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Free Editable Netflix Presentation Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

A creative Netflix poster with amazing series posters

About the Template

Netflix ppt template with animation .

If you are looking for out-of-box designs for your next presentation and want to showcase your creative side, this  free Netflix presentation template  can be the best option.

The initial 60 seconds you spend with the audience are pivotal for a presentation. Your presentation will succeed if you pull the people in the right way and keep them engaged. By nailing at the start of the presentation, you set the tone that entertains the audience and eventually convinces them to believe in your ideas.

About Netflix Online Streaming App

Netflix is the most popular online streaming platform. The platform has revolutionized the way audience consume entertainment. Netflix offers a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original productions, Netflix has become synonymous with binge-watching and endless entertainment possibilities.

Netflix’s expansion into international markets has been nothing short of extraordinary. With its availability in over 190 countries, the platform has transcended borders and language barriers, captivating audiences worldwide.

Inspired by Netflix, this Netflix PowerPoint template uses a black background with trending Netflix series images, making the template look stunning. If you want your next presentation to shine, then get this amazing free  Netflix PowerPoint presentation slides

Unleash the magic of cinematic storytelling with the Netflix design, your ultimate tool for creating captivating presentations that rival the finest productions. Just like your favourite Netflix series, this template offers an immersive experience that keeps your audience hooked from start to finish.

Why Should You Download this Free Netflix Presentation Template 

This template has sleek and modern design elements that provide a visually stunning backdrop for your content, ensuring that every slide is a masterpiece. Whether you’re presenting to clients, colleagues, or students, this template effortlessly adds a touch of Hollywood glamour to your work.

Say goodbye to bland presentations and embrace the dynamic features of the Netflix Template. Engage your audience with stunning imagery, smooth transitions, and attention-grabbing animations that will leave them eagerly anticipating what’s next. If you are a student wants to make your next education presentation engaging then check out our Free Animated Science Template and Free animated chalkboard template .

Still looking for some cool animated designs, then check out these Free Google Slides Animated Templates . For some interesting designs.

Disclaimer: The term Netflix has been used for the purpose of identification only. The brand DOES NOT endorse or sponsor this template or Slidechef in any manner.

NOTE: Any & All copyright belongs to Netflix

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Free Netflix Powerpoint Presentation Template

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Cool Netflix PowerPoint Template for Download (+7 Practical Tips on Themed Presentation Design)

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

Cool Netflix PowerPoint Template for Download (+7 Practical Tips on Themed Presentation Design)

Ever wished your presentations could capture the same excitement as your favorite Netflix series? Well, we got the perfect Netflix PowerPoint template (that’s completely editable!) for you to use on your next presentation!

Table of Contents

Let’s first unpack a couple of things, so be sure to read until the end so you can get the download link!

7 Pro Tips When Designing a Netflix PowerPoint Template (Or Any Other Themed Presentations)

1. find the right transitions and animations.

  • As much as Morph is a crowd-favorite, you are free to dive beyond the ordinary and explore a variety of animations that seamlessly enhance your themed presentation.
  • Using Netflix PowerPoint template as an example, you can experiment with slide transitions that mimic the smooth flow of a Netflix binge, ensuring your audience stays engaged from start to finish.

2. Use HD, free-for-commercial-use images


  • Source high-quality images from trusted platforms like Unsplash or Freepik , ensuring they are licensed for commercial use.
  • This helps with navigating the legal aspects of incorporating images into commercial presentations, particularly when replicating the aesthetic of a brand such as Netflix, to mitigate potential copyright issues.

3. Mirror the Netflix (or any other themed) experience as close as possible

  • Familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the Netflix app’s interface or themes you are trying to replicate.
  • We recommend designing side by side with the actual Netflix app or take inspiration from references to replicate the look and feel of the theme, paying attention to typography, color schemes, and other distinctive elements.

4. Take your own spin on it by customization

  • Balance aesthetic with personalization. Remember, the goal is to copy the aesthetic, not the entire Netflix interface.
  • Likewise, take inspiration from various sources when designing themed presentations, but don’t copy everything.
  • Tailor the text and graphic elements to align with your presentation’s goals, maintaining professionalism while not losing individuality.

5. Save and embed fonts for seamless viewing

Embed fonts in PowerPoint

  • Save your fonts within the PowerPoint file to maintain design consistency across devices.
  • Embedding fonts safeguards your template’s originality, preventing unintended alterations when viewed on different platforms.

6. Be consistent with branding and align well with your message

  • Extend your theme beyond visuals by aligning the template with your brand’s messaging.
  • Ensure that the chosen theme, inspired by Netflix or any other source, complements the overall tone and objectives of your presentation.

7. Make it interactive!

  • Incorporate interactive PowerPoint elements that mimic the engaging nature of Netflix.
  • Consider clickable links, embedded videos, or interactive graphics to enhance audience participation and understanding.

5 Surprisingly Common Mistakes to Avoid in Designing Themed Presentations

  • Overloading the slides with information  
  • Strive for clarity over complexity. Overloading your slides with excessive information can overwhelm your audience and dilute the impact of your message. Prioritize key points, allowing for a more focused and effective presentation.
  • Using more than 3 font styles  
  • Embrace simplicity in typography by restricting yourself to no more than three font styles. This design principle fosters a clean and professional appearance, promoting visual harmony throughout your presentation.
  • Not considering text-background contrast  
  • Striking the right balance between text and background contrast is essential for readability. Avoid overly flashy color combinations that may hinder legibility. Opt for visually appealing yet readable color palettes that align with your overall theme.
  • Accidental disproportionate images  
  • Maintain the integrity of your visuals by avoiding image distortion. Stretching or altering image proportions can compromise the professionalism of your presentation. Keep images true to their original form for a polished and cohesive look.
  • Ignoring alternative text  
  • Consider the accessibility of your presentation by providing alternative text for images. Design with inclusivity in mind, ensuring that your content is accessible to a diverse audience, including those with visual or auditory impairments.

Unwrapping the Netflix PowerPoint Template! (Download at the Bottom)

1. who’s watching” profile page.

Netflix PowerPoint Template

Immerse your audience in the Netflix experience right from the start with the “Who’s Watching?” profile page. Made alive using the dynamic Float In animation, this section mirrors the user profiles page on Netflix.

Personalize the Netflix PowerPoint template by replacing names with your audience or co-presenters, creating an immediate sense of connection. The animation adds a touch of intrigue, setting the stage for an engaging presentation.

2. Netflix Homepage

Netflix PowerPoint Template

Transition seamlessly to the Netflix homepage-inspired slide, a focal point of your presentation.

Using the Morph transition to create a scrolling effect of movie titles, this section replicates the familiar interface. The customizable text boxes offer flexibility, allowing you to fill in new information.

Change the main picture of the featured title and update scrolling titles, tailoring the content to your specific narrative.

3. Movie Title Individual Homepage

Netflix PowerPoint Template

Dive into the heart of your content with the individual movie title homepage. This section, reminiscent of Netflix’s detailed movie pages, showcases title details and episode numbers.

Utilize the scrolling pointer and highlight text to emphasize key information, all customizable to suit your presentation’s focus.

This slide provides a structured yet visually appealing way to present detailed content, ensuring clarity and engagement.

4. Episodes Page

Netflix PowerPoint Template

The Episodes Page could be your handy alternative to bullet lists. Acting as a creative substitute, this section allows you to incorporate images and specific descriptions for each element.

Break away from traditional formats by using visuals to convey information effectively. Whether showcasing project milestones, key points, or sequential steps, this slide injects vibrancy into your presentation, tied in with an animated scrolling effect using Morph .

Ready to dive in? Get a hold of our exclusive Netflix PowerPoint template below.

Netflix PowerPoint Template

Make heads turn with this cinematic Netflix PowerPoint template!

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re presenting to colleagues, clients, or a broader audience, this Netflix- PowerPoint template offers a truly entertaining experience. As you incorporate these elements into your presentations, remember that the key lies not only in emulation but in personalization.

Feel free to tailor each section to suit your narrative, making the template a canvas for your ideas and stories.

Netflix and chill? 😉

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Free Netflix Template PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Netflix Template PowerPoint and Google Slides

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PowerPoint Makeovers: The 'Netflix: Culture' Deck

PowerPoint Makeovers: The 'Netflix: Culture' Deck

Company culture is so hot right now. And for good reason— new research shows that companies that succeed in creating a healthy work culture are more successful than those that don't. But what makes a good work culture? Employees have cited work-life balance, a welcoming environment, team camaraderie, top-down connectivity and feeling valued as the most important things to them (more important than compensation, even).

But when did the conversation around “company culture” begin? It’s a bit hard to pin down, but many (including Sheryl Sandberg ) look to a little company called Netflix as the spark that started the fire in 2009 with the release of their culture deck. The now-famous 125-slide presentation was created by Patty McCord, Netflix’s Chief Talent Officer at that time, in collaboration with Reed Hastings, Co-Founder and CEO.

Download the Netflix Culture Deck

This presentation was created using Beautiful.ai

The original presentation, simply titled “ Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility, ” spelled out for potential and current employees what it means to be a part of the culture at Netflix. If you made it all the way to the end, you know that the 5 main subtopics (aka key takeaways) are as follows:

  • Hire, reward and tolerate only fully formed adults
  • Tell the truth about performance
  • Managers own the job of creating great teams
  • Leaders own the job of creating the company culture
  • Good talent managers think like businesspeople and innovators first; HR people last

Even now, the concepts in the Netflix presentation are pretty progressive. The idea of “no tolerance” for immature behavior; the transparency around job performance; the accountability of managers; and so on. But as great as the content in the Netflix presentation is, we can all agree that the design of the presentation leaves a lot to be desired.

Which is why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to beautify it for you—and offer it as a free customizable template so you can craft your own Company Culture presentation in minutes. And because 125 slides is way more than we'd suggest , our version is condensed and only includes the most important topics and subtopics.

As we all know, a strong presentation starts with a strong Title slide. It's the first impression; the outfit your presentation wears; the "tone setter" for the entire talk...aka a very important part of the equation. Let's see how Netflix did.

Netflix Culture Presentation Title Slide: Before

Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 10.50.48 AM

Netflix Culture Presentation Title Slide: After

Netflix Culture Presentation Cover Page

Perhaps you prefer the generic font, microscopic logo and random ying-yang symbol of the original Netflix version—you've got every right to, after all. But we'd like to think that the new Beautiful.ai version communicates something more sophisticated, more mature, more professional. A little more "let's raise the brand bar," if you will.

We do this by having a more prominent logo displayed, using a bold but modern color palette (we used the exact hex codes for Netflix's primary and secondary reds and grays), a clean, sans serif font, balanced, congruent layout of elements on the slide, and a professional presentation byline at the bottom. All these little things come together to say "this is a professional document." And what's more important to company culture than a strong brand?

Let's look at another slide in the "Company Values" section of the Netflix: Culture preso:

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Growth Problem' Slide: Before

Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 11.41.24 AM

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Growth Problem' Slide: After

Netflix Culture Deck

Since the original Netflix version of this slide was text-heavy, with uninspiring graphics (did our stress levels just spike with this slide?), unclear title and outdated font, we felt it too screamed for a makeover. Still, the concept of the slide is brilliant and one most companies can deeply relate to— #growingpains.

So we moved things around a bit; renamed the slide; added imagery for visual contrast; and used a clean font and clearer graph tags to communicate the point: Growth is tricky.

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Growth Solution' Slide: Before

Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 3.29.36 PM

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Growth Solution' Slide: After

Netflix Culture Deck

The original Netflix presentation then used the next 12 slides (yes, 12!) to communicate their solution to the problems that arise from rapid company growth, with each slide featuring line after line of text. Not one image or attractive graph or anything, just text. Aka the cardinal SIN of great presentations. (You'll also notice lots of random lines going up and to the right in the original version, but let's ignore those for now before we have an aneurysm).

We'll give Netflix a pass this time—it was 2009 after all—but we think we've said it all (12 slides worth of words) much better with one simple summary slide and some happy smiling faces of staff members below. Check it out:

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Inspiration Quote' Slide: Before

Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 4.16.43 PM

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Inspiration Quote' Slide: After

Netflix Culture Deck

What's more inspiring: a bunch of san serif text on a white background, or a gorgeous ocean scene that illustrates the sentiment of the inspirational quote and gets you excited about contributing to the team? Yeah, we thought so. This one's pretty obvious, so let's move on.

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Teamwork' Slide: Before

Netflix Culture Presentation Deck

Netflix Culture Presentation 'Teamwork' Slide: After

Netflix Culture Deck

So we have to give Netflix a little credit here. They actually used some color on this slide. Nice! But they could have taken things one step further and chosen supporting imagery to paint a vivid picture of the differences between these three models of corporate teamwork. Our version of slide 90 (yes, it's a long document) offers what none of Netflix's 125 slides do not: context. And because 65% of the population are visual learners , you gotta give 'em visuals if you want them to retain the information you're presenting.

powerpoint presentation templates netflix

Thus concludes our first "PowerPoint Makeover," and we must admit we're proud of our work here . The best part of all this makeover business? It took us minutes to do. And no professional graphic designer— just Beautiful.ai . For the rest of the presentation, we implemented our tried-and-true "best practices of presentations," including but not limited to:

  • Less text on each slide
  • Inspirational imagery
  • Simple, interesting graphs
  • Clean font and typography
  • Clear organization (agenda)
  • Minimal pops of color
  • One idea per slide
  • List main takeaway as headline

And voila! The Netflix: Culture presentation just went from Blah to Beautiful, in minutes. Check out the finished product below, and download a customizable version to use as inspiration for your own company culture presentation or start from scratch .

Diana Christine Bitting

Diana Christine Bitting

Diana Christine Bitting is a content director, tech journalist and marketing strategist at Beautiful.ai.

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Home Collections Entertainment Free Netflix PowerPoint Template

Free - Free Netflix PowerPoint Template and Google Slides

Free - Free Netflix PowerPoint Template and Google Slides

Free Netflix Presentation Slide

Features of this template:.

  • entertainment
  • Netflix Theme
  • Netflix Model
  • Netflix Diagrams
  • Netflix Design
  • Google Slides

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Tag: Netflix

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Netflix Streaming Window – Free Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Template

Watch the latest shows on netflix with the monthly shows from it. Use slides as an example to make easy interface for the new users

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Netflix Design PowerPoint Template

' src=

Netflix Design PowerPoint Template by PPThemes

I supposed that almost everybody has Netflix or know about this platform, and I ask through my Instagram account if they wanted a Netflix or a Disney Template and this was the winner, that’s why I decided to create a template with the Netflix graphic design to create your presentation.

You might also like these PowerPoint Templates design to create other presentations or this Disney PowerPoint Template .

Try this New Facebook PowerPoint Template & Spotify powerPoint template .

Don’t forget to follow to keep creating this templates for free Facebook |  Instagram  |  Youtube  |  Twitter  |  TikTok  |  Pinterest

This PPThemes ‘Netflix Design PowerPoint Template’ Features:

  • Download Bebas Neue   and Helveltica install  and before editing this template, in order to see it as you find it here. Otherwise the font will change and your template would look different. 
  • Download four free 12 slides
  • Edit this PowerPoint Template as you want,  select and change colors, image, size and text.
  • The preview images were download form  Pixabay  and in this time we have no include the pics but you can download it from the page I mentioned.

Fonts Used:

These powerpoint these powerpoint templates makes you easy the creation of your presentation.

Netflix powerPoint Template

I  Hope I’ve helped you saving time in design your PowerPoint Presentation .

You will  grab your audience attention with these creative PowerPoint Templates.

G o to my social networks and follow me if you want to thank me . Be the first one knowing my new designs, find the link after the download button.

In my social media, you will also find videos process about the template I upload here.

Find more  PowerPoint Templates by clicking at the blue text to complement your presentation, or you can also download another  infographic Template in PowerPoint .

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Written by Jolie Serrano

Hello! I'm delighted to have you on my site. I hope to assist you with my PowerPoint Templates in creating an outstanding presentation. I love incorporating bold colors, compelling infographics, and staying attuned to design trends. I enjoy thinking outside the box, which is why you won't find conventional templates here. They're unique and highly creative to captivate your audience's attention.

With ready-to-use, pre-built PowerPoint Presentation Templates, you can achieve more with less effort. After trying them out, you won't believe all that you can accomplish in PowerPoint. If you're curious about my personal life, feel free to visit my Instagram account, where you can find me as @jolie_serrano. You're welcome anytime, and of course, you can follow me at @ppthemes to stay updated on my creations.

Sending you a big hug and thanks for stopping by!

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Free Quiz PowerPoint Template | Interactive & Animated with 3D Emojis

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Nick's Picks For Educational Technology

Netflix Template – Engage Your Students in Any Subject Area

Posted November 4, 2019 by Nick LaFave under Content Creation

Netflix Template

A little while back I saw a Netflix Template for Google Slides. It’s essentially a template to replicate the screens you view when looking at episodes for a Netflix series. I immediately loved the idea of creating a Netflix series for a novel (displaying an understanding of plot, setting, characters, etc.).


Perfect for Any Subject Area

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this template could be used for essentially any subject area. Create a Netflix series for a historical event, animals/plants, etc. Unfortunately, the example I saw wasn’t fully editable. I forgot about it until fairly recently and decided to build a fully customizable Netflix template based on the screens viewers see when looking at a series on Netflix.


Download the Template

The Netflix template is available for Keynote, PowerPoint, and Google Slides. The last slide of each template features directions for customization.

Check Out What Others Have Made

Share the awesome things your students turn into a Netflix series in the comments below or on Twitter .

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Create moving, zooming presentations that grab attention and keep it.

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Netflix Powerpoint Template

powerpoint presentation templates netflix

Transcript: Thank you for your attention! Netflix has a lot of assets that are losing value quickly. (DVDS) Many companies are interested in having the best video subscription to purchase. Netflix is a direct threat to the content-makers. Hold a bid. Possible prospects are Google, Amazon, HBO. Losing customers Stock price is falling Overall value of the company is declining quickly. Enter the content provider/ carrier Industry License from the FCC is nearly Impossible Costs a lot of money What is happening to the market? Alternatives Camp Rock Content providers and carriers are contracting together. Danger of being monopolized. Prices. Cablevision. Strategic Issues Desperate H Wizard By: Zach Bonvallat, Sarah Courtney, Jenette Coutinho, Tyler Gallant, and Marys Mata Questions Findings HSM Aspects of Most Importance Hypothesis Sell the Company We lose the company Netflix still has valuable streaming content. Stock price is decreasing. Losing customers. Proposal Customer Loyalty. Splitting the Company. Observations Netflix should sell the company. Hanna Montana Scrubs

powerpoint presentation templates netflix

Transcript: Beginning Netflix is an online company that started in 1998 as a mailing company that sent videos Now comsumers can get videos by streaming them on any consoles or program that hasa netflix On July 11,2011 Netflix had made a huge mistake by increasing the monthly fee Which drop the members rate down by 800,000 Netflix left the other company which was called Qwickster They closed it right after since it wasn't popular They Encourage people By sending out DVD's by mail They only ask for a monthly fee of $8 a month Now they offer it online for easier access They also have no late fees so people can return them whenever the can They saw changes in many things How the economy changed and DVD's as well Founder Reed Hastings CEO/Founder He go a bachelor's degree in math In 1983 He joined the navy Then he joined the peace corp He taught people in Swalizland for 2 years in Math Got his masters degree for computer science He then went to Standfard He created a company called Pure Software He sold Pure Software for 750 million $ that went public in 1995 Birthday: October 8,1960 Birthplace: Boston Massachussets Family Middle class Father is a lawyer

powerpoint presentation templates netflix

Transcript: First Impression What is Netflix? Compatible with: Mac Tablet Smart phones There is a one month free trial Tells you exactly what the website offers NETFLIX PS3 Wii Xbox PC Netflix is a program that can be downloaded to any device that allows the user to watch TV Shows and movies whenever desired.

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PowerPoint Portrayal Template

Transcript: huddle Mrs. Rossi huddle to crowd together crowd huddle separate

powerpoint presentation templates netflix

Transcript: reed hasting Hastings was born in Boston, Massachusetts.[1] He graduated from high school in 1978 from the Buckingham Browne & Nichols School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His father was a lawyer who once served in the Nixon administration, serving as general counsel in the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. After high school, he spent a year selling Rainbow vacuum cleaners door to door. Hastings majored in mathematics at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, and won its mathematics department's Smyth Prize in 1981, and its Hammond Prize in 1983. Hastings received his bachelor's degree from the college in 1983 ◩Technology all you need to to join netflix is a computer with internet and a ceilt card and then they are download in good qiulty to you Netflix‘s price hike caused 805,000 paid subscribers to jump ship in the most-recent quarter, the company reported Monday. Investors reacted by continuing to punish Netflix’s already-battered stock, sending it down 27% in after-hours trading ◩Suppliers The supplers are fox dinesy and other movie product company Netflix attributes much of this growth to increased amounts of online streaming content, availability on a wide range of electronic devices and strong word-of-mouth recommendations ◩Competitors The blockbustrs was there and rogers video was there biggest soo was walmart but they give all there cusmoer to netflix Netflix advertises and give deals for joining like 1 month free Have you ever watched a video/movie online? no Have you ever used Netflix? no Have you ever used “Shaw on demand”? yeah In your opinion will Netflix be around in 2020? I think they are going to do great they are soo far taking out rogers video and they already took blockbuster over. The End The End

powerpoint presentation templates netflix

Netflix Presentation Template

Transcript: Who's watching? Luke Add profile Gaberiel NETFLIX ORIGNALS Netflix's best all in one website :) Bela Natural Disater TV Shows Trending The Artic Tundra Earth Trees for Kids Artic Tundra Artic Tundra Bela Sarker Play Episode 15 --> In 365 days join the reality of the deep deep cold and the harsh winter suffering. With limited food and limited supplies.. can these 8 friends last the whole year?? Synopsis Eights friends, Reed, Castings, Emily, Susan, Betty, Eliot, Atlas, and Lily all find themselves recieving an invitation to an Artic Tundra escape. As all friends bare unwanted mental and physical baggage this escape is really a dream come true.. or a nightmare. The friends find themselves with a limited amount of supplies and a plane that will not pick them up until a year is up. The friends must be willing to work together, learn about there surroundings, and survive without drama. However, that seems much harder than it seems.... Join these friends in a brawl against nature and a bonding relationship. (These friends are not paid actors and are all real 24-30 year olds) The Fire That Never Stops.. Our World The Fire That Never Stops... Our World Bela Sarker Play Episode 1 --> In 1 minute we'll show you how corrupt this world is and how it's taken a toll of our Earth. Synopsis Millions of people die, billions of animals die, trillions of land from our Earth die. How are you stoping this? Researcher Anna May Fay releases a 1 minute video of her works and study about the world and how it is dying faster and quicker by the second. Her empowering piece has won many awards and she is honored by her works to many years to come. Her meassage stands "How are you helping the world become a better place? Cities at Risk Cities at Risk Bela Sarker Play Episode 3 --> This documentary includes features of multiple Cities in risk of natural disasters. Our team works highly to select these Cities and let you be aware of our world. The risks are never out of reach, as we see here. Our team Joana, Marget, and Abby work on site at these cities and try to see what exactly makes the city at risk and how the people there deal with this. As readers understand the thought process behind these cities they become enchanted with the informative works these researchers have. Whether that be fighting through hurricanes or even ground breaking discoverys, you can guaruntee we'll be there. Tune in each week for a new city to be unmasked. Do you care about others and also care about the world? Than this documentary is just what your looking for to cozy up with the juices of knowledge! Every viewer is one donation to the local tree planting fund! Synopsis As a new edition to the 'Cities at Risk' Netflix documentary.. were introducing Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh is in high risk of earthquakes. As we move along in the episode we hope to perswade you to consider Dhaka, Bangladesh as a permanent release. S1: EP3 "Dhaka, Bangladesh" S1: EP3 "Dhaka, Bangladesh" Population: Dhaka has 10.2 million residents Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh S1: EP3 "Dhaka, Bangladesh" Plate Tectonics Bangladesh is one of the world's most unstable areas due to its location at the confluence of three tectonic plates. It has encountered more than 250 earthquakes in the last 50 years, some of which were over 6.0 in magnitude and resulted in significant infrastructure damage and large-scale fatalities. The movement of the tectonic plates that make up the Earth's crust beneath the surface has a significant impact on the geology of the area. One of the most tectonically busy places on earth is Bangladesh. It is located where the Indian Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and the Burmese Plate collide. S1: EP3 "Dhaka, Bangladesh" Pangea Map As shown above the X marks the epicenter of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The cordinates are in different places. S1: EP3 "Dhaka, Bangladesh" World Map As shown in the picture above the epicenter of Dhaka, Bangladesh is in a completely different spot than it was in the Pangea map but this is the new map reflects on after continetal dirft happened. Due to seafloor spreading and mid- ocean ridges new landmasses pushed the land away from each other and Dhaka, Bangladesh is here now. Here, the plate boundary near it is complex/ convergent, when a city is near a plate boundary the likely hood of an earthquake is high. The Srimangal earthquake S1: EP3 "Dhaka, Bangladesh" Date: July 8, 1918 Exact Epicenter Location: 24.599ÂșN / 90.853ÂșE Srimangal earthquake is a past eathquake from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Nearly 184 large aftershocks with a magnitude of 4 to 7.2 have struck the Sylhet region in the previous 101 years. The Srimangal earthquake of 1918 was chosen among these because it was the first to be felt and documented as a destructive earthquake in Bangladesh. Sites Used: volcanodiscovery.com | wikipedia | google Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh specifically Netrokona Mymensigh Divison Population: Mymensigh Divison has 2,229,642 residents Mercalli Scale: IX Richter

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Transcript: One of netflix's products are movies.many Movies are available for watching after paying the monthly fee. accomplishments Netflix Has 2,348 Employes as of 2011 Another accomplishment of Netflix is that by 2011 their total digital revenue is 1.5 billion. CEO Another service of Netflix is TV Shows.They have a Many TV shows available to the costumers of the monthly fee. Netflix allows whoever pays their monthly fee many video products Number of Employes Acomplishment Logo Netflix was made in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California When was Netflix made? It depends on who made the Time Warner cable for instance says Netflix has to wait 28 days after DVD release to put their movies on Netflix Alex Guo, Amr Moussa When does media go on Netflix One of netflix's accomplishments is that they have support for a lot of different devices. TV Shows Movies Netflix Products and services Another accomplishment of Netflix is

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Transcript: Who's watching? Bliss Add profile Kyleigh NETFLIX ORIGNALS Netflix's best all in one website :) Josie History Trending The Artic Tundra Trees for Kids Suleiman the Magnificent Suleiman The Magnificent Play Episode 3 --> This documentary includes Suleiman's early life and his rise to power in the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566. Synopsis Our historians unload Suleiman's life as the leader of the Ottoman empire. His role in the law and military force. In the Ottoman empire he is kown as many things such as the lawgiver. Suleiman made his laws fair and made sure that his laws did not undermine the religous and ethnic groups. Throughout his rule he ordered many people to be strangled in order to maintain his role. Suleiman had an overall positive impact on the Ottoman Empire shown by how he expanded the empire through his powerful military force and his laws that were fair to everyone. Suleiman the Magnificent Season 1 Early life Suleiman's father, much like Suleiman, killed people that were close to stealing his role. His mother, Hafsa Sultan, was on of the most influential people in her time. Suleiman's traits as a leader came from his parents. You may like Roxelana Moctezuma Pizarro Pizarro is the spanish explorer and conquerer. He traveled to the Inca empire and they thought he was a god. Pizarro gianed their trust and then killed all of them. He took all of their gold back to Spain and the king and queen were very happy. Moctezuma was the leader of the Aztec Empire in Mexico. In his rule the empire reached its greatest extent. As the ruler of the Aztecs they had many religious sacrifices to satisfy the sun and war gods. He was the commander of the Aztec army. Roxelana was Suleiman's wife. She was one of the most powerful women in the Ottoman empire. When Suleiman was off at war Roxelana wrote poetry to him and kept him updated on the Ottoman empire. She was also accused of witchcraft and the plotting of murders. She died in 1558.

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  1. Free Animated Netflix PowerPoint Template [2023]

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  2. FREE Netflix Inspired PowerPoint Template (Fully Animated)

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  3. How to make Netflix themed PowerPoint Template

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  4. Free Netflix PowerPoint Template

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  5. Netflix Themed Powerpoint Template Free Download

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  6. Free Netflix PowerPoint Template

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  1. PowerPoint CREATIVE --- Opening 01 ---

  2. Netflix Themed PowerPoint Presentation

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  4. Create Text Outline In Powerpoint

  5. PowerPoint Netflix Template

  6. Netflix Inspired PowerPoint Presentation đŸ€ŻđŸ”„ #powerpoint #tutorial #presentation #design #netflix


  1. Free Netflix Presentation Template

    Inspired by Netflix, this Netflix PowerPoint template uses a black background with trending Netflix series images, making the template look stunning. If you want your next presentation to shine, then get this amazing free Netflix PowerPoint presentation slides. Unleash the magic of cinematic storytelling with the Netflix design, your ultimate ...

  2. Netflix PowerPoint Template (& 7 Pro Tips On Themed PPTs)

    7 Pro Tips When Designing a Netflix PowerPoint Template (Or Any Other Themed Presentations) 1. Find the right transitions and animations. 2. Use HD, free-for-commercial-use images. 3. Mirror the Netflix (or any other themed) experience as close as possible. 4. Take your own spin on it by customization.

  3. Free Animated Netflix PowerPoint Template [2023]

    Step into the world of Netflix with our free animated Netflix PowerPoint template.Immerse your audience in the Netflix user interface with pre-filled content featuring popular shows like You, Pepsi, Where's My Jet?, Squid Game, Witcher, Wednesday Addams, and Stranger Things.Customize each slide with ease and take your audience on an animated journey through the most iconic Netflix intro to ...

  4. Unique Netflix PowerPoint Template for Download (+7 Practical Tips on

    Get a hold of our exclusive Netflix PowerPoint template below. Download Netflix PowerPoint Template Here. Final Thoughts. Whether you're presenting to colleagues, clients, or a broader audience, this Netflix- PowerPoint template offers a truly entertaining experience. As you incorporate these elements into your presentations, remember that ...

  5. Free Netflix Template PowerPoint and Google Slides :: Behance

    This Netflix template has a black background with trending Netflix series images, making the template look stunning. If you want your next presentation to shine, then get this amazing free Netflix slide deck template. Want more engaging design then check out our trending Free Google Slides Squid Game Template PowerPoint.

  6. Netflix PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

    Deliver inspiring presentations with netflix presentation templates and Google slides. Toggle Nav. Search. Search. Search . 5. Notifications 5. SlideGeeks added ... Netflix PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides . SHOW 60 120 180. DISPLAYING: 60 of 150 Items . Page; You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page 3 ...

  7. How to Make NETFLIX INSPIRED POWERPOINT Design Template

    Netflix Inspired Powerpoint Template [ FREE TEMPLATE ] _____In this video, you will learn how to create a Netflix Inspired P...

  8. Netflix PowerPoint Template Luis Urrutia @lourrutiappt

    USD 12.99 USD 29.99. Get your hands on my most popular PowerPoint presentation template, inspired by Netflix's UI. Why you'll love it: 14 layouts to fill out with your content. Fully editable in Microsoft PowerPoint (However, the Slide Zoom animation will not work in PowerPoint for Mac) 16:9 screen layouts (Full HD) Slide Transition animation.

  9. Netflix Culture Deck

    Netflix is one of the largest subscription-based video streaming platforms, and it is the subject of multiple business and marketing case studies across the world. So, here's a professional PowerPoint Template for managers and executives who would like to feature Netflix as a business example in their presentations.

  10. Free Netflix PowerPoint Template

    The free Netflix PowerPoint Template has a black background and Netflix logo that makes it look beautiful. Therefore, the template is suitable for various kinds of presentations about this American multinational entertainment company, its services, video on demand, streaming media, Netflix film, TV production, awards, finance, etc.

  11. Free Netflix Template PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Advertising,Branding,Interaction Design. Free Netflix Template PowerPoint and Google Slides

  12. Free Netflix Template For PowerPoint And Google Slides

    Immerse your audience in the world of Netflix with this eye-catching template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Featuring the iconic red and black branding, customizable layouts, and stunning image placeholders, it's perfect for creating social media templates or presentations about upcoming releases, original content, or captivating audience engagement campaigns.

  13. NETFLIX inspired PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) [Tutorial + FREE Template]

    Present and chill with this Netflix inspired PPT templateđŸ“„ Download link: https://bit.ly/38kUGkxFont used: https://www.dafont.com/bebas-neue.fonthttps://www...

  14. Free Netflix PPT Template with Animation

    Free Netflix template with PowerPoint animations uses a striking combination of red and black color mix. The PowerPoint cartoon illustrations, charts, diagrams, and Netflix-themed business introduction templates offer the transmission of a message with 100% perfection. The video streaming template includes the following slides for the company ...

  15. PowerPoint Makeovers: The 'Netflix: Culture' Deck

    Get this Template. The original Netflix presentation then used the next 12 slides (yes, 12!) to communicate their solution to the problems that arise from rapid company growth, with each slide featuring line after line of text. Not one image or attractive graph or anything, just text. Aka the cardinal SIN of great presentations.

  16. Ready To Download Netflix PowerPoint And Google Slides

    This PowerPoint template captures the essence of Netflix's sleek design and modern layout, making it perfect for presentations related to media, entertainment, or streaming services. Users can easily customize the fully editable slides to create engaging marketing presentations, informative business reports, or educational materials.

  17. Free

    This Free Netflix PowerPoint Template is perfectly designed with a Netflix theme. It has enough space in the slide to add your information. In addition, it is a 100% editable template. You can also include more graphics or other visual elements to enhance the functionality of this slide. With the flexibility of this Modern PPT template and the ...

  18. Free Netflix Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Templates for

    Netflix Streaming Window - Free Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Template. December 6, 2019. Download the best Free Netflix Google Slides themes & PowerPoint Templates for your presentations - 100% free for multipurpose uses. Get Set Go!!

  19. Free Netflix PowerPoint Template

    This PPThemes 'Netflix Design PowerPoint Template' Features: Download Bebas Neue and Helveltica install and before editing this template, in order to see it as you find it here. Otherwise the font will change and your template would look different. Download four free 12 slides. Edit this PowerPoint Template as you want, select and change ...

  20. Netflix Inspired Powerpoint Design Template (By GEMO EDITS ...

    Netflix Inspired Powerpoint Design Template (by GEMO EDITS) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Netflix Inspired Powerpoint Design Template

  21. Netflix Template

    Netflix Template. A little while back I saw a Netflix Template for Google Slides. It's essentially a template to replicate the screens you view when looking at episodes for a Netflix series. I immediately loved the idea of creating a Netflix series for a novel (displaying an understanding of plot, setting, characters, etc.).

  22. Netflix powerpoint template

    This template features a effective sales kickoff theme that makes it easy to be engaging. Like all Prezi SKO templates, it's fully customizable with your own information. Get started with Prezi. Get inspiration for Netflix Powerpoint Template. Browse through our huge selection of community templates or smoothly transition your PowerPoint into ...

  23. SlidesCarnival: Free PowerPoint & Google Slides Templates That Stand Out

    Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates for your Presentations. Free for any use, no registration or download limits. Featured Slide Themes. Editor's Choice Popular Ready-to-teach Lessons ... Elevate your business presentations with our Minimal Gradient template, tailored for ambitious business professionals. This sleek, blue-themed ...