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Essays About Communication: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Are you writing essays about communication? Check out our top essay examples and writing prompts to help you get started.

Communication is power and is critical to building a well-connected society. Communicating well is vital in working with people and shedding light on problems and solutions. Practical communication skills can help build relationships. 

If you’re writing an essay on communication and are having a hard time choosing a topic to focus on, here is our round-up of the best essay examples to get you started:  

1. The Benefits of Communication and Teamwork by Karenina Loayza

2. it’s time to tune in: why listening is the real key to communication by kate murphy, 3. a love language spoken with hands by ross showalter, 4. the role of body language in communication by ashley tulio, 5. the power of storytelling in marketing by dylan jacob, 1. how-to develop communication skills, 2. how-to write an inspiring speech, 3. should all leaders be good communicators, 4. theories of mass communication, 5. how are schools developing children’s communication skills, 6. communicating face-to-face vs. online , 7. marketing communications: what are they, 8. is communicating on social media effective, 9. is it possible to communicate effectively on virtual workplace platforms, 10. how-to communicate in the workplace.

“In one task, we were blindfolded and had to describe a set of irregular pieces. With varying degrees of English and different experiences of the world, it was like explaining an elephant to an alien.” 

Loayza narrates an exercise in class where they have to describe surrounding objects as accurately as possible to keep others from stumbling on them. The writer said the exercise demonstrated effectively the need for good communication skills for teams to succeed.

“Schools and universities have courses in debate, rhetoric and elocution, but rarely classes that teach listening. You can get a doctorate in speech communication and join Toastmasters International to perfect your speaking skills, but who strives for excellence in listening?”

Murphy muses on a world that glorifies the speakers but leaves no room for the listeners like her. She points out how social media has created a generation that prefers interacting behind the screen and filtering out opinions that do not resonate with theirs. Instead, Murphy emphasizes listening as a foundation for better human relations and offers solutions for how others can develop their listening for successful communication. 

“Will showed me that not everyone makes promises they don’t intend to fulfil. I don’t have to invest in someone who promises an action they’ll never do. Relationships only move forward once the work of communication begins.”

Showalter, a deaf man, laments how non-deaf ex-lovers have promised to learn sign language to better communicate with him – only to see these promises broken. Then, one morning, a remarkable man in his life sends a video message reviving hopes for Showalter and redefines his standard in relationships for the better. 

“Non-verbal communication can affect our words as it can reiterate our message, contradict our words, reinforce our statement, substitute the meaning of what we are trying to say, and complement what we are trying to say. Body language is something that is usually natural and is often done instinctively rather than consciously.”

Tulio, a communications specialist, stresses the importance of using body language for expression. She provides tips on maximizing gestures and body movement to convey emotions in person and through videoconferencing. 

“In marketing, storytelling provides an avenue to connect to consumers unlike any other. Brands are empowered to share and sell their values and personality in a form that feels less like advertising and more like a concerted effort to strengthen relationships with customers.

The author cites the viewpoints of a business school professor who explains how storytelling can shape the world’s perception of a brand. Finally, the author outlines the vital elements that make an exciting story capable of connecting with an audience and effecting action among consumers.

10 Writing Prompts On essays about communication

To further expand your horizon on the subject, you can work around our list of prompts that are interesting and relevant to date:

essays about communication: How-to develop communication skills

You can narrow down this essay to target employees, students, aspiring leaders, or those who want to improve their conversation skills. First, list down recommendations such as expanding their vocabulary and listening. Then, explain how they can incorporate this into their daily routine. 

Writing a speech that strikes a chord requires extra work in developing empathy and understanding the audience. Next, you can focus on providing recommendations for your essay, such as putting in a personal touch and linking this story to the broader subject. Make sure you also offer simple writing tips such as using the active voice as much as possible, keeping sentences short, and keeping the tone conversational. 

Cite research studies that detail why effective communication is a critical skill that makes a leader. Then, write about the organizational pitfalls of poor communication. Later, leaders who can speak engagingly and listen attentively to their team members can address these pitfalls. 

Communication theory is the study of processes in sending and receiving information. Discuss the four main theories of mass communication: the Authoritarian Theory, the Libertarian Theory, the Soviet-Communist Theory, and the Social-Responsibility Theory. Explain each one. Explain how each remains relevant in understanding modern communication processes. 

Interview schools within your community and learn about their language curriculum and other efforts to empower children to communicate well. You can also interview child development experts. Find out the biggest challenges in helping children improve how they express their thoughts and ideas. Then, find out what schools and parents are doing to address them. 

While you’d hear many people expressing a preference for face-to-face meetings, there are undoubtedly benefits to online meetings, which some usually dismiss. Weigh in on the pros and cons of in-person and online meetings, especially in the current scenario of an ongoing pandemic. 

What are the new marketing channels marketers are leveraging to reach their audience? Several surveys and studies show where most marketing campaigns allocate their budgets. One example is video content. 

An interesting angle would also involve looking at epic brand fails. Cite two or more cases, find a communication mishap common between them and provide what lessons can today’s brands learn from these epic fails. 

From interacting with loved ones and finding someone to date and love, social media has dramatically changed our ways of communication. It might be great to interview the elders who have experienced communicating through snail mail. Dive into their nostalgia and discover how they compare the experience of letter writing against instant chatting through mobile apps. 

Several apps today aim to transform workplaces to be more connected for interaction and communication. First, list down the top apps most used in the corporate world and discuss why these communication forms are preferred over email. Then, delve into the drawbacks and aspects of the apps that need improvements according to what business users say. 

Recent studies show that employees quit their jobs when they feel unable to talk about their needs in the workplace. Research the communication culture in the top companies in a specific field. How are they engaging with their employees? How are they driving conversations toward critical concerns?

TIP: You don’t have to write an extended essay. Here is a guide to writing a concise and organized five-paragraph essay.

For more help with writing, check out our best essay writing tips for a stress-free writing process. 

essay on communication for class 5

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

View all posts – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Communication

Life without talking is a challenge that can present a range of difficulties. Without the ability to communicate, it can be isolating, and people may have difficulty building relationships, participating in social activities or taking part in activities of daily life. Communication is an essential part of our day-to-day life. It is important to be able to communicate effectively with others in order to create meaningful relationships and enjoy successful interactions. Today we will know about communication in detail

Short and Long Communication Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on Communication in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Communication will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Communication Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Communication is essential to successful relationships.

2) Effective communication leads to greater understanding.

3) The ability to listen is just as important as the ability to speak.

4) Communication is the key to conflict resolution.

5) Talking things out helps to identify shared goals and objectives.

6) Communication helps to bridge the gap between people of different backgrounds.

7) Good communication skills are essential to building strong connections.

8) Verbal and nonverbal communications are two very important components.

9) Clear communication is necessary for efficient running of any organization.

10) Communication builds trust between people and creates a sense of unity.

Short Essay on Communication (250 – 300 Words)


Communication is the process of conveying a message, idea and information between different people or groups of people. It is the key to connecting individuals, groups and organizations. It can be verbal, non-verbal, written or visual, and it is mainly used to share and exchange information.

Types of Communication

Communication can majorly be divided into two parts. The first one is verbal communication and the second one is non-verbal communication. Verbal communication includes speech and writing, while non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, body language, and gestures. Both types, the verbal and non-verbal communication are equally crucial for an effective communication.

Importance of Communication

Effective communication is essential for any organization or relationship. It helps to build and nurture relationships, create trust and understanding, share knowledge and skills, resolve conflicts, and develop strategic plans. Communication also plays an important role in decision-making as it allows all stakeholders to be involved in the process.

Barriers to Communication

Barriers to effective communication can include lack of understanding, language differences, cultural differences, physical distance, technology problems, and emotional distance. It is important to recognize these barriers and make efforts to overcome them in order to ensure effective communication.

Communication is key to connecting individuals, groups and organizations. Understanding the types of communication, the importance of communication, and the barriers to communication is essential for effective communication. It is important to make efforts to overcome these barriers to ensure effective communication and a successful outcome.

Long Essay on Communication (500 Words)

Communication is a process of conveying messages between two or more people. It requires a sender, a recipient, and a message that is intended to be understood. It is essential in order to create and maintain relationships with others. It has traditionally been classified into oral, written, and non-verbal categories; however, in the present day, there are more complex forms of communication, such as emails and text messages. This essay will discuss the importance of communication, the different types of communication, methods of communication, and communication tips.

  • Oral communication is very common type of communication. It includes anything spoken, face-to-face or over the phone, and may incorporate other mediums such as videos and podcasts.
  • Written communication is communication expressed through written words, such as emails and letters. Written communication is important when the message needs to be remembered in the future, as it can be referred back to and reviewed.
  • Non-verbal communication is visual communication that does not involve any verbal or written language. Non-verbal communication includes body language, such as facial expressions, posture, and gesture. It also includes eye contact and hand gestures.
  • Technology-based communication encompasses a range of digital tools and platforms, such as emails, messages, video conferences, and phone calls. This type of communication is mainly used for business and professional purposes.

Communication is a critical aspect of our lives and is essential to all types of relationships. It helps us to express our feelings, ideas, thoughts, and opinions. It helps us build relationships with others and increase our understanding of their perspectives. It also helps us to create and maintain trust with others and to resolve conflicts.

Communication is important in business as well. Effective and clear communication between employees, managers, and customers can result in better customer service and improved productivity. Businesses will have greater success if they are able to effectively communicate with their customers and employees.

Methods of Communication

  • Face-to-face communication : It is the most traditional form of communication and is particularly effective for creating relationships and strengthening trust. It allows both parties to ask and answer questions, express their feelings and opinions, and build rapport.
  • Telephone communication: It can be used if the message needs to be sent quickly, but face-to-face conversations are not possible. Telephone communication requires both parties to have access to the same equipment.
  • Video conferencing: VC is a more modern approach to communication, which allows people to meet and communicate from different locations. It allows for visual and audio communication, as well as the sharing of documents and other files.
  • Emails: Email is an efficient method of communication, as it allows for messages to be sent quickly and easily. Emails can also be sent to multiple recipients at once, and they allow the sender to include images and files.

Communication is an essential aspect of life and is important in both personal and professional relationships. It is essential to listen, understand, and respect the other person’s point of view. Different types of communication involve oral, written, non-verbal, and technology-based methods. It is also important to be clear and concise when communicating and to practice active listening. With these tips, individuals can improve their communication skills and create more meaningful relationships.

I hope the above provided essay on Communication will be helpful in understanding the importance of communication in everyone’s life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Communication

Ans. Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions between two or more people.

Ans. Effective communication helps to strengthen relationships, build trust, and foster understanding between people.

Ans. There are many different forms of communication, including verbal, nonverbal, written, and digital forms.

Ans. To improve your communication skills you should practice listening actively, be open to feedback, stay conscious of your body language, and be clear and concise in your message.

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Communication Essay

What would you do if you wished to share an idea with your friend or express your concerns regarding exams? You would interact with the concerned person, right? Wherever we go and whatever we become in life, communication is a key element that keeps our relationship with people healthy and alive. Hence, it is important to build essential communication skills in young children from early on. The communication skills essay is a great way to start practising for your children so that they can interact with people effortlessly and effectively.

Communication Essay

Experience in Communication

One day, a new student came to our class, and the teacher asked us to be friends with her. As she sat next to me, we shook hands and introduced ourselves. She told me that she came from Kerala, and I was surprised to note that her Hindi was so good that I mistook her for a native. If I hadn’t communicated with her, I would have assumed her to be a resident of Bangalore, and I wouldn’t have got to know about the interesting culture of Kerala.

I understand that there is a bigger world than we see and that we must interact with people to share our views, beliefs and ideas. As we are social beings, we cannot live alone for a long period as we are always looking for ways to connect with others and exchange information. Sometimes, we need to request others for help or express our feelings. Thus, we must enhance our communication skills as it would strengthen our social relationships and help us to earn respect in society.

There are different ways we communicate, either verbally or nonverbally, through words, gestures, body language or visuals. Besides, the way we communicate with our friends, family and employers is also distinct. Interaction is the ultimate result, whichever medium we choose to communicate.

In this present world, communication takes various forms, and technology has enabled us to keep our interactions active. Earlier, if we had to rely on letters, telegrams and public phone booths to communicate, we now have smartphones, emails and social media to convey our emotions and perspectives as well as to maintain our business and personal connections intact. Hence, it is important to nurture our communication skills to have good and meaningful conversations with people.

Moral of the Essay

The communication skills essay touches on the aspects where communication leads people to live a better life and enjoy their work environment. If we confine our feelings and ideas to ourselves, we will feel chained. Therefore, it is necessary to interact with people and lessen our burdens. The benefits of communication essay writing are huge, and you can refer to this communication English essay for guidance.

What do you mean by communication?

The way we express ourselves and exchange information through words or gestures is what is referred to as communication.

Is it necessary to have good communication skills?

Communication is aimed at building healthy relationships with people. We do not want to offend others or make them feel bad about themselves. Hence, it is essential to gain good communication skills. Moreover, if we possess good communication skills, we will be able to achieve success in our personal and professional lives.

What are the challenges to good communication?

As much as it is important to speak to others, we must give some space for listening as well. People tend to express their views without giving others a chance for others to share. Thus, communication becomes one-way, and the main intention of interaction is lost. This is the greatest challenge to good communication.

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essay on communication for class 5

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Essay on Communication | 500+ Words

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction. It is the art of conveying thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others, bridging gaps, and forming connections. In this essay, I will argue that effective communication is essential for success in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to academic achievement and beyond.

Strengthening Relationships

Effective communication is the key to building strong and healthy relationships. According to a study by the University of California, Davis, couples who communicate openly and honestly are more likely to have successful and lasting relationships. When we express our thoughts and feelings to others, we create trust and understanding. Communication fosters emotional connections and resolves conflicts.

Academic Success

Communication plays a vital role in academic success. In the classroom, students who actively engage in discussions, ask questions, and express their ideas perform better academically. A study published in the journal “Educational Psychology” found that effective communication skills are linked to higher grades and improved comprehension. When we communicate with teachers and peers, we enhance our learning experience.

Career Advancement

Effective communication is a valuable skill in the workplace. Employers consistently rank communication skills as one of the most important attributes for job candidates. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the ability to communicate effectively is essential for career advancement. Whether in team meetings, presentations, or daily interactions, strong communication skills are crucial for success.

Resolving Conflicts

Communication is a powerful tool for conflict resolution. When disagreements arise, open and respectful communication can lead to mutually satisfactory solutions. According to research by the American Psychological Association, effective communication reduces misunderstandings and defuses tense situations. It allows individuals to express their concerns and find common ground, leading to more harmonious relationships.

Empathy and Understanding

Communication fosters empathy and understanding. When we actively listen to others, we gain insight into their perspectives and experiences. A study in the journal “Psychological Science” suggests that listening with empathy enhances our ability to connect with others emotionally. Empathetic communication promotes compassion and helps us build deeper connections with people from diverse backgrounds.


Effective communication is essential for problem-solving. Whether in personal life or professional settings, clear communication helps us identify issues, brainstorm solutions, and collaborate with others. A study in the journal “Applied Cognitive Psychology” highlights that effective communication aids in decision-making and problem-solving processes. It enables us to work together efficiently to overcome challenges.

Confidence and Self-Expression

Communication boosts confidence and self-expression. When we can express ourselves clearly and articulately, we feel more confident. This confidence extends to various areas of life, from public speaking to social interactions. A study in the journal “Social Psychological and Personality Science” suggests that effective communication can enhance self-esteem and overall well-being.

Conclusion of Essay on Communication

In conclusion, communication is a fundamental skill that shapes our interactions, relationships, and achievements. It is the bridge that connects us to others, allowing us to share ideas, resolve conflicts, and express our emotions. Effective communication strengthens relationships, contributes to academic success, and propels us forward in our careers.

As we recognize the importance of communication, let us remember that it is a skill we can continually improve and refine. By practicing active listening, expressing ourselves clearly and respectfully, and fostering empathy, we can harness the power of communication to enrich our lives and create meaningful connections with the world around us. Communication is not merely a tool; it is a gift that empowers us to connect, grow, and thrive.

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Essay for Class 5

Essays in english for class 5.

English can be a challenging language; however, with practice, children can improve their writing skills, and one important tool to help them improve their English is reading and English essay writing for class 5. 

An essay is a short piece of writing about a specific topic, which includes information about the topic along with the writer’s opinions, sometimes. Often, an essay is used in academics to test a student’s knowledge on a specific subject, apart from being served as a way of encouraging students to develop their writing skills.

Writing essays also helps children communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. To write good essays in English for class 5, students must know the correct structure, use proper grammar and vocabulary, and ensure the writing is well-organized, which they will learn in this article.

Here are a few types of essays, each serving its purpose and function.

Narrative Essays - They detail a story from a particular point of view and include a set of characters, a location, a good plot, and a climax to the story. This type of essay includes the use of fine details. 

Descriptive Essay - A descriptive essay describes a topic in great detail. Use of imagery is widely used in this style of essay. 

Expository Essay - This essay explains an idea by giving information and an explanation, along with a variety of viewpoints on the subject being discussed.

Argumentative Essay - In this essay, the writer is trying to convince the reader about an opinion or point of view. There is a use of facts and data to back up any claims made within the essay.

English Essay Format for Class 5

1. introduction.

Overview of the topic

Attention-grabbing headline and introduction

Maximum 100 words

Present your arguments in a chronological order

Systematic flow

Two or more short paragraphs; not more than 100 words each

3. Conclusion

Summarising the main topic and subtopics

Lesson learnt or moral, if applicable

List of Essay Topics For Class 5

Given below is a list of some popular essay topics for class 5. Reading these essays on Vedantu will help the students develop their essay-writing skills. They can also practice these topics to become proficient in essay writing for class 5.

My Mother Essay

Education Essay

Social Media Essay

Science Essay for Students in English

Newspaper and It’s Current Value

Children’s Day

Republic Day

Writing Tips for Essay for Class 5

Here are some common tips that class 5 students should remember before they begin writing essays in English for class 5.

Always first outline your thoughts in rough and then start essay writing for class 5. 

Before beginning, ensure that you have understood the essay topic for class 5.

There should always be an interesting and appropriate title to the essay to draw attention and pique the curiosity of the reader.

An ideal essay should be between 300-500 words. 

An essay with concise information in simple-to-understand language, is the best, as complicated and difficult words break the reading flow of the reader.

Ensure that your essay doesn’t contain any grammatical mistakes, as it distracts the reader from the main content.

We hope this informative article on essays for class 5 must have helped you know the importance of essay writing in English and that you will start writing essays now. Download the PDFs by clicking on the links provided to start practising essay writing for class 5.

FAQs on Essay for Class 5

1. Where can I find free essay topics for class 5 to practice?

Students can head to Vedantu’s website to avail a plethora of free essay-writing topics for all classes. Students can click on the respective topics to download the free PDFs of essay topics and can practice whenever they want. 

2. Write the names of some popular essayists for kids.

Some famous essayists are: Mark Twain, Maya Angelou, Charles Lamb, Leo Tolstoy, Roald Dahl, J.K. Rowling, Gene Luen Yang, Beatrix Potter, C.S. Lewis, Madeleine L'Engle, etc.

3. What is the purpose of writing an essay?

The purpose of writing an essay is for kids to express their ideas, thoughts, and opinions on a specific topic and improve their writing skills.

4. How to start writing an essay for beginners?

To start writing an essay, students must first choose a topic of their choice and can ask a teacher to provide them with one. Start with penning down your thoughts in the form of points. Then write a short and interesting introduction, followed by the body content. End the essay with a summarising conclusion. Remember to check your essay for spelling and grammar mistakes.

5. What are the characteristics of an essay in English?

An essay is short in length, like a short story. 

An essay can cover a wide range of subjects, no matter how short.

It is used as a tool for the expression of a writer's personality, as an essay is the representation of the writer's view on a subject.


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Means of Communication worksheet for class 5

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Means of Communication worksheet for class 5 Printable in PDF are available for free download in myCBSEguide mobile app. Worksheets makes perfect the more you practice the better you perform. CBSE Printable Worksheets are based on NCERT syllabus and latest CBSE curriculum for this academic session. The Worksheet chapter wise solved papers, important questions, and questions asked in previous year exams are included in CBSE Printable Worksheets and CBSE with solution. The solved question papers from chapter 11 Means of Communication have all type of questions may be asked in annual exams.

Means of Communication worksheet for class 5 Download as PDF

CBSE Printable Worksheets with solution

Printable Worksheets makes perfect. The more you practice the better you perform. CBSE Printable Worksheets are based on NCERT syllabus and latest CBSE curriculum for this academic session. The Worksheet chapter wise solved papers, important questions, and questions asked in previous year exams are included in CBSE Printable Worksheets and CBSE with solution. The solved question papers from chapter 11 Means of Communication have all type of questions may be asked in annual exams.

NCERT Class 5  EVS Solved Worksheets

  • 1 – Plants and animals
  • 2 – Human Body and Health
  • 3 – Natural Resources
  • 4 – Air Water Weather
  • 5 – Light and Sound
  • 6 – Work Force and Energy
  • 7 – Our Environment
  • 8 – Our Universe
  • 9 – Globe and Maps
  • 10 – Land and People
  • 11 – Means of Communication
  • 12 – Means of Transport
  • 13 – Inventions and Discoveries
  • 14 – Indian Government
  • 15 – How We got Independence

CBSE Worksheets for class 5 EVS in PDF

  • Plants and Animals
  • Human Body and Health
  • Natural Resources
  • Air Water Weather
  • Light and Sound
  • Work Force and Energy
  • Our Environment
  • Our Universe
  • Globe and Maps
  • Land and People
  • Means of Communication
  • Means of Transport
  • Inventions and Discoveries
  • Indian Government
  • How We got Independence

To download Printable worksheets for class 5 Mathematics and EVS; do check myCBSEguide app or website. myCBSEguide provides sample papers with solution, test papers for chapter-wise practice, NCERT solutions, NCERT Exemplar solutions, quick revision notes for ready reference, CBSE guess papers and CBSE important question papers. Sample Paper all are made available through  the best app for CBSE students  and myCBSEguide website.

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  • Indian Government worksheet for class 5
  • Inventions and Discoveries worksheet for class 5
  • Means of Transport worksheet for class 5
  • Land and People worksheet for class 5
  • Globe and Maps worksheet for class 5
  • Our Universe worksheet for class 5
  • Our Environment worksheet for class 5

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Communication – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Communication For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on communication for kids, a paragraph on communication for children, short essay on communication in english for kids, long essay on communication for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

Essay writing is an imperative skill for kids; it helps them structure their sentences and increase vocabulary. This article will explain and discuss the topic essay on communication for classes 1, 2, and 3. Communication is an important quality that students of lower primary grades should possess. In this article, You will find many ideas and help for writing an essay on communication and understanding a short and long essay format. When it comes to communication in English, most of us struggle to communicate properly. An essay on communication in English can help many kids, especially those in primary grades.

Communication is exchanging information and data from one person to another, enabling the person to express their views. However, there are vital points to remember when writing an essay on communication for lower primary classes –

  • A good essay includes an introduction, body, and a well-rounded conclusion.
  • While writing an essay on communication, one needs to elaborate on the lines- what is communication, how it is done, why is it important, etc.
  • Kids should use simple sentences and their ideas for the topic.

Communication is the way of conveying information between two individuals and more. Kids should know about this crucial skill to excel in life. Let us walk you through writing essays for classes 1 and 2, and here are a few lines on communication –

  • Communication is commonly known as a two-way street, and both parties must have the motivation and reason to exchange information.
  • Information usually flows from sender to receiver, and the receiver gives feedback in response.
  • While communicating, we should avoid technical vocabulary and complex vocabulary to avoid confusion for our counterparts.
  • Every human being has to use a medium to exchange information.
  • The success of communication depends on the agreed understanding between the parties.
  • Effective communication should use expressing emotions like facial expressions.
  • One should always be transparent in their communication style, ensuring they have not negatively affected anyone.
  • Excellent communication skills could lead to a successful conversation.
  • Listen carefully before responding to any message received.
  • Be clear and straightforward with the information you are trying to exchange.

Every kid should understand the importance of communication to excel in life. Here is a communication skills paragraph for primary grade kids –

Communication can be termed as sending and receiving information through a medium, i.e. text message, speaking, exchanging emails, talking, or any other suitable modes. Effective communication showcases our ideas, wants, needs, and desires. Good communication skills can avoid confusion and leave no scope for misunderstandings. Having practical communication skills is crucial in every aspect of our life, whether one is a student or a working professional. If one cannot convey properly, it may lead to miscommunication. Communication helps in strengthening effective relationships with other people and social standing. One should be well-versed in the art of communication to make their mark in any field.

How will a person buy a pack of bread if they do not understand how to communicate? This is something we need to teach our kids. Below is a short essay on communication for classes 1, 2 and 3 to make them understand this concept and write an amazing essay.

Communication is derived from the Latin word, communicare, which means to impart or participate. The word communicare is derived from ‘communis’, which means to make common. Communication stands on the idea of exchanging views and information through a commonly understood medium. It is an integral part of our life through which we express our emotions to each other. There are many ways through which communication can establish, such as speaking with one another, writing, and using body language. Broadly, we can categorise communication into formal and informal modes of communication. Formal or proper communication is what a person uses in their workplace, like exchanging emails, memos, minutes of meetings, etc. Informal communication does not follow a structure; it is what we use to interact with friends or families. Communication can change attitudes, beliefs, and even ways of thinking of people. Everyone should embrace positive ways of communication in their lives.

In this extended essay, we will discuss the importance, meaning, and types of communication to give the reader a fair idea about communication in simple words. Here is a long essay for class 3 –

Means of communication have changed drastically through the use of the internet in our life. Initially, communication was limited to letters, radio transmission, and face-to-face. However, in today’s world, you can communicate through emails and text messages, and emojis can give meaning to your emotions. Message can even be forwarded to a large group audience through social media.

With the extensive penetration of smartphones, a large set of our population has entered an entirely different culture. Smartphones have preinstalled front-facing cameras, making it easy to communicate with a large group of people through video calls and conference calls. The generation of millennials now have social handles like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to express their views and comments on matters that concern them, like education, business, and the economy. Communication and the need for it to be good has become an essential and integral part of our routine life.

What Is Communication?

According to the Oxford dictionary, communication is the way of imparting or exchanging information by speaking, writing or using another medium. Means of communication could include phone calls, text messages, or any other mode with which a response could be expressed.

Importance Of Effective Communication

It is a fact that our everyday communication is spoiled by confusion, misunderstanding, and obscurity. Thus, several aspects must be kept in mind while interacting with others for our communication to convey the intended message –

  • The sentences should be short as the core message is lost in long, complex sentences.
  • The content of your communication should convey just sufficient details to support your argument and bring focus to the main message.
  • Your messaging should be well organised and logically presented to be easily understood. All content under the topic should be relevant, interconnected, and present information in a flow.
  • Your focus and attention while communicating are essential to effective communication.

What Are The Types Of Communication?

There are mainly two types of communication. These are –

  • Verbal Communication: Verbal communication is usually expressed in words and uses particular language to express and exchange information. Verbal communication can further be expressed in oral or written form. So, all the communication we speak, write, or listen to is defined in said form. Visuals like graphs, pie charts, and other diagrammatic presentations convey clear and concisely a great deal of information.
  • Non-Verbal Communication: Non-Verbal communication doesn’t involve words but could include body gestures, signs, emotional expressions, symbols, and other forms of body language that convey or illustrate some form of expression.

What Are The Barriers To Effective Communication?

A miscommunication could be a failure to establish effective communication. Such a barrier could cost businesses considerable losses due to missed deadlines and setbacks to major managerial decisions. Following are a few commonly identified barriers to communication in our real life –

  • Language Barriers – Language barriers could involve vernacular differences between sender and receiver. One should use a language that both can understand.
  • Cultural Barriers – Different cultures share different values, ethics, or symbols. One should avoid stereotyping a culture or its beliefs while communicating.
  • Physical Barriers – Physical barriers could involve a lack of interpersonal interaction, which causes misunderstandings about the information. It usually happens with remote employees who lack proper channels to communicate.
  • Psychological Barriers – Psychological barriers are caused by an individual mindset or mental health concerns. A lack of trust could be a perfect example.
  • Organisational Barriers – An entity’s lack of proper business structure could cause an employee to misunderstand how information could flow.
  • Technological Barriers – These communication barriers emerge when people don’t have the right tools or training to use them.

How Can You Improve Your Communication Skills?

Given below are a few ways through which you can improve your communications skills –

  • Listen carefully to the person speaking to be able to communicate with them and reply.
  • The way of communicating with the person you are talking to matters; like to your mother or father at home – you use a tone of respect; or other elders – you are formal in the way you communicate.
  • Your body language expresses an impression of how much you are engaged in the communication. Thus, you should keep your posture and gesture carefully.
  • Check the spelling and grammatical errors in your message before you sit to send it.
  • Be brief in your message and inform only relevant information.

Communication is an important skill to express yourself to the people around you; this communication essay could help your child understand the importance of communication, the various forms of communication, the barriers to communication, and how to improve communication skills.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Communication Studies

What this handout is about.

This handout describes some steps for planning and writing papers in communication studies courses.

Courses in communication studies combine material from the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences in order to explain how and why people interact in the ways that they do. Within communication studies, there are four different approaches to understanding these interactions. Your course probably falls into one of these four areas of emphasis:

  • Interpersonal and organizational communication: Interpersonal communication concerns one-on-one conversations as well as small group behaviors. Organizational communication focuses on large group dynamics.
  • Rhetoric: Rhetoric examines persuasion and argumentation in political settings and within social movements.
  • Performance studies: Performance studies analyze the relationships among literature, theater, and everyday life.
  • Media/film studies: Media and film studies explore the cultural influences and practical techniques of television and film, as well as new technologies.

Understanding your assignment

The content and purpose of your assignments will vary according to what kind of course you are in, so pay close attention to the course description, syllabus, and assignment sheet when you begin to write. If you’d like to learn more about deciphering writing assignments or developing your academic writing, see our Writing Center handouts on these topics. For now, let’s see how a general topic, same-sex friendships, might be treated in each of the different areas. These illustrations are only examples, but you can use them as springboards to help you identify how your course might approach discussing a broad topic.

Interpersonal communication

An interpersonal communication perspective could focus on the verbal and nonverbal differences and similarities between how women communicate with other women and how men communicate with other men. This topic would allow you to explore the ways in which gender affects our behaviors in close relationships.

Organizational communication

Organizational communication would take a less personal approach, perhaps by addressing same-sex friendships in the form of workplace mentoring programs that pair employees of the same sex. This would require you to discuss and analyze group dynamics and effectiveness in the work environment.

A rhetorical analysis could involve comparing and contrasting references to friendship in the speeches of two well-known figures. For instance, you could compare Aristotle’s comments about Plato to Plato’s comments about Aristotle in order to discover more about the relationship between these two men and how each defined their friendship and/or same-sex friendship in general.

Performance studies

A performance approach might involve describing how a literary work uses dramatic conventions to portray same-sex friendships, as well as critiquing how believable those portrayals are. An analysis of the play Waiting for Godot could unpack the lifelong friendship between the two main characters by identifying what binds the men together, how these ties are effectively or ineffectively conveyed to the audience, and what the play teaches us about same-sex friendships in our own lives.

Media and film studies

Finally, a media and film studies analysis might explain the evolution of a same-sex friendship by examining a cinematic text. For example, you could trace the development of the main friendship in the movie Thelma and Louise to discover how certain events or gender stereotypes affect the relationship between the two female characters.

General writing tips

Writing papers in communication studies often requires you to do three tasks common to academic writing: analyze material, read and critique others’ analyses of material, and develop your own argument around that material. You will need to build an original argument (sometimes called a “theory” or “plausible explanation”) about how a communication phenomenon can be better understood. The word phenomenon can refer to a particular communication event, text, act, or conversation. To develop an argument for this kind of paper, you need to follow several steps and include several kinds of information in your paper. (For more information about developing an argument, see our handout on arguments ). First, you must demonstrate your knowledge of the phenomenon and what others have said about it. This usually involves synthesizing previous research or ideas. Second, you must develop your own original perspective, reading, or “take” on the phenomenon and give evidence to support your way of thinking about it. Your “take” on the topic will constitute your “argument,” “theory,” or “explanation.” You will need to write a thesis statement that encapsulates your argument and guides you and the reader to the main point of your paper. Third, you should critically analyze the arguments of others in order to show how your argument contributes to our general understanding of the phenomenon. In other words, you should identify the shortcomings of previous research or ideas and explain how your paper corrects some or all of those deficits. Assume that your audience for your paper includes your classmates as well as your instructor, unless otherwise indicated in the assignment.

Choosing a topic to write about

Your topic might be as specific as the effects of a single word in conversation (such as how the use of the word “well” creates tentativeness in dialogue) or as broad as how the notion of individuality affects our relationships in public and private spheres of human activity. In deciding the scope of your topic, look again at the purpose of the course and the aim of the assignment. Check with your instructor to gauge the appropriateness of your topic before you go too far in the writing process.

Try to choose a topic in which you have some interest or investment. Your writing for communications will not only be about the topic, but also about yourself—why you care about the topic, how it affects you, etc. It is common in the field of communication studies not only to consider why the topic intrigues you, but also to write about the experiences and/or cognitive processes you went through before choosing your topic. Including this kind of introspection helps readers understand your position and how that position affects both your selection of the topic and your analysis within the paper. You can make your argument more persuasive by knowing what is at stake, including both objective research and personal knowledge in what you write.

Using evidence to support your ideas

Your argument should be supported with evidence, which may include, but is not limited to, related studies or articles, films or television programs, interview materials, statistics, and critical analysis of your own making. Relevant studies or articles can be found in such journals as Journal of Communication , Quarterly Journal of Speech , Communication Education , and Communication Monographs . Databases, such as Infotrac and ERIC, may also be helpful for finding articles and books on your topic (connecting to these databases via NC Live requires a UNC IP address or UNC PID). As always, be careful when using Internet materials—check your sources to make sure they are reputable.

Refrain from using evidence, especially quotations, without explicitly and concretely explaining what the evidence shows in your own words. Jumping from quote to quote does not demonstrate your knowledge of the material or help the reader recognize the development of your thesis statement. A good paper will link the evidence to the overall argument by explaining how the two correspond to one another and how that relationship extends our understanding of the communication phenomenon. In other words, each example and quote should be explained, and each paragraph should relate to the topic.

As mentioned above, your evidence and analysis should not only support the thesis statement but should also develop it in ways that complement your paper’s argument. Do not just repeat the thesis statement after each section of your paper; instead, try to tell what that section adds to the argument and what is special about that section when the thesis statement is taken into consideration. You may also include a discussion of the paper’s limitations. Describing what cannot be known or discussed at this time—perhaps because of the limited scope of your project, lack of new research, etc.—keeps you honest and realistic about what you have accomplished and shows your awareness of the topic’s complexity.

Communication studies idiosyncrasies

  • Using the first person (I/me) is welcomed in nearly all areas of communication studies. It is probably best to ask your professor to be sure, but do not be surprised if you are required to talk about yourself within the paper as a researcher, writer, and/or subject. Some assignments may require you to write from a personal perspective and expect you to use “I” to express your ideas.
  • Always include a Works Cited (MLA) or References list (APA) unless you are told not to. Not giving appropriate credit to those whom you quote or whose ideas inform your argument is plagiarism. More and more communication studies courses are requiring bibliographies and in-text citations with each writing assignment. Ask your professor which citation format (MLA/APA) to use and see the corresponding handbook for citation rules.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Essay for Class 5 in English | List of Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students

Essay Writing is a great piece of work to teach or Improve your Child’s Writing Skills. We are with you in this and compiled Essay for Class 5 in English covering frequently asked essay topics from different categories. Increase your vocabulary and develop a strong command over English by reading and practicing various Essay Writing Topics. The Content in the Sample Essays for 5th Std Students is written in a simple and easy to understand language. You can access both Short and Long Essays on the Most Common Topics and use them as a part of your competitions or speeches.

Essay Topics List for Class 5 Children

All the Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students are written in a simple language keeping in mind the student’s level of understanding. Access the Essay Writing Topics & Ideas for 5th Standard Children available through the quick links and tap on the respective topic you wish to see. By reading and writing using the Class 5 Essays you can improve your vocabulary as well as get uniqueness to write an essay on your own. By doing so you can learn how to put your thoughts into words.

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  • Honesty is the Best Policy Essay for Class 5
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FAQs on Essay for Class 5

1. What is the best and simple way to write an essay?

The best way to write an essay is to jot down what you are going to write beforehand. Not just the Essay make sure you have a structure too in mind. This really helps and is the simplest thing to write an essay.

2. Where do I find Some Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students?

You can find some Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students on our page.

3. What Should a Good Essay Have?

A good essay should have a bang-on opening statement that draw’s the attention of the users followed by a thesis statement and then a conclusion or a closing statement supporting your ideas. The Idea of each paragraph should be well explained and try considering examples too in between.

Final Words

We believe the knowledge shared regarding the Essay Writing Topics for Class 5 has shed some light on you. If you have any other queries or want us to add more such topics do leave us your suggestions and we will look into them. Stay in touch with our site to avail latest updates on Essays for the Most Common Topics of Students belonging to Different Grades.

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634 Communication Essay Topics & Examples

If you’re searching for communication essay topics or examples, you’ve stumbled on the right page!

Essay Writing Topics For Class 5 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

As a class 5 student, essay writing may seem like a daunting task. However, it is an essential skill that will help you throughout your academic and professional life. In this guide, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for essay writing for class 5 students.

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Essay Writing Topics For Class 5 Format

The format of an essay for class 5 students is simple and straightforward. It consists of three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

1. Introduction: The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a brief overview of the topic. It should also include a thesis statement, which is a sentence that expresses the main idea or argument of the essay. 2. Body: The body of the essay should contain several paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Each paragraph should focus on one main point or idea and provide evidence or examples to support it. 3. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a new way. It should also provide a final thought or call to action for the reader.

Essay Writing Topics For Class 5 Examples

Example 1: My Favorite Animal

Introduction: Dogs are my favorite animal. They are loyal, friendly, and always there when you need them.

Body: Dogs are loyal companions. They will stay by your side no matter what. They are also great protectors and will defend their owners when they feel threatened. Dogs are also very friendly and love to play. They make great playmates for children and adults alike. Finally, dogs are always there when you need them. They are great at providing comfort and companionship during tough times.

Conclusion: Dogs are truly amazing animals. They are loyal, friendly, and always there when you need them. If you’re looking for a loyal and loving companion, you can’t go wrong with a dog.

Example 2: The Importance of Reading

Introduction: Reading is one of the most important skills you can learn. It is the foundation of all learning and is essential for success in life.

Body: Reading allows us to learn new things and gain knowledge. It also helps us to improve our vocabulary and communication skills. Reading is also a great way to relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life. Finally, reading is essential for success in life. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a stay-at-home parent, reading is essential for staying informed and up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your field.

Conclusion: Reading is an essential skill that everyone should develop. It allows us to learn new things, improve our communication skills, and stay informed about the world around us. If you want to be successful in life, make reading a daily habit.

Essay Writing Topics for Class 5

Here are some essay writing topics for class 5 students:

1. My Favorite Hobby 2. The Importance of Exercise 3. My Dream Vacation 4. My Role Model 5. The Benefits of Eating Healthy 6. My Favorite Book 7. My Best Friend 8. The Importance of Water Conservation 9. My Favorite Sport 10. The Importance of Education

Essay Writing Topics For Class 5 Exercises

Here are some essay writing exercises for class 5 students:

1. Write a descriptive essay about your favorite place to visit. 2. Write a persuasive essay about why kids should be allowed to have cell phones. 3. Write a compare and contrast essay about two different animals. 4. Write a narrative essay about a time when you overcame a challenge. 5. Write an expository essay about the different types of clouds.

Essay writing is an essential skill that every student should develop. By following the format, examples, topics, and exercises provided in this guide, class 5 students can learn to write effective and engaging essays. Remember to start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention, followed by a body that supports your thesis statement with evidence and examples, and finish with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves the reader with a final thought or call to action.

Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to try different topics and essay types. With time and effort, you can become a skilled essay writer and impress your teachers and peers with your writing skills.

Essay on Newspaper for Students and Children

500+ words essay on newspaper.

Newspaper is a printed media and one of the oldest forms of mass communication in the world . Newspaper publications are frequency-based like daily, weekly, fortnightly. Also, there are many newspaper bulletins which have monthly or quarterly publication. Sometimes there are multiple editions in a day. A newspaper contains news articles from around the world on different topics like politics, sports, entertainment, business, education, culture and more. The newspaper also contains opinion and editorial columns, weather forecasts , political cartoons, crosswords, daily horoscopes, public notices and more.

essay on newspaper

History of Newspapers

Newspaper’s circulation started in the 17 th century. Different countries have different timelines to start the publication of Newspapers. In 1665, the 1 st real newspaper was printed in England. The first American newspaper named “Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick” was printed in 1690. Similarly, for Britain, it all starts from 1702 and in Canada, in the year 1752 the first newspaper named Halifax Gazette started its publication.

In the late 19 th century, newspapers became very common and were cheaply available due to the abolishment of stamp duty on them. But, in the early 20 th century, computer technology started replacing the old labor method of printing.

Importance of Newspaper

Newspaper is a very powerful medium of spreading information among people.  Information is a very vital thing as we need to know what is happening around us. Also, awareness to the happenings at our surrounding helps us in better planning and decision.

Government and other official announcements are done in a newspaper. Government and private sector employment-related information like job vacancies and different competitive related information are also published in the newspaper.

Weather forecasts, business-related news, political, economic, international, sports and entertainment-related all information are published in the newspaper. Newspaper is the ideal source of increasing current affairs. In most of the household in the current society, the morning starts with a reading newspaper.

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Newspaper and other Communication Channels

In this age of digitization, abundant data are available on the internet. Most of the news channel and newspaper publishing houses to cope up with the trend of digitization have opened their own website and mobile application. Information spreads instantly via social media and websites.

In this current scenario where information is almost available at real-time on the internet, the newspaper in its original form seems to face a treat of existence. However, the daily, weekly papers still hold its importance in this digital era. The newspaper is still considered as the authentic source of any information.

Most of the newspapers also have a special section for the young and school students to express and show their talent. Several articles on the quiz, essay, short story, painting are published which makes newspaper articles interesting among school students. It also helps in inculcating the habit of reading the newspaper from an early age.

Newspapers are a great source of information that can be available at home. Each and everyone must ensure to imbibe the habit of reading newspapers in their lives. In today’s digital world, online source of information is readily available but the authenticity and credibility of such information are not known. It is the newspaper which ensures to provide us accurate and verified information. Newspapers are permanent as because they have been able to earn the faith of the people with its validated information. Socially, the newspaper plays an important role in the upbringing and maintaining the morale and harmony of society to a larger extent.

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What I Learned in Communication Class: a Reflection

  • Categories: Class Reflection Communication Skills

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 632 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Peterson, C. M., & Ray, M. N. (2019). Communication Skills for Success: Student Workbook. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Ivy, D. K. (2018). Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. Pearson.
  • Sole, K. (2017). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication. Oxford University Press.
  • DeVito, J. A. (2016). The Interpersonal Communication Book. Pearson.
  • Guerrero, L. K., Anderson, P. A., & Afifi, W. A. (2019). Nonverbal Communication in Close Relationships. Routledge.
  • Floyd, K. (2019). Interpersonal Communication: The Whole Story. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Pearson, J. C., & Nelson, P. L. (2017). An Introduction to Human Communication : Understanding and Sharing. Oxford University Press.
  • O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2017). Real Communication. Bedford/St. Martin's.
  • Miller, K. (2019). Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes. Cengage Learning.
  • Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D., & Almonte, R. (2019). Business Communication: Process and Product. Cengage Learning.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Evolution of Communication: ICSE Class 5 Social Studies

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Evolution of Communication: ICSE Class 5 (Social Studies) notes, questions and answers.

Development of communication over time


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  • In earlier times, people used smoke signals (in America) and beating drums (in Africa) to communicate messages.
  • Drawing was the earliest form of writing. The earliest humans made pictures on the walls of caves in which they lived.
  • Overtime humans simplify the pictures by using signs and symbols (pictographic script).
  • People trained pigeons to carry messages to different places. Pigeon post was the earliest method of sending messages.

Inventions in communication

  • The printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg of Germany.
  • Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell and it soon became the easiest and the quickest way to communicate.
  • The Telegraph was another means of sending urgent messages using electricity.
  • The radio was invented by Marconi and soon became an important instrument for spreading awareness and providing entertainment.
  • Today computers and the internet are used for communicating.
  • Artificial satellites are now used for long-distance communication.

Answer the following questions

Question: How were goods for trades transported in ancient times?

Answer: Wheeled vehicles, like carts, could transport goods from place to place. The muscle power of bullocks or horses was used to move the vehicles.

People also transported goods by water. Boats used the muscle power of the rowers, while sail boats used wind power.

Question: What power was used by early ships and how was this different from the power used in ships of 19th century?

Answer: For thousands of years human being used the power of the wind or muscle power for vehicles. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the power of steam was discovered, which changed travelling.

New steam ships used this power in engines fitted in their ships. Sea journeys became faster.

Question: How has travel between India and Britain changed in the type of transport and the time the journey takes? Explain in two or three sentences.

Answer: A journey from England to India, that took several months by sailing ships, could be made in six weeks. Steam was also used to power locomotives(engines) of the first trains, which were invented in the early 19th century in England.

Question: What does communication mean?

Answer: Communication means to be in touch with others through speaking, writing, reading or travelling.

Question: Arrange these ‘power’ words in the right time order: electricity, muscle, petrol, steam.

Answer: i) muscle; ii) steam; iii) petrol; iv) electricity;

Question: Write one sentence each about the advantages of the following inventions – printing press; telegraph; telephone; and radio and TV.

i) The printing press made it possible to print many copies of books and newspapers, so knowledge and information became available to many people.

ii) The telegraph made it possible to send important messages much quicker than sending a letter.

iii) With the telephone, people who were far way from each other could have a conversation.

iv) Radio and television made it possible to deliver news, information and entertainment to thousands of people at the same time. They became very popular all over the world.

Question: Give five ways in which the Internet can be used.

Answer: With computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones, the internet is used to:

i) Send and receive emails; ii) Get information from any part of the world; iii) Use social networking sites; iv) Upload and download pictures; v) Book travel tickets and shop online.

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5 served in Vietnam, 1 came home: Vero Beach High School survivor remembers '66 classmates

The Vietnam War took a heavy toll on the students and families of Vero Beach High School’s Class of 1966. As our involvement in the war deepened, and especially after North Vietnam launched its deadly Tet Offensive, the news of our classmates serving in the Army and killed in action began arriving home one by one:

Spc.4 James Ellis Loudermilk, Dec. 27,1967; Pfc. Franklin Clovis, Feb. 8, 1968; Sgt. Stephan Max Wiggins, March 30, 1968, and, 1 st Lt. Mark Jackson, Oct. 28,1969.  

For the sleepy little town of Vero Beach, and especially the Class of ’66, the Vietnam War was no longer some distant, emotionless event viewed only on the evening news with Walter Cronkite.

These were our classmates. They were our friends. Their lives held as much promise as any of ours. But they answered their nation’s call to arms fighting for their country in Vietnam. 

About the author: Vero Beach dropout reflects on IRSC career, having had life 'scared into him' in Vietnam

The following accounts of our VBHS classmates' respective fates were confirmed by interviewing eyewitnesses, conducting internet searches that produced podcasts, military documents, and written accounts posted on their Army units' websites, the YouTube channel, True Stories of the Vietnam War and several books with detailed accounts of the specific battles where they lost their lives.

On this Memorial Day, I’m honored to share the stories of their fate and final moments of life with their hometown community.

As the saying goes, “The fallen will only be forgotten if we fail to tell their stories!”

Pfc. Franklin Clovis

Franklin arrived in Vietnam on Jan 15, 1968, and was assigned to the 2 nd platoon of Alpha Company, 198 th Light Infantry Brigade. On Thursday morning Feb. 8, Franklin’s 2 nd platoon anchored the left flank of the company’s horizontal skirmish line when they encountered a dike the villagers used to traverse the muddy rice paddy. Hoping to provoke the enemy into revealing their relative strength and armaments, they were ordered to empty a magazine of ammunition into the tree line, disguising the village. 

The battle-hardened North Vietnamese soldiers (NVA) complied by immediately launching human-wave assaults, supported by overwhelming gunfire from their arsenal of weapons. But it was a protrusion in the S-shaped section of the tree line directly in front of Franklin’s 2 nd platoon that created the perilous and inescapable death trap for them. 

By placing the enemy 50 yards closer to the dike than the rest of the forward units, the NVA in the protruding section of the tree line had low-crawled the remaining distance to the dike, where they remained concealed until the 2nd platoon had finished emptying their magazine of ammunition. 

Now the NVA unleashed their savage ambush on Franklin’s 2 nd platoon. They swarmed out of the trench line from their concealed positions on the other side of the dike, making the feared hand-to-hand combat unavoidable. The NVA was so close that many of the men didn’t even have time to insert another clip of ammunition before the enemy was on top of them. 

The 2nd platoon had walked straight into the vortex of the deadly ambush and was quickly being outflanked, encircled and overrun by the numerically superior force. 

Eyewitnesses have Franklin’s 2 nd platoon fighting with everything and anything they had ― rifle butts, handguns, bayonets, helmets, hand-to-hand — it was a ferocious and terrifying fight to the death. To make matters worse, 2 nd platoon and the NVA were so intermingled and engaged in such close-quarter fighting that none of the other platoons could fire in support for fear of risking casualties from friendly fire.

Not wanting to risk losing the entire company, the order was given to withdraw. But it was too late for Franklin’s 2 nd platoon. By enveloping their position, the NVA had cut off their escape route and ended any chance of them surviving the ambush. 

Cut off, Franklin remained at the dike to help provide the cover fire that allowed Alpha Company to gather its wounded and withdraw to safety. After supporting the withdrawal, Franklin rejoined a defensive position at the dike, where he fought valiantly and killed numerous NVA soldiers until he, too, fell mortally wounded. 

Franklin was 20 years old. His headstone is in Section G, Block 2, Lot 021, Space B of Crestlawn Cemetery in Vero Beach. 

1 st Lt. Mark Jackson

Mark arrived in Vietnam July 13, 1969, and was assigned to D Troop, 3rd Squadron, 4th Calvary, 25th Infantry Division. On Tuesday, Oct. 28, Mark was flying a visual reconnaissance mission in his Hughes OH-6 Cayuse light observation helicopter supported by a Bell AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter.

The helicopter tactics developed for Vietnam partnered an observation helicopter (scout) with a heavily armed gunship (Cobra), to create hunter-killer teams. The hunter (scout) would track the enemy by deploying its state-of-the-art human-tracking technology, the people sniffer. 

The bloodhound-analogous technology allowed the scout pilots to track their foe by following the scent trails created from food prep or lingering odors from such human excrements as urine, feces and sweat. Once the scout’s people-sniffer had pinpointed the enemy’s position, the heavily armed Cobra would swoop in and expend its inventory of rocket and machine gun ordnance to decimate the enemy force.   

At approximately 10 on Tuesday morning Oct. 28, Mark dropped his scout down and started following a prominent enemy trail that ended in a wall of trees that stood some 75 to 100 feet tall. And when Mark reached the tree line, the enemy unleashed a hail of automatic weapons fire, knocking his scout out of the sky. 

Circling above in their Cobra gunship, the aircraft commander, Lt. Sam Dooling, and pilot-gunner CW2 Jack Craig, observed Mark’s helicopter nosedive and crash into the dense tree line below.

Following the green-and-yellow tracer trail from the enemy’s gunfire to pinpoint their position, they expended the Cobra’s inventory of rocket and machine gun ammunition directly into the area.

Once the gunfire was suppressed, they landed the Cobra gunship and attempted to rescue Mark, his crew chief and forward observer. After Jack and Sam pulled the two crew members to safety, Jack crawled on top of the mangled scout and squirmed through an almost impenetrable wall of thick jungle vegetation to reach the pilot’s bubble. But unfortunately, he found Mark had sustained a fatal head wound and had been killed instantly.

Mark was 21. His headstone is in Section A, Block 1, Lot 092, Space A of Crestlawn Cemetery. 

Spc. 4 James Ellis Loudermilk

James arrived in Vietnam on April 24, 1967, and was assigned to Charlie Company, 4 th Battalion, 12 th Infantry, 199 th Light Infantry Brigade. James was the radio operator for the first platoon and was attached at the hip with his platoon leader, 1 st Lt. Richard Solczyk.

At 8:15 Wednesday morning, Dec. 27, Charlie Company boarded helicopters to pursue an elusive enemy force in the Bien Hoa region. The company was on the ground by 8:30 a.m. and moved out in pursuit of the combined North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong force that had remained concealed and undetected by the jungle’s triple-layered canopy. 

Around 9:25 a.m., the company came across two Vietcong bodies lying near an abandoned bunker complex. After finding a blood trail, the battalion was contacted to have a combat-tracker team flown in to find the elusive enemy. Once the dogs and handlers arrived, the four platoons were collapsed into a column of twos to quicken the pace and minimize the noise from a large body of men trekking through the dense jungle foliage.  

At approximately 2 p.m., the trackers spotted three Vietcong setting up a huge (36 inches in diameter), Claymore-type mine directly in the path of the approaching company. The handlers paused to send directions back to the column to go around the mine and avoid the deadly blast radius. Once passed, they could cut the wires and disable the explosive device. 

As the lead column approached the mine’s location, Solzcyk and James went left with the 1 st squad, while the 2 nd squad went right to avoid the deadly blast area. But for some inexplicable reason, Solzcyk discarded the scout team’s warning and left the safety of the line. With his radiotelephone operator in tow, he moved toward the mine for a closer look. And when Solzcyk and James entered the kill zone, one of the three previously observed Vietcong detonated the mine from his concealed position. 

A lightly wounded Spc. 4 Tim Szelagowski rushed forward to see if he could offer assistance to his platoon leader and radiotelephone operator, but unfortunately, he found that Solczyk had been killed instantly and James was mortally wounded. James spent his last few seconds of life in Szelagowski’s arms, where he took his final breath. 

James was 20 years old.  His headstone is in Section G, Block 2, Lot 032, Space A of Crestlawn Cemetery. 

Sgt. Stephan Max Wiggins

Steve arrived in Vietnam on July 28, 1967, and was assigned to C-Troop, 3 rd Squadron, 5 th Calvary, 9 th Infantry Division. 

As track commander of the 16-track (1 st platoon, #6 armored vehicle), Steve occupied the cupola seat on top of the track and manned the 50-caliber machine gun. Each track was also equipped with two M-60 machine guns to bolster firepower. 

On Saturday March 30, 1968, C-Troop was conducting a search-and-destroy mission in an area where they had received intelligence reports of enemy activity. Around 1:30 p.m., C-Troop's six armored vehicles were in an online (horizontal) assault position with the tracks spaced 20-25 yards apart, when they encountered a hedge-row-type obstacle that the tracks had paused to negotiate.

Except for Steve's 16-track.

Unlike the other armored vehicles, there was a break in the berm directly in front of Steve’s vehicle, allowing it to continue moving forward unimpeded. After advancing some 20-25 yards ahead of the others, Steve’s 16-track entered the kill zone of an awaiting NVA ambush.  

Out front, Steve’s vehicle functioned like a huge metal magnet as the enemy concentrated its barrage of rocket, machine gun and automatic weapons fire in an attempt to destroy the intruder that had encroached on their entrenched position.  

According to Steve’s best friend and eyewitness, Sgt. Ed Kosmalski, multiple rocket-propelled grenades scored direct hits on the front, sides and rear of Steve’s vehicle, while automatic weapons and machine gun fire simultaneously riddled the lightly armored track.  The intense hailstorm of rocket explosions and other pyrotechnics set the 16-track on fire and blew Steve out of the track commander’s position, toppling him to the ground. 

With the battle still raging, C-Troop’s medic, Spc. 4 Earnest Garcia, rushed forward to aid Steve, but found him mortally wounded from the numerous rocket fragmentations and bullet wounds he had sustained during the initial torrent of enemy fire. 

Steve was 20 years old. His headstone is in Section G, Block 2, Lot 045, Space B of Crestlawn Cemetery.  

Harvey Arnold, 76, of Tallahassee, was classmates of the aforementioned men before dropping out of school and joining the Army in January 1965. He served a year in Vietnam before returning home, getting his education, including a Ph.D. in economics, and serving as a professor and administrator at Indian River State College for 44 years, including 17 as provost/president of the Ken Pruitt Campus in Port St. Lucie. Email: [email protected]

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Solar Storm Intensifies, Filling Skies With Northern Lights

Officials warned of potential blackouts or interference with navigation and communication systems this weekend, as well as auroras as far south as Southern California or Texas.

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By Katrina Miller and Judson Jones

Katrina Miller reports on space and astronomy and Judson Jones is a meteorologist.

A dramatic blast from the sun set off the highest-level geomagnetic storm in Earth’s atmosphere on Friday that is expected to make the northern lights visible as far south as Florida and Southern California and could interfere with power grids, communications and navigations system.

It is the strongest such storm to reach Earth since Halloween of 2003. That one was strong enough to create power outages in Sweden and damage transformers in South Africa.

The effects could continue through the weekend as a steady stream of emissions from the sun continues to bombard the planet’s magnetic field.

The solar activity is so powerful that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which monitors space weather, issued an unusual storm watch for the first time in 19 years, which was then upgraded to a warning. The agency began observing outbursts on the sun’s surface on Wednesday, with at least five heading in the direction of Earth.

“What we’re expecting over the next couple of days should be more significant than what we’ve seen certainly so far,” Mike Bettwy, the operations chief at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center, said at a news conference on Friday morning.

For people in many places, the most visible part of the storm will be the northern lights, known also as auroras. But authorities and companies will also be on the lookout for the event’s effects on infrastructure, like global positioning systems, radio communications and even electrical power.

While the northern lights are most often seen in higher latitudes closer to the North Pole, people in many more parts of the world are already getting a show this weekend that could last through the early part of next week.

Windmills against skies glowing pink, purple and green.

As Friday turned to Saturday in Europe, people across the continent described skies hued in a mottling of colors.

Alfredo Carpineti , an astrophysicist, journalist and author in North London, saw them with his husband from the rooftop of their apartment building.

“It is incredible to be able to see the aurora directly from one’s own backyard,” he said. “I was hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of green on the horizon, but it was all across the sky in both green and purple.”

Here’s what you need to know about this weekend’s solar event.

How will the storm affect people on Earth?

A geomagnetic storm watch or warning indicates that space weather may affect critical infrastructure on or orbiting near Earth. It may introduce additional current into systems, which could damage pipelines, railroad tracks and power lines.

According to Joe Llama, an astronomer at Lowell Observatory, communications that rely on high frequency radio waves, such as ham radio and commercial aviation , are most likely to suffer. That means it is unlikely that your cellphone or car radio, which depend on much higher frequency radio waves, will conk out.

Still, it is possible for blackouts to occur. As with any power outage, you can prepare by keeping your devices charged and having access to backup batteries, generators and radio.

The most notable solar storm recorded in history occurred in 1859. Known as the Carrington Event, it lasted for nearly a week, creating aurora that stretched down to Hawaii and Central America and impacting hundreds of thousands of miles of telegraph lines.

But that was technology of the 19th century, used before scientists fully understood how solar activity disrupted Earth’s atmosphere and communication systems.

“That was an extreme level event,” said Shawn Dahl, a forecaster at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. “We are not anticipating that.”

Unlike tornado watches and warnings, the target audience for NOAA’s announcements is not the public.

“For most people here on planet Earth, they won’t have to do anything,” said Rob Steenburgh, a space scientist at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center.

The goal of the announcements is to give agencies and companies that operate this infrastructure time to put protection measures in place to mitigate any effects.

“If everything is working like it should, the grid will be stable and they’ll be able to go about their daily lives,” Mr. Steenburgh said.

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Will I be able to see the northern lights?

It is possible that the northern lights may grace the skies this week over places that don’t usually see them. The best visibility is outside the bright lights of cities.

Clouds or stormy weather could pose a problem in some places. But if the skies are clear, even well south of where the aurora is forecast to take place, snap a picture or record a video with your cellphone. The sensor on the camera is more sensitive to the wavelengths produced by the aurora and may produce an image you can’t see with the naked eye.

Another opportunity could be viewing sunspots during the daytime, if your skies are clear. As always, do not look directly at the sun without protection. But if you still have your eclipse glasses lying around from the April 8 event, you may try to use them to try to spot the cluster of sunspots causing the activity.

How strong is the current geomagnetic storm?

Giant explosions on the surface of the sun, known as coronal mass ejections, send streams of energetic particles into space. But the sun is large, and such outbursts may not cross our planet as it travels around the star. But when these particles create a disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field, it is known as a geomagnetic storm.

NOAA classifies these storms on a “G” scale of 1 to 5, with G1 being minor and G5 being extreme. The most extreme storms can cause widespread blackouts and damage to infrastructure on Earth. Satellites may also have trouble orienting themselves or sending or receiving information during these events.

The current storm is classified as G5, or “extreme.” It is caused by a cluster of sunspots — dark, cool regions on the solar surface — that is about 16 times the diameter of Earth. The cluster is flaring and ejecting material every six to 12 hours.

“We anticipate that we’re going to get one shock after another through the weekend,” said Brent Gordon, chief of the space weather services branch at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center.

Why is this happening now?

The sun’s activity ebbs and flows on an 11-year cycle, and right now, it is approaching a solar maximum. Three other severe geomagnetic storms have been observed so far in the current activity cycle, which began in December 2019, but none were predicted to cause effects strong enough on Earth to warrant a watch or warning announcement.

The cluster of sunspots generating the current storm is the largest seen in this solar cycle, NOAA officials said. They added that the activity in this cycle has outperformed initial predictions .

More flares and expulsions from this cluster are expected, but because of the sun’s rotation the cluster will be oriented in a position less likely to affect Earth. In the coming weeks, the sunspots may appear again on the left side of the sun, but it is difficult for scientists to predict whether this will cause another bout of activity.

“Usually, these don’t come around packing as much of a punch as they did originally,” Mr. Dahl said. “But time will tell on that.”

Jonathan O’Callaghan contributed reporting from London.

An earlier version of this article misstated the radio frequencies used by cellphones and car radios. They are higher frequencies, not low.

How we handle corrections

Katrina Miller is a science reporting fellow for The Times. She recently earned her Ph.D. in particle physics from the University of Chicago. More about Katrina Miller

Judson Jones is a meteorologist and reporter for The Times who forecasts and covers extreme weather. More about Judson Jones

What’s Up in Space and Astronomy

Keep track of things going on in our solar system and all around the universe..

Never miss an eclipse, a meteor shower, a rocket launch or any other 2024 event  that’s out of this world with  our space and astronomy calendar .

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With the help of Google Cloud, scientists who hunt killer asteroids churned through hundreds of thousands of images of the night sky to reveal 27,500 overlooked space rocks in the solar system .

A celestial image, an Impressionistic swirl of color in the center of the Milky Way, represents a first step toward understanding the role of magnetic fields  in the cycle of stellar death and rebirth.

Scientists may have discovered a major flaw in their understanding of dark energy, a mysterious cosmic force . That could be good news for the fate of the universe.

Is Pluto a planet? And what is a planet, anyway? Test your knowledge here .

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In Photos: Affinity Celebrations for the Class of 2024

Above, attendees at the affinity celebration for Black graduates light up Sanders Theater with their phone flashlights, swaying to a performance.

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Harvard Graduate School of Education lecturer Christina S. Villarreal delivers a speech at the AAPI celebration. Villarreal’s address focused on the theme of “solidarity,” and she said that she “has always been and forever will be” inspired by the 15 Harvard College seniors who were barred from graduating on Friday evening due to their participation in the Harvard Yard encampment.

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A student receives a stole at the inaugural Jewish graduates affinity ceremony Monday evening. Though affinity graduation ceremonies for Jewish students have been hosted by Hillel in the past, this is the first year Harvard officially co-hosted the event.

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Graduating seniors in Harvard’s Mariachi Véritas perform at the affinity celebration for Latinx graduates on Tuesday.

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Later in the event, students pose for a selfie after receiving their stoles.

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Harvard Divinity School Dean Marla F. Frederick accepts the Faculty Award on behalf of former Harvard President Claudine Gay at the celebration of Black graduates Monday evening.

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Students pose for a photo together at the affinity celebration for Arab graduates on Monday.


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    5 served in Vietnam, 1 came home: Vero Beach High School survivor remembers '66 classmates. The Vietnam War took a heavy toll on the students and families of Vero Beach High School's Class of ...

  25. Northern Lights Are Visible as Solar Storm Intensifies: What to Know

    A dramatic blast from the sun set off the highest-level geomagnetic storm in Earth's atmosphere, making the northern lights visible around the world. With the help of Google Cloud, scientists ...

  26. In Photos: Affinity Celebrations for the Class of 2024

    In advance of Harvard's Thursday Commencement exercises, graduates from across the University gathered for a series of 10 affinity celebrations on Monday and Tuesday. At the ceremonies, students ...