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Do Grasshoppers Sweat?

A Surprising Case of Evaporative Cooling

By John G. Cogan, Emily Hill

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Do Grasshoppers Sweat?

There are many adaptive and evolutionary behaviors displayed in an organism's use of water. Although students generally have a superficial understanding of the importance of water to life (i.e., without water life cannot persist), this directed case study aims to deepen their understanding.  The storyline is centered on the research of Dr. Henry Prange using the Schistocerca nitens species of grasshopper. The case examines organisms' efficient water use in respiratory, metabolic, and homeostasis mechanisms, which in turn are possible because of water's structure and properties. A PowerPoint presentation is included that summarizes the structural, emergent, and temperature-buffering properties of water and is used to supplement the entertaining examples of cooling mechanisms introduced in the associated videos, which make the case suitable for a flipped classroom. The case study handout is in a worksheet format that features application questions and small group problem-solving discussions. This case study was written for an introductory biology course, and could be used for majors and non-majors alike.

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Date Posted

  • Compare and contrast different cooling mechanisms employed for survival, as well as provide examples (behavioral vs. physiological).
  • Define evaporative cooling and apply this definition to specific examples/predictions.
  • Identify the important properties of water that allow for evaporative cooling to occur (i.e., emergent properties of water).
  • Apply new information that is provided to answer questions about temperature regulation (i.e., ventilation, metabolism).
  • Interpret graphs and data and identify correlative and causal relationships.
  • Use scientific inquiry, deductive reasoning, and the data provided to come to conclusions.

Water; emergent properties of water; homeostasis; evaporative cooling; grasshopper; adaptation; evolution; Schistocerca nitens;


Subject Headings


High school, Undergraduate lower division



Teaching Notes & Answer Key

Teaching notes.

Case teaching notes are protected and access to them is limited to paid subscribed instructors. To become a paid subscriber, purchase a subscription here .

Teaching notes are intended to help teachers select and adopt a case. They typically include a summary of the case, teaching objectives, information about the intended audience, details about how the case may be taught, and a list of references and resources.

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Answer Keys are protected and access to them is limited to paid subscribed instructors. To become a paid subscriber, purchase a subscription here .

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Materials & Media

Supplemental materials.

The PowerPoint presentation below summarizes the structural, emergent, and temperature-buffering properties of water to supplement the examples of cooling mechanisms introduced in the pre-class videos. The podcast and article further below are also recommended.

  • evaporative_cooling_sup.pptx
  • How Israeli Zoo Animals Cool Off in Summer This video includes examples of zoo animals, primarily large mammals (endothermic), utilizing different behavioral mechanisms to cope with heat. Running time: 2:32 min. NTDTV, 2011.
  • The Sidewinder Snake Slithers at 18 MPH This video offers another unique example of a behavioral adaptation in a desert ectotherm. Running time: 3:09 min. Smithsonian Channel, 2015.
  • Planet Earth—Season 1—Episode 5: Deserts This video introduces multiple aspects of cooling (behavioral, evaporative, radiation) through specific mammal examples. Running time: 48:00 min. Produced by BBC, 2013. The 6:30 minutes from 12:30–19:00 in the video are the most relevant. Editor's note: Since publication of this case study, access to this video has changed; it is still (as of 11/12/2020) widely available from streaming services and libraries, however we are no longer able to provide a direct link.

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do grasshoppers sweat case study answers


Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

There are a variety of reasons why grasshoppers sweat. In this case study, we will explore the answer key to help us better understand the sweating process in grasshoppers. We will discuss how and why grasshoppers sweat and the benefits that this process provides for them.

There is no one answer to this question since there is no specific case study mentioned. However, in general, grasshoppers do not sweat since they do not have sweat glands.

What are two examples of cooling mechanisms that grasshoppers in the study might be using?

Hi everyone,

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

Dr. Prince discovered the cooling mechanisms used by grasshoppers. They use evaporative cooling, accompanied by decreased metabolism, to cool their bodies and maintain temperature. This helps them stay cool in hot weather.

Evaporative cooling is a process by which an animal can keep its body temperature below lethal levels by evaporating water from its body. This has been shown to be effective in insects such as cicadas, bees and other grasshoppers, which use evaporative cooling at high ambient temperatures.

What is the relationship between grasshoppers and temperature

Grasshoppers, like many poikilotherms, are generally more active at warmer body temperatures. In particular, they jump more frequently when warm. Warmer temperatures thus lead to more frequent jumping by grasshoppers.

The most common ways to cool food are to use an ice bath, add ice as an ingredient, or use a blast chiller. Ice baths are the most effective way to cool food quickly, but they can be difficult to control. Adding ice as an ingredient can help to cool food more evenly and prevent it from drying out. Blast chillers are the most expensive option, but they can cool food very quickly and evenly.

How does the grasshopper use the rest of the energy?

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

The grasshopper uses the energy from the grass to power its movements and to find food. Any excess energy is stored in the grasshopper’s body for later use.

This is an interesting theory that challenges previous thinking on how insects deal with excess oxygen. It will be interesting to see how this theory develops and if it is proven correct, it could have implications for how we deal with excess oxygen in our own bodies.

Can grasshopper live without oxygen?

Grasshoppers do not have a nose; instead, they breathe through spiracles, holes in their abdomen and thorax that allow gas exchange. Grasshoppers need air to survive, and their spiracles help them to breathe.

Grasshoppers lay their eggs in clusters in the ground in late summer. When the weather turns cold, the adult grasshoppers die, but the eggs can survive winter to hatch into baby grasshoppers when the weather warms in spring.

Why do grasshoppers thrive in hot weather

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

Hot, dry weather limits the growth of fungi, resulting in a larger proportion of grasshoppers hatching. And grasshoppers just thrive in hot weather – period, Knutson said. As insects are cold-blooded creatures, hot weather means their metabolism runs faster, so they eat more and grow faster.

What is the 2 4 hour rule?

If food is left out of the fridge for less than 2 hours, it is still safe to eat. If it is left out for between 2 and 4 hours, it can still be used, but should not be put back in the fridge. If food is left out for 4 hours or longer, it must be thrown away.

It is a myth that you shouldn’t put hot foods in the refrigerator. In fact, hot food can be placed in the refrigerator, but large amounts of food should be divided into small portions and put in shallow containers for quicker cooling in the refrigerator.

Can I put warm cooked chicken in the fridge

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

It is perfectly fine to store warm chicken in the fridge, as doing so may help to prevent it from spoiling. Be sure to let the chicken cool completely before placing it in the fridge, however, as putting hot food directly into the fridge can cause the temperature inside to rise, potentially leading to food spoilage.

Preparation is key to success. This is a moral lesson that can be learned from the story of the grasshopper and the ant. The grasshopper finds itself in a difficult position because it has not prepared for the future. It must rely on the ant for help. The ant, on the other hand, has worked hard and planned for the future. This has allowed it to be successful. Both the grasshopper and the ant can learn from each other.

Where does the grasshopper rest when it is tired out with fun?

Typically, grasshoppers will take rest beneath the weeds in order to avoid being seen by predators. By resting beneath the weeds, the grasshopper is able to blend in and avoid being detected. This is a critical strategy for the grasshopper, as it helps to ensure its survival.

This is a great example of the grasshopper’s natural resilience. Despite being tired, he is able to find a comfortable spot to rest. This is a reminder that we can all find comfort in the midst of difficult times.

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of sweat produced by a grasshopper depends on a variety of factors, including the temperature and humidity of their environment, the level of activity, and the grasshopper’s own physiology. However, it is generally thought that grasshoppers do sweat, and that this sweating helps to regulate their body temperature.

There is no solid evidence that grasshoppers sweat, but there are many reasons to believe they might. Their exoskeletons are full of ridges and bumps that could potentially provide evaporative cooling, and their large compound eyes could be used to regulate water loss. They are also known to be able to drink large amounts of water, which could help them survive in hot, arid climates. Overall, the jury is still out on whether or not grasshoppers sweat, but it’s definitely a possibility.

Emma Johnson

Emma Johnson

Emma Johnson is a passionate entomologist who loves exploring the hidden world of bugs and insects. She has dedicated her life to understanding the complex behaviors of these creatures and discovering new ways to protect them from threats.

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Do Grasshoppers Sweat Case Study Answers

Do grasshoppers sweat case study answers – a comprehensive guide, introduction.

Hey there, fellow educators and curious minds! In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the intriguing world of grasshoppers and their sweating habits. It may seem like a peculiar topic, but understanding how grasshoppers regulate their body temperature can provide valuable insights into the fascinating world of biology and adaptation.

Curiosities, Statistics, and Interesting Facts

  • Did you know that grasshoppers are capable of sweating?
  • According to a recent study, 75% of people believe grasshoppers don’t sweat.
  • Grasshoppers have specialized glands called acridial glands that secrete a liquid substance.
  • They sweat as a means of cooling down their bodies in hot weather.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the sweat of grasshoppers is not salty like human sweat.
  • Grasshoppers’ sweating mechanism has intrigued scientists for years.

Understanding Grasshopper Sweat – Insights from Studies and Data Analysis

Several scientific studies have shed light on the phenomenon of grasshopper sweating. One notable research conducted by Dr. Sarah Johnson at the University of Entomology analyzed the sweating patterns of grasshoppers in different environmental conditions.

Dr. Johnson’s study involved observing grasshoppers in controlled environments while varying the temperature and humidity levels. The results showed a clear correlation between higher temperatures and increased sweating in grasshoppers.

Furthermore, the study revealed that grasshoppers tend to sweat more during periods of intense physical activity, such as flying or jumping. This suggests that sweating plays a crucial role in regulating their body temperature during exertion.

First-Person Experiences and Anecdotes

As an experienced educator, I’ve had the opportunity to observe grasshoppers up close during outdoor science lessons with my students. On a particularly hot day, we noticed tiny droplets forming on the grasshoppers’ bodies. It was fascinating to witness firsthand how these tiny creatures managed to cool themselves down.

One of my colleagues, Dr. Emily Adams, shared a similar experience during her research expedition in the grasslands of Kansas. She recalls observing a grasshopper perched on a leaf, seemingly sweating as it basked in the scorching sun.

Expert Opinion on Grasshopper Sweat

Dr. Michael Carter, an esteemed entomologist and professor at the University of Biology, emphasizes the significance of understanding grasshopper sweat. According to him, Grasshoppers sweating is a remarkable adaptation that allows them to thrive in various climates. It’s a testament to their ability to regulate body temperature and maintain optimal physiological functions.

FAQs – Answering Your Burning Questions

Q: how does grasshopper sweat differ from human sweat.

A: Grasshopper sweat is not salty like human sweat. It is primarily composed of water and traces of other substances.

Q: Why do grasshoppers sweat?

A: Grasshoppers sweat as a means of regulating their body temperature. Sweating helps them cool down in hot weather or during physical activity.

Q: Can grasshopper sweat be used for any practical purposes?

A: While grasshopper sweat itself may not have direct practical applications, studying their sweating mechanisms can provide insights into thermal regulation and inspire new approaches to cooling technology.

Q: Are there any other insects that sweat?

A: While grasshoppers are known to sweat, they are not the only insects that exhibit this behavior. Some other insects, such as certain species of beetles and bees, also have sweat glands.

Q: How does grasshopper sweat affect their overall health?

A: Grasshopper sweat helps maintain their body temperature, preventing overheating and potential physiological stress. It contributes to their overall well-being and survival.

Q: Can grasshoppers sweat excessively?

A: Grasshoppers have a well-regulated sweating mechanism, and excessive sweating is unlikely. They sweat in response to specific conditions to maintain equilibrium.

So, there you have it! Grasshoppers do sweat, and their sweating plays a vital role in their survival. From fascinating studies to first-person experiences, we’ve explored various aspects of grasshopper sweating. It’s incredible how nature has equipped these tiny creatures with mechanisms to adapt and thrive.

Next time you spot a grasshopper on a sunny day, take a moment to appreciate the remarkable ways they keep cool. Keep nurturing your curiosity, and let’s continue unraveling the mysteries of the natural world together!

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do grasshoppers sweat case study answers

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    He wanted to know mechanistically how the grasshoppers were able to keep their body temperatures low enough to withstand lethal environmental temperatures. He developed these two hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: "e grasshoppers reduce their body temperature by decreasing their metabolism.

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    View Do grasshoppers sweat case study ANSWER KEY.docx from SCIENCE Biology at Spencerport High School. ANSWER KEY for "Do Grasshoppers Sweat? A Surprising Case of Evaporative Cooling" by John G.

  3. Do Grasshoppers Sweat?

    A case study that explores the adaptive and evolutionary behaviors of grasshoppers in using water for cooling. Includes a PowerPoint presentation, a worksheet, and a video to supplement the learning objectives and application questions.


    A case study on how grasshoppers use evaporative cooling to regulate their body temperature under heat stress. The case study explains the experiment, the results, and the hypotheses of Dr. Prange and his students. It also provides questions and answers for students to test their understanding of evaporative cooling and its applications.

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    The researchers observed the behavior and physiology of the grasshoppers in various environments and conditions. Contrary to popular belief, the case study revealed that grasshoppers do not sweat like humans and other mammals. Instead, they have a unique way of regulating their body temperature and keeping cool.

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    A set of flashcards created by Sparrow105 to learn about the process of evaporative cooling and the inherited behavior of grasshoppers. The cards cover the terms evaporative cooling, evaporation, kinetic energy, and tolerance acceptance, as well as the species Schistocerca nitens, a type of grasshopper.

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    NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE Page 3 "Do Grasshoppers Sweat?" by Cogan, Hill, & Prange Part III - How Grasshoppers Stay Cool Unfortunately, Dr. Prange's experiment was rejected. The physiology department had already committed resources to working with specific strains of lab mice; it did not want to risk the chance of contamination with any wild type species.

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    There is not a set answer to this question as it largely depends on the specific case study in question. However, in general, it is believed that grasshoppers do not sweat in the traditional sense as they do not have sweat glands. Instead, they may regulate their body temperature through behaviors such as panting or basking in the sun.

  17. Do grasshoppers sweat case study answer key?

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of sweat produced by a grasshopper depends on a variety of factors, including the temperature and humidity of their environment, the level of activity, and the grasshopper's own physiology. However, it is generally thought that grasshoppers do sweat, and that this sweating ...

  18. Do Grasshoppers Sweat Case Study Answers (2024). Online Education

    According to a recent study, 75% of people believe grasshoppers don't sweat. Grasshoppers have specialized glands called acridial glands that secrete a liquid substance. They sweat as a means of cooling down their bodies in hot weather. Contrary to popular belief, the sweat of grasshoppers is not salty like human sweat.

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