
Hire a Professional Ghost Writer for Your Academic Writing

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Our Experts will Geek your Essays and Homework

If you have read the likes of Stephen King and Joanne Rowling, then you have had firsthand experience with a professional ghostwriter. As a student, you can also solicit academic ghostwriting services from best educational writing websites like GradeCrest.

But just what is an academic ghostwriting service? Academic ghostwriting services are becoming a preference for many students. Mostly, students double studies and work, which leaves little or no time for them to write high-quality college papers, complete assignments, and attempt homework. But do the professors and instructors care enough to reduce the workload, No! 

So students find someone else, sort of an academic research assistant, who conducts research, gets scholarly sources, writes a decent piece of essay, research paper, and term paper, and consults with them the entire process. So, an academic ghostwriter works with a student, like a tutor-student relationship, to ensure that they get their ideas written on paper.

Can you hire a ghostwriter for a dissertation or thesis, yes you can. However, be ready to spend more time with them to get to the core of the paper written for you.

That said, you must carefully vet the ghostwriter you entrust with one of your essays or college papers.

Is Ghostwriting Plagiarism? Is Academic Ghostwriting Legal?

If you are tight on time and still need to catch up with the class, academic ghostwriting is entirely something you should consider. NB: Ghostwriting is never plagiarism neither are laws that make it illegal. Ghostwriters sell content and give rights to the person buying it. The same applies to academic ghostwriting service no Canadian, American, or UK law make academic ghostwriting illegal.  The mere attacks to academic ghostwriting are from people who do not appreciate the changing times. It is an issue with universities that do not understand the dynamics of how it works. Academic ghostwriting services help students get model papers or sample academic papers that they can use in completing theirs. Students have taken honor codes and cannot cheat by submitting such papers for credit. So, when they receive the papers with the sources, they can understand how to format papers in MLA, APA, Turabian, Chicago, ASA, or Harvard.

Academic ghostwriters are surrogate mothers that research the essays for students, write the essays, and submit the papers to the clients. As a college ghostwriting service, we encourage the clients to chip in ideas when the papers are yet to be or when they are being written. This way, we have our ghostwriters discuss the way forward with the students and come up with as many points as there is on a subject. Now, the same happens when handling either short deadlines or long-deadline college papers.

Get our ghostwriting service for formatting, editing, styling, proofreading, writing masters and Ph.D. theses and dissertation, writing dissertation chapters, and conducting research. We can also help you create PowerPoint presentations, posters, flyers, personal statements, MBAs and DBA papers, data analysis, and all types of essays.

Why Students Prefer Using Academic Ghost Writing Services

As stated above, students all over the world are entering a competitive space. Everyone wants to get an A-grade research paper, term paper, essays, discussion posts, and you name it. If you have ever read a negative blog on ghost academic writing and wondered if ghostwriting academic papers is illegal, we have something to keep you thinking.

If you were an architect and need to build a house, yet you do not have time, what would you do? You would definitely hire someone on command to draw the best design for you, right? That is the same way academic ghostwriting works. Students who are part-time professionals entrust ghostwriting experts with their academic work.

Here are some of the top reasons why you need our ghostwriting services:

  • When writing different types of academic papers assigned in high-school, college, and university.
  • If you need essays, admission essays, term papers, reports, lab reports, marketing plans, business plans, and coursework projects done as you do other personal stuff.
  • When looking for professional paper assistance to get plagiarism-free and well-researched papers.
  • You need a PowerPoint presentation done for you while you finalize preparing for your presentation or dissertation defense.

There are many reasons to get help from professional ghostwriting services. What matters is whether you get a reliable academic ghostwriting service like GradeCrest.

Profile of our Academic Ghost Writers for Hire

Academic ghostwriting services are common among bright students and professionals. Did you know that ghostwriting services can perfectly handle your essays and even book reports and reviews? Here is a bit of what our ghostwriters do:

  • Help you generate topic ideas for your academic writing tasks such as essays, research papers, and term papers.
  • Assist with drafting the outline and formulating the best structure of a paper.
  • Selecting the best sources for your academic papers.
  • Writing plagiarism-free papers for you.
  • Editing and proofreading the college and university papers for you.
  • Delivering your research paper orders on time.

But who are they:

  • Holders of Masters and Ph.D. degrees from reputable universities.
  • Native English Speaker.
  • Understand academic writing processes.
  • Privy to the different types of essays, research papers, and college papers.
  • Understand how to format academic papers.
  • Can write both long-form and short-form College and university papers.
  • Has passed our rigorous internal tests and participates in professional writing development courses.
  • Can write a high-grade paper with minimal to no mistake.
  • Carefully handpicked and trained to become the best academic ghostwriter.

An F sounds like a poor grade to get you some slot in the corporate world. It can even cripple your GPA. When different tutors or professors assign you to work, you cannot land your hand in all of them. Therefore, it would be prudent to reach out to us for the best-ghostwriting services. Better yet, we have the best ghostwriters for academic ghostwriting with a guarantee of distinction-level papers.

How our Professional Academic Ghostwriting Service Works

No academic ghostwriting service has made it easier to order essays online. With our service, you can quickly pay for essays online. Here is the drill:

  • Click on any order now button, which will redirect you to our order form.
  • Fill as much information as you can about your college or university papers.
  • Choose the academic level to help us match you up with the right academic ghostwriter. Graduate ghostwriting experts handle graduate-level papers as well as undergraduate level papers.
  • Pay for the ghostwriting services you wish to receive. We have even made it easier as you can get discount codes to your emails and use them when paying. Besides, the calculator enables you to estimate how much money to pay for our academic ghostwriting services.
  • We assign your papers to a qualified academic ghostwriter who creates a custom academic paper for you within the deadline.
  • You can communicate with your ghostwriter as they work on your ghost story. Note that our ghostwritten essays are of high standards and are always delivered on time. Besides, we do not tolerate plagiarized papers. All our essays are non-plagiarized.
  • If you get a paper and feel there is a need for some areas to be tweaked, our free-revisions policy covers you.
  • And we have the best satisfaction guarantee in place.

Our papers are written from scratch. You can bet on us for high-quality college papers . Besides, if you are short of time, we can handle even essays due in 3 hours.

What Ghost Writing Services Do We Offer?

Academic ghostwriting has bud out to become a stable industry. Like what the sea anemone is to the clownfish, the academic ghostwriting industry is a mutual support system to the higher education system. In an article written by Julia Molinari  in the Guardian, academic proofreading is a common practice among students, and it is not illegal.

Only when novice writers write your research papers will you have a paper carefully peppered with inaccuracies and full of plagiarism. Otherwise, when you find academic writing as a complicated endeavour and get our academic ghostwriting services, you will be assured of professional handling your academic work.

The main differentiating factor between us and our competitors is that you converse with the client as they handle your work. Besides, we have a progressive delivery arrangement where you get periodic drafts to ensure your expert essay writer is on track.

Our ghostwriting help is affordable and does not cost you an arm and a leg. Moreover, we cover different subjects. Here is a sneak pick of what to expect from us.

Thesis and Dissertation Writing

We have in the past, prioritized on client satisfaction. We cherish graduate and MBA students who find worth in what we do. Our academic ghostwriting service serves as equally the best dissertation ghostwriting service . We have delivered world-class professional academic ghostwriting services to many clients.

A major reason why we remain on top is the competent team of well-educated and dedicated dissertation ghostwriters . Our dissertation writers can customize the dissertations to meet your requirements. 

With the expert dissertation ghostwriters in our tuff, we are always confident of meeting the strict university requirements.

We can help you write dissertation proposals and then proceed to write all the dissertation chapters for you. If you are looking for timely delivered and professionally written dissertations, GradeCrest is your happy haven. 

We also help with SPSS, STATA, and EXCEL in data analysis. We are simply the best dissertation ghostwriting service with experienced professional dissertation ghostwriters. You can always get help with your dissertation.  We are experts in helping with thesis writing.

Capstone Papers Research

In college and university, you will be required to write capstone projects. If you are a nursing student, completing a nursing capstone paper or project is a given. Well, writing a capstone paper, which comes in your last school year, can dampen your mood.

Our academic ghostwriting services give you an easy time with your capstone projects. Our professional capstone research paper writers can write a capstone project for you.

Our premium capstone ghostwriting service presents papers in a well-defined format for academic papers.

Our writers will present you with research from scratch, a good topic idea for your capstone project, and an outline for confirmation by your professor. Once confirmed, our academic ghostwriters put their expertise to work and produce the best papers for you. 

It matters not the level of academic you are, so long as you need someone to write your capstone project, our capstone writing service is assuredly the best.

Term Paper Writing

As your life in college advances, you will notice that you need to write term papers. And if they cannot meet Professor Raymond Hames’  standards of writing a term paper, you will need to hire a ghostwriter to help you with term paper ghostwriting.

Again, our academic ghostwriting service has become the first resort for a student seeking term paper help . Our term paper ghostwriting team can help you choose a good topic for your term paper, plan the paper, and write a high-quality term paper. 

Our expert term paper writers have all it takes to produce quality papers. So, if you are stuck with this type of paper, do not hesitate to get help.

Research Paper Help

Writing research papers is an intensive process. It spans from researching for scholarly sources, generating topic ideas, choosing the best titles, and writing a deeply-researched essay. Given its intense nature, students dread research paper writing, which is why they entrust writing research papers to research paper ghostwriting services.

With our ghostwriting service, you can buy research papers online. When you do so, our research paper experts will do everything from scratch within the specified deadlines. Ours is a leading and smart research paper writing service .

We only have experts in different subject matters and not rookie academic writers. We are waiting to assist you with any type of research paper.

Case Study Writing

Writing a case study is a prerequisite for students undertaking sociology, psychology, nursing, medicine and health, business and management, accounting, finance, and tourism, to mention a few. Case study writing can be a tedious process.

For instance, if asked to write a case study of Google LLC, Amazon, Apple, Keurig, or Carrefour. You have to go through the intensive process of analyzing the company annual and financial statements before coming with a PESTEL, SWOT analysis, Porters five force analysis, and a great case study.

Sometimes, it is a leadership case study, and you are not just good at research. In all these cases, our case study ghostwriting services might be a fortune in waiting for you. Our expert case study writers will analyze the case study for you. Each case study comes with a profound thesis statement that hooks the markers from the beginning to the end.

At Gradecrest you can get a case study writing services that produce quality, intelligent, smartly-written, and organized case studies.

Marketing and Business Plans Ghostwriting

Writing either a business plan or a marketing plan is no mean feat. You require to understand the right format of a business plan or a marketing plan to write the best. Sometimes you don’t know how to write a marketing plan to clearly outline a marketing strategy.

If this is the case contracting a marketing plan ghostwriter will be an inevitable step. Our extensive marketing plan writing help service can benefit both students and organizations. The same applies to our business plan writing service.

Maybe you have an idea but do not know how to write an excellent business plan; we can spark your entrepreneurial journey and ambitions by writing the best business plan. Our marketing and business plan ghostwriting service is the gold standard in the industry.

Reasons to Trust GradeCrest Ghostwriting Services

Our ghostwritten papers have found fame among college and university students. Within our team, we have administrators, support, and technical staff who work day and night to ensure you succeed in your education.  Professionally, we are always leading in the academic writing world due to diligence, persistence, and expertise. Here are a few benefits of our low-cost academic ghostwriting services.

  • Everything is written from scratch. All the papers processed and bought on our website are written from scratch. With the latest plagiarism-detection tools, we can smell and smoke out plagiarized papers. And once we do, responsible writers are banished from our fraternity. Such level of strictness has made us a topnotch ghostwriting service preferred by students.
  • Deadlines are met. Out of 10 papers, 9 are always submitted on time. The 1 is room for error and depends on the cooperation between the client and the writer. We have a last-minute service to cater to writing short notice deadlines. As part of the details you fill, we require the deadline to ensure that the writers deliver the paper early enough for proofreading and editing.
  • Round the clock assistance . GradeCrest is open 24/7 and 365 days annually. When you want last-minute editing on the paper , our support can get a writer for the same. Whether it is just a few pages or inquiry of a long paper like a thesis or a dissertation, you can always consult with us for free.
  • No complexity scares us off. We have both technical and non-technical writers. Even when your project is extremely challenging, we will get the best writer for it. Our ghostwriting specialists accept any academic challenge. Bring it on!
  • Affordable Pricing. Ghostwriting papers at our website is cheap. We consider the fact that as a student you have a tight budget. But with us on your case, the majority of the students agree we have the low-cost academic writing help services.
  • Safety and Confidentiality. When you pay for academic ghostwriting services, you are safely secured. We only use trusted merchants to receive payments. We never disclose your data to any third party. See our privacy policy.  Besides, once you order, your paper can never be re-sold or reproduced to another client.

Try the Most Creative Academic Writing Company

Academic and business writing is a preserve of the creatives. Part of what the professors assess is to what extent you can use your critical thinking and creativity. With that in mind, our ghostwriting experts have accomplished the highest level of college and university education.  

They come from top universities in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the United States of America.  For that, we have creative, academic, business, and technical caliber writers.

When you pay for papers from our website, you get content that is great and written from scratch by top ghostwriters for hire. The ghostwriters have amassed experience to write texts that are original and of high quality. Even the most distinguished authors and figures have confessed to being using ghostwriting services.

There are two approaches to our academic ghostwriting services.  First off, an academic ghostwriter will choose a topic in consultation with you and based on the assignment prompt. They will then select the sources to use and send the links or PDF files to you for approval or vetting. Then with your go-ahead, they can write your academic papers to the highest levels.

Secondly, the ghostwriter can write a perfect paper for you and only when you approve of it can it be completed. Either way, it is better to hire a ghostwriter for your academic essays than stare at blank pages or submit nothing at all.

Education is expensive, and after investing in fees, you just cannot let a tough essay come between you and success. It is good to invest either side, and that is why our academic ghostwriting service exists.

Why Students Prefer Hiring Our Services

Academic ghostwriting services are not illegal. Besides, every student wants to submit a paper that guarantees them a high grade. Our custom paper writing service covers your back when you face challenges writing essays. We have expert academic writers who help you produce high-quality papers as well as choose good topics for your papers.

Using our ghostwriting services has many advantages as already outlined. We have been entrusted to accomplish different kinds of academic assignments, and not a single client has ever complained of unsatisfactory services.

So, you can join the bandwagon of students successfully doing their stuff as we take care of their papers or stay lowly and do your papers the best way that has been bringing poor grades. The good thing is that lawyers, politicians, professors, nurses, pilots, and other many professionals have used our services.

You can hire affordable academic ghostwriters from GradeCrest. Rest assured you will get professional help with your essay.

And like a ghost, we only do the writing, and yours is to own it. Even when our essay writing experts handle your papers, your insights are always a gem. So, we encourage all-round communication for the best outcome. Enough with the inferior grades, hire an academic ghostwriter online and get the best.

Ghostwriting has been an ultra-safe and convenient solution to college students and university students who want to hone their writing skills. It is also a good resort for students who fear meeting deadlines. If you procrastinated it this long, our academic ghostwriting services can ‘undo your mistake. Get help now!

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Gradecrest is a professional writing service that provides original model papers. We offer personalized services along with research materials for assistance purposes only. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. See our Terms of Use Page for proper details.

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Academic Ghost

Leave no trace, ace your grades, your reliable partner for academic ghostwriting.

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5 years of success in writing scientific papers

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"Academic Ghost saved my bachelor thesis! The quality was outstanding and I was able to fully concentrate on my exams. Highly recommended!"

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Secure your top grade with Academic Ghost

We know that you have a hard time. Exam stress, submissions and deadlines - it can all quickly become too much. But don't worry, we're here for you. We are Academic Ghost, your reliable partner for professional ghostwriting.


Our team consists of experts in various fields who are happy to assist you. We understand how important your academic goals are to you and we want to help you achieve them. Whether it's writing a term paper or a thesis, we have the experience and know-how to help you. We take pride in providing personalized attention to each of our clients, ensuring that your unique needs are met and your expectations are exceeded.

Our service is not only professional and reliable, but also discreet. We know how important it is that your work is authentic and original, which is why we only work with highly qualified writers who are passionate and dedicated to their work. We are here to guide you through this stressful time and make your academic life a little easier. Trust us to deliver exceptional academic writing services that will exceed your expectations.

In 4 steps to academic success

You will receive a non-binding offer from us, we will look for the perfect author for your requirements..

You communicate directly and anonymously with your personal author

Anonymous telephone conferences and accessibility via messenger or mail

You receive partial deliveries & we take your feedback into account

Your correction requests will be implemented for you free of charge

You receive the finished work

After extensive proofreading and plagiarism check. Further corrections free of charge

Thank you for your request. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

Get your non-binding offer now


Your Ultimate Guide to Academic Ghostwriting

Your Ultimate Guide to Academic Ghostwriting

Two weeks until finals and Cassy is stressed out. Three exams and two papers are looming on the horizon. She remembers all too vividly how she spent hours crafting her term paper last semester, only to almost fail the class. Now she has not one but two papers to write, no idea how to go about it, and not enough time.

Searching online for term paper help, she comes across a ghostwriting ad . It promises term papers that are guaranteed to pass the course. This could be the answer to all her problems, but Cassy is worried. She has never cheated on a paper before and her professors were clear about their zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism and cheating .

It is difficult to estimate how many students use some form of academic ghostwriting for their assignments. Some agencies claim they have served thousands upon thousands of students. But what constitutes academic ghostwriting? Is ghostwriting in the same league as plagiarism? And what is the role of artificial intelligence in newer ghostwriting software?  

What is Ghostwriting? Different Ghostwriting Options – Agencies, Essay Mills, AI Why Do Students Use Ghostwriters? How Do Universities Safeguard Academic Integrity? Why Is Academic Ghostwriting Banned? What Are Some Legal Alternatives to Hiring a Ghostwriter?

What is Ghostwriting?

What is Ghostwriting?

The most basic definition for a ghostwriter is someone who writes for someone else and who is not credited as the author. Often they create the whole material, a book, a paper, or an article, on their own. Sometimes the ghostwriter only writes certain parts of the material or reworks an author’s first draft.

As the name implies, ghostwriters work in the shadows. Typically, readers don’t know that the book they hold in their hands has been written by a ghostwriter. 

Not all ghostwriting is problematic. Celebrities commonly use ghostwriters in their autobiographies, musicians have songs written for them. Politicians have ghostwriters to write their speeches or other publications in their name, companies hire writers to create blog posts or articles and whitepapers. In these cases, ghostwriting is perfectly legal and an accepted business practice. 

Different Ghostwriting Options – Agencies, Essay Mills, AI

Different Ghostwriting Options – Agencies, Essay Mills, AI

However, ghostwriting is not confined to celebrity memoirs, songs, and speeches. Students unwilling to write their own papers can turn to academic ghostwriting services such as dissertation writing agencies.

The current market is overflowing with ghostwriting agencies and essay mills that promise academic papers on every topic imaginable. Agencies and essay mills employ writers that create papers and dissertations. Prices and quality vary widely. 

Agencies usually assert that their dissertation writers are professionals and knowledgeable in their fields. However, customers have little chance of verifying these claims. 

Moreover, ghostwriters and writers working for essay mills are paid by the project. The quicker they finish, the more work they can take on. Writing a high-quality, well-researched paper takes time. Ghostwriters have no incentive to do time-intensive research. Therefore, there is no guarantee that their work is of a quality high enough to pass a course. 

Writing academic texts with AI (ChatGPT, YouChat...)

More recently artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a player in the ghostwriting field. If you are using Gmail, you have almost certainly experienced AI-generated texts as Gmail suggests words and even whole phrases as you type.  ChatGPT and  YouChat  write texts at your request.

AI writing tools create content and automate many aspects of the writing process such as structuring a text, coming up with headlines, and writing paragraphs. Since everything is automated, these services are usually cheaper than hiring a professional ghostwriter. However, AI writing tools draw from existing sources on the internet and repurpose them. It is possible that their essays could be flagged by plagiarism software . Moreover, Compilatio can tell the difference between a text written by a human being and an AI such as ChatGPT or YouChat, thanks to its AI detector .

Dissertation writing agencies and AI writing programs promise discretion and plagiarism-free content, but there is no guarantee that their essays and theses will meet the high standards of universities, that they are free of plagiarism, and uniquely produced. With countless ghostwriters, AI services, and thesis-buying agencies in existence, quality varies widely. 

Using a ghostwriter = contractual cheating?

Why Do Students Use Ghostwriters?

The reasons why students decide to buy an essay or thesis are diverse: some lack the time to write papers themselves due to family or work obligations or don’t know how to prioritise and organise their academic work, some did not receive enough support to know how to create original research and writing, some simply see this as a quick and easy way to obtain a degree .   

Frequently students lack confidence or the skills to write academic papers, whether they write in their native language or not. Afraid of failing and convinced that somebody else can turn in a better paper, they turn to ghostwriting agencies and essay mills.

How Do Universities Safeguard Academic Integrity?

How Do Universities Safeguard Academic Integrity?

Instructors have come up with strategies to minimise students cheating on their essays such as:

  • teaching academic integrity and why it is important,
  • running writing workshops to teach essay writing, 
  • extending deadlines ,
  • offering additional support to alleviate pressure,
  • opting for in-person written exams , 
  • using software to detect plagiarism ,
  • assigning essays in stages , where students hand in outlines and drafts before their final paper.

In addition, instructors themselves have access to further training that equips them with tools to safeguard academic integrity such as Compilatio’s training modules on how to raise awareness of good academic conduct and detecting plagiarism. 

Why Is Academic Ghostwriting Banned?

Considered to be contractual cheating, buying a thesis, even buying a short term paper can have severe consequences. Whether written by a human or an AI, ghostwritten papers are a serious academic infraction that in the worst case can lead to expulsion. Degrees can even be revoked retroactively if it becomes clear that a student has cheated to obtain them. 

Hiring a ghostwriter falls under “ contract cheating”. The academic integrity expert Thomas Lancaster first coined the term in 2006: “Contract cheating describes the process through which students can have original work produced for them, which they can then submit as if this were their own work. Often this involves the payment of a fee and this can be facilitated using online auction sites.”

Academic integrity defines the rules that all members of an academic community abide by: 

  • honesty, 
  • correct citations, 
  • not presenting other people’s work as your own, and 
  • in general acting ethically in your research. 

When writing a term paper, students demonstrate that they have understood concepts, are able to engage with research respectfully, and write in an appropriate style. In other words, they display academic integrity. 

Plagiarism , the taking of another person’s writing or ideas without crediting them, is the most common academic infringement. The line between plagiarising another’s work and paraphrasing ideas can be quite blurred for students. Some students cheat by accident because they don’t understand what plagiarism is or how to write an original paper.  

zero-tolerance policy when it comes to plagiarism and ghostwriting

Many universities and schools have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to plagiarism and ghostwriting. Yet, despite the potentially serious consequence of contract cheating, students turn to essay mills, ghostwriters, and dissertation writing services. An estimated 15% of students have purchased papers and essays. 

Ultimately, all students – whether they wrote their assignments themselves, hired someone, or used AI – are subject to the same deadlines, assessment criteria, and grading systems. 

Using someone else to create papers is unfair to your peers . A world where grades can be bought ultimately cheapens and devalues education . In addition, students who pay others to write their essays also cheat themselves out of learning opportunities. 

While writing papers and theses can undoubtedly be a stressful process, it also provides a chance to reflect, think deeply, and create original work . Writing essays can help students hone their creativity and bring their voices and perspectives to a topic. Critical thinking, authenticity, and personal reflection are soft skills that will serve students beyond university. They are not easily taught. Rather, they are acquired through hard work and integrity. 

Some students report feeling remorse after buying an essay. Not only have they cheated their educators and peers , but they have also taken a learning opportunity away from themselves. They might also realise that they lack crucial workplace skills after graduating.

Moreover, instructors work with their students throughout the semester, have likely graded shorter writing assignments already, and know how students formulate thoughts in class. They usually have an idea of how they will perform in their final assignments. 

If a student hands in an essay that is at odds with their previous performance, instructors might get suspicious and start the process of reviewing the work for academic infringement. 

If students clearly understand what constitutes cheating and why it is problematic, if they feel supported and are allowed to work with realistic timelines and achievable workloads, the risk of them cheating decreases. 

What Are Some Legal Alternatives to Hiring a Ghostwriter?  

Students can fall back on various resources to help them write their academic assignments. Many universities have writing centres and free writing courses that help students with their essays and theses. Students can learn how to construct and write a paper, receive feedback on their writing, and might even find a writing group. 

In addition, students can also seek the help of a professional editor or can use an editing software to bring clarity to their writing. 

Compilatio Studium help students for academic integrity and citations

Compilatio Studium provides many resources to help students with their essays such as guidelines on academic integrity and citations, advice on student life, and methodological guides to help students create their best term paper possible. Some students are worried about plagiarising accidentally. Compilatio’s anti-plagiarism software makes self-checking easy and reliable so that students never have to worry about handing in a faulty paper. 

Using these resources and connecting with their peers, allows students to create original and insightful papers and theses and become part of the academic community. 

Cassy eventually decided to write her own papers after connecting with her writing centre and forming a study group. After many caffeine-fueled nights with her friends, she succeeded, feeling proud of herself and her work. 

The market that caters to students willing to cheat – from essay mills, theses writing agencies, ghostwriters, and AI writing tools – grows steadily. However, so do options for instructors to catch academic infringements.  

Worried about your term papers and tempted to give a ghostwriter a try? You have other options!

  • Compilatio provides you with many resources such as a plagiarism checker and study tips to help you with your academic writing. 
  • Create your free Compilatio Studium account and start working on your best essay yet!
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Academic Ghostwriting by ACAD WRITE

Professional ghostwriting services with 18 years’ experience.

Academic ghostwriting by ACAD WRITE is the ideal solution for your academic paper or thesis. For 18 years, our agency has been convincing its customers with high-quality and discrete writing services . Our competent and reliable ghostwriters do not only provide support in academic writing but also in empirical research and statistical data analysis, for example, for your bachelor or master thesis

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Here You find Reliable Help with Your Studies

ACAD WRITE is specialised in providing its customers with flexible and versatile support. All our ghostwriters are experts in their field and have the necessary skills for employing scientific tools. However, they do not only provide support in academic writing but also in statistical data analysis or by professionally proof-reading and editing your paper. From the beginning of your studies up to your habilitation – at our academic ghostwriting agency you will find the right support during all stages of your university research project or academic career. Amongst others, the following services are part of our specialist authors’, statisticians’ and ghostwriters’ core areas:

Essays, term and seminar papers Bachelor , master and doctoral theses Exposés and research applications Scientific publications Literature research Statistical analysis Proofreading and editing Legal opinions and solution sketches Medical writing Dissertation consulting for doctoral students

In all these areas, ACAD WRITE offers support tailored to your individual requirements and university’s guidelines. You will benefit from a system which has proven itself for more than 18 years and which guarantees our customers the highest quality and satisfaction.

Enquire without obligation and find a ghostwriter now

Professional and Versatile Academic Ghostwriting: Only Subject Experts Write for ACAD WRITE

We pride ourselves on our agency’s pool of authors including more than 400 hand-selected experts from nearly every scientific field. No matter if you are looking for help in writing a seminar paper in Roman provincial archaeology, a master thesis in engineering, or a dissertation in legal studies – we have the right ghostwriter for you who can provide the exact support you need. Not for nothing, ACAD WRITE has been the matchmaker for academic success.

Business, legal, MINT, or medical studies? Our ghostwriters’ skills and subject knowledge are versatile and also armed for the topic of your thesis!

ACAD WRITE composes quality-guaranteed seminar, bachelor and master theses

The experienced quality management of our academic ghostwriting service guarantees you the best results for papers and theses produced by ACAD WRITE. Not only our ghostwriters’ competence vouches for that. At our agency, even your smaller projects will benefit from several delivery steps including free feedback and correction loops. Our ACAD office ® allows you to stay in direct contact with your ghostwriter throughout the whole project execution while simultaneously protecting your identity. Before its final delivery, your project will be proofread by our professional editing service. By means of this dual-control principle, we can ensure that the work is linguistically and textually of high quality and academically unique, which we also confirm to you by a meticulous plagiarism assessment. Before, during and after your project, we offer you a secure SSL connection for the transmission of your data, while our Switzerland-based server ensures the best security and adherence to strict data protection standards.

Find out more about the ACAD WRITE’s quality guarantee

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Top Affordable Ghostwriters For Hire At Writology.com

Delegate your writing tasks to professionals.


What is Ghostwriting? Is Ghostwriting Legal?

Ghostwriting is getting more and more popular among people of every walk of life. Indeed, why not to let professional do your job, especially if you don’t have time for it?

Ghost writing services are extremely useful by means of today’s busy world. Everyone should do what they suppose to, or at least, what they have time for. That’s why, legality is based on one’s priority. If you’re stronger in entrepreneurship, yet less strong in writing – find your ghost writer and solve this puzzling issue right away.

Of course, you should understand all the risks you take by hiring a ghostwriter, however, WritOlogy guarantees that your data is never to be given to third-parties. Everything is just between you and us.

Who Needs a Ghostwriter?

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Website owners and online marketers hire ghostwriters to come up with catchy slogans, craft compelling landing pages , blog posts , and product descriptions

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Book or ebook publishing

Celebrities and even renowned authors very often turn to ghostwriters for fiction and nonfiction book writing help .

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Ghostwriters are commonly used for lyrics writing and screenplay writing . Moreover, ghost writers often work as journalists who do autobiographies and magazine articles

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Time is money! Entrepreneurs do not always have enough time to produce meaningful reports, business letters or company PR documents. Hire ghostwriters to get your ideas written by professionals without losing any of your precious time!

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Brilliant public speakers are not necessary good at writing. Hire ghostwriters to write your graduation, public, informative or persuasive speeches. You really think all famous figures are good at writing? Think twice now 😉

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Academic papers

Students hire ghost writer services to help them with university assignments, such as custom essays , nursing essays , research papers , and other written college works.

Ghostwriters for Hire. Who are They?

Benefits of Using WritOlogy Ghostwriting Services

  • On time delivery
  • Affordable prices
  • Comprehensive 24/7 support
  • Only professional WritOlogy ghostwriters at your service
  • Over 10 years of positive experience in ghostwriting
  • The most accurate plagiarism reports here and now

How to Choose a Affordable Ghostwriters?

In some cases, the main ghost writer’s job is editing a rough draft, while in other a writer gets only the outline from the customer and does the major part of the work on his own. In any case, hiring a ghostwriter is a big decision, since at the end of the day the ghost remains anonymous, and you get to deal with all the questions, comments, and critique.

When looking for a ghostwriter, make sure to find someone with skills that you would expect to see in a top writer and editor: creativity, attention to detail, empathy, consistency. If you are looking to hire ghostwriters for cheap, remember that professional writers do not charge pennies for their work, but it is possible to find inexpensive writer if you dedicate enough time to research.

Fortunately, such people can be easily found on our platform. Writology.com gives you access to numerous freelance ghostwriters for hire, and with us you are sure to find a real soulmate who will simply find the right words to tell your story.

I need a professional ghostwriter

WritOlogy Ghostwriting Assistance

Ghostwriting services are in demand nowadays – ghostwriting services, ebook ghostwriting services, or blog ghostwriters for hire, you’ll find all that and even more on our platform. Whether your project is a 5-page article or a 500-page book, the skillful ghostwriters for hire are always ready to complete a wide range of orders of different complexity. We are employing only experienced freelancers in order to adhere to customers’ expectations.

Apart from connecting you with freelancers, Writology.com also employs numerous ghost writers and hires only the best of them to ensure unforgettable customer experience for you.

Our office writers are characterized by high level of creativity, responsibility, and adherence to deadlines. Apart from that, we are proud to have top-notch editors and support managers in our team, who will work with you until you’re satisfied with end result. A hassle of looking for the best ghostwriting service is no more a hassle with WritOlogy!

Order without risks

  • How it Works

ghost writer for college essay

Ghostwriting is one of the most popular services that Writology.com online platform offers to its customers. It involves writing books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts with the official credit given to another person. Ghostwriting is a perfect solution for all those who have amazing ideas for their writing projects, but lack either time or skill to fulfill them on their own.

Take the first step towards your dream right now with WritOlogy!

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Best Ghostwriting Services by High-Caliber Professionals

  • Academic Ghostwriting

Our writing service relies solely on our team of skilled writers to craft every piece of content. We avoid the use of ChatGPT or similar services and carefully examine every project to ensure it is free of AI-generated patterns.

Our writers create all works from scratch, using the most relevant sources from reputable databases and citing them properly. The company’s strict anti-plagiarism policy does not allow any signs of it.

You can ask questions or share your concerns and ideas from every corner of the world at any time of the day. Our professional and friendly customer support managers are ready to help you in a live chat whenever you need it.

You can save a lot of costs with our affordable prices, discounts, and bonuses. Our pricing policy is the most considerate and student-friendly on the online market. Learn more about them on the ‘Prices’ page.

Save $41.95

get all these features for free!

Just about every major public figure has used services of a ghostwriter at some point in their career. Ghostwriters craft lyrics for artists and speeches for politicians and celebrities. So, is there any surprise that many student papers are being ghostwritten? The benefits of using writing help are clear: students get an essay, dissertation or thesis produced quickly and for cheap.

If you are also interested in the aid of a professional ghostwriter, our website will prove invaluable for you. We provide affordable ghostwriting services for students who struggle with mastering writing skills.

Order Academic Ghostwriter

Why should you order the services of our professional ghostwriters? There are, literary, dozens of reasons for using academic writing help. Let’s discuss the most pressing ones:

  • It’s the best way to get top-quality essay Here, you can obtain the high-quality written content of any kind: essay, dissertation, research paper, etc.
  • The aid of our ghostwriters is incredibly affordable Students cannot turn down our help once they discover how cheap our ghostwriting services are.
  • It is extremely easy to order ghostwriting help A flawless essay can be ordered online in just a few minutes.

Consider the types of students who benefit the most from ordering the aid of an academic ghostwriter:

  • Employed Students Working students are our the most loyal customers. This category of college goers finds our help useful because it helps them manage the hectic academic and professional schedules.
  • Foreign Students Foreign students aren’t as proficient in English as their native counterparts, which is why they need little help to achieve better academic results. Sometimes they are left with no other choice but to hire a ghostwriter. The results are consistently amazing.
  • Ambitious Students Some college-goers are just too ambitious to let their grades slide. They have a great vision for their future, which can be realized with the help of our ghostwriters.

Why We Are the Best

No one using our help would deny that we are the best agency in the ghostwriting market. Why there is not a single company capable of delivering better services? Well, it’s simple: we’ve been in this business for more than 10 years and amassed expertise necessary to write complex academic papers. Other reasons are:

  • We hire only degree-holding writers Our ghostwriters have obtained their degrees from high-caliber colleges and universities of the country. When you ask us to write on your behalf, you get the assistance of a real specialist in your field.
  • We guarantee you complete anonymity With us, you are 100% anonymous at all times. No one will ever find out about our cooperation.
  • We write only 100% unique essay Any papers you order here will be totally unique.
  • We offer hot giveaways Here, you can get a handful of cool freebies: title page, reference page, formatting, and plagiarism check.

Prices for Ghost Writing College Essays: How Much Cost Should I Include into Budget?

We care about students from all economic backgrounds and want to make sure that underprivileged individuals can afford our ghostwriting help. Therefore, we do everything in our power to make it affordable and all-inclusive. Currently, the aid of a scientific ghostwriter costs as little as $11.99 per page, provided your deadline is long enough (14 days or more). Those willing to have their essays written ASAP would have to pay a little extra for urgency. Specifically, an undergraduate-level essay written in 12 hours costs $28 per page. As you can see, the price levels for our services are slightly below the market average. However, let us assure you that the quality of our essays is well above anything offered by the market.

Legal Professional Ghostwriting and Editing Service

You are eager to hire a high-caliber academic ghostwriter because you are worried about the upcoming essay. What is stopping you from doing it right now?! Hiring a ghost writer is equivalent of employing a personal aide whose responsibility is to assist you with a variety of writing tasks. There’s nothing illegal about it. To remove even the slightest shade of doubt you might have about using our help, let us unequivocally state that our papers are plagiarism-free. We utilize several plagiarism checkers to verify the uniqueness of all materials produced by our ghostwriters. Hence, we can guarantee that an essay you are about to order will be 100% unique.

In addition to writing from scratch, we can edit your own essay . Want to avoid heedless mistakes? Want to ensure that your essay has a perfect structure and flow? Let our ghostwriters work their magic on it!

How to Buy Ghost Writing Academic Papers

It is time to order an essay, and you want to know how it can be done. Luckily, we have streamlined our ordering procedure to perfection. It means no errors, no delays. To buy a ghostwritten essay, follow these well-tested steps:

  • Step 1 Fill out an ordering form. Enter all essay-related information and hit the ‘Submit’ button.
  • Step 2 Pay for the services using your preferred payment method.
  • Step 3 If there are instruction details that you would like to discuss with your ghostwriter, reach them via our established communication channels.
  • Final Step Download the essay on your Mac, PC or mobile device.

FAQ: Academic Ghostwriting Service

What does ghostwriting mean.

Ghostwriters are hired writers who take money but don't do justice to the work they produce. The original client hires the ghost as a writer. There are many similar tasks, such as writing advertisements or research papers, as well as providing new or rewritten materials for personal or professional use. Ghost is hired primarily as a professional freelance writer to create a high-quality written copy that reads professionally. A paid professional freelance writer is often the only source you can turn to get a brilliant, well-written copy of a website or other quality content. To do this, the ghost is hired either as a staff writer or as a freelance writer who is paid specifically for the work. Ghostwriters are also hired to write articles, term papers, or dissertations for students.

Is Academic Ghostwriting illegal?

Academic ghostwriting is not illegal because it does not violate any laws. It is an acceptable practice within the academic culture as long as the ghostwriter does not plagiarize the client’s work. The ghostwriter completes tasks at the consent of the client and does not dictate how the papers will be used. At the same time, it is at the buyer’s discretion to use the written work in their way. While ghostwriting is not illegal, it raises an ethical question of whether it should be allowed. Some people view it as a violation of academic integrity. They consider it unethical since the ghostwriter will get paid for writing exam papers for others.

Can I hire a ghostwriter to write an article?

There are two types of collaboration with ghostwriting. The first option: You hire a writer, and he remains your completely anonymous "literary worker. " A book or work is published under your name, and only you have the copyright to it. The work of such an author is usually quite expensive. For, apart from money, he receives no profit. As a rule, even for a portfolio, it is forbidden to mention the names of such works. The second option: Standard-biographical. When a writer writes, the author writes the life story of another person under his name. You can hire a ghostwriting through the author's platform or a literary agent.

How much does it cost to hire a ghostwriter?

The writer's experience affects the price. Experience and skill play a big role in the price. As in any industry, the better and more professional a writer is, the more he can charge for his services. You'll find more information from the authors of hiring blogs. For example, a client may hire a writer to conduct initial research and publish their results. This project is usually of high quality and has a relatively high price. Buying a writer is a bit like going to a gallery in the hope of acquiring a special piece of art. You look at the beautiful paintings on the walls and wonder about their value. However, it can be intimidating to ask an artist, because the price can be much higher than your budget. The more years of experience a writer has, the more expensive they are.

What Can You Get from Our Writing Service?

Our writers handle not only essays of any complexity and length but also other academic papers. So, you can find all the expert help you need in one place.

Order Your Paper in These 3 Steps

Specify your academic level, type of paper, number of pages, deadline, and any additional comments for our writer.

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Once payment is received, we'll start searching for the best writer for your order.

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Check your paper to see whether it satisfies you. Contact us if you have any questions.

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Our Services

  • Academic ghostwriting
  • Admission essay help
  • Article writing
  • Assignment writing
  • College paper writing
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  • Dissertation writing
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  • Personal statement writing
  • Report writing
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  • Term paper writing
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  • Toll-free for US only: 1-877-745-0310

Is Academic Ghostwriting Legal?

Is Academic Ghostwriting Legal?

Academic ghostwriting is generally considered legal and doesn't violate any law.

However, there are some ethical concerns around the practice, especially when it involves plagiarism or misrepresentation. Additionally, many academic institutions have strict policies against ghostwriting and may consider it academic misconduct.

So, it's important to work with a service that operates within the boundaries of academic integrity.

Essay writing services like CollegeEssay.org are legal and trustworthy. We do not share your personal information with any third party to ensure complete data integrity.

Our writers at CollegeEssay.org are trained and skilled. They write error-free academic papers and assignments that help struggling students get good grades. Our writers know the value of your academic grades. Therefore, they always provide the best quality product on time.

What Do Ghost Writers Do?

Ghost writers are professional writers who write stuff for other people. They can help students with all kinds of assignments, like essays and research papers.

Ghost writers are skilled in academic writing, so they can provide top quality work to students and help them get better grades.

They can also help students who might have trouble with English or need help with the structure of their writing. They work collaboratively with their clients to create custom work for them.

By using a ghost writer, students can take some of the stress off of themselves and focus on their studies. But it's important for students to make sure they're using ghost writing in the right way and not cheating by copying someone else's work.

Reasons to Hire a Ghostwriter

Getting help from a college essay writer is the best option for students who feel that they can't write an original research paper. There are several reasons why getting professional assistance would benefit you, such as:

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of understanding
  • Unknown topic
  • Poor writing skills

To increase your chances of success, it's best to hire a ghost essay writer from CollegeEssay.org and submit high-quality papers every time! We have a service that will get you better results than anything else out there.

Still not compelled? You can have a look at the other different benefits of our writers!

Benefits to Hire Our Ghostwriters

Below are the benefits of hiring our ghostwriters from our reliable essay writing service:

College essay writing services are a great way to get quality work done. With guaranteed satisfaction, you can rest assured that your paper will turn out just the way it should!

Our professional team has years of experience in delivering assignments on time, and even completing rush orders without delay!

Reliable ghostwriters take plagiarism very seriously. They write every paper from scratch and always make sure that they deliver 100% original content.

Our ghostwriters run your essays multiple times through plagiarism checkers to make sure the work has zero plagiarism.

No need to be scared! If you're feeling confused, just pick up the phone and call us. We'll help make sure that everything is taken care of ASAP, so your worries are gone in no time at all.

Reliable college paper writing service provides high-quality papers at an affordable price. With a range of premium services, students can get their work done without compromising on quality or sacrificing value for the cost of these academic resources!

Our professional essay writing service is here to help you. You need your essay to be good and to have few mistakes. That is why they work hard on making sure that each one has no errors.

All college assignments will surely get top-quality workmanship, the way you want it to be!

How to Avoid Being Caught Using A Ghost Writer?

An important thing you can do to avoid getting caught is to hire a reputable service that doesn't provide plagiarized content.

Tip # 1: Research different essay writing services and read reviews from other students.

This will help you find out which service has a clear policy against plagiarism and academic misconduct. Make sure they will work with you to ensure that the final product is original and meets academic standards.

Tip # 2: Understand the Paper

Once you've hired a ghostwriter, it's important to understand the contents of the paper they provide you with.

Read through it thoroughly and make sure you can explain the concepts and ideas to someone else. If you don't understand the paper, it may be a red flag that it's not your own work.

Tip # 3: Edit & Revise Your Paper Yourself

Another important step is to make edits and revisions to the paper. This shows that you've taken ownership of the work and have made it your own. You can also use the paper as a guide to help you write your own work in the future.

Tip # 4: Don't Submit As Is

Remember, the point of hiring a ghostwriter is to receive help with your writing and research skills. The paper should not be used like an assignment submission or to copy someone's work.

By understanding the paper and making edits to it, you can avoid getting caught and benefit from the help of a ghostwriter.

Ghostwriters at CollegeEssay.org are university graduates and have years of experience in the field of essay writing. This means they know exactly how to make your paper come out like a pro!

You won't ever need another sleepless night again, thanks to their amazing skill set! We guarantee that everything will turn out perfect for you with our help.

50% Off On All Orders

CollegeEssay - Custom Essay Writing Service

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Disclaimer: All client orders are completed by our team of highly qualified human writers. The essays and papers provided by us are not to be used for submission but rather as learning models only.

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  • Phone: +1-770-651-0002 Toll-free 24/7

Confidential help from academic ghostwriting pros

Order our ghostwriting services for only $12 per page. Benefit from high-quality papers by top 2% experts.

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What ghostwriting services we offer

We can help with research, write a chapter or the whole work from scratch, revise and edit your text. See our most popular works or find more ghost writer services here .

  • ✓ creative content
  • ✓ 100% uniqueness
  • ✓ strong argumentation
  • ✓ following the essay style
  • ✓ perfect manner of writing
  • ✓ work based on trusted sources
  • ✓ in-depth coverage of the topic
  • ✓ well-formatted references
  • ✓ plagiarism-free text
  • ✓ correct structure
  • ✓ unique research
  • ✓ proper terminology
  • ✓ consistent idea flow
  • ✓ potential scientific input
  • ✓ Deep topic research
  • ✓ Completely original text
  • ✓ Selection of relevant sources
  • ✓ Any thesis chapter help
  • ✓ Unlimited revisions
  • ✓ Relevant source selection
  • ✓ Literature from trusted databases
  • ✓ Thorough evaluation of the works
  • ✓ Current state of research assessed
  • ✓ Controversies and gaps identified
  • ✓ Tasks of any complexity
  • ✓ All academic levels covered
  • ✓ Accurate results guaranteed
  • ✓ Proper formatting style used
  • ✓ Compliance with the instructions

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What makes our ghost writer services different from others

Let an academic ghost writer help you.

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How we help our clients by ghost writing academic papers

We build long-lasting customer trust by following three basic principles.

  • following your specific requirements
  • assigning a subject-related writer
  • imitating your writing style

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  • progressive methods of research and analysis
  • accurate calculations
  • only credible data sources
  • compliance with your academic level demands

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  • double proofreading & formatting
  • originality score checking
  • free revision period

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Ghost writing paper experts at your service

Degree-holding experts are in charge of quality. Dedicated to their subjects, aimed at your satisfaction.

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Professional ghostwriting done in 4 steps

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Why Would You Need a Professional Ghost Writer for Your Work?

An academic ghostwriter company can provide you with support with the writing of your papers and essays to a high service standard. Something that is very important if you are struggling to get your academic work done on time and to the expectations of your audience or tutor.

Many students and other academics struggle with their writing in all areas and subjects. Often it is due simply to a lack of time or even down to the requirements for perfect English; something that many overseas students would struggle with. Whatever the reasons are for you to need help however we as a service have the ghostwriting help you need.

We offer you support through our academic ghostwriting services, which have been providing help to writers for more than 5 years. Ghostwriting help is provided only through highly qualified and experienced academic writers, ensuring you’d always get the quality of service support.

How Do We Provide the Best Ghostwriting Services for Papers?

We know you need to always be able to provide original ghostwriting papers that are unique to you. Providing ghostwritten work that is copied or simply modified from the original is likely to be spotted as such and can damage your reputation seriously and even get you removed from your studies. This is why ghostwriting writers work directly with you through the best ghostwriting services to ensure they fully understand just what you need.

They seek to understand just who your audience is and what you need to ghostwrite. All of the ghostwriting which is done with our ghostwriting services is done according to your academic instructions and needs. It is always a from-scratch service, and where reference is made to other sources, the quotes or paraphrased information would be correctly cited to give credit where it is due to.

Every academic ghost writer you’d be assigned through the service will make your draft available when it is completed for your review. You’d be able to suggest an unlimited number of revisions to the writing from ghostwriting services to ensure it fully meets your expectations. Ghostwriting experts continue working with you making changes until you are fully satisfied with how your ghostwritten work reads.

What Help Can an Academic Ghostwriter Provide?

We offer services for ghostwriting for both students and professional academics alike. Ghostwriting services also cover everything from high school students who need to submit an excellent ghostwritten essay for their assignment through to someone seeking to get their paper or manuscript published. We offer support with highly professional academic ghostwriting which is able to assist you at any point within your education or career in any subject area. Through us you can get support from a professional ghostwriting service with all of the following tasks:

  • Writing essay assignments with ghostwriting services
  • Ghostwriting websites for your research papers and capstone projects
  • Thesis ghost writing in your academic subject
  • Dissertation ghost writing
  • Journal article ghostwriting
  • Manuscript writing and publishing

Our Experienced Ghostwriting Writers Are Qualified to Help You

Getting ghost writing support with your writing is not an easy task, especially if you want it done to a high academic standard. Many of the ghostwriting services you find online would probably provide you with help through someone who knows nothing about your subject area and can barely speak English. This service results not just in poorly ghostwritten papers but also in plagiarism or poorly rewritten copies that will get you in serious trouble.

We know how to provide you with ghostwriting help you’d be able to trust. You need it to be supplied by service from someone who really understands not only what to ghostwrite but also the academic subject area in which you are writing. Our academic specialists in ghostwriting services have been carefully selected, and many have worked with us for more than 5 years. This ensures they are able to give you the level of needed professional ghostwriting assistance.

You’d always be working with an article ghost writer who is:

  • A holder of a post-graduate degree relevant to your academic subject
  • Highly experienced in ghostwriting the type of document you need to complete
  • Fully understands the requirements regarding structuring and formatting your documents
  • Has access to and a good understanding of the literature and research in your field
  • Is an excellent communicator with an excellent fluent level grasp of academic English

The Benefits of Working With Our Ghost Writing Site

Academic writing service still needs to be done in a way that would get the attention of your audience. As Robert Harris once said:

“A ghost who has only a lay knowledge of the subject will be able to keep asking the same questions as the lay reader and will, therefore, open up the potential readership of the book to a much wider audience.”

Every ghost writer we have is always dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with the service they provide to you. They work tirelessly with you to provide ghostwriting, which is perfectly targeted to your audience as well as being accurate and ghostwritten to your own exacting expectations. After all, only if we provide you with the required academic service help would you return to us to use excellent ghostwriting services again.

We want you to be able to use a ghostwriter service with total confidence and to ensure we always provide you with:

  • Guaranteed original ghostwriting with a free plagiarism report to show their work is unique
  • Proofreading on all services to guarantee that ghostwriting would be free from errors
  • On-time service delivery within your chosen deadline so that you can always submit on time
  • Confidential ghostwriting so that you are the only one who knows you have had help
  • Very competitive pricing you’d find hard to better for an excellent level of service quality
  • Guaranteed satisfaction on our ghostwriters help or your money back

Contact us today for the best ghostwriter services you can trust and afford!

ghost writer for college essay

What is a Ghostwriter? A Peek Behind the Literary Veil

ghost writer for college essay

Welcome to ghostwriting, one of the most misunderstood and controversial jobs in the world of publishing.

Let’s clear up some common misconceptions before we dive in:

Ghostwriting has nothing to do with ghost stories (unless your client wants it to). It’s not plagiarism (or rather, if it’s plagiarism, it’s not ghostwriting). And it’s way more common than people realize.

When you take a job as a ghostwriter, you agree to write something on someone else’s behalf and let them take all the credit.

Why would a writer do that? And why would someone hire that type of service?

Those are the questions we’ll be exploring in this article. As you’re about to learn, there are many benefits to working as a ghostwriter, as well as a few undeniable downsides.

We’ll also talk through the ethical dilemmas that can arise in this line of work and you’ll leave with some tips for starting and succeeding in your own ghostwriting business.

So grab your chains and let’s get to rattlin’.

What Does a Ghostwriter Do?

A writer types on a vintage typewriter at a desk in a dark room.

A ghostwriter is a professional writer who applies their own writing skills to turn someone else’s ideas into a written work. 

There are a number of ways this collaboration could play out. The ghostwriter might work from their client’s notes, interview the client, or even revamp the client’s initial attempt at writing the project on their own.

Whatever the process looks like, the outcome remains the same:

The client is credited as the author and the ghostwriter is not. In some cases, the ghostwriter even signs a contract stating that they’ll keep their involvement in the project confidential.

Isn’t That Unfair?

I have inadvertently horrified many friends and killed the vibe at dinner just by explaining what I meant by “I’m working on a new ghostwriting job.” 

They’re upset at the thought of someone else taking credit for my work, and they’re even more upset when they realize their celebrity role model might not have written their own autobiography .

I get it. I do. It feels like deceit. Honestly, there are situations where even I would argue that it is (which is why I don’t take those jobs).

The entire topic of ghostwriting is complicated, which is why my rambling justifications to my friends often leave them unsatisfied. It’s also why I’m going to let the rest of this article answer the question of fairness for me. We’ll cover all the whys, hows, and why-nots so you can draw your own conclusions.

After all, what matters is what you think, especially if you’re considering getting into this field yourself. 

The Responsibilities of a Ghostwriter

A round table covered in a mess of notebooks, loose pages, stacked books with post-its sticking out of them, a bowl of pecans, an orange, a water glass,  coffee cup, and a bunch of pens.

As a ghostwriter, you take someone else’s source material and apply your own creative know-how to shape it into the finished product. 

This often begins with a meeting in which the client clarifies their vision. They might have a specific idea of what they want, including a chapter-by-chapter outline. Or you may need to guide the planning process a bit.

Either way, unless your client is also a writer or publisher, this person is counting on you to be the expert on the written word. Don’t hesitate to weigh in if you have any concerns about the way they want to present their ideas in the finished product.

The two of you will work out a timeline, including deadlines for the planning, writing, and revision process. Then you’ll get to work. 

Ultimately, your job is to fulfill the client’s vision, writing in their voice and style. You’re the expert on effective structure, pacing , and prose . The client is (supposed to be) the expert on content.

What a Ghostwriter Doesn’t Do

One gray hand reaches out, palm open, while another gray hand makes a "stop" gesture at it. Between the hands is the word "NO!"

It’s hard to nail down the boundaries of a ghostwriting gig, because individual writers set their own guidelines. Context can also dictate the parameters of a ghostwriter’s job. 

For example, writers who contribute to a ghostwritten series like Nancy Drew are often responsible for coming up with their own stories.

For nonfiction, however, the concept, content, and related research are usually the client’s job. The client should also be able to provide details about their target audience and market to guide the writer’s approach. 

Of course, there may be moments during the writing process when you need to do a little of your own research to make up for knowledge gaps. I’ve ghostwritten a few nonfiction books on topics that fall outside my personal experience, and each time, I’ve had to read similar works to make sure I’m using the right terminology the right way, including insider lingo.

As a ghostwriter, you might be asked to write a query letter or book proposal. But it’s not your job to publish or promote the finished product. If you’re good at those things and want to offer it as an additional service, go for it. Just know that it’s not an assumed responsibility in the ghostwriter package.

Finally—and I cannot stress this enough—it’s not a ghostwriter’s job to “write a bestseller.” Many factors determine the success of a book, including things that are out of your control, like marketing and the value of the content. 

Don’t work with anyone who wants to hold you accountable for the performance of their creative vision.

What Ghostwriters Write

Colorful books on black bookshelves.

Most people think of ghostwriting in the context of celebrity memoirs. The fact is, you can ghostwrite just about anything, including:

  • Short stories
  • Self-help books
  • Travel guides
  • Blog posts 
  • Social media posts

If you write it and someone else puts their name on it, it’s ghostwriting.

If no one puts their name on it, that’s different. Ad copy, uncredited blog content, unsigned newsletters… all these fall under the headings of copywriting or content writing .

Ghostwriting vs. Co-authoring

Two people sit and have a conversation in front of an open laptop.

So what about co-authoring ? How is that different from ghostwriting?

The simplest answer is that a co-author gets credit. For example, James Patterson has famously worked with tons of co-authors. He comes up with the story and provides a highly detailed outline, his co-author writes it, and both names appear on the cover.

The term co-author can also refer to a writer who collaborates with one or more fellow writers throughout the entire writing process, from planning to writing to revising.

And you may have seen autobiographies or memoirs credited as: “by [the person this book is about] with/as told to [professional writer].” That means the second person fulfilled a ghostwriter-esque role for the first person, but they still got credit. 

That technically makes them a co-author, though you will hear people refer to them as a ghostwriter. 

Why Do People Hire Ghostwriters?

Two professionally dressed people shake hands in a modern office.

So who are these people seeking ghostwriting services? Why can’t they write their own book or blog? And why do they have to take all the credit?

The answers vary from client to client, but here are a few of the most common:

They Don’t Have the Writing Skills

Literary inspiration strikes where it strikes. It doesn’t care if the strikee is a skilled writer or not. And sometimes a non-writer gets so excited about the idea in their brain, they’re determined to make it a reality.

It might be an epic fantasy novel , a memoir, or a personal finance blog. Whatever it is, they know they’ll have to hire a ghostwriter to do it justice.

They Don’t Have Enough Time

Many ghostwriting clients hire writers because they want written materials to support their brand. 

Maybe they want newsletters that feel more personal than a marketing blast. Or regular blog posts to keep their website at the top of the search results. Or business books that give them credibility in their field.

The problem is that it’s nearly impossible to embark on a major writing project while also building a business empire. You and I both know how time-consuming writing is. So they outsource it. 

They’re Not Proficient in the Language of the Market

This is an under-discussed reason, but it’s come up for me a few times. I’ve had multiple clients who had a great story to tell or guidance to offer, but they wanted to write for an American market and English wasn’t their first language. They were comfortable sharing their vision with me in conversation, but writing English to a professional literary standard was another matter.

For one client in particular, working with a ghostwriter was a way to stay competitive in his field. He ran a nationwide franchise, mentored other entrepreneurs, and was a public speaker. To stay visible as an emerging thought leader, he needed books and articles in his name.

They Want to Push Out More Books… Fast

Sometimes an author or publisher will hire ghostwriters to capitalize on the success of a series or name.

For example, Ann M. Martin wrote the first several dozen Babysitters Club books, but not all 130+ of them. Eventually, ghostwriters were hired to contribute to the popular series. 

In situations like these, authors and publishers choose to release books under the name or pseudonym of the original creator because that name is essential to the brand. It signals to readers that this book is just like all the other books they’ve loved from the author. 

In fact, that’s why many ghostwriting clients opt to keep the credit for themselves. Celebrities and experts want to make it clear to readers that these are their ideas, their stories. Entrepreneurs want to make sure their audience knows their name and recognizes them as an authority in their field.

If someone else’s name is on the book, readers won’t necessarily assume that the ghostwriting client is the mastermind behind the content.

Why Would You Want to Be a Ghostwriter?

A person sits beside a cat and writes in a notebook while smiling at a computer screen.

Even if someone else comes up with the content, writing is still a big undertaking, especially if you’re ghostwriting a book. 

It’s a task that requires tremendous skill, an understanding of the market , and an ability to adapt your voice to sound like a whole other person. You’ll spend hours upon hours outlining, drafting, and revising, all the while checking in with your client to make sure you’re on the same page.

When so much of your own labor and talents go into this project, why would you be okay with letting someone else take credit? Why not just write your own stuff or stick with freelance writing gigs that actually give you a byline ?

Let’s talk about that.

The Pay is Often Better

Most freelance writers charge a higher rate for ghostwriting services. That’s what you get in return for no credit. You can even negotiate your rate based on the level of invisibility your client wants from you. Are we talking Casper here? Or the ghosts from Paranormal Activity ?

For example, even if you don’t get credit on the cover, can you put it on your resume? Tell prospective clients about it? Mention that you “consulted” on the book, blog, or whatever it is? Will your ghostwriting client give you a testimonial you can share?

Or is it a “pretend it never happened” situation?

If you can’t use this project to build credibility with future clients, make sure the rate you charge makes it worth it.

You Have More Control Over Your Own Brand

As someone who’s done a lot of ghost blogging, I can confirm that there’s an upside to not having your name splattered across a ton of web content that 1) you have no control over and 2) cover topics that might confuse your own author brand .

When someone Googles my name, the vast majority of the search results will be my own blog and projects, plus a bunch of Dabble articles like this one that align with the type of work I want people to associate me with.

I’ll also admit that I’ve stumbled across content I wrote fifteen years ago that no longer represents my best work. Can’t fix it now. It doesn’t belong to me. It’s just out there.

Of course, for freelance writers who want to establish themselves as expert content writers in a certain niche, that byline is important. It shows you’re experienced and tells people where to find you if they want a blog post like that.

I’m just saying that anonymity has its perks, too.

You Learn Cool Stuff

A person studies at a narrow wooden table.

As a ghostwriter, your job is to make the client sound good. In order to that, you have to actually understand the thing they’ve got you writing about, whether it’s minor league baseball, their life story, or how this book fits into a larger middle grade mystery series.

Even if you’re already familiar with the topic at hand, you’ll likely learn a lot more. This can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the job. Plus, that new understanding can help you carve out a niche in the ghostwriting world. 

If you happen to land a gig where you’re ghosting for a more accomplished author, that’s a huge learning opportunity. You’ll get an inside look at what it takes to create a bestselling series and build a powerful author brand.

No matter what kind of ghostwriting job you pick up, all this writing is going to sharpen your skills. You’ll get faster, your prose will get smoother, and you’ll become more confident as a freelance writer. 

It Can Be Surprisingly Fulfilling

The reason people cringe so much at the idea of ghostwriting is because they see it as someone taking credit for someone else’s work.

As a ghostwriter myself, it feels less like that and more like I’m unlocking the gate that’s keeping a person who has something valuable to say away from the microphone.

It’s deeply satisfying to see how excited a client gets when I manage to put what they’ve been trying to say into clear terms. It’s even more fun when I meet them for coffee after my job is done and they giddily hand me a proof of their book—their ideas, mined from their own soul and experience, out there for a world full of strangers to learn from and connect with.

Of course, it helps that I only work with clients I like and whose messages I feel good about putting into the world. But we’ll get into those types of decisions in a bit. 

First, let’s talk downsides.

What are the Downsides?

A person in a red shirt frowns.

We’ve touched on most of these already, so I’ll be brief. Here are a few of the disadvantages to offering a ghostwriting service:

Limited resume and portfolio - Depending on your agreement with ghostwriting clients, you may not be able to tell anyone you ghosted for them. That makes it tricky to promote yourself and land more ghostwriting work.

This is less of a concern, however, if you get in good with a publisher or agency and pick up jobs through them.

The topic might be boring to you - Okay, so this is true for any freelance writing gig. But if you’re ghostwriting an entire book or maintaining someone else’s blog, you’re in it for the long haul.  

The occasional ethical dilemma - You’re essentially agreeing to be the voice of somebody else. A situation like that is bound to come with the occasional moral quandary. 

In fact, the field of ghostwriting presents enough potential ethical dilemmas that we should probably talk through a few of them.

Ethical Considerations

Close-up of a stressed person in a striped shirt talking on the phone.

Even if you’ve decided you don’t have a problem with someone putting their name on something you wrote, you may run into situations that make you feel uncomfortable about the whole setup.

Unfortunately, I can’t promise to help you identify a potential dilemma before you sign the contract. What I can do is encourage you to ask yourself a few questions before committing to a specific project.

Questions like…

How Personal Will This Get and Are You Comfortable With That?

Most ghostwriting gigs don’t get that personal. You’re either sharing expertise or operating entirely within the world of fiction.

But if you’ve been hired to write something that delves into the client’s private life, like a memoir, try to get a sense of the specific topics you’ll be covering.

Will you be writing about a traumatic experience? Does the client envision this as a shocking tell-all novel or confessional blog? Is there anyone you’ll be interviewing in addition to the client—anyone who might be sharing their own deeply personal information?

I suggest trying to get the lay of the land upfront for a few reasons.

First, it’s important that you, as the ghostwriter, are able to respect your client’s privacy and reserve judgment while collaborating. If you can’t, that’s totally fine. This just isn’t the job for you.

Second, remember that you’re going to have to exist in the world of this project for a while, especially if it’s a book. If that means being confronted with a lot of very raw stories connected to a topic that’s triggering for you, factor in your mental health before you sign the contract.

Are You Being Asked to Come Up With the Content?

Let’s set aside fiction ghostwriting for a minute, because that’s a different animal. You might be expected to pitch your own story if you ghostwrite for a popular series. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

The issue is when a nonfiction client wants you to come up with their “morning routine for winners” or do all the research for the Jane Goodall biography and then put their name on the finished product.

When you do all the planning and writing plus the ideation and research… well, you’re not ghostwriting anymore. You’re just writing. And your client? They’re not an author. 

See, there’s one thing I immediately clarify when someone gets upset that someone else takes the writing credit when I did all the work.

I didn’t do all the work. My clients bring me their years of insight and expertise, packaged up in notes, videos, voice recordings, and outlines they agonized over after their kids and spouse went to bed. They make time for me to interview them, review the sections I send them, and work with me to make sure their message gets across.

Now, let’s say your client wants you to just write them a book that makes them look good with zero involvement from them. There’s a potential ethical issue here aside from that icky feeling in your gut.

If the client is using the book to present themselves as an expert in a specific area but it’s not written from their expertise, it’s misleading at best, fraudulent at worst. You especially want to be wary of a setup like this if they plan to use the book to win credibility with buyers.

Are You Being Asked to Make Stuff Up?

The words "SCAM ALERT" written in white chalk against a black background.

Again, we’re in the realm of nonfiction here. And if you’re familiar with the art of creative nonfiction, you know “truth” can be a tricky topic. In memoirs and personal essays, for example, there’s some leeway for embellishment or writing dialogue without recalling exactly what was said. There are limits, of course, and you can learn more about that in this article .

But if you’re asked to fabricate events that are flat-out untrue or you’re expected to make things up yourself just to fill in the gaps, I’d call that a red flag, ethically speaking. 

It happens more than you’d think, especially in an age when stars are expected to constantly churn out more content. A surprising amount of influencer content is generated by ghostwriters who don’t even have access to the person they’re writing for.

Are You Comfortable Putting This Project Into the World?

Sometimes, as ghostwriters, we run into a project that conflicts with our personal values. It might be that you’re uncomfortable with the messaging. Or maybe you’re uncomfortable with the execution. Maybe you’d rather not contribute to the client’s public image.

Whatever the reason, feel free to skip the job. I’ve yet to hear of a ghostwriter who wishes they took a job that required compromising their values, but I’ve heard of several who accepted the gig and left with regrets.

You can respect a person’s right to tell whatever story they’d like to tell however they want to tell it. But that doesn’t mean you have to be part of the process.

Is It a College Application Essay?

That’s not ghostwriting. It’s plagiarism and it gives students who can pay for it an unfair advantage. Don’t do it.

Famous Ghostwriters

A beautiful library with ornate ceilings and a grand staircase.

How’s that for an oxymoron?

But there are, in fact, several famous ghostwriters. Or at least famous within the publishing world. We’re going to take a quick look at three of them, each representing a different aspect of this particular writing career.

Catherine Whitney - Whitney is a prolific ghostwriter with over 50 co-written and ghostwritten books under her belt. She’s worked with several famous clients, including Lee Iacocca and Judge Judy.

Dalton Trumbo - Trumbo made his career as a screenwriter working under his own name until he was blacklisted from the industry due to his refusal to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee during their anti-communist investigations in 1947.

To make ends meet, he wrote absolute buckets of screenplays and sold them for cheap, hiding his true identity and allowing another writer to take credit. In fact, his screenplay for Roman Holiday won Best Story at the Oscars but was awarded to the writer who fronted for him.

So it’s not a feel-good story about a guy and his ghostwriting business, but it does illustrate the complicated and varied history of writers who let someone else take the credit.  

Carolyne Keene - Carolyne Keene isn’t actually the ghostwriter here. She’s the pen name used by Mildred Wirt Benson, the original author of the Nancy Drew series. A rather long list of ghostwriters have continued Benson’s work, all operating under the name of Carolyne Keene. 

How to Become a Ghostwriter

Two people sit on either side of a wooden table having a conversation with a laptop between them.

So how does one get into the ghostwriting business?

I’ll admit that I Googled that question several times myself over the years and still managed to stumble backward into ghostwriting. I suspect that’s true for a lot of us, which is why there aren’t a lot of clear-cut step-by-step guides out there.

Even so, I can offer a few suggestions.

One is to build your network… in all directions. Befriend fellow ghostwriters who can introduce you to new opportunities and send work your way when they can’t take it on themselves. Attend conferences and events where you’ll have a chance to meet publishers who might hire ghostwriters from time to time.

It’s even worth it to let your friends, family, and social media networks know that you offer ghostwriting services. 

You can find opportunities on job boards or check with ghostwriting agencies to see if they could use another freelance writer on their roster. And if you’re feeling bold, reach out to a professional who works in a field you know well and ask if they’d be interested in boosting their visibility with a book.

Also be aware that other freelance writing jobs can be a stepping stone into ghostwriting. When you write content for a client and manage to capture the spirit and voice of their brand, they notice. And they’ll likely go to you first when it’s time to hire a ghostwriter.

Or, better yet, they’ll take you up on your offer when you go to them with a proposal for boosting their brand with blog posts or a book. 

Tips for Aspiring Ghostwriters

Four kids stand in a row wearing sheets like ghosts and sunglasses.

Once you’ve landed your first client, you’ve got to follow through with a job well done. So how do you do that? What does it take to be a successful ghostwriter?

Here are some quick tips:

Get to Know the Client’s Voice

The ability to capture the client’s voice is one of the most powerful skills you can acquire as a freelance writer. 

Ask to record any meeting or interview you have with the client regarding a nonfiction project. This will ensure you don’t miss anything, of course, but it also gives you an opportunity to study their speech patterns, colloquialisms, cadence… everything that makes their voice uniquely their own.

If you’re writing fiction, read as much of the original author’s work as you can. Note their writing style , including the way they tackle sentence structure, pacing, and dialogue . Pay attention to the lengths of their scenes and chapters. Read so much that you can conjure their voice in your head.

If you can authentically replicate your client’s communication style, you’ll be irreplaceable.

Understand Why The Project Matters to Your Client

It’s important to understand what your client is trying to say. But if you really want to impress them, work to understand why they want to say it.

Let’s say your client wants to start a financial advice blog for college students. Why is that their mission?

Did they grow up in a home where no one discussed money and they made horrible financial choices in early adulthood due to ignorance? Do they dream of a world where everyone reaches financial independence by age 45?

When you understand the soul within your client’s project, you can infuse that spirit into every chapter. Not only will that help the book resonate more deeply with readers, it will also show your client that you understand what they’re all about.

Lay Out the Blueprint and Timeline Clearly

Communication is crucial, especially if you’ve never worked with this client before. 

Any time you meet with them regarding the project, let them know what you’re going to do next. For example, “I’ll go over these notes and create a proposed outline. It’ll be ready for you to review by next Tuesday.”

Then make sure you do exactly what you say you’re going to do.

Odds are good that your client is very busy. That might even be why they hired you. They’re already balancing multiple projects and deadlines. It’s a huge relief to know they can count on you to communicate clearly and stick to a schedule.

It’s also a good way to become their go-to freelance writer… and a well-paid one at that.

Ask Questions

If you’re not sure what something in your client’s notes means, ask. If you’re wondering whether they’re hoping to launch the blog by a specific date, ask. If you got a brilliant idea for a bonus chapter but aren’t sure if the client will dig it, ask.

There are some things you can figure out yourself. Google terms you’re not familiar with. Go ahead and put in that joke you came up with; if they don’t like it, they’ll tell you in the revision process.

But anytime you’re unclear about something that relates to expectations or big picture ideas, ask. While your client probably doesn’t want to hear from you seven times a day, they’ll appreciate an occasional email asking for crucial clarification.

It’s going to save both of you time in the long run and demonstrates that you’re at your desk, working hard to get it right.

Pro Tip: Dabble’s co-authoring feature allows you to collaborate with a client in real-time. They’ll have immediate access to your planning tools and draft, as well as the ability to communicate with you through comments and sticky notes. If you’re not a Dabbler already, you can try it for free for 14 days (no credit card required!) by clicking this link .

The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Ghostwriting Career

A little ghost decoration on an orange straw.

Before I set you loose to track down new clients and (*cough*) haunt the job boards, I’ll offer one last piece of advice.

Are you ready? This is going to be obnoxiously stupid, but it’s very important.

Get really good at writing.

To succeed as a ghostwriter, you’ve got to know your craft inside and out. Not just because you have to write well but also because someone else is counting on you to be an expert.

I can just about guarantee your client will have questions about the publishing process . They might ask for your advice on plot structure or character development . They’ll want to know how they can make their home organization blog posts more emotionally resonant. 

Or, if they’re a writer or publisher who already knows all these things, they’ll expect you to keep pace with them.

So keep practicing your craft and learning about the business . If you’re not sure where to start, I recommend DabbleU . We’ve got hundreds of free articles covering everything from mastering character archetypes to selling ebooks .

I also recommend subscribing to the Dabble newsletter . It’s a spam-free situation, and you’ll get new articles and tips sent to your inbox every week.

That’s my last big tip. Now I’ll let you get to work. 

I understand you’ve got unfinished business.

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


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Ghostwriting: 10 Tips on How to Become a Ghostwriter

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

Ghostwriting title

You might have heard that ghostwriting is one of the most well-paid writing careers. It’s true—being a ghostwriter can be a lucrative option.

So what exactly is a ghostwriter?

The short answer is that a ghostwriter is a writer whose name doesn’t appear on the final work .

In this article, we’ll give you a rundown of what this industry requires and ten tips on how to get started as a ghostwriter.

What Is Ghostwriting?

What is a ghostwriter, benefits of ghostwriting, 10 tips on how to become a ghostwriter, is ghostwriting for you.

Ghostwriting is the act of one person writing under the name of another person or brand.

Ghostwriting might be more common than you think. For example, the bestselling Nancy Drew series was published under the made-up name Carolyn Keene, but was actually written by a team of ghostwriters working together.

The popular Jason Bourne series was continued under Robert Ludlum’s name until 2017, even though Robert Ludlum died in 2001.

Ghostwriting definition

Ghostwritten non-fiction books include My Side by the English soccer player David Beckham, Profiles in Courage by U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and Living History by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Clients hire ghostwriters to help them create all types of work, from simple blog posts to full-length novels and memoirs.

Most clients fall into the following categories:

Books written by ghostwriters

  • Bestselling authors whose books are so popular that they no longer have time to write them all on their own
  • Industry leaders (such as business owners and health gurus) who want to share their expertise without needing to learn how to write
  • Celebrities (such as athletes and actors) who want to share their life stories without writing them themselves
  • Bloggers, brands, and businesses that want to post regular content online under their own branding
  • Publishers who want to publish more books based on the notes left behind by bestselling authors who have passed away
  • Anybody who has a great story to tell , but doesn’t have the writing experience to tell it by themselves

People who use ghostwriters

A ghostwriter is someone who writes for a client under the client’s name.

You can think of a ghostwriter as a type of co-author, except unlike a typical co-author a ghostwriter isn’t given public credit for their contributions to the project.

A ghostwriter’s duties might include:

  • Interviewing the client about their vision for the project
  • Reading the client’s notes, outlines, or journals
  • Drafting an article, story, or book using the client’s ideas
  • Revising and polishing a rough draft alongside the client
  • Writing in a style that feels like the client’s voice

Ghostwriting tasks

Why would you want to be a ghostwriter? There are several benefits that might draw you to this career.

Benefit #1: Make Money

Most ghostwriting pays better than general freelancing does.

Clients will often pay a large flat fee upfront, rather than paying you hourly for your time. As a result, you can make a large amount of money very quickly. According to Reedsy, ghostwriters can make a flat fee of $2,000-$70,000 per project.

Fees vary depending on the client. If you can land a ghostwriting gig with a large brand or a well-known author, you’ll probably be on the larger end of that spectrum.

If you’re a freelance writer and you typically set your own rates, you can increase your normal fee by a significant amount in exchange for not attaching your name to your work. After all, you’re charging not just for the writing but also for the credit.

Benefits of ghostwriting

Benefit #2: Build Relationships

Ghostwriters get to work closely with their clients. You might have long conversations together about the project you’re collaborating on. If you’re working on a memoir or autobiography you might even get to read your client’s journals.

Building these close client relationships can give you a strong professional network. Past clients might call on you again in the future or refer you to other people they know who need a ghostwriter.

Benefit #3: Learn About Interesting Topics

Ghostwriting gives you the opportunity to cover interesting topics you might not otherwise get to write about, and to learn things about those topics from an insider’s perspective.

Whatever your field is, you can learn a lot about it by ghostwriting.

For example, you can learn a lot about the tech industry and how it functions if you ghostwrite a memoir for a Silicon Valley engineer. You can learn a lot about the publishing industry if you ghostwrite a novel for a bestselling author.

Benefit #4: Gain Writing Experience

As a ghostwriter, you can practice your writing skills in a very effective way.

Under the name of a well-known client or brand, you’ll be able to reach a wide audience very quickly and see how they react to the way you write. This will make you much better at the craft if you decide you want to build your own brand later on.

It can be helpful to practice writing something you’re not emotionally involved in because you’ll have a clear perspective about the work’s strengths and weaknesses. That way, you can develop editorial skills which will also serve you well in the future.

Ghostwriting allows you to hone your craft without spending time on the other duties that come with creating your own work, such as marketing and publishing. All these tasks are left to the client while you can move straight on to your next project.

It can be hard to figure out how to become a ghostwriter, especially since the position is one of the least transparent in the writing industry.

Every ghostwriter begins somewhere. It’s just a matter of knowing how to get started.

Here are some tips for breaking into the industry.

Tip #1: Practice Your Writing Skills with Freelance Writing Jobs

The best way to become a ghostwriter is to practice writing as much as you can.

Usually, ghostwriters aren’t amateurs—they’re experienced writers who have created content in their own name in addition to writing for others.

Start by writing in your own voice. Great writing skills will get you noticed by people who are looking for ghostwriters.

One option for gaining writing experience is freelance writing. As a freelance writer, you’ll meet new clients, which will expand your writing network. Writing for clients under your own name will also help to build your credibility because you can demonstrate your writing skills.

If you take on the task of freelance writing, you can use a grammar checker like ProWritingAid to make sure you deliver clear and professional work to your clients.

Another option is blog writing. Blog posts are a great addition to your writing portfolio and can help you develop expertise in a specific topic.

You can also pitch articles to magazines and editors. There are magazines that allow anyone to pitch to them, so keep an eye out for their submission calls. By writing for magazines, you can add some reputable publications to your portfolio.

You can even work on writing books. Many ghostwriting gigs are large projects such as autobiographies, non-fiction books, and novels. Finishing a long work of your own will give you the skills you need to work on one with someone else.

Ways to build a ghostwriting portfolio

Ultimately, if you’re already an experienced writer or author, clients will naturally gravitate toward you when they need a ghostwriter. Building your writing portfolio is a great way to get started.

Tip #2: Practice Different Writing Styles

Ghostwriting clients will expect you to write in a style that sounds like theirs, rather than like your own. If you want to be a ghostwriter, you should practice becoming a writing chameleon.

Some jobs will require you to write in a conversational, chatty voice. Others will require a formal, informative voice. Still others will require lyrical, poetic prose. If you can master multiple styles, you’ll be able to nail all of these future ghostwriting jobs.

One way to work on this skill is to read widely and pay attention to the styles of the authors you read. Practice imitating the styles of your favorite authors.

Pay attention to the specific words and lexicons each author uses, the length of their words and sentences, and the rhythm and flow of their writing. How formal is their tone? How long are their paragraphs?

These exercises will equip you with the skills needed to create work in your client's voice when you need to.

Tip #3: Hone Your Interviewing Skills

To be a great ghostwriter you don’t only need to be a great writer, you also need to be a great listener.

When you land your first ghostwriting job, you will need to familiarize yourself with the project and the client.

You’ll need to have long, deep conversations with your clients about what they’re looking for and what their ideas are for the project.

You’ll need to practice active listening and ask questions about anything that isn’t clear, so that what you write can match up with the client’s vision as closely as possible.

You’ll also need to read everything they’ve written, whether that’s books, articles, or blog posts.

If you can find any jobs or volunteer work that involve interviewing and research, those skills will set you up to be a successful ghostwriter in the future.

Tip #4: Create a Website for Your Ghostwriting Business

When your future clients are considering hiring you, the first thing they’ll do is look you up online.

You want to make it as easy as possible for all your future clients to figure out who you are, what you do, and how to hire you. How do you do that? You create a writer website.

If you’re on a budget, you can start with a free or low-cost website using a platform like Squarespace, Weebly, or WordPress . Later down the line, you can invest in a website designer to make sure your website reflects your brand.

What to include on a ghostwriting website

Make it clear on your website that you’re a ghostwriter for hire. Mention the specific topics you’re experienced at writing about, so everyone can see your brand.

Your website should include some writing samples from your portfolio, such as blog posts or novel chapters. Make sure your samples relate to the type of ghostwriting work you hope to do.

Include a headshot and a short bio so clients can connect with you on a more personal level. You should also include your social media handles, if you have any, and make it clear how potential clients can contact you.

Finally, you can mention the rates you charge or say that rates are available upon inquiry. If you’re a freelance writer you can increase your rates for ghostwriting since you won’t be able to take credit for what you’ve written.

With a clean and professional writer website you’ll be able to reach clients much more easily.

Tip #5: Reach Out to Your Network for Opportunities

Once you’re ready to start ghostwriting it’s time to reach out to anyone you know who might need a ghostwriter.

If you’re an experienced freelance writer you might have a network of clients you’ve worked with in the past. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them and ask how they’re doing, and if they know anyone who has ghostwriting needs.

Even if you don’t have a client network, there are still other people you can reach out to. Maybe you know someone who has a great book idea but doesn’t know how to write it. Pitch your skills to other writers you know, and even to your friends and family.

Tip #6: Pitch Your Ghostwriting Services to Businesses and Brands

It might not seem obvious but many businesses and brands have writing-related needs, even if their services have nothing to do with writing.

At the very least, almost every large company has their own website with descriptions of the company’s services.

Many companies have blogs where they post about their work to attract more customers. Some release their own eBooks to establish themselves as thought leaders within their industry.

So who writes those websites, blogs, and books? Chances are, that’s a perfect job for a ghostwriter.

Start with businesses you’re familiar with, maybe ones you’ve been buying from for years or ones in industries that you have expertise in. Send them an email mentioning that you love their products, and tell them about your ghostwriting services.

Don’t be afraid of rejection. The worst case scenario is that the company says no, in which case you can respectfully accept that decision and move on to the next potential client.

At the end of the day, finding clients can be a numbers game. If you pitch to enough brands with a strong writing portfolio, sooner or later one of them might say yes.

Tip #7: Utilize Social Media

In the age of information, social media is one of the best places to find freelance writing opportunities and that includes ghostwriting opportunities, too.

Update your Facebook profile, Twitter profile, and any other social media profiles to include your ghostwriting skills. Make sure everyone can see that you’re a ghostwriter for hire.

On sites like Twitter, you can search for specific hashtags, such as #ghostwriting and #ghostwriter. Sometimes, people will post opportunities under these hashtags, or stories about their own ghostwriting experiences.

Joining these communities will help give you a foothold into the industry.

Tip #8: Join a Job Board or Publishing Marketplace

There are plenty of websites that offer different writing jobs, some of which include ghostwriting opportunities.

Many job boards don’t explicitly offer ghostwriting gigs, but they offer many freelancing gigs by brands and businesses that might also need a ghostwriter.

Here are some job boards you can consider:

  • All Freelance Writing is a free job board that has fully vetted gigs.
  • Contenta is a job board that tracks companies that hire writers. You can reach out to the companies that have posted ads and ask if they need a ghostwriter.
  • Upwork lets you create a profile and advertise yourself. You can also see the profiles of other ghostwriters and compare your rates to theirs.
  • Freelancer.com is a site where you can bid for freelance writing opportunities.

Where to find ghostwriting jobs

Tip #9: Understand Your Contracts

When you start signing ghostwriting contracts, have a lawyer look at your legal paperwork if possible. Taking that precautionary step will help you protect yourself from any possible legal ramifications.

In some cases, ghostwriting is transparent and the client will make it publicly known that they have a ghostwriter.

In most cases, however, a ghostwriter must sign an agreement not to reveal the project they’re working on or take any credit for the completed work.

Often, contracts will allow you to speak about your projects in general terms so you can tell future clients about your previous ghostwriting experience.

For example, you might be able to say, “I helped a client write a 300-page memoir which hit the New York Times bestseller list.”

Read your contracts carefully, and never share information about your projects publicly if your contracts tell you not to.

Tip #10: Be Patient

Ghostwriting is a job that often takes a long time to pay off.

Don’t worry if it takes a while to make it big! Success as a ghostwriter depends on two factors: luck and preparation. You can’t always control the luck factor. All you can do is make sure you’re prepared for the next time a ghostwriting opportunity comes your way.

How to be a successful ghostwriter

If you’re trying to decide whether being a ghostwriter is the right path for you, ask yourself some questions about what you hope to gain out of it.

First, ask yourself what you want to accomplish as a writer. If you’re trying to build your own platform and writing brand, ghostwriting might not be the right choice for you.

If however you want to make some good money and create a stable income stream, ghostwriting can be a great option.

You should also ask yourself if you have the right personality for ghostwriting.

If you hate the idea of someone else taking credit for your work, or the idea of giving up creative freedom over what style you’re allowed to write in, ghostwriting might be difficult for you.

On the other hand, if you’re very flexible and love collaborating on projects, you might be very successful as a ghostwriter.

Could you be a ghostwriter?

Do you think ghostwriting might be a good option for you? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments.

ghost writer for college essay

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on hannahyang.com, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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I left a career as a Hollywood ghostwriter to start my own college essay consulting business. Here's how I did it.

  • Robert Schwartz is a college and graduate school admissions essay consultant.
  • He grew his business after quitting Hollywood by learning from competitors and starting out cheap.
  • Here's his story, as told to writer Robin Madell.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page .

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a transcribed conversation with Robert Schwartz, a college and graduate school admissions essay consultant and founder and president of Your Best College Essay from Brooklyn, New York, about how he built his company. It has been edited for length and clarity.

My first break in Hollywood was as a scriptwriter on the staff of several highly forgettable TV sitcoms. It got me in the writer's room and into the union. 

But being successful meant befriending the next great showrunner, having the right agent, and parlaying one job into the next — things I wasn't very good at.

From the late 1990s to mid-2000s, when movie studios were flush with development money, they made 25 movies a year and had 100 scripts in development — this was before the studios decided to just make five movies and didn't develop as much, so my end of the business dried up — so there was lots of work for writers like me. There were always dozens or more writers working on scripts for the dwindling number of stars who could open a film. 

It wasn't uncommon for an actor or actress to have half a dozen scripts in development. The hottest writers were always working on a few scripts at once ("stacking") and regularly subcontracted out vast portions of the scriptwriting work to another writer, or "ghostwriters."  

If you couldn't get a writing job on a TV show or weren't on the "approved writers" list for studios — and your self-worth was not a consideration — there was money to be made as a ghostwriter

A ghostwriter is hired by the script's credited writer or by the producer or studio to write, fix, or rewrite a script

A ghostwriter understands they're doing so without credit.

The pay was often good, you made your own hours, and no one except the people who surreptitiously hired you knew you even existed. 

I was a freelancer/contractor on the scripts I ghostwrote. My fee was negotiated. As an example, the writer who sold the script might've been paid $250,000, and for my ghostwriting work, I was paid $25,000, along with a bonus if the film got made. 

The drill was this: A script assignment sale would happen, there was a splashy announcement in the trade publications, and my phone would ring offering me a flat rate to write some portion — or occasionally, large portions — of the script. 

I had to be fast, easy to work with, and not prone to complaining. I'd be provided an outline for the script, write scenes or a few in a row, then read drafts and rewrite pages along the way. 

Over five or six years, I ghostwrote scripts for films starring Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Angelina Jolie, and others, along with a TV pilot or two. 

It was good fun until it wasn't

Ten or 15 scripts into my tenure, I looked at where I was. I could work for weeks straight, then not again for half a year. 

I started to see less movies developed, less writers hired, less work for someone like me. The anonymity lost its allure, and I started to complain. 

I didn't see a future for myself. So I walked away and started working in journalism instead, freelancing as a journalist for Entertainment Weekly, Variety, ESPN Magazine, The Daily Beast, and other publications. 

A few months later, I spotted an online job listing from a grad school essay company looking for a writer with a background in TV, feature film, and journalism 

Their thinking: A TV writer is witty, a screenwriter can construct a story, and a journalist can get strangers to confess everything to them. They saw these three skills as essential to helping graduate school applicants with their admissions essays.  

I had, coincidentally, just finished helping my lawyer's daughter with her Brown essays. I had fun, her essays were stellar, and she got accepted. 

On the phone interview, one of the owners complimented me on my experience, my resume, and that Brown acceptance. But when he asked where I went to college and I didn't say Yale or Princeton (they wanted to sell me as their Ivy League advisor), the call ended quickly, and I never heard from them again.  

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The following day, my lawyer said, "Just do it yourself," which didn't seem like a totally idiotic idea.

Over the next 2 weeks, I opened an LLC, registered a domain name, found someone to throw together a website, and opened a business

To get applicants those first couple of years, I did everything I could. I went to college nights or SAT test days at local high schools and plastered promotional postcards on car windshields. I sent out mailers — thousands and thousands of mailers. I did my own SEO. I shoveled money in Google's direction for ads. 

My first year, I had four applicants, but steadily over each year, I got better and busier. 

This past year, I had nearly 100 applicants, including undergraduates and med school, law school, and business school applicants. Just last year, applicants I worked with were accepted to Yale, Brown, Columbia, UChicago, Cornell, UPenn, Dartmouth, and Berkeley. I've worked with applicants accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, too.

I'm now part tutor, part shrink

Up to nearly half of my day is spent talking to an applicant applying to college or graduate school.

I engage with them trying to figure out who they are, what they want, how they're exceptional, and what they should write about in their essays. I see it as a fact-finding mission.  

These five strategies helped me turn my idea into a fun, viable, and lucrative business:

Respect and know your competitors

When I first started out, there were very few competitors. The college essay consulting business was done by the local English teacher. 

But now, it's a crowded field. My potential customers are talking to them now, too. I had to be better and smarter than they are to get clients. I had to adapt my marketing strategy to differentiate myself. 

Some of the other admissions advisors had a limit to the number of drafts and consultation calls they offered clients. I decided to offer unlimited drafts and calls. Some admissions advisors had strict hours of operations, while I basically work all the time. 

Also, my marketing strategy was to pursue applicants applying to only elite schools, rather than top 25 schools. 

I researched who my competitors were and did my best to understand how they work, what their process was, and how much they charged. When I knew who was out there, I tweaked everything I did so it made sense from a personal and business standpoint. 

I noticed that many of my competitors charged applicants by the hour — so I set flat-rate plans based on the number of schools a client was applying to.

Work for dirt cheap in the beginning

When I started, I made sure my prices were low to get applicants in the door, but still enough to make my time, effort, and expertise worth it. Some clients I took on pro bono because I wanted to get some great results early to know how to do my job. And I took on any applicants I thought I could help get results. Once I started to understand my business and what my value was, I raised my prices. 

In the beginning, my average per-client fee was $800. Now it's four times that. Currently, I make five times now what I made as a ghostwriter in Hollywood. 

Accept that you'll make a million mistakes

I made so many mistakes early on, I've forgotten half of them. I knew nothing about online advertising and wasted thousands on Google. I spent too much on mailers.

I underestimated how much work it would be to work with kids over the phone and took on applicants I shouldn't have. Over time, I made adjustments when I made a mistake, changed my way of doing business, and prioritized what needed to be done.

Make it easy for customers to understand your services

I can't even estimate the amount of time I spent on the phone explaining my services and trying to get people to "yes."

To save time, I crafted documents explaining in meticulous detail my process, what they can expect from me, and what I expect from them, and another with terms and fees. Present these documents first to a prospective client, so they know what you do and how much you charge before committing to a long phone call. 

Watch: Here's why it's so hard to switch from Apple to Android

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21 Ghostwriting Tips from Bestselling Ghostwriters

Ghostwriting is a booming industry with many opportunities for development for the savvy writer; you may not get to put your name on your work, but you do get to help authors realize their publishing dreams, while often making a pretty penny.

Whether you’re already an active ghost writing content for others, or you’re looking to start on your ghostwriting journey, this article contains advice on how to improve your skills from some of Reedsy’s top ghosts.

Are you an author looking for tips on how to hire a ghostwriter ? Look no further — Reedsy has some of the top ghostwriters in the industry.

Guiding your clients

Some authors who want to hire you as a ghostwriter may not know what type of services they’re looking for or what you can do for them. Acting as a guide to publishing and ghostwriting is an important part of the job. Here are a few things you can do to point your clients in the right direction:

1. Find out what services your clients actually need

It’s great if your client already knows what they want, but you’ll also get a fair share of requests from authors who understandably know very little about the process. It’s in both your own and your client’s interest that you spend some time guiding them about what the process will look like and what services they might need, so have a conversation before you agree to take on their project to assess their needs and make sure you’re a good fit. 

There are, for instance, many types or ‘levels’ of ghostwriting with many different names, so make sure the terminology is clear.

Some clients want you to write every single word for them, either because they feel like they don’t have the necessary skills to translate their ideas into writing, or because they don’t have the time (or inclination). Some clients have a rough manuscript and just want you to bridge the gaps. Determining this before you start saves you a lot of potential trouble in the long run.

2. Set realistic expectations

Another part of guiding clients is making sure that they have realistic expectations for what a ghost can do for them. 

For Seth Kaufman , a ghostwriter who is well-versed in writing bestsellers, setting expectations is key to a happy collaboration, but he also notes that this can be a tricky topic: “As a ghost, you want work and you want your client to succeed. But you also want clients to have a sense of reality.” Sometimes, the publishing market can be fickle, and even a well-written book by the best ghostwriter in the world is not always a straight ticket to success. 

ghost writer for college essay

In short, don’t make any promises you can’t keep about bestsellers or literary prizes. The most you can guarantee is a well-polished manuscript, and from there, it’s in the author’s hands. Pointing them towards resources on how to market a book and getting the word out can be one good way to set expectations and remind your authors that writing is only half the battle.



Offer Letter Checklist + Template

Follow our tips to successfully sell clients on your services while setting clear expectations.

3. Refer the author to other professionals when needed

Sometimes you discover that you’ve been approached by an author who is actually looking for something other than ghostwriting, or that they need additional services after your part of the collaboration is finished.

This has happened to award-winning ghost Nicola Cassidy on several occasions: 

Often I'm approached by somebody who asks for a ghostwriter, but when we delve deeper, we find that what they need is a mentor or writing consultant, or even a developmental editor.

Referring them to other professionals instead of hawking your own services (and risk doing a poor job) is a good way to build a reputation for excellence and professionalism. The author will appreciate your honesty and integrity, and you get to focus on projects where you can shine. This can also help you build a network with other professionals, who are more likely to recommend your services whenever they find themselves in similar situations. 

Don't have a network of fellow publishing pros yet? Luckily, Reedsy has done the hard work for you. Our marketplace selection criteria means we only accept 5% of the publishing professionals who apply, and you can feel comfortable recommending any   book editor or marketer  on our platform to authors.

Finding projects that are a good fit

As a ghostwriter, you’re always looking for the next big project to take on — ideally, something that you’ll both enjoy working on, and that will be a good addition to your portfolio. But how do you assess whether a project will be a good fit for you? Our ghosts advise you to:

4. Look for authors who are flexible

When a project lands in your inbox, you might want to look beyond the author’s vision for the manuscript, and try to get a sense of whether you’ll actually enjoy working together. Ghostwriting projects tend to be extensive so this initial time investment can help you avoid being stressed and miserable throughout the project because of poor chemistry.

New York Times bestselling ghost Toni Robino urges other ghosts to “consider whether the author is someone you want to spend a significant amount of time with for the next nine to twelve months, because it’s a really intimate process.”

If you’ve ever read any advice on how to become a ghostwriter , you know that being flexible is a central part of the job description — ghosts need to be able to adapt to the author’s voice and vision. But it’s also important to remember that your client needs to be receptive to your input, and ghosts should also look for a degree of flexibility in potential clients. 

Be careful when dealing with authors who think they have the greatest story ever and you must do it their way. I like to find out how flexible they are to changes in their story. If they're not, best to let someone else deal with them … I recently quit a project and returned the money because the author was so emotionally tied to the story that he was unwilling to accept any variations on the theme. — Rob MacGregor

As ghostwriters, MacGregor continues, you have to balance making the most of your own knowledge and skills with the client’s concern that they’ll lose control of their story. You need to be able to tell clients why something isn’t working and — importantly — why, while also trying to stick close to (and respect) their vision.

5. Do a trial chapter

One way to get a sense of how the collaboration will go and what a client is like to work with is to offer a (paid) trial chapter. Eileen Rendahl , an expert in ghostwriting genre fiction, reminisces that: 

The one contract I’ve had blow up in my face was one where the client didn’t think we needed to do a trial chapter. It would have saved us both a lot of time, money, and heartache if we’d done one. It gives [clients] a chance to see what you would do with their material. It gives you a chance to see what they’re like to work with and what kind of material you’ll be working with.

Another option is, as MacGregor suggests, to start with an outline as a separate project. If it turns out it’s not a good fit, both author and ghostwriter have the option to go separate ways after the outline is completed. The author will have an outline to work from, and the ghost will be paid for the time it took to develop it — win win.


Ghostwriting Proposal Template

Lay out your rates, deliverables, and timeline with a professional template.

6. Make sure they’re actually ready to roll.

Once you’ve taken the time to properly assess the project and you feel confident about taking it on, confirm whether the author is actually ready to start working on it right away, so you can plan your workload accordingly. 

Rendahl is adamant on this point:

Stuff happens. People get busy. It’s totally understandable, but when you’ve said no to other projects because you’ve blocked time for that one just to find out that you can’t start work on it, it can throw your work schedule and your bank account off in unpleasant ways.

Some authors may think that they’re ready to go, but may not actually have all the material that you need for the project. Be clear when you’re communicating with them about what sort of information they need to provide before you block out time to work on it. If they don’t have it, that’s OK, but tell them to get back in touch when they do.

7. Be open-minded, but avoid projects that clash with your beliefs too much

In addition to being flexible, ghostwriters need to be open-minded and non-judgemental. Part of the job description is to communicate the author’s opinions and make sure their arguments are made as clearly as possible — not to insert your own thoughts into the work. Being able to work with people who think differently than you is a great strength and might even teach you something along the way. 

I think you have to be pretty much an empath if you're going to ghostwrite people's books. You have to have an understanding of people's psychology — and, of course, you absolutely cannot be judgmental. — Sandra Cain

With that said, it’s not a good idea to take on a project that goes against your beliefs to the extent that you don’t feel comfortable working on it. In those cases, Rob MacGregor advises you to decline and let someone else take on the project. If the ideas and opinions are contrary to your own and your heart’s not in it, you’re unlikely to produce quality work or enjoy the process.

8. Sometimes it’s OK to withdraw from a project

Call it Murphy’s Law or what have you, but even the most meticulous research and preparations can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to avoid dud projects. Sometimes it takes working on it for a while before you realize that it’s not a good fit, and sometimes life simply gets in the way. Whatever the reason, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your client is to amicably part ways. 

If that happens, clear contracts are key.

Writing contracts and setting rates

Educating your clients and making sure the project is a good fit for you are good first steps towards successful collaborations. But before you actually start working, it’s essential that you put the scope of the project officially into writing as well. This will protect both you and the author in case either of you need to walk away from the project, or if issues arise. 

ghost writer for college essay

9. Determine the scope of the project, and stick to it

Between the different types of ghostwriting out there — doctoring, full ghost, deep ghost, etc. — and setting clear expectations, most of the ghostwriters we speak to emphasize the importance of making the scope of the project clear in order to avoid confusion, or worse, disappointment. 

But it’s not always the author who may need to be reminded of what the scope is and sticking to it, according to Rendahl’s own experiences: 

If [the author has] already written something and just want you to flesh it out or smooth it out, rein yourself in. It’s tempting to fix everything, but sometimes they like their story the way it is even if you might think it’s flawed. In the end, it’s their story. That’s been a tough one for me to get past, to be honest. I had a romance client who had the hero do something that I felt made him irredeemable. I must have suggested at least three different ways to change it, but the client wanted it the way she wanted it.

MacGregor notes that some authors assume that you’ll also write their query letter and help them get a literary agent or publisher after you’ve ghostwritten their book. You can avoid a lot of confusion and disappointment by clearly communicating what services you’ll be providing for what fee. Because ghostwriting is so flexible and the role shifts slightly from project to project, Toni Robino highlights the importance of clear contracts: 

You need to say exactly what you’re doing for the client, and what they’re agreeing to do as a partner in the process. Having all of that worked out ahead of time so that there's no gray area is super important.

Cain adds that the level of involvement that you will have as a ghostwriter should be clearly stated in the contract and that this might also impact how much or little official acknowledgement you receive (as well as the fee); John Smith with Sandra Cain reflects slightly less involvement than John Smith and Sandra Cain, for instance. So before you sign a contract with an author, make sure you have an open conversation about the level of involvement and the form of credit you will receive, and that your contract reflects this.

10. Remember that every project is unique

Having a contract template to work from is a good place to start, but each project will come with its own set of requirements and rules, according to Nicola Cassidy: 

Every project is unique. No ghost project that I've worked on has been exactly like the one before … I tailor every contract for every client, working off a general outline and updating it based on our interview discussions. Reedsy is great for looking after that side of things, but sometimes clients want something more in writing and I'm always happy to facilitate that.

Authors can be particular about the language that you use in contracts and might want their own legal clauses added to suit the territory that they’re living in, to address issues of privacy, or to specify the project completion date, Nicola explains. If they want to add an NDA, that’s also part of the ghostwriting job description.

11. Don’t underestimate your value

Lastly, the contract should reflect your fees and what services will be included in that price. MacGregor is clear on the point that you shouldn’t write for nothing:  

Don't underestimate your value. If you think you're only worth a thousand dollars, you'll attract authors willing to pay you a thousand dollars.

If you want to learn more about how to set your ghostwriting fees, check out our article on how much ghostwriters make . It answers questions like how much you should charge as a ghostwriter, how to write a quote, and whether you should agree to getting paid in royalties.

Capturing voice

A huge part of the ghostwriting craft is capturing other people’s voices. Ghostwriting is really “a combination of taking what the author tells you, while also researching further to really understand the world the author’s living in,” Cain summarizes. Here are some practical things that you can do to help the process along:

12. Let it take time

Freelance ghostwriter Doug Wagner says that it’s important to set expectations with the author about how long it might take to nail their voice: 

One of the most common problems I’ve encountered with clients is unrealistic expectations — especially with regards to voice. Clients need to understand that no writer nails someone else’s voice on the first try, and shouldn’t be expected to . That’s inevitably a product of a back-and-forth … Ensure you communicate this with clients before you begin so they’re as prepared for the process as possible.

Getting clients on-board with the process is vital, as a patient collaboration will bring about the best results. Cain, for instance, spends up to three or four hours a week interviewing some of her memoirists, listening closely to their story and the way they talk.

13. Practice deep listening

Doing research and interviewing the author you’re working with is an important part of ghostwriting. As you do, practicing deep listening will help you get an insight into how the author thinks and expresses themselves. 

Award-winning ghostwriter Jon Reiner says that a successful ghostwriter is “first a good listener, and then a good writer.” Being a good listener is a skill that you can develop over time, and includes asking the right questions, paying attention to behaviors and habits, manner of speech, and making notes about the way the author perceives and describes the world. 

14. Invite the author to “spot the difference”

It’s important that the author is also involved in this process and sometimes you may need to get a bit creative with how you draw their voice out. 

Robino breaks her process down into some actionable steps: 

Listen to the person speak, pay attention to their word choices, their intonation, how they generally express themselves. Then I like to ask the person to read something I wrote out loud and try to put their personal spin on it. Ask the author to note down things that wouldn’t normally come out of their mouth, and go back and change them until they feel right. Eventually, after a couple of chapters, you will hopefully have a better grasp of their voice. 

Beyond yourself and the author, third parties can be an additional resource.

15. Enlist family members and friends to help

Sometimes authors don’t actually know the sound of their own voice as well as they think they do. Robino notes that consulting a family member or friend can help if an author can’t tell if they recognize their own voice in your writing — as someone who knows the author well, they are sometimes better placed to confirm whether you’ve managed to capture their essence or not. 

ghost writer for college essay

Of course, this step may be a bit more difficult to pull off if you’re deep ghosting, where only you and the other can know what your role is.

16. Try method acting

If you really want to push the boundaries with your ghostwriting but can’t let anyone else know who you’re writing for, you can also give method acting a try — according to Cain, play-acting as the other person whose voice you’re trying to capture (in the comfort and privacy of your own home) can help you get inside their mind without enlisting other people to help. It’s as close to walking a mile in someone else’s shoes as you can get.

17. Use fiction to practice writing different voices

Lastly, you also need to put pen to paper since being able to capture a voice in writing ultimately takes a lot of practice. Robino recommends writing fiction as a great way to hone your skills, since you’ll get to develop characters and practice writing all their different voices. She says that “fiction writing has ultimately helped strengthen my nonfiction as well.”

Building a ghostwriting career

If you want to make a career out of ghostwriting or you’re looking for ways to expand your business, here are some good practices that can help you get your name in front of more people:

18. Produce your own creative work to showcase your skills

In addition to being a great way to practice voice, continuing to produce creative work of your own outside of your ghostwriting is an excellent way to get around the conundrum of anonymity when it comes to building a portfolio.

I continue to produce my own creative work in both fiction and screenplays. I've found these to be most helpful for sample work, or proving the level you work to. This helps me get around the tricky area of writing anonymously but also showing new clients a portfolio. — Nicola Cassidy

When you can’t showcase samples of your work that you’ve written for other authors, this will allow you to show potential clients what quality they can expect from your writing.  

19. Look for ‘White Whales’

Ghostwriting is a competitive field and it can be a long and arduous process building a portfolio that will make clients come to you. Alex Cody Foster , a ghostwriter who has written several Amazon bestsellers, advises both new and veteran ghosts to look out for ‘White Whales’:  

One of the best ways to skip ahead of that lengthy process [of becoming a ghostwriter] is to find a white whale—i.e. someone who has a remarkable story that has not yet been published. You might see a great story about this person on Netflix as you browse documentaries; you might read about them in the New York Times or even in your local paper … The key is to discover someone with a big story and therefore a large platform, and pitch them on ghostwriting their book … While working on regular gigs, I always have a white whale client or two I'm working with at the same time.

Reaching out to ‘whales’ will often result in one of three things: One — they say no. Two —they say yes. Three — they say yes, but they don't want to pay you. In the case of the latter, you can try to negotiate a deal with a lower fee in exchange for having your name on the cover.

An author with a big platform will ensure that your work reaches a big audience and help build your reputation in the ghostwriting ‘biz. But be wary of taking on any project that sparkles without first knowing if it will play to your strengths.

20. Know where your strengths lie

As with any profession, it’s important to always strive to hone your skills and add more tools to your belt, but it’s also important to know where your strengths lie and where you’ll be able to deliver good results.

I am always honest and never take on a project I don't think my skills are suitable for. In this way, I turn down a lot of work, but equally, I end up working on very interesting jobs and find that I can communicate well with the client … Often I'm approached by writers who have some material written but say they need a ghostwriter as they don't have the confidence to go further. Sometimes the voice is so unique that I tell them they must - that I don't think I could capture it in the way they would like. — Nicola Cassidy

Eileen Rendahl similarly has a clear vision of the projects she’s looking for: 

I’m good at dialogue, setting, and internal motivations [and] gravitate toward projects where the client already knows the overall arc of the story, but doesn’t know how to flesh it out. It makes for a really nice collaborative project.

Knowing your own abilities is not to say that you shouldn’t venture out of your comfort zone — the best projects are ones where you can apply your skills and flex your writing muscles to their fullest extent.

21. Respond immediately when you get a request

Lastly, we’ll end on a tip that seems obvious, but definitely bears repeating — being quick on the ball can give you first dibs on the best projects. To MacGregor, “being first to respond is key.” From there on, you can ask for a sample, explain the process, and gain their attention by showing why you’d be the best ghost for the job.



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And there you have it — 21 ghostwriting tips that will hopefully help you become a better ghost. For more ghostwriting insights, check out our guide to how to find ghostwriting jobs or Barry Napier’s story on how he unexpectedly became a ghost.

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  13. What is a Ghostwriter? (And How Can You Hire a Great One?)

    The next step is determining which writing style suits you most. 3. Evaluate their previous work The best way to check a ghostwriter's skill, of course, is to dip into a book that they have written. A good writer will usually offer to share a couple of previous books for reference. Have a read of these and think about the style of writing.

  14. Professional Academic Ghostwriting Services for Students

    We specialize in ghost writing college essays. Our services have been used by thousands of students over the last 10 years. We guarantee your anonymity at all times. ... Hiring a ghost writer is equivalent of employing a personal aide whose responsibility is to assist you with a variety of writing tasks. There's nothing illegal about it.

  15. Is Academic Ghostwriting Legal? Honest Review

    They can help students with all kinds of assignments, like essays and research papers. Ghost writers are skilled in academic writing, so they can provide top quality work to students and help them get better grades. ... Getting help from a college essay writer is the best option for students who feel that they can't write an original research ...

  16. Rated Academic Ghostwriting Services to Complete Any Order

    Writing essay assignments with ghostwriting services; Ghostwriting websites for your research papers and capstone projects; Thesis ghost writing in your academic subject; ... Every ghost writer we have is always dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with the service they provide to you. They work tirelessly with you to provide ...

  17. How to Become a Ghostwriter in 8 Steps (Pro-Level Advice)

    Create a portfolio through freelance writing. 5. Write your own book. 6. Start ghostwriting content for people in your network. 7. Grow your ghostwriting business. 8. Maintain strong relationships with your clients.

  18. What is a Ghostwriter? A Peek Behind the Literary Veil

    A ghostwriter is a professional writer who applies their own writing skills to turn someone else's ideas into a written work. There are a number of ways this collaboration could play out. The ghostwriter might work from their client's notes, interview the client, or even revamp the client's initial attempt at writing the project on their own.

  19. Ghostwriting: 10 Tips on How to Become a Ghostwriter

    Tip #2: Practice Different Writing Styles. Ghostwriting clients will expect you to write in a style that sounds like theirs, rather than like your own. If you want to be a ghostwriter, you should practice becoming a writing chameleon. Some jobs will require you to write in a conversational, chatty voice.

  20. I Was a Hollywood Ghostwriter Who Started a College Essay Business

    Aug 24, 2021, 7:32 AM PDT. Robert Schwartz, founder and president of Your Best College Essay, says entrepreneurs will make many mistakes early on. Courtesy of Robert Schwartz. Robert Schwartz is a ...

  21. 21 Ghostwriting Tips from Bestselling Ghostwriters

    Cain, for instance, spends up to three or four hours a week interviewing some of her memoirists, listening closely to their story and the way they talk. 13. Practice deep listening. Doing research and interviewing the author you're working with is an important part of ghostwriting.

  22. The Complete Guide to Ghostwriting: How to Become a Ghostwriter

    A ghostwriter is a professional writer who writes content (such as books, blog posts, speeches, etc.) but isn't credited for their work. Ghostwriters are often freelancers, but unlike regular freelance writing jobs, the credit goes to either the client, the publisher, or the business that hired the ghostwriter. Ghostwriters are anonymous ...

  23. How to Become a Ghostwriter for Beginners (Ghostwriting Step-by-Step)

    1 Be a Freelance Writer First. Yes, to be a profitable ghostwriter, it's a good idea to be a freelance writer first. This is how I broke into ghostwriting for influencers. My high-paying clients also hired me to ghostwrite or had colleagues that needed a ghostwriter.