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School of Mathematics and Statistics

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  • Model Earth and Planetary Sciences 100%
  • Investigation Earth and Planetary Sciences 64%
  • Whale Earth and Planetary Sciences 58%
  • Number Mathematics 53%
  • Estimate Earth and Planetary Sciences 52%
  • Region Earth and Planetary Sciences 47%
  • Measures Mathematics 46%
  • Modeling Mathematics 40%

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Dive into details.

Select a country/territory to view shared publications and projects

Timo Adam

  • School of Mathematics and Statistics - Honorary Research Fellow

Person: Honorary

Konstantinos Alexiou

Konstantinos Alexiou

Person: PhD

Vasileios Archontis

Vasileios Archontis

  • School of Mathematics and Statistics - Honorary Lecturer
  • 1 Not started
  • 221 Finished

Projects per year

Fourier analytic tachniques in finitie: Fourier analytic techniques in finite fields

1/05/24 → 30/04/25

Project : Standard

The Higman Thompson groups: The Higman-Thompson groups, their generalisations, and automorphisms of shift spaces

Olukoya, S.

1/02/24 → 31/01/27

Project : Fellowship

Quasi-linear Approach To Modelling: A Quasi-linear Approach To Modelling Jupiter's Dynamics

Lemasquerier, D.

Carnegie Trust

1/08/23 → 31/07/24

Research output

  • 4365 Article
  • 162 Other contribution
  • 133 Conference contribution
  • 124 Chapter
  • 71 Review article
  • 68 Comment/debate
  • 46 Commissioned report
  • 40 Chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • 25 Book/Film/Article review
  • 22 Preprint
  • 21 Other report
  • 20 Editorial
  • 14 Special issue
  • 9 Working paper
  • 8 Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
  • 2 Literature review
  • 1 Anthology
  • 1 Web publication/site

Research output per year

2.5D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the formation and evolution of plasmoids in coronal current sheets

Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review

  • Magnetohydrodynamics 100%
  • Density 100%
  • Velocity 66%
  • Pulse Velocity 66%

A 3D minimum enstrophy vortex in stratified quasi-geostrophic flows

  • Geostrophic Flow 100%
  • Vorticity 100%
  • Entropy 14%

Abundance and distribution of narwhals ( Monodon monoceros ) on the summering grounds in Greenland between 2007-2019

  • Monodon 100%

DynamicRead: Eye Movement Data of Reading on Handheld Mobile Devices under Dynamic Conditions

Lei, Y. (Creator), Wang, Y. (Creator), Khamis, M. (Creator) & Ye, J. (Creator), Zenodo, 31 May 2023

DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.7806944

Diameters of graphs related to groups and base sizes of primitive groups - GAP and Magma code (thesis data)

Freedman, S. D. (Creator), Roney-Dougal, C. (Supervisor) & Cameron, P. J. (Supervisor), University of St Andrews, 16 Aug 2022

DOI : 10.17630/56ceed97-0a86-4684-b0a9-e454c1a7440b ,

Dataset : Thesis dataset

£600 international travel grant from RAEng

Carr, Magda (Recipient), 2006

Prize : Prize (including medals and awards)

*** Hale Prize, American Astronomical Society (AAS), only the second time it has been awarded to a UK scientist

Priest, Eric (Recipient), 2002

2009 Phillip Leverhulme Prize in Astronomy and Astrophysics

De Moortel, Ineke (Recipient), 2009

  • 527 Invited talk
  • 250 Participation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course
  • 171 Participation in or organising a conference
  • 130 Editor of research journal
  • 97 External examination
  • 83 Presentation
  • 79 Membership of peer review panel or committee
  • 63 Membership of research network
  • 38 Visiting an external academic institution
  • 31 Public lecture/debate/seminar
  • 27 Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
  • 23 Participation in or organising a public festival/exhibition/event
  • 16 Peer review of manuscripts
  • 12 Hosting an academic visitor
  • 11 Membership in special-interest organisation
  • 10 External reviewing
  • 4 Participation in or organising a public lecture/debate/seminar
  • 4 Consultancy and expert advice
  • 1 Other external non-academic engagement
  • 1 External supervision

Activities per year

Fractals and Stochastics 7

Kenneth John Falconer (Member of programme committee)

Activity : Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a conference

Designs on strongly regular graphs

R. A. Bailey (Speaker)

Activity : Talk or presentation types › Invited talk

External examiner

Peter Jephson Cameron (External examiner)

Activity : Examination types › External examination


How stereotyping increases during economic crises.

Alexander J. Stewart

1 Media contribution

Press/Media : Relating to Research

What Does Political Polarisation Mean for Universities?

The danger of polarized america, bringing mathematics and its history to diverse audiences worldwide.

Edmund Frederick Robertson (Participant) , John Joseph O'Connor (Participant) , Isobel Jessie Falconer (Participant) , Alexander Duncan Davidson Craik (Participant) & Colva Roney-Dougal (Participant)

Impact : Public Discourse Impact, Educational Impact (Beyond St Andrews), Practitioner Impact, Cultural, Creative Impact

Distance sampling surveys: enabling better decision-making by wildlife managers (REF 2014)

Stephen Terrence Buckland (Participant) , David Louis Borchers (Participant) , Len Thomas (Participant) & Eric Rexstad (Participant)

Impact : Public Policy Impact, Environmental Impact

Improving Public Awareness of Mathematics and its History –The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive

Colva Roney-Dougal (Participant) & Collin Patrick Bleak (Participant)

Impact : Educational Impact (Beyond St Andrews)

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Main areas of research activity are algebra, including group theory, semigroup theory, lattice theory, and computational group theory, and analysis, including fractal geometry, multifractal analysis, complex dynamical systems, Kleinian groups, and diophantine approximations.

For more information please visit the School of Mathematics and Statistics home page.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Separability properties of semigroups and algebras , groups defined by language theoretic classes , rearrangement groups of connected spaces , modern computational methods for finitely presented monoids , finiteness conditions on semigroups relating to their actions and one-sided congruences .


phd st andrews maths

Seminar by E.A. Hunter: Understanding Nature through Hymns and Maths: Proclus’ De Sacrificio and his Commentary on Euclid, September 27 2023, 4-5pm in Lecture Theatre A. Tea in the common room from 3:30pm. Contact Isobel Falconer if you wish to attend a meal afterwards. Abstract.

Seminar by Richard Oosterhoff on mathematics and politics at the court of King Henry III of France (1540s), November 22 2023, 4-5pm. Title and details to follow.

Seminar by Maria Kiladi on the history of eugenics, December 6 2023, 2-3pm. Details to follow.

Isobel Falconer  and  Ursula Martin  (Edinburgh & Oxford) have started a new network,  Scotland’s Historians of Science   @scothistsci

History of Mathematics

St Andrews is a renowned centre for the study of the History of Mathematics.

The group is based in the  School of Mathematics and Statistics , and runs the well-known  MacTutor History of Mathematics website

Group members include:

  • Dr Isobel Falconer
  • Dr Deborah Kent
  • Dr John J O’Connor
  • Prof Colva Roney-Dougal
  • Prof Edmund F Robertson

We have graduated a number of PhD students in this area. Current PhD students are Kate Hindle and Martin Macbeath.

St Andrews runs a popular honours-level undergraduate course on the History of Mathematics. We run a module in our  Evening Degree programme

screenshot of the MacTutor home page

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Mathematics (MSc) 2021 entry

Students on the MSc Mathematics will enhance their ability to apply analytical techniques, perform the clear logical thinking and deductive reasoning necessary to explore complex patterns and structure.

Key information

Course type.

Postgraduate, leading to a Master of Science (MSc)

Course dates

  • Start date: 6 September 2021
  • End date: 30 September 2022

Information about all programmes from previous years of entry can be found in the archive.

Course duration

One year full time

Entry requirements

  • A good 2.1 undergraduate Honours degree in Mathematics, Statistics or a closely related subject area. If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the  international entry requirements .
  • English language proficiency. See  English language tests and qualifications .

The qualifications listed are indicative minimum requirements for entry. Some academic Schools will ask applicants to achieve significantly higher marks than the minimum. Obtaining the listed entry requirements will not guarantee you a place, as the University considers all aspects of every application including, where applicable, the writing sample, personal statement, and supporting documents.

Tuition fees

Home :  £9,900 Overseas:  £20,370

  • Find out about scholarships and funding .
  • Further particulars regarding tuition fees .

Application deadline

Wednesday 11 August 2021. Applicants should apply as early as possible to be eligible for certain scholarships and for international visa purposes.

Application requirements

  • personal statement (optional)
  • two original signed academic references
  • academic transcripts and degree certificates
  • evidence of English language proficiency  (required if English is not your first language).

For more guidance, see  supporting documents and references  for postgraduate taught programmes.

Discover the University of St Andrews

Watch current students and staff discuss the teaching facilities, research opportunities and student life at Scotland's first university.

>> PROFESSOR KISHAN DHOLAKIA (School of Physics and Astronomy): By having a very strong research-active University that competes with the best internationally, we can teach our postgraduate community how to evolve as researchers, how to work with our peer groups, in a way that wouldn't happen were we have to focus solely on teaching.

>> ETHAN (PhD Philosophy, Illinois, USA): The research interests of the academic staff was the most important thing when deciding to come here.

>> WEBSTER (PhD Divinity, Malawi): I find being in this place academically challenging, stimulating, and the community is captivating.

>> JULIA (MLitt Museum and Gallery Studies, New York, USA): As a student, St Andrews is a world of its own. I just think it is the most brilliant and other-worldly place you could ever have.

- To be a student in St Andrews is the ultimate of student experience in higher education.

>> Professor JUDITH WOLFE (School of Divinity): St Andrews is a very special university because it is so small and intimate, and yet punches so far above its weight in terms of research, in terms of the calibre of students that we get, and in terms of community.

>> FIONA (PhD Medicine, Forres, Scotland): The postgraduate community in St Andrews is quite a close-knit one.

>> HOI CHUN (MLitt Marketing, Hong Kong): Very warm and welcoming. Really easy to get to know them just because you are in a small town. You get that sense of belonging.

>> DR DHARINI BALASUBRAMANIAM (School of Computer Science): St Andrews is a research-intensive University. Most of the teaching staff are research active. So their interests feed into teaching.

- The research really is the life blood of the University.

>> NICOLE (MLitt Terrorism and Political Violence, Minnesota, USA): The professors are always putting out new pieces of research. They really are pioneers in the field.

>> JULIE BROOKS (School of Management): We're very lucky at St Andrews. We have really the best of the best applying, and it means we really get a very, very, high-quality student.

>> DR JAMES RAE (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences): We want people who are curious, who are motivated, who want to understand the world around them.

>> DR CHARLES WARREN (School of Geography and Sustainable Development): People who are willing to be challenged, and also to challenge, and people beyond their studies, people who are keen to contribute to the wider life of the University.

>> GABRIELLE (MSc Marine Mammal Science, Chia, Columbia): I've learned a lot of things, and I've made so many contacts.

- It's been the best experience of my entire life. I've loved every second of it.

- One of the things that is really important is that we are a community of scholars. The staff, and the students.

>> HANNAH (MLitt Museum and Gallery Studies, Nottingham, England): Life at St Andrews is wonderful. I think it's completely unique. There's so much to do. You cannot be bored.

>> MORAG (PhD Modern History, Forfar, Scotland): I have so many ideas about what I'm going to do when I graduate. I've had loads of opportunities, and I've met so many new people.

- St Andrews has an excellent track record of seeing their postgraduates move onto illustrious careers in all walks of life.

- Students make a lot of contacts during their studies, and that can lead to career opportunities once they graduate.

>> PROFESSOR FRANK LORENZ MULLER (Dean of Arts and Divinity): We have everything from lawyers, to diplomats, to journalists. They come with this great mark of quality onto a market that wants to take them into either professional or academic life afterwards.

- When I was studying biology, I read a book written by one of the professors here. Getting to have classes and meet him was, like, amazing for me!

>> KARA (MLitt Terrorism and Political Violence, Edinburgh, Scotland): It was really a no-brainer when I went to look for my Masters degree. I really wanted the international community that St Andrews offers as well as they've got an international reputation.

- Before studying at St Andrews I have always lived in a big city. Moving to St Andrews was definitely a change of scenery. It didn't take me too long to get used to it, and it was lovely. It just makes me feel like I'm home.

- I have loved every second of being in St Andrews, and I recommend it to everyone I meet now. It is welcoming and diverse, and you get so many different people, and new ideas, and experiences that you would never have anywhere else.

Course information

The MSc in Mathematics consists of two semesters of taught courses run by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, followed by a dissertation undertaken over the summer months. This programme is particularly suited for those seeking a career in academic mathematical research or a mathematics-related career in the private sector.

  • A range of advanced mathematical and statistical module choices are offered.
  • Covers various pure and applied mathematics areas at an advanced level.
  • Students are prepared to pursue research in mathematics.
  • Students will have the opportunity to be taught in small groups, and work closely during the dissertation, with leading experts in their fields.
  • Regular seminars are held, given by experts from within and out with the School.

Teaching format

Most modules for the MSc in Mathematics are traditional semester-long lecture courses with end-of-semester exams, but some modules have a large element of continuous assessment. Class sizes range from 10 to 60 students, depending on the module.

The School of Mathematics and Statistics is well equipped with computing facilities (including a large parallel computing cluster) and an on-site library.

Further particulars regarding curriculum development .

The modules in this programme have varying methods of delivery and assessment. For more details of each module, including weekly contact hours, teaching methods and assessment, please see the latest  module catalogue which is for the 2020-2021 academic year; some elements may be subject to change for 2021 entry.

Modules can be chosen from across the School's undergraduate and postgraduate-level modules. At least three-quarters of your credits must come from postgraduate-level modules, and half of your credits must come from Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics modules.

  • Optional undergraduate-level modules
  • Optional postgraduate-level modules
  • Dissertation

Here is a sample of optional modules that may be offered.

  • Asymptotic Methods
  • Bayesian Inference
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Classical Statistical Inference
  • Computing in Mathematics
  • Computing in Statistics
  • Design of Experiments
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Finite Mathematics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Fractal Geometry
  • Functional Analysis
  • Linear and Nonlinear Waves
  • Markov Chains and Processes
  • Number Theory 
  • Population Dynamics Models in Mathematical Biology
  • Population Genetics
  • Quantitative Risk Management
  • Real and Abstract Analysis
  • Solar Theory
  • Topics in the History of Mathematics

Optional modules are subject to change each year and require a minimum number of participants to be offered; some may only allow limited numbers of students (see the University's position on  curriculum development ).

  • Advanced Analytical Techniques
  • Advanced Combinatorics
  • Advanced Computational Techniques
  • Advanced Data Analysis
  • Advanced Solar Theory
  • Applied Statistical Modelling using GLMs
  • Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
  • Galois Theory
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  • Hyperbolic Geometry
  • Independent Study Module 
  • Introductory Data Analysis
  • Knowledge Discovery and Datamining 
  • Mathematical Oncology
  • Measure and Probability Theory
  • Medical Statistics
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • Professional Skills for Mathematical Scientists 
  • Semigroups 
  • Software for Data Analysis
  • Spatial Models and Pattern Formation in Mathematical Biology
  • Topics in Groups

Optional modules are subject to change each year and require a minimum number of participants to be offered; some may only allow limited numbers of students  (see the University's position on curriculum development ).

During the final part of the course, from June to mid-August, students complete a dissertation. Dissertations are supervised by members of academic staff who will advise on the choice of subject and provide guidance throughout the progress of the dissertation.

If students choose not to complete the dissertation requirement for the MSc, there is an exit award available that allows suitably qualified candidates to receive a Postgraduate Diploma. By choosing an exit award, you will finish your degree at the end of the second semester of study and receive a PGDip instead of an MSc.

The modules listed here are indicative, and there is no guarantee they will run for 2021 entry. Take a look at the most up-to-date modules in the module catalogue .

Conferences and events

There are a number of different seminars held each week in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. These include:

Pure Mathematics

  • Pure Mathematics colloquia
  • Algebra and Combinatorial seminars
  • Analysis Group seminars

Applied Mathematics

  • Applied Mathematics seminars
  • Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group seminars
  • Vortex Dynamics group seminars
  • Statistics seminars
  • Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling seminars

Recent Graduate Discount The University of St Andrews offers a 10% discount in postgraduate tuition fees to students who are eligible to graduate or who have graduated from St Andrews within the last three academic years and are starting a postgraduate programme with the University of St Andrews. 

Find out more about postgraduate scholarships . 

After the MSc

Research degrees.

The MSc in Mathematics prepares students for further postgraduate studies in mathematical research, and many graduates of the programme continue their education by enrolling in PhD programmes at St Andrews or elsewhere.

The School of Mathematics and Statistics has active research groups in:

  • Applied Mathematics (Vortex Dynamics Group, Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group, Mathematical Biology Group)
  • Pure Mathematics (Analysis Group, Algebra and Combinatorics Group)
  • Mathematical Biology (Mathematical Oncology, Cell Migration and Tissue Growth)
  • Statistics (Statistical Ecology, Statistical Medicine and Molecular Biology, and Statistical Methodology).

  PhD in Mathematics and Statistics

MSc in Mathematics graduates hold positions at leading universities or companies in areas as diverse as business administration, computer science and modelling, fisheries laboratories and pure mathematics.

Recent graduates at Masters and Doctoral level have found employment in:

  • government agencies including GCHQ
  • large consulting firms and major financial institutions including Scottish and Southern Energy, RBS, Capital One, American Express, Goldman Sachs and Tesco Bank
  • the computer industry
  • wildlife and conservation managers including the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

The Careers Centre offers one-to-one advice to all students on a taught postgraduate course and offers a programme of events to assist students in building their employability skills.

"The structure of the programme has enabled me to deepen and enlarge my knowledge in theoretical areas of mathematics and at the same time to gain new skills in mathematical applications such as mathematical biology and solar theory. The postgraduate community in the School of Mathematics and Statistics is compact but tightly knit. Students work closely together with the academic staff, which provides an excellent learning environment."


School of Mathematics and Statistics   University of St Andrews Mathematical Institute  North Haugh  St Andrews  KY16 9SS 

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2344   Email:  [email protected]

Mathematics and Statistics website

Admission to the University of St Andrews is governed by our  admissions policy .

Information about all programmes from previous years of entry can be found in the  archive .

Curriculum development

As a research intensive institution, the University ensures that its teaching references the research interests of its staff, which may change from time to time. As a result, programmes are regularly reviewed with the aim of enhancing students' learning experience.  Our approach to course revision is described online .

The University will clarify compulsory fees and charges it requires any student to pay at the time of offer. The offer will also clarify conditions for any variation of fees.  The University’s approach to fee setting is described online .

Study at St Andrews

Study at the University of St Andrews and experience the world-class teaching and cutting edge research of Scotland’s first university.

School of Mathematics and Statistics  > People


Meet the academic, teaching, and professional services staff within the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

If you would like to contact the School, please see the contact page for details.

  • Academic and research
  • Honorary and emeritus
  • PhD students
  • Professional services

Dr Benjamin Baer

Dr Benjamin Baer

Lecturer in statistics.

Prof R. A.  Bailey

Prof R. A. Bailey

Design of Experiments, Combinatorics

Dr Collin Bleak

Dr Collin Bleak

Director of impact.

Prof David Borchers

Prof David Borchers

Mrs cosima breu, research fellow, mr matthew brookes, research fellow in algebra, dr m louise burt.

Prof Peter Cameron

Prof Peter Cameron

Groups and their operands

Dr Fergus Chadwick

Dr Fergus Chadwick

Prof Mark Chaplain

Prof Mark Chaplain

Gregory chair of applied mathematics, dr theodor cimpeanu.

Dr Tom Coleman

Dr Tom Coleman

Dr ioana colfescu, principal research fellow in climate and machine learning.

Dr Jordi De Jonghe

Dr Jordi De Jonghe

Research fellow in the solar and magnetospheric theory group.

Prof Ineke De Moortel

Prof Ineke De Moortel

Dr spyridon dimoudis, associate lecturer.

Prof David Dritschel

Prof David Dritschel

Dr ian durbach, senior research fellow.

Dr Tom Elsden

Dr Tom Elsden

Lecturer in solar/magnetospheric theory.

Ms Fanny Empacher

Ms Fanny Empacher

Prof Isobel Falconer

Prof Isobel Falconer

Prof Kenneth Falconer

Prof Kenneth Falconer

Regius chair of mathematics.

Dr Chrissy Fell

Dr Chrissy Fell

Associate lecturer in statistics.

Prof Jonathan Fraser

Prof Jonathan Fraser

Director of research, dr matthias frey.

Dr Scott Harper

Dr Scott Harper

Research fellow (epsrc).

Dr Catriona Harris

Dr Catriona Harris

Director of creem.

Dr Danielle Harris

Dr Danielle Harris

Animal abundance and distribution, acoustics, marine mammals

Prof Alan Hood

Prof Alan Hood

Dr Sophie Huczynska

Dr Sophie Huczynska

Dr Saana Isojunno

Dr Saana Isojunno

Dr eiren jacobson, dr daniel johnson, research fellow in solar and magnetospheric theory group.

Dr Alison Johnston

Dr Alison Johnston

Reader in statistics, dr natalia jurga, leverhulme early career research fellow, dr deborah kent, senior lecturer in history of mathematics, mr marcus krellner.

Dr Jochen Kursawe

Dr Jochen Kursawe

Dr irene kyza, lecturer in computational mathematics.

Dr Daphné Lemasquerier

Dr Daphné Lemasquerier

Lecturer in fluid dynamics.

Dr Yoav Len

Dr Yoav Len

Lecturer in pure mathematics, dr stefania lisai, associate lecturer in applied mathematics.

Dr Dan Lucas

Dr Dan Lucas

Lecturer in computational mathematics and statistics.

Prof Andy Lynch

Prof Andy Lynch

Statistics; Cancer; Genomics; Computational Biology

Dr Fiona Macfarlane

Dr Fiona Macfarlane

Prof Duncan Mackay

Prof Duncan Mackay

Prof Monique MacKenzie

Prof Monique MacKenzie

Dr Nicolò Margaritella

Dr Nicolò Margaritella

Dr Tiago A. Marques

Dr Tiago A. Marques

Dr laura marshall.

Dr Giorgos Minas

Dr Giorgos Minas

Dr Elham Mirfarah

Dr Elham Mirfarah

Prof James Mitchell

Prof James Mitchell

Dr Aidan Naughton

Dr Aidan Naughton

Senior lecturer.

Prof Thomas Neukirch

Prof Thomas Neukirch

Dr Cornelia Oedekoven

Dr Cornelia Oedekoven

Prof Lars Olsen

Prof Lars Olsen

Dr feyisayo olukoya, dr michail papathomas.

Prof Clare Parnell

Prof Clare Parnell

Dr charles g. m. paxton.

Dr Theoni Photopoulou

Dr Theoni Photopoulou

Dr thibault poiret.

Dr Martyn Quick

Dr Martyn Quick

Dr David W. Rees Jones

Dr David W. Rees Jones

Director of teaching, dr jack reid.

Solar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD); global magnetic field modelling; coronal heating; magnetic reconnection

Dr Jean Reinaud

Dr Jean Reinaud

Dr Eric Rexstad

Dr Eric Rexstad

Prof Colva Roney-Dougal

Prof Colva Roney-Dougal

Prof Nik Ruskuc

Prof Nik Ruskuc

Dr Alexander Russell

Dr Alexander Russell

Senior lecturer in solar/magnetospheric theory, dr richard scott, dr lindesay scott-hayward.

Dr Nikolaos Sfakianakis

Dr Nikolaos Sfakianakis

Lecturer in mathematical biology, dr finn smith, associate lecturer in computational mathematics/statistics.

Prof Alexander J. Stewart

Prof Alexander J. Stewart

Dr Chris Sutherland

Dr Chris Sutherland

Dr Ben Swallow

Dr Ben Swallow

Dr louis theran.

Prof Len Thomas

Prof Len Thomas

Prof Mike Todd

Prof Mike Todd

Deputy head of school, dr antonia wilmot-smith, head of school.

Dr Hannah Worthington

Dr Hannah Worthington

Dr Andrew Wright

Dr Andrew Wright

Mr timo adam, honorary research fellow.

Dr Vasilis Archontis

Dr Vasilis Archontis

Honorary lecturer, prof robert bingham, honorary professor.

Prof Stephen Buckland

Prof Stephen Buckland

Emeritus professor.

Prof R Alan Cairns

Prof R Alan Cairns

Dr Colin Campbell

Dr Colin Campbell

Honorary reader.

Prof Peter Cargill

Prof Peter Cargill

Prof richard cormack, dr carl donovan, honorary lecturer in statistics, dr klaus galsgaard, dr robert grundy.

Dr Thomas Howson

Dr Thomas Howson

Prof Peter Jupp

Prof Peter Jupp

Dr james lang, mr kasper lok, honorary research assistant, prof ursula martin, dr mehrdad naderi.

Dr John O'Connor

Dr John O'Connor

Honorary senior lecturer.

Dr Paolo Pagano

Dr Paolo Pagano

Prof Eric Priest

Prof Eric Priest

Prof Bernard Roberts

Prof Bernard Roberts

Prof Edmund Robertson

Prof Edmund Robertson

Dr Robert Schick

Dr Robert Schick

Honorary senior research fellow, dr stephen senn.

Prof Rick Thomas

Prof Rick Thomas

Konstantinos Alexiou

Konstantinos Alexiou

Louis backstrom, aimee bebbington, dorte behrens, sophie boswell, harry callingham, bromlyn cameron, russell campbell, jung won cho, yan ru choo, george chouliaras, reinis cirpons, amber cowans, rachel davies.

Ana de Orellana

Ana de Orellana

Coen Del Valle

Coen Del Valle

Rachel drake, maria duque paez, grace edmondson.

Joseph Edwards

Joseph Edwards

Elisabeth enerhaug, calliste fagard-jenkin, kate hindle.

Victoria Ironmonger

Victoria Ironmonger

Lorna jamieson.

Laura Johnson

Laura Johnson

Dimitrios katsaounis.

Amund Klingborg

Amund Klingborg

Jonah klowss, abinand reddy kodi, anmol kumar, martin macbeath, kate mowbray.

Lilli Maria Nadol

Lilli Maria Nadol

Savannah rogers.

Alex Rutar

Saeed Shaabanian

Jack southgate, ann vaseekar, cypres verbeeck, yuheng wang, murray whyte, xiaoyue yang.

Boyuan Zhao

Boyuan Zhao

Zhongyi zhou, miss olivia bell, undergraduate administrator, dr stephen brooks, senior computing officer, mrs evlyn brown, school coordinator, dr cj davies, miss gillian deas, mrs fiona macfarlane, senior research administrator (research support), mr robbie mill, school administrator (research and support), mr mahamadou niakate, computing officer.

Mrs Rhona Rodger

Mrs Rhona Rodger

Senior research administrator (research institutes), mrs lauren sheppard.

Ms Rachel Smith

Ms Rachel Smith

School manager, mrs nicola stalker, senior teaching administrator.

Mrs Valerie Sturrock

Mrs Valerie Sturrock

School senior administrator.

Mrs Hazel Wallace

Mrs Hazel Wallace

Postgraduate and undergraduate administrator.


Mactutor index.

phd st andrews maths

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phd st andrews maths

Your Programmes

Phd bsc(hons) mmath msc ma(hons) mathematics.

2 in 5 applicants to this programme received an offer.

Data shown above is for entry in academic year 2020/21 (sources) .

Previous Years

Data sources.

  • FOI Request by Will Smith. March 2019.
  • FOI Request by Meteor Gao. February 2021.

The acceptance rate , or offer rate, represents the fraction of applicants who received an offer. Note that this will be generally lower the acceptances rates (acceptances divided by applicants) published by many other sources. This article explains it in more detail. The acceptances generally indicate the number of offer holders who accepted the offer and fulfilled its conditions. For some universities, however, it denotes the number of applicants who accepted the offer, regardless of whether they subsequently met its conditions.

Data Reliability

Unless otherwise noted, the data presented comes from the universities and is generally reliable. However, some of the differences between years and/or courses may be due to different counting methodologies or data gathering errors. This may especially be the case if there is a sharp difference from year to year. If the data does not look right, click the "Report" button located near the top of the page.

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PhDs in Statistical Ecology

We have a thriving PhD programme, with some students supervised entirely by CREEM staff, others jointly with colleagues across the University or externally.   We publish a list of PhD opportunities each academic year (published from within the Division of Statistics) and advertise on FindAPhd . 

CREEM has approximately one full PhD scholarship available each year for PhDs that involve a substantial statistical ecology component.  

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Maths & Stats One-to-One Tutorials

Maths and Statistics appointments are available on a wide range of topics with our experienced postgraduate tutors. Topics covered can be found in our Maths and Stats topics list .

Book a tutorial Please read the information below carefully before booking a one-to-one tutorial. Tutorials can be requested using our online form (opens in a new tab) .

Who are these for? Maths and Stats appointments are open to all undergraduate and taught postgraduate (PGT) students who may have a mathematical or statistical element to their degree. Please note that we cannot offer Maths and Stats tutorials to PhD (PGR) students. We also cannot offer tutorials to help with modules run by the School of Mathematics and Statistics- please see below for further information.

Overview of the sessions One-to-one appointments are free, online 60-minute sessions with a Maths or Stats tutor designed to offer you personalised support.

Our primary aim is to help students over  occasional challenges —please note, we do not offer routine tutoring services. 

Sessions generally take place during office hours, which are 0900-1700, Monday-Friday.  We do not offer appointments over the weekend.  If you would like an in person appointment, please email [email protected] .

Who will be my tutor? Experienced postgraduate (PhD) tutors.  Tutors may be from a different discipline from your own but can help you develop effective strategies and support you in approaching maths and stats aspects of your studies.

What can we help with? For a list of topics that we currently cover, please see our topic list (opens in a new tab) .

What can’t we help with?

  • Please note that we are  unable to offer appointments to help with modules run by the School of Mathematics and Statistics .  CEED targets the skills, such as study skills or maths & stats, that underpin academic subjects on offer in St Andrews, but does not provide subject specific support.  Just as we don’t offer 1:1 tuition in, for example, History or Chemistry, we cannot provide tuition for Mathematics and Statistics modules because of the overlap with core academic content. We encourage you to contact your module coordinator in the first instance. For sub-honours modules,  Maths Base  and your module tutor are also sources of help. If you have explored these avenues and feel you are not getting appropriate help please contact the Director of Teaching at  [email protected] .
  • Generating ideas and content or discussing written work that is not yet submitted.
  • Proofreading your work.  This is not a proofreading service. 

Guidelines for appointments

  • You can initially book up to  3 sessions per semester . 
  • If you would like an in-person appointment, please contact  [email protected]  in the first instance. 
  • Please note that it may be 24 hours before your appointment is allocated, therefore we may not always be able to fulfil last-minute requests. 
  • Read the information in your confirmation email carefully.   
  • If you are unable to attend please let us know as soon as possible. 
  • To cancel or reschedule  please use the link provided in your confirmation email – do not just delete the appointment from your calendar as we will receive no notification of this.   
  • If you anticipate any problems accessing your appointment remotely, please get in touch at  [email protected] .  
  • If you would like an appointment outside of office hours (for example, to fit around caring responsibilities) please email  [email protected]  and we will do our best to accommodate.   

To get the most from your appointment you should:

  • Be as specific as you can about what you would like help with. In the first instance you should make  one  appointment.  It is more efficient to choose the  one or two topics  that are the most important.
  • Have your lecture notes/ textbooks/ tutorial notes with you in the session.
  • Expect to be treated as an independent learner.

Book a tutorial Tutorials can be requested using our online form (opens in a new tab) .

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  1. Postgraduate research in Mathematics and Statistics

    School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews Mathematical Institute North Haugh St Andrews KY16 9SS. General enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3744 Email: [email protected]. Prospective student enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2344 Email: [email protected]

  2. School of Mathematics and Statistics

    School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews Mathematical Institute North Haugh St Andrews KY16 9SS. General enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3744 Email: [email protected]. Prospective student enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2344 Email: [email protected]

  3. PDF PhD opportunities in Statistics at St Andrews, 2024-2025

    Statistics at St Andrews Statistics is a lively area of research at St Andrews. The Division of Statistics is one of three divisions within the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and currently consists of 15 members of academic staff, 14 research staff and 20 PhD students (plus PhD students co-supervised in other Schools). Our

  4. Research programmes

    Statements should be around 1,000 words and include why you have chosen St Andrews and the particular project. Also, explain how your current study and future career plans fit with the project. ... Department of Philosophy PhD 1,000-word research proposal. Department of Philosophy MPhil a short summary of research interest (200 words maximum ...

  5. University of St Andrews Mathematics PhD Projects ...

    University of St Andrews School of Mathematics and Statistics. Research Group: Division of Statistics. This project will develop a novel framework for studying the dynamics of systems presenting oscillations and multi-stabilities. This type of dynamics is abundant in many fields and especially in molecular biology, epidemiology, ecology, sociology.

  6. School of Mathematics and Statistics

    Further study in St Andrews. Students who have completed their MSc studies may choose to apply for the School's PhD programme. Postgraduate Prospectus . Contact. School of Mathematics and Statistics ... Email: [email protected]. Prospective student enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2344

  7. Mathematics

    At St Andrews, mathematics students can study a broad range of mathematics and statistics, or specialise in either pure or applied mathematics. ... The School of Mathematics and Statistics offers PhD programmes in the following research areas: applied mathematics (mathematical biology, solar and magnetospheric theory, and vortex dynamics) ...

  8. School of Mathematics and Statistics

    Improving Public Awareness of Mathematics and its History -The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. Colva Roney-Dougal (Participant) & Collin Patrick Bleak (Participant) Impact: Educational Impact (Beyond St Andrews)

  9. PhD Opportunities in Statistics at St Andrews, 2022-2023

    Applications are welcomed for students wishing to undertake a PhD in Statistics at the University of St Andrews. Full funding (fees, plus stipend of approx. £15,840) is available for well-qualified students. We encourage applications as soon as possible to maximize your chances of being funded.

  10. University of St Andrews, School of Mathematics and Statistics PhD

    University of St Andrews School of Mathematics and Statistics Research Group: Division of Statistics The field of statistical genomics (and related omics) is rapidly accepting that graphical models have a role to play in addressing the complexity of the molecular systems being investigated.

  11. Pure Mathematics Theses

    Al Kohli, Raad Sameer Al Sheikh (2024-06-11) - Thesis. In this thesis we shall study classes of groups defined by formal languages. Our first main topic is the class of groups defined by having an ET0L co-word problem; i.e., the class of co-ET0L groups.

  12. History of Mathematics at St Andrews

    St Andrews is a renowned centre for the study of the History of Mathematics. The group is based in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and runs the well-known MacTutor History of Mathematics website. Group members include: We have graduated a number of PhD students in this area. Current PhD students are Kate Hindle and Martin Macbeath.

  13. University of St Andrews Mathematics PhD Projects ...

    University of St Andrews School of Mathematics and Statistics Research Group: Division of Statistics The field of statistical genomics (and related omics) is rapidly accepting that graphical models have a role to play in addressing the complexity of the molecular systems being investigated.

  14. Mathematics MA

    Reputation. The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews has a reputation for the high quality of its teaching and was ranked third in the UK for Mathematics in the Guardian University Guide 2020, and third in the UK in the Complete University Guide 2020.. The School is ranked as second in Scotland for research, with more than 91% of the research output by staff in ...

  15. PhD

    School of Computer Science. International PhD Studentships in Next Generation Distributed Systems. School of Computer Science PhD Studentships. School of Mathematics and Statistics. 14 Research Projects. School of Physics and Astronomy. 6 Research Projects. School of Psychology and Neuroscience. 2 Research Projects.

  16. Mathematics MSc

    The MSc in Mathematics consists of two semesters of taught courses run by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, followed by a dissertation undertaken over the summer months. This programme is particularly suited for those seeking a career in academic mathematical research or a mathematics-related career in the private sector.

  17. University of St Andrews, School of Mathematics and Statistics PhD

    The Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group (SMTG) in the School and Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, is looking for applicants for a funded PhD project for a start in September/October 2024.

  18. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in St Andrews

    University of St Andrews School of Physics and Astronomy. Open PhD position on Genome Stability and Biochemistry. Joint PhD scholarship - St Andrews and Bonn-Biology. Untying the knot. Remodelling of G4 structures by the NER machinery- implications in human DNA repair and regulatory pathways. Read more.

  19. School of Mathematics and Statistics

    School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews Mathematical Institute North Haugh St Andrews KY16 9SS. General enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3744 Email: [email protected]. Prospective student enquiries Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2344 Email: [email protected]

  20. MacTutor Index

    MacTutor was created and is maintained by Edmund Robertson and John O'Connor of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews, and is hosted by the University. Their contributions to the history of mathematics have been recognised by Numerous Awards including the Hirst Prize of the London Mathematical Society in 2015.

  21. St Andrews's acceptance rate for PhD Mathematics

    🎓 University of St Andrews acceptance rates and statistics for PhD Mathematics for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, ... University of St Andrews . Warwick University. PhD . BSc(Hons) MMath MSc MA(Hons) Mathematics 40% . offer rate . 2 in 5 applicants to this programme received an offer.

  22. PhDs in Statistical Ecology

    PhDs in Statistical Ecology. We have a thriving PhD programme, with some students supervised entirely by CREEM staff, others jointly with colleagues across the University or externally. We publish a list of PhD opportunities each academic year (published from within the Division of Statistics) and advertise on FindAPhd . CREEM has approximately ...

  23. Maths & Stats One-to-One Tutorials

    One-to-one appointments are free, online 60-minute sessions with a Maths or Stats tutor designed to offer you personalised support. Our primary aim is to help students over occasional challenges —please note, we do not offer routine tutoring services. Sessions generally take place during office hours, which are 0900-1700, Monday-Friday.