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Application Letter For Attachment In Hospital: Sample + How To Write

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Getting an invaluable attachment opportunity at a top hospital in Kenya takes more than just luck.

Your application letter needs to immediately grab attention and persuasively make your case .

This complete guide reveals the secrets to writing a winning attachment application letter.

From properly addressing the recipient, to succinctly introducing yourself, to expressing compelling interest, you’ll learn step-by-step techniques to showcase your qualifications.

Follow structured templates and real-world examples for highlighting relevant coursework and experience.

Discover how to make a confident but respectful attachment request while professionally closing with appreciation.

Use these proven tips to craft the high-impact application that gets you the life-shaping attachment you deserve at the ideal hospital.

Your next career-accelerating opportunity is waiting – let’s master the application letter that secures it!

How To Write An Application Letter For Attachment In A Hospital

How to write an application letter for attachment in a hospital in Kenya:

  • Address the letter properly. Make sure to address the letter to the specific person or department handling attachments. Use their correct name and title.
  • Introduce yourself. In 1-2 sentences, introduce yourself and your interest in an attachment position at the hospital. Include any relevant background or qualifications.
  • Specify the attachment position wanted. State the specific attachment position or department you are applying for. Reference any job listings or contacts at the hospital.
  • Highlight your skills and experience. Use 2-3 paragraphs to explain why you are qualified for this attachment, including relevant skills, knowledge, training, coursework, and prior experience/attachments.
  • Express interest and fit. Describe why you are interested in this attachment at this specific hospital and how your skills would be a good fit for their needs and work.
  • Request formal attachment. Politely request to be considered and approved for the attachment program/position at the hospital. Include your availability and commitment.
  • Thank the recipient. Thank the reader for their time and consideration. Provide contact details and availability for further discussion.

Address the letter properly

When writing an application letter for an attachment position at a hospital in Kenya, it is crucial to address the letter properly .

This ensures it reaches the correct person and makes a professional first impression. Here are key tips:

Know who to address it to

Do research to find out the specific person or department that handles student attachments for the hospital. Often there is an Attachments Coordinator or HR Manager.

Get the correct name and title of this person. Properly addressing them shows care.

Generic letters “to whom it may concern” may not get proper attention.

Use a formal title

Address them by their title and surname (e.g. Dr. Mwenda or Mr. Oduor). This shows respect.

Only use their first name if you already know them personally. Otherwise, keep it formal.

Check contact details

Verify the hospital address, email and/or phone number they should be contacted at. This prevents misdirection.

Hospital addresses often have departments or units included.

Follow a formal format

Structure the address in a formal business letter format . This gives a professional impression.

Each element should be on a separate line:

  • Recipient’s title and name
  • Department/position
  • Hospital name
  • Full postal address

Getting the address correct ensures your application letter gets directly to the right person able to process it.

Taking time on these details matters and will position your attachment application more professionally.

Introduce yourself

A strong application letter for an attachment position introduces who you are and your interest right up front. Effective introduction paragraphs:

  • Identify yourself and academic institution
  • Specify your level of study
  • Introduce your field of study and specialization
  • Express interest in an attachment at the hospital
  • Highlight key relevant background and qualifications

Here are tips for writing a compelling introduction:

Lead with Name and Institution

State your full name upfront in the first line. This allows immediate identification.

Follow with your university or college in the next line.

My name is Jane Wambui and I am a student at Kenyatta University completing my Bachelor’s in Nursing.

Specify Academic Level

  • Clearly state your current level of study – 3rd year, 4th year, Master’s, etc.
  • This helps establish your stage of training and competencies.
I am currently in my final year of studies.

Introduce Field of Study

  • Name your degree program and area of concentration or specialization.
  • This highlights your relevant knowledge base.
I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing , specializing in pediatric care .

Express Interest in Attachment

  • Directly state your interest in an attachment at the specific hospital.
  • This frames the purpose of your letter.
I am very interested in pursuing a nursing student attachment at Kenyatta National Hospital .

Highlight Relevant Background

  • Note 1-2 pieces of your background or qualifications relevant to the attachment.
  • This provides support for your application.
I have completed coursework in pediatric health and family care and previously shadowed nurses at Children’s Hospital .

A polished introduction establishes your credentials and directly expresses interest in an attachment opportunity. Taking time on this paragraph can make a strong first impression.

Specify the attachment position wanted

When applying for an attachment at a hospital, it is important to clearly specify the exact position or department you are interested in. This allows the hospital to direct your application appropriately. Here are tips:

Be specific about the attachment opportunity

  • Name the precise role, department, or program you wish to attach to.
  • Reference any job codes or listings . Avoid vagueness.
I wish to apply for an attachment as a Student Nurse with the Pediatrics Department at Kenyatta National Hospital.

Mention duration/timeframe needed

  • State how long of an attachment you need, such as 2 months or 6 weeks.
  • Consider their minimum or maximum attachment duration.
I am hoping to complete a 3 month long attachment starting in June 2023 after my exams.

Refer to any contacts

  • If you’ve been referred by someone at the hospital, mention their name.
  • This can provide a point of reference.
I was informed about attachment opportunities by Dr. David Mutiso in the Neonatal Unit .

Show understanding of any requirements

  • Reference any prerequisites, courses, skills required for the role.
  • Demonstrate you meet any expectations.
As a 4th year nursing student, I have completed coursework in Pediatric Care, Vaccinations, and Phlebotomy as required for this attachment.

Reiterate your fit and interest

  • Close by restating your strong interest and fit for this specific attachment.
I believe my experience and studies make me a strong candidate for this pediatric nursing attachment opportunity.

Being specific about the exact attachment opportunity desired displays your understanding of their program. Take time to clarify the details of the position you are applying for.

Step 5 – take the 4th point from the list from Step 1 and write a 700 word article using markdown formatting, bolded words, lists and tables where applicable.

Highlight your skills and experience

A key part of a hospital attachment application letter is highlighting your relevant skills, knowledge, and experience for the position.

This section provides evidence for why you are qualified. Follow these tips:

Open with your motivation for this field

Explain what draws you to this field or role to show your genuine interest.

Pediatric nursing has been my passion since volunteering at a children’s home during high school.

List your relevant coursework

Name classes, labs, and training directly tied to attachment duties.

Relevant coursework includes Pediatric Nursing, Child Psychology, Growth Development, and Family Care.

Summarize hands-on experiences

Include attachments, internships, clinics, or volunteer work. Quantify hours or duration if possible.

I gained experience caring for young patients during my 3-week nursing attachment at Kijabe Mission Hospital.

Highlight relevant skills

What abilities from your training would apply? Clinical skills? Communication, charting?

Through my coursework I have developed strong pediatric assessment skills and comfortable phlebotomy technique.

Show understanding of professional expectations

Demonstrate you have researched their protocols, values, and nursing practices.

I appreciate KNH’s commitment to family-centered care and continuity of care across departments.

Mention any specialties or strengths

Note any unique competencies, training, or interests you bring.

I am particularly interested in gaining neonatal experience during this attachment.

Quantifying relevant training and competencies can powerfully convey your qualifications. Be detailed in matching your background to the attachment opportunity.

Express interest and fit

Expressing sincere interest and enthusiasm is critical for an attachment application letter.

Thoughtfully explaining why you are drawn to the specific hospital and see it as an excellent fit will make you stand out. Here are proven techniques:

Discuss why this hospital interests you

What about their reputation, services, or values is appealing? Be specific.

KNH’s wide range of specialty departments and commitment to research strongly appeals to me.

Talk about why you would be a great fit there

What do you offer that matches their needs?

My passion for evidence-based family care aligns well with KNH’s holistic approach.

Show you understand their work culture

Research what past attachés or staff say. Does their mission resonate?

Friends who have attached at KNH have described an empowering learning environment.

Explain how the attachment would benefit your goals

What experience and exposure will help further your education and career?

The direct patient contact and specialized mentorship at KNH will greatly accelerate my nursing skills.

Imagine your potential future at this hospital

Can you envision being part of their team long-term? Come across as committed.

I hope to establish myself at KNH and contribute for years to come after graduation.

Be enthusiastic and complimentary

Use positive language. Avoid sounding entitled or demanding.

I would be incredibly grateful for the opportunity to attach with KNH’s respected Pediatrics team!

Making a personal connection and sharing your genuine interest can distinguish your attachment application. Spend time on this section.

Request formal attachment

An essential component of an attachment application letter is directly requesting that your application be approved and the attachment arranged.

This should communicate your commitment and availability.

Follow these techniques:

Make a clear formal request

Use language like “I would like to formally request” or “I am writing to apply”

I am writing to formally request consideration for a nursing student attachment position…

Note your attachment availability

Are there specific dates or a timeframe that work for you?

My schedule is flexible, and I am available full-time for a 2 month attachment starting in June 2023.

Emphasize your commitment

  • Stress how seriously you are taking this opportunity.
I am extremely committed to fully engaging in and contributing to the department during my attachment.

Inquire about next steps

Ask what the process is after submitting your application. Interviews? Background checks?

Please advise me as to the next steps in the application and placement process.

Follow instructions if provided

  • Some hospitals may have specific instructions for applying. Make sure to follow them.
As directed on your website, I have attached a CV, transcript, and reference letter.

Give appreciation in advance

Thank them politely for consideration even if not yet approved.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration of my attachment application.

Making the ask directly is important. Be clear in formally requesting an attachment opportunity while also expressing flexibility, commitment and appreciation.

Thank the recipient

It is important to close an attachment application letter by thanking the reader for their time and consideration.

A polished, grateful concluding paragraph makes a positive final impression. Use these closing techniques:

Express appreciation

Thank them sincerely for reviewing your application materials.

Thank you very much for taking the time to review my attachment application.

Reiterate your enthusiasm

Restate your strong interest in an attachment at their hospital.

I am incredibly excited by the prospect of completing an attachment with your team.

Provide contact details

Supply your phone number, email, location so they can reach you.

Please contact me at [email protected] or 0700-123-456 with any further questions.

Note availability

Mention if you have upcoming exams or when you could start.

I am available to start a full-time attachment from June through August of this year.

Encourage further discussion

Say you welcome the chance to discuss the opportunity in more detail.

I would be happy to meet with you and learn more about attachment possibilities at your hospital.

Ask what you should expect after submitting your application.

Please let me know if any interviews, assessments or documentation are required next.

Polite, enthusiastic gratitude and availability to discuss next steps further will leave a great final impression.

A strong closing builds a relationship with the reader and asks for the next conversation.

Example of application letter for attachment in a hospital

Before we close this, here is an example application letter for an attachment position at a hospital:

20th February 2023

Head of Attachments Program Human Resources Department Kenyatta National Hospital Hospital Road Nairob i

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Jane Mutua and I am a final year Bachelor’s Degree student pursuing Nursing at the University of Nairobi. I am writing to formally request consideration for a nursing student attachment position with the Pediatrics Department at Kenyatta National Hospital.

I have a strong passion for pediatric care, especially neonatal health, stemming from my volunteer work at a local children’s home. Through my nursing coursework, I have developed expertise in areas including Pediatric Nursing, Growth Development, Child Psychology, and Vaccination Administration. I previously completed a 2-month attachment on the Neonatal Unit at Coast General Hospital where I gained valuable hands-on experience caring for critically ill newborns.

I am particularly interested in attaching with Kenyatta National Hospital because of the wide scope of pediatric specialty experience I would receive. Friends who have completed attachments at KNH have raved about the supportive learning environment and clinical exposure. I appreciate your hospital’s holistic, family-centered care philosophy and am eager to learn from your talented pediatric nursing team.

My schedule is very flexible, and I am available for full-time attachment duties starting in June 2023 after completing my exams. I am ready to fully commit myself to engaged participation, learning, and contributing during my time at KNH. Please advise me as to the next steps in the application process. I have attached my CV, academic transcript, and a letter of recommendation as required.

Thank you in advance for considering my attachment application. This would be an invaluable opportunity to refine my nursing skills and learn from the best pediatric team in the country. I can be reached at 0721-345-678 or [email protected] to discuss this further and look forward to hearing from you.

Download the example of application letter for attachment in a hospital in PDF below?.

Key Takeaways

  • Address the letter properly to the right contact using formal business format.
  • Introduce yourself lead with name, institution, field of study, and interest.
  • Specify the exact attachment position wanted, duration, contacts, and requirements.
  • Highlight relevant skills and experience like coursework, competencies, and understanding of their protocols.
  • Express sincere interest and fit based on research of the hospital’s culture and needs.
  • Formally request the attachment noting your commitment, appreciation, and availability.
  • Thank the recipient for considering your application and provide contact details.

Carefully structuring an engaging, detailed, and polite attachment application letter will position you strongly for the opportunity.

Take time to highlight your unique qualifications while also expressing genuine fit and enthusiasm .

Follow up promptly to further discuss attaching with the hospital’s team.

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Sample industrial attachment letter and how to write an industrial attachment application letter

Last updated on: June 14, 2023 by Kenyayote Reporter 55 Comments

Industrial attachment also known by many as internship normally lasts for three months but the duration differs from institution to institution. Some companies pay for industrial attachment while others do not pay (in an article we had written earlier, we provided a list of companies that pay for industrial attachment).  To increase your chances of getting an industrial attachment you have to write an appealing attachment letter.

When writing an industrial attachment application letter or internship application letter be precise and ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors in your letter.  Company directors have no time to read very long letters.  Also, ensure that you have attached your CV to accompany your industrial attachment application letter.  Do not be worried about the content in your CV, the company directors or human resource department understand that you are a student so they don’t expect much in your CV.

How to write application letter: Formal format

  •  At the top of the application letter should be your address then followed by the address of the company or receiver. It is not advisable to write your name at the top of a letter.   (Check for the sample application letter below)
  • Thereafter the salutation .  Use  Sir or Madam if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to.
  • Reference (This is the title of the application letter) example Application for internship in the engineering department
  • Opening paragraph : This paragraph should state the position you are applying to or for and how you knew of the position. It should also contain a basic introduction of who you are.
  • Body paragraph : Explain why you are interested in the position you are applying for, demonstrate your understanding of the position, talk about your qualification and skills in brief as they will be contained in your CV.
  • Conclusion Paragraph : State that you are ready to take the opportunity fairly. Thank the employer for her/his consideration in advance.
  • Closing remarks or complimentary remarks: End your letter “Yours Sincerely”  if you have begun it with a person’s title and family name. If you have begun “Dear Sir or Madam”, then end your letter “Yours faithfully”

(Your handwritten signature)

Your name typed

Below find a sample attachment letter.

sample industrial attachment application letter

Elvis Lewis

P.O BOX 3556-3767,

December 3, 2013

Ziteck Broadcasting Corporation

P O Box 5755-73623

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a 3rd-year student pursuing mass media and communication at Dadan University and I wish to apply for an attachment. It is a requirement that I spend three months in an industry that is related to my field of study prior to the final year programme.

As indicated in my CV, I have been working as a writer in the campus press and also s a CNN Ireporter. On June 23rd, 2013,   I was selected to represent our country at a student journalism conference in Israel. Your company is very suitable for me in terms of my area of interest and your location.

I shall be most grateful if my application is considered favorably.

Yours faithfully,

Important Expressions that you might need to include when writing your cover letter

  • I am writing in response to your advertisement…for the position of…
  • As attached in my resume/CV
  • Kindly find attached my CV
  • With reference to your advertisement in the Kenyayote Magazine
  • I am available for interview whenever  convenient for you
  • I would be grateful if you…
  • I am writing to…

Other unique sample letters that you will find on our website include industrial attachment request letter, department letter, deans letter of attachment, Recommendation letter, Apology letter, Job application letter, Appreciation letter, Thank you letter, Complaint letter, Congratulation letter, Cover letter, Inquiry letter, Interview thank you letter, Love letter, Break up letter, Marriage letter, Resignation letter, Retirement letter among many other types of letters.

More updated and professional sample attachment application letters in word document are available online at for Ksh. 107 or $1.40. Check the bottom of this page on how to download them .

You can also find a sample industrial attachment report or internship report.

No free report-writing service, please!! For free services kindly check the example of the attachment letter above.

Lastly, do you have any question about this post or something else? We are responding. Ask us a question or register to join a community of thousands of members that receive latest education news.

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Reader Interactions

' src=

April 23, 2024 at 4:17 am

I need one for the airport and flight dispatch for 2nd year

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August 15, 2023 at 2:30 pm

Thanks the letter is so nice but can i get one for craft in information communication technology

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March 30, 2024 at 7:59 pm

Ulipata unikolee😭😭😭😹

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July 26, 2023 at 7:00 am

I need one for diploma in social work and community development

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July 13, 2023 at 7:09 am

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July 10, 2023 at 2:12 pm

Thank you so much the letter was very helpful in need one in purchasing and supplies management.

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March 2, 2023 at 11:31 am

i need one for attachment application pursuing diploma in business information technology

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February 23, 2023 at 7:22 am

I need one for food and beverage 1st year

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July 11, 2023 at 5:03 am

Kindly help me with one for attachment application on the field of information communication technology

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July 20, 2023 at 2:49 pm

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July 21, 2022 at 8:14 pm

The letter is good, can I get one for attachment in procurement

' src=

July 24, 2023 at 5:38 pm

The letter is good, can I get one for industrial attachment for electrical engineering, power optio

' src=

July 19, 2022 at 7:48 am

Letter is so nice Need one for secretarial studies

' src=

March 25, 2022 at 4:26 pm

It is very nice.kindly please I need that one for attachment in certificate in building technology

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March 29, 2022 at 4:00 pm

If you get one just share

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May 16, 2022 at 9:01 pm

I’m Augustine okeyo it’s very nice kindly please I need attachment plant operator

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July 24, 2023 at 7:01 am

It is so nice can I get one

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March 31, 2024 at 8:30 am

I need for plumbing in grade 2

' src=

March 7, 2022 at 3:03 pm

The letter is good can I get one for Cosmetology

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March 1, 2022 at 12:13 pm

The letter is good and impressive, I would like one for events and convention management.

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November 23, 2021 at 9:51 pm

The letter is so fantastic I need one for craft in automotive engineering

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November 13, 2021 at 6:33 pm

I need one for fashion design diploma three

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November 5, 2021 at 3:59 pm

Well I need one for certificate in plumbing please 🙏

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September 24, 2021 at 9:25 am

I need one for plantopereter from Kenya institute of technology and building technology

' src=

August 24, 2021 at 7:20 am

Nice one I need one for certificate in Roads and construction

' src=

August 7, 2021 at 2:37 pm

I need for a social work being first year student applying industrial attachment in county government

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March 30, 2021 at 7:40 pm

Well done, second year BSC construction technology and management need one for industrial training placement

' src=

March 13, 2021 at 4:33 pm

The letter is well and good. May I get industrial attachment letter for sectional studies .through my email

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March 10, 2021 at 7:39 am

well written. I need one for degree in social work

' src=

March 4, 2021 at 4:10 pm

Can I get one for electrical and electronics engineering

' src=

February 14, 2021 at 11:33 am

Need one for first year diploma in catering and accommodation

' src=

February 10, 2021 at 8:20 pm

I need one for certificate in ICT year two

' src=

January 20, 2021 at 7:12 pm

I need for Firefighter in Airport

' src=

January 6, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Can I get 1 for marine engineering

' src=

November 3, 2020 at 5:15 pm

I really need this help urgently thank you so much

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June 11, 2020 at 10:39 pm

Needed one for a diploma in nursing aid

' src=

May 27, 2020 at 5:40 pm

Thanks you for this I need one as mech engineering for grateful to company and also applied for job

' src=

March 22, 2020 at 12:02 pm

i need one for electronics and telecommunication industrial attachment for honors degree

' src=

March 15, 2020 at 8:00 am

I need one for a diploma in archives and records managemeñt

' src=

December 3, 2019 at 12:45 pm

i need one for diploma in human resource management second year

' src=

October 3, 2019 at 1:32 am

thank you that was helpful. I need one for information system

' src=

August 7, 2019 at 10:24 pm

i need one for diploma in catering and accommodation first year

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August 4, 2019 at 8:45 pm

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July 16, 2019 at 10:14 pm

Its really nice. I need that one for attachment in Diploma in Banking And Finance. Thanks

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July 5, 2019 at 8:19 pm

I request for Agricultural engineering attachment

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June 20, 2019 at 10:53 am

I need one for human resources management.

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May 11, 2021 at 8:54 pm

I need one for one of the media houses

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June 13, 2019 at 10:45 am

I need one for nutrition and diatetics being a second year applying the industrial attachment in the hospital

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May 20, 2019 at 4:43 am

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May 19, 2019 at 5:29 pm

I am Zambian teacher of computer studies pursuing a BA of Ict with education. Have found your Kenyan books and stuff to be of great value in my line work preparation and studies. Hence liking your page

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February 9, 2019 at 3:55 pm

What about the one for completion of One year IT that should be submitted at school

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January 20, 2019 at 4:00 pm

A good letter so far

' src=

December 29, 2020 at 12:10 am

Thank you so much That was helpful I need one in Bachelor’s degree in commerce ACCOUNTING OPTION..

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October 25, 2021 at 2:03 pm

The letter is so nice can I get one for community health and development

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February 2, 2024 at 7:55 pm

The latter is so nice, thanks for it I need one in 1 year trade test in electrical engineering

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How to write an attachment letter (with samples)

Are you in the process of applying for an internship? You will need to submit a cover letter as part of your application, just as you would do when applying for a job. However, applying for internships is quite different, as chances are that you have limited or no experience and limited qualifications. The question of how to write an attachment letter without experience is one that most people applying for an internship have a hard time answering.

How to write an attachment letter (with samples)

Fortunately, even without experience, you can still be able to write a great cover letter the employers. If you are wondering how to write an attachment letter or you're looking for a sample letter that will guide you on how to draft yours, this guide is meant for you.

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Tips on how to write an attachment letter

So, how do you format your application? Which style of writing is acceptable when addressing a potential employer?

application letter for hospital attachment

How to write an application letter for employment

1. Use a formal writing style

Even though you are not getting paid, an attachment is just as important as an actual job. Therefore, you should place the same importance when applying for an attachment position. You should thus write your attachment placement request in a formal style, just like you would with a job application or any other business letter. At no instant in the application should you use informal style (the kind you would use when writing a personal letter).

2. Make your cover letter unique

For some people, an internship application is the first instance they will be writing a formal letter. With little experience writing such a letter, combined with the limited experience and qualifications, some of them might be tempted to use a sample letter right off the internet, change a few details to personalise it, and then send it to their prospective employers.

application letter for hospital attachment

How to write a resignation letter

You should, however, avoid this tactic if you are looking to make an impression on the employers and increase your chances of getting an attachment. Instead, you should craft your cover letter from scratch and make it as unique to you as possible. Make sure that the tone of the writing, education experiences, skills, and everything else you include in the application describes you – and not hundreds of other people.

On top of that, you should make your attachment request is unique to each company you are applying to. Therefore, instead of writing one letter and changing a few details (such as the company name) you should consider writing a separate letter for each company. You can achieve this by researching each and every company you are applying to, more so the department you are looking to be placed. You should then include the skills, abilities, experiences, and qualifications that would make you a valuable asset to the company.

application letter for hospital attachment

How to write an expression of interest letter

How to write an attachment letter (with samples)

3. Place emphasis on your academic experience

How do I write a cover letter with no experience and impress the employers? This is something that most people have a hard time figuring out when it comes to internship application. Fortunately, there are several ways you can impress employers, even with limited work experience. One of these ways is by placing emphasis on your academic experience, which will help to show employers that you have valuable skills.

Therefore, instead of just listing your academic qualifications, go deep and show how they make you a valuable prospective employee. For example, you can list academic projects you have worked on or led, academic competitions you have engaged in, and so on.

READ ALSO: Different styles used to write letters

When adding your academic experience, you should also list all experiences, even outside your field of study. For example, you can include short courses, online courses, education boot camps, and other experiences you have. These will help to show employers that you are determined to do more than just the bare minimum.

application letter for hospital attachment

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4. Include your extracurricular experiences

Extracurricular experiences are another way you can be able to impress employers even with limited or no work experience. Therefore, you should include experiences such as sports participation, volunteer work, club membership, student government, university societies, art and music classes, hobbies such as photography, religious classes, paid and unpaid jobs (no matter how informal they were), and so on.

And just like with the academic experiences, you should do more than just listing them. Make sure you provide specific examples and explain how they make you a valuable prospective employee. For example, if listing debate club membership as an extracurricular activity, you can name debate competitions you participated in, how you contributed, and so on.

5. Include your skills and abilities

Skills and abilities are another way to impress employers when writing an attachment application letter. Good skills that can impress employers include communication skills, leadership skills, project management skills, computer skills, language skills, creative thinking skills, and so on.

When listing your skills and abilities, make sure to identify the strongest ones, and include the ones that will make you perfect for the company you are applying to. And just like with the other experiences, be sure to provide specific examples. For example, when listing leadership skills, you can mention the leadership roles you hold or have held in the past. You should also include certificates, awards, experiences, and other qualifications you have to support the skills you have listed

6. Proofread and edit the letter

Internship positions are usually very competitive, and as a result, employers have to use various methods to thin out the applicants. Any errors in your letter can thus result in you not getting the position you are applying for, regardless of how qualified you are. Therefore, before sending your letter, make sure that you thoroughly proofread it for any spelling and grammar mistakes it might have.

Other mistakes to look out for when proofreading and editing your letter include wordy sentences, complex phrases, and anything else that can make your letter hard to understand. In the end, your letter should be free of any grammatical errors, clear, brief, and to the point.

READ ALSO: How to write an official letter

What is the format of an attachment application letter?

Writing an attachment letter

Nowadays, most companies use online applications for both jobs and internship applications. In some of these cases, applications include forms that you only have to fill and submit. However, there are still companies that prefer the traditional letter writing style. And even where an online application is used, you might find some companies requiring you to upload a cover letter. In these cases, you will need to write a letter and get the format right – formal business letter format.

  • Your name and address - Write your name, phone number, email address, and postal (or physical address) at the top right side of the page
  • Business/employee name and adress - Write the business name and the contact person/department (where your application letter will be received) at the left side of the page – below your name and personal information.
  • Salutation - salute the contact person, preferably with their name and in the format of “Dear Mr. X or Dear Mrs./Ms. Y”. Try researching the company you are applying to find the name of the contact person. In the event that you do not find the name, you can use the salutation “Dear Hiring Manager”. However, you should refrain from using “Dear Sir/Madam” and “To Whom It May Concern” as the former is very generic, while the latter might be taken to mean that you have no regards as to who receives your letter.
  • Subject line – this is where you state the reason for the letter
  • Introduction – start the letter with a brief introduction of yourself and why you are writing the letter (seeking internship position).
  • Body - Provide information about your program of study and other relevant academic experiences that relate to the position. You should also provide your skills, abilities, and extracurricular activities that make you perfect for the position
  • Conclusion – end the letter by thanking the hiring manager for their time. You can also include a contact number where you can be reached for interview scheduling.
  • Signature – complete the letter by signing, followed by your name.

Attachment cover letter sample

[Applicant's Name ]

[Applicant's phone number]

[Applicant's email address]

[Applicant's address]


[Department/Position (for example, Human Resources Director)]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. First and Last Name


I am writing to apply for the [insert position] listed on your company’s careers website page.

My name is [John Smith] and I am an undergraduate student at [XYZ University]. I am currently in my third year, pursuing a [Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Science]. My curriculum is composed of modules like software engineering, database systems, network administration, computer systems security, and software implementations. I have also taken extra computer programming courses and can write programs in C++, Java, Python, and HTML language.

Last summer, I volunteered at [ABC academy’s computer programming summer boot camp], where I was involved in teaching high school students the basics of computer coding. Currently, I am currently working on a research project for the [XYZ University Computer Science Department].

I am a responsible, motivated, and quick-learning person, and can adapt easily to the culture of your company. I am also a great team player and have been involved in several group projects as part of my coursework.

I am confident that my academic background and my strong technical skills in computer programming will make me a great asset to your organisation. The internship position will also help me expand on my skills in the field of technology.

I have attached my resume and academic qualifications for review.

Thank you for consideration, and I look forward to hearing your response.

John Smith.

Not sure on how to write an attachment letter? The above tips, guidelines on the format, and the sample can guide you on how to create a good internship placement letter. Even with little or no experience, you can still be able to impress prospective employers and earn that internship placement you are seeking.

READ ALSO: How to write a request letter for a job vacancy


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How to Write an Attachment (or Cover) Letter

by Kimberlee Leonard

Published on 22 Jan 2019

An attachment letter, also referred to as a letter of internship, is a cover letter for students looking to build career experience, meet mentors and gain opportunities for post-education jobs. A student will outline their interest in an internship at a particular company. The internship market is highly competitive. Students must effectively sell their qualifications when writing an attachment letter to garner corporate attention.

Format the Letter 

An attachment letter is a business letter that follows standard business formatting guidelines. Choose a professional font such as Arial, Courier or Times New Roman. Make the font size at least 10, but 11 or 12 is preferred. Don't use fonts bigger than 12. Business letters use block formatting; a block is a section of information such as contact information or a new paragraph. All blocks are aligned on the left margin with no indentation of paragraphs. Pages have one-inch margins on all sides. Block formatting uses one line space between paragraph blocks.

Introduce Yourself 

The attachment letter introduces the student to the company's human resources division. Include a reference or subject line, such as "Re: Application for Research Attachment," in bold type above the body of the letter. Though not required, the reference line is highly recommended to get the letter to the right person faster.

Letter basics concisely state a student's major, minor and the year of study. Include any pertinent work or research experience. Specific skills, experiences or classes differentiate students with more skills than others. Note any other work experience that demonstrates professionalism or specific skills. Professional outside work might include part-time work at a bursar's office or a local bank. Think twice about including experience as a camp counselor or waitress in the letter, unless it directly relates to the sought internship.

Stand Out From the Crowd

There is a lot of competition for internships, which is similar to job market competition. Once you outline the contents of the letter, research the company and connect the dots for the human resources director. This means stating why you desire the internship. Express how you are the best candidate based on your level of education, specific skills and pertinent experience. Take the time to explain how the company's internship will build needed skills through practical implementation of studied theories.

Add Enclosures 

The attachment letter servers the same purpose as the job seeker's cover letter. Job seekers naturally include a resume as an enclosure with the cover letter. The same is true with attachment letters, giving more details about work history and education. Some applicants benefit from including a published article or a letter of recommendation – denote "Enclosures" under your name at the end.

application letter for hospital attachment

Home / attachment program /

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Attachment Program

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Greetings from IJN, World Health Organization (WHO) has declared on 11th March 2020 that COVID-19 is now a Global Pandemic. Our organization is taking additional precautionary measures in line with the declaration including temporarily put on hold all local & foreign attachment programs. Therefore, we do not accept any application for attachment until further notice. Thank you. Objectives of Attachment Program are as follows:

  • Provides exposure for the students to get hands-on/real life experience they are expected to work in after their graduation.
  • Provides an opportunity for students to apply the principles and techniques theoretically learnt into real-life problem solving situations.
  • Provides an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with the stakeholders and potential employers that will assist the Higher Learning Institution for curricula review and improvement.
  • Develops students understanding of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities and opportunities.

For those wishing to apply for the IJN Attachment Program. Please select the suitable program and download, complete and submit the following documents:

Completed documents must be submitted to:

FAX 03-26982824

  • Students / Trainees are not allowed to apply for leave without prior approval from the College / University / Hospital.
  • Students / Trainees are expected to adhere to all IJN’s rules and regulations at all times.
  • All students and trainees are required to report directly to the Human Capital & Organizational Development Divison (HCOD) on their first day of training for registration purposes. Students ID tags will be issued for identification and safety measures. They must wear the ID tags at all times while in IJN premises.

Fees Structure for Attachment / Practical / Industrial Training in IJN

Note : * Prevailing rate is at RM3 / day. Subject to changes. Charges above are quoted per student. ** Corporate includes Human Capital & Organizational Development (HCOD), Corporate Communications Department, Marketing & Medical Tourism Department, Management Information System Department & Hospital Support Division.

Student / Trainee Classification:

  • Malaysian studying in Malaysia (IPTA / IPTS)
  • Malaysian working in Malaysia (Public / Private Sector)
  • Malaysian studying abroad
  • Foreigners studying in Malaysia
  • Foreigners working in Malaysia / Abroad
  • Foreign students from Foreign College/Universities
  • Malaysian working abroad

Other Terms:

  • Students / Trainees are permitted to use IJN’s Library for reading and reference. However, students are not allowed to borrow or take out any books from the Library
  • Confirmation of Completion Letter will be only being issued to those who are attached for one (1) month or more. The letter will be issued by the department upon request of the student / trainees.
  • Students / Trainees who are attached for one (1) month or more are required to attend an induction Programme held monthly together with all newly recruited staff as announced by HCOD
  • The duration of the attachment must not be less than one (1) week and not more than (2) departments at a time.

application letter for hospital attachment

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What is expected from a clinical attaché and how can one make the most of a clinical attachment?

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Have a career or related problem that needs answering? Can't find the right person to point you in the right direction? Log on to the Advice Zone for reliable medical careers advice. You can post a question or see if one of our 300 advisers has already answered a similar question. Here is a selection of questions and answers posted on the site.

Clinical attachés are not supposed to practise medicine during their attachments; instead they are there to observe clinical practice. This is important for the safety of patients as well as the attaché's safety.

To make the most out of an attachment, it is important to attend as many clinical meetings and teaching sessions as possible. Participating actively during these sessions not only creates a good impression on the supervisor but it helps get you noticed by other consultants who may be present during such sessions. It also helps in keeping up to date with the latest research and development within your specialty and how new regimens are being practised on the wards and in other institutes.

Attachés should develop an in-depth understanding of the way the NHS functions. Special emphasis should be made on understanding how guidelines and protocols are followed and learning basic procedures such as dealing with referrals and admissions from accident and emergency departments and general practitioners.

Attachments provide an excellent opportunity to enhance communication skills, dealing with both patients and colleagues within clinical teams. Interpersonal and team working skills should be practised during the attachment. Clerking patients, taking consent, breaking bad news, and counselling skills can all be learnt and polished while spending time on the wards. Every effort should be made to respect patients' privacy, their religious beliefs, and their cultural norms, even though they might differ from one's own beliefs.

Attachés can develop social networks during their attachment and should take every opportunity to interact with colleagues in an informal setting. Going to the pub on a Friday evening with colleagues is a typical example of socialisation that takes place in the United Kingdom. However, it is advisable to avoid sensitive topics of discussion such as religion and politics.

One of the most important outcomes for an attaché is gaining a reference from the supervising consultant. You should remember that references in the UK are confidential and therefore creating a good impression on the consultant is vital during the time spent in an attachment.

Overall, attachés should gain as much understanding of the clinical and cultural aspects of the NHS as possible, thus improving their chances of getting selected for a suitable post in future.

Cover designed by Malcolm Willett


More than 3000 doctors and medical students have already posted their queries on the Advice Zone ( ) on everything from exams and career choices to maternity leave or bullying bosses. Read what our advisers have suggested, or submit your own question to the panel.


If you have anything helpful to add—perhaps you have been in a similar situation yourself—then you can post your own comments on the Advice Zone by going to the relevant section, then select the question and simply click on the ”Reply to Question” button.

Alternatively, you can send a rapid response to any of the questions and answers on the page.

application letter for hospital attachment

Letter Templates

sample application letter for industrial attachment

sample application letter for industrial attachment 1

If you are a student or recent graduate looking for an industrial attachment opportunity, writing a compelling application letter is crucial. In this article, we provide seven sample application letters for industrial attachment, along with tips to help you craft your own letter.

An industrial attachment is a period of work experience that students undertake as part of their academic program. It gives students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in the classroom to a real-world environment. Writing an application letter is essential to secure an attachment position, as it introduces you to the potential employer and highlights your qualifications and interest in the industry.

Below are seven sample application letters that you can use as a guide to create your own for your industrial attachment.

Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Manufacturing Company

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the industrial attachment position at [Company Name] that I found on your website. With [number of years] of experience in manufacturing, I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge to contribute to the success of your team.

During my academic program, I have gained experience in [relevant skills or courses] and have developed a strong work ethic and attention to detail. I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and further develop my knowledge in a real-world environment.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team.

[Your Name]

Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Construction Company

I am writing to apply for the industrial attachment position at [Company Name]. As a recent graduate with experience in [relevant courses or experience], I am excited about the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the construction industry.

I am confident that I possess the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to your team, including [relevant skills or courses]. I am also eager to learn from your experienced professionals and further develop my knowledge in the field.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you further.

Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Marketing Agency

I am writing to apply for the industrial attachment position at [Company Name]. As a marketing student with a passion for creative problem-solving, I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a real-world environment.

During my academic program, I have gained experience in [relevant courses or experience], and I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge to real-world marketing challenges. I believe that [Company Name]’s innovative approach and collaborative culture align with my values and career goals.

Thank you for your consideration. I would be honored to join your team and contribute to your continued success.

Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Technology Company

I am excited to apply for the industrial attachment position at [Company Name]. As a technology student with experience in [relevant courses or experience], I am eager to gain hands-on experience in a real-world environment.

During my academic program, I have developed strong skills in [relevant skills or courses], which I believe will enable me to contribute to your team’s success. I am also eager to learn from your team of experienced professionals and further develop my knowledge in the field.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Finance Company

I am writing to apply for the industrial attachment position at [Company Name]. As a finance student with experience in [relevant courses or experience], I am excited to gain hands-on experience in the finance industry.

I am confident that my strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as my attention to detail, make me a strong candidate for the position. I am also excited to learn from your team of experienced professionals and gain insight into the inner workings of the finance industry.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team’s success.

Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Non-Profit Organization

I am excited to apply for the industrial attachment position at [Company Name]. As a student with a passion for social justice and community outreach, I believe I am the perfect candidate for the position.

During my academic program, I have developed strong skills in [relevant skills or courses], and I am eager to apply those skills in a real-world environment. I am also excited to learn from your team of experienced professionals and gain valuable experience in the non-profit sector.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be honored to contribute to your team’s mission and make a positive impact on the community.

Tips for Writing an Effective Application Letter for Industrial Attachment

When writing an application letter for industrial attachment, there are several tips you should keep in mind to make your letter stand out:

  • Research the company and tailor your letter to their needs and mission.
  • Highlight your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Be concise and to the point.
  • Proofread carefully for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Show enthusiasm and passion for the industry and the company.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i include in my application letter for industrial attachment.

Your application letter should include your name and contact information, the name and contact information of the hiring manager, an introduction of yourself and your interest in the position, a summary of your relevant skills and experiences, and a closing statement thanking the hiring manager for their consideration.

How long should my application letter be?

Your application letter should be no more than one page long.

What should I avoid in my application letter?

You should avoid using overly formal language, generic introductions, and cliches. Also, avoid including irrelevant information or skills.

Should I attach my resume to my application letter?

Yes, you should attach a copy of your resume to your application letter.

How soon should I follow up after submitting my application letter?

You should follow up within one to two weeks after submitting your application letter.

What if I don’t have any relevant work experience?

If you don’t have any relevant work experience, focus on highlighting your academic achievements and relevant coursework or projects.

Writing an effective application letter for industrial attachment is essential to securing a position in your desired industry. By using the sample letters and tips provided in this article, you can create a compelling letter that showcases your qualifications and interest in the industry. Remember to tailor your letter to the company’s needs and show enthusiasm and passion for the position. Good luck!

  • sample of application letter for attachment
  • application letter for fresh graduate
  • application letter sample for any position
  • application letter for teacher fresh graduate
  • sample application letter for accounting position
  • sample application letter for tutorial assistant

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Medical Internship Cover Letter Example

Get invited for more job interviews & pick up more ideas for your cover letter with our free, editable Medical Internship cover letter example. Copy-paste this cover letter example as it is or edit it directly using our HR-approved cover letter maker.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Medical Internship Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept my application for the Medical Internship within Brando Hospital in High River, Canada as I believe that the combination of my previous experience, field education, and developed skills set makes me a perfect candidate for the role. Moreover, if given the opportunity, I will be coming to you with a pro-active approach, an excellent work ethic, and a strong determination to meet all your goals and expectations.

As stated in my enclosed resume, I am a third-year Medicine student at the Swansea University, where I am among the top 2% of students with the best academic results. On top of academia, I also participate in multiple extracurricular activities, for instance, Medical Society, Psychology Society, and Riding Club. The involvement in these activities has helped me to become an effective team player and taught me how to work with people from various countries, cultures, and backgrounds. As a part of my studies, I also served as a Medical & Health Volunteer in Ethiopia for three months. This tremendous experience has allowed me to work with various field professionals and experts and gave me a great opportunity to focus more on helping others.

Additionally, I worked as a Medical Intern at High River General Hospital for more than four months. There, I was mainly in charge of communicating with patients, scheduling appointments, and maintaining and organizing confidential files and records. Besides that, I assisted in the patients' assessments, collected their blood pressure and temperature, and prepared examination rooms. For constantly executing perfect work, I was awarded Intern of the Month.

Last but not least, I am a native Portuguese speaker with a proficiency in English and a basic knowledge of Chinese. Offering a strong attention to detail and accuracy, great manual dexterity and physical stamina, and the ability to remain calm under pressure, I am certain the I would execute the role successfully. Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing back from you in the near future.

Kind regards,

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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Application Letter for Attachment in Kenya + Sample

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Last updated on October 15th, 2023 at 09:11 pm

Are you a student looking to gain practical experience in your field of study in Kenya?

An industrial attachment can provide you with valuable insights and hands-on learning opportunities.

However, to secure an attachment position in Kenya, you’ll need to write a compelling application letter.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of crafting an effective application letter in Kenya that will grab the attention of potential employers.

Table of Contents

1. Crafting a Clear and Concise Subject Line

When composing your email, start with a subject line that captures the essence of your application. Keep it brief yet informative, so the recipient knows exactly what to expect.

For example, “Application for Attachment Position in [Company Name]” would work splendidly. It’s time to make a memorable first impression!

2. Introduce Yourself and Express Your Interest

In the body of your email, begin by introducing yourself and expressing your sincere interest in the attachment position.

Provide a brief overview of your educational background and any relevant work experience you have accumulated thus far.

Emphasize how your studies and previous engagements have prepared you for this opportunity.

3. Showcase Your Skills and Relevant Experience

This is your chance to shine!

Highlight your most notable skills and experiences that directly align with the requirements of the attachment position. Stand out from the crowd by conveying how your unique skill set will be an asset to the company.

Remember, humor can be an effective way to inject some personality into your letter. Just don’t overdo it; professionalism should always remain a priority.

4. Demonstrate Your Fit with the Company

Express your genuine interest in the company and explain why you believe it is the perfect fit for you.

Research the organization thoroughly and identify specific aspects that align with your goals and values. This demonstrates your dedication and shows that you’ve taken the time to understand their mission and work.

5. Request an Interview or Meeting

Now that you’ve captured their attention, it’s time to take the next step.

Politely request an interview or meeting to discuss your application further. This demonstrates your eagerness and provides an opportunity for them to learn more about you.

Be confident and enthusiastic, showcasing your willingness to contribute to their team’s success.

6. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

Before you hit that send button, ensure your email is free of grammatical errors and typos.

Take the time to carefully proofread your application to make a favorable impression. Silly mistakes can be distracting and may undermine your credibility.

So, give it one final read-through before you let it fly into the digital realm.

Example Application Request for an Attachment in Kenya:

Subject: Application for Attachment Position in [Company Name]

Dear [Name of Contact Person],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a third-year student at [University Name], pursuing a degree in [Degree Name]. I am thrilled to express my sincere interest in the attachment position advertised on your company’s website.

For ages, I’ve been an admirer of [Company Name]’s remarkable work, particularly in [Area of Interest]. The blend of innovation and creativity within your organization truly captivates me. Given my skills and experience in [Skills and Experience], I am confident that I can bring a fresh perspective to your team.

During my attachment, you can count on my unwavering dedication and enthusiasm for learning. I thrive in collaborative environments and believe in the power of teamwork. Together, we can achieve great heights and conquer the industrial realm!

I have attached my resume for your perusal, allowing you to delve further into my qualifications. Additionally, I’ve included a list of references who can vouch for my exceptional skills and unwavering commitment to excellence.

I eagerly await the opportunity to discuss my application in more depth. Should you have any queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you kindly for considering my application. I look forward to the prospect of joining [Company Name] and contributing to its continued success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Applying for Industrial Attachment in Kenya: The General Steps

Now that you’ve mastered the art of crafting an impressive application letter, it’s time to dive into the overall process of applying for an industrial attachment.

While the specific requirements may vary based on your institution and industry, these general steps will help you navigate the application process with finesse.

  • Check with your institution’s industrial attachment office for the application requirements and deadlines. They may require an application form, a letter of motivation, and your academic transcripts.
  • Begin your search for potential attachment organizations. Tap into your network of friends, family, and lecturers for recommendations. Additionally, explore online job boards and company websites for attachment opportunities.
  • Contact potential organizations to express your interest in their attachment program. Inquire about the duration, assigned tasks, and benefits of the attachment. Be proactive in showcasing your enthusiasm and eagerness to contribute.
  • If you are invited for an interview, prepare diligently. Research the organization and industry trends, and rehearse your answers to common interview questions. Confidence is key!
  • Upon receiving an attachment offer, accept it promptly and follow up with the organization to confirm the details. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and ask about any necessary preparations.

Additional Tips for Applying for Industrial Attachment:

  • Start your application process early. Premier attachment opportunities fill up rapidly, so don’t procrastinate!
  • Be proactive in your search. Don’t wait for organizations to approach you; instead, reach out to them and express your interest boldly.
  • Market yourself effectively. Highlight your most relevant skills and experiences in your application materials and interviews.
  • Maintain professionalism. Whether in your email communications or face-to-face interactions, be respectful and demonstrate your commitment to professionalism.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to securing an exciting and enriching industrial attachment in Kenya.

Embrace this opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and practice , paving the way for a successful future in your chosen field.

Application letter for attachment in procurement

Here is an application letter for attachment in procurement in Kenya:

Dear Mr./Ms. [Hiring Manager’s Last Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the procurement attachment position at [Company Name]. I am a third-year student at [University Name] majoring in procurement and supply chain management. I am eager to gain practical experience in the field and to learn from your team.

I have a strong academic background in procurement. I have taken courses in all aspects of procurement, including sourcing, contract management, and supplier relationship management. I have also completed several internships in procurement, where I gained hands-on experience in the day-to-day activities of a procurement department.

In addition to my academic and internship experience, I have a number of skills that would make me a valuable asset to your team. I am a highly organized and detail-oriented individual. I am also a quick learner and I am able to work independently and as part of a team. I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this role.

I am eager to learn more about [Company Name] and the procurement industry. I am confident that I would be a valuable addition to your team. I am available for an attachment starting in [month] 2023.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Here are some tips for writing an application letter for an attachment in procurement:

  • Start by introducing yourself and stating your interest in the position.
  • Highlight your academic and internship experience in procurement.
  • Discuss your skills and abilities that would make you a valuable asset to the company.
  • Express your eagerness to learn more about the procurement industry and the company.
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.
  • Proofread your letter carefully before submitting it.

Best of luck with your applications, and may your attachment be a remarkable learning journey!

I hope this comprehensive guide helps you navigate the process of writing an application letter for an attachment successfully.

Remember, be confident, let your personality shine through, and keep your eye on the prize—the perfect attachment opportunity!

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Kevin Blogger

I'm Kevin and I've been working online for the last 7 years as a content writer and affiliate marketer. I started to share my experiences, lessons, and mistakes with YOU.

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    View INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT COVER LETTER SAMPLE.docx from MANAGEMENT MISC at Kenyatta University. NAME: TEL: EMAIL: DATE: To: Dear Sir/Madam REF: INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT I am a 3rd year student at ... View application letter.docx from IS MISC at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture an... cover letter.docx. Bulacan State University, Malolos. CBA ...