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Importance of Muslim Unity English Essay for class 12

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Importance of MuslimUnity Essay with quotations

Importance of Muslim Unity essay for 2nd year class 12

English essay on Muslim Unity for 2nd year

1. The word "Muslim"

2. Importance of Unity

3. Unity and brotherhood in Islam

4. Unity is the need of hour

5. Suggestions

6. Conclusion

The  Muslims should become united to protect "Haram", from the bank of Nile to the land of Kashgar - Allam Iqbal (RA)
Hold firmly to the rope of Allah and be not divided (into groups and sects).
The universality of Islam is not uniformity, it is unity with diversity - Tariq Ramadan
Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions. Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is diversity; spirit is light. life and unity - Allam Muhammad Iqbal (RA)

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essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

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Importance of muslim unity essay | smart syllabus english.

Importance of Muslim Unity

Importance of Muslim Unity

Outline of essay, islam a religion of peace and unity.

  • Divine orders for unity
  • Sayings of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)
  • Significance of Muslim unity in the past and present

Factors behind Muslim Disunity

  • Falling away from Islam 
  • Leaving off Islamic restriction

Disadvantage of disunity

  • Loss of prestige
  • Loss of Muslim unity

Need for Muslim unity

  • To bring peace to the world
  • To improve the prestige of Islam
Islam teaches us tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence
And hold fast the rope of Allah and not be divided.
My followers will not go astray if they remain a united body. Therefore, remain a united body.
If  the Muslims were a united, single fist, none can rise up against them
If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among Islamic countries, such will become a great power that none of the global powers will be able to cope with
Unity is strength…. when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

14 thoughts on “ Importance of Muslim Unity Essay | Smart Syllabus English ”

Thanks Mam g 🤩🤩🤩🤩

Thanks for this esay

Mam g what is the meaning of prestige.

Mam kindly tell the meaning of oppression.

Prestige means honor

Oppression is cruelty

Thank u mam for providing us such a useful data

Tremendous means?

What are the meaning of? Allegiance Despotism Sectarian dissensions Quagmire

Realms and ranks mean

Quagmire mean?

Quotation of this essay are very great👌

Good and written so well. But still not enough for ordinance.

Thanks a lot ma’am you are helping us in a very good way

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The word "unity" is derived from the word "unit" which means "one". Simply, we can call a nation united when all the people of that particular nation have the same beliefs, ideas, and thoughts and they work together in peace and harmony.

We all know that unity is strength ; it is one of the essential components of a strong nation. Great things can be achieved if there is unity among the people.

Similarly, the Muslims need unity . It is very important for Muslims to have unity among them. This can lift them higher. It can make them progress.

Muslims need to work together with loyalty , patriotism , and spirit of hard work so that they can make their economy strong. If Muslims trade among each other and work for welfare, this can help in building strong economy.

Apart from this, unity can save the Muslims from enemy attacks. A single person can be easily distracted or attacked. But a large group of people are hard to overcome. In the same way, Muslims must stay together with love and sympathy, they should avoid minor disputes and quarrels so that they’ll be strong and no other nation would be able to attack or overcome them.

In past, Muslims were superior and prosperous due to unity and understanding . But now they have split apart due to which other nations are overtaking them.

Unity has much significance and if Muslims unite again, work together, and ignore minor disagreements, they can regain their position.

NOTE : This essay is especially written for  class 9,  class  10,  class  11 and  class  12 . This  ESSAY ON "IMPORTANCE OF MUSLIM UNITY"  contains only  200 words .

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Islamic Perspective of Unity | Verses and Hadiths on Muslims Unity

Islam means complete submission to the will of Allah Almighty. As a Muslim, it’s obligatory for us to follow the rules and guidelines that Allah (SWT) described in Holy Quran. In this regard, Allah (SWT) stated in Holy Quran: “O’ who believe! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly, and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy” (Quran, 2: 208). Unity is primitive to Islam so it should be to Muslims as well. Unity among all Muslims must follow two things: Quranic teachings and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

All Muslims must know the value and importance of unity among the Muslims around the world. In Holy Quran Allah Almighty stated in a way, “And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves, and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be guided” (Quran, 3:103).

Islam is a religion of peace, love, and unity that’s why its emphasis on mutual understanding, love, and respect for each other.Great stress is laid upon the unity and development of brotherhood among Muslim brothers. In the sight of Allah Almighty, all Muslims are equal and no superiority is given to anyone on the bases of color, cast, and profession.

Our holy Prophet (SAW) has related the Muslim community with the human body according to Him all the Muslims is like one body. When even a single part of the human body suffers for any reason the restlessness is felt in all parts of the body. The stress that has been laid upon unity among Muslims makes it compulsory for all the Muslims to respect and care about the comfort of their Muslims brothers. Holy Quran says: “The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

We should treat our fellow Muslims with love and respect so that we may receive Allah’s mercy as mentioned in above verse. We should keep in mind the last sermon of Prophet (SAW) in which He (SAW) said: “… Arabs have no superiority over non-Arabs and Non-Arabs have no Superiority over Arabs, You are all equal except by piety and good actions. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray” (Prophet’s Last Sermon).

Muslim rules over the world when they were united and when they were acting according to the teachings of Allah Almighty and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We Muslims should live our lives according to the teachings of Allah (SWT) and Sunnah of Prophet (SAW) then we may be able to rule the world again. The unity of people makes an unbeatable strong nation.  This is the reason Islam lays great stress on the importance of unity. The foundation of Islam is the unity of Allah Almighty.  Allah’s unity teaches us the message that we should not divide humans into sections and sects instead we should treat other fellows Muslims with love and respect.

Unity teaches peace, equality, and lineage that’s why Islam laid great stress on Unity. Another important concept of unity among Muslims is the concept of Ummah. Today, Ummah represents the unification of Muslims all around the globe. Islam preaches that all people are equal regardless of culture, race or gender. Quran is important for Muslims in order to achieve Unity and Brotherhood among Muslims. If we start following the teachings of Quran we will stay united and can rule over the world again. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said about unity in one of his Hadiths: “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, and fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.” (Sahih Muslim)

Holy Prophet (SAW) said in another hadith: “The Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, he doesn’t oppress him, neither does he hand him over to the enemy, he doesn’t disappoint him, nor does he humiliate him.”  From these sayings, we can conclude that our beloved Prophet (SAW) emphasis on unity, love, respect, and brotherhood among fellow Muslims. We should follow the Sunnah of Prophet (SAW) so that we can achieve success in this life and hereafter.

In short, from above Quranic verses and hadiths, we conclude the result that Islam believes in the unity of all humans and teaches peace, justice, love, and equality.  Religion Islam basically is to serve humankind.  We must criticize extremism and terrorism in the name of religion and unite humankind if we believe in the unity of Allah Almighty. For having a good Islamic society we should follow Allah’s teachings and His Messenger Prophet (SAW).

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Essay a True Muslim in English class 10

Essay a True Muslim in English class 10

The word Islam meaning ‘‘surrender’’, is related to Arabic Islam or peace. Islam is a religion that came down to offer humanity a life filled with peace and well-being in which Allah’s external mercy and compassion are manifested in the world. Allah invites people to accept the moral teachings of the Quran as a model whereby mercy, tolerance, and peace may be experienced in the world.  

“You who believe, enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is true, to you a clear enemy.” (Quotation)

The follower of Islam is called a Muslim. A true Muslim has a firm belief in Allah and his last Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w), he fears nine but Allah Almighty. The fear of Allah guides him and helps him stay away from evil and empowers him to resist satanic temptations. His belief is that Allah is the Lord of the Day of Judgment and the creator of the universe. Because he is aware that he will be held accountable for his actions, he avoids evil behavior. He gives the five times prayers on a regular basis, on time, with a lot of joy and proper concentration.

“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” (Quotation)

A true Muslim loves Hazrat Muhammad (s. a. w), the last prophet of Islam, more than his own life, for he believes that his faith remains incomplete unless he loves his Prophet (s.a.w.w) above everyone else. Having an unshakeable belief in the holy Quran, he also has a firm belief in the saying of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s. a. w).

“Obey Allah and the messenger of Allah and the one who is placed above you.” (Quotation)  

A true Muslim lives in purity and simplicity. He is content with the way he is able to support himself. He knows what he wants. He never begs for anything. He does not damage his self-worth. He lives his life in accordance with Islamic teachings. He always bows his head before Allah in all matters of his life. He reads the Holly Quran and feels great joy. He gives alms to the poor. His belief is that Allah is the Lord of the Day of Judgment and the creator of the universe.

“According to the sutras, evil deeds result in hardship and good deeds result in blessings.” (Quotation)

In Islam, Haqooq Allah means the rights of Allah Almighty. Offering prayers, fasting and hajj are the forms of Haqooq Allah. Haqooq-ul-Ibaad means the rights of man. The rights of men, children, parents, friends, neighbors, poor, and needy, and the rights of labors are the forms of Haqooq-Ullah. It is the compulsion of true Muslims that he should practice the Haqooq-ul-Ibaad because, In Islam, great emphasis is laid on Haqooq-ul-Ibaadand the Muslims are those who follow these principles.

“To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.” (Quotation)

A true Muslim is far from the treacherous of telling a lie. He is the speaker of the truth and nothing else. He does not use flattering words but speaks according to the laws laid down by Islam.

“A hypocrite is the one who tells a lie whenever he fast offers prayer and considers himself a Muslim.” (Quotation)

Islam preaches peace. It is indeed a religion of peace. Its true followers are all peace-loving people. A true Muslim hates violence and extremism. Ironically and regrettably, Muslims are being labeled as terrorists these days because of some gross misconceptions among Western media, which needs to understand the true picture or reality before it goes ahead to say something about Islam and its followers. Due to a few misguided Muslims, one cannot blame all the Muslims in the world. To conclude, the heart of Muslims is free from hatred, bias, prejudice, grudge, and ill will. He lives all irrespective of his caste, color or creed, and religion. Equality, brotherhood, unity, and love for all are his beliefs. A sincere Muslim always seeks Allah’s help for salvation.  The worldly failures or success is immaterial to him. He aims at ultimate success to win the pleasure of Allah and his apostle to be successful, herein and the hereafter.

“Our sins are more easily remembered than our good deeds.” (Quotation)

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Towards Achieving Unity in Islam

New Muslims find Muslim society divided on many different levels leaving them confused.

They are taught how there is a brotherhood/sisterhood, but after accepting Islam, and trying to find their place in society, they can’t find it.

Muslims need to work on unity at the basic levels in order to achieve the end result.

How do we do this?

Family First

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Unity begins at home at the individual level. Everyone needs a sense of belonging, and family is the one place everyone should feel a bond with others. New Muslims usually loose this family support after accepting Islam; thus requiring them to develop a sense of family amongst their local Muslim community.

New Muslims are new brothers and sisters to us all and we should welcome them into our homes as such. Simply sharing meals with family helps bring families closer to one another. Social gatherings as well as private gatherings for meals, especially for new Muslims will help them find their place in society feeling welcomed.

Everyone wants their children and loved ones to be contributing members of society.  These basic concepts are taught to our children and they will grow into our leaders.  Help our new Muslim brothers and sisters grow to be leaders in society.

Building Strong Local Communities

“Whoever abandons the community one hand span and dies in that state has died as a person in the state of ignorance before Islam.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

In the West, Islam is growing fast. New Muslims are popping up in remote areas as well as the larger communities. All great nations start small, and just as Islam is spreading in the West, the Muslim communities will grow. This doesn’t happen by itself though.

Usually a community starts with just a few Muslims who cling to each other as a support for one another. They gather for prayers in a shared location, and then their friends move to join them.

The Dallas/Ft. Worth community in Texas is an excellent example of how communities grow. They started small, grew, and then they opened a masjid for the few Muslim that resided there. Over time, while building strong networks, and developing programs and social events, they grew and grew, and now there are over 45 masjids in the surrounding area mashallah .

When I took my shahadah , the Irving community (part of the DFW area) had just built a fairly large masjid there, and in the past several years, they have had to expand and it is now double the size it was when I first became a Muslim. They have such a strong close-knit community that strives on events and lectures, and services they offer to the Muslim community. They offer classes and programs for new Muslims, and mashallah they have a high frequency of new shahadas taking place every day. New Muslims should always ask their local masjids if they offer things to help them learn and grow with the community.

I found that over time, guest lecturers were invited from all over the country to this area, and when these lecturers would visit the community, they loved it so much, that they later decided to move there as well. This is how strength builds in a community.

{The believers are but a single brotherhood.} (Al-Hujurat 49:10 )

Culture and Sectarian Division

Islam is what brings us together and should never be what tears us apart. Achieving unity is a goal that all Muslims should collectively strive for. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated in his Farewell Sermon that not a single person of any race or ethnicity is better than another person except in righteousness.

New Muslims face these divisions from their very first days of trying to “fit in”. New Muslims arrive at a masjid often times to find cliques that are segregated by race or ethnicity. New Muslims almost never fit the mold, feeling like an outcast. When we see a new Muslim, or even someone we are not familiar with at the masjid , we should go up to them and welcome them.

If and when they find a place to “fit in” new Muslims are then challenged with cultural barriers. They are just starting their deeper understanding of the details in Islam. They usually find people telling them a million different “versions” of Islam, or various practices leaving them confused. When they mention they were taught something different by someone else, they quickly find themselves facing division, not knowing where they should be.

Many Muslims differentiate themselves based on cultural practices as well as the proper religious practices. How is a new Muslim supposed to benefit from this?

The problem lies in the fact that Muslims believe many of their “cultural” traditions are part of Islam when they are not. They teach these cultural practices to new Muslims, and then the new Muslim turns around and teaches it to someone else. If questioned about it, they say “That is what we are taught, and everyone does it”. This is very dangerous. God tells us:

{Follow what Allah has sent down.’ They say, ‘No! We shall follow what we found our fathers following. What! Even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance?} (Al-Baqarah 2:170 )

This travesty causes misguidance to thrive forever. A new Muslim doesn’t usually know it is something that needs further investigation, and those who spread misguidance will be held accountable for it.

Sectarian divides cause an even wider rift amongst Muslims worldwide. We see that Muslims are killing each other in the name of Islam, all claiming to be upon the right path. Stick to the Quran and the authentic Sunnah, and you will be rightly guided.

Another aspect of unity arises amongst our political leaders. Muslim nations should have a Shura Council that legislates laws according to Islamic teachings. We are a far cry away from this in today’s current situation. We see dictatorships everywhere leaving Muslims oppressed and divided. Shura helps us implement Islamic laws into society, giving us guidelines based on the Quran and Sunnah.

Although there are various opinions on matters, they reach a collective consensus after deliberating what the strongest arguments are, and after they agree on a decision that is based on the Quran and Sunnah it is passed onto the people. Sadly, this doesn’t happen as it should because dictators overrule and don’t allow the people to be ruled by Shariah.

Most Muslim nations only implement some laws, while neglecting others. If Muslims are divided amongst themselves within a nation, and between other Muslim nations, how can we ever expect to achieve a khilafa ?

What can Muslims Learn from Malcolm X?

Malcolm Little, known today as Malcolm X, was a name he took from the tribalistic views the members of the “Nation of Islam” held, and felt he had to take a name that suited his “tribal” affiliation.

He became one of their most ardent speakers and supporters. The teachings of the Nation of Islam focused on a racial agenda to remove racism against blacks. Sounds good right? Not quite as it seems though. This group spread racism against anyone that wasn’t black, proving to be hypocritical at best.

Malcolm X had a falling out with the Nation of Islam, and then started his deeper spiritual journey that changed his life forever when he went for Hajj. While performing the hajj rituals, he observed something amazing.

He discovered the real equality of man, of all races, and ethnicities, and all social statuses. He witnesses millions of Muslims wearing the same thing, doing the same things, and observing the one and only God Almighty in unison. No one can tell who is rich or poor based on their clothes. No one had a work uniform on to show if they were a janitor or a CEO of a corporation. Everyone was at the same level.

Hajj brings people from all over the world for one purpose… to worship God. Men and women bow in prostration together, praying for the salvation of their souls as one massive unit. Congregational prayers tie the believers together as one.

Malcolm X later changed his name after accepting mainstream Islam to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz which symbolized his journey from darkness to light after understanding the true message of Islam and unity amongst mankind. Malcolm X gave many statements about his discovery and even expressed that all Americans could find the solution to racism in the true teachings of Islam.

Behaving how we are instructed in the Quran will help us build an unbreakable bond amongst Muslims, but Muslims must do their part first on the individual level, then on the community level, national level, then on the global level. We can’t achieve global unity if we don’t start with ourselves.

Get to know your neighbors, build a community, invite others to Islam, and welcome new Muslims, and erase the views you may have about people are different from you. We were created to know one another, and to embrace one another as our brothers and sisters in Islam. We are ONE!

{O mankind we created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of god is (he who is) the most righteous of you and god has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).} (Al-Hujarat 49:13 )

This is the true message of unity in Islam.

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Muslim unity essay , muslim unity essay a level, muslim unity essay in english for 2nd year.

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importance of muslim unity essay for class 12, importance of muslim unity essay in english with quotations

America and most of the western countries have made Islam the target  of bitter criticisms. Every Muslim is considered a terrorist. In Kashmir,  Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, and many other places of the children have been made an orphan. infrastructures and the infrastructure  of these have almost been destroyed. Their economy has become so weak that they have almost been thrown back into the stone age.

All this has been most of me when most of the world is enjoying the benefits of the oil that is produced by Muslim countries.  In the modern world of science and technology oil is the biggest weapon that can be used against any country to destroy its economy despite a pity that despite being so rich in oil and have policies power of tested policies and teachings of Islam Muslims have been forced to bow and stoop before the Christians, Jews, and Hindus.

What are the reasons for this sad state of affairs? No doubt, there are several reasons behind the downfall of Muslims, but the most important  reason is their disunity. Soon after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Muslims were divided into several sects. Each sect claimed and still  claims to be the true follower of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the only custodian  of Islam. They started fighting with one another on trivial matters. They interpreted the teachings of Islam in a way that suited their claim. With time, their feuds went on to increase.

The enemies of Islam took full advantage of this deplorable situation. They spread ridiculous rumors against Islam and tried to widen the gap between different sects of Muslims. They sided  with some sects only to instigate them against other sects. The Muslims  helped them succeed in their nefarious designs. Today the Muslim world  is divided into two hostile groups: The Shias and The Sunni. The Shias are supported by Iran while Saudi Arabia favors the Sunnis to fight against the  Shias. This war has been going on for centuries. And there seems to be no end  to it in near future.

Many leaders of the Muslims including Jamal-u-din Afghani, Allama Iqbal, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto tried their best in their ways to bring all the Muslims of the world on one platfor m. But despite having one God, one Prophet, and one Holy Book they could not themselves become one. Muslims are busy quarreling on such trivial matters as how long should be one's beard. While at the same time the other part of the world is busy exploring the secrets of nature and exploiting their resources and inventing new things to change the face of the earth. They have worked day and night and developed science and technology to provide peace, pleasure, and comfort to the suffering  humanity.

Islam is the greatest messenger of peace. It enjoins upon us to love every human being irrespective of his caste, creed, color, and country.  But we have forgotten this glorious message of Islam and have indulged  ourselves in the ruthless killing of our brethren. We have fallen a victim to  worldly desires and temptation forgetting that this life is transitory and that  the life hereafter is the real and permanent life. We should prepare  ourselves for that life by fulfilling haqooq Allah and haqooq ul Abaad in this  world.

If we want to regain our past glories we will have to bring about a moral revolution in our lives. Real Islam has no sect and no caste system. Muslims are one nation, one brotherhood. So we should forget all petty differences and be united under the one umbrella of the basic teachings of Islam. We should forge unity among our ranks and learn to love others. This is not an uphill task, but it needs one hand that may gather all the Muslims together at one platform. This 'one hand can be of some Caliph. The revival of the Muslims lies in the revival of the caliphate.


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Saturday 20 December 2014

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    Islam teaches us tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence. Islam is a religion of peace and it presents mankind's complete submission to the will of Allah Almighty alone. It gives lessons of peace, unity, brotherhood, justice, truth, and purity. Being a religion of peace and unity, it came to unite the ...

  4. PDF Importance of Muslim Unity

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also said, "Muslims are like a single man. If the eye is afflicted, then the whole body is afflicted. If the head is afflicted then the whole body is afflicted." As we can say that Muslim Unity is a necessary part of Muslim life. If we united and face all the barriers of the enemies then we will lead in this world and in ...


    It is very important for Muslims to have unity among them. This can lift them higher. It can make them progress. Muslims need to work together with loyalty, patriotism, and spirit of hard work so that they can make their economy strong. If Muslims trade among each other and work for welfare, this can help in building strong economy.

  6. Importance of Muslim Unity Essay With Quotations In English || Smart

    The Muslim countries will also feel powered by this unity and they can create peace in the world as well. "Islam stands for the unity and brotherhood of mankind and not for disrupting the oneness of the human family."Mahatama Gandhi.Muslims are desired to be united on religious grounds as well.

  7. Importance of Muslim Unity Essay With Quotations In English || Smart

    In today's video I have written an essay on Muslim Unity in very simple English language. I have also added 6 quotations that goes along with the tone of the...

  8. Importance of Unity in Islam

    Unity brings people together, creating love, harmony and generosity between them. As believers, we can use unity as a platform to spread kindness to others, as well as an opportunity for our spiritual growth to become closer to Allah (swt). So, let's reflect on the virtues of unity, allowing us to spread sincere kindness to our family ...

  9. Verses and Hadiths on Muslims Unity

    Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said about unity in one of his Hadiths: "The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, and fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever." (Sahih Muslim) Holy Prophet (SAW) said in another hadith: "The Muslim is a brother ...

  10. English Essay on Importance of Muslim Unity with Headings ...

    This video contains a discussion on an important essay 'Importance of Muslim Unity'. This essay is included in the course / syllabus of English 12th class / ...


    The word "unity" is derived from the word "unit" which means "one". Simply, we can call a nation united when all the people of that…

  12. Importance of Unity in The Muslim World

    The essay discusses the importance of unity among Muslims worldwide. It argues that unity will allow the Muslim world to regain its former glory and become a powerful third bloc comparable to other global powers. It states that Muslims should be united religiously by focusing on their shared beliefs in God and the Quran rather than sectarian differences. Politically, Muslim countries should ...

  13. The Need and Significance of Islamic Unity

    community in which there is no unity, so it is necessary for Muslims to give importance to unity and follow the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as he said: "the things which seems to you worse in the unity of Muslims, it will be better than the things which sounds good in the separation, there is mercy in unity and punishment in separation.

  14. Importance of Muslim Unity

    The document discusses the importance of unity among Muslims. It argues that unity was a key reason for Islam's early success and spread. Today, unity is still needed among Muslim countries for both religious and practical reasons. Politically, economically, scientifically and through cultural exchange, Muslim countries should work together and support each other to achieve strength and ...

  15. Essay a True Muslim in English class 10

    Essay a True Muslim in English class 10. The word Islam meaning ''surrender'', is related to Arabic Islam or peace. Islam is a religion that came down to offer humanity a life filled with peace and well-being in which Allah's external mercy and compassion are manifested in the world. Allah invites people to accept the moral teachings ...

  16. Importance of Muslim Unity Essay in English with Masood Sadiq

    This special video is uploaded for the students of Intermediate & other classes:Wonder of Science https://youtu.be/ugT5fK8311kDrug Addiction https://youtu.be...

  17. Strength & Unity in Islam

    Share & Invite atleast 10 people to the course. (Our job is to share, whether they join or not is their choice - you get your marks). (6 Marks) Talk to 5 people (friends or family) about any three topics below mentioned below: - (7 Marks) i. Importance of strength & unity in Islam. ii. The stories of endurance of the Sahaba. iii.

  18. Unity of Muslim Ummah, It's Need, Importance and Suggestions

    Unity of Muslim U mmah, It's Need, Importance and Su ggestions. Dr Maqbool Hassan. Abstract. No doubt unity and consensus has a miraculous role in developing a nation and achieving their higher ...

  19. Towards Achieving Unity in Islam

    Islam is what brings us together and should never be what tears us apart. Achieving unity is a goal that all Muslims should collectively strive for. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated in his Farewell Sermon that not a single person of any race or ethnicity is better than another person except in righteousness.

  20. Muslim Unity Essay , Muslim Unity Essay A Level ...

    America and most of the western countries have made Islam the target of bitter criticisms. Every Muslim is considered a terrorist. In Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, and many other places of the children have been made an orphan. infrastructures and the infrastructure of these have almost been destroyed. Their economy has become so weak that they have almost been ...

  21. English Essay Muslim Unity

    This video explains the discussion on an important essay "Muslim Unity". This essay is included in APL smart syllabus of English 12th class / 2nd Year Englis...

  22. Importance of unity in the Muslim World

    In past, Muslims were superior and prosperous due to unity and understanding. But now they have split apart due to which other nations are overtaking them. Unity has much significance and if Muslims unite again, work together, and ignore minor disagreements, they can regain their position.

  23. Importance of Muslim Unity Essay in English With Quotations

    Importance of Muslim Unity Essay in English With Quotations | Essay WritingImportance of Muslim Unity Essay For Class 12Importance of Muslim Unity Essay For ...