How to Find My Cover Letter on Linkedin

Are you ready to enhance your professional presence on LinkedIn? Discovering and managing your cover letter on this dynamic networking platform can play a crucial role in showcasing your skills and expertise to potential employers, clients, and connections. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of LinkedIn cover letters, providing a step-by-step walkthrough on how to locate and optimize this essential component of your online professional profile. Whether you’re a job seeker aiming to impress recruiters, a freelancer seeking new clients, or a professional looking to expand your network, mastering the art of finding your LinkedIn cover letter is a valuable skill that can set you apart in the competitive landscape of online listings and connections. Join us as we explore how to take control of your professional branding on LinkedIn and unlock new opportunities.

  • 1 How to Find Your Cover Letter on LinkedIn Step by Step
  • 2 What is a LinkedIn Cover Letter?
  • 3 Why Locating Your Cover Letter on LinkedIn Matters
  • 4 Tips for an Effective LinkedIn Cover Letter

How to Find Your Cover Letter on LinkedIn Step by Step

Unlocking the full potential of your LinkedIn profile involves knowing how to access and manage your cover letter effectively. Let’s dive into a step-by-step guide on how to locate your cover letter on LinkedIn:

  • Access Your LinkedIn Profile : Begin by logging in to your LinkedIn account or creating one if you haven’t already. Ensure you’re on your profile’s homepage.
  • Navigate to the “Featured” Section : On your LinkedIn profile, you’ll find a “Featured” section where you can showcase important content, including your cover letter. Click on this section to proceed.
  • Locate Your Cover Letter : Within the “Featured” section, scroll through your listings to find your cover letter. It will be displayed alongside other media, such as articles, presentations, or links.
  • Edit or Manage Your Cover Letter : If you need to make changes or updates to your cover letter, you can do so by clicking the “Edit” or “Manage” option within the “Featured” section. This allows you to keep your cover letter current and tailored to your professional goals.
  • Make Your Cover Letter Public or Private : LinkedIn offers the option to control the visibility of your cover letter. You can choose to make it visible to your network or keep it private. Ensure you select the visibility setting that aligns with your goals.

By following these straightforward steps, you can effortlessly locate and manage your cover letter on LinkedIn. This process enhances your professional profile’s effectiveness, making it easier to impress potential employers, clients, and connections in the competitive world of online networking.

What is a LinkedIn Cover Letter?

A LinkedIn cover letter is a personalized document that complements your LinkedIn profile and serves as an introduction to potential employers, clients, and connections on the professional networking platform. Unlike a traditional cover letter submitted with a job application, a LinkedIn cover letter is displayed on your profile and allows you to highlight your qualifications, skills, and career objectives. It plays a pivotal role in showcasing your expertise and professionalism, making a positive impression on visitors to your LinkedIn profile and enhancing your networking and job-seeking efforts.

Why Locating Your Cover Letter on LinkedIn Matters

Locating your cover letter on LinkedIn matters because it significantly enhances your professional presence and networking potential on the platform. By having a well-crafted cover letter readily available on your LinkedIn profile, you:

  • Make a Strong First Impression : It allows you to make a memorable first impression on potential employers, clients, and connections who visit your profile. A well-written cover letter sets a positive tone for your professional brand.
  • Highlight Your Qualifications : Your LinkedIn cover letter provides an opportunity to showcase your qualifications, skills, and career goals, reinforcing your expertise in your field.
  • Stand Out Among Peers : Many LinkedIn users overlook the importance of a cover letter, so having one prominently displayed sets you apart and demonstrates your commitment to professionalism.
  • Enhance Networking Opportunities : It increases your chances of connecting with like-minded professionals and engaging in meaningful conversations, whether you’re seeking job opportunities or new clients.
  • Boost Job Search Success : If you’re actively job hunting, a LinkedIn cover letter can impress recruiters and potential employers who view your profile, potentially leading to more interview invitations and job offers.

In summary, locating and maintaining a well-crafted cover letter on LinkedIn matters as it plays a vital role in establishing your professional identity, attracting opportunities, and making a lasting impact on those who explore your profile.

Tips for an Effective LinkedIn Cover Letter

Creating a compelling LinkedIn cover letter is crucial for leaving a lasting impression on potential employers, clients, and connections. Here are some expert tips to help you craft an impactful LinkedIn cover letter:

  • Customize for Your Audience : Tailor your LinkedIn cover letter to your specific audience. For example, if you’re connecting with a potential employer, emphasize your relevant skills and experiences that align with their industry or job requirements. Example : If you’re in marketing and connecting with marketing professionals, highlight your achievements in the marketing field.
  • Concise and Engaging Introduction : Start with a concise and engaging introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Clearly state your purpose and what you bring to the table. Example : “As an experienced project manager with a track record of delivering high-impact results, I am excited to connect and explore potential opportunities in project management.”
  • Highlight Key Achievements : Use specific examples to showcase your achievements and expertise. Mention projects you’ve successfully completed or results you’ve achieved in your previous roles. Example : “I led a cross-functional team that increased client satisfaction by 30% through the successful execution of a complex project.”
  • Demonstrate Passion and Enthusiasm : Express your passion and enthusiasm for your field or industry. Share your vision and goals, demonstrating your commitment to growth and success. Example : “I’m dedicated to driving innovation in the technology sector and am excited to collaborate with like-minded professionals.”
  • Use Keywords Strategically : Incorporate relevant keywords related to your industry or niche to make your cover letter more discoverable by those searching for specific skills or expertise. Example : If you’re in finance, include keywords like “financial analysis,” “budget management,” or “investment strategies.”
  • Professional Tone : Maintain a professional and confident tone throughout your cover letter. Avoid jargon or overly casual language. Example : “I am confident that my skills and experience make me a valuable asset to any team, and I look forward to discussing potential collaborations.”
  • Clear Call to Action (CTA) : Conclude your cover letter with a clear call to action, whether it’s an invitation to connect, a request for further discussion, or expressing your availability for networking. Example : “Feel free to connect with me here on LinkedIn, and let’s explore how we can collaborate for mutual success.”

By following these tips, you can create a compelling LinkedIn cover letter that not only captures attention but also fosters meaningful connections and opportunities in your professional network.

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Writing a LinkedIn cover letter

LinkedIn is a popular professional social network that allows employers to post open positions and receive applications. In some cases, these applications require a cover letter submitted directly through the platform. While a LinkedIn cover letter is similar to a standard one, being on the platform allows you to leverage certain personalization features to impress recruiters and give you the best chance of landing the job you want.

How to make a cover letter on LinkedIn

When it comes to cover letter examples , LinkedIn doesn’t supply any. The platform has its own set of rules and expectations, and it's important that you follow them. Here are a few things you need to know about navigating the process and making sure your professionalism shines through.

Search for a job post

LinkedIn makes it easy for job hunters to search for roles they’d like to apply for. From your profile page, simply click on the “Jobs” icon at the top of the page. On the “Jobs” page, you’ll be able to see the top opportunities LinkedIn recommends based on the qualifications listed in your profile.

The site will also provide a plethora of other suggestions, including keywords to search, companies hiring for your skills, and jobs where you’re likely to be a top applicant.

Apply through the “Apply” or “Easy Apply” functions

When you choose a particular role, LinkedIn will show you a detailed job description, as well as the posting date, number of applicants, and current employees you may know. There will also be an option to either apply for the position or save the posting to come back to it later.

To apply for the position, click the “Apply” button. In some cases, this button will take you to the employer’s website to submit an application through their online system. If there’s an “Easy Apply” button, clicking it will usually take you to an on-platform application.

There, you’ll be asked to upload your resume as a file attachment, fill in your personal details, and possibly answer a few questions. There may also be a message box where you can type your cover letter.

Personalize your cover letter

Applying on LinkedIn provides added benefits for applicants. In many cases, you’ll have the unique ability to see who posted the job and what their role is. There’s often a button next to this feature that allows you to message that person to ask questions about the posting.

The bottom of the job description also usually includes a link to the company page. From there, you can sometimes see the profiles of employees in key roles.

You can also click the “People” tab on an employer’s LinkedIn page to search for the name of a hiring manager. This will help you personalize the cover letter templates you use so you can address them to the right person instead of simply including a generic greeting.

Highlight relevant skills and experience

Another benefit of using LinkedIn to apply is that employers can see the relevant skills and experience listed in your profile. Consequently, they’ll be able to cross-reference the skills you include in your cover letter and resume. 

Though many resume articles may tell you that this information is sufficient for your letter, keep in mind that LinkedIn doesn’t always provide adequate space to discuss your skills in context. Your profile won’t be able to align those skills with the employer’s posted job description. 

For that reason, it’s important to connect the dots for the employer in your LinkedIn cover letter, explaining how your background, skills, and experience have set you up for success and make you the best candidate for the position.

This tactic is crucial for differentiating yourself from other applicants on LinkedIn and is especially important for roles where the platform indicates that there are already many applicants.

Include a call to action

This is one way writing a LinkedIn cover letter aligns with the conventional wisdom found in many cover letter articles .

Make sure to end your cover letter with a clear prompt for the person reading it to take the next step in the hiring process. Reiterate your enthusiasm and invite them to view any materials or portfolios you’ve included on your profile or application.

Tell the hiring manager you’d love to set up an interview or a time to talk further about how you can help the company reach its goals. Let them know you’re available to chat through LinkedIn and provide another contact method in case they prefer an alternative venue.

Proofread and edit

LinkedIn makes writing a cover letter quite easy. That said, it’s important to remember that while social media platforms can seem casual, that doesn’t mean you should take your cover letter and application any less seriously.

To appear as professional as possible, make it a point to proofread and edit your LinkedIn cover letter and resume to confirm that they’re error-free. If you’ve used a cover letter or resume template , alter parts of it to reflect your unique skills and background.

Send your application

Once everything is complete, submit your job application on LinkedIn by clicking the appropriate button. You also have the option to save your application so you can finish and submit it later.

Remember that employers can’t see your application until it’s submitted. If you forget to take this step, you won’t be in the running for the position you’re interested in.

Expert Tip:

Consider using a typing assistant or online proofreading tool to help you edit your cover letter before you send it. That way, you can spot errors and make changes inside the LinkedIn message box as you type, so you won’t have to worry about coming across as unprofessional.

To-do’s after sending your application

You may wonder what happens next once your application package is in the employer’s hands. Unlike the company’s applicant tracking system (ATS) , which may or may not give updates about your application, you can track your applications on LinkedIn. 

Simply navigate to the “Jobs” tab on your profile, click “My Jobs” on the left-hand side, and choose “Applications” to see the jobs you’ve applied for. You can also adjust your notification settings to receive job application updates via email or the LinkedIn app, including recruiter views or resume downloads.

If you want to continue your job hunt and submit another resume and cover letter , LinkedIn makes it easy. If requested or given room to do so, including a LinkedIn cover letter in each of those applications can go a long way toward helping you stand out amongst a sea of applicants.

Finally, if you haven’t heard back from the company within one to two weeks, consider sending a follow-up message via LinkedIn.

Remind the hiring manager or recruiter of your qualifications, highlight why you’re a great fit for the role, and let them know you’re enthusiastic about the possibility of an interview to discuss how you can be of value to the company.

“While social media platforms can seem casual, that doesn’t mean you should take your cover letter and application any less seriously.”

Use LinkedIn to your advantage in your search for the perfect role

As easy as it is to apply for a job on LinkedIn, it’s still important to ensure that your cover letter and application come across as poised and professional.

Before applying, familiarize yourself with the platform functions and use them to research the recruiter or hiring manager’s name. When you write your cover letter, personalize your greeting using that name instead of going with something more generic.

Additionally, give context to the experience and skills you’ve listed and explain why you’re a good fit for the role, using your LinkedIn profile as a resume example of sorts. Include a call to action at the end, and don’t forget to proofread your letter before sending it off.

If you’re coming up blank trying to compose your letter, consider using a LinkedIn cover letter example as your guide.

Reviewing cover letter and resume examples can help you determine the appropriate structure and maintain a professional tone throughout. With the right resources, you can draft a standout cover letter that gets your application moved to the top of the digital stack.

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How to View Your Resume on LinkedIn

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

Dave Johnson Dave Johnson is a dedicated writer with a strong focus on the ever-evolving social media landscape. Leveraging his comprehensive understanding of these platforms, he breaks down the complexities of social media apps to provide engaging and insightful content. Read more June 20, 2022

LinkedIn now makes it simpler and faster than ever to apply to positions you are interested in with its “Easy Apply” option. You just have to upload your resume on LinkedIn, and you can leverage new opportunities.

How to View Your Resume on LinkedIn

But what if you don’t remember if you’ve already uploaded your resume? Or if you want to check that your resume on LinkedIn is still up-to-date? View your resume on LinkedIn by following this guide and stick around until the end for helpful upload tips.

To view your previously uploaded resume(s) on LinkedIn, you will need to go into your settings.

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

These are the resumes ready to be used with your job applications. To view the resume you want, click the three horizontal dots and select “Download.” You can also delete any outdated files.

How to View Your Resume for a Job Application on LinkedIn

You can also view the resume you’ve submitted for a job application on LinkedIn. This is a great way to check that you submitted the right file. Follow these steps:

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

  • Select the application you want to view.
  • You will find “Submitted resume” in the corner of the first card. Download your resume to view it.

How to View Your Resume Drafts on LinkedIn

LinkedIn also allows you to build your resume on-site. To access your previously created LinkedIn resumes or edit your drafts, do the following:

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

You can also access this option differently:

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

A new window will open to see a list of all the resumes you have previously uploaded in the Resume Builder. You can preview, edit, copy and delete them by pressing the three horizontal dots next to each draft.

How to Upload Your Resume on LinkedIn

If your resume list on LinkedIn is empty, you can fix this by uploading your resume.

To save your resume for future job applications, here’s what you should do:

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

  • Browse your resume and open the file.

On the other hand, if you want to add your resume to your profile, a different method will be necessary:

how do i find my cover letter on linkedin

The resume you upload to your profile this way will be visible to other users, but you won’t be able to use it for job applications.

How to Create a Resume on LinkedIn

If you have yet to create your resume, you can do that directly on LinkedIn.

If you already have a resume prepared in DOCX or PDF format, you’ll be able to upload and edit it later. You can also get started without uploading a document by clicking “Create from profile” and following the instructions on your screen.

Creating your resume directly on LinkedIn gives you access to several useful tools. For instance, you can get keyword suggestions to optimize your resume. You don’t have to worry about formatting either, as LinkedIn resumes are compatible with recruiters’ screening software.

Once you’re done, you can download your LinkedIn resume as a PDF by clicking “More” in the top right corner and then “Download as PDF.” Upload this PDF to your job application settings, and you’ll be able to use it for your future applications.

Additional FAQs

Is my resume public on linkedin.

There are two ways to upload a resume on LinkedIn: adding it to your profile and uploading it for job applications. The former method will make your resume visible to network members. The latter approach will store your resume privately, and only the recruiters you submit it to will be able to see it. Make sure you upload your resume correctly, depending on your goal.

Can I add more than one resume to my LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn will allow you to store up to four resumes in your account.

Keep Your Resumes on LinkedIn Up-to-Date

Your LinkedIn profile is like a resume in itself, but you’ll want to put your best face forward when the time comes for a job application. Check your currently uploaded resumes and remove any that are no longer relevant. You can also upload a new document or create a professional resume directly on the website.

Which method of viewing your resume were you looking for? Did you already know you can also build your resume on LinkedIn? Tell us in the comments section below.

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How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn

Have it ready to go, just in case

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LinkedIn is one of the largest professional networks and one of the best job search sites . While its main purpose is connecting recruiters and people searching for jobs, you can also use it to track someone down or to find out who’s looking for you online . 

If you’re using this network to find a new job, you might run across some issues, like how to add or update your resume on LinkedIn. Although, the question you should ask yourself first is whether you should be uploading your resume on LinkedIn at all. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 1

Should You Add Your Resume To LinkedIn?

At first, the answer seems obvious – of course, you should attach your resume to your LinkedIn profile. The sole purpose of your profile on the network is to land you a job . 

Adding your resume to LinkedIn can help in more ways than one:

  • Your future employer doesn’t need to scroll through your LinkedIn profile to find the information they’re after. It’s all condensed in a one-page summary that is your resume.
  • It gives the employer quick access to your contact details. If they’re interested, they can contact you directly avoiding long conversations on the network.
  • Your LinkedIn profile is probably rather broad, displaying all your past professional skills and experience in different work spheres. But your resume can be a narrowed-down version of that, tailored to the job you’re searching for. 
  • Finally, you already put so much effort into creating an attractive resume that speaks about your talents and accomplishments. Why not show it off to your potential future employers? 

However, there can be some downsides to attaching your resume to your LinkedIn profile that you shouldn’t ignore. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 2

The biggest one of them is risking your personal data being shared publicly online. Once you upload your resume, you will no longer have any control over who downloads it and gets access to your private information, like your email address, phone number, maybe even your physical address. It also means that everyone on LinkedIn can now download, copy, and use your resume as they wish. 

One more thing you should consider before you add your resume to LinkedIn is what it will look like to your current employer if you have one. When you upload your resume, your job search status on LinkedIn becomes active. That may send the wrong message to your colleagues at your current place of employment. 

All in all, once you upload your resume, it sends a message that you’re actively looking for a job. Some recruiters might find it handy (that you have your resume right on your LinkedIn page), while others might find it desperate. In the end of the day, it’s up to you what you think works best for building your LinkedIn presence. 

How To Add Your Resume To LinkedIn

If, after you consider all the pros and cons of adding your resume to your LinkedIn profile, you still want to do it, here is how to upload your resume. 

Before, you used to be able to add your resume to the summary section of your LinkedIn profile. Now the layout has changed, and you have to add your resume to the Featured section to have it displayed on your profile. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 3

  • On your profile, either scroll down to the Featured section or tap the Add profile section button. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 4

  • From the pop-up menu, choose Media . 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 5

  • Find your latest resume on your computer, and select Open . Make sure your document has a clear name like your name + resume . 
  • After you click save, your resume will be featured on your LinkedIn profile.

How To Upload Your Resume For Easy Apply Applications

LinkedIn offers a second (and less obvious) option for adding your resume to your profile. You can save up to three different resumes when applying for jobs on LinkedIn using the Easy Apply function. 

To save your resume when applying for a job on LinkedIn, follow the steps:

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 6

  • From LinkedIn’s navigation bar, select Jobs . 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 7

  • From the positions offered, find one that has the Easy Apply icon on it. Those are the jobs that you can quickly apply to using a saved resume on LinkedIn. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 8

  • When prompted, click Upload Resume and attach your latest resume to the application. If you’re using different resumes for different positions, make sure to use distinctive names for each of your saved resumes. 

How To Update Your Resume On LinkedIn

One thing you want to look out for when having your resume on your LinkedIn profile is making sure it’s always up to date. You don’t want to seem sloppy to your future employers with a resume that’s a few years (or few jobs) old. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 9

To update your resume on LinkedIn, you’ll have to delete your old one and upload a new document. Once you have your updated resume ready, go to the Featured section of your profile. 

How To Add Or Update Your Resume On LinkedIn image 10

Click on the resume you’d like to replace, and select Delete . Once you delete the item, follow the steps described under the How To Upload Your Resume On LinkedIn section of this article. 

To avoid any confusion from potential recruiters, keep an eye on your resume on LinkedIn and make sure it’s always fresh and up to date. 

Build Up Your LinkedIn Profile 

LinkedIn is a great network for anyone looking to further their career. Even the basic free version allows you to showcase your professional skills and accomplishments, paint the best picture of yourself for any potential employers, and apply for as many positions as you like. That of course though takes time and effort.

If you’re looking to jump over a few steps straight to the top of the career ladder, consider investing in LinkedIn Premium . The Career tier comes with a lot of useful perks like applicant statistics and visibility insights that will help you upgrade your LinkedIn profile. 

Did you add your resume to your LinkedIn profile page? Do you think it helps your job search or hurts it instead? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 

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Anya is a freelance technology writer. Originally from Russia, she is currently a full-time Remote Worker and Digital Nomad. With a background in Journalism, Language Studies, and Technical Translation, Anya couldn't imagine her life and work without using modern technology on a daily basis. Always looking out for new ways to make her life and location-independent lifestyle easier, she hopes to share her experiences as a tech- and internet-addict through her writing. Read Anya's Full Bio

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How to upload your resume in a LinkedIn profile or add it to a job application

  • You can upload a resume directly to your LinkedIn profile, or via Easy Apply on job applications.
  • Creating a custom resume for your LinkedIn profile is vital to stand out in the job market.
  • If the Featured section is disabled, you can still add your resume via the "Add Section" option.

LinkedIn can be a useful tool for getting your name out there and in front of the right hiring managers. It can also help when it comes to directly applying for jobs, especially the thousands featured on the site. 

In order to take full advantage of these features, it's a good idea to have a resume uploaded to your profile. Here's what you'll need to do. 

Adding your resume to LinkedIn

If you don't have a resume ready, you could use LinkedIn's download feature , which takes all of the information you've included on your profile and converts it into a PDF resume. 

However, that downloaded resume is likely not as aesthetically pleasing as a resume you created yourself, and it will likely be longer than you want. So uploading a customized resume to your profile lets you tailor your employment information to better fit the job you're applying for so you'll stand out in the right ways. The same goes when you're applying for a job.

How to upload a resume in LinkedIn profile

1. Go to the LinkedIn website and log in to your account, if necessary.

2. Click the Me tab in the top toolbar underneath your profile photo.

3. Choose View Profile from the drop-down menu that appears. 

4. Scroll down to the Featured section and click the Add featured link if you haven't uploaded anything to the section. If you have, click the plus + icon at the top-right of the box, to the left of the pencil icon. 

If you don't see the Featured section, it might be disabled. In that case, scroll up to the top of your profile and select Add Section , then Featured , followed by Media . You can then skip to step #6 in this guide.

5. Otherwise, if you do have the Featured section and have clicked Add featured or the plus + icon , in the drop-down that appears, select Media .

6. In the file upload window that appears, locate the resume document you want to upload. Click it and select Open . 

7. A preview of the document will appear, as will boxes to give your resume a Title and Description . Only the Title is required.

8. Once you've filled out the title and description, click Save .

How to upload a resume in LinkedIn when applying for a job

1. Once you've found a job you want to apply to, click or tap on the job title to view details.

2. Click or tap the Easy Apply button.

Important: You must choose Easy Apply — not Apply — for this to work. Otherwise, you'll be directed to the hiring company's job application portal. And your resume must be less than 2MB and be formatted in either Word or as a PDF.

3. Add the required information and under Resume , select Upload resume .

4. Choose the desired file from the pop-up window and click Open .

5. Select Next and continue through the application until you reach the Review page.

6. Choose Submit application when ready.

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How to quickly generate a resume from your linkedin profile.

It's so easy that it almost feels like cheating.

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How to generate a resume from your linkedin profile, generate a customized resume from your linkedin profile, bonus tip: download other linkedin members' resumes.

If you already have your work experience listed on your LinkedIn profile, it's easy to get the site to automatically generate a resume for you. Here's how to do it.

All LinkedIn profiles include a button to download the profile as a PDF . This PDF is basically your resume, containing all the experiences you've listed on LinkedIn. This includes your academics, work experiences, and everything else that you have on your profile.

Related: What Is a PDF File (and How Do I Open One)?

To download this quick resume, first, open LinkedIn in a web browser on your computer. When LinkedIn opens, click your profile icon at the top of the site and select "View Profile."

On the profile page, right beneath your profile picture, click the "More" option, and select "Save to PDF."

In a few moments, your browser will start downloading your resume PDF from LinkedIn.

That's all there is to generating a quick automatic resume from LinkedIn, but you might not want to send it exactly as it is to potential employers. In that case, check out the section below.

The resume that you downloaded above includes all the information that you have on your LinkedIn profile. If you want to add, edit, or delete certain sections of the resume, use LinkedIn's resume creation tool. It lets you choose what sections you want to include in or exclude from your resume. When you're happy with the result, you can download it as a PDF to your computer.

To start building your custom resume, open LinkedIn in your web browser. On LinkedIn, click your profile icon at the top-right corner and select "View Profile."

On the profile page, in the section at the top, select "More," and then click "Build a resume." This launches LinkedIn's resume creation tool in your browser.

In the "Select a Resume" pop-up that appears, click the "Create From Profile" button at the bottom.

In the following box that says "Choose your desired job title," click the "Job Title" box, and then enter your current job title. Then, select a title from the suggested options and click "Apply" at the bottom.

You're now on LinkedIn's resume creation tool screen. Here, you can add and exclude whatever information you want in your resume. To add or remove a section in your resume, click the pencil icon next to a section on the page.

The site will open a box with your selected section in it. Here, you can modify the contents of your section and click "Save" at the bottom of the box to save your changes. Or, you can click "Delete" to remove this section from your resume altogether.

When you've finished editing your resume, click "Preview" at the top of the LinkedIn site to preview your resume.

If you're happy with the result, click "More" at the top of the LinkedIn site, and then select "Download as PDF." This will download your resume as a PDF to your computer.

You're all set.

In addition to the ability to download your own resume, you can also download other LinkedIn members' resumes. You don't need to be connected with a member to be able to download their resume, but there's a limit of 200 downloads for others' resumes. (You can download your own resume an unlimited number of times, though.)

To download someone's profile, first, open their profile on LinkedIn . On the profile page, right beneath the cover image (the large image at the top of the page), click the "More" option, and then select "Save to PDF."

Your browser will start downloading a PDF resume of your selected LinkedIn member.

Related: How to Use the LinkedIn Resume Assistant in Microsoft Word

How to Add Your Resume on LinkedIn (Bonus Tip Included)

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Looking to land your next job via LinkedIn?

No surprise there - LinkedIn is the social professional social media network out there, with over 3,000,000 new jobs posted on the platform per month in the US alone!

But before you start your job search via LinkedIn, you need to upload your resume to the platform.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to add your resume to your LinkedIn profile! Read on to learn:

  • How To Add Your Resume on LinkedIn
  • How to Add Your Resume on LinkedIn With Easy Apply
  • Should You Add Your Resume to LinkedIn? Pros & Cons
  • How to Download Your LinkedIn Profile As a Resume

So let’s dive right in! 

How to Add Resume to Your LinkedIn Profile

The first thing to know is that your LinkedIn already has a place reserved for your resume, and that’s your profile's About Me section. 

It’s a strategic position that allows anyone visiting your profile to notice your resume right away. 

Now, when it comes to uploading your resume on LinkedIn, the process is fairly easy. 

Follow these steps to upload your resume directly to your profile:

Step #1: Click the Me tab on the top toolbar below your profile photo.

Step #2: Choose View Profile from the drop-down menu that appears.


Step #3: Scroll down and click the Add Featured link.

Step #4: If you don't see the “ Featured” section , it might be disabled. If that’s the case, scroll to the top of your profile and select “ Add profile section” , then “ Recommended” , and then “ Add featured”, and finally "Add Media" .

Step #5: Otherwise, if your Featured section is enabled, click Add Favorites or the plus icon , and select Media from the drop-down menu.


Step #6: In the file upload window that appears, select the resume document you want to upload and click Open.

Step #7: A preview of the document will pop up, as well as fields to title and describe your resume. Only the title is required.

Step #8: After filling in the title and description, click Save .

And just like that, everyone will be able to view your resume in the Featured part of your LinkedIn profile .

Want to learn more about how to actively find a job with LinkedIn? Check out our guide to LinkedIn networking !

Applying for Jobs on LinkedIn? Add Your Resume Using Easy Apply!

Now, when looking for work, it’s best to tailor your resume to each position rather than use the same one for all applications. Customizing your resume to the job not only improves your chances of getting hired but also shows the recruiter that you're dedicated and detail-oriented.

And, unfortunately, simply adding your resume to your LinkedIn profile doesn’t allow you to tailor your resume to specific job positions. 

The good news? LinkedIn has thought about this. 

If you’re job hunting and applying to several positions, you can upload different, customized versions of your resume using LinkdeIn's “ Easy Apply ” function. 

Here’s exactly how you can do it: 

Step #1: For starters, check the job position you’re applying for. The Easy Apply function will allow you to upload your resume straight to LinkedIn. Any listing that just has an "Apply" tab will require you to submit your resume via a third-party website. 


Step #2: If applicable, select Easy Apply . Scroll down until you see a button that says Upload Resume . 


Step #3: To upload your resume, navigate to the resume file on your computer and select Open. 

Step #4: From here on, you can keep revising your application and, when finished, click the Submit Application tab. 

The best part? LinkedIn will save this version of your resume in case you need to use it for another job. 

Should I Add My Resume on LinkedIn? 

The answer is a clear “yes!”

When a potential employer lands on your LinkedIn page, they won’t have enough information just with your personal profile to see if you’re qualified for whatever job they’re considering you for.

Simply by adding a resume, you’re adding a new level of depth to your LinkedIn profile and making it more likely that prospective employers reach out to you.

How to Download Your LinkedIn Profile As a Resume (With Pros & Cons)

Just like it allows you to upload your resume online, LinkedIn also lets you download your profile on the platform as a resume. 

All LinkedIn profiles feature a “Save as PDF” tab that will take your LinkedIn profile and save it on your device as a PDF.  

This PDF will contain everything you’ve listed on LinkedIn, including your education, work experience, and skills.

To download your LinkedIn profile as a resume, the first thing you need to do is open LinkedIn in a web browser on your computer. 

After selecting the profile icon at the top, click View Profile.


On the profile page, right below the profile picture, click More and select Save to PDF .


In a few seconds, your download will begin and the PDF will show all the information included in your profile.

Now, if you want to add, update, or omit certain elements from the profile before saving it, you can use LinkedIn’s resume tool to do so. Once you’re pleased with the result, you can hit Save. 

However, the real question here is , is using a LinkedIn profile as a resume a good idea?

The answer is no .

The LinkedIn resume is simply not that effective for several reasons:

  • It simply doesn’t look that good. And yes, your resume’s design does matter. The cleaner your resume layout, the easier it is to scan, and as such, more likely to get read by the HR manager.
  • It’s not comprehensive enough. Your LinkedIn profile should not be as detailed as your resume. The purpose of a LI profile is to act as a brief introduction to you as a professional, not to sell you as a candidate.
  • The output might be too long. Generally, you want to keep your resume length to one, maybe two pages max. A LinkedIn profile export can be longer than that.

Want to use a tried-and-tested resume template instead? Check out the Novorésumé resume builder !

It’s super easy to use and comes with 16 tried-and-tested templates . And the best part? Our resumes look super slick!


Key Takeaways

And that about sums it all up about how to best combine your LinkedIn profile & your resume!

Before you go, though, let’s recap the most important points we covered in this article:

  • LinkedIn is much more than a CV on the internet. A LinkedIn profile should emphasize your ties to persons and employers, while your CV should present a clear professional goal. 
  • There are 2 simple ways to submit your resume to LinkedIn: directly through uploading or by using the Easy Apply feature for specific jobs.
  • When hunting for a job on LinkedIn, don’t just rely on your CV - make sure your profile is fully updated too.

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • How to Put LinkedIn on a...

How to Put LinkedIn on a Resume (with Examples)

10 min read · Updated on March 27, 2024

Ronda Suder

Here's how to best represent LinkedIn on your resume so you receive the right type of attention

It's common knowledge that LinkedIn is the top professional social media site used. Unlike other older social media sites that have declined in popularity over the years, LinkedIn has maintained its popularity and has been actively used since its launch in 2003. With more than 1 billion users worldwide and 67 million companies on the site, it's a go-to resource to network, recruit, find and apply for jobs, promote your expertise, and more. 

So, if you're not on LinkedIn, create an account as soon as possible. For those of you who are on LinkedIn, you might be wondering if you should include LinkedIn on your resume. Great question! 

In this post, we'll cover:

Why you should include LinkedIn on a resume

How to update your LinkedIn profile so it's safe to share your URL

How to create a custom LinkedIn URL

Ways to personalize your LinkedIn URL

Where and how to put LinkedIn on your resume

When not to include LinkedIn on your resume

How to include LinkedIn Learning on your resume

Should you put LinkedIn on a resume? 

It's true that your resume is the first impression employers have of you when you apply for a job. With that said, count on LinkedIn being impression number two, given that more than 78% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find and research candidates. Some research even indicates 40% of employers won't consider you if you don't have a LinkedIn profile. In other words, as soon as your resume grabs the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager, it's likely that they're going to quickly do an online search to learn more about you, starting with LinkedIn. 

So, if you've been wondering if recruiters and hiring managers really do check LinkedIn, now you know that they do. As a result, you should definitely include your LinkedIn URL on your resume. But, before you take that step, you must ensure that your profile is current and professional. 

How to update your LinkedIn profile before sharing your URL

Even if you choose not to include your LinkedIn URL on your resume, based on the stats above, it's still probable that hiring teams will look for it anyway. So, first things first, you need to ensure your LinkedIn profile has all the necessary elements and is professionally written. The last thing you want is for a hiring manager to find your profile halfway complete - that scenario is likely to put your resume in the thanks-but-no-thanks pile. 

While it's true that your LinkedIn profile and resume need to align with each other, the great thing about your LinkedIn profile is that it gives you the chance to share more about yourself than your resume can highlight - another reason to be sure to include LinkedIn on your resume. Your LinkedIn profile provides you with a unique opportunity to showcase your personality and all of your professional history - it's a way to highlight your personal and professional brand. 

To ensure your profile is up to par and does what it's meant to do (land an interview and help you to get hired), you want to customize it as follows:

Include a professional photo and cover image

Craft a catchy headline

Add a standout summary in the “About” section

Add your work history in detail

Include all of your skills

Seek endorsements

Include your education , training, licenses, and certifications

Request recommendations

Add work samples, if possible

Complete all relevant sections

For more detailed information on how to best complete your LinkedIn profile, refer to “ 12 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out .” 

If you don't currently have a LinkedIn profile, use caution when rushing to create one. Yes, you want to have a profile up and running as soon as possible - especially if you're in the market for a new job - but don't create it in haste. Instead, when you're ready, give it some thoughtful consideration and take the time required to ensure it's a profile you're proud to share with employers. 

Another essential step to take before adding your LinkedIn URL to your resume is personalizing it. Yes, you could use the LinkedIn-generated URL that includes your full name followed by a string of seemingly random numbers and text at the end, but doing so looks unprofessional. In the examples below, if you compare how a LinkedIn-generated URL looks with how a customized URL looks, which is better? 

LinkedIn-generated URL : 

Customized URL:

Not only does the customized URL look more professional, it's also easier to recall. Plus, not customizing your URL can make you come across as being lazy or not caring enough about your job application.

Now that you're clear it's essential to customize your LinkedIn URL, here are the steps to do so:

Log into your LinkedIn profile

On the upper middle to right side of the LinkedIn navigation, click on the “Me” icon

From the menu that appears, click on “View Profile”

Select “Edit public profile & URL” from the top right corner, which will take you to your public profile settings

Click on the pencil icon below and to the right of “Edit your custom URL”

Customize the last part of the URL where you can enter information and click “Save”

Ways to customize and personalize your LinkedIn URL

LinkedIn allows you to customize your URL with 3 to 100 numbers or letters. When choosing what to use for the customized aspect, first remove any random string of text or numbers following your name. If your name alone isn't available, the next best option is to use a variation of your name that is still recognizable and professional. You can also include your job title or profession for URL customization.

Here are some examples of how to personalize your URL:

Add an available and easy to remember number at the end:

Use your title or area of expertise:

Include your credentials:  

Add a phrase that relates to your personal brand:

Add your middle initial:

Where to include a LinkedIn URL on your resume

You're likely not surprised to learn that your LinkedIn URL should go at the top of your resume with your contact information . It's typically the last piece of contact information you'll include, following your phone number and email address.

When sending your resume by email, it's also wise to include your hyperlinked LinkedIn URL in your email signature. This offers easy access to your LinkedIn profile before the recruiter or hiring manager even looks at your resume. It's a good idea to include your LinkedIn URL in the contact information section of your cover letter , too.

How to put your LinkedIn URL on your resume

When listing your LinkedIn URL:

You don't need to include the "https://www." at the beginning. Only listing the rest of the URL is sufficient - for example,

You don't need to include a LinkedIn label for the URL - the employer will know what the URL is referencing since all LinkedIn URLs begin with "" 

Hyperlink the URL in electronic versions of your resume

On the rare occasion that you might mail a hard copy of your resume, be sure the URL is easily legible and remove the hyperlink

How to put LinkedIn on a resume: example

When you've added your LinkedIn URL to your resume, it could look like this: 

[email protected] | 555.555.5555 |

When not to include a LinkedIn URL on your resume

It's clear that putting LinkedIn on your resume adds value in most instances. However, there are a few scenarios where you shouldn't include LinkedIn on your resume. 

Don't include your LinkedIn URL if:

You haven't customized your LinkedIn URL. As mentioned earlier, not customizing your URL might make you appear lazy to recruiters and hiring managers. Since the LinkedIn-generated URL also tends to be long and odd-looking, it could be distracting to human readers vs. adding value the way you want it to.

Your profile is out-of-date and incomplete. Again, it's imperative that your LinkedIn profile is current and complete if you're in the job market and share your URL on your resume.

You don't feel good about your profile. Even if your LinkedIn profile is current, if you don't feel good about it or don't feel it represents you in the best light possible, don't include the URL on your resume. Instead, wait until you've made the updates and changes that make you want to share it. With that said, since employers tend to look you up even if you don't include your URL, try to make those changes with thoughtful consideration sooner rather than later - especially if you're currently applying for jobs. You also have the option of switching your profile to private until you're ready to make it public.  You can always seek professional support to help you update your profile if you're struggling to do so yourself. 

Your LinkedIn profile merely mirrors your resume. A benefit of including your LinkedIn URL on your resume is that it gives hiring teams insight into additional skills and experiences you have, as well as who you are as a person. If your LinkedIn profile and resume are virtually the same, then hiring teams might wonder why you included the URL at all. 

How to add LinkedIn Learning to your resume

If you have a LinkedIn learning certificate, it can be a valuable addition to enhance your job marketing materials. Here are some ways to include LinkedIn Learning on your resume:

Include it in your Certifications section. The most obvious place to include a LinkedIn Learning certificate is in your list of certifications, if you include such a section on your resume. 

Share it in your Education section . Suppose LinkedIn Learning is your only certification or additional training beyond your education. In that case, you can choose to list it with your education. For this scenario, some good naming conventions for the section are “Education & Certifications” or “Education & Credentials.”   

Reference it in your resume summary. You might mention your LinkedIn Learning certificate in your resume summary , if it helps to fill in any skills gaps you have or if you lack relevant work experience for the position.

Add it to your skills or competencies list. If you don't need to emphasize your LinkedIn Learning training in your summary, or are forgoing a Certifications section on your resume, then you can opt to list it in your skills or competencies list. 

LinkedIn on your resume is expected

In today's world, employers expect to see your LinkedIn URL on your resume. Be sure to include your personalized URL with your contact information and, simultaneously, ensure your LinkedIn profile is professionally written and up to date. Hiring managers will thank you! 

And if you have any LinkedIn Learning training that's relevant to the job, be sure to include it where appropriate. Doing so can further enhance your resume and prove you're the perfect candidate for the job. Good luck!  

Do you want to know whether your resume correctly represents your LinkedIn URL as well as other pertinent elements? Why not submit it for a free resume review by our team of expert resume writers ? They'll work with you and show you exactly what to include and how to include it to create the best resume possible!  

Recommended reading:

How to List Certifications on a Resume (with Examples)

5 Easy Ways to Spring Clean Your Resume

How to Check if My Resume is ATS-Friendly for Free

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How to Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn - Step by Step Guide

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See how your resume stacks up.

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