Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example [W/ Templates & Tips!]

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You're skilled at taking patient histories, drawing blood, and managing paperwork. There’s no doubt you're great at being a medical assistant.

But when it comes to writing your cover letter, you might feel like you're staring at a blank screen for way too long.

Frustrating, isn't it?

Don't worry, we get it. Making all your skills and experiences stand out on a single piece of paper is tough.

But we’ve got your back. 

In this article, we're going to cover:

  • What an Awesome Medical Assistant Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Great Medical Assistant Cover Letter

3 Essential Medical Assistant Cover Letter Tips

Ready to land that dream job? Let’s dive in!

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Medical Assistant Cover Letter

So, you've just seen what a top-notch medical assistant cover letter looks like.

Feeling ready to write your own ? Just follow the steps we're about to show you, and you'll nail it:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Starting your medical assistant cover letter the right way is crucial. Put your contact information right at the top, just like you would on your resume .

Here's what to include:

  • Full Name. Always start with your full name at the top of your cover letter.
  • Job Title. Be specific about the role you're applying for. Hiring managers regularly handle applications for multiple jobs, so make it easy for them to spot yours.
  • Email Address. Use an email that's straightforward and professional. A high school email address like "[email protected]" won't cut it. Stick to something that includes your first and last name, like "[email protected]."
  • Phone Number. Provide a correct phone number, as well as include the country code if you're applying for a job abroad.
  • Location. Your city and state are generally enough. If you're open to remote work or relocating, make sure to mention so in your cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (optional). If you have a LinkedIn profile or another professional website, you can include links to them.

Next, add the hiring manager's contact information under yours:

  • Company Name. List the company's name. (In the case of our example above, it’s MedAssistPro.)
  • Hiring Manager's Name. Try to find the exact name of the hiring manager for the medical assistant role. Check the job ad or the company’s LinkedIn posting - they usually have what you’re looking for.
  • Location. The city and state/country are important, especially if the company has multiple locations. You can also add the street address if you want to be extra specific.
  • Email Address (optional). If you can find it, include the hiring manager's email.
  • Date (optional). Adding the date of writing on your cover letter gives it a professional touch.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've got all the contact details sorted, it's time to address your cover letter to the right person.

And skip the outdated "To Whom It May Concern"—it doesn't make a strong impression.

First things first—do a little digging. Look at the job ad, the company website, or LinkedIn to find the name of the hiring manager for the medical assistant role. Getting their name and email address will help you establish a more personal connection.

Next, go for a formal greeting. We suggest using "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their last name. If you're not sure about their gender or marital status, it's perfectly fine to just use their full name.  For example:

  • Dear Ms. Smith
  • Dear Alex Smith

If you’re drawing a blank and can't find any details about the hiring manager or the head of the medical department, you can always address the cover letter to the company’s department:

  • Dear Medical Assistant Department
  • Dear Healthcare Hiring Team
  • Dear Human Resources Team
  • Dear Head of Medical Staff

Looking for more inspiration? Check out more of our cover letter examples . 

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often spend just a few seconds glancing at an application before deciding whether to read it fully. So, catching their eye right away is crucial for a successful medical assistant cover letter.

Start off by stating your name and why you're excited about this role. 

If you're really into healthcare or this job really speaks to you, let them know. It helps you stand out and makes the hiring manager want to learn more about you.

Doing some homework on the company can also really pay off. The better you understand your future employer, the more you can show you'd be a great fit for their company's culture and vision. 

Not to mention, this tells the hiring manager you're not just sending applications into the void—you're genuinely interested in this particular job.

If you've got some experience, consider opening your cover letter with a standout achievement or skill that sets you apart for this role. 

Just remember to keep it short and sweet. Your goal here is just to spark the hiring manager's interest so they'll want to read more.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main part of your medical assistant cover letter is your chance to dive into what makes you the best candidate for the job.

Don't just repeat your resume here; really go into detail with your specific skills and qualifications. Use this space to build a strong case for why you're the person they should hire. Mention any achievements that make you stand out from other candidates for this role, and don't shy away from mentioning a time you improved patient satisfaction scores at your last clinic.

Make sure to look at the job ad and highlight any skills mentioned there. For example, if the job ad asks for someone skilled in patient care or specific EMR software, this is where you should talk about your relevant training or experiences.

Understanding the healthcare facility you're applying to can also give you an edge. If you know they specialize in, say, pediatric care, mention the skills and experiences you gained while working with children and how you’re a good match thanks to them.

Wrap up by sharing your enthusiasm. Make it clear you're not just looking for any job; you're genuinely excited for this specific position as a medical assistant. Show confidence that your unique skills and experience make you the perfect addition to their healthcare team.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It (Professionally!)

Ending your medical assistant cover letter is like applying a bandage perfectly—it’s the cherry on top of a job well done, and it leaves a lasting impression.

This is where you want to reassure the hiring manager that you're the right person for the job, so knowing how to end your cover letter is crucial. Use your conclusion to quickly sum up why you're the ideal candidate, recapping the key skills or experiences that set you apart.

Then, invite the hiring manager to take the next step. Adding a call to action, such as asking the hiring manager to schedule an interview or reach out to you, can go a long way.

Lastly, sign your cover letter with a professional closing line and follow it up with your full name. Here's an example:

Feel free to reach out to me at the email or phone number provided to set up an interview at your convenience. I'm eager to discuss my application and how I may be an asset to your team.

Best regards,

Benjamin Tailor

If "Best regards" feels too generic for you, you've got options. Here are some alternatives:

  • Warm regards,
  • Yours truly,
  • Thank you for your time.

Before you send in your cover letter, make sure you’ve avoided these common mistakes !

medical assistant cover letter structure

You've got the lowdown on what makes a standout medical assistant cover letter. 

Now let's put the finishing touches on yours with some must-know cover letter tips :

#1. Match Your Resume

Having a medical assistant cover letter that matches your resume matters.

You want your cover letter’s layout and formatting to look good next to your resume; otherwise, your application might look sloppy and unorganized.

Keep an eye out for your cover letter’s font style and the size of your text—they should be consistent in both your cover letter and resume. Tweak the line spacing and margins, and make sure everything is aligned neatly on the page without spilling over to page two.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Need a way to speed things up?

Try our free resume builder by selecting one of the resume templates and use a cover letter template to match. This way, matching the cover letter to your resume becomes a breeze.

Crafted with input from hiring managers worldwide, our templates meet industry standards and make sure your application looks great.

#2. Mention Qualifications

As a medical assistant, highlighting your relevant qualifications is crucial to a successful application.

Your qualifications show you've got the skills and the know-how for the job. But you shouldn’t just repeat the same things that are on your medical assistant resume .

Your medical cover letter is your chance to connect the dots for the hiring manager. Explain how your qualifications make you the perfect fit for the specific medical assistant role. For example, if you’re applying to a blood transfusion clinic and you’re certified in drawing blood or have a knack for putting anxious patients at ease, that’s worth mentioning.

Qualifications aren't just bullet points; they're stories, experiences, and life lessons you can use to frame your medical assistant cover letter in a way that resonates with the job description. Mentioning your qualifications the right way makes you more than a compelling candidate—they make you the right fit.

#3. Be Formal

Keeping your cover letter formal is non-negotiable. This isn't a text to a friend; it's a pitch to a potential employer.

Being formal sets the tone that you're serious and professional. But remember, being formal doesn't mean being stiff or robotic. You can still let your personality shine through.

Just use polite phrases and avoid slang or jargon that's not industry-specific. For example, don't say you "can get stuff done." Instead, say you're "efficient."

Being formal gives you an edge to be considered a solid, professional choice for that medical assistant position.

Key Takeaways

That’s all there is to writing a medical assistant cover letter!

After reading our article, we hope you feel ready to land the job you’re after.

But before we send you on your way, let’s sum up what we talked about so far:

  • Start your medical assistant cover letter with an eye-catching opening paragraph to grab the hiring manager’s attention from the start. Mentioning who you are, why you’re writing, and a relevant achievement or experience that makes you qualified for the role.
  • Highlight your qualifications in the body of your cover letter and use them to stand out from other applicants. Instead of repeating what your resume says, show the hiring manager how your qualifications tie in with the job description and how you’re the right fit.
  • Keep a formal tone throughout your entire medical assistant cover letter to keep it professional and show the hiring team you’re serious.
  • Remember to sign your cover letter with an appropriate closing line, followed by your full name.

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cover letter for virtual medical assistant

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5 Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Medical Assistant (MA) Cover Letter
  • Entry-Level MA
  • MA Externship
  • Certified MA
  • Medical Administrative Assistant
  • Write Your MA Cover Letter

As a medical assistant, your work has an impact on the lives of many. You help out patients and colleagues alike, and your list of daily tasks is impressive, ranging from taking patient vitals and handling blood tests to setting up appointments.

You’re no stranger to administrative work, but writing a cover letter to accompany your medical assistant resume might feel more intimidating. We get it—putting yourself in the spotlight doesn’t always come easy.

We’re here to help you overcome these obstacles and craft applications that get you interviews. Check out our medical assistant cover letter examples and free cover letter generator to make this whole process that much easier.

cover letter for virtual medical assistant

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example


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Block Format

Medical assistant cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • You can reference specific achievements—like streamlining measurements of vital signs or leading different types of training. Showcasing your success displays a proactive approach to improving patient care and boosting team productivity.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Pair Your Cover Letter with a Matching Medical Assistant Resume

or download as PDF

Medical assistant resume example with 8 years of experience

Entry-Level Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Entry-level medical assistant cover letter template

  • Try to make a connection between your personal experiences and career aspirations for a compelling entry-level medical assistant cover letter.
  • Even if your only prior experience is in your academic training and externships, by describing your direct contributions, you still provide evidence of your problem-solving skills and proactive approach—desirable traits recruiters are itching to see!

Medical Administrative Externship Cover Letter Example

Medical administrative externship cover letter template

  • Draw inspiration from Luca’s medical assistant externship cover letter. Notice how he spotlights his 93% accuracy in reading and charting vital signs during class? Or when he surpasses the anticipated success rate for phlebotomy procedures while interning at Franciscan Urgent Care.

Certified Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Certified medical assistant cover letter template

  • Go ahead and briefly mention how you intend to contribute to the company’s vision, adding that extra flair to your certified medical assistant cover letter. For instance, commitment to fostering proactive patient care will align with many health organizations’ objectives.

Medical Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Medical administrative assistant cover letter template

  • Specifics like highlighting your ability to handle high volumes of work, maintain accuracy, and increase efficiency will make your medical administrative assistant cover letter stand out.
  • Go a step further by supplying metrics like “managing over 10,000 patient records,” “handling an average of 50 appointments daily,” or “transcribing over 2,000 notes with a 98% accuracy rate” to give concrete evidence of your claims.

Related cover letter examples

  • Customer service
  • Operations manager

How to Write a Medical Assistant Cover Letter That Gets You the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Your job has taught you all about attention to detail, so you’re already well on your way to crafting an outstanding medical assistant cover letter. The best way to show your future employer that you know your stuff is to establish that you’re thorough and that you care.

How do you do that in a fairly short letter? It’s simple—read the job description from A to Z and make sure that you’re weaving elements of it into your cover letter. For instance, if the listing calls for someone to assist in patient examinations, establish from the get-go that you’ve got fantastic bedside manner and experience in working with people.

cover letter for virtual medical assistant

Start off on the right foot with a greeting and intro

To start out strong, open your cover letter with a personalized greeting that addresses the hiring manager by name. You can look up the hospital or clinic on LinkedIn, check out its website, or even call them. If you exhaust all other options, you can open with a “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Hospital/Clinic] Team.”

After the greeting, try to hook the reader with an interesting opening paragraph that immediately shows why you care about this particular job and what makes you the right fit. Mention things like your dedication to helping patients or your expertise in phlebology, and adjust it for each job listing.

To show you how to avoid the various pitfalls of writing a cover letter, here’s what to watch out for. The example below doesn’t emphasize why this person is a strong candidate.

I saw your advertisement for a job as a medical assistant. I don’t have much experience, but I would like to apply for the role.

Now, the following opening paragraph does a much better job. It immediately establishes a deep connection while highlighting what you hope to bring to the role.

This is the way!

Having watched my grandmother courageously battle a chronic illness, I developed a profound appreciation for the compassionate care she received from her medical team. Inspired by the impact healthcare professionals made on her life, I am eager to begin my career in healthcare as an entry-level medical assistant at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to contribute positively to patient experiences.

cover letter for virtual medical assistant

Deep dive into the body of your cover letter

This is the part of your cover letter that follows up on that strong opening you just wrote. These two or three paragraphs need to focus on your career thus far and what you’re most proud of. 

Perhaps you’ve flawlessly managed patient records or scheduled appointments. Or maybe you prepared and dispatched laboratory samples while ensuring they were meticulously labeled.

Back up those achievements with numbers, such as how many patients you saw on a daily basis, or the way your knowledge of various EHR software improved data retrieval times or reduced patient wait time.

Here’s an example of an impactful body paragraph:

Peers and supervisors have often recognized my skill in operating medical equipment. In my previous role, I was also responsible for training new staff in the effective use of medical equipment, leading to a 34% increase in operation without incident.

cover letter for virtual medical assistant

Leave a lasting impression with your closing paragraph

The closing paragraph is where you reiterate how excited you are to join this particular company. Explore the website and the job description to find something to mention that shows you’ve done your homework. For instance, if you’re applying to work at a small, local clinic, you could say that you share its dedication to bringing patient care and health awareness to your community.

Include a line that drives home the point that you’re the right person for the job. You can do this by saying, for example, that you’d love to leverage your extensive experience in managing telehealth consultations to increase patient access to fast healthcare at your new workplace of choice.

Make sure to thank the hiring manager for their consideration and end the cover letter with a respectful, “sincerely, [your name].” Here’s how not to seal the deal. This closing line is quite negative. It’s usually best to save that sort of information for when you’ve already secured a job offer.

I’m looking forward to working with you. Keep in mind that I can’t start sooner than next month because I’m going on vacation.

This closing paragraph does it much better—it shows why you want to work there and it’s much more personalized.

They’ll remember you!

I’m excited about the possibility of contributing to your mission of providing exemplary community care and would be grateful for the chance to discuss how my skills align with the goals of your esteemed institution. Thank you for considering my application.

Put a little more emphasis on your past education and certifications. For instance, if you’re a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), put this in your opening paragraph to show that you’re job-ready. You can also talk about past jobs and focus on transferable skills , such as customer service or data entry.

As a medical assistant, your impact is focused on the patients and the running of the healthcare facility. Talk about using your negotiation skills to improve liaising with insurance companies to speed up claim processing. You could also focus on patient-centric metrics, such as assisting physicians and nurses in over 40 examinations per day.

Just like you have to be clear and concise in your administrative tasks, you should keep things to the point in your cover letter. Max it out at 500 words and make sure that they’re all impactful. You should also write a different cover letter for each position applied, matching your experience as a medical assistant to the roles and functions outlined in the job description.

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  • Career Advice
  • Cover Letters

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

A virtual assistant cover letter should summarize your experience and skills as well as explain your motivation for wanting to work for the company.

A virtual assistant typically works remotely to provide administrative services like scheduling meetings, preparing documents, and researching requested information.

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter – Template

Download our free Virtual Assistant Cover Letter in MS Word format.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Sample:

[Full Name]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]

[LinkedIn Profile/Website Link]

Dear [hiring manager’s title and last name, or their first name],

I found your advertisement for the Virtual Assistant vacancy and am very interested in the position. My experience in [administration or personal assistance] and ability to [#1 skill] and [#2 skill] make me the perfect candidate for the job. I know my skill set and industry knowledge will be invaluable to [name of the company] .

I am most impressed by [notable milestones or characteristics you appreciate about the company] and have some great ideas of my own to contribute. When I worked on [mention a successful project/initiative you were involved in] , we managed to [describe the result(s) of the project] . I believe your [project or company initiative you are especially interested in] will make waves in the industry and I would feel privileged to be a part of such an innovative team.

In my role as [current or former position] , I achieved [mention accomplishment(s) and strengthen it with a statistic, if possible] , which improved [mention the effect this accomplishment had on the company in question] . Most recently I attended [relevant training you’ve completed] that helped me sharpen my [list key skills or valuable attributes] .

I have attached my resume and [mention any other documents that were requested, if applicable] . If you like my ideas, I have many more I would like to discuss with you.

[Full name]

How to Write a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter:

Read our step-by-step instructions for writing the perfect virtual assistant cover letter.

Address your cover letter.

Provide your personal details..

List your name, physical address, telephone number, and any links to your website or LinkedIn profile at the top of your cover letter.

Address the hiring manager directly.

Research who the hiring manager is and address your cover letter to them personally. This shows your interest in the role and ability to perform research.

Outline your skills and experience.

Summarize your skills..

Mention your experience in administration or personal assistance, and list any skills that will help you in your role as a virtual assistant. This could include excellent communication, interpersonal skills, time management, and/or planning skills.

Mention any training you have completed.

Completing courses in your free time not only shows dedication to improving your skills, but also makes you a more qualified candidate. Try to explain how these courses have enriched your skills. For example, a course on new software to manage schedules and plan meetings.

Celebrate the organization and describe your accomplishments.

Talk about the company..

Mention a few projects that the company is involved in that you find interesting. This shows your research abilities and that you are genuinely interested in the work that the company does. As a virtual assistant, you may be inspired by the CEO's approach to social work or their interest in going green.

Describe your accomplishments.

Showing that you are capable and able to improve the company can be justified with previous accomplishments, such as increasing productivity, saving money on office supplies, and/or introducing energy-saving measures. Try to mention statistics to illustrate your success.

Attach your resume and close your letter.

Attach relevant documents..

Mention documents that may have been requested, like your resume or CV, and include any references that support your performance at your current or previous company.

Sign off your letter with a call to action to encourage the hiring manager to get in touch with you, and end with "Sincerely" and your full name.

How to Write a Cover Letter

How do I write a cover letter for a virtual assistant?

Your virtual assistant cover letter should include a few personal details, a description of your skills and experience, and your motivation for wanting to work at the company.

Try to mention specific accomplishments from your previous roles that show your qualification, and talk about projects that the company is involved in that you would like to contribute to.

How do you format a virtual assistant cover letter?

  • Provide your personal details .
  • Address the hiring manager directly .
  • Summarize your skills .
  • Talk about the company .
  • Describe your accomplishments .
  • Mention any training you have completed .
  • Attach relevant documents .

What is the best format for a virtual assistant cover letter?

The best format for a virtual assistant cover letter is to keep it brief but provide enough evidence of your qualifications. For example, mention that you are proficient with specific planning software and use a statistic to prove how this skill improved your previous company.

Try to mention specific projects that the company is involved in that you are inspired by or excited to be a part of. This may be a corporate project or social work that the company does.

Related Articles:

The 12 best cover letter tips for 2024, how to address a cover letter, best cover letter generators, common cover letter mistakes, personal assistant cover letter.

Career Advice > Job Search > Resumes and Cover Letters > How to Write a Cover Letter for a Medical Assistant

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Medical Assistant

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This is a great time to be a medical assistant. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 14% increase in medical assistant jobs over the next 10 years. That’s way more than the average for all other jobs. For you, that means there’s never been a better time to get your resume and cover letter for a medical assistant ready.

We have a sample template below, plus some tips you can incorporate if you already have a cover letter . And if you don’t have one, let’s get you started writing a medical cover letter that will make an employer take notice. Start by taking a look at what a good med assistant cover letter might look like:

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Tony Marshall, CMA [email protected] 555-555-5555

Bianca Blanchard Human Resources Recruiter ABC Hospital

Dear Ms. Blanchard,

I was happy to see your posting on for a Floating Medical Assistant and have attached my resume to apply for the position.

I am a graduate of the GHI Technical College, a certified two-year program that included a clinical externship at JKL Hospital. I received my certification as a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) a year ago. I am currently working for an obstetrics and gynecology clinic while looking for a hospital job.

My nurse supervisor noted in my recent review that I am an empathetic caretaker with excellent communication skills. I enjoy working with our patients as I perform my daily duties of taking vital signs, collecting specimens, and preparing patients for exams. I’ve also been recognized for the administrative work I do. I reorganized our supply room so it was easier to reach frequently stocked items. I also am proficient with EMR data entry, scheduling, and staffing the main office. I thrive in high-energy environments and would enjoy working in a busy hospital with the opportunity to learn more as I am needed in various departments.

I would be grateful to meet with you to learn more about the position and see if I am a good match. I am available any weekday morning until 12:30 p.m. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Tony Marshall

7 Steps to Write a Strong Medical Assistant Cover Letter

The most effective cover letters flow with a simple formula. This makes it easy for an employer to get a good picture of you as a candidate. And even better, it lays out a structure you can use as a template for your cover letter. Here are the sections to include:

  • Introduction
  • Your Background
  • Your Qualifications

1. Start at the Top With a Clean Header

Just like with an old-school letter, it’s important to include your contact information and the recipient’s contact information. Make sure you include your name, phone number, and email address. Adding your city and state is optional. Skip a line and include the name of the person you’re writing to, their title, and the company name.

2. Direct Your Greeting to a Specific Person

When you take the time to find out who will be reading your cover letter, you demonstrate one of the essential qualities of a medical assistant — being detailed and thorough. Addressing your cover letter for a medical assistant job to a specific person shows that you are detail-oriented and that relationships are important to you. Writing “To Whom It May Concern” or starting with “Dear Hiring Manager” is also acceptable. You can search for the HR manager’s name on the company’s website or LinkedIn, or do a Google search.

3. Introduce Yourself and Say Why You Are Writing

Make sure the first line of your cover letter includes the job title you’re applying for. (If you’re sending an email, include this in the subject line.) You can take a straightforward approach to this with something like, “I am sending you my resume for the medical assistant position at ABC Company.” You can throw in a bit of flattery or enthusiasm with, “I was excited to see ABC Company is looking for a medical assistant. I’ve heard great things about your facility and would enjoy the opportunity to work there.”

Mention where you saw the job ad. It gives your interest context and helps the company gauge which website or other media is attracting the best candidates.

4. Summarize Your Background

Your resume should include all of your medical assistant skills. For a cover letter, rather than repeating the same list, condense your professional profile into one or two sentences. Things to mention in your cover letter are your training, your certification as a medical assistant , what types of jobs you have held, or why you like being a medical assistant.

5. Match Your Qualifications to the Ad

One way to communicate you’re the best candidate for a job is first to study the job ad. Match your qualifications to those listed in the ad, using the exact wording the employer has used.

For example, if you have worked in a facility for pregnant patients, but the ad refers to their facility as an “obstetric and gynecology practice,” use their wording. Go down the list of requirements and match them to your skills as best you can.

If you have other qualifications not mentioned in the ad that would be relevant, mention them at the end of this paragraph. As a medical assistant, you can separate your qualifications into two lists: one for your administrative skills and one for clinical work with patients.

6. Finish With a Compelling Conclusion

When the hiring manager begins to read your cover letter for a medical assistant, they are trying to determine if they should take the time to move you to the top of the candidate list and interview you.

Reinforce your interest and qualifications at the end of your cover letter by writing something like, “My background working with elderly patients, compassion , and enthusiasm make me the ideal choice for this position.”

Finally, add your availability details. Something like, “I am free to speak with you any weekday until 3:00” gives the employer a range of times.

7. Sign Off Professionally

End your letter with a standard professional sign-off like “Sincerely” or “Warm regards,” plus your name.

How Much Does a CMA Make?

The average annual medical assistant salary is $43,350. The amount you earn is influenced by facility type, location, education level, and experience. The areas that have the highest CMA salaries are:

  • District of Columbia

Find Job Opportunities on IntelyCare

Having a cover letter for a medical assistant can help you get considered more easily for jobs. Looking to find healthcare work right away? Check out the latest CMA jobs and apply on IntelyCare today.

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Medical Assistant Cover Letter Guide With Examples And Tips

Learn how to craft a cover letter for a Medical Assistant position with tips and samples. Browse through cover letter examples and templates.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Read more posts by this author.

In the bustling world of healthcare, a standout cover letter can be your golden ticket getting your aspiring job. It's not just about listing your skills; it's your chance to tell a story. Why you? Why here?

These questions aren't just rhetorical—they're the heart of what makes your application unique. In answering them, you craft a narrative that sets you apart from the crowd.

Now, let's dive into how you can achieve this. This blog will guide you through crafting a cover letter for a Medical Assistant position that grabs attention.

Here's what we'll cover:

  • Sample Cover Letters: Real examples tailored for medical assistants.
  • Must-Haves: Essential elements to include in your cover letter.
  • Step-by-Step Guide: How to write a compelling cover letter from start to finish.
  • Common Pitfalls: Mistakes to avoid in your cover letter.
  • Pro Tips: Insider advice for crafting the best medical assistant cover letter.

Let's embark on this journey together with some sample cover letters.

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Template (With Experience)

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Template (With Experience)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address]

[Hiring Manager's Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Medical Assistant position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With over [Number] years of experience in fast-paced healthcare settings, I have developed a comprehensive skill set that aligns well with the demands of your team.

My background includes hands-on experience in patient care, medical administration, and team collaboration, making me well-equipped to contribute to [Company Name]'s commitment to high-quality patient care.

In my previous role at [Previous Employer], I demonstrated my ability to manage various tasks with efficiency and compassion. Highlights of my tenure include:

  • Efficiently managing patient flow to reduce wait times by [Percentage]%, enhancing patient satisfaction and office efficiency.
  • Implementing a new EHR system, leading to a [Percentage]% improvement in record-keeping accuracy and accessibility.
  • Assisting in over [Number] patient examinations, including preparing patients, conducting EKGs, and administering injections, showcasing my clinical skills and attention to detail.

I am particularly drawn to the opportunity at [Company Name] because of your focus on [specific aspect of the company or its values, e.g., innovative patient care solutions or community health initiatives]. My proactive approach to patient care and ability to thrive in independent and team-oriented roles will allow me to effectively support your healthcare professionals.

I am eager to bring my background in medical assistance, along with my dedication to compassionate patient care, to the team at [Company Name]. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills will be beneficial to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed healthcare team. I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Sample (With No Experience)

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Sample (With No Experience)

I am excited to apply for the Medical Assistant position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. Although I am new to the medical assisting field, my recent completion of a Medical Assistant program and my volunteer experience at [Volunteer Place] have equipped me with a solid foundation in patient care, medical terminology, and healthcare procedures. I am eager to leverage this knowledge and my passion for healthcare to contribute to your team.

During my education and volunteer work, I focused on developing skills essential for high-quality patient care and efficient office operations. Key achievements include:

  • Completing [Number] hours of clinical training, where I gained hands-on experience in patient preparation, basic diagnostic testing, and record-keeping.
  • Volunteering at [Volunteer Place], where I supported administrative tasks and patient communication, enhancing my understanding of medical office dynamics.

I am particularly impressed by [Company Name]'s dedication to [mention something specific about the company, such as community health initiatives or patient care philosophy]. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to start my career in a supportive and innovative environment like yours, where I can further develop my skills and contribute to patient satisfaction and care.

I am committed to learning quickly and effectively contributing to your team. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my educational background and eagerness to learn make me a great fit for the Medical Assistant position at [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for the chance to discuss my potential contribution to your team and am available for an interview at your convenience.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Things to Include in Your Medical Assistant Cover Letter

It is important to be specific about the content of your cover letter. Here are a few essential elements that you must consider:

  • Personal Introduction
  • Relevant Qualifications and Skills
  • Examples of Your Work
  • Understanding of the Role
  • Soft Skills
  • Professionalism and Enthusiasm
  • A Call to Action at the end
  • Contact Information

How do you Write a Cover Letter for a Medical Assistant Position?

When crafting a cover letter for a Medical Assistant position, it's essential to strike a balance. You need to have the right level of professionalism, clarity, and personalization in your communication.

Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting a cover letter that stands out:

1. Salutation

Do: Try to find the hiring manager's name to personalize the greeting. "Dear Dr. Smith," or "Dear Hiring Manager,"

Don't: Rely on generic salutations like "To Whom It May Concern" if it can be avoided.

2. Opening Paragraph

Start Strong: Introduce yourself and express your enthusiasm for the Medical Assistant position. Mention how you found the job listing to show your active job search and interest in their specific opening.

Example: "I am writing to express my interest in the Medical Assistant position at XYZ Clinic, as advertised on With a comprehensive background in medical assistance and a passion for patient care, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team."

3. Body Paragraph(s)

Highlight Your Experience and Skills: For those with experience, detail your previous medical assistant roles and how they prepare you for this position. Without direct experience, focus on transferable skills and relevant training or education.

Example: "In my previous role at ABC Medical Center, I efficiently managed patient flow, reducing wait times by 15%. My certification in CPR and experience with EHR systems have equipped me to support your healthcare team effectively."

Showcase Your Soft Skills: Emphasize interpersonal skills, compassion, and other attributes that make you a great fit for working with patients and healthcare professionals.

Example: "My strong communication skills and empathetic nature have enabled me to improve patient satisfaction and assist in delivering high-quality care."

Connect Your Skills to Their Needs: Demonstrate an understanding of the Medical Assistant role at their facility and how your skills and experiences make you the ideal candidate.

Example: "I am particularly drawn to XYZ Clinic's innovative approach to patient care and its emphasis on preventive health strategies. I am eager to bring my skills in patient education and clinical assistance to support your mission."

4. Conclusion

Reiterate Your Interest: Summarize why you are a good fit for the role and the company.

Call to Action: Politely request an interview and mention your availability. Thank the reader for their time and consideration.

Example: "I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm for healthcare can contribute to the XYZ Clinic team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you."

Sign Off Professionally: Use a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," followed by your name.

Include Contact Information: Make sure your phone number and email address are included either at the top with your address or below your signature.

Follow these guidelines to make your cover letter shine. Start with a clear introduction. Then, add a detailed body that shows off your qualifications. End with a strong conclusion. This way, you'll tell a story that highlights your skills and excitement for the Medical Assistant role.

Mistakes to Avoid in Your Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Crafting a cover letter for a Medical Assistant position is a critical step in your job search. However, common mistakes can undermine your application's effectiveness. Here are key pitfalls to avoid:

1. Overlooking Customization

Issue: Using a one-size-fits-all approach for your cover letter.

Fix: Tailor your cover letter for each application. Highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job description and the facility's culture.

2. Neglecting the Job Description

Issue: Failing to reference the job description and how your qualifications match the listed requirements.

Fix: Use the job description as a guide to emphasize your relevant skills and experiences. Take advantage of key terms in the JD and use them as keywords.

3. Being Too Vague

Issue: Offering generic statements about your abilities without providing concrete examples or outcomes.

Fix: Include specific examples of your responsibilities and achievements in past roles. Quantify your impact wherever possible.

4. Skipping Proofreading

Issue: Submitting a cover letter with typos, grammatical errors, or incorrect company information.

Fix: Always proofread your cover letter multiple times. If possible, have someone else review it to catch any mistakes you might have missed.

5. Underestimating Soft Skills

Issue: Focusing solely on technical skills and neglecting to mention interpersonal and communication skills crucial for a Medical Assistant.

Fix: Highlight your soft skills, such as empathy, teamwork, and patient communication. It will demonstrate your ability to contribute to a positive patient experience.

6. Forgetting to Show Enthusiasm

Issue: Writing in a tone that fails to convey your genuine interest in the Medical Assistant role and the healthcare facility.

Fix: Express enthusiasm for the position and the opportunity to contribute to the team. Make it clear why you're excited about the job.

Avoiding these mistakes will help ensure your cover letter strengthens your application. It will showcase you as a thoughtful, well-prepared candidate and show your genuine interest.

Tips to Write the Best Cover Letter for a Medical Assistant Position

Here are concise and effective tips to enhance your Medical Assistant cover letter:

  • Customize Your Letter: Tailor each cover letter to the specific job and healthcare facility.
  • Highlight Relevant Skills: Focus on both clinical and administrative skills relevant to the Medical Assistant role.
  • Use Specific Examples: Provide concrete examples of your achievements and experiences.
  • Match the Job Description: Align your letter with the requirements and language found in the job posting.
  • Express Enthusiasm: Show genuine interest in the role and the opportunity to contribute to the healthcare team.
  • Proofread: Ensure your letter is free from typos and grammatical errors.
  • Include a Call to Action: Politely request an interview and provide your contact information.

These quick tips are designed to help you refine your cover letter, making it a powerful tool in your job application process for a Medical Assistant position.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

This article has been written by Sanjoy Khan Choudhury . He works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . His areas of interest include music, marketing, cuisine, and anime. When he’s not writing, he’s usually singing to the tune of his guitar or finding some weird way to cook his meal.

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  • Cover Letter

Medical Assistant   Cover Letter

Medical assistant cover letter (with examples).

If you’re interested in healthcare administration and performing clinical tasks in hospitals, physician officers, and other healthcare facilities, then working as a medical assistant could be a lucrative career path for you .

Not only do medical assistants update a patient’s records, manage appointment schedules, and process patient bills, they also often administer medicine under the supervision of a practicing physician, assist during medical examinations, prepare samples for laboratory testing, and perform basic preliminary healthcare tests, take vital signs, and educate and counsel patients.

The gig is a fast-growing and secure entry-level opportunity for anyone looking to change careers and break into the healthcare industry or for those interested in working in the medical services business.

If you’re vying for a rewarding and fulfilling position as a medical assistant , a compelling and properly structured cover letter will bring you one step closer to getting a job and reaching your biggest career goals within the healthcare industry.

Medical assistant cover letters are a great platform for illustrating your expertise in performing routine administrative and clinical duties and your ability to improve patient care, input clinical notes and manage medical record databases, assist physicians in exam rooms, oversee front office operations, and provide professional customer service.

In your cover letter, your ultimate goal is to emphasize your interest and portray how you’ll be the best researcher for the job.

Writing a perfect cover letter to submit along with your professional resume and job application will help you stand out among a large pool of applicants and up your chances of getting hired and having a smooth employee onboarding experience.

By following a cover letter template, you’ll stand out to hiring managers and make a great first impression on renowned physicians and prospective employers.

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Parts of a Medical Assistant Cover Letter

The best medical assistant cover letters reiterate and emphasize the skills and experiences listed in a standard resume or CV while also conveying a job applicant’s passion, personality, and career goals.

When applying to medical assistant job openings, the key to writing a perfect cover letter is highlighting the top skills needed to excel in the career, including flexibility, organization, and impeccable communication and analytical skills .

In a medical assistant cover letter, it is especially imperative to illustrate your competency and proficiency in assisting patients and healthcare professionals, your experience performing administrative duties in a healthcare setting, and your education and previous work qualifications.

Tackling each part of your cover letter is a great way to ensure your most desirable skills and qualifications are explicitly highlighted, and the document is properly structured and professionally written.

A medical assistant cover letter is typically composed of:

A professional header.

A compelling introduction paragraph.

A dense body paragraph that focuses on education, previous experience, patient care, analytical skills, resume achievements, and interest in the position.

A conclusion that offers a proposal or shows why you’re the best-suited candidate for the role.

A professional signature.

Professionals applying for employment opportunities as medical assistants should always double-check their cover letter before submitting their job applications. You definitely don’t want to squash your chances of getting a job because of a few typos.

Generally, cover letters, whether for a full-time career or just an internship , should be between three and four paragraphs long — and definitely less than one page .

The business document should also be formatted with standard one-inch page margins, written in a generic font, like Times New Roman, and organized into well-structured and grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs.

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Opening

The opening line of your medical assistant cover letter is your opportunity to pique a hiring manager ’s interest and make a great first impression.

Hiring managers and prospective employers usually read your cover letter before ever meeting or speaking to you, unless you're applying for a promotion , so it’s important to let your personality come across the paper and put your best foot forward.

The first paragraph of your cover letter should be impressive and to the point.

In the opening paragraph of your medical assistant cover letter, you should aim to professionally introduce yourself , state your interest in the role that you’re applying to, convey your enthusiasm, and illustrate your skill level by mentioning your degree of education or previous relevant work experience .

Here’s a great example of how a successful medical assistant cover letter might begin:

Erin O’Connor Hiring Manager Lincoln Memorial Hospital 102 Leonardo Drive New York, NY 10077 Dear Ms. O’Connor, I am writing to express my interest in the Medical Assistant position with Lincoln Memorial Hospital. I am highly motivated, trained in recording medical histories and taking vital signs, certified in basic life support and CPR, and performing administrative and clinical tasks in healthcare settings. As a certified AAMA Medical Assistant with more than two years of experience providing patient care and managing medical records , I am confident that I would be a great benefit to the hospital.

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Medical assistant cover letter body.

The middle few paragraphs of your cover letter are where you can truly let your skills, knowledge, and qualifications shine.

In the body of your medical assistant cover letter, you should highlight your key skills and abilities, discuss your commitment to patient care, explain your methods of taking vital signs and assisting physicians, and go into detail on your communication and analytical skills.

Since medical assistants are tasked with assisting doctors and medical professionals with important and innovative patient exams and procedures, job-seekers must be highly detail-oriented, organized, and dedicated to their careers.

The body paragraphs of your cover letter are a great area to emphasize these skills and call attention to other important interpersonal skills.

Before writing the body of your cover letter , you should closely read the specific job posting you're applying to and work to trailer your cover letter to the skills, qualifications, and work responsibilities listed in the ad.

Here’s a great example of what the body of a medical assistant cover letter might look like:

Throughout my career as a Medical Assistant, I have perfected my abilities to assist with and perform patient examinations, administer injections, closely follow physician directions and state medical laws and regulations, schedule patient appointments, and keep track of medical records, and more. In my most recent position as a Medical Assistant with Franklin River Healthcare, I was also trained in phlebotomy, recording EKGs, medical coding, and managing Electronic Health Records. In addition to having a proven track record of enhancing patient experiences, successfully assisting physicians with patient examinations, and meticulously recording patient information and managing medical records, I hold an associate ’s degree in healthcare administration and a certification in medical assisting services. Beyond my job-specific skills, education, and technical abilities , I pride myself on my ability to multitask, build relationships with patients, deliver state-of-the-art medical care, pay careful attention to detail, and clearly communicate with physicians, healthcare professionals, and patients.

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Closing Lines

To wrap up your cover letter, you’ll want to tie up any loose ends, summarize your experience, skills, and passion, and close the document with a professional salutation. The conclusion of your cover letter should be clear and concise.

The best cover letters end by asking for a phone or in-person interview or showing interest in continuing in the hiring process.

Conveying your enthusiasm for the role and thanking the hiring manager for their time spent reviewing your cover letter and job application will up your chances of getting a callback and landing an in-person job interview.

Lastly, make sure you close your medical assistant cover letter with an appropriate salutation and a professional signature that includes your contact information.

An excellent way of closing your medical assistant cover letter is like this:

As an experienced Medical Assistant with high-level healthcare and administrative skills , I am excited at the opportunity to put my qualifications to use at Lincoln Memorial Hospital. If given the opportunity to join your prestigious medical team, you can count on me to perform all duties with focus, integrity, and confidentiality. I welcome the chance to discuss this position and explain, in detail, what I can offer the hospital. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Bentley Smith (917) 234-8756 [email protected]

Example of a Medical Assistant Cover Letter

If you’re in the market for a top-notch and rewarding career as a medical assistant, following a cover letter template could help you land your dream role and break into the healthcare industry . Here’s a great example of a professional and properly formatted medical assistant cover letter:

Erin O’Connor Hiring Manager Lincoln Memorial Hospital 102 Leonardo Drive New York, NY 10077 Dear Ms. O’Connor, I am writing to express my interest in the Medical Assistant position with Lincoln Memorial Hospital. I am highly motivated, trained in recording medical histories and taking vital signs, certified in basic life support and CPR, and performing administrative and clinical tasks in healthcare settings. As a certified AAMA Medical Assistant with more than two years of experience providing patient care and managing medical records, I am confident that I would be a great benefit to the hospital. Throughout the course of my career as a Medical Assistant, I have perfected my abilities to assist with and perform patient examinations, administer injections, closely follow physician directions and state medical laws and regulations, schedule patient appointments, keeping track of medical records, and more. In my most recent position as a Medical Assistant with Franklin River Healthcare, I was also trained in phlebotomy, recording EKGs, medical coding, and managing Electronic Health Records. In addition to having a proven track record of enhancing patient experiences, successfully assisting physicians with patient examinations, and meticulously recording patient information and managing medical records, I hold an associate’s degree in healthcare administration and a certification in medical assisting services. Beyond my job-specific skills, education, and technical abilities, I pride myself on my ability to multitask, build relationships with patients, deliver state-of-the-art medical care, pay careful attention to detail, and clearly communicate with physicians, healthcare professionals, and patients. As an experienced Medical Assistant with high-level healthcare and administrative skills, I am excited at the opportunity to put my qualifications to use at Lincoln Memorial Hospital. If given the opportunity to join your prestigious medical team, you can count on me to perform all duties with focus, integrity, and confidentiality. I welcome the chance to discuss this position and explain, in detail, what I can offer the hospital. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Bentley Smith (917) 234-8756 [email protected]

Tips for Writing a Medical Assistant Cover Letter

At the end of the day, writing a cover letter can be quite similar across a broad range of professional industries. For a medical assistant cover letter in particular, though, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to write a professional and compelling cover letter.

Here are the top three tips all applicants should follow in order to write an effective cover letter and land a competitive and top-notch career as a medical assistant:

Highlight your education. In the healthcare industry, in particular, hiring managers are always looking for job-seekers who are well educated and have the certifications and degrees required to find success in their job. When applying for roles as a medical assistant, it’s important to highlight your education .

Holding a bachelor’s or associate’s degree in a related major, like healthcare management, or completing a postsecondary certificate in medical assisting services can help you stand out from a large pool of job applicants and get hired.

Illustrate your commitment to patient care. When working in any medical setting, being committed to providing the highest quality patient care is imperative. This is especially important for medical assistants, who often spend much of their workday interacting with patients.

Illustrating your commitment to patient care and your ability to provide exceptional service by assisting doctors, properly inputting medical records, closely following clinical policies and procedures, and offering top-notch customer service will help you make a great first impression on hiring managers and prospective employers.

Discuss previous experience working in an office and performing administrative duties. Although the employment of medical assistants is projected to grow much faster than average in the coming years, competition can still be tight among job-seekers. To this end, it’s important to put your best foot forward in your cover letter.

Having previous work experience in a medical office will give you a leg up on the competition and help you land the medical assistant career of your dreams.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to land a rewarding, entry-level position as a medical assistant, a professional and well-written cover letter will help you put your best foot forward, get noticed, and make the hiring process a breeze.

You only get one shot at making a positive and impactful first impression in your medical assistant cover letter. Conveying high-level communication, analytical, and job-specific skills like handling medical records, managing front offices, and providing high-quality patient care is essential to help you get hired as a research assistant .

Using the template and tips outlined in this article, and structuring your cover letter to emphasize your strengths and career goals, will allow you to make a solid first impression and land your dream job as a medical assistant.

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Entry Level Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an entry level medical assistant cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for entry level medical assistant, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for entry level medical assistant, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for entry level medical assistant, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for entry level medical assistant, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for entry level medical assistant, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for entry level medical assistant.

Starting your Entry Level Medical Assistant cover letter should be done in a professional and engaging manner. Begin by addressing the hiring manager directly if their name is available. If not, use a general greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager". Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting to show you're actively seeking opportunities. In your opening paragraph, briefly highlight your qualifications that make you a good fit for the role. This could include your education, certifications, or any relevant skills or experiences. Remember, the goal is to grab the reader's attention and make them want to learn more about you.

The best way for Entry Level Medical Assistants to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude and showing enthusiasm for the potential opportunity. You could say something like, "Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my passion for healthcare and my newly acquired skills to your team." Then, suggest a follow-up action, such as, "I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further." Lastly, close with a professional sign-off like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. This ending is effective as it shows your interest in the role, appreciation for their time, and initiative to continue the conversation.

Entry Level Medical Assistants should include the following in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's known. If not, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and mention the position you're applying for. 4. Education and Certification: Mention your educational background and any certifications relevant to the medical assistant position. This could include a degree in a health-related field, a medical assistant certification, or CPR certification. 5. Skills and Experience: Highlight the skills and experiences that make you a good fit for the job. For entry-level positions, this could include experiences from internships, volunteer work, or relevant coursework. Be sure to mention any specific medical procedures you're familiar with, software you're proficient in, or soft skills like communication or teamwork. 6. Enthusiasm for the Role: Show your interest in the role and the healthcare field. Explain why you're interested in this specific job and how it fits into your career goals. 7. Conclusion: Wrap up the letter by thanking the hiring manager for their time and expressing your interest in the opportunity to interview for the position. 8. Signature: End with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best," followed by your name. Remember, your cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Use it as an opportunity to highlight your most relevant skills and experiences and to show your enthusiasm for the role. Keep it concise and professional, and always proofread before sending.

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    Skip a line and include the name of the person you're writing to, their title, and the company name. 2. Direct Your Greeting to a Specific Person. When you take the time to find out who will be reading your cover letter, you demonstrate one of the essential qualities of a medical assistant — being detailed and thorough.

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    Medical Assistants work in the healthcare industry and provide support to patients by delivering a variety of services. These professionals are responsible for maintaining medical histories, preparing patients for examination, completing various office procedures, answering to patient questions, adhering to safety rules, maintaining inventories, ordering supplies, and updating technical knowledge.

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    Mistakes to Avoid in Your Medical Assistant Cover Letter. Crafting a cover letter for a Medical Assistant position is a critical step in your job search. However, common mistakes can undermine your application's effectiveness. Here are key pitfalls to avoid: 1. Overlooking Customization. Issue: Using a one-size-fits-all approach for your cover ...

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    Apr 12, 2017. Hiring Manager's Name. 46 Bucchaneer Blvd. Denver, Colorado, 80208. (xxx)xxx-xxxx. [email protected]. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], My name is Sarah, and I saw your job posting on Monster's job board last night. I've been working as a medical assistant for more than 5 years, and I'm in love with this profession.

  22. Medical Assistant Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Here's a great example of a professional and properly formatted medical assistant cover letter: Erin O'Connor. Hiring Manager. Lincoln Memorial Hospital. 102 Leonardo Drive. New York, NY 10077. Dear Ms. O'Connor, I am writing to express my interest in the Medical Assistant position with Lincoln Memorial Hospital.

  23. Virtual Medical Assistant Job Description Template [2024]

    Craft the perfect virtual medical assistant job description to streamline your hiring process. Get the best insights and recommendations here. Skip to content. Contact Us at +1 (619) 558-1118. ... If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume and a cover letter to [your email address]. In your cover letter, please ...

  24. Entry Level Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

    Entry Level Medical Assistants should include the following in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's known.