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Computer Games Essay

This page analyzes a  computer games essay  and also notes how you can make good use of the question to plan and organize your essay.

You have to be careful with this essay as although you have to discuss the pros and cons of the issue, there is a second part to the question that is not about this.

Take a look at the IELTS task 2 question:

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games. 

What are the positive and negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?

The Topic and the Task

Remember to always analyze the question carefully. The topic should be fairly clear:

  • Computer games

Remember to also look carefully to see if the topic is being narrowed down to a particular aspect of the topic. In this case it is:

Children Computer Games Essay

Now you need to check what the task is. How many things do you have to write about?

Hopefully you realized there are three things that you can easily turn into brainstorming questions:

  • What are the positive impacts of computer games on children?
  • What are the negative impacts of computer games on children?
  • How can the negative impacts be minimized?

Your answers to these questions will form your computer games essay.

You do not have much time and you have three things to answer, so one or two ideas for each is enough, as remember you will need to explain your ideas and give examples.

Now, take a look at the model answer.

Computer Games Essay Question:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Computer Games Essay Model Answer:

Access to computers has increased significantly over recent decades, and the number of children playing games on computers has increased too. This essay will consider the positive and negative impacts of this and discuss ways to avoid the potential negative effects.

With regards to the positive effects, playing computer games can develop children’s cognitive skills. Many popular games require abstract and high level thinking skills in order to win, skills that may not be taught at school. For example, children need to follow instructions, solve complex problems and use logic in many of the games that are currently popular. Such experience will be beneficial to a child’s progression into an adult.

However, concerns have been raised about the prolific use of computer games by children, much of this related to the violence they contain. The problem is that in many of the games children are rewarded for being more violent, and this violence is repeated again and again. For instance, many games involve children helping their character to kill, kick, stab and shoot. This may lead to increased aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviours.  

In order to minimize these negative impacts, parents need to take certain steps. Firstly, some video games are rated according to their content, so parents must check this and ensure their children are not allowed to have access to games that are unsuitable. Parents can also set limits on the length of time games are played. Finally, parents should also take an active interest in the games their children are playing so they can find out how they feel about what they are observing. 

To sum up, there are benefits of computer games, but there are disadvantages too. However, if parents take adequate precautions, the severity of these negative impacts can be avoided.

( 295 Words )

This computer games essay is well-organized and it directly answers the question, with each paragraph addressing one of the tasks.

Note how the topic sentences match the tasks (which have been taken from the prompt):

  • What are the positive impacts of computer games on children ?

With regards to the positive effects, playing computers games can develop children’s cognitive skills.

  • What are the negative impacts of computer games on children ?

However, concerns have been raised about the prolific use of computer games by children, much of this related to the violence they contain.

  • How can the negative impacts be minimized ?

In order to minimize these negative impacts, parents need to take certain steps.

This is why analyzing the question is so important. This provides you with the basic building blocks with which to write your essay.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 858 - some people regard the video games as harmless fun, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people regard the video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them..

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample: Playing video games

IELTS writing sample playing video games

Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that video games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. 

In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

Playing video games has become a popular pastime activity for many people. While it is claimed by some that such games do not have any harmful effects on players and are in fact educationally beneficial, I believe that playing them is more harmful than useful.

On the one hand, some video games might help players develop sharper cognitive skills. For instance, people who play strategic video games have to analyze the enemy movements, familiarize themselves with the virtual environment, think of a strategy, and react fast enough to fight the foes. All these require using critical thinking, spatial memory, and fast mental processing speed. Developing such skills will help students with subjects like mathematics. Moreover, playing such games has been reported to trigger the secretion of Serotonin, which is also called the pleasure-inducing hormone. Therefore, gaming might not only help people perform better at their tasks but also make them happier.

On the other hand, I would argue that there are two main drawbacks to such activities, which make the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. For one thing, playing such games can be highly addictive because they keep rewarding players for any little achievements in the game. As a result, gamers may choose to sit at their computers and spend a great deal of time playing. This becomes a problem when students opt to play games instead of doing their homework, or other people decide to replace social interactions in real life with virtual ones. For another, gamers spend a considerable portion of their day sitting and being physically inactive. This sedentary lifestyle leads to many health issues such as obesity and high cholesterol levels, resulting in more serious illnesses like diabetes and blocked arteries later in life. Hence, I believe that video games are not as beneficial as some may believe, and playing them should be limited in order to avoid poor health.

In conclusion, playing video games seems to help players with their mental skills, but it comes with dire costs to their education and health.

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IELTS WRITING TASK 2: Computer games

May 26, 2021 | IELTS , IELTS Test , IELTS Vocabulary , IELTS Writing

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of IELTS Reading Tips by Andrew Turner at English With An Expert

Below is a model answer for a Task 2 double question type essay. With this type of question, you need to take care to answer the question asked – and ensure that if the question includes a plural, you answer in the plural.

This model essay follows the following template:

  Introduction : with the position

1st Body Paragraph : the reasons gaming is popular

2nd Body Paragraph : why this is a good thing

Conclusion : repeating the position and main ideas 

The Question

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many people spend a large amount of their free time playing computer games.

What might be the reasons for this?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Writing General Task 2 Model Answer - Computer Games by Andrew Turner @ EnglishWithAnExpert.com

Video games, both those played on consoles at home and those on mobile devices on the go, are, for many, a welcome diversion from the pressures of daily life. Video games can give enthusiasts an outlet for creativity, a social environment in which to meet new people, and a platform on which to develop new skills. This is, therefore, often time well spent.

It is unsurprising that more people are spending their leisure time playing games; after all, the events of 2020 have kept most of the world’s population confined to their homes. Console, tablet and phone gaming are some of the few pastimes left available to us, keeping many people occupied during undeniably tough times. This is a continuation of a trend that began long before the pandemic; games console sales have been on the rise for years, with Sony’s PlayStation consistently among the most popular. 

Research suggests that this is good since playing video games – particularly certain types – may play a significant role in cognitive development. Outdated studies which linked gaming with decreased physical activity and other pejorative outcomes failed to make an important distinction: that between different genres. A first-person shooter, for example, may not deliver noticeable benefits to the player – although, for some, such games may improve their reaction times. Games centred around puzzles and problem solving, however, can substantially improve mental dexterity and acuity. 

To conclude, the trend towards spending more time playing video games is a positive development, giving otherwise unoccupied and isolated players a way to think laterally, make friends and devote energy to learning new things. These are positive outcomes, showing that the increasing amount of time people spend playing video games is undoubtedly a good thing. 

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Essay#3 | Video Games

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task..

  • Analyse the question. (1-2 minutes)
  • Brainstorm as many ideas as you can. (2 minutes)
  • Make a plan for the answer. Decide how many paragraphs you will need and choose ideas from the fist you have fact brainstormed, in your plan, note down examples you want to use as well. (2 minutes)
  • Write your answer following your plan. While writing your answer, try to use some conditional sentences and the type of emphatic language you looked at in Activity 6. Keep the sample answer in front of you as a model. (30 minutes)
  • Check your work carefully for mistakes. (4 minutes)

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays many people have access to computers and a large number of children enjoy playing video games.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games for children?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model answer.

In today’s world where we all have access to the internet, more and more children are playing computer games and their popularity is increasing all the time. This essay will look at the positive aspects these games can have and also the negative effects on children.

Firstly, as education is becoming more demanding for many young people, computer games can provide a way of relaxing and reducing stress. Computer games can take us into different worlds where we can escape from reality. In addition to this, computer games today are very advanced and can help children develop their thinking skills. Instructions need to be understood and games often include complicated problems which need to be solved.

However, there are also many problems with the increasing popularity of computer games. Many children become addicted to them and they play for hours, sometimes through the night. In South Korea, the government has banned children from playing games after midnight as the problem was so great and the effect on education was very negative. Furthermore, some children find it difficult to identify what is real and what is virtual. Some people argue that this has led to a rise in crime inspired by video games. This is not proven, but it is undeniable that games today can be very violent.

To sum up, there are both advantages and disadvantages with computer games and it seems that parents need to exercise caution and monitor their children’s activity as some games may be more suitable than others.

(252 words)

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Model Essay 1

As digital media increasingly infiltrates the daily lives of children, concerns about its impact on mental health persist. I contend that television and video games offer both risks and benefits, which I will examine through their potential to impair social interactions and cognitive development, alongside their capacity to enhance educational outcomes and strategic thinking skills.

Critics often highlight the potential negative effects of excessive screen time on children, citing issues such as reduced attention spans, impaired social skills, and increased aggression. Research indicates that children immersed in violent content may exhibit more aggressive behaviour, potentially due to the normalization of violence and their inability to distinguish between real and virtual scenarios (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Furthermore, sedentary screen time can replace more cognitively stimulating activities, such as reading and interactive play, which are crucial for development. Extended screen viewing might also contribute to sleep disturbances, further impacting cognitive functions and mood. However, it is essential to recognize that these outcomes largely depend on the nature of the content consumed and the amount of time spent in front of screens.

Conversely, television and video games also have potential benefits when used appropriately. Educational programs like 'Sesame Street' have been shown to enhance literacy and numeracy in young viewers through engaging formats that mirror classroom learning strategies. These programs often incorporate interactive elements that encourage viewers to think and respond, thereby actively engaging their cognitive skills. Similarly, strategic and role-playing video games can develop problem-solving skills, enhance strategic thinking, and improve hand-eye coordination. These games require players to make quick decisions and solve complex problems, which can translate into improved academic and real-life skills. Moreover, these platforms can serve as a social bridge, connecting children with peers over shared interests, thereby fostering social skills and collaboration. This is particularly beneficial for children who may have difficulties in traditional social settings.

In conclusion, while television and video games can indeed influence negative behaviours and displace crucial developmental activities, they also hold the capacity to bolster cognitive skills and educational growth. The effects hinge significantly on content quality and the moderation of screen time, demonstrating that these media forms are not inherently harmful but require careful management.

Model Essay 2

The prevailing view that television and video games negatively impact children's mental health is one I wholeheartedly contest. I argue that these mediums, when utilized judiciously, can actually foster cognitive and emotional growth, providing valuable educational content and promoting social connections among peers.

Contrary to popular belief, television and video games are not inherently harmful; rather, their impact is largely determined by the content and context in which they are used. Educational programs and games are specifically designed to stimulate mental development and creativity in young minds. For instance, shows like "Blue's Clues" and games such as "Minecraft" encourage problem-solving and critical thinking skills by presenting scenarios that require analytical thinking and creativity. These interactive experiences are beneficial for cognitive stimulation, contradicting the assertion that all screen time is detrimental. Additionally, with the advent of educational technologies, children can experience personalized learning journeys that adapt to their individual learning pace, further enhancing their engagement and comprehension.

Moreover, the assertion that television and games encourage antisocial behaviour overlooks their capacity to foster community and teamwork. Many video games require cooperation, strategy, and communication, qualities that are indispensable in real-world social interactions. Online platforms and multiplayer games create spaces for children to interact across cultures and geographies, broadening their social horizons and teaching them about teamwork and cultural diversity. For example, games like "Fortnite" and "Roblox" offer children a venue to collaborate, compete, and connect with others, which can enhance their social skills and emotional intelligence. These games also often involve problem-solving under pressure, teaching resilience and strategic planning—skills that are valuable in educational and social contexts.

In conclusion, the belief that television and video games inherently harm children's mental health is an oversimplification. When used appropriately, these platforms can significantly enhance a child's cognitive and social skills. It is critical to leverage the potential of these digital tools to complement traditional educational methods and social interactions, rather than dismissing them as harmful.

Model Essay 3

The advent of ubiquitous digital entertainment has sparked intense debate regarding its influence on the mental well-being of our youth. I unequivocally agree that the pervasive exposure of children to television and video games is detrimental, focusing on how these activities impede developmental growth and foster negative behavioural patterns.

Firstly, the overconsumption of screen time is directly correlated with significant detriments to cognitive and emotional development in children. Research by Gentile et al. (2004) shows that prolonged exposure to television and video games is linked to shorter attention spans and poorer academic performance, suggesting a causal relationship. The passive nature of watching TV contrasts sharply with the active cognitive engagement required by activities like reading or playing educational games, which are crucial for the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the instant gratification provided by on-demand media can diminish persistence, a key trait necessary for overcoming academic and personal challenges. This trend towards immediate satisfaction may undermine a child's ability to endure longer and more complex tasks, which are common in educational settings.

Moreover, the content often found in these mediums can lead to antisocial behaviour and emotional desensitization. Frequent exposure to violent scenes has been shown to normalize aggression as a conflict resolution method, a link strongly supported by psychological research from Anderson & Dill (2000). This exposure to violence can blunt emotional responses to real-life aggression, making such behaviour seem acceptable or trivial. Such media consumption also displaces valuable social interactions that are essential for learning empathy and cooperation. The replacement of real-world interactions with virtual ones can inhibit a child's ability to interpret and respond to social cues, potentially isolating them from their peers and leading to emotional withdrawal. This isolation is concerning as it may also prevent children from developing strong interpersonal relationships, which are foundational for emotional stability and social development.

In conclusion, the negative ramifications of extensive television watching and gameplay among children cannot be overstated. These activities stunt cognitive growth and foster undesirable behaviours, thereby posing a substantial threat to their mental health.

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Some people regard video games as useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that video games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

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IELTS essay about the advantages and disadvantages of computer games

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published November 1, 2015 · Updated April 20, 2024

IELTS essay

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games and give your own opinion.

Sample response

Computer games are addictive. That is the main reason children play them for hours on end. There are several disadvantages to spending a lot of time in front of the computer.

Computer games merely provide entertainment. Children who are addicted to computer games tend to have poor grades because they do not get enough time to focus on their studies. Also, they have reduced social skills. They are constantly glued to their screens and show hardly any interest in interacting with their family members or peers. This can lead to social isolation and serious behavioural problems.

Some popular computer games glorify violence and crime. Children who grow up playing these games may get into anti-social activities. Even if they don’t become criminals in the future, they may still exhibit a disregard for values. Computer games also cause vision problems in children. Children are not supposed to stare at the computer screen for hours on end. If they do, they will develop serious eye strain which may also affect their studies.

On the bright side, computer games make children competitive. Games that require them to play against virtual or real opponents living in another part of the world improve their concentration and ability to take decisions quickly. These are definitely positive aspects but a child does not have to play computer games to develop these skills.

To conclude, after analysing the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games it is not hard to see that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In my opinion, parents should restrict the amount of time their children spend in front of the computers. That said, there is no harm in playing a game or two every now and then, but addiction is definitely a problem.

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Manjusha Nambiar

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Video Games and Children Nowadays

IELTS Writing Task 2: Video Games and Children Nowadays

Most of the children these days are spending their time playing computer games and spend less time playing outdoor sports. Why is this? Is this positive or negative?

In modern times, a majority of kids are indulged in playing computer games for long hours and dedicated less time for playing out of door activities  (1) . This trend is the result of reduced social interaction, and I believe this tendency has a negative impact, in terms of children lacking the behaviour of socialization (2) . The main reason for children being too much involved in video games is not having supporting environment that can help kids to play with other children. This can be attributed to the fast phase of urban life where most of the people are completely involved in a day to day activities and does not have time to spare for interaction with others (3) . As a result, almost all families are leading an isolated life. Thus kids growing in these families have rare interaction with their neighbours and this promotes them to spend most of their time in the home (4) . All these factors lead to children investing more time in video games which can be played alone and in fact looks very attractive to kids (5) . In my view, the trend of kids getting immersed in computer game leads to adverse ramifications. This is because kids who start playing video games get addicted to it and rarely show interest in other activities. This kind of behaviour and attitude gradually leads to children lacking interest in activities played in open space. In addition, due to limited interaction with the society, kids are even showing a lack of involvement in community functions. In conclusion, modern society has witnessed a change in the pattern of activities played by kids (6) . This is purely a matter of change in the lifestyle of the whole society which has an adverse effect on children in terms of lacking social behaviour. 297 words

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in italics is taken from the text, the word underlined is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • In modern times, a majority of kids are indulged in playing computer games for long hours and dedicate less time to out-of-door activities — ‘out-of-door’ is spelled using dashes, it is also somewhat old-fashioned, maybe the more-widely accepted ‘outdoor’ would be better; you don’t “play” an activity (this mistake will repeat itself in the last paragraph).
  • This trend is the result of reduced social interaction, and I believe this tendency has a negative impact, in terms of children lacking social skills  — normally, complex constructions seem more favourable from a student’s perspective — an examiner ought to get impressed with the verbal intricacy. However, I’d take a simple and clear ‘social skills’ over a more sophisticated ‘behaviour of socialization’ any day.
  • This can be attributed to the fast phase of urban life where most of the people are completely involved in a day-to-day activities and do not have time to spare for interaction with others. — ‘Day-to-day’ is an adjective here so it should be hyphenated. The verb ‘to do’ refers to ‘people’ and therefore should be plural.
  • this encourages  them to spend most of their time at  home (or inside ) — you can’t use ‘promote’ in the sense ‘make do something’. Secondly, if you mean the opposite of ‘out-of-doors’, then stick to two suggested words.
  • All these factors lead to children investing more time in video games which can be played alone and in fact looks very attractive to kids  — consider rephrasing the second part of the sentence after ‘and’ (e.g. All these factors lead children to invest more time in video games, which are fun to play even alone ).
  • In conclusion, modern society has witnessed a change in the pattern of activities chosen/favoured  by kids  — this inaccuracy was explained in #1.

This text could use a more diverse vocabulary: word ‘activity’ was used 6 times, ‘interaction’ and ‘lack’ – 4 times each, ‘children’ – 8 times. As some words can be problematic to paraphrase, try building your sentences with verbal variety in mind. You might want to try

Another issue is use of Continuous Tense — there are 15 verbs that use this tense in the text. The author has to make sure to use it with a purpose in mind. I didn’t correct any of it assuming (sic!) that the tenses are used intentionally.

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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Video Games

01/08/2024 10:22 AM

General Rules:

ielts essay about video games

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer., talk about yourself. this part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person)..

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and linking words, idioms and phrases, business phrases, types of video games:.

Here are some popular types of video games. There are many more and many of them are a mix between all of these:

Do you play video games?

My Personal Answer:

Yes, I do. It is a great pastime and when I can I'll play RPG games . These are my favorites, where you have a character and you need to go on a long adventure , killing monsters , saving people , and leveling up , getting stronger and stronger in the process. I've been playing games such as the famous RPG World of Warcraft for over 18 years.

Do you watch others play video games?

A "No" answer:

Not really. I dont understand why some watch another person playing a game when I can play that game myself. I can only watch for a guide or help if I need it, but in general, I prefer playing the games and not watching them like a movie.

Do you think people spend too much time playing video games?

Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others, can games be harmful to young people.

I mean , there is harm in everything, if it's done mindlessly without consideration . There are a lot of young people who get hooked on spending a lot of money on their video games, and I blame mainly governments for allowing companies to design video games for profit and not for entertainment . Money and spending should be banned or heavily restricted in video games, period , and it is time for leaders to wake up and realize the harmful practices video game creators use to lure teenagers to gamble inside their games.

Are video games educational?

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What Is Your Favorite Sports Video Game? We Want to Know.

Sports video games are emotionally powerful and an opportunity for bragging rights. Which one is still stuck in your mind?

In a video game screenshot, a player in a white jersey prepares to strike a soccer ball with his right foot as a player in a red jersey charges behind him. The goalkeeper begins to sprawl in the foreground.

By Jason M. Bailey

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater deserves all of its praise but Jason M. Bailey was just as smitten by another 1999 classic: Virtua Tennis. Vive Cédric Pioline!

For nearly two decades, my childhood obsession with professional football spilled into the virtual realm. I devoured video games like NES Play Action Football, Tom Landry Strategy Football, Madden 95, NFL Quarterback Club 98 and NFL 2K.

Before the technology caught up, I would meticulously write down statistics on lined notebook paper after each game so I could compare my season totals with N.F.L. records. One New Year’s Eve, I played NFL Blitz 2000 with friends for eight consecutive hours.

Sports video games are emotionally powerful, and many people can summon memories at the mention of a cherished title: NHL 94. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! NBA Jam. Forza Horizon 5. MVP Baseball 2005. Rocket League.

So I want to know, what is your favorite sports video game of all time?

Fill out the form below, and we may feature your response in an upcoming article. We will not publish or share your contact information outside the New York Times newsroom, and we will not publish any part of your submission without contacting you and hearing back from you.

What Is Your Favorite Sports Game?

Inside the world of video games.

What to Play Next?: For inspiration, read what our critics thought about the newest titles , as well as which games our journalists have been enjoying .

Mysteries of the Afterlife:  In a strong month for indie games , our critic checked out the 10-hour adventures of Hauntii, Crow Country and Paper Trail.

Beyond the Uncanny: For the hyperrealistic visuals in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II , the studio traveled to Iceland and spent months on motion capture.

Minecraft Turns 15:   A robust speedrunning community  is smashing records and keeping interest in Minecraft high. (Pro tip: Spawn near Buried Treasure.)

Building on Success: Hades II pursues a tantalizing past , our critic writes. The small studio behind the game was once considered anti-sequel .

A Rooting Interest:  Many people can summon memories at the mention of a cherished sports video game. We want to know which one is your favorite .


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  4. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 858

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Some people regard the video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

  5. IELTS Essay: Computer Games

    Analysis. 1. Computer games have become increasingly popular in an age of mobile devices and advancing graphical interfaces. 2. While some claim there is educational value in these games, I would side with those decrying the propagation of a passive lifestyle. Paraphrase the overall essay topic. Write a clear opinion.

  6. IELTS Essay: Computer Games

    Read more about introductions here. 1. The primary cause of increased interest in games is their availability. 2. In the past, computer games could only be played on desktop computers at home. 3. Now, it is possible to play the same essential games on laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 4.

  7. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample: Playing video games

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    Sports video games are emotionally powerful, and many people can summon memories at the mention of a cherished title: NHL 94. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! NBA Jam. Forza Horizon 5. MVP Baseball 2005 ...