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7 Essential Camera Movements (+ Playable Video Examples)

Dolly, truck, pan, tilt... This guide breaks down the seven key camera movements you need to know for engaging filmmaking and photography.

Learn Filmmaking | By Ana Mireles

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Do you know how to use camera movements in your films and videos?

Understanding the types of camera movement, you can do in your shots helps the viewer engage with the story.

In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know to improve your storytelling skills.

You’ll find tons of camera movements to choose the most effective one for what you’re trying to say to your viewers.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use a static camera shot, of course.

Rather, you should use camera movements when it’s the best way to communicate the message or establish a specific mood.

Ultimately, it’s all about making conscious decisions that will make you a great film or video maker.

  • Related: Do you know these 22 camera shots and angles?

Table of Contents

What are camera movements used for?

There are many tools and techniques you can use in visual storytelling.

Some have to do with the viewer’s perspective, such as doing an aerial shot to give a bird’s eye view of the scene.

Others imply adjusting the settings. For example, changing the focal point between two characters to pass the emphasis from one to the other. This is known as a rack focus.

Camera movements are a filmmaking technique that allow you to tell a story better. You can direct the viewer’s attention using the right camera movement and even create an emotional response.

For example, you can use a dolly zoom to create a sense of impending danger.

You can also use camera movements to make your film more dynamic and engaging. It’s important that you make a shot list when you’re planning. This way, you’ll know what equipment you’ll need.

It will also help you to organize the order of the shots and keep track of what’s been done and what you still need to shoot.

What Are the 7 Types of Camera Movements in Cinematography?

These are the basic camera movements you need to know for visual storytelling.

Dolly camera movement

A dolly is a cart that moves on rail tracks often used in filmmaking. A dolly movement is when you mount the camera in a dolly track to get a smooth motion.

You can be shooting an object, a character, or a location. The dolly shot helps you to move towards or away from it on a fluid motion track.

When you’re moving towards something, it’s called a dolly in. If you’re moving away from it, it’s called a dolly out.

You can combine the dolly movement with other techniques, for example, a zoom shot. This combination is called a dolly zoom.

One of the most famous examples of a dolly zoom is the one used by Alfred Hitchcock in Vertigo. That’s why it’s also known as the Vertigo effect.

You may also combine a dolly shot with other camera movements.

Truck camera movement

The truck camera movement is similar to the dolly one but follows the opposite direction.

Trucking involves moving the entire camera from left to right or right to left.

The truck shot lets you keep the same distance from the subject as the camera moves. It’s often used to follow a character.

Tracking camera movement

Both the dolly and the truck shot can be tracking camera movements when they’re done following a subject. However, they aren’t the only two movements considered tracking shots.

The arc shot is also known as the 360 tracking shot. This is because the entire camera moves around the subject.

Another camera technique to track a character is to follow them with an aerial shot using a drone.

  • What is a two-shot in films?

Pan camera movement

A pan shot is when the camera pivots on its horizontal axis. In other words, the camera remains at a fixed point.

The thing that changes is the direction of the shot. With a horizontal movement, you capture the scene from left to right or right to left.

The pan camera movement is often used for establishing shots because it gives you an overview of the scenery.

It’s also helpful to track a moving subject while keeping the camera mounted in place.

Tilt camera movement

A tilt shot is like a pan shot, except it’s a vertical movement. So, the camera tilts up or down without physically moving from its place.

Just like panning, tilting is useful when you do an establishing shot.

For example, if you start the shot at the entrance of a building and tilt the camera up until you reach the top of the building.

If the next shot happens inside an apartment, the viewer will know that such an apartment is on the top floor of that building.

Another common use for titling is to disclose a character. You put the camera at a lower angle to start the shot at their feet, then tilt until you reach the face to reveal their identity.

Pedestal camera movement

The pedestal shot is a vertical camera movement. To do this, you need to raise or lower the entire camera. You can also refer to it as ‘pedding’ the camera.

This camera movement is done with a pedestal – hence the name. This provides the required stability, although it’s an expensive piece of equipment.

For a low-budget pedestal shot, you can use the elevator column of the tripod to move the camera up or down as you shoot.

Zoom camera movement

In a zoom shot, the camera remains stationary; what changes is the focal length .

There is, however, a camera movement called the dolly zoom. In it, the camera moves on the dolly while the camera operator is simultaneously zooming with the lens.

The Zoom movement is also popular when creating hyperlapse videos , to give the viewer the sense of being transported through time.

What are In-Camera Transitions?

Transitions are tools that help you pass from one frame to another. They are essential because they determine the flow of the story.

You can make transitions in post-production. Some of the most used are the fade-in and fade-out, the blur, or the swipe.

In-camera transitions are the techniques used by the camera operator to switch from one scene to the next with camera movements. For example, the whip pan.

Whip pans are nothing else than a quick pan. You can use a whip pan to go off-screen and do it again to get back into a new scene.

This way, you can change locations or scenery using the blur from the whip pans to make the transition.

How do you get smooth camera movements?

The best way to get a smooth camera movement is by using camera rigs. There are all sorts of support systems that help you to keep your camera stable.

For a static shot, you can simply use a tripod. However, for camera movements, you’ll need something more versatile.

It can be as simple as an adjustable tripod with a tripod head or as sophisticated as a crane.

Of course, there are ways to do elaborate camera movements with more budget-friendly options. For example, a crane shot used to be very expensive. Now, you can do a similar shot using a drone.

There’s also specific equipment that helps you to make stable handheld camera movement.

Using a gimbal or stabilizer , you can do a handheld tracking shot running after the character. You can also do handheld static shots using a shoulder mount.

You can also find all sorts of hacks to smooth camera movement without equipment. For example, you can do a smooth tracking shot by mounting your camera on a skateboard.

Of course, hacks limit the types of camera movements you can achieve. However, they will allow you to have more dynamic camera shots if you don’t have enough budget.

Camera Movements in Photography

While filmmaking has multiple frames to capture movement, photography has to do it in a single frame.

That’s why the techniques to capture and communicate motion in photography are different.

We’ve already discussed the most important types of camera movements in video and film.

Now, let’s talk about the use of movement in photography.

How do you use movement in photography?

4 3 assignment basic camera movement

Credit: Daniel Nielsen

Whenever you want to use movement in photography, you have three choices.

1. A static shot of a moving subject.

When you have a moving subject in photography, you must consider the shutter speed .

A fast shutter speed allows you to freeze motion in photography . Instead, when you’re using a slow shutter speed , the camera registers the trail of the moving subject.

This effect is known as motion blur .

2. The camera movement when capturing a static subject.

There aren’t many types of camera movements that work in this situation.

The only thing that you can do to communicate motion on a static subject is zoom shots.

Simply use a slower shutter speed and turn the zoom while you expose the photograph. This technique is called zoom burst.

3. Both the subject and the camera are moving.

All tracking types of camera movement work in this situation.

You can pan or tilt the camera, move the camera upward or downward, or even mount it on a motorized vehicle.

For example, you can capture a moving car from a second car. You have to be very careful if you do this to avoid any accidents.

How do you use camera panning for photography?

4 3 assignment basic camera movement

Credit: Thgusstavo Santana

Camera panning in photography is similar to how you do it in filmmaking. You use it when you want to do tracking shots of a subject passing in front of the camera.

You can do a handheld shot or use a tripod for more stability. Either way, the camera needs to rotate on a fixed point from left to right or vice-versa.

The tricky part about panning in photography is that you need to match the speed of the moving subject while you rotate the camera. Remember to keep a wide shot and a slow shutter speed.

You may need a lot of practice before you master the panning technique to track subjects. It’s also handy to use a monopod which can rotate on a single axis.

Recently it’s become trendy to use panning to capture abstract landscapes.

This is less complicated because you don’t have to match the speed of an external object. It’s just a matter of finding the shutter speed and the movement speed that gives you the desired result.


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Ana Mireles is a Mexican researcher that specializes in photography and communications for the arts and culture sector.

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4.3 Camera Movement

Movements of the camera.

There are many ways to move a camera: in fluid long takes, rapid and confusing motions, etc. It helps to establish the rhythm and point of view of a scene.

4.3.1 Following Shot

4.3.1 Reframing

Shooting Video--Camera Use, Angles, and Movement

Lesson topic:.

Shooting Video

Lesson Description:

Students will learn how to distinguish different video shots, angles, and movements by watching a professionally created movie trailer.  Locate a movie trailer of your choice and convert it into a movie file that can be uploaded into a video editing software, such as iMovie.  Students will then detach the audio so it is not a distraction while working during class.  The next step will be to locate the different camera uses, angles, and movements as listed in the PowerPoint.  Once the shots are located, students will split the video and use a freeze frame with on-screen text to key the name of the shot.  An example would be "long shot with bird's eye view."  Students should locate at least three examples for each of the camera uses, angles, and movements.  Once done, the students will export their movie and submit for grading.  

Once the time required for this assignment is past (2 days), the students will select a section of their video and show to the class explaining why they think the producer used that particular technique and the overall impact that technique had on the audience.

Learning Goals/Outcomes:

The students will practice locating different camera uses as well different angles and movements used in professional videos.  Once students have learned how powerful different uses, angles, and movements can be, students will begin practicing how to produce their own dynamic pieces of work in their next lesson.

Nebraska Standards:

CIS.HS.1.2  Create and edit images and graphics.

CIS.HS.1.2.b  Demonstrate a variety of photo/video shots using a digital camera or video camera (e.g., close up, wide-shot, over the shoulder).

Teacher Planning:

Equipment/materials/software needed:.

Students will need to refer to the slideshow, Shooting Video, to make appropriate references on the Movie Trailer provided.  

Teachers will want to locate a movie trailer that the students will use for the project.  An example that I used was "A Quiet Place" from  2018-- https://youtu.be/WR7cc5t7tv8 , but any trailer would work.

Time Required for Lesson:

This lesson should be completed in 2 class periods (55 minute period).


Each student will need the movie trailer converted into a movie file.  They will also need to have some background knowledge of their video editing software prior to this lesson.

Technology Use:

PowerPoint or PDF viewing software

Video-editing software

The only hardware that might be needed is ear buds.  I have the students detach the audio from the movie so it's not distracting, but if you keep the audio in, then you will need ear buds if students are working during class.  Another reason I detach the audio is so it does not distract the student from only looking for video techniques.  Sometimes the audio prevents them from seeing the video.  Music is very powerful and keeps a person from actually seeing how a movie is shot.

Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory set/pre-activity:.

Students will participate in a group discussion using the Shooting Video slideshow provided above.  This could be assigned as a flipped assignment so the discussion could go faster during class.  Once students have discussed the different camera uses, angles, and movements, watch a movie trailer as a group.

Benefits/Explanation/Real-World Connection:

Students will see how real-world movie trailers are produced and learn the impact different video techniques have on the deliverable.

Activities (i.e. instructions, warm-up, lesson, cool-down):

As a class, students will watch the selected movie trailer.  Discussion will include how to detect camera uses, angles, and movements within the trailer.  Students will then begin the assignment by uploading the movie trailer file to their video-editing software and begin identifying different techniques.

The closure will happen after the final day.  Students will show parts of their selections and explain why the producer of the video used that particular technique and the effect that was sought.

Assessment :

Students will submit their movie that includes their splits, freeze frame, and on-screen text describing the different video camera use, angles, and movements.

Supplemental Information:

Modifications:, safety precautions:, comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.).

CC by Non-Commercial Share-Alike

CC by Non-Commercial Share-Alike

Nebraska Communication and Information Systems Standards

Learning Domain: Digital Design

Standard: Demonstrate a variety of photo/video shots using a digital camera or video camera (e.g., close up, mid-shot, over the shoulder).

Degree of Alignment: Not Rated (0 users)

Learning Domain: Video Production

Standard: Use various equipment and/or software for advanced media production.

Nebraska Communication and Information Systems Standards 2022

Standard: Demonstrate a variety of photographic shots using a digital camera.

Standard: Apply multiple camera modes.

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