How to Write a Cover Letter in Canva

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How to Write a Cover Letter in Canva

Founder of & Professional Graphic Designer

Jake Tucker

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Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task, but with the help of Canva, it doesn’t have to be. Canva is a graphic design platform that offers a variety of templates and tools to create professional-looking documents, including cover letters. In this article, you will learn how to write a cover letter in Canva, step-by-step.

First, you will need to choose a template that fits your style and industry. Canva offers a wide range of cover letter templates that can be customized to suit your needs. Once you have selected a template, you can begin adding your content, including your contact information, the recipient’s name and address, and the body of the letter. Canva also allows you to add images, icons, and other design elements to make your cover letter stand out.

After you have written your cover letter, you can download it in various formats, such as PDF or PNG, and share it with potential employers. Canva also offers a variety of resources to help you write an effective cover letter, including tips and examples. By using Canva, you can create a professional-looking cover letter that will help you stand out from other applicants.

Understanding the Purpose of a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume when applying for a job. Its purpose is to introduce the applicant to the employer and to provide additional information about their qualifications, skills, and experience.

The cover letter should explain why the applicant is interested in the job and how their skills and experience make them a good fit for the position. It should also demonstrate the applicant’s knowledge of the company and the job requirements.

One of the main goals of a cover letter is to make a good first impression on the employer. A well-written cover letter can help an applicant stand out from other candidates and increase their chances of getting an interview.

It’s important to customize each cover letter to the specific job and company. This means researching the company and the job requirements and tailoring the cover letter to match them. Using a template can be helpful, but the cover letter should still be personalized and unique to the applicant.

Overall, a cover letter is an important tool for job seekers to showcase their skills and experience and to make a strong first impression on potential employers.

Getting Started with Canva

Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create professional-looking designs with ease. To get started with Canva, users must first create an account by signing up for a free or paid plan. Once logged in, users can access a wide range of design templates, including cover letter templates.

To create a cover letter in Canva, users should follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the templates section and search for “cover letter.”
  • Select a template that fits your idea or the recipient of your cover letter and job application. Canva provides numerous professionally designed templates that cater to different industries and preferences.
  • Customize the template by adding your contact details, work experience, skills, and other relevant information.
  • Save your cover letter in your preferred format, such as PDF or JPG.

Canva also offers a range of design tools and features that users can use to enhance their cover letter designs. For example, users can add images, icons, and other graphics to their cover letters to make them more visually appealing. Users can also adjust the font, color, and layout of their cover letters to match their personal style and preferences.

Overall, Canva is a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for anyone to create professional-looking cover letters. By following these simple steps, users can create a cover letter that stands out from the crowd and helps them land their dream job.

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Choosing the Right Template

When creating a cover letter in Canva, choosing the right template is crucial. The template sets the tone for the entire cover letter and can make a big difference in catching the hiring manager’s attention.

Canva offers a wide range of cover letter templates to choose from, each with its own unique style and design. To find the perfect template, the user can browse through the available options, filtering by industry or job type.

It is important to consider the company’s culture and the job requirements when selecting a template. For example, a creative job may call for a more colorful and visually appealing template, while a corporate job may require a more professional and minimalistic design.

Once the user has found a template that fits their needs, they can customize it to make it their own. Canva allows for easy editing of text, colors, and images, making it simple to tailor the cover letter to the specific job and company.

Overall, choosing the right template in Canva can make a significant impact on the success of a cover letter. By considering the job requirements and company culture, and customizing the template to fit those needs, the user can create a professional and eye-catching cover letter that stands out from the rest.

Writing the Content of Your Cover Letter

When writing the content of your cover letter, there are a few key sections that you should include to ensure that your letter is effective in communicating your skills and qualifications to potential employers. These sections include the header and salutation, opening paragraph, body of the letter, and closing remarks.

Header and Salutation

The header of your cover letter should include your name, address, phone number, and email address. It should be formatted similarly to the header of your resume. Below the header, you should include the date and the name and address of the employer you are applying to.

The salutation of your cover letter should be addressed to the specific person who will be reading your letter. If you are unsure of who to address your letter to, you can use a generic salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”

Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should be attention-grabbing and should clearly state the position you are applying for. You should also briefly mention your qualifications and experience that make you a good fit for the position.

Body of the Letter

The body of your cover letter should expand on the qualifications and experience mentioned in the opening paragraph. You should provide specific examples of your skills and accomplishments that demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the position.

It’s important to tailor your cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. This means researching the company and position and incorporating that information into your letter. You should also use language that matches the tone and style of the company.

Closing Remarks

In the closing remarks of your cover letter, you should thank the employer for considering your application and express your enthusiasm for the position. You should also provide your contact information and indicate that you are available for an interview.

Remember to proofread your cover letter carefully before submitting it. You want to make sure that there are no typos or grammatical errors that could detract from your qualifications.

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Designing and Formatting Your Cover Letter

When it comes to designing and formatting your cover letter in Canva, there are a few key elements to keep in mind. By following these tips, you can create a professional and visually appealing cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition.

Typography and Fonts

One of the most important aspects of your cover letter’s design is the typography and font choices. You want to make sure that your text is easy to read and that the fonts you choose match the tone and style of the position you are applying for. Canva offers a wide variety of fonts to choose from, so take your time to find the perfect one for your cover letter.

Colors and Themes

Another way to make your cover letter stand out is by using colors and themes that match the company or position you are applying for. Consider using the company’s brand colors or a theme that matches the job description. However, be careful not to use too many colors or themes that clash with each other, as this can make your cover letter look unprofessional.

Spacing and Alignment

Finally, when designing your cover letter, pay attention to spacing and alignment. You want to make sure that your text is properly aligned and spaced out, so that it is easy to read and looks professional. Canva offers a variety of alignment and spacing tools to help you achieve the perfect look for your cover letter.

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Reviewing and Editing Your Cover Letter

After designing your cover letter in Canva, it’s important to review and edit it to ensure that it’s free of errors and effectively showcases your skills and qualifications. Here are some tips to help you review and edit your cover letter:

Proofread your design: Double-check your cover letter to ensure that there are no typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues. You can also use Canva’s spell-check feature or third-party tools like Grammarly to catch any mistakes.

Get feedback: Consider asking a friend, family member, or colleague to review your cover letter and provide feedback. They may be able to spot errors or offer suggestions for improvement that you may have missed.

Tailor your cover letter: Make sure that your cover letter is specifically tailored to the job you’re applying for. Review the job description and company website to ensure that you’re highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

By taking the time to review and edit your cover letter, you can ensure that it’s a strong representation of your qualifications and increases your chances of getting hired.

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Exporting and Sending Your Cover Letter

Once you’ve finished designing your cover letter in Canva, you can easily export it to a PDF or image file. To do this, simply click on the “Download” button located at the top right corner of the screen. From there, you can choose the file type you want to export it as, and select the quality and size of the file.

Once you have exported your cover letter, you can then send it to potential employers through email or upload it to job application websites. When sending it through email, make sure to attach the file and include a brief message introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position.

If you’re uploading it to a job application website, make sure to follow the instructions provided by the website and attach the file in the appropriate section. It’s also a good idea to double-check that the file has uploaded correctly and that all the information is visible and readable.

Overall, exporting and sending your cover letter is a simple and straightforward process in Canva. With just a few clicks, you can have a professional-looking cover letter ready to send to potential employers.

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The 5 Best Cover Letter Generators to Land Your Next Job

The 5 Best Cover Letter Generators to Land Your Next Job

Table of contents

canva cover letter builder

Job seekers HATE writing cover letters. 

58% consider it unnecessary and dreadful. Whereas, 45% refuse to submit it along with their job application. 

Some believe hiring managers barely glance at them. Whereas, some find it incredibly hard to tailor each cover letter to specific job positions and companies. 

Another widely common reason is that a lot of job seekers are too lazy to write one.

However, recruiters have a very different opinion. 

45% of recruiters believe that not attaching a cover letter along with your job application could instantly get you rejected. In fact, 26% read cover letters thoroughly and think they play an important role in the hiring decision.

According to recruiters/hiring managers, cover letters help them understand a candidate’s motivation, get a sense of their communication skills, and know their personality - these are things that a resume can’t convey effectively. 

A cover letter is an extension of a candidate’s resume. Even though not all recruiters read cover letters, the ones that do take them seriously. 

This means, if you don’t submit a cover letter along with your application, you’re likely to miss out on opportunities where it’s deemed crucial.

But Writing Cover Letters is So Time-Consuming, Right?

Yes, writing cover-letters is time-consuming. 

You need to modify your cover letter such that it aligns with each specific job role and the company's values and culture. To show hiring managers that you took the much-required effort to study the company and position. And list qualities or experiences that weren't explicitly mentioned in your resume.

Due to the excessive time required, many candidates prefer not to attach a cover letter along with their resume. 

Some even attach the same cover letter to every job application they submit. But my two cents - hiring managers can recognize a generic cover letter from a mile away. So don’t make this mistake.

Lastly, to increase the chances of landing a job, make sure your cover letter is well-formatted, free of grammatical or spelling errors, and concise.

Here’s an example of a cover letter a recruiter shared with us filled with so many grammatical errors (we highlighted a few of them). 

For the sake of confidentiality, we replaced the company name with “XYZ” and other related information as well.

canva cover letter builder

So, we added this draft to Wordtune, our AI-powered cover letter generator and editor. 

Wordtune improved this cover letter by:

  • Fixing all the grammatical errors
  • Improving its structure by offering rewrite suggestions in different tones.
Get Wordtune for free > Get Wordtune for free >

canva cover letter builder

But Wordtune isn’t the only cover letter generator in the market. There are several others like Zety, ResumeLab, and CVShaper.

In this guide, we’ll share results from a test we conducted recently. We tested five cover-letter generators to determine which one stands out in terms of quality, user-friendliness, and customization capabilities.

Sharing our experience with the top five cover letter generators 

Last month, we stress-tested the following cover-letter generators:

  • Zety (Paid)
  • Wordtune (Free & Paid)
  • ResumeLab (Paid)
  • (Paid)
  • CVShaper (Free)

Let’s dive into each one-by-one:

1. Zety (Paid)

Zety is a popular choice among job seekers for creating cover letters due to several reasons. Some of them are:

  • Zety offers a user-friendly interface to make the entire process smooth and straightforward.
  • The cover letter generator provides a wide range of templates to choose from. 
  • They also have a vast library of resources, including examples and actionable tips, on their website to provide inspiration to job seekers.
  • Zety’s Cover Letter Builder asks a variety of questions to help job seekers build relevant and impactful cover letters. 

Let’s give you a step-by-step breakdown of creating a cover letter using Zety:

First, launch Zety’s Cover Letter Builder .

Click “Create My Cover Letter.”

canva cover letter builder

Enter your First and Last Name. And choose a template from the list.

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Next, you’ll be given two options: 

  • Create a New Cover Letter - start from scratch.
  • Upload From Resume - Zety will take information from your resume. 

In this case, we’ll go with the first option “Create a New Cover Letter.”  

Feel free to go with the other option for yourself.

Once selected, click “Continue.”

canva cover letter builder

 Zety’s Cover Letter Builder questionnaire is categorized into four groups:

  • Target Jobs - in this category, I was asked if I had any specific job in mind and what the desired position was. Also, I was asked what my top three strengths are. 

Question I:

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Question II:

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Question III:

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  • Background - in this section, I was asked how many years of experience I have, my most recent/past company job title, and if I have a gap in my work history. 

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  • Workstyle  - in this group, I was asked about my working style to match that style in my cover letter. This was my final input.

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  • Finalize: taking all inputs into consideration, Zety’s Cover Letter Generator took some time to generate a personalized cover letter for me. I was asked to sign up to Zety to download my Cover Letter. 

Here’s my Cover Letter generated by one of the most popular Cover Letter Generators on the internet today:

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Here are my observations of generating a cover letter with Zety:

  • Zety asked some relevant questions; however I personally felt that these questions were very basic. The cover letter generator could have asked better questions to personalize the cover letter even further.
  • The Cover letter generated by Zety felt very generic. It didn’t show that the candidate had performed any research about the role or the company to create this letter.
  • I wouldn’t use this cover letter just as-is. To increase my chances of landing the role, I would heavily edit it.
  • Building my first cover letter with Zety took me five minutes. As I become more familiar with the interface and features, this time would decrease. However, even if it takes me three minutes, on average, to generate cover letters, I would still need to spend time editing it, as I personally didn’t like the text provided by Zety. 
  • After signing up, you can customize your cover letter even further. However, when you choose the option to download it, you’ll be asked to subscribe to either their 14-Day Paid Trial or Monthly Access.

Overall, Zety is a decent cover letter generator that streamlines the cover letter generation process. It asks some relevant questions, is easy to use, has a great interface and offers a wide range of templates and customization options. 

From the design-front, I found Zety’s platform visually-appealing. 

The only reason why I’d not use the platform is because the letter wasn’t good enough to stand out in a competitive job market. 

Only if Zety gave me the option to list down some of my achievements (in the form of numbers) and share my research about the job title or company, then it would have truly personalized the letter for me.

2. Wordtune (Free & Paid)

Wordtune is an AI-powered cover letter generator that lets you build highly personalized cover letters for free. You can also use it to fine-tune and edit your existing drafts by suggesting improvements in tone, style, and grammar.

A few reasons why Wordtune is popular among job seekers are:

  • It offers a user-friendly interface, making it super-easy to create and/or edit cover letters.
  • Although Wordtune offers its own online text editor, you can still access its features within Google Docs, email, and other third-party platforms through its Chrome extension.
  • Wordtune is free to use. This includes ten rewrites and spices, three summaries, and three AI prompts a day, and unlimited text corrections . To increase these numbers, you can consider upgrading to one of their premium plans.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of using Wordtune to create a cover letter:

First, log in to Wordtune. If you don’t have an account, sign up to get started. 

canva cover letter builder

Click “New Document” inside Wordtune’s Editor. We’ll name it “Zapier Content Marketing Manager Cover Letter.”

canva cover letter builder

Click “Generate with AI” as shown in the screenshot below.

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You can either write a detailed prompt with the specifics about the role and company or you can select the “Cover Letter” template from Personal -> Cover Letter.

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However, my personal preference is using prompts. So, I fed the following prompt to Wordtune:

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And here’s the output:

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Not to seem biased, but in my opinion, this is a very good cover letter text. I personally love how I was able to mention results I achieved for my past company and my experience leading a content team. 

You can use the “Refresh” button to generate another draft, in case you don’t like what you see in front of you.

Click “Done” if you’re satisfied with the draft. This will paste it inside Wordtune’s Editor. 

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Now, you can fine-tune inside the Editor. Or if it’s ready to go, use a graphic design tool like Canva to design and customize the layout of your cover letter. 

One of the downsides of using Wordtune to generate cover letters is that the platform gives you the ability to design and customize your cover letter. 

Here’s the end-result (Wordtune + Canva):

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Considering that Wordtune's primary focus is on the content, this isn't a surprise. Our tool’s strength lies in generating tailor-made content using AI, ensuring that the narrative of your cover letter is persuasive, relevant, and aligned with the job requirements.

Here are my observations of generating a cover letter with Wordtune:

  • I loved Wordtune’s user-friendly and intuitive interface. I was able to generate cover letter text in a matter of minutes. This is a big benefit for job seekers applying to multiple roles. 
  • The cover letter generated by Wordtune felt highly personalized to me. By adding more specifics to my prompts, I could have generated an even better cover letter than this one. This cover letter highlighted my past achievements (a big plus point) and was tailored well to the role at Zapier.
  • The ability to generate multiple drafts was a deal-breaker for me as I can use it to explore different variations and choose what suits me the best. 
  • Even though Wordtune’s Editor is user-friendly, I love using Google Docs more. Wordtune lets you access its feature inside Google Docs using its Chrome Extension - which is another big plus point for me. Also, it eliminates the need to constantly switch between tabs or copy-paste content.
  • One downside of using Wordtune to create a cover letter is that it doesn’t offer design tools or templates for visual customization. Users need to rely on tools like Canva for this aspect. 
  • Alongside creation, Wordtune also lets you fine-tune and edit the AI-generated cover letter using its wide range of editing features - which is another plus point.

3. ResumeLab (Paid)

ResumeLab has dominated the market for years due to several reasons:

  • The platform has an extremely user-friendly interface. In a few clicks, you can build yourself a powerful cover letter.
  • ResumeLab offers a wide range of templates to choose from - whether it’s for CV, resume or cover letter.
  • The platform offers multiple customization options available.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of generating a cover letter using ResumeLab:

First step: launch ResumeLab’s Cover Letter builder. Click “Make a Cover Letter Now.”

canva cover letter builder

Next, you’ll see the three steps you need to follow to generate a cover letter.

Click “Get Started.”

canva cover letter builder

The next step is to choose the template and color of your Cover Letter.

Here are the available color options:

canva cover letter builder

You’ll also find three templates listed below. 

Click “Show all templates” to see all available template options.

Hover over the template you like and click “Choose a template.”

canva cover letter builder

Now, ResumeLab will ask you to fill in your personal details like First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Email and Phone Number. As you fill these details, you’ll see them automatically being filled in the Preview on the right-hand side.

canva cover letter builder

Click “Next” when done.

Now, add your City, date of birth and how you want to address your recipient. ResumeLab will provide you with the format for the same.

canva cover letter builder

We filled in some dummy information for your reference.

canva cover letter builder

Now, this is the step where you need to write your cover letter. This tool doesn’t have an AI feature that writes the cover letter for you. Nor does it ask you a series of questions to generate a personalized cover letter.

However, they have three cover letter text templates readily available:

  • Entry-level: for entry level roles.
  • Middle-level: for mid-tier roles.
  • Senior-level: for senior-level roles.

You can choose from one of these templates based on your current career stage and the role you’re applying for. In our case, let’s select “Middle-level.”

Click “Auto-fill” under “Middle-level.”

canva cover letter builder

As soon as you do, you’ll see the template below - in the “Letter content” section.

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Even though these templates are good enough, they require heavy editing, so it’s a good idea to generate the cover letter text using Wordtune and use this text to generate your cover letter using ResumeLab.

You can also change the Application and Document languages by clicking “Change Language” on the right-hand side, just above preview. ResumeLab also lets you make several structural and visual customizations. Just click “Customize design.” 

canva cover letter builder

Click “Finalize” once you’re done. This will take you to the final stage, i.e., Download the cover letter.

Click “Download cover letter.” If you’re not signed in, you need to log in/create a new account, as you can’t download the cover letter without signing in.

Even after signing up, you’ll have to opt for a paid subscription (14-Day Full Access or Annual Access) to download the cover letter.

Here’s my Cover Letter generated by ResumeLab:

canva cover letter builder

Here are my observations of generating a cover letter using ResumeLab:

  • ResumeLab offers a wide range of templates and customization options. And considering the extremely low price point, I think it’s a steal-deal.
  • The platform is so easy to use and I just fell in love with its user-friendly interface.
  • The only downside is that you can’t really generate ready-to-go cover letter text using ResumeLab. Even though the platform offers a few templates, they don’t cut to the chase. If I were to use ResumeLab, I’d generate text using Wordtune and use ResumeLab for the design part.

4. (Paid) is another popular choice among job seekers for cover letter generation because:

  • The platform offers a wide range of customizable cover letter templates, including ones approved by HRs at top-tier companies.
  • is extremely easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. 
  • It fetches basic details directly from your social media profiles - which is a bonus point.
  • also offers its Resume Builder and several other tools you can use to level up your career.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of generating a cover letter using

Head over to’s Cover Letter Builder. Click “Create Cover Letter” to get started.

canva cover letter builder

Choose a template for your cover letter. Here, both free and Paid templates are available to choose from. The paid ones are marked with a Premium icon. But here, in our case, we’ll select a free one.

Once picked, select “Use This Template.”   

canva cover letter builder

Next, will ask you to connect your social media profile (Facebook, Google or LinkedIn.)  

canva cover letter builder

Once connected, will automatically fetch basic details like Name, Email and more from your social media profile. You can skip this step needed, in that case, will manually ask you basic details like Name, email, etc.

You need to fill in other details like Job Title, Address, Phone Number, Employer Details. You’ll also be asked to write the cover letter all by yourself. 

canva cover letter builder

Unlike Zety, Wordtune and other cover letter generators in this list, just helps you format and structure your cover letter, rather than writing cover letters. 

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Pro-tip:  You can add the cover letter text generated by Wordtune to for a polished, well-structured output.

canva cover letter builder

Once you have filled out all the necessary fields, you can preview your cover letter to make sure everything looks perfect. Make any required adjustments if needed. 

To download it, just click “Download PDF” as visible in the screenshot below.

canva cover letter builder

Doing so will take you to their payments page where you’ll be asked to choose from one of the paid plans. Just subscribe to one of the plans and you can download your cover letter and also create more in no time.

Here’s my cover letter generated using (I used cover letter text from Wordtune):

canva cover letter builder

Here are my observations using to create a cover letter:

  • The platform offers a user-friendly interface and is straightforward to use.
  • The fact that I have to write my own cover letter and only helps format and structure my cover letter is a bit disappointing.
  • From the design-front, is a great cover letter generator; however due to its lack of text-generation, it falls short of my expectations.
  • If you’re looking for a cover letter generator that writes and also designs a cover letter for you, may not be the right fit. 

5. CVShaper (Free)

CVShaper is another popular platform that lets job seekers build cover letters. You can start using this tool without even registering. A few reasons why it’s popular among job seekers is:

  • It’s extremely easy to get started.
  • CVShaper lets you build cover letters for free.
  • Even though the user-interface is cluttered, generating cover letters using CVShaper is simple and straightforward.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of creating a cover letter using CVShaper:

First, CVShaper asked me to submit basic details like Full Name, Email, Address and Phone Number. Once added, click “Next.”

canva cover letter builder

Next, you’ll be asked to add employer details and how you’d like to address the recruiter:

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Again, click “Next” once filled.

Next, you’ll be asked to add the desired job title and years of experience you have.

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Add this information and click “Next.”

Now, you’ll be asked to add your five major skills. 

canva cover letter builder

After adding your skills, select “Submit.”

CV Shaper will take all your inputs into consideration and instantly generate a personalized cover letter. You can download this cover letter in the form of a PDF. 

Here’s my Cover Letter generated by CVShaper:

canva cover letter builder

Here are my observations and an honest review of generating a cover letter with Zety:

  • CVShaper's questionnaire did touch upon some relevant areas; yet, in my personal opinion, the depth was somewhat lacking. There's potential for the platform to delve deeper, asking questions that would ensure a more bespoke and tailored cover letter.
  • The output from CVShaper had a distinct templated feel. While it managed to hit the standard points, it lacked the nuances that show a candidate's specific insight into a company or the particular role they're applying for.
  • As it stands, I wouldn't forward the generated cover letter without revisions. To bolster my chances of catching a recruiter's attention, substantial edits would be necessary.
  • CVShaper doesn’t provide a wide range of cover letter templates to choose from. The output’s design is pretty generic, which may not really be appealing to those looking for a more unique and personalized touch.

Which Cover Letter Generator is the Best?

Every cover letter generator on this list are great. 

The one you choose depends on your personal preference. 

If you’re looking for a paid cover letter generator that helps you design visually-appealing cover letters, Zety, ResumeLab or may be great fits. 

However, if you’re not looking to invest yet, consider CVShaper.

Lastly, if you’re looking for free AI-powered cover letter generator, we highly recommend you to use Wordtune.

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How to Create a Resume Using Canva

Use Canva to build a professional resume from scratch, or opt for a ready-made template. Our guide will walk you through how to do it.

Key Takeaways

  • Canva is a user-friendly platform that offers options for creating a resume, including starting from scratch or using a template.
  • The process of creating a resume on Canva involves selecting a design, customizing the background, choosing elements like shapes and graphics, adding text, and filling out sections.
  • Canva also allows users to add links or other visual elements to their resume and provides the option to group elements for easy editing and organization.

Creating a resume is a time-consuming, yet important process—especially if you’re starting from scratch. Luckily, there are online design platforms that can help you achieve the perfect resume for the job.

Canva is a great resource to use for any style of resume you’re looking to create, especially since you have options during the building process. You can start from a blank canvas or fill out a template with your information.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a resume using Canva, either by starting from scratch, or with a template.

Creating a Resume on Canva From Scratch

Canva's user-friendly platform makes it simple to navigate and easy to build a document, even if you're starting with a blank page. Feel free to dig into a few more tips to get the most out of Canva once you're ready to elevate your design. But first, let's nail the basics.

Here's how to create a resume on Canva.

1. Start With a New Page

On Canva’s main page, go to Create a Design and type in Resume . Several types of resumes will appear in the search. Make sure to click on Resume with the measurements of 8.5 x 11 in.

2. Change the Background

Blank designs start with a white page on Canva’s Editor page . If you want to change the color, click Background Color towards the top left-hand corner of your workspace. This will bring up a list of colors that you can use.

You can also click the + icon to bring up the Color Picker , to give you an even bigger range of options.

3. Choose Your Elements

Next, click on the Elements tab to find the shapes and graphics. Be aware that elements with a crown on them aren't free as they are part of the benefits of the Canva Pro subscription .

Using a basic shape to emphasize your resume is always a safe choice, we're going to pick one to use in the top corner of our resume. To find these shapes, go to Elements > Shapes > See All . Choose a shape that you think helps accentuate your resume.

If you can’t find one you like, you can always type in a shape name in the search bar. The shape will appear under the headings Shapes, Graphics, Photos, and more.

Make sure to alter the size if need be. You don’t want anything too large that takes over the design. If you want to change the color, use your color picker in the top left-hand corner of your workspace to do so. You can see how the shape is arranged in the next step.

4. Add Your Header

After you're done adding any Elements, click on the Text tab. You'll see several different ways to insert written content into your resume.

Canva creates heading/subheading combos for different types of documents. Plus you can also choose to insert a heading, subheading, or body text individually.

If you click on a heading/subheading combo, you’ll find it's too big for the header. It’ll also be in the wrong spot. To fix this, click on one of the anchor points of the text box and drag that point inwards. Once it's the right size, position your mouse over the text box, click and hold, then move the box to the right spot.

When you move the text box, you might see pink lines pop up in different positions. These pink lines are guides to help you line up your text with the shapes on your page.

To change the alignment of your text from centered to left-justified, click on the Alignment button to see a menu with the different options.

To change the font, click on the text you want to adjust—no highlighting is needed. Then, click on the font drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner. Pick a font from the choices available.

To change the text to say something different, click inside the box and start typing.

5. Add Your Professional Profile

Having a professional profile is very important for your resume. Make it a quick, one-to-two-sentence blurb for why you're awesome and why you should be hired.

To add your own, click Add a Subheading in the Text tab. Rename the subheading to "Professional Profile" or something meaningful to your industry. Choose a clear font and then position the text box on the page under your heading.

Next, click on Add a little bit of body text . This will open up a new text box where you can fill out your profile. Once done, position it beneath the “Professional Profile” subheading.

If you're not sure where to begin writing, you can try some of these tips for writing a resume headline that gets noticed .

6. Add a Divider

After your professional profile, you may want to add a graphic element to separate your profile from the rest of the resume.

To create one, go to Elements > Shapes > Lines and find the line you want to use. Something simple and non-obtrusive is recommended, so it doesn't draw attention away from the top of the page. Reposition it and change the size and color as needed.

7. Fill Out Your Sections

Next is filling out the different sections of your resume. List your contact details, accomplishments, work history, and education. Just make sure not to list things you don’t need on a resume .

To add the text boxes, follow the same instructions for creating text as the last step.

An easy way to keep your formatting the same across each section is to copy the subheading and body text from the professional profile. Once copied, just change the text inside the box.

8. Add Links or Other Visual Interest

Most of the time, you want your resume to be simple, so it’s easy to read. However, if you’re applying online, adding visuals to your online resume can be a nice touch. If you don't have any visual material that's relevant, including a few links can be incredibly useful (e.g. links to your portfolio, previous publications, or personal website etc.)

Adding a link to your resume in Canva is easy. After creating a new section titled “Links”, and typing the info you want, click on the words you want the link to be attached to. When the text box is highlighted, a three-dot icon will also appear. Click on the three dots, select Link , enter the URL, and press Enter .

9. Revise Your Resume and Group the Elements

Always make sure to check for grammar or visual errors. Learning how to proofread your resume will ensure you create a professional document.

"Grouping" means that separate elements on your page will be read as a unit. In Canva specifically, this means that you can edit each item by itself, but move the elements as one unit across the page. This is helpful if you want to tweak your design but keep individual sections organized.

To group items, click and drag over the elements you want to group until their bounding boxes show up in purple. Once they are selected, click on Group .

Make any final adjustments to the look of your resume and your finished.

Creating a Resume on Canva Using a Template

Not everyone has the time to build a resume from scratch, or perhaps they don't feel like being particularly creative. If that's the case for you, creating a resume using one of Canva's templates is the way to go.

1. Select a Template

Crafting a resume from a template is an incredibly easy process compared to creating one from scratch. On Canva’s main page, type Resume into the search bar and press Enter .

The next page will have thousands of resume templates to choose from—some even come with a cover letter template. Select one that you think will work for you and click Customize This Template .

2. Fill Out the Template With Your Information

Each template comes equipped with different sections that you’ll need to fill out. Just like creating a resume from scratch, if you click on the text box, you’ll be able to edit as you go.

If you find that some aspects of the resume don't fit the style of resume you’re trying to build, you do have the option of deleting or moving sections. Remember, all templates are completely customizable.

If you have to move a full section for any reason, even to a different page, it would be much easier to group the section first, then move it. Refer to step nine above for how to group a section.

Create a One-of-a-Kind Resume on Canva

Canva is a great platform to use for all your creative needs—even when it comes to building your resume. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is either. You have the option of simply choosing a template and inserting your information or creating a resume from a blank canvas.

Next time you’re job hunting, try using Canva on the desktop or the mobile app to create your most appealing resume yet.

  • Resume Templates
  • Resume Examples
  • Free Resume Builder
  • How to Write a Resume
  • Resume Format
  • Resume Packs
  • Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Examples

Free Cover Letter Generator

  • How To Write a Cover Letter
  • CV Templates
  • CV Examples
  • Free CV Maker
  • Resume Help
  • Cover Letter Help
  • Job Interview
  • Career Advice

Make your professional cover letter for free, in minutes.

A cover letter is never optional, but writing makes you feel queasy. Create a custom cover letter in minutes with a free cover letter generator.

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100% Free Cover Letter Builder

Make a standout cover letter for every job application without paying a cent.

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Select a Professional Cover Letter Template

Build a cover letter online with a pro-level template, designed by our creative team.

Each layout is optimized for best readability and information presentation.

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Start with this template

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Free Cover Letter Maker with Premium-Like Features

Our online cover letter builder boasts has the same features as paid apps, but with no price tag attached.

Because it shouldn’t cost a fortune to find a job.

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Instant Generation

Create a cover letter in 4 easy steps. Follow contextual instructions and tips for every section to make a compelling cover letter in moments.

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Appealing Templates

Make a memorable first impression with a skillfully made cover letter. Don’t sweat over the formatting deets like fonts, margins, or spacing — focus on selling yourself instead!

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Crisp Quality

Download your cover letter in PDF format to easily upload to online job posts, share via email, or hand it in personally.

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Not Sure What to Write in a Cover Letter?

Get ideas from our database of cover letter examples. browse by industry, profession, or experience level., need a resume to boot.

We actually have both a resume and cover letter builder 😉

Once you’re done here, give our free resume builder a spin.

Our Cover Letter Creator is Privacy-Friendly

No unsavory surprises with us.

This cover letter creator doesn’t save or store any of your data.

Once you’re done writing and close the tab, all records are gone, poof!

Still Got Questions? We Have Answers!

What is the free app to create a cover letter.

Freesumes offers a popular free cover letter generator with premium-like features and without any account registration requirements. Use an intuitive online interface to write, design, and download a cover letter in PDF format.

Are there any 100% free cover letter templates?

Yes, Freesumes cover letter builder comes with a choice of 6 free professionally-designed cover letter templates. We also offer several more styles as direct downloads . Each template is optimized for optimal visibility and empowers you to make a strong first impression with a potential employer.

Do companies still like cover letters?

Absolutely. Every company expects to receive at least a short cover letter alongside other requested job application documents. In fact, a cover letter is your best marketing tool. Use it to give a preview of your skills and articulate your motivation for pursuing the advertised role. 

How can I create my own cover letter?

You can effortlessly create your own cover letter with Freesumes cover letter maker. The app guides you through each cover letter section, suggesting which information to put first. Once you’re happy with the result, you can instantly download a cover letter version, packed in a selected template in PDF format.

Should you sell yourself in a cover letter?

A hundred times YES. An effective cover letter will convince a potential employer that you’re the best fit for the job by selling your skills, qualifications, and personality. Using words, you should paint a picture of the future impact you could have in the company and articulate how your past experience could help the company hit its goals.

Which template is best for a cover letter?

The choice of a cover letter template depends on your industry. If you’re applying to a more traditional company, opt for a minimalistic cover letter template in black and white or gray scale. If you’re after a job in a more hyp, startup-like company, consider a more creative template, perhaps one featuring a photo or a professional tagline on top.

What does a modern cover letter look like?

A modern cover letter is a one-page, web-friendly document, most times in PDF format. Use an appropriate professional greeting (hello, hi) and the person’s or company name, instead of the old-fashioned “dear Sir/Madam” or the trite “To whom it may concern”. Modern cover letters are also more permissive in terms of design. You can use color (as long as it doesn’t affect readability) and include a headshot and professional tagline in the header area for  personal branding purposes.


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  2. Executive Cover Letter Examples 2024

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  3. Kaikki yhteensä 62+ imagen canva job application template

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  4. 40+ Cover Letter Template Canva

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  5. Free Cover Letter Maker: Create Custom Cover Letters

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  6. Cover Letter Example Zety : Award winning cover letter generator with

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  1. Free Cover Letter Maker

    Maximize the impact that a cover letter can bring to your job application. Emerge atop the crowd of aspiring applicants by writing an impressive introduction of yourself and highlighting your abilities and skills. Start inspired with free and ready-made templates from Canva Docs, then enhance your cover letter with striking visuals from our ...

  2. Free Resume Builder

    With Canva's free resume builder, applying for your dream job is easy and fast. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates and customize them within a few clicks. Forget spending hours formatting your resume, or choosing complimentary fonts for your cover letter. Creating a resume online with Canva's free resume builder will give ...

  3. How to Design the Perfect Cover Letter Using Canva

    Step 4: Change the Color of Your Elements. After you change your background, we'll need to fix the visual elements of this cover letter to make them match the resume. The first element we're going to tackle is the line at the top of the page. The line matches our overall design, but it's the wrong color.

  4. Canva Reviews: Resume Builder Cost and Templates

    To help you decide if the Canva resume builder is the right choice for you, we created a resume and cover letter using Canva to test out their templates and interface. Here's how to create a resume and cover letter in Canva: 1. Choose a template. Go to Canva's templates option, and find resumes under the business category.

  5. How to Write a Cover Letter in Canva

    Once logged in, users can access a wide range of design templates, including cover letter templates. To create a cover letter in Canva, users should follow these steps: Navigate to the templates section and search for "cover letter.". Select a template that fits your idea or the recipient of your cover letter and job application.

  6. Free Cover Letter Templates [Customize & Download]

    This straightforward cover letter template free download places your name front and center. Executive. The elegant design of this sample cover letter template commands attention. Managerial. Make a bold statement with this modern cover letter template, which offers customizable colors and fonts. Original.

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    Start for free — try our resume builder now. Create Cover Letter. Leading Cover Letter Generator used by 31 million users worldwide Easy to build cover letters Pick a template or example Done in 15 minutes.

  8. Free Cover Letter Builder

    How to Make Cover Letters in 5 Steps. Create a cover letter that impresses your future employer quickly and easily with Visme. Browse dozens of professional cover letter templates and choose one that suits your industry. Customize your cover letter and download it by following the five steps below or watching our quick video tutorial.

  9. The 5 Best Cover Letter Generators to Land Your Next Job

    1. Zety (Paid) Zety is a popular choice among job seekers for creating cover letters due to several reasons. Some of them are: Zety offers a user-friendly interface to make the entire process smooth and straightforward. The cover letter generator provides a wide range of templates to choose from.

  10. 35+ Cover Letter Templates to Try Right Now [Free & Premium]

    Cover Letter Builder Create your Cover Letter in 5 minutes. Land the job you want. ... If you're looking for creative and original cover letter templates, Canva could be the right destination for you. There's a large number of top-quality cover letter templates available on

  11. How to Create a Resume Using Canva

    1. Start With a New Page. On Canva's main page, go to Create a Design and type in Resume. Several types of resumes will appear in the search. Make sure to click on Resume with the measurements of 8.5 x 11 in. 2. Change the Background. Blank designs start with a white page on Canva's Editor page.

  12. Cover Letter Generator: Build Yours In 3 Steps

    ResumeLab is the best cover letter builder. It has all the features to make writing a cover letter a pain-free experience. Here are some of them: 21 professional cover letter templates. Integrated resume builder & CV maker. User-friendly and reliable interface. Software wizard with auto-fill. Download in multiple formats.

  13. Free Cover Letter Generator: Build a Cover Letter Online

    Here's what you get with our free cover letter generator: 1. Cover letter templates perfect for all kinds of jobs. You'll get a chance to pick the layout from a wide selection of cover letter templates free to customize whichever way you want. Go for what stands out instead of saying yes to the mediocre. 2.

  14. Canva Resume Builder Review [Templates + Customer Reviews]

    Canva Customer Reviews. Canva reviews are quite mixed, and you must remember that it's a complex graphic tool, and resume builder is only one part of it. Just have a look at reviews from Product Hunt, where users rated Canva 4.8 out of 5 stars, which is a nearly perfect score. The reviews look completely different on the two other major ...

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    A guide to using the Canva resume builder, with step-by-step instructions on selecting free canva resume templates and a comparison to other resume builders. ... Cover Letter Builder Write a cover letter that convinces employers you're the best. Resume. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want.

  16. Free printable cover letter templates you can customize

    Canva's free cover letter templates can help you make a good first impression. Start by finding a cover letter design that best suits your personality and the industry you're in. Look professional even in a creative agency, or stand out in a formal corporate setting. Our editable cover letters include short samples, so you won't have to ...

  17. Free Cover Letter Generator

    A modern cover letter is a one-page, web-friendly document, most times in PDF format. Use an appropriate professional greeting (hello, hi) and the person's or company name, instead of the old-fashioned "dear Sir/Madam" or the trite "To whom it may concern". Modern cover letters are also more permissive in terms of design.

  18. Take your resume to the next level with Canva

    In this guided project the learner will have the opportunity to learn how to write and design their resumes and cover letters using Canva. Canva is an online graphic design program that allows you to create and design all types of documents, graphic design compositions and more. Canva is a great option for those looking for a user-friendly and ...

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    See 10 Canva CV templates, get an assessment of how effective the Canva CV maker is, and see alternatives that are perfectly optimised for UK jobseekers. ... Cover Letter Builder Create a cover letter in 5 minutes. Get the job you want.

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    Download 550+ free resume templates in Word & Google Docs. Choose from elegant, creative, or modern designs. HR-approved and easy to use.