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Exploring the Best Personal Statement Opening Sentence Examples

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A personal statement opener should be powerful and engaging to capture the reader’s attention. It can be tricky to write a statement that conveys your message while staying true to yourself. But with the right approach, you can craft an excellent introduction that will leave a lasting impression.

This article provides effective personal statement opening sentence examples and tips on how to create one tailored to fit your unique experiences and personality. With these tools, you’ll have all you need to write an impactful statement that stands out among other applicants.

Why Is a Personal Statement Opening Sentence Important?

A personal statement starting sentence is vitally important because it sets the tone for the entire piece. It gives the reader a glimpse into who the writer is and why they are writing the statement in the first place. When crafted with care, it can demonstrate the writer’s expertise, showcase their accomplishments, and illustrate their passion for the subject matter. It makes an emotional connection with the audience.

A well-crafted opening sentence conveys emotion, showcases creativity, and utilizes uncommon words to draw readers in and convince them to continue reading. This makes it essential for writers to take time to craft their opening sentences thoughtfully. They must draw upon their experience and knowledge to create something meaningful and powerful that stands out from the competition.

Effective Tips on How to Write a Personal Statement Opener

Below are some valuable tips on how to start writing your personal statement opening sentence and make it effective for the audience:

Take some time to brainstorm ideas and think through the main points you want to include in your personal statement opening sentence. Consider what makes a great opening line that can capture the attention of readers right away.

Be Creative

Create an original and interesting opening sentence by using creative language, vivid imagery, and humor if appropriate. Make sure it stands out from other statements that may be more generic or expected.

Evoke Emotion

Use language that elicits an emotional response from readers and allows them to connect with your story. This will help keep their attention and make them more likely to remember your statement when considering applicants for admission.

Keep It Short

Try not to exceed two sentences, as this can be overwhelming or unappealing to read. Also, check that each sentence contains only one core idea so as not to clutter the content with too much information at once.

Show Your Expertise

Let your experience shine through! Include factual examples demonstrating your knowledge of the subject matter and your expertise level. This will draw the reader in and build trust in your writing ability.

Use uncommon words to stand out from other candidates. Avoid repeating the same words and use varied sentence structures to create a unique and engaging statement.

Stay True to Yourself

Write in your own voice rather than trying to sound perfect or robotic like AI. Using colloquial language and weaving details about yourself can add personality to your writing and make it memorable.

a person sitting in front of a laptop and typing on the keyboard

Personal Statement Opening Sentence Examples

Here’s a list of different personal statement opening sentence examples to inspire you to write one on your own.

Personal Statement Example 1:

Applying to university is an essential step in furthering my education and enriching my career. So I’m thrilled to be submitting this application for consideration as a student on the course.

Personal Statement Example 2:

With over five years of experience, I am confident my qualifications make me a prime candidate for this opportunity at your esteemed university.

Personal Statement Example 3:

I’ve been driven by curiosity and ambition throughout my life, pursuing opportunities to expand my knowledge and grow professionally and personally. Thus, I am making my application for the course an exciting prospect indeed.

Personal Statement Example 4:

Fostering relationships with peers and mentors has always played a significant role in how I approach each challenge. It is no surprise I am looking forward to embracing the unique environment of your university and applying what I know to the course.

Personal Statement Example 5:

From mentorship programs to research initiatives, the opportunities available to students within the program are something I’ve long admired. This is why I’m incredibly enthusiastic about this [program name] and becoming part of such a vibrant academic community.

Personal Statement Example 6:

My relentless ambition to become a successful student has driven me to apply for university in the best way possible. I wish to show my hard work, dedication, and passion for people.

Personal Statement Example 7:

I have honed my skill set through careful study and countless hours of practice. And am now ready to put it to work on a university course that will propel me toward success.

Personal Statement Example 8:

I’m applying for admission into a top-tier university with an unwavering desire to make a difference in this world. I want to gain the knowledge, experience, and qualifications to contribute to the world.

Personal Statement Example 9:

As a passionate individual with strong interpersonal capabilities, I believe I can excel as a student and contribute significantly to any application process.

Personal Statement Example 10:

With an expansive set of academic credentials combined with industry experience, I’m confident I can enhance your university’s student body through my presence.

Personal Statement Example 11:

I have been enamored with the subject of (subject) for years. My experience and expertise allow me to cultivate a deep understanding of its nuances and complexities.

Personal Statement Example 12:

Having already established myself in the industry, I am now looking for an opportunity to use my skills and expertise at a college level.

Personal Statement Example 13:

As I start my studies and gain further qualifications, I want to learn how to apply my knowledge to future work opportunities.

Personal Statement Example 14:

Desiring to unleash my potential and creativity, I seek the opportunity to challenge myself academically while advancing my personal goals through higher education.

Personal Statement Example 15:

Drawing from my past experiences and newfound inspirations, I am excited to begin this new chapter of my life as a student.

Personal Statement Example 16:

I choose to ask myself one vital question. How best can I utilize my years of experience to make the most impact on my intended field of study?

Personal Statement Example 17:

With years of experience behind me, I am ready to take the next step in pursuing my higher education. It will refine my existing skill set and open up new growth opportunities.

Personal Statement Example 18:

Motivated by a passion for learning and driven to succeed, I seek admission to [program name] at your esteemed university. This will help me start on a path toward realizing my highest potential.

Every individual has a varied personality and different intentions for pursuing higher education and their respective career paths.

Knowing what to put in your personal statement and how to craft it can be complicated and overwhelming. This article provides valuable tips and examples for writing effective opening sentences for personal statements that will grab the reader’s attention.

Exploring the Best Personal Statement Opening Sentence Examples

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Sample Personal Statement Accounting and Finance

accounting personal statement opening lines

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to several top accounting and finance programs. Variations of this PS got accepted at the University of Michigan, Vanderbilt, and Indiana University. Read this personal statement to understand what a top essay in Accounting and Finance should look like.

Example Personal Statement Accounting and Finance

I have never made popular choices, whether academic or professional. Where high academic achievement irrefutably means pursuing a career in Medicine or STEM, I opted for a career in management. I was free to choose a path for myself, owing to my performance during an extensive pre-induction professional training program. Fortunately, I picked a path that everyone believed was insignificant.

My decision to move to a new city to pursue my path did not receive encouragement. Making my own decisions has given me the freedom to dream and make it a reality. It has strengthened my belief that I am the only one who can bring a difference for myself and those around me. Brazil’s institutions may seem frozen, yet, at the grassroots, Brazil is in perpetual motion with ceaseless creativity. To accelerate this motion, we need to bring better and more affordable solutions; I plan to do that.

Growing up in Brazil, I have constantly questioned why we are still not growing economically despite having abundant resources. I frequently discussed the economic factors affecting us with my father, leading me to work at local NGOs and attend voluntary programs. My interest intensified when I discovered during these experiences that the unequal distribution of resources was a major cause of our economic constriction.

Moreover, our medical, engineering and academic professionals would not work in rural areas due to a lack of facilities, further debilitating the imbalance. It made me realize that we could only reap the benefits of our efforts if there were a proportionate distribution of resources. Realizing how effective mobilization of resources can aid in eradicating social ills, I developed an interest in management. This equipped me with technical knowledge and provided room for opinion building.

Pursuing this path, I joined the leading undergraduate institution in the country. The zeal with which I made this decision led me to graduate summa cum laude. While studying, I taught communication skills to undergraduate business students from rural areas. Meeting these students compelled me to get involved even though I lacked formal teaching training. Through empathy and friendly get-togethers, I was able to help these students conveniently traverse in English. With this experience, I understood that my time and energy had been well spent and that as an agent of change, one does not necessarily need to be exceptional; instead, one requires creativity, patience, and emotional intelligence.

After graduation, I followed through with my goal of facilitating change by joining the banking sector as an accounting and finance trainee. By working in Brazil’s most vital financial sector, I was exposed to diversified experiences, from being as simple as issuing customer chequebooks to designing accounting and credit proposals to the tune of USD 1.2 billion. Furthermore, while working on individual projects, I developed an in-depth understanding of international accounting rules that regulated trade transactions; the learning opportunities were immense.

Two and a half years of experience in the finance sector brought me to work for the country’s central bank. The anxiety that accompanied moving away from home for the first time was overwhelmed by my professional and personal growth. Nine months of extensive training and on-the-job assignments exposed me to interminable learning opportunities. However, my real gain has been in the form of self-improvement and growth that accompanied my first experience living independently. Leaving the protective living that I enjoyed with my family is challenging, but it has developed and strengthened my capabilities of taking and owning my decisions. Above all, knowing that my family is not always around to guide me has instilled in me a greater sense of responsibility.

During the two a half years of experience in accounting and finance, I observed the financial exclusion experienced by some important yet financially constrained sectors of the economy. This exposure motivated me to join the Development Finance Department upon my appointment to the country’s central bank. Moreover, most of the firms operating in any country of the world are either small or medium enterprises. Thus, providing an enabling environment to such enterprises is significant for economic growth and employment generation.

In Brazil also, 90 percent of the enterprises are small and medium-sized, and lack of access to formal sources of finance is a significant impediment to these enterprises’ growth. Therefore, a huge room for improvement is available concerning the development of policy framework and market infrastructure for the financial inclusion of this sector. As a part of the central bank, I have been allowed to intervene in a system that is not effectively performing its role of financial intermediation. Innovation in financial products, development of accounting and risk mitigation strategies are requirements to alleviate this segment’s financial exclusion.

By broadening my exposure and enhancing my knowledge, I aim to equip myself better to address the shortcomings of one of the critical segments of the economy.


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Rafal Reyzer

How to Write a Personal Statement for Accounting (Best Tips)

Author: Rafal Reyzer

Your personal statement for accounting school application must reflect your deep interest in the field.

It should signify your love for numbers and your passion for business and finance. It should also provide an in-depth look into your personality and evidence that you are qualified for this course. This article will show you how to write a captivating personal statement for accounting school in the simplest yet most substantial form.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a detailed yet concise essay that requires you to elaborate on your suitability for your desired admission program, scholarship, or job. It is a pivot part of the university and college admission procedure. Besides your academic record and experiences, the personal statement is an integral part of convincing the selection committee to consider you for admission.

young man doing research

What to Include in Your Personal Statement?

A personal statement is not a lengthy essay to be filled with your life story and fancy goals. It must be a concise, realistic, and compelling justification of why you’re the most suitable candidate to be granted admission.

Include these in your personal statement:

  • Reason(s) for choosing the
  • Proof of your deep understanding of the course you are going to study.
  • Mention academics and work experiences that apply to the course.
  • Relevance of the course to your goals.
  • The value that you can bring to the course, society, and industry.
  • Validation that you know the program and that you are making an informed decision.
  • Clear career plan after completing the course.
  • Brief of relevant skills, experiences, and potential to complete the course.

According to James Seymour, Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment at the University of Gloucestershire , universities do not want a beautifully written essay with tens of achievements but a realistic picture of a candidate with all efforts, traits, goals, and hardships that shaped him for an accounting major.

How to Write a Personal Statement for Accounting (Step-by-Step Guide)

Writing a personal statement for accounting differs slightly from writing a personal statement for other business schools. Accounting is a straightforward and practical subject, and you must justify your position in choosing such an intensive course that requires hard work. Since accounting has nothing to do with creativity, personal statements for accounting are precise, simple, short, and directly explain your interest in the subject. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing a personal statement for accounting:

1. Do Your Research

Be very sure about what and where you are applying for and why you are applying for it. Do your research on:

  • What is unique about the institute?
  • What does the course prospectus look like?
  • Who are the instructors and what is special about them?
  • What are the achievements of their alumni?
  • The importance of accounting in every industry?
  • How do technology and business dynamics affect accounting and finance ?
  • What would be the demand for accountants in the future?
  • What will you do after completing this course?
  • What value will you bring to society and industry after getting an accounting diploma?

This research will make you confident about your choice and your plans. Reflect the knowledge gained from this research into your statement. Tip: Do thorough research and make notes on the achievements of instructors, industry leaders, and related case studies. This will help you in compiling evidence-based personal statements.

2. Brainstorm and Write

Once you have done enough research and analysis on pursuing an accounting and finance program, the next step is to jot it down. Take a paper and pen, and write whatever comes to your mind regarding the course and your application. Leave the structure and language for now, and think and write whatever comes to your mind. Support your every thought with evidence from the research you did in step#1.

3. Filter it Out

Now you have a very long, unstructured, raw content, the next step is to read it and group your sentences into the following sections:

  • Introduction and Passion for the subject and institute
  • Academics and research
  • Work experience
  • The value you will bring to society and the industry
  • Hobbies, interests, and soft skills

Group sentences into the above sections and then write them in paragraph forms under each section.

arrange and refine your essay

4. Arrange and Refine

Once you categorized sentences, the next step is to arrange them in a sequence and flow. Write your sentences in sequence in each section. Refine each sentence to make it more logical, more relevant, and worth reading. Re-read each section many times and think of ways to improve it. Make sure that every single sentence is supported with an example or evidence. Tip: Instead of writing, “Accounting and finance was my favorite subject since grade 7”, write “I won a Kangaroo math and puzzle-solving competition in grade 7, which sparked my interest further in solving mathematical problems related to real-world business”

5. Analyze and Improve Sections

Once content under each section is written, the next step is to analyze each section to make it much better and more logical. Think of every section as a separate essay. Analyze each section and think about what the reader will get from it. Each section must justify your choice of accounting and finance.

6. Set the Flow

Once the content is completed, the next step is to arrange the paragraphs in a sequence. Read the individual paragraphs and make connections between them. Each new paragraph should be a smooth transition from the previous one. Arrange paragraphs in such a way that it keeps the reader engaged and gradually provides insights about you. Think of it as the art of storytelling . It goes from the introduction to the body of the story to the climax.

7. Proofread

Once done, proofread your personal statement. Re-read it several times to make it better. Make sure that it sounds strong and is not just a word waffle. Scan it for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and other errors. There are a lot of content writing and editing tools available for modern writers, one of which is Grammarly. If you are not using it yet, I suggest you download it immediately to your PC. It is very helpful.

8. Peer Check

After writing the final copy of your personal statement, get it reviewed by your friend, colleague, teacher, supervisor, and subject expert. Be open to critique. Listen to their reviews and comments, ask them what they thought while reading your statement, and then jot down the suggested improvements.

9. Don’t be Hasty in Submitting It

Yes, do not submit your personal statement along with your application if the deadline is still far off. Keep the final version with you and read it after a day or two. You will see lots of space for improvement after checking it with a fresh mind. Keep on improving and submit the best version a few days before the closing date. That’s it. We provided you with the best approach to writing a personal statement for an accounting school application. You may end up writing an amazing one if you follow these steps in a sequence. If you are still confused about structuring your accounting and finance personal statement, here is how you can do that.

How to Structure Personal Statement for Accounting and Finance

Making a general structure or outline for your personal statement will make your writing ten times easier and will give it a natural flow. The widely accepted personal statements usually follow the following structure:

Opening Paragraph

Begin your personal statement with an interesting opening paragraph. It is a very crucial part of your essay as it draws the reader in. Mention your interest in accounting and finance and explain what stokes your passion for choosing this course.

  • Keep it simple
  • Avoid cheesy, exaggerated, unrealistic, bookish, and cliche sentences
  • Express your strong passion for the subject
  • Grab the reader’s attention
  • Be very sure what you are getting into and how excited you are about it

Try to sum up the theme of your personal statement in the beginning lines. Don’t stress too much about it and keep it natural. The more you think, the more muddled your opening will become. Here is a complete guide for the opening paragraph of the personal statement.

Middle Part

Place your logical evidence in this part, showing your passion and suitability for accounting and finance. Prove it to the committee that you can do it.

You can divide this part into academics and work experience as follows:

  • Academics: Besides your academic track record, you can mention and elaborate on any book (print or ebook ), lecture, research paper, or case study that spiked your interest in the course.
  • Work Experience: Explain your past or current job and what learning experience in accounting and finance you got from them. If you do not have any work experience, then mention any online or offline courses you took or activities that show your passion for the subject.

Watch this and learn how to include academics and work experiences in your accounting and finance personal statement.

This part is a personal touch. This is where you can mention the least significant part of your story. Mention your interests, hobbies, and other activities and elaborate on how they help you develop relevant soft skills. Mention books, events, programs, or people by name that you follow. Tip: Even the least significant information must significantly relate to your passion for accounting and finance. For example, you can mention reading books like ‘Rich Dad, and Poor Dad’, listening to TEDx talks, etc. Check out this guide to learn how to talk about hobbies in a personal statement.

typing a personal statement

Tips for Writing a Great Accounting Personal Statement

Here are a few very useful tips for writing an appealing personal statement for accounting school. We gathered these tips after a keen analysis of multiple successful personal statements. They are going to help you stand out from the crowd.

  • 1. Define what exactly appeals to you for the career rather than simply saying “I have wanted to be an accountant since a very young age”.
  • 2. Rather than elaborating on work experience, focus on transferable skills that you learned from your experiences.
  • 3. Focus on elaborating details that are not anywhere else in your application.
  • 4. Emphasize your interest in mathematics, economics, and business.
  • 5. Be realistic and genuine. Do not flatter the admission committee.
  • 6. Realistically present yourself in the light in which the admission committee wants you to be.
  • 7. Read profiles of selected and successful students to learn what type of person the institute prefers.
  • 8. Make your statement academics-oriented. Express your passion for accounting and finance courses.
  • 9. Do not mention books that are too common.
  • 10. Choose a trendy topic like a country or a company facing a financial crisis or technology affecting global finance, elaborate on it in a paragraph or two, and link it back to accounting.

Common mistakes:

  • Tending to express passion for business and entrepreneurship rather than for accounting.
  • Too many fancy words and unrealistic goals.
  • Showing off or exaggerating interests, goals, and skills.
  • Using flowery language.

Amazing examples of personal statements

After reading all the tips and tricks for writing a personal statement for accounting and finance, check out these successful examples that got selected for top-ranked institutes.

  • This personal statement got offers from four UCAS universities.
  • This video explains the accounting personal statement that got selected for all the top five choices of UCAS.
  • This personal statement got accepted for an accounting course at five UCAS universities.
  • This is a typical, very simple, and yet compelling personal statement for an accounting course.

Want more examples? Here is a list of the best accounting statements that have been shared by the UCAS admission officer.

Writing a personal statement for accounting is not simple. It requires you to express and justify your interest in this rigid subject. It also requires lots of background knowledge and research. We provided a very comprehensive guide for you to write the best personal statement for accounting. Go, grab your laptop, gather your knowledge, and follow these guidelines to come up with a landing personal statement for the accounting program of your dreams. If you are still on your educational path, learn how to write a “why do you deserve the scholarship” essay and get the funding you need. Next up, you may want to explore a guide on how you can stand out to employers .

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Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started RafalReyzer.com to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

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Accounting: Exemplar Undergraduate Personal Statements to help you focus

Posted: 26.10.2023

  • Business and Management
  • Personal Statement
  • University Application

If you are on the journey of applying to universities, crafting a compelling personal statement can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But fear not; we are here to help you navigate this path more easily. We have curated three exemplary personal statements that serve as shining examples of what universities look for in applicants.  

These personal statements focus on Accounting, Biomedical and Engineering applications and embody quality, clarity, and individuality, compellingly showcasing how to present your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and personal experiences.  

However, it is crucial to remember that these are examples to guide and inspire you, not templates to be copied. Plagiarism is not just unethical, but it also robs you of the opportunity to express your unique story and aspirations authentically. Use these examples as a springboard to dive into your unique narrative. Happy writing!

Accounting Applicant  

Growing up in Doha, Qatar, my educational journey significantly changed when my family relocated to Accra, Ghana. This transition was challenging, particularly as I grappled with foundational lessons in mathematics that I had missed in the first grade. However, under the guidance of a supportive teacher in year nine who recommended math tutoring, I discovered that practice and understanding the basics could help me overcome my struggles.  

In secondary school, I ventured into commerce, accountancy, and economics. Initially, I was apprehensive about studying accountancy, associating it with my previous difficulties with math ematics .

However, under the mentorship of a dedicated teacher, I reali s ed that accountancy was a different realm altogether – one that I found surprisingly enjoyable.  

student laptop

My passion for accountancy was further ignited when I managed my uncle’s business accounts in Accra. This hands-on experience allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge I had learned in school, deepening my interest in the field. This experience was further supplemented by a placement at a local accounting firm where I shadowed a practising accountant and auditor. These opportunities gave me a glimpse into the daily operations of an accounting firm, solidifying my aspiration to become a professional accountant.  

I am determined to further my education at a high-ranking university in the UK and seek accreditation from the ACCA after completing my degree in the UK. The UK’s world-renowned education system, diverse culture, and the exciting opportunities it offers international students have always appealed to me. Moreover, the UK is the hub of many prestigious accounting firms, presenting numerous opportunities for internships and employment upon graduation.  

To prepare for this journey, I have completed the International Foundation Year with NCUK, studying Mathematics for Business, Business Studies, and Economics, along with the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.

This comprehensive program me has equipped me with the skills necessary to thrive in the UK’s rigorous academic environment.  

accounting personal statement opening lines

In addition to my academic pursuits, I enjoy chess and volunteer at a local community centre in my spare time. These hobbies have honed my strategic thinking, logic, and teamwork skills, which will benefit my studies and future career.  

I aspire to work with an international accounting firm, contributing to their success with my skills. Eventually, I aim to establish my accounting firm. A degree from your esteemed university will give me the knowledge, skills, and connections needed to achieve these goals.  

In conclusion, I am eager to embark on this academic journey and am confident in achieving academic and non-academic success at your university.  

Any questions?

If you have any questions about writing a personal statement, contact our teams today!

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLES Accounting personal statements

Discover personal statement examples written by students accepted onto accounting and related courses. Read through the examples to help shape your own personal statement.

Uni Logo for The University of Law

Apply for Accounting at a 5 star university (QS - Top Universities 2024).

Accelerate your dreams of becoming an accountant by studying at the University of Law on their ACCA accredited course.

Uni Logo for University of Roehampton

Get the skills needed for an engaging and successful career

Pick Roehampton's Accounting degree for hands-on learning, networking opportunities, and paid placements setting your future up for success.

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How to start a personal statement

The process of writing your personal statement can be simple if you know how to start. this is our guide on where to begin..

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Make a plan

Prepare how you’re going to write your personal statement before you begin any of the actual writing. Note down how you want to structure it and what you want to say in each paragraph. By summarising what you’re going to write in a plan, you can assess whether your personal statement will flow and if you have all the things you need to include.

  • What to include in a personal statement

Have a structure

Part of planning your personal statement is deciding how to lay it out. Keep in mind that you’re telling admissions tutors the story of you. All stories have a structure – there’s a beginning, a middle and an end. You can use a similar method to convey your motivation for choosing the subject you’re applying for.

There’s more than one way to structure a personal statement, but you should at least have a:

  • Clear introduction
  • Strong body of five–six paragraphs that link your experience and achievements to why you've chosen the subject
  • Conclusion to summarise it all

A structured statement also shows admissions tutors that you can communicate effectively.

Begin with you

Tackling the introduction first? This is your chance to talk about you, your background, and your excitement for the course. It should then flow naturally into the middle paragraphs, where you can expand on why you’re interested in the subject you’ve chosen.

Tina, Lead Admissions Tutor for Adult Nursing at the University of Brighton , shared with us what she looks for in the first few paragraphs of a student's personal statement:

They should start their application with the reason why they are applying and if they have any personal insight into a role such as being cared for when they were younger, attending hospital to visit a relative or any other experience as part of a course, volunteering, or work. Tina, Lead Admissions Tutor for Adult Nursing at University of Brighton

Be to the point from the beginning

Your introduction shouldn’t be long-winded, so two or three sentences are usually enough. You only have 4,000 characters and about 47 lines to play with for the entire statement.

Don’t be afraid to go straight into talking about what excites you most about your subject and the motivation behind choosing to apply. Use language that’s punchy, concise, and relevant too. This will help you to show your ambition and enthusiasm to admissions tutors.

Avoid cliché opening sentences

Clichés are clichés because they’re overused. Put yourself in the shoes of an admissions tutor – they’ll be reading lots of personal statements, so the ones that stand out will be those that aren’t like the others.

Make a note of any clichéd sentences you can think of or have seen online, and check you don’t include them when writing your personal statement. Some examples to avoid include:

  • ‘I have always wanted to study...’
  • ‘I feel I’ve always had a passion for...’
  • ‘From a young age...’
  • ‘Since I can remember...’

Don’t feel pressured to write the intro first

The introduction seems like the obvious place to start. But you may find it easier to leave the introduction until the end. Start at whichever point suits you best, provided you have a plan and structure in place.

Fortunately, the intro is only a few sentences, and given that the most important content will come in the body paragraphs, it may make sense to start with these paragraphs.

Just start writing! Don’t feel that you necessarily need to write your personal statement in the order in which it will be read. This is only for the author to know. Dr Ceri Davies, Economics Director of Admissions and Recruitment at University of Birmingham
  • Tips for writing your personal statement

Just get words down

The most important part of writing is to get words on paper. If you’re struggling to plan, try writing down the first words that come to your head about why you want to study the subject. If you do have a plan and structure, but don’t know where to begin, try taking the same approach. You can remove or edit any bits that you don’t like later.

Once you start writing you should hopefully enter a state of flow. You’ll piece sentences together and gradually craft an impressive personal statement.

Start by writing down all the reasons why you want to study the subject you are applying for and then, when all your enthusiasm is flowing, you can decide the order you want to put it in. Katherine Pagett, Student Recruitment Manager at University of Birmingham
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Alan Bullock Careers

Independent careers adviser and writer, ucas personal statements: writing a killer opening.

accounting personal statement opening lines

This is a tweaked version of an article I originally wrote for the former ‘Which? University’ website. Large extracts from it can currently be found on the UCAS site. It might be useful for students who need inspiration to start their personal statement or for parents, teachers or advisers who are trying to help them put pen to paper.

Are you getting frustrated because you can’t think of a good way to open your personal statement? Or, worse still, are you struggling to write anything at all because you just don’t know where to start? If so, you’re not alone – and my advice is to stop worrying.

I picked up numerous tips on this from admissions tutors up and down the country, albeit a few years ago, and they all tended to take a similar line, which was …. don’t get stressed about trying to think up a killer opening!

Yes, it’s important to ‘sell yourself’, but don’t overdo it. In fact, one of the dangers of trying to come up with a killer opening is that what you often end up with is overkill. As one admissions tutor said: “Be succinct and draw the reader in, but not with a gimmick. This isn’t ‘The Apprentice’”.

Even some Oxbridge admissions tutors mentioned this. They emphasised the need for candidates to engage the reader with a punchy start, but not to fall into “the dreaded overly-dramatic X Factor style” of opening. They want to be engaged by your relevant perceptions or ideas, not by something flashy.

Here are some more admissions tutor comments and I hope they might help relieve some stress and give you a starting point:

  • Don’t waste time trying to think of a catchy opening. It’s often a complete turn-off.
  • Your interest in the course is the biggest thing. Start with why you chose it.
  • The best personal statements get to the point quickly.
  • Start with a short sentence that captures the reason why you are interested in studying on the programme you are applying for and that communicates your enthusiasm for it.
  • Go straight in. Why are you excited about studying this course?
  • The opening is your chance to introduce yourself, to explain your motivation for studying the course and to demonstrate your understanding of it.
  • It’s your enthusiasm for the course we want to know about. Start with that.
  • Write what comes naturally.
  • ‘What you want to study and why’ should be in the first two sentences. What excites you about the course and why do you want to learn about it more?
  • Be specific from line one.
  • Talk about you and your enthusiasm for the subject from the very start.
  • In your opening paragraph you need to show that you know what you are applying for. Don’t waffle or say you want to study something just because it’s interesting. Explain what it is that you find interesting about it.
  • It’s much better to engage us with something interesting, relevant, specific and current in your opening line, not ‘from a young age’ or ‘I have always wanted to’. Start with what’s inspiring you now, not what inspired you when you were six.

And the following three comments from admissions tutors suggest you shouldn’t even begin at the start… :

  • I think the opening line is the hardest one to write, so I often say leave it until last and just try and get something down on paper.
  • Don’t spend too long on the introduction. Concentrate on the main content of your statement and write the introduction last.
  • I often advise applicants to start with paragraph two, where you get into why you want to study the course. That’s what we’re really interested in.

The general theme here is that the best statements tend to be those that are genuine and specific from the very start. So you won’t go far wrong if you begin by explaining or reflecting on your enthusiasm for the course, your understanding of it or what you want to achieve from it.

However, do try to avoid the most obvious opening sentences. UCAS once published a list of the most common opening lines in personal statements and urged applicants to avoid using ‘hackneyed’ phrases. The top five were:

  • From a young age….
  • For as long as I can remember…
  • I am applying for this course because….
  • I have always been interested in….
  • Throughout my life I have always enjoyed….

And at number eleven was a Nelson Mandela quote … which brings me to one last piece of advice.

In a very popular article I once wrote for ‘Which?’ called ’10 things not to put in your personal statement’ , quotations were top of the list of admissions tutors’ pet hates. They especially tend to dislike it if you put a quotation in right at the start – and it’s even worse if you don’t actually explain why it’s there.  

So remember, in the opening line of your statement they don’t want to know what Nelson Mandela thought, they want to know what you think.  

One last thought. A technique that can be quite effective is the ‘necklace approach’. This is when you make a link between your opening sentence and your closing sentence, whilst also adding an extra dimension to what you said at the start. For example, if you started with an interesting line about what is currently motivating you to study your chosen degree course, you could link back to it in your closing paragraph by briefly elaborating on something specific about the subject that you’re excited about exploring in more depth.

I can still vividly remember the person who first inspired me about the necklace approach. It was a student called Marianne, who used it herself and was accepted by Cambridge to study Law. Interestingly, she now has a very successful career as a Product Owner and Technical Writer. But that’s another story!

©  Alan Bullock, updated 14/6/2021

The photographic image (of Old Harry Rocks on Dorset’s Jurassic Coast) is from my own collection.

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Economics and accounting personal statement example.

Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context.

I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.

The application of business within the accounting degree has been one of the major pulling factors that have influenced my decision to study the subject.

After studying GCSE business and discovering the accounting and finance aspect of it, I have become fascinated to learn more, going on to extend my knowledge of the subject by reading outside of the school environment.

As an avid reader of the Accounting blog on the tutor2u website, I have gained a good grounding in the fundamental application of accounting, especially in the way websites such as ‘facebook’s’ growth is driven by their own growth through advertising, and the fact that their books and accounts continue to stay cash flow positive, despite their impressive rate of expansion.

I am particularly interested in the law aspect of the course and how decisions made can influence an individuals’ desire to defraud their accounts to avoid taxation, and the often extensive amount of time it takes to bring these people to justice.

Although initially studying psychology may not seem to have a direct influence on accounting, I feel the knowledge I have learnt about the interaction of people’s behaviour in social situations will help me greatly. This would especially be within the aspects of the course that involve management methods and organisational behaviour.

By studying Economics at A level I have found that it has had a profound effect on accounting.

The understanding I have acquired of the financial world as a whole has provided me with a strong awareness of international sections of the course. The barrier for trade inside and outside of the EU and how this affects profit margins, with relevance to extra costs on balance sheets is one example.

This awareness will help equip me to have a better understanding of real world accounting situations, where I hope to find my self in the future.

Last summer I was accepted on a two week work experience placement at the Bank of England to do shadowing and accounting of my own, however due to circumstances beyond my own control, it fell through, much to my disappointment. Nevertheless I have tried to keep in touch with current Accounting developments through the newspapers and internet.

I am currently completing my silver Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and I am planning an eight day trip, alongside “World Challenge Organisation”, to Norway next summer for my Gold expedition. The trip will be funded entirely through the money my team raise. I feel these experiences have helped me develop valuable life skills such as the desire to achieve, self-confidence and discipline.

I believe that these skills I have learnt will provide the perfect platform for a degree in accounting and aid me on into the workplace. I also play hockey for the North of England and have captained both Yorkshire and South Yorkshire sides as well as my School and Club teams.

Hockey is a major part of my extracurricular life, giving me teamwork and leadership skills and I feel I could contribute greatly to a wide range of university activities.

I look forward to studying accounting at degree level. This will allow my interest in the subject to flourish. I hope to immerse myself fully in the experience and challenges the university will provide.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by ash4932 for application in 2011.

ash4932's Comments

I believe that this a one of the best personal statements around i hope to use this to help others. I received 5/5 offers last year with this but unfortunatly missed out on my grades by 4 marks i have applied again this year and within a week i had 4 conditional offers. Hope this helps!

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Sun, 10/07/2011 - 20:20

to which universities have you applied for? Is Oxford, Cambridge and LSE one of them?

P.S.: It is really nice one

It is a very strong and

Fri, 19/07/2013 - 16:51

It is a very strong and smooth personal statement, what I wanted to know was how my offers did you receive once to sent out the personal statement to your chosen universities?

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accounting personal statement opening lines

Personal Statement - MSc Professional Accounting

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accounting personal statement opening lines

28 July, 2022

Personal statement - msc professional accounting share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am intending to pursue the MSc Professional Accounting programme at the University of East London because I believe my accounting skills will blossom in this programme as it is a place where I will be challenged and where I can develop my Professional Accounting knowledge. In this course, I will learn to apply the theory of practice and be able to know the latest thinking, practice and techniques in the profession. Successful completion of the program will help me qualify to join the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants through an accelerated route designed specifically for MBA and accounting graduates. Ultimately, I believe the course will help me qualify as a professional accountant.

I have done extensive research on the course and am satisfied with the modules, syllabus and learning outcomes offered in these fields, which will enable me to form an idea about different areas of modern Professional Accounting. Throughout the course, it will provide practical work opportunities to test my knowledge and allow me to demonstrate my practical understanding of accounting policy. This course includes face-to-face learning tutorials, workshops, lecture classes, and seminars. This course is designed to understand the theoretical concepts, principles and strategies of accounting and finance by striking a balance between theory and practice. It will help to gain investigative and analytical skills, the ability to critically evaluate data and concepts, and the confidence and skills to communicate effectively face-to-face. Since I want to work in Professional Accounting, I aim to gain complete knowledge from the modules of this course. The core modules include are Strategic Business Leader, Strategic Business Reporting, Advanced Taxation, Advanced Auditing and Assurance, Mental Wealth and Applied Research, Applied Business Project. In addition to this, the University offers different assessment methods in my chosen programme which will contribute to my development and enhance my employability skills. As of the moment, I am interested in learning all the related skills and knowledge from this course. In particular, I am happy to be able to apply for the course properly as it encourages me to pursue a long career. After completing my chosen course, I would like to go on to establish my career as a Financial Analyst or Managerial Accountant in a reputed organisation. I believe this course will be the right choice for my career plans and objectives.

I completed my Intermediate and Secondary education from the business studies group respectively at the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Sylhet, Bangladesh. I studied Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting in 2022 from Moulvibazar Govt. College, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh. At this moment, I realize that I needed a higher degree from abroad to improve my knowledge and skills. I would like to pursue an MSc Professional Accounting course that would benefit me professionally. As I want to explore my career in accounting positions, this course will give me an upper hand to understand any professional accounting contexts and situations. Moreover, I will learn how to work independently and collaboratively with a large number of colleagues with different experiences. Meeting the customers’ needs and giving them a high-quality service will be my first priority. In addition, I am dedicated and self-motivated to learn new skills. So, I am confident that my professional goal makes me a suitable candidate for the course.

It was difficult to pick a specialization from the various options available to me, but I finally decided to build a career in the professional accounting sector. My confidence would increase if I received a lot of abilities from my higher education. I'll be able to set goals that are more expansive. The course focuses on making me highly employable and preparing me for a career that helps me take my career to the next level. Making my nation's accounting sector one of the best would undoubtedly be a long-term aim. In addition to the accountancy profession, I will have the opportunity to establish my skills in other fields such as management consulting or research. For professionals, I believe this course will be the right choice for those looking for a successful career.

I'm determined to complete this course in the UK because I firmly believe that there are high standards for applicants with these degrees and that UK education is built on the proper professionals. I like the UK culture because they teach to be realistic. However, the study environment in my country follows the theoretical system of education which is quite different and no soft skills are acquired. UK universities have a worldwide reputation and rank among the best on the planet. In recent years, Bangladeshi companies have been hiring graduates with degrees from abroad because they believe that these graduates are capable of playing a key role in changing business attitudes. In particular, I am happy to apply for the course properly because it encourages me to pursue a long career. A recent survey of International Graduation Results in 2019 produced by iGraduate by Universities UK International shows that 82% of international graduates say their UK degree is valuable for financial investment and a similar number of graduates say they are satisfied or delighted with their careers. About 83% think a UK degree has helped them get a job. Since the course is an opportunity to study in the UK, I would like to take this opportunity to further enrich my knowledge and skills which will help me in my future career. These aspects have driven my ambition to get a degree from a UK institution. So, I believe it will be helpful for my professional career.

My choice is University of East London because it accepts international students so warmly. To support students the University have invested heavily in their facilities to shape the physical and intellectual environment of learning. The course learning outcomes are also the reason why I choose this university where they said they do focus on both book- based and practical-based knowledge. Additionally, University of East London is committed to helping international students get the knowledge, creativity, and mental acuity needed to succeed in a world that is continuously changing and a competitive job market. According to the working-age population, 91% of UEL graduates and postgraduates are in employment (DLHE 2017) compared with 70 per cent of non-graduates. In addition, the university offers modern and secure on-campus accommodation which will add extra convenience and experience for international students. In addition, the university has a good reputation for teaching, research and business partnerships. Moreover, The University works hard to ensure that all students reach their full potential. I will look no further if I get this opportunity to study at the University of East London.

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  5. Respresentative Personal Accounts

  6. Statement of Affairs (Opening Capital Unknown!)


  1. Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Examples

    Accounting Personal Statement Example 1. My world is populated by numbers. Numbers are the most powerful tool for good and I see myself as someone who can wield these numbers. That is why accountancy is the only option, in my opinion, to study at university.

  2. How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber

    Top tips on how to write your statement opener. We spoke to admissions tutors at unis and colleges - read on for their tips. 1. Don't begin with the overkill opening. Try not to overthink the opening sentence. You need to engage the reader with your relevant thoughts and ideas, but not go overboard. Tutors said: 'The opening is your chance ...

  3. Exploring the Best Personal Statement Opening Sentence Examples

    Personal Statement Opening Sentence Examples. Here's a list of different personal statement opening sentence examples to inspire you to write one on your own. Personal Statement Example 1: Applying to university is an essential step in furthering my education and enriching my career.

  4. Sample Personal Statement Accounting and Finance

    The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to several top accounting and finance programs. Variations of this PS got accepted at the University of Michigan, Vanderbilt, and Indiana University. Read this personal statement to understand what a top essay in Accounting and Finance should look like.

  5. A guide to writing an accounting personal statement

    The section below provides a personal statement template for accounting job seekers: [First name] [Last name], [Degree or certification if applicable] [Phone number] | [Email address] | [Location] [Date] [Organisation name] Dear hiring manager/recipient name, Introductory paragraph. [In the first paragraph, you could explain why you're applying ...

  6. How to Write a Personal Statement for Accounting (Best Tips)

    8. Peer Check. After writing the final copy of your personal statement, get it reviewed by your friend, colleague, teacher, supervisor, and subject expert. Be open to critique. Listen to their reviews and comments, ask them what they thought while reading your statement, and then jot down the suggested improvements.

  7. Accounting: Exemplar Undergraduate Personal Statements to help you

    These personal statements focus on Accounting, Biomedical and Engineering applications and embody quality, clarity, and individuality, compellingly showcasing how to present your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and personal experiences. However, it is crucial to remember that these are examples to guide and inspire you, not ...

  8. Accountant personal statement CV examples (With importance)

    An accountant personal statement, typically called a professional statement, is a short paragraph at the start of your CV. It's generally the first thing a recruiter reads when reviewing your application. In a few sentences, you emphasise your strengths, key skills and professional accomplishments. It demonstrates why you're the best candidate ...

  9. Successful Accounting & Finance Personal Statement Explained ...

    🎓🧞‍♂️Timestamps00:00 - Introduction00:55 - Contents of the personal statement02:00 - Structure of the personal statement03:54 - Showing passion on paper04:...

  10. Accounting Personal Statement Examples

    Accounting Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare. Taken from 65,000+ data points from students attending university to help future generations. Discover university rankings devised from data collected from current students. Find the ideal uni course for you with our Course Degree Quiz. Get answers in minutes!

  11. Accounting personal statements

    Accounting and finance degree personal statement example (1e) voluntary work. Accounting and finance degree personal statement example (1f) Northampton applicant. Accounting and finance degree personal statement example (1g) international applicant. Accounting and mathematics degree personal statement example (1a) with economics.

  12. Finance And Accounting Personal Statement Advice

    Accounting and Finance Personal Statement (Anonymous 3) Dr Fatimah Zainudin from the University of Southampton's management school is looking for 'the "chemistry" that makes an applicant shine out,' so tries and demonstrate your enthusiasm about the course and aforementioned buzz you'll get from studying it.

  13. Finance And Accounting Personal Statement Advice

    Finance and accounting personal statement must-haves. Get the basics right: good communication skills are essential to anyone working in the finance sector, so make sure your statement is well-written. Nobody is asking for a literary masterpiece here, just a well-structured and waffle- and error-free statement.

  14. How to Write Your Personal Statement

    The first paragraph of your personal statement should set the tone and lead smoothly into the story you want to tell. Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene. An effective way to catch the reader's attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you're stuck, try thinking about:

  15. How to start a personal statement

    Make a plan. Prepare how you're going to write your personal statement before you begin any of the actual writing. Note down how you want to structure it and what you want to say in each paragraph. By summarising what you're going to write in a plan, you can assess whether your personal statement will flow and if you have all the things you ...

  16. Accounting & Finance/Business Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement was written by michaelburford for application in 2014. This personal statement is unrated. Business, finance and accounting has been a passion of mine for some years now. I first had the idea of becoming a chartered accountant when my uncle told me about what he does in his role as finance manager of a local hospital; he ...

  17. Finance Personal Statement Examples

    Economics and Finance Personal Statement Example 1. The crucial importance and relevance of economics related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of these social sciences at a higher level. My experiences of A-Level Economics has shown me the fundamental part it plays in our lives and I would like to approach ...

  18. UCAS personal statements: writing a killer opening

    However, do try to avoid the most obvious opening sentences. UCAS once published a list of the most common opening lines in personal statements and urged applicants to avoid using 'hackneyed' phrases. The top five were: From a young age…. For as long as I can remember… I am applying for this course because…. I have always been ...

  19. Accounting and finance degree personal statement example (1a)

    Accounting and finance degree personal statement example (1a) This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our collection of sample personal statements. My decision to apply for a degree course in Accounting and ...

  20. How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps

    Use your closing couple of lines to summarise the most important points in your statement. 9. Check your writing thoroughly and get someone else to check it, too. 10. Give your brain a rest by forgetting about your personal statement for a while before going back to review it one last time with fresh eyes.

  21. Economics and Accounting Personal Statement Example

    I look forward to studying accounting at degree level. This will allow my interest in the subject to flourish. I hope to immerse myself fully in the experience and challenges the university will provide. This personal statement was written by ash4932 for application in 2011. ash4932's Comments.

  22. Sample personal statement for MSc Professional Accounting

    Offering 15,000+ courses at 100+ study locations. Maintaining 99% visa success rate. Serving with 14+ years accumulative admission experience. Providing end-to-end services, almost 24/7. This sample personal statement is to guide you on how to write your own personal statement for MSc Professional Accounting course.

  23. Accounting Personal Statement Opening Lines

    Accounting Personal Statement Opening Lines, Essay Shakespeare Theater, Middle School Opinion Essay Topics, Cheap Creative Writing Editing Websites For Mba, Help With My Popular Case Study, Definition Essay Fatherhood, Report Summary Format 741 Orders prepared ...