
150 Latest Environmental Speech Topics and Ideas

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The environment is one of the most commonly discussed subjects in this world. If you are a school or college student, then you will often be asked to give a speech on environmental topics. Right now, do you want to give an engaging environment speech? Are you searching for the best environmental speech topics? If yes, then you are at the right spot. Especially, to make your topic selection process easier, here, we have prepared a list of 100+ outstanding speech topics on the environment. Also, we have shared some tips on how to pick an ideal topic out of the plenty of environmental speech ideas available. Continue reading to get interesting speech ideas.

Tips for Choosing a Good Environmental Speech Topic

In the speech preparation process, identifying a good topic is the first step. Generally for your speech competitions or assignments, your educators will provide a list of speech topics for you to choose from. But at certain times, they will ask you to pick your topic.

To gain ideas for environmental speech, you can refer to environmental journals, documentaries, and the latest environmental news. Also, you can search for the environmental speech topics shared in online portals.

When you are asked to select your environmental speech topic, keep the following tips in mind during topic selection.

  • The topic you choose should match your area of interest.
  • The topic should be simple and informative to the audience.
  • The topic should persuade the audience.
  • Give importance to the topic that you have strong knowledge of.
  • The topic should be neither too broad nor too narrow.
  • The topic should have several sources of references and valid evidence.

Additionally, the speech topic you select should stand in line with the speech rules shared by your instructor.

Environmental Speech Topics

List of Environmental Speech Topics and Ideas

Here we have shared a list of excellent environmental speech topics or Environmental Science Research Topics and ideas on various categories. If you are asked to select a good speech topic on the environment, feel free to use any of the topics listed below.

Informative Environmental Speech Topics

  • Wildlife protection programs.
  • Global climate change is not only caused by humans.
  • The importance of sustainable development for future generations.
  • Safety issues of nuclear power plants.
  • The fundamentals of logistics for oil and gas exploration.
  • The greatest rainforests in the world.
  • South American tropical forests.
  • Plants, animals, and organisms that live in the ocean.
  • Domestic wastewater treatment plans.
  • Why it is important to prioritize the control and prevention of plastic pollution?
  • Describe the United Nation’s 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the individual targets of each goal
  • Discuss the various environmental issues and their impact on the people and planet
  • The importance of using renewable energy resources
  • How to recycle waste materials into functional items? Explain with examples

Persuasive Environmental Speech Topics

  • Why we should use reusable bags.
  • Recycling should be mandatory.
  • Rain forests need to be protected.
  • Disposable diapers are hazardous to nature.
  • Endangered species need protection.
  • The danger of ocean oil spills.
  • Conservation of global resources.
  • Buy natural and organic produced and fair trade products.
  • Ocean acidification endangers marine organisms.
  • Endangered oceans deserve protection.
  • The danger of oil drilling in Alaska.
  • Why palm oil should be banned.
  • The advantages of an intercropping system for sustainable plant production.
  • The benefits of microbes to humans.
  • How to apply green ecological sustainable computing at your home PC.

A Few More Persuasive Speech Ideas on the Environment

  • Every construction plan should include a clearly stated environment-protection protocol
  • Promote earth-friendly cars through tax benefits
  • Rural development is a reason behind extensive pollution and wildfires in the last few years
  • Waste management through the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) must be mandatory for every business
  • Pollution largely contributes to natural disasters that stimulate economic growth
  • Humans are responsible for the large loss of biodiversity in nature.
  • Avoid using plastic bags.
  • Our ever-expanding consumerism has killed the earth.
  • Are green jobs really green and environmentally friendly?
  • Recycling helps with the greenhouse effect.
  • Nuclear power is a good alternative energy source.
  • Hunting sports harms biodiversity.
  • Buying durable goods will save the world.
  • Natural disasters stimulate economic growth.
  • The change in our climate pattern is not natural.

Outstanding Environmental Speech Topics

  • Energy alternatives are the only solution to habitat damage.
  • Construction plans must include an environment section.
  • Excessive use of natural resources leads to depletion.
  • Radioactive waste management.
  • The benefits of organic farming.
  • The disadvantages of intensive farming.
  • The effects of global warming.
  • The effects of industrial and household waste.
  • The negative aspects of a polluted environment.
  • Why conserving energy is important.
  • How to recycle different materials.
  • The effects of environmental degradation.
  • Why should we save birds?
  • Why drought is a serious problem.
  • The importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.

Great Speech Topics on Environment

  • The demographic impact of climate change.
  • Specifics of marine ecology.
  • Global warming and rising sea levels.
  • What are the causes of the decline in food resources?
  • Are humans a primary reason for natural disasters?
  • How do factories and industries waste energy?
  • Is technology damaging nature more?
  • Why burning coal by humans is causing excessive acid rain.
  • Cycling is an effective means of transport.
  • What causes glaciers to melt in the Polar Regions?
  • The effects of harmful gases on the human respiratory system.
  • Quality of life and the quality of the environment.
  • How can we prevent littering?
  • The effects of climate change on marine life.
  • Ecology and tourism: helpful or harmful?

Interesting Environmental Speech Ideas

  • The problem of biodegradability of aging chemicals
  • Why should each home have a tree?
  • Encourage a paperless society.
  • What are the Great Lakes?
  • Are electric vehicles the way to go?
  • Could nature return to normal after human extinction?
  • Should people buy bottled water?
  • Causes of hurricanes and tsunamis.
  • How has the coronavirus helped to recover the environment?
  • How has evolution changed nature?
  • Types of common plants.
  • Are humans the major cause of climate change?
  • Diversity and stability in ecology.
  • The most dangerous natural disasters.
  • The impact of aerosols on nature.

Captivating Environmental Speech Topics

  • The U.S. should ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
  • Ways in which animals damage nature.
  • Are Genetically Modified Organisms a threat to the environment?
  • How is overfishing impacting aquatic life?
  • How should we save water?
  • The role of science education in environmental conservation efforts
  • How are mental health and the natural environment related?
  • Can people live without electricity for a day?
  • How to achieve fire safety in forests.
  • The benefits and problems of dams.
  • Exchangeable emission or emissions trading permits work contra-productive in the urgency to blow back global warming
  •  Sustainable chemicals: New rules for identifying endocrine disruptors and long-lasting chemicals
  • Open Public Consultation on the production for export of hazardous chemicals banned in the EU
  • Discuss the potential impact of the recent cooperation between Latin America, the EU, and the Caribbean on environment and climate action policies
  • EU advocates for sound management of chemicals and waste at UN environmental conventions meeting to ensure Zero pollution

Convincing Environmental Speech Ideas

  • Developed nations are to blame for global warming.
  • The greenhouse effect threatens human existence.
  • The effects of noise pollution.
  • Noise pollution is detrimental to human development.
  • Limiting the use of Naturalistic Intelligence resources and fossil fuels.
  • The effects of ozone layer depletion.
  • Non-conventional sources of energy.
  • Hunting should be banned on all public lands.
  • The pollution of today’s world.
  • Preservation is a better environmental sustainability model than conservation.
  • The phrase “sustainable development” is being misused by environmentalists.
  • why the ozone layer in the stratosphere of the Earth should be protected?
  • Benthic biological creatures suffer greatly from bottom trawling, which involves dragging massive nets across the ocean floor.
  • The government should promote renewable energy technologies like solar power, wind power, hydropower, and biomass.
  • How to implement green IT (or ecologically sustainable computing) on your personal Mac or PC.

Excellent Environmental Speech Topics

  • How to make things out of garbage
  • Analyze the effects of unfiltered smoke from factories
  • Speak about the largest rainforest in the world.
  • Present a speech on the Wildlife Protection Act of India.
  • How is the use of animals for transporting goods unethical?
  • Speak about deforestation.
  • Present a speech about Project Tiger.
  • Share about the great Pacific garbage patch.
  • What are the top endangered species in India?
  • Discuss the benefits of drip irrigation

Trending  Environmental Speech Topics

  • The risks and hazards associated with depleting the world’s supply of fossil fuels should be handled carefully, and innocent marine life should be safeguarded.
  • More concerted global action is needed to combat global warming than was the case in Kopenhagen.
  • We must forget to lower energy costs in exchange for greener fuels.
  • The environment must be covered in construction planning.
  • The environment has a greater influence on a person’s development than their genes do.
  • The main dangers from land degradation in South America, Africa, and Asia (choose one continent for your thesis focus).
  • Marine creatures are put at risk by ocean acidification, which is the ocean waters’ pH level declining.
  • the primary reasons for severe coral bleaching (the whitening of corals).
  • The benefits of intercropping for environmentally friendly plant production.
  • why the ozone layer in the stratosphere of the Earth should be protected.
  • Benthic ecological organisms suffer greatly from bottom trawling, which involves dragging massive nets across the ocean floor.
  • More concerted global action is necessary to combat global warming than was the case in Kopenhagen.
  • Our culture of increasing consumerism has destroyed the planet.
  • Identify some of the best organizational practices and actions for the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) with examples
  • Big data modeling can indicate risk of bark beetle attacks in Norway spruce forests: Explain
  • UN-Water Conference: EU joins efforts to address the global water crisis and ensure water security for all by 2050
  • Explain the latest Waste Shipment Regulation report
  • Impact of the Noise from wind Farm installation activities on the Commercially important cuttlefish

The Bottom Line

We hope you have identified a good environmental speech topic from the list of topics suggested above. Have you not yet identified the best environmental speech topic? Do you need Assignment help to prepare an excellent environmental speech? If yes, then quickly reach out to us for speech writing help. We have a team of experienced speechwriters to assist you in writing a high-quality speech as per your requirements on time.

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Jacob Smith guides students with writing research paper topics and theses at greatassignmenthelp.com. Read about the author from this page


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99+ Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics for a Sustainable Future

Explore our list of 99+ environmental persuasive essay topics to write an effective essay that can raise awareness and promote sustainable practices.

The environment is a topic of global concern, as the Earth’s natural resources continue to be depleted and climate change accelerates. Environmental persuasive essays are a great way to raise awareness and inspire action on issues such as pollution, deforestation, global warming, and more. To help you get started on your environmental essay, we have compiled a list of 100+ persuasive essay topics related to the environment. These topics cover a broad range of issues and are suitable for students of all levels.

Persuasive Essay Topics Environmental

Table of Contents

List of Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics For Students

  • The impact of plastic on the environment
  • How to reduce household waste and promote recycling
  • The role of businesses in promoting sustainable practices
  • The benefits of organic farming
  • The effects of deforestation on the environment
  • The importance of preserving wildlife habitats
  • How to reduce air pollution in cities
  • The impact of climate change on the world’s oceans
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The effects of water pollution on marine life
  • The importance of preserving national parks
  • How to reduce energy consumption in homes and buildings
  • The impact of fracking on the environment
  • The benefits of electric cars for the environment
  • The effects of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The importance of reducing carbon footprint
  • How to promote sustainable tourism
  • The role of government in protecting the environment
  • The benefits of composting
  • The effects of industrial agriculture on the environment
  • The importance of conserving water resources
  • How to reduce food waste
  • The impact of nuclear energy on the environment
  • The benefits of green building practices
  • The effects of urbanization on the environment
  • The importance of protecting endangered species
  • How to promote sustainable transportation
  • The impact of mining on the environment
  • The benefits of solar power for the environment
  • The effects of climate change on human health
  • The importance of reducing meat consumption
  • How to promote sustainable fashion
  • The impact of tourism on the environment
  • The benefits of green roofs and walls
  • The effects of pesticides on the environment
  • The importance of reducing plastic packaging
  • How to promote sustainable living in cities
  • The impact of air travel on the environment
  • The benefits of bike-sharing programs
  • The effects of oil spills on marine life
  • The importance of reducing paper waste
  • How to promote sustainable waste management
  • The impact of hydraulic fracturing on groundwater
  • The benefits of wind power for the environment
  • The effects of noise pollution on wildlife
  • The importance of reducing single-use plastic
  • How to promote sustainable food production
  • The impact of agriculture on freshwater resources
  • The benefits of green technology
  • The effects of landfills on the environment
  • The importance of reducing energy waste
  • How to promote sustainable forestry practices
  • The impact of climate change on agriculture
  • The benefits of green roofs for urban environments
  • The effects of ocean acidification on marine life
  • The importance of reducing food packaging waste
  • How to promote sustainable urban design
  • The impact of marine debris on wildlife
  • The benefits of geothermal energy for the environment
  • The effects of noise pollution on human health
  • The importance of reducing vehicle emissions
  • The effects of plastic pollution on marine life
  • Is deforestation necessary for economic development?
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity
  • Solutions to reduce carbon emissions
  • The role of government in promoting environmentally sustainable practices
  • How individuals can make a difference in protecting the environment
  • The relationship between consumerism and environmental degradation
  • The ethical implications of animal testing for cosmetic products
  • How to encourage sustainable agriculture
  • The dangers of oil spills and their impact on the environment
  • The potential of renewable energy sources to combat climate change
  • The impact of urbanization on the environment
  • The role of corporations in environmental responsibility
  • The effect of air pollution on human health
  • The debate on nuclear energy and its safety concerns
  • The impact of mining on the environment and local communities
  • The future of electric cars and their potential to reduce carbon emissions
  • How to reduce food waste and promote sustainable food practices
  • The impact of pesticides on the environment and human health
  • The impact of ocean acidification on marine life
  • The need for international collaboration to tackle global environmental issues
  • The impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The role of education in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability
  • The impact of single-use plastics on the environment
  • The effects of noise pollution on wildlife and ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on human health
  • The effectiveness of government policies on environmental protection
  • The impact of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on the environment and public health
  • The role of media in shaping public opinion on environmental issues
  • The impact of melting glaciers on sea levels and coastal communities
  • The need for sustainable water management practices
  • The impact of industrial agriculture on the environment and human health
  • The importance of biodiversity for ecosystem stability
  • The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security
  • The potential of green technology to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.

In conclusion, persuasive essays are a great way to express your opinions and ideas on a variety of topics. Whether you are writing for a school assignment or for personal interest, it’s important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and can support with solid evidence and logical arguments. With this list of 100+ environmental persuasive essay topics, we hope you have found some inspiration for your next essay. Remember to research your topic thoroughly, consider the opposing views, and use persuasive language to effectively communicate your message. Let’s work together to make our planet a better place for future generations.

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140 Top Environmental Speech Topics To Focus On

Table of Contents

The environment is one of the highly preferred subjects for speech assignments. In public speaking or communication classes, very often teachers will ask you to deliver a speech on environmental topics. Even in many speech competitions, the environment is a common topic taken regularly for discussion. Currently, do you have to deliver a speech on any environmental topic? Are you looking for interesting environmental speech topics? If yes, then this blog post is for you.

Environmental Speech Topics

For your convenience, here, we have shared a list of the best environmental speech topics and ideas. Continue reading this blog post and get more ideas for environmental speech preparation.

Environmental Speech Topic Selection Tips

Before we look into the environmental speech topics list, first let us see how to select a perfect topic for the environmental speech.

In the speech preparation process, topic selection is the first step. In general, you can easily pick a topic, if your teacher already provides a set of topics or themes for you to choose. But what would you do when you are asked to come up with the best topic of your choice? In such an instance, the topic selection step will be challenging.

Are you given a task to select a perfect environmental speech topic for your assignment? First, gather environmental speech ideas by referring to environmental journals, documentaries, credible websites, and the latest environmental news. Then, brainstorm all the collected ideas and identify an ideal topic for your speech.

Remember, the environmental speech topic you choose should

  • Sync with your area of interest.
  • Be comfortable for you to speak about.
  • Be informative and engaging to the audience.
  • Allow you to discuss and share your opinions or arguments in detail.
  • Contain valid points and evidence to persuade the audience.
  • Be neither too wide nor too specific for discussion.
  • Contain extensive information and sources of references.

If the topic you have selected satisfies all the above-mentioned features, then it would be easy for you to prepare an engaging speech. But before finalizing your selected topic, make sure to check whether it stands in line with the speech rules or guidelines shared by your teacher.

List of the Best Environmental Speech Topics

The environment is a broad field of study with plenty of topics to discuss. So, it would take more time and effort to gather all the ideas and identify one perfect topic from them. Mainly, to make the topic selection process easier for you, here we have suggested some interesting environmental speech topic ideas.

Environmental Speech Topics

Go through the entire list mentioned below and pick any topic that fits you perfectly.

Persuasive Speech Topics on Environment

  • Conservation of global resources.
  • Ocean acidification endangers marine organisms.
  • The danger of ocean oil spills.
  • Endangered oceans deserve protection.
  • Buy natural and organic produced and fair trade products.
  • Recycling should be mandatory.
  • Disposable diapers are hazardous to nature.
  • Why we should use reusable bags.
  • Endangered species need protection.
  • Rain forests need to be protected.
  • Why palm oil should be banned?
  • The benefits of microbes to humans.
  • The danger of oil drilling in Alaska.
  • How to apply green ecological sustainable computing at your home PC.
  • The advantages of an intercropping system for sustainable plant production.

High-quality Environmental Speech Topics

  • Hunting sports harm biodiversity.
  • Natural disasters stimulate economic growth.
  • Nuclear power is a good alternative energy source.
  • The change in our climate pattern is not natural.
  • Buying durable goods will save the world.
  • Avoid using plastic bags.
  • Are green jobs environment-friendly?
  • Mankind is responsible for the large loss of biodiversity in nature.
  • Recycling helps with greenhouse effects.
  • Our ever-expanding consumerism has killed the earth.
  • Environmentalists are misusing the term sustainable development.
  • Why we should be concerned about ozone depletion in Earth’s stratosphere.
  • Bottom trawling (dragging huge nets along the sea floor) is killing the benthic ecological organisms.
  • Are green jobs really green and environmentally friendly?
  • Recycling helps with the greenhouse effect.
  • Hunting sports harm biodiversity
  • The importance of using renewable energy resources
  • How to recycle waste materials into functional items? Explain with examples

Excellent Environmental Speech Topics

  • South-American tropical forests.
  • The fundamentals of logistics for oil and gas exploration.
  • The greatest rainforests in the world.
  • Domestic wastewater treatment plans.
  • Plants, animals, and organisms that live in the ocean.
  • Global climate change is not only caused by humans.
  • Safety issues of nuclear power plants.
  • Wildlife protection programs.
  • The importance of sustainable development for future generations.
  • Global warming demands more joined global action than Kopenhagen did.
  • Encourage livestock owners to adopt sustainable grazing systems.
  • Why stores need to stop supplying plastic bags
  • TV news program weather forecasts are not accurate at all.
  • The principal threats of land degradation in Asia / Africa / South America (choose one continent for your thesis focus).
  • Ocean acidification (a decline in the pH degree of ocean waters) endangers marine organisms.
  • The main causes of massive coral bleaching (the whitening of corals).

Read more: Excellent Environmental Essay Topics To Explore and Write About

Captivating Environmental Speech Topics

  • Are humans the major cause of climate change?
  • The most dangerous natural disasters .
  • Types of common plants.
  • The impact of aerosols on nature.
  • Diversity and stability in ecology.
  • Should people buy bottled water?
  • How has the coronavirus helped to recover the environment?
  • Could nature return to normal after human extinction?
  • How has evolution changed nature?
  • Causes of hurricanes and tsunamis.
  • Can people live without electricity for a day?
  • The benefits and problems of dams.
  • How are mental health and the natural environment related?
  • The U.S. should ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
  • How can fire safety be achieved in forests?
  • Are Genetically Modified Organisms a threat to the environment?
  • How should we save water?
  • Ways in which animals damage nature.
  • The role of science education in environmental conservation efforts.
  • How is overfishing impacting aquatic life?
  • We are wasting the opportunity to waste less.
  • Water pollution will be the world’s biggest problem in the next few years.

Brilliant Environmental Speech Ideas

  • The effects of global warming.
  • The negative aspects of a polluted environment.
  • The disadvantages of intensive farming.
  • Why conserving energy is important.
  • The effects of industrial and household waste.
  • Construction plans must include an environment section.
  • Radioactive waste management.
  • Energy alternatives are the only solution to habitat damage.
  • How to recycle different materials.
  • The importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.
  • Why should we save birds?
  • The benefits of organic farming.
  • Excessive use of natural resources leads to depletion.
  • The effects of environmental degradation.
  • Why drought is a serious problem?

Great Environmental Speech Topics

  • Non-conventional sources of energy.
  • The pollution of today’s world.
  • The effects of ozone layer depletion.
  • Preservation is a better environmental sustainability model than conservation.
  • Hunting should be banned on all public lands.
  • The greenhouse effect threatens human existence.
  • Noise pollution is detrimental to human development.
  • Developed nations are to blame for global warming.
  • Limiting the use of natural resources and fossil fuels.
  • The effects of noise pollution.
  • Human activities are responsible for climate change, global warming, and the greenhouse effect
  • Problems like biodiversity loss and unprotected use of natural resources have long-term implications which require long-term policy solutions
  • What is a ‘green economy’ and why do we need to promote this?
  • A globalized economy is harming nature and causing climate change
  • The Earth’s natural resources are vital to the survival and development of the human population
  • Importance of Copernicus Land Monitoring Service
  • What happens when we cover the ground with concrete and asphalt?
  • Air Pollution is a leading cause of premature deaths in Europe in 2020
  • Carbon stocks and sequestration rates in marine and terrestrial ecosystems: a lever for nature restoration

Read more: Best Environmental Science Topics To Choose for Academic Work

Informative Environmental Speech Topics

  • The role of bees in pollination.
  • The effect of plastic pollution on oceans.
  • Recycling: A simple way to protect our environment.
  • Promoting Sustainable Farming Practices.
  • Your vision for a greener future.
  • The role of technology in solving environmental issues.
  • Your favorite environmentally friendly product.
  • How your lifestyle contributes to climate change?
  • An animal species you admire and its importance in the ecosystem.
  • How your community is addressing environmental issues?

Amazing Speech Topics on Environment

  • Is technology damaging nature more?
  • Cycling is an effective means of transport.
  • How do factories and industries waste energy?
  • What causes glaciers to melt in the Polar Regions?
  • Why burning coal by humans is causing excessive acid rain.
  • Specifics of marine ecology.
  • What are the causes of the decline in food resources?
  • The demographic impact of climate change.
  • Are humans a primary reason for natural disasters?
  • Global warming and rising sea levels.
  • Why should each home have a tree?
  • What are the great lakes?
  • The problem of biodegradability of aging chemicals
  • Are electric vehicles the way to go?
  • Encourage a paperless society.
  • Quality of life and the quality of the environment.
  • The effects of climate change on marine life.
  • The effects of harmful gases on the human respiratory system.
  • Ecology and tourism: helpful or harmful?
  • How to prevent littering?

The Bottom Line

We hope you have selected a perfect topic for your speech assignment from the list of environmental speech ideas suggested above. In case, you have still not yet identified a good topic for your speech, or if you need expert help for speech preparation, then get in touch with us quickly. On our platform, we have highly talented speechwriters to prepare persuasive speech content on any topic including the one on the environment.

To get our premium-quality speech assignment writing help online, simply fill in your requirements on the order form available on our website and submit it. Based on your guidelines, our professionals will prepare and deliver original environmental speech content suitable to engage and educate the listeners. Our service is completely affordable and moreover, by utilizing our speech writing help service, you can finish your tasks prior to the deadline and save time.

environmental persuasive speech topics

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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237 Easy Persuasive Speech Topics and Guide

A persuasive speech is a speech written and delivered to convince people of the speaker’s viewpoint. It uses words to make the audience ‘see’ the speaker’s point of view and to ‘sway’ them into agreeing with it.

It is not a simple matter of presenting gathered facts and evidence. More than just seeing why the speaker thinks that way, a persuasive speech tries to persuade the audience in accepting that line of thought and make it the way they, too, think.

To jump to the persuasive speech topic section, click here .

This is where it differs from an argument. The difference between an argumentative and persuasive speech is that one tries to prove a point while the other tries to affect the listener’s perspective.

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Some examples of a persuasive speech are sales pitch, the speech of politicians, the speech of environmentalists, the speech of feminists, the speech of animal activists, etc.

In the above examples, you must have noticed that all these kind of speech has a goal. A sales pitch is to get you to buy something, politicians give speeches to get you to vote for them, and environmentalists, feminists, and animal activists have a cause to advocate. They all want you to ‘do’ something.

Action is a persuasive speech’s end goal. Ultimately, the speaker wants to persuade you to do something. And why would you do that?

Say, an environmentalist wants people to re-cycle because they think or know that it is good for the environment. Now, it is the people who need to know and think recycling is good for the environment. Only then they would recycle.

Therefore, a more complete definition of a persuasive speech would be “Speech that convinces the audience of a certain idea to inspire them into the desired action.”

Art of Persuasion

Persuasive speech is an art form.

Take an example of a man who was begging in the street. He had a hat in front of him and a sign that said “I am blind, please help” He got a few coins. Then, a lady came along, turned the sign around, and wrote something. A lot more people started to give the man money. His hat was filled with coins. What did that lady write? What persuaded people to give?

“Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.”

The second line got him more money because it ‘affected’ people, it appealed to their emotions more than the straightforward “I am blind, please help.” This is called pathos.

According to Aristotle, there are three components of or modes to affect people. They are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Ethos in layman’s terms is credibility or authority. The dictionary defines it as “the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.” So, you need to have that disposition that makes you a reliable or trustable person.

For example, a woman talking about women’s problems is more likely to have an effect on the audience than a male speaker. The principal comes into the class and tells you ‘Tomorrow is a holiday and no questions will be asked. But if your teacher says so, you will investigate first. You will be more eager to listen to a popular person in the field than to a newbie.

It is having an effect on people by your person so that they would be more receiving of you.

Pathos in Greek means ‘suffering’ or ‘experience’. It is generally defined as an appeal to people’s emotions. Like in the story of the blind boy above, Pathos is to tap into people’s experience of suffering in order to move them towards a certain action.

Of course, those people have not experienced blindness but they can imagine losing the privilege of sight that they now possess. In simple words, it is to evoke feelings of pity, fear, anger, and such.

Logos is the logical appeal. This is to persuade by the means of reasoning. If the speaker makes a claim such as ‘polythene bags should be banned, then he should give a reason as to ‘why’ like ‘polythene bags do not biodegrade and continue to pollute the environment or facts like ‘Thousands of bags are produced every week and are dumped somewhere after use’ or ‘every bag produced since 19_ still exists somewhere on earth today.’

Presentation- Monroe’s motivated sequence

Presentation is very important. It is the backbone. How you perform your speech, how you deliver the words have the maximum effect on people. Therefore, a speech needs to be organized.

Monroe’s motivated sequence is a technique for organizing persuasive speech. It consists of the following steps.

Grab their attention. Start with a startling statement, an intriguing story, a dramatic action, anything that will make the audience take notice of you. This is also the introduction part. Hook them. Build their interest.

Now, convince the people that there is a problem. More than that, convince them that action needs to be taken against the problem, that it will not go away by itself. Tap into their imagination to show how this problem affects them. Use reasons and facts to support your claims and to impress upon them the need for change.

The audience should be looking forward to the ‘solution’ to the problem. They should want to know what they can do. In this step, introduce your solution. Demonstrate or give examples to make the audience understand how it works and how it solves the problem. Use testimonials or statistics to prove the effectiveness of that solution.

Paint a world where nothing was done and how it affected them. Also, paint a world where they did as you suggested and how it changed the situation for the better. Use vivid imagery to make them ‘feel’ the troubles and relief of not doing and doing as you said. Create a viable scenario. It should be relatable and believable.

Call to action. Strike when the iron is hot. It should be something that they can readily do and immediately. More the time passes less they are likely to follow with it as other things in life take precedence and the feeling of urgency is lost. Make it easy too. Do most of the handiwork so they have to put the least effort.

This is a classic technique developed by Alan Monroe in the mid-1930s. It is still the most effective basis for many persuasive speeches.

Some people are born with the skill of persuasion while others can build on it by applying such techniques and practicing. Here are some Persuasive Speech Topics that you can practice with.

Take a look at the video below. It explains how to write an introduction for a persuasive speech.

Below are 6 sample videos of persuasive speeches.

  • Why homeschooling is good and should be promoted. (School)

Some students do better in a group with a healthy competition to keep them motivated. Some children are better off studying on their own, continuing at their own fast or slow pace which is hindered when moving along with other children.

  • Students should get minimum of 45 minutes tiffin break. (School)

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Keeping children cooped up in a room for a long is not good. They need regular refreshing breaks to revitalize, to talk with their friends…

  • Is it racism to ban Marijuana when smoking tobacco is legal? (Funny)

Everybody knows cigarettes are harmful and addictive. Yet, there are big industries manufacturing these drugs on a large scale. Then there is Marijuana that is less harmful, less addictive, and has dozens of use; is it not racism to ban it?

  • Some juveniles needs to be prosecuted as adults. (School?)

More and more teenagers are committing heinous crimes. They know they will get off easy, that they will not face serious consequences. According to the level of savagery committed, juveniles should at times be prosecuted as adults.

  • Are pretty or handsome students really dumber? (School)

This is just a stereotype, just like saying women are less logical and others. Or. That appears to hold true in most cases. As time is limited, people who spend more time on appearance spend less time learning and those who spend time learning fails to look after their appearance.

  • Proficiency in academics is not the only measure of intelligence. (School)

Are grades everything? Different people possess different types of intelligence but grades measure only a few kinds. Is it not like judging a fish on its ability to climb a tree?

  • What is the right age to start owing a mobile phone? (Parenting)

Most parents believe that the right age to own mobile is when children can pay for it so that they can be aware of their expenditure. Else, they might engage in long, unnecessary conversation and…

  • Should children be bought a mobile phone for emergencies? (Parenting)

Mobiles or cell phones are the fastest means of communication. Should children, therefore, be allowed to owe mobiles so that they can contact their guardians in case of emergency?

  • Homework should be banned. (School)

Children spend most of their waking hours in school. They have only a few hours at the home to do things other than academics. But homework is the tag along with that…

  • Should men pay child support even if pregnancy was a one sided decision? (Feminism)

If a woman decides to bear a child despite her partner’s protest, is he still obligated to provide monetary support upon divorce for the same reason?

  • Laws should not be based on religion.

There are many religions. Their ideas vary. But the law should be uniform. Basing laws on certain religions is like forcing the ideas of that religion on every citizen.

  • Birth controls should be free and easily available. (Feminism?)

If teen pregnancy is to be avoided, birth controls should be free and easily available with no parental permission required. Imagine asking your parents if you can have sex or parents permitting it. It is the same as unavailability of the contraceptives which takes us back to square one.

  • Honking unnecessarily should be punishable.

Honking during a traffic jam is not going to clear it up. It only disturbs and aggravates everyone else. Honking at girls is offensive. Honking to bully is wrong. Honking unnecessarily like this should be considered criminal and punished.

  • Divorced and happy parents is better for the children than living in a conflicted home.

Some parents stay together for the sake of their children but fail to get along. This creates a very tense environment and that is not how a home should be.

  • Hiding your HIV status in a relationship should be punishable by law.

HIV is a serious disease with no cure available. If a person is aware of his/her HIV positivity, withholding the information and therefore transmitting it to the unsuspecting partner in the process is criminal.

  • Legalization of prostitution has more positive effects than negative.

Stopping prostitution is impossible. They will continue to operate underground where they face many problems. Girls get trafficked, tricked, or forced into it. Making it legal will at least ensure safety and justice to the sex workers and will also help control forced labor.

  • Schools should take bullying more seriously. / Why bullying is a serious offense. (School)

Bullying is very damaging to the victim and can take a very dangerous turn. But it is dismissed as children’s play in most cases. We don’t realize its seriousness until it is too late…

  • Partial Birth Abortion is a sin.

In this method of abortion, a living baby is pulled out from the womb feet first. The base of the skull is punctured and the brain is removed with a powerful suction machine. This is no different from murder. It is usually allowed by law only in order to save the mother’s life but many healthy mothers’ babies are aborted this way every year…

  • All institutions like schools, colleges and offices should start only after 10.

When such institutions start early, people need to wake up earlier for preparation. Waking up feeling unrested can make a person inactive, irritable, and unproductive. Scientists say that a person’s mind is not fully awake until 10 in the morning…

  • Sexual relationship before marriage is not a crime.

Sex is a biological need and a healthy sex life has a lot of mental and physical benefits. If the partners involved are adults and there is mutual consent…

  • School and teachers should stay away from student’s personal life. (School?)

Every institution has some rule. This rule should govern the members within the institution. But some schools like to take this beyond the school grounds and have control over what students do and do not in their personal time.

  • Energy drinks should be considered borderline medicines. (Health)

Energy drinks provide added energy. So, it should only be consumed when your body lacks energy, in a weakened state, like medicine. Plus, it contains a lot of caffeine that does more harm than good…

  • Parents should properly answer their children’s curiosities. (Parenting)

‘How does a baby come?’ children ask and parents tell them about gods and storks. This raises more questions and does nothing but confuse the child. Try to give an anatomically correct answer without being graphic. Never try to dismiss any of their questions or scold them…

  • Euthanasia, is it ethical?

A person should get to choose whether they want to live or die in dire conditions. Or. Euthanasia is no different from suicide. Supporting euthanasia is like supporting suicide.

  • Prospective parent(s) should get a psychiatric approval before adoption. (Parenting)

We want to find a home for every orphaned child but we want a happy home. There are many sick people out there who want to adopt a child only to abuse them or for some other kind of personal gain…

  • Cigarettes should be illegal.

Cigarettes are like drugs and they should be illegal just like drugs are. It has adverse health effects on the smoker as well as people around him…

  • Smoking in public places should be fined.

Cigarettes are very harmful and their harmful smoke does not affect the smoker alone. It affects the surrounding people as well. Not all people are suicidal that way. Why should they suffer? When one’s action harms the other, it is an offense.

  • Are uniforms necessary?

Uniform brings uniformity. It eliminates frivolous fashion competition which is not what school is for… Or. Clothes are a form of expression. Students spend most of their time in school. They should be comfortable with what they wear…

  • Number of children one can have should be limited and children with previous partner(s) counts.

Four from two, eight from four; population multiplies that way. Already, the earth has become so crowded. If this is to continue, we will rid this world of ourselves.

  • Would it be ethical to genetically design babies? (Technology?)

Yes. Why not use science to cure diseases and eradicate the possibility of a child’s suffering? Or. This method can be misused to alter more than just a threat of diseases and that will disturb the diversity in the gene pool…

  • ‘Living together’ relationships, good or bad?

Marriage cannot keep together those who want to go their separate ways and those who want to together do not need such a constitution.

  • ‘Early to sleep, early to rise’ benefits.

They say ‘Early to sleep and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise.’ This was not said without a reason. Going to bed early and waking up early the next day have many benefits, for both our mind and body.

  • Every property should compulsorily have trees. (Environment)

Trees produce oxygen and filters air. We need more trees. But the population is increasing. We are cutting down trees to erect concrete buildings instead…

  • Fast foods are overpriced.

Fast foods like French fries, burgers, pizza, etc. cost way more than they actually should. The restaurants are ripping us off. Take fries for example…

  • Using animals as test subjects is cruel and unfair. (Animal rights)

For you, it is one animal among many. But for that particular animal, one life is all it has and you have no right to play with it.

  • Why Gay Marriage should be legalized. (Gay rights)

Homosexuality is not a disease. It is how people are. They want to marry their partner for the same reasons heterosexual couples do. Not legalizing gay marriage is discrimination…

  • Marriage is not about procreation. (Gay rights)

One, almost logical, reason people give against gay marriage is that they cannot bear kids because of which it is definitely not natural/ biological or ‘how god intended’. But marriage is not about procreation. It is about you and your comfort or happiness, about who you want to spend the rest of your life with.

  • Electronics are stealing childhood.

These days, children spend a lot of time on mobile phones, computers, or other electronic devices instead of running around, going out, and playing as a child should.

  • Teens cannot be good parents. (School/ Parenting)

Some teens decide to start a family when the female partner gets pregnant. While this is seen as an admirable option against abortion, are teen parents really good for the kid?

  • Ads should be tested for sexist messages before being aired. (Feminism)

Not only children but everyone learns from what they see and hear. The subliminal sexist messages in ads impart gender roles on their minds, undoing a lot of feminists’ efforts. But mostly, it brainwashes the coming generation and we should not allow that.

  • Protection and breeding of white tigers is illogical; why hinder natural selection? (Environment/ Animal rights)

White tigers do not fare well in the wild due to their color. It was a case of mutation that would have naturally been eliminated if humans had not interfered. I am not saying all living white tigers must be killed but why are people breeding it in captivity instead of letting it die out? Just because they’re pretty and we like pretty?

  • Exotic pets are not pets. (Animal rights)

Exotic animals belong in the wild. They need to be with their own kind, living in their natural habitat. They should not be isolated in people’s homes where their mobility is limited.

  • Feminism should be made a compulsory subject in high school and college. (Feminism)

Feminism is an eye-opener. It is something every man and woman should know of. Thus, it should be a compulsory and common subject instead of being exclusive to Arts or few other faculty.

  • Age 16 is not juvenile. (School?)

Are 16-year-olds really kids? Can they not be expected to know the difference between right and wrong? Maybe they do not know it is a crime to download songs and movies but what about rape and murder? If 16 is old enough to drive in most countries, it is old enough to be tried as an adult.

  • Playing Video games for few hours does good. (School/ parenting?)

It has been found out that playing a few hours of video game help improve people’s hand-eye coordination and enhances cognitive power. Also, games based on real history or science can impart knowledge…

  • Read before agreeing to sites and applications.

We download apps and software and signup on different sites. Each of these requires us to click ‘I agree’. We click this ‘I agree’ without actually reading the agreement. This can later cause problems…

  • Is death penalty ethical?

It is not ethical to eliminate people like we try to eliminate diseases. What about human rights? Or. What kind of rights for the person who does not respect others’ rights and freedom? It is a befitting punishment.

  • Send drug dealers to prison but addicts for rehabilitation.

Drug Addicts are victims too. They need rehabilitation, not prison. Dealers are the real criminals.

  • Parents should cook tastier option instead of making children eat the healthy foods they don’t want.

If not meat then milk and pulses. There is a range of choices for the required nutrition. So why should children have to eat something they don’t like? Just give them a tastier option.

  • If girls can wear pants, boys can wear skirts. (Funny?)

Is all equality fighting for girls only? What about boys’ rights? When girls can wear boys’ clothes why can boys not wear that of girls?

  • Being slim is not just about looks but health too. (Health?)

Beauties were those who were plum. Now, skinny is the fashion. But to those who want to be ‘comfortable’ in their size, know that a slim body is more than just looks.

  • There should be one holiday in the middle of workdays.

Saturday and Sunday’s rest do not keep us charged up to Friday. This makes people less productive by Thursday and Friday. A break in the middle would be wonderfully refreshing…

  • Considering the real meaning behind Nursery Rhymes, should they be taught to children? (School)

The fun nursery rhyme “Ring around the Rosie” is actually about the bubonic plague that killed nearly 15% of the country. This is only an example among many. Consider the lyrics of “Three blind mice” that goes “… Who cut off their tails, With a carving knife.” Is it okay to teach these to the children?

  • Countries should provide free Wi-Fi in tourist destinations.

Doing this will help tourists as they will be able to contact their people without wandering around confused in a foreign land. This will definitely increase the flow of both national and international tourists. It will be most helpful to students from abroad.

  • Know the woes of genetically modified Chickens.

To meet the demand of the growing population, chickens are fed hormones and other drugs to make them grow faster and fat, especially the meat in the breast area. Because of this, the chickens cripple under their own weight. They suffer terribly…

  • Children should be allowed to use electronics like mobile, notebooks etc. during breaks. (Students)

Using electronics during class is certainly bad and for a number of reasons. But break times belong to the students. Breaks are for recreation. If students choose to enjoy electronics, what is wrong with that?

  • Teachers, too, should keep their mobiles in silent during class.

Class time is for teaching and learning. Students should keep their mobile in silence so as to not disturb the class. But, so should the teacher. They shouldn’t pick up their call during class.

  • Humans are consuming way more salt than necessary. (Health)

Sodium is important. But the larger amount of sodium intake has often been associated with an increase in blood pressure that leads to strokes. 1500 to 2300mg is the maximum amount per day.

  • Benefits of donating blood.

Donating blood is the right thing to do. It saves lives. There are a few moral reasons as such to donate blood but do you know that you are not losing anything either? Donating blood is good for your own health too…

  • Why become an organ donor?

Perfectly healthy people die when trying to donate their organs to their loved ones. Even if they survive, they may have to face complications and they are now, somehow, deficient. If an organ could be got…

  • Original organic fruits taste better than the hybrids.

Hybrid fruits are larger and juicer but it lacks in terms of taste. The taste tastes diluted…

  • Why people who have should give.

Many people suffer from poverty. They have a hard time meeting basic needs like food, shelter, and clothes.

  • Why suicide over ‘love troubles’ is stupid. (Students)

Life moves on. Time heals. Things will happen if you continue to live. But the exaggerated fictional idea of love that the movies market has…

  • Why women should earn irrespective of their husband’s economic status. (Feminism)

Be independent. Money is power. Do not let anyone have an upper hand and be vulnerable to possible abuse…

  • Recycle e-waste. (Environment)

E-waste contains many recoverable materials such as aluminum, copper, gold, silver etc. Reusing this will take a load off of natural resources. E-waste also contains toxins like mercury, lead, beryllium, and others that will inevitably infuse into soil and water.

  • Do not tolerate abuse, speak out. (Feminism)

Certainly, nobody enjoys abuse? Then why do women continue to stay in abusive relationship despite being educated and holding a good job? Why do they tolerate other kinds of abuse as well? There are many reasons for this…

  • Every citizen should be required to, at least, pass high school. (School)

Up to high school, the education is basic. Imagine needing to stop ocean pollution. An educated person would be more easily persuaded or would know why ocean pollution is bad. Or. There are good and bad people. Education will teach the good how to be good and may persuade the bad…

  • Hostels, is it good or bad for children? (Parenting)

Hostels teach children independence. They learn to do a lot in their own. Or. No one can take better care of children than their parents. Children need parents’ love and support. Away in the hostel, surrounded by children no wiser than themselves…

  • Teachers should discuss among themselves to avoid giving too much homework. (School)

After studying for hours in school, spending all the hours in-home doing homework will mentally tire the student. Homework should be very light. But light homework of all the teachers added will take up all of the students’ time. So…

  • Importance of clubs in school or colleges. (School)

School and college clubs are the best way to learn different valuable skills in. In school and college-level clubs, the eligibility for membership is less strict and one gets to learn from the more skilled seniors.

  • Should plastic surgery be so commercial?

Everyone wants to look good. When accidents or attacks disfigure us, we can turn to plastic surgery to try and gain back our lost selves. But intentionally altering ourselves to…

  • Online piracy should be monitored more strictly.

People have a right to their intellectual property. It is so easy to find and download pirated materials that it seems non-criminal…

  • Are single-sex schools better than coed? (School)

According to research done in Korea, students from single-sex schools scored better than those from coed and had more chances of pursuing college-level education. However, this is from a general viewpoint. When considering students at an individual level, it really depends on what kind of environment that particular student does better in.

  • Spaying or neutering pets is good or bad? (Animal right)

Some say that neutering or spaying pets have a lot of benefits, both for the animal and the owner. Others say that neutering or spaying does not change much but only invites diseases upon the poor animal.

  • Are master’s degree or doctorate really necessary? (Students)

High School teaches us the basics and a bachelor is more career-oriented. We can get a good job after bachelor and hone our skills for a better position. Is a master’s and higher degree really important when we can learn more in the field?

  • Who is more responsible for poaching? Poachers or buyers? (Animal right)

This may be an ‘egg first or chicken question. Scientists have now found out that chickens come first but the question ‘Poacher or buyers’ remains.

  • What kind of food should school or college canteen offer? (Student)

From unhealthy commercial food items to unappetizing bland gibberish; can school or college canteens not offer an in-between option? What would be best for the students?

  • What age is proper to talk about the birds and the bees? (Parenting)

From the time a child starts asking about sex is the time from when to start talking about the birds and the bees. Children as young as 4-5 years old are curious about where a baby comes from. Answer them truthfully but avoid being graphic. Also, answer only what they ask.

  • Fee for facilities aside, the tuition fee should be fixed by the government. (Student)

Schools and colleges take a ridiculous amount of tuition fees. It is understandable that according to the facilities provided, the fee may be less or more but the tuition fee, at least, should be a fixed amount that greedy schools cannot increase as they wish.

  • How long should a drunk driver lose his license for?

Drinking and driving can be fatal to both the driver and an innocent passerby. But people do not take it seriously. They think they can handle their liquor and end up causing accidents. This is absolute carelessness.

  • The amount of water one should drink per day. (Health)

About 60% of the human body is water. We continually lose this water through skin and urine. This causes dehydration…

  • Aliens exist. (Paranormal)

There have been many UFO sightings and stories of alien abduction. Even in the old age paintings, cave paintings, Sanskrit scrolls, the extraterrestrial life form is evident. Scientists have found other habitable planets. An intelligent life form somewhere other than Earth is no longer an idea of a fantasist…

  • White meat over red meat or the other way around? (Health)

White meat is less fatty but red meat contains more vitamins like zinc, iron, and B vitamins…

  • Why religion and science should go hand in hand. / Why religion should evolve with scientific discoveries. (Philosophy)

Science explores the universe for answers while religion makes claims about it. Science is open to change, it acknowledges that it can err and backs its claims with evidence. Religion on the other hand is a ‘belief’ system

  • Should astrologers, mediums and the likes be arrested for fraud? (Paranormal)

Do heavenly bodies really affect our personality or future? Do dead ones really become spirits and can be contacted through mediums? Or are these all just a big hoax?

  • Cats or dogs?

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Say why a dog is better than a cat as a pet or that cat makes a better pet.

  • Benefits of eating fruit over drinking its juice. (Health)

There is a whole fruit and we throw away more than half of the substance when choosing to drink its juice even though eating the fruit itself is healthier because of the fiber it contains.

  • Women shouldn’t have to change their last name after marriage. (Feminism)

Having to change our last name after marriage is sexist. It confirms the power males hold over the women in our patriarchal society.

  • Internet promotes communication, not kill it.

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, messenger, and others keep us in contact with many friends that we would otherwise have forgotten. It is an easy means of communication…

  • Does pressure build or break a person?

Pressure is healthy. It drives us. Or. Yes. Pressure drives us. It drives us nuts.

  • Hiring volunteers on zero pay is cruel.

Volunteers are those who want to donate labor. They need not be paid for their work but what about their expenses like transportation and others? These kinds of expenses, at least, should be covered.

  • Learning multiple language widens our perception of the world.

There are always those words that cannot be exactly translated to another language. This is because that way of thinking does not exist in that other language. It is like the egg of Cristopher. We discover a new way of expressing ourselves, one we couldn’t think of in the limitation of our own language.

  • Oceans are not trash bins. (Environment)

Tons of human waste are thrown into the ocean. This is creating a big problem in the ocean ecosystem…

  • Killing for fun is inhuman, hunting is inhuman. (Animal rights)

How to have fun with animals? By playing with them, baby talking to them, watching them in their weird but fun action. Not by chasing them down and killing them.

  • Cigarette, alcohol or drugs are not the answer for stress or other problems in life.

People tend to depend on harmful substances like cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs when faced with a problem or when under stress. These substances do not cure stress but could be a self-harming method of coping with problems. People under stress tend to show more unhealthy behaviors such as these…

  • Music heals.

On hearing good music, the brain releases dopamine. Dopamine is an essential chemical that plays a number of important roles in the brain and body. Music has also proven effective against stress…

  • Why breakfast is the important meal of the day. (Health)

Breakfast is the first meal after a long gap during the night. It provides us with vital nutrients like calcium, vitamins, minerals, and energy…

  • Fairytales should be re-written for the next generation children.

Fairytales often star a damsel in distress who not only ‘waits’ for a handsome rescuer but also possesses subjugating qualities like obedience, daintiness, etc. It imparts sexist values in young minds…

  • How a time table can help manage our daily lives.

People do not realize how time table can make our day-to-day lives much more manageable and therefore fruitful or efficient. Some find it tedious and some pretentious…

  • Everyone should learn swimming.

Swimming is not just for fun like cycling. It could save someone’s life. It is an important survival skill that everyone should know of.

  • Good thoughts lead to good actions.

Our actions result from our thoughts. Action is a mind’s reflection…

  • Benefits of meditation. (Health)

Meditation has a lot of benefits, both on body and mind. It reduces stress, improves concentration, reduces irritability, increases perseverance, etc…

  • Zoos are not big enough for wild animals. (Animal rights)

How large can you make a zoo? And how can it mimic nature when different animals are confined separately. Wild animals belong in the wild.

Some more Persuasive Speech Topics:

  • Why is adopting a pet better than buying one?
  • How does having a pet better your everyday life?
  • Having a snake as a pet is as cool as it sounds
  • Should you get rid of a pet that harms another person?
  • Is breeding pets for sale unethical?
  • Selfies with animals in tourist locations should be made equal
  • A dog is the perfect pet
  • Why a pet is essential for a growing child
  • Owning a pet makes you healthier
  • Slaughterhouses are unethical
  • Animals are facing extinction, we should do something about it
  • Why wild animals should be left in the wild
  • Petting exotic animals should be made illegal
  • Why dolphin farming is horrific
  • The Yulin Dog festival displays one of the worst sides of humans
  • Why neutering your pets is wrong
  • Advantages of owning a horse(besides looking fantastic)
  • People need to stop fueling pug markets.
  • Is animal slaughter for religious purposes ethical?
  • Manual drivers are unnecessarily aggressive about their cars
  • Why you should not drive without a kid seat
  • Why sports cars are not worth it
  • If you can’t call while driving, then why is there a hands-free mode?
  • New ideas for lessons drivers have to take before getting a license
  • Should you charge people for driving tests?
  • Why cycling is cooler than driving
  • Why traffic rules are designed against bike rides
  • Driving licenses should need a renewal every 5 years
  • Why co-ed education is the best way to teach
  • GPA isn’t everything
  • 9.30 is too early
  • Why teachers need to be recertified
  • Listening to music during exams should be allowed
  • Should sports and arts be mandatory?
  • Does our school curriculum need obligatory life skill classes?
  • Phones in classes are beneficial and convenient
  • Every student should be encouraged to take a gap year
  • Cyber-bullying should be punished the same as bullying
  • Why art classes are just as important as science
  • School canteens need to serve healthier alternatives
  • More institutes should promote nternational exchange programs
  • Curriculums should be designed with the job market in mind
  • Textbooks are overpriced and should be replaced with digital alternatives
  • Should religion be taught in schools?
  • Is repeating classes beneficial for underperforming students?
  • Students should not have to ask to use the restroom
  • Is having a handwriting class beneficial?
  • Is there a point to giving homework?
  • Education needs to be available in prisons
  • We are being overcharged for education
  • Online learning should be held to equal importance as schools
  • Are teachers paid enough?
  • Is there room for commercial advertisement in schools?
  • Are study halls still relevant?
  • Are our children safe at school?
  • School trips are a waste of money
  • Educational institutes should be more welcoming to technological changes
  • Schools should teach multiple languages
  • Public schools are better than private schools
  • Why meditation should be included in the daily curriculum
  • Are scholarships reaching the right people?
  • Current environmental laws are insufficient
  • Green energy is the future
  • The environmental impact of palm oil
  • The environmental impact of single-use bags
  • Fishing restrictions need to be stricter
  • Oil spills are deadly to marine life
  • Leaving fossil fuels behind
  • Pollution has reached alarming levels
  • Garden owners should be allowed to grow exotic plants
  • Switch to hybrid cars to help the environment
  • Rainforests are going extinct at an alarming rate
  • Why natural resources are quickly going extinct
  • Alternative energy sources should be pushed by governments
  • Euthanasia should be legalized
  • Why eating meat does not make me a bad person
  • Can true equality ever really be achieved?
  • Is messing with unborn children’s genetics ethical?
  • Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason
  • Animal testing is a necessary part of production
  • Why we need to stop producing and buying fur
  • Prostitution should be legalized
  • Doping and it’s place in sports 
  • Why workplace relationships should be avoided
  • Is religion a cult?
  • Should prayers be included in schools?
  • Parents should not be able to choose the sex of their unborn child
  • Donating to charities is a scam
  • Aborting fetuses with birth defects is not immoral
  • Wars have positive consequences as well
  • Why genital mutilation in infants needs to be stopped
  • Conventional beauty standards are misleading
  • China’s One-child policy was a good idea for population control
  • Animal testing and why it is immoral
  • Why banning cigarettes and alcohol from advertisements is not effective
  • Sugar is added to everything we eat
  • Children should be taught to cook
  • Why growing your own food will help both you and the environment
  • Peanuts: The secret superfood
  • We should be more open to genetically engineered food products
  • The proper way to dispose your food waste
  • The loopholes in labelling laws
  • Keto goes against the natural human evolution
  • Artificial chemicals in our food products is harming us
  • The legal age for contraceptive treatment should be lowered
  • Fast food is slowly killing you
  • How positive thinking can change your life
  • Breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day
  • Stomach stapling should not be normalized
  • If you don’t wear a seat belt, you are putting yourself at great risk
  • How diabetes can affect your work
  • How daily exercise can change your life
  • Stress as the leading cause of teen suicide
  • Diet pills are a scam
  • Body shaming is putting lives at risk
  • Contraceptive education is an effective solution for teen pregnancy
  • There is such a thing as too much soda
  • Free condom distribution at schools is better than teaching about abstinence
  • The toothpick you pick matters
  • Surrogacy should be more widely accepted
  • Why insomnia should be taken as a more serious health concern
  • Helmets and seatbeat save lives
  • Restaurants need to be more vigilant about handling allergies
  • How Big Pharma is controlling your life
  • The medical field is criminally underfunded
  • We are eating too much salt
  • Organ donation should be an opt-out system
  • The dangers of an anti-vaxxers movement
  • Why fire drills are ineffective
  • Why you need to take that vacation
  • Good sleep is underrated
  • Why vaping is not a better alternative
  • Your stress is killing you
  • It is not healthy for children to be vegetarians
  • Parents don’t need to be informed about underage abortions
  • Donating blood should be encouraged early
  • How much do you know about what’s in your food

I hope you find the tips for persuasive speech and persuasive speech topics useful. Let me what you think of them by commenting below.

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50 environmental informative speech topics, bob cardens.

  • September 7, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

The environment is a big issue – it’s something that affects us all. And it’s not just about the big things like climate change, there are lots of little ways we can help make a difference too. In this article, we’ll explore 50 Environmental Informative Speech Topics, so that you can pick the perfect one for your next informative speech!

What You'll Learn

Fifty Environmental Informative Speech Topics

1. Fifty Environmental Informative Speech Topics 2. Soil Erosion: Causes and Consequences 3. The Dangers of Fracking 4. The Importance of Recycling 5. Rainforest Destruction: Causes and Consequences 6. The Impact of Deforestation 7. The threats to coral reefs 8. The Effects of Ocean Pollution 9. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch 10. How climate change is affecting our planet11. The greenhouse effect and global warming 12. The importance of renewable energy 13. Energy conservation 14. What are the major causes of air pollution? 15. What are the health effects of air pollution? 16. What can be done to reduce air pollution? 17. Water pollution: causes, effects, and solutions 18. Soil pollution: causes, effects, and solutions 19. Light pollution: causes, effects, and solutions 20. Noise pollution: causes, effects, and solutions 21. Thermal pollution: causes, effects, and solutions22. Nuclear radiation: risks, benefits, and safety 23. The dangers of DDT and other pesticides 24. The effects of acid rain 25. depletion of the ozone layer: causes, effects, and solutions 26. Species extinction: causes, effects, and solutions 27. Deforestation: causes, effects, and solutions 28. The benefits of trees and forests 29. The threats to tropical rainforests 30. Saving endangered species 31. Protecting our National Parks 32. The beauty of the polar regions 33. Pollution in the Arctic 34. The threat of oil spills to marine life 35. Whales and dolphins in captivity 36. The ivory trade and its impact on elephants 37. Rhino poaching and its impact on the ecosystem 38. How humans are impacting the migration patterns of animals 39. The introduction of invasive species and its effect on ecosystems 40. The Palm Oil Industry and its impact on the environment 41. Responsible tourism: preserving our planet for future generations 42. The fashion industry and its impact on the environment 43. How our food choices impact the environment 44. Sustainable living: ways to reduce your carbon footprint 45. The power of the individual in preserving the environment 46. Community projects that make a difference 47. Using technology to preserve the environment 48. Educating others about the importance of preserving the environment 49. The role of the media in preserving the environment 50. The importance of legislation in preserving the environment

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Engaging World Environment Day Speech Topics for All Ages

"unlocking a green future".

World Environment Day Speech Topics head

World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5, is a special occasion designed to increase global awareness of the need to protect our planet. This United Nations-driven event started in 1972 following the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. In this article, we'll discuss World Environment Day, why it was established, how it's celebrated, and provide a wide range of World Environment Day speech topics.

World Environment Day was created to inspire global action towards improving the environment. Over the years, this special occasion has grown into a broad platform for raising awareness and taking action on increasingly urgent issues, from marine pollution and global warming to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime.

World Environment Day celebrations vary significantly by country and city. Still, they share a common goal: encouraging a greater understanding and commitment to conserving the environment. Activities include educational seminars, community clean-ups, concerts, dance recitals, exhibits, tree planting, and more. Each year, a different host country where the official celebrations occur is selected.

Let's delve into some potential World Environment Day speech topics.

20 Informative Speech Topics on World Environment Day

informative speech topics block

  • The History and Significance of World Environment Day
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Earth's Ecosystem
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development
  • The Importance of Biodiversity and How to Protect It
  • The Effect of Plastic Pollution on Our Oceans
  • Deforestation and Its Impact on the Environment
  • The Connection Between Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation
  • Understanding the Role of Urban Green Spaces
  • The Dangers and Control of Environmental Pollution
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
  • Importance of Water Conservation in Today's World
  • Wildlife Conservation Efforts Across the Globe
  • Environmental Education: Need of the Hour
  • The Concept and Impact of Carbon Footprint
  • Climate Change and Its Effect on Global Health
  • The Importance of Coral Reefs to Marine Ecosystems
  • Recycling: A Simple Way to Protect Our Environment
  • The Importance of Sustainable Transport
  • The Role of Bees in Pollination
  • The Impact of Industrialization on the Environment

Sample Informative Speech Topic and Outline for World Environment Day: Bees and Their Crucial Role in Our Ecosystem

  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the topic.
  • The Role of Bees: Discuss the role of bees in pollination and their contribution to the food chain.
  • The Current Situation: Talk about the declining bee population worldwide and its causes.
  • The Impact : Describe the potential impacts of the declining bee population on the ecosystem and our lives.
  • Steps for Conservation : Suggest ways we can contribute to bee conservation.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the main points and call for action.

20 Persuasive Speech Topics on World Environment Day

persuasive speech topics block

  • Why Each of Us Should Participate in World Environment Day
  • The Urgency of Taking Action Against Climate Change
  • The Benefits of Vegetarianism for the Environment
  • The Importance of Personal Contribution to Environmental Conservation
  • The Necessity of a Greener Lifestyle
  • The Importance of Green Spaces in Urban Planning
  • The Significance of Wildlife Conservation
  • The Need for Stricter Regulations to Control Industrial Pollution
  • The Benefits of Public Transport
  • Promoting Sustainable Farming Practices
  • The Impact of Deforestation on Local Communities
  • The Need for Global Cooperation in Addressing Environmental Issues
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment
  • The Importance of Promoting Renewable Energy
  • The Urgency of Water Conservation
  • The Role of the Individual in Reducing Carbon Footprint
  • The Importance of Ocean Conservation Efforts
  • Why We Should All Adopt the Three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • The Need to Reduce the Use of Harmful Chemicals in Agriculture
  • The Importance of Environmental Education in Schools

20 Impromptu Speech Topics on World Environment Day

impromptu speech topics block

  • Your Personal Connection to Nature and Its Importance
  • A Local Environmental Issue and Possible Solutions
  • How Your Lifestyle Contributes to Climate Change
  • Your Favorite Green Space and Why It's Important
  • How Your Community is Addressing Environmental Issues
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Your City
  • The Significance of Recycling in Your Daily Life
  • Your Thoughts on the Future of Renewable Energy
  • An Experience with Wildlife That Changed Your Perception
  • Your Vision for a Greener Future
  • The Most Beautiful Natural Site You've Visited
  • An Animal Species You Admire and Its Importance in the Ecosystem
  • A Sustainable Practice You Wish More People Would Adopt
  • How World Environment Day Inspires You
  • The Role of Technology in Solving Environmental Issues
  • Your Personal Environmental Conservation Efforts
  • Your Favorite Environmentally Friendly Product
  • The Role of Local Communities in Conservation Efforts
  • Your Thoughts on the Connection Between Mental Health and Nature
  • A Time When Nature Took Your Breath Away

10 Fun Speech Topics on World Environment Day

fun speech topics block

  • The Most Surprising Fact You Know About the Environment
  • The Coolest Animal Adaptation You've Learned About
  • The Funniest Experience You've Had in Nature
  • A Review of Your Favorite Environmentally-Friendly Product
  • The Strangest Plant You've Ever Seen
  • The Most Breathtaking Natural Wonder You'd Like to Visit
  • The Most Interesting Environmental Documentary You've Watched
  • A Hilarious Story About an Encounter with Wildlife
  • Your Favorite Green Activity or Hobby
  • The Most Delicious Plant-Based Recipe You've Tried

Second Sample Speech Outline with the World Environment Day Speech Topics

"the role of renewable energy in sustainable development".

To conclude, let's create a sample speech outline based on the topic "The Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development":

  • Introduction : Brief overview of renewable energy and its importance
  • Current Energy Situation : Discuss the reliance on non-renewable energy sources and the associated problems
  • The Importance of Renewable Energy : Discuss the benefits of renewable energy and its potential for sustainable development
  • Case Studies : Give examples of countries that have made significant strides in renewable energy use
  • The Future of Renewable Energy : Discuss potential future developments and how they could influence sustainable development
  • Conclusion : Recap the key points and emphasize the importance of transitioning to renewable energy

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