Resume Synonyms for Assisted

Aiming to emphasize your role as a support figure in your previous jobs? The word 'Assisted' might sound helpful, but it doesn't fully capture the breadth of your contributions. Swap 'Assisted' with powerful, apt synonyms that better reflect your value and engage potential employers. Join us in our guide where we lay out the best substitutions for 'Assisted' and how to incorporate them aptly in your resume.

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Using assisted on a resume.

The term 'Assisted' is a common word often found in resumes, and it generally refers to providing help or support to someone or something. In the context of a resume, it's typically used to describe a role or task where the individual was not the primary actor but contributed to the successful completion of a project, task, or objective. When you use 'Assisted' on your resume, it communicates that you have experience working in a supportive capacity, often within a team setting. It indicates that you have the ability to contribute to larger goals, even if you're not leading the charge. This can be a valuable trait in many professional settings, as it shows your ability to collaborate and contribute to a team's success. However, while 'Assisted' can be a useful term to describe your past roles, it's not always the most impactful word to use. The term can sometimes be seen as passive or suggest that you played a minor role. To maximize the impact of your resume, it can be beneficial to use synonyms for 'Assisted' that more accurately reflect your level of involvement and the value you brought to your role. By choosing more dynamic and descriptive words, you can better showcase your skills and experiences, making your resume more compelling to potential employers.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

better resume word for assisted

Strong vs Weak Uses of Assisted

Examples of using assisted on a resume.

  • Assisted in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased company sales by 20%.
  • Assisted the project manager in coordinating a team of 10, leading to the successful completion of a major project ahead of schedule.
  • Assisted in the design and execution of a comprehensive customer service training program, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Assisted with some administrative tasks.
  • Assisted with things in the office.
  • Assisted with various tasks as needed.

How Assisted Is Commonly Misused

"assisted with various tasks".

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the tasks that were assisted with. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your skills and contributions.

"Assisted in the completion of projects"

While it may seem like a positive statement, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the outcomes or results of the projects assisted with, such as "Collaborated with a team to successfully complete projects, resulting in a 10% increase in efficiency."

"Assisted customers with their inquiries"

This statement is too generic and does not provide any specific information about the type of inquiries or the level of assistance provided. It is better to provide more details, such as "Provided exceptional customer service by assisting customers with product inquiries, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings."

"Assisted in the training of new employees"

While it indicates involvement in training, it does not highlight the extent of the assistance or any specific achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the impact of the assistance, such as "Played a key role in training new employees, resulting in a 30% reduction in onboarding time and improved team productivity."

"Assisted in the development of marketing campaigns"

This statement lacks specificity and does not provide any details about the level of involvement or the outcomes of the marketing campaigns. It is better to provide more information, such as "Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and execute successful marketing campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in lead generation."

When to Replace Assisted with Another Synonym

Providing support.

Instead of using "Assisted," job seekers can use synonyms like "Supported," "Aided," or "Facilitated" to convey their role in helping and providing assistance to others. These alternatives highlight their ability to offer guidance, resources, and expertise to ensure the smooth functioning of a team or project.

Collaborating with others

When describing collaborative experiences, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Cooperated," "Teamed up," or "Worked closely with." These terms emphasize their ability to actively engage with colleagues, contribute ideas, and work together towards a common goal. Using these alternatives showcases their teamwork skills and their capacity to foster effective working relationships.

Contributing to decision-making

Instead of using "Assisted," job seekers can use synonyms like "Advised," "Influenced," or "Contributed to" to convey their involvement in decision-making processes. These alternatives highlight their ability to provide insights, recommendations, and valuable input that shape important decisions. Using these terms showcases their critical thinking skills, expertise, and ability to contribute meaningfully to organizational strategies and outcomes.

Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted

How to replace assisted with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing assisted in your resume summary.

Using Assisted

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Assisted in Your Work Experience

  • Assisted in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased overall sales by 15%.
  • Contributed to the development and successful execution of a novel marketing strategy, driving a significant 15% increase in overall sales.

Powerful Assisted Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best assisted synonyms for marketing resumes, best assisted synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

The best replacement for 'Assisted' on a resume could be 'Supported', 'Contributed to', 'Aided', or 'Facilitated'. For example, instead of saying "Assisted in project management", you could say "Contributed to successful project management", which emphasizes your active role and the positive outcome.

It's appropriate to use 'Assisted' on your resume when you're describing a role where you supported a team, project, or individual in achieving their goals. For example, "Assisted the marketing team in developing and implementing campaign strategies" or "Assisted the CEO with daily administrative tasks". However, be sure to also highlight your individual contributions and achievements, not just your assisting roles.

You can gauge if 'Assisted' is relevant for your resume by considering whether your role involved supporting others in completing tasks or projects. If you played a key part in a team, helped to achieve goals, or provided support to a manager or colleagues, 'Assisted' could be a suitable word to use. For example, "Assisted the marketing team in developing a successful social media campaign" or "Assisted the manager in coordinating team meetings and events".

Which Job Titles use Assisted the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of assisted on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative assistant resume

Guidance to Improve Your Resume Language for Greater Impact


10 Good Synonyms For “Assisted” On Your Resumé

It’s good to show that you’re helpful in a resumé. That’s why it’s great to show that you’ve “assisted” on projects and tasks before when applying to new jobs. We’ll also show you some other great synonyms you might be able to use.

The preferred synonym is “accommodated.” It works well in a professional setting because it shows that you made time to help someone with another task (that might not have been related to you). It shows more than anything that you’re a team player.

Good Synonyms For Assisted On Your Resumé


“Accommodated” is the best way to replace “assisted.” It shows that you always find ways to make things work better for someone. This can refer to a project, task, or a relationship with an employee or colleague from before.

Using a word like this in a resumé shows that you have a great character about yourself. It makes you very hirable, which is always a good option.

The definition of “accommodated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to give what is needed to someone.”

  • I accommodated the merger in my previous company, which helped to streamline the whole process for my former employer.
  • I believe that I accommodated a lot of changes at my old workplace. I’d love a chance to get to do this again for you.
  • I accommodated them for their decisions. I will always tell management if I have better ideas, but I’m happy to work with them.

“Obliged” is a polite form to show that you are helping people out. You might want to be a bit careful with it, though. Some people think it sounds like you are almost “forced” into doing something that might not have assisted you in some way.

The definition of “obliged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “used to ask someone politely to do something.”

  • I’m always obliged to help out wherever I can. Let me know when you’ve come up with a way for me to work with the team.
  • I obliged them in their mission to get it sorted. I wanted to make sure the project was completed without a hitch.
  • Of course, I obliged. I love teamwork, and getting involved in the tasks with some of them was the best way to do that.

“Aided” is a simple synonym for “assisted.” It shows that you provided “aid” to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context).

We recommend this one as a solid option if you don’t want “accommodated.”

The definition of “aided,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to help.”

  • I aided wherever I could. I wanted to make sure that people saw me as a diligent worker and one that wouldn’t quit.
  • I am always happy to aid in the workplace. If you need help from me, I’ll be there to make sure you get what you need.
  • I have aided in at least five successful projects and mergers at my former company. I’m eager to bring the same passion to you.

“Encouraged” is good because it shows that you have a strong, positive character. Usually, you “encourage” things to happen when you want them to happen quicker or more efficiently.

You can also encourage people, which usually shows that you’re a team player. If you can keep everyone encouraged on your team, then new bosses will look at your positively.

The definition of “encouraged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “having more confidence or hope about something.”

  • I like to keep my team encouraged when it counts. I think it’s the best way to keep morale high while maximizing output.
  • I encouraged my former boss with the new project. That’s how they managed to claim such a large client base with relative ease.
  • I always encourage the people around me to speak up about their issues. I’m happy to run them by you when I hear them.

“Backed up” is a simple one. You should only use this if you’re referring to projects that you supported, even when you might not have been expected to. This shows new employers that you always have an eye for success and delivery.

The definition of “backed up,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to provide support or help to someone or something.”

  • I’ve found myself backing up many projects in my time. I’d say I have a 99% success rate with these types of things.
  • I back up anyone who I believe has promise. I think it’s important to make sure everybody gets a fair chance in business.
  • I backed up my managers when they needed me. I wanted them to see that there were people on their side.


“Facilitated” usually means you’ve made something easier. You could refer to former projects or tasks as “facilitated” if you offered something to them that made the whole process more reliable or effective.

This is a great phrase when you’re using it in a resumé. It shows a boss that you’re a hard worker and have great problem-solving skills that you’ve already put to the test.

The definition of “facilitated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make something possible or easier.”

  • I facilitated change in my workplace that I believe helped to streamline the working process. I think you’d benefit from the same changes.
  • I have always been good at facilitating change in people. That’s one of my best qualities as a manager, I would say.
  • I facilitated the projects that you see before you. I’ve attached all the best ones to show you what I can do right.

“Expedited” works well when you are speeding processes or projects up. It typically means that you’re good at finding ways to make things more efficient, which many companies can learn from.

It shows that you’re good at finding holes in already-existing systems. An outside eye like yours might be exactly what a company needs.

The definition of “expedited,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make something happen more quickly.”

  • I make sure to expedite processes when I can. I believe that faster processes mean faster working days. Efficiency is key.
  • It’s good to get these expedited when it fits you. That’s why I believe my skills are the most opportune for you to take on right now.
  • I expedited all of the projects that my boss used to give to me. I know that I’m worth every dollar of my salary.

“Stimulated” works well when you have helped things in a former business to grow. If you’ve managed to develop an idea from the ground up (and have it be successful), it could be good to use a word like this to show what you’re able to achieve.

The definition of “stimulated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active.”

  • I have always maintained a stimulated approach to how I see business. I always make sure to bring others up around me.
  • I stimulated change when I needed to. It was my job to find holes in the programming and fix them.
  • I would like to continue stimulating projects and tasks where I can. I hope my new job role will allow me the flexibility for that.

“Furthered” means that you’ve developed something or made progress. It works well because it shows that you’re always looking for ways to make something better in business.

Once something has been used the same way for years, it can be difficult for old employees to let it go. That’s why bosses look for new employees that can “further” their systems, to make sure things are kept as efficient as possible.

The definition of “furthered,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to develop or make progress in something.”

  • I furthered my boss’s relationship with three of her major clients. I believe I can do the same for you.
  • I furthered many of my former colleague ’s work prospects after meeting with them about what they were capable of doing.
  • I would like to have the chance to further this company’s workload prospects. I think there are some great things to change.

“Helped” is technically the most appropriate synonym for “assisted.” However, we included it last because there are plenty of better options when we’re looking into a resumé specifically. “Helped” should only be a last resort.

The definition of “helped,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support, etc.”

  • I helped wherever I could. I like to make myself available when it comes to making sure I impress my bosses at work.
  • I always helped. It’s one of my best qualities, and I’m sure that you’ll find there are plenty of ways to merge me into this company.
  • I love to help. I think it’s important to make sure everybody believes in you, and we all raise each other up.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

Power verbs can make the difference between landing on the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ pile. This guide has all the action verbs, with synonyms, you need to make your resume worth reading.

3 years ago   •   9 min read

Every resume accomplishment needs a strong action verb . But what happens when you run out of ideas?

Let’s face it — scanning resumes isn’t the most riveting job to begin with, and no hiring manager wants to spend their day reading the exact same word over and over. After all, whose eyes wouldn’t glaze over after reading “created” seven times in a row?

If you’re trying to avoid this — and who isn’t? — here’s a complete guide to power verbs, including the best ones to use on your resume.

Examples of resume power words with synonyms

Making your resume sound more interesting is easier said than done. The solution? We’ve put together a list of some most overused resume verbs — and what you can replace them with.

Synonyms for Created on your resume

Hiring managers love people who can get creative — and, more importantly, convert that creativity into results. To show off your high-level conceptual skills, try synonyms like:

  • Conceptualized
  • Established

For example:

- Designed and launched customer feedback systems for software company, improving net promoter score by 30 points in pilot teams over 6 months.
- Conceptualized and implemented behavioral push notifications based on in-app usage; increased retention by 10%.

We've compiled some more examples and synonyms for Created , and the present tense version of the verb, Create .

Synonyms for Collaborated on your resume

Teamwork and communication are key skills hiring managers are looking for. To demonstrate your ability to contribute to a collegial working environment, try synonyms like:

  • Communicated
  • Corresponded
  • Facilitated
- Liaised with influencers and key bloggers to extend public relations initiatives; yielding 22% ROI improvements.

We've compiled more synonyms to the action verb, collaborate .

Synonyms for Managed on your resume

If you’ll be supervising other employees , recruiters will want to see evidence of your management skills . Show that you have what it takes to lead with synonyms like:

  • Coordinated
  • Administered
- Led a 15-person department responsible for all consumer acquisition and retention marketing, branding, corporate communications, B2B marketing and sales support , and product development.
- Coached 30 summer interns and launched a mentorship program for new joiners in the Berlin office.

Want more synonyms to Managed? See this list of Managed synonyms compiled by our resident resume expert.

Synonyms for Assisted on your resume

If you’re applying for entry level or assistant roles, highlight your past contributions and willingness to help with synonyms like:

  • Co-authored
  • Contributed
  • Collaborated
- Organized attorney case files, enabling them to bill 20% more hours.
- Communicated with 20 staff members to schedule meetings and assist them as needed.

For more examples, see other words you can use instead of Assisted .

Synonyms for Learned on your resume

A commitment to learning isn’t just an important aspect of professional development — it’s also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like:

- Researched and negotiated a new payroll vendor, saving $2,000 annually in payroll fees.
- Identified fraudulent transactions by analyzing customer’s spending behavior, increasing the accuracy rate by over 97%.

Synonyms for Developed on your resume

Whether it’s initiating a project or seeing it through to completion, demonstrate your ability to shape initiatives and guide outcomes with synonyms like:

  • Implemented
- Founded a tech startup for online education; partnered with 50 education companies in the first year of business.
- Developed web scraping program in Python to help the firm download public data, including over 10,000 company descriptions and stock quotes, enriching internal data and increasing research efficiency by over 50%

We're prepared more action verbs you can use instead of Developed . If you're describing your current job, here are synonyms to the present tense version, Develop .

Synonyms for Oversaw on your resume

If you’re applying for roles where you’ll be in charge of something — whether that’s a single product, a small team, or a whole department — highlight your capability with synonyms like:

  • Spearheaded
  • Orchestrated
- Directed agency fundraising revenue generation, daily program business operations, community outreach membership recruitment, and human resources in 30 suburbs in the city for organizations with assets of $8M.
- Executed all global marketing strategies and activities for the $2B company including a 3-5 year strategic plan.

Our in-house resume expert prepared an additional set of synonyms to Oversaw that you can use.

Synonyms for Worked With on your resume

Hiring managers want to hire people who work well with others. Whether you’re in a customer-facing role or simply working within a team, show that you’re a people person with synonyms like:

  • Participated
Collaborated with the assistant director of creative services and 15+ other designers to maintain graphic quality.
Devised a pricing and branding strategy with the Strategy team to launch a new three-tier pricing model; achieved a 27% increase in profit

Here are more alternatives you can use to Worked With .

Synonyms for Helped on your resume

Recruiters often look for applicants who are willing to help out, whether in a formal capacity or simply someone who’s willing to go above and beyond in a pinch. Illustrate your can-do attitude with synonyms like:

  • Recommended
- Enhanced team performance through coaching, feedback and effective communication, increasing team efficacy rate by 15% with higher job satisfaction reported amongst staff.
- Supported CEO and executive team of 5 with Six Sigma training and process implementation, saving over 10 hours per week on office functions.

If you need more action verbs for Helped, check out this list of Helped synonyms . If you're describing a job you're currently doing, you can consider using the present tense of the word. In that case, see this list of synonyms for Help .

Synonyms for Conducted on your resume

The most valuable skills on any resume are the ones that show that you can actually do the job you’re applying for. Demonstrate hands-on experience with synonyms like:

  • Investigated
- Collected data on user experience; made improvements to software and increased usage by 70%.
- Investigated major security breaches in network; set up new firewall with 99% efficacy in blocking future breaches.

For more, see this curated list of synonyms for Conducted .

Synonyms for Maintained on your resume

Whether it’s single-handedly keeping an aspect of the business running or simply contributing to its smooth operation, impress hiring managers with synonyms like:

  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened
- Streamlined assembly line process, leading to a 60% increase in worker efficiency.
- Engineered database infrastructures for high-profile clients; increased revenue by 60%.

Here are some more synonyms to the action verb, Maintain .

Synonyms for Responsible For on your resume

Don't let your resume read like a job description. Keep the focus on what you actually did with synonyms like:

  • Demonstrated
  • Accomplished
Demonstrated exceptional product knowledge of over 300 clinical nutrition formulas and medical foods.

Our resident career coach compiled this list of alternatives you can use to Responsible For .

Synonyms for Led on your resume

If you're applying for a leadership position , it's time to highlight accomplishments where you took a leading role. Try synonyms like:

Executed self-insured health plan including wellness benefits which saved the business in excess of $70K or 20% and influenced over 200 staff members to become healthier.
Drove the development of an improved mobile app, driving record downloads +250% YOY.

Synonyms for Volunteered on your resume

Hiring managers love candidates who are willing to go above and beyond. Emphasize your philanthropic side with synonyms like:

Engaged volunteers, prepared position descriptions, and led frontline communication for ABC Foundation’s annual signature event held in February.

Synonyms for Ensured on your resume

Keeping everything running smoothly is no small task. Demonstrate your attention to detail with synonyms like:

Monitored the performance of each team member by conducting a monthly touch base, coaching in the moment, and implementing disciplinary actions in a write up.

Want more synonyms? See this list of synonyms to Ensure , compiled by our resident hiring manager.

Synonyms for Provided on your resume

The most important thing to hiring managers is the company's bottom line. Show that you have what it takes to deliver results with synonyms like:

  • Capitalized
Generated 50+ donors through cold call sales and systematic email outreach; qualified leads based on industry and location.
Maximized revenue by 45% by providing direct supervision and training to 10 managers to problem areas of the company.

If you need them, check out more synonyms to the action verb Provide ?

Synonyms for Prepared on your resume

Preparation is sometimes invisible — but that doesn't mean it has to be! Show off your work behind the scenes with synonyms like:

Integrated the developed email campaigns to the new system with the company's 900+ email list; increased open rates by 10%.

Synonyms for Worked On on your resume

Don't fill your resume with meaningless fluff like "worked on ..." Instead, get straight to the point with synonyms like:

Led team of 5 to build 7 mobile applications which helped the company retain upwards of $70k per month.

If you need additional synonyms, check out this list of synonyms to Worked , and this set of synonyms to Worked With .

Synonyms for Improved on your resume

If you've made things better for your company in a measurable way — improving a process, generating sales, or fixing a problem — those accomplishments should be front and center on your resume. Spotlight your achievements with synonyms like:

  • Centralized
  • Standardized
  • Transformed
  • Rehabilitated
Enhanced implementing writing standards for the web; reduced 46% of complaints received by the server.
Overhauled existing employee onboarding processes resulting in an increase in performance of 30% in the average employee’s first three months.

Synonyms for Researched on your resume

Research is a crucial skill for many jobs — and not just roles where formal research is a key responsibility. Show off your critical thinking and analytical skills with synonyms like:

Identified manually intensive data collection tasks for the sales team and worked with engineering to launch tools that reduced manual work by 100 hours each month.
Analyzed data to identify potential upsell opportunities for new clients leading to $600K in sales.

Synonyms for Communicated on your resume

Communication is one of those soft skills that nearly job needs — and any applicant can claim to have. Show, don't tell, with synonyms like:

Guided and advised 10+ business partners through annual talent assessments, discussions, and proactively pipelining for future openings.
Wrote 12 articles on consumer psychology and entrepreneurship, generating 25,000 page views, 4,000 re-tweets, and 3,500 newsletter subscribers.

If you need more resume synonyms, check out this list of action verbs of Communicate synonyms .

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our FAQs — or, in other words, everything you need to know about resume power verbs.

What are resume power verbs?

You’ve probably heard of power words, but what are they exactly? Power words, power verbs, and action verbs are all the same thing — the verbs you use to start your work experience bullet points. These are the words that specify what you did, like “managed,” “developed,” or “assisted.”

Why should I use power words on my resume?

You might be wondering why you even need synonyms for common resume power verbs — after all, what’s wrong with sticking to a few common verbs? Simply put, it’s because reading the same thing over and over is boring.

If a recruiter reads half a dozen bullet points starting with the same word, they’ll start to lose focus, have trouble differentiating your accomplishments, and will likely conclude that you’re repeatedly demonstrating a limited number of skills.

On the other hand, using interesting, unique verbs can help your accomplishments stand out and allow you to be more precise about exactly what it is you achieved.

I’d recommend uploading your resume to the tool below — it’ll let you know if you have used strong action verbs and synonyms to showcase your accomplishments.

Related : Improve Your Resume by Eliminating Adverbs

What words should I avoid using on my resume?

Here are a few things to steer clear of when writing a resume:

Power words are not the same thing as buzzwords. Meaningless phrases like “results driven,” “above and beyond,” “hard worker,” and “team player” are overused and too subjective to belong on your resume.

Boring words and phrases

Phrases like “responsible for” or “ in charge of ” are boring, but even worse, they say very little about what it is you actually did. Avoid anything that sounds like it came straight from a job description — always focus on your accomplishments, not on your responsibilities.

Related : Power Phrases

If you find yourself using the same verb more than once or twice on your resume — especially in quick succession — it’s time to change it up. Scroll up for a list of synonyms for common resume power verbs, or check out some alternative action verbs .

Eliminate buzzwords and boring phrases from your resume and replace them with keywords and hard skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Use the tool below to find some relevant ones.

How do I know if I’ve used resume power verbs?

Try uploading your resume to a free resume checker. Score My Resume can give you instant feedback about the strength of your resume and a few easy suggestions for improvement.

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better resume word for assisted

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

better resume word for assisted

Words To Use Instead Of Assisted On A Resume

Here are eight words and phrases you should eliminate from your resume. Something about the word “use” feels too simple, and in a vain attempt to make our work seem more significant, we use the word “utilize” instead.

better resume word for assisted

10 words to remove from your resume by removing overused and flowery words such as the following from your resume, you’ll craft a stronger document that accurately highlights your skills and accomplishments.

better resume word for assisted

Words to use instead of assisted on a resume . Instead of “helped,” try “coached,” “represented,” “clarified,” “referred,” “facilitated,” or “assessed.” instead of “created,” try “designed,” “originated,” “developed,” “shaped,” “conceptualized,” or “fashioned.” Power words can help you get your point across while still using industry terms. This term is one of the worst, hr experts say.

People often also use weak verbs to describe their work. In fact, we do it constantly! These words are particularly useful if you are applying for a job that involves managing, leading, teaching, or advising others.

If you were instrumental in a project, replace the word “helped” with the word “spearheaded.” Plus how to use power words in a resume to get more interviews. Instead of software catching your keywords, it’s a human.

But, these verbs make your resume weaker. Some of the most common examples include help, handled, assisted with, and worked. Instead, make a point of using powerful action verbs and avoid overusing the same verbs (such as “assisted,” “oversaw,” and “utilised”).

While you’ll likely need to use some industry terms when describing previous job experiences, it’s important your resume still makes sense to someone outside your job role. The language you use in your resume is almost as important as your skillset and experience. Find 60 ways to say assisted, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Instead, make a point of using powerful action verbs and avoid overusing the same verbs (such as “ assisted ,” “ oversaw ” and “ utilized ”). If possible, state the number of people you trained or mentored. “refactored core component libraries from ruby to node.js.”

Find 557 synonyms for assisted and other similar words that you can use instead based on 5 separate contexts from our thesaurus. 50 action words for your resume you might think you have an awesome resume, but i bet it's missing some very important pieces—like powerful action words. Hiring managers are looking for a resume (and candidate) that won’t blend into the paper pile.

You don’t handle people (which is where one usually sees this), and if you handled money what did you do with the money? “utilized” we all do this. Words like “trained” and “mentored” are action verbs that show you have experience managing others.

“use strong words that emphasize your level of involvement. According to copeland, a resume — and the job search in general — is not the time to be shy. You can easily replace them.

Action words are specific, clarify your contributions, and bring a confident tone to your resume and list of accomplishments. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use action words on your resume right. This isn’t the time to minimize yourself or your contributions.

To make sure you don’t suffer from language that will get your resume placed in the “no” pile, remove these six words from your resume. The worst resume action verbs my least favorite active verb is ‘managed,’ but there are others equally as tepid such as ‘established,’ ‘defined,’ and ‘performed.’ But are you choosing the most compelling resume words?

Instead you need your resume to read with power and purpose. These generic verbs are so familiar to recruiters that their eyes may skim right over them. See lists of resume buzzwords, verbs, and adjectives, and which words to avoid and use to land that dream job fast!

Knowing and accurately using those words demonstrates you have the necessary hard skills. Negotiated “communicated” human beings cannot help but communicate; While some action verbs pack a punch, others are tired and boring.

Keywords might be “analyzed,” “quantified,” “planned,” “programmed,” “designed,” “taught,” or “trained.”. Pick verbs that demonstrate your specific value, instead of selling yourself short: You can use it to punch up your resume quickly and can stand out as the best candidate for the job.

While we’re on the subject of verbs, words like “assisted” and “helped” can be easy ones to lean on in your resume—particularly when you don’t want to hog the credit for the entirety of a project or achievement. 19 powerful leadership keywords to include on your resume (aka, better alternatives to the word “manage”): ‘handled’ is too vague, use a more definitive verb.

Examples of overused, generic action verbs include: Took (part) spot any of these words on your resume? For example, instead of saying:

These can similarly dull your contributions. If you're familiar enough with a task to put it on your resume, you can choose a better word than assist. The key here is to use detailed terminology that will highlight exactly how and what you communicated in your previous roles:

Each industry has certain keywords that are important. Instead, consider limiting your use of “manage” on your resume to just a few times, opting instead for more powerful, descriptive synonyms that more concretely communicate your ability to effectively lead people and projects. Assisted marketing director by researching pdas.

In this article, we explain which words to remove and provide a free tool you can use to screen your resume for negative keywords. List of resume action words, action verbs and power words to use instead of: There's also a sizable list of powerful resume action verbs included—for quick reference.

“people use this term in lieu of telling giving me specifics,” says liz d’aloia, founder of hr virtuoso. Team player, leadership, responsible for, communication, and lots more. Either way, you may only have a brief moment to make a lasting first impression.

better resume word for assisted

Synonyms of assisted

  • as in aided
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Thesaurus Definition of assisted

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • facilitated
  • propped (up)
  • backstopped
  • bore a hand
  • stood one in good stead
  • ministered (to)
  • cared (for)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • handicapped
  • constrained
  • disappointed
  • discouraged
  • inconvenienced
  • disheartened

Thesaurus Entries Near assisted

assisted suicide

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“Assisted.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 May. 2024.

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Britannica English: Translation of assisted for Arabic Speakers

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adjective as in backed

Strongest matches

approved , endorsed , favored

Strong matches

advocated , aided , bankrolled , bolstered , boosted , championed , encouraged , financed , fostered , furthered , helped , promoted , propped , seconded , sponsored , underwritten , upheld

adjective as in directed

Strongest match

aimed , controlled , counseled , focused , guided , managed , organized , sponsored

Weak matches

orderly , purposeful

adjective as in helped

abetted , accompanied , advised , backed , befriended , bolstered , encouraged , maintained , nursed , relieved , subsidized , supported , sustained

  • taken care of

adjective as in reinforced

augmented , fortified , strengthened

backed , banded , bolstered , braced , buttressed , stiffened , thickened

beefed up , built-up

Discover More

Example sentences.

Strange is sometimes assisted by Wong, another monk gifted to Dr. Strange by The Ancient One.

The implication is that she might even have assisted her husband inflicting his superficial wounds.

He talks candidly about the saga, non-monogamy, assisted suicide, and why he is ‘bored’ of the gay actor debate.

In a newspaper interview Sunday, he claimed the government had assisted the militants with arms and funds.

By contrast, Gallup found that a majority of Democrats believe that physician-assisted death is morally acceptable.

When the days were fine, Jean in his basket assisted at the dramatic performance in the market-place.

The wedding breakfast very much resembled the similar festivities at which most of us have assisted.

Robert assisted her into the hammock which swung from the post before her door out to the trunk of a tree.

He assisted in framing the federal constitution, and made himself useful to his country in various ways.

She closed the stove door with a bang, and approaching, assisted in removing Edna's dripping mackintosh.

Related Words

Words related to assisted are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word assisted . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

adjective as in supported

  • underwritten

adjective as in supervised

adjective as in aided

  • accompanied
  • strengthened

On this page you'll find 72 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to assisted, such as: approved, endorsed, favored, advocated, aided, and bankrolled.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


  1. The Best Synonyms To Use for "Assisted" on a Resume

    Assisted synonyms for your resume. Here are five synonyms that you can use in place of "assisted" on your resume: Aided: Using "aided" can show that you played an active role in ensuring the success of a project or team. Facilitated: This word connotes making a process easier or smoother for someone. The definition of "facilitated" can suggest ...

  2. Assisted Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Assisted ". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience. The word "assisted" describes work done with the help of others. Using this word in your resume shows that you have worked with ...

  3. The Best Synonyms for "Assisted" to Use on Your Resume

    Here is a list of synonyms for the word "assisted" that you can add to your resume. Resume synonyms for Assisted : The average salary range for healthcare recruiters is between $58,000 and $88,000, with a median salary of $71,000.

  4. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted [Examples + Data]

    The word 'Assisted' might sound helpful, but it doesn't fully capture the breadth of your contributions. Swap 'Assisted' with powerful, apt synonyms that better reflect your value and engage potential employers. Join us in our guide where we lay out the best substitutions for 'Assisted' and how to incorporate them aptly in your resume.

  5. Assist Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    To give a more detailed description of your work experience and how valuable those experiences were for your previous employers, try using power verbs instead of generic terms. Words to use on resume instead of 'assist' includes 'diversified,' 'promoted,' and 'ministered.'. When you use power verbs, you can show the recruiter exactly your ...

  6. 10 Good Synonyms For "Assisted" On Your Resumé

    Aided. "Aided" is a simple synonym for "assisted.". It shows that you provided "aid" to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context). We recommend this one as a solid option if you don't want "accommodated.". The definition of "aided ...

  7. What Are Synonyms for "Assisted" on a Resume?

    Enabled. Joined. Fostered. Inspired. Furthered. Advanced. Served. Promoted. Unless you're describing work you helped with outside of the usual scope of your responsibilities, it's best to avoid the word "assisted" on your resume.

  8. Assisting Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    A better word for 'Assisting' include 'Sustained', 'Forwarded', or 'Accelerated'. Action or power verbs communicate that you're an expert in a particular area. If hiring managers read your resume, they will see that you have the expertise and can do what they need to be done at their company. It makes it clear that you can make decisions about ...

  9. Using "Assisted" Synonyms on a Resume to Improve Your Job Search

    Prepared. You use "prepared" on your resume as an alternative to "assisted" to convey your ability to work autonomously and manage tasks that support colleagues or contribute to larger goals. This may be suitable for highlighting your planning, organizing, and time management skills. This phrasing can demonstrate your results-oriented mindset ...

  10. 500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

    Examples of how to use synonyms for assisted on your resume: " Aided the development team with coding projects, increasing productivity by 20%." " Stimulated new collaborations between marketing and sales departments through the implementation of innovative strategies." " Expedited the onboarding process of new employees, reducing the waiting time from two days to one day."

  11. Stop Saying You 'Helped' on Your Resume (and Use These ...

    Stop Saying You 'Helped' on Your Resume (and Use These Verbs Instead) You should use much stronger words than "helped" and "assisted." Sarah Showfety. January 26, 2022. Credit: Roman Samborskyi ...

  12. Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

    ATS Resume Templates Edit your resume in Microsoft Word. ... Job Search Advice Tips and hacks for saving time and getting better results in your job search. LinkedIn Guides Learn how to craft the perfect LinkedIn profile. Guides on headlines, summaries, work experience, and more. ... Assisted in organizing team-building activities.

  13. 195 Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Using action verbs that are unique and powerful can increase your chances of capturing the attention of an employer and moving to the next step in the hiring process. Here's an example: Lacks strength and clarity: "Held weekly status meetings to share client updates.". Empowered and detailed: "Spearheaded weekly status meetings to ...

  14. Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

    Synonyms for Learned on your resume. A commitment to learning isn't just an important aspect of professional development — it's also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like: Attained. Mastered. Discovered. Identified. Studied. Trained.

  15. Words To Use Instead Of Assisted On A Resume

    While we're on the subject of verbs, words like "assisted" and "helped" can be easy ones to lean on in your resume—particularly when you don't want to hog the credit for the entirety of a project or achievement. 19 powerful leadership keywords to include on your resume (aka, better alternatives to the word "manage ...

  16. ASSISTED Synonyms: 88 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSISTED: aided, helped, supported, reinforced, abetted, facilitated, backed, encouraged; Antonyms of ASSISTED: hindered, hampered, opposed, handicapped ...

  17. 37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume

    37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume. The word "helped" means that you provided support toward the accomplishment of a goal. Highlighting projects where you gave support, as well as goals that you assisted others in achieving, is a great way to showcase not just your skills, but also your ability to work positively ...

  18. What is another word for assisted

    Synonyms for assisted include supported, abetted, aided, helped, sponsored, bolstered, backed, built-up, augmented and reinforced. Find more similar words at ...

  19. Assisted synonyms

    Tags. comforted. gave. aided. suggest new. Another way to say Assisted? Synonyms for Assisted (other words and phrases for Assisted).

  20. 68 Synonyms & Antonyms for ASSISTED

    Find 68 different ways to say ASSISTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at