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Essays About Beauty: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Writing essays about beauty is complicated because of this topic’s breadth. See our examples and prompts to you write your next essay.

Beauty is short for beautiful and refers to the features that make something pleasant to look at. This includes landscapes like mountain ranges and plains, natural phenomena like sunsets and aurora borealis, and art pieces such as paintings and sculptures. However, beauty is commonly attached to an individual’s appearance,  fashion, or cosmetics style, which appeals to aesthetical concepts. Because people’s views and ideas about beauty constantly change , there are always new things to know and talk about.

Below are five great essays that define beauty differently. Consider these examples as inspiration to come up with a topic to write about.

1. Essay On Beauty – Promise Of Happiness By Shivi Rawat

2. defining beauty by wilbert houston, 3. long essay on beauty definition by prasanna, 4. creative writing: beauty essay by writer jill, 5. modern idea of beauty by anonymous on papersowl, 1. what is beauty: an argumentative essay, 2. the beauty around us, 3. children and beauty pageants, 4. beauty and social media, 5. beauty products and treatments: pros and cons, 6. men and makeup, 7. beauty and botched cosmetic surgeries, 8. is beauty a necessity, 9. physical and inner beauty, 10. review of books or films about beauty.

“In short, appreciation of beauty is a key factor in the achievement of happiness, adds a zest to living positively and makes the earth a more cheerful place to live in.”

Rawat defines beauty through the words of famous authors, ancient sayings, and historical personalities. He believes that beauty depends on the one who perceives it. What others perceive as beautiful may be different for others. Rawat adds that beauty makes people excited about being alive.

“No one’s definition of beauty is wrong. However, it does exist and can be seen with the eyes and felt with the heart.”

Check out these essays about best friends .

Houston’s essay starts with the author pointing out that some people see beauty and think it’s unattainable and non-existent. Next, he considers how beauty’s definition is ever-changing and versatile. In the next section of his piece, he discusses individuals’ varying opinions on the two forms of beauty: outer and inner. 

At the end of the essay, the author admits that beauty has no exact definition, and people don’t see it the same way. However, he argues that one’s feelings matter regarding discerning beauty. Therefore, no matter what definition you believe in, no one has the right to say you’re wrong if you think and feel beautiful.

“The characteristic held by the objects which are termed “beautiful” must give pleasure to the ones perceiving it. Since pleasure and satisfaction are two very subjective concepts, beauty has one of the vaguest definitions.”

Instead of providing different definitions, Prasanna focuses on how the concept of beauty has changed over time. She further delves into other beauty requirements to show how they evolved. In our current day, she explains that many defy beauty standards, and thinking “everyone is beautiful” is now the new norm.

“…beauty has stolen the eye of today’s youth. Gone are the days where a person’s inner beauty accounted for so much more then his/her outer beauty.”

This short essay discusses how people’s perception of beauty today heavily relies on physical appearance rather than inner beauty. However, Jill believes that beauty is all about acceptance. Sadly, this notion is unpopular because nowadays, something or someone’s beauty depends on how many people agree with its pleasant outer appearance. In the end, she urges people to stop looking at the false beauty seen in magazines and take a deeper look at what true beauty is.

“The modern idea of beauty is taking a sole purpose in everyday life. Achieving beautiful is not surgically fixing yourself to be beautiful, and tattoos may have a strong meaning behind them that makes them beautiful.”

Beauty in modern times has two sides: physical appearance and personality. The author also defines beauty by using famous statements like “a woman’s beauty is seen in her eyes because that’s the door to her heart where love resides” by Audrey Hepburn. The author also tackles the issue of how physical appearance can be the reason for bullying, cosmetic surgeries, and tattoos as a way for people to express their feelings.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about fashion .

10 Helpful Prompts To Use in Writing Essays About Beauty

If you’re still struggling to know where to start, here are ten exciting and easy prompts for your essay writing:

While defining beauty is not easy, it’s a common essay topic. First, share what you think beauty means. Then, explore and gather ideas and facts about the subject and convince your readers by providing evidence to support your argument.

If you’re unfamiliar with this essay type, see our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

Beauty doesn’t have to be grand. For this prompt, center your essay on small beautiful things everyone can relate to. They can be tangible such as birds singing or flowers lining the street. They can also be the beauty of life itself. Finally, add why you think these things manifest beauty.

Little girls and boys participating in beauty pageants or modeling contests aren’t unusual. But should it be common? Is it beneficial for a child to participate in these competitions and be exposed to cosmetic products or procedures at a young age? Use this prompt to share your opinion about the issue and list the pros and cons of child beauty pageants.

Essays About Beauty: Beauty and social media

Today, social media is the principal dictator of beauty standards. This prompt lets you discuss the unrealistic beauty and body shape promoted by brands and influencers on social networking sites. Next, explain these unrealistic beauty standards and how they are normalized. Finally, include their effects on children and teens.

Countless beauty products and treatments crowd the market today. What products do you use and why? Do you think these products’ marketing is deceitful? Are they selling the idea of beauty no one can attain without surgeries? Choose popular brands and write down their benefits, issues, and adverse effects on users.

Although many countries accept men wearing makeup, some conservative regions such as Asia still see it as taboo. Explain their rationale on why these regions don’t think men should wear makeup. Then, delve into what makeup do for men. Does it work the same way it does for women? Include products that are made specifically for men.

There’s always something we want to improve regarding our physical appearance. One way to achieve such a goal is through surgeries. However, it’s a dangerous procedure with possible lifetime consequences. List known personalities who were pressured to take surgeries because of society’s idea of beauty but whose lives changed because of failed operations. Then, add your thoughts on having procedures yourself to have a “better” physique.

People like beautiful things. This explains why we are easily fascinated by exquisite artworks. But where do these aspirations come from? What is beauty’s role, and how important is it in a person’s life? Answer these questions in your essay for an engaging piece of writing.

Beauty has many definitions but has two major types. Discuss what is outer and inner beauty and give examples. Tell the reader which of these two types people today prefer to achieve and why. Research data and use opinions to back up your points for an interesting essay.

Many literary pieces and movies are about beauty. Pick one that made an impression on you and tell your readers why. One of the most popular books centered around beauty is Dave Hickey’s The Invisible Dragon , first published in 1993. What does the author want to prove and point out in writing this book, and what did you learn? Are the ideas in the book still relevant to today’s beauty standards? Answer these questions in your next essay for an exiting and engaging piece of writing.

Grammar is critical in writing. To ensure your essay is free of grammatical errors, check out our list of best essay checkers .

essay about beauty care

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Why beauty matters

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essay about beauty care

Quick: Make a list of the things you need every day. Your first thought is probably what’s practical: food, a roof over your head, your health. We value these things so much that we say all human beings deserve them. Artist Theaster Gates (TED Talk: How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty and art ) wants to add a new item to the list. Here, he makes the case for why we should treat beauty as a basic service, and happiness as a metric of success.

Without beauty, nothing else matters. “In my city, Chicago, I have seen firsthand what happens when a focus on, say, housing fails to account for our human thirst for beauty, for the sublime, the emotionally enriching, the spiritual,” Gates says. If we build homes without culture, without a social agenda, we’re simply creating new kinds of problems — and we won’t come close to solving the ones we have.

Beauty can change how people act. People act differently around beautiful things, says Gates. “If you’re in an environment where there’s a bunch of waste on the ground, it’s easy not to care for that place, to add your filth to the existing filth. By making a place beautiful, which often means simply peeling back the layers of what is already there, we remove the distractions. We are able to see the existing beauty more clearly, and we are able to start to begin to care.”

Small civic actions can be beautiful. “When someone walks past flowers every day, when he sees litter picked up over and over again, a sense of pride begins to seep into his soul,” says Gates, who’s worked on just such small-seeming projects in his neighborhood in Chicago. “This isn’t about giant interventions that bring in hundreds of volunteers from out of town to ‘transform’ a neighborhood. This is about daily pride at living this life, and how our joy in our surroundings might influence our neighbors and those around us.”

Beauty begets beauty. “In my neighborhood, we used to feel the constant threat of violence hanging over our heads,” says Gates. “Now, summer’s coming and instead everyone’s talking about the next barbecue, when we’re having our block party. The hunger for cultural programming, the creativity generated on our block allows people to embrace the possible. We’ve become a positive beacon shining a light to show what’s possible. And yet all we’re doing is providing a platform for the skill, talent, love and genius of those who are already there.”

Beauty should be the starting point of everything. “At every level of the human experience, we are looking for the beautiful, something that gives priority to our souls, not just our physical needs,” says Gates. “We drink in nature, we yearn to commune with the beautiful, we crave the sublime, so that’s why the starting point for everything I do is the beautiful, not the practical.”

Determine success by measuring happiness. Metrics are important, Gates acknowledges; they’re the oil that often helps projects get done. But: “Let’s think about how to value happiness. Let’s think about how we might try to measure hope,” he says. “Building a house for someone is just the start … we also need that home to be a happy place if we’re to make any difference in this world.”

Featured photo illustration by Dian Lofton/TED.

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Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Idealized beauty standards, consequences of beauty expectations, works cited.

It is not easy to define the word “beauty.” Usually, when speaking about it, people mean a physical image of a person: face features, weight and body shape, etc. A famous proverb says that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” which means that the image of beauty varies for different people. It depends on personal taste, life experience, and cultural background. Throughout history, beauty standards have been changing. Also, they are not the same among different cultures. However, at the present time, the concept of beauty is commercialized. Beauty standards are represented in popular culture, advertising, and social media. These standards create certainly, but often unrealistic, expectations among the population (Amaidas and Chiweshe 1). It could be stated that dictated idealized beauty standards could cause stress and affect the behavior of young people.

Nowadays, popular culture affected all the spheres of social life. In particular, it created expectations of appearance and standardized the concept of beauty. People create certain standards based on popular films, the fashion industry, music culture, glossy magazines, and other sources (Koch 147). Existing beauty expectations play a significant role in people’s lives. It could be stated that mostly these expectations affected women because they are more sensitive to the question of appearance (Golub 29). Based on these standards, a particular picture of a “beautiful girl” was created. All essential details of beauty are described, and the majority of young women try to meet the expectations.

Several major standards could be cited. One of the most high-powered and commonly accepted is a weight standard. Lev-Ari et al. postulated that “Western culture places a growing emphasis on an ultra-thin body ideal, and this is reflected in the media” (397). Truly, the majority of famous women who are considered fashion and beauty setters are slim. Therefore, in western society, it is expected that all women should be thin and should have a certain body shape. It does not matter that not all women match these standards. The idea that not only a slim figure but different body stature could be beautiful is not widely accepted within society.

The second widely accepted expectation is women’s breasts. The image of a beautiful breast is created and spread by Hollywood and fashion industries and advertising (Golub 41). The problem is that these standards are rare in real life. However, the solution for women has been found. Based on top models’ and actress’ images, certain parameters of breast beauty have been identified for breast surgery: its size and shape (Mallucci and Branford 436). It meant that the society of consumers is already prepared to spend a significant amount of money on unnecessary and unhealthy procedures with the purpose of matching artificial expectations. And again, the idea that natural breast is beautiful even if it does not match existing standards is not popular among young people.

Standards as to face features also exist. The idea of a young princess appeared in children’s fairy tales. Jones stated that “traditional Greek and fairytale look creates a physical stereotype that includes soft hair, flowing garments, pink and red lips or cheeks, and a wholesome physique” (2). From Greek mythology, this image got into the Western popular culture, in particular, in Disney animated movies. Based on this picture, every little girl creates a standard of beauty. This idea continues to be supported by Western popular culture.

In general, it could be claimed that beauty standards are created by popular culture: fairy tales, mass media, movies, the fashion industry, and others. Frequently, these standards are not realistic. To match them, a woman should make particular efforts. The possible reason for the current situation is that all people are potential consumers, and it is important to create a necessity to buy goods of the beauty industry (Wolf 143). However, the problem is not only about money spending. Idealized beauty standards are a widespread reason for young women’s stress and unhealthy behavior with the purpose of improving their appearance.

Women’s appearance is closely associated with their success in society. According to Golub, “Long before puberty, girls learn that beauty is a basic dimension of the feminine gender role” (29). It means that girls from a young age are taught by their mothers, friends, and popular culture that their identity depends on how they look. Girls’ appearance is also significantly important for the recognition and approbation inside their peers’ community. Young women who do not match these idealized standards are considered to be not beautiful enough, which leads to particular consequences.

First of all, young women in this situation should deal with stress. Wolf postulated that “The [beauty] myth is not only making women physically ill but mentally ill. … stress is one of the most serious medical risk factors, lowering the immune system and contributing to high blood pressure, heart diseases, and higher mortality rates from cancer” (229). Therefore, these artificially created standards affected women’s health and could lead to dangerous diseases.

Second, it is known that this idealized image of a beautiful woman had a direct impact on young women’s behavior. In particular, women try to change their figure to be thinner. The most popular approach for this is a diet (Lev-Ari 398). Dieting could be unhealthy because an organism does not get enough nutrients from food. Furthermore, this situation could lead to even worse consequences: women could have eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia (Barnett 8). Thus, it could be said that images of thin celebrities are the widespread reason for women’s mental illness.

Another way to improve appearance, which is widely accepted among young women, is aesthetic surgery. Among others, breast surgery, liposuction, and face surgery are commonly practiced (Wolf 55). Women voluntarily agree to an invasive surgical operation which could be dangerous without any medical need. Moreover, plastic surgery is not cheap. Therefore, female consumers spend a significant amount of money on this procedure. In addition, women are ready to spend money on cosmetics and care products which they see in the advertising. The only reason for this decision is their desire to meet the existing beauty expectations.

It could be concluded that nowadays, artificially idealized standards were created by children’s fairy tales, movies, and the fashion industry. Western popular culture idealized princess-looked thin woman with regular features and soft hair. This image creates certain expectations among people. If a woman does not meet these expectations, she feels social pressure. It might result in stress, neurotic disorders, and unhealthy behavior. Another consequence of these idealized expectations existence is the willingness of women to spend money on plastic surgery, cosmetics, and care products. It could be considered as one of the reasons for the creation and expansion of this standard.

Amaidas, Shayna, and Nigel Chiweshe. “Youth Consumer Behaviour: A Case of Beauty Product Consumption.” Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 43, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-8.

Barnett, Ashley M. “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia as Developmental Crises.” The Kabod, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016, pp. 7-17.

Golub, Sharon. Health and the Female Adolescent . Routledge, 2014.

Jones, Sara. “The Ideal Princess, the Perfect Woman.” Web.

Koch, Eric C. “Hollywood’s Terror Industry: Idealized Beauty and The Bluest Eye.” Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry, vol. 1, no. 1, 2014, pp 147-157.

Lev-Ari, Lilac, et al. “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How Women Learn Body Dissatisfaction.” Eating Behaviors, vol. 15, no. 3, 2014, pp. 397-402. Web.

Mallucci, Patrick, and Olivier A. Branford. “Population Analysis of the Perfect Breast: A Morphometric Analysis.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. 134, no. 3, 2014, pp. 436-447. Web.

Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used against Women . Penguin Random House, 2013.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 20). Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences.

"Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences." IvyPanda , 20 May 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences'. 20 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences." May 20, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences." May 20, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Idealized Beauty Expectations and Their Consequences." May 20, 2021.

  • Personal Essay

How Working From Home These Last 16 Months Has Saved My Skin


For the last 16 months, like most people, I've been working from home during the pandemic. There have been downsides to that, of course, like increased stress and loneliness. There's nothing that can make you feel lost quite like the unknown , and I think a lot of us have felt like that.

But there have also been upsides, like saving time and money on commuting to work, not having to spend time with that coworker you're not a fan of, and being able to eat more healthily at home. Another unexpected benefit that I've found from WFH is that my skin has been in the best condition it's ever been in my adult life.

I'm someone who's struggled with their skin far more as an adult than I ever did as a teenager. Hormonal breakouts , dryness, congestion, hyperpigmentation — the works. While working from home, I've finally managed to make the changes to my skin I've been chasing for years. It glows and has minimal breakouts, and I experience zero congestion.

In my opinion, the main things that have made a big difference to my skin have been:

  • Skipping makeup most days thanks to the camera-off option on Zoom.
  • Actually having the time, energy, and mental space to build up a proper skin-care routine , try new products, and be consistent. No waking up too late to do my routine or being too tired to cleanse properly.
  • Eating healthier foods and having time to make exercise a priority rather than a chore to fit around long working days and a commute.
  • Less stress and fewer cortisol spikes. It sounds weird since the pandemic has been so stressful, but working from home allowed me to stick to a working pattern and really switch off from work during my breaks, as well as get to go outside during those breaks.
  • A proper sleep routine and waking up naturally each day.
  • A consistent environment. No jumping from meeting rooms with air conditioning to overheated offices to the outdoors.

As a freelance writer (a decision I made during the pandemic), I'm lucky that I don't have to return to the office, but if I did — and I know this is a big topic for discussion at the moment — I'd be pretty gutted for my skin. Working from home has made a huge difference in my life on many levels, and not having to worry about my skin is a big one for me.

Prepandemic, I'd never have gone outside with no makeup on, but now I find wearing it a chore. The freedom to go bare-faced has improved my confidence and completely changed how I feel about my skin. I'm no longer hiding or worrying about the way I look, and I use makeup to enhance rather than hide when I do wear it.

For anyone who is returning to the office, my biggest advice is to try to keep up as many good habits that you've built during WFH. Make time for them, especially the ones that make you feel great and improve your life. Building a routine is half the battle, so keep on making time for yourself — if we've learned anything in the last 16 months, it should be that our health matters and being kind to ourselves is so important.

  • Beauty at Home

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.

W as never form and never face So sweet to SEYD as only grace Which did not slumber like a stone But hovered gleaming and was gone. Beauty chased he everywhere, In flame, in storm, in clouds of air. He smote the lake to feed his eye With the beryl beam of the broken wave; He flung in pebbles well to hear The moment's music which they gave. Oft pealed for him a lofty tone From nodding pole and belting zone. He heard a voice none else could hear From centred and from errant sphere. The quaking earth did quake in rhyme, Seas ebbed and flowed in epic chime. In dens of passion, and pits of wo, He saw strong Eros struggling through, To sun the dark and solve the curse, And beam to the bounds of the universe. While thus to love he gave his days In loyal worship, scorning praise, How spread their lures for him, in vain, Thieving Ambition and paltering Gain! He thought it happier to be dead, To die for Beauty, than live for bread.

T he spiral tendency of vegetation infects education also. Our books approach very slowly the things we most wish to know. What a parade we make of our science, and how far off, and at arm's length, it is from its objects! Our botany is all names, not powers: poets and romancers talk of herbs of grace and healing; but what does the botanist know of the virtues of his weeds? The geologist lays bare the strata, and can tell them all on his fingers: but does he know what effect passes into the man who builds his house in them? what effect on the race that inhabits a granite shelf? what on the inhabitants of marl and of alluvium?

We should go to the ornithologist with a new feeling, if he could teach us what the social birds say, when they sit in the autumn council, talking together in the trees. The want of sympathy makes his record a dull dictionary. His result is a dead bird. The bird is not in its ounces and inches, but in its relations to Nature; and the skin or skeleton you show me, is no more a heron, than a heap of ashes or a bottle of gases into which his body has been reduced, is Dante or Washington. The naturalist is led from the road by the whole distance of his fancied advance. The boy had juster views when he gazed at the shells on the beach, or the flowers in the meadow, unable to call them by their names, than the man in the pride of his nomenclature. Astrology interested us, for it tied man to the system. Instead of an isolated beggar, the farthest star felt him, and he felt the star. However rash and however falsified by pretenders and traders in it, the hint was true and divine, the soul's avowal of its large relations, and, that climate, century, remote natures, as well as near, are part of its biography. Chemistry takes to pieces, but it does not construct. Alchemy which sought to transmute one element into another, to prolong life, to arm with power, — that was in the right direction. All our science lacks a human side. The tenant is more than the house. Bugs and stamens and spores, on which we lavish so many years, are not finalities, and man, when his powers unfold in order, will take Nature along with him, and emit light into all her recesses. The human heart concerns us more than the poring into microscopes, and is larger than can be measured by the pompous figures of the astronomer.

We are just so frivolous and skeptical. Men hold themselves cheap and vile: and yet a man is a fagot of thunderbolts. All the elements pour through his system: he is the flood of the flood, and fire of the fire; he feels the antipodes and the pole, as drops of his blood: they are the extension of his personality. His duties are measured by that instrument he is; and a right and perfect man would be felt to the centre of the Copernican system. 'Tis curious that we only believe as deep as we live. We do not think heroes can exert any more awful power than that surface-play which amuses us. A deep man believes in miracles, waits for them, believes in magic, believes that the orator will decompose his adversary; believes that the evil eye can wither, that the heart's blessing can heal; that love can exalt talent; can overcome all odds. From a great heart secret magnetisms flow incessantly to draw great events. But we prize very humble utilities, a prudent husband, a good son, a voter, a citizen, and deprecate any romance of character; and perhaps reckon only his money value, — his intellect, his affection, as a sort of bill of exchange, easily convertible into fine chambers, pictures, music, and wine.

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful

The motive of science was the extension of man, on all sides, into Nature, till his hands should touch the stars, his eyes see through the earth, his ears understand the language of beast and bird, and the sense of the wind; and, through his sympathy, heaven and earth should talk with him. But that is not our science. These geologies, chemistries, astronomies, seem to make wise, but they leave us where they found us. The invention is of use to the inventor, of questionable help to any other. The formulas of science are like the papers in your pocket-book, of no value to any but the owner. Science in England, in America, is jealous of theory, hates the name of love and moral purpose. There's a revenge for this inhumanity. What manner of man does science make? The boy is not attracted. He says, I do not wish to be such a kind of man as my professor is. The collector has dried all the plants in his herbal, but he has lost weight and humor. He has got all snakes and lizards in his phials, but science has done for him also, and has put the man into a bottle. Our reliance on the physician is a kind of despair of ourselves. The clergy have bronchitis, which does not seem a certificate of spiritual health. Macready thought it came of the falsetto of their voicing. An Indian prince, Tisso, one day riding in the forest, saw a herd of elk sporting. "See how happy," he said, "these browsing elks are! Why should not priests, lodged and fed comfortably in the temples, also amuse themselves?" Returning home, he imparted this reflection to the king. The king, on the next day, conferred the sovereignty on him, saying, "Prince, administer this empire for seven days: at the termination of that period, I shall put thee to death." At the end of the seventh day, the king inquired, "From what cause hast thou become so emaciated?" He answered, "From the horror of death." The monarch rejoined: "Live, my child, and be wise. Thou hast ceased to take recreation, saying to thyself, in seven days I shall be put to death. These priests in the temple incessantly meditate on death; how can they enter into healthful diversions?" But the men of science or the doctors or the clergy are not victims of their pursuits, more than others. The miller, the lawyer, and the merchant, dedicate themselves to their own details, and do not come out men of more force. Have they divination, grand aims, hospitality of soul, and the equality to any event, which we demand in man, or only the reactions of the mill, of the wares, of the chicane?

No object really interests us but man, and in man only his superiorities; and, though we are aware of a perfect law in Nature, it has fascination for us only through its relation to him, or, as it is rooted in the mind. At the birth of Winckelmann, more than a hundred years ago, side by side with this arid, departmental, post mortem science, rose an enthusiasm in the study of Beauty; and perhaps some sparks from it may yet light a conflagration in the other. Knowledge of men, knowledge of manners , the power of form, and our sensibility to personal influence, never go out of fashion. These are facts of a science which we study without book, whose teachers and subjects are always near us.

So inveterate is our habit of criticism, that much of our knowledge in this direction belongs to the chapter of pathology. The crowd in the street oftener furnishes degradations than angels or redeemers: but they all prove the transparency. Every spirit makes its house; and we can give a shrewd guess from the house to the inhabitant. But not less does Nature furnish us with every sign of grace and goodness. The delicious faces of children, the beauty of school-girls, "the sweet seriousness of sixteen," the lofty air of well-born, well-bred boys, the passionate histories in the looks and manners of youth and early manhood, and the varied power in all that well-known company that escort us through life, — we know how these forms thrill, paralyze, provoke, inspire, and enlarge us.

Beauty is the form under which the intellect prefers to study the world. All privilege is that of beauty; for there are many beauties; as, of general nature, of the human face and form, of manners , of brain, or method, moral beauty, or beauty of the soul.

The ancients believed that a genius or demon took possession at birth of each mortal, to guide him; that these genii were sometimes seen as a flame of fire partly immersed in the bodies which they governed; — on an evil man, resting on his head; in a good man, mixed with his substance. They thought the same genius, at the death of its ward, entered a new-born child, and they pretended to guess the pilot, by the sailing of the ship. We recognize obscurely the same fact, though we give it our own names. We say, that every man is entitled to be valued by his best moment. We measure our friends so. We know, they have intervals of folly, whereof we take no heed, but wait the reappearings of the genius, which are sure and beautiful. On the other side, everybody knows people who appear beridden, and who, with all degrees of ability, never impress us with the air of free agency. They know it too, and peep with their eyes to see if you detect their sad plight. We fancy, could we pronounce the solving word, and disenchant them, the cloud would roll up, the little rider would be discovered and unseated, and they would regain their freedom. The remedy seems never to be far off, since the first step into thought lifts this mountain of necessity. Thought is the pent air-ball which can rive the planet, and the beauty which certain objects have for him, is the friendly fire which expands the thought, and acquaints the prisoner that liberty and power await him.

Nature always wear

The question of Beauty takes us out of surfaces, to thinking of the foundations of things. Goethe said, "The beautiful is a manifestation of secret laws of Nature, which, but for this appearance, had been forever concealed from us." And the working of this deep instinct makes all the excitement — much of it superficial and absurd enough — about works of art, which leads armies of vain travellers every year to Italy, Greece, and Egypt. Every man values every acquisition he makes in the science of beauty, above his possessions. The most useful man in the most useful world, so long as only commodity was served, would remain unsatisfied. But, as fast as he sees beauty, life acquires a very high value.

I am warned by the ill fate of many philosophers not to attempt a definition of Beauty. I will rather enumerate a few of its qualities. We ascribe beauty to that which is simple; which has no superfluous parts; which exactly answers its end; which stands related to all things; which is the mean of many extremes. It is the most enduring quality, and the most ascending quality. We say, love is blind, and the figure of Cupid is drawn with a bandage round his eyes. Blind: — yes, because he does not see what he does not like; but the sharpest-sighted hunter in the universe is Love, for finding what he seeks, and only that; and the mythologists tell us, that Vulcan was painted lame, and Cupid blind, to call attention to the fact, that one was all limbs, and the other, all eyes. In the true mythology, Love is an immortal child, and Beauty leads him as a guide: nor can we express a deeper sense than when we say, Beauty is the pilot of the young soul.

Beyond their sensuous delight, the forms and colors of Nature have a new charm for us in our perception, that not one ornament was added for ornament, but is a sign of some better health, or more excellent action. Elegance of form in bird or beast, or in the human figure, marks some excellence of structure: or beauty is only an invitation from what belongs to us. 'Tis a law of botany, that in plants, the same virtues follow the same forms. It is a rule of largest application, true in a plant, true in a loaf of bread, that in the construction of any fabric or organism, any real increase of fitness to its end, is an increase of beauty.

The lesson taught by the study of Greek and of Gothic art, of antique and of Pre-Raphaelite painting, was worth all the research, — namely, that all beauty must be organic; that outside embellishment is deformity. It is the soundness of the bones that ultimates itself in a peach-bloom complexion: health of constitution that makes the sparkle and the power of the eye. 'Tis the adjustment of the size and of the joining of the sockets of the skeleton, that gives grace of outline and the finer grace of movement. The cat and the deer cannot move or sit inelegantly. The dancing-master can never teach a badly built man to walk well. The tint of the flower proceeds from its root, and the lustres of the sea-shell begin with its existence. Hence our taste in building rejects paint, and all shifts, and shows the original grain of the wood: refuses pilasters and columns that support nothing, and allows the real supporters of the house honestly to show themselves. Every necessary or organic action pleases the beholder. A man leading a horse to water, a farmer sowing seed, the labors of haymakers in the field, the carpenter building a ship, the smith at his forge, or, whatever useful labor, is becoming to the wise eye. But if it is done to be seen, it is mean. How beautiful are ships on the sea! but ships in the theatre, — or ships kept for picturesque effect on Virginia Water, by George IV., and men hired to stand in fitting costumes at a penny an hour! — What a difference in effect between a battalion of troops marching to action, and one of our independent companies on a holiday! In the midst of a military show, and a festal procession gay with banners, I saw a boy seize an old tin pan that lay rusting under a wall, and poising it on the top of a stick, he set it turning, and made it describe the most elegant imaginable curves, and drew away attention from the decorated procession by this startling beauty.

Another text from the mythologists. The Greeks fabled that Venus was born of the foam of the sea. Nothing interests us which is stark or bounded, but only what streams with life, what is in act or endeavor to reach somewhat beyond. The pleasure a palace or a temple gives the eye, is, that an order and method has been communicated to stones, so that they speak and geometrize, become tender or sublime with expression. Beauty is the moment of transition, as if the form were just ready to flow into other forms. Any fixedness, heaping, or concentration on one feature, — a long nose, a sharp chin, a hump-back, — is the reverse of the flowing, and therefore deformed. Beautiful as is the symmetry of any form, if the form can move, we seek a more excellent symmetry. The interruption of equilibrium stimulates the eye to desire the restoration of symmetry, and to watch the steps through which it is attained. This is the charm of running water, sea-waves, the flight of birds, and the locomotion of animals. This is the theory of dancing, to recover continually in changes the lost equilibrium, not by abrupt and angular, but by gradual and curving movements. I have been told by persons of experience in matters of taste, that the fashions follow a law of gradation, and are never arbitrary. The new mode is always only a step onward in the same direction as the last mode; and a cultivated eye is prepared for and predicts the new fashion. This fact suggests the reason of all mistakes and offence in our own modes. It is necessary in music, when you strike a discord, to let down the ear by an intermediate note or two to the accord again: and many a good experiment, born of good sense, and destined to succeed, fails, only because it is offensively sudden. I suppose, the Parisian milliner who dresses the world from her imperious boudoir will know how to reconcile the Bloomer costume to the eye of mankind, and make it triumphant over Punch himself, by interposing the just gradations. I need not say, how wide the same law ranges; and how much it can be hoped to effect. All that is a little harshly claimed by progressive parties, may easily come to be conceded without question, if this rule be observed. Thus the circumstances may be easily imagined, in which woman may speak, vote, argue causes, legislate, and drive a coach, and all the most naturally in the world, if only it come by degrees. To this streaming or flowing belongs the beauty that all circular movement has; as, the circulation of waters, the circulation of the blood, the periodical motion of planets, the annual wave of vegetation, the action and reaction of Nature: and, if we follow it out, this demand in our thought for an ever-onward action, is the argument for the immortality.

One more text from the mythologists is to the same purpose, — Beauty rides on a lion . Beauty rests on necessities. The line of beauty is the result of perfect economy. The cell of the bee is built at that angle which gives the most strength with the least wax; the bone or the quill of the bird gives the most alar strength, with the least weight. "It is the purgation of superfluities," said Michel Angelo. There is not a particle to spare in natural structures. There is a compelling reason in the uses of the plant, for every novelty of color or form: and our art saves material, by more skilful arrangement, and reaches beauty by taking every superfluous ounce that can be spared from a wall, and keeping all its strength in the poetry of columns. In rhetoric, this art of omission is a chief secret of power, and, in general, it is proof of high culture, to say the greatest matters in the simplest way.

Veracity first of all, and forever. Rien de beau que le vrai . In all design, art lies in making your object prominent, but there is a prior art in choosing objects that are prominent. The fine arts have nothing casual, but spring from the instincts of the nations that created them.

Beauty is the quality which makes to endure. In a house that I know, I have noticed a block of spermaceti lying about closets and mantel-pieces, for twenty years together, simply because the tallow-man gave it the form of a rabbit; and, I suppose, it may continue to be lugged about unchanged for a century. Let an artist scrawl a few lines or figures on the back of a letter, and that scrap of paper is rescued from danger, is put in portfolio, is framed and glazed, and, in proportion to the beauty of the lines drawn, will be kept for centuries. Burns writes a copy of verses, and sends them to a newspaper, and the human race take charge of them that they shall not perish.

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.

As the flute is heard farther than the cart, see how surely a beautiful form strikes the fancy of men, and is copied and reproduced without end. How many copies are there of the Belvedere Apollo, the Venus, the Psyche, the Warwick Vase, the Parthenon, and the Temple of Vesta? These are objects of tenderness to all. In our cities, an ugly building is soon removed, and is never repeated, but any beautiful building is copied and improved upon, so that all masons and carpenters work to repeat and preserve the agreeable forms, whilst the ugly ones die out.

The felicities of design in art, or in works of Nature, are shadows or forerunners of that beauty which reaches its perfection in the human form. All men are its lovers. Wherever it goes, it creates joy and hilarity, and everything is permitted to it. It reaches its height in woman. "To Eve," say the Mahometans, "God gave two thirds of all beauty." A beautiful woman is a practical poet, taming her savage mate, planting tenderness, hope, and eloquence , in all whom she approaches. Some favors of condition must go with it, since a certain serenity is essential, but we love its reproofs and superiorities. Nature wishes that woman should attract man, yet she often cunningly moulds into her face a little sarcasm, which seems to say, 'Yes, I am willing to attract, but to attract a little better kind of a man than any I yet behold.' French memoires of the fifteenth century celebrate the name of Pauline de Viguiere, a virtuous and accomplished maiden, who so fired the enthusiasm of her contemporaries, by her enchanting form, that the citizens of her native city of Toulouse obtained the aid of the civil authorities to compel her to appear publicly on the balcony at least twice a week, and, as often as she showed herself, the crowd was dangerous to life. Not less, in England, in the last century, was the fame of the Gunnings, of whom, Elizabeth married the Duke of Hamilton; and Maria, the Earl of Coventry. Walpole says, "the concourse was so great, when the Duchess of Hamilton was presented at court, on Friday, that even the noble crowd in the drawing-room clambered on chairs and tables to look at her. There are mobs at their doors to see them get into their chairs, and people go early to get places at the theatres, when it is known they will be there." "Such crowds," he adds, elsewhere, "flock to see the Duchess of Hamilton, that seven hundred people sat up all night, in and about an inn, in Yorkshire, to see her get into her post-chaise next morning."

But why need we console ourselves with the fames of Helen of Argos, or Corinna, or Pauline of Toulouse, or the Duchess of Hamilton? We all know this magic very well, or can divine it. It does not hurt weak eyes to look into beautiful eyes never so long. Women stand related to beautiful Nature around us, and the enamored youth mixes their form with moon and stars, with woods and waters, and the pomp of summer. They heal us of awkwardness by their words and looks. We observe their intellectual influence on the most serious student. They refine and clear his mind; teach him to put a pleasing method into what is dry and difficult. We talk to them, and wish to be listened to; we fear to fatigue them, and acquire a facility of expression which passes from conversation into habit of style.

That Beauty is the normal state, is shown by the perpetual effort of Nature to attain it. Mirabeau had an ugly face on a handsome ground; and we see faces every day which have a good type, but have been marred in the casting: a proof that we are all entitled to beauty, should have been beautiful, if our ancestors had kept the laws, — as every lily and every rose is well. But our bodies do not fit us, but caricature and satirize us. Thus, short legs, which constrain us to short, mincing steps, are a kind of personal insult and contumely to the owner; and long stilts, again, put him at perpetual disadvantage, and force him to stoop to the general level of mankind. Martial ridicules a gentleman of his day whose countenance resembled the face of a swimmer seen under water. Saadi describes a schoolmaster "so ugly and crabbed, that a sight of him would derange the ecstasies of the orthodox." Faces are rarely true to any ideal type, but are a record in sculpture of a thousand anecdotes of whim and folly. Portrait painters say that most faces and forms are irregular and unsymmetrical; have one eye blue, and one gray; the nose not straight; and one shoulder higher than another; the hair unequally distributed, etc. The man is physically as well as metaphysically a thing of shreds and patches, borrowed unequally from good and bad ancestors, and a misfit from the start.

A beautiful person, among the Greeks, was thought to betray by this sign some secret favor of the immortal gods: and we can pardon pride, when a woman possesses such a figure, that wherever she stands, or moves, or leaves a shadow on the wall, or sits for a portrait to the artist, she confers a favor on the world. And yet — it is not beauty that inspires the deepest passion. Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait. Beauty, without expression, tires. Abbe Menage said of the President Le Bailleul, "that he was fit for nothing but to sit for his portrait." A Greek epigram intimates that the force of love is not shown by the courting of beauty, but when the like desire is inflamed for one who is ill-favored. And petulant old gentlemen, who have chanced to suffer some intolerable weariness from pretty people, or who have seen cut flowers to some profusion, or who see, after a world of pains have been successfully taken for the costume, how the least mistake in sentiment takes all the beauty out of your clothes, — affirm, that the secret of ugliness consists not in irregularity, but in being uninteresting.

We love any forms, however ugly, from which great qualities shine. If command, eloquence , art, or invention, exist in the most deformed person, all the accidents that usually displease, please, and raise esteem and wonder higher. The great orator was an emaciated, insignificant person, but he was all brain. Cardinal De Retz says of De Bouillon, "With the physiognomy of an ox, he had the perspicacity of an eagle." It was said of Hooke, the friend of Newton, "he is the most, and promises the least, of any man in England." "Since I am so ugly," said Du Guesclin, "it behooves that I be bold." Sir Philip Sidney, the darling of mankind, Ben Jonson tells us, "was no pleasant man in countenance, his face being spoiled with pimples, and of high blood, and long." Those who have ruled human destinies, like planets, for thousands of years, were not handsome men. If a man can raise a small city to be a great kingdom, can make bread cheap, can irrigate deserts, can join oceans by canals, can subdue steam, can organize victory, can lead the opinions of mankind, can enlarge knowledge, 'tis no matter whether his nose is parallel to his spine, as it ought to be, or whether he has a nose at all; whether his legs are straight, or whether his legs are amputated; his deformities will come to be reckoned ornamental, and advantageous on the whole. This is the triumph of expression, degrading beauty, charming us with a power so fine and friendly and intoxicating, that it makes admired persons insipid, and the thought of passing our lives with them insupportable. There are faces so fluid with expression, so flushed and rippled by the play of thought, that we can hardly find what the mere features really are. When the delicious beauty of lineaments loses its power, it is because a more delicious beauty has appeared; that an interior and durable form has been disclosed. Still, Beauty rides on her lion, as before. Still, "it was for beauty that the world was made." The lives of the Italian artists, who established a despotism of genius amidst the dukes and kings and mobs of their stormy epoch, prove how loyal men in all times are to a finer brain, a finer method, than their own. If a man can cut such a head on his stone gate-post as shall draw and keep a crowd about it all day, by its beauty, good nature, and inscrutable meaning; — if a man can build a plain cottage with such symmetry, as to make all the fine palaces look cheap and vulgar; can take such advantage of Nature, that all her powers serve him; making use of geometry, instead of expense; tapping a mountain for his water-jet; causing the sun and moon to seem only the decorations of his estate; this is still the legitimate dominion of beauty.

The radiance of the human form, though sometimes astonishing, is only a burst of beauty for a few years or a few months, at the perfection of youth, and in most, rapidly declines. But we remain lovers of it, only transferring our interest to interior excellence. And it is not only admirable in singular and salient talents, but also in the world of manners .

But the sovereign attribute remains to be noted. Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful. This is the reason why beauty is still escaping out of all analysis. It is not yet possessed, it cannot be handled. Proclus says, "it swims on the light of forms." It is properly not in the form, but in the mind. It instantly deserts possession, and flies to an object in the horizon. If I could put my hand on the north star, would it be as beautiful? The sea is lovely, but when we bathe in it, the beauty forsakes all the near water. For the imagination and senses cannot be gratified at the same time. Wordsworth rightly speaks of "a light that never was on sea or land," meaning, that it was supplied by the observer, and the Welsh bard warns his countrywomen, that

— "half of their charms with Cadwallon shall die."

The new virtue which constitutes a thing beautiful, is a certain cosmical quality, or, a power to suggest relation to the whole world, and so lift the object out of a pitiful individuality. Every natural feature, — sea, sky, rainbow, flowers, musical tone, — has in it somewhat which is not private, but universal, speaks of that central benefit which is the soul of Nature, and thereby is beautiful. And, in chosen men and women, I find somewhat in form, speech, and manners , which is not of their person and family, but of a humane, catholic, and spiritual character, and we love them as the sky. They have a largeness of suggestion, and their face and manners carry a certain grandeur, like time and justice.

The feat of the imagination is in showing the convertibility of every thing into every other thing. Facts which had never before left their stark common sense, suddenly figure as Eleusinian mysteries. My boots and chair and candlestick are fairies in disguise, meteors and constellations. All the facts in Nature are nouns of the intellect, and make the grammar of the eternal language. Every word has a double, treble, or centuple use and meaning. What! has my stove and pepper-pot a false bottom! I cry you mercy, good shoe-box! I did not know you were a jewel-case. Chaff and dust begin to sparkle, and are clothed about with immortality. And there is a joy in perceiving the representative or symbolic character of a fact, which no bare fact or event can ever give. There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of the imagination.

The poets are quite right in decking their mistresses with the spoils of the landscape, flower-gardens, gems, rainbows, flushes of morning, and stars of night, since all beauty points at identity, and whatsoever thing does not express to me the sea and sky, day and night, is somewhat forbidden and wrong. Into every beautiful object, there enters somewhat immeasurable and divine, and just as much into form bounded by outlines, like mountains on the horizon, as into tones of music, or depths of space. Polarized light showed the secret architecture of bodies; and when the second-sight of the mind is opened, now one color or form or gesture, and now another, has a pungency, as if a more interior ray had been emitted, disclosing its deep holdings in the frame of things.

The laws of this translation we do not know, or why one feature or gesture enchants, why one word or syllable intoxicates, but the fact is familiar that the fine touch of the eye, or a grace of manners , or a phrase of poetry, plants wings at our shoulders; as if the Divinity, in his approaches, lifts away mountains of obstruction, and deigns to draw a truer line, which the mind knows and owns. This is that haughty force of beauty, " vis superba formae ," which the poets praise, — under calm and precise outline, the immeasurable and divine: Beauty hiding all wisdom and power in its calm sky.

All high beauty has a moral element in it, and I find the antique sculpture as ethical as Marcus Antoninus: and the beauty ever in proportion to the depth of thought. Gross and obscure natures, however decorated, seem impure shambles; but character gives splendor to youth, and awe to wrinkled skin and gray hairs. An adorer of truth we cannot choose but obey, and the woman who has shared with us the moral sentiment, — her locks must appear to us sublime. Thus there is a climbing scale of culture, from the first agreeable sensation which a sparkling gem or a scarlet stain affords the eye, up through fair outlines and details of the landscape, features of the human face and form, signs and tokens of thought and character in manners , up to the ineffable mysteries of the intellect. Wherever we begin, thither our steps tend: an ascent from the joy of a horse in his trappings, up to the perception of Newton, that the globe on which we ride is only a larger apple falling from a larger tree; up to the perception of Plato, that globe and universe are rude and early expressions of an all-dissolving Unity, — the first stair on the scale to the temple of the Mind.

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

What did Ralph Waldo Emerson say about beauty?

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Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Reliance

Ralph Waldo Emerson left the ministry to pursue a career in writing and public speaking. Emerson became one of America's best known and best-loved 19th-century figures. More About Emerson

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There Are 6 Ways to Boost Collagen in Your Skin at Home

By Taylore Glynn

A close up of a blonde woman with freckles smiling big while closing her eyes and holding one hand up to her face...

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

If you’re interested in skin-care (check!), you’ve likely heard of collagen. How to take care of the collagen you have and how to boost your skin’s natural collagen production are buzzy topics, and tons of brands claim their key ingredients (vegan collagen, peptides, you name it) can get the job done.

Collagen is a structural protein that can be found all over the body, including in our skin. It is known for giving our faces and bodies firmness and elasticity, and most famously, it’s known for fading as we age. That’s why there are now thousands of products claiming to be collagen boosters on the market.

Fading collagen is, of course, natural! Our bodies produce less and less collagen as the decades pass, and its quality drops off, too. This drop-off can start as early as our mid-twenties, says Dendy Engelman , MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. ( Even our eyeballs can eventually lose some collagen throughout the years.) This inevitably causes our skin to lose its elasticity, resulting in sagging in areas like the jawline and wrinkles. And even though countless beauty products are marketed as means of boosting collagen, the truth is that caring for collagen and promoting its growth can be tricky.

For starters, collagen isn’t something that can just be fed back into the skin: As an ingredient, “collagen does not help us when applied topically, because the molecules that make up collagen are too large to effectively penetrate the skin barrier,” says Dr. Engelman. “If you apply a ‘collagen cream,’ you may get some benefits from the other ingredients, but the collagen itself will really just sit on top of the dermis. In topical skincare, collagen [as an ingredient] is really just used as a marketing tactic.”

The good news: there are a select group of skin care ingredients that can boost collagen and help maintain your existing collagen’s health at home.

  • Dendy Engelman , MD, is a board-certified dermatologist in New York City.
  • Courtney Rubin , MD, is a board-certified dermatologist in Pasadena, California.
  • Sherry Ingraham , MD, is a board-certified dermatologist in Sugar Land, Texas.
  • Geeta Yadav , MD, is a board-certified dermatologist in Toronto.
  • Kelly Dobos is a cosmetic chemist.
  • Ava Shamban , MD, is a board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills.

What Skin Care Ingredients Boost Collagen?

Can eating certain foods boost collagen in the skin, can collagen supplements or drinkable collagen boost collagen in the skin, do any at-home devices boost collagen, can making lifestyle changes boost collagen.

According to our experts, retinol is the clear front-runner in the collagen-boosting race. This form of vitamin A is something of a superhero in the skin-care universe: it’s been proven to increase cell turnover, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and treat acne, and more. Stimulating collagen production is among its many powers, making it a top choice for pros.

“Retinol and retinoids in general are some of the most extensively studied and science backed skincare ingredients,” says Courtney Rubin , MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Pasadena, California. Studies have demonstrated that “they support collagen production, and thus smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,” says Dr. Rubin, and that they can even prevent future collagen loss. One study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, for example, of 72 participants ranging in age from 18 to 80+, found that a 1% retinol cream could stimulate collagen synthesis. ( The Ordinary 1% Retinol in Squalane , Paula’s Choice 1% Retinol Treatment , and SkinMedica Age Defense Retinol Complex 1.0 all contain 1% retinol.)

That said, retinol can be a commitment to add to your routine. Building up application slowly over the course of a few weeks can help the skin become acclimated without drying out or developing redness, but studies also say retinol’s benefits can be seen applying it just three times a week regularly. Retinoids (a stronger relative of retinol) are prescription-only, and can be effective for boosting collagen if your dermatologist deems you a candidate based on skin sensitivity.

The good news: there’s no shortage of over-the-counter skin-care products boasting powerful doses of retinol . Dr. Engelman recommends Elizabeth Arden Retinol + HPR Ceramide Rapid Skin-Renewing Water Cream because it includes two types of retinol as well as peptides (another collagen-boosting ingredient), and she likes Dr. Diamond METACINE InstaFacial Emulsion as a hydrating nighttime treatment with retinoids that’s ideal for both retinol beginners and experienced users. We’re also fans of IOPE Retinol Expert 0.1% , a 2023 Best of Beauty Award-winner, and long-time Allure favorite Shani Darden Skincare Retinol Reform Treatment Serum , which contains both retinol and alpha hydroxy acids for gentle yet effective exfoliation.

The Ordinary 1% Retinol in Squalane brown serum bottle with white label and dropper cap on light gray background

The Ordinary

The Ordinary 1% Retinol in Squalane

Paula's Choice Clinical 1% Retinol Treatment purple bottle with white cap on light gray background

Paula's Choice

Paula’s Choice 1% Retinol Treatment

SkinMedica Age Defense Retinol Complex 1.0 silver bottle on light gray background

SkinMedica Age Defense Retinol Complex 1.0

Elizabeth Arden Retinol + HPR Ceramide Rapid Skin-Renewing Water Cream tall rose gold jar on light gray background

Elizabeth Arden

Elizabeth Arden Retinol + HPR Ceramide Rapid Skin-Renewing Water Cream

Ulta Beauty

Dr. Diamond Metacine InstaFacial Emulsion beige jar on light gray background

Dr. Diamond's Metacine

Dr. Diamond Metacine InstaFacial Emulsion


IOPE Retinol Expert 0.1% white and dark purple tube on light gray background with red Allure Best of Beauty seal in the top right corner

IOPE Retinol Expert 0.1%

Shani Darden Retinol Reform light gray rectangle bottle on light gray background

Shani Darden

Shani Darden Skincare Retinol Reform Treatment Serum

Violet Grey

Ah, peptides. They’ve had top-billing on product bottles for years, and for good reason. There are many types of peptides — which, generally speaking, are chains made up of two or more amino acids — derived from different sources, like the human body, animals, plants, and labs. Peptides are one of the gentler skin-care ingredients geared towards stimulating collagen production.

Your June 2024 Monthly Horoscope Is Here

By Sophie Saint Thomas

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“While they are not as extensively studied as retinoids, they are a great option for those with sensitive skin who may not be able to reach for something like retinol,” says Dr. Rubin. “Many of the peptides used in skincare are synthetic, and linked to fatty acids in order to increase their skin permeability and effectiveness. Some examples of these are palmitoyl tetrapeptide-1 or palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7, which are some of the most extensively studied peptides commonly found in skincare.” According to a study published in the journal Pharmaceuticals (Basel) , palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-5 are two peptides that can help stimulate collagen production, while palmitoyl tetrapeptide-1 is also believed to help, says Dr. Rubin.

Paula’s Choice Resist Weightless Advanced Repairing Toner contains palmitoyl tetrapeptide-1, while The Inkey List Collagen Booster Firming Peptide Serum and The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + HA Serum contain both palmitoyl tetrapeptide-1 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7. Revision Skincare Revox 7 contains palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7 (and has been recommended to Allure by New York City-based board-certified dermatologist Hadley King , MD), while Dr. Hartman has called out Olay Wrinkle Collection Serum as a powerful drugstore option.

Paula’s Choice Resist Weightless Advanced Repairing Toner light blue bottle with white cap on light gray background

Paula’s Choice Resist Weightless Advanced Repairing Toner

The Inkey List Collagen Booster Firming Peptide Serum mini white and black bottle on light gray background

The Inkey List

The Inkey List Collagen Booster Firming Peptide Serum

The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + HA Serum white serum dropper bottle on light gray background

The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + HA Serum

Revision Skincare Revox 7 black pump bottle on light gray background

Revision Skincare

Revision Skincare Revox 7

Olay Wrinkle Correction Serum light gray serum bottle with silver and white dropper cap on light gray background

Olay Wrinkle Correction Serum

Your daily sunscreen , beach-bag favorite, or body sunscreen won’t necessarily kick your collagen production into high gear, but UV exposure has been proven to damage the skin’s proteins, including collagen, and using sun protection can help maintain your healthy, existing supply of collagen.

“The most important action to prevent the breakdown of collagen is to always apply sunscreen,” says Sherry Ingraham , MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Sugar Land, Texas. Dr. Rubin and Dr. Shamban also expressed that applying SPF daily is key for supporting collagen production.

That said, sunscreen only works if applied correctly , which means reapplying every two hours and using enough: a shot glass-worth on your body (collagen affects your skin tip to toes!) and enough to cover your pointer and middle fingers per the “two-finger” rule on your face and neck. (It’s a pretty simple technique; you squeeze a line of sunscreen down your pointer finger, another down your middle finger, and apply to your face.) We’re big fans of Best of Beauty Award-winning options like the lightweight and under-$20 Innisfree Daily UV Defense Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 36 , and KraveBeauty Beet the Sun SPF 40 PA+++ (both are chemical sunscreens). For mineral sunscreen, we love Dr. Few Skincare Tinted Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 and Dr. Ingraham recommends SkinCeuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense SPF 50 .

Innisfree Daily UV Defense Sunscreen SPF 36 in white tube

Innisfree Daily UV Defense Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 36

KraveBeauty Beet the Sun Lightweight Sunscreen SPF 40 white tube on light gray background with red Allure Best of Beauty seal in the top right corner


KraveBeauty Beet the Sun SPF 40 PA+++

Dr. Few Skincare Tinted Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 squat black bottle with clear cap on light gray background

Dr. Few Skincare Tinted Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30

Dr. Few Skincare

SkinCeuticals Sheer Physical UV Defense SPF 50 silver rectangle bottle on light gray background


SkinCeuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense SPF 50

Most definitely — all of our experts pegged a nourishing diet as a vital way of supporting collagen maintenance.

“You can support existing collagen and new production by eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, the latter of which contains amino acids, the building blocks of protein — remember, collagen is also a protein,” says Geeta Yadav , MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Toronto. “Bone broth is a great source of all of these nutrients. I'd recommend making it yourself over buying it, ideally over several days — the end product should be thick and gelatinous when chilled or at room temperature, which is an indication that it's rich in collagen.”

Board-certified dermatologist Ava Shamban , MD, recommends seeking out antioxidant rich foods — blueberries, strawberries, spinach, nuts — while Dr. Yadav and Kelly Dobos , a cosmetic chemist, tout vitamin C as an important nutrient to consume rather than just apply topically.

“Collagen synthesis is a complex process and ingested vitamin C is an important factor in innate collagen production,” explains Dobos. “The best way to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin C is to eat a balanced diet.” Dr. Yadav points to dark leafy greens and citrus fruits as two vitamin-C rich foods to add to your grocery list.

The short answer: You’re way better off eating a big salad than stocking up on collagen supplements or drinkable collagen.

“Despite popular belief that collagen supplements can help strengthen our skin, we have little data to truly support this," Joshua Zeichner , MD, a board-certified dermatologist and director of cosmetic & clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City previously told Allure. "Collagen is a large molecule that is digested by our intestines into smaller pieces when taken by mouth, so when we ingest powders or supplements, our skin is not seeing the full collagen molecule, but rather protein fragments or individual amino acids." And there’s no reason to believe that drinking collagen or taking collagen supplements will get more collagen to your face: "[Collagen] doesn't know where to go in your body," Keri Gans a registered dietician and nutritionist in New York City, previously told Allure. "It's not like that."

There are thousands of skin-care devices on the market, but there’s one category our experts (and clinical studies) have given a ringing endorsement when it comes to boosting collagen.

“Light therapy, specifically a device that uses both red and infrared light, is the easiest way to promote collagen production at home,” says Dr. Yadav, pointing to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology . That doesn’t mean every at-home device uses a wavelength of red or infrared light that’s been shown to promote collagen production in studies — an especially frustrating fact considering what big splurges at-home devices can be — so it’s best to follow expert recommendations here. Dr. Yadav like Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare’s LED mask , as it provides “infrared and two forms of red light, as well as amber and blue light for comprehensive treatment of signs of aging, redness, and acne.” Allure Best of Beauty-winner TheraFace Pro also uses wavelengths that have been shown in studies to impart benefits to the skin. And Dr. Engelman recommends the Solawave 4-in-1 Red Light Therapy Skincare Wand , which combines red light therapy, galvanic current, massage and warmth in one tiny bar — and it’s another Allure editor go-to .

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare DRx SpectraLite FaceWare Pro in rosegold and white colorway on light gray background

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare DRx SpectraLite FaceWare Pro

Theraface Pro in black and soft gold color way on light gray background with allure 2023 best of beauty seal

TheraFace Pro

Solawave Advanced Skincare Wand rose gold red light therapy face wand on light gray background

Solawave 4-in-1 Radiant Renewal Skincare Wand

If you’ve been looking for an excuse to snag another Stanley cup or flake on plans in favor of crashing early, you can now do so comfortably in the name of plump skin.

“Staying well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important for skin health, as dehydration can lead to dryness, wrinkles, and reduced elasticity,” says Dr. Shamban, who also recommends getting a good night’s rest to keep your skin collagen-rich.

“Collagen production peaks during sleep , aiding in cell repair and maintaining a healthy skin barrier,” she explains. Dr. Ingraham also calls out smoking and excessive drinking as two habits to consider quelling.

“Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help protect against collagen loss and damage,” she says. “When combined with exercise, you can also further help minimize collagen loss as you age.”

To read more about collagen:

  • The Truth About Drinking Collagen for Better Skin
  • Why Applying Collagen Topically Won't Fight Fine Lines
  • Even Your Eyeballs Lose Collagen as You Age

Now watch Madison Beer's 10 Minute Beauty Routine for a Glowy Blush Look:

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Allure Daily Beauty Blast

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New TikTok beauty trend is an old rural secret

Bag balm is a petroleum jelly that influencers have been incorporating into their skin care routine.

essay about beauty care

By Chase Martin

An unexpected moisturizer, used by farmers for around 125 years, according to Bag Balm , has caught the attention of TikTok influencers.

In a trend known as “slugging,” individuals cover their faces with a product before bed to seal in moisture, and Bag Balm has become a popular method for doing so.

Madison Taylor praises Bag Balm in a TikTok video, claiming it is “far superior” to Vaseline. She often uses it in winter at bedtime and says her skin feels “refreshed and beautiful” when she wakes up.

@urfavemillennial Replying to @sstacylynn who thinks @originalbagbalm should give us a discount code!? 👀 #skincare #skincareroutine #skincare101 #bagbalm #bagbalmforlife #slugging #winterskincare #winterskincareroutine #winterskincareessentials #skincaretips #glassskin #sluggingmethod #sluggingroutine #sluggingtutorial #sluggingskincare ♬ original sound - 🫧Kymani🫧

What is Bag Balm used for?

Bag Balm is a rural, petroleum jelly-based ointment similar to Vaseline.

According to its website , Bag Balm was originally created on a dairy farm in Vermont to moisturize cows’ chapped udders. Over the years, it has been used for various purposes, including treating cuts and bruises, and lubricating hinges and bike chains.

Most notably, Bag Balm has gained popularity on TikTok for its use in skin care.

According to The New York Times , the original family that owned Bag Balm sold the company in 2014 to private-equity investors.

“Our whole brand ethos is simplicity and versatility,” Libby Parent, the president of Bag Balm, told The New York Times.

Parent went on to explain that in order to appeal to a wider market, they removed wording that referenced animals, such as “sore teats,” from the tin.

Per The New York Times, the tin originally said, “For sore teats and hard milkers, apply the Balm one hour before the night milking and immediately after the morning milking.”

Besides the original moisturizer, Bag Balm now sells soap, lotion and lip balm, but the original product has retained the most interest from influencers.

Bag Balm can soothe dry and damaged skin, such as under the eyes, on callused hands or feet, or even on tattoos. It is also commonly used on dogs’ paws, fitting its original purpose for animal care.

Is Bag Balm good for your skin?

Many other TikTok users have posted videos of themselves using and attesting to the product, although some have expressed surprise at learning about its origins and whether it is actually safe to use.

According to Bag Balm , the product is safe for both humans and animals.

Per The New York Times , Raquel Welch, an actress known for starring in films in the ‘60s and ‘70s like “The Three Musketeers,” and Shania Twain, the Canadian singer-songwriter, have both credited Bag Balm for helping them maintain flawless skin. Twain said in a 1999 interview, “When I’ve been flying a lot and my skin is really dry, I’ll rub it over my face and on my hair and leave it there all day.”

While some find its medicinal smell off-putting, others claim the scent is hardly noticeable or doesn’t bother them.

According to CeraVe , which also sells petroleum jelly-based products, petroleum jelly is excellent for sealing in moisture and relieving dry and irritated skin. It can be part of a daily skin care routine, though its thicker consistency might make it more suitable for particularly dry or damaged areas.

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Kiev, Moscow exchange fire and prisoners as Zelensky signs new pacts

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Russia and Ukraine exchanged prisoners again for the first time in months on Friday, but any hopes of de-escalation in the war were dashed by early morning attacks from both sides.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was meanwhile in Stockholm to sign security agreements with Sweden, Iceland and Norway as the West kept up its support for the country invaded by Moscow back in February 2022.

The meeting came as the German government said it had authorized Ukraine to use German-supplied weapons against military targets in Russia.

Seventy-five Russian soldiers "who were in mortal danger" have been sent back by Ukraine, the Defence Ministry in Moscow said.

In return, 75 prisoners of war were handed over to the Ukrainian armed forces, Zelensky confirmed.

Both sides also exchanged the bodies of dead soldiers. Ukraine received 212 remains back and the Russian side received 45 bodies.

The last major prisoner exchange between the two sides took place in February. Just two days ago, Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova accused the Ukrainian side of sabotaging the exchange, saying that Kiev was "constantly making new demands."

Ukraine attack on Russian oil terminal

Kiev has also been trying to counter-attack against Moscow for months, and a night-time Ukrainian drone attack led to a fire breaking out in an oil terminal at the Russian Black Sea port of Port Kavkaz, the local governor said.

"Three cisterns with oil products were damaged and are on fire," the governor of the Krasnodar region, Veniamin Kondratyev, announced on his Telegram channel. Two employees of the oil terminal were slightly injured, he added.

The flames could be seen on the nearby Crimean peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014 in violation of international law.

Ukraine has been increasingly attacking oil refineries and transport infrastructure in Russia, in addition to purely military targets.

At least five killed in Kharkiv

But Russia continued its bombardment of Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv. At least five people have been killed and more than two dozen injured in Russian missile attacks in the north-eastern city, Governor Oleh Syniehubov said on Telegram on Friday.

Most of the victims lived in a five-storey apartment block. The attacks also damaged a fire engine and an ambulance, he said.

At least 20 residential buildings were damaged as a result of the attack involving five missiles.

The capital Kiev was also hit with at least one cruise missile, the authorities said, adding that a car repair shop, a car wash and half a dozen vehicles were damaged by falling rocket debris.

A transformer station was damaged, the energy company DTEK said, but the power supply has already been restored. There were no casualties.

Zelensky signs security deals in Stockholm

With no end it sight to the war, Zelensky flew to Stockholm for the third Ukraine-Northern Europe Summit where the pacts with Iceland, Norway and Sweden were signed.

"Only together can we stop the madness from Moscow," he said.

The agreements are initially valid for 10 years. Ukraine has already signed similar security deals with Denmark and Finland.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said: "The agreement is a powerful signal to Russia that it is basically pointless to continue the war with the assumption that Western countries will tire."

Kristersson described supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia as a "fundamental, existential task" for the countries of Northern Europe, whose security is also threatened by Russia's actions.

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Beauty of Moscow Lilac

Container size.

  • #1 Pot = Trade 1 Gallon (~2.26-3.37 quarts)
  • #2 Pot = Trade 2 Gallon (~1.19-1.79 gallons)
  • #3 Pot = Trade 3 Gallon (~2.32-2.76 gallons)
  • 4.5" Pot = (~1.42 quarts)
  • Quart Pot = (~1.5 quarts)
  • 2.5 Quart = (~2.20-2.30 quarts)

There are no standardized volumes by size and may range based on the plant. Learn More About Container Sizes

  • Plant Addicts Guarantee - plants arrive happy, healthy and ready to be planted.
  • Optional 1 Year Guarantee - 1 year warranty for an additional 10% of the purchase price of trees, shrubs & perennials only.

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  • Description

Container Sizes

  • Warranty Information
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  • Full Sun (At Least 6 Hours Of Direct Sunlight)
  • Mature Height 12 - 15 Feet
  • Mature Spread 12 - 15 Feet
  • Growing Zones 3 - 8

With the direct translation of Krasavitsa Moskvy meaning Beauty of Moscow, it is no surprise when you see the large, white but pink-kissed flowers of this outstanding shrub. Beauty of Moscow Lilac is a gorgeous and wide-reaching shrub reaching 15 feet in height and 15 feet in width. This shrub balances its light pink, creamy colored flowers with its dark green dense foliage, and emits a wonderful fragrance. 

This large shrub reigns gorgeously in most gardens and grows best in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8. Beauty of Moscow Lilac shrubs do the best in full sun but can tolerate light shade. Beauty of Moscow Lilac also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds while also being deer resistant. This tall shrub is perfect for placement as a border or hedge because of its beautiful flowering and dense foliage. 

Beauty of Moscow Plant Care

Beauty of Moscow Lilac is a fairly low maintenance shrub. The plant prefers full sun and fertile soil. The soil recommended for Beauty of Moscow Lilac should be hummus-like and well-draining with a pH ranging from alkaline to neutral. When planted in full sun, mulching is also recommended to prevent dry spells severely affecting the soil moisture. Water your Beauty of Moscow Lilac once a week and more often if facing severe summer weather. 

We recommend pruning immediately after flowering to increase bloom quantity the following year. It also recommended pruning away any dead or unhealthy stems. You can do this by pruning directly at soil level. 

Beauty of Moscow Spacing

The Beauty of Moscow Lilac is a large shrub, so plant with about 15 feet of space in diameter from the center of the plant to ensure Beauty of Moscow Lilac has room to mature.

Beauty of Moscow Lilac Information

Please Note: The pictures below are to give a general representation of the different container sizes. The actual size/ages of plants are estimates and will vary based on; type of plant, time of year, last pruning & many other factors.

4.5 Pot

4.5" Pot  Also Known As:    4.5" Container  Plant Age:    ~ 6 months  Plant Size:    ~ 3"-6"  Pot Size:    ~ 4.5"H x 3.75"W  Volume:    1.42 quarts

Quart Pot

Quart Pot  Also Known As:    Quart  Plant Age:    ~ 6 months - 1 year  Plant Size:    ~ 4"-8"  Pot Size:    ~ 4.75"H x 4.5"W  Volume:    1.50 quarts

2.5 Quart

2.5 Quart  Also Known As:    2.5 Quart Pot  Plant Age:    ~ 1 - 2 years old  Plant Size:    ~ 8"-12"  Pot Size:    ~ 6.5"H x 6.5"W  Volume:    2.20-2.30 quarts

#1 Pot

#1 Pot  Also Known As:    #1 Container     1 Gallon  Plant Age:    ~ 1 - 2 years old  Plant Size:    ~ 10"-14"  Pot Size:    ~ 7"H x 7.75"W  Volume:    2.26-3.73 quarts

#2 Pot

#2 Pot  Also Known As:    #2 Container     2 Gallon  Plant Age:    ~ 1.5 - 3 years old  Plant Size:    ~ 12"-18"  Pot Size:    ~ 9.5"H x 9.5"W  Volume:    1.19-1.76 gallons

#3 Pot

#3 Pot  Also Known As:    #3 Container     3 Gallon  Plant Age:    ~ 2 - 4 years old  Plant Size:    ~ 12"-30"  Pot Size:    ~9.5"H x 11"W  Volume:    2.32-2.76 gallons

For more detailed information, please click here.

Plant Addicts Guarantee (Included On All Plant Orders)

Plant Addicts always guarantees your plant(s) will arrive happy & healthy. However, plant(s) are being shipped through the mail & sometimes accidents happen. If the plant is dead, has dried out roots or the incorrect item was shipped, just notify Plant Addicts within 3 days upon delivery. We may ask for pictures but will try to make it as easy as possible for you. Please note, plant(s) with damaged branches or wilted leaves will not qualify for this guarantee. Plants are very resilient and will rebound quickly when cared for correctly. 

For more information on how to care for your new plants, please click on our guide below.

Guide: How to Care for Your New Plant(s)

Plant Addicts Warranty - 1 Year (Extra Purchase Required)

We encourage all plant lovers to purchase the Plant Addicts Warranty, whether you're a new gardener or an expert. There are many variables outside of anyone's control that can cause a plant to die. Hungry animals, drought, poor soil conditions, over watering, diseases & pests are all good examples of what can cause plants to die. The Plant Addicts Warranty is a 1 year warranty protecting you from all of the unknowns and will replace your plant if something were to happen to it.

The warranty is purchased on a per plant basis and must be purchased at the same time as the plant(s). We will cover 100% of the price of the plant, but the warranty does not cover shipping costs. SImply let us know if your plant has died within 1 year of receiving it and we will get you a new one shipped out as soon as possible (depending on the time of the year and availability). We may ask for photos for documentation purposes, but we try to make the process as easy as possible.

For more information, please click on our page below.

Guarantee and Warranty

Plant Shipping

Below are some factors we consider when determining when to ship the plants depending on the timing of the order.

Winter to Early Spring

We ship only when it's warm enough to plant in your growing zone. Sometimes plants aren't completely ready to sell and ship in early spring. We will wait until the plants are ready before shipping so you don't get a subpar product. For Southern plants we will be able to ship much earlier than plants coming from our northern nursery.

If there is extreme heat we may delay shipping for a week or several weeks. We review what areas the plants are traveling through as well as your location.

Fall into Winter

We’ll ship plants out all the way up to the end of the fall planting season!

Get your order in early to reserve your plants for Spring planting!

Once your plant is shipped you’ll receive an automated email with tracking information. 

Click here for more detailed shipping information .

Planter Shipping

Standard Colors: 2-3 business days

Special Order Colors: 8 weeks - this is due to the planter being custom made with the color(s) of your choice

Please Note: On special orders there can not be any cancellations

essay about beauty care

The 12 Best Beauty Products That Launched This Month

a person wearing colorful makeup

With such an enormous range of beauty and skincare products ( celeb-backed or otherwise) released each month , how can you discern whether the latest moisturizer, mascara, or lipstick is actually worth purchasing? That’s where we come in. In 2023, W will publish a monthly roundup of the best beauty products that launched recently—genuine game-changers you should consider purchasing. Whether you’re a skincare connoisseur, an avid makeup collector (slash borderline hoarder) or you’re simply browsing for something fresh to add to your beauty regimen, these are our favorite new products, which we recommend incorporating into your repertoire.

Biologique Recherche Progeskin Serum Authentique

This powerhouse of a serum is a force to be reckoned with—but you have to give it time to do its game-changing work. The formula is designed specifically to disable progerin proteins, which sit on your skin over time and influence physiological aging. The serum’s hero ingredient is Pro-KL, an active that withstands oxidative stress and also fights the environmental factors that contribute to your skin looking dull. A few drops of the liquid morning and night with consistent use will yield best results: a more revitalized complexion.

Chanel Gardénia L'huile Les Exclusifs de Chanel Body Oil

Whether you want to elevate your gifting game or just long for indulging yourself (rightly so!), consider this divine gardenia scented body oil from Chanel. The light but exquisite fragrance not only leaves your skin smooth, but it also nails the flower’s aroma to a T.

RéVive Advanced Lip Perioral Serum

No one is immune to the gradual changes that affect lip definition and plumpness. RéVive’s latest launch is an excellent choice for those seeking a smoother, fuller, line-free pout, without painful injections. This specialized lip serum enhances smoothness, firming and creating more definition around the lips. The added infusion of tranexamic acid wowed us—it addresses discoloration often caused by hot weather or even Botox injections from the past. Use daily and diligently for best results.

Merit Signature Lip Lightweight Lipstick in Ginger

Merit’s latest lipstick shade is inspired by (and made for) redheads, with one famous ginger in particular serving as official muse. The vegan, cruelty-free beauty brand founded by Katherine Power has collaborated with creative director Grace Coddington on a peachy-pink lip product with a glossy finish. The color was developed to complement Merit’s Flush Balm in Beverly Hills, which is the company’s best-selling blush.

Osea Hyaluronic Body Serum

We will be pairing this new body serum with Osea’s famed body oil for the softest skin possible this summer. Boasting 24 hours of nonstop moisture, the clean beauty composition in this product contains five molecular weights of hyaluronic acid and vegan peptides, as well as the brand’s proprietary blend of seaweed and aloe.

Augustinus Bader x Sofia Coppola The Tinted Balm Shade 1

Augustinus Bader’s collaboration with acclaimed director Coppola features three tinted balms. Each one utilizes the skincare label’s signature ingredient, TFC8, which contains a mix of natural amino acids, high-grade vitamins, and peptides. The result? Velvety soft and nourished lips. Shade 1 was our instant favorite: a deep pink with a hint of translucency. Perfect.

Auro Skincare G Antioxidant Revitalization Serum

Glutathione functions as a potent antioxidant for your endocrine system. It also doubles as an effective melasma treatment in the skincare realm, since it aids liver cleansing (weak liver function equals acne and melasma, quite often). This fabulous product’s specialized absorption process incorporates anti aging botanicals such as radish root, honeysuckle, and Aspen bark extract.

La Mer Deep Purifying Mask

A round of applause for this clarifying face mask, which effectively rids the skin of excess debris and minimizes the look of pores while still preserving the skin barrier. Infused with marine-rich ferments and the detoxifying qualities of charcoal, La Mer’s latest product leaves your skin immaculately clean and full of elasticity. Plus, for an extra boost of rejuvenation, the exclusive Miracle Broth fusion delivers an unmistakable glow.

YSL Beauty Candy Glow Tinted Butter Balm in #1B Pink Sunrise

A heavenly lip balm in a lipstick format? Yes—and you’ve stumbled upon the very best one. Not only does YSL Beauty’s new balm impart a lovely sensation on the lips, it also delivers the silkiest, most hydrated feel without any heaviness. Pink Sunrise was the favorite—it’s a flattering, universal shade that you simply cannot go wrong wearing all summer long.

Tom Ford Beauty Café Rose Lip Color Matte in Rosy Brown

We love this pigment as a beautiful alternative to a clear gloss for beach and boat days. The hydrating matte and moisturizing Rosy Brown shades flatters all, and is part of a set of three matte lip stains. The collection wowed us all.

Saint Jane Luxury Body Sun Ritual Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen

We are always impressed with this brand’s flower power formulations. Enriched with the skin healing properties of lotus, orchid, and passion flowers, Saint Jane’s new clean mineral SPF shields your skin below the neck from both UVA and UVB rays. The body sunscreen also nourishes and revitalizes your skin with vitamins A, C, and E.

Makeup by Mario Soft Sculpt Bronzing and Shaping Serum

Use this product as a lovely base (the seven shades veer on the warmer side) or to layer with your usual foundation for an added glow. Makeup by Mario’s new serum is a worthwhile product to consider for your summer beauty repertoire, especially since it boasts a nice cooling factor and provides eight hours of hydration.

Lisa Eldridge Sculpt and Shade Pencil in Shade 1N

Never, ever did I think I’d discover a neutral lip pencil shade that would rival my cherished MAC Spice. Yet here she is: apart from a wonderfully flattering hue, this new lip pencil from famed makeup artist Lisa Eldridge is more hydrating and softer, effortlessly gliding to define the lips with precision.

Natura Bissé Diamond Well-Living The Body Wash & Scrub

For full transparency, we usually steer clear of expensive body washes. But this is absolutely the guilty pleasure you’ve been craving for those nights of unwinding by pampering. The light, foamy emollience of this luxurious body wash contains high-grade exfoliants derived from olive oil seeds and volcanic pearls. After one use, your skin will feel like you’ve just had a spa treatment in the comfort of your own home. With a candle burning and some soft, relaxing music playing, the self-care routine is, frankly, priceless.

essay about beauty care

  • What to see

Monuments and attractions in Moscow

Discover Moscow's most important monuments and most popular tourist attractions and make the most of your time in the Russian capital.

Unmissable monuments and tourist attractions

Saint basil's cathedral, bolshoi theatre, kazan cathedral, novodevichy convent, ostankino tower, all-russia exhibition centre, cathedral of christ the saviour, gum galleries, lenin's mausoleum, spasskaya tower, peter the great statue, tverskaya street, victory park.

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Moscow ‘should consider nuclear explosion to warn West’ - Ukraine: The Latest

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Today, we bring you the latest updates from across Ukraine, report live from the NATO meeting in Prague, discuss the implications of Vladimir Putin’s reshuffle, and we speak to Ukrainian volunteer Dimko Zhlutenko on the ground in Lviv.

Listen to Ukraine: the Latest , The Telegraph’s daily podcast, using the audio player at the top of this article or on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , or your favourite podcast app.

War in Ukraine is reshaping our world. Every weekday The Telegraph’s top journalists analyse the invasion from all angles - military, humanitarian, political, economic, historical - and tell you what you need to know to stay updated.

With over 70 million listens, our Ukraine: The Latest podcast is your go-to source for all the latest analysis, live reaction and correspondents reporting on the ground. We have been broadcasting ever since the full-scale invasion began.

Ukraine: The Latest ’s regular contributors are:

David Knowles

David is Head of Audio Development at The Telegraph , where he has worked for over three years. He has reported from across Ukraine during the full-scale invasion.

Dominic Nicholls

Dom is Associate Editor (Defence) at The Telegraph , having joined in 2018. He previously served for 23 years in the British Army, in tank and helicopter units. He had operational deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan and Northern Ireland.

Francis Dearnley

Francis is Assistant Comment Editor at The Telegraph. Prior to working as a journalist, he was chief of staff to the Chair of the Prime Minister’s Policy Board at the Houses of Parliament in London. He studied History at Cambridge University and on the podcast explores how the past shines a light on the latest diplomatic, political, and strategic developments.

They are also regularly joined by Telegraph reporters and correspondents around the world, including Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent), James Kilner , (Foreign Correspondent and Editor of the Central Asia & the South Caucasus Bulletin), Sophia Yan (Senior Foreign Correspondent), Nataliya Vasilyeva (Middle East Correspondent), Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent), Colin Freeman (Foreign Correspondent), Danielle Sheridan (Defence Editor), and Tony Diver (US Editor).

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Guest Essay

Biden Underestimates How Much Black Americans Care About This Issue

A collage featuring photographs of industrial smokestacks, a U.S. flag with the message “Vote” below it, a Black person, a partly submerged car and an area of flooded homes.

By Jerel Ezell

Dr. Ezell is an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies environmental politics and race.

Black voters will not only be a driving force in the 2024 elections; they will most likely be the driving force . Recent polls showed that roughly 20 percent of Black voters said they would probably vote for Donald Trump if the election were held today — the highest level of Black support for any Republican presidential candidate since the civil rights era. An additional 8 percent said they wouldn’t vote at all.

Democratic campaign officials are rightly worried, but there’s still time for President Biden to make up the ground he has lost. One way he could do it is by talking to Black America, especially young Black voters, about a sleeper issue: the climate crisis.

As an environment and climate researcher, I have found that despite the growing threat posed by climate change, politicians often seem to downplay the crisis when courting Black communities. Democratic strategists seem to see climate change as a key political issue only for white liberal elites and assume that other groups, like Black voters, are either unaware of or apathetic about it.

In reality, Black Americans are growing increasingly concerned about climate change.

An April poll from CBS News showed that 88 percent of Black adults said it was “somewhat” or “very important.” That makes sense: The most severe harms from climate change, from heat waves to extreme flooding, are already falling disproportionately on their communities. And it’s starting to be reflected in their political priorities. A poll conducted by the Brookings Institution last September showed that climate change is now a greater political concern for Black Americans than abortion or the state of democracy.

If Democrats are serious about making inroads with some of the people they have lost in these communities, they should begin by talking to voters about what the climate crisis looks like for them. In major Democratic strongholds such as Cleveland, Milwaukee and Philadelphia, heat waves and flooding are driving up electricity bills and destroying homes. If Mr. Biden were to routinely speak about these challenges and commit to creating forums for Black Americans to discuss climate concerns with government officials, his administration could earn back some of the faith it has squandered.

As a start, Mr. Biden could focus more intently on young Black people, a group passionate about climate change. Until May 19, when he gave the commencement address at Morehouse College, the president had largely refrained from direct engagement with young Black audiences on the campaign trail. When he speaks to Black voters, climate often is a footnote, or it’s mentioned in a policy buffet along with the economy, abortion and voting rights. During his speech at Morehouse, he mentioned the climate crisis explicitly only in a stray line about “heeding your generation’s call to a community free of gun violence and a planet free of climate crisis and showing your power to change the world.”

There’s a better way to talk about the issue, one that might galvanize Black voters to turn out in November. It’s not with airy calls for solving a global climate crisis but with a sharp message designed specifically for young Black Americans that focuses on how the Biden administration is investing in clean energy hubs, green work force development, tax credits for home improvement measures and community grants. Mr. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act earmarked roughly $2 billion for community-level climate justice initiatives, such as grants for green technology and reducing the health risks from heat and pollution that have ravaged Black communities, and there’s more money waiting to be doled out.

Mr. Biden has talked about this to some extent. At a recent campaign event in Detroit he told the audience, “We’re making the most significant investment ever in climate, including the most significant action on environmental justice ever. Every child in America deserves to breathe clean air.” And at an event with donors in Chicago he said, “We made the most significant investment in climate ever — ever, ever, ever.”

But somehow it isn’t breaking through to the rank and file. In a recent national poll, 56 percent of Black voters said they had heard “not much” or “nothing at all” about what Mr. Biden has accomplished on climate change. That needs to change.

Historically, the Democratic Party has courted Black voters by pledging to lower their health care costs, support their small businesses, bolster child tax credits and protect voting rights. When it has come time for major, strategic, long-term investments — in job creation, infrastructure, housing and schools — Democrats have been mostly derelict. What’s needed now is sustained interest and support to win back this important group.

This election could come down to several thousand votes in a few key states. If a renewed focus on climate change could help turn Black voters out in, say, Detroit or Philadelphia, it’s worth trying.

Black Americans’ longstanding commitment to the Democratic Party was born out of a desire to be a partner in the future of the country rather than to be an occasional beneficiary. But the polls suggest their patience with the Democratic Party’s election-year-only overtures has finally worn thin. Mr. Biden must make good on the investment that has been made in him by supporting Black America’s future. Given what’s at stake for young Black America as the climate crisis accelerates in the next few years, 2024 is perhaps the best, and last, opportunity for Democrats to take the lead in climate justice instead of playing catch-up, again, for another generation of Black Americans.

Jerel Ezell is a Fulbright scholar and an assistant professor in community health sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, where he studies environmental politics and race.

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    With over 70 million listens, our Ukraine: The Latest podcast is your go-to source for all the latest analysis, live reaction and correspondents reporting on the ground.We have been broadcasting ever since the full-scale invasion began. Ukraine: The Latest's regular contributors are:. David Knowles. David is Head of Audio Development at The Telegraph, where he has worked for over three years.

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