103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples

If you’re in need of American dream topics for an essay, research paper, or discussion, this article is for you. Our experts have prepared some ideas and writing tips that you will find below.

📃 10 Tips for Writing American Dream Essays

🏆 best american dream essay topics & essay examples, 👍 catchy american dream topics, ❓ american dream research questions.

The American dream is an interesting topic that one can discuss from various perspectives. If you need to write an essay on the American dream, you should understand this concept clearly.

You can choose to present the American dream as a miracle that one cannot reach or depict a free and wealthy nation. In any case, the American dream essay is a good opportunity to reflect on the concept and learn more about it.

There are many topics you can choose from while writing your essay. Here are some examples of the American dream essay topics we can suggest:

  • The true meaning of the American dream
  • The image of the American dream in the Great Gatsby
  • Is the American dream still relevant in today’s society?
  • The role of the American dream: Discussion
  • Americans’ beliefs and values: The American dream
  • Can we achieve the American dream?
  • The American dream in today’s world and society

Remember that you do not have to select one of the American dream essay titles and can come up with your own one. Once you have selected the topic, start working on your essay. Here are ten useful tips that will help you to write an outstanding paper:

  • Start working on your essay ahead of time. You will need some time to study the issue, write the paper, and correct possible errors.
  • Do preliminary research on the issue you want to discuss. The more information you know about the question, the better. We advise you to rely on credible sources exclusively and avoid using Wikipedia or similar websites.
  • Check out the American dream essay examples online if you are not sure that the selected problem is relevant. Avoid copying the information you will find and only use it as guidance.
  • Write an outline for your essay. Think of how you can organize your paper and choose titles for each of the sections. Remember that you should include an introductory paragraph and a concluding section along with body paragraphs.
  • Remember that you should present the American dream essay thesis clearly. You can put it in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.
  • Your essay should be engaging for the audience. Help your reader to know something new about the issue and include some interesting facts that may not know about. Avoid overly complex sentences and structures.
  • Make your essay personal, if it is possible. Do not focus on your opinion solely but provide your perspectives on the issue or discuss your concern about it. You can talk about your experiences with the American dream, too.
  • Provide statistical data if you can. For example, you can find the results of surveys about people’s perspectives on the American dream.
  • The concluding paragraph is an important section of the paper. Present the thesis and all of your arguments once again and provide recommendations, if necessary. Remember that this paragraph should not include new information or in-text citations.
  • Do not send your paper to your professor right away. Check it several times to make sure that there are no grammatical mistakes in it. If you have time, you can put the paper away for several days and revise it later with “fresh” eyes.

Feel free to find an essay sample in our collection and get some ideas for your outstanding paper!

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  • The Dilemmas of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a story of a young man in the early twentieth century who seems to know what he wants in the way of that dream and what to do to achieve it.
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald & His American Dream In the novel “Tender is the Night,” Fitzgerald describes the society in Riviera where he and his family had moved to live after his misfortune of late inheritance.
  • Fitzgerald’s American Dream in The Great Gatsby & Winter Dreams To my mind, Winter Dream is a perfect example of the American Dream, since the main hero, Dexter, implemented each point of it, he was persistent and very hard-working, he was a very sensible and […]
  • The American Dream, Social Status and Hierarchies The persistence of social status and hierarchies in modern-day America undermines the possibility of realizing Winthrop’s ideal community as a goal for the current American Dream, considering his argument of wouldivinely ordained’ holds no traction […]
  • Tensions in the American Dream The imbalance can lead to debates and discussions about the meaning and purpose of the American Dream, as well as a conflict between the ideals of freedom and agency and the desire for a more […]
  • Support of the American Dream Act of 2001 In contrast to many supporters of the American Dream Act, some individuals claim that the policy promotes the entrance of illegal immigrants.
  • The Possibility of Realizing the American Dream Thus, according to the author, the American dream is only a fantasy. Returning to the ideas of Krugman, Cox and Alm, and Dalmia, it seems necessary to highlight some aspects.
  • The American Dream: Meaning and Myth Initially, the existence of this myth set a very high pace and performance for the American economy because it was the only way to achieve the desired level of prosperity.
  • Reflection on the American Dream Concept The vision of the American Dream can be different for individuals, and people create their interpretations according to their specific experiences.
  • Reaching the American Dream From Scratch For example, the experience of a person coming to the United States from Haiti is one of poverty, under-resourced communities, and a complete disillusion with the promise of a good life.
  • The American Dream Based on “Re Jane” by Patricia Park The main difference is that Jane had a chance to live her dreams in New York than in Seoul. Nina is an example of Jane’s friends who want her to succeed and understand the flaws […]
  • The American Dream in Boyle’s The Tortilla Curtain The personal experience of the characters can be explained by their varying life conditions and, hence, are linked to the notion of the American Dream, which can be achieved by everyone while the efforts differ.
  • Whitman, Hughes, and the American Dream Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes, two prominent figures of American poetry of the past, are of them.”I Hear America Singing,” “I, Too,” “Harlem,” and “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” are the emotional responses to the […]
  • The Corrupted American Dream and Its Significance in “The Great Gatsby” The development of the American dream and its impact on the society of the United States is a pertinent topic of discussion for various authors.
  • Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’, Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ and the American Dream “The America Dream’ is a longstanding common belief of the American population that in the United States, people are free to realize the full potential of their labor and their talents and every person in […]
  • Color Adjustment: False Image of American Dream The documentary tells the story of white, well-dressed people advertising the American dream, completely ignoring that the U.S.is not only a country of the white race.
  • The American Dream: Franklin’s and Douglass’s Perception The objective of this paper, therefore, is to discuss the topic of the American dream and how both Franklin and Douglass, each exemplify this dream.
  • The American Dream and Success One of the most pertinent topics associated with the American Dream is taking the courage to act and seize the opportunity.
  • The Concept of American Dream: Examples of Columbus and Bradstreet Bradstreet’s other dream was to be able to secure a position in the ‘New world’ and still be seen as a woman who cares for her family.
  • Racial Wealth Gap and the American Dream The speaker evaluates the accumulative wealth of Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites in America and arrives to the conclusion that race plays a role in financial burdens that many people of color experience.
  • American Dreams: The United States Since 1945 Although the major idea of the book is a critical one, the author’s intention does not concern analyzing approaches to the American social evolution in order to define the most adequate one.
  • History of Achieving the American Dream James Truslow Adams who wrote the book “The Epic of America” defined the American dream as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity […]
  • The American Dream in the 21st Century It is the labor of these people that allowed the country to afford to build its industry and set up a base for fulfilling the American Dream.
  • American Dream of Early Settlers He did not tell the settlers of the difficulties they were going to face in moving from Europe to the land of honey that is America.
  • The American Dream: Defining the Great Society For instance, the Medicare bill was for the elderly and the poor, human rights for the oppressed, and antipoverty laws that set a stage for growth in the society.
  • American Literature and the American Dream The difference in how the dream is defined lies in how one sees the shape and color of the concoction, whether the texture is just right for the shape of the taste buds assessing the […]
  • American Dream and Reality for Minorities The topic of our concern is the reality that is faced by women, blacks, and war veterans who are associated with the American army.
  • Richard Rodriguez’s Opinion on Migration and the American Dream American seems to refer only to the citizen of the United States and does not include the rest of the people in the continent!
  • American Dream Is Not a Myth The paper is based on the argument, a simplified definition of the American dream: the American dream can be defined as “the achievement of economic and social advancement through hard work and determination”.
  • The Immigrant Experience and the Failure of the American Dream The fates of the heroes of the book amaze with their tragedy, and this is the story of slaves of wage labor.
  • Tycoons and Their American Dream The American Dream as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, and others saw it and forged it to be seen by others contributed meaningfully to the values of the American people and the priorities of a nation.
  • Theater Exam: American Dream and Family Legacy To start the discussion on the concept of American Dream, I would like to focus on Willy, the main character of the Death of a Salesman.
  • Is the American Dream Still Alive? The topic of discussion in this setting would be the American dream and the factors associated with the quest. They would talk about the cost of living, the cost of education, and the fact that […]
  • American Dream in Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” The play Death of a salesman is indeed an anatomy of the American dream especially because the plot of the story revolves around some of the basic material gains that individuals in the American society […]
  • “American Dream” of English and Chinese Immigrants My family decided to move to the US from England because of the low wages in our town. My intentions were to explore the new opportunities of the West and to earn more money than […]
  • The American Dream and Working Conditions In fact, it might be said that it is due to their efforts that the American Dream still exists as a piece of reality.
  • American Dream and Equity of Outcome and Opportunity The American dream is one of the most famous declarations of the world and the American subsequent governments have kept the dream alive for the last hundred years.
  • Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream This is one of the drawbacks that should be taken into account by the viewers who want to get a better idea about the causes of the problems described in the movie.
  • American Dream in Hansberry’s and Miller’s Tragedies Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” and Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” tell the stories about how people can perceive and be affected by the idea of the American Dream, how they choose wrong dreams […]
  • Michelle Obama’s Remarks on American Dream She added that the main goal was to secure the blessings of liberty and to bring about the fulfillment of the promise of equality.
  • The American Dream’s Concept The American economy is also likely to improve as a result of realizing the American dream 2013 since most of the residents are likely to indulge in productive activities as stipulated in the American dream […]
  • The Concept of Progress or the Pursuit of the American Dream The concept of progress or the pursuit of the American Dream since 1930s has been a matter of concern for many immigrants who believe that they can achieve much in the US than in their […]
  • The Book American Dream by Jason DeParle From the name of the book, it is clear that the cardinal theme of the book is the American dream. This is contrary to the fact that she was pregnant and in a crack house.
  • The Definition of the Great American Dream: Hearing Opportunity Knock Although the concept of the American Dream is very recognizable, its essence is very hard to nail down, since it incorporates a number of social, economical and financial principles; largely, the American Dream is the […]
  • The American Dream Negative Sides and Benefits The United States is thought of as the land of opportunity and there are many people who want to live “The American Dream”.
  • Role of Money in the American Dream’s Concept Many people lack the meaning of the American dream because they are always looking forward to find opportunity and fail to realize that the opportunity to succeed is always around them in the work they […]
  • The Reality of American Dream The government encouraged the immigration of the population whose labor and skills were required in the United States. The housing in the urban was overcrowded with very unsanitary conditions, and some of the immigrants did […]
  • American Dream: Is It Still There? It is a dream for immigrants from the Middle East to be in America; a country where discrimination is history and where no one will prevent them from achieving their dreams in life.
  • The American Dream: Walt Disney’s Cinderella and Ron Howard’s Cinderella Man This is attributed to the fact that the original ideas and the fundamental principals that founded the dream are quickly fading away given the changing fortunes of the average American.
  • The Death of the American Dream It is the moral decay that leads to the loss of freedom, the very essence of the founding of the American dream.
  • Inequality and the American Dream It is only after the poor workers are assured of their jobs that the American model can be said to be successful.
  • A Response to the Article “Inequality and the American Dream” It has drawn my attention that other world countries embrace the “American model” since the super power has enormous wealth and its economic development is marked by up-to-date juggernauts of globalization and technology.
  • How Did Ben Franklin Exemplify the American Dream?
  • Does Fitzgerald Condemn the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”?
  • How Do Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass Represent the American Dream?
  • Has America Lost Its Potential to Achieve the American Dream?
  • How Has Disney’s Social Power Influenced the Vision of the American Dream?
  • Does the American Dream Really Exist?
  • How Does the Great Gatsby Portray the Death of the American Dream?
  • What Does “The Great Gatsby” Have to Say About the Condition of the American Dream in the 1920s?
  • How Does One Achieve the American Dream?
  • What Are the Greatest Obstacles of Full Access to the American Dream?
  • How Has the American Dream Been Translated Into Popular Film?
  • What Does the American Dream Mean to an Immigrant?
  • How Does Arthur Miller Through “Death of a Salesman” Deal With the Theme of the American Dream?
  • What Must Everyone Know About the American Dream?
  • How Has the American Dream Changed Over Time?
  • What Is Infamous About the American Dream?
  • How Does Millar Portray His Views of the American Dream Using Willy Loman?
  • When Did American Dream Start?
  • How Has the Media Changed the American Dream?
  • Who Would Think the American Dream Isn’t Possible?
  • How Does Steinbeck Present the American Dream in “Of Mice and Men”?
  • Why Will Equal Pay Help Women Achieve the American Dream?
  • How Might the Disadvantage of Immigration Affect the Chances of Having That American Dream?
  • Why Is the American Dream Equally Given and Registered To All Citizens?
  • How Does Extreme Inequality Make the American Dream Inaccessible?
  • Why Is the American Dream Still Alive in the United States?
  • How Are Millennials Redefining the American Dream?
  • Why Is the American Dream Unattainable?
  • How Does Society Influence the Idea of the American Dream?
  • Why Must the United States Renew Opportunities to Achieve the American Dream to Reform Immigration Policy?
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 21). 103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/

"103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 21 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples'. 21 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." February 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." February 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." February 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.

  • Criminal Justice

My immigrant family achieved the American dream. Then I started to question it.

by Amanda Machado

my dream destination america essay

In summer 2007, I returned home from my freshman year at Brown University to the new house my family had just bought in Florida. It had a two-car garage. It had a pool. I was on track to becoming an Ivy League graduate, with opportunities no one else in my family had ever experienced. I stood in the middle of this house and burst into tears. I thought: We’ve made it.

That moment encapsulated what I had always thought of the “American dream.” My parents had come to this country from Mexico and Ecuador more than 30 years before, seeking better opportunities for themselves. They worked and saved for years to ensure my two brothers and I could receive a good education and a solid financial foundation as adults. Though I can’t remember them explaining the American dream to me explicitly, the messaging I had received by growing up in the United States made me know that coming home from my first semester at a prestigious university to a new house meant we had achieved it.  

  • I spent the last 15 years trying to become an American. I've failed.

And yet, now six years out of college and nearly 10 years past that moment, I’ve begun questioning things I hadn’t before: Why did I “make it” while so many others haven’t? Was this conventional version of making it what I actually wanted? I’ve begun to realize that our society’s definition of making it comes with its own set of limitations and does not necessarily guarantee all that I originally assumed came with the American dream package.

I interviewed several friends from immigrant backgrounds who had also reflected on these questions after achieving the traditional definition of success in the United States. Looking back, there were several things we misunderstood about the American dream. Here are a few:

1) The American dream isn’t the result of hard work. It’s the result of hard work, luck, and opportunity.

Looking back, I can’t discount the sacrifices my family made to get where we are today. But I also can’t discount specific moments we had working in our favor. One example: my second-grade teacher, Ms. Weiland. A few months into the year, Ms. Weiland informed my parents about our school’s gifted program. Students tracked into this program in elementary school would usually end up in honors and Advanced Placement classes in high school — classes necessary for gaining admission into prestigious colleges.

My parents, unfamiliar with our education system, didn’t understand any of this. But Ms. Weiland went out of her way to explain it to them. She also persuaded school administrators to test me for entrance into the program, and with her support, I eventually earned a spot.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ms. Weiland’s persistence ultimately influenced my acceptance into Brown University. No matter how hard I worked or what grades I received, without gifted placement I could never have reached the academic classes necessary for an Ivy League school. Without that first opportunity given to me by Ms. Weiland, my entire educational trajectory would have changed.  

The philosopher Seneca said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” But in the United States, too often people work hard every day, and yet never receive the opportunities that I did — an opportunity as simple as a teacher advocating on their behalf. Statistically, students of color remain consistently undiscovered by teachers who often , intentionally or not, choose mostly white, high-income students to enter advanced or “gifted” programs , regardless of their qualifications. Upon entering college, I met several students from across the country who also remained stuck within their education system until a teacher helped them find a way out.

Research has proved that these inconsistencies in opportunity exist in almost every aspect of American life. Your race can determine whether you interact with police, whether you are allowed to buy a house , and even whether your doctor believes you are really in pain . Your gender can determine whether you receive funding for your startup or whether your attempts at professional networking are effective. Your "foreign-sounding" name can determine whether someone considers you qualified for a job. Your family’s income can determine the quality of your public school or your odds that your entrepreneurial project succeeds .

These opportunities make a difference. They have created a society where most every American is working hard and yet only a small segment are actually moving forward. Knowing all this, I am no longer naive enough to believe the American dream is possible for everyone who attempts it. The United States doesn’t lack people trying. What it lacks is an equal playing field of opportunity.  

2) Accomplishing the American dream can be socially alienating

Throughout my life, my family and I knew this uncomfortable truth: To better our future, we would have to enter spaces that felt culturally and racially unfamiliar to us. When I was 4 years old, my parents moved our family to a predominantly white part of town, so I could attend the county’s best public schools. I was often one of the only students of color in my gifted and honors programs. This trend continued in college and afterward: As an English major, I was often the only person of color in my literature and creative writing classes. As a teacher, I was often one of few teachers of color at my school or in my teacher training programs.

While attending Brown, a student of color once told me: “Our education is really just a part of our gradual ascension into whiteness.” At the time I didn’t want to believe him, but I came to understand what he meant: Often, the unexpected price for academic success is cultural abandonment.

In a piece for the New York Times , Vicki Madden described how education can create this “tug of war in [your] soul”:

To stay four years and graduate, students have to come to terms with the unspoken transaction: exchanging your old world for a new world, one that doesn’t seem to value where you came from. … I was keen to exchange my Western hardscrabble life for the chance to be a New York City middle-class museum-goer. I’ve paid a price in estrangement from my own people, but I was willing. Not every 18-year-old will make that same choice, especially when race is factored in as well as class.

So many times throughout my life, I’ve come home from classes, sleepovers, dinner parties, and happy hours feeling the heaviness of this exchange. I’ve had to Google cultural symbols I hadn’t understood in these conversations (What is “Harper’s”? What is “après-ski”?). At the same time, I remember using academia jargon my family couldn’t understand either. At a Christmas party, a friend called me out for using “those big Ivy League words” in a conversation. My parents had trouble understanding how independent my lifestyle had become and kept remarking on how much I had changed. Studying abroad, moving across the country for internships, living alone far away from family after graduating — these were not choices my Latin American parents had seen many women make.  

An official from Brown told the Boston Globe that similar dynamics existed with many first-generation college students she worked with: “Often, [these students] come to college thinking that they want to return home to their communities. But an Ivy League education puts them in a different place — their language is different, their appearance is different, and they don’t fit in at home anymore, either.”

A Haitian-American friend of mine from college agreed: “After going to college, interacting with family members becomes a conflicted zone. Now you’re the Ivy League cousin who speaks a certain way, and does things others don’t understand. It changes the dynamic in your family entirely.”

A Latina friend of mine from Oakland felt this when she got accepted to the University of Southern California. She was the first person from her to family to leave home to attend college, and her conservative extended family criticized her for leaving home before marriage.

“One night they sat me down, told me my conduct was shameful and was staining the reputation of the family,” she told me, “My family thought a woman leaving home had more to do with her promiscuity than her desire for an education. They told me, ‘You’re just going to Los Angeles so you can have the freedom to be with whatever guy you want.’ When I think about what was most hard about college, it wasn’t the academics. It was dealing with my family’s disapproval of my life.”

We don’t acknowledge that too often, achievement in the United States means this gradual isolation from the people we love most. By simply striving toward American success, many feel forced to make to make that choice.

3) The American dream makes us focus single-mindedly on wealth and prestige

When I spoke to an Asian-American friend from college, he told me, “In the Asian New Jersey community I grew up in, I was surrounded by parents and friends whose mentality was to get high SAT scores, go to a top college, and major in medicine, law, or investment banking. No one thought outside these rigid tracks.” When he entered Brown, he followed these expectations by starting as a premed, then switching his major to economics.

This pattern is common in the Ivy League: Studies show that Ivy League graduates gravitate toward jobs with high salaries or prestige to justify the work and money we put into obtaining an elite degree. As a child of immigrants, there’s even more pressure to believe this is the only choice.

Of course, financial considerations are necessary for survival in our society. And it’s healthy to consider wealth and prestige when making life decisions, particularly for those who come from backgrounds with less privilege. But to what extent has this concern become an unhealthy obsession? For those who have the privilege of living a life based on a different set of values, to what extent has the American dream mindset limited our idea of success?  

The Harvard Business Review reported that over time, people from past generations have begun to redefine success. As they got older, factors like “family happiness,” “relationships,” “balancing life and work,” and “community service” became more important than job titles and salaries. The report quoted a man in his 50s who said he used to define success as “becoming a highly paid CEO.” Now he defines it as “striking a balance between work and family and giving back to society.”

  • Vox First Person: If ambition is ruining your life, you need to read Thoreau

While I spent high school and college focusing on achieving an Ivy League degree, and a prestigious job title afterward, I didn’t think about how other values mattered in my own notions of success. But after I took a “gap year” at 24 to travel, I realized that the way I’d defined the American dream was incomplete: It was not only about getting an education and a good job but also thinking about how my career choices contributed to my overall well-being. And it was about gaining experiences aside from my career, like travel . It was about making room for things like creativity, spirituality , and adventure when making important decisions in my life.

Courtney E. Martin addressed this in her TED talk called “The New Better Off,” where she said: “The biggest danger is not failing to achieve the American dream. The biggest danger is achieving a dream that you don't actually believe in.”

Those realizations ultimately led me to pursue my current work as a travel writer.  Whenever I have the privilege to do so, I attempt what Martin calls “the harder, more interesting thing”: to “compose a life where what you do every single day, the people you give your best love and ingenuity and energy to, aligns as closely as possible with what you believe.”

4) Even if you achieve the American dream, that doesn’t necessarily mean other Americans will accept you

A few years ago, I was working on my laptop in a hotel lobby, waiting for reception to process my booking. I wore leather boots, jeans, and a peacoat. A guest of the hotel approached me and began shouting in slow English (as if I couldn’t understand otherwise) that he needed me to clean his room. I was 25, had an Ivy League degree, and had completed one of the most competitive programs for college graduates in the country. And yet still I was being confused for the maid.

I realized then that no matter how hard I played by the rules, some people would never see me as a person of academic and professional success. This, perhaps, is the most psychologically disheartening part of the American dream: Achieving it doesn’t necessarily mean we can “transcend” racial stereotypes about who we are.

It just takes one look at the rhetoric by current politicians to know that as first-generation Americans, we are still not seen as “American” as others. As so many cases have illustrated recently, no matter how much we focus on proving them wrong, negative perceptions from others will continue to challenge our sense of self-worth.

For black immigrants or children of immigrants, this exclusionary messaging is even more obvious. Kari Mugo, a writer who immigrated to the US from Kenya when she was 18, expressed to me the disappointment she has felt trying to feel welcomed here: “It’s really hard to make an argument for a place that doesn’t want you, and shows that every single day. It’s been 12 years since I came here, and each year I’m growing more and more disillusioned.”

I still cherish my college years, and still feel immensely proud to call myself an Ivy League graduate. I am humbled by my parents’ sacrifices that allowed me to live the comparatively privileged life I’ve had. I acknowledge that it is in part because of this privilege that I can offer a critique of the United States in the first place. My parents and other immigrant families who focused only on survival didn’t have the luxury of being critical.

Yet having that luxury, I think it’s important to vocalize that in the United States, living the dream is far more nuanced than we often make others believe. As Mugo told me, “My friends back in Kenya always receive the message that America is so great. But I always wonder why we don’t ever tell the people back home what it’s really like. We always give off the illusion that everything is fine, without also acknowledging the many ways life here is really, really hard.”

I deeply respect the choices my parents made, and I’m deeply grateful for the opportunities the United States provided. But at this point in my family’s journey, I am curious to see what happens when we begin exploring a different dream.

Amanda Machado is a writer, editor, content strategist, and facilitator who works with publications and nonprofits around the world. You can learn more about her work at her website .

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Dream — If I Had a Ticket to Go Anywhere


If I Had a Ticket to Go Anywhere

  • Categories: Dream Tourism Vacation

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Words: 1362 |

Updated: 5 December, 2023

Words: 1362 | Pages: 2 | 7 min read

Table of contents

Prompt examples for dream vacation essay, dream vacation essay example.

  • Dream Destination: Imagine your dream destination and describe it in vivid detail, explaining why you would choose to visit this particular place.
  • Personal Goals and Interests: Discuss how your personal goals, interests, or passions influence your choice of a travel destination and what experiences you hope to have there.
  • Cultural Exploration: Explain the cultural aspects and unique experiences you anticipate encountering in your chosen destination, and how they align with your interests.
  • Impact and Memories: Reflect on the potential impact of this trip on your life and the lasting memories you hope to create during your journey.
  • Personal Growth: Discuss how traveling to your chosen destination would contribute to your personal growth and broaden your horizons.

My Dream Vacation in Iceland

Works cited.

  • Brown, J. (2018). Fiji: A Traveler's Guide. Lonely Planet.
  • Dorling Kindersley Limited. (2019). Iceland: Eyewitness Travel Guide. DK Eyewitness Travel.
  • Fodor's Travel Guides. (2020). Fodor's Essential Iceland. Fodor's Travel.
  • Hamilton, R. (2017). Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice. National Geographic.
  • Harper, L. (2020). Blue Lagoon: A Journey to the Heart of Iceland. ForlagiĂ°.
  • Iceland Tourism Board. (n.d.). Official Tourism Website of Iceland. Retrieved from https://www.iceland.is/
  • Lonely Planet. (2021). Fiji. Lonely Planet.
  • Matador Network. (2022). 101 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit Before You Die. Retrieved from https://matadornetwork.com/trips/101-beautiful-places-visit-die/
  • Rough Guides. (2021). The Rough Guide to Fiji. Rough Guides.
  • Travel + Leisure. (2022). Best Places to Travel in Iceland. Retrieved from https://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-guide/iceland

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “
 and then 
 and then 
 and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

my dream destination america essay

Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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My Dream Destination Essays – Paris, Dubai, Canada, New York

Explore dream destinations like Paris, Switzerland, Dubai, Canada, New York, and the Maldives in this captivating blog post series. From the historical charm of Paris to Switzerland’s natural beauty, Dubai’s architectural wonders, Canada’s diverse landscapes, New York’s iconic landmarks, and the Maldives’ tropical paradise – each essay title promises a vivid journey through rich histories, cultural allure, and unique experiences. Join us on this virtual adventure through dream destinations

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Paris, the capital city of France, often referred to as the “City of Light”, is my dream destination. Known for its rich history, breathtaking architecture, and vibrant culture, it presents a unique blend of charm and elegance that is hard to resist.

Historical Significance

Paris is steeped in history and each corner of the city tells a tale of its past. An important center during the French revolution, it has witnessed numerous political upheavals and changes over the centuries. The city’s numerous museums like the Louvre, the Orsay Museum, and the Picasso Museum house artifacts from different eras, offering a glimpse into the city’s historical journey.

Architectural Marvels

Paris is world-renowned for its architectural splendor. From the iconic Eiffel Tower, which is a symbol of French ingenuity, to the majestic Notre-Dame Cathedral showcasing Gothic architecture at its best, the architectural marvels of Paris are awe-inspiring. The city’s wide avenues and elegant bridges over the River Seine further enhance its architectural beauty.

Cultural Richness

The cultural richness of Paris is unparalleled. It’s a city that celebrates art in all its forms. Being the home to world-class museums and art galleries, it has been an inspiration to many renowned artists, writers, and musicians. Its vibrant music and dance scene, along with its theatrical performances and fashion shows, highlight its rich cultural landscape.

Culinary Delights

Paris is also famous for its culinary delights. Known as the culinary capital of the world, it offers a wide array of gastronomical experiences. From mouth-watering croissants and crepes to exquisite wines and cheeses, Paris is a food lover’s paradise.

In conclusion, Paris, with its historical charm, architectural marvels, rich culture, and delectable cuisine, is my dream destination. It’s a city that offers something for everyone, from history buffs and art enthusiasts to food lovers and fashionistas. The thought of exploring the streets of Paris, soaking in its beauty and experiencing its vibrant culture, excites me. It is this dream that fuels my passion for travel and motivates me to work hard to turn it into a reality.

Essay On My Dream Destination Switzerland

Switzerland, a small but enchanting country nestled in the heart of Europe, is my dream destination. Known for its pristine landscapes, snow-capped mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and vibrant cities, Switzerland is a paradise for nature and adventure lovers.

Natural Beauty

The natural beauty of Switzerland is unmatched. It is home to the Swiss Alps, one of the most spectacular mountain ranges in the world. These mountains offer stunning views and are a haven for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing and snowboarding. The country also boasts of numerous sparkling lakes, such as Lake Geneva and Lake Lucerne, that add to its scenic beauty.

Cities and Culture

Switzerland’s cities, such as Zurich, Geneva, and Bern, are bustling with life and culture. Filled with historical sites, museums, and art galleries, these cities offer a rich cultural experience. Switzerland is also renowned for its multicultural society, which is reflected in its diverse cuisines, languages, and customs.

Swiss Cuisine

Swiss cuisine, influenced by its neighboring countries, is a culinary delight. Switzerland is famous for its cheese and chocolates. Swiss fondue, a dish made of melted cheese served in a communal pot, and Swiss chocolate, known for its superior quality, are must-try delights.

Adventure Sports

Switzerland is a hotbed for adventure sports. The Swiss Alps provide an ideal setting for skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking. Paragliding over the beautiful landscapes is another thrilling experience that Switzerland offers.

Tranquility and Quality of life

Switzerland is known for its tranquility and high quality of life. The country has a reputation for cleanliness, safety, and efficient public transportation. It is a country where tradition and modernity coexist, providing an enriching travel experience.

In conclusion, Switzerland, with its natural beauty, rich culture, delicious cuisine, adventure activities, and high quality of life, is my dream destination. The thought of immersing myself in the tranquility of its landscapes, exploring its vibrant cities, and tasting its delectable food, fills me with anticipation. This dream inspires me, pushing me to work harder towards making it a reality.

Essay On My Dream Destination Dubai

Dubai, the jewel of the United Arab Emirates, is my dream destination. Known for its mesmerizing skyline, luxurious lifestyle, rich cultural heritage, and endless desert sands, Dubai is a place of contrasts that blends tradition with modernity in the most captivating way.

Rapid Development

Dubai’s rapid development from a small fishing village to a global city is awe-inspiring. Its skyscrapers, such as the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the Burj Al Arab, a luxury hotel resembling a billowing sail, are architectural wonders that demonstrate the city’s progressive vision and ambition.

Cultural Heritage

Despite its rapid modernization, Dubai upholds its cultural roots. The city’s old quarters, like Al Fahidi Historic District and Al Seef, transport you to bygone eras with their traditional wind towers and bustling souks. These places, along with the Dubai Museum, offer a glimpse into the city’s rich past and Bedouin culture.

Shopping Extravaganza

Dubai is known as the “shopping capital of the Middle East”. Its numerous shopping malls, like the Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates, offer a plethora of international brands and luxury goods. The annual Dubai Shopping Festival is a shopper’s paradise, offering massive discounts and grand prizes.

Culinary Landscape

Dubai’s culinary scene is as diverse as its populace. It offers a multitude of dining experiences, from high-end restaurants serving international cuisines to food stalls offering local Emirati dishes. Signature dishes like Shawarma, Hummus, and Falafel are not to be missed.

Adventure and Recreation

Dubai is also a hub for adventure and recreation. Activities like dune bashing, camel riding, and sandboarding in the Dubai Desert offer thrills for adventure seekers. For leisure, one can visit the stunning Jumeirah Beach or enjoy a traditional Dhow cruise along the Dubai Creek.

In conclusion, Dubai, with its majestic skyscrapers, rich cultural heritage, shopping extravaganzas, diverse culinary delights, and thrilling adventures, is my dream destination. The prospect of experiencing the city’s luxurious lifestyle, immersing myself in its culture, and exploring its modern and traditional facets excites me. This vision fuels my aspiration to travel and keeps me motivated to realize this dream.

Essay On My Dream Destination Canada

Canada, the second-largest country in the world by land area, is my dream destination. Known for its stunning natural beauty, multicultural cities, and friendly people, Canada is a country that promises a unique and enriching travel experience.

Scenic Beauty

Canada is a haven for nature lovers. From the majestic Rocky Mountains in Alberta to the stunning Niagara Falls in Ontario, the country boasts breathtaking landscapes. Its numerous national parks, such as Banff National Park and Jasper National Park, offer opportunities for wildlife viewing, hiking, and camping. The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), visible from places like Yukon, are a spectacle that is on many people’s bucket list.

Vibrant Cities

Canada’s cities are as diverse as they are vibrant. Toronto, the largest city, is a bustling metropolis known for its iconic skyline, which includes the CN Tower. Vancouver, with its scenic backdrop of mountains and sea, is renowned for its outdoor activities. The French-speaking city of Montreal, with its European charm and cultural festivals, offers a unique blend of the old and new.

Cultural Diversity

Canada is a multicultural country, and this is reflected in its cuisine, music, and festivals. Canadian food is a blend of influences from British, French, and Indigenous cultures, along with contributions from successive waves of immigration. Poutine, a dish of french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy, is a must-try Canadian delicacy.

Canada is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts. From skiing and snowboarding in Whistler to canoeing and kayaking in the country’s numerous lakes and rivers, there is no end to the outdoor activities that one can indulge in. Ice hockey, the national winter sport, is a significant part of Canadian culture.

Education and Innovation

Canada is renowned for its education system and is home to some of the world’s top universities. It is a leader in areas such as technology, scientific research, and innovation. Visiting the tech hubs like Waterloo would be a treat for any tech enthusiast.

In conclusion, Canada, with its stunning landscapes, multicultural cities, rich culture, adventure sports, and emphasis on education and innovation, is my dream destination. The idea of exploring Canada’s wilderness, experiencing its cities, and immersing myself in its multicultural society is truly exciting. This dream propels me towards my goal of travel, motivating me to make this dream a reality.

My Dream Destination Essay New York

New York, often referred to as the “city that never sleeps”, is my dream destination. Famous for its vibrant culture, iconic landmarks, diverse cuisine, and fast-paced lifestyle, New York is a city that promises an unforgettable experience.

Iconic Landmarks

New York is home to some of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. The Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom and democracy, and the Empire State Building, a testament to human ingenuity and ambition, are must-visit sites. Central Park, a green oasis in the heart of the city, offers a respite from the city’s bustling pace, while Times Square, known for its neon lights and Broadway theatres, is a hub of entertainment.

Cultural Melting Pot

New York is a cultural melting pot, with its diverse population contributing to a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and cuisines. The city’s neighborhoods, such as Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem, each have their unique cultural identities and histories. New York’s museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, house extensive collections that span across time and geography.

New York’s culinary scene is as diverse as its population. The city offers a wide range of culinary experiences, from fine dining at Michelin-starred restaurants to street food vendors selling hot dogs and pretzels. Iconic New York foods include the New York-style pizza, bagels, and cheesecake.

Arts and Entertainment

New York is globally renowned for its arts and entertainment scene. Broadway, the epicenter of American theater, is known for its high-quality plays and musicals. The city’s music scene is equally vibrant, hosting numerous concerts and music festivals across a variety of genres.

In conclusion, New York, with its iconic landmarks, cultural diversity, culinary delights, and thriving arts scene, is my dream destination. The thought of immersing myself in the city’s dynamic and fast-paced lifestyle, exploring its cultural enclaves, and experiencing its entertainment offerings is exhilarating. This dream keeps my passion for travel alive and fuels my determination to make this dream a reality.

Essay On My Dream Destination Maldives

The Maldives, an archipelago of 26 atolls in the Indian Ocean, is my ideal travel destination. Renowned for its enchanting blue waters, white sandy beaches, and abundant marine life, the Maldives promises a paradisiacal and unforgettable vacation experience.

Pristine Beaches

One of the key attractions of the Maldives is its pristine beaches. The islands are surrounded by endless stretches of white sands, which, under the tropical sun, gleam like a carpet of diamonds. These serene beaches offer a perfect backdrop for relaxation and sunbathing while also providing opportunities for beach sports and activities.

Incredible Marine Life

The Maldives is home to a diverse and vivid marine ecosystem. With crystal clear waters and stunning coral reefs, it offers some of the best snorkeling and diving experiences in the world. A multitude of colorful species, including butterflyfish, angelfish, parrotfish, and even the occasional shark or turtle, can be observed in their natural habitat.

Over water and Underwater Resorts

Luxury in the Maldives is synonymous with overwater and underwater resorts. These unique accommodations offer an immersive experience of the island’s scenic beauty and marine life. An underwater room provides a panoramic view of the vibrant coral reefs and the myriad of sea creatures that inhabit them, while an overwater bungalow offers the soothing lullaby of waves and a stunning view of the vast ocean.

Maldivian Cuisine

Maldivian cuisine is an exotic blend of flavors, heavily influenced by its Indian, Sri Lankan, and Arab neighbors. The primary staples are fish, coconut, and rice. Mas huni, a dish made from shredded smoked fish, grated coconut, and onions, is a traditional Maldivian breakfast. Garudhiya, a fish broth served with rice, lime, chili, and onions, is another popular local dish worth trying.

Eco-friendly Tourism

The Maldives is a leading player in sustainable tourism, with many resorts incorporating eco-friendly measures. From solar-powered energy to desalination plants and waste management systems, sustainability is at the forefront. This commitment to preserving their natural environment for future generations is truly commendable.

In conclusion, the Maldives, with its breathtaking beaches, vivid marine life, unique accommodation options, exotic cuisine, and commitment to sustainability, is my dream vacation destination. The thought of immersing myself in this tropical paradise, exploring its underwater marvels, and experiencing its unique culture and cuisine is truly enticing. This dream fuels my passion for travel and keeps me motivated to turn this dream into a reality.

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Essay on My Dream

List of essays on my dream in english, essay on my dream – essay 1 (100 words), essay on my dream – essay 2 (250 words), essay on my dream to become a soldier – essay 3 (300 words), essay on my dream and fears – essay 4 (300 words), essay on my dream life – essay 5 (400 words), essay on my dream to become a doctor – essay 6 (400 words), essay on my dream – essay 7 (750 words), essay on my dream – essay 8 (1000 words).

Every night I dream of living a life of a celebrity. In my dream I see myself dressed up like a model posing for cameras. It is my dream to work in the film industry and become famous. But, for that, I will have to work really hard. My mother always tells me to concentrate on studies and live up to the dream of becoming a model. My father also supports me and he says that he believes in me. Once he told me that I should help others and be in good books of the people to win their heart as it will help me make my dream come true.

Every day I like to take some time aside from my responsibilities to think about my dreams and all the goals I want to achieve. My dream is to become a successful businessman. Business is something that has always intrigued me. As my father is a businessman, since childhood, I had this keen interest to be a part of or to lead a business.

Only having a dream won’t help, I also need to work towards the achievement of my dream. As doing business is not as easy as it seems, first I need to understand the basics of what business actually is. This will the first step towards my dream. So after completing my intermediary, I have enrolled myself in a reputed college to do my Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA). After completing BBA, I will also do my Masters in Business Administration. By then I will have gained the complete knowledge on business and its functioning which will help me reach my dream.

Apart from the theoretical part, I can always count on my father to share with me the practical experiences and advices that will help me shape my dream. This will take me closer to my dream of becoming a successful businessman. I have also started reading magazines about successful businessmen and their success stories in order to gain some idea that will help me in the long. I will put the best of my efforts and work hard towards achieving my dream.


My dream to become a Soldier started on an Army Day (January 15th), when I was still in High School. I witnessed the tribute paid to martyred soldiers at the Amar Jawan Jyoti in India Gate. It was followed by parades displaying Tanks, Missiles, and War Helicopters etc. The impression I received that day motivates me to realise my dream to become a Soldier.

Love of a Soldier:

The history of Indian independence and the life of freedom fighters has always fascinated me. Those who were responsible for the air of freedom we breathe today, loved our motherland and dedicated their lives to its well-being. These seeds in me have developed a sense of love for the country. It has also nurtured my dream to become a soldier and safeguard it.

Spirit of a Soldier:

Apart from academics, I started to collect all details about how to realise my dream to become a Soldier. I began to understand the values that inspire a Soldier to willingly face challenges and responsibly safeguard the nation even at the cost of his own life. This inspired me to study well and keep myself fit to achieve my dream to become a Soldier.

Training of a Soldier:

I also understood about the training before service. The feeling of pride and mutual loyalty is imbibed among the trainees. They are also trained to willing sacrifice for the country’s honour, with a do or die spirit. A sense of fearlessness, fairness and honesty are inculcated during the disciplined training. These components further kindled my dream to become a Soldier.

Lifestyle of a Soldier:

On the one hand, the soldier’s life is a life of self-sacrifice. On the other hand, the lifestyle it offers far exceeds my expectation, and fuels my dream to become a Soldier. Opportunities to advance in ranks, paid study holidays, subsidized housing, free medical coverage and recreational facilities are provided, apart from regular salary and perks. Lifelong pension is awarded after retirement.


Many young people in the country offer the time of their life to work for big Corporates. But, I am here to pursue my dream to become a Soldier and dedicate my life to the welfare of the nation. I often encourage my friends to follow my dream to become a Soldier, at least for a short service tenure ranging from 10 to 14 years.

At a very early age, my dream was to do something big in life. But along with that I still had some fears also. I want to have a successful career, and for this, I had set an aim. It is quite essential for everybody to get them to establish professionally and successfully. Besides this, few other dreams are also necessary for me like health, relationships, and many different aspects of life. However, I also fear to get fail in achieving all these targets.

Career Dream and Fear:

When I was a kid, my dream was to become a doctor. But during my growing age, the Bollywood industry fascinated me and then my dream of becoming doctor changed to an actor. When I passed my class 12 th , the only goal that hit my mind was becoming an engineer. I always fear of dreaming about big things, but if you have potential then, you can achieve anything in life.

Dream and Fear of Health and Fitness:

When I was young, I was not so much concerned about my health. But now I realized the importance of having good health. My dream of becoming fit and healthy was only achieved due to strong willpower and eagerness of doing regular exercise. With this thought, I managed to lose around 15 kg easily. Now, I don’t fear about eating any food as I compensate that with my daily workout.

Dreams and fear about the relationship:

There is a special place of relationships in my life, and sometimes I fear about losing the important people in my life. But, now I realize that instead of thinking negative, we should try to spend more time with the people. It is as essential as my dream of good career.

Thinking only about the career and success with the little amount of fear might not offer you complete happiness later. It is good to become serious about your career, but you should also try to overcome any fear for a more successful life ahead.

Life is a dynamic process that has its ups and downs. Juggling the disparities of life can be very stressful at times and that is why you get your mind wondering in thoughts. Most thoughts are usually based on what people desire, which we call the dream life. The desires in life may not always be achieved but it is good to have a picture or at least an idea of the kind of life on desires to have. In America, people have the American dream but you as an individual should ask yourself; what is your dream life?

How my dream life looks like:

Socially, I have always imagined myself being a very influential person in my society. Currently in school, I always have the urge to influence someone but I still lack the confidence and resources to do so. I have always wanted to travel the world and explore different cultures of the world through interactions with people. I also imagine of having a great family with whom I can travel the world with.

Career-wise, I want to work at the comfort of my own home and be flexible so that I can always have time for my family. Spiritually, I have a desire to always be in good terms with God and follow the doctrines of my religion.

Economically, I want to be self-actualized at an early age so that I can focus on my influential personality, having all the resources I need. I want to be satisfied with what I will have achieved and work on living a happy life.

How I plan on living my dream life?

Living the dream life can begin any time that you chose to be as an individual. For my dream life, the things that I can achieve while still at school is the ability to have a spiritual wellness and flowing the doctrines of my religion. I can also start learning to appreciate whatever I have and living a happy life.

For the desires that I cannot achieve at the moment, I will work towards achieving them by shaping and redirecting the pathway. For example, my career, I will pursue something in the university that will allow me to work from home without necessarily going to work.

A dream life is basically the desired of one’s heart inform of an imagination. A dream life does not affect the reality in any way.

A dream is something that helps you to mold your future and aim your life to an appropriate goal. Dreaming big will help us to work for it harder and finally achieve it. Without desire and aim in life, we cannot focus and work hard to fulfill our dream.

My Dream to become a Doctor:

The biggest dream of my life is to become a doctor. I have seen many doctors, who save other people’s lives and they feel happy in the satisfaction they get through this activity. I want to be a doctor, who will serve good for this society and help poor to get good medical care without expecting big money in return.

Doctors are respected in all places and among all types of society. In spite of being different in many things like wealth, religion, etc., everyone will be in need of the best doctor to treat them honestly. I dream of being one such doctor to whom anyone can come without any doubt and fear of being tricked.

I don’t want to be a doctor who just works for money. I want to help others who can’t afford big budget treatments and choose their fate due to their lack of money. When a person is cured of their illness, the smile that appears on their face will be the greatest reward I will ever get. My dream is to become a doctor, who is praised for the kindness and get rewards through others blessings.

How to become a Doctor?

To get the admissions in a medical seat is not that easy. But I will work hard and crack the competitive exam to get a merit seat in the college. I will work hard from the beginning to end to improve my knowledge and keep updated about every upcoming and ongoing development.

I would like to choose the specialization when I can actually decide which one will suit my desire. I have an aim to serve the people in their needs and once I grow big enough to decide the correct career to fulfill my dream, I will work harder to achieve that as well.

After achieving My Dream:

Once I complete my whole medical courses I would be looking to practice in a well-reputed hospital to perfect my job. With this perfection I will start my own clinic and serve people for the rest of my life along with this I will help other students also to get trained to become a good doctor. I will make sure that my dream will come true at the best time.

We all have some sort of ambition or dream. My dream is to become a world class chef. Dreams play a very important role in moulding our future. There is a saying that “if you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it”. This saying implies that if you can work hard and put in your best to achieving your dream, it is very possible to live your dream. Working hard to achieve ones dream is easier said than done but if you put in your best effort and never give up, dreams are achievable.

In the path of achieving my dream, it is important that I take one step at a time. Even if I have a very big dream of becoming a word class chef, it is best for me to take steady and small steps by setting both long term and short term goals, by doing this, I am always working towards achieving my dream. When I take one step at a time, it helps not to rush into decisions and take things easy.

I know becoming a world class chef is not very easy and can only happen if complete and proper training from a very reputable institute and there isn’t much I can do at the moment to speed up the realisation of my dream since I am still in school. However, I still do my best to set my dream rolling, I follow a lot of cooking websites and blogs, watch cooking shows, read culinary books and I practice my cooking to sharpen my skills every time. These are all little steps I am taking towards achieving my dream. Though my goal is to become a world class chef, I have small goals in place for each month and year to come so that I can reach my dream.

A major hindrance to achieving my set goals and my dream is the lack of inadequacy of motivation. A lot of people have given up their goals and dreams just because they got tired on the way. It is extremely important to remain motivated and only stop is when the dream has been achieved. Highlighted below are some useful tips that I have used to keep myself motivated on the journey to reaching my dream:

i. Anytime I see that I am running out of drive and energy and I am becoming too tired to stick to my set goals, I try to remind myself of what my dream is and the feeling of pride and joy I will experience when I achieve it and become a world class chef. It feels like pressing a reset button and starting with a refreshed mind again and working harder towards achieving my dream.

ii. Long term goals and short term goals are set towards the ultimate goal of achieving my dream and as I reach these short term goals, I try to reward myself for my achievement. The reward can vary from eating dinner at my favourite restaurant or buying myself a new phone I wanted or going out with my friends. Rewarding myself is a very good way to remain motivated towards the achievements of my goals and ultimately my dream.

iii. When I work too much and have no time to relax and play, my productivity drops and I become dull. Therefore, it is a good idea to have some time for myself away from work to focus on something fun that I love. I find time in my schedule every day to engage in some form of leisure activity or sport.

iv. Having people who believes in my dream and support my goals around me makes all the difference. Having positive people helps me find the strength and courage to push on and not give up on my dream. They motivate me to work hard and do the best to achieve my goals and my dream.

v. A mistake is nothing more than an experience and an opportunity to try again and do things much better. So, instead of getting heartbroken and disheartened to the point of wanting to give up on my goals and dream when I face a tough time or make mistakes, I learn from the mistakes and move on as the tough times and mistakes make me a lot stronger.

I will keep working hard towards achieving my dream and I believe that I will become a world class chef one day.

Who in this world does not have a dream? A dream to buy a car, a dream to be a scientist, a dream to do something for the society, or just a dream to live a life with contentment. Something or the other, but surely every person has a dream. It is this dream that drives you to work hard, achieve your milestones and ride towards success in your life. Success need not be becoming the wealthiest person on the earth. Achieving even your smallest dream can be a huge success for you. Since childhood, you come across various fields which often you think of as your ultimate targets. However, most of them are just fantasies and fade away with time. Still, there are some things which just stick on to your minds and these very things eventually go on to be your dreams.

My Dream – My Passion:

Like others, even I have a dream. My dream is to join the intelligence unit of the country and serve my country with pride. Usually, in order to serve the country, people think of joining the armed forces. However, I have a different point of view. I dream to join the intelligence unit and provide inputs to these armed forces so that they can protect the country in a good way and not many lives are lost fight battles with our neighbours.

Where did it all start?

Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by the role of intelligence and the methods of work they are used to. I had got a chance to be with a couple of people early in my life who were in the same field and it is from here that I got so much stuck up with this profession that I have dreamt day and night to be a part of this elite team. Moreover, I feel that I have it in me to research about things as well as people and am known in my circles to extract information from nowhere. I feel that this talent of mine can prove helpful for the country as well. Intelligence plays a crucial role in the security establishment of the country. The inputs gathered from intelligence units help the government and the forces to plan their steps both at diplomatic and at the level of securing the borders.

Another thing which excites me about this dream is that it is not a conventional field such as common occupations which are sought after by most of the youth of our country. Another very important thing to mention here that you need not formally join the intelligence to realise this dream. By keeping a check on your surroundings and providing proper information to the police in case you notice an unfavourable incident is also a form of your contribution to the security agencies of the country. If everyone remains active, a lot many incidents such as terrorist attacks can be averted.

Why having a dream is so important?

Dreams are very important for everyone. Without dreams, there will be no desire to pursue. There will be no objective to reach. We will all be nothing without dreams. Not having dreams resembles pursuing a traceless homicide. It resembles following an undetectable shadow. It is a loathsome goose pursue. We should comprehend what we need to do and pursue that desire.

A great many people have dreams. Successful ones or little ones. Indeed, even the best individuals had dreams and that is the thing that has made them what they are today. Envisioning is basic for a person. Without dreams, you will lose enthusiasm forever lastly prefer not to live. You will be exhausted and tired of the equivalent dull schedules of your everyday life and won’t discover an enthusiasm for the most energizing things. Just with dreams, will you discover a reason to carry on with your life? You will begin buckling down towards the fantasy and will never lose enthusiasm forever. You will never tire and dependably be spurred. This is the most ideal approach to end up effective. So, dream and dream big. It is the only way to achieve contentment in life.

Be that as it may, with dreams, comes extraordinary duty. It is not just sufficient to dream and disregard that fantasy. Numerous individuals dream, however just some wake up and work for it.

It is basic to buckle down for your fantasies. Without this diligent work, a fantasy will just remain a craving in the subliminal personality and will never be accomplished.

On the off chance that you don’t have a fantasy, you can never appreciate the extravagances of life or all that life brings to the table. You will never feel that delighted sentiment of accomplishment. You will never get pride in what you do and what you have accomplished. Every one of these things is vital for people and without these emotions, there is no inspiration.

In the event that you don’t have inspiration, you will be a disappointment throughout everyday life. You won’t have the capacity to accomplish those objectives and will have a hopeless existence. You will never appreciate the extravagances of life and you will never feel glad. You will be a disappointment and you will be nothing throughout everyday life. We should go that additional mile to achieve our objectives. Disappointments may come, however a state of mind to continue proceeding onward and attempting to enhance is completely accomplished by dreams. Dreams are the fuel that continues invigorating you to go further. Regardless of whether there are numerous snags throughout everyday life, you will, in general, continue moving further and attempting to be superior to anything your identity. Consistent and endless enhancement is extremely imperative in advancing throughout everyday life. It improves your identity and furthermore whatever you need to advance in. It causes you to gain from your missteps

Only having career objectives and succeeding professionally can disregard you after one point throughout everyday life. Work as constantly to accomplish these as you do to understand your ultimate dreams. Having a dream is not important. What is important is striving continuously to achieving it. The sense of satisfaction you acquire once you have attained your goals cannot be explained in words and has no alternative in life. So, strive hard and live your dreams. Who knows, what is there in store for you?

Ambition , Doctor , Dreams , Goal , My Dream , Soldier

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We all wish to go on vacation and enjoy some time, it is something many of us look forward all year. I have traveled to some of the most beautiful places in India, but my dream of having a holiday with my family to Switzerland still remains my biggest dream. As Switzerland is one of the most attractive vacation destinations today in the world because of its lakes, beautiful mountain ranges, snowfall and many interesting places that make it a perfect tourist attraction. Why is Switzerland different and my dream destination? It may come as a surprise to many that how a small country like Switzerland is one of the biggest tourist attraction on the earth. Located on the continent of Europe. Although known for its unique and economic banking system, its is more famous for its numerous lakes, villages and the high peaks of the Alps. The capital of Switzerland is Zurich. The country is uniquely known for its Ski resorts and hiking trail so hikers have no cause for alarm. In fact, it is regarded as one of the biggest cities in the world because of its modern outlook, quite busy and business oriented. Its cities contain medieval quarter with landmarks such as capital Bern's zytyglogge clock tower and Lucerne's wooden chapel bridge.

Tourism In terms of tourism, Switzerland boast of over 1500 lakes which, high mountain peaks most of which are covered with snow that makes it even more attractive and the breathtaking sceneries will make you fall in love with this beautiful place. The "Jungfraujoch" mountain peak known as "Rooftop of Europe" is one of the most famous peaks in the world.

my dream destination america essay

‱ The Matterhorn, Zermatt: The The Matterhorn is one of the most famous peaks in the Alps, the Matterhorn in Zermatt stands 4,478 meters high and offer skiing and beautiful landscape views. Its pyramidal shape makes this place even more beautiful and stunning.

‱ St. Moritz: A water resort which offers Skiing and a variety of summer and winter sports as well as mud and mineral baths, mud therapies is one of the world's most famous holiday resort. The town is known for its expensive nightlife.

my dream destination america essay

Another amazing fact about this country is that, in terms of Security, Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates amongst all the industrialized countries in the world and if you are fond of eating, this country will not let you down either. Varieties of basic food items include a huge selection of bread (white, whole wheat etc.), dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and - of course - a great variety of the world famous Swiss cheese. Also important are vegetables including beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach etc. Sausages and meat - mainly veal, beef, pork, chicken or turkey. Another notable thing the Swiss are known for is their love for chocolates. So chocolate addicts would have a swell time over there. All these beautiful things make Switzerland one of the most beautiful places on earth and a dream destination for many not only me.

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Great article, love the country :)

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Go to the Swiss alps and to Bern! It's lovely!

Yes will go there for sure ...... Thanks

I live in Switzerland and I agree with you ! ^^

So happy to see a post dedicated to love of my country. <3

Beautiful post!

Also worth elaborating on are Lucerne and beautiful Lake Lucerne, and Zurich which is an amazing global city, and was ranked as the one of the best places "to make a base in" by Monocle!

Great Switzerland! Upvoted and followed you!

cheers from Zurich!


If you go there definatley check out this cute town near Interlaken https://steemit.com/travel/@sixexgames/peace-and-tranquility-in-iseltwald-switzerland-video-photos-sixex-travel-3

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