English Compositions

Short Essay on the Book I Like the Most [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF 

Our today’s session is going to be focused on writing short essays on the topic of ‘The Book I Like The Most.’ There will be three sets of short essays on the same topic covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on the Book I Like the Most in 100 Words

Out of all the books that I have read, the one I like the most is Ramayana. Ramayana is a Hindu epic that tells the story of Lord Rama. The story starts with Rama’s father, Dasharatha, who was the King of Ayodhya and his three wives. Later Lord Rama is born and the story follows him as he grows up, gets married, is exiled and has to fight various demons and evil creatures.

The main part of the story is where Lord Rama fights the Demon King, Ravana and defeats him. He then returns to his kingdom and rules over the people as a moral and just ruler. This sacred epic written in ancient times teaches us a lot about life. 

Short Essay on the Book I Like the Most in 200 Words

Books have the power to fuel our imagination, provide us with knowledge about the outside world and improve our intellect. I love to read books. Reading books also boosts our memory and improves our reading, writing and speaking skills. I have read many fictional and non-fictional books, but the book I like the most is our former president, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s autobiography, ‘Wings of fire’. The book covers his life story before he became the president of India.

In the book, Dr Kalam talks about his childhood, his early life, his family and the struggles they had to go through to make ends meet. He talks about his journey from being a small village boy in Tamil Nadu to becoming a leading scientist in Indian space research, nuclear and missile development programs.

His story is indeed inspiring and proves that one can achieve all their dreams if one is sincere and are determined to work hard and persevere. The book also highlights the importance of family in the life of a person and how their support can help one realize even their seemingly impossible dreams. 

I have read the book multiple times and it has always left me feeling motivated and filled with determination to chase my dreams. It is indeed an amazing book. 

Short Essay on the Book I Like the Most in 400 Words

Books are often referred to as a man’s best friend. They are loyal companions capable of uplifting our moods and providing us with a safe space. Books contain a vast amount of knowledge and information and have helped us evolve in many ways.

Books have the power to fuel our imagination, provide us with knowledge about almost everything and improve our intellect. Reading books also boosts our memory and improves our reading, writing and speaking skills. That is why children are always encouraged to read from a young age. 

I love to read books and I grew up reading a variety of books, some fiction and others non-fictional. Fairy tales were my favourite. Reading about the different types of fairies, fairy godmothers, kind princesses, evil queens, witches and wizards was magical in itself. I also liked to read mythological books and found the tales from Greek and Roman mythologies pretty interesting.

As I grew up, my interest shifted to non-fictional books like biographies and autobiographies of famous people as well as memoirs and scientific journals. However, throughout the years, there is one series of books that has remained my favourite and that is the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. 

When I was eight years old, I received the first book of the Harry Potter series, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone’, as a birthday present from my aunt. I was delighted. That book introduced me to a whole new world – a world full of magical beings. As I read the book, my mind conjured up images of what that world might look like and my imagination exploded.

The book made me feel a range of emotions. I cried reading about Harry’s suffering. I smiled when Hagrid saved Harry. I felt so happy when Harry, Ron and Hermione became friends and I sat there holding my breath as the end approached. 

After I finished the first book, I couldn’t wait to buy the following ones. However, even to this day, the first book holds a special place in my heart. Harry Potter books introduced us to the wizarding world and its workings. They taught us about friendship, about having fun as well as working hard. They also taught us that no matter how strong the evil force is, the good always wins in the end. 

I also have many other books that I like. Some of them are ‘Wings of fire’ and ‘Ignited minds’ by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, ‘Gitanjali’ by Rabindranath Tagore, “To kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee and ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte.

 I have adopted a very simplistic approach to writing these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, post them in the comment section below. Join our Telegram channel to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you for being with us, 

Essay on My Favourite Book for Students and Children

i need my monster Book

500+ Words Essay on My Favourite Book

Essay on My Favourite Book: Books are friends who never leave your side. I find this saying to be very true as books have always been there for me. I enjoy reading books . They have the power to help us travel through worlds without moving from our places. In addition, books also enhance our imagination. Growing up, my parents and teachers always encouraged me to read. They taught me the importance of reading. Subsequently, I have read several books. However, one boom that will always be my favourite is Harry Potter. It is one of the most intriguing reads of my life. I have read all the books of this series, yet I read them again as I never get bored of it.

essay on my favourite book

Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter was a series of books authored by one of the most eminent writers of our generation, J.K. Rowling. These books showcase the wizarding world and its workings. J.K. Rowling has been so successful at weaving a picture of this world, that it feels real. Although the series contains seven books, I have a particular favourite. My favourite book from the series is The Goblet of fire.

When I started reading the book, it caught my attention instantly. Even though I had read all the previous parts, none of the books caught my attention as this one did. It gave a larger perspective into the wizarding world. One of the things which excite me the most about this book is the introduction of the other wizard schools. The concept of the Tri-wizard tournament is one of the most brilliant pieces I have come across in the Harry Potter series.

In addition, this book also contains some of my favourite characters. The moment I read about Victor Krum’s entry, I was star struck. The aura and personality of that character described by Rowling are simply brilliant. Further, it made me become a greater fan of the series.

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What Harry Potter Series Taught Me?

Even though the books are about the world of wizards and magic, the Harry Potter series contains a lot of lessons for young people to learn. Firstly, it teaches us the importance of friendship. I have read many books but never come across a friendship like that of Harry, Hermoine, and Ron. These three musketeers stuck together throughout the books and never gave up. It taught me the value of a good friend.

Further, the series of Harry Potter taught me that no one is perfect. Everyone has good and evil inside them. We are the ones who choose what we wish to be. This helped me in making better choices and becoming a better human being. We see how the most flawed characters like Snape had goodness inside them. Similarly, how the nicest ones like Dumbledore had some bad traits. This changed my perspective towards people and made me more considerate.

essay on the book i like most harry potter

Finally, these books gave me hope. They taught me the meaning of hope and how there is light at the end of the tunnel. It gave me the strength to cling on to hope in the most desperate times just like Harry did all his life. These are some of the most essential things I learned from Harry Potter.

In conclusion, while there were many movies made in the books. Nothing beats the essence and originality of the books. The details and inclusiveness of books cannot be replaced by any form of media. Therefore, the Goblet of Fire remains to be my favourite book.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are books important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Books help with our imagination. They help us travel to far off place without moving. Most importantly, they are always there for us when we need them.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is Harry Potter about?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Harry Potter follows the adventures of the wizard Harry Potter and his friends Ron and Hermoine. It gives us an insight into the wizarding world.”} }] }

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My Favorite Book – Harry Potter (Essay Sample)

My favorite book – harry potter.

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series remains one of the most read and celebrated pieces of literature. The Harry Potter books highlight the idea of wizarding, painting the picture of the world so incredible that the reader gets immersed in the writer’s description of an almost utopian world. While books in the entire Potter series are my best, one specific book “The Goblet of Fire” is particularly special to me; it is my favorite.

“The Goblet of Fire” caught my attention the moment I read the first few sentences. Although I had read most of the earlier releases in the Potter series, none of them was as tantalizing and articulate as “The Goblet of Fire.” The concept of a wizarding world larger than Hogwarts is brought to light in the previous three books but in “Goblet of Fire,” the idea of a larger wizarding world is emphasized and brought to reality. “Goblet of Fire” is a book that marks a transition from the previous releases, as it is written from a relatively more mature perspective. In the book, Rowling gives a vivid description of two more wizarding schools which visit Hogwarts in preparation for the so-called “Tri-Wizard Tournament.”

The idea of the Quidditch World Cup in the first chapters of the book is so vividly described that the reader begins to imagine an alluring Tri-Wizard Tournament, surrounded by exceptionally competent wizards. The book presents scenes where the young Harry is forced into deadly situations reserved for older wizards during the tournament. The character Voldemort is transformed from an imaginary person into a real-world physical being. In the previous books of the series, the character was treated as an idea that threatens the world. Making the character a real, tangible person sets the book and its characters’ experiences on a whole new level.

Throughout the author’s narrations, “Goblet of Fire” retains an adventurous and youthful approach evident in the previous books in the series. The characters in the book are fully developed, and their descriptions are filled with action and adventure. For instance, the Hogwarts children interact effectively with other wizarding students. The author vividly describes the events at the tournament as children work in collaboration socializing during the Christmas Ball.

For someone who loves seeing the magical world through the eyes of Harry, the book is irresistible. Harry often treats the reader to such spectacles as flying in a magical car and finding parents. Some scenes such as the awkward school dance during the tournament, combined with the various tricks employed by magicians present growing up as a fun-filled yet dangerous period in the life of various characters. Readers are treated to the thrill of various fantasies that only the magical world can offer. The children in the play literally transform into adults and their youthful naivety is so well captured in J.W. Rowling’s descriptions with such powerful curses as Avada Kedavra which supposedly kills the enemies instantly.

In conclusion, the Harry Potter series is a single story told through various pieces, each setting up a platform for subsequent books in the series. Humans are so lost in the real world full of challenges and negative experiences that a chance to go to a magical utopia-like trip greatly excites me. “The Globe of Fire” and other Harry Potter series books grant me that opportunity, making it my favorite book.

essay on the book i like most harry potter

Fiction Fantastic

27 Real Reasons Why I Love Harry Potter (2023 Essay)

I’d kill for a chance to study at Hogwarts.

And I know many diehard fans would fight me to take that spot.

But as funny as the idea sounds…

It’s proof of how Harry Potter’s loved around the world.

And the list of reasons is longer than you think…

Continue reading to discover:

  • What made the Harry Potter characters so well-written.
  • The many different values that wizards and witches taught us.
  • How the story’s magical creatures help built the wizarding world.
  • 27 incredible reasons why fans can’t get enough of the Harry Potter series.
  • And so much more…

27 reasons why I love Harry Potter

#1: an active fandom.

Stories aren’t meant to be kept to yourself.

You’re supposed to share them with others.

But what does that have to do with the love for Harry Potter, you ask?

Well, it’s got 1 of the most active fandoms in the entire world.

In fact, if you’ve read the books…

Then you’re bound to interact with the community.

And that’s why I love Harry Potter.

The story’s not limited to its pages.

#2: A world I could put myself in

J.K. Rowling made the wizarding world come alive.

But besides the rich detail…

Not to mention all the information you can go through in official Wikis…

It’s a world anyone can enter.

Of course, magic doesn’t exist in real life.

But everything in Harry Potter felt within your reach.

And with strong enough imagination…

You could be flying on a broomstick.

#3: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I still remember the day I saw Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone at the movies.

The very first look at Hogwarts had hooked me at that moment.

And it’s a clip I always recommend to anyone begging to know how beautiful magic can be:

The idea of a wizarding school right under our noses was exciting.

In fact, it had fans around the world at the edge of their seats.

Plus, you should’ve seen the number of kids wishing they’d get their Hogwarts letter.

I was amazed and scared that such a large spider could talk.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There were also dragons, goblins, giants, and more.

As a result, many fans fell in love with Harry Potter because of its magical creatures.

#5: The wizarding fashion scene

It might seem like a small detail.

But the robes that wizards and witches wore also captured my heart.

In most bedtime stories, characters that used magic were often old and wise people.

And if that wasn’t the case…

Robes were only worn by officials and nobility.

But in Harry Potter?

Well, even kids and teenagers used wizard robes.

In fact, it made them look so fashionable too.

And many other fans will agree they wanted to wear 1 themselves.

#6: Importance of friendship

Research shows that making friends has a lot of benefits.

For example, that type of support can help you during your lowest. 

And even reduce the stress and anxiety you feel.

So how does Harry Potter tie into this, you ask?

Well, I love the book series because it always showed the importance of friendship.

Like how Ron and Harry made up even when they got into fights.

Or how characters were always there for each other.

And that lesson’s always been with me ever since.

#7: Learning about the power of love

Learning About The Power Of Love

As a kid, love always seemed like an icky feeling only adults understood.

But Harry Potter taught me it was so much more than that.

It took the form of Cho Chang ‘s bravery when she lost Cedric Diggory .

Or how a mother’s love kept Harry Potter safe against Lord Voldemort.

And I owe it to the Harry Potter series for showing me these things.

Because I learned how powerful love could be through its characters.

#8: Albus Dumbledore

The Headmaster of Hogwarts played a huge role in the story.

And while Dumbledore could be funny and playful.

He shared thought-provoking quotes that I still learn from today.

And many fans will agree that the Headmaster was a central figure.

Not just in the Harry Potter books…

But also in their growth as a person.

Dumbledore knew what to say when you were feeling down.

And his words rang true…

Be it a world of magic or real life.

#9: It taught me to be confident

Reading can be a lot of fun.

In fact, a study shows a chapter a day can even help you live longer.

But as far as confidence goes…

Carrying a novel everywhere wasn’t a tool to boost my self-esteem.

Well, that’s what I thought until I read Harry Potter.

When I discovered a world of kids my age going against unbelievable challenges…

It taught me to exhibit these characteristics myself.

And I love Harry Potter because the series taught me to be confident.

#10: I can’t get enough of the fanfiction

I know the books were long.

In fact, anything past the 4th novel was already way over 700 pages.

But I still couldn’t get enough of the wizarding world.

And luckily, there was a vast ocean of fanfiction available online.

So when I got through the books and movies.

I always found myself on forums looking up what-ifs.

And that’s why I can’t get enough of Harry Potter.

The community’s more than capable of adding to its beautiful world.

#11: Thinking about my Hogwarts house

Let’s face it.

There’s not a fan out there who hasn’t taken a Hogwarts house quiz.

Almost everybody wanted to know if they were a Gryffindor.

Like the brave and charming Sirius Black .

Or if their characteristics leaned more toward Hufflepuff.

Just like the kind and caring Susan Bones .

And that’s why so many fans fell in love with the series.

The houses of Hogwarts gave them something they could identify with.

So even if it sounds simple on paper…

You’d be surprised at how great it was at bringing people together.

#12: Learning all the spells

Although I didn’t have a real wand or proper practice for magic…

I couldn’t help but try learning all the spells.

There’s just something iconic to Harry Potter’s Expelliarmus .

And imagining that I was disarming an evil wizard was plenty of fun.

Plus, that’s just 1 bit of magic across 79 more spells to explore.

#13: A beautifully written story

Sure, the story wasn’t perfect.

In fact, some people might even say that Harry Potter’s overrated .

But there’s no denying that it got so many people back into reading.

And it also doesn’t take away from the 7-part series that felt like a blast to immerse yourself in.

So no matter what others say…

It’s still a beloved book of mine.

#14: Rereading the book series

If you thought reading the story once was great.

You’ll be surprised at how much better it gets on your 2nd and 3rd read.

There will be moments when you start noticing little details.

Not to mention all the foreshadowing you missed during your 1st time.

And it’s these little nuggets of information that keep me hooked on Harry Potter.

#15: Watching the movies

Stress can be harmful.

In fact, research shows that too much stress can negatively impact brain function.

And that’s why getting enough rest and relaxation was important.

But how does this connect to Harry Potter, you ask?

Well, watching the movies is a guilty pleasure.

The scenes never fail to leave me in awe…

Even after watching them for the 10th or 11th time.

And that’s why I still keep coming back to Harry Potter.

There are so many ways to enjoy the story.

#16: Flawed characters

Nobody’s perfect.

And Harry Potter explained it very well through its story.

Like how we first thought Snape was bad …

Only to learn about his sacrifices because he loved Lily Evans so much .

Or how Harry’s father turned out to be a jerk and a bully.

And it’s because of these flawed characters that I love Harry Potter so much.

#17: Cute love stories

I’ll admit it.

I’m not the biggest fan of romance.

But the ones you find in Harry Potter were just so cute…

You can’t help but cheer for them and dream of love too.

Like how Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger got their happily ever after.

Or how Ginny and Harry Potter ended up together.

#18: Tackling deeper topics

It might have started out as a children’s book.

But the Harry Potter series slowly tackled deeper topics.

Like the impacts of the wizarding war.

And the sacrifices that happened.

Sure, it might not be as complex as other popular fiction.

But it was a great introduction for its younger audience like me.

#19: Its impact on the world

Harry Potter changed the world .

You see, it wasn’t just popular.

Its popularity spread everywhere in children’s literature.

As a result, it helped many other books receive attention.

Not to mention made bringing geek culture into the mainstream.

And I love Harry Potter for everything it did.

Plus, I was happy to be a part of that change.

#20: Growing up with the cast

Novels can show a lot of character growth through their pages.

But what made Harry Potter special was actually growing up with its characters.

It really felt like a coming-of-age story because we saw Harry and his friends change.

And we were with them at every step of their adventure, learning new stuff as we went.

#21: Going to conventions

LeakyCon Harry Potter Convention

Harry Potter was a global phenomenon.

And its fame helped launch many conventions about the story too.

For example, we have the LeakyCon . A 3-day celebration for the wizarding world.

Plus, I can’t wait to go there myself and meet other fans of the story again.

#22: The music’s so good

If there’s 1 thing the movies did better than the books…

It was the music.

John Williams was a master at composition.

And the iconic Hedwig’s Theme made me fall in love with Harry Potter even more.

#23: It can help you make friends

It’s not easy making friends when you’re busy reading novels all the time.

But the beauty of Harry Potter came with meeting other eager readers too.

And just as the story put great importance on friendship…

Harry Potter helped me meet some of my greatest friends today.

#24: Taught me to love fantasy

I wasn’t that big into fantasy.

And you’ll find other people who weren’t that much of a fan of magic too.

But Harry Potter did it so well that it set a blaze in everyone’s hearts.

So just like everyone else who was introduced into the wizarding world.

It taught many of us to love fantasy.

And even look for other books and stories in the same genre.

#25: Anyone can enjoy the story

Sure, Harry Potter did start out as a children’s book.

But 1 of the best things I loved about it was accessibility.

Anyone can pick up the book and get hooked on the story.

And it’s why Harry Potter was so magical in the first place.

#26: Led to many games

Imagination can only get you so far.

But Harry Potter was so famous that it led to games too.

For example, we have the Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4 .

In fact, we even have Hogwarts Legacy releasing next in 2023.

#27: There’s still so much more to learn

Although the main story may have ended many years ago…

We’re still learning so much more about the wizarding world.

For example, we got a deeper look into Dumbledore’s life in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them .

And with so many other tales to explore…

I can’t help but fall in love with the idea of exploring the wizarding world even more.

Or what new weird life lessons there are to learn from Harry Potter .

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The Hub

Your Connection to Teen Collections

Why I Love Harry Potter


October is an exciting month for any YA lit fan, because it includes  Teen Read Week ! In honor of this annual celebration of young adult literature, YALSA invited book-loving teens all over the world to apply to share their enthusiasm for reading in a guest post for The Hub. Thirty-one talented young writers were chosen, and we’ll be featuring posts from these unique voices all month long. Here’s Jacqueline Cano from Virginia.


When I am asked what my favorite book is, I am met with a challenge. How can I choose just one? There are thousands of books that have been written; there are thousands more to be written yet. How can I be expected to pick one?  I’ve read hundreds of books. I couldn’t name them all if you paid me. But certain stories stick. And the series that sticks out most to me is Harry Potter .

And it isn’t just me. Mention Harry Potter and nearly everyone knows what you’re talking about. Some people will be enthused. Others will recognize it with apathy. There are also the ones who are fervently against it, but we mustn’t let those Muggles get us down.  That’s one of the things I love about Harry Potter– the recognizable quality it holds.  Harry Potter, which has been translated into 77 different languages, brings people of different ages and cultures together. It’s not some cool underground thing. It’s a unifying literary power.

Why do so many people care so much about a boy who grew up in the cupboard under the stairs? Why do so many people appreciate this made up story? What magic could it possibly hold? I can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you what I think.


The characters are human in every sense of the word. They fight. They love. They react and express a wide range of emotions. They do good but still make mistakes–they all have flaws. They’re vulnerable, and as human and alive as you or I.  The way they interact with each other is one of my favourite things. Then again, I’ve always had a weird fascination with human relationships.


Rowling didn’t sugarcoat things. She showed us how truly awful things and people could be. She showed us that we ourselves are capable of doing wrong. More than that, she showed us that we are everything, good and bad, that it’s all in how we choose.

Harry Potter left behind tons of loyal followers. Rowling gave us a legacy. We may not be able to join Dumbledore’s Army, but we can join the Harry Potter Alliance , which is just as good, helping the community while being around a bunch of like-minded witches and wizards-I mean fans. The HPA highlights all the good we learned from Harry Potter .


Helping others is fantastic, but regretfully, we don’t do it as often as we should. So, what about the fun that comes out of this? Earlier this year I went on a trip to Hogsmeade in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando. It was amazing. It was like stepping into the movie. I almost cried.

The best part of it was the collective awe.

In other sections of the park you saw the normal family arguments. But stepping into that section made it all go away. It was truly magical. And it felt genuinely good. Especially seeing how much it means to other people. And hearing grown adults freak out with joy in other languages.


I love Harry Potter . It may be just a story, but it is a large part of me. There is an instant bond that I feel with other fans that is unique. Finding someone who identifies with your House is spectacular. I am a proud self-proclaimed Slytherin (although Pottermore seems to think I should be in Gryffindor) and it’s nice to find similar, though hard to find fellow Slytherins because of the stigma still surrounding it. People look at you like you might be evil, but that is a misconception us Slytherins must unite to overturn.  Same goes for all the houses really. Hufflepuffs aren’t lame. Ravenclaws aren’t heartless intellectual robots. And Gryffindor’s aren’t arrogant. We’re all just people with different main qualities.

Thanks for reading my post–I hope you enjoyed it. Now go read something else. Might I suggest revisiting the Harry Potter series?

And remember, draco dormiens nunquam titallandus .

–Jacqueline Cano

Jacqueline Cano is a 16 year old high school junior in Virginia. She enjoys school, and her favorite subjects are JROTC and history. When she’s not reading or writing, she can usually be found listening to music or lost in her thoughts. More of her work can be found on Figment . 

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2 thoughts on “Why I Love Harry Potter”

I love Harry Potter! Excellent article!

This is great!

And no, Hufflepuffs are NOT lame :)

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essay on the book i like most harry potter

Essay on My Favourite Book Harry Potter Series

Essay on My Favourite Book Harry Potter Series edumantra.net


From the very first book, I was hooked on this incredible series that captured my imagination and transported me to a world unlike any other. There’s something truly special about these books that make them stand out from all others – the charm, wit, adventure, and intricate details woven into each page are simply unforgettable. As someone who loves reading books in their free time, it’s no surprise that Harry Potter is at the top of my list as my favourite book series ever! So join me as we take a closer look at what makes these books so amazing.

My Favourite Book Harry Potter Series edumantra.net

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What is Harry Potter about?

Harry Potter is a beloved book series written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The story follows the life and adventures of Harry Potter, an orphan boy who discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is a wizard. The series takes place in a magical world where wizards and witches exist alongside muggles (non-magical people). Throughout the seven books, readers are transported to this enchanting world filled with spells, potions, mythical creatures and fantastical places such as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As Harry learns more about his past and himself he faces many challenges, including defeating dark wizards like Lord Voldemort. Alongside his best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, Harry must use all of his powers to overcome obstacles while discovering what true friendship means along the way. The Harry Potter series is an epic adventure full of magic, and action-packed battles between good vs evil but also filled with heartwarming moments that will leave you wanting more.

Why I like the Harry Potter series

There are countless reasons why I love the Harry Potter series. Firstly, the world-building is absolutely incredible. J. K. Rowling has created a rich and intricate magical universe that feels so real, it’s like you could step into it yourself. Secondly, the characters are incredibly well-developed and multi-dimensional. From Harry himself to Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore and even minor characters like Luna Lovegood or Neville Longbottom – each character has their own unique personality traits and quirks that make them feel like real people. Thirdly, the themes explored in the series are universal and timeless. Friendship, loyalty, and courage – are all values that we can relate to no matter what age we are or where we come from. Lastly (but certainly not least!), there’s just something truly special about the way this story makes me feel every time I read it or watch one of the movies. There’s an undeniable magic to it all that fills me with joy and wonderment every time I dive back into this beloved world of wizards and witches. My love for Harry Potter runs deep – there isn’t a single thing about this series that doesn’t completely captivate me!

The Different Books in the Harry Potter Series

Different Books in the Harry Potter Series edumantra.net

The Harry Potter series consists of seven books, each one taking readers on a thrilling adventure through the wizarding world. Book- 1 The first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” introduces us to Harry Potter, his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and the magical world they inhabit. This book sets up the overarching storyline of Harry’s fight against Lord Voldemort Book- 2 “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” sees our trio back at Hogwarts for their second year. They discover that someone has opened the Chamber of Secrets, unleashing a monster that petrifies students. As always, Harry is tasked with saving Hogwarts from disaster. Book- 3 In “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” we are introduced to Sirius Black – an escaped prisoner who is believed to be after Harry. Alongside this new threat is a mysterious creature called a Dementor which haunts Hogwarts. Book- 4 “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” takes things up a notch as we see Hogwarts host its very own Triwizard Tournament – but something goes terribly wrong during it. Book- 5 In “Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix,” we find out more about Voldemort’s return as well as some important plot points concerning key characters such as Neville Longbottom. Book- 6 In “Half-Blood Prince”, Dumbledore finally reveals many secrets surrounding Voldemort’s past in order for them to defeat him once again Book- 7 Finally in “Deathly Hallows” everything comes together in this epic conclusion where friendship loyalty sacrifice all play crucial roles towards defeating evil once again

The Characters of the Harry Potter Series

The Characters of the Harry Potter Series edumantra.net

The characters of the Harry Potter series are some of the most memorable and beloved in all of literature. From the brave and determined Harry himself, to Hermione’s sharp intelligence, each character brings something unique to the story. Firstly, there’s Ron Weasley, who is loyal and always willing to stand up for what he believes in. His friendship with Harry is one of the driving forces behind their many adventures. Then there’s Neville Longbottom, who starts off as a timid young wizard but grows into a courageous fighter over time. His journey from underdog to hero serves as an inspiration for readers everywhere. Of course, we can’t forget about Severus Snape – arguably one of the most complex characters in the entire series. Despite his prickly demeanour and questionable actions at times, it becomes clear that he has been working towards a greater good all along. And finally, there’s Voldemort himself – a terrifying villain whose power seems unstoppable until Harry discovers his weaknesses. He serves as both a physical danger throughout much of the series and an embodiment of evil itself. Each character in this beloved book series adds depth and meaning to J. K Rowling’s magical world.

To sum it up, the Harry Potter series is undoubtedly one of my favourite book series of all time. It has everything a reader could want: adventure, magic, friendship, love and loyalty. The books’ intricate plotlines and well-developed characters keep me engaged every time I read them. Aside from being an enjoyable read, the Harry Potter series also taught me many valuable lessons about life such as bravery in the face of adversity and standing up for what you believe in even when it’s hard. If you haven’t had the chance to read this magical book series yet or are looking for your next favourite book to dive into then look no further than Harry Potter.

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Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays

Giselle liza anatol  ( editor ).

248 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2003

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Themes and Analysis

Harry potter and the philosopher’s stone, by j.k. rowling.

J.K. Rowling explores some essential themes within Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. An analysis of this book sheds light on how well structured and carefully planned most of the plot points of this book are.

Mohandas Alva

Article written by Mohandas Alva

M.A. Degree in English Literature from Manipal University, India.

‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ‘  is a children’s book, but it has a lot of essential life lessons for readers of all ages . The world-building for this novel hooks the readers into staying engaged , and the third-person narration adds to the detailed storytelling ability of the book. Several themes that are crucial to a child’s development are tackled in this book. Themes like love, friendship, and life lessons to tell apart absolute good and evil form a major part of the wide roster of themes that reside in this book.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone  Themes

Love and family.

One of the ‘standout’ themes of ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, ‘ and by extension, the whole book series, is love. The very premise of Harry Potter surviving the killing curse of Lord Voldemort is based on the protection offered by Harry’s mother, Lily. By sacrificing herself to protect her son, she builds a strong magical shield around Harry, and Voldemort is destroyed by his very own curse as it rebounds.

Love is a recurring theme in the entire novel, and it dictates the dynamic of the plot. For instance, the lack of love from Harry’s foster family and his hatred towards them is in clear contrast to his desire to see his parents in the Mirror of Erised , which is fueled by love.

Although similar in many respects to love, friendship has a more nuanced role in ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. ‘ Starting with Hagrid, who is Harry’s first friend in the book, Harry goes on to make several friends, including Ron and Hermione. Furthermore, the idea of making friends is also of major importance in ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. ‘ 

When Harry meets Draco Malfoy for the first time in Madam Malkin’s shop, Harry has already formed an opinion of Draco, and during their second meeting, Harry rejects Draco’s hand at the friendship and remains loyal to the humble and kind-natured Ron. Harry says, “I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.” which illustrates his confidence in making clear choices very early in this world he recently discovered. 

Another major theme in ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ‘ is sacrifice. Harry Potter’s mother, Lily Potter, sacrifices her life to save him. Although Ron is partially responsible for Hermione being locked in with a mountain troll , Harry and Ron sacrifice their safety by choosing to save her from the troll and run towards danger knowingly. Hermione sacrifices her place in Hogwarts by saving both Harry and Ron from possible expulsion from Hogwarts and risking her own expulsion.

Finally, Ron sacrifices himself in the game of Wizard chess to facilitate safe passage for Harry and Hermione to protect the Philosopher’s Stone. While this being a children’s book allows for most of them to be unhurt despite sacrifice, all these choices to sacrifice themselves, made by the characters, involve accepting the possibility of death.

Courage and Bravery

An essential theme of ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, ‘ bravery plays a major role throughout the narrative. For example, Neville Longbottom is scared and nervous in most parts of the book. He gets bullied severely, especially by Malfoy and his friends, Crabbe and Goyle. However, taking Ron’s word of ‘having to stand up for himself’, Neville gathers enough courage to fight Malfoy during the Quidditch match. He goes on to even stand up against his very friends, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, when they are on the verge of breaking school rules.

Bravery is also portrayed by Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they persevere amidst challenges and keep their goal to prevent the stealing of the Philosopher’s Stone always.

Although an obvious theme, magic is an essential theme and is crucial in the details that build the story world. The major fascination in this book comes from a wide array of magical nuances that would be helpful to have in the real world. Spells, enchantments, potions, magical beings, artifacts, and several other aspects that make the story of ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ‘ a great read for children play an important role in building the imagination of the reader.

Spells like  Wingardium Leviosa , flying broomsticks, or Madam McGonagall’s transfiguration into a cat are all impossibilities in the real world but add to the fascinating attraction that makes this book a memorable one. It caters to the escapism and fantastical requirement of the reader, thereby creating a sort of ‘magic’ of its own.


Another minor yet important theme in ‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ‘ is intelligence. It is illustrated several times, starting with Hermione’s continuous application of her knowledge resourcefully with the spell Alohomora to open the door and her impressive application of logic amidst a stressful situation.

Ron’s intelligence in winning the game of Wizard Chess is another good illustration. Furthermore, the headmaster Dumbledore also plays a very clever role in showing Harry the mirror of Erised beforehand and using the subtle distinction between greed and need as a basis of his puzzle to retrieve the Philosopher’s stone.

Analysis of Key Moments in  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

  • Harry Potter is safely brought to his Aunt’s House from the wreckage in Godric’s Hollow by Hagrid, and Dumbledore and Madam McGonagall place him on the doorstep.
  • Harry Potter grows up to be eleven but is bullied by his cousin Dudley and ill-treated by his Aunt and Uncle.
  • Harry encounters Hagrid, who conveys that Harry is a wizard and has been admitted to Hogwarts, to the dismay of his aunt and uncle.
  • Harry buys all his things and visits Gringotts bank with Hagrid, who picks up a small package from there.
  • Harry meets Ron and Hermione on the train to Hogwarts. Harry and Ron become friends.
  • Harry, along with Ron and Hermione, is sorted into Gryffindor’s house.
  • Harry learns how to fly and is selected as a seeker in his Quidditch house team.
  • Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville encounter a huge three-headed dog in a corridor that is forbidden for students.
  • Harry and Ron fight a mountain troll and save Hermione. They all become friends.
  • Harry wins the Quidditch match by catching the snitch but is almost knocked off his broom during the match. Hermione and Ron suspect Professor Snape.
  • Harry is presented with the invisibility cloak . He also encounters the Mirror of Erised.
  • Harry, Ron, and Hermione find out about Nicholas Flamel and the Philosopher’s Stone.
  • Hagrid tries to tame a dragon and is unsuccessful. He is forced to send it to Romania with Ron’s brother’s friends.
  • Harry, Hermione, Neville and Malfoy are sent with Hagrid for detention in the Forbidden forest. Harry comes across a cloaked figure who turns out to be Lord Voldemort.
  • Harry, Ron and Hermione decide to go to the Philosopher’s Stone and protect it from Professor Snape, who they suspect are behind it.
  • They make it through all the obstacles, and Harry alone enters the last room, where he finds out Professor Quirrell was the culprit. Further, Lord Voldemort resides in Quirrell’s head and is controlling him. Harry fights them and is victorious.
  • Harry tells Professor Dumbledore about everything that happened. Later in the school feast, Dumbledore awards extra points to Gryffindor for their heroic actions. Gryffindor wins the House Cup.

Writing Style and Tone

‘ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ‘ is written with simple language and is easy to follow especially as it is a children’s book. The writing style is primarily in the basic third person without any evident experimental styles.

The tone of the novel is sometimes funny and even engaging. J. K. Rowling evokes humorous situations within the text by alluding to certain characters of the book whom Harry dislikes. Examples include Aunt Petunia, who is written as a nosy neighbor, Uncle Vernon as a rude, rule-following, and boring man, and his cousin Dudley as a spoilt brat who is pampered beyond repair by his parents.  

Analysis of Key Symbols in  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Mirror of erised.

The Mirror of Erised is where Harry first sees the reflection of his parents and the rest of his family. It is revealed to show the deepest desires of the viewer. It works as an important literary tool in portraying Harry’s deep desire to be reunited with his parents, whom he never had the chance to know. It also does the same with Ron, who is revealed to want to be more successful than all his elder brothers, shedding light on his plight as a young sibling overshadowed by successful elder brothers.

The Philosopher’s Stone

Being an extremely valuable magical artifact, the Philosopher’s stone can create the Elixir of Life , which would make its drinker immortal. This symbolizes absolute power and demonstrates Lord Voldemort’s drive to attain dominion over others with this power. Furthermore, the fact that Harry could get it out of the Mirror of Erised illustrates his pure and incorruptible intentions and cements Dumbledore’s faith in him further.

What does the Sorcerer’s Stone symbolize?

The Sorcerer’s Stone, in its essence, symbolizes power in this book. However, it is an essential plot device and helps differentiate good from evil. Voldemort seeks the Sorcerer’s Stone for his selfish purpose of coming back to life as the tyrant he always was. On the other hand, Harry frantically attempts to prevent Voldemort from getting it, as he wants the collective good and peace of the magical world to remain.

What is the message of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ?

There are several messages in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. However, the most important message in Harry Potter is that love and friendship triumph over anything, no matter how fear-inducing the obstacles may be. Another message in this book is also that taking action in the face of adversity despite fear is the true sign of bravery.

What is written on top of the Mirror of Erised?

The engraving on the top of the Mirror of Erised reads, “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.” When one reads this backward, the sentence becomes more apparent – “I show you not your face, but your heart’s desire.” This is the very purpose of the mirror, and the engraving works as a clever stylistic device to create mystery in the reader’s mind till it becomes apparent.

essay on the book i like most harry potter

Summon your wit and wisdom—our Harry Potter Trivia Quiz awaits you! Do you have the knowledge to claim the title of Master Witch or Wizard? Take the challenge now!

1) What is the name of the book Hermione gives to Harry before his first ever Quidditch match?

2) What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?

3) Which object is NOT one of the Deathly Hallows?

4) What are the dying words of Severus Snape in both the book and the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"?

5) What is the name of the goblin who helps Harry, Ron, and Hermione break into Gringotts?

6) What form does Hermione Granger's Patronus take?

7) What was the last Horcrux to be destroyed?

8) Which creature can transform into a person's worst fear?

9) What is the effect of the Cheering Charm?

10) Which spell is used to open the Marauder's Map?

11) What potion is known as "Liquid Luck"?

12) Who was the Peverell brother that owned the invisibility cloak?

13) In which Harry Potter book does Harry first speak Parseltongue?

14) Who originally owned the Elder Wand before Dumbledore won it?

15) Which character is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in the Battle of Hogwarts?

16) Who teaches Herbology at Hogwarts?

17) What is the core ingredient of the wand owned by Harry Potter?

18) What is the name of the goblin-made object that is supposed to bring its owner prosperity, but also brings them into conflict with goblins?

19) In the "Order of the Phoenix," who is NOT a member of the original Order of the Phoenix shown in the old photograph that Moody shows Harry?

20) What creature is Aragog?

21) Who is the Half-Blood Prince?

22) What is Dumbledore's full name?

23) What animal represents Hufflepuff house?

24) Which potion did Hermione brew in her second year that allowed her, Ron, and Harry to assume the identities of Slytherins?

25) What specific type of dragon does Harry face during the Triwizard Tournament?

26) What is the name of the train that takes students to Hogwarts?

27) What does the incantation "Obliviate" do?

28) What does the Mirror of Erised show?

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Mohandas Alva

About Mohandas Alva

Mohandas is very passionate about deciphering the nature of language and its role as a sole medium of storytelling in literature. His interests sometimes digress from literature to philosophy and the sciences but eventually, the art and craft of narrating a significant story never fail to thrill him.


About the Book

The Harry Potter section of Book Analysis analyzes and explorers the Harry Potter series. The characters, names, terminology, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros ©. The content on Book Analysis was created by Harry Potter fans, with the aim of providing a thorough in-depth analysis and commentary to complement and provide an additional perspective to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

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Study Paragraphs

Short Essay And Paragraph On Harry Potter For Students

Here you can read a five-paragraph essay about the Harry Potter books in serious terms. The following selected paragraphs are valuable for learning purposes, especially for young students.

Table of Contents

A Paragraph About Harry Potter

1. Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. The series tells the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter and his friends Ron Wesley and Hermione Granger, who are all students of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and want to conquer the world.

3. They have also been criticized for their negative portrayal of certain groups, such as the Slithery, and for promoting witchcraft and wizardry. Even so, the series has become one of the most popular in history, and its influence on popular culture is undeniable.

4. So here’s a quick rundown of the Harry Potter franchise: Whether you’re a fan or not, there is no denying that these books have had a huge impact on the world. Did you know? The final book in the Harry Potter franchise, Deathly Hallows, was published in 2007 and became the fastest-selling book in history. In the first 24 hours of its publication, 11 million copies were sold.

5. The Harry Potter series has been translated into over 60 languages and made into eight blockbuster films. Rowling said she got the idea for the series while on a train ride from Manchester to London. Soon after, she began writing the first book. Harry Potter is often credited with reviving the children’s book genre , which made reading popular among young people again. Research has shown that it encourages children to buy books by other British authors, such as Roald Dahl and Diana Wynne Jones.

500 Words Essay On Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J.K. Rowling. The series chronicles the life of a young orphan boy named Harry Potter, who discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is a wizard. He is taken to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a magical boarding school in Scotland, where he makes friends and enemies, and learns about magic and the magical world.

The series is made up of seven books, with the first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” being published in 1997 and the final book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” being published in 2007. The books were later adapted into eight successful films, with the final film being released in 2011.

The Harry Potter series has become one of the most popular and successful book and movie franchises of all time. It has been translated into over 80 languages and has sold over 500 million copies worldwide. The series has also been credited with revitalizing interest in reading among young people and has been used as a tool for teaching reading and critical thinking skills in schools.

One of the reasons for the series’ success is its relatable and well-developed characters. Harry Potter, the protagonist of the series, is an orphan who is forced to grow up too quickly, and the series follows his journey from a neglected and mistreated child to a brave and confident young man. His friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are also well-developed characters, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. The series also features a wide variety of memorable and dynamic villains, such as Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the series, and his followers, the Death Eaters.

Another aspect of the series that has contributed to its success is its rich and detailed magical world. Rowling’s imagination and creativity are on full display in the series, as she creates a world filled with a wide variety of magical creatures, spells, and magical objects. The series also features a complex and intricate plot, with many subplots and twists that keep readers engaged and guessing until the end.

In conclusion, the Harry Potter series is a masterpiece of modern literature that has captured the hearts and minds of millions of readers and viewers around the world. It has become one of the most popular and successful book and movie franchises of all time, and its relatable characters, rich magical world, and complex plot are just a few of the reasons why it has stood the test of time. It is a story of friendship, love, and the power of good to triumph over evil that will continue to be enjoyed by people of all ages for years to come.

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Review of Harry Potter

How it works

Harry Potter and friends are entering their last year of wizarding school. This time, however, the rules have changed. After the death of Albus Dumbledore, the late headmaster of Hogwarts, Harry has made it his goal to finish what Dumbledore started. He and his friends partake on a long adventure across the whole world to find what is known as Horcruxes. These contain Parts of Voldemort’s soul, and may be the key to defeating him. After tailing clues and leads about the first horcrux, they finally find it in the office of ministry official Dolores Umbridge.

They steal it and head back to their safe haven at Harry’s uncle’s house. However, they also bring a death eater back with them, and the safeguard enchantments break down. Throughout the week they are in hiding in the woods, surrounded by only what they can wield as enchantments. They do not know how to destroy the Horcrux and they seemed lost. Finally, Harry finds out that the Sword of Gryffindor can help them. After a little searching, they are able to destroy it and move on. They need to find the other horcruxes, and that they do. They find two more objects and destroy them. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are now at hogwarts. This is where the final battle will take place and is also where Harry has come to die. We find out from Snape that harry and Voldemort’s Snake are the final horcruxes. Neville Longbottom kills the snake, and Harry is presumably killed by Voldemort. However, we find out this is not the case, and it was only the Horcrux inside of Harry that was killed. In a great duel to end the book, Harry Potter finally kills Voldemort once and for all, now that all of the Horcruxes are finished. I really enjoyed this book, even more than I enjoyed watching the movie. It felt so good to know that Voldemort couldn’t come back, because after 7 years of fighting, even the final chapter of hogwarts for the kids is extremely rough. You can feel their pain and their triumph equally, and that is what I loved about this book.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is full of characters. The characters that changed the most, or the round characters, were Voldemort and Harry Potter. These happen to be the Protagonist and antagonist through the whole series, including the final chapter: the Deathly Hallows. At the beginning of the book Harry believes that to kill Voldemort, he has to hunt down the horcruxes and destroy them. Even after this long in the wizarding world, he is naive to the fact that he might have to sacrifice something to finish off the dark lord. “Yeah” said Harry, “then we’ll have nothing to do but hung horcruxes… It’ll be like a holiday won’t it?” (At the end of the second act he learns that he too, is one of the horcruxes, and must die in order for Voldemort to be destroyed. HE shifts his whole mindset from ‘I have to be the hero”, to “I have to die in order for others to live”. While he doesn’t end up dying, he is willing to make that sacrifice, and therefore becomes a round character. The flat characters include people like Hermione Granger, the Dursleys, and other side characters whose motivations and alliances never change.

Some of the basic themes in this book include: “Mortality”, “Love”, and “Good vs. Evil”.

J.K. Rowling is a world renoune author from Great Britain.

This book is full of symbols. I think the most obvious ones are the deathly hallows. More specifically: the Elder wand. The elder wand is the most powerful wand in all of the Harry Potter book history. Its wielder has the power to beat everyone they face, if used right. However when you dive in to what the elder wand might actually stand for, it gets far more interesting. In the deathly hallows story, we are told that the first brother wanted absolute power. In hearing so, master death gave him the elder wand, so he could defeat all of his opponents. So in conclusion, the elder wand must symbolize power above all other, which in turn might equal death.

The point of view used in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is first Person. We are told the whole story through Harry Potter’s point of view and we only know and learn as he does. This helps us a lot, because through the story, Harry Potter finds out things that make for great plot twists. We wouldn’t have much of a story if we knew that voldemort had to kill Harry. It only turns interesting when Harry finds out this information as it’s almost too late.

The story mainly takes place in scotland at the Hogwarts. It also shifts to the woods as thats where Harry Ron and Hermione are hiding. It takes place in what would have been present day when the book was released. The setting really has little to do with the story, except for at one point or another, almost all of the wizards had passed through Hogwarts.

The center conflicts are mainly man vs man. The good vs the evil takes a dominant role in the story. However, there are some points where Harry will break out into a fight with himself, or with Ron. The fights would be considered man vs self.

An example of situational irony in Deathly Hallows is when we find out Snape was a double agent working for Dumbledore the whole time. We get to see, along with Harry after Snape dies, how much he loved Lily Potter, and how much work he did to make sure Dumbledore and Harry were set up for success.

The closest relation from the book to the real world is the theme of Power. We see all the time the mad scramble for Power, money, or a piece of both. This is also evident in the book, where it’s not just the bad guys going after full power and authority, it is some of the good people as well. It seems to be not only a shifting theme throughout the series of books, but it tends to affect the general population as well, as it does when there is a presidency change in the United States.


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Harry Potter Stories and Impact on Pop Culture Essay

The stories about the boy who faced challenges overcame all the difficulties, saved the wizarding world, and valued friendship inspire everyone. There is hardly a person in the world who has never seen the Harry Potter movies or came across the books. Hogwarts will help everyone to escape problems of real-life and will make anyone believe that everything is possible. J. K. Rowling wrote the first book in 1997, and the first book amazed so many people that Rowling consequently wrote six more.

Harry Potter influenced not a single generation. Children across the globe read books and were waiting for the movies, believed in magic, and expected to get the letter from Hogwarts when turned eleven. Every book is written in detail. From the very first page, the reader feels as if he opens a secret passage towards a new and better reality. Harry Potter shows how prejudices, conflict, and social hierarchies work in the community and the role of the moral concepts in struggling with difficulties.

The main heroes are realistic and advocate such important things as intelligence, friendship, love, and understanding. The story highlights that money should not determine social status. Perhaps, J. K. Rowling took the description of students who were not popular or even ignored in the school and turned their features into an advantage. In the controversial nature of heroes, the reader can discover himself sometimes. While writing a book the author usually gets inspired by something. In the case of Harry Potter, Rowling wanted her hero to face the same challenges that real people struggle with in the reality. Rowling once stated:

I wanted Harry to leave our world and find the same problems in the wizarding world. So you have the intent to impose a hierarchy, you have bigotry, and his notion of purity, which is this great fallacy, but it crops up all over the world. People like to think themselves superior and that is they can pride themselves in nothing else they can pride themselves on perceived purity. So yeah, that follows a parallel to Nazism (Granger, 2009).

The Harry Potter books are fantasy novels. The major purpose of Rowling to write the stories was to address significant issues that unfortunately begin to lose relevance in the modern world. The author aims to stress that friendship and intelligence matter more than money; fundamental values should not be forgotten. Harry Potter was a turning point for most of the children. This book raised interest in reading and proved that it can be fun.

The wizarding world described by the author is unreal, however, sometimes this border fades and readers are involved in the book as if it is about their life. Every child had the biggest wish to become a wizard. Harry Potter became the mainstream. According to recent researches, Harry Potter fans are likely to be more tolerant and liberal (Kozlowska, 2014). Rowling helped people to open their eyes and see that magic is possible, and it is around us. This book is not only for children as the true meaning is hidden between the lines, only adults can discover it.

Rowling shows that some problems are eternal. For example, the consequence of the Second World War, some researchers state that they are symbolized by the timeless power of Voldemort. She draws parallels between Hitler and Voldemort, Grindelwald, Slytherin, and the antisemitism movement. Those people who did not have the pure blood of wizards had to die, according to the ideology of Voldemort, Grindelwald, and Slytherin.

The same ideas shared Hitler to Jews. Several similarities between Hitler and Voldemort can be found regarding their political regimes, hate for Jews and Muggles. The vast majority of people think that Harry Potter is about a fantasy world that has nothing to do with reality. However, the meaning of the book is somewhere deeper. Social problems, dictators, and values are the major accents that Rowling wants to make.

The books influence the development of the personality. The entire generation was raised on Harry Potter books. Every child tried to be similar to Harry Potter, to have such true friends like Hermione and Ron, to overcome difficulties and challenges like Harry did. The books and the movies shaped the ideal picture of the world, where goodwill always defeats evil and there is always a happy end.

I should admit that books by Rowling influenced my life in a significant way. I began to enjoy reading and read all the books at an impressive speed. Harry Potter became the part of my heart that will always be with me as well as values advocated in the books. The book has a significant message for society: people are equal! Racial or social prejudices should not take place in the modern world. The book persuades readers with the emotional and visual development of the main characters. Harry Potter highlights that morality is the major weapon in the struggle with social conflicts and injustice. The work is much more serious than the ordinary book for children. It raises significant issues that are eternal and provides a better understanding of the fundamental values.

Granger, J. (2009). Harry Potter’s bookshelf: The great books behind the Hogwarts adventures . New York: Berkley Books.

Kozlowska, H. (2014). Can ‘Harry Potter’ Change the World? The New York Times . Web.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Harry Potter — Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets: Book Review


Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets: Book Review

  • Categories: Harry Potter J. K. Rowling

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Words: 1103 |

Published: Oct 2, 2018

Words: 1103 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Works Cited

  • Granger, J. (2004). Unlocking Harry Potter: Five Keys for the Serious Reader. Zossima Press.
  • Kirk, C. (2011). The Magic of Harry Potter: Essays Concerning Magic, Literary Devices, and Moral Imagination. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Lewis, C. S. (2000). Harry Potter: Good or Evil? In The Seeing Eye and Other Selected Essays from Christian Reflections (pp. 94-95). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
  • McCoy, J. (2018). J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Novels: A Reader's Guide. Continuum.
  • Rowling, J.K. (1998). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Scott, R. A., & Lockhart, M. (2002). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: The Illustrated Edition. Scholastic Inc.
  • Smith, H. (2003). Conversations with J.K. Rowling. Scholastic.
  • Whited, L. R. (2002). The Harry Potter Series and its Transmedia Strategies. Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 27(2), 79-86.
  • Whited, L. R. (2003). Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays. Praeger.
  • Whited, L. R. (2004). The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter: Perspectives on a Literary Phenomenon. University of Missouri Press.

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Example Of Essay On Harry Potter- Books Vs Films

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Cinema , Family , Harry Potter , Books , Movies , Literature , Film , Reading

Words: 1000

Published: 01/26/2020


A Compare and Contrast A Compare and Contrast Harry Potter, the series of J.K Rowling’s fantasy novels has been one of the most popular book-series in history of literature. Millions of readers, especially children used to wait earnestly for the release of every new book from the series. Undoubtedly, the movie series based on the novel too got extreme attention from children as well as teenagers worldwide. But, those who have read the Harry Potter books find the films to be less or different in content than the original stories. It is true that when it comes to reading the novels, it is always a better and far more enriching experience than watching the film. This essay elucidates a compare and contrast between the original Harry Potter books and the films based on them.

The Similarities

When one reads the Harry Potter novels, the story is obviously elaborated exclusively. The language is used in a simple yet highly effective way. The reader gets imbued entirely in grasping the pure literary pleasure while reading the book. Especially, the first book- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is full of rib-tickling descriptions of events involving the Dursleys. In a similar way, the movie too has shown some very funny sequences in the movie. Though the events have been changed at several places to make it dramatic, but the storyline has not been altered much. An amazing similarity lies in reading about and watching the Quidditch matches, magical events, battles between the wizards and above all, the structure and location of Hogwarts. One cannot deny that whichever part of the original story has been shown in film, it seems perfectly fulfilling to what one imagines while reading the books. E.g. the flying Nimbus 2000 in Part I, the dragons in Part IV and deathly hallows in Part VI and VII. The visual effects put life to the scenes described in books.

The Dissimilarities

Mainly it is the detailed content which suffers in films. Is it possible to show each and every detail and plot of a novel in a 2-hour film? Not really. Also, some theatricality is needed to make a film appealing. Therefore, there are some major differences between the books and films. In the Part I, it is shown that professor Quirrell turns to ashes on being touched by Harry. In book, Quirrell actually gets burnt by an enchantment done to Harry by his mother, Lily Potter. Also, Quirrell’s snaps do not result in Harry being tied by a rope in the film. Instead, Harry gets surrounded by a ring of fire. The famous Mirror of the Erised which showed Harry himself with his parents in the film, it actually showed Harry himself with his extended family along with his parents. One major difference between the films and books is in the role of Neville Longbottom and Peeves the Poltergeist. Both of these characters have a colossal significance in the story. Peeves the Poltergeist is supposed to be in Hogwarts since its inception. He is not only a trouble maker and hilarious tormentor but also fights the Battle of Hogwarts bravely. Neville too is a part of the Harry-Ron-Hermione trio while they find Fluffy, fight with Draco Malfoy and make significant contribution for the well-being of Hogwarts in Part I, II and V respectively. Another example of dramatics is seen when Ron and Harry play chess in Part II. There was no rule of destroying the captured chess piece with a sword. Also, the pieces could advice the players in the original story. Dobby, which was initially enslaved by the Malfoy’s but later is freed by Harry Potter is also an important character. He is much more powerful than what is shown in movies. The Part VI- Harry Potter and Half-blood Prince has not been filmed well however, in terms of plot and certain crucial events. (Bibbiani, 2011) It is Professor Snape who is the Half-blood Prince but the story behind it is never told well-enough.

The Understandable Differences

There is no doubt that the books steal the show in terms of content. The films could not portray or demonstrate teh significance and complete story of certain characters like Peter Pattigrew and things like the Marauder’s Map. It is not possible to fit the hours of story-telling into a couple of hours for film. So, much of the Dumbledore’s legacy is not shown. A lot from the history of James Potter and Severus Snape has been cut off (Kaplan, 2010). The finer details of many wizards, witches and magical equipments have been skipped. Above all, the pleasure of reading J. K Rowling’s brilliant words is more than watching the movie. Her words have made readers laugh heartily when she describes the events where Mr Dursley tells harry- MOTORBIKES DONT FLY and when Harry breaks a rib or two trying not to laugh to see Dudley clad in a uniform. Lord Voldemort looks terrific in the films, no doubt. But, as one reads the books, his dark power and personality leaves a greater impression on the reader.

It depends on personal opinion. It also depends on if a person is an avid reader or movie-watcher. But those who can read well and also watch a movie patiently, they would always find the books better to revel in the fantasy of Harry Potter and his great world full of legendary wizards, witches and villains.

Alexandria Kaplan . “Harry Potter: Book Vs. Film, Part I.” November 17, 2010. Retrieved from Web on 11 March 2011. http://www.mania.com/harry-potter-book-vs-film-part-i_article_126469.html William Bibbiani . “The Top Ten Things the ‘Harry Potter’ Movies Left Out.” July 15th, 2011. Retrieved from Web on 11 March 2013 http://www.craveonline.com/film/articles/171155-the-top-ten-things-the-harry-potter-movies-left-out


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“What if Harry Potter went to an HBCU in the South?” When LaDarrion Williams posed this question on Twitter back in 2020, he had no idea that it would completely change the trajectory of his career. But in a recent interview with the AP, Williams talks about the tweet that turned into a three-book deal.

The playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker wanted to start a conversation about the lack of diversity in the fantasy space. And the overwhelming response he got to his tweet sent him on a path to develop his idea into something bigger.

Williams said he originally wrote the story as a TV pilot. And after receiving donations from as far away as New Zealand, he snuck onto the campus of UCLA to shoot a short film. But to his surprise, the studios weren’t biting.

“I thought I had it all. I thought I had the viral tweet, the short film , I had the script, I had the idea. I thought Hollywood was going to give me a multimillion-dollar offer. I was humbled very quickly with that. No calls were coming. I struggled to get meetings with different production companies and showrunners and studios. Nobody wanted to meet with me. I was really confused and fell into a deep depression,” he said.

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“I was driving for Uber, and I got a call from my agent who said we got a three-book deal,” he said.

“Blood at the Root,” the first book in the series dropped May 7. It introduces readers to Malik, a 17-year-old from Alabama with magical powers who gets accepted into Caiman University, a magical HBCU. Williams says he was very intentional about making sure his main character was a Black male with a softer side.

“I want people to get to know him. The way he speaks, the way he thinks,” he said. “He extends the love he didn’t have as a child to his foster brother. I wanted to create all of that through the lens of magic.”

While Williams is looking forward to sharing his book series with the world, he hasn’t ruled out the idea of bringing his story to the big screen.

“I want to recreate that moment when “Black Panther” dropped, and everybody was just buzzing about it. I want to do that for television. I want that for Black kids,” he said.

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

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Ten Scenes from The “Half-Blood Prince” Movie that Weren’t in the Book

by AnnMary Mailyan · Published April 30, 2024 · Updated April 5, 2024

If you ask every Potterhead what’s the worst film adaptation in the saga, we’re pretty sure lots of them will answer Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince . The movie lacks lots of very important plot lines, like Voldemort’s past, and it feels like someone decided to make it into a sort of comedy that doesn’t go well with the general atmosphere of the series.

However, many fans loved HBP , because it feels like that’s exactly what we need before the last two parts, where things get even more dangerous and sad. The movie offered many interesting moments, which were a little unusual for the Harry Potter series , but still were fun to watch. And now, we’re gonna discuss all the scenes, that were in the movie, but not in the book.

1. Harry gets a date.

As Harry’s reading the Daily Prophet in a local café, he starts talking with the beautiful waitress and asks her on a date. Sadly, Dumbledore suddenly arrives and ruins Harry’s plans. We appreciate all the moments that show the simple life of the characters, because with everything going on, sometimes we forget that Harry and his friends are just teenagers who are supposed to worry only about getting bad grades or asking someone out.

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Harry flirts with the waitress

2. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have a laugh.

This was also a very short scene, proving the previous point. As the golden trio is discussing going back to Hogwarts, they start laughing at the silliest joke about Dumbledore’s age. This was a very cozy moment, something we didn’t get to see much of… just friends hanging out and having a laugh.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron laugh

3. Malfoy tries to fix the cabinet.

One of the things we absolutely loved about the sixth movie, was that it showed some scenes from Malfoy’s perspective as well. In the book, we find out that he was trying to fix the Vanishing Cabinet throughout the year, but in the movie, we get to see both his successful and unsuccessful attempts and “journey”.

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Malfoy teleports an apple

4. Hermione talks to Harry about Ginny.

In the book, Hermione realizes that Harry has developed feelings for Ginny but doesn’t discuss it with him. On the contrary, she constantly makes little stinging remarks, asking why Harry’s talking or asking about Ginny. In the movie, however, she is a better friend, and as she is crying about Ron and Lavender, she also comforts Harry, saying she knows exactly how he feels.

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Harry and Hermione comfort each other

5. Death Eaters set the Burrow on fire.

As Harry’s spending his Christmas holidays at the Burrow, it gets attacked by Death Eaters. This adds a little more action to the relatively uneventful movie, as Harry, Ginny, Arthur, Remus, and Tonks are trying to chase the enemy. This scene was very tense. And seeing The Burrow – our symbol of home and comfort, get burned was quite emotional.

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Harry and the Weasleys look at the Burrow burning

6. Remus and Tonks date.

While in the book we got to guess what’s going on with Tonks, and even suspect that she’s heartbroken because she was in love with Sirius, in the movie the director got rid of that whole plot, and made Remus and Tonks date straight away. Well, at least in the films they got to spend more time together.

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Lupin and Tonks leave the Burrow

7. Lavender confronts Hermione.

We love seeing some teenage love drama in the series, and the scene in the Hospital Wing where Lavender comes to visit her “Won-Won” and starts confronting Hermione is just hilarious. Next time you rewatch this part, make sure to pay attention to each of the professors’ facial expressions in the background. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

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Lavender visits Ron at the Hospital Wing

8. Harry gets drunk from Felix Felicis.

For most of the series, Harry’s always been quite moody and serious, so it was fun to see the cheerful side of him. In the book, he’s simply in high spirits, but in the movie, he actually gets drunk from the Felix. And let’s not forget about two hilarious scenes of drunk Harry: the one, when he’s answering Slughorn with his serious “Sir?” , and the next, when he’s imitating Aragog’s pincers. Oh, and singing along with Hagrid and Slughorn.

Harry imitates Aragog’s pincers

9. Students raise wands.

This was one of the most emotional moments, as the students and teachers raised their wands for Dumbledore, after finding out that he was killed. The scene gives goosebumps every single time. Not to mention that it became a symbol of farewell for all Potterheads in the world.

Students raise their wands for Dumbledore

10. Harry, Hermione, and Ron look at the lake.

Could there be a better “saying goodbye to Hogwarts” moment than this? As the three friends discuss their further plans, they look out of the Astronomy Tower, as Fawkes flies in the sky. The simple quote – “ I’ve never realized how beautiful this place was” , is truly touching, because it gives an official farewell to one chapter in Harry’s life and opens another one.

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Harry and Hermione look at Hogwarts’ lake

Most of these extra scenes didn’t add anything essential to the plot, but they’ve become an integral part of the Harry Potter legacy, so they are definitely worth talking about.

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AnnMary Mailyan

"Harry Potter" has been an integral part of my life ever since childhood, I wouldn't be the same person without the Wizarding World. Apart from being a huge Potterhead, I'm a big bookworm and a writer, who loves exploring everything new, inspiring and motivating people and being creative.

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Several children at a railing. A stage is in the background.

A Night to Remember at the Opera, Complete With a Phantom

About 130 children took part in a sleepover at Rome’s opera house, part of a campaign to make up for a lack of music education by making the theater and the art form more familiar and accessible.

Children attending a rehearsal at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome. Credit...

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By Elisabetta Povoledo

Photographs by Alessandro Penso

Reporting from Rome

  • May 13, 2024

In the pitch-dark auditorium of Rome’s Teatro Costanzi, a high-pitched lament floated from the top galleries. Dozens of flashlights snapped on, their beams crisscrossing crazily, seeking the source of the sound.

The shafts of light homed in on a spectral figure — a slim, dark-haired woman dressed in white, moving at a funereal pace and plaintively singing. In the audience, 130-odd children, ages 8 to 10, let loose squeals, some gasps, and one “it’s not real.” Several called out “Emma, Emma.”

The children had just been told that the Costanzi, the capital’s opera house, had a resident phantom. No, not that one. This was said to be the spirit of Emma Carelli, an Italian soprano who managed the theater a century ago, and loved it so much that she was loath to leave it, even in death.

“The theater is a place where strange things happen, where what is impossible becomes possible,” Francesco Giambrone, the Costanzi’s general manager, told the children Saturday afternoon when they arrived to participate in a get-to-know-the-theater-sleepover.

Children looking at a performer.

Music education ranks as a low priority in Italy, the country that invented opera and gave the world some of its greatest composers. Many experts, including Mr. Giambrone, say their country has rested on its considerable laurels rather than cultivate a musical culture that encourages students to learn about their illustrious heritage.

With little backing from schools or lawmakers, arts organizations like the Costanzi have concluded that it is up to them to reach out to the young.

Mr. Giambrone sought to dispel opera's stuffy image by abandoning the genre’s strict dress code. That change, like the sleepover, is part of his effort to make opera, often seen as an elitist, highbrow and abstruse art form for the initiated, more familiar and accessible, especially to children.

“We believe that the theater should be for everyone, and that it should make people feel at home,” Mr. Giambrone said in an interview. Hence the decision to welcome youngsters to eat, sleep and play there. “Once a theater is a home, it is no longer something distant, something a bit austere to fear, or somewhere you feel inadequate,” he said.

“There’s a lot of talk about Made in Italy, but real shortsightedness when it comes to our musical patrimony, which is envied throughout the world,” said Maestro Antonio Caroccia, who teaches music history at the Santa Cecilia conservatory in Rome. He said that “politicians are deaf to it.”

“Italy is far behind” many other countries, said Barbara Minghetti, of Opera Education , which creates programs for children. “This I can guarantee.”

When he was in Italy’s Parliament, Michele Nitti, a musician and former lawmaker with the 5 Star Movement, proposed a law adding musical education to school curricula. His bill never made it to a parliamentary vote.

He said that not even Giuseppe Verdi, the 19th century composer who also served in Parliament, was able, in his time, to get his fellow lawmakers to support music education in schools.

Mr. Nitti was also unsuccessful in getting lawmakers to declare opera singing a national treasure. He did support the country’s successful bid to have the practice of opera singing in Italy put on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

“Oh well,” he said.

Rather than letting its opera culture wither, Mr. Giambrone said, “Italy should be teaching other countries how it’s done.”

At the Teatro Costanzi, more than half of the children at the sleepover belonged to scout troops from Rome’s outlying neighborhoods. They were accompanied by coolheaded scout leaders who — impressively — commanded silence just by raising a finger.

Most of the children had never visited the theater before. “Come to think of it, I haven’t been there either,” said Gianpaolo Ricciarelli, one of the parents who dropped off his son.

Another father, Armando Cereoli, said, “Between video games, cellphones and Netflix, there’s tough competition to get kids interested in beautiful things.”

Some of the children came from disadvantaged neighborhoods, so the visit was “a chance to free their minds and to dream,” said Sara Greci, a scout leader and Red Cross worker who brought four girls from a home for abused women and their children.

The opera house runs several outreach programs for the homeless or people who live in Rome’s most far-flung neighborhoods, a way to open the theater to the city and broaden its reach, said Andrea Bonadio, who was hired by the theater to work on such programs.

Nunzia Nigro, the theater’s director for marketing and education, said that several of the children who had participated in the theater’s educational programs over the past 25 years were loyal patrons today. “We’re beginning to reap some of those efforts, and have a younger public,” she said.

Ms. Nigro helped organize the sleepover, tailoring it for 8- to 10-year-olds — old enough to sleep away from home but not old enough to have hormones kick in, she said. As it was, two boys felt homesick enough to get their moms to pick them up.

On Saturday, the children watched part of a rehearsal for an upcoming performance of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony — “the conductor uses a wand to direct music, not so different from Harry Potter’s but more important,” Ms. Nigro said. They learned how the staff cleaned the world’s biggest chandelier in a historic building, and they got to know the ins and outs of the theater via a treasure hunt (read general mayhem) that had them scrambling up and down stairs, flitting in and out of stalls like a multicharacter French farce.

Emma the phantom — Valentina Gargano , a soprano in the opera’s young artists program — made an encore, exacting a promise from the children that they would tell their friends about “this magic place” and come back when they grew up.

One girl had been so convinced that Ms. Gargano was a real ghost that the organizers made sure they met when the soprano was in street clothes.

After being serenaded with music, including Brahms’ classic lullaby, the children settled down (or tried to) in a patchwork of sleeping bags on an artificial green lawn used in a previous production of Madama Butterfly. Above them loomed oversize photos of some of the stars who performed at the Costanzi, like Maria Callas, Herbert von Karajan and Rudolf Nureyev.

After breakfast on Sunday, the children took part in workshops at which they designed colorful paper ballet costumes, learned basic ballet positions, sang as part of a choir (some more enthusiastically than others) and played an opera-themed version of snakes and ladders. The game was designed and overseen by Giordano Punturo, the opera’s stage manager, done up in a tuxedo and colorful top hat.

He didn’t know about the kids, he said, “but I had the time of my life.”

After a group singalong and photo, it was almost time to head home.

“Did you have fun?” Mr. Giambrone asked the kids. “Yes!!” they cheered. “Did you sleep well?” he asked, to a more mixed response. Several “No “s were notably heard. Come back soon, he said.

After hugging his parents who had come to pick him up, Andrea Quadrini, almost 11, couldn’t wait to tell them that his team had won at snakes and ladders, and that the treasure hunt had been especially fun.

“Wow,” he said. “I saw an opera theater for the first time.”

Elisabetta Povoledo is a reporter based in Rome, covering Italy, the Vatican and the culture of the region. She has been a journalist for 35 years. More about Elisabetta Povoledo



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