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my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

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my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

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স্বপ্নে বিয়ে দেখলে কি হয়

My motherland paragraph ( বাংলা অর্থ সহ – সহজ ভাষায় ) কয়েক পড়াতেই মুখস্ত হবে.

my motherland paragraph

my motherland paragraph

My motherland is Bangladesh, a small yet beautiful country located in South Asia. It is surrounded by India to the north, east, and west and the Bay of Bengal to the south. Bangladesh has a diverse culture, with people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds living together in harmony.

One of the most famous features of Bangladesh is the natural beauty it possesses. The country is home to numerous rivers, including the Brahmaputra and the Ganges, which flow through its lands, providing water for the people and the fertile soil for crops. The Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest, is also located in Bangladesh, which is home to the Royal Bengal Tiger and many other unique species of flora and fauna.

Bangladesh has a rich history, and it was once a part of the British Indian Empire. The country fought a long and hard battle for its independence in 1971, and since then, it has been working towards economic and social development. The people of Bangladesh are known for their resilience and hardworking nature, and they strive to make their country a better place to live.

The official language of Bangladesh is Bengali, and it is also the language spoken by most of the people. The culture of Bangladesh is heavily influenced by Bengali traditions, including music, dance, and literature. The country is known for its vibrant and colorful festivals, such as the Bengali New Year, Eid-ul-Fitr, and Durga Puja.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country, and its economy heavily relies on the production of crops such as rice, jute, and tea. The country is also known for its garments industry, which is one of the largest in the world. Bangladesh has made significant progress in recent years towards achieving sustainable development, and it is considered a model for other developing countries.

In conclusion, Bangladesh is a land of diversity, beauty, and resilience. It is a country that has faced many challenges, but its people have always shown the determination and courage to overcome them. Bangladesh is a place that every Bangladeshi should be proud to call their motherland.

আমার মাতৃভূমি অনুচ্ছেদ

আমার মাতৃভূমি বাংলাদেশ, দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় অবস্থিত একটি ছোট অথচ সুন্দর দেশ। এটি উত্তর, পূর্ব ও পশ্চিমে ভারত এবং দক্ষিণে বঙ্গোপসাগর দ্বারা বেষ্টিত। বাংলাদেশের একটি বৈচিত্র্যময় সংস্কৃতি রয়েছে, যেখানে বিভিন্ন জাতিগত ও ধর্মীয় পটভূমির লোকেরা সম্প্রীতির সাথে একসাথে বসবাস করে।

বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বিখ্যাত বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলির মধ্যে একটি হল এর প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য। দেশটি ব্রহ্মপুত্র এবং গঙ্গা সহ অসংখ্য নদীর আবাসস্থল, যা এর জমির মধ্য দিয়ে প্রবাহিত হয়, যা মানুষের জন্য জল এবং ফসলের জন্য উর্বর মাটি সরবরাহ করে। সুন্দরবন, বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম ম্যানগ্রোভ বন, বাংলাদেশেও অবস্থিত, যা রয়েল বেঙ্গল টাইগার এবং অন্যান্য অনেক অনন্য প্রজাতির উদ্ভিদ ও প্রাণীর আবাসস্থল।

বাংলাদেশের একটি সমৃদ্ধ ইতিহাস রয়েছে এবং এটি একসময় ব্রিটিশ ভারতীয় সাম্রাজ্যের একটি অংশ ছিল। দেশটি 1971 সালে তার স্বাধীনতার জন্য দীর্ঘ এবং কঠিন যুদ্ধ করেছিল এবং তারপর থেকে, এটি অর্থনৈতিক ও সামাজিক উন্নয়নের দিকে কাজ করে চলেছে। বাংলাদেশের জনগণ তাদের স্থিতিস্থাপকতা এবং পরিশ্রমী প্রকৃতির জন্য পরিচিত, এবং তারা তাদের দেশকে বসবাসের জন্য একটি ভাল জায়গা করে তুলতে চেষ্টা করে।

বাংলাদেশের সরকারী ভাষা বাংলা, এবং এটি অধিকাংশ লোকের দ্বারা কথ্য ভাষাও। বাংলাদেশের সংস্কৃতি সঙ্গীত, নৃত্য এবং সাহিত্য সহ বাঙালি ঐতিহ্য দ্বারা ব্যাপকভাবে প্রভাবিত। দেশটি তার প্রাণবন্ত এবং রঙিন উৎসবের জন্য পরিচিত, যেমন বাংলা নববর্ষ, ঈদ-উল-ফিতর, এবং দুর্গাপূজা।

বাংলাদেশ একটি কৃষিপ্রধান দেশ, এবং এর অর্থনীতি ধান, পাট এবং চায়ের মতো ফসলের উৎপাদনের উপর ব্যাপকভাবে নির্ভর করে। দেশটি তার গার্মেন্টস শিল্পের জন্যও পরিচিত, যা বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম শিল্পগুলির মধ্যে একটি। টেকসই উন্নয়ন অর্জনের দিকে বাংলাদেশ সাম্প্রতিক বছরগুলিতে উল্লেখযোগ্য অগ্রগতি করেছে এবং এটি অন্যান্য উন্নয়নশীল দেশের জন্য একটি মডেল হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়।

উপসংহারে, বাংলাদেশ বৈচিত্র্য, সৌন্দর্য এবং স্থিতিস্থাপকতার দেশ। এটি এমন একটি দেশ যেটি অনেক চ্যালেঞ্জের মুখোমুখি হয়েছে, কিন্তু এর জনগণ সর্বদা তাদের কাটিয়ে উঠতে দৃঢ় সংকল্প ও সাহস দেখিয়েছে। বাংলাদেশ এমন একটি জায়গা যা প্রত্যেক বাংলাদেশীরই তাদের মাতৃভূমি বলতে গর্বিত হওয়া উচিত।

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my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

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ক্যাডেট বাংলা ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি

ক্যাডেট ইংরেজী ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি

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Paragraph: My Homeland/ Motherland

My motherland.

The name of my home land is Bangladesh. It is a beautiful country. It become independent in 1971. Dhaka is its capital. Bangladesh is a small country. Its land area is about 1, 47,570 square kilometers. But it has large population. About 140 million people live here. Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Its main crops are rice, jute and sugar-cane and tea. My homeland has also many rivers. The main rivers are the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna and the Karnaphuli. Many kinds of fruits also grow here. Jacks-fruits, mangoes, bananas, pine-apples, guavas and water melons are the most common. My homeland has many interesting places. The Sundarbans, Rangamati and the Cox s Bazar are very attractive. Many people visit these places every year. My mother land is a peaceful country. People from different communities live here in peace. The people of my homeland are very well minded and simple. I love my homeland very much.

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Composition : My Motherland Bangladesh

my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

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My Country Bangladesh Paragraph

Writing paragraphs is the thing that I like the most. Being a writer, I thought to write a paragraph about my country to help students. Here I have written diverse paragraphs for students so that they can get a basic idea of how to write “ My Country Paragraph “.

My Country Paragraph 100 Words

Bangladesh is a small and beautiful country in South Asia. Being fully loaded with natural beauty, Bangladesh is one of the most visited countries in the South Asian region . We gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 after a long war. It was not easy to get independence; it’s a tail of giving millions of lives to get independence. On 16th December, we celebrated our victory day. On 26th March, we declared our independence from Pakistan. A lot of Bengalis work overseas. We love our country and we are proud to be Bengalis.

My Country Paragraph 150 Words

In 1971, Ziaur Rahman declared independence from Chittagong.  Bangladesh is a stunning country to see. It is bordered by India to the west, north, and east, and Myanmar to the southeast. The Bay of Bengal lies to the south. Bangladesh is a small country with many people living there. It is a green and beautiful country. It is growing economically and doing well in exports. It is the leader in world garment exporting. It is also good at sports. Their cricket team is one of the top 7 teams in the world. We have a very heart-touching history behind them. Bangladesh is the eighth most populous country in the world, with a population of over 160 million people. The official language is Bengali. The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka. Other major cities include Chittagong , Khulna , and Rajshahi. Bangladesh is a developing country with a low per capita income. However, it has made significant progress in recent years in reducing poverty and improving education and healthcare.

My Country Paragraph 200 Words

Bangladesh, a small yet remarkable country in South Asia, is a land of contrasts. Despite its limited geographical expanse of 147,570 square kilometers, it hosts a population exceeding 164 million people. The nation thrives with a blossoming economy, notably excelling in the global garment export market, second only to China. Sports, particularly cricket, also hold a special place in Bangladesh’s heart, with its cricket team ranking among the top seven in the world. However, it’s not just about economics and sports; Bangladesh has a poignant history that shaped its identity. The year 1971 marked a turning point when the nation valiantly secured its independence from Pakistan after a grueling nine-month-long struggle. The sacrifices of over 3 million Bangladeshi lives during this period underscore the depth of the nation’s determination. Despite the adversity, Bangladesh emerged as a nation that resonates with resilience and unity. Its rich cultural tapestry is woven with friendly and warm-hearted people. As one of the best countries to live in South Asia, Bangladesh offers breathtaking natural wonders. Cox’s Bazar boasts the world’s longest sea beach, while the Sundarbans, one of the planet’s largest mangrove forests, shelters the elusive Royal Bengal Tiger.

Reflecting on this multifaceted tapestry, I can’t help but feel fortunate to call Bangladesh my home. The nation’s journey from its storied past to its promising present is a testament to the spirit of its people. Bangladesh encapsulates the harmony of a thriving economy, the fervor of sports, the valor of history, and the splendor of nature in a way that is both awe-inspiring and deeply heartwarming.

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Paragraph On My Country Bangladesh

my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country but has a large population. It has a high GDP per capita. It has a good economy. It is developing fast.

We were able to get our freedom after independence. But now, we face lots of hard times and struggles. Our country is rising very well. Currently, Bangladesh is one of the most beautiful countries in South Asia . There is so much to see here.

Cox’s Bazar is a beautiful place. People come here to enjoy nature. Tigers are also found here. Bangladesh is a wonderful country. I’m happy to be born here.

My Country Bangladesh Paragraph Example

Bangladesh is a small and beautiful Country. In 1971, Bangladesh gained its independence from Pakistan. Thousands of people died during the struggle for independence. On 26th March 1971, Sheikh Mujib declared Bangladesh an independent state. Nowadays, Bangladesh celebrates its National Language Day every year on the 21st of February. There are more than 180 countries that celebrate this day.

I am a Bangladeshi student. My country is Bangladesh.  Bangladesh is a developing country and has many rivers. Bangladesh is located near India and is surrounded by China. It is situated in South Asia and is known as the land of Bangla.  Bangladesh is also called Bengal. It is the largest state in the eastern region of Asia, with a population of more than 150 million people. 

How I spend My Weekend Paragraph

Paragraph About Bangladesh Example

Bangladesh is my motherland. My country was independent in 1971. The Capital of my country is Dhaka . My country is not big, but there are many natural resources. There are many places to visit in this country. There are many rivers here. Some big rivers are Pabna, Rangpur, Khulna, Barisal etc. We have a Mangrove Forest named Sundarban. Sunderbans is the home to the Royal Bengal Tiger. I love my peaceful country.

my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

Bangladesh is a beautiful country with many rivers and lakes. It has a lot of agriculture and wildlife. The people there are friendly and welcoming. It has a tropical climate.

Conversation between two friends about cricket match

Bangladesh is a small country in Southeast Asia. It was formed as an independent state in 1971 through a 9 month-long war of liberation. It has a population of around 160 million. It is mostly flat land surrounded by hundreds or thousands of rivers and canals. The beauty and uniqueness of the green fields and evergreen trees are what make this country unique. 

Rivers have made his country fertile and suitable for growing crops like Jute, Paddy, Oilseeds, Sugar cane etc. About 80% of its people are farmers who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Bangladesh is not yet industrially developed. Its green land and natural beauty make it a place of great interest. Dhaka is its capital and largest city.



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my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

Author & Editor Team: : Adila Zakir, Alexa Smith

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Motherland’


Notes To Remember When Writing About ‘My Motherland’

10 lines on ‘my motherland’, short essay on ‘my motherland’, essay on ‘my motherland’ in 500 words, what your child learns from this essay.

Motherland is another way of talking about the country where we are born. It is a place where we are free citizens, and from where we derive our cultural identity. Children should learn the importance of their motherland, India, to feel a sense of belonging, and appreciate their roots. Students may be given the topic ‘My Motherland’ for an essay writing assignment. It may be challenging for students of lower primary classes to write such an essay on their own. Let us guide them on how to make a beautiful composition in 10 lines, short paragraphs, and long essays for classes 1, 2 and 3. By studying the writing pattern given here, children will get an idea about how to write their own essay by adding some of their own ideas.

While writing this essay, here is an easy and well-planned method to get started:

  • Gather your facts and come up with an outline for the essay.
  • Start with an introduction and end with a concluding line or paragraph.
  • An essay in 10 lines can include many facts about your country, its culture and heritage, and creative ideas. If you have several facts, make sure you are able to memorise them well.
  • Long essays can be written with facts, along with elaborate thoughts, that express your love for your motherland.

Essays written as simple lines are the easiest to write. Here is a sample of a 10-line essay for classes 1 and 2 on ‘My Motherland – India’:

  • India is my country, my homeland and my motherland.
  • It is where I was born and will always have my roots.
  • My motherland is an ancient country with a rich cultural heritage over thousands of years.
  • India is an economically developing country with a large population of young people contributing to its growth.
  • Besides India, my motherland is known by other names, such as Hindustan, Bharat, and Hind.
  • It is part of the Asian continent and forms a peninsular at the southern tip of Asia.
  • My motherland has a large geographical area rich with many rivers, hills, the Arabian sea, the Thar desert, a plateau, and mountain ranges, including the great Himalayas, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian ocean.
  • India also has lush evergreen forests and mangroves with various flora and fauna. 
  • My motherland is highly respected globally as a growing superpower.
  • I am proud to be born in my motherland and will strive to contribute to its prosperity.

Writing an essay in a short paragraph is like a stepping stone for longer essays. Practice here makes it easier to write lengthier essays. Here is an essay on ‘My Motherland’ in 100 words:

India is my motherland. It is a large country that is home to more than 1.3 billion people. I, too, call it home as I was born in India and will always have my roots here. I am proud of my motherland. India is a historic country, known by other names such as Hindustan and Bharat. India has an ancient history, starting from the days of the first-ever evidence of civilisation. My motherland has a diverse group of people living in unity and harmony. There are many different languages, cultures, foods and festivals throughout the country. Our culture, traditions and heritage are so rich that they make our motherland respected worldwide. I will forever cherish my motherland and strive to contribute to its progress.

A long essay for class 3 on a topic like this would require students to write with clarity and a good flow. Plan the outline of the essay and think about all the details you want to add. Start with an introduction and add a few concluding sentences:

India is my motherland. It is the country where I was born and brought up. It is where my home is, where the people I love reside, and the place where I have lived with pride. 

My motherland has a rich physical heritage like the highest mountain peak and the grand mountain range, the Himalayas. India is also blessed with several water bodies like the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Indian ocean and many rivers like the Ganga, Yamuna and Narmada. India has a large number of flora and fauna and lush green forests as part of its ecosystem.

My motherland is the birthplace of some of the oldest civilisations in the world. It has a history that dates back thousands of years, making it a treasure trove of a rich historical past. Today, India is a multi-cultural country of people with diverse cultures, languages, traditions, cuisines and faiths coexisting in harmony. We also have festivals and cultural celebrations all year round that keep the country lively.

India is a magnet for people worldwide because of its cultural richness and spiritual depth. Many people come here to seek spiritual guidance as this is considered a holy land. Tourists also find India fascinating because of the ancient monuments, palaces and other archaeological wonders.  

My motherland has an inspiring history. India was under British rule for around 200 years. Our freedom fighters struggled and were successful as India got independence in 1947. Ever since then, we have accomplished much as a developing country. We have the largest democracy in the world and a huge population of talented people. India has made a significant contribution to science and technology. As a spacefaring nation and nuclear power India is also much respected as a mighty country globally.

As a proud citizen of my motherland, I wish to someday achieve the academic pinnacle and serve her with zeal and devotion. I believe the younger generation has much to offer to our country in advancing it as a global power.

This essay on ‘My Motherland’ is designed to teach your child important facts about the country. Using the examples mentioned here, they can formulate their ideas and write on their own. Essay writing is essential for developing thinking and writing skills for children of all ages. In an essay on my motherland, they can articulate their thoughts and feelings about their country and feel patriotic pride.

‘My Motherland’ is an important topic children need to learn to write!

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My Country / Bangladesh (Essay)

Photo of Rimon

Writing an essay about your country / Bangladesh

My Country / Bangladesh

Introduction: The name of my country is Bangladesh, Its official (প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক) name is the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. In the past, it was a part of the Indian subcontinent (উপমহাদেশ) and then Pakistan. It became an independent country after a bloody (রক্তক্ষয়ী) war in 1971.

Land Area and Boundaries: The total land area of Bangladesh is 57,320 square miles (148,460 square kilometers). It is bounded (আবদ্ধ) by the Indian states of West Bengal to the west and north, Assam to the north, Meghalaya to the north and northeast, and Tripura and Mizoram to the east, by Myanmar (Burma) to the southeast, and by the Bay of Bengal to the south.

Population: The total population of the country is about 164.7 million. It is one of the most densely (ঘনভাবে) populated country in the world. 2,400- 2,700 people live per square mile. The density (ঘনত্ব) of the population is highest in Dhaka. About 4,500 people live per square mile in Dhaka.

Ethnic Composition and Distribution: Bangladesh is a melting (গলন, মিশ্রণ) pot of races (জাতি). The proto-Australoids, sometimes called Veddas, were one of the earliest groups to enter the area. According to some ethnologists (জাতিতত্ত্ববিদ), they were followed by Mediterranean Caucasoids (whites), also known as Aryans. Armenoids (of Indo-European stock) are believed to have entered as well. With the coming of the Muslims in the 8th century AD, new elements were introduced; persons of Arab, Persian, and Turkish origin moved in large numbers to the subcontinent (উপমহাদেশ). By the beginning of the 13th century, they had entered what is now Bangladesh.

Religions: More than 85 percent of the population follows the religion of Islam, which was made the state religion by a 1988 constitutional (সাংবিধানিক) amendment (পরিবর্তন, সংশোধন). The rest of the people are mainly Hindus, Buddhists and Christians.

Festivals: The main festivals in Bangladesh are religious. The two most important are Eid Ul Fitr, which comes at the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting (রোজা, উপবাস), and Eid UI Azha, or the festival of sacrifice (ত্যাগ, উৎসর্গ), which follows two and a half months later. On both occasions families and friends exchange (বিনিময় করে) happiness to each other. The Hindus observe different pujas such as Durga Puja, Kali Puja, Janmastami etc. The Buddhists observe Buddha Purnima. The Christian communities also observe their religious festivals like Christmas day and other festivals.

Rivers: The main rivers of the country include the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna, the Brahmaputra, the Buriganga, the Karnaphuli, the Sitalakshaya, the Dhaleswari, the Tista, the Karatoya, the Surma, the Sangu and the Kusiara. Most of the rivers originate (উৎপত্তি লাভ করা) in the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal.

Tourist Spots: There are many worth-seeing (দর্শনীয়) places in the country. Some of the important tourist spots of the country are the national museum, the national zoo, Foy’s Lake, Kaptai, Rangamati, Bandarban, Cox’s Bazar, Kuakata, Saint Martin, Sunderbans, Ramsagar etc..

Photo of Rimon


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Last among the nations to emerge on the Indian subcontinent after a brief, brutal war in 1971 with Pakistan, of which it had been a part since 1947, Bangladesh (liter­ally Bengal country and formerly known as East Pakistan) is a small, impoverished and overcrowded nation. Before inde­pendence it was separated from Pakistan’s western region (formerly known as West Pakistan) by some 920 miles (1,554 km) of Indian Territory; its political link to West Pakistan was based largely on religious grounds.

Dissimilar in most other cultural traits (language, food habits, literary tradi­tions and history), the eastern wing of Pakistan had lived its 24 years of existence in relative neglect, and exploitation. With only one-sixth of the area of Pakistan (54,000 sq. miles or 148,000 sq. km) but over half of its population (now close to 127 million), the new nation faced seemingly insurmountable problems of exploding population, grinding poverty and lack of overall development. Unable to feed itself, it relied heavily on food, material, and technical aid from many countries, includ­ing India, which had helped it to win freedom from Pakistan.

Physical Characteristics:

Nearly all of the land surface of Bangladesh is below 50 feet (15 meters) above sea level and consists of a flood plain of the Ganga-Brahmaputra Rivers and their tributaries. The delta is ac­tive and continually silting. The only hilly areas are bordering India where land rises to about 1,000 feet (304 meters), and in the southeastern section near Burma border where the relief is between 500 to 2,000 feet.

The climate is everywhere warm and humid. Rainfall is plentiful, varying be­tween 70 inches (1,778 mm) annually in the west and 100 inches (2,540 mm) in the east; the regime controlled by the two monsoon seasons but most precipitation falls during the summer monsoons.

Nature has also dealt harshly with Bangladesh. The nearly flat topography is subjected to annual flooding. To the south, the country lies open to the passage of tropical storms which periodically bring large scale destruction to the densely set­tled southern sections of the deltaic plains of the three big rivers: Padma (local name for Ganga), Jamuna (local name for Brahmaputra), and Meghna, and their in­numerable tributaries.

The November 1970 typhoon, which took as many as half a million lives and destroyed 400,000 homes, was among the greatest natural dis­asters of the 20th century. Similar, if not quite as devastating, events are a common and nearly an annual phenomenon.

Cultural Patterns:

Ethnically, Bangla­desh is one of the most homogeneous nations: 98 percent of the population con­sists of Bengali speakers. The Bengalis— both Muslims and Hindus—are justly proud of their linguistic culture, for Ben­gali language possesses a far richer and maturer literature than most other Indo- European languages. Islam is the predominant religion; and Muslims from 88 percent of the population.

The Hindu minority is substantial, consisting of nearly 11 percent of the total population and composed primarily of the under­privileged sections, who have, at times, been immigrating to the neighboring In­dia. There was a mass exodus of nearly 10 million persons to India during the 1971 War of Independence with Pakistan con­sisting almost entirely of the Hindus who felt insecure to remain within the country.

Most of them have since returned back, but a small trickle continues to immigrate to the adjoining states of West Bengal, As­sam, Meghalaya and Tripura in India. During recent years many have immi­grated to cities including the West Bengal in India and India’s capital city of New Delhi.

Economy and Resources:

Agriculture is the dominant sector of economy. Nearly all of the cultivatable area (about 74 per­cent of its total land) is under crops—rice and to a lesser degree wheat for subsis­tence; jute and tea for cash. Jute is the mainstay of the economy, producing a substantial part of its export earnings. It is Bangladesh’s important export surpassed only recently by ready-made garments which became Bangladesh’s leading export in 1988.

Tea is another export item. Con­ditions for rice cultivation are ideal— ample rainfall, high temperatures, very fer­tile alluvial soils, and almost level topography. Although two to three crops of rice are raised, low yields and high population densities (now approaching 2,230 persons per sq mile or 6,862 per sq km) have made the country chronically a food deficit area.

During the 1970s and 1980s the “Green Revolution” helped boost rice production dramatically through increased acreage in high-yielding varieties of rice. The expansion of wheat as a second grain crop also allowed dietary di­versification. Although the country approached self-sufficiency in food grains in the mid 1980s, increasing population re­mains a serious problem. The Malthusian threat of hunger still looms over a nation already given to recurrent famines, persist­ent malnutrition, poverty, and typhoons.

The cultivation of jute (produced as a commercial crop) occupies land that could otherwise be used for rice. It s production related to the low-wage hand labor so abundantly available, has suffered lately in competition with the introduction of syn­thetic fibers into the world market. Lacking in most minerals, Bangladesh’s modest resources of peat, natural gas and timber await exploitation as the nation’s energies are spent on combating problems of overpopulation and economic underde­velopment.

The capital and port city of Dhaka (6.1 million) is centrally located in the delta region. Famous for its fine Muslims and other handicraft industries in the 17th century, it has been a historic/politico-regional center of Bengal. At the time of India’s partition, the city contained nearly one-half of its jute manufacturing mills; now it is the premier industrial center of Bangladesh containing besides jute mills, sugar factories, oil pressing mills, and a few glass and cement factories.

The jute and cotton textile industry has since undergone considerable expansion. Textiles (ready- made garments, and jute manufactured material) account for nearly two-thirds of country’s exports that pass through Dhaka. Chittagong (2 million) is the country’s other major port.

Khulna with a population approaching one million is an important commercial and manufacturing center in the southern region, and Rajshani (over half a million) and Mymensingh are other regional market centers located in the western and eastern parts of the country.

Bangladesh is a sad paradox. The country possesses rich, fertile land ca­pable of producing several subsistence and commercial crops, but ever increasing population and relative neglect have left the country poor and underdeveloped. An assessment of its future prospects is diffi­cult to make. Some diversification of the economy is possible. Most mineral wealth, modest though it may be, remains un­tapped.

Natural gas reserves might be used in the production of fertilizers. The forest products’ industry can be also developed. Diversification of commercial and subsis­tence crops can relieve pressure on jute, tea, and rice. Fishing as an important re­source and a major export, can be further expanded. But population remains a seri­ous problem.

Currently, Bangladesh stands close to the bottom of the world’s coun­tries in economic development, along with such nations as Chad and Bhutan, which contain only a tiny fraction of its popula­tion. The country suffered grievously during its war of independence. Millions streamed across the border into neighbor­ing India. Disruption of transport and of thousands of villages and settlements added to the misery and horror that followed the war from which the country has not since completely recovered.

Since the 1960s the issue of population planning has been taken seriously by the administration. Through its own efforts and the help of international donors (Bang­ladesh is one of the largest recipient of international aid in population control), there has been a noticeable decline in the average annual increase in population from 2.6 percent a year during the 1960s and 1970s to 2.3 percent between 1980 and 1995, and by 1999, it had fallen below 1.8 percent a year. During the late 1990’s, Bangladesh made major efforts to meet the food needs of its growing population, and the country is now largely self-sufficient in its food requirements.

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Composition on Our Country: Bangladesh


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Our Homeland

Our beloved motherland.

Introduction: Bangladesh is our homeland. It came into being on the 16th December 1971 after a bloody liberation war . It is our pride, it is our dream, and it is our life-blood.

Area and situation: Bangladesh lies on the eastern part of South Asia. It is surrounded by India on three sides north, east and west and by the bay of bangle on the south. It has a total land area of 1, 47, 70 square kilometers including rivers.

Population: Bangladesh is a small country with a big population of about eighteen cores. It is the most densely populated country in the world. The population problem is the one number problem in Bangladesh. Now Bangladesh has become a victim of the vicious circle of extreme poverty due to the population explosion.

Religion: there are people of many religions in Bangladesh. More than 80% of the people are Muslims. Besides this, there are Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians. They all live in great peace and harmony.

Climate: Bangladesh is a land of moderate climate. It belongs to the domain of a seasonal wind called monsoon. It has six seasons called summer, rainy season, early autumn, late autumn, winter, and spring. Each season lasts for two months. Each season comes with its own colors and adds beauty to nature. Nature assumes different pictures in different seasons.

Occupation and products: Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. More than eighty percent of their populations depend on agriculture for their living. Rice is our main food crop. Jute and tea are our two main cash crops. Thousands of our people are working in foreign countries for want of job opportunities in the native land. Here there are much more people looking for employment than there are opportunities for employment. A great amount of remittances is flowing in everyday remitted by these overseas employees. Thus they are contributing a lot to the enrichment of our foreign exchange reserve fund.

Flowers and fruits: Bangladesh is a favorite homeland of a great variety of flowers and fruits. Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. They add much to the enhancement of the natural beauty of Bangladesh. Flowers are liked by one and all of their variety of colors, beauty and sweet smell. The rose is the best among the lot. The shiplap is our national flower. Fruits are of both seasonal and all seasonal. Our main fruits are mangoes , bananas, pineapples, jackfruits , coconuts etc. the Jackfruit is our national fruit.

Birds and rivers: we go the bed with the songs of birds at night and wake up again with the songs of birds in the morning. There are talking birds, game birds, prey birds, water birds, guest birds; weaving birds and beautiful birds in Bangladesh they add charm and beauty to the flora and fauna of our country. The Doel is our national bird. Bangladesh is called the land of rivers with their uncounted tributaries. These rivers contribute much to add the natural beauty of Bangladesh. The Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna, and the Karnafuli are the big rivers of Bangladesh. They provide us with a great variety of heart-touching and eye-catching sights, sounds, and beauty.

Education and culture: education is the backbone of the nation. Most of the people in our country are illiterate. They are ignorant of their rights and duties. The darkness of illiteracy has created a great obstacle to the way of our development. People of Bangladesh are simple and gentle. They have strong feelings of love, affection, and hospitality. Our mother tongue is Bangla. Bengali literature is very much developed. Our world poet Rabindranath Tagore, rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam and Pollikabi Jasim Uddin are the outstanding poets of Bengali literature. Md. Nazrul Islam is our national poet.

Economic development: Bangladesh achieved independence in 1971. it became the successor of a burnt and shattered economy. Though we achieved the territorial freedom, we could not yet achieve economic emancipation. Most of the people of our country have to live below the poverty line. There are more people looking for employment than there are opportunities for employment. To speak the truth, we are now groping in the darkens of uncertainty in almost every sphere of our life.

Natural beauties: Bangladesh is called the darling child of nature. It is a treasure-trove of bounteous nature. Nature seems to have adorned Bangladesh lavishly by all her beauties and bounties. Whoever sets foot on this land, can never forget its beauty. A Canadian boy once visiting a village in Bangladesh for the first time exclaimed with wonder, ‘is this Bangladesh also?’ a great variety of sights, sounds, sounds, and coolers have made our motherland a Dreamland a land of surpassing beauties flowing with milk and money. Our beloved world poet Tagore claims,

“Nowhere would thou find such a land, queen of all lands, my beloved motherland.”

Conclusion: we love our country with all the warmth or our heart. Let us give vent to our feelings in the words of the poet,

“Land of our birth, we pledge to thee; Our love and toil in the years to be.”

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Paragraph on My Country Bangladesh

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Paragraph on My Country Bangladesh in 100 Words

Bangladesh is a small and beautiful country in South Asia. We got independence in 1971 from Pakistan after a long war. Because of the sacrifice of millions of freedom fighters we got this country. 16 December is our Victory Day  because this day the Pakistani army surrendered.

And 26 th March is our Independence Day because in 1971’s 26 th March Ziaur Rahman declared our independence from Chittagong. We are the only nation that sacrifices lives for language and now it is known as International Mother Language Day on 21 st February. More than 180 countries celebrate this day. Bangladesh is a very beautiful country to see.    

My Country Bangladesh Paragraph in 150 Words

Bangladesh is a small country with a huge population. The total area of Bangladesh is 147,570 square kilometers but the total population is more than 164 million. Still, it is a green and naturally beautiful country. Our country is growing economically and it is doing well in export too.

We are the leader in world garments exporting right after china. Not only in the economy, but we also good at sports too. Our cricket team is one of the top seven teams in the world. Bangladesh has a very heart touching history behind. In 1971 this country got independence from Pakistan after a nine months war.

Lots of people sacrificed their lives in that time. On 16 December the Pakistani army surrendered and we got a new nation. That’s why we celebrate on 16 December as our Victory Day. Bangladesh is a very beautiful country with lots of natural spots to see. I love my country a lot.    

Paragraph on My Country Bangladesh in 200 Words

My country’s name is Bangladesh . Bangladesh is a very small country huge population. It is a medium-developed country in South Asia. We have a very good and progressing economy. It has an area of 147,570 square kilometers. But it has a population of 164 million. That is huge than the area.

But it is still a very beautiful and peaceful country. People of Bangladesh are so friendly with each other. This country has a glorious history of independence. We got independence from Pakistan in 1971 after nine mothers’ blood-shedding war. More than 3 million Bangladeshi sacrificed their life in that genocide.

But still, we were able to get our independence. After independence, the newly born country faced lots of hard times and struggles. But it rises very well. Now Bangladesh is one of the best countries to live in South Asia. There are so many beautiful spots to see in this country.

We have the longest sea beach in the world, cox’s bazaar. The Sundarban is one of the biggest mangrove forests in the entire world and a huge source of beauty. You can find Royal Bengal Tiger there. I love my country very much. I am so lucky to born here.

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my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

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My Country (Bangladesh) Essay and Composition

My Country (Bangladesh) Essay and Composition

You can write this essay as 1. My Country Essay/ Composition 2. Bangladesh Essay/ Composition - suitable for the students of class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 JSC, 9, 10, SSC, 11, 12, HSC.

My Country (Bangladesh) Essay/Composition ; Bangladesh is an independent country in South-East Asia. It came into being as an independent sovereign state through a nine-month sanguinary War of Liberation in 1971. It is a small country with a large population of nearly 160 million.

Read more> The Land You Live In (Bangladesh) Essay & Composition

It is mainly a plain land crisscrossed by hundreds of rivers and thousands of canals. The beauty of green fields and evergreen leaves of trees are so much exquisite. And she is noted for her that. The six seasons of the year coming by turns have made her a wonderful land of panoramic beauty. Every season has its own beauty. The rivers have made her land fertile and suitable for growing various crops like jute paddy, oilseeds, sugarcane, etc. Agriculture is the main occupation of her people. About 80% of her people are farmers and they depend on agriculture for their living.

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The country is yet to be industrially developed. Its green land is very beautiful. The Sundarbans, Rangamati, Sylhet, and Cox’s Bazar are some of the places that are famous for natural beauty in the world. Dhaka is its capital and the largest city in the country. Chittagong is the main seaport of Bangladesh and the second biggest city.

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It is now a developing country. Our people are struggling hard to make the country a happy and prosperous one. Here only about 65% of people can read and write. We have a rich heritage and culture. Our people are brave and hospitable. We are peace-loving and we want to live in peace with all. I am proud and happy to born in such a beautiful dreamland.

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My Motherland Essay in English

My Motherland Essay in English, India is my motherland. It is the best country in the world. A person born and lives in a country is the motherland of that person. I live in India and it is my motherland. It is one of the luxuriantly endowed countries in the whole world. It is the 7 th largest country when it comes to land area in the world. It covers an estimated area of 32, 87, 263 km square.

My motherland has exceptionally varied geology. It shares borders with different countries in the world, which are also powerful. These nations include Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Apart from that, Sri Lanka and the Maldives are the other two adjacent nations of my motherland.

On the earth planet, there is a huge scope of the mountain. India is the most popular country, where the range of Himalayans is arranged in the northern side. Mount Everest is one of the tallest mountains in the world, which is arranged in the Himalayan range.

A portion of its well-known reaches is Vindhya, Shivalik, Satpura, and Aravali. Hence, when all of these 3 get combined together, they become the upside section of the oceanic exchange.

my motherland essay in english

India My Motherland Essay

In India, we can also see the biggest desert in the world, which is none other than The Thar Desert or Marshal. All of these topographical varieties are found in India, which develops numerous climates. There are 6 seasons in India, which people enjoy consistently.

My motherland is renowned for being the most developed society in the world and there is a huge variety we can see. As there is a wide range of diversity in India, even people in India enjoy visiting different parts of the country and exploring a number of traditions, cultures, and places.

The assortment of different societies in the country attracts people from different parts of the world, they like to visit and explore India for at least one time. Talking about the religious values of India, there are many religions people have.

Some of them, which are popular include Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. Buddhism and Hinduism have been brought into the world in my motherland.

My Motherland Essay in English 500 Words

My motherland, India is having 28 states and 8 Union Territories. All these states and union territories have a different variety of customs and societies. There are more than 100 dialects in India and 22 of them are packed with genuine dialects of the country.

All of these places have almost their own languages. English is known to be the authority language of the country. This is how India is one of the English-talking nations.

My motherland is full of art, culture, and literature. It is also known to be the land of Rishi Munis. The best thing is that a number of great men have also been born in my motherland. There is a wide range of tourist attractions or spots in India.

Tourists feel special when they come to my motherland because we treat guests like God. When they visit any of the tourist attractions in my nation, they come to know about a different culture and religion of a particular place.

The soil of India is very fertile. In India, the agricultural sector is also growing day by day. This is why there are plenty of crops being grown in my motherland. It provides us with many kinds of crops, which include grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and a lot more.

In India, there are different types of insects, animals, and birds found. Tiger is the national animal of India, Peacock is the national bird of India while Lotus is the national flower of India. There are varieties of flora and fauna to be discovered in the country.

It is surrounded by natural boundaries from all sides. It has mountains at some places, dense forests at some places, and rivers at some places. There are lots of temples and ashrams in different parts of the country. South India is known for the ancient temples in the world.

The mother tongue of my motherland is Hindi. People speak different languages here like Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, and many others according to the region they live in my nation.

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My Motherland Paragraph

Speaking of people in India, they are very brave and intelligent. At the same time, they are also welcoming, polite, hardworking, and calm. They are peace-loving people. Based on different states, there are different categories and castes of people living in India.

Every state has its own traditional art form, dance, and music. People of different states take the pleasure of their art, culture, dance, and music. In states, there are villages, cities, and towns. Now, every region is growing in each and every aspect. This is why we all are developing in all terms whether it is technology, infrastructure, real estate, etc.

Talking about the cuisine in India, every state has its own food type. There are different cuisines in India, according to the state. Like, if we visit Rajasthan, people can enjoy Rajasthani cuisine, which is very delicious. The same is true for other states as well.

Different cuisines in India are Rajasthani, Punjabi, Gujarati, South India, and a lot more. All types of cuisines are famous in the entire world. International travelers specially visit India to try different cuisines.

Essay on Our Motherland

In the field of science and literature, my motherland has given great people such as Premchand, Rabindranath Tagore, Sara Chandra, Jagdish Chandra Bose, CV. Raman, and Dr. Abdul Kalam. All of these are great names of my motherland, which make us proud in the world.

There is more to know about my motherland. India, my motherland, cannot be described in just words. Its beauty, culture, nature, and tradition, all are speechless. Last but not least, I can say that India has a huge diversity of culture and language.

All categories of people unify their festivals, fairs, and festivities with joy and happiness. They like to meet and greet others. This is what I like the most about my motherland. I love my motherland, India very much.

This is my motherland essay in English, from this entire article, we cover information regarding my motherland essay 1000 words in English. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at wikiliv.com

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My village paragraph for class 8, 9, 10, 6, 7 & all

The village in which we were born is very dear to us. We should all go to the village, form bonds with the village. This paragraph is important in the exam. You can find various type of writing in our website. So, I would request you to stay with our website. We all have our native village. So village is most heart touching for us.

my village paragraph

My village paragraph for class 9 & others

The motherland is like heaven to man. I was born in the village. My village is very dear to me. The water of the village where I was born has quenched my thirst, quenched my hunger, and the sound of the birds of the village broke my sleep. So everyone’s village is very dear to them. The name of my village is Khulna. There are about 10,000 people living in my village. People of all religions live together. The literacy rate in our village is high. The literacy rate of 75 per cent is in our village. There are people of different professions in our village. For example, teachers, doctors, engineers, farmers, etc. Most of the houses in our village are made of tin. But now brick houses are being built. Paddy is the main crop in the village. A lot of rice is produced in our village. Jute, wheat, mustard and various vegetables are also produced. Our village is self-sufficient in food. Our village is a land of natural beauty. There are two government schools in our village. There is also a government college and a public university. That’s why the literacy rate in our village is high. There is a big market in the village every Friday. A variety of daily items are available there. We can buy food items at a very low price. Since our village is self-sufficient in food, there is no theft or robbery in our village. Our village is ahead in information technology. Almost every house has electricity in the house. There is also no water problem. Everyone drinks clean water. That is, there is no problem with education, information technology, electricity, water, food etc. in our village. There is clear air in the village. So I go to the village whenever I get a chance. I love my village very much.

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My village paragraph 150 words

We all have villages. We all love the village. Just as we love our motherland, the village where we were born is dear to us. The name of my village is Bagerhat. People of all religions and castes live together in the village. There are schools, colleges, madrasas and universities in our village. So our village is far ahead in the field of education. Besides, our village is a land of natural beauty. Every year, visitors from different parts of the country visit our village. The mentality of the people of the village is very good. There is a government hospital in the village. There are many rivers in our village. So in the rainy season, the villages are more beautiful. Agriculture is the main livelihood of the people of the village. About 90 percent of the people do farming. So our village is self-sufficient. I love my village very much.

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Essay about Motherland in 100, 200, 300, 400 & 500 Words

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Essay about Motherland in 100 Words

The beauty of my motherland.

Motherland is a place that holds a special place in every person’s heart. It is a land where one’s roots are deeply embedded, and where a unique sense of belonging is felt. The motherland is a mosaic of vibrant cultures, diverse traditions, and breathtaking landscapes. It is a place where the aroma of spices fills the air, and the sound of music brings joy to one’s soul. From the snow-capped mountains to the sandy beaches, the motherland is a treasure trove of natural wonders. It is a land that nurtures dreams and fosters resilience. The motherland is not just a piece of land, but a sanctuary that binds us all together as one.

Essay about Motherland in 200 Words

Motherland: a haven of beauty and pride.

Motherland is a word that evokes a surge of emotions in every individual’s heart. It symbolizes the place where we were born, where our roots are firmly grounded, and where our identities originate. Our motherland is not just a geographical location; it represents our heritage, culture, and collective memories.

Stepping into my motherland, I am greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors and sights that awaken my senses. From majestic mountains towering over fertile valleys to glistening rivers meandering through lush green landscapes, its natural beauty is nothing short of mesmerizing. The sprawling forests, teeming with diverse flora and fauna, whisper tales of harmony between man and nature.

The essence of my motherland lies in its cultural tapestry, woven with threads of ancient traditions. Festivals, with their vibrant costumes, lively music, and mouth-watering delicacies, bring the whole nation together in a joyous celebration of life. History echoes through its magnificent monuments, telling stories of valor, devotion, and resilience.

But beyond its physical, tangible aspects, my motherland is the embodiment of the intangible sense of belonging and pride that binds its people. It is the warmth of conversations with strangers who feel like long-lost friends. It is the unspoken solidarity that arises in moments of collective joy or sorrow. It is the resilience etched into every face, the unwavering spirit that refuses to be shaken.

My motherland may have its imperfections, like any other, but it is the imperfections that add character to its essence. It is a land of contrasts, where ancient wisdom coexists with modern aspirations, where poverty battles against aspirations for progress. Yet, through it all, there is an unyielding determination to overcome obstacles, to rise as one, and to create a brighter future.

Essay about Motherland in 300 Words

The motherland: a beautiful tapestry of culture and heritage.

The term “Motherland” is more than just a geographical location; it evokes deep sentiments of love, pride, and belonging. My motherland is a land of rich diversity, where vibrant cultures coexist, and heritage is preserved with the utmost care.

As I walk through the bustling streets of my homeland, I am enveloped by the sheer magnificence of its natural beauty. From the snow-capped mountains to the pristine beaches, every corner of this land is a sight to behold. The lush green forests, teeming with wildlife, are a testament to the nation’s commitment to preserving its natural resources.

The people of my motherland are its true essence. They embrace unity and harmony, celebrating their diverse traditions and languages. From the colorful festivals that light up the cities to the traditional dances that tell tales of ancient times, these customs are woven into the very fabric of our society.

Stepping into the historical sites and monuments, I am transported back in time. The architectural marvels, showcasing the ingenuity of our ancestors, stand as a testament to their remarkable craftsmanship. Each monument tells a story, reminding us of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped our nation.

Despite the challenges we face, my motherland remains resolute, powered by the indomitable spirit of its people. It is a land of opportunity, where dreams are realized, and aspirations take flight. Education and innovation thrive, propelling us towards a brighter future.

In conclusion, my motherland is a tapestry of beauty, culture, and heritage. It is a land that fills my heart with immense pride and joy. As I breathe in the familiar air and walk on familiar soil, I am reminded of the love and gratitude I have for my motherland. It is a treasure worthy of everlasting admiration and respect. Long live my motherland!

Essay about Motherland in 500 Words

There is a special bond that exists between a person and their motherland. This connection is deeply rooted in our hearts, emotions, and cultural fabric. It is a feeling of belongingness, pride, and gratitude that one feels towards their homeland. For me, my motherland holds a unique place in my heart and soul. It is a land of diverse cultures, rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and warm-hearted people. In this essay, I will describe the enchanting beauty of my motherland, showcasing its mesmerizing sights and the essence of its vibrant culture.

My motherland is a tapestry of varied landscapes, each more captivating than the other. As I travel from the majestic mountains to the golden beaches, I am constantly mesmerized by the sheer beauty that encompasses this land. The snow-clad peaks of the Himalayas stand tall and proud, seemingly kissing the skies. The tranquility and serenity they emanate bring a sense of peace and calm to those fortunate enough to witness them. As I gaze at these mesmerizing wonders, I cannot help but feel humbled by the vastness and grandeur of nature.

Venturing further, the lush green valleys and meandering rivers paint a picturesque scene. With every step, I am surrounded by the melodies of chirping birds and the refreshing fragrance of blooming flowers. The rejuvenating touch of gentle breezes carries with it the aroma of the earth, something deeply rooted in the essence of my motherland. The rivers flow with unmatched grace, offering a peaceful sanctuary for animals and providing life-sustaining resources to the people.

Plunging into the heart of my motherland, one discovers sacred sites and historical landmarks that embody the rich heritage and deep-rooted traditions of our ancestors. Palaces, forts, and ancient temples stand as testaments to a glorious past and evoke a sense of nostalgia. They serve as reminders of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped our nation. The vibrant festivals celebrated throughout the year bring communities together, showcasing the unity and diversity of our motherland. These cultural festivities fill the air with joy, laughter, and enthusiasm, leaving one with lasting memories and an appreciation for our heritage.

Beyond the physical aspects, my motherland is defined by the warmth and hospitality of its people. They embrace visitors with open arms and shower them with genuine affection. The spirit of togetherness and harmony resonates in the hearts of those who call this nation home. It is the epitome of strength, resilience, and unity in diversity.

In conclusion, my motherland is a treasure trove of unparalleled beauty, steeped in a rich tapestry of history and culture. It is a land that captures the senses and touches the soul. From the mystic mountains and serene valleys to the cultural heritage and warm-hearted people, every facet of my motherland brings forth a sense of belonging and pride. It is a place where dreams take flight, where memories are etched, and where the heart finds solace. My motherland truly is a haven, embracing all who venture towards its shores with open arms.

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My Mother Essay

Mother is the foundation of a family. Mother is the one who brought us to see this beautiful world. It's a single word with thousands of emotions. Mother is called by different names in different languages like Maa in Hindi and Bengali, Amma in Tamil and Malayalam, Bha in Gujarati, Aaiy in Marathi, Talli in Telugu, Thayi in Kannada. Here are a few sample essays on "my mother".

100 Words Essay on My Mother

200 words essay on my mother, 500 words essay on my mother, my role model.

  • The Greatness of Mother's Love

My Mother Essay

My mother is a very important person and an inspiration in my life. She is the world to me. She is my first teacher. Every good habit I have is just because of her teachings. My mother is my constant motivator. Whenever I fail to perform, she is alone to stand and encourage me.

Whenever I am lost, my mother is the only one to bring me to the right path. There are situations where she is not physically present to guide, but her teachings always act as a guiding light. It is well said that "Life doesn't come with a manual; it comes with a mother." I wonder how appropriate this line is! When a child is born, it's the mother who understands the most about what to teach to her child and what not.

"God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers." A mother is a person whom the child knows from the womb itself. Nobody on this Earth knows a child better than their mother. Everybody on this Earth can harm a child except the mother. She knows what, when, why, how, and everything about her child. A mother can play all the roles of a child, from being a feeder to being a superhero. Nothing is challenging for her. Home is never a home where there is no mother.

Mother: Creation of God

She is the most beautiful creation of God. It is said that if a child doesn't have a father, the mother can do anything for the survival of her children, but if a child doesn't have a mother, life never remains easy for the child. Only a mother gives selfless love to her child; she can sleep hungry but never let her child sleep hungry.

My mother is my superhero. I always get surprised to see her being the first one to wake in the morning and the last one to sleep in the night, still with the same smile and zero complaints. How can a person remain so cheerful throughout? She is the one to teach that, however hard it may be, the day there will always be a beautiful morning waiting for you when you open your eyes.

Mother is the one who plays and handles all her relationships well, from being a daughter herself, being a sister, being a wife, being a daughter-in-law, being a sister-in-law to being a mother and then grandmother. We keep growing up throughout but for a mother, a child is always a child, regardless of age you become. She is the most powerful creature in this Universe. She can be a gentle wind, and at the same time, she can be a cyclone to a hurricane if someone tries to harm her child.

My mother is my inspiration and my role model. I believe nobody in this world can understand me more than her. She can read through and figure out what's going on in my mind. How can someone be so exact in reading someone's mind? She gets up at 5 a.m in the morning and prepares breakfast and lunch, never forgetting about anybody's choices. She then packs it for everybody on it. When we return, we see her working and arranging things with the same enthusiasm and smile she had in the morning. I again wonder how someone can be without complaining about something. I see her always having a solution handy to almost all the problems that we share with her.

"Mother's love is the fuel that boosts your willingness."

The Greatness of Mother's Love

There is a famous story about Albert Einstein's mother. It was said that Albert was not able to read when he was in elementary school. So one fine day, a teacher sends a note to his mother that they would not be able to teach her child as her child was too dumb to teach anything. Tears began rolling in her eyes when she read it to her son. She read that since her child was so smart, the teachers would no longer be able to teach him. Then she bought books for him and started teaching him all by herself, and today everything is history. Only a mother can give wings to her child's dreams.

We have often seen children sending their aged mothers to old age homes but have never seen a mother sending her child to an orphanage. It is very painful to see such people sending their source of existence to suffer till they live. We have seen mothers leaving their well-paid jobs to see their children grow, to teach good things to their children. Nobody on this Earth can ever repay a mother's sacrifice, however rich they may become.

My Mother: My Hero

My mother is my bundle of joy, the first person I search for when I enter the house is my mother. She will smile and then scold me for shouting and disturbing the entire house. Patience level of my mother is a blessing from the divine; she is always very calm and composed. My mother is often very strict, which is obviously for my good. She would not let me use my mobile phone and laptop for too long as it would affect me. She teaches me to be kind to others. I want to become a superhuman like my mother. "Mother is the most beautiful flower on this Earth; each is unique and holds a different fragrance."

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Essay on India My Motherland

Students are often asked to write an essay on India My Motherland in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on India My Motherland


India, my motherland, is a country filled with diverse cultures, languages, and religions. It is known for its rich history and heritage.

Geographical Diversity

India is blessed with a wide range of geographical features. From the high Himalayan peaks to the coastal plains, every region is unique.

Cultural Richness

India’s cultural richness is visible in its numerous festivals, dance forms, music, and art. Every state has its unique traditions.

Historical Significance

India is home to many historical monuments and sites. These reflect the country’s glorious past and its contributions to civilization.

India, my motherland, is a symbol of unity in diversity. I am proud to be a part of this beautiful country.

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250 Words Essay on India My Motherland

India, my motherland, is a country that instills a sense of pride and belonging in my heart. It is a nation that reverberates with diversity, yet stands united, embodying the essence of the phrase “Unity in Diversity”.

Cultural Diversity

India is a kaleidoscope of cultures, languages, and traditions. Each state represents its unique ethnicity, yet harmoniously coexists with others. This cultural diversity is a testament to the inclusive spirit of India, where myriad customs and traditions intermingle, creating a rich tapestry of life.

India’s history is a saga of resilience and evolution. From the ancient Indus Valley Civilization to the Mughal era, and from the British Raj to gaining independence, India’s historical journey is a testament to its indomitable spirit. The historical monuments scattered across the country are silent storytellers of this glorious past.

Economic Progress

India is a rapidly developing economy. Despite challenges, it has made significant strides in various sectors like technology, healthcare, and education. The nation’s youth, brimming with innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit, are the driving force behind this growth.

Spiritual Essence

India is the birthplace of spiritual philosophies like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The spiritual essence of India is not just confined to these religions, but it permeates every aspect of life, offering a unique perspective on the human existence.

In conclusion, India, my motherland, is more than just a geographical entity. It is a vibrant blend of cultures, a historical treasure, a hub of economic activity, and a spiritual sanctuary. It is a nation that continues to inspire and fascinate me with its resilience, diversity, and spirit of unity.

500 Words Essay on India My Motherland

India, often referred to as Bharat, is my motherland, a country that has nurtured me since my birth. Located in South Asia, it is a land of diversity, filled with a myriad of cultures, languages, religions, and traditions. Its rich history and heritage, coupled with its promising future, make it a fascinating place to explore and understand.

Historical Legacy

India’s history is a tapestry woven with threads of diverse civilizations and empires. From the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world’s oldest urban cultures, to the illustrious reign of the Mughals and the British Raj, each era has left an indelible imprint on the country’s cultural and societal fabric. The struggle for independence, led by luminaries like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, has been a source of inspiration for nations worldwide, instilling in us the values of non-violence, tolerance, and democratic ideals.

Cultural Mosaic

India’s cultural richness is its most defining characteristic. With over 2,000 distinct ethnic groups and more than 1,600 spoken languages, it is a melting pot of cultures. Each state, each city, and each village has its unique traditions, festivals, and culinary delights. This cultural diversity is a testament to India’s spirit of unity in diversity, where varied customs and traditions coexist harmoniously.

Economy and Development

India’s economic journey has been remarkable, transitioning from an agrarian economy to a global hub for information technology and services. Despite challenges, India has made significant strides in sectors like space technology, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. The ‘Make in India’ initiative, aimed at fostering innovation and enhancing skill development, reflects the country’s ambition to be a global manufacturing hub.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite its accomplishments, India grapples with several challenges. Socio-economic disparities, gender inequality, and environmental issues are some of the pressing concerns. However, the country’s youth, constituting a significant demographic dividend, hold the key to addressing these issues. With the right education and opportunities, they can drive India towards a more equitable and sustainable future.

India, my motherland, is more than just a geographical entity. It is a vibrant amalgamation of diverse cultures, traditions, and histories. It is a land that has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, endured hardships, and emerged resilient. It is a country that has taught me the values of unity, tolerance, and respect for diversity. As I look towards the future, I am filled with optimism about the potential that India holds, and I am proud to be a part of its journey towards progress and prosperity.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention
  • Essay on My Grandmother
  • Essay on Importance of Mother Tongue

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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my motherland essay 500 words bangladesh

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  • Interesting Essay on India is Our Motherland



Our motherland is India. It is a beautiful country and rich in culture. India is a country of fertile lands, hills, rivers, gardens, springs and lakes. India is my motherland and we all Indians love our country. It has an old civilization. India is known for peace and freedom in the whole world. Indians are also known for their hospitality and bravery. It is the seventh-largest country by land area in the world and has the largest democracy in the world. In the following essay, you will learn about your motherland detail. 

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Essay on India My Motherland

We all Indian love our motherland. We are born in a great country which is a country of great rivers, personalities, mountains and large forests etc. In this essay, you will learn about the things about your country that will make you feel proud of India motherland.

Motherland Meaning

Motherland meaning is related to that country or place where a person was born or his or her family were born. Because of this that person is emotionally connected with that country and consider that land as a mother. India is our motherland. Hence we all should respect our motherland as we used to respect our mother. 

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India is also known as the land of rivers. It has some major rivers namely Ganga, Indus, Tapi, Narmada, Brahmaputra, Krishna, Godavari and Mahanadi. Along with these rivers, there are numerous rivers such as Sutlej, Yamuna, Sabarmati, Kaveri, etc. 

The civilization of India is one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. Some of the greatest mathematicians of all times were born in India such as  Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Bhaskara and Shakuntala Devi etc.

Mountains cover most part of the northernmost of our motherland. Various rivers originate from the famous Himalayas. The Himalayan range is essential for Idia as it saves our country from the cool and withered winds of Central Asia.

Our country is a peninsula because on the three sides it is surrounded by water bodies - the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Arabian Sea in the west.

India is the second most populated country in the world as it has more than 1.3 billion people.

Some great personalities of Indian history are Rani Laksmi Bai, Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Swami Vivekananda, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar etc. They are well known in the history of India for their devotion towards their motherland.

The national anthem of our country is Jana Gana Mana which is written by Rabindranath Tagore and the national song of India is Vande Mataram which is composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee.

An essay on India is very important it will develop a patriotic feeling about India for kids as they will get to know about their country closely. They will emotionally get attached to their motherland.


FAQs on Interesting Essay on India is Our Motherland

Motherland is the place where you were born and where your family was born or belongs to. You get some rights by birth as you are born to a specific country. Your country will always try to provide you with the best. It is always good to know more about your motherland so that you can enjoy the rich heritage of the place. We should respect our motherland and should always work for the betterment of our country.

India is a country of rich culture country. It is called is a nation with unity in diversity. It is a land of different religions and people of different religions live in India with peace and freedom. The history of India is filled with the story of great freedom fighters. It has beautiful green lands, big mountains, great oceans and rivers etc. India provides equal opportunities for everyone to develop. Hence we should be always proud of our country.


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