Formatting the Essay

Another part of formatting most academic papers have is what’s known as a “Heading.” The purpose of the heading is to share identifying information about you, the author of this piece of writing, to your audience. The audience for most academic pieces of writing happens to be a specific person, instructor, teacher, or professor, so the information you are asked to include within it generally appeals to that audience. The four lines of information every heading should contain are:

  • Author’s name (your name)
  • Author’s instructor (the person who gave you this assignment)
  • Author’s course (the course this assignment was given in)
  • Due date (the date the assignment is due to be turned in)

To get an idea of the overall look and setup instruction for this important part of the formatting process, review the steps in the image below:

This is an image on how to properly format the top of your essay. Step 1: Click on 'Home'. Step 2: Click on 'left justified' icon to add the heading at the top of the paper.

  • Step 1: Click on the “Home” tab at the top left of your screen
  • Step 2: Click on the “left justified” icon

Examples of good math writing

The following writing can be used as a basis for discussion about good writing technique.

  • The MAA Writing Awards These expository papers are often written at a level accessible to undergraduates.
  • The I. Martin Isaacs Prize for Excellence in Mathematical Writing is awarded by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) “for excellence in writing of a research article published in a primary journal of the AMS”
  • The Levi Conant Prize recognizes the best expository paper published in either the Notices of the AMS or the Bulletin of the AMS in the preceding five years.
  • Books that win the Joseph L. Doob prize reflect the highest standards in research exposition.
  • Papers that win the David P. Robbins Prize are broadly accessible papers with clear exposition. Topic: algebra, combinatorics, or discrete mathematics.
  • The Best Writing on Mathematics , By Mircea Pitici (book published annually by Princeton University Press)
  • Communicating Mathematics , T. Chow and D. Isaksen, eds., Contemporary Mathematics #479, AMS, 2007. Proceedings for a conference in honor of Joe Gallian. In the  MAA Review , D. Glass writes, “true to the spirit of the conference, the level of exposition is significantly higher on average than one finds in most conference proceedings. Many of the articles would be accessible to advanced undergraduate students (and would provide excellent examples to show what a paper which is high in both mathematical and expository quality looks like)…”
  • Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics “Mathematical language can heighten the imagery of a poem; mathematical structure can deepen its effect. Feast here on an international menu of poems made rich by mathematical ingredients…gathered by JoAnne Growney.”
  • This website’s audience awareness page includes a list of examples of good math writing for a general audience.
  • The article “ Geodesics on the Blogosphere ” by Brie Finegold includes links to many good blogs relevant to mathematics. Published in MAA Focus , Feb/March 2012.
  • See also writing samples attached to this page (“Related media folders”), which include both good writing samples and examples of common writing problems.

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Typeset your math homework

  • Aug 24, 2019

Typing your math homework has two main advantages over hand written work. First, typeset mathematics is easier to read, for which your professor will thank you. Second, it is easier to edit, correct, and even write mathematics the first time when you are typing, since you can insert or delete content as you go.

How to typeset mathematics

The main challenge is that you need to figure out how to type all those symbols! Although word processing programs like Word or Google Docs allow you to insert “equations”, if you want to do any amount of serious mathematics, you will want to use a markup language . You type your document in plain text using the syntax (markup) of the language, and then compile your text document into a nicely formatted pdf or webpage.

Here we will consider two such languages; markdown and LaTeX. Here is the short version: Markdown is easier to get started with, but gives you less control over the structure and format of your document. LaTeX has a steeper learning curve but is the gold standard for writing math or science papers, and you will need to learn the LaTeX commands for math symbols to put them in Markdown anyway.

To get started right away, you can try online editors. For Markdown, I recommend StackEdit . For LaTeX, there is Overleaf . Both have good instructions on how to get started.

Not sure which to use? Let’s look at the features of each a little closer.

This document you are reading has been written in markdown. It is a very basic syntax for plain text documents that allows you to specify basic formatting easily. For example, to get title headings, you write something like # Main Title , or ## SubHeading . You can get italic text using *italic words* . Lists are easy as well. See this link or many other guides for an overview of what you can do.

So you write your document in a basic text editor, and then compile it into your output format, which could be HTML (for the web) or a pdf. This can be done on your computer, or using a online tool. Checkout StackEdit or markdown notes . Both tools are free and have nice interfaces. To get a pdf (to print or submit electronically), you can print the output and select “save as pdf”.

Both the editors above allow you to typeset math by calling LaTeX commands, although the format is slightly different (using $ or $$ to start or stop the “math mode”). Note that this is really an add-on to markdown, so other editors you find might or might not have the feature.

If you use one of the online editors, you can download the “source” files (it will have a .md file extension). One reason to do this is to use the program Pandoc to convert your markdown to other formats, including…

Like Markdown, LaTeX is a markup language. So you type your document in a text editor, and then compile it into a pdf (or other format, but mostly pdf). It used to be that this required that you install LaTeX packages on your computer (which isn’t hard, but is a big install). Now you can use an online editor called Overleaf . There you can type your documents and compile inside your browser (and then download the pdf). It also has a bunch of templates you can use (including homework templates) to get started.

That overleaf has templates is good, because there is a lot of baggage in a LaTeX document that tells it how to format everything. When you are starting out, you don’t need to worry about this (thanks to the templates). And all of this is really nice if you want to do anything beyond simple documents. For example, you can create numbered theorems (LaTeX keeps track of your numbers) and get nice proof…qed formatting around your proofs. You can also define macros, so that instead of typing \mathbb{N} to get \(\mathbb{N}\), you can write \N each time.

Using Pandoc, you can convert other formats, including Markdown and Word, to LaTeX. You could upload this to Overleaf, or compile yourself.

If you want to set up your computer to compile LaTeX documents, you can do this using MacTeX (for Mac OS) or MiKTeX (for Windows). Other options can be found here .

If you are a little adventurous, or plan to write scientific/mathematical papers in the future, it is worth figuring out LaTeX ASAP! There are some good tutorials online (for example this site looks to have lots of good resources).

Useful tools

  • MathPix Snip . Not sure how to write a math symbol in LaTeX? MathPix let’s you take a screen capture or photo with your smartphone of math and will translate it into LaTeX.
  • Detexify . You can draw a symbol with your mouse (or on your smartphone) and get suggestions of the LaTeX code to create that symbol.
  • Modern Text Editors. If you want to write markdown or LaTeX on your own computer, you should learn how to use a real text editor. I like VS Code , and used to use atom , both of which are free. Another option sis Sublime Text . All of these have extensions/plugins for markdown and LaTeX that can help you speed up writing.

Other options

Jupyter notebooks.

A jupyter notebook is a document that contains both executable code and regular text, which can be written in markdown. To run a jupyter notebook, you can install Anaconda or SageMath (depending on whether you want to execute Python code or Sage code). There are also some online jupyter notebook servers. CoCalc is a very good one, but the free version has performance issues.

Word or Google Docs

Both of these word processing programs allow you to insert math equations using an equation editor. However, if you plan to insert a lot of math, this can be slow. To speed it up a bit, learn the keyboard shortcuts. On Windows, the MS Word equation editor can be brought up using alt+= . The Google Docs equation editor requires alt+i, alt+e . The equation editor in Word is pretty good about taking LaTeX math commands and turning them into the correct symbols. There are nice collections of shortcuts available. Google Docs only works sometimes.

Doing the Right Thing

Whatever format you choose, you should use it correctly. In particular:

  • All math should be written in “math mode”. If you have a variable \(x\), you should put that inside dollar signs or use the equation editor. Do NOT leave it as just x, or even just make it italic. Do you see the difference: x vs \(x\). Which looks more like math? What about f(x) vs \(f(x)\)?
  • Other formatting should have semantic meaning, not just look pretty. This means that when you want to put a title in your document, you should format it as a title, not format it as larger font and bold. If you use Word, select Heading or Subheading. If you use LaTeX, type \section{your title} . In Markdown, use ## your title . This way, if you ever want to convert your document to another format, you have some hope of it working.

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Homework Guidelines for Mathematics

Mathematics is a language, and as such it has standards of writing which should be observed. In a writing class, one must respect the rules of grammar and punctuation, one must write in organized paragraphs built with complete sentences, and the final draft must be a neat paper with a title. Similarly, there are certain standards for mathematics assignments.

How should I format my homework?

Write your name and class number clearly at the top of at least the first page, along with the assignment number, the section number(s), or the page number(s). If you are not stapling or paper-clipping the pages together, then put your name (or at least your initials) on all the pages.

Use standard-sized paper (8.5" × 11" for North Americans; A4 for others), with no "fringe" running down the side as a result of the paper’s having been torn out of a spiral notebook. Do not use sticky-notes, scented stationery, or other nonstandard types of paper.

Use standard-weight paper , not onion skin, construction paper, or otherwise abnormally thin or heavy paper.

Attach your pages with a paper clip or staple. Do not fold, tear, spit on, or otherwise "dog-ear" the pages. It is better that the pages be handed in loose (with your name on each sheet) than that the corners be folded or shredded.

Clearly indicate the number of the exercise you are doing. If you accidentally do a problem out of order, or separate one part of the problem from the rest, then include a note to the grader, directing the grader to the missed problem or work.

Write out the original exercise (except in the case of word problems, which are too long).

Do your work in pencil, with mistakes cleanly erased, not crossed or scratched out. If you work in ink, use "white-out" to correct mistakes.

Write legibly (that is, suitably large and suitably dark) ; if the grader can't read your answer, it's wrong.

Write neatly across the page , with each succeeding problem below the preceding one, not off to the right. Do not work in multiple columns down the page (like a newspaper); your page should contain only one column.

Keep work within the margins . If you run out of room at the end of a problem, continue onto the next page; do not try to squeeze lines together at the bottom of the sheet. Do not lap over the margins on the left or right; do not wrap writing around the notebook-paper holes.

Do not squeeze the problems together, with one problem running into the next. Use sufficient space for each problem, with at least one blank line between the end of one problem and the beginning of the next.

Do "scratch work," but do it on scratch paper ; hand in only the "final draft." Show your steps, but any work that is scribbled in the margins belongs on scratch paper, not on your hand-in homework.

Show your work . This means showing your steps, not just copying the question from the assignment, and then the answer from the back of the book. Show everything in between the question and the answer. Use complete English sentences if the meaning of the mathematical sentences is not otherwise clear. For your work to be complete, you need to explain your reasoning and make your computations clear.

For tables and graphs, use a ruler to draw the straight lines , and clearly label the axes, the scale, and the points of interest. Use a consistent scale on the axes, and do a T-chart, unless instructed otherwise. Also, make your table or graph large enough to be clear. If you can fit more than three or four graphs on one side of a sheet of paper, then you're drawing them too small.

Do not invent your own notation and abbreviations, and then expect the grader to figure out what you meant. For instance, do not use "#" in your sentence if you mean "pounds" or "numbers". Do not use the "equals" sign ("=") to mean "indicates", "stands for", "leads to", "is related to", or anything else in a sentence; use actual words. The equals sign should be used only in equations , and only to mean "is equal to".

Do not do magic. Plus/minus signs ("±"), "= 0", radicals, and denominators should not disappear in the middle of your calculations, only to mysteriously reappear at the end. Each step should be complete.

If the problem is of the "Explain" or "Write in your own words" type, then copying the answer from the back of the book, or the definition from the chapter, is unacceptable. Write the answer in your words, not the text's.

Remember to put your final answer at the end of your work, and mark it clearly by, for example, underlining it or drawing a box around it. Label your answer appropriately; if the question asks for measured units, make sure to put appropriate units on the answer. If the question is a word problem, the answer should be in words.

In general, write your homework as though you're trying to convince someone that you know what you're talking about.

You should use your instructor or grader as a study aid, in addition to the text, study guides, study groups, and tutoring services. Your work is much easier to grade when you have made your work and reasoning clear, and any difficulties you have in completing the assignment can be better explained by the grader. More importantly, however, completely worked and corrected homework exercises make excellent study guides for the Final. Also, if you develop good habits while working on the homework, you will generally perform better on the tests.

In summary, schools today have made the development of essential skills, the provision of significant and meaningful learning experiences, and the development of the workforce some of its primary goals for student success. As such, they want their instructors to guide the students toward a higher level of confidence and competence. In math, that translates into a greater need for clarity in mathematical writing. The intention on these "Homework Guidelines" is that you and your instructor communicate better, and that you succeed both in your present mathematics courses and in future mathematical communication with co-workers and clients.

For further information, review these examples of acceptable and unacceptable solutions, and this sheet showing neat and messy papers.

Instructors: These "Homework Guidelines" are copyrighted by Elizabeth Stapel.

You are welcome to use these "Homework Guidelines," in part or in whole, as an asset in teaching your own classes. The only conditions of use are that distribution, if any, of the Homework Guidelines be made at no cost to the recipient(s), that the original copyright notice be retained on copies of this page, and that the following notice be included on all derivative works:

Based on "Homework Guidelines" Copyright Elizabeth Stapel Used By Permission

These "Guidelines" are also available as a printer-friendly PDF .

If you would like an example sheet for your students (displaying the differences between acceptable and unacceptable formatting), try this PDF .


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Top-Rated Tips From Experts For Writing A Maths Assignment

Mathematics Mastery: Trust Our Experts for Impeccable Assignment Writing, Ensuring Precision and Academic Excellence.

Writing a mathematics assignment is rewarding yet challenging, requiring precision, clarity, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Navigating this academic challenge successfully can be exhaustive for students. Under this circumstance, consider the insights and tips our expert professionals share. These tips enhance your approach to creating high-quality and accurate math assignments.

From effective problem-solving strategies to the importance of clear communication, these expert-recommended guidelines offer a comprehensive framework for achieving excellence in math homework. Whether you're a student looking to improve your assignment skills or an educator guiding others through the process, incorporating these tips can elevate the quality and impact of your math assignments.

Mastering Math Assignments: Strategies for Success

Embracing the world of mathematics can be enjoyable and intellectually stimulating when approached with the right mindset. Here are some valuable tips to enhance your ability to solve math assignments efficiently.

Eliminate Distractions: Dedicate focused time to complete your math assignments, as they often involve multi-step problem-solving. Minimize distractions by putting away your phone and notifying others of your study plans. Seeking assistance from math assignment help services can provide expert guidance and support you require for math assignments.

Utilize Mathematical Tricks: Learn and apply quick mathematical tricks from your professors for calculations. You can also opt for assistance from a math assignment helper to ace different techniques. Familiarity with these tricks can significantly expedite the problem-solving of math writing assignment.

Thoroughly Read and Follow Instructions: Carefully read the instructions provided by your instructor before diving into the assignment. Use a notepad to jot down essential information and create an outline for a better understanding. Clearly articulate your problem-solving process, ensuring you address all aspects mentioned in the instructions.

Start with Challenging Problems: Prioritize your math problems based on difficulty and importance. Tackle the most challenging problems first and gradually work your way down. This approach ensures efficient utilization of your energy and time.

Take Regular, Short Breaks: Maintain concentration by taking short breaks to alleviate stress and prevent burnout. Breaks of 15 to 20 minutes allow you to recharge without losing focus on your assignments.

Study with a Friend: Collaborating with a study companion can provide motivation and a fresh perspective. Explaining concepts to each other enhances understanding and promotes effective learning.

Seek Expert Assistance: Don't hesitate to ask for help from experts at any stage of your assignment. Technology facilitates instant access to professionals who can assist with complex problems, ensuring academic success.

Practice Regularly: Building a strong foundation in mathematics requires consistent practice. Regular practice eases complex computations and explores various methods. It also helps you to analyze shortcuts for rapid problem-solving.

Common Worries About Math Assignments:

Understanding why students may struggle with math assignments is essential. Common reasons include:

Problems in Math Concept Understanding

Difficulty in understanding math arises from a combination of factors.

Some learners find the abstract nature of mathematical concepts challenging. Others face problems due to confusion from previously perceived knowledge. Most students acknowledged they often find it hard to visualize and relate math problems to real-world scenarios. Foundational knowledge gaps hinder comprehension. Effective math understanding requires a supportive learning environment, including several techniques that we have explained in the visual. These steps emphasize building a solid foundation for understanding and solving mathematical problems.

How to Make Math Learning More Effective

Challenges Due to Teaching

Students face diverse study challenges due to teaching methodologies. One of them is the lack of effective communication between educators and students. If teachers fail to articulate concepts clearly, students may struggle to grasp subject materials. Inadequate teacher-student interaction can hinder the resolution of doubts or concept clarification. Outdated teaching methods fail to engage students, resulting in a lack of interest and motivation to study. Effective teaching involves adapting to the diverse needs of students. It fosters a positive and interactive study environment for a better learning experience.

3 Different Teaching Techniques

Inconsistency in Practice:

Inconsistency in practice poses a significant challenge in various contexts, ranging from skill development to routine tasks. Irregular practice can impede progress. Inconsistency in practicing new skills or habits can hinder the cultivation of expertise or the formation of positive routines. The key to overcoming this challenge is establishing and adhering to a consistent, structured practice regimen. By doing so, individuals can enhance their learning, skill acquisition, and personal growth, fostering a more sustainable and effective path toward mastery and success.

Different Teaching Techniques

Quick Tips for Improved Math Skills

Enhance your arithmetic abilities and speed up problem-solving with these additional tips:

Master the Basics:

Proficiency in fundamental operations is crucial for tackling more advanced topics. It ensures a solid foundation by mastering the core principles of arithmetic.

Understand Concepts, Don't Memorize:

Focus on understanding the underlying concepts rather than memorizing procedures. It enables flexible problem-solving and a deeper grasp of mathematical principles.

Use Online Resources:

Explore online platforms offering interactive math exercises and tutorials. Math assignment help websites provide valuable resources for offering academic assistance.

Break Down Complex Problems:

Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps. This approach makes problem-solving more approachable and helps prevent feeling overwhelmed.

Teach Others:

Teaching a concept to someone else is an effective way to solidify your understanding. This process forces you to articulate ideas and reinforces your knowledge.

Seek Help When Needed:

Don't hesitate to ask for help when you encounter difficulties. Teachers, classmates, or online communities can provide valuable insights and clarification.

Review and Reflect:

Regularly review previously learned material and reflect on your progress. Identify areas of weakness and focus on reinforcing those concepts.

Utilize Educational Apps and Games:

Explore educational apps and games that make learning math enjoyable. These approaches can add an element of fun to your practice sessions.

In conclusion, assignments are integral to academic growth, and mastering math is a journey that requires dedication and effective time management. Seek assistance when needed, and you'll develop strong math skills with consistent practice.

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Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence

Nicole Messier, CATE Instructional Designer June 28th, 2022

WHAT? Heading link Copy link

An instructor holds up a grid with marks denoting student test scores.

Rubrics usually consist of a table, grid, or matrix.

Rubrics are criterion-referenced grading tools that describe qualitative differences in student performance for evaluating and scoring assessments. Criterion-referenced grading refers to students being evaluated based on their performance against a set of criteria. Whereas norm-referenced grading refers to students being assessed through the comparison of student performances.

Rubrics usually consist of a table, grid, or matrix that contain information on how students’ learning and performance will be measured. Rubrics can be designed for a specific assessment. For example, a rubric can be used to grade a written assignment in Week 1 of a course. Or rubrics can be designed for a general purpose, like the grading of all the discussion posts or journal entries in an entire course.

Elements of a Rubric Heading link Copy link

Elements of a rubric.

Most rubrics will contain the following elements:

  • Grading criteria
  • Performance levels
  • Weight and scoring
  • Description of grading criteria

These elements along with the number of rows or columns will vary based on the type of rubric you chose to design. Please see the Types of Rubrics section below for more information and examples of these elements in different types of rubrics.

Performance Levels Heading link Copy link

Grading criteria heading link copy link, grading criteria.

Grading criteria refer to what students will do (performance) and what instructors will measure and score. Grading criteria should have a direct alignment with the learning objectives. This alignment will improve the validity and reliability of the assessment (see the WHY section of this teaching guide for more information on improving validity and reliability). There are two main types of grading criteria: concrete and abstract grading criteria.

Concrete Grading Criteria

Concrete grading criteria are criteria that can be viewed and assessed with less interpretation and subjectivity. Examples include:

  • Content knowledge or declarative knowledge (about a topic or learning objective)
  • Procedural knowledge (knowledge about how to do a task or action)
  • Conditional knowledge (knowledge about why or when to do an action)
  • Art composition
  • Argument with justification or defense
  • Accuracy or correctness
  • Information literacy (supporting ideas with research and creating new information from research)
  • Writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization)

For example, you might develop a rubric or checklist for weekly math assignments that includes grading criteria for procedural knowledge (showing work), conditional knowledge (explaining why they used a formula or operation), and accuracy (correctness of answer).

Abstract Grading Criteria 

Abstract grading criteria are grading criteria that are interpreted and are considered more subjective than concrete grading criteria. Examples include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Decision-making or reasoning skills
  • Communication or expression of ideas
  • Development of new ideas
  • Organization or cohesion of writing

For example, you might develop a rubric for a piece of art that includes concrete grading criteria for procedural knowledge (demonstration of specific technique), composition of the piece, as well as abstract grading criteria for creativity and decision-making skills.

It is important to note that abstract grading criteria can be difficult for students to know what the expectations are and how to demonstrate those expectations. Abstract grading criteria can be described in a rubric to help students understand the expectations.

Performance Levels

Rubric performance levels are usually labeled with a column heading that can be a numeric point value, percentage, letter grade, or heading title. For example:

  • 100% – A level of performance could use any of the following terms as a heading: Exemplary, outstanding, distinguished, exceptional, excellent, expert, etc.
  • 80% – B level of performance could use any of the following terms as a heading: Proficient, above average, accomplished, etc.
  • 70% – C level of performance could use any of the following terms as a heading: Satisfactory, competent, average, acceptable, etc.
  • 60% – D level of performance could use any of the following terms as a heading: Developing, emerging, approaching, novice, etc.
  • 50% – F level of performance could use any of the following terms as a heading: Beginning, rudimentary, needs revision, no evidence, etc.

The above terms can be used as headings for your rubric columns or as adjectives to describe grading criteria at that performance level. It is recommended to utilize the same column headings for all the rubrics developed for a specific course. For example, if you select “Outstanding” for an A level of performance column heading then you should utilize the same column heading for the A level of performance in all your rubrics.

Descriptions of Grading Criteria

Rubrics contain descriptions of grading criteria. These descriptions should be aligned to the learning objectives being assessed and will support students’ understanding of the assessment expectations. For example, you have the learning objective: Synthesize information and ideas from multiple texts and sources. You label the grading criteria as “Information Literacy” and you describe the grading criteria in an analytic rubric at five performance levels as follows:

  • 100% – A level – Outstanding synthesis of information and ideas from multiple credible sources with exceptional cohesion of information presented.
  • 80% – B level – Concise synthesis of information and ideas from multiple credible sources with cohesion of information presented.
  • 70% – C level – Adequate synthesis of information and ideas from multiple credible courses.
  • 60% – D level – Attempted synthesis of information and ideas and/or missing multiple or credible sources.
  • 50% – F level – Submission did not demonstrate synthesis of information or ideas, missing multiple and/or credible sources, please revise and resubmit.

See the HOW section of this teaching guide to learn tips for writing criteria descriptions.

Types of Rubrics Heading link Copy link

Types of rubrics.

There are several types of rubrics to choose from based on what you want to measure, how much feedback you want to provide, and how you want to assess performance, including:

  • Single-point rubric
  • Analytic rubric
  • Holistic rubric

Single-Point Rubric Heading link Copy link

Single-point rubric.

Single-point rubrics are used to measure learning based on one level of performance for the grading criteria and provide an opportunity for discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of students performance. The single-point rubric has only one column describing a passing level of performance and rows for each grading criterion.

The instructor grades each criterion as either “does not meet the criterion,” “meets the criterion,” or “exceeds the criterion.” And the instructor provides individualized feedback on any criterion that is graded as “does not meet the criterion” or “exceeds the criterion” for students to understand their scores.

Weight and Scoring of Single-Point Rubrics Heading link Copy link

Weight and scoring of single-point rubrics.

Single-point rubrics will have a total number of points or a percentage for the assessment. And each grading criteria in a single-point rubric will have a point or percentage value. Typically, the “meets the criterion” column will be awarded the total points or an A or B value. For example, the assessment is worth 25 points and contains three criteria.

The total points need to be distributed to each of the criteria (criterion I is worth 5 points, criterion II is worth 10 points, and criterion III is worth 10 points). Students who meet all three criteria will be awarded 25 points.

When should I use a single-point rubric?

  • Small class sizes (under 25 students)
  • Involves less time to develop
  • Requires more time to grade and score because students need more personalized feedback to understand their performance and score
  • Supports conversations about performance
  • Can be used for formative and summative assessments
  • Appropriate for on-campus or hybrid course modalities
  • If using video or audio feedback, it can be adapted for online course modalities
  • Best suited for a single user (one instructor)

Grading the Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with a Single-Point Rubric Heading link Copy link

Grading the making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a single-point rubric, analytic rubric heading link copy link, analytic rubric.

Analytic rubrics are used to evaluate grading criteria separately to provide students with detailed feedback on their performance. The analytic rubric typically has three to five columns to describe performance levels and rows for each grading criterion to be described separately. The instructor grades each criterion at varying levels of performance, and students can read the description to understand their performance and scores.

Weight and Scoring of an Analytic Rubric

Analytic rubrics will have a total number of points or a percentage for the assessment. And each grading criteria will have a point or percentage value. For example, the assessment is worth 25 points and contains three criteria. The total points need to be distributed to each of the criteria (criterion I is worth 5 points, criterion II is worth 10 points, and criterion III is worth 10 points). Next, the grading criteria points are broken down further by performance level in an analytic rubric.

  • Criterion I is worth 5 points – the highest level is worth 5 points (100%), the next level is worth 4 points (80%), and the last level is worth 3 points (60%).
  • Criterion II is worth 10 points – the highest level is worth 10 points (100%), the next level is worth 8 points (80%), and the last level is worth 6 points (60%).
  • Criterion III is worth 10 points – the highest level is worth 10 points, the next level is worth 8 points (80%), and the last level is worth 6 points (60%).

When should I use an analytic rubric?

  • All class sizes
  • Involves more time to develop
  • Requires less time to grade and score (if the scorer is familiar with the rubric)
  • Provides more descriptive feedback in a formative assessment to help students improve performance
  • Appropriate for any course modality
  • Should be used in online asynchronous course modalities to support student understanding of expectations
  • Utilized by multiple instructors and/or TAs

Grading the Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with An Analytic Rubric Heading link Copy link

Grading the making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an analytic rubric, holistic rubric heading link copy link, holistic rubric.

Holistic rubrics are used to evaluate overall competence or ability when grading criteria can’t be separated, or when you want a holistic view of student progress. The holistic rubric typically has around three to five columns to describe performance levels and one row for all the criteria to be described together. The instructor grades the entire assessment at one level of performance and provides the student with individualized feedback identifying what criteria caused their performance to be scored at that level.

Holistic Rubrics Heading link Copy link

Weight and scoring of a holistic rubric.

In a holistic rubric, the grading criteria are not broken down and the weighting occurs in the performance levels. For example, the assessment is worth 25 points and contains five levels of performance (the highest level is worth 25 points (100%), the next level is worth 20 points (80%), the third level is worth 15 points (60%), and the fourth level is worth 10 points (40%), and the last level is worth 9 or less points (0 to 39%).

When should I use a holistic rubric?

  • Best suited for summative assessments to measure overall competence or quality of students’ work.

Grading the Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with a Holistic Rubric Heading link Copy link

Grading the making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a holistic rubric, checklist heading link copy link.

Checklists are used to measure criteria that have a correct answer or evidence of correctness or completion (e.g., math, engineering, programming, etc.). The checklist has two columns for performance levels and rows for each grading criterion. Checklist columns are typically labeled with “Yes or No” or “Correct or Incorrect.”

Checklists Heading link Copy link

Weight and scoring for checklists.

Checklists will have a total number of points or a percentage for the assessment. And each grading criteria in a checklist will have a point or percentage value.

For example, the assessment is worth 25 points and contains three criteria. The total points need to be distributed to each of the criteria (criterion I is worth 5 points, criterion II is worth 10 points, and criterion III is worth 10 points).

When should I use a checklist?

  • Involves less time to develop and grade
  • Provides a breakdown of grading criteria
  • Used for “Yes or No” or “Correct or Incorrect” performance levels
  • Best suited for criteria where there is a correct answer or evidence of correctness or completion: math, engineering, programming, etc.

Grading the Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with a Checklist Heading link Copy link

Grading the making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a checklist, additional text heading link copy link.

See the HOW section of this teaching guide to learn more about designing rubrics and review examples of rubric types.

WHY? Heading link Copy link

Impact of rubric use.

Research has shown that the use of rubrics has a positive impact on instruction and learning for students and instructors.

Rubrics impact student performance and learning positively (Abdel-Magid, 2020; Hazels, 2020; Nkhoma, 2020) by:

  • Informing students of the expectations for an assignment, including explaining the grading criteria, alignment to learning objectives, and how to meet the performance standards.
  • Improving student motivation, self-efficacy, engagement, and satisfaction.
  • Promoting self-regulation of learning (time and effort) to reach instructors’ expectations.
  • Influencing students’ cognitive and metacognitive performance in the assessment, including the ability to identify strengths and weaknesses in their performance.
  • Providing qualitative feedback to support students’ future learning and performance.

Rubrics also impact instructors’ grading, scoring, and assessment practices positively (Abdel-Magid, 2020; Hazels, 2020; Nkhoma, 2020) by:

  • Providing improved alignment of instructions, expectations, and grading practices, as well as clarity and transparency of the course learning objectives. The rubric design process provides instructors with opportunities to reflect and review the course and learning objectives’ alignment to the assessments and grading criteria.
  • Reducing grading time and overall faculty workload by utilizing the clickable rubrics built in the Blackboard LMS. This reduced workload will allow for more planning of formative assessment and practice opportunities with feedback to improve student outcomes.
  • Improving the consistency, accuracy, and objectivity of grading and scoring will help to prevent or reduce bias in grading by making judgments based on students’ actual performance of the grading criteria. And this consistency, accuracy, and objectivity can potentially reduce students’ questions and arguments about grading, scoring, and fairness.
  • Collecting reliable and valid data for decision-making and continuous quality improvements (see the next section for information on validity and reliability). The consistent use of rubrics will collect data on student performance based on grading criteria aligned to the course and learning objectives for the course.

Improving Validity and Reliability of Assessments Heading link Copy link

Improving validity and reliability of assessments.

Research has shown that the validity and reliability of assessments can be improved through the development and utilization of rubrics.

The validity of an assessment can be described as how well the assessment measures what it was designed to measure. This type of validity is often called face validity or logical validity; in other words, the assessment appears to do what it claims to do (based on face value).

Rubric design improves the alignment of the course and learning objectives with the assessment, and this helps increase the validity of the assessments (Jescovitch,, 2019). Rubric development also improves the alignment of cognitive levels or complexity of the assessment with the course and learning objectives, again improving the validity. Also, the validity of an assessment can be improved by avoiding construct underrepresentation and construct-irrelevant variance through the designing of a rubric.

Construct Underrepresentation Heading link Copy link

Construct underrepresentation and construct-irrelevant variance.

Construct underrepresentation refers to when an assessment is too narrow and doesn’t include elements of the construct (course or learning objective). The data collected will not have face, content, or construct validity because the assessment omitted aspects (e.g., the assessment doesn’t capture key aspects of the learning objective it was designed to measure). Content validity refers to how well an assessment measures all facets of an item, and how well it represents or gauges the entire domain (e.g., how well the assessment measures the entirety of the learning objectives). Construct validity refers to how well the assessment collects evidence to support interpretations, appropriateness of inferences, and what the data reflects (e.g., does the data collected allow you to make sound decisions about current instruction or continuous quality improvements).

For example, the evaluation of a piece of art might exclude the composition of the artwork or the grading of an oral presentation might miss the communication of the content (Lin, 2020). The rubric design process helps to ensure that no elements are missing, and all aspects of the construct are being evaluated to improve content and construct validity.

Construct-irrelevant variance refers to when an assessment contains excess or uncontrollable variables that distort the data collected (e.g., the assessment contains grading criteria that are not aligned to the task or learning objectives, or assesses skills and knowledge not taught in the course).

For example, an assessment for an oral presentation has grading criteria for costumes or props. This grading criterion isn’t aligned to the assessment and might cause an assessment bias , a grading criterion that unfairly penalizes students because of personal characteristics (Lin, 2020). In the case of the costume or props criteria, more affluent students could afford better costumes or props and may receive a better grade. This bias would cause an unfairness in grading, and data collected wouldn’t have face, content, or construct validity.

It is essential to review your rubrics to ensure that your grading will be focused on the construct (learning objectives) and that it isn’t missing any elements of the construct or adding any excessive or uncontrollable variables that might distort data or cause an assessment bias.

Reliability of Assessments Heading link Copy link

The reliability of an assessment can be described as how well the evaluation and measurement of student performance are consistent and repeatable.

In other words, the consistency of grading and scoring practices from student to student and term to term will influence the reliability of data collected. Rubrics can improve the internal consistency reliability and rater reliability of an assessment.

Internal Consistency Reliability Heading link Copy link

Internal consistency reliability and rater reliability.

Internal consistency reliability refers to the interrelatedness of the assessment items and the accuracy of what is measured (e.g., assessments that are directly aligned to the learning objectives would have questions that measure the same construct). Rubric development can enhance the internal consistency reliability of an assessment through the analysis and alignment of learning objectives.

Rater reliability can be described in two sub-categories: intra-rater reliability and inter-rater reliability. Intra-rater reliability refers to how an instructor might grade and score differently based on external circumstances (e.g., one day the instructor is healthy and feeling good and the next day the instructor has a migraine while grading).

Inter-rater reliability refers to how two different instructors might grade and score differently based on what they value (e.g., one instructor might score the organization and technical language in a paper with more weight than another instructor who scores formatting and mechanics with more weight).

Rubric utilization can provide consistent grading criteria that can be repeated under different conditions improving intra-rater reliability (sick instructor) and inter-rater reliability (multiple instructors or TAs). It is important to note that there can still be discrepancies and inconsistencies among multiple instructors or TAs while utilizing a rubric. Please review the HOW section of this teaching guide to learn ways to reduce grading and scoring discrepancies and inconsistencies in order to improve inter-rater reliability.

HOW? Heading link Copy link

Selecting the right rubric type for your assessment (and course) is the first step in rubric design. After you decide what type of rubric you want to design, you will need to determine how you will design the rubric.

As an instructor, you can design a rubric, or you can co-construct a rubric. See the below sections for steps on either designing a rubric or co-constructing a rubric with your students.

Instructor Rubric Design Heading link Copy link

Instructor rubric design.

The following steps will support you as you design a rubric:

  • Title the rubric using the title of the assessment you want to grade and score.
  • Identify the grading criteria that you want to measure. Remember your grading criteria should be directly aligned to the course and learning objectives.
  • Determine how the grading criteria should be assessed: holistically, separately, with a yes/no, etc.
  • Single-point rubric – has one column describing a passing performance (typically an A value) and rows for each grading criterion.
  • Analytic rubric – has between three to five columns to describe performance levels and rows for each grading criterion separately.
  • Holistic rubric – has between three to five columns to describe performance levels but with only one row as the criteria are described together.
  • Checklist – has two columns (for yes and no) and rows for each grading criterion.
  • Describe the grading criteria (please see Writing Criteria Descriptions below for more information).
  • Assign points or percentages for each grading criterion (single-point rubric, analytic rubric, or checklist).
  • Describe levels of performance for each criterion and assign points or percentages for each level of performance (analytic rubric or holistic rubric).
  • Review your rubric for mutually exclusive language for levels of performance and student-centered language to ensure student understanding of expectations.
  • Utilize the rubric tool in Blackboard to build a clickable rubric for grading and a viewable rubric for students.
  • Implement the rubric (without making changes) for the entire term. Reflect on the use of the rubric and identify areas of improvement to make adjustments to criteria, descriptions, or weight for the next term.

For more information on building rubrics in your course site visit the Blackboard Grading and Assessments page on the CATE website to view the Getting Started with Rubrics section.

Co-Constructing Rubrics with Students

You can co-construct rubrics with students by first sharing a work sample with them. This work sample could be an exemplar (exemplary work sample) or could be an average work sample (B performance level).

The following steps will support you as you co-construct an analytic rubric with your students:

  • Share the course and learning objectives that will be measured by the rubric with students.
  • Share the exemplar (exemplary work sample) or average work sample with students.
  • Break students into groups either synchronously or asynchronously (using a collaborative tool like Jamboard , Google slides, Padlet , Trello , etc.) and ask them to identify what the potential grading criteria might be.
  • Bring students back together and remove any redundancies in the grading criteria.
  • Once you have the grading criteria, you can choose to continue the rubric development with your students or without them.
  • If you choose to continue with students, then ask students to determine the weight of each criterion for the assessment.
  • Next, you can break students into groups and have each group describe a different grading criterion at a set number of performance levels (e.g., A, B, C, D).
  • Collect all the descriptions and create one analytic rubric from each group’s descriptions.
  • Ask students to review, check for mutually exclusive language, and discuss any changes needed as a class.

Tips for Writing Criteria Descriptions Heading link Copy link

Tips for writing criteria descriptions.

You will need to describe the grading criteria, regardless of the type of rubric or checklist you select. Consider the following tips for writing descriptions of the grading criteria.

No Duplication of Criteria

Criterion descriptions should not contain duplication of criteria within the description; in other words, you should not have two grading criteria that assess the same attribute or element (e.g., critical thinking or formatting, etc.). Each criterion should be specific without duplications in grading.

For example, you have created a checklist that has one criterion for showing work and another criterion for the correct answer. The correct answer criterion should only assess the correctness of the final answer, not the demonstration of the correct problem-solving in the work; this element should be assessed in the showing work criterion.

Mutually Exclusive Language

Adjectives and adverbs can be used to help describe the grading criteria at different performance levels but should be mutually exclusive. Mutually exclusive language means that an adjective used to describe the performance at the highest level shouldn’t be used to describe the performance at the next level. For example, you have used the adjective “thorough” to describe the level of details provided at the exemplary level. So, you should not use the same adjective to describe the proficient level of performance or the subsequent level.

Please note that the following list is not all-encompassing and should be viewed as a starting point for describing grading criteria.

  • 100% – A level of performance could be described with any of the following terms: Exemplary, outstanding, distinguished, exceptional, well-developed, excellent, comprehensive, thorough, robust, expert, extensive, etc.
  • 80% –  B level of performance could be described with any of the following terms: Proficient, above average, accurate, complete, skillful, accomplished, clear, concise, consistent, etc.
  • 70% – C level of performance could be described with any of the following terms: Satisfactory, competent, average, adequate, reasonable, acceptable, basic, sufficient, etc.
  • 60% – D level of performance could be described with any of the following terms: Developing, attempted, emerging, approaching, novice, partial, etc.
  • 50% – F level of performance could be described with any of the following terms: Beginning, rudimentary, rarely, seldom, needs revision, no evidence, etc.

It is important to be consistent with the use of adjectives when developing a rubric or checklist. This consistency will help support student understanding of expectations as well as improve inter-rater reliability if more than one instructor or TA is utilizing the rubric for grading and scoring.

Tangible, Supportive, and Qualitative Terms

As you begin describing criteria, make sure to focus on the tangible items that can be more objectively measured. For example, if there is a grading criterion for the overall quality of the work, avoid adding subjective elements like “effort.” A student who has not developed the skills yet to perform highly on the assessment might have put in a lot of effort but may have still performed poorly.

Try to use supportive language when describing criteria that help instill a growth mindset in students. And try to avoid negative language that may demotivate students. For example, instead of describing a criterion as “lacking” an element, use the word “missing, developing, or beginning.” Also, consider using terminology like “attempted” at the C or D level; this helps recognize students’ efforts.

Lastly, when describing the grading criteria focus on the quality of the work. Utilize descriptions that help highlight the work’s quality and focus less on quantifying the students’ work. For example, if you have a grading criterion for the mechanics of writing, you can describe it without counting errors in a paper.

  • The Exemplary level of performance could be described as “professional language used in a 2-page report with minimal to no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.”
  • The Proficient level of performance could be described as “professional language used in a 2-page report with minor errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization (e.g., misplaced punctuation, homophone errors – to, too, two).”
  • The Satisfactory level of performance could be described as “professional language used in a 2-page report with errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization (e.g., capitalization errors, missing punctuation, grammar, etc.) but still able to understand the point of view.”
  • The Developing level of performance could be described as “attempted professional language in a 2-page report with numerous errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization that distract and cause unreadability.”

Start with the Highest Performance Level

If creating an analytic rubric or a holistic rubric, it is recommended to start with the description for the highest level of performance (exemplary level). This level would typically receive an A percentage or point value.

Once you describe the highest level of performance then you can focus on the next level and then the next level, etc. Once you have described all the criteria for the rubric, make sure to check that you are not duplicating criteria and have mutually exclusive language.

Using Exemplars with Rubrics Heading link Copy link

Using exemplars with rubrics.

Just as you can use an exemplar (exemplary work sample) to co-construct a rubric with your students; you can also use exemplars with your instructor-designed rubrics. These exemplars help to improve student understanding of the rubric and increase the inter-rater reliability of rubrics when multiple graders are using them (see the WHY section of this guide for more information on reliability).

Not all students will understand the criterion descriptions in your rubric, so by providing an exemplar students can compare the descriptions in the rubric with the work sample. Providing an exemplar will also help other instructors or TAs to understand what the rubric descriptions mean, which will, in turn, improve their consistency in grading and scoring and will positively influence the inter-rater reliability of the assessment.

Tips for Using Exemplars

  • Exemplars can be former students’ work (with permission), published work (with permission), or instructor work.
  • Present features of the exemplar during a class session and deconstruct the rubric using the exemplar to illustrate what the rubric descriptions mean.
  • Think of exemplars as a guide for students to know how to start. Students will understand the expectations of the structure, style, layout, content, etc.
  • Have students use the exemplar and rubric to self-assess their own work. Students will develop the ability to analyze their work to determine strengths and weaknesses and the ability to know how to make it better.

Guiding Questions for Rubrics Heading link Copy link

Guiding questions for rubrics.

Consider the following questions to improve the validity and reliability of the assessment as you develop and review your rubrics (Lin, 2020):

  • Does the rubric measure the learning objective(s) adequately?
  • Does the rubric include aspects that are irrelevant to the learning objective(s) and/or task?
  • Do the descriptions for grading criteria contain tangible, supportive, and qualitative terms?
  • Does the rubric include any aspects that could potentially reflect assessment biases?
  • Are the grading criteria distinct from one another and use mutually exclusive language?
  • Are the grading criteria weighted appropriately?
  • Are the levels of performance weighted appropriately?
  • Is the rubric paired with an exemplar (exemplary work sample) to support students and multiple instructors’ understanding of expectations?

EXAMPLES AND TEMPLATES Heading link Copy link

Single-point rubrics.

  • Single-Point Rubric Template
  • Single-Point Rubric for Music Performance
  • Single-Point Rubric for an Authentic Assessment

Analytic Rubrics

  • Analytic Rubric Template
  • Analytic Rubric for a Presentation
  • Analytic Rubric for Art
  • Analytic Rubric for Group Work

Holistic Rubrics

  • Holistic Rubric Template
  • Holistic Rubric for Written Assignment
  • Holistic Rubric for Discussion Participation
  • Holistic Rubric for Essay Response
  • Checklist Template
  • Checklist for Computer Programming Assignment
  • Checklist for a Math Assignment
  • Checklist for a Science Report

CITING THIS GUIDE Heading link Copy link

Citing this guide.

Messier, N. (2022). “Rubrics.” Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence at the University of Illinois Chicago. Retrieved [today’s date] from

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Heading link Copy link

Articles, websites, and videos.

Eberly Center. (n.d.). Grading and performance rubrics. Carnegie Mellon University.

Gonzalez, J. (2014). Know your terms: Holistic, analytic, and single-point rubrics. Cult of Pedagogy

Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Creating and using rubrics. Yale University.

Teaching Commons. (n.d.). Rubrics. DePaul University.

REFERENCES Heading link Copy link

Abdel-Magid, T., Abdel-Magid, I. (2020). Grading of an assessment rubric. 10.13140/RG.2.2.16717.38887.

Al-Ghazo, A., Ta’amneh, I. (2021). Evaluation and grading of students’ writing: Holistic and analytic scoring rubrics. Journal for the Study of English Linguistics. 9. 77. 10.5296/jsel.v9i1.19060.

Al-Salmani, F., Thacker, B. (2021). Rubric for assessing thinking skills in free-response exam problems. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 17. 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.010135.

Hazels, T., Schutte, K., McVay, S. (2020). Case study in using integrated rubrics in assessment. Journal of Education and Culture Studies. 4. p81. Doi: 10.22158/jecs.v4n3p81.

Jescovitch, L., Scott, E., Cerchiara, J., Doherty, J., Wenderoth, M., Merrill, J., Urban-Lurain, M., Haudek, K. (2019). Deconstruction of holistic rubrics into analytic rubrics for large-scale assessments of students’ reasoning of complex science concepts.  

Lin, R. (2020). Rubrics for scoring, interpretations and decision-making. 10.4324/9780429022081-5.

Nkhoma, C., Nkhoma, M., Thomas, S., Le, N. (2020). The role of rubrics in learning and implementation of authentic assessment: A literature review. 237-276. 10.28945/4606.

Smyth, P., To, J., Carless, D. (2020). The interplay between exemplars and rubrics.

Tomas, C., Whitt, E., Lavelle-Hill, R., Severn, K. (2019). Modeling holistic marks with analytic rubrics.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring a Math Lesson Plan

A Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring a Math Lesson Plan

As a math teacher, I discovered that teaching math could be a challenging task, as it requires a structured approach to ensure that students understand the concepts taught. The truth is math is considered to be one of the most challenging subjects by many students, but I believe that mathematics shouldn’t be as complicated as many students find it to be.

As a teacher, we have the power to make math fun and accessible for all learners; and it all starts with how you structure your math lesson plan. With a well-organized lesson plan, you can create an engaging and effective learning experience for your students.

In this blog post, I will guide you through how I structure my math lesson plan, from setting your learning objectives to selecting instructional strategies and assessing student progress. You might also enjoy reading: 7 Every day online math resources for teachers .

Table of Contents

What Is a Lesson Plan?

A lesson plan is a teacher’s road map of what students must learn and how it will be accomplished effectively during class. Generally, a lesson plan includes the learning objectives (what students need to know), how the learning objectives will be effectively achieved (the method of delivery and procedure), and a way to assess how well the learning objectives were reached (typically through homework assignments, exit ticket, or testing).

A successful lesson plan should include three fundamental components:

  • Learning Objectives.
  • Learning activities.
  • Assessment to assess for student understanding.

And I believe that math lesson plans are an essential tool for us teachers because they provide us with a blueprint for how we will teach, what materials we will use, and how we will assess our students’ understanding.

Why Is a Lesson Plan Necessary For Maths?

A lesson plan is essential because it helps students and teachers understand the learning objectives. A well-designed lesson plan keeps us teachers focused and helps students know what they need to learn, how it will be delivered, and how the learning objectives will be measured. 

In a study where students were given a challenging task to activate their thinking around equivalence and patterns, the teachers reported that the lesson succeeded in student learning and contributed to the class discussion.

What Makes an Effective Maths Lesson Plan?

  • Opening : Where you introduce your learning objectives
  • Body : delivering the main activities
  • Closing the lesson : Summary and check for your students’ understanding of the learning objectives
  • 9 Exciting Smartboard Activities for Kindergarten in Math .
  • Get Ready to Challenge Your Brain With Math Puzzles .
  • Top 9 Sites for Easy and Printable Math Puzzles .
  • Keep your lesson plans relevant : Even when a teacher explains maths, some children may still don’t understand. I generally use examples that are relevant to my students. In your maths lesson, I encourage you to develop maths activities that relate to real-life problems and their day-to-day lives.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring a Math Lesson Plan

How Do You Write a Structure For a Lesson Plan?

Structuring a math lesson plan is critical in creating successful learning experiences for your students. By setting your learning objectives, planning your maths activities, preparing your materials, assessing student understanding, and reflecting and revising your lesson plan, you can create a structured approach that ensures students learn the required math concepts effectively.

Remember that effective math lesson plans evolve over time through continued reflection and revision. Here is a step-by-step guide to structuring a math lesson plan:

Step 1: Identify the learning objective

I believe that the first step in structuring a math lesson plan is to determine what you want your students to learn. Setting learning objectives means determining what skills and concepts your students will be learning or practicing during the lesson. Generally, learning objectives provide the framework for the lesson, guiding what instructional strategies to use and how to assess student understanding.

As you’re deciding on your objective, keep in mind the level of your students and any prior knowledge they may have in the subject.

I encourage you to ensure that your learning objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound using SMART goal setting.

For instance, instead of stating that the students will be able to ‘read a graph,’ a more specific objective could be, ‘students will be able to interpret data from a line graph and use it to make predictions.’

The table below includes the main characteristics of effective learning objectives:

Step 2: Plan your lesson activities

Once you have identified the learning objective for your students, it is time to plan out the activities for the lesson.

I encourage you to vary the types of activities to keep your students engaged and interested, including using visual aids, manipulatives, interactive technology, or group work.

You can also use other strategies, including direct instruction, problem-based learning, collaborative learning, and visual learning. I suggest you consider factors such as your students’ age and learning level, the materials at your disposal, and the time available.

For instance, I found that problem-based learning may work well for high school students and more extended lesson times, while direct instruction may work best for younger students and shorter lesson blocks.

The table below includes examples of class learning activities for a mathematics class:

Step 3: Anticipate and address student misconceptions

Misconceptions are a common challenge in math lessons, but they don’t have to derail the learning experience. To prepare for potential misconceptions, I suggest you think about where students might get stuck or misunderstand the concepts. In your lesson plan, plan out how you will address these misconceptions and ensure that all students understand the content.

Before the lesson begins, I also encourage you to ensure you have all the materials you need to conduct the lesson effectively. These materials may include textbooks, workbooks, calculators, models, and other manipulatives.

I recommend you look at the purpose of each material and ensure that it aligns with your learning objectives and instructional strategies. Additionally, ensure that your materials are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities, if possible.

Step 4: Assess student understanding

Assessment is an integral part of any lesson, as it ensures that students have understood the concepts taught.

I encourage you to plan out how you will assess your students’ understanding, be it through formative assessments (quizzes, exit tickets, etc.) or summative assessments (tests), as it will help you adjust your lesson plan as necessary and to provide helpful feedback to your students.

I believe that assessing your students’ learning is crucial in measuring the effectiveness of your math lesson plan. Consider using various assessment methods, such as formative and summative assessments, performance assessments, and diagnostics.

Typically, formative assessments include quizzes, problem sets, and verbal feedback, while summative assessments may include tests or exams.

I suggest you make sure that your assessments align with your learning objectives and instructional strategies and communicate the assessment criteria to your students.

Step 5: Reflect And Revise The Math Lesson Plan

Finally, the last step is to reflect on your lesson plan and assess any changes that need to be made. At this step, I suggest you consider the feedback you receive from your students provide and adjust your lesson plan accordingly to make your teaching experience better in the future.

I encourage you to look at your assessments, instructional strategies, and the materials used to teach. Additionally, I suggest you ask yourself what went well and what needs improvement and revise your lesson plan appropriately.

Continual reflection and revision are essential for developing successful math lesson plans that work best for your students. Check out these math lesson planning guides shared by the Colorado Department of Education .

What to read next:

  • Are High School Math Teachers In Demand? (Yes, and here’s why!)
  • Is Pursuing a Maths Degree Worth It: With the Top 9 Benefits!
  • Is Teaching High School Math Hard? Let’s Find Out!
  • 7 Best Strategies to Increase Math Engagement!
  • 11 Common Mistakes Students Make in High School Maths .

Closing thoughts

As a teacher of math, I believe that it is important to have a structured, well-organized lesson plan to keep your students engaged and getting the most out of their lessons.

By keeping in mind the steps I have discussed, you can create an effective lesson plan that not only helps your students learn but makes math more accessible and fun.

With these tips in your back pocket, it is time to show your students just how exciting and approachable math can be.

I am Altiné. I am the guy behind When I am not teaching math, you can find me reading, running, biking, or doing anything that allows me to enjoy nature's beauty. I hope you find what you are looking for while visiting

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MS Word Cover Page Templates

Download, personalize & print, mathematics assignment cover pages.

Posted By: admin 14/11/2018

Cover pages of assignment play a vital role in attaining high grades in studies. Therefore, the students are advised to design a cover page with the assignment. It is important for the cover page to be relevant to the assignment it covers.

A student has to put a lot of efforts in making math assignment. This assignment requires the student to stay to the point and accurate. The cover page of the mathematics assignment plays an important role in impressing the teacher.

Tips to create the cover page:

Here are a few tips that can help a student design a cover page for the assignment

  • The student making the cover page should follow the format which is being followed by the entire institutes. The subject area should be indicated on the cover page clearly so that the teacher can readily know about the basic details of the assignment and the student submitting the assignment.
  • The cover page should be signed by the student. The student should make sure that he signs the cover page at the right bottom corner of the cover page.
  • The cover page should be in A4 size and it should be well attached to the assignment. It should be kept in mind that the cover sheet should be the first page to be seen by the recipient of the assignment.
  • The cover sheet should include the details such as student’s name, the subject of the assignment, roll number, class and section name, the topic of the assignment, name of the instructor of math subject.
  • The student can add a decent colored background on the cover page and some borders to enhance the beauty and elegance of the cover page.

Many students believe that the most important part of the assignment is its content. They put a lot of emphasis on assignment and don’t pay much attention to the cover page. Such students often fail to get good marks because their representation of assignment does not impress the teacher.

Your teacher may not have asked you to prepare the cover page with the assignment but when there are few students who create the cover page and make their assignment stand out. Such student’s assignments compel the teacher to give them high grades than those students who don’t create the cover page.

Some students often forget to mention their name or roll number in the assignment. It creates a problem for the teacher during grading. The students are asked to create a separate to give the information about the author of the assignment, the subject details to make it convenient for the teacher to grade the student.

Importance of creating cover page:

Creating the mathematics assignment cover page makes the student well-versed with the format and techniques with which, a cover page is made attractive and professional looking.

The students of mathematics find it easier to make the cover page of the engineering or architectural projects when they enter their professional life.

The first cover page shown here is simple and easy to comprehend. The color combination is nice and trendy. The top image has some formulas written over that shows it is a mathematics assignment. The center white portion has enough space to give headline of the assignment with its little introduction underneath, while the rest of the space can further be utilized for details about the student or the teacher. There is a professional hint provided in this cover page.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013 File Size: 827 KB License: [Only for personal use] Download

This cover page is stylish and modern having an interesting appeal to it. The shades of blue and a lighter background give the cover page an elegant look. The heading of the assignment can be followed by the name of the student presenting it, while the right margin can be utilized to state the important facts about the assignment topic. Overall this cover page gives a comprehensive look of both being smart and descriptive.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013 File Size: 2 MB License: [Only for personal use] Download

The third cover page shown here is a unique combination of aqua green, white and black. The look of the cover page is impressive and pleasant with a nice choice of colors. The background image shows that the assignment belongs to mathematics. The heading of the assignment and title can be easily placed at the top, while the rest of the space is utilized with the name of the writer, date of submission, and a brief abstract of the assignment at the bottom. This is a must go to cover page.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013 File Size: 848 KB License: [Only for personal use] Download

Another well-designed cover page. It has a distinct look, dividing the cover page into two halves. The upper white portion for mentioning the title heading of the assignment, while the lower blue portion for giving a brief abstract regarding the work. The center design is enhancing the impression of the assignment, making it look warmer and more elegant.

This last cover page is smart, attractive having vibrant colors, and thus eye-catching. The design of the cover page pushes the text toward the right, bringing the focus of the reader towards the text. The heading of the assignment is highlighted on the dark pink background that enhances the font. Further important definitions or details can also be mentioned in the space below. This cover page can be the first choice of students liking trendy colors and styles.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013 File Size: 806 KB License: [Only for personal use] Download

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