
Essay on How to Prevent Natural Disasters

Students are often asked to write an essay on How to Prevent Natural Disasters in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How to Prevent Natural Disasters

Understanding natural disasters.

Natural disasters are extreme, sudden events caused by environmental factors. Examples include floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. They can cause great damage and loss of life.

Preventing Natural Disasters

While we can’t stop these disasters, we can take steps to lower their impact.

Learn about the common disasters in your area. Understand their causes and effects.


Make a disaster plan. This includes evacuation routes and emergency supplies.

Building Standards

Stronger buildings can withstand disasters. Support rules for safer construction.

Environment Care

Healthy environments can reduce disasters. Plant trees to prevent floods and landslides.

250 Words Essay on How to Prevent Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes, are inevitable events that occur due to the Earth’s natural processes. While we cannot prevent these natural occurrences, we can mitigate their impacts through strategic planning and preparation.

Early Warning Systems

One of the most effective ways to reduce the impact of natural disasters is through early warning systems. These systems use technology to detect early signs of disasters, providing time for evacuation and preparation. They rely on advanced technologies like seismic monitoring for earthquakes and meteorological data for storms.

Infrastructure Design

Another crucial aspect is the design and construction of infrastructure. Buildings, bridges, and roads should be designed to withstand the forces of natural disasters. This involves using advanced engineering principles and materials, as well as considering the local geological and climatic conditions.

Education and Preparedness

Public education is also vital. People need to understand the risks associated with natural disasters and how to respond when one occurs. This includes having emergency kits, knowing evacuation routes, and understanding basic survival skills.

Environmental Conservation

Lastly, environmental conservation plays a role in preventing natural disasters. Deforestation can lead to landslides and flooding, while climate change can exacerbate storms and droughts. Therefore, sustainable practices and policies are necessary to maintain the balance of our ecosystems.

In conclusion, while we cannot stop natural disasters, we can significantly reduce their impact through early warning systems, resilient infrastructure, education, and environmental conservation. These strategies require a collaborative approach, involving governments, communities, and individuals.

500 Words Essay on How to Prevent Natural Disasters


Natural disasters are inevitable occurrences that can cause significant harm to human life, property, and the environment. They include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and droughts, among others. While we cannot completely prevent these natural events, we can significantly mitigate their impact through strategic planning and preparedness.

Understanding the Nature of Disasters

The first step towards disaster prevention is understanding the nature of disasters. This involves studying the patterns of past events, their causes, and impacts. By analyzing these patterns, we can forecast potential disasters and plan for them accordingly. For instance, seismologists study the earth’s crust to predict earthquakes, while meteorologists study weather patterns to forecast storms and hurricanes.

Infrastructure Planning and Design

Infrastructure plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact of natural disasters. Buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures should be designed and constructed to withstand the forces of nature. For instance, in earthquake-prone areas, buildings can be designed with shock absorbers and reinforced concrete to resist seismic forces. Similarly, in flood-prone regions, buildings can be elevated, and drainage systems can be improved to prevent waterlogging.

Effective Land Use

Land use planning can significantly reduce the risk of natural disasters. Urban planning should consider the natural hazards of the area. For instance, construction should be avoided in floodplains and landslide-prone areas. Forest management practices can also help prevent wildfires by reducing the amount of combustible material.

Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change has been linked to an increase in the frequency and severity of some natural disasters, such as hurricanes and droughts. Therefore, efforts to mitigate climate change can also help prevent these disasters. This can be achieved through reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, and implementing sustainable agricultural practices.

Community Preparedness and Education

Community preparedness is vital in disaster prevention. This includes developing emergency response plans, conducting drills, and educating the community about potential hazards and how to respond to them. Public awareness campaigns can help individuals understand the risks and take appropriate actions to protect themselves and their property.

Preventing natural disasters is a complex task that requires a multifaceted approach. It involves understanding the nature of disasters, planning and designing infrastructure, effective land use, climate change mitigation, and community preparedness. While we cannot completely prevent natural events from occurring, we can significantly reduce their impact and save lives through strategic planning and preparedness.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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how to prevent natural disasters essay

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Natural Disaster Essay: How to Write, Topics, & Examples

how to prevent natural disasters essay

What would you do if someone told you that a tsunami would wipe out your house tomorrow afternoon? You won’t believe them. It always seems that natural disasters happen in someone else’s life. But every year, millions of people worldwide suffer from various natural calamities. This article attempts to systemize the chaos of nature for you to write an impressive natural disasters essay. You will get acquainted with the seven types of disasters, get a long list of topics and examples of natural disaster essay in 200 words and 300 words.

  • 🌪️ Natural Disaster: The Basics
  • 💡 114 Essay Topics
  • 📑 Outlining Your Essay
  • 🌊 Essay Sample (200 Words)
  • 🏜️ Essay Sample (300 Words)

🌪️ Natural Disaster Essay: What Is It About?

A natural disaster is a large-scale meteorological or geological event that can to cause loss of life or massive damage to people’s property. Floods and severe storms are the most reported acts of nature in the US, but other incidents also happen from time to time. That is why you can dedicate your essay on natural disasters to earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, or tornadoes.

The picture lists the 7 main types of natural disasters.

💡 114 Natural Disasters Essay Topics

What could you write in a natural disaster essay? You can invent your own topic about various types of natural disasters, their causes, and aftermath, or their impact on human life and the economy. Depending on the discipline, you can also describe historic calamities that changed the direction of human civilization. Alternatively, choose one from our comprehensive list below.

  • Why are the Great Plains of the central US ideal for tornado formation?
  • Global Warming and Climate Change Legislation .
  • Research the atmospheric parameters inside a tornado.
  • Energy, Technology and Climate Change .
  • Why are the boundaries of Tornado Alley in the US so debatable?
  • The global climate change as a manmade disaster.
  • Which actions should you never do when a tornado is nearby?
  • Volunteers’ Role During Disasters .
  • Suggest your opinion on the best action strategy in a hurricane.
  • The Columbia Disaster and safety violations.
  • What were the causes and effects of a flood?
  • Analysis on Climate Change and Global Impact .
  • Describe the most devastating wildfires in the US and find their common features.
  • Earthquake Engineering Considerations and Methods .
  • Brainstorm ideas to prevent wildfires.
  • Global warming and the greenhouse effect.
  • How can building dams cause earthquakes?
  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Freshwater .
  • Analyze the impact of droughts on tourism .
  • Climate Change Effect on Coral Reef Communities .
  • Describe the most extended droughts in human history.
  • Marine and Coastal Climate Change in Australia .
  • Write an essay on natural disasters and earthquakes in particular.
  • Air pollution and mortality rates
  • What are the distinctive features of droughts in third-world countries ?
  • Global Warming, Climate Change, and Society’s Impact on the Environment .
  • Study the relationship between global warming and droughts.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After a Hurricane .
  • Evaluate the damage caused by Hurricane Maria in 2017.
  • Social Media’s Role in Disaster Response .
  • Classify the effects of natural disasters in an essay.
  • Sustainability and Climate Change .
  • Describe the 1815 volcanic eruption of Mt. Tambora, Indonesia.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Overview, Impact, Response .
  • Each new leap of civilization causes new responses of nature.
  • Animal Exploitation. Animal Agriculture and Climate Change .
  • Think of any positive effects a volcanic eruption may have.
  • In Arizona, Collaboration Averts Water Disaster .
  • Children are the poorest victims of any disaster.
  • A Solution to Remedy Climate Change .
  • Which ways of disaster risk reduction do you know?
  • An Emergency Operations Center During Hurricane Harvey .
  • Research the current problems in disaster management.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan for Information Technology Organizations.
  • Analyze ineffective disaster management in an essay about hurricane Katrina.
  • Nurse Competencies and Scope of Practice in Disaster.
  • What should a household have at home in the case of a disaster?
  • Hurricane Katrina: The Powerful Natural Disaster .
  • Describe the humanitarian disaster during the drought in Somalia.
  • Technology in Disaster Preparedness .
  • Can man-made disasters entail natural calamities?
  • Disaster Management in Philadelphia .
  • Review the criteria for disaster classification.
  • Jeddah Floods and Adaptation Strategies in the City of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia .
  • Search for real examples of hybrid disasters.
  • Natural Disasters Prevention: A Tabletop Exercise .
  • Who is responsible for casualties after a natural disaster?
  • The Sand Storms: Remote Sensing and Meteorological Variables .
  • List the lessons we could learn from our past disaster experience.
  • Fire Development, Growth, and Spreads .
  • The ice storm and silver thaw: A gentle disaster.
  • Fire Crisis Management in the UAE .
  • Rockslides: A pressing issue for rural areas.
  • 1d – 2d Flood Modeling Using PCSWMM .
  • What are the psychological benefits of disaster preparedness?
  • Structural Control and Origin of Volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
  • When does a blizzard become a disaster?
  • Extreme Weather Events + Geographies of Globalization .
  • Research the causes of dust storms and name the affected areas.
  • Strategies for Sustainable Integrated Oil Disaster Management in West Africa .
  • Why did the San Francisco earthquake (1906) cause devastating fires?
  • Causes of Climate Change .
  • What could be done to help people who lost their homes in an earthquake?
  • Book Review: Energy and Global Climate Change .
  • Analyze the role of World Vision in humanitarian aid after disasters.
  • Tangshan earthquake of 1976 showed that high population density is disastrous.
  • The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change .
  • Rock avalanche: Why water is the most powerful geological agent.
  • Aspects of Climate Change .
  • When do extreme weather conditions turn into a disaster?
  • Climate Change: Reasons, Kyoto Protocol .
  • Write an article on shelter-providing organizations for disaster victims.
  • Establishing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan .
  • Describe earthquake cycles in Haiti.
  • Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food .
  • How can nature damage ecology in natural disasters?
  • Climate Change. Problems. Effects .
  • Disaster management should include psychological help to the survivors.
  • Climate Change Causes: Position and Strategies .
  • Suggest ways to prevent damage caused by debris flow.
  • HAT 4: Disaster in Franklin Country.
  • How did the lack of evacuation after the Bhola cyclone (1970) result in the massive death toll?
  • The Effects of Climate Change .
  • The most significant Yellow River flood: 2 million deaths in 1887.
  • Resilience Building Against Natural Disasters in the Caribbean Islands .
  • Sinkholes: A natural disaster or attraction for cavers and water-divers?
  • Global Climate Change and Health.
  • Describe the dynamics of landslides in California .
  • Which early-warning systems to detect avalanches do you know?
  • Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action .
  • Pyroclastic flow: The deadliest volcanic hazard.
  • Communication During Disaster Response .
  • Describe the volcano eruption of Vesuvius that destroyed the Herculaneum and Pompeii.
  • Disaster Planning for Families .
  • Disaster prevention measures: Investments that save millions of lives.
  • Natural Disaster Management and Historical Prospective Study in the UAE .
  • Research the PTSD in survivors of natural disasters.
  • Are the latest disasters the nature’s fightback to humanity?
  • Estimate the human impact on natural disasters.
  • List the countries with the largest number of disasters and find their standard features.
  • Everyday Communication on Climate Change .
  • Insurance coverage against disasters: Our inevitable future.
  • Emergency Planning Before and After Hurricane Katrina.
  • One natural disaster could bring the world to its end.

Haven’t found a suitable topic in the list above? Use our essay topic generator to get more ideas.

📑 Natural Disaster Essay Outline

Outlines differ, depending on the assigned length and essay type. It is a reference sample. Feel free to modify it, extending some points and narrowing the others. Still, the overall structure should remain the same. We have chosen the “Causes of Earthquakes” essay topic for demonstrative purposes.

  • Hook . There are millions of possible ways to start your essay, from a rhetorical question to any imaginable scenario. The point is to grab the reader’s attention, showing them that your writing is unique and creative. For example: We are always concerned with the consequences of a natural disaster. But what brought us into such a calamity in the first place?
  • Concepts. Natural disasters can be studied in the framework of various disciplines. But in all cases, they are linked with geology, biology, chemistry, geography, and some other subjects with broad and complicated terminology. Explain the terms that could be elusive for your readers here. For example: For the purposes of this essay, an earthquake is a sudden displacement of the land surface.
  • Background. How did you come to think of this problem? Why is it topical? The causes of earthquakes are numerous and often unrelated. To understand them as a system, we need a strict classification.
  • Thesis statement . Clearly state the aim of your essay. This essay attempts to group the causes of earthquakes to determine which factors can be tackled by human forces.
  • Transition sentence. It comes in the previous sentence (for paragraphs 2 and 3) and ensures smooth reading. E.g.: Tectonic movements are the most powerful causes of earthquakes, and we cannot influence them. But still, there is something we could do.
  • Topic sentence . What will you explain in this paragraph? Human interference with nature can also cause earthquakes.
  • Evidence. How can you confirm the topic sentence? Heavy clubbing of dam water can disturbance the crustal balance. Nuclear bombing causes shockwaves that penetrate the surface, changing the tectonic plates and their natural alignment. Mining can also cause earthquakes by removing extensive volumes of stone from under the ground.
  • Warrant. Why does the reader need this information, and how does it relate to the thesis statement? Knowing these facts can help us change the old-fashioned approaches and lessen the ecological damage to our planet.
  • Summary. Collect and summarize all your arguments here. Tectonic movements, volcano eruptions, and geological faults cause a significant part of earthquakes worldwide. But various man-made causes bring us to the same result.
  • Rephrased thesis. We cannot stop the tectonic movements or hinder volcanic eruptions, but we can use natural resources with more care.

🌊 Natural Disaster Essay 200 Words

Below you will find a short natural disaster essay for 200 words. It explores the causes and effects of the tsunami in Japan in 2011.

Tsunami in Japan: Causes and Effects The proximity of the deadliest disasters is often unpredictable. As a result, the consequences of a tsunami can exceed any possible expectations. This essay looks for the decisive factors that caused the tsunami in Japan in 2011 and its results for the local population and other countries. The causes were out of human control and could not be predicted. The Pacific plate moved in the horizontal and vertical plane, advancing beneath the Eurasian Plate. It displaced the seawater above and entailed several destructive waves. The disaster had enormous consequences for the Japanese people and their economy. It killed almost 16,000 people, although the country had a sophisticated alarming system. Besides, the earthquake caused fires and explosions at oil factories. The cooling system of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant went out of service. Two people were lost, and many were injured. Nissan, like many other large corporations, had to suspend the operation of its four factories. The economic losses due to the catastrophe amounted to 300 billion dollars. But the disaster moved to other places. On 24 March 2011, the earthquake in the east of Myanmar claimed the lives of 60 people and destroyed 300 buildings. As we can see, everything is linked on our planet. Movements of the earth’ crust in any part of the world bring about earthquakes and tsunami in other countries. The series of waves in Japan was caused by the underwater earthquake and had horrible consequences.

🏜️ Natural Disaster Essay 300 Words

If your assignment is longer, you will have to provide your opinion in the essay. Or, you can make your argumentation more detailed. Below you can check our 300-word sample of a disaster essay.

The Economic Effects of the Dust Bowl Drought When someone says “a natural disaster,” we usually imagine an earthquake or a tsunami. Buildings are destroyed, and property is lost. But imagine a scenario of a devastating drought, which happened in the US in the 1930s. Its effect is less visible because it lies in the domain of the national economy. This essay reveals the economic consequences of the Dust Bowl drought. During the third decade of the XX century, strong winds raised choking dust in the southern states, from Texas to Nebraska. People and animals died as the crops failed in the area for several years in a row. The Dust Bowl lasted for almost a decade and was also called “the Dirty Thirties.” This drought intensified the impact of the Great Depression. Local farmers had to migrate to urban areas in search of better conditions and other sources of living. About 2.5 million people moved West from the worst-hit states, namely New Mexico, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Kansas. But they found only discrimination, meager salaries, and inhuman working conditions. Many had to live in tents near irrigation ditches. They were called “Okies,” a disdainful name for migrants of any state. Regular rains returned to the southern states by the end of 1939, closing the drought. However, the economic aftermath persisted. The counties that suffered the most failed to recover the agricultural value of their land till the 1950s. Thus, the local population kept decreasing for twenty years. Although a drought does not ruin property, it can tangibly lower human life levels. The Dust Bowl threw people into a lose-lose situation. Their farms were unfit for gaining any profit, and the new places of living gave them no better opportunities. It took two decades to restore public wellbeing in the Southern States.

Researching the worst acts of nature can teach you to value what you have. We hope that this article has made your creative writing more manageable and pleasurable. You can write an essay of any length by simply following our outline. All you will need to do after that is make a cover page for it.

Please share your natural disaster essay ideas in the comments below.

❓ Natural Disaster Essay FAQ

How to write an essay about natural disaster.

Your approach should depend on the discipline. But in any case, you can discuss the types of disasters, their consequences, characteristics, and preconditions. The excellent idea is to select a past disastrous event and analyze it from the economic, social, or individual point of view.

What Is a Disaster Essay?

A disaster essay explores the stages of a natural or man-made calamity and seeks the possible ways to prevent similar emergencies in the future. An article on disaster management studies the correct and efficient activities to lower the casualties and property loss after a disaster.

What Is Disaster Preparedness Essay?

This type of writing analyzes the level of readiness of a region or municipality to an unexpected natural disaster. You can highlight the vulnerable groups of the population that will suffer the most. Or, you may invent measures that could reduce the disaster response and coping time. Such assignments teach you strategic thinking and a systematic approach to problem-solving.

How to Describe a Natural Disaster for an Essay?

You should specify that the event was unexpected and led to many deaths and property loss. The most critical things include the causes of the disaster, its progress and duration, and the negative consequences for the locals. You can also specify the negative effect on the economy and humanitarian condition of the area.

🔗 References

  • Natural Disasters and Severe Weather | CDC
  • Types of Disasters | SAMHSA
  • Natural Disaster – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
  • Natural Disasters – National Geographic
  • What Is Disaster Management: Prevention and Mitigation

The StudyWord

Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters

You have come to the right place if you are looking for a ‘Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters’. Here you will learn about the causes, effects and solutions to natural disasters. In the following paragraphs.

you will find a detailed essay of 10 lines for children and a long essay of over 1000 words, which you can use for school projects, exams, etc. Let’s get started on our essay about how to prevent natural disasters without further delay.

One of the twenty most important and urgent global issues in the 21st century is preventing natural disasters and reducing their impact. There is an increase and severity of this issue that makes it necessary to implement global procedures to reduce disasters… repeating disasters have forced the international community to take responsibility for them.

Table of Contents

Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters 150 Words

It is simply a sudden event or happening that can either be natural or man-made and may result in damage or loss of life to the surrounding environment. Disaster Management was established in order to promote preparedness and better response to unforeseen events that can cause harm to people and the environment.

Designing and planning efficient ways to deal with natural and man-made disasters is the purpose of Disaster Management. As part of this central function, the situation must be better controlled, evaluated immediately, medical aids and transports should be called up, food and drink supplies are provided, among other things, and the surroundings must be protected from further harm and remain lawful throughout the entire process. With climate change prevalent in the contemporary scenario, disaster management has gained further importance, as shown by the unprecedented wildfires in Australia.

As a result, the planet is becoming overwhelmed by technological devices, and their impact on climate and the environment cannot be avoided. As a consequence, disaster management has become an essential part of every country’s efforts to become efficient and prepared for natural as well as man-made disasters.

Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters

Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters 250 Words

The human and economic costs of disasters are tremendous. They may result in thousands of deaths, severe injuries, and food shortages. Depending on the nature and duration of the disaster, most severe injuries and deaths occur during the impact, while disease outbreaks and food shortages often occur much later.

In order to minimize the impact of disasters, it is important to anticipate their potential consequences before they strike. A community’s emergency response capability is ultimately tested during disasters. Three major steps must be taken to manage disasters, including pre-disaster preparation, during disaster preparation, and post-disaster preparation.

In pre-disaster management, information and data about disasters are collected, vulnerability zones are prepared, and people are made aware of them. The vulnerable areas have to take other steps to prevent disasters, such as disaster planning, preparedness, and prevention measures.

As part of emergency rescue and relief operations, victims are evacuated, shelters and relief camps are built, water, food, clothing, and medical aids are provided. It is crucial to conduct such operations on an emergency basis. Following disasters, victims should be rehabilitated and recovered. To cope with future disasters, capacity building is important.

Due to the vulnerability of about two-thirds of India’s geographical area and equal number of its people to disasters, these measures are especially important for it. In addition to passing the disaster management bill and establishing the National Institute of Disaster Management, the Indian Government has taken some steps to manage disasters.

Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters

Essay on How To Prevent Natural Disasters 500 Words

A natural disaster is any natural event that adversely affects human socioeconomic conditions. This would refer to accidents other than those caused by humans, such as earthquakes, floods, or volcanic eruptions. A natural phenomenon that is considered harmful only because it is accompanied by man-made physical systems.

There are many types of natural disasters, but their spread and impacts vary from country to country because man-made structures, settlements and movements are perishable in nature.

In developing countries of the world, disasters cause a greater number of deaths and property losses than in developed countries, because developing countries are more destructively vulnerable than developed countries are more likely to suffer a disaster. Natural disasters are more likely to affect people in developing countries than they are in developed countries, naturally.

Natural disasters are defined in terms of risk as the possibility of changes in the natural environment in a given area during a given period of time. The associated risk is the loss of life, property, or government activities following the event.

There has been an increase in major disasters since 1980, but the number of deaths due to disasters has declined to about 7%, while resource losses have decreased.

Natural disasters can be classified into the following types

The most common types of natural disasters are as follows:

  • Storms, cyclones, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, etc., are atmospheric disasters caused by atmospheric processes.
  • The Exogenetic Disasters caused by surface processes (such as erosion and groundwater pollution) are the Surface Exogenetic Disasters.
  • Natural Disasters caused by endogenous underground processes (earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) often overshadow the effects of endogenous underground catastrophes.

It is possible to identify natural disasters with seven key characteristics, namely the extent of event, the number of events, the duration, the aerial range, the onset speed, the spatial radiation, and the time interval between events.

The prevention of natural disasters and the management of them

It is essential to understand why natural disasters occur before we can prevent them. Natural phenomena cannot be stopped, but we can make them less damaging if we understand why they happen, and what we can do to prevent or mitigate them. Though most people are not directly responsible for natural disasters, they are indirectly responsible for many.

Natural Disasters can be reduced by following these tips

Science has yet to discover a cure for natural disasters. Only caution can minimize the effects of natural disasters, and it is equally true that different human civilizations also contribute to these disasters.

The growing trend of drought around the world can be mentioned in this context as a means of preventing some natural disasters by imposing some control on those self-destructive actions. The tendency of drought will increase as the earth is filled with wetlands and deforestation continues.

As a result, the global trend will also increase tremendously if we artificially control the flow of the river by building dams. Human beings must therefore immediately engage in their civilization’s development activities while keeping the environment in mind.

There have been a variety of national and international initiatives to prevent natural disasters around the world. Several governmental and non-governmental organizations are working around the world to protect the environment, while continental organizations have been established to provide early warnings of earthquakes, tsunamis, and catastrophic storms.

Currently, well-wishers throughout the world understand that if the environment is protected, people will be protected from disaster. This is why a huge campaign is taking place to protect the environment all over the world. Numerous international celebrities are participating in this campaign on a constant basis.

Each country has also formed disaster response teams at the national level, seeking to protect people from devastated areas through natural disaster response.

Thousands of people are killed each year by natural disasters, homes and infrastructure are destroyed, and money is lost. It is each of our responsibility to prevent these tragedies from taking place.

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How to fight against natural disasters

Wind energy on Global Wind Day

Major catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes lead to hundreds of people dying, being injured, suffering and being displaced every year. Such disasters also cause the destruction of homes and infrastructure, as well as the loss of millions of dollars. These natural disasters have an even more devastating effect when they occur in developing countries , such as Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, which left nearly a thousand dead in its wake.

In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly designated 13 October as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction " in order to promote a global culture of disaster reduction, including disaster prevention and mitigation ". The United Nations is therefore seeking to raise awareness of natural disasters through information campaigns promoting efforts to make communities and governments faced with such issues more resilient and able to respond to disasters .

how to prevent natural disasters essay

Preventing natural disasters: Fighting against climate change and resilience

Since it was first established, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases from human activity are impacting extreme climate phenomena. Global warming is causing various atmospheric phenomena to become increasingly violent and there is a strong link between natural disasters and climate change . So the first step to preventing potential natural disasters is reducing pollutant emissions.

It is also necessary to make states more resilient by looking forwards and preparing countries to deal with climate-related risks, from adopting conservation and restoration measures to improving infrastructure .

The best way to reduce damage: Being prepared for natural disasters

Not all states have the same resources to deal with a natural disaster. It is precisely this issue that is being addressed at this year's conference, which is focusing on increasing the number of countries with response strategies for this type of disaster . We can prevent or avoid extensive damage if we are prepared to handle such disasters.

Good governance of disaster risk is essential for making communities resilient to natural phenomena . This theory is already applied in many countries. For example, in the Netherlands , where rainfall is intense, there is a good control system in place for flooding; and in Japan , the country's high level of earthquake risk is well managed.

Investing in disaster resistance creates jobs and saves money . This is the view of António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations . "Making infrastructure more climate-resilient can have a benefit-cost ratio of about six to one. For every dollar invested, six dollars can be saved", says Guterres.

Sendai Seven campaign for reducing natural disasters

To reduce the number of deaths resulting from natural disasters, the UN launched the Sendai Seven campaign, which focuses on the seven objectives outlined in the Sendai Framework . This framework will be implemented over seven years (2016-2022), providing one year for each objective:

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

2016: To reduce disaster mortality.

2017: To reduce the number of people affected.

2018: To reduce economic losses.

2019: To reduce disaster damage.

2020: To increase the number of countries with response strategies.

2021: To increase international cooperation with developing countries.

2022: To make warning systems more readily available.

Do you think humans are able to prevent natural disasters in some way ? Leave us your comments to let us know what you think.

Sources: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

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How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essays

How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essays: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essay: Natural disasters are a recurring phenomenon that can cause immense damage to life and property. While we cannot control natural disasters, we can take steps to prevent or mitigate their impact. In this article, we will explore some ways to prevent natural disasters and minimize their impact on human lives and infrastructure.

In this blog, we include the How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essay , in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words . Also cover the How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essay for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and Essay Writing about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… The How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essay is available in different languages.

Table of Contents

How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essays

How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essays

Understanding Natural Disasters

Before we delve into ways to prevent natural disasters, it is essential to understand what causes them. A variety of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions can cause natural disasters. Some of these phenomena are caused by natural processes, while others are triggered by human activities such as deforestation, mining, and construction.

Prevention Measures

There are several measures that can be taken to prevent natural disasters or reduce their impact. Some of these measures include:

Early warning systems – Setting up early warning systems that can detect and predict natural disasters can help people prepare and evacuate in time.

Risk assessment and planning – Conducting risk assessments and developing disaster management plans can help identify vulnerable areas and take appropriate measures to prevent disasters.

Infrastructure development – Building infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods can help prevent damage to life and property.

Environment conservation – Conserving the environment and avoiding activities that can cause soil erosion, deforestation, and climate change can help prevent natural disasters.

Education and awareness – Educating people about natural disasters and their causes, and creating awareness about disaster management can help people prepare and respond appropriately during disasters.

Building codes and regulations – Implementing and enforcing building codes and regulations can help ensure that buildings and structures are designed and constructed to withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods.

Natural hazard mapping – Mapping areas that are prone to natural disasters can help identify high-risk areas and take appropriate measures to prevent disasters.

Ecosystem restoration – Restoring damaged ecosystems such as wetlands, forests, and rivers can help reduce the risk of floods, landslides, and other natural disasters.

Disaster response planning – Developing disaster response plans that include emergency response procedures, evacuation plans, and recovery strategies can help minimize the impact of natural disasters.

International cooperation – Natural disasters can have transboundary effects, and therefore, international cooperation is necessary to prevent and manage them. Sharing information, resources, and expertise can help prevent disasters and mitigate their impact.

Natural disasters can cause immense damage to life and property, but they can be prevented or mitigated by taking appropriate measures. Early warning systems, risk assessments, infrastructure development, environment conservation, education, and awareness are some of the ways in which we can prevent or reduce the impact of natural disasters. It is important for governments, communities, and individuals to work together to prevent natural disasters and ensure the safety of people and infrastructure. By taking proactive measures, we can minimize the damage caused by natural disasters and build more resilient communities.

Read More: Essay On Fire Safety

FAQs On How To Prevent Natural Disasters Essay

Question 1. How can we prevent natural disasters?

  • Preparedness is key to preventing natural disasters.
  • Building infrastructure and homes that are resistant to natural disasters can help prevent or minimize damage.
  • Reforestation and ecosystem conservation can help prevent landslides and floods.
  • Early warning systems, evacuation plans, and disaster management training can help save lives and reduce the impact of natural disasters.

Question 2. How can we prevent disasters 10 points?

Answer: Here are 10 ways we can prevent disasters:

  • Invest in disaster-resistant infrastructure: Buildings, bridges, and other structures should be designed and constructed to withstand natural disasters.
  • Implement early warning systems: Early warning systems can provide advanced notice of impending disasters, giving people time to prepare and evacuate if necessary.
  • Educate communities: Education on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery is essential in reducing the impact of disasters.
  • Preserve ecosystems: Conserving and restoring ecosystems can reduce the likelihood and severity of natural disasters, such as landslides and floods.
  • Invest in research: Research can provide new insights into the causes and prevention of natural disasters, as well as improve prediction and warning systems.
  • Improve land-use planning: Appropriate land-use planning can reduce the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters, such as avoiding building in flood-prone areas.
  • Develop and test emergency response plans: Emergency response plans should be developed, tested, and updated regularly to ensure they are effective in times of crisis.
  • Strengthen building codes: Building codes should be regularly updated and enforced to ensure that structures are safe and resilient.
  • Use technology: Technology, such as remote sensing and artificial intelligence, can improve early warning systems, mapping, and disaster response.
  • Provide financial support: Governments should provide financial support to communities and individuals affected by natural disasters, including providing insurance and financial assistance for disaster recovery.

Question 3. What is the best way to help natural disasters?

Answer: The best way to help with natural disasters depends on the specific disaster and its impact. However, here are some general ways to help:

  • Donate money: Donating money to organizations providing disaster relief is one of the most effective ways to help. This allows the organizations to purchase necessary supplies and provide aid to those affected.
  • Volunteer: If you are in the affected area, volunteering with local organizations or charities can help provide immediate assistance.
  • Donate supplies: Donating supplies such as non-perishable food, water, and blankets can be helpful, but it’s important to ensure that the supplies are needed and can be distributed effectively.
  • Raise awareness: Sharing information about the disaster and how people can help can raise awareness and encourage others to take action.
  • Be prepared: Preparing for natural disasters in advance, such as having an emergency kit and evacuation plan, can reduce the impact of the disaster and the need for external assistance.
  • Advocate for change: Addressing the root causes of natural disasters, such as climate change, can help prevent future disasters. Advocating for policy change and supporting environmentally-friendly practices can help reduce the frequency and severity of natural disasters.

Question 4. What are the 5 tips for the prevention of disaster?

Answer: Here are five tips for the prevention of disasters:

  • Develop a disaster preparedness plan: This plan should include emergency evacuation routes, emergency contact numbers, and provisions for essential items such as food, water, and medicine.
  • Stay informed: Keep track of weather conditions and other potential risks in your area. This can be done through weather apps, news outlets, and local authorities.
  • Be cautious with fire: Fires are a major cause of disasters. Avoid leaving fires unattended, dispose of cigarettes properly, and be careful with flammable materials.
  • Maintain your property: Keeping your property in good condition can help prevent disasters such as floods and landslides. Maintain drainage systems, repair roofs, and remove dead trees and branches.
  • Reduce your environmental impact: Climate change can contribute to the severity of natural disasters. Reducing your carbon footprint can help prevent future disasters. This can be done by using renewable energy, conserving water, and reducing waste.

Question 5. What are the four ways of preventing disasters?

Answer: There are several ways to prevent disasters, and here are four common ways:

  • Mitigation: Mitigation involves taking steps to reduce the impact of disasters before they occur. This can include measures like building stronger infrastructure, implementing early warning systems, and developing emergency response plans.
  • Preparedness: Preparedness involves planning and preparing for disasters before they happen. This can include creating evacuation plans, stockpiling supplies, and practicing emergency drills.
  • Response: Response involves taking action during a disaster to minimize damage and protect lives. This can include search and rescue operations, providing medical care and food and water, and restoring basic services like power and water.
  • Recovery: Recovery involves restoring normalcy after a disaster. This can include rebuilding damaged infrastructure, providing support for affected individuals and communities, and addressing the underlying causes of the disaster to prevent future occurrences.

The Earthquake Summary

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National Academies Press: OpenBook

A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural Disasters (1991)

Chapter: 3. awareness and education, awareness and education.

T he key to reducing loss of life, personal injuries, and damage from natural disasters is widespread public awareness and education. People must be made aware of what natural hazards they are likely to face in their own communities. They should know in advance what specific preparations to make before an event, what to do during a hurricane, earthquake, flood, fire, or other likely event, and what actions to take in its aftermath.

Equally important, public officials and the media — television, radio, and newspapers — must be fully prepared to respond effectively, responsibly, and speedily to large-scale natural emergencies. They need to be aware, in advance, of procedures to follow in a crisis that threatens to paralyze the entire community they serve, and they need to know how to communicate accurate information to the public during a natural disaster.

Special efforts must also be made to reach and plan for the care of particularly vulnerable segments of the population — latch-key children, the elderly, individuals in health care and correctional facilities, people with disabilities, and those who do not speak English — with information about possible disasters and what to do in an emergency.

The Committee recommends that community-wide awareness and education programs about natural disasters be made a national priority.

To achieve this goal, the Committee proposes that information campaigns and educational efforts be developed and that their effectiveness be evaluated and, where possible, continually improved:

Home. Household survival plans should provide basic information on what hazardous events are most likely to occur in particular communities, what emergency equipment and supplies should be on hand, what precautions should be taken to limit damage, and what preparations should be made for escape and evacuation. Such information might best be conveyed graphically, both in print and on television. Dramatic, easily recognizable graphic symbols signifying each natural hazard should be created and widely publicized to identify impending emergencies and quickly alert the public to the degree of seriousness and the imminence of danger.

To stimulate public awareness, brochures, posters, games, calendars, museum exhibits, public service announcements (for print, radio, and television), and even entertainment programming should be used. Materials produced by the American Red Cross, FEMA, the National Weather Service (NWS), the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and other government agencies as well as insurance companies and other private sector entities are already available for such campaigns. (See Figure 2 .) Organizations in the private sector, including the Advertising Council, public utilities, public relations firms, advertising agencies, and voluntary organizations, should be enlisted to create, produce, and disseminate new information materials.

The community. Community-wide planning and education should be encouraged. Schools, government organizations, community and church groups, business and neighborhood organizations, hospital and medical groups, and the news media should all be involved. Checklists, information handouts, and training videos should be created and widely distributed to convey such information as the location of nearby emergency resources and appropriate use of the 911 system both during and after a disaster. Regional and community demonstration programs, disaster day exercises, volunteer courses, and conferences should be undertaken and evaluated for their effectiveness.

how to prevent natural disasters essay

Figure 2. WILDLAND HOME FIRE RISK METER Practical, easy-to-use materials can give people the information they need to protect their homes and possibly save their lives. By turning a series of dials, rural residents can determine their homes ' risks from wildfire. The reverse side of the meter provides information on reducing those risks. (Source. U.S. Forest Service.)

School. Educational materials about preparedness, warnings, and self-protection should be distributed to schools for use in kindergarten through the 12th grade. Teachers should be given training on integrating the materials into the regular curricula so that all children receive the information they need to protect themselves from disasters. Similar training initiatives should be directed to teachers at day-care centers and preschools as well as to caretakers of the elderly. These steps will also raise the level of awareness and preparedness at home.

The warkplace. Awareness and education for disaster mitigation and preparedness should be encouraged in the workplace. Labor unions, industry management, government employers, and business groups should work with disaster specialists and community agencies to produce and acquire the necessary training and information materials. Existing work safety and security programs should be expanded to include disaster preparedness measures and emergency response procedures. Workplace safety drills and disaster exercises are essential to ensure that procedures are followed in an emergency. Prime movers of this effort should include insurance companies, labor unions, Chambers of Commerce, public utilities, and Industrial Crisis Conference participants.

Colleges and universities. Community colleges as well as other colleges and universities should be encouraged to include disaster management training in their curricula. Materials on mitigation and preparedness should be made part of geoscience, meteorology, forestry, health, engineering, architecture, education, planning, public administration, and business school programs. Preparation of books, articles, and teaching aids, and research by faculty and students should be encouraged and supported.

Public officials and the press. Special attention should be given to raising the level of knowledge and expertise of public officials and the press, both of whom have central responsibilities for dealing with natural disasters. There is a need to develop procedures, protocols, and priorities for disseminating information to the public. Contingency plans should be put in place so that vital emergency services and key elements of the press are prepared to function even when electricity, transportation, telephone transmission, and other communications and production capabilities are severely disrupted. Community emergency procedures, warning signals, disaster resources, and relief facilities and responsibilities should be spelled out in advance and reviewed and tested periodically by public officials and the press.

Journalism schools and press think tanks such as the Gannett Center for Media Studies and the Annenberg Center for Communications, as well as professional organizations such as Sigma Delta Chi and the Radio-Television News Directors Association, should be encouraged to investigate the specific challenges of providing information and news coverage in time of disaster.

Professionals. Disaster education is essential in the training of the government and private sector professionals, emergency management personnel, and emergency service providers who have the major responsibility for mitigation and emergency response. Professional continuing education programs on mitigating the effects of natural disasters should be made widely available through colleges, universities, and professional associations. Development of advanced materials for use in curricula, workshops, conferences, and similar activities should be encouraged. Continuing education requirements should be built into the certification, licensing, and evaluation of professionals in the field. Courses in hazard-resistant land-use, design, and structural techniques should be included in engineering, architecture, and construction curricula. Special attention should be given to planning for reconstruction and other elements of community recovery. Schools of medicine, nursing, and public health should offer courses on disaster preparedness and response as they relate to individual and community health.

how to prevent natural disasters essay

The spectacular damage caused to the highway and bridge systems of the San Francisco Bay area during the Loma Prieta earthquake is being studied for applications to updating building and safety codes.

Initial priorities for U.S. participation in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, declared by the United Nations, are contained in this volume. It focuses on seven issues: hazard and risk assessment; awareness and education; mitigation; preparedness for emergency response; recovery and reconstruction; prediction and warning; learning from disasters; and U.S. participation internationally.

The committee presents its philosophy of calls for broad public and private participation to reduce the toll of disasters.


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Essays About Natural Disasters: 5 Examples and Prompts

Essays about natural disasters teach us many things; read on to see examples and prompts you can use for your piece.

Natural disasters are the sudden occurrence of natural and severe hazards threatening human welfare and survival. These events can cause injuries, destroy assets such as homes and businesses, and even death. Some examples of natural disasters are tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, and storms.

Although emergency protocols are in place to alleviate and prevent natural disasters’ impact on both humanity and the economy, there is still no guarantee that these will be able to protect and save everyone from these misfortunes. Therefore, writing essays about natural disasters helps spread awareness on how to act when one faces these mishaps properly.

Below are five examples you should read to create essays about natural disasters effectively:

1. Planning For a Safer Tomorrow by Jyotsana B

2. natural disasters are often not natural by sandra valdez, 3. natural disasters essay by pradeep, 4. equity during natural disasters by writer kip, 5. natural disasters: nature’s revenge by anonymous on loveliessays.com, 1. my experience with natural disasters, 2. natural disasters: a history, 3. natural disasters and the economy, 4. types of natural disasters, 5. my take on natural disaster management, 6. causes of natural disasters, 7. after effects of natural disasters, 8. recovery from a natural disaster.

“Natural disasters have a severe impact on the society, therefore it is important to plan and develop a safety programme and devise means to efficiently deal with natural disaster. Development programme that go into promoting development at the local level have been left to the general exercise of planning.”

The author shares tips on how to prevent calamities and be prepared in case these natural disasters occur. These steps include proper analysis and risk assessment, adequate information database, modern infrastructure, and networks of knowledge-based institutions. The essay further expounds on each point and gives specific directions on successfully implementing these precautions.

“The word ‘natural’ indicates that humans have not triggered the catastrophe. However, human activity can definitely interfere with nature, which in turn may either cause a natural disaster or make its impacts much worse.”

Although Valdez agrees that “natural disasters” means humans do not directly create them, she also considers human’s significant contributions to these tragedies. She offers an example of earthquakes and the fluid injection incident in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Denver, Colorado. She further lists more human activities that trigger earthquakes, blaming human engineering that stresses the Earth’s faults. Finally, she acknowledges human speeds up disasters and human elements are innate in these equations.

“There is no doubt that extending help to someone during tough times is paramount. Rich countries should support poverty-stricken nations with altruistic aid while calamities take place… Being rich, similar nations are in a position to support countries that suffer economically and emotionally during nature havoc. The result of this is, not only induces good relations between countries but also paves the way to commercial transactions with minimized taxes in the future.”

Pradeep supports that countries with more resources should aid those with lesser assets. It’s not only because of altruistic reasons but because it can also be the foundation for good relationships between governments. These relationships can result in successful transactions and give comfort and security to grief-stricken countries.

“Should we allow prices to increase during natural disasters or should we protect against price gouging?… No policy is best for everyone… In the grand scheme of things, the market will return to normal the quickest whenever the market prices are allowed to fluctuate.”

Kip criticizes the way businesses increase the goods’ prices when there is a natural disaster. He questions if it’s the right thing to do to consumers who are only trying to purchase what they need to be ready for catastrophes. 

He also includes business reviews that rationalize high prices by arguing increasing prices prevents product hoarding. He challenges this statement by asking the readers to consider those who don’t have the money to buy these overpriced essentials. The writer also mentions other terms to explain the economy during a natural disaster and even involves the government’s processes to mitigate its harmful effects.

“Our environment is our responsibility… Exactly who polluted our planet so much? There is only one answer: man. It is man’s actions that have caused the problem… Humanity must realize that if the current trends are allowed to continue unchecked, the future of life on Earth is at risk. it must be conserved.”

Is nature retaliating because of humans’ disregard for it? The author offers reports to present the unpredictability of these disasters brought by climate change. To further prove their points, the author lays down facts like the quick rising of the sea and changing rain patterns. 

At the end of the essay, the writer urges man to be an environmentalist because he depends on his surroundings for food and shelter. Therefore, to survive, humans must treat nature well.

A tip: Run your essay through essay writing apps to organize and help you with style and grammar.

8 Prompts on Essays About Natural Disasters

There are many aspects of natural disasters you can zero in on. Here are easy but compelling prompts to tackle:

Essays About Natural Disasters: My experience with natural disasters

Share your experience with a calamity, and narrate what happened before, during, and after. Are there certain things you wish you did or didn’t do? Include how it affected your life and how you understand things work, such as the importance of first responders and following authorities in times of panic and chaos.

Then, focus on your personal experience. For example, your family might have to move places because you lost your home. Or that today, you always have an emergency bag packed and ready. You might also be interested in these essays about nature .

List down notable natural disasters that changed the course of the world. This could include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Then, explain why they happened, how the government or country dealt with it, and discuss the precautions executed in case the disaster occurs again. Finally, include the lessons you learned from these tragedies.

Explain how natural disasters affect the economy. Then, to make it more relatable, you can relay the impact of these tragedies on your life. For example, did any of your relatives lose their job because of a natural disaster? Was your family forced to close down your business? Include personal anecdotes to create an engaging essay.

List the many natural disasters and discuss them in detail. In this essay, you can delve into the causes of each type of natural disaster and how it impacts nearby civilizations. What do you fear the most in these disasters? To make it easier, you can pick two natural disasters to compare and contrast.

Choose an incident where natural disaster management was applied and give your thoughts about it. Research a recent natural disaster and study how the local and national government managed it. If any failed initiatives or points could be improved upon, make sure to write your thoughts about this in your essay. Then, you can discuss what you believe will aid natural disaster management in the future.

For this prompt, you can split your essay into two sections. One section can discuss environmental causes, while the other delves into human activities that cause natural disasters. Topics can include pollution, climate change, and overpopulation of small areas. To create an emotive essay, write about your thoughts on what we can do as a society to mitigate these harmful activities.

Consider the short and long-term effects of these natural disasters. You can concentrate on a specific tragedy that the general public knows so your reader can easily imagine what you describe in your essay. To make your piece more interesting, you can list natural disasters’ negative and positive effects.

If you want your essay to focus on something positive, choose to discuss new beginnings. For example, you can center on a community and how its people helped each other recover. You can also include the assistance they received from different places and how it aided them in restarting their lives after the disaster.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

how to prevent natural disasters essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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  • Natural Disasters Essay for Students in English


Read Natural Disaster Essay on Vedantu

The planet earth has gone through many changes over these centuries. These changes are majorly due to natural disasters happening throughout time. When we talk about natural disasters, pollution, ozone depletion and global warming are the most common scenarios we witnessed.

Growing industrialisation and exploitation of natural resources have changed the echo system bringing on the verge of imbalance. However, over these decades, humans have also introduced many disaster warning systems helping to predict natural occurrence in advance. You can read more about Natural Disasters on Vedantu.

Different Faces of Natural Disasters

Nature possesses the character of a special balance in which all living beings live together in harmony with their environment. But whenever this balance is disturbed, we see the disastrous form of nature which wreaks havoc upon this world. Natural disasters come in various forms like earthquakes, Tsunami, Storms, Cyclones, droughts etc. These disasters have always occurred throughout history but the current threat of climate change has severely increased its risks. Man has to learn that he cannot control nature and his life should revolve around the conditions present in the environment and not the other way around.

We have tried to change the basic character of the Human-Nature relationship with every metric of development being centred on financial interest and the rise of global consumerism.  This way of life promotes greed and has fundamentally made human beings disoriented towards nature. Our festivals celebrate the intrinsic relationship between humans and the environment where we celebrate Mountains, Rivers, and Animals etc. Natural disasters are a reminder that humans must never take the gift of nature for granted and always reciprocate for the resources that we have received from the environment. Clean Air, Clean Water and harmony in the ecosystem is a prerequisite for Human well being.  

How to Deal with Natural Disasters?

India, due to its unique geographical character, faces natural disasters every year which cause massive harm to lives and property. Whether it be the floods of Uttarakhand in 2013 or the landslides in Western Ghats of Kerala. The cost of our blind exploitation of natural resources without showing reverence for the delicate balance of Nature has severely harmed us and we must learn lessons from these incidents.

One of the greatest stories of the Indian government in dealing with disaster readiness has been the story of the Indian state of Odisha. Odisha is a coastal state in eastern India that regularly faces cyclones that have caused great harm to the state. To deal with the menace of these cyclones the Odisha Government made an elaborate plan by taking the local communities in confidence and have successfully reduced the number of deaths in Odisha to a very small number which used to be in thousands earlier. Other Indian states should also learn from the experience of Odisha on how to improve disaster preparedness.

Keeping our environment safe and following the right process will help in bringing down the natural disasters. It is vital to learn about them.


FAQs on Natural Disasters Essay for Students in English

1.  What are natural disasters increasing?

Over the years, natural disasters have increased. Regular earthquakes, massive flooding, cyclones, etc. have increased. According to the office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) which maintains an emergency disaster database, if a natural disaster kills 10 people, then it leaves 100 people injured. Increase in hydro-meteorological disasters, the combination of natural and man-made factors is leading to an increase in natural disasters.

2. What are the natural disasters that happened in 2020?

From wildfires in the US to locusts attack in India and back-to-back cyclones in India, there are many natural disasters in 2020. According to the Global Catastrophe Recap’s First Half of 2020 report, there were more than 207 natural disasters in just the first six months of 2020, causing \[$\]75 billion loss globally.

3. What natural disaster is the worst?

Every natural disaster causing the loss of both property and human lives is the worst. Be it the earthquake, wildfire or cyclone; each disaster can be the worst in its sense.

4. What are the causes of natural disasters?

Natural disasters are caused by a number of reasons which may or may not be linked to Human interference. Floods, for example, occur generally because of a sudden increase in water level which cannot be supported by the natural geography of the river, however, it has been observed that floods have also occurred due to human interference like encroachment of river banks, illegal sand mining and obstructions in the natural flow of the river. 

5. What are the agencies that deal with natural disasters?

On the National level, Natural disasters are dealt with by the National Disaster Relief Force or the NDRF. The NDRF has its own commissioned force which is highly experienced and trained to deal with situations when a disaster has occurred. Apart from the NDRF, there is also the SDRF which is present in every state. The central and state governments work in coordination during Natural disasters and saving lives along with restoration of normalcy is the primary concern of the relief operations.

6. What are the ways to deal with floods and droughts?

It may sound surprising to some people but India is a unique country where due to its vast geography, we have seen conditions where some parts of the country are facing floods while other parts suffer from drought in the same year. These are especially tough to deal with as the volume of water in floods just cannot be stored and once a region is facing drought, access to water becomes a question of survival. Linking rivers is a very grand scheme which can solve some of our problems but this also needs to be dealt with caution.

7. What can I do to contribute to disaster relief programmes?

The central and state governments carry out various programmes which are directly related to disaster relief work, coordinating with the agencies and donating to these relief operations are some things that we can do as citizens. There are various NGOs that provide relief material to people who are suffering from natural disasters. Creating awareness about such an important issue is also an essential activity. You can learn more about it on Vedantu website and download it in PDF format.

8. Which regions are the most affected by natural disasters in India?

Every part of the country has a unique geographical character and in some way or the other, they face the threat of natural disasters. Bihar and Assam are two such states which face floods on an annual basis, The Himalayan states have a very delicate ecology and save the menace of flash floods and landslides. Maharashtra has a problem of flooding in the Western Ghats while Vidarbha faces drought. Innovative ways must be discovered by states to deal with natural disasters.

88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Writing about risks or management of catastrophes caused by nature? Our experts have prepared a list of topics and essay questions about natural disasters – check them out!

🏆 Best Natural Disaster Essay Topics & Examples

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/natural-disaster-essay-topics/

"88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 9 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/natural-disaster-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 9 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/natural-disaster-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/natural-disaster-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "88 Natural Disaster Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/natural-disaster-essay-topics/.

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How to prevent Natural Disasters essay 2023 | For Students & Children’s

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If you are searching about ‘How to prevent natural disasters essay’, then you are in the right place. In this article, you are going to know about the causes, effects, and solutions of how to prevent Natural Calamities essays. A detailed 10 lines essay for children’s and a long essay with more than 1000+ words is provided below, which you can use for your school projects, exams, etc. So, without any further delay let’s start the ‘How to prevent natural disasters essay’.

During these hundreds of years, the planet Earth has undergone many changes. These advances are significant because of the catastrophic events that have occurred over time. The most widely recognized situation we have seen is when we talk about catastrophic events, pollution, ozone depletion, and a dangerous atmospheric deviation.

How to prevent natural disasters essay (Short/10 lines):

Here are the best 10 lines short essays on Natural Disasters and their Prevention that can be used for the lower class, like- class 2,3,4,5,6.

  • ‘Natural disasters’ in other words ‘Natural Calamities’ happen by nature so that there is no interference from the common man.
  • The International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction is 13th of october.
  • Human activities are also the causes of Natural Disasters and it cann’t be controlled by the human.
  • Floods, Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions, Cyclones, etc are the examples of the Natural Disasters.
  • Natural Disasters cause a bgger loss in human life and properties, natures, animal lifes etc.
  • There is no cure for natural disasters beyond the reach of science.
  • If we want to artificially control the normal flow of the river through dams, the global trend will also increase tremendously.
  • Continental agencies have been set up to provide early warning of earthquakes, tsunamis and catastrophic storms, to protect the people.
  • We have to protect our enviorment to avoid Natural Disaster as much as we can.
  • After all, people around the world need to come together to reduce environmental pollution so that they can stay away from natural disasters as much as possible.

How to prevent natural disasters essay (For class 7-12):

Here you can see the long version of ‘How to prevent Natural Disaster essay’, which students can use from 7th standard to 12th standard. So, read this section very carefully. It will help you in your competitive exams also.

What is Natural Disaster?

Natural disasters are any natural phenomenon that harms human socio-economic conditions. In other words, non-man-made accidents, such as an earthquake or a flood, or a volcanic eruption. These are natural phenomena that are considered harmful only because of the presence of man-made physical systems.

How to prevent Natural Disasters essay

An important factor in the overall understanding of natural disasters is the perishable vulnerability of various man-made systems, settlements caused by disasters. The spread and impact of natural disasters are not the same in all countries of the world.

The number of lives and property lost due to disasters is much higher in developing countries of the world as compared to developed countries, because developing countries have greater destructive vulnerability rather than the greater number of disasters. Naturally, people in developing countries have a higher risk of natural disasters than those in developed countries.

The definition of a natural disaster in terms of risk is defined as the possibility of a change in the natural environment in a given area over a certain period and the associated risk is loss or destruction of life, property, and state activities after the disaster. Although the number of major disasters has increased since 1980, the number of deaths due to disasters each year has dropped to about 7%, while the loss of resources has gradually decreased.

Types of Natural Disaster:

Natural disasters can be divided into three major categories such as-

  • Climatic Atmospheric Disasters caused by atmospheric processes (storms, cyclones, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, etc.),
  • Surface Exogenetic Disasters caused by surface processes (erosion Groundwater pollution),
  • Endogenetic Underground Catastrophes (earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) caused by the internal processes of the Earth’s surface, often overshadow one another of these different natural disasters.

Natural disasters can be identified according to seven key characteristics, namely- the extent of the event, the number of events, the duration, the aerial range, the onset speed, the spatial radiation, and the time interval.

How to prevent natural disasters and disaster management:

How to prevent Natural Disasters essay

To prevent natural disasters, we must first know why these disasters are happening. While most people are not directly responsible, they are somehow indirectly responsible for most natural disasters. We can’t stop natural phenomena from happening. But we can make them less damaging if we understand better why they happen, and what we can do to prevent or mitigate them.

Some of the best ways to reduce Natural Disaster are given below-

  • In fact, there is no cure for natural disasters beyond the reach of science. Only with caution can the effects of natural disasters be avoided. But it is also true that the effects of different human civilizations also fall on this nature.
  • It may be possible to prevent some natural disasters by imposing some control on those self-destructive actions. In this context, the growing trend of drought around the world can be mentioned. As the process of filling the earth with wetlands and deforestation increases, the tendency of drought will increase.
  • On the other hand, if we want to artificially control the normal flow of the river through dams, the global trend will also increase tremendously. Therefore, keeping in mind the environment, human beings have to immediately reach out to the so-called developmental activities of their civilization.
  • Various national and international initiatives have been taken in the world for the prevention of natural disasters and prevention of these disasters. Elsewhere, continental organizations have been set up to provide early warnings of earthquakes, tsunamis, and catastrophic storms, while several governmental and non-governmental organizations are working around the world to protect the environment.
  • At present, the well-wishers of the world have realized that only if the environment is protected, people will be saved from various disasters. That is why there is a huge campaign going on all over the world for the protection of the environment. Various international celebrities are constantly coming forward in this campaign.
  • In addition, special disaster response teams have been formed at the national level in each country. They work to protect people from devastated areas by fighting natural disasters.


Every year, natural disasters are responsible for hundreds of deaths, the destruction of homes and infrastructure, and the loss of millions of dollars. Every one of us is responsible for fighting against natural disasters.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Natural Disasters — Natural Disasters: Causes and Impacts


Natural Disasters: Causes and Impacts

  • Categories: Natural Disasters

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Words: 682 |

Published: Jan 31, 2024

Words: 682 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, definition of natural disasters, causes of natural disasters, environmental effects of natural disasters, economic effects of natural disasters, social effects of natural disasters, mitigation and preparedness measures.

  • Callaghan, K., & Alexander, M. (2018). Hurricane Harvey on the Gulf Coast: A Comprehensive Analysis of Impacts. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School.
  • IPCC. (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Cambridge University Press.
  • McMahon, J., & Keefer, J. (2016). Social Vulnerability and Tropical Cyclones in Sint Maarten. Journal of Water and Climate Change , 7(2), 396-408.
  • UNDRR. (2017). Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations.
  • Vos, F., Dykes, J., & Pierce, L. (2017). Flood Preparedness and Early-warning System Effectiveness in the Philippines. Disasters, 41(S1), S16-S37.

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How to Avoid Natural Calamities and How to Prepare for Them

Natural calamities have been a cause of great destruction and devastation on Earth. Some are more violent in nature as compared to the others, and sometimes, it’s simply impossible to estimate a death count – a great example is of a volcanic eruption that lead to tsunami and completely wiped out the Mediterranean Island of Stroggli.

Natural calamities are unpredictable in nature and often occur all of a sudden. Due to this nature, avoiding them is almost impossible. However, we can take certain precautions that will help keep the level of devastation down and save precious human lives.

The nature of protection against natural disasters depends on the type of the disaster. For disasters like floods and landslides, plantation of trees is a good long-term solution. On the other hand, there are disasters like lightening or earthquake against which there is not much a man can do. No matter what type of disaster you face, you can always plan something to increase your chances of survival.

As far as earthquakes are concerned, people all over the world are told to calmly leave the building they are in when the quake strikes. In case of damage, people are encouraged and taught to help pull out other people from the debris. On a larger scale, buildings can be constructed in a way that ensures they are less likely to collapse during an earthquake. In Japan for instance, there are shock absorbers installed at the base of the buildings which enables the building to move with the earthquake and prevents collapse.

Floods and landslides are hard to avoid. However, to protect against them, measures can be taken on a government level. These could include passing of laws that prohibit cutting down of trees and building of houses in regions that are flood prone. Disasters like drought can be avoided by proper planning and allocation of resources. Measures can be taken at community level so that no one is misusing or overusing their share of resources like water and food.

Regions where strong winds and tornadoes are a frequent occurrence need different precautionary measures. Tornadoes and storms can be predicted to an extent in today’s world. Once one is predicted, it is important not to wander out without reason. Asking the kids to stay at home is another good measure. These regions usually have strongly built houses to withstand the storms. However, having a basement where you can stay and wait for the storm to pass is not a bad idea. Make sure though that the basement has a door that takes you directly out of the house so that in case the house collapses, you can get out of the basement.

To protect against natural calamities, safety measures need to be taken at all levels. Governments need to play their part by passing laws that can result in safety for people while people themselves can learn the basic ways to respond to natural calamities. Communities need to have small plans in place because in case of a disaster, the nearest people who can help you will be those living in your neighborhood.

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rescue workers and civilians waiting for rescue on a dump truck

Rescue workers and civilians wait for an emergency crew in Houston, Texas, after Hurricane Harvey. Heavy rainfall from the tropical storm caused severe flooding and the displacement of thousands of residents.

How to Survive a Natural Disaster

Three experts share their tips on withstanding a devastating catastrophe.

Recently the world has seen a barrage of natural disasters: hurricanes in the Caribbean and southern U.S. , earthquakes in Mexico , and monsoons in southern Asia. These events brought devastation to communities and questions around the world about what we can do to help—and to prepare ourselves for similar events.

The safest and best thing to do when facing an approaching natural disaster is to heed your area’s evacuation notices and take advantage of evacuation assistance when it’s offered. It’s possible, however, to be caught by an unexpected emergency or to be unable to leave a disaster-striken region. When faced with those situations, what should you do to stay safe? How can you be better prepared? What kinds of choices will you need to make to survive?

We spoke with three experts— Tim MacWelch , resident survival expert for Outdoor Life Magazine , survival instructor, and author of multiple New York Times bestselling survival manuals ; Warren Faidley , extreme weather photographer, survival expert, and tactical EMT; and Jeff Masters , co-founder and director of meteorology at Weather Underground —about how to survive a disaster when you can’t evacuate. Each one shared tips on preparation, remaining safe during the event, and withstanding its often-dangerous aftermath.

Here are their tips and advice on surviving a natural disaster.


What is something people should do far ahead of any disaster to stay prepared.

MacWelch: It's easy to focus on gear and supplies when you start thinking about preparedness, though these aren’t the only things you’d need in an emergency. Every family should have an emergency plan that addresses the most likely disasters in their region. Practical survival skills should also be part of every family’s game plan. These skills need to be learned and practiced before things get tough, because you simply won’t have time to read a survival book or watch a how-to video in the midst of a crisis. Get some first aid training, find out how to cook without utilities, learn to source and disinfect water, figure out different ways to heat and cool at least one room in your home. Learn everything you can, since you never know what might be useful in a disaster.

Learn everything you can, since you never know what might be useful in a disaster. Tim MacWelch , survival expert

Masters: Develop an emergency plan. Figure out where will you meet up if separated, what phone numbers you should have, what supplies you should stockpile.

Faidley: I’ve developed my own three rules over the years. First, know what possible dangers could arise in your area. Second, know what to do for each one of them. And third, don't delay taking action. Those three things will keep you alive.

Hurricane Harvey's Destruction

boat rescue traffic

Necessary Supplies

What should people always have in their homes.

MacWelch: The government guidelines for preparedness supplies are a great foundation for someone to begin disaster prep. The basic list includes drinking water, no-cook food, non-flame light sources (flashlights instead of candles), first aid supplies, and a host of other handy supplies. Again, it’s a great place to start, though I’d encourage everyone to plan further than the recommended 72 hours. Even though many situations are significantly improved in the first 72 hours, some are not. If you’re willing to take your family’s safety seriously, why stop at three days? Stock up a week’s supply of food and water, and you’ll be far better prepared than 90 percent of the population.

Masters: A source of non-grid power. I have solar panels on my roof with a battery-backup. Tesla’s Power Wall is getting to be a good-value source of electrical power, without have to have a diesel generator. Also have a way to purify water. A micro-pore filter sold by camping stores is a good solution.

Faidley: That depends on what kind of money you have. A lot of people just can't afford to buy all the survival things you’d need, but there are some basic things you must have. The first thing is some type of lighting system or flashlight you can use for a week or longer, along with the batteries to run it. People do not realize how important that is until their power is off, and they're stumbling around to find a flashlight that’s 10 years old with corroded batteries inside. There are also solar-powered lanterns you can charge during the day or crank-power, which is even better, because you don't have to leave it out in the elements. Those are good ideas for a secondary source.

They used to say to keep three days of food, but you should have at least a week—and if you can afford it, two weeks—of non-perishable food. Even if you don’t have a big budget, just save a few things every year or two and replace them when their expiration dates come. And water is a big thing. If you can't buy bottled water, fill up everything in your house. Fill up the bathtub. Fill up the sink. Save old water cartons to fill. That way, you won’t have to spend a lot of money on bottled water, and you won't have to worry about going out and finding it, because water disappears quickly.

(Related: Hurricane Safety Tips and Earthquake Safety Tips )

What is something people often don't realize would help them in the event of a disaster?

MacWelch: One of the recommended items on FEMA’s list of home disaster kit items is a battery-powered weather radio. This communication tool (and any other type of portable radio) can provide survivors with lifesaving information, such as emergency broadcasts, evacuation orders, shelter-in-place instructions and much more. While any radio is better than none, a weather radio is the best choice, as it can tune in your local weather radio bands—which are one of your most reliable sources of emergency information.

Another critical thing to have in your survival kit is a battery-powered radio that can receive NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts. Jeff Masters , director of meteorology, Weather Underground

Masters: Cell phones are great, but the towers can go down, so a land line is handy. Another critical thing to have in your survival kit is a battery-powered radio that can receive NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts. Get one that has the feature to alert you when a weather warning is issued for your county.

Faidley: Old-fashioned AM/FM radios, the old ones that use batteries. Information is critical in today's world, and stations will give out information to people: where to get food, where to go for medical assistance, what hospitals are open.

Safety During a Disaster

What's the most important thing a person can do during a natural disaster.

MacWelch: Staying calm is the most important thing a person can do during any emergency. Of course, this is easier said than done in a scary situation, but think of it like this. A little fear is a natural and healthy response to a frightening event. Fear is like an instinct that typically keeps us out of harm’s way. But when fear runs unchecked (this state is commonly known as panic), a person may make irrational, dangerous, or even deadly choices. Staying calm and preventing panic should be a priority for each person during a crisis.

What's something most people forget to consider in those moments?

MacWelch: A lot of people forget to focus on their most basic needs, also known as survival priorities. Human beings don’t need that much to survive. Shelter, water, air, food, security, sleep, medical care, and some semblance of hygiene will keep a person alive for a very long time. But quite often, these basic needs are confused with wants. People want to save possessions and they want to have their normal comforts and entertainment. The “needs” are the only things you need during a crisis, the “wants” need to wait their turn.

Masters: Don’t look after just yourself, see if others need help too.

Faidley: The thing people probably forget most often is that a natural disaster can be a very long-term event. You have to remember, during a hurricane, there's not much you can do about it then. You need to hunker down and be safe, but you have to remember it can be a long time for recovery. You don't know how long it will be before you’ll have power and whatever else you need, so you have to plan in advance. Either evacuate or have enough survival supplies for a week or longer.

The thing people probably forget most often is that a natural disaster can be a very long-term event. Warren Faidley , extreme weather photographer

What dangerous scenarios could arise during these situations that people might not consider?

MacWelch: I mentioned hygiene as one of the basic needs for a person, and it really is a need—not just a nicety. Poor sanitation can allow for the quick transmission of dangerous bacteria in “camp” or group-shelter settings. Something as simple as the lack of a handwashing station at the bathroom can allow hazardous pathogens to spread through a group in 24-48 hours.

Masters: Electrocution from power lines.

Faidley: Believe it or not, in most urban areas, the period after a hurricane is usually the most dangerous. You have fallen trees and some trees that have only partially fallen. You have power lines. You have sharp objects. You have gas leaks. You have broken glass and windows. You may have a boil-water order in your area. During Hurricane Harvey, it was the flooding.

And one of the most dangerous things after a disaster are uncontrolled intersections. People go down the road, and they'll drive right into a major intersection without even stopping. People are upset and not paying attention, and that is really dangerous. It can also be dangerous for children to play in the water, since there could be open manhole covers sucking the water down.

How can you avoid large objects nearby that may be unstable?

Faidley: If you're in the middle of a hurricane, you want to be in the most stable part of a building. You want to stay away from the windows and be in the most interior portion. You want to put as much room between you and any flying or falling debris.

Pets and Animals

a rescue worker carrying a dog to safety after Hurricane Harvey

A animal rescue volunteer carries a small dog he found abandoned inside a flooded home after Hurricane Harvey. If a natural disaster forces an evacuation, it's best to evacuate with your pets or take them to a shelter.

What should people do with their pets during a disaster?

Faidley: I have a big problem when people tie their pets inside or outside their house. I’ve talked to people who love their pets and tied them up, and they say they thought it was the best way to keep the animal from being washed away or getting hurt. But if you can’t get your pets to shelter or leave them in a room where they’ll be safe, let them roam free. It’s the very last resort, but animals are amazing at surviving storms. They have a wonderful ability to swim and climb trees. The odds of a free animal sheltering themselves is much better than one that is chained. Even if there is no flooding, a chained pet can’t get out of the way of falling debris or could die from exposure.

How can you avoid dangerous animals in the aftermath of the event?

Faidley: Mainly you shouldn't be in that water. There are some search-and-rescue incidents that require it, but it’s pretty uncommon. It's something you can usually prevent. Stay out of the water as much as possible. Most of the time, animals are freaked out and don’t want to bother you.

Food and Water

What should you do if you run out of water.

MacWelch: This situation is quite common. Once the power fails, the water fails soon after. And once all the bottled water is consumed, you’re on your own to procure more. For those who have never sourced their own water before, the task seems scary and mistakes are almost inevitable. But thankfully, there are many ways to gather water and multiple ways to disinfect it. One of the easiest plans is to find the clearest water you can and boil it for 10 minutes to kill any pathogens. Sourcing and disinfecting water is one of the top survival skills that everyone should know how to do, and once you’ve done it—you’ll never forget.

Masters: Keep yourself from sweating by sheltering from the sun and reducing activity. Find groundwater sources near or underneath green vegetation, canyons, dry riverbeds or rocks. Cover as much skin as possible with loose, lightweight clothing. This will trap the sweat against your skin, slowing evaporation and therefore water loss. For this reason, it's probably best to go with a cotton undershirt rather than a wicking fabric. Cover it all with a light windbreaker. Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and gloves.

See if you can get to the water in your home's water heater. There's usually 40-80 gallons of clean water in there. Tim MacWelch , survival expert

Faidley: It will be pretty unusual to not have some type of water. Right after the storm, there's a lot of rainwater around, but you have to use common sense. You can't drink something that's contaminated, though you can buy water purification tablets, use chlorine, or boil water if you have power or gas. Plan ahead. It doesn’t take a lot of water to keep you going if you're not working.

Is it ever safe to drink floodwater?

MacWelch: Well, let me answer your question with a question. Is it ever safe to die of dehydration? Floodwaters are notorious for being a bouillabaisse of muddy water, raw sewage, dead animals, and toxic chemicals. That being said, it may also be the only water you have. Ironically, stranded flood survivors have found themselves praying for more rain—which is a clean and useable source of water. If the rain doesn’t return, see if you can get to the water in your home's water heater. There's usually 40-80 gallons of clean water in there. If you're the MacGuyver type and you know how to improvise any of the different apparatus for distillation, then distill the raw floodwater. Or failing that—boil the water for 10 minutes and drink only enough to maintain a low level of hydration. This limits your exposure to chemical pollution in the floodwaters.

How can people find safe food to eat after a natural disaster?

MacWelch: Regardless of the type of calamity, look for canned food in the wake of a disaster. The label may have fallen away, in which case the can contents will be a surprise, but mystery food is better than no food. Canned goods are surprisingly tough, waterproof, impervious to insects and most animals, and edible whether served hot or cold.

Medical Safety

rescue volunteers with blood type written on their arms after an earthquake in Mexico

Volunteer rescue workers in Mexico City have their names, blood type, and telephone numbers written on their arms in case they're caught in an emergency situation and cannot provide the information verbally.

What should you do to prepare for any medical concerns during a natural disaster?

Faidley: You should have everything you'd include in a basic first aid kit. It’s good to have saline solution to wash out wounds and bandages to cover them. Of course, if you have prescriptions, you want to make sure you have extra ones, because you might not be able to get to the pharmacy for a few days or more.

How can you prevent infection to a cut or injury without medical supplies?

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Faidley: It can be hard to find medical attention. During a storm surge or flooding, you can have raw sewage, bacteria, or chemicals in the water, so you want to make sure you flush out any kind of cut. You can use clean water or alcohol, but it’s important to keep those wounds clean. Even the water falling from the sky is ok. You also want to make sure you aren’t stepping into water where you can’t see the bottom, because you could step on a nail or sharp object. Puncture wounds can be really serious, since you can get a bad infection or tetanus.

MacWelch: Ever wonder how the pioneers, colonists, or Native Americans treated their wounds before the advent of the triple antibiotic ointment and Band-Aids? There are dozens of common weeds that can be used as an effective poultice on wounds. These crushed curative roots and mashed medicinal leaves can discourage infection and even speed healing, as beneficial plant compounds soak into the skin. Foraging for edible plants and utilizing medicinal plants are two more skills you should learn and practice before you actually need them.

How do you stay warm when you're wet or exposed to the elements?

MacWelch: One handy survival hack for staying warm is to stuff your clothing with insulating material. This can be crumpled paper, bubble wrap, or even leaves. These lofty materials surround your body with an insulating barrier and prevent the elements from stripping away your body heat so quickly. Sharing body heat is another effective way to stay warm in cold or wet conditions, though it may not be enough. When I get cold, I reach for a hot water bottle or a stone that has been warmed near a fire. Hold it under your clothing or between layers of clothing. As the heat soaks into your body, you’ll feel the chill melting away. This is also a safe and gentle technique to revive hypothermia victims.

Power Outages

Old San Juan, Puerto Rico at night and without power after Hurricane Maria

Cars drive through Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, after Hurricane Maria destroyed the island's power grid.

What should you do if you don't have a power source for an extended period of time?

MacWelch: Life without power is unimaginable to most modern people, as few people still live who grew up without the warm glow of electricity. My father grew up in a rural area that didn’t join “the grid” until he was eight or nine years old. This may sound romantic to a few, but it would be a living hell to the average tech-addicted first-worlder. So what should you do without power? Learn to cook from scratch, gather firewood for fuel, disinfect your own water—and after a hard day's work—read paper books or play games for entertainment.

Faidley: It depends on where you are and how much infrastructure is around you. If you can get out of your place and go somewhere with power, you’ll be much better off. If you can get away from an area that doesn't have power and go to one that does, you can charge your phone, charge your computer, cool off a little bit, and get some ice. If you’re in an area that’s totally devastated and there's no way you can survive there, you have to leave.

Leaving Home and Getting Rescued

What’s a good place to go if you know you need to leave your home.

Faidley: Airports are good, even if they aren’t running flights, because a lot of times they'll let you in. There will be supplies coming in, and people will see you there and give you supplies. You just have to find a place with some kind of civilization where you can get water and shelter. People gravitate toward shelters, airports, hospitals, or places where you'd expect people to be—anywhere you can go, get a bottle of water, and maybe find some shelter.

People gravitate toward shelters, airports, hospitals, or places where you'd expect people to be. Warren Faidley , extreme weather photographer

What's the best way to alert someone of your need for rescue?

Faidley: After Hurricane Katrina, taking a white sheet and putting it up on your roof has become the new universal signal for help. You can also tear it and make a cross, which air rescues will notice.

Is it best to wait in place for rescue or search for rescue yourself?

Faidley: That depends on a lot of things, especially where you are. It also depends on if you need to move or not, and that's always difficult to tell people. If you think you're not going to be able to survive where you are, if you think there's no hope for water or help, you’re better off trying to gravitate toward where there are other people. Because people are going to help you, in most cases. You just have to know the situation and your physical condition to determine when it's going to be safe to move. There's no easy answer in those situations, because they're all different.

Once things settle down, is there anything people need to continue to consider?

Faidley: There's a lot of scammers after the storms—roofing scams, robbery scams. I advise people to look for a list of contractors that the state has approved to find a legitimate company.

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Flood Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on flood.

Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. It happens when excessive water is collected in any area. It usually happens due to heavy rainfall. India is highly prone to flood. There are many regions in the country that face this natural disaster because of the overflowing of rivers. Moreover, it also happens because of the melting of snow. Another reason for floods is when the dam breaks down. If we look at the coastal areas, the hurricanes and tsunamis are held responsible for causing floods. In this essay on flood, we will see the prevention and after-affect of flood.

flood essay

In other words, whatever the cause may be, it is equally dangerous. It has a lot of harmful consequences. Flood damages the living conditions and it takes a lot of time to recover from this disaster. Therefore, the consequences of floods must be known and steps must be taken to prevent it.

After-effects of Flood

Floods interrupt with the day to day functioning of the affected area. The severe floods sometimes cause mass destruction. A lot of people and animals lose their lives due to floods. Several others are injured. Floods also bring a rise in diseases. The stagnant water attracts mosquitoes causing malaria , dengue, and more illnesses.

Furthermore, people face power cuts due to the danger of electrocution. They also have to face expensive pricing. As the supply of food and goods gets limited, the prices naturally grow higher. This creates a big problem for the common man.

Most importantly, the whole country faces economic loss. The resources needed to rescue people and tackle this disaster demands a hefty amount. Plus, the citizens lose their houses and cars which they worked all their lives for.

Subsequently, floods also hamper the environment. It causes soil erosion and this degrades the quality of the soil. We lose out on fertile soil. Similarly, floods also damage flora and fauna. They damage crops and displace trees. Thus, the measure should be taken to avoid these grave consequences.

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Ways to Prevent flood

The government and citizens must work together to formulate ways to prevent floods. Proper awareness must be spread about the steps to take when floods occur. Warning systems must be set up so people get sufficient time to save themselves. In addition, areas that are more likely to have floods must have tall buildings above the flood level.

how to prevent natural disasters essay

Other than that, dams must be constructed strongly. The use of cheap materials causes dams to break. The government must ensure there is a quality building of dams to prevent floods.

In short, we cannot prevent natural causes like rain and the melting of glaciers. However, we can stop the manmade causes like breaking of dams, poor drainage system, installing warning systems and more. We should take inspiration from countries like Singapore that never experience floods despite having heavy rainfall for most time of the year.

FAQ on Flood Essay

Q.1 what are the consequences of a flood.

A.1 Floods cause immense destruction. They are responsible for the loss of human and animal lives. People lose their homes and cars in floods. They also cause soil erosion and uproot of trees.

Q.2 How can we prevent floods?

A.2 Governments must take up certain measures to prevent floods. We can install flood warning systems. Make people aware of what to do in times of flood. Moreover, we can also build a proper drainage system that will ensure no waterlogging.

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'I am striving to prevent natural hazards from becoming disasters’

Tue, 04/30/2024.

Vince Munoz

University of Kansas faculty are striving to advance knowledge, interpret our world, solve problems, spark innovation, create beauty and catalyze imagination through their research, scholarship and creative activity. Through the “I Am Striving” series, we’ll learn more about what inspires KU researchers, as well as the goals and impact of their work. 

Q&A with Elaina Sutley, associate professor of civil, environmental & architectural engineering and associate dean of diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging 

Explain your research as you would explain it to someone outside your field, such as your grandparents. 

I study disasters like floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. I integrate engineering and social science disciplines to understand what happens during disasters— to buildings, to infrastructure systems, to businesses and organizations to households, and to social networks— and understanding how these things change across the disaster lifecycle. What happens immediately, during the disaster, right after and through long-term recovery.

What does your research look like? What methods do you use? 

My research uses experimental, field-based and computational methods and really tries to bring the three of those together. A lot of times, that’s our winning combination — integrating structural engineering with social science and data science methods as well. A lot of times the research is in a laboratory, so we might be doing full-scale testing on different subassemblies or components and connections, or even a full-scale building, exposing it and loading it with extreme loading. Other times, we might have scaled models, where we're trying to understand how extreme events affect those loads, then create forces on the structures. When we're able to couple that experimental research with the field-based research and numerical models of the structures, we can glean really good insights on how to better design structures to then withstand those loads and withstand those forces.

A lot of the field-based research that I do, though, is with people. We use surveys, interviews, focus groups to try to understand their lived experiences during and after disasters. And then we use that information, a lot of times just in and of itself, but then we couple that with numerical research or computational models to try to model social processes. What we get from interacting with people in the field we can use to inform the model or sometimes validate the model. One example I have is my research team developed a housing recovery model. It predicts how many times a household may have to move after a disaster if they're initially dislocated from their home, and how long it may take for them to secure permanent housing, considering their sociodemographics, the resources that they have access to, and their initial disaster experience.

What inspires your research? Why are you passionate about this work? 

When I was a graduate student at the University of Alabama, a superstorm of tornadoes came through Tuscaloosa and devastated parts of the city and had a tremendous impact on me. It was the first time that I learned … that the building codes did not have ways to consider tornadoes in the design of structures. They do now, and I got to be part of that group who wrote the provision; so that's exciting. It really opened my eyes to the differential impact that people experience with disasters and how long recovery can take for some — and how that can especially be true along racial and socioeconomic lines. Since then I've been inspired to really make sure that all of my research takes into account those differential experiences and is working to support people who are living at the margins.

How does your research directly impact your field, society, Kansas and the world? 

Translation and adoption of research is so important to me. I cannot let it just live in an academic journal article, for example. I'm on several national committees, several different boards. I integrate people's experiences into my research with community engaged research.

The piece I'm most proud of was being able to be a part of a small group of people who wrote provisions for tornado loads in Alabama that are currently in our building code now. The impact is that now guidance — and sometimes requirements — exists for how to design buildings to withstand tornadoes.

What is a recent study/example of work you’d like to share? 

There are so many different projects that I love, but I think the one that I have to share with you is the ARISE project . ARISE stands for Adaptive and Resilient Infrastructure driven by Social Equity. I love it because it's interdisciplinary, because it's driven by social equity. It puts people at the margin in the focus of the work. And I love it because it's research for Kansans by Kansans. It's really special that KU is teamed up with Kansas State University, Wichita State University, and almost a dozen other colleges and universities across the state of Kansas on research, education and workforce development initiatives.

A central goal of the project is to be able to develop this decision support tool that communities can use to inform resource investments, resource distribution, that can then be used to support more equitable and resilient infrastructure. I've had the opportunity, and many people on the team have had the opportunity, to engage and talk with local government representatives, representatives from community advocacy organizations, and individuals across the state. I'm learning so much in terms of what equity and resilience means in Kansas, and I'm learning so much about Kansas in general.

What do you hope are some of the outcomes of your research and work? 

The best outcome of my research would be that my research is no longer needed. Until that time comes, I think that some of the outcomes that I strive for are for engineers, in particular, to recognize that engineering systems have to be designed with more than just mechanics in mind. That we have to consider the capacity of people and communities to deal with when we have failed engineering systems. I think that would be a tremendous outcome of my work. More tangibly, I hope to incorporate more of my research findings on building code provisions into more equitable mitigation and recovery policies to support better equity and better resilience for all.

James R Langabeer Ph.D., Ed.D.

Disaster Psychology

Managing the psychological and practical aftermath of disasters, building psychological and decision resiliency..

Posted May 8, 2024 | Reviewed by Monica Vilhauer

  • Find a trauma therapist near me.
  • Disasters induce feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and insecurity.
  • These emotions and thoughts can produce trauma, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.
  • To reduce a disaster's impact on behavioral health, focus on building psychological resiliency.
  • Trauma-informed decision-making can help reduce procrastination and inertia.

Source: Image by Temel from Pixabay

A natural disaster involves severe weather events that damage our property, life, and physical health. Floods and hurricanes are the most dominant in the U.S., but other perils include fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornados. We are about to enter hurricane season in June, which will inevitably create floods and more devastation. I have been through my share of hurricanes, major Nor'easters that dumped 5+ feet of snow, and flood waters that rise 20 or 30 feet above ground level. As the former head of a CDC-funded academic emergency preparedness center, I've also helped people get "ready" for these significant events, mainly through structural and physical preparations. But, what I've often found is that we neglect the mental health aspect of emergencies.

Disasters, epidemics, and emergencies can all have a profound and lasting impact on our psychological well-being. This can start as a threat well before the disaster begins and may last many years after the event. From the sudden disruption of daily life to the trauma of loss and destruction, the emotional and mental toll can be overwhelming. Possibly because of attention bias , or the realities of climate change , communities are becoming more vulnerable to catastrophic events with an increasing frequency. Even the warnings or forecasts of a disastrous event can trigger stress and changes in behavioral health.

Here, I focus on psychological and decision readiness, including 1) how to build resiliency and manage the behavioral health impact following a disaster and 2) how to limit the noise and interference in your judgment and decision-making .

Psychological Impact of Disasters

Besides the raw emotions of anger and fear , more complex psychological reactions include distressing thoughts, memories, and feelings. Survivors may experience vivid, intrusive recollections of the traumatic event, often accompanied by a sense of intense fear, panic, or emotional detachment. These unwanted memories can arise at any time, day or night, disrupting the individual's ability to function normally. They can quickly turn into anxiety , post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ), and depression (Neria et al, 2008),

There is also an increase in nervousness, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating. People sometimes notice they engage in avoidance behaviors, consciously or subconsciously, because of the inability to prioritize and make sense of what has happened. Sleep can be disrupted, caused by grief or other emotions. All this makes it difficult to process information about the event and how to best respond. Too much noise and interference result in poor decision-making.

How to Build Psychological Resilience

Resilience is the capacity and ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity. Resilient families and individuals can move beyond these natural disaster events, even those with devastating financial consequences. Resiliency depends on many factors, including the severity of the event and the consequences, as well as age, geography, and economic status, to name a few. Individuals can regain a sense of normalcy and well-being, even in the wake of traumatic events. Prior research has suggested that post-traumatic growth is even possible following loss and tragedy.

One strategy to build psychological resilience is to be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Check-in with how you and your family are feeling, and be open about your thoughts. Time and space allow some room to grieve, but in the meantime, avoid the news and constant chatter about the magnitude of the events and the disturbing scenes of others around you. Check-in with your neighbors and see how they are doing. Practice mindful breathing. Most importantly, focus on what you must do today to protect yourself and your family.

Psychosocial support can help facilitate healing and mitigate the long-term psychological consequences. Trauma-informed therapy can help improve emotional and physical safety. Counseling, community support groups, and increasing time building family and friend relationships can help significantly. Focus on creating a safe, comfortable, and empowering environment for you and your family.

Post-Disaster Trauma-Informed Decision-Making

During emergencies, many people freeze in their ability to make choices, while others jump in with both feet without thinking. When your mind is full of emotions and trauma, it is difficult to know where to focus your attention. You become more susceptible to the extremes involving risk, either taking too much or avoiding risk altogether. This, in turn, impacts your judgment and intuition . Trauma-informed decision-making uses your experience and trauma to help improve your judgment and ability to cope. One way to stay resilient is to focus only on what is right in front of you at that moment. This is admittedly difficult during the first few days, but it is essential to slow down and get some input, advice, and information before making critical choices. Mindfulness techniques and slow breathing can work to calm the mind.

There will be noise that will interfere with your decision-making. You are going to feel decision overload or fatigue, but don't ignore the basics. If you're still in the middle of the situation, call 911 to get EMS or police out if needed. Significant barriers to activating emergency medical services exist even in non-disaster times, and this is escalated significantly during an important event (Seo et al, 2013). Don't be afraid to ask for help.

how to prevent natural disasters essay

Assess the entirety of your current situation. Do a thorough walkaround and make a list of anything that has been affected, inside and out. Make a list of everything you find that needs to be worked on. Making a tangible list and putting that on paper reduces anxiety and can help you stay focused.

Before making any decisions, ask yourself how the decision will make you feel. Use that judgment and intuition to help guide your choices. You will want to create a triage system, which converts your list of repairs into categories based on a few factors, such as: immediate versus future tasks, easiest versus more complex and costly tasks, and those you can do yourself versus what you need outside help with.

Remain grounded in the present moment. Don't think too far ahead or let your mind wander, creating incessant worry. Excessive worry can create issues with procrastination or avoidance behaviors. Since you won't be able to get it all done at once, try to become "okay" with that. Do some research before hiring a crew to help do repairs, and always get alternative estimates. Remember, you can take your time on most things. You don't have to make a rapid, rash decision. Consider your options, don't dwell on them too long, and then make some solid choices.

Source: WikiImages from Pixabay

Disasters can have a profound and lasting impact on the psychological well-being of those affected. Understanding the dominant psychological responses is crucial for building resilience and facilitating healing. Trauma-informed decision-making can also help reduce the overall emotional, physical, and financial consequences of the disaster. Hopefully, these strategies can help you rebuild and recover more rapidly following the next disaster.

Neria, Y., Nandi, A., & Galea, S. (2008). Post-traumatic stress disorder following disasters: A systematic review. Psychological Medicine, 38(4), 467-480.

Seo M, Begley C, Langabeer JR, DelliFraine JL. Barriers and disparities in emergency medical services 911 calls for stroke symptoms in the United States adult population: 2009 BRFSS Survey. West J Emerg Med. 2014 Mar;15(2):251-9. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2013.9.18584. PMID: 24926394; www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4043558

James R Langabeer Ph.D., Ed.D.

James Langabeer, Ph.D., Ed.D., is a leading behavioral scientist and tenured Professor of Medicine and Clinical Informatics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

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  16. Natural Disasters: Causes and Impacts

    The thesis statement for this essay is that natural disasters have wide-ranging effects on various aspects of human life, and it is crucial to understand and take measures to mitigate their impacts. ... To prevent or minimize the effects of natural disasters, early warning systems and evacuation plans are crucial. ...

  17. What Is Disaster Management: Prevention and Mitigation

    Mitigation and prevention efforts aim to reduce the potential damage and suffering that disasters can cause. While disaster management cannot prevent disasters, it can prevent them from becoming compounded as a result of neglecting causal factors and manageable risks. Mitigation specifically refers to actions taken that can lessen the severity ...

  18. How to Avoid Natural Calamities and How to Prepare for Them

    Natural calamities are unpredictable in nature and often occur all of a sudden. Due to this nature, avoiding them is almost impossible. However, we can take certain precautions that will help keep the level of devastation down and save precious human lives. The nature of protection against natural disasters depends on the type of the disaster.

  19. Natural Disasters Essay

    100 Words Essay On Natural Disasters. ... Therefore, they are almost impossible to prevent from happening. Natural disasters like floods, drought, landslides, earthquakes, and cyclones frequently occur all throughout the world. Often, natural disasters leave mass effects and it can take years to control the damage. However, the negative effects ...

  20. How to Survive a Hurricane and Other Natural Disasters

    The basic list includes drinking water, no-cook food, non-flame light sources (flashlights instead of candles), first aid supplies, and a host of other handy supplies. Again, it's a great place ...

  21. Natural Disasters Essay (900 words)

    Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, and trauma and stress can lead to mental health issues. Natural disasters can also impact the environment, causing soil erosion, water pollution, and a decrease in biodiversity. These impacts can have long-term consequences and require efforts for recovery and rebuilding.

  22. How To Prevent Natural Disaster

    1020 Words5 Pages. Introduction. Floods, prevention and treatment. Humanity is vulnerable to all kinds of natural disasters. Some physical phenomena at least in the world that hosts us is floods, fires, landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes and all climate changes on our planet. Disasters cause not only the loss of human lives, but also losses of ...

  23. Flood Essay for Students and Children

    500+ words Essay on Flood. Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. It happens when excessive water is collected in any area. It usually happens due to heavy rainfall. India is highly prone to flood. There are many regions in the country that face this natural disaster because of the overflowing of rivers.

  24. 'I am striving to prevent natural hazards from becoming disasters'

    I study disasters like floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. I integrate engineering and social science disciplines to understand what happens during disasters— to buildings, to infrastructure systems, to businesses and organizations to households, and to social networks— and understanding how these things change across ...

  25. Using AI to Predict and Prevent Natural Disasters

    The escalating frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide have spurred interest in leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for disaster management. AI enables predictive modeling, early warning systems, and real-time monitoring, enhancing preparedness and response efforts.

  26. Managing the Psychological and Practical Aftermath of Disasters

    A natural disaster involves severe weather events that damage our property, life, and physical health. Floods and hurricanes are the most dominant in the U.S., but other perils include fires ...