example of a toast speech

How to Give a Toast: A Guide for Memorable Speeches

  • The Speaker Lab
  • January 12, 2024

Table of Contents

Ever been at a party or event, glass in hand, when suddenly you’re asked to say a few words? The room goes silent. All eyes are on you. It’s your moment and…panic sets in. How exactly are you supposed to give a toast?

Fear not! Giving a memorable toast is an art that can be mastered by anyone. Think of it as sharing a piece of wisdom wrapped up with a little wit and warmth. To master this art, we’ve got the scoop for you—whether it’s understanding the essence of a good toast, learning common etiquette rules, or avoiding classic mistakes, we’ve got it all. And don’t worry—we’ll throw in some sparkling examples to inspire your own memorable moments.

Ready? Let’s delve into this guide and make sure next time those spotlight moments aren’t panic-stricken but applause-driven!

The Purpose of Toasts

Before actually delving into how to give a toast, it’s important to understand why you’re giving a toast in the first place.

Toasts can be used in multiple settings. They celebrate special occasions like weddings or anniversaries, they honor individuals on their birthdays or retirement parties, and they provide a platform to express gratitude during holiday gatherings.

In its simplest form, a toast can be seen as an act of storytelling with three main parts: introduction (setting up the context), body (the story itself), and conclusion (where we lift our glasses).

The story told through a toast should create emotional resonance while also sharing insights into the person or event being toasted. Essentially, the aim of a toast is to unite everyone present in celebrating shared values or accomplishments.

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Essential Elements of a Good Toast

To give a toast that leaves an impression, you need to master certain key elements. These include sincerity, brevity, humor, and timing.

A good toast comes from the heart. It’s not about using big words or complex sentences but conveying genuine emotions and sentiments. If you can share personal anecdotes or experiences related to the occasion or person being toasted, you’ll make your words that much more meaningful.

A memorable toast is concise. Aim for two minutes max—this isn’t your chance to tell every story about your friendship with the bride since kindergarten. When giving a toast, stay succinct for the most impact.

Injecting some well-placed humor into your speech can lighten up any occasion—but remember to keep it tasteful.

Pick the right moment for your tribute—it shouldn’t interrupt dinner or come too late in the evening when guests might be ready to leave.

Crafting Your Memorable Toast

Brainstorming is the first step in crafting your toast. To start, simply let your ideas flow without worrying about structure or editing. Don’t worry about editing or structure yet, just get all your ideas down on paper. If you need inspiration, consider personal stories, quotes you love, or keynotes speeches.

Once you have all your ideas down, it’s time to start sculpting them into a well-rounded toast. Start by picking out the most powerful points from your brainstorm session. Then create an outline with these points as your guideposts.

Next, rehearse. Rehearse your lines until they feel natural—this will help you give your toast confidently without stumbling over words. Don’t overdo it, though, that way you keep some spontaneity in your toast.

As you write your toast, make sure you adapt it both to the audience and the occasion. Wedding toasts, for example, should be written with the wedding party and other guests in mind. What kind of jokes or humor will they appreciate? Are you best friends with the bride and groom or more of a casual acquaintance? Make sure you think through these things as you craft your toast.

Delivering Your Toast

Your body speaks volumes even before you start your toast. Stand tall, shoulders back, and make sure to keep eye contact with the audience. This not only conveys confidence but also helps engage listeners.

Controlling Voice Modulation

Varying pitch and volume can bring life to your speech. But don’t overdo it. Use these tools wisely to emphasize key points or evoke emotion without becoming theatrical.

Harvard Business Review offers some great tips on voice control for speakers.

Maintaining Audience Engagement

Remember, delivering a toast is an interactive experience. You’re not just talking at people but connecting with them emotionally. To maintain an emotional connection, take pauses for dramatic effect or laughs. After all, pauses are part of the rhythm of public speaking.

If space allows, feel free to roam around since movement can add dynamism to your toast.

Lastly, enjoy yourself. A happy speaker often leads to a captivated audience.

Common Toasting Etiquette

Toasts can make or break a celebration. Knowing the etiquette rules will help you give an unforgettable toast.

First, remember to keep it brief. A long-winded speech might lose your audience’s interest.

Second, avoid embarrassing stories or inside jokes that not everyone gets. While they may seem hilarious to you, you’ll lose your audience if only half of the room understands (or appreciates) your references. Instead, aim for universal themes like love or friendship—something that will resonate with all attendees.

Third, keep things positive. After all, a toast is about honoring someone, so stick to compliments and kind words.

Last, be mindful of timing. Don’t start your toast too early or late in the event—and don’t forget to end by inviting others to raise their glasses and join in on your sentiment.

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An Example of a Successful Toast

Before actually delivering your toast, it may help to consider an example. Let’s check out one memorable toast that has resonated with crowds in the past.

This example is from an Oscar acceptance speech by Matthew McConaughey . At the beginning of his speech, McConaughey stayed positive, recognizing the talent of the other nominees for best actor and expressing gratitude for those who helped him along his journey. He wasn’t even afraid to use a little humor to get his audience laughing.

Then, he settled into the meat of his toast by talking about how he considered his future self to be his hero, the person he wanted to be. In this way, McConaughey connected with his audience over the universal theme of always striving to be better.

Remember: you don’t need fame or high stakes situations to give an impactful toast. What matters is authenticity and connection with your listeners.

Mistakes to Avoid When Giving a Toast

People presenting a toast should be aware of who they are addressing; failing to do so is one of the most common errors. It’s essential to tailor your words and tone for the crowd you’re speaking to.

In addition, avoid rambling on without structure or point. Keep it concise, focused, and relevant. Crafting a speech with purpose can help in this regard.

Another common mistake is forgetting about timing. Good speakers know that timing isn’t just about how long they speak but also when they pause for effect or humor.

Lack of Preparation

Neglecting preparation is another pitfall some fall into. Make sure you rehearse enough times so that nerves don’t get the better of you during your moment under the spotlight. Toastmasters offers great tips for dealing with stage fright.

Inappropriate Content

Last but not least, inappropriate content has no place in any toast. Jokes at someone else’s expense might get laughs from some, but they will more likely leave others feeling uncomfortable—let’s keep things classy.

How to Give a Toast FAQs

What do you say when you give a toast.

When giving a toast, share an uplifting message or story about the person or event being celebrated. Keep it heartfelt and brief.

How do you give someone a toast?

To deliver a toast, stand up, raise your glass, capture attention with engaging words, then finish by leading everyone in raising their glasses too.

What is the proper way to toast?

The right way to make a toast involves speaking clearly and sincerely. Always respect your audience’s time by keeping it short and sweet.

How do you start a toast speech example?

One simple way to start a toast: “Dear friends and family of [Name], let’s raise our glasses in tribute to this extraordinary moment…”

Mastering how to give a toast isn’t as hard as it seems, right? Not only have you learned the purpose of giving a toast, you’ve grasped essential elements like brainstorming and rehearsing. Of course, delivery matters too. The way you use body language and voice modulation can make or break your moment in the spotlight.

To ensure smooth sailing during your toast, we walked through common etiquette rules and even gave you a successful example to consider—plus a few mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

Last but not least, breathe easy—you have everything you need to give that perfect toast!

  • Last Updated: February 29, 2024

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This acronym will help you give the perfect toast

Lauren Migaki

Lauren Migaki

Clare Schneider, photographed for NPR, 17 January 2019, in Washington DC.

Clare Marie Schneider

Illustration of a woman facing away from the viewer, facing an unseen audience in a darkened room, raising a champagne flute in a celebratory toast. She is surrounded by sparkly and shimmery speech bubbles.

It's the wild card of every big event — the toast.

It could be the drunk groomsman at a wedding or the rambling colleague at the retirement party or, perhaps, it's the friend who brings up politics or religion when they've been explicitly asked not to.

For stand-up comedian Atsuko Okatsuka , it was her father-in-law at her wedding. "And then he suddenly goes, I see there's a big Asian contingency here." The moment he brought up race, everyone went quiet.

"It's like a kid when they're playing I Spy, you know?" she says. "That's what he did. 'I spy Asians'."

"Then he tried to save himself. He went, 'and I love the Asians!'"

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This story comes from Life Kit , NPR's podcast to help make life better — covering everything from exercise to raising kids to making friends. For more, sign up for the newsletter and follow @NPRLifeKit on Twitter .

It's a memorable toast – but maybe not in the way Okatsuka had hoped.

If you've been asked, or volunteered yourself, to give a toast, we've got some handy tips to make sure people remember your speech with fondness – not horror.

Start with T-O-A-S-T, a helpful acronym from author and award-winning speaker Ramona J. Smith , plus a couple of helpful additions:

T — Tell a story

There's a simple formula to a good toast: Introduce yourself, tell a story, connect that story to the event and wrap it up (time to hit the dance floor!) The biggest challenge is choosing the right story for the occasion and audience.

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Every family has stories to tell. Here's how to document yours

Journalist Clare Roth , who has been to 36 weddings, says recording memories on voice memos was particularly helpful. For the occasion, she landed on this sweet and short story:

"There's an anecdote in my mother's diary from when I was three months old, where she heard my sister shout, 'I can't carry you anymore, baby!' And she came out and she was holding me by my skull and I had twigs and leaves in my hair because apparently she had dropped me a few times already. ... It's just so demonstrative of how she will charge ahead, but she wants you to be right there with her. ... And that's why she's going to be such an amazing wife."

Roth says this anecdote worked for the occasion, because it was not only "demonstrative of the relationship that my sister and I had but also related to how she would be as a partner."

Once you share an intimate but relatable anecdote, you can close with a lighthearted joke or offer your best wishes.

O — Optimism is key

How to tell a captivating story — from a wedding toast to a job interview

How to tell a captivating story — from a wedding toast to a job interview

"Don't give a sad story and leave everyone crying, especially if it's at a beautiful wedding or at a baby shower or somewhere where the mood is already festive," says Smith.

Smith is the 2018 winner of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. The opening of her award-winning speech was bleak — it highlighted her personal and professional failures. But with humor and optimism, she continued discussing how those experiences have failed to knock her down – by the end of her speech, the audience was singing along with her to Elton John's I'm Still Standing.

Smith compares her craft of speech writing to spicy chicken wings – "Just dip [the audience] in the hot sauce for a little bit and then we gonna cool off with the ranch."

A — Authenticity and vulnerability are better than humor

Dan Perlman is a stand-up comedian, but when it comes to making toasts, " the more successful toasts I've given have been ones where I was vulnerable," he says.

When he spoke at his childhood friend's wedding this summer, he shared an anecdote about them playing basketball and growing up together. Perlman did manage to find an opportunity for some subtle teasing — but remember, it's a toast, not a roast!

S — Speeches require practice

Try reading your speech aloud before you give it live. Even consider sharing it with a trusted friend or family member to look it over.

If you have stage fright, standup comedian Okatsuka has a tip for that: tell yourself that you aren't nervous but rather, too excited. " So instead of shaking from the nerves or feeling a pit in your stomach from the nerves, it turns into butterflies from excitement," she says.

Want to listen better? Turn down your thoughts and tune in to others

Want To Listen Better? Turn Down Your Thoughts And Tune In To Others

While you're delivering your speech, find an audience wingperson. "Focus on people in the audience who are paying attention and are giving good energy," says Perlman.

You could even ask a friend ahead of time to be this person for you!

And if you get thrown off track while speaking, don't forget: "You're allowed to stop and think. You're allowed to pause and breathe," says Ana Silva.

Silva, who teaches and performs improv, also points out that there are certain elements you cannot control when giving a toast. Just as stand-up comedy has hecklers, wedding toasts have drunk audiences.

"If it's something that is disrespectful in a rude way, I think shutting it down immediately is fantastic," she says. "If it's someone who's just really excited and wants to be part of it. I think a light touch is fine. ... 'I'm so glad cousin Susie is in on this. Let me keep going, Susie.'"

Silva also says that if you're in the audience, you have a role to play as well. " It's all about supporting the people around you." Remember to be generous with your attention, laughter, and applause.

T — Timing. Shorter is better

"I've never been annoyed that a toast is too short," says Perlman, who recommends keeping it between 90 seconds to two minutes.

Wedding enthusiast Roth suggests a range of two to three minutes. "No one is going to get angry about being able to drink their champagne sooner, " she says.

Point is, we all have short attention spans. When you practice reading your speech aloud, make sure that you time yourself.

Never drink before a toast

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6 Ways To Take A Break From Drinking

If there is one guaranteed way to ensure that you do not bomb this toast, it's this piece of wisdom from Smith: "Never drink alcohol before you give a speech," she says. "You don't want to slur. You don't want to come off as sloppy."

Drinking can also make you prone to rambling on too long, or throwing in an inappropriate, unnecessary joke, so it's best to avoid it altogether.

Don't wait for the perfect occasion

Toasts are a way to tell people you love them. And Roth says, we don't do that enough. "More toasts please!" she says. "It is wonderful to say the quiet part out loud, when the quiet part is... the love you have for your friends and family. Let's bring toasts back in fashion."

The podcast portion of this story was produced by Clare Marie Schneider. We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at [email protected].

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Happy Wedding App

50+ Wedding Toast Examples for Every Speech

50+ Wedding Toast Examples for Every Speech

Weddings are once-in-a-lifetime events for every couple. No matter which religion or culture you belong to, every couple wishes to host a memorable wedding. There are numerous important parts of wedding celebrations, including wedding toast.

Yes, wedding toasts play a crucial role in a successful and memorable wedding celebration. Saying wedding toast may seem like a task to some people.

When given the responsibility of saying wedding toasts, you can become nervous all of a sudden. However, giving a wedding toast can be easy, especially when you are prepared. Anyone can be called upon to give a wedding toast as a speech. It doesn’t matter if you’re related to the newlyweds or not. Whether you’re the Best Man, Maid of Honor, a parent, or a close friend, raise a glass to the newlyweds.

If you are not sure of what to say as a wedding toast speech, we’ve got you covered on this! All you need is to get prepared ahead of time. Do a lot of practice in front of your mirror, and you’re ready!

In this post, we’ll dive into the various unique, heartfelt wedding toast examples for every speech. Irrespective of your role in the wedding, our list of wedding toast examples will help you make an amazing wedding toast speech that will leave the couples feeling joyful!

So, let’s get started …

Table of Contents

What is a Wedding Toast? The Order of Toasts Guide To Give Memorable Wedding Toasts 50+ Wedding Toast Examples For Every Speech For Best Man/Maid Of Honor For Parents For Friends And Family For Sisters General Toast For The Couple

First, let’s take a look at what a wedding toast is and how you can write one. Here we go…

What is a Wedding Toast?

A wedding toast is a group of words that are said to express happiness and wish or bless the married couple at their wedding reception or rehearsal dinners. After a wedding toast all of the attendees of the wedding raise a toast and take a sip of their beverage to show their agreement. Wedding toasts are a great way to express your feelings towards the newlyweds. A well-crafted wedding toast strikes a perfect balance between humour and emotion while being concise and memorable, ensuring it serves as a wonderful conclusion to your speech.

Take a look at the order of wedding toast…

The Order of Toasts

Usually, wedding toasts are given both on the rehearsal dinner and the receptions. The ones given on rehearsal dinners are typically informal. However, the wedding toasts at the reception should be sweet, short, and crisp. Here is the order of toasts:


Traditionally, the best man should deliver the first toast. It is okay is only the best man is giving the toast. However, it is likely that others will also want to convey their joy to the newly married couple. In addition to the best man, the maid of honour may also have the opportunity to offer a toast.

Next, the groom, bride, or both of them together may raise a toast to each other. They can then raise their glasses to acknowledge and express gratitude to the wedding party and guests for being a part of their special day.

The parents follow the bride and groom. If the bride’s parents host the wedding, they have the honour of speaking first. They should begin by toasting the newlyweds and the groom’s parents while also extending a warm welcome to all the guests.

Here is our guide to writing an amazing wedding toast speech. Take a look…

Guide To Give Memorable Wedding Toasts

To give a memorable wedding toast, you need to be sincere and genuine in expressing your feelings towards the newlyweds. Your speech should reflect on how you are related to the couple, and it should create lasting memories for everyone.

Here’s how you should prepare a short, precise, and memorable wedding toast speech.

●  STEP 1: Introduce yourself

The first and foremost step to writing a memorable wedding toast is to introduce yourself. You should briefly explain to everyone present who you are and your relationship with the newlyweds. This way, the guests will know why you have been appointed to give a toast speech.

●  STEP 2: Know Your Audience

It’s also important for you to know your audience if you have been appointed to give a wedding toast speech. You should consider the speech that will go well with the couple and wedding guests.

●  STEP 3: Add a touch of humour to your toast speech

When writing your speech, make sure to include funny words or incidents that are related to the couple. This will help to lighten up everyone’s mood while giving your speech. Make sure to avoid using insulting or humiliating words, phrases, or stories in your wedding toast speech. You should avoid making any comment that could embarrass the couple or guests.

●  STEP 4: Structure and Length

The structure and length of your wedding toast should be short and concise. Don’t make a very lengthy speech; rather, aim to give a toast that will last for just 2-3 minutes.

●  STEP 5: Practice and Rehearse

Rehearse your toast continuously in order to familiarise yourself with the content you have written. Make sure you do this, especially if you’re a shy person who can’t stand before a crowd. This will help you build your confidence and leave a lasting impression on the couple and their guest on the wedding day.

●  STEP 6: Express Gratitude

Show gratitude to the couple for giving you the opportunity and for making you witness their special day. Also, remember to thank every guest who has graced the occasion with their presence.

●  STEP 7: Raise a Toast

Finally, give your best wishes to the couple as you invite everyone to raise their glasses of wine. Wish newlyweds a lifetime of happiness and love.

●  STEP 8: Enjoy!

That’s all! The whole process of giving a wedding speech takes only 2 – 3 minutes in all. Following these tips will help you give an excellent wedding toast at your friend’s, sister’s, or anybody else’s wedding.

50+ Wedding Toast Examples For Every Speech

Here’s a complete list of over 50 wedding toasts speeches that can serve as inspiration for you. The list below contains wedding toast speeches in different categories. Take a look…

➤  For Best Man/Maid Of Honor

1. To the [Groom/Bride], my bestie, indeed, the journey of your love story is one to mimic. All I wish is that your union will be adventurous and filled with endless memories as we make this toast.

2. Being the Best Man/Maid of Honour, I’ve seen the unwavering love between these two love birds. Myself and everyone present here today wish you both a lifetime of happiness together as newlyweds. Cheers!

3. To [Groom/Bride], you are both perfect for each other. May this union bring beautiful memories of love, joy, laughter, peace, and unwavering support! We all wish you the best in your marriage. Cheers to lasting memories!

4. [Groom], you’ll always admire the beautiful face of your bride. Waking up every morning with your wife beside will forever make you joyful. We make a toast to endless satisfaction in your union. Always keep her by your side, man.

5. As your best man, I pray for you both on this special day as everyone raise their glasses. May you always walk on the path of light together with your bride! May the playful sounds of laughter and joy fill your home. I wish you a happy beginning, cheers!

6. I call on everyone present here today as a witness to join me. Let’s make a toast to this fantastic couple. I’d like to wish both [Mr and Mrs Name] all the best things in life. May tears and regrets be far from your home. To the bride and groom! Cheers!

7. Finding a wife is a good thing; don’t you all agree with me? So, to my friend here [Groom], you’ve got a great wife! I pray that you always find favour both in the sight of God and man. Congratulations man! Cheers to beautiful moments.

8. As the maid of honour, the best kind of toast I can offer to the newlyweds is French toast. So, join me as we make a toast, saying, ‘Buvons à ce couple heureux!

9. It’s an honour to be the best man to my friend here. Everyone, I’d like you all to join me. Let’s make a toast to the happy couple. Cheers and congratulations to the newlyweds.

10. It’s a great privilege to serve as my friend’s best man today. Please, everyone, come with me. Let’s make a toast to the happy couple. Heartist congratulation to the newlyweds. May you two have a great life ahead! Cheers.

➤  For Parents

11. As a parent, it’s a joy to witness this beautiful day. It is overwhelming to watch [Bride/Groom] grow up and find their life partner. This toast is to more years of love and commitment for you both. Cheers!

12. My heart is filled with immense joy for being alive today to witness this beautiful moment between these two lovers. May this legacy of love that’s between you two continue to blossom and move on to your children. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness!

13. Marriage is a beautiful thing that can happen to anyone. Don’t you agree with me? My child [Groom/Bride], I pray that peace and harmony will be the order of each day in your home. We make a toast to perfect harmony in your union.

14. As a parent, I want you to bear in mind that neither of you is perfect. However, perfection is possible only if you work together as newlyweds. Let’s make a toast to a perfect union.

15. To our beloved children [Bride/Groom], you have journeyed through life with so much love and dedication. May your new home be filled with so much love and joy, just as you’ve shared with us. Cheers to a new phase of life!

➤  For Friends And Family

16. The power of love is something we can’t explain. May the bond between you two continue to grow stronger through thick and thin. We make a toast to beautiful moments between you both and longevity!

17. As we make a toast to this newlywed couple, may this love that has brought us together here continue to radiate. Cheers to the newlyweds!

18. We are glad to see that [Groom/Bride] have found each other to be deserving of their love. We hope that their passion for each other deepens with each passing day. Let us all raise our glasses to the newlyweds as they’re about to build a new life together! Cheers!

19. Ladies and gentlemen, I kindly request your participation in raising your glasses to celebrate the newlywed couple. We wish you all the best as you embark on this new journey together. May you reach even greater heights as a united couple and always find happiness in everything you do together. Cheers!

20. Everyone, may I request you all to kindly join me raising your glasses to celebrate the wonderful couples. I wish you two a wonderful life ahead! May you always find happiness. Cheers!

21. As we raise our glasses to celebrate this newlywed couple, let us wish that the love between [ Mrs. and Mr. _____] become stronger with each passing day. May the two continue to shine brightly. Congratulations to the newly married couple! Cheers!

22. To the [Bride/Groom], your love story has really inspired every one of us present here. We are excited to be a part of this celebration today. May you have every reason to stay happy together. We all wish you both an unending journey of peace and joy. Cheers!

➤  For Sisters

23. Watching these two and reflecting on how their love story began, I’m reminded of the power of true love. I feel honoured to be a part of this significant day. Let’s raise a toast to the people who are the main reason we are all gathered here! Cheers!

24. To the newlyweds, we pray that you both have a successful and happy married life together. And you scale through life’s dark moments and shine forth. Good luck, and the favour will be yours. Let’s toast to beautiful moments!

25. As we gather here today on this special day, let’s make a toast to the beginning of a beautiful journey of my lovely sister. May celebration never cease from your home. Cheers to a happily ever after life with your love!

26. Since we have come here to be a part of this celebration today, it simply means we’re your well-wishers. In all that life has to offer, we wish you the very best. Let’s raise our glasses in a toast to [Bride/Groom]. May your happiness be forever.

27. To the extraordinary [Bride/Groom], may your new home be filled with joy and magic. The love that has brought you both together will never fade away. Cheers to a new start in your life! 28. Let’s make a toast to a love that knows no bounds. Your marriage will stand the test of time. Cheers to love and happiness!

29. Yeah! This toast is to the laughter you both will share together and the hurdles you’ll overcome. In everything you’ll face in this journey of marriage, your love will sustain you through it all. Happy married life. Cheers!

30. As we all raise our glasses to make a toast, may your new home be filled with happiness and love. May your union glitter with beautiful colours of understanding, laughter, and joy. Cheers to a new beginning!

➤  General Toast For The Couple

31. To [Bride] and [Groom], may the moments you both will share together be breathtaking. May your love for each other never wax cold. Welcome to a new phase of your life. Let’s raise our glasses, cheers!

32. We make a toast on this beautiful day to beautiful memories and years of togetherness till you both grow old. [Bride] and [Groom] will always stay joyful forever!

33. [Groom], you have made a perfect choice by choosing [Bride]; for this reason, we have gathered here to celebrate your union. We raise our glasses to make a toast to a lifetime of endless joy.

34. Here’s to a new beginning after exchanging marital vows. We’re excited to be a part of this lovely moment in your lives. Cheers to a great beginning!

35. As we raise our glasses to make a toast, may your marriage be a symphony of trust, respect, and unwavering commitment! Cheers!

36. As we witness this day, cheers to a love that will age like fine wine. The love will grow richer, deeper, and bigger with each passing year. Cheers to the best couple I know!

37. Every step you take in life together with your partner is guided with understanding. May your new home be filled with endless love and celebration always. Cheers to a new life!

38. As we raise our glasses to make a toast, we put a seal that your differences will only serve as strength to the bond you share. Cheers!

39. As we raise our glasses, I decree that your new home will be a testament to the power of love and unity. Amidst every challenge, there will be understanding to sail through. Cheers!

40. Here’s a toast to the couple who makes every moment feel like comedy and adventurous. May your life together as newlyweds be never-ending.

41. Here’s to a stress-free marriage filled with love and understanding. May your new home be filled with love, unity, and happiness. Cheers!

42. To forever and always, may your love story continue to inspire us all and your commitment to each other remain unwavering. Cheers to a new life!

43. As we make this toast, may your love story be the epitome of what true, enduring love is all about. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness and bliss.

44. We’re making a toast on this special day to seal your union. We pray you both a lifetime of happiness filled with unforgettable memories. Cheers to a blissful home!

45. As we prepare to raise our glasses for a toast, we pray for a future filled with abundant happiness for both of you. May you both enjoy good health and when the time comes, may you lovingly cradle your babies in your arms. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness together! Cheers!

46. We’re all here to celebrate this lovely couple. As we raise our glasses, may laughter never be far from your lips. May the two of you always cherish the joy of being together. Wishing you a blissful marriage.

47. Here’s a toast to a marriage filled with wealth, health, and happiness. Your steps will always be guided, and illness will be far from your home. To the latest bride and groom. (smiles) Cheers!

48. [Groom/Bride], we all love you so much. That’s why we’re here to honour this special day. We make a toast to happiness in your new home.

49. To the new couple, Mr and Mrs [Name], we raise our glasses, and we wish you both a Happy married life. May the love in your marriage be an anchor that’ll keep you both in stormy seasons. Thank you for inviting us here to share in your joy.

50. Everyone, please join me in raising your glasses to the newest bride and groom. We wish you greater heights as you embark on this new journey together as one. May you always stay happy.

51. Finding a beautiful and respectful bride is a good thing. We pray you both build a life of your dreams together. Let’s raise our glasses for a toast and say WISDOM! Yes, wisdom is what will keep you moving hand in hand through every thin and thick. Cheers!

52. To the groom, as you have found your soul mate, may you remain blessed always. Your bride will always compliment you. Let’s raise a glass to the bride and groom. Thanks for making us a part of your happiness!

53. I am so excited to be here today. Being a witness to beautiful moments like this is truly special. Life unfolds in various phases, indeed. Please join me in raising a glass to this stunning couple. May your joy and love know no bounds.

54. To the couple who make each day a memorable experience for all, may your life together be filled with endless, exciting memories. Cheers to a new and blissful life!

55. Everyone, please join me in raising a toast to the joy and success of the newlywed couple. Here is to the happily ever after! Wishing you a joyous and fulfilling married life. Cheers!

Wrapping it up…

So, there you have it: the top 50 wedding toast examples. You can use these wedding toast examples to craft unique wedding toast for the upcoming wedding of your best friend or daughter or friend. Make sure to keep your toast short, sweet, and crisp to have a lasting impression on all present out there. Make the couple feel special on their big day by sharing your best wishes with them. Whether you are related to the couple or not, it doesn’t matter. Give your best shot!

Wishing you a happy beginning!

Happy Wedding… 😊 😊

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How to Write a Wedding Toast: Best Tips and Example

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22 Toast Speech

Picture of wine glasses toasting

Here’s to those that love us! And for those that do not love us, may God turn their hearts. And if he cannot turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles; so that we may know them, by their limping. Irish Blessing/Curse

Cheers ,  slainte ,  skal ,  prost , and  salud ! A toast speech is a type of tribute speech meant to honor someone. Your goal as a speaker should be to make that person feel special and to allow others in the room to be included in the celebration.

Ceremonial Speaking Wheel

Pie chart with the words identification, narration, and magnification

All ceremonial speeches should include the trio –narration, magnification, and identification.


When thinking about your toast, don’t just think about the person you are toasting but about everyone in the room and think about how to bring them into your speech.  Saying “we” are here to honor the recipient and reminding the audience of shared values helps the audience to be a part of the process.  Say things that invite the audience in several times throughout the speech.

Wedding Toast Instead of saying:  Amy and I played Barbie as children and always made sure that Barbie found her perfect soulmate. Say : As many of you know, Amy and I played Barbie for hours as children.  What you may not know is we always made sure that Barbie found her perfect soulmate.


Graduation Toast Instead of saying: I wish you the best in your journey ahead as you graduate and start your new career. Say: We here, your family and friends, all wish you the best in your journey ahead as you graduate and start your new career
Retirement Toast Instead of saying: Dad, I was so happy you let me come and play in your office even if I ran your stapler out of staples by shooting them at the invisible villains that were hiding under your desk. Say: As many of you here now, dad would sometimes let me come to work with him.  And while most of you thought that I was the perfect little bosses’ kids, you may not have known that I was really a super hero executing the invisible villain that I found in dads desk. I killed it with all the staples from dad’s stapler.

The use of story helps the audience to be drawn in and want to listen. In short toasts, you can tell a series of one-sentence stories. In larger toasts, you can tell one long story or numerous little stories. Tell your story in a way that the audience relives the moment with you.


Take a trait of the individual and magnify it. I’m not talking about superfluous embellishment; I’m talking about honest elaboration. For example, you might talk about

  • Triumph over obstacles
  • Unusual accomplishment
  • Superior performance
  • Unselfish motive
  • Benefit to society
  • The greatness of a simple thing

Now you know of the key elements that should be in your speech, let’s talk about the process of building a toast, writing a toast, and delivering a toast.

Gather the Details

What type of toast is it.

Always adapt your toast to the occasion: Wedding, graduation, retirement, business celebration, award celebration, birthday.

Who will attend?

You will give a different speech to your old college roommate on his birthday if it is just you and the gang versus if his conservative parents are in the room. It will be an even different speech if his new employer is present.  Remember, a toast is not just about the person being celebrated but it is about others in the room.  As you write your toast, keep imagining the key people present at the event.

Are there expectations about how long the toast will be?  It is always good to ask. It can be awkward if there are several people toasting and each gives a five-minute toast and you have prepared only a two-minute toast. Typically wedding-type toasts, retirement toasts, and graduation toasts are longer speeches and people speak from notes.  On the other hand, shorter toasts are usually memorized

Sit down and just start jotting ideas.  Think of your brain as a water faucet. You are not going to get any water until you turn the thing on. Many people complain they can’t think of ideas, but they never actually turn on the idea faucet. Think of brainstorming as turning those ideas on and getting your creative juices flowing.   Start brainstorming ideas and memories one day and then give it a day or two to think about more memories.

When I turn off my faucet at home, there are usually a few drips that happen as the rest of the water gets out of the line. Think of your brain that way. Give it time to drip out the last ideas and be there to catch them. They just might be the best ideas of all. Some people find if they brainstorm before bed that they wake up with the best ideas. Always assume that you will forget your ideas, so write them down as soon as you think of them.

For more on brainstorming

  Sit Down and Write

At this point, just get your ideas down. Put down more ideas than you will use.  Allow yourself to write down some cheesy things—by cheesy, I mean those ideas that are silly, extreme, or not right for the occasion. Just go with it. Write those cheesy ideas down, maybe you will use this somehow but probably not. Most importantly, the creative ideas are hiding in your brain behind the cheesy ones and if you don’t get the cheesy ideas out of the way, you will never get to the next level.

Now. Let’s think about that faucet again. Imagine there is something clogging it. You have to put some pressure on it so you can get it working. I like to think of cheesy ideas as that clog in the line. I have to get the cheesy clog out of the way by giving my mind permission to go there and once that line is clear. I need to be ready for all the great ideas that will come out in force after the clog comes out.

Taking It to The Professional Level

If you want to give your toast the professional edge, try using a theme and then adding in some parallel construction. In this next section, I will show you how that works.

Use a Theme

Pick a theme for your toast and carry it throughout the whole toast. I like to think of the theme as the container that holds the speech together.

For example, Drew gave a best man speech and used the theme of a road trip. He told stories of him and his best friend and their adventures (at least the adventures you the ones that you can tell when mom is in the room). He talked about fighting over which music is played, he told stories about bathroom breaks, and he confessed that his friend was always getting lost. These were fun stories and by hearing them we could all imagine the friendship they shared. In his speech, he told us that whoever was in the passenger seat was called the “roundtrip captain.” He gave the new bride advice on how to navigate the relationship since he knew so much about his friend from all these road trips. The speech wrapped up with Drew telling the bride that she was the map reader now and he passed to her the title of “road trip captain.”

Erin gave a graduation toast to her family members who supported her through college. She used the theme of climbing hills. It was the perfect theme since the University of Arkansas campus that she graduated from seems to be arranged so everything is uphill–both ways.  She talked about walking the hills both physically and symbolically. In her speech, she talked about how beautiful the view is from the top. She wrapped up her speech by saying now that she is graduated how she has new hills to climb.

Keep in mind the theme is just the container.  If you have only a container, it will seem cliché and sound like a cheap greeting card. The theme is not the speech, it is the container that holds your many stories.  Make sure to develop those stories.

Use Parallel Construction

Parallel construction is where you take one sentence and you repeat it. It lets you tell a lot of little stories in a short period.  Always have at least 3 sentences, keep them together, and try to give them rhythm.

Consider this format and how it might be used for the different toast types.

At a Wedding Toast

I remember when ___ I remember when ___ I remember when ___ I knew you were the “one” because… I knew you were the “one” because… I knew you were the “one” because…

At a Retirement Toast

Many of you know dad for selling insurance, but I know dad for selling me on the idea to go to college Many of you know dad for working long hours at the office, but I know dad for working long hours on school projects that I only mentioned to him the night before they were due. Many of you know dad as a business profession, but I know dad as my super hero. Many of you know dad for …., but I know dad for …. Many of you know dad for …., but I know dad for …. Many of you know dad for …., but I know dad for ….


When picking a speech pattern for the toast, consider the audience and occasion. Many toasts are just one to two minutes while others can be five to seven minutes.

Short Toasts Pattern

  • Let us raise our glass to… Today, I would like to recognize…
  • Make a list of attributes/accomplishments of the person. With each statement there is a building sensation –each statement you make is better than the next.
  •  Build to a climax. Create a building sensation using parallel construction.
  • Raise your glass near the end.
  • End with a poem, quote, or wish them well. (I really think a well-chosen quote makes these speeches special…it is worth the time to look for one to make it really special)

Note: Typically short toasts are memorized and longer toasts are written as a manuscript.

  Wedding Toasts Possible Patterns

Give Their New Spouse the Manual of How to Get Along with Them

  • Tell a story or two about your friendship with your friend
  • Tell a story about when your friend met the person they are marrying. What did they say about this person? What were your first impressions? Tell anything about the two of them together? What are they like as a couple? How do you know they are right for each other? Tell something you observe about them when they are together?
  • Give the person advice on how to navigate life with your friend since you know them so well. Think of this as passing on the manual.

Three Stories

  • Tell three stories about the couple.
  • Maybe, how they met, the engagement, and a story they tell on themselves.
  • Maybe, three ways you know they are in love.
  • Maybe, three things you noticed about how they care for each other.

I Knew It Was Love…

  • Tell five ways that you knew it was love. Tell a story attached to each of the ways
  • Tell what your friend was like before and how they are better now than they are with the one they love.

Note: Never mention old girlfriend/boyfriends, never give away secrets to clueless family members (they are living together, that you and your friend snuck out in high school), and always keep it positive. You likely have inside information about the person you are toasting–their wedding is not the time to reveal it. 

Retirement Toast Possible Patterns

If you are a work colleague of the person retiring:

  • These are the three things that set this person apart.
  • These are the three things that I learned from this person.

If you are the child or the spouse of the person retiring:

  • Talk about what their career looked like from your position. How were they dedicated?
  • How did it help you benefit from their job and friends? What did you learn from watching them work?

Note: It can be fun to use their job as the theme. For example, if the person is a coach make the whole speech in the theme of a game. If the person is in sales, use marketing terms to hold it together. If they collected something interesting that was displayed in the office, it lends itself to the theme.

Graduation Toast Possible Patterns

Looking back, looking ahead

  • Tell a few stories about them before graduation and tell what you expect to see in the future.

We’ve come through a lot together, Here’s some advice for your next step.

  • Tell stories of your relationship, how that relationship talks about character attributes that led them to graduate.
  • Give advice on how to navigate the next step.

Top Ten List

  • Ten things you need to know about (surviving college, having your first real job, etc.).
  • This can be especially fun coming from the sibling that is in college to the one headed to college.
  • Top ten things you learned in school that you can use in life.
  • Top ten things about you that will make you successful.

Let Us Not Forget

  • A series of memories that you and most of the group present share. Great for a group of friends
  • Find some great meaning to it all. What did it all mean? what did you learn?

Note: It can be fun to use their major, their future job, or their hobbies as the theme. 

Anniversary Toast Patterns

  • Maybe how they met, the engagement, and a story they tell on themselves.
  • Tell five ways that you knew it was love and tell a story attached to each of the ways. Interview five of their friends and tell the five stories from their friends about love.

How They Taught You What Love Is

  • What have you learned by watching them love each other well?

A Biography of Love

  • Tell a story about their love when they met when they overcame when they did things together.
  • Tell a timeline of love events and stories about every major milestone.

Ending a Toast Speech

Typically, a toast speech ends with a thoughtful saying, witty quote, or poem.  There are many toast websites with great one-liners or short poems you can use to end a toast. If it is a longer toast, consider using a theme and connecting the ending with the theme.

“May misfortunes chase you all of your life and never catch up.” “As you slide down the banister of life may the splinters never point the wrong way.”

Short, Short Toasts

There may be times you are called to give a quick, one to three-sentence toast. It is a good idea to have a few memorized quotes ready that can be woven into a short, short toast.

Here is to those who’ve seen us at our best and seen us at our worst and can’t tell the difference. May you live for as long as you want, and never want for as long as you live! May we get what we want, but never what we deserve. May you always lie, cheat, and steal. Lie beside the one you love, cheat the devil, and steal away from bad company. Here’s to friends and family who know us well but love us just the same. Let us drink to bread, for without bread, there would be no toast. “Here’s to that long straight piece in Tetris.”

Toast Etiquette

example of a toast speech

How Do You Hold the Glass?

Both wine and champagne glasses should be held by the stem, not by the bowl. “You should always hold the glass by the stem, no matter what the shape or size of the glass or the type of wine,” says Michael Greenlee, the sommelier and wine director of Gotham Bar and Grill, in New York City. “The most common mistake I see in restaurants and at dinner parties is people holding a wineglass by the bowl.”

Three reasons to hold the glass by the stem: 

  • The glass is pretty;  you don’t want your fingerprints to mess it up.
  • Putting your hand on the glass would block seeing the color of the wine or block your ability to watch the bubbles dance in the champagne.
  • White wine and champagne are chilled, and red wine is served a room temperature. The temperature influences the taste and your hands on the glass will warm up the beverage and change it from its optimal temperature.

What Do You Do When Listening to a Toast?

Those who are listening to someone being toasted should hold their glass when the toast is being made.  At the end of the toast, listeners should raise their glasses, tilt the glass towards the person being toasted, and then take a sip.

What Do You Do If You Are the One Being Toasted?

When you are being toasted, you should sit and listen.  Smile and nod to let the person toasting know you are listening. You should not hold or lift your glass.  Once the toast is over and everyone has had a sip, then you may nod and/or say, “Thank You.”  One of the more common questions I get is, “Do I drink to myself?” and the answer is “no, you do not drink to yourself.”

Should We Clink our Glasses?

Check five different etiquette specialists and you will get five different answers. Some groups clink and some groups don’t clink. It is best to take your lead from those with the highest power of those in the center of the event. For example, if you have dinner with your co-workers and your boss is present, see what the boss does. If you are at a wedding, see what the head table does and copy.

The larger the group, the less likely there will be glass touching because it is difficult to touch everyone’s glasses. If you are in a clinking group, when you touch the bowl of the glasses together, you should always look them in the eye and smile.

“As with many of our food traditions, the clinking of glasses traces its root to the health and safety of the drinker. In this case, it goes back to the tendency of nobles to kill each other off by poisoning their food! Wine was very commonly drunk during medieval days because it was one of the only safe liquids available. Water was often polluted, and milk was both useful for other things and thought to be for children only. As the wine was often full of sediment, a poison was easily introduced into it. To prove that his wine was safe, the host would pour a bit of his guest’s wine into his own glass and drink it first, to prove it was safe. If the guest trusted his host, however, he would merely clink his flagon against that of his host’s when his host offered his cup for the sample. The ‘clink’ (or perhaps ‘clunk’ back then, since wood or metal was more common for drinking vessels) was a sign of trust and honesty.” Text from Wineintro.  Clinking of Wine Glasses and Toasts. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from  http://www.wineintro.com/champagne/clinkglass.html

Toasting Rules

A hand holding a wine glass

Hold up your glass while giving a toast.

Never toast with an empty glass, it is considered bad luck.

Always hold the glass by the stem.

Avoid getting the beautiful glasses smudged. That means, not touching the bowl. It also means sipping from the same place on the glass.

Always drink to the person being toasted. If you don’t take a sip then it means that you disagree with the nice things that were said about the person. If you are full of liquid or prefer not to sip the alcohol, just put your lips to the glass and fake it.

If you oversee the filling of the glasses, hold the wine bottle near the bottom and only fill glasses halfway up to give the wine room to breathe. Always offer wine to others before pouring your own wine.

In some regions, people will gently use a knife to tap the glass to bring the group to attention.

At some weddings, the quests may tap their glasses to mean the bride and groom should kiss.

Brainstorm About Your Person

Read through these questions and try to answer them about your person. Not all the questions will relate, and that is OK. That question may trigger an unrelated memory that you can use.

Story What is the story of the two of you as children? What is the first memory you have of this person? How did you meet? What is the story of the two of you as teens? What is the story of the two of you as adults? What is an adventure you had together? When did you do something involving this person that didn’t work out as planned? What is a story that is often told about this person? What is a struggle this person has overcome or a story of where you overcame together? What story will history remember about this person? What story will you tell your kids one day? Why is this person special to you in a way that no one else knows? When did you and this person make a difficult situation fun? How have you seen this person grow?

Stuff What do they collect? What are their hobbies? What types of things are important to them? (Pets, cars, shoes) What are they known for having? (Name brand clothes, a great boat) What does their house/car/backpack say about them? What do you have of theirs that means a lot to you? How is their favorite movie, favorite superhero, favorite song a reflection of them?

The Person What are the physical characteristics that become part of their persona (Tall, big feet, curly hair)? What are they known for emotionally (being kind, being passionate, being stubborn)? What are the phrases they say often? What are they famous for? (Cooking, getting lost)

Relationship How did you meet? What has kept your relationship with this person going? What has been the highlight of the relationship? What do their friends say about them?

Wedding Toast

When and how did they meet? What were your first impressions of them as a couple? What did your friend say about the first time they met? If you were given three wishes for them as a couple, what would they be?

Toast Speech Samples from College Students Toasting Other College Students

Today, I would like to raise my glass (raise your glass) to by the far the most gifted athlete in our class. She showed us what it takes to be a student athlete at the University of Arkansas. She opened up her heart and shared the stories about her mother with us. I know we were all touched. She taught us how to improve our puts and She taught us that golf can be fun. We even learned that even the best athletes get nervous sometimes. In the words of Roy, tin cup, McEvoy, “I hit it again because that shot was a defining moment, and when a defining moment comes along, you define the moment… or the moment defines you.” To Ana, may you always define the moment and not let it define you! I ask students to toast their classmates and to give reference to things that student has said or done in class, consider the following speech ending that references three of the student’s former speeches. Sean here this is to you for all you have given us. May your bike never fail you (reference to speech on changing a tire), May your sense of nature keep you wandering (reference to speech on camping) and may your lessons live on, in this lifetime and the next (reference to speech on missionary work).

To someone who Has opened her heart and mind to this class With hopes that they too will join in her efforts to serve God and humanity

To someone who Has made us all feel as if her papaw was our own Pitching and swinging the bat

To someone who Has made each person in this class believe As if we can make a difference in the world One Krispy Kreme doughnut at a time

Anne Frank said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment Before starting to improve the world. “

To Haley, we toast to you (raise glass) For you have already begun improving the world.

Best Man Toasts the Couple by Joe Burlingame

Thank you all for gathering here tonight on the beautiful occasion to celebrate the love of Korey and Paola. My name is Joe Burlingame and I know many of you have traveled from long distances to be here and we are so grateful that y’all came. Since the lovely maid of honor spoke so highly of Paola I am going to try and make Korey seem like he is worthy.

When Korey told me that things were getting serious and that he was going to propose,

My initial reaction was “Woah, Korey I am flattered but I am perfectly content with being fraternity brothers,” but everybody knew he was talking about Paola. Korey and I’s relationship started about 5 years ago And to this day I remember my first impression–it was like any first impression when we first meet an accounting major/// Aw—wk–kward.

Our friendship though took off like a rocket ship, and before we knew it we were roommates up to the time he betrayed me and found a permanent roommate. I won’t say any names but she is in this room.

In the 4 years, I lived with Korey, I have found 3 things that make him the perfect roommate.

First, Korey loves spontaneous trips. Korey and I went to 6-7 concerts one semester. We only bought tickets in advance for one and that was because it was the one band I wanted to go see. The others were concerts that Korey had caught wind of last-minute and persuaded me to go. One concert, in particular, was the night of Korey and Paola’s first date. They had gone and got coffee and macaroons I think it was maybe an hour-long date. When he got back Korey talked about it as if they had spent a year with each other. Paola I knew then that you had to be special if you had him talking about you for that long.

Second, Korey is a humble servant. Korey if there is a characteristic that describes you it is being a humble servant. I would complain about how hot it was mowing our yard, but you would not only mow ours but our elderly neighbor’s yard as well. You thought you were invisible– I saw it all. Whether it be cleaning dishes, cooking, or constantly going to our neighbors to see if they needed anything done, you were a servant and  I was thankful for you.

Paola I am jealous, I am now going to have to clean and cook for myself now. Nik Birchfield said it best “Korey doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk”

Lastly, Korey is someone who is thoughtful. I remember when we first moved in Korey brought in this huge water jug of change and a little wooden chest, I asked what the heck is that for. He responded with “Man I plan on getting married and in order to get married you need a ring.” I was blown away– I never would have thought of that.

Paola I regret that we never really got to hang out. When I saw Korey take that jug of bills and come back with a ring and he started describing why he picked this specific ring out because it matched your characteristics I knew we would be friends.

Korey and I were roommates the night before he was going to pop the question. He practiced a lot with what he was going to say. I know because he practiced on me. I don’t know how many times we practiced the scenario but I could tell you that the words he was going to say to you were heartfelt and genuine

Paola I was able to have the perfect roommate for a few years, but now you will have the perfect roommate for life.

To Paola and Korey!

Hilarious Father of the Bride Toast

This toast is a good example of how to tell a funny story in a speech. This father’s story is brilliant, and his long pauses are perfect for this speech. He goes from having you crying from laughter to tearing up with sentiment.

Atlasobscura. Raise a glass to our readers’ favorite drinking toasts. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/best-drinking-toasts-and-cheers

Burlingame, J.  Best man toast. Advanced Public Speaking. University of Arkansas.

Chidi-Ogbonna, K. (2018). Nine wine etiquette habits to know. https://thefinestitallianwine.com

Real Simple (n.d.). From how to hold a wine glass  http://www.realsimple.com/realsimple/content/0,21770,712709,00.html

Revelations Video. The most hilarious father of the bride toast.[Video] YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOKduRf7o4k Standard YouTube License.

Wineintro. (2008). Clinking of wine glasses and toasts.  http://www.wineintro.com/champagne/clinkglass.html

Media Attributions

  • Toasting © Zan is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
  • matthieu-joannon-6ciLddToTgM-unsplash © Mattheiu Joannon is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
  • holding wine glass is licensed under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license
  • marcel-gross-marcelgross-ch-sHTwDYKti6Q-unsplash © Marcel Gross is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

Advanced Public Speaking Copyright © 2021 by Lynn Meade is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Wedding Hairstyle Ideas
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In This Article

Best Wedding Toasts

  • Wedding Toasts Order
  • Traditional Toasts
  • Best Man & Maid Of Honor Toasts
  • Parent Toasts
  • Sister Toasts
  • Bride and Groom Toasts
  • Short And Simple Toasts
  • Classic Literary Toasts
  • Shakespearean Toast
  • Religious Toasts
  • Movie Toasts
  • Funny Toasts
  • Irish Toasts

Awesome Wedding Toasts

  • Wedding Anniversary Toasts

Wedding Toast Etiquette

  • Dos and Don'ts of Wedding Toasts
  • Wedding Party & Reception

100+ Best Wedding Toasts For Different Types Of Guests

Natalia Bayeva

Via Unsplash

Wedding toasts contribute a lot to the overall atmosphere of the wedding. Love, sincerity, romance… It can be difficult to put your feelings into words. We have collected the best wedding toast examples to inspire you. Find your perfect toast here!

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Brides Often Ask

What are some good wedding toasts.

Express warm wishes for the couple’s future, share a memorable story, and keep it heartfelt.

What do you say when toasting at a wedding?

Start by acknowledging the occasion, express gratitude, and wish the couple a happy life together.

What are some examples of great toasts?

Tailor your toast to the couple, include humor or sentiment, and keep it concise.

What is a good short wedding quote?

“Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.” – Unknown


Wedding Toast Order

example of a toast speech

There is also a traditional order that wedding toasts follow. Tradition isn’t set in stone, however, and you could rewrite the rules to fit your own wedding situation as you see fit. Below we have the simple order for wedding reception toast. This should be quite similar for traditional and non-traditional weddings.

  • The best man is usually the first to give a toast.
  • The maid of honor gives her toast next.
  • After this, the host of the event, usually the mother or father of the bride, gives their toast.
  • The parents of the groom may or may not follow with their toast.
  • At this time, a few select gusts might go next.
  • In some settings, the bride or groom, or the couple close with a toast of their own.

Any guests who would like to say something would usually notify the couple a few weeks before the wedding so that they can be added to the queue.

Wedding toasts are often given at the end of your speech, so you’ll want to go out saying the right words at the moment. The best wedding toasts ever are not too long or too short. And, whether they’re movie wedding toasts or toasts about love, they perfectly express your wishes for the couple.

Here are a few examples of the best wedding toasts:

“To the bride and groom, may the roof above you never fall in and may you both never fall out.”
“I wish thee health, I wish thee wealth, I wish thee gold in store, I wish thee heaven upon earth. What could I wish thee more?”
“Let us raise our glasses to the happy couple. May you grow old on one pillow.”
“May your joys be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as its foam.”
“Here’s to the past, for all that you’ve learnt. Here’s to the present, for all that you share. Here’s to the future, for all that you’ve got to look forward to.”
“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” Oscar Wilde
“May thy life be long and happy, Thy cares and sorrows few; And the many friends around thee Prove faithful, fond and true.”
“May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn’t live a day without you.”
“Here’s to the bride, May your hours of joy be as numerous as the petals of your bridal bouquet. Here’s to the groom, A man who keeps his head though he loses his heart.”
“Here’s to the new husband and here’s to the new wife. May they remain lovers for all of life.”

Traditional Toast Examples

Traditional wedding reception toasts are sweet, sentimental, and meaningful. They are more subtle and laid back, yet pack a punch like the examples below.

From Groom to Bride:

“When I first set my eyes on you, it was rainbows, flowers, and thunder. I knew you were the one for me and I couldn’t let you go. Your intellect, personality, and sweetness charmed me and I felt overwhelmed. The stars aligned in my favor when I realized that we lived the same things. The best part is that you love me too. I couldn’t be luckier, and I love you until my last breath.”

From Groom to Guests

“We want to thank you beautiful people for your presence here and for sharing in our joy. To our parents, friends, family, and associates, we wouldn’t be here today without all your efforts, support and guidance. Coming here today means the world to us, so thank you for loving and honoring us.”

General Toasts:

“The truth is this, finding a person who loves you just as you are is the best thing in life. They see you through your bad, good, high, low, and everything in between without bailing out. The person still sees the sun rise and set in your eyes. When you find that person, stick with them. I found mine, so raise your glasses as we toast to…”

From Best Man & Maid Of Honor

wedding toasts bride groom hands

The best man and the maid of honor are the leaders of the bridal party. The best man is leading the wedding – and his speech is something a lot of people are looking forward to. He has to follow the organizational part, keep in mind all the little things. It is also his responsibility to toast the bride.

The same goes for the maid of honor . She is the bride’s best friend, so she is the one to toast the groom.

Here are a couple of examples of best man and bridesmaid toast examples:

“Eve was very jealous. And, although there were only two in paradise when Adam came home too late, she counted his ribs just in case. We wish our young not to be so jealous, and her husband – not to give an occasion to count the ribs!”
“In the hearts of our young people, the fire of love burns. This is a sacred fire. So, let’s fill our glasses and drink to ensure that it never goes out in their hearts!”
“No matter how many years passes – be it 10 or 20 years of family life, – I want the groom to lose his head, but not his reason, looking at his lovely wife.”
“Friends! I offer to drink for a kiss! This is the idea that a man came up with because he did not find any other way to close a mouth to a woman.”
“They say it’s not a marvel that two people are different, but it’s a marvel is they can live together so happily. Live marvelously, our dear newlyweds!”
“A real woman can make a man think that he is the winner, though she was the one who was victorious. Look at our groom. He looks like a winner. Therefore, let us drink to his beautiful victory and the woman who allowed herself to be defeated, the bride.”
“Rumor has it in a perfect family the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where it is going. May you have a truly perfect family!”
“What is the difference between a fairy tale and reality? A fairy tale is when the prince marries a snake, and she becomes a princess. Reality is quite the contrary. Let your life together be a fairy tale!”
“When a man is persistent, he will certainly achieve what a woman wants. Let’s drink to ensure that the purposefulness of men and the vagaries of women coincide!”
“May the two of you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. Here is to a wonderful wedding day and an even more marvelous marriage.”

Parent Wedding Toasts

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The father of the bride usually starts parental wedding toasts. For the newlyweds, their parents’ blessing is extremely important.

We believe that wedding toasts father of the groom examples also proves helpful.

Your children are getting married, so it is natural to give them some wise advice on the family life they are about to start together.

“Dear children! Let your marriage be happy! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you happiness to be eternal, let your love burn bright, and friends remain true! Let’s drink to a happy union!”
“To live in love and harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband – an iron endurance. So, let’s drink to a reliable alloy of two metals, for the fusion of the souls of the newlyweds!”
“The meaning of life is a family, this is our destiny, in fact, for it is for the sake of the family and our children that live! Let your life be happy, and the smiles and joy of your loved ones warm your hearts with warmth and comfort!”
“The secret of a successful marriage lies in one popular wisdom: you do not need to love as much as possible, just as long as possible! So keep going, let your passion burn through the years!”
“Today we wish you happiness. May the Lord protect you from the storm and bad weather, bad people, from pain and illness, from hardships. May God grant you a lot of passion, ardor, and love! And a lot of happiness!”
“A spouse is supporting in life. Strengthening the pillars, we extend our life. So, let us drink to the spouses and for them to always love and support each other.”
‘I want to see you grow old together. Count each other’s wrinkles as the years pass by. See who losses all of the teeth and who will need the help of the walking stick first.’
“Always remember the most important four words for a successful marriage: ‘I’ll do the dishes.'”
1 John 3:18 – “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Sister’s Wedding Toast

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Preparing a toast to your sister may not be easy. However, remembering the special bond you share, all you need do is put it in words. Try to summarize what she means to you and the joy that you wish for her. You could even say a toast from your favorite movie you both share for something unique.

See some samples below.

“[Bride,] for as long as I have known you, you have always been someone who has been able to find the joy in everything. I am so glad that you can share this ability to see the joy in everything with [groom.] May your life together be joyous and full of love.”
“Here is to the groom with a bride so fair, and here is to a bride with a groom who is so rare.”
“May you always have walls for the wind, a roof for the rain, tea by the fire, laughter to cheer you up, and everything that your heart desires. Congratulations [bride] and [groom.]”

Bride and Groom Toast Examples

The Bride and groom would toast to the guests in appreciation for their presence among other things. See some sweet tips and wedding toasts examples to adopt.

Bride and Groom Toast Tips

Give thanks to parents Thank your parents and parent’s in-law for being sweet and gracious to you all your lives. If they also contributed to the wedding, make a special mention. Also, let the guests know you’ve got the best parents. Remind them that even though you’re married, they’d never lose your love. Recount beautiful times with them and some instances where they came through for you. Make a toast to them after your spouse. Give Thanks to all guests Guests braved the odds, elements, spare time, and finances to show up for you. Appreciating them would give a sense of belonging and pride. Remind them how they made your day special with their prayers, wishes, and gifts. Wish them a safe return to where they came from and make your next toast to them. Give thanks to special people Some specific people contributed to making your big day a success. These special people deserve a mention. These people include your parents, the parent inlaws, bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen, family, and best man. Mention specific friends who contribute to your wedding one way or another, even in their absence. Thank them profusely and make another toast to them.

Here are some examples:

Groom Toast To Bride:

“The minute you acknowledge you want to spend forever with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Let our journey begin, (name).”

Bride Toast To Groom:

“To my soul mate and lover – we’ve scaled the Hoops, jumped the blocks, and now we’re here. I am most excited to do forever with you, (name).”

Groom Speech to Groomsmen

“And to my Best Man and Groomsmen, thank you for your immense support and presence here today. You know I don’t joke with my beauty Sleep and wouldn’t have made it to the wedding on time without all of you. Maybe my bride would have left me, so you saved my life. You are the best friends I could ever have, and celebrating our happiness with you today made our wedding more meaningful. Every one of you has earned a special place in my heart and that of my wife. We can’t wait to enjoy bonfires, barbecues, get-togethers, and make more memories with you because we’re stuck for life.”

Groom Speech to Bridesmaids

“Here’s to my bride’s Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids— you are angels. You all know our hearts and what your support and friendship mean to us. My bride is a stunner, from her make-up to attire and overall look. You all made it possible and on time. She appreciates you, as I do. Having you here and sharing in our biggest moment is one of the rarest gifts we could get. Your presence makes us feel special and complete and we’re blessed to have you girls, in our lives. You’ve proven formidable, loyal, and selfless and with you on our side, we can go through life with faith. Thank you from the depth of our hearts. We love you girls immensely!”

Short Wedding Toasts To The Bride & Groom

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You need to toast the bride and groom?

You might want to tell them everything you feel like sharing. Your overflowing emotions are quite natural if you are close to the couple. Still, make sure your wedding toast is not too long. After all, this is a very special day for the couple, and you have to help them keep to the general timeline.

Here are some short wedding toast examples to help you:

“Let your love last forever, and be longer than the last sunset.”
‘Two are better than one.” — Ecclesiastes 4:9
“I found the one whom my soul loves.” — Song of Solomon 3:4
“Here’s to the groom, a man who was able to keep his head, but lost his heart.”
“Follow the way of love.” — I Corinthians 14:1
“Deep love is stronger than life.”—Jewish proverb
“Nothing is real but dreams and love.” —Anna de Noailles
“Where there is love, there is no darkness.”—Burundi proverb
“Here’s to the newlyweds – may these two share everything with each other… and that includes the chores!”

Classic & Traditional Literary Wedding Toasts

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If you are looking for some wedding toast ideas, you might want to use some ready-made examples to boost your imagination. This list of classical and traditional literary wedding toasts is perfect for celebrating a wedding.

These toasts will give you some wedding toast inspiration, or just help you to spice up what you’ve already written.

Watching (bride) and (groom) together makes my heart sing with joy. I am proud to be a part of this special day. Let us toast to the newlyweds, who make us believe true love still exists. (Bride) and (groom,) may you find joy with each other each and every day from this day forward. My sincere congratulations! Remember this special day, as it is the day that your life together as husband and wife starts. To (bride) and (groom,) may you always find comfort, strength and endless happiness in each other. Please join me as I raise a glass to these two newlyweds.
“To love another person is to see the face of God.” — Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
“There is only one happiness in life: To love and be loved.” — George Sand
“Love her. The way you do just the one time.” — Red Wind by Raymond Chandler
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
‘It’s now or never, isn’t it?’—Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
“We laugh and laugh, and nothing can ever be sad, no one can be lost, or dead, or far away: right now we are here, and nothing can mar our perfection, or steal the joy of this perfect moment.”—The Time Traveler’s Wife
“Health and life to you; The woman of your choice for you; A child every year for you; And may you die in Ireland.” —Irish proverb

Shakespearean Wedding Toast

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There are lots of examples of wedding toast speeches so you might want to be more original.

Shakespearean wedding toasts include the pieces of works by the great poet himself and those that have the same feeling about them. They add some Medieval atmosphere, which might be great for a boho or thematical celebration. After all, this period of literature is all about romance.

“God, the best maker of all marriages, Combine your hearts in one.” — King Henry V, Act V
“Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt thy love.” — Hamlet
“Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes; Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.” — Romeo and Juliet
“May a flock of blessings light upon thy back.” – Romeo and Juliet
‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.’ – A Midsummer Night’s Dream”May thy life be long and happy, thy cares and sorrows few; And the many friends around thee prove faithful, fond and true. May your voyage through life be as happy and as free as the dancing waves on the deep blue sea.”
“But rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.”
“For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way. Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.”
“May the light of friendship guide your paths together. And may the laughter of children grace the halls of your home. May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips a twinkle from your eye.”

Religious Wedding Toasts

wedding toasts guests bride groom ceremony

If you’ve been wondering how to end a wedding toast, you can always add a bit of spirituality. It’s up to you to decide on whether religious wedding toasts are appropriate, depending on your and the couple’s religious beliefs. Bible love quotes make timeless wedding toast quotes .

Take a look at the examples and get inspired.

Song of Solomon 4:9: “You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.”
Galatians 5:13 “Through love serve one another.”
Song of Solomon 8:7 “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.”
Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
1 John 4:18-19 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us.”
Corinthians 13 “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”
Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.”
Romans 12:9 “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Movie Wedding Speech Quotes

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Want some more original wedding toasts examples?

Think about movie quotes!

You can include quotes from some of the bride and groom’s favorite movies . Movie quotes are especially nice if you have a movie-themed wedding. Surprise the bride and groom with a well-known quote. These kinds of toasts are more memorable and help create an atmosphere of love and romance.

Casablanca: ‘Here’s looking at you, kid.’
When Harry Met Sally: ‘When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.’
Love Actually: “To me, you are perfect”
Bram Stoker’s Dracula: ‘I have crossed oceans of time to find you’
Serendipity: ‘It’s like at that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together.’
My Best Friend’s Wedding: ‘Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy.’
Moulin Rouge: ’The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.’
Bridget Jones’s Baby: ‘Sometimes you love a person because of all the reasons they’re not like you. And sometimes you love a person just because they feel like home.’
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: ‘I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.’
Meet Joe Black: ‘Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without. If you don’t start with that, what are you going to end up with?’
Good Will Hunting: “It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.”

Funny Wedding Toasts

wedding toasts groom bride hands

A bit of humor can never hurt. Laughter is essential for every wedding, it helps to reduce the stress of the importance of the event. Examples of funny wedding toasts will be especially helpful for the best man , as his toast is supposed to be more entertaining than the rest.

Don’t be afraid to bring a little fun into the otherwise serious celebration with these funny quotes.

“They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head, and the wife is the heart. So, let us drink to the fact that our young people did not know in life either headaches or heartaches!”
‘Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.’ – Albert Einstein
‘Love is sharing your popcorn.’ – Charles Schultz
‘It is impossible to love and be wise.’ – Francis Bacon
‘True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.’- Erich Segal
‘It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.’ – Rita Rudner
‘Being married means mostly shouting “What?” from other rooms.’
‘Marry a man your own age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.’— Phyllis Diller
‘Love is a lot like a backache: it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.’ — George Burns
‘All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.’ — Charles Schulz

Writing an awesome wedding toast can be nerve-wracking, but with a little preparation and practice, anyone can deliver a memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression.

“To the happy couple, I have known [bride/groom] for [number] of years and I have never seen [him/her] as happy as [he/she] is now. [Insert a personal anecdote or story about the couple]. [Bride/groom], you have found your soulmate in [bride/groom] and I couldn’t be happier for you both. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“Good evening, everyone. I am honored to be here today to celebrate the love of [bride] and [groom]. [Insert a personal anecdote or story about the couple]. You two are the perfect match, and I am confident that you will have a beautiful life together. [Bride/groom], you have found your true soulmate in [bride/groom], and I am so happy that you have each other. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations and cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to give a toast to the happy couple. [Insert a personal anecdote or story about the couple]. [Bride/groom], you two are a perfect match, and I have no doubt that you will have a long and happy life together. You have found your soulmate in each other, and I am honored to be here today to witness your love. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations, and cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!”

Irish Toast Examples

The Irish are blessed with the gift of proverbs and gab. These traits infuse into prayers and wishes for the married couple like our examples below.

“May you have a love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you!”
“Bless you and yours, as well as the cottage you live in. May the roof overhead be well thatched, and those inside be well matched”

Wedding Anniversary Toast

wedding toasts huge groom bride golden hour

“To a couple that we all know, admire, and love with all our hearts. We all wish the best for you and we toast to your health and happiness.”
“Here’s to the husband and here’s to the wife. May the two of you continue to remain lovers for life.”
“As you celebrate this happy day in your life, remember that the best days are yet to come. In the meantime, let us raise a glass to your marriage and to your health and happiness.”

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There is a certain etiquette to follow when writing your toast. This can guide you and act as tips that you can use in writing some of the best toasts this wedding season. Use the following when writing your toast , and you will find writing toast for weddings much easier than expected.

  • Keep it brief

One of the rules for writing a wedding toast is to keep it brief. While you might have a lot to say, you will find that having a short wedding toast is much better than a long one. To avert boredom on the part of your guests, anything under two to three minutes is perfect.

Practice saying your toast a few times after it is written. Even better in front of a mirror. This will help you greatly when it is time to do it live. If you build your toast around a quote for a wedding toast, this could help keep it memorable and easy to recall when you need it.

  • Catch and keep your audience’s attention

Speak clearly and audibly. And be it with toast quotes or a joke, insert something that will keep your guests attentive. You don’t want to struggle to be heard or try to speak over people already talking to one another.

  • Remember to raise your glass

Whether you are a drinker or not, remember to raise your glass to the couple at the end of your toast. Better to raise an empty glass than refuse to participate at all, at the end of your simple wedding toast.

Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Toasts

example of a toast speech

What to include and what better to avoid in a wedding toast?

  • Do get everyone’s attention. Do it tactfully! If you choose to do so by clinking at a champagne glass, it can be quite annoying.
  • Don’t make it long. Keep it as short, as possible. Speaking for two to three minutes should be the maximum.
  • Don’t say anything embarrassing! A wedding toast is not the time to swear, remember exes, or tell the stories of past failures. Don’t make everyone regret they gave you the mic!
  • Be sincere – your words should be truly heartfelt.
  • Don’t forget to raise your glass as you say the toast.
  • Do practice your toast at home – this way you will deliver your toast more smoothly.

Weddings toasts are beautiful endings to heartfelt speeches. They can be witty, funny, romantic, or traditional. We have put together wedding toasts tips that can help you prepare for your big day, whether for the bride, wedding party, parents, or even guests. Get ideas from this post and speak confidently on your big day.

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125 Wedding Toasts to End Your Speech on a High

Want to give a wedding toast? Here are the best wedding toast examples, from words of wisdom from the father of the bride to hilarious, heartfelt quotes

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Trish the Celebrant

Writing a wedding speech isn’t always easy, so finishing with a wedding toast can be a great way to round off your message to the newlyweds.

Finding the right words for a wedding toast can be tough, but thinking about what the happy couple would like to hear is a great place to start. Perhaps the pair like cracking jokes, and would prefer a funny wedding toast one-liner? Or maybe they’re more romantic, and would prefer a sentimental anecdote.

Try to remember if they share a favourite film or inspirational quote, as they can make for an awesome wedding toast.

We’ve rounded up all our top wedding toast examples so you’ll have lots of options. Whether you’re searching for the perfect father of the bride speech, or you’re a groom looking for the right words to say to his new partner, you’ll find plenty of ideas and inspiration.

For those that are a little nervous, you might like to go for something punchy, so consider a short wedding speech. If you’re a bit of a wordsmith, take a look at our longer rhyming toasts. Most of these wedding toast samples traditionally refer to a bride and groom, but it’s easy to mix them up for all LGBTQ+ couples.

The toast marks the end of your speech, so think of it as a safety net that is there to catch you if you lose your place or forget your words. It’s also the chance to take a much deserved drink, so enjoy it!

If you're looking for wedding toast tips in a hurry, here are five simple and snappy wedding toasts in under one minute - feel free to borrow one of these.

Types of Wedding Toast

Click below for the best wedding toast examples:

Traditional Wedding Toasts

Funny wedding toasts, wedding toast to the newlyweds.

  • Wedding Toast from Parents
  • Wedding Toast to Bride
  • Wedding Toast to Groom

Best Man Toasts

Wedding toast for a second marriage, wedding toast quotes, 125 of the best wedding toast examples.

Ready to get stuck in? Scroll on to discover some of our favourite wedding toasts, to suit all styles of wedding speech, and all speech givers!

Wedding toasts have been around for centuries. Many of these traditional toasts are either proverbs or blessings from the likes of Ireland or Armenia. Use one of these for a sentimental toast, wishing a bright future on the couple. There's a lot of use of husband and wife so adapt if you're toasting an LGBTQ+ couple to suit how they prefer to be identified.

“Here’s to the past, for all that you’ve learnt. Here’s to the present, for all that you share. Here’s to the future, for all that you’ve got to look forward to.”

“May these rich blessings be your due… A wealth of friendships, old and new, Quiet nights and busy days, time for prayer and time for praise, Some service rendered, some solace given, And gentle peace with God and heaven.”

“May thy life be long and happy, Thy cares and sorrows few; And the many friends around thee Prove faithful, fond and true.”

“May your wedding days be few and your anniversaries many.”

“Please make sure your glasses are charged and join me in toasting the new Mr and Mrs [NAME]. Ladies and gentlemen, to the bride and groom!”

“May you live as long as you like, and have all you like for as long as you live.”

“May the hinges of friendship never rust Or the wings of love lose a feather! Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and the groom May they live happily forever.”

“To the bride and groom, may the roof above you never fall in and may you both never fall out.”

“Let’s drink to love, which is nothing – unless it’s divided by two.”

“May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn’t live a day without you.”

“I wish thee health, I wish thee wealth I wish thee gold in store I wish thee heaven upon earth. What could I wish thee more?”

“Here’s to the new husband and here’s to the new wife. May they remain lovers for all of life.”

“To long life and happiness – for your life will be my happiness.”

“To the lamp of love – may it burn brightest in the darkest hours and never flicker in the winds of trial.”

“Here’s to the bride, May your hours of joy be as numerous as the petals of your bridal bouquet. Here’s to the groom, A man who keeps his head though he loses his heart.”

“Live life to the fullest – remember, this is the first day of the rest of your life.”

“Here’s to love, laughter and happily ever after. As (Groom) and (Bride) start their new life, Let’s toast the new husband and wife!”

“Let us raise our glasses to the happy couple. May you grow old on one pillow.”

“Here’s to the bride and the bridegroom, We’ll ask their success in our prayers, And through life’s dark shadows and sunshine That good luck may always be theirs.”

“May your joys be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as its foam.”

(A toast to grandparents) “Let us raise our glasses And then imbibe To the splendid couple Who founded this tribe.”

Wedding toast humour can be a little daunting, but finishing with a hilarious toast to the happy couple is a classic crowd-pleaser. Not every couple wants mushy wedding speeches or a soppy toast, so a funny wedding toast might be more fitting for their personalities. Just read the room first! 

Whether you go for a funny wedding toast one-liner or a witty poem, we’ve got lots more funny wedding toasts you can explore, but these ones below are our favourites. Perfect if you’re the best man, friend, or brother in need of the perfect wedding toast - and you can also switch them up if you're celebrating an LGBTQ+ couple.

“Raise your glasses to both [daughter’s partner] and me as we’ve each gained something this fine and blessed day. S/he gains a wife and a companion for life – while I gain a whole new stack of bills to pay.”

“To the two secrets to a long-lasting happy marriage: Here’s to a good sense of humour –and a short memory!”

“Before we raise a glass to the newlyweds, I’d like to share a Pauline Thomason quote with you: ‘Love is blind – marriage is the eye-opener.’ To the happy couple!”

“May our children be blessed with rich parents!”

“Here’s to you and here’s to me, I hope we never disagree, But if, perchance, we ever do, Then here’s to me, to hell with you.”

“[NAME] stole [NAME'S] heart, so she stole his last name. All in all, I would say that things worked out quite nicely. Let us toast to these lovebirds on their wedding day.”

“Congratulations on the termination of your isolation and may I express an appreciation of your determination to end the desperation and frustration which has caused you so much consternation in giving you the inspiration to make a combination to bring an accumulation to the population.”

“[NEARLYWED] and [NEARLYWED], before I finish, I’d like you to turn to face each other. You’re now looking into the eyes of the person who is statistically most likely to murder you. To the bride and groom!”

“To keep a marriage brimming with love in the loving cup- When you are wrong, admit it and when you are right, shut up!”

“May all your ups and downs come only in the bedroom.”

“To the bride – may she share everything with her husband, including the housework!”

“Before we raise our glasses to the happy couple, I’d like to make a toast to wives and lovers everywhere – may they never, ever cross paths!”

“I have known many, Liked not a few, Loved only one – I toast to you.”

“For one more time, I’m going to ask everyone to charge their glasses and – for those who still can – stand, and raise a glass to the newlyweds”

“To our best friends, who know the most about us, but refuse to believe it.”

“Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning.”

Anthony Esquire, Wedding Celebrant

Many of the toasts on this page could be used for the newlyweds, but we’ve put together a selection of modern short wedding toasts that can be given quickly to round off a speech. Public speaking can be a little scary, so having a short and sweet one-liner is a great way to wish the happy couple a lifetime of happiness without giving a long speech.

If you want to write your own, focus on words like adventure, future, happiness, love; these are the hopes you want to pass on. Once again, these are bride and groom heavy so mix them up for LGBTQ+ couples.

“A toast: may all sweethearts become married couples, and may all married couples remain sweethearts.”

“The man or woman you really love will never grow old to you. Through the wrinkles of time, through the bowed frame of years, you will always see the dear face and feel the warm heart union of your eternal love.” Alfred A. Montapert

“To the bride and groom – may we all be invited to your golden wedding celebrations.”

“They say you don’t marry the person you can live with, you marry the person you can’t live without. That sums up [NAME] and [NAME] perfectly. To the happy couple!”

“To the newlyweds, may I wish you health, may I wish you happiness, may I wish you wealth – and everything else you could wish for.”

“May your love always be added. May it never be subtracted. May your household multiply and may your hearts never be divided!”

“Watching [NAME] and [NAME] together has renewed my faith in true love. I am so honoured to be a part of this special day. Let us toast to the two people who have brought all of us together in this room today.”

“May ‘for better or worse’ be far better than worse.”

“Here’s to the bride that is to be, here’s to the groom she’ll wed, May all their troubles be light as bubbles Or the feathers that make up their bed! ”

“To the lovely newlyweds, here are my wishes for you. May you always have a place to call home and may you always be surrounded by those you love.”

“Here’s to marriage, that happy estate that resembles a pair of scissors: ‘So joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet punishing anyone who comes between them.'” Sydney Smith

“May you have love, health, and wealth, but most importantly, may you have the time to enjoy them all.”

“Love believes, endures, and hopes. And above all things, love never fails. Let us all raise a glass to [bride,] [groom,] and the unfaltering love that they share.”

“To be able to find your soul mate is a true blessing. Let us raise a glass to [NAME] & [NAME]. Thank you for sharing your blessing of happiness with all of us.”

“Rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this day on.”

“May all your hopes and dreams come true, and may the memory of this day become dearer with each passing year.”

Wedding Toasts From Parents

Whether it’s the father of the bride or another family figure who wants to toast their child’s wedding, one of these wedding toast examples from parents will do the trick. They perfectly emphasise how happy, proud and touched you are to be part of this important day.

“It is written: when children find true love, parents find true joy. Here’s to your joy and ours, from this day forward.”

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and they blossom when we love the one we married.”

“Before I take a seat I have one last task to perform, and it’s a task that is both my honour and my privilege. Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join with me in wishing the newlyweds a long, healthy and very happy future together. To [Bride and partner]!”

“To the man who has conquered the bride’s heart, and her mother’s.”

“To you both, it’s worth bearing in mind that neither of you will ever be perfect, but you can be perfect together.”

“Here’s to the groom, a man who keeps his head even as he loses his heart.”

“There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings. Here is to you soaring together.”

“May you be friends to each other as only lovers can, and may you love each other as only best friends can.”

“May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever.”

“May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.”

“May the future hold your happiness. May the future hold your health. May your heart hold your love, and may your arms hold your babies, yet to come. Here’s to your future happiness together!”

“Here’s to health and prosperity, to you and all your posterity.”

“May the light of friendship guide your paths together. May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home. May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips, a twinkle from your eye.”

Wedding Toast to the Bride

Getty Images / Anchiy

Traditionally the groom will end his speech by raising a glass to his new partner. The key is to tell them how beautiful they look and how much you look forward to your new life together. These still work perfectly for an LGBTQ+ couple.

“We have been through the better and worse (not always the better prevailed) We’ve seen the richer and poorer (the latter is most often sailed) The sickness has outrun the health (which often has caused much ado) So now I pledge to you my heart, till death do us part, And pray all our dreams will come true!”

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Here’s to you, my beautiful bride." John Keats

“Here’s to the woman that’s good and sweet, Here’s to the woman that’s true, Here’s to the woman that rules my heart, In other words, here’s to you.”

“Every day you look lovelier and lovelier, and today you look like tomorrow.”

“To my wife, my bride and joy.”

“Here’s to the prettiest, here’s to the wittiest, Here’s to the truest of all who are true, Here’s to the neatest one, here’s to the sweetest one, Here’s to them, all in one – here’s to you.”

“Because I love you truly, Because you love me, too, My very greatest happiness Is sharing life with you.”

“To my bride: she knows all about me and loves me just the same.”

“May I see you grey and combing your grandchildren’s hair.”

“Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.”

“Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss within the cup, And I’ll not look for wine.” Ben Jonson

“Here’s to you and here’s to me, I hope we never disagree, But if, perchance. we ever do, Then here’s to me, to hell with you.”

Wedding Toast to the Groom

Dominic Lemoine Photography

As a twist on tradition, more brides are choosing to give a wedding toast to celebrate their partner, and to thank the guests for attending. Whether you’re after a cute wedding toast to make your other half blush, or a funny one-liner to make the wedding party chuckle, we’ve got some ideal wedding toast examples to mark the special day. Again, these are also ideal for a groom to say to his groom.

“To the two secrets to a long-lasting happy marriage: Here’s to a good sense of humour – and a short memory!”

“May we never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.”

Stories of Amore

Best man toasts deserve their own section as this toast will traditionally close out the speeches. Sometimes, the pressure to make the best man speech funny can feel overwhelming. Just remember, the guests are on your side, and they want to laugh, cry and smile with you at the right moments.

So, if you have any worries about public speaking, don’t put any pressure on yourself to deliver the funniest wedding speech (although our funny wedding toasts above will definitely help!). 

Keep it simple, crack a joke or two if you’re comfortable, and finish by asking the room to raise a glass to the happy couple. As always, you can give these an easy and quick switch-up for an LGBTQ+ couple.

“To my best friend and his beautiful bride: the new Mr and Mrs [NAME].”

“I’d like you all to join me in wishing the new Mr and Mr [NAME] all the wealth, health and happiness in the world. To the bride and groom.”

“Raise your glass and join me in a toast, to [NAME] and [NAME] – may you always be friends as well as lovers.”

“To the two things that make a great marriage – having a good sense of humour and selective hearing. To [NAME] and [NAME]!”

“Part of the best man speech involves a toast and for me, the best kind of toast is French toast. So, buvons à ce couple heureux!”

“To [NAME] and [NAME] – we all knew [NAME] had found the one when he started spending more time with [NAME] than he did playing on his Xbox! It’s wonderful to see them both so happy together – let’s drink to that!”

“It’s been a privilege to be their best man – everyone please join me in raising their glasses to the happy couple.”

“May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you, and all your heart might desire.”

“Here’s to those who’ve seen us at our best and seen us at our worst and can’t tell the difference.”

It’s not always easy to know what to say when someone has been married before. The most important rule is to not mention their previous partner or badmouth that marriage. If you feel it’s appropriate, then a gentle joke poking fun at the situation can go down a treat. Just remember to focus on this new union and the prospects it brings, without any negativity.

“In the words of Samuel Johnson, ‘Here’s to a second marriage – the triumph of hope over experience.'”

“Wedlock’s like wine, not properly judged of till the second glass.” Douglas William Jerrold

“Please can everyone join me in toasting two young – well, quite young anyway – people in love.”

"Being someone's first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect".

"Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it comes late in life". 

Delivering a quote in a wedding toast is a wonderful way to give your speech a personal touch, and to help you say exactly what you mean. You could draw on a quote from the couple’s favourite author or musician, or even pick a romantic movie quote.

The format for delivering a quote as party of your toast should go something like this: “To [NAME] and [NAME] – here’s an Antoine de Saint-Exupery quote to finish on: ‘Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.’ To the happy couple!”

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin

If there is such a thing as a good marriage it is because it resembles friendship rather than love. Michel E. de Montaigne

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather loved in spite of ourselves. Victor Marie Hugo

A wife is essential for great longevity: she is the receptacle of half a man’s cares and two-thirds of his ill-humour. Charles Reade

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. George Sand

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. Franz Schubert

True love stands by each other’s side on good days and stands closer on bad days.

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr Seuss

The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace. Fawn Weaver

A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer

A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.

To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to be loved by the person you love is everything.

If you live to be a hundred, I wish to live a hundred minus one, so I never have to live without you. Winnie the Pooh

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Grow old with me. The best is yet to be The last of life for which the first was made. Robert Browning

Look down you gods, And on this couple drop a blessed crown. The Tempest – William Shakespeare

I drink to the general joy of the whole table. Macbeth – William Shakespeare

When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. When Harry Met Sally

His hello was the end of her endings, Her laugh was their first step down the aisle, His hand would be hers to hold forever, His forever was as simple as her smile, He said she was what was missing, She said instantly she knew, She was a question to be answered, And his answer was 'I do’.   Sex and the City

When you love someone, it seeps out of everything you do, it bleeds into everything you say, it becomes so ever-present, that eventually it becomes ordinary to hear, no matter how extraordinary it is to feel. One True Loves -Taylor Jenkins Reid 

It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us. It Ends with Us - Colleen Hoover

If you’re looking for even more quotes for your toast, we have inspiring quotes about love ; our favourite romantic quotes from movies ; the best Disney wedding quotes and magical Harry Potter wedding quotes !

Now, let’s clear up a few questions about wedding toasts, with some expert input to help you nail ending your wedding speech with the perfect toast.

Who Toasts Who at a Wedding?

In the UK, most people raise a toast at the end of their wedding speech. In America, the wedding speeches are commonly known as toasts, but in the UK the term refers almost exclusively to a few lines at the end of the speech when the guests raise their glass and drink to the newlyweds.

But when it comes to a wedding speech, who toasts who? The traditional wedding toast order is the father of the bride, groom and the best man, followed by any other toasts. This is obviously for a heterosexual couple; but it's not set in stone. For all couples, including LGBTQ+ couples, you can mix speeches and toasts up however you like. 

Here’s who each person traditionally toasts:

  • The father of the bride toasts his daughter and the new couple 
  • The groom toasts his new spouse 
  • The best man toasts the bridesmaids and the new couple
  • Other toasts may include the maid of honour toasting the groom

It’s totally up to the couple though how many toasts they’d like to have and who they toast to (just make sure not to make it last too long as people want to eat cake and dance!). 

"We’re so pleased that the wedding speech line-up is becoming more diverse. Couples are feeling less constrained by traditional etiquette and the usual three blokes hogging the mic is becoming less prevalent (though it’s still a popular option and could still be the right choice for you)," shares Heidi Ellert-McDermott, founder of Speechy . 

"We’ve worked with adult sons of the bride and teenage daughters of the groom! Kids and grandparents can provide some additional ‘cuteness’ and one trend we’re particularly enjoying is the rise of joint mum & dad speeches."

How Do You Propose a Wedding Toast?

There’s some simple things to remember when making a wedding toast. First, ensure everyone has their glass full so they can take a drink at the end, then get everyone’s attention. If you’re giving a speech that’s pretty easy to do. If not, the best way to do this isn’t clinking your Champagne glass, but instead go to the master of ceremonies and ask for the microphone.

Introduce yourself to the room and ask for their attention, for example, “Hello, I’m Mark, the bride’s brother. May I have your attention while I raise a brief toast to my lovely sister and her new wife?”

"If you’re one of the couple getting hitched, this is, of course, your opportunity to thank people. And it’s not just about the people who have helped you with the décor or organised the hen do, this is about the folk who have given you a lifetime of love or supported you through the single years.

As a newlywed, your toast is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to drop a love-bomb on the people you care about so take advantage and do it with a smile," says Heidi.

Keep your toast short. A few lines, a funny anecdote, a short poem or a quick quotation that’s either humorous or emotional is all you really need. "Don’t turn your speech into one long tedious thank you list. Make sure your thank yous are also unique, meaningful and sprinkled with humour," explains Heidi. 

At the end, either ask guests to rise if they’re seated, or to raise their glass if they’re standing, and take a sip.

If a toast is made just to one of the couple, their partner rises too (e.g. the groom will rise if a toast is made just to the bride). If it’s made to the couple, they both remain seated. 

When is the Champagne Toast at a Wedding? 

There are multiple opportunities for toasts throughout the big day, but the champagne toast usually kicks off the wedding reception. Once the speeches have been shared, but before the food is served, the person proposing the toast will stand and say a few words, before inviting all of the guests to raise a glass of bubbly to the happy couple. 

A champagne toast in the UK is often done at the end of the speeches, but it’s a nice way to include other people in your day by asking them to give a toast - it’s not as full on as a speech in terms of timing, but still makes them feel special. 

Traditionally, this is done by the father of the bride, but not every wedding has this role -  you can choose any close member of the family who you think would appreciate the responsibility. Just remember, if you’re the person being toasted, it’s not traditional for you to take a drink. Once everyone has had a sip and the toast is over, you can enjoy your bubbles too.  

As a twist on tradition, sometimes the Champagne toast occurs just before dessert is served. You might want to consider the flavour of your chosen bottle, and decide whether it would taste best before the meal, or with dessert.

How Do You Make a Good Wedding Toast?

A wedding toast is a few words of wishes or blessings for the newlywed couple, after which all the guests take a sip of drink in agreement. A good wedding toast is one that strikes the right balance between humour and emotion, is short and sweet, and will be remembered as a great closing to your speech. 

"We encourage everyone to include humour in their wedding toast. While no wedding speaker should be trying to deliver a stand-up routine, all speakers should aim to make their audience smile. And, not a polite smile, but a hearty involuntary one," explains Heidi. 

"When it comes to the sentimental sucker-punch, keep it real too. Think about specific things or moments that give an insight into your relationship and what it means to you."

The number one rule is: be clear-headed. This isn’t a chance to drunkenly slur into a microphone. Always practise what you’re going to say so it’s not an impromptu stream of words and wishes. If in any doubt, use a wedding toast quotation and just end with “To the happy couple!”

You can’t go wrong with a classic – these traditional wedding toasts and wedding toast quotes below will make sure you’re never lost for words.

Who Makes a Toast to Absent Friends at a Wedding?

Typically, the first speaker will make the toast to absent friends that could not attend the wedding, with a wedding toast such as: "Please join us in raising a glass to loved ones - those who are here and those who sadly can't be with us." However, regardless of where you come in the traditional wedding speech order, if you have someone important you want to toast, please don't feel like you can't.

Curious about the order of wedding speeches? We explain the traditional order of wedding speeches and how to mix it up!

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example of a toast speech

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

Public Speaking Experts Share Their Top Tips for Giving an Amazing Wedding Speech

Check out their best examples and advice to learn how to knock it out of the park.

example of a toast speech

Photo by Kurt Boomer

In This Article

Most people would agree that public speaking isn't easy, and this is especially true when you're feeling the added pressure that comes along with giving a speech at a loved one's wedding. Not only do you have the attention of dozens (if not hundreds!) of guests you probably don't know, but you're also trying to appeal to a group of people in a wide range of ages from all different phases of the couple's lives. What's more, you want your speech to delight the couple of the hour and be as appealing to your group of friends as it to the newlyweds' grandparents. All in all, it's a tough task.

Before you panic, know that we're here to help. Ahead, we're sharing a comprehensive guide on what you should include in your speech , how to nail your delivery, and questions to consider to get the brainstorming process started—all from noteworthy speakers, well-established speechwriters, and wedding planners (who have seen it all).

Wedding Speech Template

Every great wedding speech has one thing in common: the right flow. Factor in these guidelines to help you find your own organic rhythm.

Open With a Statement or Question

Don't lead with a joke or a reference to how nervous you are. "The goal is to engage your audience, not make it a boring one-way message," says award-winning motivational speaker Jaime Pfeffer . "You'll lose them if you do this."

Introduce Yourself

After your opener, introduce yourself, says Fallon Carter , a wedding planner, even designer, and professional speaker. "A lot of times, people don't know who is speaking, and they don't know their relationship to the bride or the groom," she says. "It's really important to identify yourself, so make sure you've prepared something."

Address Your Audience

As speaker and life strategy coach Mark Black, CSP , points out, focusing on yourself only enhances nerves. "Instead, concentrate on your audience and how you want them to feel. This will help you to speak from the heart, allowing your speech to do what it's supposed to do: Make the couple feel special while also engaging the audience."

Focus on a Few Points

Seasoned speaker Susan Bender Phelps, CEO of Odyssey Mentoring & Leadership , says her top guideline is to select one to three aspects of the newlyweds that you love and appreciate, along with no more than three short stories to illustrate each of these points (or that one point). "The simple, succinct story or stories where the bride and groom are the hero will work best." This is an excellent way to structure your speech and keep your message focused.

How Long Wedding Speeches Should Be

The ideal length for a speech is three to five minutes, with five minutes being the absolute maximum you should speak for. That's it. "I’ve never been to a wedding where anyone said, 'That was a great wedding, but the best man speech was just too short and that  ruined  it,'" says David Litt , the speechwriter for former President Barack Obama and author of Thanks, Obama .

Carter agrees: "I always say anywhere between two and five minutes—and no more than five minutes," she says. "You want to keep things short and sweet." It's just as important to keep in mind when the speech will take place when determining length, since toasts are often timed with meal courses: "Be mindful of how long a course generally takes or how long it takes people to eat," Carter adds, noting that most courses last between 15 and 20 minutes and that several speeches have to fit inside each window. "If there are other people speaking, you want to be mindful and give them space."

Wedding Speech Tips

Now that you've established the right framework for your words, take note of these essential tips for acing the delivery from a few speaking pros.

Rehearse Regularly

The better prepared you are, the more confident you'll be and the better your speech will be, says author and professional speaker Barry Maher . A good rule of thumb is to practice the speech enough that you can remember the points you want to make and the order in which you want to make them. That way, you can look out to the crowd and make eye contact every so often.

Record Yourself Practicing

Use your phone to take a video of yourself practicing, suggests Kate Kenfield , speaker and sex educator. "It can be a little uncomfortable to watch yourself, but you'll be able to identify distracting mannerisms, such as the verbal pauses 'um,' 'uh,' and 'like'." It's also a good idea to practice your speech in front of someone else. "A second opinion can help you craft your piece and make it that much stronger," she says.

Don't forget body language! Rehearse the speech in front of a mirror and notice things like your facial expression, eye contact, and hand position.

Avoid Alcohol

Although it may be tempting to look for some liquid courage, alcohol definitely won't do you any favors, warns keynote speaker Amy Morin , author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do . "It may cause you to slur your speech and forget your lines, so wait until after your toast to celebrate," she advises. If you need a drink to loosen up the nerves or can't refrain from participating in a toast without being rude, stick to one glass of Champagne before you address the crowd.

Use Nerves to Your Advantage

A little nervousness can actually liven up your speech. "I get worried if I'm not a little nervous," says Maher. "I'll actually try to make myself a little tense to get my energy level up." The key is to harness that energy and communicate it in a positive, genuine way; tensing up to the point that you forget your words or panic won't make for a great presentation.

Be Yourself

Keep in mind that you're not putting on a show, only sharing your personal perspective. Trying too hard to force the funny can yield the opposite of the desired effect, cautions Matt Dalley, co-founder of Simply Eloped . "I've noticed that keeping it short and sweet, heartfelt and warm, and coming across as authentic and focused on the couple is something we are all capable of and generates some very wonderful moments," he says.

Never Embarrass the Newlyweds

It's a wedding toast, not a roast. While this should go without saying, keep the bachelor or bachelorette party jokes out of it, and remember that grandma and possibly a few colleagues are in the audience, notes Laurie Battaglia , a keynote speaker and workplace strategist. "It's okay to look back at childhood and refer to something funny, but ask yourself if you'd like 200-plus of your closest friends knowing that story about you."

Use Your Notes

Reading your speech straight from a piece of paper is a big no-no. However, having a couple of note cards handy is encouraged. "You're likely to be nervous, excited, and exhausted, which can make you forget your lines," explains Morin. "The audience won't care if you glance at your notes. In fact, there's a good chance they won't even notice."

Wedding Speech Brainstorm Ideas

Need some inspiration? Ask yourself these questions to get the brainstorming process going.

  • Who will speak before you? After you? How will this affect the content of your toast? (Perhaps you want to include a reference to their speech, thank them for an introduction, or introduce the next speaker).
  • Is there someone you should thank for making the event possible and inviting you to speak?
  • What would you want to hear in this speech if you were in the audience?
  • Is there a favorite story or memory that the couple would want you to share with their friends and family?

Wedding Speech Examples to Make Your Own

So, what does it look like when all these elements come together? Wedding vow and speechwriter Katelyn Peterson , owner and creator of Wedding Words , offered us three examples of successful toasts to inspire your own.

Maid of Honor Wedding Speech Example

"Hi, I’m Maya, the bride’s older sister . With Lucy being three years younger, we fell right into our respective roles as sister-rivals growing up. We constantly fought over stolen clothes, monopolizing the phone back when landlines were a thing, and what boy band to blare from the car speakers. I’m still Team Backstreet Boys while Lucy is forever indebted to NSYNC.

Looking back on those memories, I should have stepped up and granted Lucy permission to wear my favorite sweater for picture day, to hand her the phone once in a while, and to let her play, 'Bye Bye Bye.' Even I can admit that’s a good one. But despite Lucy being the younger sister, she has always been more patient, more accommodating, and more thoughtful than me. And that’s because when it comes to the people she loves, she’s all in.

She’s the one to prioritize their desires. She’s the one to compromise first. And, she’s the one to support their dreams as if they were her own. 

This is why it makes me so happy to know that Lucy has found a home in David. He matches her in compassion, thoughtfulness, and warmth. And I know he’ll spend his life prioritizing her desires, being ready to compromise, and supporting her dreams as his own.

Cheers to Lucy and David! May you always feel loved because you always put each other first."

Best Man Wedding Speech Example

"Hello, everyone. My name is Luke and I’m the best man . I met Robert eight years ago when I became his neighbor. His reputation preceded him as I had heard about the 'Block Party King' before my closing papers were inked. 

Rob has never been the guy to wear fancy clothes. In fact, I’m still in shock seeing him in that tux tonight. And he’s never been the guy to show off even though the work he’s put into his vintage Mustang could make Henry Ford himself envious.

But when it comes to cooking, he should receive an award. His pulled pork is a staple at our summer block parties and his homemade barbeque sauce has remained our neighborhood’s best-kept secret. But the most satisfying part about his delicious dishes is that there’s always plenty to go around. And Rob makes sure your plate is never empty. I have no idea how he pulls it off, but Rob has a covert ability to scoop seconds onto your plate without you ever seeing him do it. I hope you all came hungry tonight, folks. You’ve been warned! 

The first time I met Jasmine I could immediately tell she was an amazing person. She laughed at his jokes which I never thought anyone would get. She supported his career and the nonstop travel involved. But most importantly, whenever we’re all hanging out, Jasmine is the one always topping off Rob’s plate with more pasta, more chicken, more of everything. When she’s around, it’s never empty. 

And that’s when I saw what a perfect match they were for each other. I know they will always put each other first, make sure their needs are met, and will never allow the other to go hungry.

So let’s raise our glasses to toast the newlyweds! As you begin this next chapter together, may your plates and your hearts always remain full."

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example

"Good evening, family, and friends. I’m Daniel Lee, the father of the bride. I’d like to welcome you to this special occasion where we get to celebrate the love between my daughter Allison and her new wife, Kristin. 

Standing up here today, I’m reminded of all the moments that led to this significant one. The dance recitals that ended with standing ovations and the soccer games that concluded with winning scoreboards. 

But, while those were fun and rewarding times, those aren’t the moments I cherish most with Allison. The memories that make me smile the brightest are those in-between the big stuff moments. It’s the makeshift magic shows in our living room using a bedsheet that Allison confiscated from our linen closet to convert into a curtain. It’s the countless tea parties she hosted with exclusive invitations just for me and her beloved stuffed bear, Buttons. And it’s the way she’d beg to stay up for just five more minutes but was asleep on the couch by minute number two.

Those everyday, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments with Allison are the ones that gave color to my life and filled my heart with a happiness I never knew could exist.

So, my beautiful daughter, as you begin your life with Kristin today, I have one wish for you: May your warmest memories come from the ordinary moments throughout your marriage, and may those moments give you a reason to smile brighter every day. Cheers! I love you both." —Daniel

What Not to Say in a Wedding Speech

Your job when delivering a wedding speech is to keep things light—tell an anecdote, make an emotional connection, then wish the couple well before you close out. Anything that doesn't feel definitively positive should be avoided. "I would advocate against bringing up negative details, specifically past relationships or past spouses," says Carter. "Skip anything that you wouldn't want to be physically recorded and played over and over again—this is a rule of thumb."

Keep it light, delicate, and present- and future-focused, Carter adds. "If you're going to go into the past, make those stories really intentional," she says. "Bring those stories back to who they are now. Your mission is to create a great environment and vibe and to potentially give some information about one of the newlyweds, so that it's enlightening for all guests."

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?

How to Write a Wedding Toast

Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech

How to Write a Best Man Toast

Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech

What to Know About a Newlywed Toast

Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips

60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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20 memorable toasts for all occasions

Welcome to toasting 101..

example of a toast speech

There are occasions in life where you’ll be asked to make a toast. Weddings, graduations, engagements, anniversaries and retirement parties, for example. But if you’re one of the few people left who hasn’t given a TED Talk, the idea of toasting might be terrifying.

Toasting requires risk and courage, vulnerability and humor, and a certain amount of chutzpah. Here’s a basic guide to toast-making followed by 20 memorable toasts and quotes for all occasions. You’ll be ready to grab the microphone and win over the crowd with ease.

Toasting 101

Some basic tips for writing a toast:

  • Make sure you know how long the toast should be. There’s nothing worse than writing too much or too little. You may also need to ask about tone and know your audience . A bachelor party speech does not need a huge amount of sincerity, but a wedding anniversary would require a more poignant sentiment.
  • Like a good story, a toast should have a beginning, middle and end. Take us on a journey.
  • What is your relationship to the event or people? You’ve been asked to give the toast for a reason, so don’t forget to include your personal connection.
  • Use humor. Making fun of your friends is the cornerstone to a lot of relationships. It’s a fairly safe play to include an amusing anecdote about the person in question that might even be a little embarrassing. Obviously don’t reveal anything too shocking, but a little teasing is encouraged.
  • Try to memorize as much as possible. While it’s perfectly fine to carry note cards with you, you don’t want your head buried in them. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to practice.
  • End on a high note. Nobody like a Debbie Downer, so no matter the crowd or occasion, try to end on a message of hope or happiness.

For extra help on this subject I spoke to the New York Times Bestselling author of Men: An Owner’s Manual and ToastMasters Champion Stephanie Brush for her tips on how to prepare for a toast.

1.  Remember the train-wrecks

Pay attention to bad toasts you’ve seen. What went wrong? Were they painfully not-funny? Too long? Insincere? How could you have done it better? (Yes: You could have. TOTALLY.)

2. Add a personal touch

You are probably celebrating a special event or milestone.  Recognize that thing, but add something personal that only you could contribute. (“Sheila is the youngest person ever to get this award.  I’m her senior by ten years—and she’s my hero.”) However…

3. Get over yourself

People who “fear public speaking” are people who think that it’s about  them . Hello? The person you are toasting has done something special or represents something special. Focus on that. On imparting that message. Don’t worry about how you will look delivering the message.

4. Practice toasting silly stuff

It’s all about practice. Give a toast to your toast every morning, and imagine a small group watching. You can’t screw that up. Maybe your cat will gag; whatever. 

5. Drive sober

Be sober when toasting. A “stiff one” will impede your brain functions. 

6. It’s about inclusion

Remember, a toast is about love and sharing. Or barring that, respect. Or barring that, it’s something you have to do to keep your job or to not annoy your sister-in-law. 

In any case, it’s about  inclusion —  reminding a group of people that they are part of a special moment in time. Look at their faces and share that moment. That is really the cool part.

Celebrity quotes

To help you get started on your toast, here are five celebrity quotes you can use as a jumping off point.

“For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” — Carl Sagan

“Love is a lot like a backache. It doesn’t show up on X-rays. But you know it’s there.” — George Burns

“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet, to see who they really are.” — Will Ferrell

“There’s no substitute for a great love who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.'” — Tom Hanks

“To be the father of growing daughters is to understand something of what Yeats evokes with his imperishable phrase ‘terrible beauty.’ Nothing can make one so happily exhilarated or so frightened: it’s a solid lesson in the limitations of self to realize that your heart is running around inside someone else’s body.” — Christopher Hitchens

Classic toasts

In 1903 a book was published titled Toasts for All Occasions . The entire book can be read online for free here. Here are five quotes from this book — the bible of toasts.

“A good wife and health, are a man’s best wealth. What’s a table richly spread, without a woman at its head? Disguise our bondage as we will, ’tis a woman rules us still.” — Moore

“Here’s to the prettiest, here’s to the wittiest, here’s to the truest of all who are true, here’s to the sweetest one, here’s to them all in one — here’s to you.” — Author unknown

“Here’s to the girl I love, and here’s to the girl who loves me, and here’s to all those who love her whom I love, and all those that love her who love me.” — L.A Rogers

“Here’s to love, the only fire against which there is no insurance.” — Anon

“Now boys, just a moment! You’ve all had your say, while enjoying yourselves in so pleasant a way, we have toasted our sweethearts, our friends and our wives; we’ve toasted each other wishing all merry lives; but I know will propose to you the toast that is best — tis one in a million and outshines the rest. Don’t frown when I tell you this toast beats all others; but drink one more toast boys, A toast — to our Mothers!” — Anon

Perhaps it’s the romantic in me, but you can’t beat a little poetry when making a toast. It’s a wonderful way to begin or end a speech. Here are some great ones.

I Carry Your Heart (I Carry It In My heart), by E.E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you . here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

From Collected Poems, by Philip Larkin

In times when nothing stood but worsened, or grew strange, there was one constant good: she did not change.

Another Christmas Poem, by Wendy Cope

Bloody Christmas, here again. Let us raise a loving cup: Peace on earth, goodwill to men, And make them do the washing-up.

Leisure, by W. H. Davies

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?—

No time to stand beneath the boughs, And stare as long as sheep and cows:

No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night:

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance:

No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.

Quote from the poet Pablo Neruda

If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life

Snappy openers

And finally if you’re struggling for a witty opening gambit, try these five on for size (to be taken with a grain of salt…)

For those of you who don’t know who I am… how dare you?

I’ve known John for 15 years. I’ve liked him for eight.

“ I’m a man of few words…” then walk away

For those of you who don’t know me…This is what it looks like when I’m trying to avoid a panic attack.

Ladies and gents, you will be pleased to know that I am the final obstacle that lays between this moment, and the time that the bar opens .

Now raise your glass! Chin chin.

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Wedding Toast Examples for a Speech They'll Remember

Don't worry about crafting the perfect wedding speech. We've got your covered with some perfect examples for every situation.

Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

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Don't stress if you're not sure what to say in a wedding toast. A few great wedding toast examples can inspire you to finally tackle writing yours. A wedding toast is nothing more than a short speech, and you can easily modify examples of wedding toasts to reflect your feelings and the personality of the couple.

Whether you're the best man, maid of honor, parents of the bridal couple, bride, or groom, getting up to speak at a wedding can be a bit of a stress bomb. The key here is preparation. Get inspired with the perfect wedding toast examples for your situation, spend a little time practicing in front of the mirror, and then get up there and wish the couple well. You've got this.

Start Off With a Short Wedding Toast or One-Liner

Knowing how to start a wedding toast can be a little tricky. After you introduce yourself, it's not always easy to transition into giving the toast. That's where a one-liner can come in handy and help you set the tone. Try one of these examples:

  • Tonight, we get to eat cake! But first, I have a few things to say about two very special people.
  • Hi everyone! There are a few thing Jessica asked me never to bring up in public, so I thought I'd start with those.
  • I'm here to talk to you for the next 45 minutes. No, actually, I'm going to keep this short.
  • I'm beyond honored to be here sharing this important moment, and I just have a few things I want to say.
  • What a lucky thing it is to meet your soulmate. I'm so happy for these two!
  • Join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. To a lifetime of shared experiences and love!
  • 48 Marriage Proposal Speech Examples They'll Remember Forever
  • Maid of Honor Speech Examples for the Sister of the Bride
  • 15 Powerful Attention Getters for Any Type of Speech

Use wedding day toast examples to begin writing your own toast. No matter what your role in the wedding is, use a short toast to jumpstart your own ideas. Adding personalized names and details easily helps you turn a sample toast into a customized wedding toast speech worthy of any bridal party member from the best man, to the maid of honor, to parents.

Best Man Wedding Toast Examples

If you're the best man, you have to do a lot more than stand there looking suave in your tux. You also need to give a toast at the wedding reception. This doesn't have to be long or super involved, but it should be nice (bonus points if it's funny too). Examples can help you give the perfect best man toast . Substitute names and details for the italicized text.

  • Free Short Best Man Speeches

Wedding Toast About Shared Memories

Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we are all here to honor Name and Name . As the groom's best friend/brother/cousin , I feel honored to be standing next to him on such an important day in his life. We have gone through so much together in life, and I cannot imagine being anywhere but here on this special occasion.

Discuss one to two memories for a few minutes.

Groom , you have such a love of life, and I am so happy that you have found a wife to share that love with for the rest of your days.

Talk about specific traits of the groom and the bride.

Tonight, we celebrate the union of our two wonderful friends, Name and Name . Let us raise a glass in high hopes of happiness for many years to come!

After applause, introduce the maid of honor for her speech.

Best Man Toast Example With Funny Story

Good evening. I just want to say that this has been a wonderful day! I'm so happy to be a part of such a joyous celebration of the love that Name and Name have for each other. I have to admit, I never thought I'd see Name happier than the year his football team won the Super Bowl (or insert other instance of sports team win), but Name , you have made him the happiest I've ever seen him. As Groom Name 's brother/friend/cousin , I am so grateful that he found you.

Insert a humorous story about your relationship with the groom and finish with a heartfelt wish for the couple.

Bride and Groom , I wish you the best life has to offer, and I know the two of you will continue to love and support each other. Join me in raising your glasses in a toast to Name and Name , may you forever be as happy as you are tonight.

You can't go wrong by telling a hilarious but kind anecdote about the groom if you want to give a funny wedding toast. Think about a time you got into an embarrassing situation together or managed to get out of trouble.

  • Funny Wedding Toasts

Best Man Wedding Toast Quotes

Including a quote can help you sum up your best man wedding speech or start your toast:

  • "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou
  • "Grow old with me. The best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made." - Robert Browning
  • "Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." - Khalil Gibran
  • "May she share everything with her husband, including the housework." - Unknown Proverb

Maid of Honor Wedding Toast Examples

Find the perfect words to honor your girl with these sample maid of honor speeches . You don't have to say a lot, but it's really nice if you make it special. Make your maid of honor or matron of honor toast personal by adding details and names where there's italicized text.

Maid of Honor Sample Toast About Good Qualities

Thank you, Best Man . As Best Man said, we have gathered to honor the wedding of Bride and Spouse . Bride has been such a wonderful friend/sister to me throughout the years, that I cannot in good conscience let her marry anyone who does not deserve her - and Spouse , you more than deserve Bride .

Include specific reasons why you are happy about the wedding, such as personality traits or a certain incident from their relationship.

These two people have committed themselves to one another today, and I know I consider myself a lucky person to be honored by being included in their wedding day. This is truly an occasion to celebrate, so let's raise our glasses and toast to a life full of love. Congratulations, Bride and Spouse !

Maid of Honor Welcome for New Spouse

Thank you, Best Man . Bride , we grew up together and I've never been happier for you than I am tonight. As your sister/ best friend/cousin I know how much you love Spouse . And Spouse , I've watched how you dote on Bride and truly care for her. I'm thrilled to welcome you into our family/our circle of friends and wish both of you the very best that life has to offer.

I have to share a short story about Bride . Insert a short story about you and the bride. You can tell a humorous one or you can share a deep emotional sentiment you want to share with everyone that reflects your relationship. Once finished, conclude your toast.

Please join me in toasting the best couple I've ever known, Bride and Spouse ! Heartfelt wishes for a happy and abundant life together!

  • Maid of Honor Toasts: Tips & Examples to Inspire

Example Wedding Speeches From the Couple's Parents

Toasting gives the parents of the couple a chance to offer an official welcome and share their joy at this happy occasion with family and friends. You can personalize these wedding toast examples by replacing italicized text with specific names and memories.

Watching Them Grow

Today, I am honored to count Name as a member of my family. I have watched Name grow from a small baby to making his/her/their way into the world.

Talk about a couple of memories from childhood.

Of course, I realized that Name was no longer a child when she/he/they met the person seated next to him/her/them at the table. Name came into my son/daughter/child's life and has not only loved my child as I did but helped him/her/them become the person she/he/they are today.

Incorporate a few specific traits of the couple's relationship that stand out.

Your love is obvious to anyone who looks at you. We all have faith renewed in love as we gazed upon you two tonight. Your mother and I/We love you both forever. Congratulations!

Always Be My Little Girl

Letting your daughter grow up is the hardest thing a father can do. Bride , you will always be my little girl, but you've grown into such a beautiful and accomplished woman. When you first introduced me to Spouse , I was immediately relieved because I could tell he/she/they truly love you. All my worries about you growing up and leaving home vanished when I first shook hands with you, Spouse . I know you will cherish, love, and honor my little girl the way she deserves. Welcome to the family, Spouse . I wish you, Bride and Spouse, all the happiness a father wants for his daughter and her partner. I love you both!

  • Father of the Bride: All About the Role

Lifetime of Love

When Groom told me that he'd found the love of his life, I was overjoyed for him. And, when I met Spouse , I could see that Groom was the love of her/his/their life too. My joy doubled beyond anything I expected. Today was a magical day and your mom/your dad and I are so happy we could share your special day with you and everyone here. You know what's in our hearts and how much we love you both. May you have a lifetime of the same kind of joy and love that your mother and I/father and I have . We love you!

Wedding Couple Toast to Guests Examples

After everyone else has finished giving their wedding toast, the couple may stand and say a few words. This is usually a much shorter toast than those made by the wedding party and should include heartfelt thanks to the wedding party, parents, and guests who helped them in their lives and with the wedding itself. This is a quick and easy wedding speech to make.

Thank You to Everyone Who Has Helped Us

Today, we are honored to stand before all of you and pledge our love to one another. Our lives have only been enhanced by the love brought into it by all of you. We especially want to thank our parents for everything they have done.

Wedding couple each takes the microphone and separately thank parents.

We also want to thank everyone who has helped us on our journey together.

List anyone who has made the day possible, such as clergy members, special relatives, or friends.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who has joined us today. We know some of you traveled long distances to be here, and we thank you all for your sacrifice to celebrate with us. You all are truly special to us, and we would not be here without everyone in this room.

Thank you all for your love and generosity. We love you all. Cheers!

Thank You for Supporting Our Dreams

First of all, we want to thank all of you for coming here tonight and sharing in our happiness. It means the world to both of us that each one of you is here. We want to first thank our parents. We would not be the people we are today without our parents' love and guidance.

Insert individual thank you to parents by taking turns. Keep this part short but sincere.

Now, we'd both like to thank everyone who has helped us over the years and supported our dreams. It was so important to us that we share our joy with you on this special day. Thank you for choosing to celebrate with us.

Insert an individual thank you to people important in your lives. You should keep it short and simple, and then end with a toast to your guests.

To all of you, thank you! We love you all!

Groom to the Groomsmen Toast

To my best man and groomsmen, thank you for being here today. I couldn't have made it to the wedding on time without all of you. You are my best buds, and sharing our happiness with you today made our wedding more complete. Each of you has a special place in my heart and Spouse's heart. We look forward to having a lots of barbecues and making more memories together with you as we continue to share our lives.

Bride to the Bridesmaids Toast

To my maid of honor/matron of honor and bridesmaids, each of you knows my heart and what your friendship means to me. Without you, I would never have gotten my hair and makeup done in time today. You are my best friends. You will never know how it made Spouse and me feel having you here today to share in what is the biggest day in our lives. We are both blessed to have each of you in our lives. We are so excited to be starting our lives together with such amazing women on our side. Thank you so much, and I love each of you dearly!

If you're nervous about giving a wedding toast, try to keep it short and memorize what you're going to say. This will help keep some of the stress at bay.

Wedding Toasts for Each Other

Toast your new spouse with a few well-chosen words. These toast examples can help you get inspired.

Toast to the Bride

Bride , the first time I saw you, I was thunderstruck. I knew I had to get to know you, and the more we were together, the more I was overwhelmed by your personality and intellect. I couldn't believe we liked the same things, or that you were not only beautiful on the outside, but gorgeous on the inside. I'm so lucky that you love me, and I promise I will cherish you every second we have together. I love you.

Toast to the Groom

Groom , when I first met you, I was so impressed. You are handsome, smart, and funny, but most of all you are the kindest person I've ever known. You have spoiled me with your thoughtfulness and tender caring for my well-being. I never have to worry about whether you're going to be supportive about anything I choose to undertake because you give me unconditional love and support. I am so blessed to be married to you, and I shall make it my mission every day to show you just how much I love and appreciate you. I love you!

Customize a Wedding Reception Toast

Customizing a sample toast for a wedding is a great way to spark additional thoughts, some touching and some humorous, that will truly personalize the toast you plan to give at the wedding. Write down a few thoughts, practice giving the speech, and it is sure to go off without a hitch.

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Here’s to those that love us! And for those that do not love us, may God turn their hearts. And if he cannot turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles; so that we may know them, by their limping. Irish Blessing/Curse

Cheers , slainte , skal , prost , and salud ! A toast speech is a type of tribute speech meant to honor someone. Your goal as a speaker should be to make that person feel special and to allow others in the room to be included in the celebration.

Ceremonial Speaking Wheel


All ceremonial speeches should include the trio –narration, magnification, and identification.


You are not talking to an audience; you are sharing with an audience. You are celebrating with them and collectively celebrating shared values and shared appreciation for a person/persons and their accomplishments. Saying “we” are here to honor the recipient and reminding the audience of shared values helps the audience to be a part of the process. Say things that invite the audience in several times throughout the speech. This speech is for everyone present.

Wedding Toast Instead of saying: Amy and I played Barbie as children and always made sure that Barbie found her perfect soulmate. Say : As many of you know, Amy and I played Barbie for hours as children. What you may not know is we always made sure that Barbie found her perfect soulmate.


Graduation Toast Instead of saying: I wish you the best in your journey ahead as you graduate and start your new career. Say: We here, your family and friends, all wish you the best in your journey ahead as you graduate and start your new career
Retirement Toast Instead of saying: Dad, I was so happy you let me come and play in your office even if I ran your stapler out of staples by shooting them at the invisible villains that were hiding under your desk. Say: As many of you here now, dad would sometimes let me come to work with him. And while most of you thought that I was the perfect little bosses’ kids, you may not have known that I was really a super hero executing the invisible villain that I found in dads desk. I killed it with all the staples from dad’s stapler.

The use of story helps the audience to be drawn in and want to listen. In short toasts, you can tell a series of one-sentence stories. In larger toasts, you can tell one long story or numerous little stories.


Take a trait of the individual and magnify it. I’m not talking about superfluous embellishment; I’m talking about honest elaboration. For example, you might talk about

  • Triumph over obstacles
  • Unusual accomplishment
  • Superior performance
  • Unselfish motive
  • Benefit to society
  • The greatness of a simple thing

Now you know of the key elements that should be in your speech, let’s talk about the process of building a toast, writing a toast, and delivering a toast.

Gather the Details

What type of toast is it.

Always adapt your toast to the occasion: Wedding, graduation, retirement, business celebration, award celebration, birthday.

Who will attend?

You will give a different speech to your old college roommate on his birthday if it is just you and the gang versus if his conservative parents are in the room. It will be an even different speech if his new employer is present. Remember, a toast is not just about the person being celebrated but it is about others in the room. As you write your toast, keep imagining the key people present at the event.

Are there expectations about how long the toast will be? It is always good to ask. It can be awkward if there are several people toasting and each gives a five-minute toast and you have prepared only a two-minute toast. Typically wedding-type toasts, retirement toasts, and graduation toasts are longer speeches and people speak from notes. On the other, shorter toasts are usually memorized

Sit down and just start jotting ideas. Start brainstorming ideas and memories one day and then give it a day or two to think about more memories. The next day after brainstorming, your brain will keep cranking out ideas …write them down immediately, put them on a notepad on your phone, or even call yourself and leave yourself a voicemail of the new ideas. Don’t lose them or let them get away.

Let’s think of your brain as a water faucet. You are not going to get any water until you turn the thing on. Many people complain they can’t think of ideas, but they never actually turn on the idea faucet. Think of brainstorming as turning those ideas on and getting your creative juices flowing.

When I turn off my faucet at home, there are usually a few drips that happen as the rest of the water gets out of the line. Think of your brain that way. Give it time to drip out the last ideas and be there to catch them. They just might be the best ideas of all. Some people find if they brainstorm before bed that they wake up with the best ideas. Always assume that you will forget your ideas, so write them down as soon as you think of them.

Sit Down and Write

At this point, just get your ideas down. Put down more ideas than you will use. Allow yourself to even write down some cheesy things—maybe you will use this somehow but probably not. Most importantly, the creative ideas are hiding in your brain behind the cheesy ones and if you don’t get the cheesy ideas out of the way, you will never get to the next level.

Now. Let’s think about that faucet again. Imagine there is something clogging it. You have to put some pressure on it so you can get it working. I like to think of cheesy ideas as that clog in the line. I have to get the cheesy clog out of the way by giving my mind permission to go there and once that line is clear. I need to be ready for all the great ideas that will come out in force after the clog comes out.

Taking It to The Professional Level

If you want to give your toast the professional edge, try using a theme and then adding in some parallel construction.

Use a Theme

Pick a theme for your toast and carry it throughout the whole toast. I like to think of the theme as the container that holds the speech together and the vehicle that helps ideas move from place to place.

For example, Drew gave a best man speech and used the theme of a road trip. He told stories of him and his best friend and their adventures (at least the adventures you the ones that you can tell when mom is in the room). He talked about fighting over the music, having to take bathroom breaks, and his friend always getting lost. These were fun stories that we could all imagine. In his speech, he told us that whoever was in the passenger seat was called the “roundtrip captain.” He gave the new bride advice on how to navigate the relationship since he knew so much about his friend from all these road trips. The speech wrapped up with Drew telling the bride that she was the map reader now and he passed to her the title of “road trip captain.”

Erin gave a graduation toast to her family members who supported her through college. She used the theme of climbing hills. It was the perfect theme since the University of Arkansas campus seems to be arranged so everything is uphill–both ways. She talked about walking the hills both physically and symbolically. In her speech, she talked about how beautiful the view is from the top. She wrapped up her speech by saying now that she is graduated how she has new hills to climb.

Keep in mind the theme is just the container. If you have only a container, it will seem cliché and sound like a cheap greeting card. The theme is not the speech, it is the container that holds your many stories. Make sure to fully develop those stories.

Use Parallel Construction

Parallel construction is where you take one sentence and you repeat it. It lets you tell a lot of little stories in a short period. Always have at least 3 sentences, keep them together, and try to give them rhythm.

Consider this format and how it might be used for the different toast types.

At a Wedding Toast

I remember when ___ I remember when ___ I remember when ___ I knew you were the “one” because… I knew you were the “one” because… I knew you were the “one” because…

At a Retirement Toast

Many of you know dad for selling insurance, but I know dad for selling me on the idea to go to college Many of you know dad for working long hours at the office, but I know dad for working long hours on school projects that I only mentioned to him the night before they were due. Many of you know dad as a business profession, but I know dad as my super hero. Many of you know dad for …., but I know dad for …. Many of you know dad for …., but I know dad for …. Many of you know dad for …., but I know dad for ….



When picking a speech pattern for the toast, consider the audience and occasion. Many toasts are just one to two minutes while others can be five to seven minutes.

Short Toasts Pattern

  • Let us raise our glass to… Today, I would like to recognize…
  • Make a list of attributes/accomplishments of the person. With each statement there is a building sensation –each statement you make is better than the next.
  • Build to a climax. Create a building sensation using parallel construction.
  • Raise your glass near the end.
  • End with a poem, quote, or wish them well. (I really think a well-chosen quote makes these speeches special…it is worth the time to look for one to make it really special)

Note: Typically short toasts are memorized and longer toasts are written as a manuscript.

Wedding Toasts Possible Patterns

Give Their New Spouse the Manual of How to Get Along with Them

  • Tell a story or two about your friendship with your friend
  • Tell a story about when your friend met the person they are marrying. What did they say about this person? What were your first impressions? Tell anything about the two of them together? What are they like as a couple? How do you know they are right for each other? Tell something you observe about them when they are together?
  • Give the person advice on how to navigate life with your friend since you know them so well. Think of this as passing on the manual.

Three Stories

  • Tell three stories about the couple.
  • Maybe, how they met, the engagement, and a story they tell on themselves.
  • Maybe, three ways you know they are in love
  • Maybe, three things you noticed about how they care for each other.

I Knew It Was Love…

  • Tell five ways that you knew it was love. Tell a story attached to each of the ways
  • Tell what your friend was like before and how they are better now than they are with the one they love.

Note: Never mention old girlfriend/boyfriends, never give away secrets to clueless family members (they are living together, that you and your friend snuck out in high school), and keep it positive. You likely have inside information about the person you are toasting–their wedding is not the time to reveal it.

Retirement Toast Possible Patterns

If you are a work colleague:

  • These are the three things that set this person apart.
  • These are the three things that I learned from this person.

If you are the child or the spouse:

  • Talk about what their career looked like from your position. How were they dedicated?
  • How did it help you benefit from their job and friends? What did you learn from watching them work?

Note: It can be fun to use their job as the theme. For example, if the person is a coach make the whole speech in the theme of a game. If the person is in sales, use marketing terms to hold it together. If they collected something interesting that was displayed in the office, it lends itself to the theme.

Graduation Toast

Looking back, looking ahead

  • Tell a few stories about them before graduation and tell what you expect to see in the future.

We’ve come through a lot together, Here’s some advice for your next step.

  • Tell stories of your relationship, how that relationship talks about character attributes that led them to graduate.
  • Give advice on how to navigate the next step.

Top Ten List

  • Ten things you need to know about (surviving college, having your first real job, etc.).
  • This can be especially fun coming from the sibling that is in college to the one headed to college.
  • Top ten things you learned in school that you can use in life.
  • Top ten things about you that will make you successful.

Let Us Not Forget

  • A series of memories that you and most of the group present share. Great for a group of friends
  • Find some great meaning to it all. What did it all mean? what did you learn?

Note: It can be fun to use their major, their future job, or their hobbies as the theme.

Anniversary Toast

  • Maybe how they met, the engagement, and a story they tell on themselves.
  • Maybe, three ways you know they are in love.
  • Tell five ways that you knew it was love and tell a story attached to each of the ways. Interview five of their friends and tell the five stories from their friends about love.

How They Taught You What Love Is

  • What have you learned by watching them love each other well?

A Biography of Love

  • Tell a story about their love when they met when they overcame when they did things together.
  • Tell a timeline of love events and stories about every major milestone.

Ending a Toast Speech

Typically, a toast speech ends with a thoughtful saying, witty quote, or poem. There are many toast websites with great one-liners or short poems you can use to end a toast. If it is a longer toast, consider using a theme and connecting the ending with the theme.

“May misfortunes chase you all of your life and never catch up.” “As you slide down the banister of life may the splinters never point the wrong way.”

Short, Short Toasts

There may be times you are called to give a quick, one to three-sentence toast. It is a good idea to have a few memorized quotes ready that can be woven into a short, short toast.

Here is to those who’ve seen us at our best and seen us at our worst and can’t tell the difference. May you live for as long as you want, and never want for as long as you live! May we get what we want, but never what we deserve. May the best of your past be the worse of your future. May you always lie, cheat, and steal. Lie beside the one you love, cheat the devil, and steal away from bad company. Here’s to friends and family who know us well but love us just the same. Let us drink to bread, for without bread, there would be no toast.

“Here’s to that long straight piece in Tetris.”

Toast Etiquette


How Do You Hold the Glass?

Both wine and champagne glasses should be held by the stem, not by the bowl. “You should always hold the glass by the stem, no matter what the shape or size of the glass or the type of wine,” says Michael Greenlee, the sommelier and wine director of Gotham Bar and Grill, in New York City. “The most common mistake I see in restaurants and at dinner parties is people holding a wineglass by the bowl.”

Three reasons to hold the glass by the stem:

  • The glass is pretty; you don’t want your fingerprints to mess it up.
  • Putting your hand on the glass would block seeing the color of the wine or block your ability to watch the bubbles dance in the champagne.
  • White wine and champagne are chilled, and red wine is served a room temperature. The temperature influences the taste and your hands on the glass will warm up the beverage and change it from its optimal temperature.

What Do You Do When Listening to a Toast?

Those who are listening to someone being toasted should hold their glass when the toast is being made. At the end of the toast, listeners should raise their glasses, tilt the glass towards the person being toasted, and then take a sip.

What Do You Do If You Are the One Being Toasted?

When you are being toasted, you should sit and listen. Smile and nod to let the person toasting know you are listening. You should not hold or lift your glass. Once the toast is over and everyone has had a sip, then you may nod and/or say, “Thank You.” One of the more common questions I get is, “Do I drink to myself?” and the answer is no, you do not drink to yourself.

Should We Clink our Glasses?

Check five different etiquette specialists and you will get five different answers. Some groups clink and some groups don’t clink. It is best to take your lead from those with the highest power of those in the center of the event. For example, if you have dinner with your co-workers and your boss is present, see what the boss does. If you are at a wedding, see what the head table does and copy.

The larger the group, the less likely there will be glass touching because it is difficult to touch everyone’s glasses. If you are in a clinking group, when you touch the bowl of the glasses together, you should always look them in the eye and smile.

“As with many of our food traditions, the clinking of glasses traces its root to the health and safety of the drinker. In this case, it goes back to the tendency of nobles to kill each other off by poisoning their food! Wine was very commonly drunk during medieval days because it was one of the only safe liquids available. Water was often polluted, and milk was both useful for other things and thought to be for children only. As the wine was often full of sediment, a poison was easily introduced into it. To prove that his wine was safe, the host would pour a bit of his guest’s wine into his own glass and drink it first, to prove it was safe. If the guest trusted his host, however, he would merely clink his flagon against that of his host’s when his host offered his cup for the sample. The ‘clink’ (or perhaps ‘clunk’ back then, since wood or metal was more common for drinking vessels) was a sign of trust and honesty.” Text from Wineintro. Clinking of Wine Glasses and Toasts. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from http://www.wineintro.com/champagne/clinkglass.html

Toasting Rules


Hold up your glass while giving a toast.

Never toast with an empty glass, it is considered bad luck.

Always hold the glass by the stem.

Avoid getting the beautiful glasses smudged. That means, not touching the bowl. It also means sipping from the same place on the glass.

Always drink to the person being toasted. If you don’t take a sip then it means that you disagree with the nice things that were said about the person. If you are full of liquid or prefer not to sip the alcohol, just put your lips to the glass.

If you oversee the filling of the glasses, hold the wine bottle near the bottom and only fill glasses halfway up to give the wine room to breathe. Always offer wine to others before pouring your own wine.

In some regions, people will gently use a knife to tap the glass to bring the group to attention.

At some weddings, the quests may tap their glasses to mean the bride and groom should kiss.

Brainstorming About Your Person

Read through these questions and try to answer them about your person. Not all the questions will relate, and that is OK. That question may trigger an unrelated memory that you can use.

What is the story of the two of you as children? What is the first memory you have of this person? How did you meet? What is the story of the two of you as teens? What is the story of the two of you as adults? What is an adventure you had together? When did you do something involving this person that didn’t work out as planned? What is a story that is often told about this person? What is a struggle this person has overcome of you overcame together? What story will history remember about this person? What story will you tell your kids one day? Why is this person special to you in a way that no one else knows? When did you and this person make a difficult situation fun? How have you seen them grow?
What do they collect? What are their hobbies? What types of things are important to them? (Pets, cars, shoes) What are they known for having? (Name brand clothes, a great boat) What does their house/car/backpack say about them? What do you have of theirs that means a lot to you? How is their favorite movie, favorite superhero, favorite song a reflection of them?
What are the physical characteristics that become part of their persona (Tall, big feet, curly hair)? What are they known for emotionally (being kind, being passionate, being stubborn)? What are the phrases they say often? What are they famous for? (Cooking, getting lost)


How did you meet? What has kept your relationship with this person going? What has been the highlight of the relationship? What do their friends say about them?

Wedding Toast

When and how did they meet? What were your first impressions of them as a couple? What did your friend say about the first time they met? If you were given three wishes for them as a couple, what would they be?

Toast Speech Samples from College Students Toasting Other College Students

To Blake who has taught us the importance of enjoying life to the fullest, whether fly fishing or spending time with loved ones. You’re a man of great humor. You’re a man who has brought us all to tears with your Tommy Boy impression. You’re a man who embodies the word “chill” Every time I would look over in class, you would be just sitting back and smiling. You were always a great person to make a speech to, because even if the speech was bad, we could look over and you’d still be smiling.
Today, I would like to raise my glass (raise your glass) to by the far the most gifted athlete in our class. She showed us what it takes to be a student athlete at the University of Arkansas. She opened up her heart and shared the stories about her mother with us. I know we were all touched. She taught us how to improve our puts and she taught us that golf can be fun. We learned that even the best athletes get nervous sometimes. In the words of Roy, tin cup, McEvoy, “I hit it again because that shot was a defining moment, and when a defining moment comes along, you define the moment… or the moment defines you.” To Ana, may you always define the moment and not let it define you!

I ask students to toast their classmates and to give reference to things that student has said or done in class, consider the following speech ending that references three of the student’s former speeches.

Sean here this is to you for all you have given us. May your bike never fail you (reference to speech on changing a tire), May your sense of nature keep you wandering (reference to speech on camping) and may your lessons live on, in this lifetime and the next (reference to speech on missionary work).
To someone who Has opened her heart and mind to this class With hopes that they too will join in her efforts to serve God and humanity To someone who Has made us all feel as if her papaw was our own Pitching and swinging the bat To someone who Has made each person in this class believe As if we can make a difference in the world One Krispy Kreme doughnut at a time Anne Frank said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment Before starting to improve the world. “ To Haley, we toast to you (raise glass) For you have already begun improving the world.

Best Man Toasts the Couple by Joe Burlingame

Thank you all for gathering here tonight on the beautiful occasion to celebrate the love of Korey and Paola. My name is Joe Burlingame and I know many of you have traveled from long distances to be here and we are so grateful that y’all came. Since the lovely maid of honor spoke so highly of Paola I am going to try and make Korey seem like he is worthy.

When Korey told me that things were getting serious and that he was going to propose,

My initial reaction was woah Korey

I am flattered but I am perfectly content with being fraternity brothers, but everybody knew he was talking about Paola. Korey and I’s relationship started about 5 years ago And to this day I remember my first impression–it was like any first impression when we first meet an accounting major/// Aw—wk–kward.

Our friendship though took off like a rocket ship, and before we knew it we were roommates up to the time he betrayed me and found a permanent roommate. I won’t say any names but she is in this room.

In the 4 years, I lived with Korey, I have found 3 things that make him the perfect roommate.

First, Korey loves spontaneous trips. Korey and I went to 6-7 concerts one semester. We only bought tickets in advance for one and that was because it was the one band I wanted to go see. The others were concerts that Korey had caught wind of last-minute and persuaded me to go. One concert, in particular, was the night of Korey and Paola’s first date. They had gone and got coffee and macaroons I think it was maybe an hour-long date. When he got back Korey talked about it as if they had spent a year with each other. Paola I knew then that you had to be special if you had him talking about you for that long.

Second, Korey is a humble servant. Korey if there is a characteristic that describes you it is being a humble servant. I would complain about how hot it was mowing our yard, but you would not only mow ours but our elderly neighbor’s yard as well. You thought you were invisible– I saw it all. Whether it be cleaning dishes, cooking, or constantly going to our neighbors to see if they needed anything done, you were a servant and I was thankful for you. Paola I am jealous, I am now going to have to clean and cook for myself now. Nik Birchfield said it best “Korey doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk”

Lastly, Korey is someone who is thoughtful. I remember when we first moved in Korey brought in this huge water jug of change and a little wooden chest, I asked what the heck is that for. He responded with “Man I plan on getting married and in order to get married you need a ring.” I was blown away– I never would have thought of that.

Paola I regret that we never really got to hang out. When I saw Korey take that jug of bills and came back with a ring and he started describing why he picked this specific ring out because it matched your characteristics I knew we would be friends.

Korey and I were roommates the night before he was going to pop the question. He practiced a lot with what he was going to say. I know because he practiced on me. I don’t know how many times we practiced the scenario but I could tell you that the words he was going to say to you were heartfelt and genuine

Paola I was able to have the perfect roommate for a few years, but now you will have the perfect roommate for life.

To Paola and Korey!

Hilarious Father of the Bride Toast

This toast is a good example of how to tell a funny story in a speech. This father’s story is brilliant, and his long pauses are perfect for this speech. He goes from having you crying from laughter to tearing up with sentiment.

Atlasobscura. Raise a glass to our readers’ favorite drinking toasts. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/best-drinking-toasts-and-cheers

Chidi-Ogbonna, K. (2018). Nine wine etiquette habits to know. https://thefinestitallianwine.com

Real Simple (n.d.). From how to hold a wine glass http://www.realsimple.com/realsimple/content/0,21770,712709,00.html

Revelations Video. The most hilarious father of the bride toast.[Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOKduRf7o4k Standard YouTube License.

Wineintro. (2008). Clinking of wine glasses and toasts. http://www.wineintro.com/champagne/clinkglass.html

Media Attributions

  • Toasting © Zan is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
  • holding wine glass is licensed under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license

example of a toast speech

Toast Speech

Toast speech among friends

A toast is a short speech to honor someone or celebrate an event. In either case, the tone should be upbeat so that the person being honored feels special, and the event is properly remembered. The distinction is often made between a brief toast and a longer toast speech.

Going to a party, dinner, or casual night on the town? If so, the chances are excellent that there will be a ritual raising of the glasses in honor of someone or something. The toast may be to celebrate a wedding or someone’s birthday or anniversary, a holiday, a promotion, a new house, or a new baby. In the absence of a specific occasion, guests may honor their host or simply the occasion of getting together with a toast. People love to raise a toast!

As with any type of public speaking, there are ways to give a toast. You can simply say “to ________” and allow others to clink glasses in agreement. However, if you are hopeful of making a bigger impact with your toast, here is our ultimate guide to toasting.

Table of Contents

Why Is A Speech Called A Toast?

One theory that has credibility among the foodies of the world is that dried or spiced bread was added to wine to improve flavor and soak up some of the acidity. Now, one would be shocked to see a person throwing toast into glasses of wine or champagne.

Toast speeches in history

What Is The Difference Between “Toast” And “Toast Speech”?

Often used interchangeably, there is a bit of a difference between a “toast” and a “toast speech.” Typically a toast is very brief, maybe even a few words. For example, when you hear a friend has recently gotten engaged, you might invite friends to raise a glass and simply say, “Congratulations!” or “To Ana and Brian.” Another common toast at the end of a week is to raise your glass and say, “Cheers!” Technically, that is a very short toast.

A toast speech says more about the person, couple, or event. Perhaps the most common event where toast speeches are given is at a wedding reception when some of those in the wedding party, such as the father of the bride , best man , or maid of honor , are invited to give a 3-5 minute speech about the happy couple that ends in a toast on their wedding day.

Toast speeches are common at retirement parties, anniversary gatherings, and other events, so do not assume these only occur at weddings.

What Is The Purpose Of A Toast?

The perfect toast can make a special day even more special, whether a wedding or an anniversary, promotion, or other event. It hopes to unify the group in some way, either by sharing inside jokes, special moments, or common memories or just by raising a glass in solidarity.

A great toast can range from very serious to incredibly silly. Whatever tone it takes, a truly excellent toast moves the emotions of those who are listening.

Birthday toast speech

What 3 Characteristics Should Be In A Toast?

A toast has three parts:  identification, narration , and  magnification.   (Some people simply identify the parts as the introduction, body, and conclusion.)

Identification:  The introduction tells everyone listening about your relationship with the honored guest and helps them relate to what you are about to say.

Instead of saying, “I am thrilled to be giving the maid of honor speech for my best friend Amy,” one might say, “As all of us friends and loved ones of Amy are feeling, I am thrilled to be able to stand beside Amy on her special day.” The second pulls the entire group in like they are part of the conversation rather than focusing on the speech givers relationship.

Narration:  The narration is where you tell some short snippet stories that will engage the entire group and give them a glimpse into the person you are honoring. They can be funny, touching, or take listeners through a range of emotions. This is also the body of the speech.

Magnification:  You can zero in on a trait or characteristic of the person or event you are celebrating and embellish or magnify it. For example, as you tell stories, you can stress the perseverance of an employee, the kindness of a parent or teacher, or the devotion of the new couple to each other.

You will then bring the toast to a  conclusion.  No one wants to end things awkwardly, leaving everyone hanging. Figure out how you will wrap it up cleanly.

Best man speech toast speech

What Are The Three Types Of Toasts?

  • Congratulations:  The congratulations toast is often given at weddings, anniversaries, or other celebrations. For these occasions, who will speak to the crowd of guests is usually decided in advance. Wedding speeches can be given by the best man, maid of honor, father of the bride, and others. If you want to give a toast, make sure that your toast will be welcome prior to giving it by clearing it with the host. Having person after person giving long toasts during a wedding reception or event can easily get out of hand.
  •   Appreciation:  As you are toasting something extraordinary someone has done, a few words of appreciation may be in order. A daughter might offer a toast to her parents on her graduation day, thanking them for their love and support. A groom on his wedding day might raise a glass to his groomsmen for loving and supporting him and to his lovely new bride.
  •   Remembrance:  Often given at a celebration of life, a remembrance toast is a beautiful way to memorialize someone. If you are giving a toast of remembrance, share happy or upbeat stories or memories that people will likely relate to. Save the risqué stories for another time, not a public venue.

How Do You Propose A Toast In A Speech?

If you are giving a toast speech, it is pretty obvious how to do it. For example, as a member of the wedding party at a wedding ceremony, if you get up, grab a microphone, and have your drink in your hand, people assume you are proposing a toast.

In some situations, it can be less apparent. Then, you can wait for a natural pause in the conversation and get the attention of those gathered. “Can I have your attention? I would like to propose a toast to (name) for (reason).” In these less formal situations, keep it short and sweet.

Retiement speech to group

What Is Toast Speech and How Do I Prepare?

A toast speech is when you are tasked with saying words on someone’s big day. As you prepare your speech, here are some simple steps:

  • Ask yourself: What type of toast is it?
  •  Next, consider: Who will be attending (listening)?
  •  Brainstorm some ideas. Perhaps the first time you met, or some funny stories to share. Jot down some notes.
  •  Start your speech writing. Remember that often, less is more. You do not need to speak for a long time to give a touching and memorable speech.
  •  Write your speech down on note cards. This is more effective than reading from a piece of paper or trusting your memory. Speaking from memory is an especially bad idea if you worry you might get emotional.
  •  Practicing is especially important if you get nervous in front of groups.

What Are Some Examples Of Toasts?

You can offer up a toast on any special occasion. Some examples of toasts:

  • Bridesmaid Toast : “To the happy couple. May your life together be filled with love and happy moments.”
  • Best Man Speech:  The best man speech usually includes explaining who you are and your relationship to the groom, telling a few anecdotes about your relationship, and wishing your best friend a lifetime of love and happiness with his new spouse. Short but sweet toasts may state something like “Cheers to my best friend and his new best friend, his beautiful bride.”
  • Parents of the Groom:  During the rehearsal dinner, the mother and father of the groom often act as hosts. One of them should thank everyone for coming and give a toast to the happy couple.
  • Retirement Toasts:  “May you have more fun in retirement than we did together at work.” “Enjoy your retirement and endless honey-do lists.” “We hope you enjoy many beautiful days of bad golfing. Just remember, the worse day of golf is better than the best day at work.”
  • Celebration of Life Toasts:  “There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains.” – Anonymous. “May the roads rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back, may the sunshine warm your face, And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.” -Traditional Irish Blessing

Love quotes for wedding toast speech to bride

Why Do People Drink Alcohol When Toasting?

Toasting with alcohol dates back to Ancient Greece or Rome, when people would offer up wine to gods in exchange for good fortune. In modern times, people don’t insist on a toast made with alcohol. Whatever you happen to be drinking would suffice.

It is important to know that in some countries and cultures, it is considered bad taste to raise an empty glass during a toast. Do not need to drink your entire beverage during the toast, no matter what is in your glass. A simple sip is enough.

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam has honed her speaking skills in the classroom and before professional groups. Pam enjoys sharing her insights about public speaking almost as much as she enjoys running, which she does daily.

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Wedding Toast Examples

January 8, 2017 By Kate

wedding toast examples

A wedding toast is a very important part of any wedding reception. Whether you have been asked to prepare a toast ahead of time or you feel inspired to suddenly stand up and toast the bride and groom, here are some quotes that will help you give a toast that everyone will love. From wedding toast examples from a parent to ones that are religious or funny, you can find some inspiring words that will be perfect for your own wedding toast.

1. This special and unforgettable night is a happy celebration of a perfect pair of people who are so deeply and unapologetically in love with one another. Let us all take a moment to raise our glasses to [bride] and [groom.] Let us toast to the incredibly exciting road that lies ahead of them.

2. [Bride,] for as long as I have known you, you have always been someone who has been able to find the joy in everything. I am so glad that you can share this ability to see the joy in everything with [groom.] May your life together be joyous and full of love.

3. [Bride] and [groom] have both honored me by including me in their wedding today, and I know that you all feel honored as well to be a part of this special occasion. From a beautiful ceremony to a very fun reception and delicious food, I cannot thank you enough for including us in your special day. Let us all raise a glass and toast to the new Mr. and Mrs.

4. Watching [bride] and [groom] together has renewed my faith in true love. I am so honored to be a part of this special day. Let us toast to the two people who have brought all of us in this room here today.

5. To [bride] and [groom,] may you always find comforting strength and endless happiness in one another. Please join me as I raise a glass to these two newlyweds.

6. Remember, [bride] and [groom,] that love is not about how much you say “I love you.” It is about what you do to prove it. May you continue to show your love for each other each and every day. A toast to the two of you on your wedding day.

7. [Bride] and [groom,] may you find joy with each other each and every day from this day forward. Congratulations and remember this special day always, as it is the day that brought you two together as husband and wife.

8. Here is to the groom with a bride so fair, and here is to a bride with a groom who is so rare.

9. May the two of you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. Here is to a wonderful wedding day and an even more marvelous marriage.

10. To be really able to experience the value of joy, you must have someone special to share and experience it with. What a wonderful thing it is then, a miracle even, that the two of you have found each other. Congratulations and to you, I raise my glass.

11. Even before this day, I have seen [bride] and [groom] fall in love over and over many times. That is the recipe for a successful and happy marriage. A toast to you both, I know I speak for everyone in this room when I say that we all wish you a long, healthy, and happy life together.

12. From this day forward, you will not be alone. As husband and wife, you will always have each other. And you will also have your families and friends to offer their support along the way. Congratulations to a lovely bride and groom on such a beautiful day.

13. To love, laughter, and a happily ever after. To [bride] and [groom,] your fairy tale is only beginning.

14. To the lovely bride and groom, here are my wishes for you. May you always have a place to call home and may you always be surrounded by those you love.

15. May you always have walls for the wind, a roof for the rain, tea by the fire, laughter to cheer you up, and everything that your heart desires. Congratulations [bride] and [groom.]

16. To a couple that we all know, admire, and love with all our hearts. We all wish the best for you and we toast to your health and happiness.

17. What is love anyway? It is unpredictable, sometimes it makes very little sense. But it is the strongest thing in the world and I am so happy that the two of you love each other the way that you do. Cheers to the bride and groom. May your love continue to shine and serve as a beacon of hope for all of us.

18. To be able to find your soul mate is a true blessing. Let us raise a glass to the bride and groom. Thank you for sharing your blessing of happiness with all of us.

19. I think it is safe to say that we will all look back on this special day with fondness. Congratulations, [bride] and [groom,] and here is to a new chapter in your lives.

20. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the two of you on your marriage. As you both grow older together, remember that the heart that loves is always young. So never fail to remember to stay young at heart together. That is what will keep your love fresh and exciting, even 30 years from today.

21. To [bride] and [groom,] may your love be as endless as your wedding rings.

22. To [bride] and [groom,] who we all love so dearly: may your love for one another run as deep as the ocean and may your worries be as light as the sea’s foam.

23. Cheers to the bride and groom, may you have a happy honeymoon. May you have a happy life and enjoy your time as spouses without strife.

24. Here’s to the husband and here’s to the wife. May the two of you stay lovers for life.

25. Let us toast to the health of the bride, let us toast to the health of the groom, let’s have a toast to the person who tied, and let’s raise a glass to everyone in this room.

26. As you celebrate this happy day in your life, remember that the best days are yet to come. In the meantime, let us raise a glass to your marriage and to your health and happiness.

27. When love rules your heart, anything is possible. Here’s to the bride and groom, we all know that they will do great things together.

28. We are all incredibly lucky to have been able to witness the immense and boundless love that the two of you share. Let us raise a glass to [bride] and [groom,] and their never ending love.

29. [Bride] and [groom] deserve three cheers for their steadfast commitment to each other. The decision to marry is not one that is made lightly and I know that their best years are ahead of them. Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!

30. When you are lucky enough to find the one that makes your heart soar, your one true love, then you should never ever let them go. And [bride] and [groom] have done just that. Congratulations to the both of you.

31. Here’s to the bride and groom with hearts of gold, may their love continue to grow as they grow old.

32. Let us all toast to a marriage that will be strong and enduring.

33. As the days and years go by, let us all remember this day as the special day where [bride] and [groom] proclaimed their undying love for each other.

34. [Bride] and [groom,] on this special day, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together. Your wedding day is certainly one that we will all remember.

35. Love believes, endures, and hopes. And above all things, love never fails. Let us all raise a glass to [bride,] [groom,] and the unfaltering love that they share.

36. As the two of you begin this new life together as a married couple, just remember this: be kind to one another and your love will last a lifetime.

37. Congratulations to the newlyweds on this special day. As you embark on this new journey together, always keep in mind that the first duty of love is to listen.

38. There is no remedy for love but to love more. Remember this every day, because now you are husband and wife. I know I am not alone in this room when I say that I wish you nothing but the best memories in the many years that you will have together.

39. Love, when it is real, is everything that is cracked up to be. That is why people can be so cynical about it. But sometimes you have to fight for love or make sacrifices and take risks for it. But it can be worth the risk. With love, sometimes you have to be fearless and strong. And [bride] and [groom] have both shown all of those qualities and much more. Let us all raise a glass to their future together.

40. Love is something that we could all use a little bit of. And between the two of them, [bride] and [groom] have plenty of love to go around. Thank you for sharing that love with all of us on this special day and thank you for inviting us to witness this great love that you have.

41. Let us all raise a glass to a beautiful wedding, two wonderful people, and the love that they have for one another.

42. Here is a piece of advice for you two lovebirds on your wedding day: never stop laughing, even when the jokes are not all that funny.

Funny Wedding Toasts

43. Marriage is always a workshop in the sense that the husband is the one who works and the wife is the one who shops. But in all serious, marriage is a balance, no matter what roles the husband and wife take on. As long as you remember to respect and love each other, you can never go wrong. Let us toast to the marriage of [bride] and [groom.]

44. Marriage is an interesting arrangement that allows you to annoy that one special person for the rest of your life. But it is so worth it when you really love each other. Congratulations to [bride] and [groom,] may they continue to annoy each other for many more years to come.

45. Loyal, honest, funny, caring…but enough about me. I’m here to talk about the groom! He is someone who I look up to, whose love inspires me, and I think he found his perfect match in [bride.] Let us all raise a toast to the two of them.

46. Congratulations to the new, happily married Mr. and Mrs. ___________. Never forget what made you crazy about each other, and don’t drive each other too crazy.

47. [Groom] stole [bride’s] heart, so she stole his last name. All in all, I would say that things worked out quite nicely. Let us toast to these lovebirds on their wedding day.

48. Congratulations, [bride] and [groom.] Just always keep this in mind as you embark on your married life together: marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other person is the husband!

49. They say that a man is incomplete until he is married and settles down. After that, he is finished. Congratulations, [bride] and [groom] on your marriage.

50. Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life. Take advantage of that as much as you can. Congratulations to the bride and groom!

51. [Bride] and [groom,] as you settle into your married life together, remember the 4 magic words that will keep any marriage strong: “I’ll do the dishes.”

52. Love is a temporary insanity that is curable by marriage. [Bride] and [groom,] thank you for having us all here to witness your wonderful wedding day. Let us raise a glass to the health and happiness of these happy newlyweds.

53. People like to always say that love is blind, but I don’t really believe in that at all. After all, anyone who has ever been within a 20-mile radius of this couple can clearly see how much in love [bride] and [groom] are. I would like make a toast to these two newlyweds, that their love will always be as radiant as the sun and that this love of theirs will only get stronger with each passing day.

Parent Wedding Toasts

54. As someone who has seen [groom] grow from a beautiful baby to a fine young man, I cannot be more pleased with the wonderful person that he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with, a lovely young lady who I am now lucky enough to call my daughter in law. She is beautiful both inside and out and we could not be luckier to know her, let alone call her a new member of the family. Let us toast to my son and his new bride.

55. When you are a parent, you want the best for your child. Luckily, my son found the best when he found [bride.] Join me, everyone, as I toast to my son and my new daughter in law.

56. As a parent, I have often worried about my daughter being okay, that she would do great things, and that she would never want for anything. Most of all, I always prayed for her happiness. As I look at her and [groom,] I can say that I am confident that the two of them will have a great life together and accomplish many things as husband and wife. And I know that the two of them will continue to be very happy in each other’s company.

57. Hello everyone. I am the mother of [bride.] It is said that when their children find true love, their parents find true joy. Here’s to your joy and to ours as well.

58. As I stand here today at my child’s wedding, I wonder where the time has gone. I still remember you as the baby that I fell in love with. And watching you grow has been a blessing. I am so glad that you have found someone who you can spend the rest of your life with

59. There have been many times and countless instances over the years where I thought that I could not possibly be prouder of my child. Today happens to be one of those days. On your wedding day, I could not feel any prouder and I could not be any happier for you. As I look at you and the person you love, who you have made this commitment to, my heart is incredibly full of joy and I am at peace knowing how happy you are. I know that together, you will continue to do great things together, this time as husband and wife.

60. As a mother, I have often worried about my child. Even though he/she is no longer a child anymore. It doesn’t matter how smart or capable they are, you always wonder if they will be okay. And while a mother never stops worrying, my mind and heart are at ease because [bride] and [groom] have found each other. And when I see the love that they have for each other, the affection and the respect that is there, I know that my daughter/son will be just fine. Congratulations to the both of you on your wedding day.

61. [Bride,] you have always been my pride and joy. So you can imagine that over the years, I always wondered who would ever be good enough for you, a girl who was so smart, so beautiful, and so pure of heart. And I think we found that answer in [groom.] Seeing how happy he makes you, makes me happier than you can ever know. Congratulations to you both.

You may also enjoy our Matron of Honor Speech Examples.

Religious Wedding Toasts

62. It is often said that marriage is a gift from God himself. The happiness that the two of you have together is a result of that blessed gift. Thank you both for sharing your gift of happiness and love with all of us on this special day.

63. To find real love in this world is the biggest blessing that any of us can ever hope to receive. As I look at [bride] and [groom,] I can see how blessed they are and how pure their love is, and I can say that we are all incredibly blessed and fortunate to even know them and to be able to share this special day with them.

64. What God has joined together today, let man not separate. Join me, everyone in congratulating [bride] and [groom] on this blessed day.

65. To [bride] and [groom,] may they honor the Lord with their marriage and their love for one another. Let us all raise a glass to their happiness and health.

66. May the Lord teach [bride] and [groom] to stand together through everything that comes their way. Let us toast to the health of these newlyweds.

67. Congratulations, [bride] and [groom.] I know that I am not alone when I say that I wish for all of God’s blessings to be bestowed upon you.

68. Today, [bride] and [groom] have dedicated theirselves to one another in body, mind, and soul. That we have all been able to witness this is truly a blessing. Let us raise a glass to the new bride and groom.

69. Let us rejoice in the blessing of love that [bride] and [groom] share. Their marriage is a firm declaration of their love before their loved ones and God. Congratulations to a couple that we are all very blessed to know.

70. In life, God can give us many blessings but the greatest one of all has got to be love. What are we without it? Nothing. And so, by having each other’s unwavering love, [bride] and [groom] have everything. Let us all toast to the love that [bride] and [groom] share.


example of a toast speech

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How to Propose a Toast to Commemorate and Celebrate


There are occasions when you may be asked to say a few words to commemorate an event or a person. Giving a speech at such an occasion, especially if the mood is festive, would not only be entirely unwelcome and a bore but also not appropriate for the context.

So, what can you do? Give a toast of course!

By definition, proposing a toast involves wishing a person or people future success, happiness and health and asking others to raise their glasses and join in a drink.

Toasts are diverse in that they can be given at retirement parties , awards dinners, weddings, birthdays, thanksgiving ceremonies and engagement parties, among others. They can be made over festive beverages such as wine, sparkling cider or champagne, as well as any other beverages.

If you are ever called upon to share a few words to add a personal touch to any social gathering, here are a few tips to help you propose a toast that will not only mark the special occasion but also be memorable.

Before we look at them though, do you know what a toast comprises of?

Structure of a Toast

A toast is made up of:

  • The Greeting

Here you’ll stand and ask the audience to stand (not compulsory) and fill their glasses, after which, you get to address them.

  • The Proposal

Here, you’ll raise your glass and give your proposal. This may be something along the lines of, “I would like to propose a toast…”

This, just like in a speech, is the most important part. It should be made up of a few sentences that talk about the persons in question.

This is where you pay homage to the toast’s subject. This could be something along the lines of, “Please join me in a toast to…”

  • The Declaration

This represents the climax, which honors the subject of the toast and summarizes the said toast. After this, drinks can then be taken.

We can now look at: 

Tips on Preparing for a Toast

We will begin by looking at what you should do in preparation for the toast.

Plan your toast in advance

Say you’ve been chosen to give a toast as the best man at your brother’s wedding, would you prefer to not prepare and fumble on the big day, thus disappointing him or plan what you’ll say in advance, thus allowing you to confidently relay a heartfelt message to the newlyweds?

I think everyone would prefer the latter, which is why it would be immeasurably better to prepare in advance .

plan toast

Putting some thought to what you’ll say when giving a toast not only makes you sound sincerer but also prevents you from rambling on.

Pro-Tip: A good basis for planning a toast would be to ask yourself:

  • What/who is being toasted?
  • What is the reason for the toast?
  • What type of event will the toast be given at?
  • Who will be in attendance?

Choose what format you’ll use

Here, you can decide whether to give a classic set toast or write up an original toast from scratch.

You should keep in mind though that the best kind of toast is one which merges an original introduction that talks about the attendees and the occasion its being presented in, with a classic toast.

Ever heard of a simple three-point structure?

This structure allows you to make use of any three values or qualities that have importance in the lives of your friends and family.

After deciding on the qualities you’ll be focusing on, illustrate each quality with a story or an event from the past, to help deliver your message to your audience.

Choose being sincere over being humorous

When drafting a toast , it’s better to be sincere rather than try to be funny.

Humor isn’t easy to deliver well, particularly with a diverse and large crowd. So instead, include sincere tidbits in your toast.

Additionally, you should note that in comparison with an ill attempt at humor, you can never go wrong with a sincere toast, which is more likely to be remembered.

Make use of notes

Planning in advance may also require you to write your key message down, and while you may be tempted to scribble this onto any piece of paper that on hand, don’t.

Instead, you can use a 3x5 card to write your notes on, tidily. Ensure that your writing is bold and large, to allow you to read your words more easily.

If you usually use glasses to read, try practicing reading the notes with your glasses on. This will ensure that you deliver your toast smoothly.

Keep your toast short

While planning your toast, you should remember to keep it short. Remember, it’s a celebration, and no one wants to hear you talk for over 10 minutes when they could be having a good time relaxing and enjoying themselves.

Therefore, keep it anywhere between under a minute to a couple of minutes but try to not go over five minutes.

Pro-Tip: Droning on diverts the audience’s attention. You should therefore try speaking in short sentences.

When Giving a Toast

On the day of the celebration, when giving your toast, you should:

Before beginning, make your intentions known 

Being party to a large gathering or party may make it difficult to know the right time to make your toast.

So, how can you get everybody’s attention?


You can wait until everyone else has gotten their food, as most if not all individuals will be seated, before beginning.

Alternatively, you can raise your glass to shoulder level and say something like, “If I can have everyone’s attention.”

Please do not try clanging your glass with a utensil, as it may break the glass and it isn’t very tasteful.

Pro-Tip: Ensure you make your intentions clear using your words.

Begin with the obvious

When you’ve gathered together, either with your work colleagues or your family for a celebration, you’ll most likely be sharing the same physical space with your audience.

Despite experiencing the same setting, each individual in the space is thinking of different things in their mind. Therefore, as the toast maker or the master of ceremony, your first task before giving your toast would be to connect with your audience .


The best and easiest way to establish this connection would be talk about why you’ve all gathered together to begin with.

Beginning with the obvious allows everyone to share the same mental space. By giving voice to the shared experience, you forge a feeling of unity which allows you to bring the audience together.

Related: How to Start a Speech to Engage Your Audience

Share something about yourself

Now that your audience is thinking about the same thing, telling them a short story about yourself that’s relevant to the situation will help consolidate their focus on you.

By revealing something personal about yourself, you establish trust. This allows your audience to be more open to what you have to say and feel open positively.

Acknowledge individuals who aren’t present

While giving a toast, make a point to acknowledge any dear friend or family member who’s missing from the celebration and note that you miss them.

Ensure you do this at the start of your toast, as it may make people solemn.

You can then move on to joyful accomplishments to help lighten the mood.

Show your emotions

Your friends and family will probably be emotional, especially if your toast mentions a loved one who passed away or couldn’t be there with you to celebrate.

If you do get emotional while delivering this part of the toast, remember that its totally normal and understandable.

However, if you’re concerned that you may not be able to deliver the toast well because of it, you can practice that part of your toast a few times.

Ensure that everyone is involved and has a drink

Toasts should be inclusive, which means no one should be left out, such as non-drinkers or children.

The aforementioned individuals can be provided with child-friendly or non-alcoholic drinks to ensure everyone is part of the toast.

Pro-Tip: Make sure everyone is present before giving your toast. This will prevent any interruption mid-toast or awkward glances shared when someone walks in during the climax of your toast.

Ensure you end your toast clearly

You may have been party to a toast that ended vaguely, which left the audience unsure whether the speaker had finished.

Therefore, when concluding your toast, you should make it clear and show everyone what they should do after.


You can say something to the effect of, “Raise your glass as we celebrate…” then guide your audience by clinking your glass with somebody next to you or taking a sip from your glass.

Pro-Tip: If it’s a large gathering, take a sip from your glass, as this is more preferable. However, if it’s a small gathering, clinking glasses is more celebratory.

Related: How to End a Speech Strongly and Memorably

We’ve talked about what you should do, now let’s look into what you shouldn’t do.

What NOT to Do When Giving a Toast

Do not drink before giving your toast.

If you’re feeling a little nervous before the toast, try to engage in some breathing exercises to help calm you down.

However, refrain from drinking alcohol to give you courage. This is because you may end up drinking too much and losing your judgement.

Additionally, you may lose track of time if you are inebriated.

So instead, lay off the alcohol till after you’ve given your toast.

Do not give your toast before the host

If you are not the event’s host , do not give a toast before they’ve given theirs.

However, if it’s been mutually agreed upon, then go for it.

If not, hold your horses!

Ensure you don’t embarrass anyone

If you’re toasting to a friend or family member at a wedding or celebrating someone’s achievement, you may be tempted to include an embarrassing tidbit in order to make the audience laugh.

This may make the person in question or the crowd, uncomfortable. So, unless you’re absolutely sure that your story’s a winner, remain on a positive note.

We’ve looked at what you should and shouldn’t do before and after giving your toast as well as during your delivery, which means that we can now look at a few toast examples.

Proposing a Toast (Examples)

A promotion toast.

Say for example, your colleague, Mark, is moving up the work ladder, what would you say to them?

A good example of a promotion toast would be,

“Mark, as you move up the ladder to success, may more doors open for you and may the opportunities be endless, to your promotion!”

A wedding toast

A wedding is a special and happy occasion. Additionally, it’s a time for merry making and generally having a good time. You should therefore ensure that your toast is short.

A wedding toast may be something like, “Ladies and gentlemen, will you please join me now in toasting to the lovely couple. We wish them all the happiness, wealth and health in the world, to the happy couple!”

An engagement toast

An engagement toast should focus on the couple’s relationship and their future together.

You can say something to the effect of, “For years, we’ve seen you two grow closer together and your relationship grow as well. As we celebrate this milestone, we wish you happiness and more blessings, to the happy couple!”

A college graduation toast

When giving this toast, giving a little background on the person may help the audience who aren’t as well acquainted with him to learn more about the said individual.


For instance, you could start by saying, “I would like to propose a toast to my daughter, Leila, who has finally graduated with her PhD in Physics from…Leila has been interested in rockets ever since she learned about astronauts and the moon landing...”

You can then end with the words, “I know you’re all anxious to congratulate Leila in her own way, so to Leila!”

Summing it up…On Giving Toasts

When giving a toast, keep in mind that delivering a short but heartfelt message is all that’s required of you. I hope these tips will help, Mazel tov!

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  • Engagement toasts

Engagement toasts: 5 example speeches

Short, sweet, & sincere engagement party toasts

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Here are five sample engagement toasts: enough I hope for you to find one to use as a model or starting point to write your own.

Scroll, (or click), to find a short, sweet and sincere engagement party speech example from the point of view of:

  • a father of the bride ,
  • a mother of the groom ,
  • a childhood girlfriend of the bride, her maid of honor
  • and a bride .

Surprise, surprise!☺ The common theme running through them all is celebrating and affirming the newly engaged couple. 

Girl wearing a colorful flowery skirt holding a piece of burlap with the word Happy on it.

Pull these engagement speeches apart 

Please play around with them. Say them out loud.  Chop bits out. Add bits in. Mix and match until you have the engagement party speech you want to give.

Even if your final version is radically different, these examples make an excellent beginning toward finding your own voice.

You, being yourself, speaking truthfully and sincerely from the heart, using words you naturally would, is what people want to hear. 

1. Sample engagement toast - father for daughter

(It's customary for whoever hosts the engagement party to speak first. Typically, that's the bride's parents and it's her father who gives the opening speech.)

dividing line dark green

Hi Everybody! It's my happy task to welcome you all here tonight to celebrate the engagement of Mary and Bill.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mary's very proud father, Jack.

Thank you for coming to share this milestone event. It means so much to all of us (Mary and Bill, me, my wife Martha, Mary's sister Elaine and her brother Ryan) that you're here at the occasion marking the beginning of their life long commitment.

Image: silhouette of a man holding the hand of a toddler. Text: I've had 29 years of being Mary's father.I remember her newly born; how her minute fingers curled around mine.

It is also a welcome opportunity to meet Bill's family; his father Mike, step-mother Stella and his younger brother Peter. Plus there are extended family and friends from both sides. During the course of the evening please do introduce yourselves.

Love! Marriage! Growing up seems to happen so quickly. I've had 29 years of being Mary's father and they've flashed by.  I remember her newly born; how her minute fingers curled around mine and the feeling that gave me.

Instantly I felt like a Super Man: an ordinary man, transformed, through the privilege of being her father.

Then, after Mary told her kindergarten teacher her dad actually was Super Man, really and truly with a cape and all, the name stuck: becoming one of those long-running family jokes.

And now she has grown.

When we met Bill, Martha and I said to each other, "Super Man, Two!" We knew he was right. To our great pleasure Mary has given him her hand to hold and cherish, and Bill has given her his.

Please raise your glasses and join me in a toast per courtesy of Bob Dylan:

May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Mary and Bill - we love you.

example of a toast speech

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2. Engagement party speech sample - mother

Image: two young boys: Text: Finally I get a daughter! Thankfully Bill changed his mind about girls being, as he put it aged about 12, "really dumb"

Mary welcome to the family!

While we're all delighted Bill has shown such good sense in choosing you, I've got an extra reason to celebrate. Finally, I get a daughter! Thankfully Bill changed his mind about girls being, as he put it aged about 12, "really dumb". 

Bill we are so proud of the man you have grown into. With Mary at your side and the love you so obviously share, nothing will be impossible.

To Mary and Bill - I offer you this toast:

When two people are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze. And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts, their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids.

May the strength and sweetness you share now, endure and grow.

3. An engagement toast from the bride's childhood friend, her maid of honor

I'm Stella, Mary's maid of honor. We've been friends since the day she moved in across the road from my family home.

Image: Child's drawing of two girls dancing. Text:Eight to about thirteen was the age of bikes, ballet, and braces on our teeth.

That's a long time ago when we were six. At that age Barbi ruled.

Eight to about thirteen was the age of bikes, ballet, swimming, and braces on our teeth.

Fourteen to twenty was books, "Do I look good in this?" and earnest discussions about the plight of the world.

We got an education, experimented with what we did and didn't like and through it all there was "us" - united.

And then along came Bill.

Bill redefined boyfriend. Until he arrived they'd been unreliable, troublesome creatures. He was kind, attentive, persistent and ultimately persuasive. And yes, I could see he had Mary's best interest at heart.

He loves her and she loves him. They are a perfect couple and I am happy he's come between us.

To Mary and Bill - we're going to have so much fun helping to plan your wedding!

4. Engagement speech from the groom  

Mary and I are delighted to share our intentions for the rest of our days with you.

Standing together in front of all the very special people in our lives to announce our engagement makes our private dreams public and, in a way, real.

Thank you for being here, for your love and well wishes.

Mary has made what I previously condemned as trite meaningful. With her by my side I understand "Love makes the world go round" and "All you need is love".

Image: Flowery bridal archway in beach setting: Text: Whether I'll also understand the importance of themed colors for the reception decor, or the bridesmaid dresses is another thing though.

Whether I'll also understand the importance of themed colors for the reception decor, or the bridesmaid dresses is another thing though.

However, like the best of men, my father and many of you here, who've gone before me, I'll endure because I know what I want.  That's to call Mary, my wife.

We'll see you all at the church in six months' time.

5.  An engagement toast from the bride

Bill, it fills me with great pride to stand here by your side in front of our families and close friends.

Image: cupid with cluster of red hearts. Text:Your choosing me to love and to marry is the fulfillment of a dream. It surpasses everything else. Even winning at table tennis!

Your choosing me to love and to marry is the fulfillment of a dream. It surpasses everything else:  academic successes,  great career moves. Even winning at table tennis!

You are my best friend, my mate and soon to be my husband. Once I was merely me. With you I am more than I ever thought possible, and this is just the start. Together we will be invincible.

To Bill - may we grow more in love and in life, nurturing the best in each other and those around us.

And to you all, my thanks and gratitude for your support past, present and future.

Engagement speech guidelines

Image: flowered skirt background with woman's hands holding a string of letters spelling happy.

Click the link for more about engagement party toast etiquette: planning & delivering a perfect  engagement party speech . 

Who speaks, how long for, when, what to say, plus quotations to use, and more. 

Other useful pages:

Deliver your engagement party speech with poise, with panache! Nothing develops confidence more thoroughly than practice.

To help you stand tall and speak well go to:

  • How to rehearse . You'll find detailed step-by-step guidelines.
  • And, if you suffer from anxiety,  14 suggestions for overcoming public speaking fear .

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example of a toast speech

Module 11: Speaking to Entertain and for Special Occasions

Introduction to speeches about people: toasts, roasts, and eulogies.

A woman giving a eulogy in a church

Whether a toast, a roast, or a eulogy (as in this picture), special occasion speeches about people require thoughtfulness and preparation.

Toasts, roasts, and eulogies are public speaking situations that call for thoughtfulness and care. In each of these situations, you’re trying to honor someone close to you through your words, while creating an emotional connection to the crowd. You may be entertaining the crowd in an uproarious roast, creating a festive mood with a toast at a banquet, or comforting grieving family and friends with a heartfelt eulogy.  Knowing how to deliver speeches for each of these situations will serve you for a lifetime. We’ll cover how to properly craft a speech that is tailored for each of these circumstances so that you can rise to meet the occasion!

  • Eulogy. Authored by : Bahudhara. Located at : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Victoria_Bannon_eulogy.JPG . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Introduction to Speeches about People: Toasts, Roasts, and Eulogies. Authored by : Misti Wills with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Wedding Speech

Wedding speech generator.

example of a toast speech

What Is a Wedding Speech?

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Wedding Speech Format


a. Greeting and Welcome: Start by greeting the audience and introducing yourself. Example: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s [relation] / [Groom’s Name]’s [relation].” b. Relationship to the Couple: Briefly explain your relationship to the bride and groom. Example: “I’ve had the pleasure of knowing [Bride’s Name] since we were kids, and it’s an honor to stand here today.” c. Expressing Gratitude: Thank the hosts, guests, and anyone who contributed to the wedding. Example: “Thank you to everyone who helped make this day so special, and to all of you for being here to celebrate this joyous occasion.”
a. Sharing Memories: Include personal anecdotes or stories that highlight the character and journey of the bride and groom. Example: “I remember the time when [Bride’s Name] and I… [insert a funny or heartwarming anecdote].” b. Highlighting Qualities: Talk about the qualities that make the bride and groom special individually and as a couple. Example: “What I admire most about [Groom’s Name] is his unwavering loyalty and kind heart. Together, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] are an incredible team.” c. Mutual Love and Respect: Emphasize their love story, how they met, and their journey to this day. Example: “From the moment they met, it was clear that [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] were meant to be. Their journey has been filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams.” d. Offering Advice or Wishes: Share some wisdom or advice for a happy marriage, if appropriate. Example: “Remember to always communicate openly, support each other through life’s challenges, and keep laughter at the heart of your relationship.”
a. Summarizing Key Points: Recap the main sentiments and highlights of your speech. Example: “To sum up, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love and commitment to each other are truly inspiring.” b. Raising a Toast: Invite everyone to join you in raising a glass to the couple. Example: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and endless adventures together. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]!”

Wedding Speech Example

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s [relation, e.g., best friend, brother, sister, etc.]. It is an absolute honor to stand before you today on this wonderful occasion. I’d like to start by thanking all of you for being here to celebrate the marriage of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Whether you’ve traveled from near or far, your presence means the world to them.” Body: Sharing Memories: “I’ve known [Bride’s Name] for as long as I can remember. From our childhood adventures to late-night talks about our dreams, she has always been an incredibly important part of my life. One of my favorite memories is when we were [insert a funny or heartwarming anecdote, e.g., ‘when we were ten, we decided to bake a cake for our parents. It was a disaster, but we laughed so hard, and it’s a memory I cherish to this day.’]” Highlighting Qualities: “[Bride’s Name] is not only my best friend but also one of the most compassionate, thoughtful, and resilient people I know. She has always had a heart of gold, and she lights up any room she walks into. [Groom’s Name], from the moment I met you, I knew you were the perfect match for [Bride’s Name]. Your kindness, patience, and unwavering support have been evident from the start. Together, you bring out the best in each other, and it’s clear that your love is something truly special.” Mutual Love and Respect: “Their journey together began [insert how many years ago or how they met, e.g., ‘five years ago when they met at a mutual friend’s party’]. From that moment, it was clear that they were meant to be. Their relationship has been filled with love, laughter, and countless adventures. Watching your love story unfold has been a privilege, and I know that your future together will be just as beautiful.” Offering Advice or Wishes: “As you embark on this new chapter together, I want to share a few words of wisdom: Always communicate openly and honestly with each other. Be each other’s biggest supporters and celebrate each other’s victories. Keep laughter at the heart of your relationship, and never take each other for granted. Love is a living thing that grows and flourishes with care.” Conclusion: Summarizing Key Points: “To sum up, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love and commitment to each other are truly inspiring. Today is a celebration of your journey so far and the beautiful future that lies ahead.” Raising a Toast: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with endless love, joy, and laughter. May you continue to grow together, building a life rich with beautiful memories and happiness. Here’s to a lifetime of love, companionship, and incredible adventures. Cheers!” Closing: “Thank you all for being here tonight, and let’s continue to celebrate this wonderful couple!”

Short Wedding Speech Example

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s [relation, e.g., friend, brother, sister]. It’s an honor to stand here today and celebrate the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name].” Body: Sharing Memories: “I’ve known [Bride’s Name] for many years, and one of my favorite memories is [insert a short anecdote, e.g., ‘when we went on a road trip together and ended up getting lost but had the best time laughing and exploring new places.’]” Highlighting Qualities: “[Bride’s Name], you are one of the most kind-hearted and joyful people I know. And [Groom’s Name], from the moment I met you, I could see how perfect you are for [Bride’s Name]. Together, you make an incredible team.” Offering Advice or Wishes: “As you embark on this new journey together, my advice is simple: keep communicating, keep laughing, and never stop supporting each other.” Conclusion: Summarizing Key Points: “Your love for each other is truly inspiring, and I know you have a bright and beautiful future ahead.” Raising a Toast: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and wonderful adventures together. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]! Cheers!” Closing: “Thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day!” This concise speech covers all the essential elements: introduction, personal anecdotes, compliments to the couple, advice, and a toast, making it heartfelt and memorable without taking up too much time.

Additional Tips for a Wedding Speech

  • Speak from the heart and be authentic in your words and emotions.
  • Aim for a speech that is between 5-7 minutes long to maintain the audience’s attention.
  • Mix heartfelt sentiments with light-hearted humor for an engaging and memorable speech.
  • Rehearse your speech multiple times to become comfortable with the content and delivery.
  • Focus on positive, celebratory aspects and avoid controversial topics or negative comments.

More Wedding Speech Examples and Samples

  • Best man speech
  • Father of the Bride Speech
  • Groom wedding speech
  • The Toast Speech on Wedding
  • Traditional wedding toasts
  • Bride to the bridesmaids toast
  • Maid of honour speech
  • Childhood stories Speech for Wedding
  • Mother of the bride Speech
  • Parents of the groom Speech
  • Tell anecdotes about the groom
  • Thank you for supporting our dreams Speech
  • The newlyweds toast Speech
  • Wedding Speech for Best Friend
  • Wedding Speech for Sister
  • Wedding Speech for Brother
  • Father of the Groom Speech
  • Mother of the Groom Speech
  • Bride’s Speech
  • Groom’s Speech
  • Groomsman Speech
  • Wedding Toast Speech
  • Sibling Speech for Wedding
  • Friend of the Couple Speech
  • Grandparent Speech for Wedding
  • Wedding Reception Speech
  • Emcee Speech
  • Thank You for coming Speech for Wedding
  • Wedding Welcome Speech
  • Vows Speech for Wedding
  • Pre-Wedding Dinner Speech
  • Wedding Planner Speech
  • Religious Leader Speech for Wedding
  • Cultural Ceremony Speech for Wedding
  • Destination Wedding Speech
  • Elopement Announcement Speech for Wedding
  • Wedding After-Party Speech
  • Engagement Party Speech
  • Renewal of Vows Speech for Wedding
  • Civil Ceremony Speech for Wedding

Wedding Welcome

Wedding Welcome2

Wedding Anniversary

Wedding Anniversary

Sample Wedding Speech

Sample Wedding Speech

Groom Wedding Speech Guide (PDF)

Groom Wedding Speech1

Short Wedding Speech Guidelines

Short Wedding Speech

How to Write a Wedding Speech

Step 1: let the crowd know you, step 2: plan in advance, step 3: give thanks to everyone, step 4: practice your speech, tips for wedding speech.

Tips for Wedding Speech

1. Know Your Audience

  • Gauge the Mood: Understand the overall vibe of the wedding. Is it formal or casual? Tailor your speech to fit the atmosphere.
  • Consider Relationships: Acknowledge both sides of the family and mutual friends. Make sure to include remarks that will resonate with everyone present.

2. Start with a Strong Opening

  • Introduce Yourself: Briefly introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the couple.
  • Grab Attention: Use a captivating opening line, a heartfelt quote, or a light-hearted joke to draw in your audience.

3. Keep It Personal and Heartfelt

  • Share Memories: Include personal anecdotes that highlight your relationship with the couple. Make sure they are meaningful and appropriate.
  • Express Emotion: Be sincere in your words. Express your genuine feelings about the couple and their union.

4. Include Humor (But Keep It Tasteful)

  • Lighten the Mood: Incorporate some light-hearted jokes or funny stories. Ensure that the humor is appropriate for all ages and doesn’t offend anyone.
  • Balance is Key: Mix humor with heartfelt moments to keep the speech engaging.

5. Focus on the Couple

  • Highlight Their Qualities: Talk about the bride and groom’s best qualities and how they complement each other.
  • Their Journey: Mention significant milestones in their relationship and how they’ve grown together.

6. Offer Good Wishes

  • Future Wishes: Share your hopes and dreams for their future together. This can include advice, blessings, or simply well-wishes for their new journey.

7. Practice Your Delivery

  • Rehearse: Practice your speech several times before the wedding. This helps you become comfortable with the content and delivery.
  • Timing: Aim for a speech that is between 5-7 minutes long. This keeps it concise and avoids losing the audience’s attention.

8. Stay Calm and Confident

  • Breathe: Take deep breaths to calm your nerves before speaking.
  • Pace Yourself: Speak slowly and clearly. Pause for effect and to let your words sink in.
  • Eye Contact: Make eye contact with the audience to engage them and appear confident.

9. End with a Toast

  • Raise a Glass: Conclude your speech by inviting everyone to join you in a toast.
  • Simple and Sincere: Keep the toast short and sincere, wishing the couple happiness, love, and a bright future together.

10. Be Yourself

  • Authenticity: Speak from the heart and be true to your personality. Authenticity resonates well with audiences and makes your speech memorable.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid Controversial Topics: Steer clear of any potentially divisive or controversial topics.
  • Stay Positive: Keep the tone of your speech positive and celebratory.
  • Hydrate: Drink some water beforehand to keep your throat clear.
  • Notes: It’s okay to have notes, but try not to read directly from them. Use them as a guide to keep you on track.

Uses of Wedding Speech

  • Expressing Gratitude : Wedding speeches are an opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the wedding. This includes parents, family members, friends, and even vendors. Expressing gratitude helps acknowledge their efforts and support, making them feel valued.
  • Sharing Stories and Memories : Speeches at weddings allow speakers to share cherished stories and memories about the couple. These anecdotes can be humorous, touching, or inspiring, adding a personal and intimate element to the celebration.
  • Offering Blessings and Well-Wishes : Wedding speeches often include blessings and well-wishes for the couple’s future. This tradition reinforces the communal support and love surrounding the newlyweds as they embark on their life together.
  • Highlighting Relationships : Through wedding speeches, speakers can highlight the relationships they have with the couple. This could be the bond between parents and their children, the friendship shared with the best man or maid of honor, or the connection with extended family members.
  • Providing Entertainment : Wedding speeches often incorporate humor and heartfelt sentiments, providing entertainment for the guests. A well-delivered speech can evoke laughter and tears, enhancing the emotional impact of the celebration.
  • Setting the Tone for the Event : The tone of wedding speeches can influence the overall atmosphere of the wedding. Speeches that are warm, loving, and sincere can create a joyful and positive environment, contributing to the success of the event.
  • Capturing the Essence of the Couple : Wedding speeches offer a platform to celebrate the unique qualities and journey of the couple. Speakers can reflect on the couple’s story, their strengths, and what makes their relationship special, creating a lasting tribute.
  • Encouraging Social Interaction : Speeches can help break the ice and encourage social interaction among guests who may not know each other well. Personal stories and shared laughter can bring people together, fostering a sense of community.
  • Honoring Traditions : In many cultures, wedding speeches are a significant tradition that adds to the ceremonial aspect of the wedding. Participating in this tradition honors the cultural and familial heritage, adding depth to the celebration.
  • Contributing to Wedding Memories : Speeches are often remembered long after the wedding day. They become part of the couple’s cherished memories, and recordings of these speeches can be revisited in the future, preserving the sentiments expressed.

What is the purpose of a wedding speech?

A wedding speech celebrates the couple, expresses love, and shares memories, adding a personal touch to the wedding ceremony.

Who traditionally gives speeches at weddings?

Traditionally, the best man, maid of honor, bride’s father, and sometimes the couple themselves give speeches.

What is the best way to practice my wedding speech?

Practice your speech by reading it aloud multiple times, recording yourself, and rehearsing in front of friends or family.

How can I make my wedding speech memorable?

Make your speech memorable by being sincere, adding humor, and including personal stories that highlight the couple’s relationship.

What topics should I avoid in a wedding speech?

Avoid controversial topics, inappropriate jokes, ex-relationships, and anything that might embarrass the couple or guests.

How do I start a wedding speech?

Start with a greeting, introduce yourself, and mention your relationship to the couple before sharing your stories and sentiments.

What should be included in a wedding speech?

Include personal anecdotes, heartfelt wishes, gratitude, and a toast to the couple in your wedding speech.

How long should a wedding speech be?

A wedding speech should typically be 5-7 minutes long to keep the audience engaged and the event on schedule.

Can I include quotes in my wedding speech?

Yes, including meaningful quotes or poems can add depth and resonance to your wedding speech.

How can I manage my nerves during a wedding speech?

Manage nerves by practicing thoroughly, taking deep breaths, and focusing on the couple and your message.


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The 10 Best Motivational Speeches To Inspire You And Get You In The Right Mindset

example of a toast speech

Recently, I have heard many close people feeling overwhelmed, uninspired and caught up in life. Hearing those stories, it hit me that even I was feeling that same way, and really wanted to find a way out of that mindset. It was then that  I watched Steve Jobs' "How to live life before you die" speech that he gave at Stanford's graduation ceremony in 2005. It reminded me of the eagerness I had to conquer the world when I myself was graduating from college, and served as the perfect tool to get me inspired again. 

Motivational speeches have the power to inspire you, enhance your creativity, reduce fear, offer a new outlook, and motivate you. They engage your mind and heart in a way that gets you thinking more clearly, seeing opportunities, and moving forward. 

motivational speeches 1

So if you need inspiration for your work, to start that project you always wanted to, or to keep going in a difficult situation, these 10 incredible motivational speeches will get you fired up and in the right mindset to succeed!

10 Great Motivational Speeches

With no further ado, here is a list of 10 amazing motivational speeches that I found very enlightening, and that perhaps also will resonate with you.

Warning: There may be some NSFW vocabulary in some of them.

How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs (2005)

In his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University, Steve Jobs, the co-founder and CEO of Apple and Pixar, shared his personal life story and the lessons he learned along the way. The speech was delivered to the graduating class, to motivate the students as they embarked on their future endeavors.

Jobs divided his speech into three stories. The first was about connecting the dots, where he shared how dropping out of college and taking a calligraphy class later influenced the design of the Mac. The second story was about love and loss, where he shared the lessons he learned by being fired from Apple and starting over with NeXT and Pixar. He emphasized the importance of loving what you do and not settling.

The third story was about death. Jobs shared his experience with cancer and how facing mortality helped him make big choices in life. He encouraged the graduates to pursue their dreams, not waste time living someone else's life, and make the most of the limited time they have. Jobs concluded by urging them to "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish," a message he discovered in his youth that encapsulated his life philosophy.

After you've listened to the speech, you'll know why it is considered one of the best motivational speeches out there.

A Memorable Quote

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.” 

You Owe You by Eric Thomas (2015)

Eric Thomas, a renowned motivational speaker, delivers a powerful speech titled "You Owe You" in this video. The speech is part of his ongoing efforts to inspire and motivate people to take control of their lives and pursue their goals with unwavering determination.

In his speech, Eric Thomas emphasizes the importance of knowing what you want in life. He urges the audience to stop living life by accident and instead wake up every day with a clear purpose, spending the rest of their lives going after what they truly desire. Thomas stresses the significance of self-reflection and holding oneself accountable for the effort put into achieving one's goals.

His words come from his own life experiences. He encourages people to push themselves beyond their comfort zones and to give their all in the pursuit of their dreams. Thomas also emphasizes the need for self-discipline, and prompts to prioritize goals over temporary pleasures and distractions.

"You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say, why are you only giving 50 percent, what's wrong with you?”

Commencement Address at the 2014 Graduation by Jim Carrey

In 2014, renowned actor and comedian Jim Carrey delivered a commencement address at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. The speech was given to the graduating class of 2014, with Carrey sharing his personal journey, life lessons, and insights on finding purpose and meaning in life, with his very characteristic sense of humor.

Throughout his speech, Carrey shares the importance of following one's heart and trusting in the universe to guide them towards their true calling. He encouraged the graduates to find what the world needs that their talent can provide, as the effect they have on others is the most valuable currency there is. Carrey also touched on the idea that material possessions and accomplishments will eventually fade away, and what truly matters is love and wisdom.

Moreover, Carrey shared his personal experience of reaching the heights of success and fame, only to realize that he still needed to free himself from his own fears and limitations. He stressed the significance of letting go of concern and choosing to serve others, as this mindset allowed him to connect with people on a deeper level and inspire them to present their best selves

"What's yours? How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That's all you have to figure out. As someone who's done what you're about to go and do, I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is."

How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek (2009)

In September 2009, Simon Sinek, a leadership expert and author, delivered a TED Talk at TEDxPuget Sound titled "How Great Leaders Inspire Action". The speech aimed to encourage people to be great leaders, using examples from greatly leaded companies.

Sinek introduces the concept of the "Golden Circle," which consists of three concentric circles labeled "Why," "How," and "What". He argues that most companies and individuals communicate from the outside in, focusing on what they do and how they do it, but great leaders and inspired organizations think, act, and communicate from the inside out, starting with their "Why". 

Sinek also explains that this pattern of communication taps into the limbic brain, which controls emotions, behavior, and decision-making. By expressing their "Why" first, leaders can create a deeper connection with their audience and inspire them to buy into their vision. Sinek says that people don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it, and this principle applies not only to businesses but also to individuals and movements.

"There are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold a position of power or authority, but those who lead inspire us."

Control the Controllables by Inky Johnson (2017)

In this motivational speech, Inky Johnson, a former college football player who suffered a career-ending injury, shares his inspiring story and the lessons he learned along the way. 

Johnson shares the importance of focusing on the aspects of life that one has direct influence over, such as attitude, effort, and response to challenges. He encourages his audience to let go of the things they cannot control and instead direct their energy towards what they can change. Johnson stresses that by taking ownership of one's actions and mindset, individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Throughout his speech, he draws from his own experiences, particularly the injury that ended his football career. Despite facing a huge setback, he chose to focus on what he could control: his attitude and his determination to move forward. Johnson's message is one of resilience and personal responsibility, urging his listeners to embrace the challenges they face and use them as opportunities for growth.

“We sometimes can forget what we have control over and how powerful that is."

motivational speeches 2

6 Rules of Success by Arnold Schwarzenegge (2009)

In this motivational speech, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the renowned actor, former professional bodybuilder, and former Governor of California, shares his six rules of success. Schwarzenegger's message aims to inspire and guide individuals on their path to achieving their goals.

Schwarzenegger talks about the importance of having a clear vision, not being afraid to fail, and ignoring the naysayers. He stresses that success requires hard work, determination, and the willingness to push oneself beyond perceived limits. Then he highlights the significance of giving back to the community and using one's success to help others.

He shares his personal experiences and the challenges he faced on his journey to success. He encourages people to stay hungry, never be satisfied, and strive for improvement. Schwarzenegger also underscores the value of self-discipline, stating that it is essential to work hard consistently and stay away from shortcuts or excuses.

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

“He for She” Speech by Emma Watson (2014)

In September 2014, actress Emma Watson, known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, delivered a powerful speech at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. As the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, Watson was there to launch the HeForShe campaign, a solidarity movement for gender equality.This inspiring speech motivates change both for men and women, in the context of feminism, to keep fighting for equal rights.

In her speech, Watson emphasized the importance of involving men in the fight for gender equality, extending a formal invitation to men, as gender equality is their issue too. Watson also addressed the misconception that feminism is synonymous with man-hating, clarifying that feminism is about equality and not discrimination.

Furthermore, Watson highlighted the need for women to be empowered to make their own choices, without being influenced by societal pressures or stigmas. She encouraged both men and women to embrace all parts of themselves, even those they may have abandoned due to gender stereotypes, in order to be more true and complete versions of themselves

"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong… It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideals."

It Ain't About How Hard You Hit by Rocky Balboa (2006)

In the 2006 film "Rocky Balboa," Sylvester Stallone's character, Rocky, delivers a powerful speech to his son, Robert. Rocky and Robert are having a heart-to-heart conversation about Rocky's decision to return to boxing for one last fight. Although it is in the context of a movie, this speech is very inspiring and applicable to real life.

In the speech, Rocky explains that life is not about how hard you can hit but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, and that's how winning is done. Rocky also points out that if you know what you're worth, you should go out and get what you're worth, but you have to be willing to take the hits without blaming the world, saying you're not where you want to be because of someone else.

The main theme is the importance of personal responsibility and resilience in the face of adversity. He acknowledges that life is hard and will beat you to your knees if you let it, but it's about how fast you can get up and move forward. Rocky encourages his son to be willing to take the hits and believe in himself, no matter how difficult the challenges may be.

"If you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers(...)”.

We don't "move on" from grief. We move forward with it by Nora McInerny (2018)

Nora McInerny, a writer and podcaster, delivered a poignant and humorous speech at TEDWomen 2018 in November 2018. In her talk, she shares her personal experiences with love, loss, and grief, aiming to shift the way we approach and discuss these universal human experiences.

McInerny challenges the concept of grief, arguing that it is a natural and ongoing part of life after loss. She encourages people to embrace the complex emotions that come with grief, acknowledging that it is possible to experience joy and sorrow simultaneously.

The speech highlights the importance of supporting those who are grieving and creating space for honest conversations about loss. She stresses that a grieving person will eventually laugh and smile again, but this doesn't mean the pain disappeared. Instead, they are moving forward, carrying their love and memories with them as they navigate life after loss.

"Grief is not a problem to be solved. It's an experience to be carried."

"Carpe diem. Seize the day" by John Keating (1989)

In the 1989 film "Dead Poets Society," John Keating, an English teacher played by Robin Williams, delivers a powerful speech to his students about seizing the day, known as the "Carpe Diem" speech. The scene takes place in a classroom at Welton Academy, an elite boarding school for boys, where Keating is teaching poetry to his students.

Keating begins the lesson by having one of his students, Mr. Pitts, read the opening stanza of the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. The poem's central theme is the fleeting nature of life and the importance of making the most of one's time. Keating then introduces the Latin phrase "carpe diem," which means "seize the day," and encourages his students to embrace this philosophy.

To drive home the point, Keating invites his students to look closely at the faces of former Welton students in old photographs, pointing out that they are not so different from the current students. He reminds them that, like those in the photographs, each person in the room will die one day. Keating urges his students to make the most of their lives and seize every opportunity.

"Because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die."

Why Motivational Speeches Work

Motivational speeches aim to inspire and encourage a specific audience to take action, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. These speeches are usually delivered to a particular group of people, such as students, employees, or athletes, with the intention of changing their perspective on the obstacles they face.

They can come from anyone who has valuable life experiences to share in a specific field, and are often given by successful entrepreneurs, politicians, coaches, or other public figures. However, they can also come from someone close to you, like a friend or teacher, who wants to inspire you to reach your full potential. Even fictional characters from movies or books can deliver memorable motivational speeches that resonate with audiences.

The key to a great motivational speech is that it resonates with the listener on a deep, personal level. When a speech strikes a chord with someone, they become more open to embracing new perspectives and taking action to change their life.

Motivational Speeches: Let’s Wrap it Up

These 10 incredible motivational speeches can be the spark you need to reignite your inspiration and motivation, as they offer diverse perspectives and wisdom to help shift your mindset in a positive direction.

But remember, this is just a small sampling of the many powerful motivational speeches out there. Seek out other sources that resonate with you personally to keep refreshing the way you live your life. Listen to speeches from those you admire in your field or who have overcome challenges similar to your own.

motivational speeches 3

Use these speeches as a launching point to cultivate a success mindset. Believe in your own abilities, surround yourself with encouragement, and keep moving forward even in the face of obstacles. Stay hungry for motivation, and seize each day as an opportunity to create the life you desire.

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The Enduring Impact of Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address

This essay is about the enduring impact of Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement address. It discusses how Jobs shared three personal stories that conveyed key life lessons on trusting one’s path, learning from setbacks, and living with purpose. His insights into connecting seemingly random life events, overcoming professional challenges, and embracing mortality have inspired countless individuals. The essay highlights how Jobs’ speech has influenced both personal lives and the entrepreneurial community, emphasizing innovation, resilience, and personal fulfillment. Jobs’ ability to communicate profound messages with clarity and passion makes his address a timeless guide for living a meaningful and impactful life.

How it works

Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement address at Stanford University is one of the most memorable and impactful speeches in recent history. Delivered by the co-founder of Apple Inc., the speech offers profound insights into life, career, and the pursuit of passion. Jobs’ message resonated deeply with the graduates and has continued to inspire countless individuals around the world.

In his speech, Jobs shared three personal stories that shaped his philosophy and approach to life. The first story, “connecting the dots,” highlighted the importance of trusting one’s intuition and having faith that seemingly random events will eventually coalesce into a meaningful path.

Jobs recounted how dropping out of Reed College allowed him to drop in on calligraphy classes, which later influenced the design of the Macintosh computer. This experience underscores the value of following one’s curiosity and interests, even when their immediate utility is not apparent.

The second story centered on love and loss, detailing Jobs’ experience with being fired from Apple, the company he co-founded. This setback, however, led to one of the most creative periods of his life. He founded NeXT and Pixar, both of which achieved great success. His eventual return to Apple revitalized the company and led to groundbreaking innovations such as the iMac, iPod, and iPhone. This narrative emphasizes resilience and the idea that setbacks can be opportunities for growth and reinvention. Jobs’ ability to bounce back and achieve even greater success is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion.

Jobs’ third story dealt with mortality, inspired by his diagnosis with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. This experience brought into sharp focus the fragility of life and the importance of living with purpose. Jobs encouraged the graduates to live each day as if it were their last, a philosophy that motivated him to take bold risks and pursue his dreams without hesitation. He advised the audience to avoid the trap of living someone else’s life and to follow their hearts and intuition. This message serves as a powerful reminder to prioritize personal fulfillment and authenticity over societal expectations.

The themes of Jobs’ speech—trusting in one’s path, learning from adversity, and embracing mortality—are universally relevant. His ability to distill these profound lessons from his personal experiences and communicate them with clarity and passion made the address particularly impactful. Jobs’ candidness about his failures and vulnerabilities added a human dimension to his larger-than-life persona, making his success story more relatable and inspiring.

Moreover, Jobs’ speech at Stanford has had a lasting influence on both individuals and the broader entrepreneurial community. It has become a touchstone for those seeking guidance and inspiration in their careers and personal lives. The speech is often quoted and referenced in discussions about innovation, leadership, and personal development. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the timelessness of its messages and the unique ability of Jobs to connect with his audience on a deeply personal level.

In the years since the speech, many of Jobs’ insights have been reflected in the evolving landscape of technology and business. His emphasis on design and user experience, for example, has become a cornerstone of modern product development. The principles of innovation and resilience that he championed continue to inspire new generations of entrepreneurs and innovators. Jobs’ vision of technology as a tool to empower individuals and enhance creativity remains a driving force in the industry.

Steve Jobs’ Stanford commencement address is more than just a speech; it is a manifesto for living a meaningful and impactful life. His stories of connecting the dots, overcoming setbacks, and living with purpose resonate across different contexts and cultures. The speech encapsulates the essence of Jobs’ philosophy and serves as a guide for anyone striving to make a difference in the world. By sharing his personal journey, Jobs offered a blueprint for success that goes beyond professional achievements to encompass personal growth and fulfillment.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs’ Stanford address continues to inspire and guide people around the globe. Its messages about intuition, resilience, and purpose are as relevant today as they were in 2005. Jobs’ legacy is not only reflected in the products he created but also in the lives he touched through his words and actions. As we navigate our own paths, the lessons from Jobs’ speech can serve as a beacon, reminding us to trust in our journey, learn from our challenges, and live with intent and passion.


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The Enduring Impact of Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address. (2024, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-impact-of-steve-jobs-stanford-commencement-address/

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"The Enduring Impact of Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address." PapersOwl.com, Jun 01, 2024. Accessed June 3, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-impact-of-steve-jobs-stanford-commencement-address/

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News Organizations Cut Away From Trump’s Misleading Speech

It was the latest example of journalists having to weigh the news value of a major political moment against the challenges of reporting on a candidate who regularly speaks in falsehoods.

Reporters stand behind a red velvet rope and wait for Donald J. Trump to speak.

By Michael M. Grynbaum

  • May 31, 2024

Several major networks cut away from former President Donald J. Trump on Friday during an appearance that had been promoted as a news conference at Trump Tower devolved into a rambling and misleading speech.

It was the latest example of television journalists having to weigh the news value of a major political moment — in this case, the criminal conviction of a former president — against the challenges of reporting on a candidate who regularly speaks in falsehoods.

Mr. Trump’s unfiltered remarks were carried live by cable news channels and NBC, which broke into its usual daytime programming to cover his appearance. In the minutes before he began speaking, MSNBC, CNN and Fox News all aired anticipatory camera shots of an empty lectern.

Mr. Trump began by speaking in his usual discursive, dissembling manner. He unleashed a litany of false statements about his Manhattan trial, attacking witnesses, calling the judge the “devil” and falsely accusing President Biden of being involved in the prosecution.

NBC aired Mr. Trump for 20 minutes before the anchor Lester Holt cut in. “We were told this was going to be a news conference,” he told viewers, before bringing on two legal analysts to dissect and fact-check the remarks. “There is no evidence that Biden was behind any of this,” Mr. Holt said.

ABC and CBS did not interrupt their regular shows.

On MSNBC, where anchors have sometimes refused to air Mr. Trump live, the former president’s appearance aired for about 20 minutes before the network broke away. Later, an on-screen graphic read: “Trump Post-Verdict Remarks Riddled With Lies and Attacks.”

CNN broadcast Mr. Trump for 18 minutes before cutting to a fact-checking segment. Several networks told viewers they would return to Mr. Trump’s appearance once he began speaking with reporters, but the former president did not take press questions. The New York Times, on its website, had a livestream of Mr. Trump’s appearance for about six minutes before cutting the feed and continuing to publish written updates on its blog.

Fox News aired Mr. Trump’s appearance in its entirety.

During the 2016 campaign, Mr. Trump infuriated television journalists when he teased a “major announcement” related to his past lies about Barack Obama’s place of birth. Networks took his remarks live, but the appearance quickly turned into a campaign rally.

“We got played, again, by the Trump campaign,” John King of CNN said at the time .

Michael M. Grynbaum writes about the intersection of media, politics and culture. He has been a media correspondent at The Times since 2016. More about Michael M. Grynbaum

example of a toast speech

Biden, in Memorial Day speech, says Americans must continue upholding democracy

President Joe Biden , in his Memorial Day message to the nation, said Americans have a "responsibility" to uphold democratic ideals for which so many service members and their families have sacrificed

In a speech at the amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery, on a cloudy morning in Washington, Biden honored those who served in every major conflict since the Civil War.

“Every generation, our fallen heroes have brought us closer,” he continued. “Today we are not just fortunate heirs of their legacy. We have a responsibility to be the keepers of their mission. That truest memorial of their lives. The actions we take every day to ensure our democracy endures. The very idea of America endures.”

Biden, addressing military families of those who have lost loved ones, said he knows how difficult it can be after losing his son Beau to brain cancer in 2015. President Biden on Monday reiterated his belief the cancer stemmed from exposure to burn pits during his deployment in Iraq.

"I know it hurts. The hurt is still real, still raw," he said, noting this week will mark the 9th years since Beau's death. "The pain of his loss is with me everyday as it is for so many of you. Still sharp, still clear but so is the pride I feel in his service as if I can still hear him saying, 'It’s my duty, dad, it’s my duty.'"

"On this day we came together again to reflect, to remember but above all, to recommit to the future they fought for," he added. "A future grounded in freedom, democracy, opportunity and equality not just for some but for all."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Gen. C.Q. Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also delivered remarks during Monday's ceremony thanking service members and their families.

Before his remarks, Biden took part in the traditional wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. After presenting the wreath at the memorial, also known as the Tomb of the Unknowns, Biden made the sign of the cross.

He was joined at the ceremony by Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary Austin. The three leaders stood with their hands over their hearts as the taps played.

Earlier Monday, Biden hosted a breakfast at the White House with administration officials, military leadership, veterans and Gold Star family members to mark Memorial Day.

Next week, President Biden will travel to Normandy, France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

In his speech on Monday, Biden highlighted those who fought on that day as "members of the greatest generation who, 80 years ago next week, liberated a continent and saved the world."

The president went on to praised all those who've battled against fascism, communism and terrorism.

"Decade after decade, tour after tour, these wars fought for our freedom and the freedom of others because freedom has never been guaranteed," Biden said.

"Every generation has to earn it, fight for it, defend it in battle between autocracy and democracy, between the greed of a few and the rights of many," he continued. "It matters. Our democracy is more than just a system of government. It is the very soul of America."

As President Biden spent the morning at Arlington National Cemetery, former President Donald Trump -- the presumptive Republican nominee and Biden's 2024 challenger-- posted some messages to his social media platform to mark Memorial Day.

One post included a photo of Trump giving a salute with the caption, "We can never replace them. We can never repay them, but we can always remember. Today, that is what we are doing -- we remember."

In a subsequent post, however, Trump briefly mention Memorial Day before attacking E. Jean Carroll, who successfully brought a defamation case against him, and Judge Arthur Engoron, who oversaw his civil business fraud trial in New York.

“Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left,” Trump wrote.

ABC News' Lalee Ibssa contributed to this report.

Biden, in Memorial Day speech, says Americans must continue upholding democracy


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  4. Give the perfect toast with these 7 tips : Life Kit : NPR

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    Waking up every morning with your wife beside will forever make you joyful. We make a toast to endless satisfaction in your union. Always keep her by your side, man. 5. As your best man, I pray for you both on this special day as everyone raise their glasses.

  6. Toast Speech

    A toast speech is a type of tribute speech meant to honor someone. Your goal as a speaker should be to make that person feel special and to allow others in the room to be included in the celebration. ... This toast is a good example of how to tell a funny story in a speech. This father's story is brilliant, and his long pauses are perfect for ...

  7. Wedding Toast Examples, Tips, and Advice

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  10. Toasts

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  12. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Examples, Tips, and Advice

    Wedding vow and speechwriter Katelyn Peterson, owner and creator of Wedding Words, offered us three examples of successful toasts to inspire your own. Maid of Honor Wedding Speech Example "Hi, I ...

  13. 100 Best Toasts for Every Occasion

    4. Let us toast to bread, because without bread, there would be no toast. 5. Here's to all of you who know me well but love me anyway. 6. "Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my ...

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    Toasting requires risk and courage, vulnerability and humor, and a certain amount of chutzpah. Here's a basic guide to toast-making followed by 20 memorable toasts and quotes for all occasions. You'll be ready to grab the microphone and win over the crowd with ease. Toasting 101. Some basic tips for writing a toast:

  15. Touching Toast Speech Examples For The Honored Guest

    Here are some toast speech examples. At almost any celebration, someone will offer a toast to an honored guest or special occasion. A toast speech is common at a wedding reception but occurs at many other events. Whatever big day someone you love is celebrating, you may want to raise a glass, say a few words. and encourage glass clinking of ...

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  17. 4.4: Toast Speech

    A toast speech is a type of tribute speech meant to honor someone. Your goal as a speaker should be to make that person feel special and to allow others in the room to be included in the celebration. ... Hilarious Father of the Bride Toast. This toast is a good example of how to tell a funny story in a speech. This father's story is brilliant ...

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    Toast Speech. A toast is a short speech to honor someone or celebrate an event. In either case, the tone should be upbeat so that the person being honored feels special, and the event is properly remembered. The distinction is often made between a brief toast and a longer toast speech.

  19. 70 Wedding Toast Examples: Funny, Sweet, Religious Wedding Speeches

    24. Here's to the husband and here's to the wife. May the two of you stay lovers for life. 25. Let us toast to the health of the bride, let us toast to the health of the groom, let's have a toast to the person who tied, and let's raise a glass to everyone in this room. 26.

  20. How to Propose a Toast to Commemorate and Celebrate

    A toast is made up of: The Greeting. Here you'll stand and ask the audience to stand (not compulsory) and fill their glasses, after which, you get to address them. The Proposal. Here, you'll raise your glass and give your proposal. This may be something along the lines of, "I would like to propose a toast…". The Body.

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  23. Wedding Speech

    9. End with a Toast. Raise a Glass: Conclude your speech by inviting everyone to join you in a toast. Simple and Sincere: Keep the toast short and sincere, wishing the couple happiness, love, and a bright future together. 10. Be Yourself. Authenticity: Speak from the heart and be true to your personality.

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    6 Rules of Success by Arnold Schwarzenegge (2009) In this motivational speech, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the renowned actor, former professional bodybuilder, and former Governor of California, shares his six rules of success. Schwarzenegger's message aims to inspire and guide individuals on their path to achieving their goals.

  25. The Enduring Impact of Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address

    Essay Example: Steve Jobs' 2005 commencement address at Stanford University is one of the most memorable and impactful speeches in recent history. Delivered by the co-founder of Apple Inc., the speech offers profound insights into life, career, and the pursuit of passion. Jobs' message

  26. News Organizations Cut Away From Trump's Misleading Speech

    News Organizations Cut Away From Trump's Misleading Speech. It was the latest example of journalists having to weigh the news value of a major political moment against the challenges of ...

  27. Biden, in Memorial Day speech, says Americans must continue ...

    In his speech on Monday, Biden highlighted those who fought on that day as "members of the greatest generation who, 80 years ago next week, liberated a continent and saved the world."