English Compositions

Essay on My Favourite Game Chess [With PDF]

Hello Readers, today we are going to present a short essay on My Favourite Game Chess, so let’s dive into the essay!

Essay on My Favourite Game Chess feature image

There are so many games in this world. I know I played a large portion of them throughout my childhood. There were games like baseball, football, and other active games. Also, there were party games that I did not care for at all.

Finally, there were board games. This was the category with the largest amount of games on it. There was a board game for just about anything you could think of. We had Monopoly, the Game of Life, Parcheesi, but we hardly had time to play them.

I guess my parents wanted us, kids, to stay busy and not bother them as we had a whole closet full of games we could play if it rained outside and we got bored. I guess out of all the games we had chess was my favorite.

It was not like checkers which did not seem like it had any real strategy to it. There was a strategy to play chess properly and that appealed to me. It was also a lot more interesting than checkers was as you already had a king on the board.

It did seem strange to me that the King was above the queen but the queen had all the power. That made the queen my favorite piece though I liked the power of the rook and the bishop as well.

The knight wasn’t far behind because he could do something a queen could not do, change direction mid-move. Although I was able to develop a potent pawn attack, I never really liked pawns.

They could not move very fast and they were the most vulnerable piece on the board. The attribute I liked most in the pawn was that it could protect the rook, the bishop and the knight from the opposing queen and her fellow power pieces.

What also made chess interesting to me is that I could play it by myself when I wanted to practice my strategy. The other games were designed to have at least one more player present for it to be of any good.

Then with chess, I could also play the game through the mail. A friend and I would write letters back and forth sending each other our next move. This was a very slow way to play the game but we got to think about our moves and analyze our opponent’s next moves before we made ours.

The only thing that got to me about chess is that it can be a slow game to play. I am not talking about playing games through the mail. The game itself, with a player right across the board from you sometimes went too slow and took 15 minutes for every move.

That made the game very boring and kept me from playing in tournaments and on different chess teams. I enjoyed the strategy and the combative nature that comes with chess, but the slow moves were killers. I almost went to sleep several times waiting for my opponent to move.

One year I did play in a tournament and that was a mistake.. I did not win enough games to get very high on the board but I was able to get high enough to be a spoiler. A spoiler is someone who is not quite good enough to win it all but just good enough to win a key game that would keep a star player from winning.

This tournament was a friend of mine. He needed just one win to move on up to the next round. I was his next opponent and as friends do we talked. He pointed out the obvious he needed a win and it would be great if I lost the game on purpose since I had no chance of going further in the tournament.

If I did that, he could move up and have a good chance of winning. Well, he was my friend so I did the honorable thing and lost on purpose. It was honorable in our eyes out no one else’s.

I am not sure what happened after that in the tournament but I did not play chess for a long time after that.

So I hope you like this essay presentation, if you still have any thoughts regarding this essay, feel free to tell us in the comment section.

Essay on “My Favourite Game – Chess” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

My Favourite Game – Chess

I like to play chess in my free time. It is my hobby and passion. There are a number of hobbies to choose from but I find chess the best and most interesting. For me there cannot be a better option than playing chess in my spare time. It not only keeps me busy but also gives me entertainment, refreshes me and provides me with a relaxation. It is a game purely of Indian origin. In ancient India, it was known as, ‘Chaturanga’.

I was introduced into the game by my elder brother Vishwanath when I was just seven years old. He is a very good chess player. He has won several chess competitions. On every Sunday afternoon, he played chess with one of his friend. It was interesting to see them get so engrossed in the game that it made them forget everything around them. Their playing sessions would sometimes extend for long hours. I learnt different strategies and moves of the game by watching them play.

Chess is an intellectual game. It is an art of creative mind and long-lasting pleasure. There is no other game or human pastime reflecting different situations of life. For great playwright William Shakespeare, the entire world is a stage and all of us performed our roles as actors. There is no other game or hobby as thoughtful as chess. Chess is a classic game holding over the human imagination and mind.

Chess helps in developing decision-making abilities. The strength of a chess player lies in clear and normal thinking, right approach, reasoning and ability of not committing a mistake. His power of vision, watchfulness, instinct and imagination makes him a stronger player. Chess gives a good training for those involved in challenging tasks and intellectual hobbies. A chess player is required to make a decisive move in most complex situation and that too during the times of pressure.

A game of chess is a display of both the will to win and intelligence. The player aims to overcome all difficulties and barriers to realize his plan and ideas. However, he can execute his ideas and strategies only if he possesses intensiveness, creativity, imagination, willpower, determination, vision and the quick implementation of the plan.

According to me, chess is an epic game. The chessboard is like a battleground. The two competing armies and the two rival players think in terms of attack, defense, capture, threats, manoeuvres, traps and tactics. Therefore, the game of chess is full of such activities that are not less than an actual life battle.

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Chess Essay in English

Vedantu provides an extensive range of English essays on various topics for students from all classes to help them understand the basic concepts of writing a descriptive essay in a better way. With the help of these Essays from Vedantu, they will get more confident while facing examinations. Students will be familiar with any type of essay which is or may be asked in the examinations.

Students can get a Chess Essay in English from Vedantu which has been compiled by expert educators from Vedantu who have a vast knowledge of the English language. To write a perfect essay, students require more practice. Students are advised to practice 4-5 essays in a week to get a good grip on Essay writing. Vedantu is the best platform to browse English Essays and score more in exams.

Chess is a strategic board game played between two players on a checkerboard with 8X8 square grid arrangements of 64 squares. To make this chess essay an insightful read, all the basic information related to the game as well as the importance of chess have been brought forward. This essay on chess games in English also includes the history of the game of chess. It is very interesting to note that not only children but people of all ages when asked to write about their favourite indoor game, write an essay on “my favourite game chess.”

History of Chess

The origin of the game of chess is credited to India where chess was derived from the game of ‘chaturanga’ before the 7 th century. During the 9 th century, Arabia and Persia led to the emergence of the game among the European countries. The queen’s, as well as the bishop’s modern-day powers, were framed in Spain during the end years of the 15th century. The 19 th century saw the standardization of the current rules of the game.

Rules of the Game of Chess

At the start of the game, each player has 16 pieces, precisely 8 pawns, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, 1 queen, and 1 king. Different types of pieces have different styles of movement. Pawns have the least power while the maximum power is held by the queen. 

Players play to put the opponent’s king in a position of the threat of being captured from where the king cannot escape. Opponent pieces are attacked and captured in the process of encroaching on the opponent king’s territory to finally call for a checkmate. A player loses a chess game on being declared checkmate, on being timed out in a time mentioned game, or on conditions he/she resigns from the game.

Importance of Chess in Developing Strategic Thinking 

The game of chess comes with a whole lot of benefits increasing the mental faculties of a person with an improvement in the capability to learn, think, and make decisions in the right manner. Building the analytical power of a person, chess helps a person frame better strategies not only while playing the game but also in the aspects of life. This also makes a person learn the significance of foresight to make plans and take measures accordingly. Playing chess also betters the skills in communication and aptitude with better recognition of patterns. The value of persistence, patience, concentration and hard work is derived from repeated participation in chess.

They say life is like a game of chess. The importance of the game stated in this essay about chess makes this chess essay in English a precise and most significant study about the same.

Major Chess Competitions

The international body governing the game of chess is FIDE (Federation Internationale des Echecs). Many countries have their respective national organizations for chess that are further members of the FIDE. An interesting fact is that the FIDE, being a member of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) organizes its own Olympiad without involving chess in the Olympic Games. The chess Olympiad is organized as a team event every two years. Other major competitions are the World Junior Chess Championship, The National Chess Championships, and the European Individual Chess Championship.

Titles and Ranks in Chess 

FIDE offers lifetime titles to players. Such titles are mentioned below:

Grandmaster (GM) or International Grandmaster (IGM)

International Master (IM)

FIDE Master (FM)

Candidate Master (CM)

All the above-mentioned titles are meant for both men and women. There are titles meant only for women like the title of Woman Grandmaster (WGM).

For one looking for an essay on chess games or ‘my favourite indoor game chess’ essay, this article gives the basic information on chess along with everything that one needs to know about this game. This chess game essay in English also states the importance of the age-old strategy game.

10 Lines on Chess

Chess is an internationally played game in the category of indoor games.

It is a game played between two players.

Chess was known as ‘Chaturanga’ in the past.

Chess is mentioned in a book called Harsha Charit.

Chess consists of 2 coloured pieces, white, and black.

Vishwanath is an international level player of Anand Chase.

Chess can also be played on a computer or mobile.

The game was first played in the sixth century.

This game gives inner satisfaction and mental exercise.

Two players play with each other at the same time. 

Short Essay on Chess

Chess, requiring intelligence and strategic skills, is a board game played with two players at a time. The game was derived from an Indian ancestor called ‘chaturanga’. The following short essay on chess provides information on the game stating its importance in brief. For one to check out on the internet my favourite game chess essay in English, this chess essay tends to provide precise details.

Chess can help improve your concentration power, creativity and brain gradually. And that’s why everyone should play this game regularly. This game could be an amazing option for passing your leisure time in a quality way. It will let you exercise your brain and keep you satisfied inside. Lots of people play this game as their hobby. I am also a passionate chess player and it is my hobby to play chess often.

An Essay on My Favourite Game Chess

Chess is a game purely of Indian origin; a great tribute to Indian genius. In ancient India, it was known as Chaturanga, which means the four limbs or diversions of the ancient Indian army: infantry, cavalry, elephants and chariots. Those four divisions or limbs formed the army proper, flanking either side of the king and his chief minister or Mantri/vazir.

The objective of chess lies in eliminating the pieces from the opponent’s territory with a strategic advancement leading the opponent king to an inescapable position to be announced checkmate. Chess builds the mental abilities of a person helping him/her towards better strategies for life. It provides for the constant development of the human mind. 

You can develop a career as a professional chess player if you are passionate enough about this game. Chess players have been found to possess a higher spatial ability than others of comparable intelligence levels. They also possess greater physical endurance, together with a tolerance for frustration. 

This chess essay in English provides a brief note on the game stating its importance in a nutshell. 


FAQs on Chess Essay

1. Who was the first World Chess Champion?

The first World Chess Champion to have been generally acknowledged was Wilhelm Steinitz. He claimed the title in 1886. For nearly three decades, he never lost a serious match. His opening innovations have resonated for more than a century. In the early 1870s, he formulated a positional approach that served as the foundation of modern chess. And his pioneering work on chess theory has been a major, enduring influence since it was postulated. Moreover, if we think of his achievements as a writer, not just as a player, Steinitz was unique.

2. Who is the current World Chess Champion? 

The current World Chess Champion is Norway’s Magnus Carlsen while the Women’s World Champion is China’s Ju Wenjun. He became World Champion on 22 November 2013, by defeating Viswanathan Anand by 6½ to 3½. Carlsen also won the return match in 2014 by 6½–4½. To many people, he’s the best to ever play the game, although GMs Garry Kasparov and Bobby Fischer remain in the conversation.  A Norwegian chess grandmaster and chess prodigy, Carlsen is the highest-rated player in the world and the highest-rated player in the history of chess. 

3. What was the Longest Chess Game in a Tournament?

The longest chess game in a tournament (according to the number of moves) was played between Ivan Nikolic and Goran Arsovic in 1989 at Belgrade. The game lasted for a total of 269 moves, taking 20 hours and 15 minutes total before getting the game declared as a draw. The FIDE rule at that time allowed players to win for up to 100 moves without a piece being captured or a pawn move being made in some endings, including rook and bishop vs rook. Today no exceptions are allowed in the general 50-move rule.

4. Where can I get a Chess Essay for Students in English?

Vedantu is the best resource of study materials for students including English Essays, Which are beneficial for students for English board examinations, stage representations as well as further studies. To be able to write good essays students need to understand the topic. Vedantu has provided here an Essay on Chess for students in English. Vedantu has an extensive selection of English Essays including Chess Essay. With the help of English Essays, students can easily build their communication and improve writing skills as well as reading skills. 

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With the help of English Essays from Vedantu , students will be able to improve their reading skills and writing skills in English. English Essays from Vedantu are the best reference for students working with English essays or writing tasks that their teacher gives them in school. Moreover, students will be able to learn how to write essays and how to perform on stage. Students will get more confident while facing examinations. They will be familiar with any type of essays that may be or are asked in the board examinations as well as school exams.


Simple Essay on My favourite Game Chess in 100 200 words for Students | English Essay Writing

Essay on my favourite game chess in 100 words.

Chess is my favorite game. It is played on a square board with black and white squares. Each player has 16 pieces like the king, queen, and pawns. Each piece moves in different ways. In chess, the goal is to protect your king and capture the opponent's pieces. Chess teaches me patience, smart thinking, and problem-solving skills. I love the challenge of planning my next moves guessing what my opponent will do in chess. It is like solving a fun puzzle every time I play. Whether it is with friends or on a computer, chess always brings me happiness and excitement. Chess is a game that anyone can learn and play. That is why it is my favorite to play.

Essay on My favourite Game Chess in 200 Words

Chess is a game that holds a special place in my heart. It is my all-time favorite game because it is both challenging and fun. It is played on a square board divided into 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player controls 16 pieces, including a king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks, and pawns. The main objective is to checkmate the opponent's king, which means trapping it so it cannot escape capture.

What I love most about chess is the strategy and creative thinking it encourages. Each game is like a new adventure, requiring me to think critically, plan carefully, and guess what my opponent might do. Chess is all about using my skills and making smart choices and not just relying on luck. I like to study different situations, try out strategies, and learn from each game.

Playing chess has also taught me valuable life lessons. It has improved my concentration, focus, patience, and problem-solving abilities. It gives me a sense of achievement that comes from executing a well planned strategy. It also brings people together. Whether I am playing with family or friends, chess creates a sense of unity and friendly competition.

In summary, chess is not just a game but a passion that has taught me valuable life skills. This fantastic game challenges my mind and brings happiness to my my leisure time.

essay on my favourite game chess


Essay on My Favourite Game Chess

In the realm of strategy and mental prowess, chess emerges as the intellectual ballet that has captured the hearts and minds of enthusiasts for centuries. The checkered board, the intricate moves, and the suspenseful dynamics make chess not just a game but a profound mental exercise. In this essay, I will delve into the captivating world of my favorite game – chess, exploring its timeless appeal, strategic depth, and the enduring joy it brings to the table.

Quick Overview:

  • Chess is a game that unfolds like a strategic masterpiece. Each piece on the board holds a unique power, and every move influences the balance of power. The interplay of strategy, tactics, and foresight creates a mental landscape where every decision is a step toward victory or defeat.
  • The beauty of chess lies in its infinite possibilities. With 64 squares and 32 pieces, the game offers an astronomical number of potential positions. Each match is a unique narrative, and the evolving complexities challenge players to anticipate, adapt, and outmaneuver their opponents.
  • Chess is a cerebral sport that stimulates critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning. The mental gymnastics required to foresee the consequences of moves, plan several steps ahead, and adapt to the opponent’s strategy provide a continuous workout for the intellect.
  • Chess transcends geographical, cultural, and age boundaries, making it a universal game. From casual players in bustling Indian cities to international grandmasters competing on the global stage, chess unites individuals in a shared passion for intellectual competition. It is a language spoken by millions worldwide, fostering connections and camaraderie.
  • The timeless elegance of chess lies in its endurance through the ages. Dating back to ancient civilizations, the game has weathered the test of time, evolving into a modern-day pursuit that retains its classical charm. The enduring appeal of chess lies in its ability to remain relevant, captivating both novices and seasoned players alike.

Conclusion: In conclusion, chess is not merely a game but a captivating odyssey into the realm of intellect and strategy. Its strategic brilliance, endless possibilities, intellectual stimulation, universal appeal, and timeless elegance weave a tapestry of fascination that transcends generations. As I maneuver the pieces on the checkered board, I embark on a journey of mental exploration, where each move becomes a step in the dance of strategy and anticipation.

Chess, with its profound complexities and enduring allure, is a game that continues to enrich the lives of those who embrace it. Whether played for leisure or pursued at the highest echelons of competition, chess is a testament to the timeless fascination with the intricacies of the mind. As the pieces glide across the board, the beauty of chess unfolds—a ballet of intellect where every move is a brushstroke on the canvas of a captivating mental masterpiece.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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essay on my favourite game chess

At the World Chess Championships in London, 2013. Photo by Andrew Testa/Panos


The challenge of chess – learning how to hold complexity in mind and still make good decisions – is also the challenge of life.

by Jonathan Rowson   + BIO

Arriving at the chess board is like entering an eagerly anticipated party. All my old friends are there: the royal couple, their associates, the reassuringly straight lines of noble infantry. I adjust them, ensuring that they are optimally located in the centre of their starting squares, an anxious fidgeting and tactile caress. I know these pieces, and care about them. They are my responsibility. And I’m grateful to my opponent for obliging me to treat them well on pain of death.

In many ways, I owe chess everything. Since the age of five, the game has been a source of friendship, refuge and growth, and I have been a grandmaster for 20 years. The lifelong title is the highest awarded to chess players, and it is based on achieving three qualifying norms in international events that are often peak performances, combined with an international rating reflecting a consistently high level of play – all validated by FIDE, the world chess federation. There are about 1,500 grandmasters in the world. At my peak, I was just outside the world top 100, and I feel some gentle regret at not climbing even higher, but I knew there were limits. Even in the absence of a plan A for my life, chess always felt like plan B, mostly because I couldn’t imagine surrendering myself to competitive ambition. I have not trained or played with serious professional intent for more than a decade, and while my mind remains charmed by the game, my soul feels free of it.

In recent years, I have worked in academic and public policy contexts, attempting to integrate our understanding of complex societal challenges with our inner lives, while also looking after my two sons. I miss many things about not being an active player. I miss the feeling of strength, power and dignity that comes with making good decisions under pressure. I miss the clarity of purpose experienced at each moment of each game, the lucky escapes from defeat, and the thrill of the chase towards victory. But, most of all, I miss the experience of concentration.

I can still concentrate, of course, but not with the same reliability and intensity that a life of professional chess affords. In fact, from a distance, chess looks to me suspiciously like a socially permissible pretext to concentrate for several hours at a time. In The Island from the Day Before (1994), Umberto Eco composes a love letter that includes the line: ‘[O]nly in your prison does [my heart] enjoy the most sublime of freedoms’ – that could be said of chess, too, and the experience of concentration is what makes it possible. I believe concentration is a defining feature of a fulfilling life, a necessary habit of mind for a viable civilisation, and that chess can teach us more about what concentration really means.

A ny skilled endeavour entails concentration, but chess is unusual in requiring that we concentrate not for a few minutes at a time, but for several hours at a time, within tournaments, for days at a time, and within careers, for years at a time. Concentration is the sine qua non of the chess experience.

In chess, concentration usually unfolds in quick succession through perceiving, desiring and searching. But it’s recursive, so I often find something I didn’t expect in a way that leads me to see my position differently and want something else from it. My perception is pre-patterned through years of experience, so I don’t see one square or piece at a time. Instead, I see the whole position as a situation featuring relationships between pieces in familiar strategic contexts; a castled king, a fianchettoed bishop, a misplaced knight, an isolated pawn; it’s a kind of conceptual grammar. The meaning of the position is embedded in those patterns, partly revealed and partly concealed, and my search to do the right thing feels fundamentally aesthetic in nature.

I could describe the feeling as a kind of evaluative hunting – not so much for a particular target , but for trails of ideas that look right and feel right. I am drawn towards some transfigurations of the patterns that make me look deeper, and repelled by others. Good moves have the qualities of truth and beauty. They are discoveries of how things are, and should be.

However, chess invites me to deepen my concentration a few centimetres away from another being who is also trying to concentrate; someone I can smell, sense moving, and hear breathing. I often know, even like, these people, but they loom within my psyche in a relatively impersonal sense – a familiar energy, not friends as such. I sometimes think of chess opponents as psychopathic flatmates with whom I have to share a living space. They look harmless, but I know we signed the same contract that says they need to try to get inside my room, steal my possessions and hunt me down, before killing me; naturally, I am obliged to do the same to them. Together we create a story, and narrative themes such as attack and defence are both reduced and reified into particular moves with particular pieces on particular squares, which we record like stenographers, into our own arcana of algebraic notation. The climax of a game’s story might be ‘Brutal counter-attack!’ but the record merely reflects the logical power of a short sequence of moves, for instance: ‘…34. Bf3 Nh3+ 35.Kh1 Qg4!! Resigns.’

I executed the additional detail only I had seen, and he immediately resigned. I felt strong

The forces on the board are always embroiled, but concentration is particularly important when the pieces stop eyeing each other from a strategic distance, and come into direct tactical contact. At such moments, spotting a hidden detail could guarantee victory, while missing it could lead to inexorable defeat. Such details were usually a few moves away from any given position in front of me, so I would have to seek them out; while much of chess thinking has a narrative quality, this seeking called for the merciless logic of calculation. It’s about keeping track of the balance of material forces as they attempt to eliminate each other in a battle for supremacy. The process is strenuous, even painful, but learning to appreciate the beauty of uncovering the truth was critical in my advancing up the grandmaster ranks.

One of the highlights of my chess career was beating the Russian-born grandmaster Alex Yermolinsky at the World Open in Philadelphia in 2002, because it was a palpable experience of self-overcoming. ‘Yermo’ is a two-time US Champion. On paper, he was the favourite, but I’d recently been training by solving chess exercises, setting up carefully vetted positions and deciding what I would play, then comparing my thoughts with the book answer. Yermolinsky offered a pawn as bait, and I very nearly didn’t take it because doing so would allow him to play a series of forcing moves, including an elegant counterattack that appeared decisive. Looking deeper, I discovered a surprising detail right at the end of the line, in which my knight could retreat back to its original square, solving all my defensive problems and leaving me with a decisive advantage. I checked the variation just once – the wise side of neurotic! – and we briskly played straight down the line. The clock clicked gently with each move. Yermo played the impressive-looking tactic that we’d both anticipated as if it was decisive. Then I executed the additional detail only I had seen, and he immediately resigned. I felt strong .

Concentration is not always so rewarding. It comes and goes, forms and collapses, builds and then crumbles, because there is an upper limit to what players can hold in their heads at any one time. I find that I move towards my upper limit and away from it repeatedly. Peering into the unfolding position, it is as if I am driving more or less automatically, until new possibilities flash before me like bikes emerging from side-streets, and bring me back to the challenge of steering consciousness. At such moments, the edifice of thought I have built is likely to collapse. If I’m not careful, I can spend far too many minutes in this state of perpetual irresolution, seeking but not finding an answer to what is happening, because there is just too much meaning in the position for my mind to process. This challenge of learning how to hold complexity in mind and still make good decisions is pertinent not just to chess but to life more generally.

A s a chess grandmaster, I find the familiar injunction to ‘Concentrate!’ a little naive. Concentration is not like a bulb that we can turn on and off with a switch, because we are not just the bulb; we are also the switcher and the switch. Humans are more like thermostats receiving and sending out signals, seeking the optimal ‘mental temperature’ as ambient conditions around and within us change, and we’re often abruptly adjusted against our will. We succeed in concentrating when we manage to convene the dispositions that matter for a task at hand – for instance, our awareness, attention, discernment and willpower – and that is possible only if the right emotions co-arise and come along for the ride.

Concentration is therefore best understood as a kind of coalescence. The ultimate aim might be single-pointed attention, but the process of concentrating is more like a method of corralling and coordinating fissiparous parts of our psyche. The best illustration of this idea is traditional forms of yoga, which is practised through seemingly elaborate asanas (postures) such as standing on your head, and forms of pranayama (breathing) in which you pump stale air out of your lungs through your nostrils as a kind of spiritual snorting. Such practices have value on their own terms, but their ultimate purpose is the experience of realisation in which our nervous systems are sufficiently settled through training that we can sit still, free of mental agitation, for more than a few seconds at a time.

When viewed this way, it is important to distinguish concentration from similar or related phenomena that provide what the US theorist Bonnitta Roy calls different ‘meta-cognitive views’ – contexts of meaning and activity that are valuable because they allow the mind to become aware of itself. Chess thinking provides a rich metacognitive context that leads me to believe that we should tease apart three notions that are related but often conflated – attention, flow and concentration. Attention is fundamentally grounded in perception (how we attend), flow is fundamentally grounded in experience (how we feel), and concentration is grounded in praxis (how we purposively coalesce).

We ask too much of attention and not enough of concentration. The recent cultural emphasis on attention risks subsuming too many variables of human experience, as if they could ever be held constant. We have to pay attention with the body, the will, the place, the mood, the memory, the moment, the relationships, the affordances, not the least the smartphone. All these variables are implicated in our capacity to attend, but they have their own kinds of agency, too, and they play with each other in unpredictable ways. The emergent properties arising from the psyche at play with itself in the world include amusement, enchantment, dissonance and distraction: these are not mere hindrances but more like a kind of data to be understood and integrated before we can exercise agency that is truly our own. We need to coalesce in order to concentrate, and concentrate to coalesce.

As the will to deepen my attention for chess was dying, a part of myself was dying, too

If we can’t concentrate, we will not be able to enjoy the state of consciousness – called flow – that is part of the chess experience. Flow was conceived and popularised by the Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and it is a mental state characterised by intense absorption, loss of self-consciousness, goal-related feedback from the world and an altered sense of time. Flow experiences are deeply rewarding, and they arise when our skill level and challenge level are optimally matched; too little challenge and we get bored, too much and we feel anxious. Chess is a great way to access flow, yet – as a lodestar for living – flow has limitations . Mostly, it describes a quality of consciousness, not a method for obtaining it. Ultimately, flow is not a virtue but a form of pleasure. While flow is a desirable state of mind, promoting it might not lead to desirable qualities of character; just as likely it could yield an atomised society of sophisticated hedonists with gaming addictions and virtual-reality sickness.

Unlike attention or flow, concentration prompts an awareness of mood, even a commitment to meaning, and an appreciation for method. As a young player, I leant on various methods to deepen concentration, including taking long walks before games and listening to favourite music tracks. They worked mostly because the purpose of the concentration was never in doubt. However, in early December 2008, in a generic hotel room in Palma, Mallorca, I vividly remember trying to prepare for a game while feeling unusually displaced from myself. As generations of American football coaches have put it: ‘The will to win is not as important as the will to prepare to win.’ And I noticed that I had lost that. It felt as if the underlying motivational vector for concentration had collapsed; and, as the will to deepen my attention for chess was dying, a part of myself was dying, too. The will to sustain the identity that perpetuated my desire to win had gone, and I knew that it was time to concentrate on what the game symbolised rather than on the game itself.

C hess is an arena where system meets psyche, and the world needs a way to make better sense of the nature of that encounter today. To make good chess moves, you need to see the whole position in all its reverberating dynamism. But you also need to see your own mind, and know its power and limitations; the personal is indeed political, and vice-versa. In the early 21st century, the position we face includes a cascading ecological crisis (when material-intensive economic growth remains the world’s prevailing priority); the challenge of preventing mass unemployment in an age of rising AI; protecting the truth when lies are easier; more exciting and faster travel; and strengthening collaborative governance in a time of vested interests and spiritual and political alienation.

In his Utopian novel Island (1962), Aldous Huxley depicts ‘reminder birds’ called Mynahs who fly around periodically saying: ‘Attention!’ and ‘Here and now!’ to help bring the inhabitants back to themselves and the present moment. However, if Mynahs were to be released into London, New York, Delhi or Beijing today, it’s not clear what we would be asked to pay attention to or for . Today’s Mynahs are smartphone notifications, which seduce us through our weakness for novelty and coerce us through our fear of missing out, as ubiquitous advertisers, in league with psychographic profilers, harvest our attention as a commodity. Our problem today is not that we don’t or can’t pay attention, but that the systems and structures of society oblige us to pay attention so frequently and fleetingly that we cannot in fact concentrate. Lacking an ability to concentrate, it’s a struggle to construct and maintain a coherent and autonomous sense of self, which leaves us at the mercy of digital, commercial and political puppeteers. Without concentration, we are not free.

I am glad that attention is growing in importance as a political concept to enrich our understanding of freedom, and to describe the interface between self and world. However, as a chess grandmaster, I feel that the issue has been misconceived. Our challenge today is not that we all have to pay attention, but that we need to know attention from the inside, which means that we have to learn to concentrate.

There is no hope if we see each problem as a discrete issue to be analysed by a distinct discipline

Most complex problems cannot be properly understood or experienced unless we can consider several ideas and ways of thinking together at one time. However, if all we can do is simply hold ideas, we won’t be able to actually think with them or about them; we will be those thoughts but we won’t really have them. Developing concentration therefore entails developing the capacity to hold the emotional tension of mental complexity; we have to train ourselves to resist the temptation to give up, to oversimplify or project onto our perceived opponents. In his classic text, Thought as a System (1992), the US physicist and philosopher David Bohm put the challenge like this:

[T]he general tacit assumption in thought is that it’s just telling you the way things are and that it is not doing anything – that ‘you’ are inside there, deciding what to do with the information. But I want to say that you don’t decide what to do with the information. The information takes over. It runs you . Thought runs you. Thought, however, gives the false information that you are running it, that you are the one who controls thought, whereas actually thought is the one which controls each one of us.

What Bohm is alluding to is our need to find a vantage point outside whatever system of facts, associations and language forms are shaping our idea of what is happening – that kind of luminous vantage point is the achievement of concentration properly understood, and there is no quick way to get there. The essence of our thinking challenge today is that the world has different kinds of problems that are nonetheless profoundly interconnected: emotional and ecological; psychological and political; spiritual and systemic. Yet our ways of knowing and acting remain partial and fragmented.

Unless we can learn to concentrate better, we have no chance of perceiving, thinking, talking and deciding in the ways required of us in the 21st century. There is no hope for us if we start from a vantage point that sees each problem as a discrete issue, ciphered off into an expert silo to be analysed by a distinct discipline. Albert Einstein was right when he said that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that caused them – but, in the world as we find it, genuinely new thinking calls for a reappraisal of concentration.

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Essay on My Favourite Sport Chess

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Sport Chess in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Sport Chess


Chess, a game of strategy and intellect, is my favourite sport. It’s a two-player game, with each player controlling 16 pieces on a square board.

I love Chess because it challenges my mind. It’s not about physical strength, but about mental agility. Every move matters and can change the game.

Benefits of Chess

Chess improves concentration, problem-solving skills, and strategic thinking. It’s like a workout for the brain, enhancing cognitive abilities.

In conclusion, Chess is more than just a game. It’s a mental sport that enriches the mind and makes it my favourite.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Sport Chess

Introduction to chess.

Chess, an ancient game of strategy and intellect, holds the prestigious title of my favourite sport. It is a battlefield of minds, where the victor is not determined by physical prowess but by intellectual superiority.

The Appeal of Chess

The allure of chess lies in its complexity and depth. Each game is a new puzzle, a new challenge to overcome. The limitless combinations of moves and strategies make every match unique, providing an endless source of fascination. It is not just a game; it is a journey into the depths of strategic thinking and decision-making.

Chess: A Mental Workout

Chess is a mental gymnasium, a workout for the brain. It enhances cognitive abilities, improves memory and concentration, and promotes logical thinking. It is not merely about winning or losing; it’s about the constant pursuit of improvement, the relentless quest for mastery.

Chess and Life

Chess is a reflection of life itself. Just like in life, chess requires foresight, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. It teaches us that every decision has consequences and that we must be ready to face the outcomes of our choices.

Chess, my favourite sport, is more than just a game. It is a tool for mental development, a mirror of life, and a source of endless fascination. It has shaped my thinking, honed my decision-making skills, and enriched my life in countless ways. As I continue to delve deeper into this enchanting world of chess, I am certain that my appreciation for this sport will only grow.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Sport Chess

Chess, a game of strategy and intellect, has always been my favourite sport. It is a two-player board game that is played on a square board divided into 64 squares of alternating colours. Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king, putting it under attack in such a way that escape is impossible.

The Intellectual Appeal

What sets chess apart from many other sports is its intellectual appeal. It is a game that requires strategic thinking, foresight, and the ability to outmanoeuvre your opponent. It’s not just about the physical pieces on the board, but also about the mental game that is played between the two opponents. The game is a constant exercise in decision-making, requiring players to think several moves ahead, anticipate their opponent’s strategies, and respond effectively.

Chess as a Metaphor for Life

Chess can also be seen as a metaphor for life. Just like in life, in chess, you have to make decisions, face consequences, and learn to adapt. It teaches the importance of planning and the need for patience. A rash or unplanned move can cost you the game, just as impulsive decisions can lead to negative outcomes in life. Chess teaches that success requires a combination of strategic planning, constant learning, and adaptability.

The Emotional Aspect of Chess

However, chess is not just a cold game of logic and strategy. It also has an emotional aspect. The thrill of a well-executed strategy, the tension of a closely fought game, the joy of victory, and the disappointment of defeat – all add an emotional dimension to the game. Chess is a game that can bring out a wide range of emotions, making it a deeply engaging and satisfying sport.

Chess and Personal Development

Chess has also contributed to my personal development. It has taught me discipline, as it requires regular practice and study to improve. It has fostered my problem-solving skills, as each game presents a new set of challenges that need to be solved. It has also enhanced my ability to concentrate and focus, skills that are invaluable in all areas of life.

In conclusion, chess is more than just a game to me. It is a sport that challenges me intellectually, emotionally, and personally. It is a constant journey of learning and improvement. The lessons I learn on the chessboard are applicable to many areas of life, making chess not just my favourite sport, but also a tool for personal development.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Favourite Game Essay

In our lives, games are extremely important. They help people stay fit physically and mentally. Games are crucial for a child's physical and mental development, not just for maintaining one's level of fitness. Here are a few sample essays on Favourite Game.

  • 100 Words Essay on My Favourite Game

Games are the best form of physical and mental exercise. Games make us think about playing, competing, and winning. Our lives would not be the same without games. We come to school to learn a lot and also entertain ourselves by playing games. Each of us has different game preferences. Some of us love playing video games indoors, while others enjoy doing things outside. We can improve our mental and physical health by playing games . My favourite outdoor sport is football. I play football along with my siblings and friends. I also enjoy watching football on TV.

200 Word Essay on Favourite Game

500 words essay on favourite games.

Favourite Game Essay

Games play a huge role in the development of our bodies and minds. Games and studies both aid in a person's overall development. As we can see, school schedules include two or three game periods each week, emphasising the value of playing games in addition to academics. Playing games keeps us healthy and fit.

Games That I Play

I usually play indoor games like Monopoly and chess. My favourite part of the day is spending time playing these games with my siblings. For some of the games, we even include prizes and winnings. Football is my favourite outdoor sport, aside from indoor games. My friends and I enjoy playing it. The rainy season is when we get to enjoy it the most. On days when our schools are closed due to bad weather, we leave for the park in the light rain; the wet fields are the best place to enjoy this sport. I've had a lot of football practice, so I hope one day to be chosen for my school's football team and win trophies for my school. Games are necessary for our mental and physical fitness. When we play outdoor games, they make us fit and exercise our muscles.

It is well known that a person's overall development depends on both their physical and mental well-being, which can be achieved through games. Young children can learn a lot from playing games. Playing games helps them improve their communication, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. Along with that, it promotes personality growth. Many kids are naturally talented players, so they must develop these skills to turn their gifts into a career. Regular gaming is a habit that many people have.

My Favourite Games

I enjoy both indoor and outdoor games. I play games like chess and carrom with my brother and sister; it is my favourite time-pass hobby at home . Video games are also a favourite hobby of ours, and we enjoy competing together at them. I also enjoy outdoor sports such as cricket, football, and badminton.

Out of all these games, football is my favourite outdoor sport . I enjoy playing it with my friends, especially when it rains and our schools have rainy-day leaves. My favourite football players are Sunil Chhetri, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Lionel Messi. Sunil Chhetri is the current captain of our Indian football team and represents our country at the international level. He is also the second-best scorer in the international football rankings.

More about Football

Soccer is another word for football in some countries. Two teams compete, each with 11 players total, including the goalkeeper. The football field is very large; sometimes it even stretches up to 68 metres. The field is divided into two halves, with each team allotted one half. The goalkeeper's job is to stop the ball and prevent a goal from happening, while the other ten players are in charge of scoring a goal by passing the ball through the opposing team's field and then to their goalpost. To score successfully, different teams employ a variety of tactics and player formations. The games last 90 minutes, divided into two 45-minute halves, and the team with the most goals wins.

Lessons through Games

Every sport teaches us beneficial lessons that we can apply in our daily lives. Every action we take in life teaches us something. We learn and develop our skills while playing games. The following is a list of some valuable things we acquire:

It teaches us to learn from our mistakes.

It gives us a sense of healthy competition, which enables us to succeed in school and other areas of our lives.

Help us to recognise the difference between right and wrong.

It teaches us that effort and practice enable us to bounce back from failure.

It encourages teamwork and the advantages of working in harmony as a team with the responsibility of achieving the goal.

Playing games improves one's ability to plan and formulate strategies.

I enjoy playing games because they keep my body and mind in shape. Additionally, I find that playing video games helps me pass the time. We should play outdoor games in addition to video and mobile games because they help us improve our endurance.

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Essay On My Favourite Game Chess

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 5 mins read

I like to play chess in my free time. It is my hobby and passion. There are a number of hobbies to choose from but I find chess the best and most interesting. For me there cannot be a better option than playing chess in my spare time. It not only keeps me busy but also gives me entertainment, refreshes me and provides me with a relaxation. It is a game purely of Indian origin. In ancient India, it was known as, ‘Chaturanga’. ‘

I was introduced into the game by my elder brother Vishwanath when I was just seven years old. He is a very good chess player. He has won several chess competitions. On every Sunday afternoon, he played chess with one of his friend. It was interesting to see them get so engrossed in the game that it made them forget everything around them. Their playing sessions would sometimes extend for long hours. I learnt different strategies and moves of the game by watching them play.

Chess is an intellectual game. It is an art of creative mind and long-lasting pleasure. There is no other game or human pastime reflecting different situations of life. For great playwright William Shakespeare, the entire world is a stage and all of us performed our roles as actors. There is no other game or hobby as thoughtful as chess. Chess is a classic game holding over the human imagination and mind.

Chess helps in developing decision-making abilities. The strength of a chess player lies in clear and normal thinking, right approach, reasoning and ability of not committing a mistake. His power of vision, watchfulness, instinct and imagination makes him a stronger player. Chess gives a good training for those involved in challenging tasks and intellectual hobbies. A chess player is required to make a decisive move in most complex situation and that too during the times of pressure.

A game of chess is a display of both the will to win and intelligence. The player aims to overcome all difficulties and barriers to realise his plan and ideas. However, he can execute his ideas and strategies only if he possesses intensiveness, creativity, imagination, willpower, determination, , vision and the quick implementation of the plan.

According to me, chess is an epic game. The chessboard is like a battleground. The two competing armies and the two rival players think in terms of attack, defence, capture, threats, manoeuvres, traps and tactics. Therefore, the game of chess is full of such activities that are not less than an actual life battle.

Essay On My Favourite Game Chess

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Chess | My favourite Indoor Game | Essay | Information

December 18, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Along with study the other thing which holds a great position in conditioning a person’s personality is games. Games play an important role in maintaining a healthy mind, body and soul. Various games provide benefits in many ways. Some games involve a lot of physical movements.

We have games which involves mind power. There are two kinds of games. We have Outdoor and Indoor games. Outdoor games include games such as Cricket, Badminton, Football and Hockey etc. Indoor games include Chess, Ludo, Scramble, Table Tennis etc.

Indoor games basically involve mind power. Indoor games have the power to increase our reasoning. Indoor games increase our sensing ability. Chess is one such game.     

There are games which require very high skill. People consider games to be of no use. It is not applicable for everyone. It is applicable for a portion of our country who think that games can lead to nowhere. There are people who think that games have no future.

These people have orthodox point of view. But they are very wrong in their thought process. Yes, there was a time when the games were given not much preference. But the time has changed a lot. There have been so much of modifications and developments.

We are still discovering new things every day.  There are some modernization in our living style. Everything can be taken as a medium to prosper in the future. Every-thing requires hard work to achieve the success. It is not that only education requires hard work. Games require these things equally.   

chess essay

They are physically fit. They have good food habits. They know that what they have to eat. They know that what they have to avoid. This all leads to the proper functioning of our body. The metabolism is fine. When we play games we use our brain as well as our body.

These factors come into play when we are playing outdoor games. The scenario of indoor games is bit different from the outdoor games.  

When we talk about the indoor games we can find that it requires less physical stamina but more of intellect. Chess is a game which requires a lot of concentration. Chess is a game which requires intellect. Chess is a game which requires our patience.

Each and every step that we take in this game is very important. Going onto the history of this game we can find some interesting facts. This game is almost about 1500years old. This is a really big time. This shows that this game has its emergence from very old era. It is not at all a new game. We have examples of it being played by the kings and the queens.   

This could even have been a royal game to play since it was played by most of the royal people. This game is for all. It is not that only some people can play it. The thing is that it requires more of attention and intellect. People should be ready for any kind of changes in the game.

Not only they should be ready but also they should be able to retaliate to the changes. There are some clever moves to be taken in this game. It is believed that it was first originated in India. This game shifted to various other places. One such place is Persia. It is also believed by some of the people that this game emerged from China. But there are no strong evidences to prove this fact.   

This is the best game to test our patience. This game has a square board. It comes in various forms. The platform on which the game is played can be of paper. It can be of glass. It can be of wood and of any material. The platform is square in shape.

The platform which is square in shape has small square box evenly distributed throughout the platform. The squares inside the platform are of two colors. They are in white and black color. Two people at a time can play this game. The two parties have their share of the pieces of the game through which the game is played. All the material is either of black or of white color.   

There is a king in this game which is to be killed. The player who is able to kill the king of the player wins the game. In the history the chess was largely taken up by the Muslims. This game can be played at any point of time. Whenever we are free we can play this game.

Those who play chess are said to have a higher spatial ability. The chess board is almost equivalent to battle field. The players have to be alert about their every move. One can feel the battle going on. Though it does not have any weapons or the armors but the playing pieces are the weapons. There are soldiers, horses, camels in the game. Each has their own way of taking the step.   

We have many great players in this game from our country. There is this big game player  Vishwanathan Anand . His name is also there in the world record. He is one of the greatest player. But the unfortunate thing about that is our country is not able to give them their worth.

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10 Lines on Chess in English for All Class and Grade

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essay on my favourite game chess

Synctech Learn: Helping Students in, Nibandh,10 lines essays

10 lines on My favourite game Chess in English - Few lines about Chess

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on My favourite game Chess . This article can help the students who are looking for information about My favourite game Chess in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

Chess par nibandh english mein

10 lines on My favourite game Chess in English

  • In all indoor games, I love playing chess more.
  • This game is completely different from other dice games.
  • Losing or winning in other dice games depends entirely on luck.
  • But in chess, victory or defeat depends on the intelligence of the person playing.
  • Brain is used more in playing this game.
  • Chess is an ancient game, which originated in our country India.
  • Chess's initial name was Chaturanga, which is mentioned in the book 'Harshacharitra'.
  • Currently this game is played all over the world, and the competition of this game is held internationally.
  • Everyone plays this game but Vishwanath Anand is the international player of our country.
  • In the chess game competition, India has been the world winner several times.

essay on my favourite game chess

Children in school, are often asked to write 10 lines about My favourite game Chess in English . We help the students to do their homework in an effective way. If you liked this article, then please comment below and tell us how you liked it. We use your comments to further improve our service. We hope you have got some learning on the above subject. You can also visit my YouTube channel that is https://www.youtube.com/synctechlearn. You can also follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/synctechlearn .

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Essay on Chess Game

Essay on Chess Game For Children & Students

Chess is a wonderful game that has been around for centuries. It is a game of strategy and skill that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The game of chess can be traced back to India in the 6th century AD. From there it spread to Persia and then to China. By the 10th century, chess had reached Europe where it quickly became popular.

Essay on Chess For Children & Students

The game of chess is played on a board with 64 squares. There are 16 pieces for each player, including a king, queen, rooks, bishops and knights. The aim of the game is to capture your opponent’s king.

There are many different strategies that can be employed in chess. Players must use their skills and knowledge to outwit their opponents. Chess is a great game for developing strategic thinking skills. It also helps to improve concentration and problem-solving abilities. Chess can be enjoyed by people of all ages and is a great way to spend time with family and friends.

Essay on Chess Game

Tips to win the chess every time?

1. Know your chess pieces and their capabilities 2. Study different chess openings 3. Be aggressive and take the initiative 4. Control the center of the board 5. Don’t make unnecessary moves 6. Think ahead 7. Stay calm and focused 8. Practice, practice, practice!

Things to do while Playing:

Being Strategic: The ability to think ahead, plan and execute a series of moves in order to achieve a goal is an important life skill. Chess provides the perfect environment for honing these skills.

Concentration and Focus: In order to be successful in chess, players need to be able to maintain focus and concentration for long periods of time.

Patience and Perseverance: The game of chess can be frustrating at times. Players need to be able to maintain their composure and keep trying even when they are losing.

Creativity and Imagination: Chess players need to be able to think outside the box in order to find new ways to win.

These are some of the things that I learn from playing chess. I hope you enjoyed this essay on the game of chess. Chess is a great game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends. Chess is truly a game for everyone, and I encourage you to give it a time.

Chess develops critical thinking skills by forcing players to make decisions quickly and under pressure. The game also encourages players to think creatively and outside the box in order to find new ways to win. In addition, chess requires concentration and focus in order to be successful. These are all important skills that can be transferred to other areas of life.

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Chess is a wonderful game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to spend time with family and friends. Chess also develops important life skills such as strategic thinking, concentration, focus, patience and perseverance. If you have never played chess before, I encourage you to give it a try. Thank you for reading this essay on chess. I hope you enjoyed it and that it has inspired you to try out this great game.

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10 lines on my favourite game Chess – Best for class 2,3,4,5

Table of content.

Through this article, we are sharing 10 lines on my favourite game Chess in English. This post will help those students who are looking for information about my favourite game Chess in the English Language.

If any student wants to write a short essay on my favourite game Chess then, this post is very useful for them. Information about my favourite game Chess is very simple and easy for writing purposes.

These sentences on my favourite game Chess are very short and easy to understand, so any level of student can write on this topic.

my favourite game Chess

Short essay on my favourite game Chess in English ( In 3 Formats )

  • Chess is a board game that has been played for centuries and is still popular today.
  • Chess is a game based on strategy in which two players alternately move their pieces on a board, aiming to eventually capture the opponent’s king.
  • The game requires critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning skills.
  • It can be played with different variations and strategies depending on the player’s style and skill level.
  • Chess has been proven to improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration.
  • It is considered a mental sport and is played at international competitions and tournaments.
  • The game has a rich history and has been played by some of the greatest minds in history, including Albert Einstein and Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • There are many resources available for those interested in learning and improving their chess skills, including online tutorials, books, and clubs.
  • Chess is a game that can be enjoyed by all ages, from young children to seniors.
  • Playing chess can be a fun and challenging way to spend time with friends and family.

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  • Chess is a game of endless possibilities, with each game presenting a unique challenge and outcome.
  • It is a game that requires patience, discipline, and the ability to anticipate and react to your opponent’s moves.
  • Chess is a universal language that can be played and understood by people from all over the world.
  • It can be played online or in person, and there are many platforms available for both.
  • Chess has a rich and diverse community of players, from casual enthusiasts to professional grandmasters.
  • The game can be used as a tool for education, teaching skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and strategic planning.
  • Chess can be played at any level, from beginner to expert, and there is always room for improvement and growth.
  • The game has a timeless quality that has made it a classic and enduring pastime for generations.
  • Chess can be a great stress reliever, providing an escape from daily life and a chance to focus on something challenging and rewarding.
  • Playing chess is not just about winning or losing, but about the journey and the lessons learned along the way.
  • Chess is a game of beauty, where each move is like a brushstroke in a painting.
  • It is a game of elegance and grace, with each piece moving in a unique and strategic way.
  • Chess can be a social game, allowing players to connect and communicate through their shared passion.
  • The game can be used as a tool for self-improvement, helping players to develop their analytical and decision-making skills.
  • Chess can be played anywhere, from a park bench to a championship hall, making it accessible to anyone with a board and pieces.
  • The game has a rich history, with its roots tracing back to ancient India and Persia.
  • Chess can be played in many variations, including speed chess, blindfold chess, and even chess boxing.
  • The game has inspired countless works of art and literature, from Marcel Duchamp’s “The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even” to Vladimir Nabokov’s “The Defense.”
  • Chess has a certain mystique and allure, attracting players and enthusiasts from all walks of life.
  • Playing chess is not just a game, but a way of life, offering a never-ending journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth.

my favourite game Chess

FAQ related to my favourite game Chess

Q. what is chess.

Ans: Chess is a board game for two players that requires strategic planning and critical thinking. The game is played on a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors, and each player has 16 pieces of different types.

Q. How do you play chess?

Ans: The game begins with the players arranging their pieces on opposite sides of the board. The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king by putting it in a position where it cannot escape capture.

Q. What are the benefits of playing chess?

Ans: Chess has been shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration. It also helps develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and strategic planning skills. Playing chess can also be a fun and challenging way to spend time with friends and family.

Q. How long does a game of chess last?

Ans: The length of a game of chess can vary depending on the skill level of the players and the time control. The duration of a game can vary widely, ranging from a few minutes to several hours.

Q. Can anyone play chess?

Ans: Yes, anyone can play chess regardless of age or skill level. There are resources available for both beginners and experienced players.

Q. Is chess considered a sport?

Ans: Yes, chess is considered a mental sport and is played at international competitions and tournaments.

Q. How can I improve my chess skills?

Ans: There are many resources available for those interested in learning and improving their chess skills, including online tutorials, books, and clubs. Practicing regularly and analyzing your games can also help improve your skills.

Q. What are some popular chess strategies?

Ans: Popular chess strategies include controlling the center of the board, developing your pieces quickly, and creating pawn structures that support your pieces. However, there are many strategies and variations to the game depending on the player’s style and skill level.

Q. Can chess be played online?

Ans: Yes, chess can be played online on various platforms and websites, allowing players from all over the world to compete and connect.

Q. What is the history of chess?

Ans: Chess has a rich and diverse history, with its origins tracing back to ancient India and Persia. The game has evolved over time, with different variations and styles developing in different regions of the world. Chess has been played by some of the greatest minds in history, including Albert Einstein and Napoleon Bonaparte.

We hope! You will get some learning through this article. If you really like this article about my favourite game Chess in English, then please share it with your friends.

We working on helping the students to do their homework in a simple and easy way. Essay writing on my favourite game Chess is generally asked the students in Schools.

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Essay on My Favourite Game

essay on my favourite game chess

Games are an essential aspect of education and growth. Playing games fosters a self-assured approach to learning. Outdoor and indoor games are the two types of games. Indoor games include chess, cards, ludo, and carrom, while outdoor sports include hockey, football, cricket, tennis, and badminton. Outdoor games like Kabaddi, hunting, wrestling, horseback riding, swimming, and ball fighting are popular in India. In this essay, I will talk about my favourite game – football. Every sport appeals to me, but football is my favourite because of my passion for the game, the intensity, and the way it brings people together.

Essay On My Favourite Game

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Target Exam ---

Football is a sport that played outdoors between two teams. It has 11 players on each side and one referee. The referee judges the player’s goals and ensures that the game played honestly. Each team competes with an opposing team and tries to kick the ball into their opponents’ goal post, which is counted as a goal. The goalkeeper stands before their team’s goalpost to prevent the ball from entering their goalpost to save a goal. The football game lasts 90 minutes and is divided into two halves. Both teams’ players continually attempt to score a goal. In case of a tie or no goal, an additional time of 30 minutes is added, followed by a penalty shootout of five attempts for each team.

The keepers of both teams try their best to defend. Football is a fast-paced game. Both teams’ players are always very active. Football is an excellent way to have fun and exercise and extremely helpful to one’s health, which is why it played at practically every school and institution.

Like any other game, a football match has its own set of rules and regulations. First and foremost, the ball should not touched by hand. If the ball touched, the opposing team awarded a free kick. The “off-side rule” is the second key rule. In this rule, when a player crosses the defensive line, they considered to be off-side. Aside from that, if a player injures and fouls a member of the opposing team, the referee issues them a “Yellow” or “Red Card.” The yellow card represents a warning, and the red card represents a suspension. This card suspends the player for the remainder of the football game.

International Authority FIFA is in charge of football as a game all around the world, and the top tournament is the World Cup, which is held every four years. 21 World Cup tournaments have held, with Brazil winning five times, Germany winning four times, and Italy winning four times.

Football is my all-time favourite sport. It has provided me with a great deal of fun and excitement. I used to play football in high school and with my neighbourhood buddies. I was on the offensive side of my high school’s football squad and felt a great adrenaline rush whenever I took the ball forward to the opposing goal post.

When I scored a goal, all my teammates would come over to cheer me on. I’ve always enjoyed watching football, and my favourite player is Lionel Messi. He is unarguably the greatest forward of all time and, without a doubt, the best football player the world has ever seen. I watch all of his matches and look up to him as a role model. While playing, I even try to replicate his movements.

Being a football player has always helped me maintain my mental fitness. Almost every football player is physically qualified but not emotionally strong enough. A football player can have all the strength, stamina, agility, and talent in the world, but without the presence of mental toughness, they can disturbed mentally at any time or in any place.

An established football player will never give up without a fight and should be able to retain their speed and the sharpness of their goals until the very end of the match, regardless of how long they have played. This is where willpower comes into play. It has decisively established that drive helps excel in a large platform, distinguishing champions from others. It’s the same as the hare and also tortoise myth, where the tortoise’s determination to do consistently well was the one aspect that let him beat the hare.

Football is a fantastic game that is popular worldwide, including in India. The game is only 90 minutes long, but it provides plenty of excitement, from scoring goals to protecting one’s own.

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    Categories: Chess My Favourite Game Chess. Download. Essay, Pages 3 (550 words) Views. 1076. I believe in Chess. "Did you know that there are more combinations in chess than all of the atoms in the universe?". This is the quote that led me to chess exactly a decade ago. When that quote came up to me from my teacher, I dragged my mom with me ...

  14. Chess

    Outdoor games include games such as Cricket, Badminton, Football and Hockey etc. Indoor games include Chess, Ludo, Scramble, Table Tennis etc. Indoor games basically involve mind power. Indoor games have the power to increase our reasoning. Indoor games increase our sensing ability. Chess is one such game. There are games which require very ...

  15. 10 Lines on Chess in English for All Class and Grade

    3. You can play chess on your computer or on mobile. 4. This is an internationally played and highly popular game. 5. You can develop a career as a professional chess player if you are passionate enough about this game. 6. It comes with so much inner satisfaction and mental exercise. 7.

  16. 10 lines on My favourite game Chess in English

    Losing or winning in other dice games depends entirely on luck. But in chess, victory or defeat depends on the intelligence of the person playing. Brain is used more in playing this game. Chess is an ancient game, which originated in our country India. Chess's initial name was Chaturanga, which is mentioned in the book 'Harshacharitra'.

  17. Essay on Chess Game For Children & Students

    The game of chess is played on a board with 64 squares. There are 16 pieces for each player, including a king, queen, rooks, bishops and knights. The aim of the game is to capture your opponent's king. There are many different strategies that can be employed in chess. Players must use their skills and knowledge to outwit their opponents.

  18. My Favourite Game Essay

    My Favourite Game Essay: Playing games are an essential part of education and development. Playing games builds an assertive attitude toward learning. There are different kinds of games played in our country. Games are divided into two classes - outdoor and indoor games. Chess, cards, ludo, and carrom are indoor games. Hockey, football, cricket, basketball, […]

  19. 10 lines on my favourite game Chess

    Short essay on my favourite game Chess in English ( In 3 Formats ) Format-1. Chess is a board game that has been played for centuries and is still popular today. Chess is a game based on strategy in which two players alternately move their pieces on a board, aiming to eventually capture the opponent's king. The game requires critical thinking ...

  20. Essay on My Favourite Game

    Essay on My Favourite Game. Games are an essential aspect of education and growth. Playing games fosters a self-assured approach to learning. Outdoor and indoor games are the two types of games. Indoor games include chess, cards, ludo, and carrom, while outdoor sports include hockey, football, cricket, tennis, and badminton.

  21. 10 lines Marathi Essay On Chess

    This video is very useful for all to write 10 lines Marathi Essay On my favourite game Chess.हा व्हिडिओ आपल्याला माझा आवडता खेळ ...

  22. Essay About My Favourite Game Chess

    The client, of course, can make edits, follow the writing of each section and take part in the correction, but it is impossible to communicate with the team. Do not worry that you will not meet personally with the site team, because throughout the entire cooperation our managers will keep in touch with each client. 4.9/5.