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IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem Solution Essay Topic: Corruption

Janice Thompson

Updated On Oct 30, 2021

corruption problem and solution essay

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem Solution Essay Topic: Corruption

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Corruption becomes a common disease among several nations. What are the causes and measures to resolve this trend? Give your own examples and explain.

Cause and Solution Essay


Paraphrase the topic of the essay using synonyms for the words used in the question.

Paragraph 1 – Corruption begins when moral values are compromised without guilt. When person A who is earning just enough to make ends meet,  suddenly has an emergency in the family, he/she is prone to bribery to manage the sudden family expenditure.

Paragraph 2 – There are several ways in which corruption can be controlled. The government has to enforce strict laws against bribery. Moral guilt may easily be compromised, but fear of punishment and losing social reputation may prevent people from taking bribes.

Conclude the essay by summarizing the topic.

Sample Essay

Corruption has been there for ages, and the universal community has been worrying over it for quite a long time. It has permeated into every aspect of government in almost all countries in the world. It has ruined the lives of millions of people. Now and then, there are voices rising against it. But they die down very soon. Primary causes of corruption are human tendencies to make quick and easy money. But it can be controlled by enforcing strict laws.

Corruption begins when moral values are compromised without guilt. When person A who is earning just enough to make ends meet,  suddenly has an emergency in the family, he/she is prone to bribery to manage the sudden family expenditure. Soon, guilt vanishes, and it becomes a practice. After a while, it becomes a demand. It also occurs when human greed for money is exploited. For example, Person B in power may be corrupt for various reasons. Some of them are to remain continuously in position and to multiply wealth. But both A and B resort to corruption due to lack of fear of punishment.

There are several ways in which corruption can be controlled. The government has to enforce strict laws against bribery. Moral guilt may easily be compromised, but fear of punishment and losing social reputation may prevent people from taking bribes. The government can increase the salaries for its employees. For people with power, they have to be removed from office once spotted taking bribes. When it becomes a threat to their position, they will refrain from corruption. Media must project stories about the lives of people who have become successful, by remaining honest. 

In summary, corruption occurs in all levels of the government due to lack of fear of punishment. It can be eliminated by making stringent laws and motivating the people by publicising the lives of honest people in high positions.

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Today, we live in a society that is governed under the aegis of democracy. The basic idea of a democratic republic is based on the values of equality and fair treatment of the citizens, regardless of their class, creed and gender. However, in this day and age, this system has been degraded by the forces of deception and fraudulence. The channels of such malpractices in the realm of public service can be varied but have a common motive of acquiring wealth and power. In the following paragraphs, I will elaborate on the reasons behind government degeneracy and suggest possible solutions for the same.

The genesis of corruption in public administration began as a result of the realization of a few figures of authority that the misuse of their influence was possible with impunity. This idea of committing fraudulent and criminal acts under the pretence that the repercussions can be evaded with aid of political power is the very rationale behind administrative decadence. The prevalence of such hollow and depraved directorates are common in third-world nations, where the intention of being an elected public official is mostly to make money by the means of bribery instead of civil service.

Nevertheless, there are avenues to improve the political circumstances of countries that suffer from the outcomes of a corrupted government. Firstly, a certain standard of education must be made compulsory to be considered for a ministry position. The refinement and enhancement of public services can only be guaranteed with the support of educated and sensible public servants. Secondly, the background of every potential public official must be thoroughly checked for discrepancies and only individuals with a record of decent conduct should be elected to fill government ranks with high authority and responsibility.

Finally, I would like to add that the deplorable condition of public administration in various countries across the globe cannot be altered overnight. That being said, the first step towards a better republic must be taken by the general public.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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How to Stop Corruption Essay: Guide & Topics [+4 Samples]

Corruption is an abuse of power that was entrusted to a person or group of people for personal gain. It can appear in various settings and affect different social classes, leading to unemployment and other economic issues. This is why writing an essay on corruption can become a challenge.

Our specialists will write a custom essay specially for you!

One “how to stop corruption” essay will require plenty of time and effort, as the topic is too broad. That’s why our experts have prepared this guide. It can help you with research and make the overall writing process easier. Besides, you will find free essays on corruption with outlines.

  • ✍️ How to Write an Essay
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  • 🤑 How to Stop Corruption Essay
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✍️ How to Write an Essay on Corruption

Before writing on the issue, you have to understand a few things. First , corruption can take different forms, such as:

  • Bribery – receiving money or other valuable items in exchange for using power or influence in an illegal way.
  • Graft – using power or authority for personal goals.
  • Extortion – threats or violence for the person’s advantage.
  • Kickback – paying commission to a bribe-taker for some service.
  • Cronyism – assigning unqualified friends or relatives to job positions.
  • Embezzlement – stealing the government’s money.

Second , you should carefully think about the effects of corruption on the country. It seriously undermines democracy and the good name of political institutions. Its economic, political, and social impact is hard to estimate.

Let’s focus on writing about corruption. What are the features of your future paper? What elements should you include in your writing?

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Below, we will show you the general essay on corruption sample and explain each part’s importance:

You already chose the paper topic. What’s next? Create an outline for your future writing. You’re better to compose a plan for your paper so that it won’t suffer from logic errors and discrepancies. Besides, you may be required to add your outline to your paper and compose a corruption essay with headings.

At this step, you sketch out the skeleton:

  • what to write in the introduction;
  • what points to discuss in the body section;
  • what to put into the conclusion.

Take the notes during your research to use them later. They will help you to put your arguments in a logical order and show what points you can use in the essay.

For a long-form essay, we suggest you divide it into parts. Title each one and use headings to facilitate the reading process.

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🔴 Introduction

The next step is to develop a corruption essay’s introduction. Here, you should give your readers a preview of what’s coming and state your position.

  • Start with a catchy hook.
  • Give a brief description of the problem context.
  • Provide a thesis statement.

You can always update and change it when finishing the paper.

🔴 Body Paragraphs

In the body section, you will provide the central points and supporting evidence. When discussing the effects of this problem in your corruption essay, do not forget to include statistics and other significant data.

Every paragraph should include a topic sentence, explanation, and supporting evidence. To make them fit together, use analysis and critical thinking.

Get an originally-written paper according to your instructions!

Use interesting facts and compelling arguments to earn your audience’s attention. It may drift while reading an essay about corruption, so don’t let it happen.

🔴 Quotations

Quotes are the essential elements of any paper. They support your claims and add credibility to your writing. Such items are exceptionally crucial for an essay on corruption as the issue can be controversial, so you may want to back up your arguments.

  • You may incorporate direct quotes in your text. In this case, remember to use quotation marks and mark the page number for yourself. Don’t exceed the 30 words limit. Add the information about the source in the reference list.
  • You may decide to use a whole paragraph from your source as supporting evidence. Then, quote indirectly—paraphrase, summarize, or synthesize the argument of interest. You still have to add relevant information to your reference list, though.

Check your professor’s guidelines regarding the preferred citation style.

🔴 Conclusion

In your corruption essay conclusion, you should restate the thesis and summarize your findings. You can also provide recommendations for future research on the topic. Keep it clear and short—it can be one paragraph long.

Don’t forget your references!

Include a list of all sources you used to write this paper. Read the citation guideline of your institution to do it correctly. By the way, some citation tools allow creating a reference list in pdf or Word formats.

💰 Corruption Essay Examples

If you strive to write a good how to stop a corruption essay, you should check a few relevant examples. They will show you the power of a proper outline and headings. Besides, you’ll see how to formulate your arguments and cite sources.

✔️ Essay on Corruption: 250 Words

If you were assigned a short paper of 250 words and have no idea where to start, you can check the example written by our academic experts. As you can see below, it is written in easy words. You can use simple English to explain to your readers the “black money” phenomenon.

Another point you should keep in mind when checking our short essay on corruption is that the structure remains the same. Despite the low word count, it has an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, body section, and a conclusion.

Now, take a look at our corruption essay sample and inspire!

✔️ Essay on Corruption: 500 Words

Cause and effect essay is among the most common paper types for students. In case you’re composing this kind of paper, you should research the reasons for corruption. You can investigate factors that led to this phenomenon in a particular country.

Use the data from the official sources, for example, Transparency International . There is plenty of evidence for your thesis statement on corruption and points you will include in the body section. Also, you can use headlines to separate one cause from another. Doing so will help your readers to browse through the text easily.

Check our essay on corruption below to see how our experts utilize headlines.

🤑 How to Stop Corruption: Essay Prompts

Corruption is a complex issue that undermines the foundations of justice, fairness, and equality. If you want to address this problem, you can write a “How to Stop Corruption” essay using any of the following topic ideas.

The writing prompts below will provide valuable insights into this destructive phenomenon. Use them to analyze the root causes critically and propose effective solutions.

How to Prevent Corruption Essay Prompt

In this essay, you can discuss various strategies and measures to tackle corruption in society. Explore the impact of corruption on social, political, and economic systems and review possible solutions. Your paper can also highlight the importance of ethical leadership and transparent governance in curbing corruption.

Here are some more ideas to include:

  • The role of education and public awareness in preventing corruption. In this essay, you can explain the importance of teaching ethical values and raising awareness about the adverse effects of corruption. It would be great to illustrate your essay with examples of successful anti-corruption campaigns and programs.
  • How to implement strong anti-corruption laws and regulations. Your essay could discuss the steps governments should take in this regard, such as creating comprehensive legislation and independent anti-corruption agencies. Also, clarify how international cooperation can help combat corruption.
  • Ways of promoting transparency in government and business operations. Do you agree that open data policies, whistleblower protection laws, independent oversight agencies, and transparent financial reporting are effective methods of ensuring transparency? What other strategies can you propose? Answer the questions in your essay.

How to Stop Corruption as a Student Essay Prompt

An essay on how to stop corruption as a student can focus on the role of young people in preventing corruption in their communities and society at large. Describe what students can do to raise awareness, promote ethical behavior, and advocate for transparency and accountability. The essay can also explore how instilling values of integrity and honesty among young people can help combat corruption.

Here’s what else you can talk about:

  • How to encourage ethical behavior and integrity among students. Explain why it’s essential for teachers to be models of ethical behavior and create a culture of honesty and accountability in schools. Besides, discuss the role of parents and community members in reinforcing students’ moral values.
  • Importance of participating in anti-corruption initiatives and campaigns from a young age. Your paper could study how participation in anti-corruption initiatives fosters young people’s sense of civic responsibility. Can youth engagement promote transparency and accountability?
  • Ways of promoting accountability within educational institutions. What methods of fostering accountability are the most effective? Your essay might evaluate the efficacy of promoting direct communication, establishing a clear code of conduct, creating effective oversight mechanisms, holding all members of the educational process responsible for their actions, and other methods.

How to Stop Corruption in India Essay Prompt

In this essay, you can discuss the pervasive nature of corruption in various sectors of Indian society and its detrimental effects on the country’s development. Explore strategies and measures that can be implemented to address and prevent corruption, as well as the role of government, civil society, and citizens in combating this issue.

Your essay may also include the following:

  • Analysis of the causes and consequences of corruption in India. You may discuss the bureaucratic red tape, weak enforcement mechanisms, and other causes. How do they affect the country’s development?
  • Examination of the effectiveness of existing anti-corruption laws and measures. What are the existing anti-corruption laws and measures in India? Are they effective? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • Discussion of potential solutions and reforms to curb corruption. Propose practical solutions and reforms that can potentially stop corruption. Also, explain the importance of political will and international cooperation to implement reforms effectively.

Government Corruption Essay Prompt

A government corruption essay can discuss the prevalence of corruption within government institutions and its impact on the state’s functioning. You can explore various forms of corruption, such as bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism. Additionally, discuss their effects on public services, economic development, and social justice.

Here are some more ideas you can cover in your essay:

  • The causes and manifestations of government corruption. Analyze political patronage, weak accountability systems, and other factors that stimulate corruption. Additionally, include real-life examples that showcase the manifestations of government corruption in your essay.
  • The impact of corruption on public trust and governance. Corruption undermines people’s trust and increases social inequalities. In your paper, we suggest evaluating its long-term impact on countries’ development and social cohesion.
  • Strategies and reforms to combat government corruption. Here, you can present and examine the best strategies and reforms to fight corruption in government. Also, consider the role of international organizations and media in advocating for anti-corruption initiatives.

How to Stop Police Corruption Essay Prompt

In this essay, you can explore strategies and reforms to address corruption within law enforcement agencies. Start by investigating the root causes of police corruption and its impact on public safety and trust. Then, propose effective measures to combat it.

Here’s what else you can discuss in your essay:

  • The factors contributing to police corruption, such as lack of accountability and oversight. Your paper could research various factors that cause police corruption. Is it possible to mitigate their effect?
  • The consequences of police corruption for community relations and public safety. Police corruption has a disastrous effect on public safety and community trust. Your essay can use real-life examples to show how corruption practices in law enforcement undermine their legitimacy and fuel social unrest.
  • Potential solutions, such as improved training, transparency, and accountability measures. Can these measures solve the police corruption issue? What other strategies can be implemented to combat the problem? Consider these questions in your essay.

💲 40 Best Topics for Corruption Essay

Another key to a successful essay on corruption is choosing an intriguing topic. There are plenty of ideas to use in your paper. And here are some topic suggestions for your writing:

  • What is corruption? An essay should tell the readers about the essentials of this phenomenon. Elaborate on the factors that impact its growth or reduce.
  • How to fight corruption ? Your essay can provide ideas on how to reduce the effects of this problem. If you write an argumentative paper, state your arguments, and give supporting evidence. For example, you can research the countries with the lowest corruption index and how they fight with it.
  • I say “no” to corruption . This can be an excellent topic for your narrative essay. Describe a situation from your life when you’re faced with this type of wrongdoing.
  • Corruption in our country. An essay can be dedicated, for example, to corruption in India or Pakistan. Learn more about its causes and how different countries fight with it.
  • Graft and corruption. We already mentioned the definition of graft. Explore various examples of grafts, e.g., using the personal influence of politicians to pressure public service journalists . Provide your vision of the causes of corruption. The essay should include strong evidence.
  • Corruption in society. Investigate how the tolerance to “black money” crimes impact economics in developing countries .
  • How can we stop corruption ? In your essay, provide suggestions on how society can prevent this problem. What efficient ways can you propose?
  • The reasons that lead to the corruption of the police . Assess how bribery impacts the crime rate. You can use a case of Al Capone as supporting evidence.
  • Literature and corruption. Choose a literary masterpiece and analyze how the author addresses the theme of crime. You can check a sample paper on Pushkin’s “ The Queen of Spades ”
  • How does power affect politicians ? In your essay on corruption and its causes, provide your observations on ideas about why people who hold power allow the grafts.
  • Systemic corruption in China . China has one of the strictest laws on this issue. However, crime still exists. Research this topic and provide your observations on the reasons.
  • The success of Asian Tigers . Explore how the four countries reduced corruption crime rates. What is the secret of their success? What can we learn from them?
  • Lee Kuan Yew and his fight against corruption. Research how Singapore’s legislation influenced the elimination of this crime.
  • Corruption in education. Examine the types in higher education institutions. Why does corruption occur?
  • Gifts and bribes . You may choose to analyze the ethical side of gifts in business. Can it be a bribe? In what cases?
  • Cronyism and nepotism in business . Examine these forms of corruption as a part of Chinese culture.
  • Kickbacks and bribery. How do these two terms are related, and what are the ways to prevent them?
  • Corporate fraud. Examine the bribery, payoffs, and kickbacks as a phenomenon in the business world. Point out the similarities and differences.
  • Anti-bribery compliance in corporations. Explore how transnational companies fight with the misuse of funds by contractors from developing countries.
  • The ethical side of payoffs. How can payoffs harm someone’s reputation? Provide your point of view of why this type of corporate fraud is unethical.
  • The reasons for corruption of public officials .
  • Role of auditors in the fight against fraud and corruption.
  • The outcomes of corruption in public administration .
  • How to eliminate corruption in the field of criminal justice .
  • Is there a connection between corruption and drug abuse ?
  • The harm corruption does to the economic development of countries .
  • The role of anti-bribery laws in fighting financial crimes.
  • Populist party brawl against corruption and graft.
  • An example of incorrigible corruption in business: Enron scandal .
  • The effective ways to prevent corruption .
  • The catastrophic consequences of corruption in healthcare .
  • How regular auditing can prevent embezzlement and financial manipulation.
  • Correlation between poverty and corruption .
  • Unethical behavior and corruption in football business.
  • Corruption in oil business: British Petroleum case.
  • Are corruption and bribery socially acceptable in Central Asian states?
  • What measures should a company take to prevent bribery among its employees?
  • Ways to eliminate and prevent cases of police corruption .
  • Gift-giving traditions and corruption in the world’s culture.
  • Breaking business obligations : embezzlement and fraud.

These invaluable tips will help you to get through any kind of essay. You are welcome to use these ideas and writing tips whenever you need to write this type of academic paper. Share the guide with those who may need it for their essay on corruption.

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🔗 References

  • Public Corruption: FBI, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Anti-Corruption and Transparency: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • United Nations Convention against Corruption: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  • Corruption Essay: Cram
  • How to Construct an Essay: Josh May
  • Essay Writing: University College Birmingham
  • Structuring the Essay: Research & Learning Online
  • Insights from U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre: Medium
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Essay on Corruption for Students and Children

500+ words essay on corruption.

Essay on Corruption – Corruption refers to a form of criminal activity or dishonesty. It refers to an evil act by an individual or a group. Most noteworthy, this act compromises the rights and privileges of others. Furthermore, Corruption primarily includes activities like bribery or embezzlement. However, Corruption can take place in many ways. Most probably, people in positions of authority are susceptible to Corruption. Corruption certainly reflects greedy and selfish behavior.

Essay on Corruption

Methods of Corruption

First of all, Bribery is the most common method of Corruption. Bribery involves the improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain. Furthermore, the types of favours are diverse. Above all, the favours include money, gifts, company shares, sexual favours, employment , entertainment, and political benefits. Also, personal gain can be – giving preferential treatment and overlooking crime.

Embezzlement refers to the act of withholding assets for the purpose of theft. Furthermore, it takes place by one or more individuals who were entrusted with these assets. Above all, embezzlement is a type of financial fraud.

The graft is a global form of Corruption. Most noteworthy, it refers to the illegal use of a politician’s authority for personal gain. Furthermore, a popular way for the graft is misdirecting public funds for the benefit of politicians .

Extortion is another major method of Corruption. It means to obtain property, money or services illegally. Above all, this obtainment takes place by coercing individuals or organizations. Hence, Extortion is quite similar to blackmail.

Favouritism and nepotism is quite an old form of Corruption still in usage. This refers to a person favouring one’s own relatives and friends to jobs. This is certainly a very unfair practice. This is because many deserving candidates fail to get jobs.

Abuse of discretion is another method of Corruption. Here, a person misuses one’s power and authority. An example can be a judge unjustly dismissing a criminal’s case.

Finally, influence peddling is the last method here. This refers to illegally using one’s influence with the government or other authorized individuals. Furthermore, it takes place in order to obtain preferential treatment or favour.

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Ways of Stopping Corruption

One important way of preventing Corruption is to give a better salary in a government job. Many government employees receive pretty low salaries. Therefore, they resort to bribery to meet their expenses. So, government employees should receive higher salaries. Consequently, high salaries would reduce their motivation and resolve to engage in bribery.

corruption problem and solution essay

Tough laws are very important for stopping Corruption. Above all, strict punishments need to be meted out to guilty individuals. Furthermore, there should be an efficient and quick implementation of strict laws.

Applying cameras in workplaces is an excellent way to prevent corruption. Above all, many individuals would refrain from indulging in Corruption due to fear of being caught. Furthermore, these individuals would have otherwise engaged in Corruption.

The government must make sure to keep inflation low. Due to the rise in prices, many people feel their incomes to be too low. Consequently, this increases Corruption among the masses. Businessmen raise prices to sell their stock of goods at higher prices. Furthermore, the politician supports them due to the benefits they receive.

To sum it up, Corruption is a great evil of society. This evil should be quickly eliminated from society. Corruption is the poison that has penetrated the minds of many individuals these days. Hopefully, with consistent political and social efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is Bribery?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Bribery refers to improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: ” How high salaries help in stopping Corruption?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”High salaries help in meeting the expenses of individuals. Furthermore, high salaries reduce the motivation and resolve to engage in bribery.”} }] }

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Corruption is a Global Problem for Development. To Fight It, We All Have a Role to Play

Oped published in French in La Tribune Afrique, June 13, 2023.

Oped by Ousmane Diagana, World Bank Vice President for Western and Central Africa and Mouhamadou Diagne, World Bank Vice President for Integrity.

Every day, we hear about the onslaught of crises facing the world—from climate change to conflict, inflation and debt, and the ongoing recovery from a years-long pandemic. Add to them the prospect of slow economic growth , and our efforts to overcome these challenges seem rife with obstacles. For developing countries, many with limited and already stretched resources, the confluence of crises will be especially difficult to navigate.

But if we are to achieve success over the challenges of our time, there is one scourge we cannot fail to confront: corruption.

The unfortunate truth is that corruption persists in all countries. It manifests in many ways—from petty bribes and kickbacks to grand theft of public resources. With advances in technology, corruption has increasingly become a transnational challenge without respect for borders, as money can now move more easily in and out of countries to hide illicit gains.

Corruption is also a fundamental problem for development.

Corruption harms the poor and vulnerable the most, increasing costs and reducing access to basic services, such as health, education, social programs, and even justice. It exacerbates inequality and reduces private sector investment to the detriment of markets, job opportunities, and economies. Corruption can also undermine a country’s response to emergencies, leading to unnecessary suffering and, at worst, death. Over time, corruption can undermine the trust and confidence that citizens have for their leaders and institutions, creating social friction and in some contexts increasing the risk of fragility, conflict, and violence.

To prevent these negative impacts, we must confront corruption with determined and deliberate action. For the World Bank Group, fighting corruption in development has been a long-standing commitment in our operational work. This commitment is reflected in our support for countries in building transparent, inclusive, and accountable institutions , but also through initiatives that go beyond developing countries to also include financial centers, take on the politics of corruption more openly than before, and harness new technologies to understand, address, and prevent corruption.  

Indeed, across western and central Africa in particular, it is one of the World Bank Group’s strategic priorities to emphasize issues of good governance, accountability, and transparency among our partner countries, with the aim of reducing corruption. We recognize that transparency in public affairs and the accountability of high-level officials are fundamental to the trust of citizens in their government and the effective delivery of public services. Working to rebuild and bolster trust between citizens and the state is critical today, especially in countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence that make up half of the countries in this region alone.

Across Africa, World Bank Group support is helping countries face these challenges. Recent investments in the Republic of Congo , Ghana , and Morocco , for example, will support institutional governance reforms to improve the performance and transparency of service delivery. In Kenya, our support will further fiscal management reforms for greater transparency in public procurement , thereby reducing opportunities for corruption. Strengthening citizen-state engagement is key: In Burkina Faso, for example, a World Bank-funded project helped the national government improve citizen engagement and public sector accountability through the development of a digital tool to monitor the performance of municipal service delivery. 

The World Bank Group’s commitment to fighting corruption is also reflected in robust mechanisms across the institution that enhance the integrity of our operations. Our independent Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) works to detect, deter, and prevent fraud and corruption involving World Bank Group funds. Over two decades of INT’s work, the World Bank has sanctioned more than 1,100 firms and individuals, often imposing debarments that make them ineligible to participate in the projects and operations we finance. In addition, we have enforced more than 640 cross-debarments from other multilateral development banks, standing with our MDB partners to help keep corruption out of development projects everywhere. Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant to the risks of fraud and corruption that remain.

The World Bank Group also leverages its position as global convener to support anticorruption actors at all levels and from around the world. That is why we are pleased to have organized the next edition of the World Bank Group’s International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA) to take place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on June 14-16, 2023.

The ICHA forum is an opportunity for front-line practitioners committed to fighting corruption as well as policy makers and representatives from the private sector and civil society, to come together to share knowledge, experience, and insights for confronting corruption. For the first time since its inception in 2010, we are hosting the ICHA forum in an African country. This reflects the reality that the negative impacts of corruption can be more devastating for developing countries, who face unique challenges and have fewer resources to overcome them. Yet, it also acknowledges that there is a wealth of anticorruption strengths, skills, and expertise from these countries that we must draw upon.

Together, we can affirm that through our collective action, we can advance the fight against corruption even in an era of crises.  

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Strategies for winning the fight against corruption

Subscribe to africa in focus, ngozi okonjo-iweala ngozi okonjo-iweala nonresident distinguished fellow - global economy and development , africa growth initiative @noiweala.

January 15, 2019

Below is a viewpoint from Chapter 1 of the Foresight Africa 2019 report, which explores six overarching themes on the triumphs of the past years as well as strategies to tackle the remaining obstacles for Africa. Read the full chapter on bolstering good governance .

That corruption and poor governance are key factors holding back Africa’s development are notions deeply embedded in the literature and thought on Africa’s socioeconomic development. What is not so common is discourse and success stories about how to systematically fight this corruption. Though this may sound discouraging, I can tell you, from my experience, that it is indeed possible to fight corruption successfully with the right knowledge, patience, and commitment to transparency.

To fight corruption, we must first understand it. Underlying the various forms of corruption—grand, political, and administrative, which include public resource transfers to private entities, allocation of public resources to political allies, and misuse of public funds—are three important factors. The first is a lack of transparency of critical financial and other information central to economic development, in particular revenues and budgets. Second is the weakness or total absence of institutions, systems, and processes that block leakages. Third is the pervasiveness of impunity—limited political will to hold accountable and punish those found guilty of such corruption.

Between the three, the tougher problem is how to build strong and enduring institutions. Building institutions takes time and does not deliver the quick results that typically attract politicians or donors. But it is essential if Africa is to fight corruption systematically and ensure long-term stability. We are fortunate to now have technology that enables us to build electronic platforms to manage government finances, biometric systems to bring integrity to our personnel and government payment systems, and web-based platforms to provide transparency of government finances. We need to go even further to see how we can deploy blockchain and other emerging technologies to underpin our contract negotiations and procurement systems, a huge source of corruption and leakage in many countries.

Africa needs to focus its anti-corruption fight on long-term, high-return institution building activities, coupled with the justice infrastructure and political will to hold those who transgress accountable.

We should combine these efforts with building strong and independent audit and justice systems, including a well-resourced judiciary and an oversight office to field complaints. We also need to create an environment that enables strong and accountable civil society organizations that provide oversight of government. Such strong and independent institutions have a salutary effect on political will as they exert the necessary pressure on politicians, even at the highest levels, to act. Such initiatives take patience and determination though, since building these institutions, systems, and processes may take a decade or more.

My experience in Nigeria showed that a decade spanning three administrations was necessary to build well-functioning technology platforms for managing the country’s finances. The savings in terms of blocked leakages, amounting to over a billion dollars, made it worthwhile.

We found that supporting institution building with openness and transparency of revenue and budgetary data provides a win that can be implemented quickly. The increasing accessibility of the inter net via mobile phones and various analytic apps makes it easier now more than ever to share with citizens information on revenues and expenditures. Publishing monthly data in national newspapers on local, state, and federal government revenues was unprecedented in Nigeria when we started in 2004, but it helped us gain public support for our initiatives going forward. It laid the basis for much more sophisticated analytics on the budget shared widely via the internet today.

Africa needs to focus its anti-corruption fight on long-term, high-return institution building activities, coupled with the justice infrastructure and political will to hold those who transgress accountable. This process should start by making key government statistics open and transparent, enabling citizens to keep on top of important information and build trust in their governments. Only with these pragmatic approaches can the continent record wins against corruption.

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Here are 10 ways to fight corruption

Robert hunja.

4. It’s not 1999: Use the power of technology to build dynamic and continuous exchanges between key stakeholders: government, citizens, business, civil society groups, media, academia etc.   5. Deliver the goods: Invest in institutions and policy – sustainable improvement in how a government delivers services is only possible if the people in these institutions endorse sensible rules and practices that allow for change while making the best use of tested traditions and legacies – imported models often do not work.   6. Get incentives right: Align anti-corruption measures with market, behavioral, and social forces. Adopting integrity standards is a smart business decision, especially for companies interested in doing business with the World Bank Group and other development partners.   7. Sanctions matter:  Punishing corruption is a vital component of any effective anti-corruption effort.   8. Act globally and locally:  Keep citizens engaged on corruption at local, national, international and global levels – in line with the scale and scope of corruption. Make use of the architecture that has been developed and the platforms that exist for engagement.   9. Build capacity for those who need it most: Countries that  suffer from chronic fragility, conflict and violence– are often the ones that have the fewest internal resources to combat corruption. Identify ways to leverage international resources to support and sustain good governance.   10. Learn by doing: Any good  strategy must be continually monitored  and evaluated to make sure it can be easily adapted as  situations on the ground change. What are other ways we could fight corruption? Tell us in the comments. 

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Corruption: A Very Short Introduction

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2 (page 18) p. 18 Why corruption is a problem

  • Published: April 2015
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Corruption impacts upon individuals, groups, and organizations in numerous ways. ‘Why corruption is a problem’ considers the negative effects of corruption in terms of social, environmental, economic, politico-legal, security-related, and international implications, using examples from around the world. The impact of particular acts of corruption is often on several areas simultaneously. Some well-regarded analysts have argued that corruption can sometimes be beneficial, but there is widespread agreement that even if corruption may, in some specific situations, be beneficial, this is only ever short term; eventually, the costs of corruption invariably outweigh the benefits.

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Political Corruption and Solutions


The issue of corruption has been in existence since the conception of politics as a notion. However, even if the phenomenon cannot be erased completely from modern society, it is necessary to minimize it and create a system of values that deems it as unacceptable. By introducing the modern society to a system of values based on transparency and honesty, as well as integrate innovative technology for detecting the causes of corruption at the early stages of implementing change, one will handle the problem of corruption in politics.

Problem Description

Arguably, the issue of political fraudulence exists due to imperfections in the value system that society upholds. The specified assumption has led to attributing the problem of corruption mostly to the question of morality (Gong and Ren 461). However, the specified issue should be linked to other areas in order to be resolved productively. The phenomenon of corruption in politics affects the well-being of citizens since it creates an environment in which their rights are systematically abused, and where justice principles are nonexistent. Therefore, creating tools for reducing the levels of corruption and, if possible, eradicating it completely, is necessary.

Solution to Corruption

What makes the problem of corruption so enduring is its multifaceted nature. Resolving the corruption issue implies handling the concern on several levels, including political, economic, financial, social, and technological ones (Tunley et al. 23). Several components have to be integrated into the management of the corruption-related concerns to establish a new system of fair and unbiased politics.

Abolishment of Impunity

The absence of consequences makes it excessively easy for a large number of politicians to consider the actions that they would have dismissed if facing serious legal repercussions for them. Although the legal system that places emphasis on punishing criminals instead of focusing on their rehabilitation is rather flawed, the fear of persecution is likely to restrain politicians.

Increase in Salaries

Addressing financial issues is another method of managing the problem of corruption in politics. While people taking major positions are unlikely to be concerned with the specified concept, politicians of a smaller caliber may fear possible financial complications. Therefore, ensuring that officials are provided with decent salaries is another step toward managing corruption.

Financial Transparency

Promoting clarity and openness in the political environment is currently a critical component of the general framework that will allow fighting corruption. While removing impunity is a crucial measure that will create the platform for honesty in politics, it will not provide positive results when used alone. Thus, it is critical to use it in tandem with the policy of transparency across the political arena. The integration of the concept of clarity will help to avoid the cases of fraud and the endeavors at cheating against the established system (Hansen and Flyverbom 876). Thus, the principles of transparency should be seen as the key components of the strategy for fighting against corruption in politics.

The introduction of the principles of transparency will also help to prevent instances of organized criminals entering the political field. Due to corruption and significant influence in the economic and financial areas, organized criminals have the power to become the member of the state politics (Vadlamannati and Cooray 117). Therefore, it is crucial to introduce the strategies that will create impediments for organized criminals to become important players in the political field.

With the enhancement of transparency levels in the target community, business activities will also become publically available data, which will make it virtually impossible for people involved in organized crime to gain any political power. As soon as a person or an organization with at least a slightly stained reputation endeavors at becoming a player in the political domain, their efforts will be curbed (Vadlamannati and Cooray 118). Therefore, the notion of transparency as the foundational principle for political decision-making will assist in eradicating corruption in politics.

Improved Report System

Along with the shift in the values that political figures have to uphold, a change in the reporting framework will have to occur. The proposed solution is a part of the transparency program mentioned above. With the enhancement of the reporting framework, citizens will be aware of the activities in which political figures engage. Furthermore, the information regarding finances and especially public funding will become readily available to general audiences, thus making it impossible for politicians to cheat and conceal the truth. Introducing a complaint system that will allow discovering the instances of unethical behavior among politicians, will make it possible for the cases of bribery, fraud, and other cases of financial deception in politics to be revealed.

A newly established reporting system will also require protection for the people that provide the relevant information. At the same time, it will be necessary to ensure that the specified framework is protected against slander since the data supplied anonymously may contain information fabricated intentionally to affect certain political figures negatively. Thus, the proposed reporting system will have to combine an elaborate data verification framework and the enhanced security safeguarding the rights of the people that will provide information. Although there are reasons to integrate the suggested approach into the system for preventing corruption, relying on it as the essential tool for detecting instances of financial fraud would be wrong due to the high levels of subjectivity that it contains.

Fraudulence in politics and increased levels of corruption is a reason for a major concern since the described phenomenon affects the well-being of citizens, the quality of their lives, and the overall level of their security. In order to manage the problem of increased corruption in the political environment, one has to introduce a program combining increased transparency and an enhanced system of reporting the incidents of political corruption. The shift in the political values and principles along with a stringent system of supervision and control will help to minimize the instances of financial fraud and other types of corruption in politics.

However, it is also recommended to ensure that the reporting system that will comprise an important part of a new framework for managing political fraud should be based on a critical assessment of the submitted claims. Thus, one will avoid the cases in which slander may be used against political figures to benefit their opponents. The proposed solution to corruption should incorporate an improved system of values that will imply a people-oriented approach and reinforce the significance of ethical decision-making in the political context.

Thus, the process of supervision will be balanced with careful scrutiny of the facts submitted as evidence. With a detailed analysis of the available information, ethical standards geared toward meeting the needs of citizens, and a well-thought-out platform for decision-making, the current levels of corruption in politics will finally be curbed.

Works Cited

Gong, Ting, Shiru Wang, and Jianming Ren. “Corruption in the Eye of the Beholder: Survey Evidence from Mainland China and Hong Kong.” International Public Management Journal , vol. 18, no. 3, 2015, pp. 458-482.

Hansen, Hans Krause, and Mikkel Flyverbom. “The Politics of Transparency and the Calibration of Knowledge in the Digital Age.” Organization, vol. 22, no. 6, 2015, pp. 872-889.

Tunley, Martin, et al. “Preventing Occupational Corruption: Utilising Situational Crime Prevention Techniques and Theory to Enhance Organisational Resilience.” Security Journal , vol. 31, no. 1, 2018, pp. 21-52.

Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya, and Arusha Cooray. “Transparency Pays? Evaluating the Effects of the Freedom of Information Laws on Perceived Government Corruption.” The Journal of Development Studies , vol. 53, no. 1, 2017, pp. 116-137.

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The Problem of Corruption in Government Essay

Organized political corruption, politician’s economic privileges and the participation of citizens.

Despite global policies aimed at eradicating corruption as an unacceptable phenomenon in the government sphere, acute issues still arise, and periodic high-profile court cases are made public. Some officials’ corruption manipulation cannot be regarded as a modern trend since the top administration of states tries to fight against bribery, extortion, and other manifestations of unethical practices. Nevertheless, problems exist, and one of the essential tasks is to change political courses to prevent economic crime among the highest ranks completely. In addition to officials, citizens are also partly responsible for the existence of corruption as a daily occurrence, therefore, not only senior staff but also the population may be involved in combating bribery.

Political corruption has no justification since it is the violation of all existing constitutional norms and presupposes severe criminal penalties. According to Kupatadze (2015), if financial machinations are encouraged at the highest level, all other spheres of life (business, industrial, agricultural, and others) are also based on corrupt activities. Bringing officials to justice is mandatory if relevant cases of violations are identified. However, sometimes it is not easy to determine which of the officials violates the law since the entire political system may be built on machinations and bribery. Kupatadze (2015) quotes the words of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov who called on to “have a conscience” and not to take too much out of the budget – “don’t steal 50 per cent” (p. 199). This approach proves that in case the highest administrative officials are aware of financial frauds and allow them, no order can be maintained.

Economic privileges that some politicians have significantly complicate the process of fighting corruption and other unethical practices. Moreover, obstacles arise for natural economic progress. As Hessami (2014) argues, “corruption also diminishes returns on investment” (even when ignoring the risk involved) because it acts as a tax” (p. 373). The author explains it by the fact that entrepreneurs are willing to bribe responsible officials who can help to open or promote a particular business (Hessami, 2014). Funds do not go to the treasury, and the state cannot make a profit. Therefore, from an economic point of view, corruption is a disastrous factor, and growth is impossible due to the privileges of some politicians who are able to control financial flows and the allocation of resources.

The participation of citizens in solving the problem of corruption can also be crucial. For instance, Rose-Ackerman and Palifka (2016) give the example of Sudan, where, according to the survey, “38% of citizens reported paying a bribe,” and “56% of them report having been asked for a bribe” (p. 47). Such statistics show that the population encourages corruption and promotes its strengthening among the ruling elites. If citizens stop any requests for bribery and signal any cases of officials’ unethical behavior promptly, it is likely that extortion will cease to be part of the governments’ modern work.

In addition to combating corruption and bribery at the state level, citizens’ participation can also be encouraged as the way to eradicate these unacceptable phenomena. In case the ruling elites do not have unhindered access to the budget, a higher level of control may be provided. Economic progress can be impossible if officials use their privileges as the way of personal enrichment at the expense of the population.

Hessami, Z. (2014). Political corruption, public procurement, and budget composition: Theory and evidence from OECD countries. European Journal of Political Economy , 34 , 372-389. Web.

Kupatadze, A. (2015). Political corruption in Eurasia: Understanding collusion between states, organized crime and business. Theoretical Criminology , 19 (2), 198-215. Web.

Rose-Ackerman, S., & Palifka, B. J. (2016). Corruption and government: Causes, consequences, and reform (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Corruption — The Problem of Corruption in Education and Its Solutions


The Problem of Corruption in Education and Its Solutions

  • Categories: Corruption Issues in Education

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Published: Aug 16, 2019

Words: 1912 | Pages: 4 | 10 min read

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Corruption in education, recommendations, works cited.

  • Lack of Proper Planning: Pakistan is a signatory according to MDGs or EFA goals. However it looks as that intention not be able in imitation of reap this worldwidecommitments because over monetary administration problems yet constraints after attainthe MDGs yet EFA goals.
  • Social constraints: It is important to recognise to that amount the troubles who preventthe provision on lesson are no longer just fit to issues on administration throughadministration however partial about them are deeply rooted among the communal thencultural orientation over the people. Overcoming the new is difficult yet would require a exchange between attitude about the people, till afterwards usual essential education is difficult after achieve.
  • Gender gap: Major elements so much restrict enrolment rates concerning girls includepoverty, cultural constraints, illiteracy regarding dad and mom yet parental worries as regardsprotection or stir regarding their daughters. Society’s force on girl’s modesty, safety yetexpress marriages may additionally control family’s consent to ship them in conformity with school. Enrolment regarding peasant female is 45% decrease than up to expectationconcerning urban girls; while for boys the distinction is 10% only, displaying so much effecthole is an necessary factor.
  • Cost on education: The financial virtue is greater within personal schools, however theseare positioned into richer settlements only. The trick is to that amount private faculties are better however now not everywhere yet government colleges ensure unbiased accesshowever function not furnish attribute education.
  • War about Terror: Pakistan’s enrollment in battle against terrorism additionally affected the promoting on literacy campaign. The militants centered faculties then students; variousacademic institutions had been weary up, instructors and college students were woundedinto Balochistan, KPK then FATA. This might also bear to make contributions not as an awful lot as like ignoble factors, but it remains an necessary factor.
  • Technical Education: Sufficient attention has now not been paid in accordance with the pragmatic or private education of Pakistan. The range about technical then particularcoaching institutes is no longer ample or much are disadvantaged about infrastructure, instructors or equipment because of training. The populace on a regimen is certainconcerning the most important factors about its national power. It perform end up an assetas soon as such is skilled. Unskilled population ability greater jobless humans in the country, as affects the national development negatively. Therefore, empirical seducation desirespriority dealing with with the aid of the government.
  • The reputable data indicates the division concerning resources for instructional initiativesbut even is no mechanism who ensures the helpful consumption on those savings oneducation.
  • The present infrastructure is no longer wight right utilized into several componentsconcerning the country.
  • There are a number of challenges as consist of expertise, institutional or potential issues, forging national cohesion, indiscriminate requirements for textbook development, yetattribute assurance.
  • The faculty hiring system is historically recognised in conformity with remain politicized. It is because concerning this up to expectation the multiplication of counsel suffers or alsomore so when mean investments are taken among teachers’ training. As a end resultteachers are not ordinary then theirs epoch at school is not as much originative so suchwould keep together with a well-trained teacher.
  • Inside faculties there are challenges which encompass shortage about teachers, instructor absenteeism, missing basic services or scarcity concerning pleasantenvironment.
  • Out regarding college challenges consist of scarcity concerning schools, reach – especially for females, insecurity, poverty, cultural norms, dad and mom are reluctant and dad and mom need awareness.
  • Technical instruction ought to be made a piece of auxiliary training. Classes for carpentry, electrical, and other specialized instruction must be incorporated into the educational programs.
  • Providing monetary motivating forces to the understudies may urge the guardians to send their youngsters to class and may help in lessening the dropout proportion.
  • Local government framework is useful in advancing instruction and education in the nation. In neighborhood government framework the assets for instruction would be spent on a need premise by the region.
  • Corruption in training divisions is one of the variables for the poor proficiency in the nation. A compelling checking framework is required in training divisions.
  • For any framework to work it is basic that applicable structures are created. Enactment and structure ought to be encircled to anticipate the advancement of training in the nation. After the eighteenth amendment the instruction has turned into a commonplace subject, along these lines, the territories should frame enactments and outline instructive approaches which guarantee quality training.
  • Unemployment of taught people is a noteworthy worry for Pakistan. There ought to be vocation directing of the students in schools with the goal that they have a comprehension of occupation market and they can build up their abilities in like manner.
  • Counselling of guardians is required, so they can pick a profession for their kid which is advertise benevolent.
  • There are two ways to deal with gaining instruction: In the first place, which is being trailed by numerous in Pakistan is to motivate training to acquire bread and margarine. The second approach is to get training for self-awareness and learning. This approach is trailed by prosperous and financially stable individuals who send their youngsters to tuition based schools and abroad for training .the issue emerges when non-well-off families send their kids to non-public schools, and colleges. This goal for sending youngsters for advanced education isn’t right, in light of the fact that the nation does not require chiefs and officers as it were. There are a few different occupations where individuals are required. Consequently the attitude of sending one’s youngsters to college just to become officers and directors should be changed.
  • Hussain, R. (2017). Educational Corruption in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences and Reforms. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(3), 81-90.
  • Khan, A. M. (2019). The State of Education in Pakistan: A Critical Review. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 7(1), 107-119.
  • Khan, S. I., & Khan, F. (2016). Educational Corruption in Pakistan: An Analysis of Causes and Consequences. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 5(1), 1-13.
  • Qureshi, I. A., & Mahmood, M. N. (2019). Governance of Higher Education in Pakistan: The Role of Corruption and Quality Assurance. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 51(1), 1-15.
  • UNESCO. (2018). Education in Pakistan: A Situation Analysis. Retrieved from https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000260901
  • Shahzad, K. (2018). Education in Pakistan: Problems and their Solutions. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(7), 481-489.
  • Ghufran, M. (2020). Impact of Corruption on the Quality of Education in Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice, 11(7), 97-103.
  • Sajjad, S., Hussain, I., & Ali, M. (2017). Quality Education in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Reforms. Bulletin of Education and Research, 39(2), 99-117.
  • Bari, F., & Raza, S. M. (2017). Education Inequality in Pakistan: A District Level Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics and Applied Research, 1(1), 81-97.
  • Bokhari, A. G., & Hussain, A. (2018). Education as an Engine of Economic Growth in Pakistan. Pakistan Development Review, 57(4), 557-576.

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corruption problem and solution essay

Addressing Challenges: A Guide to Problem and Solution Essay Topics


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Environmental Issues Problem-Solution Essay Topics
  • 1.2 Social Problems Problem And Solution Essay Ideas
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  • 1.4 Technological Advancements Ideas for a Problem Solution Essay
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  • 1.6 Economic Problems to Write About
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  • 2 Easy Problem Solution Topics For an Essay
  • 3 Closing Note

Navigating the complexities of real-world issues through the lens of academic inquiry, problem-and-solution essays serve as a dynamic educational tool. Which topic is specific enough for a good problem-and-solution essay? Problem and solution essays are crucial to academic writing, offering students an invaluable opportunity to analyze various situations and articulate effective solutions critically. These essays sharpen critical thinking and problem-solving skills and encourage a deep exploration of a multitude of contemporary issues. By tackling these essays, students gain the ability to approach problems from multiple perspectives and develop insights into potential remedies.

This article promises to dive into an extensive array of topics for problem and solution essays, encompassing diverse areas and problems to write about, such as environmental issues, social challenges, healthcare dilemmas, and more.

120 Problem Solution Essay Topics List

With such a rich palette of issues, the next step in crafting an impactful essay becomes crucially important. Selecting an appropriate topic is key when tasked with writing a problem-solving essay. It’s essential to choose a subject that is not only relevant and engaging but also provides ample scope for in-depth research and thorough analysis. This careful selection allows for a detailed exploration of the issue and the formulation of effective solutions. To aid in this process, we have compiled an extensive list of 120 thought-provoking topics for problem-solution essays.

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  • Poverty Alleviation: Economic Empowerment Programs.
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  • Chronic Diseases: Prevention and Management.
  • Mental Health in the Workplace: Supporting Employees.
  • Telemedicine: Bridging the Healthcare Gap.
  • Health Education: Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
  • Drug Affordability: Policies for Cheaper Medications.

Technological Advancements Ideas for a Problem Solution Essay

  • Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Digital Information.
  • AI Ethics: Balancing Innovation and Privacy.
  • Social Media Addiction: Finding Digital Balance.
  • Technological Unemployment: Reskilling the Workforce.
  • Online Privacy: Protecting Personal Data.
  • E-waste Management: Sustainable Recycling Practices.
  • Digital Literacy: Educating the Next Generation.
  • Internet Censorship: Balancing Freedom and Security.
  • Tech in Education: Enhancing Learning Experiences.
  • Future of Work: Adapting to Technological Changes.

Educational Concerns Problem Solution Paper Topics

  • Student Loan Debt: Financial Aid and Repayment Options.
  • Academic Pressure: Promoting a Balanced Education.
  • Dropout Rates: Improving Student Engagement.
  • Quality Education in Rural Areas: Bridging the Gap.
  • Gender Disparity in STEM: Encouraging Female Participation.
  • Teacher Burnout: Strategies for Support and Retention.
  • Digital Divide in Education: Accessible Learning for All.
  • Standardized Testing: Alternatives for Student Assessment.
  • Special Needs Education: Inclusive Teaching Strategies.
  • Lifelong Learning: Promoting Continuous Education.

Economic Problems to Write About

  • Income Inequality: Fair Wage Policies.
  • Global Trade: Promoting Ethical Practices.
  • Sustainable Economic Growth: Eco-friendly Business Models.
  • Financial Literacy: Educating the Public.
  • Unemployment: Innovative Job Creation Strategies.
  • Cryptocurrency: Regulation and Security.
  • Global Poverty: Effective Aid Strategies.
  • Economic Crises: Preventive Measures and Solutions.
  • Gig Economy: Ensuring Worker Rights.
  • Consumer Debt: Promoting Responsible Spending.

Global Challenges Topics for Problem Solution Essays

  • International Conflict Resolution: Peacekeeping Strategies.
  • Refugee Crisis: Humanitarian Aid and Integration.
  • Global Hunger: Sustainable Solutions.
  • Climate Change Migration: International Policies.
  • Cultural Preservation: Protecting Heritage in a Globalized World.
  • Human Trafficking: Global Efforts to Combat.
  • Global Health: Eradicating Communicable Diseases.
  • Water Crisis: International Cooperation for Water Security.
  • Wildlife Trafficking: International Laws and Enforcement.
  • Global Education: Ensuring Access for All.

Political and Governance Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • Corruption: Transparency and Accountability Measures.
  • Election Integrity: Ensuring Fair Democratic Processes.
  • Political Polarization: Fostering Civil Discourse.
  • Human Rights: Protecting Individual Freedoms.
  • Press Freedom: Combating Censorship.
  • Public Trust in Government: Building Confidence through Transparency.
  • Policy Making: Involving Public Participation.
  • International Relations: Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution.
  • Government Surveillance: Balancing Security and Privacy.
  • Political Activism: Encouraging Civic Engagement.

Transportation Problem Solution Topics

  • Urban Traffic Congestion: Efficient Public Transport Solutions.
  • Road Safety: Reducing Accidents and Fatalities.
  • Sustainable Aviation: Eco-Friendly Air Travel.
  • Maritime Pollution: Cleaner Shipping Practices.
  • Electric Vehicles: Infrastructure and Adoption.
  • Public Transportation Accessibility: Inclusive Design.
  • Bicycle-Friendly Cities: Promoting Cycling Infrastructure.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Ethical and Practical Considerations.
  • Urban Planning: Integrating Efficient Transportation Systems.
  • Transportation in Rural Areas: Improving Connectivity.

Cultural and Ethical Dilemmas

  • Cultural Appropriation: Promoting Cultural Sensitivity.
  • Ethical Consumerism: Making Informed Choices.
  • Media Bias: Promoting Objective Reporting.
  • Animal Rights: Ethical Treatment and Welfare.
  • Online Censorship: Balancing Free Speech and Regulations.
  • Genetic Engineering: Ethical Implications and Regulations.
  • Work-Life Balance: Corporate Policies for Better Harmony.
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Ethical Considerations.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Addressing Ethical Concerns.
  • Cultural Preservation: Respecting and Protecting Heritage.

Easy Problem Solution Topics For an Essay

Selecting an easy topic for a problem-solving essay is a strategic process that can significantly streamline your writing phase. Which topic is specific enough for a good problem-and-solution essay? To identify such a topic, begin by reflecting on common challenges faced in everyday life, whether they pertain to personal, community, or global issues. An easy topic often lies in an area where you have personal experience or interest, as this familiarity can provide a wealth of insights and ready solutions. Additionally, consider issues with widespread impact yet are manageable in scope, ensuring that your essay can propose realistic and achievable solutions. Researching current events and trends can also unveil relevant and engaging topics, yet not overly complex, making them ideal candidates for a concise and focused essay. Here are 20 easy problem and solution topics:

  • Reducing Stress in College: Time Management Strategies.
  • Healthy Eating on a Budget: Accessible Nutrition.
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Effective Techniques.
  • Managing Social Media Use: Finding a Healthy Balance.
  • Improving Sleep Quality: Strategies for Better Rest.
  • Balancing School and Work: Time Management Tips.
  • Reducing Screen Time: Encouraging Outdoor Activities.
  • Dealing with Bullying in Schools: Prevention and Intervention.
  • Encouraging Physical Activity: Community Fitness Programs.
  • Improving Reading Habits: Encouraging Literary Engagement.
  • Enhancing Community Safety: Neighborhood Watch Programs.
  • Reducing Littering: Effective Waste Management.
  • Coping with Anxiety: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques.
  • Promoting Environmental Awareness: Educational Campaigns.
  • Addressing Teen Smoking: Prevention and Education.
  • Encouraging Volunteerism: Community Involvement Programs.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Lifestyle Changes.
  • Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: Confidence Building.
  • Enhancing Road Safety: Awareness and Enforcement.
  • Promoting Cultural Understanding: Exchange Programs.

By aligning your selection with areas of personal insight or concern, you ease the research and writing process and infuse your essay with authenticity and enthusiasm.

Closing Note

In conclusion, problems and solutions examples offer a platform to address a plethora of issues, ranging from personal challenges to global concerns. The problem-solution paper topics listed in this article provide diverse issues to explore, offering opportunities for critical thinking and solution-focused writing. Whether you choose a complex global issue or a simpler, more relatable topic, the key is to present a well-researched problem and propose feasible and effective solutions. It is a problem-solving solution essay topic guide for college students guide. Thus, young people develop their writing skills through these essays and contribute their voices to ongoing discussions about important matters. Remember, every problem has a solution, and your essay could be the first step toward finding it.

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corruption problem and solution essay

Problem Solution Essay

Nova A.

Problem-Solution Essay - Writing Guide, Topics, & Examples!

10 min read

Problem-Solution Essay

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Feeling stuck when it comes to writing a solid problem-solution essay?

You're not alone—many students find it challenging. This essay type requires careful consideration and skillful execution, which isn’t always easy.

But fret not! This guide is your go-to solution. We've got all the crucial steps, structures, and examples to make essay writing a breeze for you.

So, keep reading!

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  • 1. What is a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 2. Problem Solution Essay Structure
  • 3. How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 4. Problem-Solution Essay Example 
  • 5. Problem Solution Essay Topics
  • 6. Problem Solution Essay Checklist

What is a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is a form of persuasive writing that delves into a specific issue, providing a detailed examination of the problem and proposing effective solutions. 

Unlike other essay types, it places a strong emphasis on presenting practical remedies to real-world problems. 

The main aim is not just to explain the problem but to get readers interested in practical solutions. This makes it a unique and impactful type of academic writing.

Why Write a Problem Solution Essay 

There are significant reasons to write a problem solution essay. First and foremost, this type of writing encourages the practical application of knowledge . You are required to address real-world issues and propose practical solutions. This helps develop a deeper sense of the problems around you.

Additionally, this process refines analytical skills , encourages you to approach problems with a solution-oriented mindset.

Also, working on a problem-solution essay helps you become better at communicating . You have to explain complicated problems and solutions in a way that's clear and easy to understand.

Writing problem solution essays is more than just an academic essay exercise. It serves as a platform for intellectual growth, developing a practical and impactful approach to societal challenges.

Problem Solution Essay Structure

In crafting a problem-solution essay, the structure plays a pivotal role in presenting ideas coherently and persuasively. 

Two commonly used structures for this type of essay are the block structure and the chain structure. Each has its unique approach to organizing information, offering writers flexibility in presenting their analysis and proposed solutions.

Block Structure

The block structure, also known as the whole-to-whole or one-side-at-a-time structure, is a straightforward organizational method. 

In this type of structure, the writer dedicates separate blocks of text to first presenting the problem comprehensively. The solutions to the problems are presented in the next sections subsequently. 

This structure allows for a clear separation between the problem and solution sections, providing a systematic and easy-to-follow presentation.

Here is an outline for block structure problem-solution essay:

Chain Structure

Contrasting the block structure, the chain structure takes an interconnected approach. 

In this format, the essay addresses a specific problem and promptly proposes a solution. 

The pattern repeats as each problem is introduced, followed immediately by its corresponding solution. This structure aims to maintain a continuous and engaging flow, presenting a transition between problems and solutions. 

Here is a chain structure template:

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem solution essay requires taking a systematic approach. Here are the basic steps for writing this type of essay:

Step 1 - Topic Selection

Choosing the right topic is the first crucial step in writing a problem-solution essay. Pick a real-world issue that genuinely interests you. 

Consider problems that have personal significance or affect your community. The goal is to engage with a problem that allows for meaningful discussion and exploration.

Step 2 - Understanding the Problem

Before diving into solutions, take the time to fully grasp the intricacies of the problem at hand. 

Research the issue thoroughly, aiming to comprehend its various aspects and implications. This step is essential for presenting a well-informed analysis in your essay, ensuring a solid foundation for proposing solutions.

Step 3 - Explore Viable Solutions

Once you've identified and understood the problem, brainstorm possible solutions. 

Think about practical, achievable, and effective ways to address the issue. Consider different angles and perspectives, aiming for solutions that are not only feasible but also have the potential to make a positive impact in real-world scenarios.

Step 4 - Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay by creating a clear outline. 

Allocate specific sections for introducing the problem, proposing solutions, and crafting a conclusion. A well-organized outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through each step of the writing process.

Step 5 - Write the Introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction . Start with an attention-grabbing hook that draws your reader in. 

Clearly state the problem, emphasizing its significance. Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that outlines the solutions you will explore in the essay.

Step 6 - Craft Body Paragraph

Dedicate individual paragraphs to each problem and its corresponding solution. Elaborate on the details of the problem and present practical solutions. 

Support your ideas with examples, evidence, or real-life scenarios. This section forms the core of your essay, providing a comprehensive exploration of the issues at hand.

Step 7 - Address Possible Objections

Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments to your proposed solutions. 

Anticipating objections adds depth to your essay, showcasing a thorough consideration of alternative viewpoints. By addressing possible objections, you strengthen the overall persuasiveness of your solutions.

Step 8 - Conclude The Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points without introducing new information. Reinforce the importance of the proposed solutions and leave a lasting impression. 

Consider ending with a call to action or a thought-provoking statement that resonates with your reader. The conclusion should provide a sense of closure to your essay.

Problem-Solution Essay Example 

We know that writing this kind of essay could be a challenge. Here are some problem solution essay samples:

Problem Solution Essay Sample PDF

Financial Problem Solution Essay

Garbage Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay IELTS

Problem Solution Essay Topics

When picking a topic for your problem-solution essay, think about a few important things. 

Choose something that matters to your audience and is important in society right now. Pick issues that really affect people or communities and need attention. 

Make sure the problem can be realistically solved with practical solutions. Here is a list of problem solution essay topics you can use:

  • Tobacco should be banned to control lung cancer. Discuss.
  • Obesity is caused by genetically modified and processed food. Discuss the solution.
  • Movie scripts should be censored to control violence in youth. Discuss.
  • How to tackle the lack of resources in urban homeless shelters?
  • Government should propose some policies to deal with illegal immigration. Discuss.
  • How can we use social media to improve awareness?
  • Propose some ways to keep your friends and family safe.
  • College students in the United States are overburdened with homework.
  • How to improve the quality of education in high school?
  • Providing equal opportunities to under-privileged children is important. Discuss.

These are some good problem-solution topics that you can tweak to use as your own. 

Problem Solution Essay Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your problem solution essay is well-crafted and effective:

So, wrapping up, with this guide and checklist, you can now write a problem-solution essay that fulfills its purpose. Just remember to be clear, practical, and interesting. 

But if you still feel unsure or want extra help, our professional essay writing service is here for you. 

Our experts know how to handle any type of essay, making sure it's top-notch. If you need that extra boost, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to make sure your essay shines and gets the job done.

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Nova A.

Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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Composition Type: Problem-Solution Essays

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

In composition , using a problem-solution format is a method for analyzing and writing about a topic by identifying a problem and proposing one or more solutions. A problem-solution essay is a type of argument. "This sort of essay involves argumentation in that the writer seeks to convince the reader to take a particular course of action. In explaining the problem, it may also need to persuade the reader concerning specific causes" (Dave Kemper et al., "Fusion: Integrated Reading and Writing," 2016).

The Thesis Statement

In many types of report writing, the thesis statement is posed front and center, in one sentence. Author Derek Soles writes about how the thesis statement in a problem-solution paper differs from a straight "report of findings" type of text:

"[One]  expository  mode is the problem-solution essay, topics for which are typically framed in the form of questions. Why did fourth-graders from poor families score low on a nationwide math test, and how can educators improve math education for this group? Why is Iran a threat to our national security, and how can we reduce this threat? Why did it take the Democratic Party so long to select a candidate for the 2008 presidential election, and what can the party do to make the process more efficient in the future? These essays have two parts: a full explanation of the nature of the problem, followed by an analysis of solutions and their likelihood of success."
("The Essentials of Academic Writing," 2nd ed. Wadsworth, Cengage, 2010)

Readers need additional context before you get to your thesis, but that is not to say that the thesis has to be posed as a question in the introduction:  

"In a problem-solution essay, the thesis statement usually proposes the solution. Because readers must first understand the problem, the thesis statement usually comes after a description of the problem. The thesis statement does not have to give details about the solution. Instead, it summarizes the solution. It should also lead naturally to the body of the essay, preparing your reader for a discussion of how your solution would work."
(Dorothy Zemach and Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz, "Writers at Work: The Essay." Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Sample Introductions

It can be helpful to see completed examples before writing in order to examine what makes for an effective piece. See how these introductions give some context before posing the topic and lead naturally into the body paragraphs, where the evidence will be listed. You can imagine how the author has organized the rest of the piece.

"We buried my cousin last summer. He was 32 when he hanged himself from a closet coat rack in the throes of alcoholism, the fourth of my blood relatives to die prematurely from this deadly disease. If America issued drinking licenses, those four men—including my father, who died at 54 of liver failure—might be alive today."
(Mike Brake, "Needed: A License to Drink."  Newsweek , March 13, 1994)
"America is suffering from overwork. Too many of us are too busy, trying to squeeze more into each day while having less to show for it. Although our growing time crunch is often portrayed as a personal dilemma, it is, in fact, a major social problem that has reached crisis proportions over the past twenty years."
(Barbara Brandt, "Whole Life Economics: Revaluing Daily Life." New Society, 1995)
"The modern-day apartment dweller is faced with a most annoying problem: paper-thin walls and sound-amplifying ceilings. To live with this problem is to live with the invasion of privacy. There is nothing more distracting than to hear your neighbors' every function. Although the source of the noise cannot be eliminated, the problem can be solved."
(Maria B. Dunn, "One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Floor: The Problem of Noise")


In "Passages: A Writer's Guide, " how to organize a problem-solution paper is explained:  

"Though to some extent [your organization of the paper] depends on your topic, do make sure that you include the following information:
Introduction: Identify the problem in a nutshell. Explain why this is a problem, and mention who should be concerned about it.
Problem Paragraph(s): Explain the problem clearly and specifically. Demonstrate that this is not just a personal complaint, but a genuine problem that affects many people.
"Solution Paragraph(s): Offer a concrete solution to the problem, and explain why this is the best one available. You may want to point out why other possible solutions are inferior to yours. If your solution calls for a series of steps or actions to be followed, present these steps in a logical order.
"Conclusion: Reemphasize the importance of the problem and the value of your solution. Choose a problem that you have experienced and thought about—one that you have solved or are in the process of solving. Then, in the essay itself, you may use your own experience to illustrate the problem. However, don't focus all the attention on yourself and on your troubles. Instead, direct the essay at others who are experiencing a similar problem. In other words, don't write an I essay ('How I Cure the Blues'); write a you essay ('How You Can Cure the Blues')."
(Richard Nordquist, Passages: A Writer's Guide , 3rd ed. St. Martin's Press, 1995)
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How to Find a Solution to Corruption in the Philippines

  • BusinessMirror
  • July 26, 2022
  • 2 minute read

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Cause of corruption in the philippines, effects of corruption in the philippines, solution for corruption in the philippines, corruption, morality, and inclusivity, how to stop corruption in the philippines.

Corruption in the Philippines has been an accepted truth for many years. When running for a position, many politicians use the concept of being “clean” to separate themselves from the corrupt ones. However, politicians are just one of the many causes of corruption here in the Philippines.

Commonly associated with the act of giving or asking for money or bribes to win contracts or favors, for abusing political powers and diverting public funds, corruption is a common problem in all countries, developed or developing. One could truly say that corruption is a cancer of society. Indeed, even Pope Francis has called it a “gangrene of the people.”

From the everyday traffic enforcers to established institutions, corruption seems to be a mainstay here in the Philippines. These corrupt practices negatively impact economic growth as it deters investments too. In recent years, the adverse effects of the long-term corruption the country has been experiencing is felt more.

Corruption in the Philippines, most unfortunately, has become a staple issue–one that seems to have no solution. The belief that politics is evil is further enforced by just how widespread it is. But why is corruption so widespread in the country?

The short answer is that there is a severe lack of transparency and accountability in the country. This is further worsened by monopoly on products and services. Coupled together, corruption becomes ever-present from a micro (such as small individual bribes in a private corporation) to macro-level (like the more problematic judicial corruption in the Philippines ).

In fact, if we take a closer look we see many forms of corruption present in the Philippines.

The principal forms of corruption are extortion and bribery. Extortion happens when, say, a public officer explicitly demands or broadly hints for a payment in exchange for something he can grant. Bribery is the other side of the coin, and it is the one who seeks the favor who offers money.  Often this practice is called SOP or “facilitation.” This is achieved through the so-called envelope.

With money and gifts, one can buy deals, contracts and favors. Such payments, for example, can “encourage” a purchasing officer to buy one product instead of another. It can also convince a politician or a bureaucrat to award a contract, or to approve an administrative rule (such as building permits), or to release public funds to fictitious non-governmental organizations.

These bribe-taking incidents are also common among lesser public servants such as traffic enforcers. Many people have repeatedly reported being victimized at least once by a traffic enforcer for “swerving” (incidentally, there is no such offense in the law). When people try to argue their case without this knowledge, most enforcers would relent and say that they would not issue a ticket with the implicit understanding of a bribe. Corruption more easily spreads when there are opportunities, when risk is minimal in comparison to benefits obtained. In many cases, this happens when people have enormous autonomy to approve contracts to the bribe-giver.

Corruption has many adverse effects on a state, most of which are especially felt economically.

First and foremost, it is a known deterrent to various investments because it can negatively affect assessments on the risks and returns associated with an investment. This is the reason we started the project “Integrity for Jobs”, creating Integrity Circles in LGUs that are committed to ethical operations.

Additionally, corruption will direct talent away from productive activities toward rent-seeking activities. More important, while corruption affects the whole economy, it seems to target the poor. It hurts the poor as it introduces costs and benefits that create a bias against the poor; corruption can causally be linked to the worsening of income distribution.

The question of how to prevent corruption in the Philippines is always present, but the best way to answer it is by understanding its root causes.

Corruption flourishes when someone has monopoly power over a product or service and has discretion to decide how much to receive, and where accountability and transparency are weak. Incompetence and corruption are also closely linked together. So, to fight corruption, we—and that includes all of us—must reduce monopoly power, reduce discretion and increase accountability in many ways.

Reducing monopoly power means enabling competition; in this context we are so happy that the Philippines has competition legislation in place and has the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) to implement the law. However, it would be great if the PCC would be allowed to do its job without court interference, in the interest of removing monopolies/duopolies so that corruption can be properly addressed, reduced and finally eliminated.

Limiting discretion means clarifying the rules of the game and making them available to everyone. This includes putting government contracts and procurement plans online, creating online manuals on what is required to obtain a permit, build a house, start a business and so forth. Making sources like these available deter corruption as it makes it easier to cross check these processes and ensure that everything is in order.

Finally approving the freedom of information (FOI) bills in both Houses of Congress would be another big step in the right direction. We have been talking about the FOI for too long already. In fact, it is arguable that corruption cases, such as Philhealth corruption , could have certainly been avoided if the FOI bill was already approved.

Another example for reducing discretion: Simplify the tax code, make it simpler to understand and thereby reduce discretion of BIR employees. This is how we can lessen corruption from private entities, as well as tax evasion. A clearer set of taxation laws helps people recognize what they need to contribute and potentially where their taxes should go as well.

Enhancing accountability means many things, and creative leaders in the government and the private sector use a remarkable variety of methods. One way to improve accountability is to improve the measurement of performance. Another method is listening and learning from businesses and from citizens. This includes mechanisms for public complaints, but it goes beyond the reporting of individual instances of abuse of corrupt systems.

Accountability is also increased by inviting outsiders to audit, monitor and evaluate. This is exactly the reason we created Integrity Circles as one of the main avenues to address accountability, transparency and integrity. We did this in the Integrity for Jobs (I4J) project, a project co-funded by the European Commission and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. We started with nine LGUs and are happy to announce that 60 LGUs are now part of this endeavor. Allow me to add that Integrity Circles are composed of people working in the LGU, being involved in business, and representing civil society (in many cases the Church). But let’s not forget the press; the media can be and should be an important source of accountability.

What about ethics and morality? Corruption has always been linked to dishonesty and “dirtiness”. In fact, one of the most prevalent effects of corruption in the Philippines is giving fuel to the belief that politics is inherently dirty.

Successful leaders in the government and the private sector must set a good example. As mentioned above, the key to fighting corruption are better systems that provide better incentives for imperfect human beings to perform in the public interest—and to avoid corruption.

Often it is said that corruption is unavoidable, that it is common practice, that those who refuse are ridiculed as “religious” or “scrupulous” or “holier than thou.” As many give in to it, a state of permissiveness arises. Integrity becomes harder to fulfill, especially when one is confronted with issues like career advancement, breaks in life, and earning of income, unless one is firmly rooted on solid principles and has been nurtured in an upright manner.

Corruption cannot be tackled without a strong civic society. The population must have powers to challenge politicians, bureaucrats and erring company managers. Governments must agree to introduce transparency in their operations and allow information to flow freely. The Right to Information Act in India that allows citizens to demand information from bureaucrats has given much hope to activists in India. In the Philippines the Freedom of Information bills are not moving in Congress.

Barriers to participation in the economic life of a society must be removed. Corruption has its losers—the population at large and those who are denied participation in economic activity. When those who are hurt by corruption are allowed to voice their discontent, the chances of a decline in corruption increase.

Considering how ingrained corruption is in the country, finding the answers to this question can be quite difficult.

There are many studies concerning corruption, which tells us that it is a common phenomenon globally. Finding a solution to corruption in the Philippines will undoubtedly take time and it will take both institutional and cultural changes to enact it well. However, on a micro-level, staying morally upright is one of the best ways to combat the ever-growing corruption.

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Teens come up with trigonometry proof for Pythagorean Theorem, a problem that stumped math world for centuries

By Bill Whitaker

May 5, 2024 / 7:00 PM EDT / CBS News

As the school year ends, many students will be only too happy to see math classes in their rearview mirrors. It may seem to some of us non-mathematicians that geometry and trigonometry were created by the Greeks as a form of torture, so imagine our amazement when we heard two high school seniors had proved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. 

We met Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson at their all-girls Catholic high school in New Orleans. We expected to find two mathematical prodigies.

Instead, we found at St. Mary's Academy , all students are told their possibilities are boundless.

Come Mardi Gras season, New Orleans is alive with colorful parades, replete with floats, and beads, and high school marching bands.

In a city where uniqueness is celebrated, St. Mary's stands out – with young African American women playing trombones and tubas, twirling batons and dancing - doing it all, which defines St. Mary's, students told us.

Junior Christina Blazio says the school instills in them they have the ability to accomplish anything. 

Christina Blazio: That is kinda a standard here. So we aim very high - like, our aim is excellence for all students. 

The private Catholic elementary and high school sits behind the Sisters of the Holy Family Convent in New Orleans East. The academy was started by an African American nun for young Black women just after the Civil War. The church still supports the school with the help of alumni.

In December 2022, seniors Ne'Kiya Jackson and Calcea Johnson were working on a school-wide math contest that came with a cash prize.

Ne'Kiya Jackson and Calcea Johnson

Ne'Kiya Jackson: I was motivated because there was a monetary incentive.

Calcea Johnson: 'Cause I was like, "$500 is a lot of money. So I-- I would like to at least try."

Both were staring down the thorny bonus question.

Bill Whitaker: So tell me, what was this bonus question?

Calcea Johnson: It was to create a new proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. And it kind of gave you a few guidelines on how would you start a proof.

The seniors were familiar with the Pythagorean Theorem, a fundamental principle of geometry. You may remember it from high school: a² + b² = c². In plain English, when you know the length of two sides of a right triangle, you can figure out the length of the third.

Both had studied geometry and some trigonometry, and both told us math was not easy. What no one told  them  was there had been more than 300 documented proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem using algebra and geometry, but for 2,000 years a proof using trigonometry was thought to be impossible, … and that was the bonus question facing them.

Bill Whitaker: When you looked at the question did you think, "Boy, this is hard"?

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Yeah. 

Bill Whitaker: What motivated you to say, "Well, I'm going to try this"?

Calcea Johnson: I think I was like, "I started something. I need to finish it." 

Bill Whitaker: So you just kept on going.

Calcea Johnson: Yeah.

For two months that winter, they spent almost all their free time working on the proof.

CeCe Johnson: She was like, "Mom, this is a little bit too much."

CeCe and Cal Johnson are Calcea's parents.

CeCe Johnson:   So then I started looking at what she really was doing. And it was pages and pages and pages of, like, over 20 or 30 pages for this one problem.

Cal Johnson: Yeah, the garbage can was full of papers, which she would, you know, work out the problems and-- if that didn't work she would ball it up, throw it in the trash. 

Bill Whitaker: Did you look at the problem? 

Neliska Jackson is Ne'Kiya's mother.

Neliska Jackson: Personally I did not. 'Cause most of the time I don't understand what she's doing (laughter).

Michelle Blouin Williams: What if we did this, what if I write this? Does this help? ax² plus ….

Their math teacher, Michelle Blouin Williams, initiated the math contest.

Michelle Blouin Williams

Bill Whitaker: And did you think anyone would solve it?

Michelle Blouin Williams: Well, I wasn't necessarily looking for a solve. So, no, I didn't—

Bill Whitaker: What were you looking for?

Michelle Blouin Williams: I was just looking for some ingenuity, you know—

Calcea and Ne'Kiya delivered on that! They tried to explain their groundbreaking work to 60 Minutes. Calcea's proof is appropriately titled the Waffle Cone.

Calcea Johnson: So to start the proof, we start with just a regular right triangle where the angle in the corner is 90°. And the two angles are alpha and beta.

Bill Whitaker: Uh-huh

Calcea Johnson: So then what we do next is we draw a second congruent, which means they're equal in size. But then we start creating similar but smaller right triangles going in a pattern like this. And then it continues for infinity. And eventually it creates this larger waffle cone shape.

Calcea Johnson: Am I going a little too—

Bill Whitaker: You've been beyond me since the beginning. (laughter) 

Bill Whitaker: So how did you figure out the proof?

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Okay. So you have a right triangle, 90° angle, alpha and beta.

Bill Whitaker: Then what did you do?

Bill Whitaker with Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Okay, I have a right triangle inside of the circle. And I have a perpendicular bisector at OP to divide the triangle to make that small right triangle. And that's basically what I used for the proof. That's the proof.

Bill Whitaker: That's what I call amazing.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Well, thank you.

There had been one other documented proof of the theorem using trigonometry by mathematician Jason Zimba in 2009 – one in 2,000 years. Now it seems Ne'Kiya and Calcea have joined perhaps the most exclusive club in mathematics. 

Bill Whitaker: So you both independently came up with proof that only used trigonometry.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Yes.

Bill Whitaker: So are you math geniuses?

Calcea Johnson: I think that's a stretch. 

Bill Whitaker: If not genius, you're really smart at math.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Not at all. (laugh) 

To document Calcea and Ne'Kiya's work, math teachers at St. Mary's submitted their proofs to an American Mathematical Society conference in Atlanta in March 2023.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Well, our teacher approached us and was like, "Hey, you might be able to actually present this," I was like, "Are you joking?" But she wasn't. So we went. I got up there. We presented and it went well, and it blew up.

Bill Whitaker: It blew up.

Calcea Johnson: Yeah. 

Ne'Kiya Jackson: It blew up.

Bill Whitaker: Yeah. What was the blowup like?

Calcea Johnson: Insane, unexpected, crazy, honestly.

It took millenia to prove, but just a minute for word of their accomplishment to go around the world. They got a write-up in South Korea and a shout-out from former first lady Michelle Obama, a commendation from the governor and keys to the city of New Orleans. 

Bill Whitaker: Why do you think so many people found what you did to be so impressive?

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Probably because we're African American, one. And we're also women. So I think-- oh, and our age. Of course our ages probably played a big part.

Bill Whitaker: So you think people were surprised that young African American women, could do such a thing?

Calcea Johnson: Yeah, definitely.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: I'd like to actually be celebrated for what it is. Like, it's a great mathematical achievement.

Achievement, that's a word you hear often around St. Mary's academy. Calcea and Ne'Kiya follow a long line of barrier-breaking graduates. 

The late queen of Creole cooking, Leah Chase , was an alum. so was the first African-American female New Orleans police chief, Michelle Woodfork …

And judge for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Dana Douglas. Math teacher Michelle Blouin Williams told us Calcea and Ne'Kiya are typical St. Mary's students.  

Bill Whitaker: They're not unicorns.

Michelle Blouin Williams: Oh, no no. If they are unicorns, then every single lady that has matriculated through this school is a beautiful, Black unicorn.

Pamela Rogers: You're good?

Pamela Rogers, St. Mary's president and interim principal, told us the students hear that message from the moment they walk in the door.

St. Mary's Academy president and interim principal Pamela Rogers

Pamela Rogers: We believe all students can succeed, all students can learn. It does not matter the environment that you live in. 

Bill Whitaker: So when word went out that two of your students had solved this almost impossible math problem, were they universally applauded?

Pamela Rogers: In this community, they were greatly applauded. Across the country, there were many naysayers.

Bill Whitaker: What were they saying?

Pamela Rogers: They were saying, "Oh, they could not have done it. African Americans don't have the brains to do it." Of course, we sheltered our girls from that. But we absolutely did not expect it to come in the volume that it came.  

Bill Whitaker: And after such a wonderful achievement.

Pamela Rogers: People-- have a vision of who can be successful. And-- to some people, it is not always an African American female. And to us, it's always an African American female.

Gloria Ladson-Billings: What we know is when teachers lay out some expectations that say, "You can do this," kids will work as hard as they can to do it.

Gloria Ladson-Billings, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, has studied how best to teach African American students. She told us an encouraging teacher can change a life.

Bill Whitaker: And what's the difference, say, between having a teacher like that and a whole school dedicated to the excellence of these students?

Gloria Ladson-Billings: So a whole school is almost like being in Heaven. 

Bill Whitaker: What do you mean by that?

Bill Whitaker and Gloria Ladson-Billings

Gloria Ladson-Billings: Many of our young people have their ceilings lowered, that somewhere around fourth or fifth grade, their thoughts are, "I'm not going to be anything special." What I think is probably happening at St. Mary's is young women come in as, perhaps, ninth graders and are told, "Here's what we expect to happen. And here's how we're going to help you get there."

At St. Mary's, half the students get scholarships, subsidized by fundraising to defray the $8,000 a year tuition. Here, there's no test to get in, but expectations are high and rules are strict: no cellphones, modest skirts, hair must be its natural color.

Students Rayah Siddiq, Summer Forde, Carissa Washington, Tatum Williams and Christina Blazio told us they appreciate the rules and rigor.

Rayah Siddiq: Especially the standards that they set for us. They're very high. And I don't think that's ever going to change.

Bill Whitaker: So is there a heart, a philosophy, an essence to St. Mary's?

Summer Forde: The sisterhood—

Carissa Washington: Sisterhood.

Tatum Williams: Sisterhood.

Bill Whitaker: The sisterhood?

Voices: Yes.

Bill Whitaker: And you don't mean the nuns. You mean-- (laughter)

Christina Blazio: I mean, yeah. The community—

Bill Whitaker: So when you're here, there's just no question that you're going to go on to college.

Rayah Siddiq: College is all they talk about. (laughter) 

Pamela Rogers: … and Arizona State University (Cheering)

Principal Rogers announces to her 615 students the colleges where every senior has been accepted.

Bill Whitaker: So for 17 years, you've had a 100% graduation rate—

Pamela Rogers: Yes.

Bill Whitaker: --and a 100% college acceptance rate?

Pamela Rogers: That's correct.

Last year when Ne'Kiya and Calcea graduated, all their classmates went to college and got scholarships. Ne'Kiya got a full ride to the pharmacy school at Xavier University in New Orleans. Calcea, the class valedictorian, is studying environmental engineering at Louisiana State University.

Bill Whitaker: So wait a minute. Neither one of you is going to pursue a career in math?

Both: No. (laugh)

Calcea Johnson: I may take up a minor in math. But I don't want that to be my job job.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Yeah. People might expect too much out of me if (laugh) I become a mathematician. (laugh)

But math is not completely in their rear-view mirrors. This spring they submitted their high school proofs for final peer review and publication … and are still working on further proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. Since their first two …

Calcea Johnson: We found five. And then we found a general format that could potentially produce at least five additional proofs.

Bill Whitaker: And you're not math geniuses?

Bill Whitaker: I'm not buying it. (laughs)

Produced by Sara Kuzmarov. Associate producer, Mariah B. Campbell. Edited by Daniel J. Glucksman.

Bill Whitaker

Bill Whitaker is an award-winning journalist and 60 Minutes correspondent who has covered major news stories, domestically and across the globe, for more than four decades with CBS News.

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Guest Essay

A Year on Ozempic Taught Me We’re Thinking About Obesity All Wrong

A photo illustration of junk food — potato chips, cheesecake and bacon — spiraling into a black background.

By Johann Hari

Mr. Hari is a British journalist and the author of “Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits — and Disturbing Risks — of the New Weight Loss Drugs.”

Ever since I was a teenager, I have dreamed of shedding a lot of weight. So when I shrank from 203 pounds to 161 in a year, I was baffled by my feelings. I was taking Ozempic, and I was haunted by the sense that I was cheating and doing something immoral.

I’m not the only one. In the United States (where I now split my time), over 70 percent of people are overweight or obese, and according to one poll, 47 percent of respondents said they were willing to pay to take the new weight-loss drugs. It’s not hard to see why. They cause users to lose an average of 10 to 20 percent of their body weight, and clinical trials suggest that the next generation of drugs (probably available soon) leads to a 24 percent loss, on average. Yet as more and more people take drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro, we get more confused as a culture, bombarding anyone in the public eye who takes them with brutal shaming.

This is happening because we are trapped in a set of old stories about what obesity is and the morally acceptable ways to overcome it. But the fact that so many of us are turning to the new weight-loss drugs can be an opportunity to find a way out of that trap of shame and stigma — and to a more truthful story.

In my lifetime, obesity has exploded, from being rare to almost being the norm. I was born in 1979, and by the time I was 21, obesity rates in the United States had more than doubled . They have skyrocketed since. The obvious question is, why? And how do these new weight-loss drugs work? The answer to both lies in one word: satiety. It’s a concept that we don’t use much in everyday life but that we’ve all experienced at some point. It describes the sensation of having had enough and not wanting any more.

The primary reason we have gained weight at a pace unprecedented in human history is that our diets have radically changed in ways that have deeply undermined our ability to feel sated. My father grew up in a village in the Swiss mountains, where he ate fresh, whole foods that had been cooked from scratch and prepared on the day they were eaten. But in the 30 years between his childhood and mine, in the suburbs of London, the nature of food transformed across the Western world. He was horrified to see that almost everything I ate was reheated and heavily processed. The evidence is clear that the kind of food my father grew up eating quickly makes you feel full. But the kind of food I grew up eating, much of which is made in factories, often with artificial chemicals, left me feeling empty and as if I had a hole in my stomach. In a recent study of what American children eat, ultraprocessed food was found to make up 67 percent of their daily diet. This kind of food makes you want to eat more and more. Satiety comes late, if at all.

One scientific experiment — which I have nicknamed Cheesecake Park — seemed to me to crystallize this effect. Paul Kenny, a neuroscientist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, grew up in Ireland. After he moved in 2000 to the United States, when he was in his 20s, he gained 30 pounds in two years. He began to wonder if the American diet has some kind of strange effect on our brains and our cravings, so he designed an experiment to test it. He and his colleague Paul Johnson raised a group of rats in a cage and gave them an abundant supply of healthy, balanced rat chow made out of the kind of food rats had been eating for a very long time. The rats would eat it when they were hungry, and then they seemed to feel sated and stopped. They did not become fat.

But then Dr. Kenny and his colleague exposed the rats to an American diet: fried bacon, Snickers bars, cheesecake and other treats. They went crazy for it. The rats would hurl themselves into the cheesecake, gorge themselves and emerge with their faces and whiskers totally slicked with it. They quickly lost almost all interest in the healthy food, and the restraint they used to show around healthy food disappeared. Within six weeks, their obesity rates soared.

After this change, Dr. Kenny and his colleague tweaked the experiment again (in a way that seems cruel to me, a former KFC addict). They took all the processed food away and gave the rats their old healthy diet. Dr. Kenny was confident that they would eat more of it, proving that processed food had expanded their appetites. But something stranger happened. It was as though the rats no longer recognized healthy food as food at all, and they barely ate it. Only when they were starving did they reluctantly start to consume it again.

Though Dr. Kenny’s study was in rats, we can see forms of this behavior everywhere. We are all living in Cheesecake Park — and the satiety-stealing effect of industrially assembled food is evidently what has created the need for these medications. Drugs like Ozempic work precisely by making us feel full. Carel le Roux, a scientist whose research was important to the development of these drugs, says they boost what he and others once called “satiety hormones.”

Once you understand this context, it becomes clear that processed and ultraprocessed food create a raging hole of hunger, and these treatments can repair that hole. Michael Lowe, a professor of psychology at Drexel University who has studied hunger for 40 years, told me the drugs are “an artificial solution to an artificial problem.”

Yet we have reacted to this crisis largely caused by the food industry as if it were caused only by individual moral dereliction. I felt like a failure for being fat and was furious with myself for it. Why do we turn our anger inward and not outward at the main cause of the crisis? And by extension, why do we seek to shame people taking Ozempic but not those who, say, take drugs to lower their blood pressure?

The answer, I think, lies in two very old notions. The first is the belief that obesity is a sin. When Pope Gregory I laid out the seven deadly sins in the sixth century, one of them was gluttony, usually illustrated with grotesque-seeming images of overweight people. Sin requires punishment before you can get to redemption. Think about the competition show “The Biggest Loser,” on which obese people starve and perform extreme forms of exercise in visible agony in order to demonstrate their repentance.

The second idea is that we are all in a competition when it comes to weight. Ours is a society full of people fighting against the forces in our food that are making us fatter. It is often painful to do this: You have to tolerate hunger or engage in extreme forms of exercise. It feels like a contest in which each thin person creates additional pressure on others to do the same. Looked at in this way, people on Ozempic can resemble athletes like the cyclist Lance Armstrong who used performance-enhancing drugs. Those who manage their weight without drugs might think, “I worked hard for this, and you get it for as little as a weekly jab?”

We can’t find our way to a sane, nontoxic conversation about obesity or Ozempic until we bring these rarely spoken thoughts into the open and reckon with them. You’re not a sinner for gaining weight. You’re a typical product of a dysfunctional environment that makes it very hard to feel full. If you are angry about these drugs, remember the competition isn’t between you and your neighbor who’s on weight-loss drugs. It’s between you and a food industry constantly designing new ways to undermine your satiety. If anyone is the cheat here, it’s that industry. We should be united in a struggle against it and its products, not against desperate people trying to find a way out of this trap.

There are extraordinary benefits as well as disturbing risks associated with weight-loss drugs. Reducing or reversing obesity hugely boosts health, on average: We know from years of studying bariatric surgery that it slashes the risks of cancer, heart disease and diabetes-related death. Early indications are that the new anti-obesity drugs are moving people in a similar radically healthier direction, massively reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke. But these drugs may increase the risk for thyroid cancer. I am worried they diminish muscle mass and fear they may supercharge eating disorders. This is a complex picture in which the evidence has to be weighed very carefully.

But we can’t do that if we remain lost in stories inherited from premodern popes or in a senseless competition that leaves us all, in the end, losers. Do we want these weight loss drugs to be another opportunity to tear one another down? Or do we want to realize that the food industry has profoundly altered the appetites of us all — leaving us trapped in the same cage, scrambling to find a way out?

Johann Hari is a British journalist and the author of “Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits — and Disturbing Risks — of the New Weight Loss Drugs,” among other books.

Source photographs by seamartini, The Washington Post, and Zana Munteanu via Getty Images.

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    Michael Lowe, a professor of psychology at Drexel University who has studied hunger for 40 years, told me the drugs are "an artificial solution to an artificial problem."