paid internship allows you to gain hands-on experience working with researchers on innovative cybersecurity research and technology. The Research Directorate (RES) is home to a highly technical and talented workforce that performs cutting-edge research and creates breakthroughs in mathematics, computer science, engineering, cybersecurity, physics, neuroscience and linguistics that lead to creative solutions to our most challenging problems.

The Summer Intern Program for Science and Technology (SIPST)

Open to: Undergraduate sophomores or juniors Majors/fields: Computer science, cybersecurity, data science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, network engineering, software engineering, telecommunications When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will work with leading computer scientists and engineering on the nation's toughest cyber problems while enhancing your skills in assignments related to your major. You will work closely with a project mentor on a specific, mission-focused problem while learning in an exciting high-tech environment.

Computer Science Intern Program (CSIP)

Open to: Undergraduate students, graduate students and doctoral students Majors/fields: Computer science with preference given to those who have completed courses in data structure, discrete mathematics or structures and calculus I and II. When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

In this program you are assigned to projects that contribute to our mission. Projects culminate in a short presentation and technical paper. Projects are typically in the areas of:

  • Information retrieval
  • Information visualization
  • Computer and network security
  • Machine learning/artificial Intelligence
  • Human language technology/computational linguistics
  • Ontology/taxonomy and graphical analysis
  • Information query and question answering
  • Knowledge and data representation, distillation and sharing
  • Knowledge and database crawling
  • Software agent planning and control
  • Signal processing
  • Architecture and systems

Summer Intern Program for Information Assurance (SIP/IA)

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and seniors, graduate and doctoral students Majors/fields: Computer science, computer networking, cyber and Information Security, computer technology/computer information technologies, management information systems, information systems security, information assurance, computer and information systems, network system administration, computer engineering, cybersecurity engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, software engineering, electrical engineering, system/network administration and operations, systems security engineering, information assurance systems and project acquisition, cryptography, threat and vulnerability assessment, risk management, operations of computer emergency response teams, education and management, computer forensics/cyber forensics/digital forensics, defensive information operations When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Accelerate your career in the field of information assurance in this program by experiencing hands-on technical experience. You will work on projects that enable the cyber mission through current analysis, expertise, training and tools. You will work on projects that include protecting and defending the nation's information systems networks and outmaneuvering cyber adversaries. To participate in this program, students must return to school for at least one semester following the internship.

Signals Intelligence Collection Program (SICP)

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores or juniors Majors/fields: Computer science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, mathematics, data science, physics, information systems, political science, area studies, international relations, history, telecommunications When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

In this program you will support NSA as a salaried intern by working on projects involving the development, production and modification of tools, software applications or hardware. You will have the opportunity to leverage your skills to support information collection strategies, implement mission initiatives with lawful compliance, manage collection tasks and understand critical mission data flows. You are mentored by experienced SIGINT professionals and will discover various career paths you could pursue in the future as full-time NSA employees. Finally, the friendships and networks SICP interns build during their tour can last a lifetime.

NSA Colorado College Summer Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores and juniors Majors/fields: Computer science, engineering, mathematics, cybersecurity, political science, criminal justice, English or history When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

This program offers you the chance to gain hands-on work experience while building knowledge and skills in fundamental aspects of the NSA mission. We offer internships in multiple mission areas requiring a range of competencies like computer science, programming and engineering.

There are two positions offered for the NSA Colorado Summer Internship:

Software engineer internship positions duties:

  • Analyze user/customer requirements related to software or software system design.
  • Build software prototypes.
  • Design, develop and debug software applications.
  • Troubleshoot and debug computer code.

Target analyst internship positions duties:

  • Conduct analysis of metadata.
  • Conduct target analysis.
  • Conduct target research.

Texas Summer Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores and juniors Majors/fields: Computer science, engineering, mathematics and related fields When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will gain hands-on work experience while building knowledge and skills in fundamental aspects of the NSA mission. We offer internships in multiple mission areas requiring a range of competencies like computer science, programming and engineering.

NSA Hawaii Technical Summer Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate freshman, sophomores and juniors Majors/fields: Computer science, engineering, mathematics or related fields When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

In this program, we offer internships in multiple mission areas requiring a range of competencies like computer science, programming, engineering and analysis.

You will gain hands-on work experience while building knowledge and skills in fundamental aspects of the NSA mission. Plus, this position is in Hawaii, so you will spend your summer in a tropical paradise unlike anything you can find stateside.

NSA Georgia Summer Internship Program

Open to: Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Science and technology, applied mathematics, computer engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science, cyber intelligence and security, information assurance or information technology When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

How would you like to spend your summer developing technological solutions that contribute to the security of our nation? Does the prospect of applying your skills to NSA/CSS mission spark your interest? You can join a team of highly skilled, motivated and passionate professions who lead the cryptologic enterprise.

You will gain hands-on work experience while building knowledge and skills in fundamental aspects of the NSA mission. Take charge of your professional development and experience a once-in-a-lifetime internship opportunity.

Research Experience Student Program (RESP)

Open to: Undergraduate and graduate students Majors/fields: Cybersecurity, computer network operations, computer science, engineering, physics and information technology When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

The National Security Agency (NSA) Laboratory for Telecommunication Science (LTS) Summer Internship Program offers paid research internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate-level university students pursuing STEM degrees.

The 12-week program offers interns the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working with full-time NSA researchers on innovative cybersecurity research and technology. NSA/CSS Research Directorate (RES) is home to a highly technical and talented workforce that performs cutting-edge research and creates breakthroughs in cybersecurity, computer network operations (CNO), computer science, engineering, and physics that lead to creative solutions to NSA’s most challenging problems.

This internship offers introductory opportunities for collaboration with other Federal Laboratories and organizations.

Analysis programs

Summer language program.

Open to: Undergraduate students, graduate students and doctoral students Majors/fields: Any When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Are you looking for an opportunity to use your critical language skills to aid in national security? The Summer Language Program provides hands-on language analysis experience to college undergraduate and graduate students during a 12-week paid internship. High foreign language proficiency combined with a wide array of majors and minors will be considered for this program. If eligible, participation during a second summer is encouraged but not required. At the end of your internship, a job offer may be extended for you to join NSA in a full-time position after graduation.

The Summer Language Program hires students with proficiency in Chinese, Russian, Farsi, Arabic, and various South Asian and African languages. The languages may change from year to year based on the agency's projected hiring needs.

Intelligence Analysis Summer Program

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: International affairs/relations, intelligence studies, regional studies When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Are you looking for an opportunity that will provide innovative professional work experiences that are meaningful to your career goals, enable you to explore the fascinating world of intelligence and give you the opportunity to serve your country? In this paid internship program, you will train in a multi-faceted cryptologic discipline and build knowledge and skills in the intelligence analysis field.

You will also build:

  • Knowledge of the fundamental concept of modern digital communications and network analysis.
  • Skills in advanced analytic tools and techniques.
  • Knowledge of the structure and processes of the Intelligence Community through immersion in signals intelligence topics, projects and meetings.
  • Skills in conducting independent and original research, document results and communicate findings to help satisfy customer requirements.
  • Skills in systematically applying logic, creativity and judgement to the evaluation and use of intelligence.

Civil Liberties, Privacy and Transparency (CLPT) summer intern program

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: International affairs/relations, intelligence studies, regional studies, economics, psychology or data science When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Are you looking for a unique opportunity to learn about the NSA's mission while also directly contributing to civil liberties and privacy efforts? Would you like to join a team that promotes meaningful government transparency while helping NSA achieve the right balance between privacy and national security? In this program, you will see firsthand how fundamental privacy principles influence decision-making daily. We will expose you to a variety of cryptologic disciplines and civil liberties and privacy processes.

You will actively participate in or support ongoing CLPT activities like:

  • Identifying and documenting existing Civil Liberties and Privacy (CLP) activities.
  • Identifying and making recommendations regarding improvements to existing gaps in CLP protections and identifying topics for and providing input to external reports on activities.
  • Creating written and briefing material suitable for both internal executive-level and public audiences.
  • Establishing or coordinating mechanisms to ensure compliance with appropriate Department of Defense and Intelligence Community regulations and standards to ensure that protection of civil liberties and privacy is incorporated into policies and procedures.
  • Managing or preparing, as appropriate, mandatory internal and external reports.

Workforce support programs

Office of the inspector general summer intern program.

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Accounting, information technology or cybersecurity When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Are you looking for an opportunity that will provide innovative professional work experiences that are significant and meaningful to your career and academic goals, enable you to explore the fascinating and unique world of intelligence and give you the opportunity to serve your country? This program offers you training and experience in auditing multiple disciplines (e.g., program performance, cybersecurity and financial statements). You can be an agent for change, analyzing operations for efficiency and effectiveness and deliver results to our customers to reduce program costs and provide value to the NSA and the U.S. taxpayer.

You will join an audit team from day one with an assigned supervisor and sponsor to help you learn and acclimate. During your first few days on the team, you will participate in an overview to become familiar with various business functions at the NSA and within the Intelligence Community. You will have the opportunity to work on audits that provide meaningful recommendations for change within the agency and influence the direction of the Intelligence Community and DoD.

Your specific responsibilities are to:

  • Assess and evaluate internal controls within the context of the audit objective.
  • Identify and evaluate criteria to measure performance and evaluate compliance.
  • Conduct interviews within the context of an audit or evaluation.
  • Gather and analyze audit evidence and compare observed results to specified requirements in the criteria.
  • Identify problems and develop recommendations to improve the agency's efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Write work papers and reports outlining results and findings from audits and evaluations.

Summer Strategic Communications Intern Program (SSCIP)

Open to: Undergraduate juniors, seniors or graduate students Majors/fields: Writing, editing, journalism, public relations, marketing, advertising, social media, visual arts, television production, animation, museum management, archives When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will support the strategic communications organization's role of providing accurate and timely information on signals intelligence and cybersecurity mission and accomplishments to a variety of audiences using state-of-the-art messaging products.

You can intern in the following positions

  • Corporate communications, messaging and public affairs: responsible for communications and major initiatives for the worldwide NSA workforce and external audiences.
  • Multimedia production: videography or animation to support corporate video production.
  • Graphic design: creating original artwork ranging from project graphics, cartooning, web graphic images, storyboarding and presentation graphics.
  • Photography
  • Museum collections management, archives or conservation.

Security and Counterintelligence Summer Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Communications, political science, international relations, sociology, history, criminal justice, homeland security, computer science or computer forensics When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Join the Security and Counterintelligence (S&CI) world and support ongoing mission activities in areas like personnel security investigations, adjudications, physical security and access control, anti-terrorism/force protection or counterintelligence programs. You will work directly under the guidance of veteran security professionals responsible for protecting personnel, facilities and operations worldwide. In the process, you will understand how the S&CI group supports and interacts with the larger NSA enterprise and counterpart organizations across the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology Intern Program

Open to: Graduate and doctoral students Majors/fields: Industrial and organizational psychology When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

As an intern working in the human resources strategy and program design unit, you'll learn to apply scientific and quantitative methods to address a wide range of human capital issues. You will gain valuable applied experience by working alongside psychologists in areas like personnel assessment (i.e. research and development work to support assessments used to select applicants for mission-critical positions), organizational design and development, human capital systems design and consulting, occupational/job analysis, organizational assessments and workforce surveys and program evaluation.

Well-Being Services Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Health promotion and wellness, health education, nutrition and dietetics When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will gain practical health promotion experience within the Office of Occupational Health Environmental and Safety Services (OHESS).

We seek candidates with:

  • Interpersonal relationship and team-building skills.
  • Program design, implementation and evaluation.
  • Organizational skills for project places and events.
  • Public speaking.
  • Assistance with meditation and stress reduction programs.
  • Assistance with health promotion and wellness special programming.
  • Partnering with clinical staff to select appropriate health education materials.
  • Judgment and insight to develop updates to our wellness webpages.
  • Research for cause/benefit analysis and return on investment for wellness programs.
  • Research topics and craft health tips for distribution to the agency workforce.

Office of Reasonable Accommodation and Accessibility Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Rehabilitation counseling, counseling, psychology or sign language interpretation When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will gain practical experience in workplace accommodations and will gain a broad understanding of the reasonable accommodation processes and implementation. You will work alongside experienced sign language interpreters and reasonable accommodation experts.

In the reasonable accommodation part of this program, you will:

  • Gain sound knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the reasonable accommodation process, from the initial request for accommodations through the implementation of the approved accommodations.
  • Work directly with employees, management and resources available at NSA.
  • Enhance your ADA and section 504 and 508 knowledge and compliance requirements.
  • Enhance your counseling skills to aid employees and managers in the accommodation process.
  • Facilitate briefings on working with persons with disabilities for various offices and staff at NSA.

In the sign language interpreter part of the program, you will:

  • Gain sound knowledge of the fundamental concepts of interpreting and managing communication within highly technical and dynamic work environments.
  • Enhance your understanding of NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct and how it applies in the workplace setting.
  • Develop professional/personal skills that enable a skillful navigation through the diverse interpreting needs presented by the NSA community.

Human Resources Intern Program

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Human resources, business, economics or data science When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

You will acquire practical human resources experience while putting your intelligence and creativity to work in the Intelligence Community. We will assign you to one of these specialty areas: total compensation, human resource strategies, recruitment and staffing, benefits and employee services, human resources information systems, data analytics or global service delivery.

You will learn how to use data to deliver consultation and analysis to customers across the agency to help them gain a better understanding of their workforce. We will expose you to many parts of the agency, and you will interact with personnel at all levels. We look for teammates who want to learn how to help others to leverage workforce-based information for better decision-making and who demonstrate curiosity about information and data. Exposure to business intelligence tools (examples include Cognos, Tableau, PowerBI, Python, R, MS Excel, etc.) is beneficial but not required.

Business Management and Acquisition Summer Internship

Open to: Undergraduate juniors and graduate students Majors/fields: Finance, accounting, marketing, business administration, economics, operations research, industrial engineering, statistics or mathematics When: 12-week program from mid-May or June

Do you want to gain professional significant and meaningful work experiences that enable you to explore the fascinating and unique world of intelligence and give you the opportunity to serve your country? You will train and gain experience within a multifaceted business organization for business majors or those interested in applying their math knowledge to financial challenges. In this paid internship, you will build knowledge and skills in a variety of disciplines within the business field and attend various operational tours so you can understand what the NSA does in defense of our nation.

You will work directly with seasoned business professionals on activities like:

  • Developing negotiation positions or negotiating multimillion dollar contracts.
  • Preparing the agency's annual budget.
  • Acquiring products and services from industry partners.
  • Providing financial support in execution of the agency's budget and for major acquisition programs.
  • Analyzing financial, performance and requirements data for business decision making.
  • Gain knowledge of the fundamental concepts of government planning, programming, budgeting and execution.
  • Preparing and processing contractual agreements.
  • Using business IT systems and tools.
  • Gaining a working knowledge of the agency's acquisition processes.
  • Learning fundamentals of cost and price analysis of proposals.
  • Using financial principles to identify trends in data.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) Programs

You will alternate semesters of full-time work with full-time study from entry into the program until you graduate. We require a minimum of 52 weeks of co-op work experience before graduation. You will work a regular 40-hour week during work periods, with each work block focusing on the specific areas you can focus on as a career.

We accept applications twice a year, from February 1 to March 31 and from September 1 to October 31.

Cooperative Education Program in STEM

Open to: Sophomores and second-semester freshmen Majors/fields: Computer sciences, electrical engineering or cybersecurity

Electrical or computer engineering

You will design, develop, test and evaluate electronic communications systems in advancing areas like optics, lasers, acoustics and microprocessors.

Computer science

You will explore high-tech opportunities, such as object-oriented methodology, multimedia, data warehousing/data mining, design/analysis development of software and systems, client/server development, networking and Internet technology.

Cybersecurity (technical track)

You will work on the frontlines of defense against our cyber adversaries, focused on the technical expertise needed by the NSA.

Cooperative Education Program—Hawaii

Open to: Second-semester freshmen and sophomores Majors/fields: Chinese language and studies, computer sciences, computer/electrical engineering, cybersecurity

Chinese language and studies

You will assist on projects and will have full use of NSA labs, equipment and advanced technologies. You will work in the original written or spoken foreign language by determining the relevance of the intelligence collected, researching it, analyzing it and putting it into context for national-level policymakers, military commanders and other customers.

Cooperative Education Program—Languages

Open to: Second-semester freshmen and sophomores Majors/fields: Foreign languages, including Russian, Korean, Farsi, Arabic or Chinese

Scholarship Programs

Louis stokes education scholarship (stokes) program.

Open to: High school seniors Majors/fields: Computer science, computer/electrical engineering, or Russian/Chinese language When: A minimum of 12 weeks during the summer

The Stokes Educational Scholarship Program allows you to gain valuable experience in your field while attending college and earning a degree. You will acquire real-world experience and receive a salary year-round. After you graduate college, you won't have to go through the job search hassle—we will hire you for a position in your area of study. By participating, you will agree to work for the NSA for at least 1.5 times the length of your study after graduation.

This scholarship covers tuition and mandatory fees up to $30,000 per year, a salary, and housing and travel costs during your summer employment if the school is more than 75 miles from headquarters. It also includes federal benefits.

High school student programs

We accept applications between September 1 through October 31.

High school student programs information

Gifted and talented language program.

Open to: High school seniors who are at least 16 years of age Majors/fields: Foreign language aptitude in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Farsi or Arabic When: 12 weeks from mid-May to mid-August

This 12-week summer internship in Fort Meade, Maryland, runs from mid-May to mid-August following your high school graduation. The program is for high school students with aptitude in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Farsi or Arabic. You will gain valuable experience in a foreign language.

High School Work Study Program

Open to: High school juniors who are at least 16 years of age Majors/fields: Business, computer sciences, applied arts, engineering, graphic arts or manufacturing When: Part-time employment from September to August of your senior year

This program is for students who plan to participate in a school-sponsored work experience program during their senior year. Positions are available based on requirements at each site. When applying, ensure the job opening is for your local site.

Administrative and technical students:

  • Office assistant—you will perform basic administrative tasks—type, file, maintain records, answer phones and operate business equipment like word processors and personal computers.
  • Computer aide—you will operate or maintain data processing equipment, often the most sophisticated equipment on the market.

Vocational students:

  • Model shop—You will learn skills like machining, precision sheet metal, welding, woodworking, 3D printing, graphic design, sewing and painting.
  • Vo-Tech—you will assist with:
  • Operating and maintaining printing.
  • Binding and packaging equipment.
  • Operating computer graphics software across various computer platforms/experience in Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Operating industrial/production equipment, machinery and tools such as die cutters, laminators, air compressors and soldering equipment.
  • You will perform assembly line tasks requiring excellent hand-eye coordination to produce electronic assemblies, electronic media and printed products.
  • Installation and logistics—You will assist with installing and maintaining architectural building systems by repairing, altering or constructing replacement items from materials such as wood, plastic or metal. You will apply surface finish treatments such as painting or staining. You may sanitize, declassify or destroy materials and dispose of other materials by recycling or other methods.

Language students:

  • Chinese—You will use your Chinese language skills to perform daily duties. You need to excel in Chinese reading, writing and listening skills and have a lead Chinese instructor recommend you.
  • Russian—You will use your Russian language skills to perform daily duties. You need to excel in Russian reading, writing and listening skills and have a lead Russian instructor recommend you.

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graduate scholarships for education majors

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How Can Teachers Pay for a Master’s Degree?

Last updated on February 13th, 2024 at 01:48 pm

Current and future teachers alike understand the role of professional development in their ability to grow as educators. For many, graduate school is necessary, but they may find it challenging to fund a master’s degree in education.

Fortunately,  scholarships for education majors are often available, and grants for teachers to get a master’s degree. Many scholarships and grants are not based solely on financial need, providing options to even more candidates. 

Grants for Teachers Looking to Get a Master’s Degree

These are some of the most well-known grants for teachers to get a master’s degree:

TEACH Federal Grant

The  TEACH Grant  is a federal student aid program that awards up to $4,000 per year to students who meet the qualifying criteria after completing their FAFSA form. It is a free grant, but those who receive it must “repay” it by teaching in a low-income school or an underserved area for four years.

James Madison Graduate Fellowship

Known as one of the most prestigious teaching grants in the country, the  James Madison Graduate Fellowship  awards up to $24,000 to qualified teachers who intend to work at the secondary level and plan to focus their careers on civics, government, or history. The James Madison Graduate Fellowship grant is awarded to one student per state during each academic year.

Knowles Teaching Fellows Program

This grant cannot be applied directly to a graduate degree program. However, teachers can put it toward professional development or other programs that allow them to build their skills as educators. Each year, 35 fellowships are awarded to teachers in the first five years of their careers. It is a  five-year fellowship  valued at about $150,000.

Fund for Teachers

Fund for Teacher  is a versatile grant available to any teacher interested in professional development. Teachers awarded the grant receive a one-time payment of up to $5,000. Two teachers can apply as a team and receive a payout of $10,000. Grant funding can be put toward learning opportunities anywhere in the world.

Mathematics Study & Professionalism Grants

This grant is available to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics members. The  Program of Mathematics Study & Active Professionalism Grants  will award up to $24,000 to qualified teachers interested in pursuing a graduate degree to further their mathematics teaching careers. It is available to members working with students in preschool through 12th grade.

Segal AmeriCorps Education Award

The  Segal AmeriCorps Education Award  is available to teachers who have completed an AmeriCorps term of service. Recipients can use it to repay qualified student loans or to pursue a graduate degree. The award amount varies from year to year; in 2023, it was worth nearly $7,000.

The Ruth Crymes TESOL Fellowship for Graduate Study

The  Ruth Crymes TESOL Fellowship for Graduate Study  awards $1,500 to one teacher annually who intends to pursue a career teaching English as a second language. It is designed to support graduate students who want to improve their classroom instruction.

How to Apply for Education Grants

Applying for education grants can be an overwhelming process — at times, it may even feel tedious. However, the effort is worth it when you become a grant recipient.

These are the best practices for applying for an education grant:

Find the Proper Grant

Searching for the right grant for your graduate degree program or professional development opportunity is important. These are sources you can use to search for education grants:

  • GetEdFunding
  • National Education Association Foundation
  • U.S. Department of Education
  • DonorsChoose

Identify the Need for the Grant

Most grants are awarded based on need, so it’s important to identify your need and express it clearly. You may need to produce supporting documents to verify the need and highlight how the grant would help you fulfill your need.

Find a Source of Funding That Supports Your Need

Many organizations award grants specifically to teachers working in a particular area, such as TESOL teachers or those wanting to teach secondary mathematics.

Track and Show Expenses

Most grants require you to submit a budget proposal outlining how you would spend the money, should you be awarded it.

Solicit Administrative Support

Building or district-level administrators are often willing to review your grant application, provide feedback, or draft a letter of recommendation. As experienced educational leaders, they are likely familiar with the grant application process and can provide valuable feedback and support.

Scholarships for Teachers Looking to Get a Master’s Degree

These are some of the scholarships available to teachers interested in pursuing a graduate degree:

STEM Scholarships Through AFCEA

AFCEA  offers a variety of STEM scholarships to undergraduate students that can help them finance their bachelor’s degree while saving for their master’s. Their scholarships range from $2,500 to $5,000 and are available to sophomore and junior education students at four-year universities.

NCTM 7-12 Secondary Teacher Course Work Scholarships

The  National Council for Teachers of Mathematics  offers secondary teacher coursework scholarships that are valued at up to $10,000. These scholarships are available to teachers looking to further their education to pursue a career teaching secondary-level mathematics.

PDK Prospective Educator Scholarships

The  PDK Prospective Educator Scholarships  are available to students interested in earning a master’s degree in education to teach in public education. More than 100 scholarships are available, some of which are one-time payouts, while others are renewable. Scholarships are valued between $500 and $4,000.

Montessori Teacher Education Scholarships

The  American Montessori Society  offers a teacher education scholarship program for teachers who specialize in the Montessori approach and are interested in professional development opportunities. Typically, several dozen teachers are chosen each year to receive the award, and scholarship totals have reached nearly $60,000.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The  Hispanic Scholarship Fund  is available to students of Hispanic heritage interested in a higher education degree program. More than 10,000 merit-based scholarships are awarded each year, ranging in value from $500 to $5,000 based on the student’s individual needs.

The Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship

The  Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship  is a $2,000 scholarship available to Black or African American NAACP members under the age of 25 who intend to enroll in a full-time undergraduate or graduate degree program. It is a merit-based scholarship awarded according to financial need.

Nancy Larson Foundation College Scholarship

The  Nancy Larson Foundation College Scholarship  is designed for undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in elementary education. The foundation awards five $1,500 scholarships annually to qualified students.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) Wells Fargo Scholarship

The  Thurgood Marshall College Fund Wells Fargo Scholarship  is available to qualified students attending one of the TMCF member schools, primarily composed of Historically Black Colleges and Primarily Black Institutions. The fund awards 138 students annually with scholarships valued at up to $5,000 and can be applied toward tuition and fees.

Future Teacher Scholarship

The  Future Teacher Scholarship  is offered to high school graduates from Oklahoma who agree to teach in regions of the state or country with a teaching shortage. The scholarship is valued at $1,500 and can be renewed if the recipient fills out an additional application the following year.

Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers

The  Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers  is available to Texas students interested in pursuing a career in education. This scholarship provides  $8,000 to $10,000 in financial support and can be used at specific university-based education training programs in the state. Currently, more than 350 students have received this scholarship.

National Merit Scholarship Program

The  National Merit Scholarship Program  is an academic competition that awards scholarships based on students’ PSAT scores. Students whose scores qualify them for the scholarship earn $2,500 in funds that can be applied toward tuition and fees at a college or university of their choosing, making this one of the most coveted scholarships among high school graduates.

How to Apply for Education Scholarships

Applying for education scholarships can be relatively simple if you follow these tips:

  • Research available scholarships
  • Verify your eligibility
  • Get organized
  • Include all necessary information
  • Double-check your work
  • Submit your application by the deadline
  • Provide references
  • Follow up after you have submitted your applications

Financial Aid and Loans for Teachers

Financial aid and loans are typically available to education majors, including those pursuing a graduate degree. To determine if you are eligible for financial aid or federal student loans, you must complete the FAFSA application.

Personal Savings or Pay-as-You-Go

Teachers who want to pursue a career in educational leadership complement any grants, scholarships, or financial aid with their savings. Some universities offer a pay-as-you-go option to those relying on personal income to finance their degree.

Invest in Your Future at Salem University

At Salem University, we believe that access to higher education is crucial, and we strive to support our education majors as they work to pursue their passion and become educational leaders. We offer a variety of graduate degree programs in education, including a  master’s degree in educational leadership  and a  Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction . In addition, it provides teachers with skills-based training that allows them to elevate their careers. Request more information  about scholarships for teaching degrees and the graduate degree programs at Salem University today.

Tags: Career Advancement , Educational Leadership , Higher Education , Masters Programs , Teaching

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graduate scholarships for education majors

Graduation Gifts for Education Majors

May 13, 2024 | Brittany Nicolaysen | Gift Guides

It’s graduation season, and a wave of education majors will become new teachers in the fall. If someone you love is a new teacher, we’re here to help you find the perfect gift to set them up for success!

Image of a black chalkboard

24% off with code GRAD24

Offer valid through 6/30/24.

For early childhood teachers

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For elementary school teachers

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For high school teachers

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For supporting students’ wellbeing

Special education.

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English Language Learners

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Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Bullying Prevention

graduate scholarships for education majors

Use code GRAD24 to get 24% off! Offer valid through June 30th.

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Search NYU Steinhardt

2024 dorothy height distinguished alumni award honoree: rachel griffin-accurso (ma ’16).

Get to know the educator, media personality known as “Ms. Rachel,” and Dorothy Height Distinguished Alumni Award winner.  

Portrait of Ms. Rachel smiling and waving

Known popularly as “Ms. Rachel,” Rachel Griffin-Accurso (MA ’16, Teaching Music, All Grades) is an educator and media personality who  creates research-based videos to help toddlers and their families learn, bond, and thrive . 

As a young adult, Griffin-Accurso was an assistant teacher at a preschool for children with disabilities and at the Boys and Girls Club. She found herself captivated by “the contagious joy and wonder of children.”

“I was also a singer-songwriter and loved the creative process, so I moved to New York and became a teaching artist for years,” says Griffin-Accurso. “I wanted to combine my passions for music and teaching young people as a public school music teacher, so I came to Steinhardt to enhance my skills in both areas.”

After obtaining her  Master of Arts in Music Education from NYU Steinhardt, Griffin-Accurso taught at a public school before giving birth to a baby boy.

“When my son was born, I stayed home with him for a year and saw how much music helped with soothing, bonding, play, and language development,” says Griffin-Accurso. “I created an in-person baby/toddler music class informed by my music education teaching skills, which I then moved online to YouTube because I wanted the classes to be more accessible.” Griffin-Accurso’s husband, Aron, who worked on Broadway for many years and as a composer, also began assisting with the videos.

Ms. Rachel headshot

I wanted to combine my passions for music and teaching young people as a public-school music teacher, so I came to Steinhardt to enhance my skills in both areas. Rachel Griffin-Accurso, 2024 Dorothy Height Distinguished Alumni Award Winner

Griffin-Accurso’s videos infuse songs, games, and nursery rhymes with expert strategies to help children reach key milestones in the crucial early years of learning. At Steinhardt, Griffin-Accurso learned that effective teaching, especially for children, is like an interactive conversation. In a particularly impactful exchange, one of her professors demonstrated how to teach elementary students by having the class move and act like they were the elementary students. 

“Every time we create an episode, I think about how children at home will be interacting with us, asking ‘What are the kids doing during this song?’,” she says. “It delights me to see all the videos people share of their children (and often the parents, too!) lighting up as they play their part.”

Looking toward the future, Griffin-Accurso is publishing a series of books that build on educational concepts in the show and encourage families to read together. She is also recording her first album so kids can enjoy the songs in a new way. This fall, her first line of toys is being released. 

“I never thought I’d be turned into a doll!” says Griffin-Accurso. “I actually didn’t even really mean to become Ms. Rachel, but now it feels meant to be and I couldn’t be happier doing this work.”

In addition to her creative work, Griffin-Accurso is an advocate for children’s rights and works to ensure that all kids have access to high-quality early childhood education. She is an ambassador for Save the Children and Room to Grow . She is also developing literacy and preschool kits; for every kit that is purchased, she will donate one to help ensure all children have access to these learning opportunities. 

Learn more about Ms. Rachel online at , on  TikTok , Instagram , and Facebook at @MsRachelForLittles, and on her YouTube channel .

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Undergraduate General Scholarships

The Undergraduate General Scholarship application allows students to apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously. Students must be in a College of Education undergraduate program in order to receive the following scholarships:

  • Available only to students in the ECFS program
  • Education Undergrad Scholarship 
  • Kristy LeMond Memorial Scholarship 
  • Northwest Asian Education Scholarship
  • Ronald Aust Scholarship
  • Ruby Linsao Scholarship

Award amount

Scholarship awardees will receive between $900-$5,000, depending on available funds.


Applicants must be declared in one of our undergraduate majors or minor:

  • Early Childhood & Family Studies
  • Early Care & Education
  • Education, Communities, & Organizations
  • Education Studies 
  • Education, Learning, & Society

Application process

Applications are completed online:

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  • Locate the 'Undergraduate Scholarships Application 2024' option 
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Next Engineers program high school students and staff stand in front of large standalone aircraft turbine

GE Aerospace expands Next Engineers program for Cincinnati youth

First cohort of cincinnati high-schoolers graduate, earn college scholarships.

headshot of Anya Rao

GE Aerospace Foundation announced an additional $20 million investment in Next Engineers, a global college- and career-readiness program working to increase the diversity of young people in engineering.

A portion of this additional investment will benefit the Cincinnati location of Next Engineers , extending the program through 2028. The University of Cincinnati serves as the educational partner for local Cincinnati programming. 

The Next Engineers: Engineering Academy, a three-year engineering education program for high-schoolers, graduated its first cohort of students last week. Students who complete the program and go on to pursue an engineering degree at an institution of higher education will receive a scholarship. 

Nigel Adjei-Mensah (center, in green jacket) is one of 45 Cincinnati-area students who completed the Engineering Academy. He plans to study engineering at UC, with support from the Next Engineers scholarship. He is pictured with leadership from UC and GE Aerospace at the May 2, 2024, public announcement of the launch of the GE Aerospace Foundation. Photo/GE Aerospace

Nigel Adjei-Mensah, a Princeton High School senior, is one of 45 Cincinnati-area students who completed the Engineering Academy, which engages students in design challenges in small groups, career coaching, and college-readiness workshops to equip them with the skills they need to build an engineering career. Like some of his fellow Engineering Academy classmates, Adjei-Mensah plans to attend the University of Cincinnati. 

“The Next Engineers scholarship I will receive for completing the program will help facilitate my path to pursuing a degree in biomedical engineering ,” Adjei-Mensah said. “The immersive design challenges that we go through during Engineering Academy and also the career coaching that we receive from GE Aerospace employees has opened my eyes to a whole new world of engineering.”

Through this program, students can gain an understanding of what it's like to study engineering in college and the impact they can make working as an engineer – solving the big challenges of tomorrow. 

Whitney Gaskins, Associate Dean of UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science, shared the impact Next Engineers has on local youth and their families. She spoke with Germain Hunter, Chief Diversity Officer, GE Aerospace, at the announcement of GE Aerospace Foundation and its added investment in Next Engineers. Photo/GE Aerospace

“Through the Next Engineers program, we are not just shaping young minds, but empowering them to shape the future of engineering,” said Whitney Gaskins, PhD, Associate Dean of the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science . “These graduates exemplify the dedication and potential of our youth, and I have no doubt they will continue to inspire and innovate as they embark on their engineering journeys.”

Engineering Academy students learn to solve problems through engineering while working on small-team projects, including building mousetrap-powered cars and designing water filtration systems. Exploring college campuses and interacting with working engineers helps them to imagine themselves as college students and future engineers. The program also instills essential skills including teamwork, communication and public speaking. 

The first cohort of graduating Next Engineers: Engineering Academy students celebrated with their families at the University of Cincinnati. UC is the educational partner for the local iteration of the GE Aerospace Foundation program. Photo/GE Aerospace

“These students have committed three years and more than 200 hours to learning about engineering concepts, designing prototypes and solving complex problems,” said GE Aerospace Chairman and CEO H. Lawrence Culp, Jr. “These graduates carry with them the legacy of Next Engineers as they continue on in their educational journey.”

In the fall of 2021, the GE Foundation established Next Engineers in four cities around the world, including Cincinnati. The newly launched GE Aerospace Foundation picks up the mantle to invest further in this successful program. 

The Next Engineers program offers three programs to engage students and spark interest in engineering: Engineering Camp for students ages 14-15, Engineering Discovery for students ages 13-14, and Engineering Academy for students ages 15-18. Thus far, more than 4,000 local students have participated in the Cincinnati programs. For more information, visit . 

Featured image at top: Next Engineers: Engineering Academy students toured GE Aerospace's Peebles, Ohio, facility as part of the college- and career-readiness program for high-schoolers interested in engineering. Photo/GE Aerospace

  • Inclusive Excellence and Community Engagement
  • Next Lives Here
  • College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Biomedical Engineering

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Find Education Scholarships for Pennsylvania Students

See a list of education scholarships to fund your undergraduate education, graduate school, post-doctorate or other educational pursuit in Pennsylvania. Apply for money now.

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Point Foundation

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

What You'll Need

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  • Merit-based Aid


Region: National

Sibling Rivalry Press - Undocupoets Fellowship

Field of Study: Any

Microsoft Scholarship Program

Award: Full Tuition Field of Study: Computer Science, Computer Engineering or a related STEM discipline

William M. Gray '70 Endowed Scholarship

Saint Leo University

  • Demonstrated Financial Need

Selection Criteria: For a full-time University Campus undergraduate education major with demonstrated financial need as determined by a current and complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); From Mahoney City or other PA resident, after which other out-of-state students can be considered.

Fletcher Jones Fellowship

University of California, Irvine

  • Need-based Aid

The Fletcher Jones Fellowship is a highly prestigious award, made available through funding from the Fletcher Jones Foundation. It is competitively awarded to an outstanding doctoral student who has advanced to candidacy and demonstrates financial need. The award of a one-year fellowship of approximately $22,290, to be used as a stipend, is intended to assist with doctoral degree completion.

ARCS Scholar Awards

ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation, Inc. is a unique, nonprofit, national volunteer organization of women dedicated to providing scholarships to academically outstanding U.S. citizens studying to complete their degrees in science, medicine and engineering, thereby contributing to the worldwide advancement of science and technology.

Brython Davis Fellowship

Overview: The Brython Davis Fellowship provides financial support to students who demonstrate outstanding past academic achievement as well as future promise, have financial need, are U.S. citizens, and are the child of a service member or veteran of the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps.

La Verne Noyes Fellowship

The La Verne Noyes Fellowship provides financial support to graduate students who demonstrate outstanding past academic achievement as well as future promise, have financial need, are U.S. citizens, and are descendants of World War I U.S. Army or Navy veterans.

Miguel Velez Scholarship

The Miguel Velez Scholarship provides financial support to graduate students who demonstrate outstanding past academic achievement as well as future promise, have financial need, and are citizens and residents of a Latin American country. Preference is given to citizens of Colombia.

Burger King Scholars

Burger King

BURGER KING℠ McLamore Foundation, which was established in October 2005, is the charitable arm of the BURGER KING® system and is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.The Foundation, together with Burger King Corporation employees, franchisees, suppliers and guests, has been able to make a positive impact in the communities in which we work and live. Today the Foundation administers the BURGER KING℠ Scholars program and the BK℠ Family Fund.


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