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How to Write a Winning Upwork Cover Letter (+Sample)

How to Write a Winning Upwork Cover Letter (+Sample)

Crafting an Upwork cover letter that wins you the job is one of the two things that drive new Upworkers crazy (the other being how to get approved on Upwork ).

This drove me crazy too when I started out. In fact, I must have spent countless hours and sent so many proposals before I started getting replies.

I almost purchased a $300 course just to get access to their community’s Upwork proposal vault.

If you’re in a similar position, you have come to the right place.

In this article, let’s discuss how to write an effective Upwork proposal cover letter that will win you the job.

Let’s get this started!

From Zero to Hero

When I started using Upwork, it was a while until I was able to land a contract.

When I did manage to land my first contract, I thought I had cracked the code and all I had to do was submit the same cover letter again and again.

Here’s what that (cringy and embarrassing) cover letter looks like:

Canned cover letter I used in the early days

(Good thing it happened before Upwork started banning accounts who submit way too many proposals without getting an offer.)

Using that stinky cover letter above, I still receive a few replies. But that’s it — no new offers or whatsoever.

Two realizations hit me:

  • I knew then that I didn’t crack the code.
  • Canned, word for word cover letters don’t work.

After three years, here’s my marketing effectiveness:

The graph shows I was hired more often than my interview rate.

Stick until the end and I will show you an example of an Upwork cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client.

Now, here’s how to make your cover letters better:

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Answer the Additional Questions First

Many job postings will require you to answer additional questions besides submitting a cover letter.

Here’s a good example:

An Upwork job post with additional questions

As you can see, the cover letter comes first followed by the additional questions you have to answer.

Naturally, you may spend most of your energy trying to make that cover letter flawless and then, answer the additional questions with a one-line sentence only, like an afterthought.

What you may not know is that when the client reviews your proposal, he will see the additional questions first.

I discovered this when I posted a job on Upwork.

A sample Upwork job post looking for a writer

Here’s one of the answers I got:

An Upwork proposal with one-liner answers

As you can see, clients will see the answers to the questions first. The cover letter will be the last element. That’s why when you see questions in the job posts, focus your energy first on the questions.

In a way, additional questions are more important than the cover letter itself.

Address the Client by Name

Whether it’s an Upwork cover letter, a cold email, or a private message on Facebook, addressing the client by name has a great impact.

After all, names are the sweetest and most important sound in any language according to Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People book.

But does it really increase the effectiveness of your Upwork proposal?

Well, calling the client by name is just the first part of making your cover letter more personal.

It shows that you have done your research and most likely, the content of your cover letter isn’t canned.

As an example, let’s say that you’re the client and you need someone to write new articles on your website.

One of the proposals you received is this:

A canned cover without any personalization

Would you hire him? Exactly!

The question is, where will you get the name of the client?

How to Find the Client’s Name

It’s easy enough when the job post has the client’s name.

A job post with the client’s name

Unfortunately, only around 1 of 10 posts has the client’s name.

If this is the case, scroll down to the client’s recent history and find reviews from past contractors that mentioned the client’s name.

For example, this job post doesn’t contain any clue about who the client is.

An Upwork job post without the client’s name

But on the client’s recent history, you will find two mentions of his name there.

Finding the client’s name on his recent history

Sometimes, you may find different names on the client’s history. Some may have addressed the client as Darren, Karen, or John.

To make matters easier, use the name mentioned in a review from a freelancer with similar services as you.

Let’s say that you’re a content writer. A past content writer left a review and addressed the client as John. In this case, use John in your cover letter.

There may also be instances when the client, together with his name, wrote the name of his company. There’s a lot of gold in here simply because you can make even more research.

One of my clients, when he posted the job, only displayed the company name. There was no clue about the recent history of his name. But since the company name was there, I was able to dig deeper.

Here’s a portion of the cover letter I sent that I’m quite sure caught his attention:

Gave a hint to my client that I've read their about me page

This has led to an active partnership. (I can also confirm that working with his particular client’s team is fun and exciting!)

Show Interest

By that, I don’t mean writing a line that says “I’m interested in your job post.”

There are usually two ways to do this:

  • Make a suggestion
  • Or ask a question

Let’s use this job post I found about a client looking for a content writer for his travel website:

A client looking for a content writer for his travel website.

Just because the job description was short, it doesn’t mean you have to put in the same effort and make your cover letter short.

This is often a mistake I see new freelancers do.

But how will you add value to a post as short as this?

If I were to submit a cover letter to do this job post, here’s what I would do:

  • Explain to the client what an awesome about us page is and what it contains. (If you’re not aware, the about us page, in addition to telling your story, is an excellent waypoint to different pages or content on your website.)
  • Include links to show him what I mean.
  • Suggest how I can do the same.
  • Ask him for a link to his website.

You can also show interest by mentioning something that only someone who dug deeper will be able to know. An example of this is the cover letter I showed in the earlier section where I mentioned something about the client’s team.

The Rate Matters

This part isn’t much about the cover letter itself but on what job post you submit your cover letter.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that there could be a mismatch between your rate and how much your client can afford or is willing to spend.

For example, no matter how good your cover letter is, it’s impossible for you to ask a high rate for this project.

A job post with a low rate

How did I know this? Looking at the client’s recent history, he paid someone a measly $25 for an educational blog.

Recent job history of a low rate project

From the client’s recent history, you can be certain that he’s only looking for freelancers with (super) low rates.

One more thing: Avoid low-ballers .

These clients will not pay you for what you’re worth. You will only be wasting six connects which you could have used to submit a proposal to a premium project.

Further reading : There are a few job posts that have a high budget but will actually pay you peanuts — they lure freelancers by posting big budgets. This is one of the things I shared in my tips for Upworkers article . It’s perfect for those who are still starting out in Upwork.

Mention Your Experience

I have read numerous posts from “freelance gurus” that you don’t need experience to land premium contracts.

Although there’s truth to it, it’s not the whole truth.

As a client myself, I would like to make sure that the freelancer has the capability to do the tasks and that he’s willing to learn if he doesn’t have the skills yet.

However, freelancers who have previous similar experience and can prove it will most likely win the contract.

Why? Because it’s more certain that they will be able to do the job better and faster, which is a win for clients who go into hourly contracts with freelancers.

In addition to experience, include samples of related work or outcomes that you know the client will love.

For example, after including relevant samples of my work, this client has responded well to my cover letter and we ended up working together.

How the client responded to my samples in the cover letter

If you don’t have any relevant samples, just create one, and show it to the client.

Include a Call to Action

At the end of your cover letter, invite the client to do something. It’s proven that they will likely do something if you tell them exactly what to do.

It’s tempting to say “Hope to hear from you soon” or “Hoping for your kind consideration”. But it doesn’t really invite the client to do something.

Here are good examples of effective CTA (call to action):

  • Hit that reply button over there to continue our conversation. (Favorite)
  • How about we hop on a five-minute call to discuss your business needs?
  • If you want to collaborate, let’s discuss it more over the chat.

I have been working with different combinations and so far, the first one has worked best for me. However, I don’t think there’s much difference as long as you keep your call to action, clear, specific, and easy to commit to.

Keep a Swipe File of Upwork Cover Letters

If you’re not familiar with what a swipe file is, it’s basically a folder where you keep all awesome ideas, copies, content, and ideas you have encountered.

In this case, keep a swipe file of Upwork cover letters that worked. Then, reverse engineer them and see why they work.

This is actually how I started improving my cover letter. I found and saved the winning cover letters I found online and try to understand why they worked.

I usually have three places where I store them:

  • OneNote (favorite)
  • Google drive
  • Local drive

A piece of advice: save your cover letters that worked.

Here’s mine:

A collection of my own Upwork cover letters that worked.

Since I have a record of what works and what doesn’t, I regularly update and optimize my cover letter to reflect what I recently learned.

That’s how I knew which call to action I thought worked best.

In addition, you may want to include links to your best work too. This makes it easier for you to swap out the samples you want to mention in the cover letter to make sure you only mention the most relevant work samples.

Example of a Winning Upwork Cover Letter

As promised, here is a cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client.

Note that you can use the pattern I set but make sure you don’t use exact words. This cover letter was designed solely for the certain job post to this cover letter was submitted to.

A cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client.

In a gist, here’s how I did it:

Hey [name] , I’m sure you’ve got a lot of pitches to deal with so I’ll keep this short. I help [your target industry] [the outcome your client would like to get from your service] . In the past, I helped [a previous client you worked with] [the outcome you helped your previous client achieve – should be similar to the outcome the client would like to get] . Here are links to some of my work: – [link 1] – [link 2] – [link 3] [Ask a question or suggest something] Simply hit that “Reply” button over there so we could continue our conversation. Regards, [Your name]

Feel free to use this template.

Win Premium Clients With a Personalized Cover Letter

Writing a winning cover letter is easier than you think. But it will need a lot of practice and trial and error to finally get it right.

As I said, it took me so much time and proposals before I got a reply. From there, I continued optimizing it and seeing what works for my target clients and industry.

I’m definitely positive that as you practice and write more proposal cover letters, you will get better and win jobs.

And if you get lost, try the template I provided above.

Now it’s your turn. Here’s what to do now:

  • Go back to Upwork and apply what you have learned from this article.
  • Use the template and check my sample for inspiration.
  • Get back here and let us know how it went.

And as always, let me know your thoughts by sharing your comment down below.

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Alan is the founder of Work Pajama and other sites by Content Growers. When he's not writing here, he's busy helping clients generate more qualified leads and increase sales by educating readers with strategic content and writing blogs.

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I am new and wanted to have virtual work ASAP. Thank you for this blog, will surely help me with my application. Wish me luck!

Stay safe always.

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Hey Genera! Glad you find this article helpful to you. I know you can do it! I was able to do it even without experience (or skills) at that time so there’s no way you can’t do it.

Keep it up!

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Hi sir I just want to ask in upwork sometimes it offer milestone in specific job how can i break the budget into milestone and what will a put in the description of each milestone ? Thanks God bless

' src=

Thanks Alan. Let me go back and re-strategize

' src=

Thank you so much for sharing this very informative article. I’m about to start my GVA career… your blog post truly help me a lot. I hope I could make it in this industry.

Good luck on your journey!

' src=

I am inspired by your post and I made some notes out of it. I believe it will go a long way to help. Am a newbie in upwork; am good in data entry, typing and I can handle Microsoft Office. But I do not have any past experience in any company or works done before except personal. How do I start, my first cover letter was rejected. Please help out, I will appreciate it. Thanks

My most regards, Hilary

That is tricky since the skills you have are the same skills that 99% of Upworkers have. If I were you, better learn a better skill and try again. For every job post that needs basic stuff, the client probably gets 100+ proposals, so your chance of even being seen is super low. Hope this helps!

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thanks so much for this awesome reply of you Alan. We’ve same issue with Hilary. I think your reply here will surely help. Better learn a better skill!

Good to know. Thanks for dropping by!

' src=

Thank you for this Allan. This is very useful specially for people like me, just starting careen on being a Virtual Assitant.

Happy to help!

' src=

Wow, great tips on writing an effective Upwork cover letter! I completely agree with you on the importance of mentioning your experience.

Including samples of related work or outcomes is also a fantastic idea. It provides concrete evidence of your skills and expertise, and it gives the client a glimpse of what they can expect from you. If you don’t have relevant samples, creating one specifically for the client is a brilliant approach to showcase your abilities.

I also appreciate the emphasis on including a clear call to action (CTA) in the cover letter. It’s true that clients are more likely to respond when you tell them exactly what to do. Your examples of effective CTAs are spot on, and it’s important to make them clear, specific, and easy to commit to.

Overall, these tips are insightful and practical. Thank you for sharing your expertise and experience in writing Upwork cover letters. I will definitely implement them in my future proposals and strive for better results. Keep up the great work!

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Your style is so unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this site.

Thanks Eileen!

' src=

That’s quite an interesting read. Of late I figured out that it is very difficult to get new jobs in Upwork, though clients are viewing my proposal. So I feel the best way is to rewrite the proposals. Thanks a lot for your input.

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Hi Alan, this was very very helpful and am looking forward to learn more from you. I would hope that a Q&A platform will be provided in place for people like us who would wanna feed from your brilliant experience. Thanks!

Thanks, Alin!

' src=

Just discovered your content through Google search. Awesome and unique content. Just about to start freelancing on Upwork and I can tell it is of a great help to me. I believe I’ve just find a good teacher here.â˜ș

Thank you Allan and God bless you.

Hey Patrick!

Appreciate the compliment. I wish you a good fortune on your journey.

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Thank you Alan! hope it works. Good luck for everyone.

' src=

Hey Alan! Best inspiration tip, Thanks alot.

' src=

Excellent information. This article offers practical tips and a clear structure for crafting effective Upwork cover letters. It’s a valuable resource for freelancers looking to stand out and secure projects on the platform.

' src=

Thank you for this fantastic guide on writing a winning Upwork cover letter! The tips and sample you’ve shared are incredibly helpful for both beginners and experienced freelancers like myself.

The sample cover letter is a valuable resource. It not only demonstrates the principles you’ve outlined but also serves as an excellent template for crafting our own personalized letters.

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Last Updated on September 6, 2023 by Alan Anthony Catantan

Land Your Dream Freelance Gig: Upwork Cover Letter Guide


Landing freelance gigs on Upwork requires more than just a stellar profile. While your skills and experience take centre stage, a well-crafted cover letter can be the secret weapon that sets you apart from the competition. 

This guide equips you with expert tips and winning templates for cover letters for Upwork to craft proposals that grab clients' attention and secure those dream projects.

Understanding the Importance of a Cover Letter on Upwork

Defining a cover letter in the freelance landscape.

Cover letters on Upwork serve as introductions, expand your profile, and showcase your suitability for the job, much like in the traditional job market. It's your chance to personalise your proposal, demonstrate your understanding of the project, and showcase what makes you the ideal freelancer for the job.

Why Your Upwork Cover Letter Makes a Difference

Here's why a cover letter matters:

Why your upwork cover letter makes a difference

  • Provides Context on Your Fit:  A cover letter allows you to expand on your experience and skills beyond a simple resume bullet point. You can explain how your unique background and approach make you the perfect person for the role.
  • Cuts Through the Noise: Upwork is a crowded marketplace. A strong cover letter makes you stand out.
  • Demonstrates Initiative and Communication Skills: A well-written cover letter showcases your professionalism and ability to communicate effectively, essential qualities for any freelancer.
  • Opportunity to Address Specific Requirements: A cover letter for Upwork helps highlight your skills directly relevant to the project's needs, demonstrating your understanding of the client's goals.

Crafting a Winning Cover Letter: Essential Tips

Now that you understand the importance of a cover letter let's delve into the key elements that make it effective:

Crafting a winning cover letter Essential tips

Add Your Personality (While Remaining Professional)

While professionalism is key, there's no need to be boring. Write in a conversational tone that's respectful but engaging. Avoid starting with dull phrases like "My name is Job Applicant Jean" and instead, let your personality shine through with phrases like “Having helped clients achieve [Specific results] in the past, I believe my skills can be a valuable asset to your [Project Name] project.” 

Integrate Keywords Seamlessly

Pay attention to the keywords used in the project description. Subtly integrate these keywords throughout your cover letter for Upwork to improve your proposal's searchability within Upwork's search engine.

Example: Look for keywords in the project description (e.g., "social media marketing"). Subtly weave them into your cover letter to improve searchability within Upwork's search engine. Instead of generic statements like " I have experience in marketing ,” go for keyword integration: " I noticed you mentioned a focus on social media marketing and audience engagement. In my previous role, I managed social media campaigns that grew follower bases by 30% through targeted content strategies. "

Proactively Address Client Concerns

Anticipate potential concerns clients might have and address them directly in your cover letter. This demonstrates your attentiveness and ability to think ahead.

For example, instead of leaving clients wondering with generic statements like "I'm a great writer, trust me,” try addressing concerns like"I understand clear communication is crucial. I provide regular progress updates and keep you informed throughout the project. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns."

Crafting a Memorable Closing Statement

Instead of a standard sign-off, conclude with a call to action that reinforces your value proposition.

Example: "I'm confident my skills can significantly benefit your project. Let's discuss how I can help you achieve your goals. I'm available for a call at your earliest convenience."

Refine Your Approach: As you gain experience, track what resonates with clients and adapt your cover letters for continued success.

Showcase Your Passion and Understanding of the Client's Industry

Go beyond just listing your skills. Briefly mention what excites you about the client's industry or project type. This demonstrates genuine interest and sets you apart from freelancers focused solely on the job itself.

Example: "I've been following the impressive work your company has done in the sustainability sector, and I'm particularly passionate about [specific aspect of the industry]. My experience in [relevant skill] combined with my enthusiasm for this field allows me to bring a unique perspective to your project."

Highlight Your Skills and Quantify Your Achievements (When Possible)

Don't simply repeat your resume. Briefly showcase your most relevant skills and experiences that directly address the project's requirements. Back up your claims with data. Numbers add credibility and give clients a clearer picture of your impact.

Example: Instead of saying " increased website traffic, " quantify it. " I crafted SEO-optimised blog posts that resulted in a 25% increase in organic website traffic for my previous client. "

By incorporating these essential tips, you'll craft compelling cover letters that land you the freelance projects you deserve. Remember, a cover letter is an ongoing conversation. Keep personalising and refining your approach to stand out on Upwork!

Sample Cover Letter Templates for Success

These Upwork cover letter samples provide a foundation to build upon, tailored to different freelance specialities.

General Template: A Versatile Approach

Cover Letter General Template

Hi [Client Name],

I am writing to express my interest in your project for [Project Title]. Having reviewed the details, I am confident that my skills and experience in [Your Skills] make me a strong fit for this role.

In my previous work with [Previous Client/Company], | successfully [Describe a Relevant Achievement]. My portfolio showcases a range of projects that demonstrate my ability to [Highlight Relevant Skills]

I am eager to learn more about your vision for this project and discuss how | can contribute to its success. Please find my portfolio attached for your review.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]

Web Designing Template

Web Designing Cover letter Template

Dear [Client Name],

I came across your project for [Project Title] and was immediately drawn to the opportunity to leverage my expertise in web design. With [Number] years of experience crafting user-friendly and visually appealing websites, I am confident I can deliver exceptional results.

In my previous project for [Previous Client], I designed a website that resulted in a [Quantifiable Achievement] increase in [Metric, e.g., traffic, conversions]. My portfolio showcases my ability to design websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimised for [Areas of Expertise, e.g. SEO, mobile responsiveness].

I'm eager to discuss your vision for the website and collaborate on a design that exceeds your expectations. Please find my portfolio linked below for your reference: [Portfolio Link]

Content Writing Template

Content writing cover letter template

Hey[Client Name],

I came across your project for [Project Title] and was immediately drawn to the opportunity to leverage my content writing skills. With [Number] years of experience crafting engaging and informative content, I am confident I can create pieces that resonate with your target audience and achieve your desired goals.

In my previous role at [Previous Client/Company], I successfully increased website traffic by [Quantifiable Achievement] through the creation of [Type of Content, e.g., blog posts, SEO-optimised articles]. My portfolio showcases my ability to write in various styles and tones, ensuring your content aligns perfectly with your brand voice.

I'm eager to discuss your content strategy and brainstorm ideas that will captivate your audience and drive results. Please find writing samples relevant to your project in my portfolio linked below: [Portfolio Link]

Graphic Design Template

Graphic Design Cover letter Template

I'm excited to submit my proposal for your [Project Title] project. Having reviewed the details, I am confident my expertise in graphic design can deliver visually stunning and impactful creative assets that align with your vision.

For [Number] years, I've been helping businesses like yours create captivating visuals that elevate their brand identity. In my previous project for [Previous Client], | designed [Type of Design, e.g. logos, social media graphics, website banners] that resulted in a [Quantifiable Achievement] increase in [Metric, e.g. brand awareness, engagement].

My portfolio showcases my design versatility and ability to translate your ideas into effective visuals. I'm particularly skilled in [Areas of Expertise, e.g., brand identity design, illustration, UI/UX design. I'm eager to collaborate with you and bring your design vision to life. Please find a link to my portfolio showcasing relevant design work: [Portfolio Link].

Video Editing Template

Video Editing Cover Letter Template

Hello [Client Name],

Having reviewed your project for [Project Title], I'm confident my video editing skills and creative vision can transform your raw footage into a compelling and engaging video.

With a passion for storytelling and [Number] years of experience editing videos for [Previous Clients/Companies/Industries], | possess a strong understanding of pacing, transitions, and the power of visuals to capture and hold the audience attention.

In my previous project for [Previous Client], I edited a video that achieved [Quantifiable Achievement] by utilising [Specific Editing Techniques]. My portfolio showcases my ability to edit videos across various styles, from promotional content to explainer videos.

I'm eager to discuss your vision for this project and collaborate on crafting a video that exceeds your expectations. Please find a link to my portfolio showcasing my editing skills: [Portfolio Link].

Note: Adapt the bracketed sections to your specific skill set. Also, while you can use these templates for reference, it's important to make your cover letter very personalised.

By incorporating these tips and templates, you'll be well on your way to crafting compelling cover letters for upwork proposals that land you the freelance projects you deserve. Remember, a cover letter is an ongoing conversation. As you gain experience on Upwork, track what resonates with clients and refine your approach for continued success.

Q1. What Components Are Mandatory for a Good Cover Letter?

Ans. While there's no strict format, strong cover letters typically include:

  • A personalised greeting
  • A brief introduction highlighting your relevant skills and experience
  • A specific example from your portfolio that showcases your expertise
  • A closing that expresses your enthusiasm and next steps (e.g., call to schedule a call)

Q2. The Resume and Cover Letter Dilemma: To Copy or Not to Copy?

Ans. Your cover letter shouldn't simply replicate your resume. It expands upon your resume by demonstrating your understanding of the specific project and how your skills directly benefit the client.

Q3. What is the difference between a Proposal vs. a Cover Letter?

Ans. On Upwork, the terms "proposal" and "cover letter" are often used interchangeably. They both refer to the written document submitted to convince a client to hire you. However, some freelancers differentiate between the two. A cover letter might be the initial introduction, while a proposal includes the cover letter alongside more detailed information about your approach, timeline, and pricing.

Q4. Should you use ChatGPT to write your cover letter?

Ans. While AI writing tools like ChatGPT can help generate ideas, it's crucial to maintain a personal touch in your cover letter. Clients value genuine communication and a clear understanding of your skills. It's best to use these tools as a starting point and then personalise the content for each project.

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how to write an upwork cover letter

How To Write An Upwork Cover Letter: 5 Tips + Free Template

Roshan Perera avatar

One of the reasons most freelancers struggle to land clients on Upwork is failing to write a convincing cover letter.

The cover letter is the main component of your job proposal and if you don’t write it well, you won’t be able to get the client’s attention.

Each client who posts a job on Upwork gets dozens and sometimes hundreds of proposals from freelancers. And the only way to grab their attention is to write a cover letter that addresses their needs and requirements.

So if you’re new to Upwork and trying to land a client, keep reading. This guide will help you write better, more focused, and well-optimized Upwork cover letters to get more responses from your clients.

What Is An Upwork Cover Letter?

what is a cover letter

The cover letter is an essential part of a resume or CV. Normally, when you’re applying for a job, you include a cover letter with your CV to let your potential employer know why you’re applying for the job, what kind of goals you have, and why they should hire you for the position.

Upwork cover letters use the same concept. Whenever you’re applying for a job on Upwork, you now have to fill out a section called Cover Letter.

upwork cover letter

Here, you can write a detailed yet concise message to clients explaining how you can help the client and why you’re the best person for the job.

As you can imagine, this is a crucial part of a job proposal that will determine whether you will get the job or not.

Before You Apply For Jobs..

before you apply for jobs

Before you apply for jobs and start writing cover letters, make sure you complete the following steps. Because without these steps, clients will never hire you, even if you write the perfect cover letter.

1. Improve Your Communication Skills

Improving your communication skills is the first thing you should do before applying for jobs.

Learn to write better messages to clients and learn the proper etiquette for writing emails. You can follow this guide to learn more about it.

Also, I highly recommend that you take an online course on copywriting and business communication. Think of it as an investment in yourself.

And it will go a long way to help you write great proposals, cover letters, and communicate with clients like a professional.

If you’re interested, start with these Skillshare classes:

  • Business Communication Skills: Write & Speak More Professionally
  • Copywriting: Essential Skills For Writing Engaging Marketing Copy
  • Professional English Emails: Write Clearly and Effectively

2. Optimize Your Upwork Profile

The next thing you need to do is optimize your Upwork profile.

When you apply for a job and send a proposal to a client, one of the first things they do is check your profile.

Now imagine doing all the work to find the perfect job and write a great cover letter while you have a terrible profile. It will only send those potential clients away. Don’t make that same mistake.

I wrote a complete guide on creating an effective Upwork profile. Give it a read and optimize your profile accordingly.

3. Gather Some Samples

Now, you can say all you want about your skills and abilities in your proposal but the client will never believe you if you don’t have hard evidence to back your claims.

So make sure you have some samples of your work to show the clients.

If you’re a writer, you can include links to your previously published articles.

If you’re a graphic designer, you can include a link to your portfolio.

If you don’t have any links to show, attach sample documents and files in the proposal.

4. Ask For The Right Price

When using Upwork to find jobs, asking for the ideal price is very important. Because it’s always going to be a bidding war between freelancers.

But the key to finding the right price is not to ask too low that clients think you’re desperate. Or ask too much that turns clients away.

To figure out the sweet spot between the two, you can check the Upwork services section.

upwork services section

Browse the category related to your work to see what other freelancers are charging for similar jobs.

Then come up with a price that fits your client’s budget and the regular rates at the same time.

5. Only Apply For The Right Jobs

There are some freelancers out there who apply to every job that comes up in their feed while copy-pasting the same cover letters and proposals.

This is a huge mistake that will get you nowhere.

Learn to pick the right jobs that fit your set of skills. Find jobs that have detailed descriptions that give you more information about the job. So that you can research the client and their industry to write better cover letters.

What To Include In Your Cover Letter

what to include in cover letter

Once you complete all the initial steps to optimize your profile and writing skills, here are the most important points you need to cover in your cover letter.

  • Address the client by their first name (eg: Hi John,)
  • Mention that you’ve read the entire project description
  • Do some research to understand what the client is asking for
  • Provide solutions to the client’s pain points
  • Mention why you’re the perfect person for the job with facts (eg: I have 5 years of experience in social media marketing and I worked for client X)
  • Show examples of your previous work, portfolio, or client case studies
  • In the end, mention that you have a strategy in mind for the client’s project and ask them to DM you for details
  • Remember to keep it short, detailed, and concise

You’ll see how all these points come together in the example and the cover letter template below.

How To Write Cover Letter for UpWork

how to write cover letter

It’s best to write the cover letter on different software like Google Docs or MS Word and then copy it over to Upwork. You wouldn’t want to accidentally hit send while you’re writing the cover letter.

As I mentioned before, learning to write well is very important. Taking a copywriting class will not go to waste.

Take all the key points I mentioned in the previous section. Write in friendly and simple words to describe your proposal for the client.

Here’s a quick Upwork cover letter example to show you how it’s done:

Hi John, I read your entire job description and I think I’m the perfect person for the job. Here’s why: -I noticed that you’re looking to build an online store website. I think WordPress is the best platform to build your website and I have over 5 years of experience building WordPress sites -I’ve built WordPress websites for many clients including CocaCola and Pepsi -Here are just a few of the links to websites that I’ve recently built for other clients (include links here. Or attach your sample documents) -I have a really great concept idea for building your website that will make your brand look even better than your competitor (Do research to find the competitors and mention the name here). Send me a DM or respond to this proposal so we can discuss more details I’m really excited about this project and to work with you to build something amazing. Looking forward to your DM. -Your name

See how simple and concise that looks. And we covered all the key points in that 150-word cover letter. You can easily edit this message to include skills and experience related to your industry.

There are also great tools you can use for writing your cover letter online . They offer more professional-looking layouts that you can easily customize, which are ideal for applying for not just freelancing jobs but for any type of job application.

Free Upwork Cover Letter Template

upwork cover letter template

I made a more beautifully formatted Upwork cover letter template that you can use when applying for jobs. You can download it below.

Make sure to edit and customize this template according to your needs.

download button

5 Tips For Writing Professional Cover Letters

Follow these quick tips to make your cover letter look more professional.

1. Keep it Concise and Clear

Write a concise and well-structured letter. Keep it to a single page and use a professional tone. Use short paragraphs or bullet points to convey information effectively. Avoid excessive jargon and focus on presenting your qualifications in a clear and compelling manner.

2. Highlight Your Relevant Skills

Clearly communicate how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements. Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications and achievements. Showcase how your unique abilities can contribute to the success of the company.

3. Research the Company

Take the time to research the company’s values, culture, and recent projects or initiatives. Incorporate this knowledge into your cover letter to demonstrate your genuine interest and alignment with the company’s mission.

4. Address Potential Concerns

If you have any potential concerns or gaps in your experience, address them proactively in your cover letter. Explain how you plan to overcome those challenges or how your transferable skills make you a strong candidate despite any gaps.

5. Proofread and Edit

Ensure your cover letter is error-free by thoroughly proofreading and editing it. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and ensure proper formatting. Read it aloud or ask someone else to review it for clarity and coherence. A polished and error-free cover letter demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism.

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Career Sidekick

I recently posted a job to and got 63 proposals overnight. There’s a TON of competition. So you really need a good Upwork proposal if you want to get any interviews at all. Fortunately, I’m going to walk you through the exact steps (and proposal templates) I used last year as a freelancer to make thousands of dollars per month on Upwork.

What we’ll cover:

  • How to write an Upwork proposal  that gets interviews
  • 2 word-for-word Upwork proposal samples you can copy
  • The mistakes you NEED to avoid if you want to get jobs on Upwork

Let’s get started…

How to Write a Winning Upwork Proposal

1. how to start your upwork proposal.

Within the first sentence, you want to show you’ve read their job posting. This is ultra-important. It’s more important than your name even. I see a ton of proposals that start like this: “Hi, my name is Michael and I’m a ___”. They don’t care. That’s boring and what everyone else does.

I’d start like this instead: “Hi. I just read your job posting and it sounds like you need ___”. This is so much better, and if you just make this one single change you’ll get more job interviews, I guarantee it. 

upwork proposals image

Talking about their needs and their job posting before talking about yourself is also powerful because it immediately shows them you read their job posting. Most freelancers just cut and paste the same garbage proposal to every client, and clients delete it immediately. So the sooner you can show this proposal is really for THEM, and not a generic cut & paste message that’s going to bore them half to death, the better.

2. How to Write the Middle of Your Upwork Proposal

There are two key pieces to the middle or main body of your Upwork proposal. First, you’ll want to share a bit about your background, and ideally how you’ve helped other clients solve the same problem or do the same thing in the past. But keep this brief. Four or five sentences are enough. You don’t want to tell your life story; they don’t care. They care about how you can solve their problem. That’s it! Then, the second part is you want to show you’re the expert here. You can do this by making a recommendation and pointing out the opportunities you see. Or you can do this by asking a question. For example, you might say, “I’d be curious to hear if you’ve tried ___. I recently implemented that with another client and the result was ___.”

Either way, you need something to show them you’re the expert. Why else would they hire you?

3. How to End Your Upwork Proposal

If you followed the steps above you’ll have a great Upwork proposal. It should be very brief, too. You should NOT be doing a ton of writing or sending out big bulky paragraphs. So now, how should you end the proposal?

There are two good options for how to end an Upwork proposal:

The first option is to ask a question about their project/needs. If you haven’t already asked a question in your proposal body, you can say something like, “Do you have a website so I can understand this more?” This is a good way to get a response and be able to find out more info about the project. The other option is to have a more traditional “call to action” telling them to reply or asking them when they’re free to talk. Examples:

  • “Reply to this message and let me know when would be a good time for us to connect this week.”
  • “I have a couple more ideas I could share as well. When is the best time for us to connect this week?”
  • “Are you free Wednesday or Thursday to talk briefly? Let me know what works best for you.”

4. Mistakes to AVOID in Your Upwork Bid Proposals

Here’s where so many people on Upwork go wrong:

  • They write big, bulky paragraphs without enough spacing. The reader immediately dreads reading your proposal after they open it
  • They cut & paste the same proposal to everyone without customizing it for their posting. Nobody is going to hire you if you do this. It’s dead-obvious when you’ve done this. I know because I’ve hired a lot of people on Upwork myself (along with landing high-paying jobs on Upwork as a freelance writer ).
  • They write about themselves too much, instead of writing about the prospective client and their needs

Now that you know what to do, and what not to do, you should be able to avoid these mistakes in any future proposals you send.

5. How Long Should Your Upwork Proposal Be?

I made tens of thousands of dollars on Upwork within a few months of starting, and got multiple interviews each day that I applied for jobs. And I tried to explain above how short your proposals should be in order to do this! (Really short). But sometimes it’s difficult to get this across via words.

So I did something better…

I just counted the words in my most recent, successful Upwork proposals. Here’s what I found:

I just glanced at my Upwork account and here are the exact word counts of 5 recent successful proposals: 83, 91, 87, 116, 87.

That’s an average of 93 words per successful Upwork proposal. That’s very short. Use this as a guideline and keep it brief if you want to start getting interviews on Upwork. Remember, prospective clients get 50+ proposals within the first eight hours of posting a job typically.

Do you think they want to read a giant block of text in each proposal?

So keep it short, save your time and theirs, and get far more interviews.

6. CRUCIAL Step Before Sending Your Proposal

Before sending out your proposal, you want to make sure it’s about them and their needs, not about you . I mentioned earlier – the average job seeker on Upwork is talking all about themselves in their proposal, and the client doesn’t care. It’s boring and generic. So before sending, do CTRL + F (or Command + F on Mac) and search for the word “You”. Count how many times you said “you”. Then search for the word ” I ” (put a space on either side so you don’t see each “i” in the middle of words. You only want to see the actual word “I”. Now that you’ve counted these, you should be saying “you” at LEAST as much as you’re saying, “I”.

If not, edit it or rewrite it until this is the case.

7. Best Time of Day to Send Upwork Proposals

I’d recommend only sending proposals for jobs that have been posted within the past 24 hours. This is another place where most people go wrong on Upwork. Don’t waste time/proposals on jobs that are 48-72 hours old (or more). This means you’ll need to apply for jobs on Upwork multiple times per week, since you’re only going to be applying for jobs posted within the last day. Your exact schedule will depend on your timezone, the timezone of your ideal client, and your schedule/availability. I usually applied mid-day (11 AM or noon) in my ideal clients’ timezone (US Eastern Time). I also experimented with applying at 8 p.m. in the evening, and that worked fine as well. And I did this Monday – Friday each week.

As you get more clients and don’t need as many interviews, you could switch to Mon/Wed/Fri if you’d like, and skip Tue/Thurs. I started doing this once business picked up! But while ramping up, do it every day! Get a system in place in terms of keywords and search filters you use (I’ll cover this in a future article), and just repeat it each day. It’ll become habit and will be super easy to do after a few weeks.

Quick tip: I’d recommend grabbing a free account at Calendly for scheduling. It’ll save you hours of back-and-forth scheduling with clients and it’s amazing if you have clients in different timezones because it converts the timezones automatically.

8. How to Decide What Rate/Price to Put in Your Upwork Proposal

If you have an hourly rate, that should be consistent, so pricing your proposals on Upwork is easy. Things get more complicated if you do mostly flat-rate projects, though, like I did. I’d personally either have set prices for services you offer, and propose whatever your set rate is.

(For example when I did email marketing I charged $200 per email. Flat rate. So it was very easy to price out projects). Or, you could propose at or near the top of the client’s stated budget. For example if they say their budget is $2,000, I might either propose $2,000 or $1,800. Sometimes going a tiny bit lower is good, so they don’t just think you proposed their maximum after seeing it. So I’d probably do $1,800 in that example. But you don’t want to try to be the cheapest option, ever. Don’t compete on price. That’s what the people who struggle are doing.  I always aimed to be one of the most EXPENSIVE proposals a client got. Because I wanted to work with clients with great budgets who want quality. These clients are often easier to work with, believe it or not.

If you’re really unsure how much to propose in terms of your flat rate, you can also add a “P.S” at the bottom of your Upwork proposal mentioning that you’d need to discuss the project more before determining the exact price.

P.S. – the proposed cost is an estimate. I could give you an exact figure, timeframe, and what I expect to be able to accomplish if we talk. If any of the above sounds interesting, reply to this and we’ll set up a time to talk this week.

That way you at least won’t be ruled out based on the proposed rate. They’ll see that and even if you proposed a number above their budget, they’ll consider talking with you. I don’t use this all the time but it’s a good tactic if you’re worried.

9. Sell the Call, Not the Service

This is an Upwork tip (and a powerful sales tip in general) that most people don’t know: You should only be selling the next step in the process.

Here’s what I mean:                                                                                                                

The only goal of your Upwork proposal (and profile) is to get clients on the phone to discuss their project. Then your goal on the phone call is to sell your service and get them onboard (by paying an initial invoice, signing a contract, etc. – depending on your setup). The mistake a lot of people make – especially people who are new to sales – is trying to sell everything at the same time. They write their Upwork proposal trying to convince the client to pay to work with them. All you should be doing is selling them on why it’s a good idea to get on a call with you. That’s MUCH easier.

So keep it dead-simple, take it one step at a time, and you’ll get more clients.

10. Make Sure Your Upwork PROFILE Backs Up What You’re Saying!

Your profile is different than your Upwork proposal, but it’s very important. It’s what the potential client sees if they click your name and view your whole profile/bio. If you’re writing a great proposal, making suggestions, asking questions and sounding like a true expert, you need your Upwork profile to confirm that you’re an expert who they NEED to talk to.

I’m going to write another article soon focused just on how to write an awesome profile, but here are some tips to help you right now:

  • Be a specialist, not a generalist. People want to hire an expert in the one thing they need. You’ll actually get more projects if you go after fewer TYPES of projects.
  • Just like your Upwork proposal, your profile should be more about THEIR needs, and less about you.
  • Start with something interesting to catch their attention. I personally started by quoting a testimonial I had received from a past client. That’s far more interesting than the typical, “Hi, my name is ___ and I’m a ___.”
  • Have a “ Call to Action ” at the end. I put: “Send me a note with a bit about your company, your track record, and your project. If it seems like a good fit, we’ll schedule a call to talk.”

Notice in that last bullet I’m implying I’m not the right fit to work with everyone. This is how you should be positioning yourself… Show that you’re selective and careful about who you work with! Stop acting desperate. Stop chasing projects that aren’t a good fit for your specialty.

11. And if you don’t have a specialty yet, definitely go choose one…

You can always change it later if it doesn’t work out. But you’ll get far MORE work by specializing, and each project will be easier to complete because you’ll be able to create systems/templates, etc. All the broke freelancers I know say things like, “well, I don’t want to limit myself”… or, “I don’t want to cut off my options.” They’re going to stay broke, unfortunately.

The freelancers I know who are making $5-10K+ per month consistently all niched down and specialized.

They became true experts.

FYI there are two ways you can niche down:

  • You can niche down by service offering (I started as a general writer/marketer, and niched down into just writing marketing emails for B2B companies. That’s a very niche service).
  • Or you can niche down by industry. You could offer a service just to real estate agents. Or just for restaurants.

You can also do both, eventually. If I had kept going I would have eventually taken my B2B email marketing service and focused on just a few industries. But fortunately, my passive income from this blog – CareerSidekick took off and I stopped having to take any freelance work.

Proven Upwork Proposal Samples

The following are REAL Upwork bid proposal samples that I sent out and used to get clients when I was active as a freelance copywriter on the platform (after I had niched down into email marketing in particular).

Upwork proposal sample 1:

Hi there, I just read your posting. It sounds like you need an expert in cold emails to advise you on everything from the content to the overall strategy. I have a background in email marketing and have been doing this for 3 years. Cold emailing in B2B is what I specialize in. I can work with you to write the content and subject lines, recommend the best technologies for you to use, and more. Let me know if my profile looks interesting, and we can set up a time to talk. Best regards, Biron Clark

Upwork proposal sample 2:

Hi! Just read your posting. Sounds like you need an email expert to advise you on a few things… from funnel setup and strategy, to what you should offer to get signups in the first place. I have a background in funnels and email copywriting and have been doing this for 3 years, including for some other subscription/membership businesses. I can work with you to come up with a great strategy and high-converting emails to turn your prospects into paying customers. And I can help you get more email signups going into this funnel, too. If any of the above sounds interesting, let me know when you’d be available to talk this week. Best regards, Biron Clark

These are both real Upwork proposal samples that I sent out and got jobs from. Feel free to use these Upwork proposal templates for yourself… however, this blog gets a lot of visitors now, so I’d highly recommend customizing this. You aren’t going to be the only freelancer reading this article. 

Upwork Freelance Proposal Tips – Quick Review

  • Use the first line to show that you’ve read their profile and understand what they need (instead of saying your name and talking about yourself ).
  • Introduce yourself and explain why you’re an expert in what they need.
  • Make a recommendation or ask a question to reinforce the fact that you’re an expert on this topic.
  • Close with a Call to Action to get them to reply. Either ask for a website to learn more, or ask them when they’re available to talk.
  • Sign off with your name.
  • Keep everything brief. Aim for less than 120 words in your Upwork proposal. 85-100 words is ideal.
  • Use great spacing; you should only have two to three sentences MAXIMUM per paragraph in your proposal.
  • Only send proposals for jobs posted on Upwork within the last 24 hours. You’ll be more likely to get the interview if you do this.
  • Commit to sending out proposals five days per week (Monday – Friday) for at least a month to build up your leads on Upwork.
  • Price yourself near the top of the client’s range. Never compete on price and never try to be the cheapest.
  • Make sure you have a great Upwork profile that backs up everything you’re saying in your Upwork proposal.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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What i learned self-publishing an ebook on amazon: pros and cons, upwork proposal samples that get interviews (2 templates), 3 upwork bio examples to win jobs, 25 lucrative side hustle ideas for 2024, 12 good high income skills to learn in 2024, is upwork worth it review for freelancers, is freelancing worth it (pros and cons), 40 thoughts on “upwork proposal samples that get interviews (2 templates)”.

Thank you very much for your advice and your templates. This really helps

I found this article very helpful, and please keep on updating us on various aspects which are related to Upwork proposals, and Transcription as well. Thank you very much.

Beautiful words… I’m in for it.

I am beginner in Upwork (Digital marketing) and I find this article helpful, given I’m struggling in writing proposals.

Please provide me example of accounting related proposal sample.

This is so insightful. Thanks

Your article was indeed quite helpful and impressive. Could you provide me with an example of Audio transcriber proposal.

Honestly, this article just gave me a boost to my optimism, I want to do this. thank you, much appreciated.

Thanks for this Biron! Definitely worth the read for upcoming freelancers. My question though is, why did you leave Upwork? Couldn’t you have combined it with blogging? You seem like a master of both…

That’s a good question! I wanted to focus 100% on the business model that could scale/grow to a large size. And that was blogging. It was absolutely the right choice, too. It just took a while to grow. But I didn’t want to keep trading my time for money, which is what freelancing is. I think you need to be able to say “no” to some opportunities in order to reach the goals that you’re really passionate about. You can’t say “yes” to everything.

Hi Biron, Thank you for sharing your experiences on How to write winning UpWork proposal. I really enjoyed reading your blog and will definitely include these tips in my searches. I will look forward to reading your blogs in the future. Thanks, Rosy

This article is an eye-opener!

I love it! Thanks Biron

Wow, Great. The only thing I can say is “Wonderful”. Thank you.

I did a search on writing proposals to get jobs on Upwork. I found your article listed in the top results. I am glad I read this article. It is very helpful and I will be trying your tips. I have even bookmarked it to refer to in the future. I look forward to reading more of your articles.

Thanks for writing this. I highly recommend it for those of us who just recently joined Upwork.

Helpful information. I am new to freelancing. Thank you very much.

please guide me the right way how to write translation proposals .

This was quite insightful! Thanks for the piece.

Thank you! The only valuable article I’ve read in a long time.

please provide me proposal sample for Mobile app development, wordpress, website, logo, marketing collateral,

Great article, I’m a beginner at upwork, I have a question to ask, before submitting a proposal I want to have a clear understanding about the connections. I saw something like “You have 4 connection remaining if you submit your proposal”. Can you explain to me what it means.

Hi Esther, you’ll need to check Upwork’s information/resources for more info about this, or ask their support. It’s always changing. When I was freelancing on the platform, I think I paid around $10 a month for premium and it got me 60 “Connects” per month approximately, and most jobs required 2 connects to submit a proposal.

But then, right before I left the platform, I remember reading about upcoming changes, and the idea that some jobs would require more connects. So to get accurate info that’s actually up-to-date, you’ll need to check with Upwork directly.

I found this very helpful and I really appreciate. I’m a beginner at upwork. Could you please help me with creating a profile for upwork?

I wrote an article about this, that you can read here:

I am a beginner and I was almost giving up because I have been sending proposals to clients for one month but now I know my mistakes. Thank you

Great advice thanks. One question though – were all of your clients US based. The reason I ask if I don’t think the wording of you sample proposals would work in the UK as to us Brits it comes across as a bit flippant and slightly cocky. I don’t mean that in a bad way, and being married to an American I have come to realise that Americans tend to be extremely informal in such things, whilst I suspect we Brits find that feels a bit “spammy” and we expect things to be slightly more formal (but not old fashioned, stiff upper lip formal!). The Germans too are considerably more formal, stemming from the fact their language has formal and informal elements to it and traditionally it is unacceptable to address people informally until they allow you to do so.

What are your thoughts/experiences on this?.

Fair points. I think I had a few international clients, but mainly US. You do always need to adjust formality for industry and region. You’re right.

However, don’t be too quick to write something off based only on your opinion. Send it and test it. What you prefer, or what you find to be “too much” in a freelance proposal, might surprise you in terms of how others respond. So I always say: Test it and try it. But what you’re saying makes sense, and I do agree that this depends on region and country.

Your article is interesting but contradictory. Therefore, the post lost its value and credibility.

For example, you recommend starting a proposal with something interesting to catch their attention. The article states “That’s far more interesting than the typical, “Hi, my name is ___ and I’m a ___.” You provide the example of using a testimonial from a past client. However, your proposal examples use what you recommend against.

I would strongly recommend using examples that match up with your recommendations to make the information valuable, credible, and truly helpful.

I agree. In fact, if you count number of “I”, you’ll actually see there are little to no “You” in his proposals.

His examples are contradictory but recommendations are fine.

Thanks for pointing this out. I edited the first template to have a better balance of “you” vs. “I” to reflect the instructions in the article. It should be better now.

thanks for sharingthis very insightful article and insider tips

Thank you so much for the insight. Can’t wait to makeover my proposal!

Hi, I found your tips on writing proposals very useful. Do you have any words of advice for people like who have just begun their freelance careers?

My tip: Get one successful project done as soon as possible. One piece of great work that you can point to when talking to new potential clients. Make a case study, or have an example of that work that you can show. And ideally, a testimonial. After that, it’s the same as any freelancer… new or not. Just get that one project. Even if it’s volunteer work. And in the case of Upwork, you’d want to get that one project completed on Upwork if possible so you can get a review and so that you don’t look like a brand new profile.

found this and a previous article about profile building to be very effective. To be honest, I had applied for upwork a couple of months ago but with traditional sentences like “I am _____ and from____”. Obviously didn’t get a job, but with the help of your article, I was able to get my profile accepted on Upwork. Thank you so much

Awesome, I’m glad to hear this helped! Thanks for sharing your story.

Thanks for posting this article.

Wow! Am a beginner at Upwork (Internet Research & Data Entry speciality) and obviously struggling getting clients…but this article just raised my optimism. Thank you.

I actually found this article very helpful and promising thanks keep up the content very insightful for noobs like me haha.

That’s really perfect. May you please provide me a Translation proposal.

Please provide me example of web development proposal.

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Cover Letter Ninjas

An Upwork Cover Letter Example For Freelancers

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So, you’ve decided to join Upwork or a similar freelance marketplace. That’s a great idea! The gig economy is booming and the compensation reflects that. Freelancers providing skilled services tend to earn 70% more per hour than their cubicle-dwelling counterparts.

But, you have to be mindful of competition too. As many as 57 million workers in the US alone freelance part-time and full-time. And Upwork has some 12 million registered users. Thus, to get your piece of the pie, you really need to make Upwork ‘work’ for you.

That starts with having a well-optimized personal profile and learning to write great bidding letters for projects. This post offers some tips for that. Plus, we’ve included a quick Upwork cover letter sample you can use as a reference. Keep in mind that this post will mostly reference Upwork, but could really apply to any freelancing platform.

Start With Optimizing Your Profile

You can bet that anyone interested in your proposal is going to check out the information in your profile before they even consider you for the job. So be sure that your profile includes the following:

  • A rockstar profile title that summarizes what you do.
  • Crisp and professional profile picture
  • Detailed profile overview that explains your professional background and highlights your skills.

You can also spice it up with testimonials/quotes from your past clients and portfolio pieces. Lastly, add extra credibility by completing several competency tests.

Mary F.

Be Specific in Your Proposals

In most cases, you will be applying to do a very short-term, very specific task. In your cover letter (project proposal) don’t go around the bush too much and succinctly state what makes you a good fit for that job. Include your resume only if the job posting specifically instructs you to do so.

Here’s a quick example to illustrate the point further: imagine you’re a freelance graphic designer . If you apply for a gig to design a set of landing pages, don’t waste time discussing any other skills or experience (e.g. your amazing illustration talents). Instead, write only about your experience with landing page design and perhaps conversion optimization.

Speak in Terms of The Clients Needs

Keep in mind that many of the jobs posted on Upwork are time-critical. The person who needs the work done likely has little time to train someone, or even provide a bunch of clarification. That’s why a person who can say something like: “Look, I understand what you want. Here is how I will do it. It will be done quickly. I’m ready to start immediately.’ is going to earn a second look.

To help build even more confidence in your abilities, consider including a testimonial or reference from another client. If you can show that you’ve completed similar work in the past, that will work in your favor too!

Focus on Skills, Not Personality

Normally, your cover letter is the perfect vehicle to show your enthusiasm for the company mission, and that you will fit in with the company culture. Here, none of that matters. So keep the focus on your skills and experience, not personality traits.

Answer Their Questions

Sometimes, a potential client will post a pretty detailed list of questions they want to be answered, and information that they want you to provide. On one hand, that makes it much easier for you to write the cover letter. You simply answer the questions they provide. On the other hand, if you miss anything, it could get your entire proposal eliminated from consideration. So pay attention!

Cover Letter Sample For Upwork in .docx Format

Here is a sample cover letter that you can submit in response to a short-term project on Upwork.

Upwork cover letter example for Word

Download example (Word version)

Upwork Cover Letter Example – Text Format

Hi Michael,

Just checked your project details “Design a new onboarding process for a banking app” and I believe that I may be a great fit.

As a UX designer with 3 years of experience, I have previously designed account creation and account opening system flows for a lending app (received a 5-star review from the client). You can check the project details in my portfolio, along with several other designs for e-commerce, healthcare and media companies.

You mentioned that you also need someone experienced with interactive prototyping and InVision. I’m a long-term user of this app. Also familiar with Balsamiq and Adobe XD software. 

I have included information about my rates, and I am confident that I can deliver the first design mockups within 2 weeks as per your deadline. Please contact me so that we can get started.

Kevin Ninja

P.S. I took a moment to explore your website. It’s very well-designed. If you’re interested in making further changes, I believe I can make some small tweaks to your landing pages to boost conversion rates.

Final Tip: Sell a Bit Further

Treat your cover letter as a marketing document. Work mostly to sell your clients on the skills they need right now, but don’t forget to sell yourself a bit as well. Slip in a postscript or ‘aside’ to let them know other ways in which you can help!

Discover Even More Releveant Cover Letter Examples!

  • Web developer cover letter example
  • QA cover letter example
  • Virtual assistant cover letter example
  • Email cover letter example

Other Cover Letter Samples

Convincing cover letter for vet receptionist + writing tips, a winning web developer cover letter example, a fantastic film festival cover letter example, cover letter for library assistant: example and tips.

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The best cover letter for Upwork (data-backed experiment)

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In the search for the best cover letter for Upwork, allow me to share an example where I got a 100% response rate on my own proposals.

best cover letter for upwork

The last few weeks I’ve been comparing different styles of Upwork proposals, sending them out in the wild so you and I can better understand which one performs the best.

I see amazing case studies like these everywhere… but often there is something left out. Something that would kill the “shock factor”. Like when Derren Brown flipped a coin on its head ten times in a row:

The only way to guarantee that the coin lands on its head ten times in a row is to continue flipping the coin enough times until it happens by chance. However long that takes.

The same principle applies to our proposals because we can’t control how the client reacts. In order to get a 100% hit rate, we have to try until it happens by chance and then only show off that small sample of the experiment.

My example earlier is no different. What you didn’t see is the other thirty seven proposals I sent and the many times it didn’t work out.

The point is that it is okay to try again if things didn’t work out the first time. They rarely do and when we have to work a little for it first, it’s more fun when we do win.

Now, let’s dive into the whole experiment. I’ve tested different proposal styles, so you can see which type of Upwork proposal was best in the test and got the most client responses.

The four Upwork proposal styles

The theory of this experiment is that customized proposals will land more Upwork clients than generic copy-paste proposals. They have worked well in other experiments and now it’s time to put it to a test so we can get a side by side comparison backed with data.

The experiment

To find the service I wanted to offer, I looked at which type of keywords would have the most jobs for them based on my skill set. That would give me an indication of which keywords are more popular and which type of clients are more common. For example, clients with online courses compared to ecommerce businesses.

Below are some of the keywords I looked for. Keep in mind that just looking at the number of projects doesn’t say anything about the quality of the clients or projects but all other things being equal, the more projects available the more chance of landing a good one.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

I searched within the digital marketing field since that’s my background and I looked across different client types, projects, skills, specific tools or anything else I could think of clients wanted help with. 

For example, some clients will say that they need help with Facebook ads, while others say ads manager (the tool needed to run the ads). Some will say they need digital ads and I have to help them figure out if e.g. Facebook ads are the right fit.

Initially, I wanted to help online course creators with marketing automation since that seemed popular but after a few days with almost only shitty projects, I had to pivot to also bidding on projects related to Facebook ads or other similar looking projects.

The problem with Upwork and doing an experiment like this is that clients aren’t always good at explaining themselves. That means a project might appear good based on the description but when we speak with the client we might discover that it’s a waste of our time.

Anyway, I wanted to optimize my profile text before applying for jobs but ultimately I decided against it since there aren’t enough niche projects on Upwork that I could truly leverage the advantage of going niche.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

I decided to keep it as is even though it isn’t entirely relevant and instead see how many people would actually look at my profile text. 

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

It turns out no one did!

Anyway, I’ve outlined four proposal styles specifically for Upwork and in the experiment, I sent ten proposals using each of them so we can see which one works the best.

At a high level, the four Upwork proposals styles are:

1) Generic copy-paste proposals that are meant to fit most projects (meaning that they don’t fit any particularly well)

best cover letter for upwork - copy paste example

2) those that are (almost) custom written for each project but only talks about the freelancers’ experience, background, or a project recommendation 

best cover letter for upwork - proposal style two

3) the one that focuses on the client’s challenges and what success looks like for each specific project along with why this freelancer is a good choice to solve the particular problem

best cover letter for upwork - proposal style three

4) the well-researched proposal. This one fits each project description well, focuses on client challenges, shares relevant background info as it relates to the project and is based on lots of research

best cover letter for upwork - proposal style four

I was debating what to do about pricing for this experiment since it’s a factor that can have a large impact. Especially, because most clients I’ve come across on freelance websites like Upwork need help with hobby projects and thus don’t have much money to pay us freelancers. 

With freelancing there are certain invisible pricing tiers where clients tend to expect something different for each one. 

For example, when you cross a certain rate clients expect you to be good at communication beyond just the hard skills. There are no set tiers because it depends on each individual client but over time you will notice the difference if you raise your rates.

Another thought that crossed my mind is that if you are new to freelancing, charging $100/h can feel overwhelming. So I decided to charge $60/h during this experiment.

From experience, I’ve noticed that getting clients on a phone from the proposal is a more effective approach than trying to land the job directly with the proposal right then and there.

Since the phone call is different from the proposal, let’s focus on the writebacks from the proposals — how many potential clients respond to each proposal style. That way, we first get more clients to respond and then practice what to talk with them about after.

There’s something to be said about the quality but we can’t do anything to even that out and each job description is a judgment call based on the client’s description.

Of course, there are exceptions such as small, quick, projects. Those can often be hired without much extra discussion as long as everything about the project is clear in advance.

The best cover letter for Upwork: the winner

I waited about two weeks after sending the proposals to give clients a chance to either close their job or hire someone. I learned through other experiments that clients on Upwork tend to hire quickly, so this is a decent, balanced, timeframe.

Even so, for more than half of the projects there still hasn’t been any move forward as I’m writing this. As I checked again, I’ve noticed that in several cases it’s been a week or more since anyone looked at the project and they haven’t begun a conversation (“interviewing”) with any freelancer.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

I’ve defaulted to categorize those projects as “no hire”-projects since clients more often than not don’t close their projects and just let them get auto-closed by Upwork after a month or so.

This will most likely be incorrect in the end since a couple of the clients probably will hire someone. But it doesn’t make sense for us to wait around since those few won’t make a meaningful difference in the data, the results and thus our reaction.

Before we jump into the results of each of the proposal styles, let’s first look at the total number of proposals and how we stack up against other freelancers altogether.

Remember, that the goal here was to get a writeback from the client. We can’t see the same data for other freelancers but we can if they were hired, that’s why I’m using that metric for other freelancers in the sheet below.

best cover letter for upwork - results of all proposals

As we can see, the big deal here is that for more than 60% of the projects no freelance was hired. I noticed that on many of the projects, there would be more than 15 proposals and zero interviewees with more than a week since the client had last looked at the project. 

That indicates the client might not be serious enough with the project, since they didn’t initiate contact with a single freelancer. We know that a similar proposal to what I sent gathers interest from other clients, meaning that the proposal can’t be that bad in all the cases.

While it might be tempting to get a competitive advantage against the other freelancers, it doesn’t make a meaningful difference. If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you’ll know that I focus on those few places where we can make a big impact because focusing on the minutiae won’t get us anywhere in life.

Instead, getting more clients to hire in the first place will be a bigger win for us, since that slice of the pie is 2x-3x bigger.

The results: the best cover letter for Upwork jobs

It’s time for the result of all the proposals! Here’s the data:

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

This category sucked.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

This category was much better.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

This category was not that good.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

This category was even worse.

You probably don’t remember what each of the four proposal styles represents but you might have noticed that the results for three out of the four proposals are the same: 70%-80% of the projects never hired anyone as far as we can tell.

Pretty odd, right? 

Sure, if we looked at a larger sample size, it might be different but what’s even odder is that proposal style two is upside down compared to the rest. I was interviewed 60% of the time while only one in ten jobs ended with no hire.

This is a surprise because on the surface this should be one of the worst proposal styles since it takes less time to create than the rest. But other freelancers got hired more in that category as well and that might indicate something with the clients rather than the proposals.

The caveat here is that the quality of the clients in this group might be lower than in the others depending on if we base it on the project description they wrote, earnings possible, business size, tasks they need help with, etc. 

It’s hard to tell with the limited information we have access to on Upwork but I did have a few ideas as to what might have caused the difference:

  • The client’s business size
  • The proposal style
  • The type of job description or job itself (e.g. automation vs Facebook ads)
  • How my pricing was received

At first, I thought it was because all the job descriptions in that category had important details about the client and project even if they were short, meaning that the client might be more serious. For example, they shared what the product was and which industry it was in or what they needed help with specifically (you’d think that would be the minimum in all project descriptions… but not on Upwork).

As I compared them with the rest, I noticed that this was also the case for the other projects.

Next, I looked at the previous hiring rate to see if that might offer us a correlation. The average hiring rate was 51% for the clients that I pitched with the second proposal style and 52% for proposal style four, whereas the other two styles came out to 38% and 31% respectively. It brings us closer but doesn’t really give us a clear picture.

Another option is the type of clients. I tend to see two types on Upwork: the type who is looking for the best of the best and pay well (they usually choose the high-tier freelancers in the US as the clients tend to be from there as well).

And the type of client who is looking for more affordable help and is ok that they aren’t as skilled either in the hard skill and/or communication. I did see other freelancers being hired from both of those two categories.

The problem with evaluating the client quality is that unless we get specifics or speak with the clients it can be hard to tell how good of a fit they are for us.

A writeback itself doesn’t mean much since there can be more or less quality to it which is difficult to quantify and compare. There are even certain trigger words or sentences that can be used to get more writebacks but that doesn’t mean they will be worth much.

With the limited information we have from the clients, we might never know, so let’s move on to the winning proposal style and look at an example. If you have any theories or ideas, please leave a comment at the end of the article.

The winning proposal style is defined as those that are (almost) custom written for each project but only talks about the freelancers’ experience, background, or a project recommendation.

The project description:

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

The proposal:

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

The writeback:

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

Another example:

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

I expected the best cover letter for Upwork to be style three because it is a slightly upgraded version of style two without spending too much extra time and simply being better formatted and focused on the client rather than our experience.

But since, in this experiment, we can only look for the number of clients responding to our proposal, that is GREAT news! Proposal style two takes less time to create and it seems to work because it gives recommendations and an example right there in the initial proposal – something that helps build trust with the client.

When we use this style, we can use proposal templates to be more efficient but they take some time to create the first time. But it is worth it because we can reuse them.

A writeback example

I did get several writebacks showing interest but not being able to afford my rates. I was hesitant to bring this up since there are plenty of articles out there hating on Upwork .

Here’s a writeback example:

best cover letter for upwork - writeback example

This is not always the case when we look for the best cover letter for Upwork. The challenge is sorting the right projects from the wrong ones because Upwork attracts smaller clients with a lack of resources.

This tends to be more important with marketing-related work than other services since marketing doesn’t have much effect if the product isn’t a good fit for the customers already. In comparison, any business at any stage might need help with things like admin work or graphic design.

That’s why I tend to recommend Upwork to professionals wanting to begin to earn money on the side. It’s a great way to get started if you have an approved account but we tend to get frustrated with the platform as we want to earn more beyond the first few thousand dollars.

I could have mentioned more about my pricing and how it’s a placeholder since some clients don’t want to engage because they know that they can’t afford it. That might have helped mitigate that concern.

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Hello Chris, I have been a good follower of yours for a while. You always drop golden nuggets. I am really excited about this test. It has given me more insights on proposal, and I am very sure others will see benefits too. Thank you very much.

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Thank you for saying that King!

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Thanks Chris for this. I am Matt! Can I get in touch so I can learn from you. Hope you don’t mind me having your email address.

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Great work done with the clear description of your experience by having logical thinking. Thank You for sharing this article. Much appreciated!

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Amazing ????

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5 Sample Upwork Proposal Templates to Win the Competition

Profile Image:Soubhik Chakrabarti

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5 Sample Upwork Proposals to Help You Get Started

How to make a sample upwork proposal on your own, 5 steps to writing an effective upwork proposal, what to include (and not include) in every upwork proposal, 4 tips for writing better upwork proposals, final thoughts.

Research shows 53 million Americans are freelancing today . They contribute $715 billion each year to the economic growth of the country.

Demand for freelancers is at an all-time high. However, the competition is also stiff. Platforms like Upwork have millions of freelancers competing for projects on the platform.

It takes more than skills and experience to win clients on Upwork. You must attract your client’s attention by establishing a strong connection right from the beginning.

A custom proposal can work wonders to help you break the ice. You can connect with your client instantly and show why you are the right person for the job.

What to Expect from this Article

Upwork has remained the largest freelancing platform in the world for some time now. It helps a freelancer build their career and earn consistent incomes.

However, Upwork has more than 5 million clients and 12 million freelance remote workers . As a result, several freelancers bid on a project, making it difficult to land you a job.

A well-thought proposal can help you stand out and prove your expertise. You can express how you will benefit the client and their business and help them achieve their objectives.

In this blog, we will learn how to write a killer proposal to win projects on Upwork. We will also include a few sample Upwork proposal templates to inspire you.

sample cover letter for upwork proposal

The job description given by the client will form the basis of your proposal. You can use the client’s needs to align and sell your services better.

Below you will find a sample Upwork proposal for 5 jobs. You can write your proposal following our format and style to land more gigs.

1. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Graphic Designer


I understand you want to create a brochure for your upcoming sales expo. With my experience of 10 years, I can help you to stand out from your competitors. I have designed over 100 brochures for companies all around the world.

I’m attaching some brochures I made for past clients to give you a better idea of what I can deliver.

I’m proficient in several editing tools like Adobe Creative Cloud. I can also use a tool of your choice if that holds significance.

I can deliver the brochure within 7 days of receiving your confirmation. However, I would need a few resources from your end to make a compelling brochure.

Let’s discuss matters in the following communication. I will be waiting for your reply.


2. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Freelance Writer

I would like to place my proposal for your creative writing project. I see you want to develop high-quality content to fuel your marketing efforts. We can take the project forward immediately as I have chalked out a plan to drive your outreach program:

  • 5 blogs (700+ words) per month on industry news and updates
  • 2 how-to articles (900+ words) per month on company-related offerings
  • 1 mega blog (2,500 +words) per month on helpful guides
  • 10 social media updates per month for Facebook and Instagram

I’m prepared to handle the workload and deliver tasks on time. I have also worked with WordPress and can publish blogs, complete with images, tags, and videos.

Moreover, I can publish updates on your social media channels to keep your audience engaged.

We can discuss the rates once you reply to my proposal. I’m attaching sample blogs of past projects for your reference.

3. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Developer

I’m confident I am the right person to help you turn your vision into reality. Every business should have a mobile app to target and retain mobile customers.

I assume you don’t have a plan in place due to the lack of details in your job description. I can guide you to develop the right strategy and help you launch your mobile app with success.

I have developed the apps of top healthcare brands like XYZ and ABC. You can download and use the apps to get a feel of what I have to offer.

I already have a few features in mind that can help your app attract and convert more customers. I’ve been developing apps for over 7 years and completed more than 30 projects.

Most importantly, I have exposure to working in the healthcare industry and know what works best for clinics like yours.


I would like to take our conversation forward and provide you with more insights on developing your app.

4. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Web Designer

I would love to apply for your project. I have been helping entrepreneurs like you to create a strong brand and lasting memories with your audience.

I understand you are looking to give your website a fresh look and make it more appealing. I can help you design an aesthetic and modern website with high-quality visuals to create an engaging user experience.

I audited your website and already have a few recommendations. For example, I would like to make the UI simpler to remove clutter and distractions.

I have several other suggestions and a plan in place to help you create a strong market presence. Please reply to my proposal so that we can move things forward.

You can also view the following websites I worked on to get an idea of what to expect:

Please send me a message to discuss your project requirements.

5. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Content Creator (YouTube, Social Media, etc.)

I see you would like to create content for your YouTube channel. I can provide you with professional guidance and create stellar content to click with your audience. I have over 10 years of experience helping businesses develop strong brand awareness.

You might have seen my work on YouTube channels like XYZ and ABC. I also manage the 123 channel, which is a business similar to yours.

I’ve been working with them for 1.5 years, and my content generated over 1 million views. I can deliver you similar results, once we sit down to discuss the details.

I can help you with:

  • Content strategy
  • Content topics
  • Shooting videos
  • Pre and post-production tasks
  • Video editing

I would love to be the one to develop a long-term relationship that benefits both parties. I will wait for your reply to start on the project right away.

Let’s set up a meeting at your convenience.

an image of a laptop showing an individual upwork profile

An important part of becoming a freelancer on Upwork is to be able to write your own proposals . However, you don’t need to write from scratch every time you apply to a project.

Instead, you can make a sample Upwork proposal and customize it to your needs. Below are a few insights to help you write fantastic proposals.

A few easy steps can help you write a sample Upwork proposal template as a foundation. The first step is the most important:

1. Research Your Client

You must understand your client to write an effective proposal. The job description can give you vital insights to perform your research, like company name or product.

Moreover, read the project requirements to understand what problem the client is trying to solve. You cannot write a proposal unless you are clear about the project objectives.

Make a list of the pain points of a project before you do anything else.

2. Specify Your Services

Your client must know what you are selling them. Therefore, specify your services in your Upwork proposal to get more gigs.

However, do not mention services that are not useful to the client. They may make you look good on paper but don’t help you convince your client.

Instead, mention your deliverables and how they resolve your client’s pain points.

Let’s say a client wants to hire a creative writer and asks what you can offer. You will surely not get the project if you write something like, “I can deliver high-quality articles and blogs.”

Instead, write you can deliver:

  • How-to guides
  • Walkthroughs
  • Product reviews
  • Product descriptions
  • Elevator pitches

3. Create an Outline

Create a rough outline of your sample Upwork proposal. You can use the pain points you noted down as a foundation to elaborate on your services.

You don’t need to write a detailed outline. Just make a list of the main points you want to include in your letter.

It will help you stay on track and prevent missing out on important information. Write your proposal based on your outline for the best results.

4. Use a Template

You can find many templates online to write your proposal. However, you must customize the proposal for the project you are looking to apply.

Moreover, you can create a custom template based on your services. You can personalize based on your project requirements and save time and energy.

However, prevent copy-pasting content from other proposals. Your template should be a guide only and not the actual wording of your cover letter.

It is always better to take a few more minutes to write an original proposal. Otherwise, you may lose projects even if you have the right skills and capabilities.

5. Proofread Your Proposal

The last step of the process is to proofread your proposal. It should not contain any spelling or grammatical errors.

Moreover, your document should be professional and free of typos. You can use online services to proofread your proposal.

A proposal cover letter should include a few vital things that help you land more projects. They are as follows:

Your Information

It is necessary to introduce yourself to your client. However, you don’t need to write about your hobbies or all the degrees you acquired.

Include your name and throw in a few details that help you persuade your client, such as:

  • Your experience
  • Exposure to working in different industries
  • Educational qualifications

Outline of Project

The job description will help you zero in on your client’s objectives. They also reveal the pain points the person or business is trying to solve.

You should capture the pain points in your proposal to tie your services with them. It helps you show why your client should hire you for the job.

Never be ambiguous when writing your client requirements. You should make your client aware of their pain points if they aren’t.

Let’s say the job description says a small company wants to improve its website user experience. However, they haven’t mentioned the areas of improvement.

Here, you can use your insights to understand your client’s pain points. Their user experience may be suffering due to clutter or an unresponsive design.

You can write an effective proposal by showing you understand your client. However, it’s better to ask questions rather than include assumptions.

Outline of Solution

You should describe how your service will resolve your client’s problems. It is necessary to be specific and provide a glimpse of what’s on offer.

Let’s say you are applying to a social media marketing project. In your proposal, don’t just say, “I can create an excellent campaign to bring you more leads.”

Instead, show them how you are going to do the job. As a result, many freelancers on Upwork include a list of deliverables in their cover letters.

An example of deliverables for a social media campaign may include:

  • An audit report of current social media presence
  • Social media marketing strategy
  • 25 Monthly posts and updates
  • Comments on 100 posts per month

Don’t include services that are not related to the project.

Call to Action (CTA)

Customize the CTA for your sample Upwork proposal. However, avoid writing ambiguous calls to action like, “hope to hear from you soon.”

Instead, write something like:

  • Let’s set a meeting for Monday
  • Please reply to my message to discuss matters
  • Please answer my queries to take the project forward

You must include a few samples of your work in your proposal. For a writer, samples of previously-written blogs or links to published articles are great.

Similarly, a developer can invite clients to check out apps and software developed by them. Samples are excellent to give your client an idea of the returns you can provide.

woman writing down notes on a notebook at a desk

You must start sending proposals as soon as you join Upwork to get a job. Here are a few proven tips to help you nail the task like a pro:

1. Keep It Concise

Your Upwork proposal should be brief and to the point. Don’t over-describe your client’s pain points or your services.

Instead, provide the right information to encourage your client to decide in your favor.

The length of your proposal will depend on the job description. However, it should not be more than 4 – 5 paragraphs long.

Nobody has the time to read a lengthy proposal, especially when 30 – 50 freelancers apply for the same job.

2. Don’t Oversell

A proposal helps you sell your service on Upwork. It should put you in the best light, but not by appearing too salesy.

A better approach is to show your client how you can provide value. List techniques or ways you can solve their pain points or help them achieve their goals.

A simple change in perception can help you nail the task. Think about how you can help a client instead of wondering how you can sell.

Moreover, add a human touch and work to create trust.

3. Answer Additional Questions First

Most projects on Upwork need you to answer ‘Additional Questions’ after you write your cover letter. However, clients see your replies to these questions first before your actual proposal.

Therefore, answer the additional screening questions before you write your proposal. Use your research to give compelling answers and show you are the best person to handle the project.

It goes a long way to make sure the client reads your proposal. If you cannot answer as expected, even an excellent proposal may fall short.

4. Ask Questions

It is always better to ask questions than make assumptions. However, any question you ask should show you understand your client or the project better.

Let’s say a project says you have to create a Facebook ad campaign. However, the job description has no information on budget or goals.

Instead of promising deliverables outright, you can ask:

  • May I know your budget so that I can create a fitting plan?
  • What is the price range of the product you are promoting?
  • Do you want to target a local or global audience?

You must be able to write effective proposals to become a top-rated freelancer on Upwork . Follow our steps and tips to create a fantastic proposal and land more projects. However, refrain from making false claims in your cover letter. Instead, include adequate proof to prove your expertise.

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Written by Soubhik Chakrabarti

Staff at

A prolific writer and a Top Talent on Upwork with over $200,000 in earnings, Soubhik is both a journalist and an entrepreneur. With a journalism degree from Langara College, Vancouver, Soubhik today helps companies focus on their SEO efforts through SEO consulting, and also owns websites like - which today has more than 150,000 pageviews a month.

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Reviewed & edited by Adam Wright , at Millo.

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Home » Upwork Cover Letter Sample: 09 Examples & Ideas

Upwork Cover Letter Sample: 09 Examples & Ideas

sample cover letter for upwork data entry

We know you’re looking for the best way to start your job search, and we want to help. Our Upwork Cover Letter Sample are designed to show you how to highlight your skills and experiences in the most effective way possible. With a well-written cover letter, you’ll be one step closer to getting the job of your dreams. Let us help you make an amazing first impression on potential employers.

Cover letters are an important part of the job application process, and they can be a great way to show off your skills and personality. Cover letters can be a great way to show off your skills and enthusiasm for the position. But they can also be a lot of work to write. However, many people struggle with knowing how to write them. If you’re looking for some inspiration, or just want to see what a good cover letter looks like, we’ve got you covered. We’ve included a few work cover letter samples that you can use as a starting point for your own applications.

Check out these sample ideas to get inspired! There are many different ways to showcase your skills and experience in a cover letter. So find one that fits your personality and style. And don’t forget to personalize it for each job you apply to – the hiring manager will be able to tell that you took the time to tailor it just for them.

For More: Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

Upwork Cover Letter Sample

Table of Contents

Cover Letter for Upwork Proposal

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to apply for the [POST TITLE] role advertised on your website. I have experience in [FIELD], and believe my skills and previous experience make me a worthy candidate for this position.

From my research, it seems that you are looking for a [DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION]. My CV is enclosed.

I would like to highlight my relevant skills and experience as follows:


Any questions you may have regarding my application should be answered by the enclosed CV, but please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Sample Cover Letter for Upwork

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached my CV to apply for the position of [JOB TITLE HERE]. I would be grateful if you would consider me for this role.

During the course of my 10+ years working in [INDUSTRY & POSITION], I have successfully demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team across various projects. I have made significant contributions to the success of projects by successfully managing the requirements, developing solutions and leading vendor teams.

As well as bringing extensive experience to this role, I also bring many personal qualities that are required for this position including drive, commitment, resilience and organization. The ability to work under pressure is a key requirement for this position and I have consistently demonstrated these skills.

My qualifications, achievements and contributions would make me an asset to your company. As previous employers, my referees will confirm that I am a hard working team player with honesty and integrity who always delivers on time. Please contact me should you wish to discuss this position in further detail.

Yours sincerely, Name:_______, Email:___________, Address:__________ Contact#____________

Upwork proposal cover letter

Respected Sir,

I am writing to apply for the Customer Support Specialist position on your website. I have been brought up and educated in a very supportive and encouraging family and was taught from an early age to be kind, polite and helpful.

Having grown up with pets has also given me an insight into how challenging some tasks can be for someone who is inexperienced. As well as this, I have experience in a customer service environment from my early teenage years and worked in several areas such as retail, hospitality, and more recently social media marketing.

I am very passionate about the sport of swimming and volunteer for various local events within my community. This has developed many skills that relate to this role including time management, understanding different types of people, and working well as part of a team.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully, Name:_______, Email:___________, Address:__________Contact#____________

Cover Letter Upwork Sample

Respected Hiring Manager,

I am writing to you with reference to my application for the position of ___________ as advertised on your website. Here is a brief summary of my experience and suitability for this role:

In 2019 I graduated from the University of Westminster with a Bachelors’s degree in Business Administration and immediately began applying for work in accountancy. I have had some success in securing roles at small local businesses but find that I lack experience in more varied areas of administration.

I have recently found your advertisement for _________ role and think it is an excellent opportunity for me to gain valuable new skills while working with a hiring company of your stature. My current education, combined with my already acquired skills in the administration would enable me to contribute efficiently and effectively to your company.

I can also see that this role requires knowledge of the following skills: __________________. So I am confident that my education has equipped me with sufficient knowledge of these areas and look forward to elaborating on how these skills could benefit your business.

I believe my drive for success coupled with my commitment to growth would make me a valuable addition to your company. So I am available at your earliest convenience for an interview and hope you find the attached resume relevant to this role

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or have any questions about my suitability. Thank you again for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

Regards, Name:_______, Email:___________, Address:__________Contact#____________

Cover Letter for Upwork Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I observed in your advertisement for a social media account manager that you are in need of someone who can offer creative and out-of-the-box ideas when it comes to business. I believe that my qualifications and experience make me the perfect candidate for this position. My career has been marked by consistent success working with people, building relationships, and researching new ideas.

I am confident that I can bring value to your company, particularly in the role of social media account manager. Here are some reasons why:

I have three years of experience working for a marketing firm where I learned invaluable lessons about how to manage client relationships and create engaging content for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

During my tenure at Barnes and Noble, I managed the website and social media accounts for three years. Working with customers all day long really improved my knowledge of what makes people tick. So I believe this is an important quality to make me effective as a social media account manager for your business.

I have experience creating engaging content for various platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. As well as creating promotional material for Google Adwords.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to your company. Will contact you on Monday, April 18th to set up a time to meet and talk about what you need from a social media account manager.

Best regards, Name:_______, Email:___________, Address:__________ Contact#____________

Upwork Cover Letter Example

In this letter, I would like to present myself as a candidate for a Virtual Assistant position with your company. First, I will give you a brief description of who I am and what my qualifications are, then explain how my experience can be valuable in helping your company achieve its goals. Finally, I will provide you with references – both personal and professional – that you may contact.

My name is _____, and I am an experienced business development representative with a strong background in public relations, marketing, and social media. Also my primary focus has been on working with small businesses to cultivate their brands through the implementation of quality content marketing strategies. My goal is to use my expertise to help make your company a household name.

In addition to being a skilled marketer, I am also an exemplary writer and editor. My work for both small businesses and large corporations has been praised by clients and colleagues alike for its creativity, unique perspective, flow, readability, grammar, spelling, punctuation, use of industry-specific acronyms/jargon, and depth of research.

You can be confident that all work I complete for your company will not only meet, but exceed your standards. I would be willing to complete any necessary training, and my hourly rate is $22/hr.

Sincerely, Name:_______, Email:___________, Address:__________ Contact#____________

Best Upwork Cover Letter Samples

My name is _____ and I am writing in response to the job advertisement for a customer support representative. I believe that my experience and skills would be an asset to your organization, specifically in regard to this position.

I have previous work-related experience as a customer support representative, which allowed me to build strong communication skills, learn how to deal with a wide range of people in various work-related situations, and improve my computer skills.

My qualifications also include the following:

(insert list)

I am confident that my experience has developed qualities such as these that would make me an asset to your company. Would love the chance to discuss this role in person and demonstrate how I could benefit your organization.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Upwork Proposal Cover Letter Sample

Respected HR Manager,

I am writing to apply for the currently available position of a Social Media Manager on I saw your listing on LinkedIn and think that I’m the perfect candidate for the job.

My name is [NAME] and I am passionate about social media marketing. Over my career, I have worked in various positions most recently as a Social Media Manager at [COMPANY NAME]. My duties included creating content for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other channels on a daily basis.

I am familiar with all social media platforms and have gained extensive experience in engaging an audience by publishing relevant articles. What is more, I have used my skills to promote the company’s new products or services. I have also had opportunities to conduct interviews with experts within the industry via Skype or Google Hangouts, which turned out very successful.

I am sure that I could bring a lot of value to your company as Social Media Manager at My attached resume provides an overview of my education and professional experience. But if you wish to learn more, I am ready to answer all of your questions.

Please feel free to contact me at [PHONE] or via email at [EMAIL] at any time. I have attached my resume as a PDF file and look forward to hearing from you soon.

For More: 111+ Attractive Hair Stylist Resume Objective ideas & Examples

Upwork Sample Cover Letter

Dear HR Manager,

Indeed, it’s a real pleasure to be writing you. I came across your company’s advertisement for a Front Desk Officer on Jobstreet during my hunt for new opportunities. And am confident that I would be a valuable addition to your workplace.

I am currently working at [Name of previous Company], having been employed there since [Time period working there].

How I believe I would be a great fit for your esteemed organization due to my extensive experience, communication skills and understanding of the nature of this role. So I am confident that, with me on board, you will not only maintain the standard required but also see an increase in both productivity and profit.

I have enclosed my CV for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon,

So, what do you think? Are you inspired to try out some of these work cover letter ideas for your next application? So Let us know in the comments section below. So if you need more help getting started, be sure to check out our professional writing services. We can take the hassle out of crafting a stellar job application and make sure your resume stands out from the rest. We hope this article has helped you to come up with some ideas for your own cover letter. If it’s not, don’t worry because we have plenty of other resources on the blog that could help you out! You can find them by clicking here or visiting our homepage anytime. Once again, thanks for tuning in and good luck on finding a new job!

upwork cover letter sample for graphic designer

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Jessica William

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10 Upwork Cover Letter Samples & Proposal Template

These real time “ Upwork cover letter samples ” and “ Upwork proposal samples ” win 100% job success score. Freelancers who do not know the correct proposal examples and format of Upwork, only they should follow this article. First of all, I suggest you to learn the work first and then apply for the jobs. You may like: Upwork Profile Overview Samples

Here all the upwork cover letters are written for the qualified freelancers. If you are not qualified or if you do not know the online work, please do not follow this cover letter. If you use these cover letter, clients feel happy and give you the job. But if you can not satisfy your clients, you will lose your value.

Let’s see the best upwork proposal samples , examples and format. All the cover letter upwork are highly written by the real time job winners. Firstly, complete your profile and make it 100% writing eye catching upwork profile overview . Then you can follow the correct format including many tips and tricks on How to write a cover letter for Upwork.

Upwork Cover Letter Samples

01. data entry cover letter, 02. article writer cover letter, 03. virtual assistant (va) cover letter, 04. seo expert cover letter, 05. graphics designer cover letter, 06. web developer cover letter, 07. wordpress developer cover letter, 08. ui and ux designer cover letter, 09. digital marketing proposal sample, 10. android developer proposal for upwork.

You may Like:

01. Avoid Upwork Cover Letter Mistakes

02. upwork proposal question and answer, 03. how not to get banned from upwork.

Win Jobs on Upwork

01. Upwork Cover Letter for Data Entry

Hello Thank your very much for your job posting. I have got your job posting on “Data Entry”. Thorough your job description, I have come to know that you need a professional data entry expert. You have mentioned that you need the quick result in your day to day tasks. Also you have mentioned your time schedule in there. I have fully gone thorough your whole job posting.

I want to offer myself as a candidate for this job because I have the required skills that you are looking for. Have been working with data entry, data importing, exporting and data mining for more than 3 years. I have been working for a local NGO here. My typing speed is satisfactory and I know all types of data entry on internet. Also I am interested in your time schedule that you have mentioned. I have no problem with any internal and external facts.

I also request to visit my profile and work history. Also please see my work history areas. I am very much interested in this job and I believe I would be the best one for this project. Please consider my appeal and grant me for your project.

I am always available on Email and Skype. I will be available more than 60 hours per week and able to start your project as soon as possible according to you.

Thank you for your consideration Best Regards Your Name

02. Upwork Cover Letter for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Dear Hiring Manager/Hello I’ve carefully gone through your job posting on “Job title here”. I ’m an expert Search Engine Optimizer with more than 2 years experiences of both “On-Page” and “Off -Page” SEO. I am very much interested in your project with all of your requirements.

Freelancer Success

Recently I have successfully completed a SEO project on “A project name” both on-page and Off- page SEO, Full white hat Complying with Google Panda and Penguin Updates. For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedback. You can see my official site also “Your site link” (If you have not any site, please delete this line)

I am always available on Email and Skype. Please have a voice or video chat if necessary. I will be available more than 60 hours per week and able to start your project as soon as possible according to you. Thank you for your consideration Best Regards Your Name

03. Upwork Cover Letter for Article/Blog/Content Writing

I have got your job posting on “Job Title” and I am very much interested to work in your project. I am a pro blogger and content provider with more than 3 years working experiences of blog writing, Posting and SEO. So, I think you’ll find, I have the skills you’re looking for.

For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedback. Normally, I can write and post a blog content with graphics and all the SEO supplements within two hours.

I am always available on Email and Skype. Please have a voice or video chat if necessary. I will be available more than 60 hours per week and able to start your project as soon as possible according to you.

Thank you for your consideration, Best Regards, Your Name

04. Upwork Cover Letter for Blog/Article Posting

Hello I have got your job posting “Job Title” and I am very much interested to work in your project. I am a pro blogger and have more than 6 years experiences of blog writing, Posting and SEO. So, I think you’ll find, I have the skills you’re looking for.

For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedbacks. Normally, I can write and post a blog content with graphics and all the SEO supplements within two hours.

05. Upwork Cover Letter for SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Dear Hiring Manager I’ve carefully gone through your job posting on “Write Name”. I ’m an expert Social Media Marketer with full internet marketing techniques and I have more than 6 years working experiences in SMM, IM, SEM, SEO, Affiliation, etc. I am very much interested in your project with all of your requirements.

Recently I have successfully completed many of SMM, IM, EM, etc.For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedbacks. You can see my official site also

06. Upwork Cover Letter for Youtube Channel Optimization/SEO

Hello I’ve carefully gone through your job posting on “Job Title”. I ’m an expert Youtube Channel Optimizer with more than 6 years experiences of both “On Channel” and “Off Channel” Optimization and SEO. I am very much interested in your project with all of your requirements.

Recently I have successfully completed two jobs on youtube channel optimization, ;

For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedbacks. You can see my official site also

Thank you for your consideration Regards Your Name

07. Upwork Cover Letter for Graphics Design/Logo/Banner

Hello I am Your Name. I have completed my Diploma in Graphics Design and Text Illusion from Any University Name or Training Company Name. For the past few years I have designed many logos, banners, 3D textures, Auto Cad, Cartoons etc. Some samples have been posted in my portfolio area and my work history area. Please have a look to measure my quality.

From your job description area, I have come to know that you need a unique design for your new/existing company. Actually graphics is the soul of a website and permanent branding of a company. I can strongly assure you that I will be able to provide you according to your desire.

You will find so many so called designers in the web who even do not know the color combination and structure. I do not want you to be cheated by them. You are in a right place and person. Hopefully I will be hired in this project as I’ m highly experienced in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, lnDesign, Corel Draw, Text Design Pro

I am waiting for your response. I am able to use all types of communication methods and able to maintain your time schedule during the project is on.

Thank you very much Regards Your Name

08. Upwork Cover Letter for VA / Virtual Assistant

Dear hiring manager I have got your job posting on Virtual Assistant Project. According to your job description you need a fast one for helping you in your tasks. And yes you have mentioned about your time. For your kind information I want to let you know that I have been working with these types of works for more than five years without any single time schedule problem.

I am fully expert in web research, extracting email, data mining, Google, Bing, Yahoo, MS Office (Full), Google Docs, Google Document, Google Spreadsheet, Adwords, Analytics, Webmaster, SEO, SMM, EM, SEM, PR, B2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Directory and other related programs.

I can assure you that I will be able to assist you in your task in time with quality work as I have already completed so many projects. Please have a look on my portfolio and profile. I have listed many successful projects in my work history area.

I am waiting to be hired in this project to show my skills. Regards Your Name

09. Upwork Cover Letter for Web Research / Data Mining / Extraction

Dear hiring manager I have got your job posting on Data Entry Project. According to your job description you need a fast worker for your data mining and web research. For your kind information I want to let you know that I have been working with these types of works for more than five years.

I can assure you that I will be able to submit your task in time with quality work as I ‘ve already completed so many projects. Please have a look on my portfolio and profile. I have listed many successful projects in my work history area.

10. Upwork Cover Letter for Digital Marketing

Hello I have got your job posting for Digital Marketer. According to your job description, I have come to know that you are searching for an expert for this post. Now-a-days very few people can be found who do not use social media. Social media is the second need of the online people. If one organization can capture a large number of smm traffic, success can easily come to the owner. SEM and SEO are a gradual process which results slowly, rather SMM is an instant process which results faster.

Recently I have successfully completed so many SMM projects. For more information will you please visit my work history. Success is my main aim. I gain success by hock or by crook. And I have a strong belief that I will be able to satisfy you in this project. Hope I will be hired.

11. Forum Posting Cover Letter for Upwork

Hello I have been really happy to see a job posting which is 100% fit for my skills. I have got your job posting on Forum Posting. According to your job description, I have come to know that you are searching for an expert forum poster with the updated knowledge of srong backlinking. Now-a-days very few people can be found who knows about the forum posting. Most of the workers are now just doing the spaming, not the forum posting. Forum posting is one of the most important tools of strong backlinking. If one organization can capture a large number of strong forum backlinks, success can easily come to the owner. I have been doing the forum posting with the do-follow backlinking for more than seven years. I know the present condition of the market and the world of forum posting.

Recently I have successfully completed so many Forum Posting projects. For more information will you please visit my work history. Success is my main aim. I gain success by hock or by crook. And I have a strong belief that I will be able to satisfy you in this project. Hope I will be hired.

17 Upwork Cover Letter Mistakes

Related posts, toptal vs upwork: world’s best comparison, upwork vs freelancer: world’s best comparison, how to write a cover letter with samples, professional title examples for upwork freelancers, web developer proposal sample for upwork, data entry cover letter sample for upwork, data entry overview sample & example for upwork, top 30 freelance sites like upwork, upwork proposal sample for digital marketing, 49 comments.

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Jan 16, 2023 08:38:49 AM  by  Bappu A

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  1. 17 Upwork Cover Letter Tips, With Examples

    2. Create a unique cover letter for each proposal. Having a general format in mind will give you the framework for your cover letter. However avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. Write a unique cover letter for each new project or job you want to apply to on Upwork. It's perfectly fine to recycle some of the stronger statements from your letter.

  2. 4 Proven Upwork Cover Letters (Save Time, Win More Jobs)

    And that's where the following list of Upwork sample cover letters can help. They will enable you to apply for more jobs without resorting to obvious copy-and-paste tactics. ... This next proposal sample comes from Gray, a freelance graphic designer. The Job Description. The Cover Letter. The Result. Gray was hired to do the job at a 10% ...

  3. How to Write a Winning Upwork Cover Letter (+Sample)

    Example of a Winning Upwork Cover Letter. As promised, here is a cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client. Note that you can use the pattern I set but make sure you don't use exact words. This cover letter was designed solely for the certain job post to this cover letter was submitted to.

  4. Land Your Dream Freelance Gig: Upwork Cover Letter Guide

    These Upwork cover letter samples provide a foundation to build upon, tailored to different freelance specialities. ... On Upwork, the terms "proposal" and "cover letter" are often used interchangeably. They both refer to the written document submitted to convince a client to hire you. However, some freelancers differentiate between the two.

  5. How To Write An Upwork Cover Letter: 5 Tips + Free Template

    5 Tips For Writing Professional Cover Letters. Follow these quick tips to make your cover letter look more professional. 1. Keep it Concise and Clear. Write a concise and well-structured letter. Keep it to a single page and use a professional tone.

  6. Upwork Proposal Samples that Get Interviews (2 Templates)

    How to Write a Winning Upwork Proposal. 1. How to Start Your Upwork Proposal. Within the first sentence, you want to show you've read their job posting. This is ultra-important. It's more important than your name even. I see a ton of proposals that start like this: "Hi, my name is Michael and I'm a ___". They don't care.

  7. An Upwork Cover Letter Example For Freelancers

    This post offers some tips for that. Plus, we've included a quick Upwork cover letter sample you can use as a reference. Keep in mind that this post will mostly reference Upwork, but could really apply to any freelancing platform. ... very specific task. In your cover letter (project proposal) don't go around the bush too much and ...

  8. Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

    Whatever the case, submitting a cover letter for an Upwork proposal is a must. By doing so, you can express your interest in the project/job and present your candidacy. To help you craft a top-notch Upwork cover letter, we've put together essential steps and tips, together with the best Upwork cover letter samples from successful hires.

  9. How To Write a Successful Upwork Proposal

    It's all up to your personal preference (and how far apart your time zone is from the client). 5. Follow-up. Immediately after ending our first meeting, I send my prospective new client a high-quality slide deck attached to a thank you message. This deck reiterates key points from my proposal and our call.

  10. The best cover letter for Upwork (data-backed experiment)

    The proposal: The writeback: I expected the best cover letter for Upwork to be style three because it is a slightly upgraded version of style two without spending too much extra time and simply being better formatted and focused on the client rather than our experience. But since, in this experiment, we can only look for the number of clients ...

  11. Upwork Proposal Tips: How to Write a Great Cover Letter (with Samples

    In-depth training on how to a craft killer proposal, the kind that drastically increases your chances of winning the best jobs. In this talk, Upwork Ambassad...

  12. Upwork Proposal Cover Letters for Fashion Designer (with samples)

    The Final Upwork Proposal Cover Letter Sample 📝 Dear [Client's Name], I'm thrilled to submit my proposal for the Fashion Designer role for your upcoming affordable luxury petite brand.

  13. 5 Sample Upwork Proposal Templates to Win the Competition

    The job description given by the client will form the basis of your proposal. You can use the client's needs to align and sell your services better. Below you will find a sample Upwork proposal for 5 jobs. You can write your proposal following our format and style to land more gigs. 1.

  14. How to Write a Powerful Proposal to Land a Job on Upwork

    The key is to shift the focus so it's away from you as a freelancer and more towards what your client's goals are. 4. Rephrase the client's problem. Read the job posting carefully and ...

  15. Upwork Cover Letter Sample: 09 Examples & Ideas

    Learn how to write a cover letter for Upwork proposal with these 09 examples and tips. Find out how to highlight your skills and experience, showcase your personality, and make a great impression on potential employers. Download a free template and get inspired by the best cover letter samples for different roles and industries.

  16. 10 Upwork Cover Letter Samples & Proposal Template

    Let's see the best upwork proposal samples, examples and format. All the cover letter upwork are highly written by the real time job winners. Firstly, complete your profile and make it 100% writing eye catching upwork profile overview. Then you can follow the correct format including many tips and tricks on How to write a cover letter for Upwork.

  17. Sample Cover Letter

    Cover letter should have clear mention of your experience and skills related to job you are bidding for. You should also mention why buyer should hire you supported with work samples. You can refer to sample cover letters here on community but DO NOT COPY/PASTE those but create your own. 3 Upvotes. Reply.

  18. Solved: Re: Copy & Paste in Cover Letter

    pasted cover letter from a text file, your proposal may appear as hidden to the client on Upwork. This is because Upwork's algorithm may flag it as a duplicate and hide it from the client's view. It's always best to personalize your cover letter for each job you apply to, even if it takes a bit longer.

  19. How To Create a Portfolio on Upwork

    Upwork portfolio best practices. Your portfolio can sometimes tell your professional story better than your Upwork profile or proposal. Clients love to see real-world examples of your work more than just read about it in your cover letter. While some talents may be more visual than others, your portfolio matters regardless of what your skills are.