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by Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.  

A Plethora Of Writing Examples For Middle School (& High School)

October 14, 2014 in  Pedagogy

Middle School Writing Samples

When I started my first job as a professional newspaper reporter (This job also served as an internship during my junior year in college — I just didn’t leave for about 6 years.), I quickly realized that all my experience, and all my years of journalism education had not been enough to help me write stories about drug busts, fatal car accidents and tornadoes. All the theoretical work I’d done, and all of the nifty little scholastic and collegiate stories I had done, did not prepare me for real world writing.

At that point, I had to find a solution quickly. After all, I had a deadline to meet, and it was only a few hours away.

One of my colleagues, who also served as a mentor, had the solution. She introduced me to the newspaper’s “morgue.” This was a room filled with filing cabinets in which we kept old — dead — stories arranged by reporter. Whenever I wasn’t’ sure how to write a story, all I had to do was check the morgue for similar stories. If I needed to write a story about a local drug bust, for example, I’d find another story on a similar incident, study its structure, and mentally create a formula in which to plugin the information I’d gathered.

Once I’d gained more experience, and had internalized the formula for that particular type of story, I felt free to branch out as the situation — and my training — warranted.

I do the same thing when I want to write a type of letter, brochure, or report that I’ve never written before.

This is what writing looks like in the real world.

Of course, if you’re a new teacher like me, there is one problem with providing mentor texts to my students: I have a dearth of middle school level writing sitting around in my file cabinets.

Fortunately, the Internet is full of sources, so I scoured the bowels of Google to find examples. I know how busy you are, so I’m sharing.

Expository writing examples for middle school

Below are several sources of expository writing samples for middle school students.

  • The Write Source Expository Writing Samples
  • Holt, Rinehart, Winston Expository Essay Models

Finally, here is an article in the New York Times that will help you teach your students  real-world expository writing skills .

Descriptive writing examples for middle school

  • Descriptive Writing Samples from Novels
  • Milwaukee Public Schools Descriptive Essay Samples (p. 137)
  • Holt, Rinehart, Winston Descriptive Essay Models

Narrative writing examples for middle school

  • Writing Samples by Steve Peha (PDF)
  • The Write Source Narrative Writing Samples
  • Oregon Department of Education Scored Writing Samples (Ideas and Organization)
  • Oregon Department of Education Scored Writing Samples (Sentence Fluency and Conventions)
  • Oregon Department of Education Scored Writing Samples (Voice and Word Choice)
  • Oregon Department of Education High School Scored Narrative and Argumentative Writing Samples
  • Holt, Rinehart, Winston Narrative Essay Models

Argumentative/persuasive writing examples for middle school

  • The Write Source Persuasive Writing Samples
  • Holt, Rinehart, Winston Persuasive Essay Models

Reflective writing examples for middle school

  • Reflective essay examples from Lake Washington Girls Middle School

If you know of any other online writing example sources, please feel free to share them in the comments below.

Related topics: Argumentative Writing , Informative Writing , Mentor Texts , Narrative Writing

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About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

This is very, very helpful. Thank you for sharing!

As a new middle school teacher (coming from elementary) this was very helpful and encouraging.

Thank you very much for letting me know. I’m glad that I was able to help you!

Thank you! I’m glad I can help.

Your welcome

This is super helpful. Thank you!

These links are a fantastic help. Thank you!

This helped me BUNCHES! Thanks so much!

thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

These links are now dead 🙁

Thank you for notifying me! I have updated the post to include new (live!) links. Some of them are geared towards high school, but I think we can still use them as exemplars of what we want our students to aim for.

Comments are closed.


Informative Essay

Informative essay generator.

informative essay middle school example

An Informative Essay stands out in the academic world as a tool for students to elaborate on specific topics with depth and clarity. By incorporating factual details and supporting evidence, these essays educate and enlighten the reader. This guide, enriched with practical essay examples , is tailored to assist students in mastering the art of crafting compelling and informative essays. Whether for school assignments or personal exploration, these examples provide valuable insights into effective informative essay writing.

What is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is a genre of writing aimed at educating the audience on a particular topic or subject. This type of essay doesn’t just offer facts but also provides insights and explanations to help readers understand the subject matter more deeply. Unlike persuasive essays, which aim to convince readers of a particular viewpoint, informative essays are neutral; they do not express the writer’s personal opinions or arguments.

Informative Essay Bundle

Download Informative Essay Bundle

You may have already been flooded with all these load of essays that your teacher asked you to write. You are probably thinking of a clever way on how to get away from the situation where you probably have not ever dreamed of. However, it is a task that we should all be thankful for.  Essay writing actually brings more benefits than browsing through those social media platforms that you have already memorized. It does not only sharpen your minds and makes you more creative than putting likes and hitting shares of your friends’ post. The ability to share something from your mind is definitely a plausible act.

Informative Essay Format

Crafting an informative essay requires a structured approach to organize the wealth of information in a way that’s easily understandable to the reader. The format of an informative essay typically consists of three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Following this format helps in developing a coherent and logically flowing essay that effectively informs the reader.


The introduction sets the stage for the entire essay. It should start with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention, such as a surprising fact, a question, or a vivid description of the topic. Following the hook, provide some background information to help readers understand the context of the essay. Finally, the introduction should end with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main points or aspects of the topic that will be discussed. This statement acts as a roadmap for the essay, guiding the reader through the information presented.
Components of the Introduction: Hook : Engages the reader’s interest. Background Information : Provides context for the topic. Thesis Statement : Outlines the main points to be discussed.

Body Paragraphs

The body of an informative essay is where the main information is presented. It should be divided into paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point or aspect of the topic. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the point to be discussed. Follow this with supporting details, such as facts, examples, statistics, and quotes from credible sources. Each paragraph should be coherent and focused, contributing to the overall argument or presentation of the topic.
Structure of Body Paragraphs: Topic Sentence : Introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Supporting Details : Facts, examples, and evidence supporting the topic sentence. Transition : Smoothly connects to the next paragraph or point.
The conclusion of an informative essay wraps up the essay by summarizing the main points discussed. It should restate the thesis statement in a new way, reflecting the information presented in the essay. The conclusion can also highlight the importance or relevance of the topic, offering final insights or thoughts for the reader to consider. This section should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the topic and its significance. Elements of the Conclusion: Restatement of Thesis : Reflects the main points made in the essay. Summary of Main Points : Briefly recaps the key information discussed. Final Insight : Offers closing thoughts or implications of the topic.

Formatting Tips:

Use clear and concise language throughout the essay. Ensure each paragraph flows logically to the next. Cite sources where necessary to back up facts and claims. Keep the essay focused on informing the reader, avoiding personal opinions.

Types of Informative Essay

Types of Informative Essay

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  • Descriptive Essay : Provides a detailed description of a person, place, object, or event, using sensory details to paint a vivid picture for the reader.
  • Definition Essay : Explores the meaning, history, and implications of a complex concept or term, offering a deep and thorough understanding beyond basic definitions.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay : Analyzes two or more subjects by comparing their similarities and contrasting their differences, highlighting the nuances between them.
  • Cause and Effect Essay : Examines the reasons why something happened (cause) and the outcomes that followed (effect), aiming to establish a clear relationship between events.
  • Process Analysis Essay : Explains how something is done, how something occurs, or how something works, in a step-by-step format, providing clear instructions or insights.
  • Problem-Solution Essay : Identifies a specific problem and proposes one or more solutions, focusing on presenting viable and effective ways to address the issue at hand.
  • Classification Essay : Organizes or sorts different subjects or objects into categories based on shared characteristics, providing a clear understanding of their relationships and differences.
  • Expository Essay : Presents a balanced analysis of a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples, aiming to explain or clarify a subject in a straightforward, unbiased manner.

How is an Informative Essay Structured?

An informative essay is structured in a clear, organized manner to effectively convey information to the reader. This structure consists of three main parts: the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Here’s how each part is typically organized:

  • Hook : Begins with a captivating opening to grab the reader’s attention. This could be an interesting fact, a question, or a startling statistic related to the topic.
  • Background Information : Provides context for the topic being discussed. This section gives the reader any necessary background information to understand the essay.
  • Thesis Statement : Concludes the introduction with a clear, concise statement that outlines the main points or focus of the essay. This statement guides the rest of the essay.
  • Topic Sentence : Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, relating back to the thesis statement.
  • Supporting Details : These are facts, examples, or explanations that provide evidence to support the topic sentence. This may include statistics, quotes from credible sources, or logical arguments.
  • Analysis : This section interprets the supporting details, explaining how they relate to the topic and the thesis statement. It’s where the writer’s insight comes into play, providing depth to the information presented.
  • Transition : Each paragraph ends with a sentence that provides a smooth transition to the next paragraph, maintaining the flow of the essay.
  • Summary of Main Points : Begins by briefly summarizing the key points or information presented in the body paragraphs, reinforcing the essay’s main ideas.
  • Restatement of the Thesis : Reiterates the thesis statement in light of the information and analysis provided, emphasizing the essay’s main argument or focus.
  • Closing Statement : Concludes with a final thought or call to action, leaving the reader with something to ponder or suggesting steps for further exploration of the topic

7 steps for Writing an Informative Essay

  • Choose Your Topic : Select a topic that interests you and meets the assignment’s criteria. Ensure it is broad enough to research but narrow enough to be covered in your essay.
  • Conduct Research : Gather information from reliable sources to understand your topic thoroughly. Look for facts, statistics, and examples that will provide a solid foundation for your essay.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your thoughts and research into an outline. This will help structure your essay logically, ensuring a clear flow of ideas from the introduction through the body paragraphs to the conclusion.
  • Write the Introduction : Begin with a hook to capture the reader’s interest, followed by background information to set the context for your topic. Conclude the introduction with a thesis statement that presents the main focus or argument of your essay.
  • Develop Body Paragraphs : Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your thesis. Start with a topic sentence, followed by evidence and examples. Include your analysis to explain how this evidence relates to your topic.
  • Conclude Your Essay : Summarize the main points of your essay, restate your thesis in light of the information provided, and offer a final thought or call to action. This is your chance to reinforce the importance of your topic and the information you’ve presented.
  • Revise and Edit : Review your essay for any errors or unclear parts. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Ensure your writing is clear, concise, and logically organized. It may help to get feedback from others or to step away from your essay for a while before reviewing it again.

Purpose of Informative Essays

Informative essays serve a foundational role in educational and communication contexts, aiming to enlighten the reader on a specific topic or subject matter. The core purpose of these essays is to inform, explain, and educate without presenting the author’s opinion or persuading the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint. Here’s a deeper look into the primary objectives of informative essays:

Educate the Reader

The most direct purpose of an informative essay is to educate its audience. By presenting facts, data, and detailed explanations, the essay seeks to expand the reader’s knowledge on a given subject. This is particularly valuable in academic settings, where understanding diverse topics is essential to a well-rounded education.

Provide Clarity and Insight

Informative essays often tackle complex subjects that may be difficult to understand at first glance. Through clear writing and structured explanation, these essays break down intricate concepts into digestible parts, offering insight and clarity. They help the reader grasp the nuances of topics ranging from scientific theories to historical events and beyond.

Enhance Critical Thinking

By presenting information from various angles and including detailed analyses, informative essays encourage readers to engage in critical thinking. Readers are prompted to consider the hows and whys of the subject matter, analyze the information presented, and connect it to broader contexts or their personal knowledge.

Stimulate Interest

Although the primary aim is to inform, a well-crafted informative essay can also spark interest in the topic. By uncovering intriguing facts or presenting the subject in a compelling manner, the essay can motivate readers to explore the topic further on their own, fostering a culture of learning and curiosity.

Support Academic and Professional Success

In academic settings, informative essays are a tool for students to demonstrate their understanding of a topic, their ability to conduct thorough research, and their proficiency in communicating complex ideas. Professionally, these essays contribute to knowledge sharing within industries, helping individuals stay informed about current trends, innovations, and foundational concepts.

Build Foundation for Further Exploration

Informative essays lay the groundwork for deeper research and exploration. By providing a comprehensive overview of a topic, they equip readers with the basic knowledge necessary to delve into more specialized studies or related subjects, serving as a stepping stone for academic and personal growth.

10+Informative Essay Samples

15+ informative essay examples.

Informative Essay Example

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Informative Essay Outline

Informative Essay Outline

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School Informative Essay

Informative Essay Example

Informative Essay1

Expository Informative Example

Expository Informative Example

Student Informative Sample

Student Informative Sample1

Short Informative Essay

Short Informative Essay

What Is an Informative Essay?

Informative essay is a written as literary essay piece with the purpose of educating a target audience or readers regarding a certain topic or subject.

It is intended to present or expose something while at the same time avoiding to present arguments or personal opinion from the writer. An informative essay is also sometimes called an expository essay in the sense that it also aims to expose or display an information which will be beneficial for the reader.

It does not present bias judgments nor favorable ideas. It does not also dwell in the concept of convincing readers to do things that are contrary to their will.

How to Write an Informative Essay

Writing an informative essay is like telling a blind person what is the color of the sky or telling a kid what are ice creams made of. You simply just have to present a topic and expand.

  • Think of a topic. The first thing that you have to do is think of a topic that you want to right about. It would be good if it is something that you are most passionate about so you can write in great details.
  • Create a format. The most effective format is using the essential parts of an essay .
  • Present your ideas. After choosing the topic, start writing your ideas. Try to present it in a way that you are educating the readers.

College Informative Essay

College Informative Essay

Middle School Informative

Middle School Informative

Narrative Informative Example

informative essay middle school example

Informative Essay Example

Informative Essay Example

Sample Informative Essay

Sample Informative Essay

Informative Organizer Essay

Informative Organizar Essay

Informative Assignment Essay

Informative Assignment Essay

Uses of Informative Essay

1. educational tools.

  • Learning and Teaching : Informative essays are widely used in educational settings to teach students about specific topics. They serve as a means for students to research, organize, and present information, enhancing their learning process. For educators, these essays are a tool to assess students’ understanding and ability to communicate knowledge effectively.

2. Enhancing Understanding

  • Complex Concept Clarification : These essays break down complex concepts into more understandable parts, making it easier for readers to grasp difficult subjects. They can demystify scientific principles, historical events, or technological advancements, providing clarity and insight.

3. Communication of Ideas

  • Knowledge Sharing : In professional and academic communities, informative essays facilitate the sharing of knowledge and ideas. They allow experts to communicate findings, theories, and analyses, contributing to the collective understanding of a field.

4. Awareness and Information Dissemination

  • Public Awareness : Informative essays play a crucial role in raising awareness about important issues, such as health, environmental concerns, and social justice. By presenting facts and information, they help inform public opinion and encourage informed decision-making.

5. Basis for Further Research

  • Foundation for Exploration : These essays provide a foundation for further research. By offering a comprehensive overview of a topic, they can inspire readers to explore subjects in greater depth, paving the way for advanced studies and discoveries.

6. Professional Development

  • Skill Enhancement : Writing informative essays helps individuals develop valuable skills, including research, critical thinking, organization, and writing. These skills are essential in many professional contexts, enhancing career prospects and professional competence.

7. Decision Making and Problem Solving

  • Informed Decisions : In the business world and personal life, informative essays can provide the necessary background to make informed decisions. Understanding all aspects of a situation or topic can lead to better problem-solving strategies and outcomes.

8. Cultural and Social Engagement

  • Cultural Insight : Essays about cultural practices, societal trends, and historical backgrounds offer readers insights into different ways of life and perspectives, promoting cultural understanding and empathy.

9. Personal Growth

  • Intellectual Stimulation : Reading and writing informative essays can be intellectually stimulating, encouraging curiosity and a love for learning. They can broaden one’s horizons and foster a more informed and thoughtful perspective on the world.

Importance of Informative Essay

  • Facilitates Learning and Education : They are essential tools in educational settings, helping students learn and understand various topics across different subjects.
  • Promotes Critical Thinking : Writing and reading informative essays encourage critical thinking by requiring analysis and synthesis of information.
  • Enhances Research Skills : The process of writing an informative essay improves research skills, teaching individuals how to gather, evaluate, and organize information effectively.
  • Improves Writing and Communication Skills : Informative essays help in honing writing skills, including structuring arguments, maintaining clarity, and engaging the audience with informative content.
  • Encourages Intellectual Curiosity : They stimulate curiosity about the world, encouraging readers and writers to explore topics deeply and broadly.
  • Supports Informed Decision Making : By presenting facts and data, informative essays enable readers to make decisions based on knowledge and insights rather than assumptions or misinformation.
  • Builds a Foundation for Further Study : They lay the groundwork for more in-depth research and analysis, serving as a stepping stone to more specialized studies.
  • Spreads Awareness on Important Issues : Informative essays are a powerful medium for raising awareness about social, environmental, and health-related issues, contributing to public education and action.
  • Promotes Cultural Understanding and Empathy : Essays on cultural and societal topics promote understanding and empathy towards different communities and ways of life.
  • Contributes to Professional Development : The skills gained from researching and writing informative essays are valuable in professional settings, enhancing abilities in documentation, presentation, and critical analysis.
  • Serves as a Source of Inspiration : Reading informative essays can inspire new ideas, hobbies, or even career paths by introducing readers to previously unknown subjects or deeper aspects of familiar topics.
  • Facilitates Clear and Effective Information Dissemination : In both academic and professional contexts, the ability to clearly and effectively disseminate information is critical, and informative essays are an excellent medium for this purpose.

How Do You Start an Informative Essay Sentence?

Start an informative essay sentence with a hook such as a surprising fact, a question, or a quote to grab the reader’s attention and draw them into the topic.

How Do You Structure an Informative Essay?

Structure an informative essay with an introduction that includes a hook and thesis statement, body paragraphs that explore the topic in detail, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points.

What Should Each Body Paragraph Begin With?

Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, directly supporting the thesis statement.

What Are the Informative Writing Techniques?

Informative writing techniques include using clear and concise language, organizing information logically, employing facts and data for support, and incorporating visuals like charts or graphs to enhance understanding.

How Do You Start an Informative Letter?

Start an informative letter with a polite greeting, followed by a clear introduction of the purpose of the letter. Provide the necessary information in a concise and organized manner.

What Are the Parts of an Informative Essay?

The parts of an informative essay include the introduction with a hook and thesis statement, body paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details, and a conclusion that summarizes the essay’s main points.

The basic parts or elements of an essay are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. These are all important parts which of course constitutes the wholeness of your essay.

So each part has to be given with special importance. The conclusion of essay , which is the last part, should be your chance to make your readers understand the whole point of your topic.

This is the chance for you to clarify some important things that you want to highlight. It is advisable that you write at least three to five sentences for your conclusion in order for it not to become too explanatory which you have already done on the previous part.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Crafting the Perfect Thesis for Your Informative Essay

How to Research Effectively for an Informative Essay

Structuring Your Informative Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

Selecting the Best Topic for Your Informative Essay

The Importance of Editing Your Informative Essay

Incorporating Visuals into Your Informative Essay

Tips for Writing an Engaging Informative Essay Introduction

Developing Strong Arguments in Your Informative Essay

Informative Essay Conclusion: Leaving a Lasting Impression

Avoiding Plagiarism in Your Informative Essay

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

Tell them what you know.

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

Informative essays are a chance to show what you know. They’re all about informing the reader, without trying to persuade or offer an opinion. Informative writing can include how-to process essays, biographical writing, an in-depth analysis of a topic, research papers, or compare-and-contrast essays . Just remember to stick to the facts, and be clear and descriptive. These informative essay topics offer something for all interests and ages.

How-To Informative Essay Topics

Social studies informative essay topics, science informative essay topics, pop culture informative essay topics.

Teach your reader the steps or process to:

  • Cook a recipe
  • Set a table
  • Make a quilt
  • Change a tire
  • Start a recycling program
  • Play a game
  • Build a birdhouse
  • Plant a garden
  • Make and care for a compost pile

Make and care for a compost pile.

  • Care for an animal
  • Start a business
  • Catch a fish
  • Tie a necktie
  • Train for a marathon
  • Prepare a campsite
  • Make a campfire
  • Clean a room
  • Wrap a gift
  • Plan a party
  • Kick a bad habit
  • Use social media responsibly

Use social media responsibly.

  • Manage time effectively
  • Make a budget
  • Describe the life of a world leader.
  • How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

  • Explore the current path to becoming an American citizen.
  • What are some of the possible ways the pyramids were built?
  • Describe a time period in history.
  • How does one country’s economy affect another country?
  • What is the difference between socialism and communism?
  • Explore the benefits and drawbacks of legalizing drugs.
  • Describe the political system in a foreign country.
  • Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

  • How is a new law passed in the United States?
  • Give an overview of the history of any country, state, or city.
  • Describe the three branches of American government.
  • Explain how the American judicial system works.
  • Describe the evolution of fashion throughout history.
  • Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

  • Explain what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • What is the relationship between calories and fat?
  • What is the physics behind a bicycle?
  • How do plants convert sunlight into energy?
  • Describe any element from the periodic table, including its makeup and uses.
  • What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
  • Describe the life cycle of any animal.
  • What are the benefits of recycling?
  • Describe the life of a prominent scientist.
  • Explain what E = mc 2 means.
  • Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

  • Why do leaves change color in the fall?
  • Explain the difference between climate and weather.
  • Describe a specific ecosystem, including the plants and animals that live there.
  • Describe the history of video games.
  • What are recent trends in the video game industry?
  • Describe your favorite superhero.
  • Explain the motivations of any fictional villain.
  • Describe the life of your favorite celebrity.
  • Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

  • Describe the process of making a movie or TV show.
  • Tell the story of any band, including its founding, successes and challenges, and breakup (if applicable).
  • Describe the life of a famous artist.
  • Explore the history of Disney World (or any theme park).
  • Plan the perfect fantasy football league team.
  • Describe popular trends and fads from any decade.
  • Explore the history of the Olympics.
  • Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

  • Explain the history of the internet.

What are some of your favorite informative essay topics? Come share your ideas in the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school (100+ ideas).

70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

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Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

Daniel Bal

What is informative writing?

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format

informative essay middle school example

Writing an Informative Essay

Informative essays engage readers with new, interesting, and often surprising facts and details about a subject. Informative essays are educational; readers expect to learn something new from them. In fact, much of the reading and writing done in college and the workplace is informative. From textbooks to reports to tutorials like this one, informative writing imparts important and useful information about a topic.

This tutorial refers to the sample informative outline and final essay written by fictional student Paige Turner.

Reasons to Write Informatively

Your purpose for writing and the audience for whom you are writing will impact the depth and breadth of information you provide, but all informative writing aims to present a subject without opinions or bias. Some common reasons to write informatively are to

  • report findings that an audience would find interesting,
  • present facts that an audience would find useful, and
  • communicate information about a person, place, event, issue, or change that would improve an audience’s understanding.

Characteristics of Informative Essays

Informative essays present factual information and do not attempt to sway readers’ opinions about it. Other types of academic and workplace writing do try to influence readers’ opinions:

  • Expository essays aim to expose a truth about an issue in order to influence how readers view the issue.
  • Persuasive essays aim to influence readers’ opinions, so they will adopt a particular position or take a certain course of action.

Expository and persuasive essays make “arguments.” The only argument an informative essay makes is that something exists, did exist, is happening, or has happened, and the point of the essay is not to convince readers of this but to tell them about it.

  • Informative essays seek to enlighten and educate readers, so they can make their own educated opinions and decisions about what to think and how to act.

Strategies for Writing Informatively

Informative essays provide useful information such as facts, examples, and evidence from research in order to help readers understand a topic or see it more clearly. While informative writing does not aim to appeal emotionally to readers in order to change their opinions or behaviors, informative writing should still be engaging to read. Factual information is not necessarily dry or boring. Sometimes facts can be more alarming than fiction!

Writers use various strategies to engage and educate readers. Some strategies include

  • introducing the topic with an alarming fact or arresting image;
  • asserting what is true or so about the subject in a clear thesis statement;
  • organizing the paragraphs logically by grouping related information;
  • unifying each paragraph with a topic sentence and controlling idea;
  • developing cohesive paragraphs with transition sentences;
  • using precise language and terminology appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience; and
  • concluding with a final idea or example that captures the essay’s purpose and leaves a lasting impression.

Five Steps for Getting Started

1. Brainstorm and choose a topic.

  • Sample topic : The opioid epidemic in the United States.
  • The opiod epidemic or even opiod addiction would would be considered too broad for a single essay, so the next steps aim to narrow this topic down.

2. Next, write a question about the topic that you would like to answer through research.

  • Sample question : What major events caused the opioid crisis in the United States?
  • This question aims to narrow the topic down to causes of the epidemic in the US.

3. Now go to the Purdue Global Library to find the answers to your research question.

As you begin reading and collecting sources, write down the themes that emerge as common answers. Later, in step four, use the most common answers (or the ones you are most interested in writing and discussing) to construct a thesis statement.

  • Sample answers: aggressive marketing, loopholes in prescription drug provider programs, and economic downturn.

4. Next, provide purpose to your paper by creating a thesis statement.

The thesis attempts to frame your research question. The sample thesis below incorporates three of the more common answers for the research question from step two: What caused the opioid crisis in the United States?

  • Thesis Statement : Aggressive marketing, loopholes in prescription drug provider programs, and economic downturn contributed to the current opioid crisis in the United States.
  • Writing Tip : For additional help with thesis statements, please visit our Writing a Thesis Statement article. For help with writing in 3rd person, see our article on Formal Vs. Informal Writing .

5. Now follow each numbered step in the “Suggested Outline Format and Sample” below.

Sample answers have been provided for “I. Introduction” and “II. First Cause.” A complete sample outline can be seen here. A complete sample informative essay can be seen here.

Suggested Outline Format and Sample


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the main topic: Sample topic sentence : There is a current prescription pain medication addiction and abuse epidemic possibly caused by an excessive over prescription of these medications.

B. Now provide a couple sentences with evidence to support the main topic: Sample sentence one with evidence to support the main topic : According to Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in testimony before the 115th Congress, “In 2016, over 11 million Americans misused prescription opioids … and 2.1 million had an opioid use disorder due to prescription opioids” (Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017, p. 2).

C. Sample sentence two with evidence to support the main topic : Volkow indicated “more than 300,000 Americans have died of an opioid overdose” since 2013 (Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017, p.2).

D. Sample sentence three with evidence to support the main topic : According to Perez-Pena (2017), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 25,000 people in the United States died in 2015 from overdosing on opioids Fentanyl, Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone.

E. Toward the end of the introduction, include your thesis statement written in the 3rd-person point-of-view: Sample thesis statement : Potential solutions to the growing opioid epidemic may be illuminated by examining how opioid addiction is triggered through aggressive pharmaceutical marketing, how opioid addiction manifests among prescribed patients, and how economic downturns play a role in the increase of opioid addiction.

F. Write down the library sources you can use in this introductory paragraph to help support the main topic.

  • Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017
  • Perez-Pena, 2017
  • Writing Tip : For more help writing an introduction, please refer to this article on introductions and conclusions .


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the first cause of the opioid epidemic: Sample topic sentence that introduces the first cause : One issue that helped contribute to the opioid epidemic is aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical manufacturers.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the first cause: Sample sentence one with evidence that supports the first cause : Perez-Pena (2017) concluded that while the healthcare industry was attempting to effectively and efficiently treat patients with chronic pain, pharmaceutical companies were providing funding to prominent doctors, medical societies, and patient advocacy groups in order to win support for a particular drug’s adoption and usage.

C. Sample sentence two with evidence to support the first cause : In fact, pharmaceutical companies continue to spend millions on promotional activities and materials that deny or trivialize any risks of opioid use while at the same time overstating each drug’s benefit (Perez-Pina, 2017).

D. Next, add more information or provide concluding or transitional sentences that foreshadows the upcoming second cause: Sample concluding and transitional sentence that foreshadow the second cause : Although aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical companies played a large role in opioid addiction, patients are to blame too, as many take advantage of holes in the healthcare provider system in order to remedy their addiction.

E. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the first cause:

  • Writing Tip : For more assistance working with sources, please visit the Using Sources page here.


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the second cause.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the second cause.

C. Next, add more information or provide concluding or transitional sentences that foreshadows the upcoming third cause.

D. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the second cause:

  • Writing Tip : Listen to Writing Powerful Sentences for information and features of effective writing.


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the third cause.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the third cause.

C. Next, add more information or provide a concluding sentence or two.

D. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the third cause:

V. CONCLUSION: Summary of key points and evidence discussed.

  • Writing Tip : For more help writing a conclusion, refer to this podcast on endings .
  • Writing Tip : Have a question? Leave a comment below or Purdue Global students, click here to access the Purdue Global Writing Center tutoring platform and available staff.
  • Writing Tip : Ready to have someone look at your paper? Purdue Global students, click here to submit your assignment for feedback through our video paper review service.

See a Sample Informative Essay Outline here .

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dang bro i got an A

Having faith with all this mentioned, that i will pass my english class at a college. Thank you for posting.

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Informative/explanatory writing in the classroom, grades 3–12, by: tiffany rehbein.

Lets explore the importance of teaching informative/explanatory writing in the classroom. Students need to have the ability to clearly convey concepts and information in their writing. This skill is crucial for communication in future careers and life! Download a FREE Informative/Explanatory Writing Kit now!


The Purpose of Informative/Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of informative/explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an informative/explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how. Informative writing educates the reader by imparting straightforward information on a certain topic. Unlike other types of writing, informative writing does not aim to change the reader's thinking or move the reader to take action.

Download a kit of resources that will help students improve their informative/explanatory writing skills.


Elements of an Informative/Explanatory Essay

A well-written informative essay should include the following elements:

Has an introduction that introduces a topic and grabs the reader's attention

Clearly conveys information and ideas about a topic

Develops a topic with a variety of specific, relevant details, such as facts, examples, quotations, and anecdotes

Clearly organizes ideas and information, using strategies such as compare/contrast, cause/effect, definition, and classification

Uses formatting, graphics, and multimedia, such as hyperlinks when appropriate

Uses precise language and vocabulary appropriate to the topic

Uses appropriate transition words and phrases that clarify the relationship among ideas

Uses a formal style and tone

Ends with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and follows logically from the information presented

Follows the conventions of standard English

This checklist is a great tip sheet for students to keep in their folders! Teachers can access this checklist in the Informative/Explanatory Writing Kit .


Introductions and Conclusions for Informational Writing


In many essays, the first paragraph should introduce your topic to readers and include a thesis statement, or claim. A thesis statement is one or two sentences that state your main idea.

A strong introduction also needs to capture the readers’ attention. Students can use one of the following to get readers interested right away:

  • Include an unusual fact
  • Ask a question
  • Include vivid description
  • Tell a brief story

Introduction examples for informative/explanatory texts...

WEAK – Money has been important to people throughout history. This paper will describe the history of money and explain why people started using it. It will also describe different types of money.

STRONG – Think of these four things: knives, beads, cows, and whales' teeth. What do they have in common? The answer is that people have used them as money in trades. Through history, different cultures have used some surprising forms of currency.


A good conclusion sums up your main point and restates the these statement in a new way.

Students should use their conclusion to bring your writing to a satisfying finish. Students can use the following strategies to wrap up an essay:

  • Summarize key points
  • Make a prediction
  • Offer an opinion or a suggestion
  • Explain the topic's importance

Download a tip sheet for students that outlines strategies for writing introductions and conclusions for informative/explanatory texts!


Transition Words and Phrases for Information Writing

A well-written informational essay uses techniques to build coherence between and within paragraphs. Coherence in writing means that a reader can move easily and clearly from one idea to the next. To achieve coherence, writers use transitions words and phrases. Linking ideas and key information with transition words and phrases will tie one sentence to another and show the connections between ideas.

Below is a tip sheet that lists transition words and phrases that can be used to build coherence between and within paragraphs. Download my Informative/Explanatory Writing Kit to make get the worksheet for your students!


Informative/Explanatory Writing Assignments

There are a number of ways for students to practice writing informative/explanatory texts. Some of my favorite informative writing assignments are:

  • Basic Paragraph
  • Brochure/Pamphlet

Writing Assignment Idea #1

My Informative/Explanatory Writing Kit includes an informational writing activity worksheet for students! With this informative writing assignment students will write about something they like to make or do. It could be their favorite recipe or craft, a game they like to play or hobby. Using the worksheet, students will write the directions of how to follow the rules, recipe, or steps to create something. In addition to writing about something they like to make/play, students will underline all linking words and draw an illustration!

With this informative writing assignment students will write about something they like to make or do. It could be their favorite recipe or craft, a game they like to play or hobby. Using the worksheet, students will write the directions of how to follow the rules, recipe, or steps to create something. In addition to writing about something they like to make/play, students will underline all linking words and draw an illustration!

Below are two additional writing assignments you could assign students to work on their informative writing skills. In addition to looking at the ways your students write informative or explanatory texts, you will also have the chance to check that proper nouns are capitalized properly. What a great way to combine writing and grammar!

Writing Assignment Idea #2

To assess how well your students write informative/explanatory texts, use calendar holidays as a writing topic. For instance, you might ask students to choose their favorite holiday and explain in writing why they like it the best.

To help students choose a holiday for an explanatory essay, you could provide them with a list. Some common holidays follow:

  • Thanksgiving
  • New Year’s Eve
  • Valentine's Day
  • St. Patrick's Day
  • Fourth of July

Writing Assignment Idea #3

Want to be more creative? You can add a twist to the informative essay and provide your students with some lesser-known days of celebration. This would encourage students to do some research and inform their audience. Here are some possible calendar celebrations students could research and write about:

  • Metropolitan Museum of Art Opened in NYC (1872)
  • Jackie Robinson Day
  • World Fish Migration Day
  • National Plush Animal Day
  • King Tut Day
  • William Shakespeare's Birthday
  • Transportation Week
  • World Architecture Day

Informative/Explanatory Writing Format

Informative or explanatory writing follows an organized format. Using the anagram INFORM, teachers and students can easily remember the elements of an informative essay . Download a poster to remind your students about the parts of the INFORMative essay! 

Informative or explanatory writing follows an organized format. Using the anagram INFORM, teachers and students can easily remember the elements of an informative essay. Download a poster to remind your students about the parts of the INFORMative essay!   informative-explanatory-writing-anagram-750px

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25 Expository essay topics for Middle School by Category


Expository Essays explain a particular topic in a detailed, logical and straightforward manner. These types of essays are completely informative. They do not include any references or any opinion of the writer. The tone of an expository essay is kept neutral. Hence, while writing an expository essay you will be expected to illustrate, define, explain or clarify the topic in a way that the readers can easily understand it completely. You may provide arguments, conduct an investigation or evaluate things in order to provide a clear explanation to your readers.

Essay writing is an art. It is an essential skill to have which is why you’re going to require essay topics for Grade 7 , 8, 9, and 10. You may have to do a lot of creative writing in middle school . Writing is a must-have school and these activities in school prepare you for it.

Types of Expository Essays

  • Descriptive Essay – describes a place, thing or an experience
  • Problem-Solution Essay – presents a problem and its solution
  • Cause-Effect Essay – finds the cause of something and its impact
  • Comparison Essay – compares and contrasts two things
  • Process Essay – explains a process

How to Choose a Topic for your Expository Essay?

The most difficult and important aspect of essay writing is choosing the ‘right topic’. Many times students choose a difficult topic for which they need to conduct a lot of research which however makes essay writing difficult. Here are 4 quick tips on picking up the right topic –

  • Understand the purpose of writing the essay
  • Brainstorm some ideas and hence make an informed choice
  • Always conduct background research on the topic that you choose to understand its scope
  • Start with an outline first! Do not start writing straight away.

Expository Essay Samples

To help you get a better idea of what an expository essay is, consider the samples given below –

Topic: How Students can spend Their Leisure Time

Students have got a lot to handle! From attending classes to completing assignments, and participating in extracurricular activities, the small amount of leisure time that remains for them should be utilized in the best way possible. Students must choose their activities wisely as the way they spend their leisure time can reflect upon their physical and mental well-being.

Sports and Exercises

With most activities being sedentary nowadays, students should find some time to indulge in any kind of sports activity or a workout routine of their choice. Studies have shown that continuous sitting can lead to adverse effects on the health of students. Hence exercise and sports are good choices for students.

Developing Hobbies

Gardening, reading, writing, drawing, painting, or even cooking, there are numerous hobbies to choose from. Students should find some time for pursuing their hobbies, exploring new ones and enhancing their skills as a part of their leisure activity. No one knows when your hobby becomes your passion and hence gives a pathway to your success!

Time to Relax!

It is essential for us to learn to quiet our minds in this busy world. Hence students should develop a habit to relax and practice mindfulness every day. They can pick up any activity for this like meditation, yoga, listening to music, or even sitting with their family and friends. It is crucial for students to stay calm and find time, particularly for them for their mental and spiritual well-being.

These activities can help students take control of their lives. Picking up an activity that does not involve intellect, that is unlike school activities, can help students find a balance in their life. They can relax, play, grow and discover their true potential only through proper utilization of their leisure time.

Expository Essay Topics

Got a gist of how to write an expository essay? Let us have a look at some easy yet interesting expository essays that you can use –

Descriptive Essay

1. Describe your School 2. Describe your Pet 3. How Diversity can affect a Classroom? 4. Why do we Celebrate Christmas? 5. When you saw Snow for the first time

Problem-Solution Essay

1. Many students do not watch the news. How can this be a matter of concern for them? Are there any solutions to this issue? 2. Animal Abuse and Its Solutions 3. Global Warming and Its Solutions 4. What is Deforestation? Why is it a serious issue? How can this issue be solved? 5. How can we make our Community a Better Place?

Cause-Effect Essay

1. How air Pollution is affecting our Health? 2. Bullying in Schools – Causes and Effects 3. Peer Pressure and its Effects 4. Effects of Using Social Media 5. How Poverty affects urban and rural areas

Comparison Essay

1. Compare your two favourite sportspersons 2. Compare your current house to your dream home 3. Compare your two favourite TV shows 4. Watches – then and now! 5. Compare a place you visited recently with your city

Process Essay

1. How to Make Friends 2. How to Study 3. How to Take Care of your Dog 4. How to Fix a Table Fan 5. How to Write a Diary Entry

Got some inspiration to start with your own essay? So why delay? Start wiring your essay today itself. We hope that these topics would have given you a fair idea of what topic you can choose for your expository essay. Happy Writing!

If you need help in writing essays or in the preparation for NAPLAN , you can find online English tutors  and  online Math tutors  on CrunchGrade .

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Informative Essay Topics For Middle School Students

Informative Essay Topics For Middle School

As students progress through middle school, they are required to write essays in a variety of different styles. Informational style essays are one such type of essay that middle school students need to be proficient in. Writing informative essays help students to develop their research skills and teaches them how to write in an objective and informative way.

One of the hardest things when teaching or writing informative essays is coming up with an interesting topic to write about. So, we have put together a useful list of 30 fun and interesting informative essay topics for middle school students to write about. Before we look at these topics, let’s first review what informative essays are.

What Is An Informative Essay?

An informative essay informs and educates the reader on a particular topic. This type of essay should never express an opinion or a persuasive argument. Rather, an informative essay can define, analyze, compare, or inform the reader on how to do something. Due to the informative nature of this kind of essay, students must research and fact-check what they write to ensure the information they are providing to the reader is true and accurate.

How To Write An Informative Essay

Most of the work for an informative essay takes place before the writing even begins. Once you have chosen a topic, you need to research the topic thoroughly and outline the steps you will take when writing your essay. Here are the steps to take to write a good informative essay:

  • Choose A Topic.
  • Research: Conduct research to fact-check your existing knowledge and to discover more about your chosen topic.
  • Outline Your Essay: Write down the facts/information about your chosen topic in a logical way that will be easy to follow for your reader.
  • Write Your Introduction: Write an introduction providing an overview of your chosen topic and an outline of what you will discuss in the essay.
  • Write The Main Body Text: Write 3/4 paragraphs detailing the main points about your chosen topic. Remember, these should inform only, and so should not express an opinion or try to persuade the reader.
  • Write The Conclusion: Summarize the information you have provided in your informative essay, making sure to include each of the main facts.
  • Proofread Your Essay: Once you have completed your first draft, proofread your essay and check it makes sense and flows together in a logical way. Also, check for typos and spelling mistakes.
  • Create The Final Draft: The last step to writing an informative essay is to create your final draft. Check to see if there are any sentences or paragraphs you can re-write to make them clearer or more concise.

Here are 30 interesting informative essay topics for middle school students to write about. If you would like to download a PDF of this list of topics, you can do so below.

  • The harmful effects of overusing your cell phone.
  • The steps to make a delicious pizza.
  • The role of social media in providing news.
  • How to book an airplane ticket.
  • The steps to make a viral YouTube Video.
  • A short history of computer game consoles.
  • What happens during photosynthesis?
  • Describe your latest vacation.
  • A brief history of the blockchain.
  • Describe your role model.
  • Describe the life of a famous woman from history.
  • How to upload a video to YouTube.
  • Why sugar makes us fat.
  • The differences between cats and dogs.
  • Define cryptocurrency.
  • Describe the origins of your favorite sport.
  • How to cook poached eggs.
  • Why are university students in so much debt?
  • How a car works.
  • How to read a train timetable.
  • What’s the difference between TikTok and Instagram?
  • A brief history of social media.
  • How cellphones work.
  • Describe the life of your favorite sports personality.
  • The difference between evaporation and boiling.
  • What are the main tourist attractions in your country?
  • What are the main reasons for climate change ?
  • What are the most popular social media platforms today?
  • Describe what ‘cookies’ in your internet browser do.
  • Describe what artificial intelligence is used for today.

Informative Essay Topics PDF

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Download a printable PDF of these informative essay topics.

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25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

Looking for informative essay writing prompts? I’ve got you covered!

An informative essay is a staple in middle school ELA and high school English classrooms. An informative essay is a type of writing meant to inform the reader about a specific topic. Informative essays are based on facts and evidence and are not meant to persuade or argue a particular point of view.

When I teach informative essay writing to my students, I specify that essays should all be in one tense and written entirely in the third person. To help my students keep their writing in the third person, I like to use this Writing Spotlight: Writing in the Third Person mini-unit alongside my Informational Essay Writing Unit .

I’ve got you covered if you are looking for informational, informative, or explanatory writing prompts to use in your classroom!

Here are 25 informative essay writing prompts to get you started.

  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major world event (e.g. the fall of the Berlin Wall, the first moon landing)
  • Write an informational essay about the life and accomplishments of a significant historical figure (e.g. Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi)
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of a major environmental issue (e.g. climate change, deforestation)
  • Write an informational essay about self-driving cars,
  • Write an informational essay about an endangered animal and its habitat.
  • Write an informational essay about the development and impact of a major scientific or technological breakthrough (e.g. the invention of the internet, the discovery of antibiotics)
  • Write an informational essay about the role and importance of a specific branch of government (e.g. the judicial branch, the executive branch)
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of a natural disaster (e.g. an earthquake, a hurricane) on a specific community or region
  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major cultural movement (e.g. the Harlem Renaissance, the feminist movement)
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of social media on communication and relationships
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of poverty in a specific region or country
  • Write an informational essay about what makes someone a hero.
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of globalization on the economy and culture of a specific country or region
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of obesity in the United States
  •  Write an informational essay about the effects of advertising on consumer behavior
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of air pollution on human health and the environment
  • Write an informational essay about the role and impact of the media in shaping public opinion
  • Write an informational essay about three causes of social media addiction
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and consequences of cyberbullying
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of video games on mental health and social development
  • Write an informational essay about how sugar affects the brain
  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major world landmark (e.g. the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower)
  • Write an informational essay about the role and impact of the arts in society
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of music on the brain and behavior
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of technology on the education system and learning.

I hope that you find these informative essay writing prompts helpful!

If you are looking for more writing prompts, be sure to check out these additional blog posts:

  • 50 Argument Essay Prompts
  • Growth Mindset Writing Prompts
  • Back-to-School Writing Prompts

Informative Essay Teaching Unit

Engage your students in this informational and expository essay unit that will help them learn how to write academically! This explanatory, expository, and informational writing unit includes everything you need to teach informational and explanatory writing to your middle and high school students.  Plus, all of the digital and print materials are included!

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“ This is a fantastic resource. The graphic organizers have been amazing for supporting my students as they write essays. The guide says it is for grades 7th through 10th, but I am working with my 6th graders on informative writing and I think these are great resources and tools for them too. Thank you!”

“ Amazing product. This has everything you need to strengthen your student’s writing skills. The Daring English Teacher’s Blog is what I recommend for all my new teacher friends so they can see what a quality lesson includes. The handouts are easy to follow, and slide decks are thoughtfully laid out.”

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informative essay middle school example

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Informative Essay Guide

Informative Essay Outline

Last updated on: Jun 20, 2023

Learn How to Create an Informative Essay Outline

By: Jared P.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Jun 1, 2021

Informative Essay Outline

An informative essay is written to educate readers on a particular topic. This type of essay can be written for several purposes, such as defining a term or comparing and contrasting something. This type of essay doesn’t require your opinion on the topic.

The purpose of writing an informative essay is to educate others on a certain topic. You should not express your opinion and do not try to persuade others to take a certain action.

If you are writing an informative essay for the first time, better create an outline first. The informative essay outline will help you structure your essay in the best way possible.

In this blog, you will learn about the basic rules for creating an informative essay outline. These guidelines and a sample outline are designed to help students get started with their projects successfully.

Informative Essay Outline

On this Page

What is an Informative Essay Outline?

An informative essay outline is like a checklist or action plan that you need to complete. The outline helps the writer not to lose focus while working on the essay. Creating an outline is not necessary, but expert writers recommend it. An outline is the only way not to get lost in the middle of the writing process.

The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to highlight ideas that you want to include in your essay.

Writing an outline is important because of the basic structure that it provides. In addition, the outline should contain some specific details regarding the layout of the essay. Creating an outline prior to the essay writing process is the key to writing a successful essay.

Essay Outliner

Outline Your Way to Writing Excellence!

How to Write an Informative Essay Outline?

The layout of an informative essay is similar to other types of academic essays. These include argumentative essays, persuasive essays, narrative essays, etc.

The outline for an informative essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Understanding what to include in each part of the informative essay is very important for a successful informative essay.

Informative Essay Introduction

Any idea how to start an informative essay?

Remember this is the section where you need to introduce your topic and provide a thesis statement. In a few lines, introduce the topic you are writing your essay on and provide some background information.

The introduction should end with a strong thesis statement. This statement should tell the audience what direction your essay is going to take. Therefore, make sure the thesis statement is brief, clear, and concise.

Tips for Writing an Effective Introduction:

  • Make sure to narrow down the scope of your essay.
  • There must be a connection between your introduction and thesis statement.
  • Hook your readers at the start of your introductory paragraph.

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Informative Essay Body Paragraphs

The main body of an informative essay is usually composed of three paragraphs. There are two things that you should consider while composing the body paragraphs of an informative essay. One is the target point, and the second is supporting facts.

Each body paragraph of an informative essay should begin with an idea (topic sentence). This is one sentence statement on which the whole paragraph will be based on. This statement must be in cohesion with the thesis statement written in the introductory paragraph.

After that, provide supporting evidence from the most credible sources. The evidence you provide must relate to your main target point. Don’t forget to quote sources and properly cite information to avoid plagiarism.

At the end of each body paragraph, summarize your points and explain their relevance to the thesis statement. Effective body paragraphs for an informative essay depend on the following points.

  • Making a claim
  • Evidence in support of the claim
  • Provide an explanation in the last

The informative essay can have more than three body paragraphs depending upon the chosen topic.

Tips for Effective Body Paragraphs:

  • Do not provide your opinion or point of view on the topic.
  • Completely rely on facts and research.
  • Discuss the strongest point in the first body paragraph.
  • Don’t forget to use transition words for a smooth flow of information in your body paragraphs.

Informative Essay Conclusion

This is the last part where you need to wrap up your information. Begin the conclusion by restating the thesis statement. After that, write about your major arguments and their purpose. The goal of the conclusion is to provide the reason for your informative essay and its importance in the real world.

The conclusion should describe the purpose of your informative essay and what it means for your readers. You should summarize your key arguments and provide a strong closing statement to summarize all your key points.

Tips for a Strong Conclusion:

  • Highlight the key points of your argument.
  • Do not introduce any new ideas in the conclusion.
  • Restate the thesis in other similar words and terms.

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Informative Essay Outline Template Free

Most of the essay outline contain the same elements. But each essay outline has particular points that you need to focus on. It is important to be well-aware of the distinctive features to come up with a good informative paper.






Informative Essay Outline Example

Wondering where you can get free informative essay outline examples? Having a well-written example in hand will help you in coming up with successful work. You can easily find many informative essay examples online for your help.


Sample Informative Essay Outline

Hopefully, the above guidelines and examples help you in writing a great informative essay. However, informative writing is sometimes not easy, especially when you are working on an unfamiliar topic.

In this situation, it is better to get help from professional writers. At, we provide the best ‘ do my essay paper ’ help to students struggling with their academic papers.

Our essay writers can help you create high-quality essays and research papers in no time. To get the best custom essay writing help, all you need is to contact us and hire our essay writer.

Whether you need help with your informative essay topic or with the complete writing process, we can help.

Place your order now and get the best essay writing help from professionals.

Jared P.

Masters Essay, Literature

Jared P. is a renowned author and writing service provider with over fifteen years of experience in the publishing industry. He has a Ph.D. degree in English Literature and has spent his entire career helping students achieve their academic goals by providing expert writing assistance.

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informative essay middle school example

Informative Essay Topics to Suit Every Preference

informative essay middle school example

Exploring the best informative essay topics unveils a wealth of intellectual treasures, with surprises around every corner. Consider this: Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have unearthed pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. Much like the timeless nature of honey, the world of informative essays offers an enduring appeal, providing a reservoir of knowledge that withstands the test of time. Whether you're delving into the wonders of nature, the pages of history, or the intricacies of modern science, the choices are as diverse and enduring as the golden sweetness of honey.

Short Description

Discover the essence of informative writing as our paper writing experts delve into what is an informative essay and unravel the art of selecting a compelling topic. Navigate through the intricacies of crafting a well-rounded essay that both educates and captivates. From understanding the structure to polishing your prose, our exploration extends to the nuances of creating an informative masterpiece. Uncover a treasure trove of possibilities as we present a comprehensive list of topics spanning the realms of science, history, technology, and beyond.

What Is an Informative Essay

In the academic landscape, an informative essay stands as a unique form of writing with the primary objective of imparting knowledge rather than steering opinions. This genre encapsulates a diverse array of subjects, ranging from the historical trajectory of the Internet to the tangible advantages associated with meditation practices. What distinguishes these essays is their adaptability, accommodating various writing styles such as descriptive, comparative, cause and effect, and even narrative approaches.

What makes informative essays intellectually invigorating is their demand for thorough research. Engaging in this writing process is akin to embarking on a scholarly exploration, requiring the unearthing of insightful information to enhance one's understanding of a given topic. The underlying charm lies not only in the broad spectrum of subjects but also in the commitment to presenting information objectively, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.

Contrary to being exclusive to academia, this type of essay writing offers a pathway for inquisitive minds to expand their knowledge horizons. They serve as an accessible invitation for anyone seeking to gain insights into new realms. The significance of these essays lies in their capacity to empower readers through the delivery of factual, unbiased information.

In the following section, we'll unravel the process of choosing topics for informative essays that not only intrigue but also contribute to the broader tapestry of knowledge acquisition.

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How to Choose Informative Essay Topics

Choosing the right informative essay topic is essential for crafting an engaging and insightful piece. The topic should be interesting, relevant, and informative. So, what is the first step to creating an informative essay? Here are five tips from our custom essay writing service for selecting a great topic for an informative essay:

how to choose informative essay topics

Identify your interests and passions - Start your informative essay journey by tapping into your passions and interests. Consider topics that resonate with you personally, whether it's a hobby, a specific field, or an experience you've encountered. This personal connection not only makes the research process more enjoyable but also enriches your writing with genuine enthusiasm.

  • Example: If you're passionate about environmental sustainability, you might explore ideas for informative essay like the impact of urbanization on local biodiversity, the effectiveness of recycling programs, or innovations in eco-friendly technologies.

Research current events and trends - Stay in the know by researching current events and trends that capture your interest. This approach ensures that your informative essay remains relevant and addresses topics that are both timely and engaging.

  • Example: Dive into topics such as the influence of social media on public discourse, the evolving landscape of remote work, or the ethical considerations surrounding emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.

Consider your audience - Tailor your informative essay to your audience by considering their age group, interests, and needs. Think about what would resonate with them and what knowledge they might find valuable or intriguing.

  • Example: If your audience comprises young adults, you might explore topics like the impact of social media on mental health, sustainable lifestyle choices, or the role of technology in shaping future career paths.

Focus on a specific aspect of a broader topic - Narrow down broad topics to a specific aspect, allowing for a focused and in-depth exploration in your essay.

  • Example: Instead of tackling the broad theme of 'global health,' narrow your focus to the impact of a specific disease on a particular demographic or the effectiveness of a public health intervention in a specific region.

Brainstorm with others - Collaborate with peers, classmates, or colleagues to brainstorm informative essay ideas. Engaging in discussions with others can bring fresh perspectives and novel ideas to the table.

  • Example: Discuss with classmates the potential informational paper topics related to advancements in technology, environmental sustainability, or societal changes. Their insights might lead to unique angles or specific aspects of these broad themes that you hadn't considered.

A List of Good Informative Essay Topics

The key to a compelling, informative essay lies in selecting the right topic, a choice that significantly influences the quality and engagement of your piece. With numerous options available, the challenge often lies in where to begin. In the following paragraphs, we'll delve into various informational topics to write about, spanning current events, social issues, science, and technology, offering a diverse array of subjects for students. These topics not only provide ample opportunities for research but also cater to different purposes—whether your goal is to educate, persuade, or simply inform. So, let's explore some great informative essay examples , sparking inspiration and setting you on a path for a successful academic writing journey!

Easy Informative Essay Topics

These easy informative essay topics are great starting points for those who want to write a straightforward and informative essay without getting too complicated.

  • How Do Plants Make Food?
  • Why Do Birds Migrate?
  • The Life Cycle of a Frog
  • What Causes Earthquakes?
  • Types of Clouds and What They Mean
  • Why Do Leaves Change Color in Fall?
  • How Do Bees Make Honey?
  • The Importance of Recycling
  • Why Do We Need to Drink Water?
  • What Causes Thunder and Lightning?
  • The Journey of a Raindrop
  • How Do Vaccines Work?
  • Why Do Some Animals Hibernate?
  • The Role of the Sun in Our Solar System
  • The Process of Photosynthesis
  • What Causes Tides?
  • How Do Our Lungs Work?
  • Why Do Stars Twinkle?
  • The Importance of Exercise for Our Bodies
  • How Do Magnets Work?

Informative Essay Topics for Middle School Students

The following informative paper topics are tailored specifically for middle school students and cover a wide range of subjects that are both interesting and relevant to their age group.

  • How Computers Work: Inside the Box
  • Amazing Animal Adaptations for Survival
  • Exploring Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
  • The Life Cycle of Butterflies: From Caterpillar to Butterfly
  • All About the Solar System: Planets and Beyond
  • Discovering Dinosaurs: Giants of the Past
  • The Water Cycle: From Clouds to Rain and Back Again
  • Volcanoes: Nature's Fiery Spectacles
  • Understanding the Human Body: Organs and Systems
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics: Traits and Heredity
  • The Power of Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar, and Water
  • The Wonders of the Amazon Rainforest: Earth's Green Lung
  • Incredible Inventions: From the Wheel to the Internet
  • The Importance of Saving Endangered Species
  • Exploring Ancient Rome: Gladiators, Emperors, and More
  • Ocean Life: Diving into the Deep Blue Sea
  • Weather Wonders: Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Storms
  • The Magic of Chemistry: Elements and Reactions
  • Famous Explorers: Journeying to New Lands
  • The Importance of Kindness: Spreading Joy and Compassion

Informative Essay Topics for High School Students

Here are some great essay topics for high school students. Our college essay writing service recommends conducting thorough research, providing evidence to support your claims, and presenting your findings in a clear and organized manner.

  • The History and Impact of the Printing Press on Society
  • The Science Behind Solar Energy: How It Powers Our World
  • Understanding DNA: The Blueprint of Life
  • The Role of Photosynthesis in Plant Growth
  • Exploring the Effects of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • The Importance of Recycling: Saving Our Planet One Step at a Time
  • From Farm to Table: The Journey of Food in Our Modern World
  • The Fascinating World of Cryptography: How Codes Keep Information Safe
  • The Story of the Internet: How It Changed Communication Forever
  • Inside the Human Brain: Exploring Neuroplasticity and Learning
  • The Power of Volcanoes: How They Shape the Earth's Landscape
  • The Evolution of Video Games: From Pong to Virtual Reality
  • The Art of Origami: History, Techniques, and Modern Applications
  • The Wonders of the Coral Reef: Biodiversity Under the Sea
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Polar Ice Caps
  • Understanding the Stock Market: How Investments Work
  • The Journey of a Raindrop: Exploring the Water Cycle
  • The Science of Dreams: What Happens When We Sleep?
  • The World of Microbes: How Tiny Organisms Affect Our Lives
  • The Beauty of Fibonacci Numbers: Mathematics in Nature

Informative Essay Topics for College Students

Here are some informative essay topics for college students that span a wide range of subjects that will help you in your academic and professional endeavors.

  • How To Budget Your Money Wisely
  • The Secrets of Efficient Time Management
  • Why Recycling Matters for Our Planet
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Choosing the Right Career Path for You
  • Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget
  • Understanding the Basics of Personal Finance
  • The Importance of Regular Exercise for Health
  • How to Develop Strong Study Habits
  • The Benefits of Volunteering in Your Community
  • Simple Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
  • Exploring Different Types of Renewable Energy
  • How to Start Your Own Small Business
  • The Impact of Technology on Daily Life
  • The Art of Effective Communication
  • Understanding Diversity and Inclusion
  • Basic First Aid Skills Everyone Should Know
  • The Importance of Setting Achievable Goals
  • Exploring Different Cultures Around the World
  • Tips for Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Fun Informative Speech Topics

These fun, informative speech topics are designed to engage and entertain audiences while still providing informative and educational content.

  • Crazy Sports You've Never Heard Of
  • Making Tiny Worlds: Model Making Fun
  • Strange Sea Creatures: Deep Sea Exploration
  • Why Are Pigeons the Funny Birds?
  • Ever Noticed Drama Among Dogs?
  • How Do Houseplants Ruin Decor Quietly?
  • Can You Relate to Being a Dancing Disaster?
  • Why Do Toddlers' Logic Puzzle Parents?
  • What's the Deal with Online Dating Adventures?
  • What Stories Do Sneakers and Their Laces Have?
  • Any Awkward Elevator Encounters to Share?
  • Ever Struggled with Parallel Parking?
  • Movie Magic: How Special Effects Work
  • Weird Jobs People Actually Do
  • When Does Coffee Save Your Day?
  • What's the Secret Life of Gym Equipment?
  • Ever Embarked on a Remote Control Hunt?
  • Any Public Transit Tales to Share?
  • How Creative Can Office Pranks Get?
  • Have You Survived Food-Fight Fiascos?

Creative Informative Speech Topics

These creative essay topics are designed to spark curiosity and interest in unique and unconventional subjects.

  • What Mysteries Lie Beyond the Stars in Astrophysics?
  • How Can Chemistry Spice Up Your Home Life?
  • From Ape to Human: The Epic Journey of Evolution
  • What’s the Secret of Shale Gas?
  • How Do Cyclones Come to Be?
  • Why Does Lightning Choose to Strike?
  • Can You Live and Breathe Music as a Lifestyle?
  • How Did Rock and Roll Shape Today's Music Scene?
  • Is Global Basic Income a Solution to Economic Inequality?
  • What are the World's Most Hilarious Traditions?
  • How to Transform Your Hobby into a Business?
  • Why are Reforms Vital to Combat Domestic Violence?
  • What are the Secrets to Low-Investment Business Launches?
  • How Does Hydroelectricity Work?
  • The Ripple Effect: Exploring Fluoride's Impact in Water
  • Can You Learn Moonwalking?
  • Tying the Knot: A Global Journey into Marriage Traditions
  • How Near-Death Experiences Transform Us?
  • What's the Magic Behind Northern Lights?
  • What Does Your Handwriting Reveal?

Extra Ideas for Informative Essay

These unique ideas cover various informative writing topics that can appeal to various interests and tastes.

  • Will Digital Banking Shape the Future of Money?
  • Who's Keeping Corporations in Check? 
  • How Global Policies Shape Businesses?
  • How Does Divorce Affect Kids?
  • Is Love Unconditional? Exploring Family Bonds
  • Siblings: Partners in Crime or Lifelong Influencers?
  • What's the Story Behind Our Money?
  • Is Dark Chocolate Really a Healthy Food?
  • Why Do We Need Vitamins and Minerals?
  • Clear Eyesight or Risky Business? The LASIK Surgery Debate
  • Are We Polluting Our Planet Beyond Repair?
  • Why Does School Keep Getting Pricier?
  • Feeling the Heat: How Global Warming Threatens Us All
  • Earth's Guardians or Destroyers? The Impact of Corporate Actions on the Environment
  • Why Are Farm Prices Going Up?
  • Can Stress Really Wreck Your Health?
  • Could Going Vegan Transform Your Life?
  • Is Knowing Health the Secret to Shedding Pounds?
  • What Makes Street Gangs Stick Around?
  • What Drives Millennials and Gen-Z?

Informational Paper Topics about Sports

These informative essay topic ideas cover a broad range of sports-related subjects that can be explored in an informative paper.

  • Does How You Play Change Soccer Matches?
  • What Factors Shape Athletes' Success?
  • What Makes Teams Click in Competitive Sports?
  • How Do Coaches Make Players Perform Better?
  • Do Tennis Routines Boost Performance?
  • Does Feeling Tired Impact Soccer Games?
  • Do Soccer Schools Make Better Players?
  • Can Fitness and Food Keep Athletes Safe?
  • How Do Sports Rules Differ Around the World?
  • How Do Our Minds Affect Sports Injuries?
  • Does When You Eat Affect How You Play Sports?
  • Can Food Make You Better at Sports?
  • Does Having Enough Nutrients Help Athletes Perform Better?
  • What Foods Make Tennis Players Ace Their Game?
  • Does the Court Surface Affect Tennis Injuries?
  • Do Special Programs Really Stop Sports Injuries?
  • Is Doping Cheating in Sports?
  • Can Sports Help the Environment?
  • Does Media Influence How We See Sports?
  • Do Sports Preserve Culture and Identity?

The Final Thoughts

In conclusion, selecting a topic for an informative essay can be challenging, but choosing a subject that is engaging, informative, and relevant to the target audience is crucial. Whether you are writing for high school, college, or professional audiences, there are endless possibilities for good topics for informative essays. Now that you understand what is the purpose of an informative essay, you must know that the key is to identify a topic you are passionate about, conduct thorough research, and present your findings in a clear and organized manner.

Meanwhile, you can always get top-notch papers from our team of experienced writers. You can even do math homework of any degree of complexity using our paper writing platform!

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What Are Some Informative Essay Topics?

What are good informative essay topics.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

informative essay middle school example

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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  1. A Plethora Of Writing Examples For Middle School (& High School)

    Expository writing examples for middle school. Below are several sources of expository writing samples for middle school students. The Write Source Expository Writing Samples; Holt, Rinehart, Winston Expository Essay Models; Finally, here is an article in the New York Times that will help you teach your students real-world expository writing ...

  2. Informative Essay

    Informed Decisions: In the business world and personal life, informative essays can provide the necessary background to make informed decisions. Understanding all aspects of a situation or topic can lead to better problem-solving strategies and outcomes. 8. Cultural and Social Engagement.

  3. 70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

    Informative writing can include how-to process essays, biographical writing, an in-depth analysis of a topic, research papers, or compare-and-contrast essays. Just remember to stick to the facts, and be clear and descriptive. These informative essay topics offer something for all interests and ages. Jump to: How-To Informative Essay Topics

  4. Informative Essay

    Purpose of informative writing. The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer's motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic's intricacies. Informative essays may introduce readers to new information. Summarizing a scientific/technological study.

  5. Writing an Informative Essay

    A well-written informative essay should include an introduction (hook, bridge, thesis), a body (topic sentence, research, explanation), and a conclusion (reframed thesis and call to action). While ...

  6. Informative Essay Topics for Middle School

    Informative Essay Topics for Middle School. Instructor David Raudenbush. David has been an educator for over 20 years. He holds a bachelor's degree in communications and journalism as well as a ...

  7. Writing an Informative Essay

    Informal Writing. 5. Now follow each numbered step in the "Suggested Outline Format and Sample" below. Sample answers have been provided for "I. Introduction" and "II. First Cause.". A complete sample outline can be seen here. A complete sample informative essay can be seen here.

  8. Informative Essay

    Middle School ; High School ; College ; Graduate and Post-Grad ; ... There are four types of informative essay. One example would be a definition essay about gothic architecture. Another is a ...

  9. How to Write an Informative Essay: Expert Guide

    Keeping It Real: These essays are all about the facts. No opinions allowed. We want to keep things fair and honest. Topics Galore: You can write about anything you find interesting, from science and history to things about different cultures. Where You Find Them: Informative essays can pop up anywhere, from your classroom assignments to the pages of magazines or even online articles.

  10. Expository Essay Examples for Middle and High School

    Get past the thesis statement with two examples of expository essays. Learn more about the format, requirements, and types of expository writing for middle and high school.

  11. Informative/Explanatory Writing in the Classroom, Grades 3-12

    You can add a twist to the informative essay and provide your students with some lesser-known days of celebration. This would encourage students to do some research and inform their audience. Here are some possible calendar celebrations students could research and write about:

  12. PDF Informative Essay

    An informative essay educates your reader on a topic. They can have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to. They do not, however, present an opinion or try to persuade your reader. Examples are; animals, a country, a sport or club, cooking. Below is a list of more ideas. 1 ...

  13. Examples of Informative Essays

    Informative essays must be educational and objective. Follow a guide to structuring one, download a sample essay, or pick a topic from our list of examples.

  14. 25 Best Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

    Descriptive Essay - describes a place, thing or an experience. Problem-Solution Essay - presents a problem and its solution. Cause-Effect Essay - finds the cause of something and its impact. Comparison Essay - compares and contrasts two things. Process Essay - explains a process.

  15. PDF Intro to Writing, Part 7: Introductions and Conclusions

    This tutorial is adapted from Jump Inby Sharon Watson, our popular middle school writing curriculum. 1. You are writing to convince a friend NOT to watch a certain movie or read a particular book. 2. You are writing to explain the interesting lives of three kinds of frogs: their eating habits, habitats, and so on. 3.

  16. Informative Essay Topics For Middle School Students

    Here are 30 interesting informative essay topics for middle school students to write about. If you would like to download a PDF of this list of topics, you can do so below. The harmful effects of overusing your cell phone. The steps to make a delicious pizza. The role of social media in providing news.

  17. 25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

    An informative essay is a staple in middle school ELA and high school English classrooms. An informative essay is a type of writing meant to inform the reader about a specific topic. Informative essays are based on facts and evidence and are not meant to persuade or argue a particular point of view. Read on to read 25 informative essay writing prompts!

  18. Student Writing Models

    Student Models. When you need an example written by a student, check out our vast collection of free student models. Scroll through the list, or search for a mode of writing such as "explanatory" or "persuasive.".

  19. Informative Essay Outline: Step by Step Guide & Examples

    Effective body paragraphs for an informative essay depend on the following points. Making a claim. Evidence in support of the claim. Provide an explanation in the last. The informative essay can have more than three body paragraphs depending upon the chosen topic. Tips for Effective Body Paragraphs:

  20. 150+ Informative Essay Topics for All Students

    The following informative paper topics are tailored specifically for middle school students and cover a wide range of subjects that are both interesting and relevant to their age group. How Computers Work: Inside the Box. Amazing Animal Adaptations for Survival. Exploring Ancient Egyptian Pyramids.

  21. PDF The Basic Five Paragraph Essay: Format and Outline Worksheet

    There is an Outline worksheet on the back of this page to help you start planning the content, order and organization of your essay. Paragraph 1: Introduction -- If possible, open with an attention-getting device to interest the reader (perhaps a quote or question). Introduce the topic of your essay in general, and present some context for this ...