A Time I Helped Someone Essay

This essay sample on A Time I Helped Someone Essay provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common “for and against” arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.

It was back in first grade, we had a big house, my parents were doctors and I’m studying In a good school. I was rich back then. When I first met this half Chinese person named William 1. Mm, I TLD care at all.

My dad hired him for the reason to work for our family. For one thing, he drives me and my siblings to school. I guess he was a driver. I always see him cleaning off the leaves from the roof, washing the cars, and watering the garden. I didn’t talk to him; I Just know he is getting paid for what he does.

After school, he came to pick us up and I suddenly heard, “Your name Ingrain, right? ” I nodded and gave him a smile.

I made a friend with a 30-year old man, It was unbelievable but I TLD think that way. He was someone I could talk to, I could play with, and he’s the kind of person you can get along so easily. One time, I saw him by the window watering the orchids and plants. I went downstairs to look how he does the watering. He saw me and said “Hi there! ” I smiled and went closer to him. “What’s that? ” I asked.

the day i helped someone essay

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“It’s a fertilizer. ” He replied. “Why do you put that?

When I Help Someone Essay

I asked again. “It’s for the plants to grow healthy. ” I keep on asking questions but he never gets tired of answering. So basically, I was a kid who needs answers. He was like a teacher and he’s a good artist too, Whenever I have projects, he would give me his time to do it. When he picks me up at school, and by the time I finished my homework, I would go to him and spend time asking and learning new things from him. He was a good man after all. William was a poor guy. He has a wife and four children to feed. My dad let him move and build a simple house on a lot we owned.

With that, he wont have to pay any rent. I grew up and still he was there, still working for our family, still a driver. My dad find him very loyal and I do too. I have a lot more thinking than before but I’m still a kid to him and our friendship grew even more. At school, we were waiting for my sister in the car, and all we do is to debate. We would talk about certain things and before you know it, the subject changes. That time I knew I was killing the time and having fun. He didn’t finish school but he knows a lot of things. “Why do you know these things?

I asked him one time when he was at the garden. All he said was, “It’s all about experience. ” And I was wondering to myself, “What’s that mean? ” It was confusing at first but I finally get the message. Just Like me, I learn new things from asking especially with him. I never thought It would be that fun. I help him bathe the dogs; I would join him to buy something my mom asked. He was Just hired as a driver but he still gave time and effort to do the things he’s not supposed to. He was truly amazing. I know a guy like him has some troubles too.

He once told me, he’s son got sick and can’t afford medicine. I said, now that my parents are doctors, they would be glad to help you. Sunday night, I was watching TV at my parent’s room and we suddenly heard a doorbell. “Ingrain, get It. ” My dad ordered. I stood up, walking down the stairs thinking, “It’s 10:30 in the evening, who could it be. ” I picked up the door and saw William by the gate. He looks alone and I wonder why he’s here in the middle of the night. I open the gate and he wasn’t alone, I saw him carrying his child. “What’s wrong? ” I asked. “Is your dad there? Fee” He looks very troubled. “My son is sick so can you ask your dad If you could check him up? ” “Okay, you better come Inside. ” I said. I hurried up to my parent’s room Ana tell teem Williams nerve. My ciao chicken Nils son Ana sake me to get ten medicine from the box. I know my dad would help because he was the kind of doctor who helps the person in need. I gave him the medicine we have at home and the good thing is he doesn’t have to pay. I was happy for him and hoped for his son to get well. Unfortunately, the next morning, it was Monday; it’s time for him to drive us to school.

I asked him about his son, “it’s not looking good. ” “Oh. ” I said sadly. “Can I borrow some money? ” I know I heard him right but I asked myself why. Mimi see, my son badly sick and I can’t afford money. ” He added. I know I get allowances from my parents and I barely use it, but I didn’t expect those words to be hearing from him. My brother and sister were coming and I said, “I’ll give you later after school. ” Definitely it was hesitation I felt. My day starts, thinking about Williams problem. Out of the blue, he Just asked a kid like me for money.

I came home and look by the window and saw him wiping the car, and I made a decision. I came downstairs and gave him an envelope. “Thank you very much; I’ll pay you back little by little. ” He really looks happy but still troubled. “Sure, but don’t think about it that much, I can wait you know. ” I replied and he smiled. I was kind of happy that day. I don’t know why but I was happy I did something good. At school, the teacher always teaches us about helping people and I never thought I would be doing that. I never told my parents about this nor did William.

It was a secret between us. The reason I didn’t tell my parents was there was no need for them to know, it’s what I thought. It was time for me to act on my own, I need to make decision. He needs the money more than I do, even though I’m Just a kid, he needed my help. It’s been nine years now, I grew and grew. William was there, watching me grow up. I still help him, even though it’s from own things, I still would find a good way to help him. I didn’t regret the first time I helped him. I’m Just happy I was helping someone and giving smiles to him and to his Emily.

I still didn’t tell my parents, I know what I did, what I decided was right. When Christmas comes, I would give away my old stuff, my old clothes to him. Besides, I will not use it anymore, and his children need it. He’s still a driver and I would still ask him questions, still learning new things from him and still be helping him. That one day I helped William taught me something, something William said, “It’s all about experience. ” I finally know the answer. There may be new challenges to come but things here always go back the way it should be.

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A Time I Helped Someone Essay


Talk about a time when you helped someone

Talk about a time when you helped someone or Describe a time when you helped a Friend You should say:

  • Who was he?
  • How did you know him?
  • How did you help?
  • Talk about a time when you helped someone?

Sample  1:-

Well, We all need help at some point in time in our lives. I also received help much time and help others too. When we help others, It makes us happy and polite, also shows our behaviour towards others. Today, I have asked to talk about a time when I helped someone else. I remember an incident when I was in 10th standard. I helped my needy friend who was my class fellow.

His name was Avneet Singh and belong to a poor family. He didn’t have enough money to buy books. And I used to receive a hundred rupees per month pocket money in those days. Usually, I spent that money on chocolates and  I love chocolates.

I decided to help him by giving all my pocket money to him. So, he could be able to buy books. I remember his face that how he became happy. Then, he bought books. Since then, we have been best friends. To be honest, I felt happy at that moment that feeling was extremely different which I never felt before.

I realized that some things can give more happiness than eating chocolates.

Sample 2:- Talk about a time when you helped someone

Well, it is a moral value to help someone in any difficult situation. And here I would like to talk about a time when I helped an unknown person. I describe it briefly.

About a couple of months ago, I was going to college. Actually, my college is located at some distance from my hometown. I go there via bus. Once a day, I took a bus at about 9:30 am to reach my destination. On this bus, I sit down on a seat and felt relaxed.

But suddenly, I felt something in my feet. I thought it is a paper or a small notebook of someone other. But when I stooped down to take it, I saw that it was a passport. I checked it and asked about it to all the people who were available on that bus. But everyone said no to this passport. that passport was of someone other.

I read the address on it and that address was of a village named “Malliana” which is nearby my hometown. I took it with me. Then, on the next day, I went to “Mariana” village and asked a villager about a home address which was available on that passport.

I easily found that home address. I went there and knocked on the door. A lady opened the door. I told her about the lost passport.

She felt immensely glad after listen to it from me. Because of that passport of her son. She gave respect to me and thanked me. I also felt highly elated by helping a human being.

All in all, that was the time when I helped an unknown person.

Sample 3:- Talk about a time when you helped someone

Although, I belong to an educated family consists of 5 members, my father. my mother, my two siblings and myself, We are all spending our lines with great enthusiasm.

Even though, I have remembered all the moral values given by my parents to me such as help others, respect to elders, love with the country and so on.

Generally, about two months ago, I had helped an old and feeble person. On one Sunday, I was sitting on my home’s roof in the evening. Then, I saw that an old person was wondering in my locality here and there.

Unfortunately, he was not looking well. It seemed that he was asking about an address or location.

Hence, I went outside and asked that person about the matter. He told me that he is looking for an address. At the same time, the weather was too hot because this happened during the summer season.

So, I took that old person to my house and gave water to him for drinking. He felt relax and cool. Then, I asked him about the address for which he was wandering. He told me everything.

Initially, after it, I went with him on my motorbike and dropped him at the same address which was that old person searching.

Eventually, I had helped him by dropping him at his destination. He blessed me a lot. I felt very much glad after seeing a smile on his face. I felt myself on the ninth cloud by happiness.

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Hi , it happened with me when I was in 1 standard her name was Ardhya I gave her all money of my pocket money but when my mom asked me to show the piggy bank it was nothing so, first she asked where is it I told I gave all my pocket money to my best friend because she have to buy books 📚 my mother was very happy and I day when I want to buy 1 book 📖 but that time I don’t have money so I meet to my best friend she gave me some money I was happy I bought the book and we read it together 😊😊

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i like sample 2 it is so nice

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Essay on Helping Someone

Students are often asked to write an essay on Helping Someone in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Helping Someone

What is helping.

Helping means giving aid or support to someone who needs it. It can be as simple as sharing your lunch with a friend or as big as helping a neighbor fix their house. When we help, we make someone’s life a little easier.

Why Should We Help?

Helping others is a good thing to do. It makes us feel good about ourselves and brings happiness to others. It also strengthens our connections with people. We learn to understand and care for others when we help them.

Ways to Help

There are many ways to help others. You can give your time, share your skills, or donate things you don’t need. Even a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Helping and Learning

When we help others, we also learn new things. We learn about people’s lives and their problems. This helps us become more understanding and compassionate. It also helps us grow as individuals.

Helping others is not just about doing good. It’s about being a better person, learning new things, and making the world a better place. So, let’s help others whenever we can.

250 Words Essay on Helping Someone

The joy of helping someone.

Helping someone is a noble act. It brings joy not only to the person who gets help but also to the one who offers it. It’s a way of showing kindness and love to others. It can be as simple as lending a pencil to a friend who forgot theirs or as big as helping an old person cross the street.

Helping in Everyday Life

Helping others is part of our everyday life. At school, we can help our classmates understand a hard topic. At home, we can help our parents by doing small tasks like cleaning our room or washing dishes. We can help our friends by listening to them when they are sad. All these acts of help make us better people.

Helping Builds Relationships

When we help someone, we build strong relationships with them. People remember those who help them in their time of need. They feel grateful and are likely to help us back when we need it. It’s like a circle of kindness that keeps going.

Helping Makes Us Happy

Helping others also makes us feel good about ourselves. It gives us a sense of purpose and satisfaction. When we see the smile on the faces of those we help, it makes us happy too. It’s a feeling that money can’t buy.

In conclusion, helping someone is a beautiful act of kindness. It brings joy, builds relationships, and makes us happy. So, let’s always be ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life.

500 Words Essay on Helping Someone

Understanding the act of helping.

Helping someone is a simple act that shows kindness and empathy. It means giving your time, energy, or resources to assist another person who is in need. It could be as simple as helping a friend with homework or as big as donating clothes to people who don’t have enough. Helping is a way of showing that you care about others and their well-being.

The Importance of Helping Others

Helping others is important for many reasons. Firstly, it makes the person you’re helping feel good. When someone is in a tough spot and you lend a hand, it can make their day a little brighter. It can give them hope and show them that they are not alone.

Secondly, helping others can also make you feel good. It can give you a sense of purpose and make you feel happy. Studies have shown that people who help others often feel happier and more satisfied with their lives.

Ways to Help Others

There are many ways to help others. You don’t need to have a lot of money or resources to help. Sometimes, the simplest acts can make the biggest difference.

One way to help is by listening. If a friend is having a hard time, simply being there to listen can be a huge help. You don’t always need to offer advice or solutions. Sometimes, people just need someone to hear them out.

Another way to help is by doing small acts of kindness. This could be helping an elderly neighbor with their groceries, picking up litter in your local park, or making a card for a sick friend. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact.

The Impact of Helping Others

Helping others can have a big impact on the world around you. It can create a ripple effect. When you help someone, it often inspires them to help someone else. This can lead to more and more people helping each other, creating a kinder and more caring community.

Helping others can also help to build stronger relationships. When you help someone, it shows them that you care. This can strengthen your relationship with that person and build trust.

In conclusion, helping others is a powerful act of kindness. It can make a big difference in someone’s life and can also make you feel good. There are many ways to help others, from listening to doing small acts of kindness. Helping others can create a ripple effect of kindness in your community and help to build stronger relationships. So, the next time you see someone in need, don’t hesitate to lend a hand. You never know what a big difference it could make.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Friendship — The Day I Met an Amazing Friend


The Day I Met an Amazing Friend

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Words: 516 |

Published: Jun 5, 2019

Words: 516 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Adams, R., & Blieszner, R. (1995). Older Adults' Friendships and Social Support. In N. L. Cutler & L. K. Hendricks (Eds.), Aging and the Social Sciences: A Handbook (pp. 181-196). Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Bagwell, C. L., & Schmidt, M. E. (2011). Friendships in Childhood and Adolescence. Guilford Press.
  • Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The Moderator–Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research : Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173–1182. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.51.6.1173
  • Buhrmester, D., & Prager, K. J. (1995). Patterns and Functions of Self-Disclosure During Childhood and Adolescence. In J. Juvonen & K. J. Wentzel (Eds.), Social Motivation: Understanding Children's School Adjustment (pp. 85-112). Cambridge University Press.
  • Hartup, W. W. (1996). The Company They Keep: Friendships and Their Developmental Significance. Child Development, 67(1), 1-13. doi:10.2307/1131877
  • Ladd, G. W., & Troop-Gordon, W. (2003). The Role of Chronic Peer Difficulties in the Development of Children's Psychological Adjustment Problems. Child Development, 74(5), 1344-1367. doi:10.1046/j.1467-8624.2003.00623.x
  • Parker, J. G., & Asher, S. R. (1993). Friendship and Friendship Quality in Middle Childhood: Links with Peer Group Acceptance and Feelings of Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction. Developmental Psychology, 29(4), 611-621. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.29.4.611
  • Rubin, K. H., Bukowski, W. M., & Parker, J. G. (2006). Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups. In N. Eisenberg, W. Damon, & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Social, Emotional, and Personality Development (6th ed., Vol. 3, pp. 571-645). Wiley.

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the day i helped someone essay

  • InterviewPenguin.com – Your best job interview coach since 2011

Tell us about a time when you helped out your team or someone else – Sample answers & more

The soul lives forever from giving, not receiving . What I try to say here is that helping someone is always a good thing. And it doesn’t matter whether you get some reward for your help– be it a simple thank you, or a recognition for your work, or even something bigger, such as a promotion or a bonus you get at the end of the month… Why do I start this one rather philosophically? Well, I do so because this is exactly the attitude you should try to show in your interviews. An attitude that you always try to help, do the most for your colleagues, and generally that you are the person others can rely on .

How can you show such an attitude? You can do so with an example that demonstrates it. What I try to say here is that you should pick a situation in which you weren’t forced or even asked to help someone . On the contrary, an ideal example is a situation when you went out of your way for someone, out of your free will , not expecting to get anything in return for your favor.

You can talk about a situation from work, from school, or even from your personal life. You can even make something up –as long as you include enough details and add some facts (when it happened, names of the persons involved, etc), the hiring managers will have no reason to doubt the authenticity of your answer . Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers now. I tried to include on my list a variety of answers, and hopefully at least one of them with resonate with you, and serve you as an inspiration for your own, authentic answer.

7 sample answers to “Tell us about a time when you helped out your team or someone else” interview question

  • I recall a fitting situation from my last job of a store manager . Typically you have some patterns in a store, and know what to expect, in terms of an rush hour, number of visitors, and so on. However, on that Wednesday in mid November things took a rather unexpected turn . From some reason, the store was extremely packed, and the cashiers and people on the floor had a hard time managing the workload. Since I didn’t want to see customers waiting longer than necessary , and also I wanted to alleviate the workload of my subordinates, I simply took a stand at one of the cash desk and started to attend the customers. Some subordinates were surprised, because they have never before seen a manager doing something like that , but it wasn’t important to me. I simply did the thing which I considered right to do.
  • This is my first job application , but I recall a fitting situation from school. We had one classmate who wasn’t very popular–for one reason or another, it doesn’t matter. I, on the contrary, belonged to the most popular girls in the classroom.  People kept inviting me to places, to do activities together, and stuff. I do not know why–be it for pity, compassion, or simply for an impulse of a young heart , (or maybe something deeper within), I decided to make the unpopular guy more involved. He was shy and everything, but I started to invite him to the activities, to participate, and generally talked more to him so other people could take notice . Of course, as it always goes at school, some people mocked me for that, and many did not understand. But I felt it was the right thing to do , and it definitely helped the guy to become more a part of a class. Sure, it made me feel good too, but that wasn’t the reason no. 1 why I did it.
  • My last corporate job is probably a decent example. We had a new colleague in the financial analysis department, and I noticed that he struggled with the workload. I also realized the job was important for them, since they had a young family and this was a well-paid job, and they needed the income. Hence when nobody was around I approached them in the office, and offered them my help . I offered to show them the way I go around things, the way I take care of the processes, because I felt it was more effective. Hence we met in the cafeteria after work, and I explained them everything. It helped, they started to work faster, and didn’t have to worry anymore about losing the job due to their inability to meet the weekly and monthly targets.
  • This is my first job application , but I am generally someone who loves to help . As you can see on my resume, I took part in volunteering activities at school, and at home I always ask my mom what I can help with in the kitchen or around the house. I feel that in order to make this world a better place, we should cooperate instead of competing–which is the case sadly . This is something I always try to keep on my mind, because the world and the mass media often try to convince us of the opposite–that we have to compete, try to better the others when it comes to income and possessions, and so on.
  • I have quite a recent story. Last Saturday , when I was returning back home with friends, after we spent a nice evening outside, we saw a guy lying in a ditch. My friends said he was surely drunk, and they didn’t want to stop. But I told them that they could be wrong, the guy could be injured, or even worse–dead, and that we could not leave him lying there just like that . I approached him, waked him up, asked if he didn’t need help. He seemed very disoriented and hence I decided to call an ambulance. Waited there until they arrived to make sure they stop at the right spot, and then they took care of the situation.
  • Working as a nurse, my entire life is about helping . But for me nursing isn’t only a job. It is a mission , something I feel I can make a positive difference with. If not in the world, at least in the lives of people I come to contact with in my job. That’s why I hope to continue in the field, and apply for a job with you. And I want to assure you that my attitude doesn’t change outside of the job. If I see an opportunity to do something good for someone, I will try my best to do it. Having said that, one also needs some balance in life , and it is important to always find some time for yourself. And it is also good to get some help from time to time, when you need it. I must confess that I have been very lucky in my life up to this point, to having around me supportive people, people who are ready to help me when I need it the most.
  • Speaking honestly, helping a team is a core of my job . For what other reason would I belong to the team, if not for helping it? This is something I always try to have on my mind, regardless of the situation at work. Of course, on some days you have your hands full and struggle with your own workload . But whenever possible I try to keep my eyes open and do my best for the colleagues. Communication is also important, because sometimes it is hard to notice that someone else is struggling–unless they tell you…

Ready to answer this tricky interview question? I hope so! Do not forget to check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions you may face while trying to get any great job:

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  • Describe a time when you received a negative feedback?
  • Are you a team player?
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Describe a time when you helped a friend 

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the day i helped someone essay

Describe a time when you helped a friend When was it?

How you helped him/her, why you helped him/her, and how you felt about it.

Sample Answer:

  • People generally give and take help from one another when they are in need.
  • I always try my best to help out people around me in whatever possible way I can do.
  • Here, I would like to talk about a time when I assisted one of my best friends, Amit, in his work.
  • Amit is my college friend, and he’s very special to me.
  • He has been working as a web developer for more than three years.
  • A couple of months back, he was assigned a very important project, which was to create a shopping website.
  • He and his teammates had to complete this project within a week, which was a very limited time.
  • Although it was not the first time he was working on that kind of website, he still faced a lot of difficulties.
  • There were some potential issues that he and his team members were unable to figure out.
  • One day, he asked for my assistance regarding this project, as I have great experience in building shopping cart websites.
  • On the following day, we began working on this project together at home.
  • I have to say it was a cumbersome task for me to come across the main issue of this website.
  • Fortunately, we found the error with the server and fixed it.
  • The website started working properly, and he was more than happy.
  • Helping my friend gave me a sense of satisfaction, and solving his problem boosted my confidence.
  • As a result, they were able to submit their website before the deadline.
  • He and his teammates thanked me and appreciated my efforts.
  • So, this was the moment when I assisted my friend.
  • Now, sometimes we work together to learn new concepts from each other, which helps us become experts in our field.


1. How do people usually help each other? 

Individuals help one another in many different ways. They provide support to their close friends and relatives by giving them money or by giving sympathy in tough times. Moreover, young people assist their friends in their studies by sharing notes and other study materials.

2. How is online help different from real-life help? 

There is a big difference between helping someone on the internet and in real life. When a person helps others in real life, they get an emotional touch. Whereas, in the case of online help, people can provide assistance to poor people all around the globe. They can also do charity online through various charitable organizations.

3. Should school be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate? 

Yes, I think so. Children spend most of their time acquiring knowledge and discipline in school, so teachers can also instill this skill. Therefore, I think a school is an ideal place for pupils to learn to become cooperative.

4. What are the differences between help from friends and help from family? 

I believe there is much difference between getting help from best friends and family. We don’t need to do anything for family members when they help us, as we take it for granted. However, with friends, we feel obligated to do something in replacement while receiving help.

5. Do you like helping others? 

Of Course, I like it. When I assist others in any way, I get inner satisfaction and happiness. Moreover, I think it’s my moral responsibility to do something for others.

6. Should parents teach helping others to their children? 

Definitely, they should. Kids learn many life skills from their parents in a tender age to easily impart this thing to their children. Parents should try to help others in front of their kids, and kids will automatically become helpful individuals in their later life.

7. Do you think nowadays people do more good work as compared to the past? 

Well, it’s not true. Unfortunately, today people have become materialistic and straightforward, so they don’t like to help others in any way. Whereas, in the past, people used to be very helpful and honest, so life was very simple.

8. What is the most important way for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country? 

I believe there are many ways through which foreign tourists can be helped. They can be assisted by taking them to their destinations or by telling them the route, so they won’t face any difficulty in reaching their place. Then, local people can provide them quality service through food, accommodation, and transportation, so they can take back lovely memories to their native countries and eventually bring more tourists.


In the IELTS speaking test, the candidate is required to speak on a topic for about 1 to 2 minutes. The pattern of IELTS exam is designed to check the understanding level of English. The important thing to keep in mind that the topic given in IELTS speaking test cannot be changed. With the speaking topic, 3 to 4 cues are provided which helps candidates to answer the question to the point.

Here is the list of the latest cue cards which are released every four months.

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IELTS exam is conducted all around the world and there are two types of exam Academic and General exam. Many people join IELTS preparation classes or coaching centres to improve their English skills. This helps many candidates to increase their band scores. On labotrees, you can IELTS preparation material for free.

  • Describe one time when the weather changed your plan | IELTS Speaking Cue card
  • Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school
  • Describe an interesting conversation that you had | Speaking Cue Card
  • IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Topic : Friends
  • IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Topic :Tradition & Custom
  • A female leader you would like to meet | IELTS speaking Cue card |

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Cue Card # 1: Describe a time when you helped someone

Ielts cue card/ candidate task card # 1, describe a time when you helped someone..

You should say:

  • whom you helped and why
  • how you helped this person
  • what the result was

and explain how you felt about helping this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1: First of all, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this great topic. Well, I believe helping others is a quality that makes us human and it gives us an inner satisfaction that we can not feel in any other way, at least this is what I believe. So, I often lend a helping hand to others, even if it is in a small way, and for this cue card topic, I would like to share my experience of helping an old lady who was a complete stranger to me.

I still remember the event vividly. A few months ago I was returning home from the city train station. Unfortunately, the elevator repair work was in progress and when I was about to walk down the stairs, an old lady with her trolleys and bags was trying to do the same. She was hesitant to take the stairs as her bags and trolleys were quite heavy and she was trying to lift them up without any success. I felt the voice inside me told me to help her and I cordially asked her if I could assist her in taking the stairs. Then I carried her trolleys and bags down the steep station stairs as she gradually descended behind me, holding the stair railings.

At the bottom of the stairs, I handed the belongings back to the lady and she instinctively said ‘thank you very much’. I think she was very happy to have someone to help her descend the stairs as she thanked me profoundly a few more times.

Honestly speaking, I think being able to help her made me happier than it did for her. I really felt exhilarated and a surge of joy possessed me. I only feel this great sensation when I truly achieve something extraordinary – being able to assist someone is in a way a great achievement, I believe.

Model Answer 2:  Extending a helping hand to the needy who ask for it is certainly a good thing. Helping somebody, who needs it badly but never really asks for it, is even better. I am thankful to you for this marvellous topic and would like to share my experience of helping a shopkeeper in a remote area.

A few years back when I was working on a project in a remote village, I met a gentleman probably in his early 50s, running a grocery shop while serving some good tea for refreshment at the same time. He looked a bit too old to me for his age probably because of his constant battle with the bitter and unforgiving realities of life. I liked visiting the shop almost every other day for the purpose of buying a loaf of fresh bread for breakfast apart from enjoying its “famous” tea from time to time. Besides, I liked this guy because he was a very hard-working person and just too honest to live a very minimally decent life with his income.

Then, suddenly one day, I found the shop remained closed. I wanted to find out about the reasons as to why the shop was closed. And when I found out about it, I became really sad. The shop was closed because of failing to pay its rent for a couple of months. I wanted to meet the shopkeeper, but I just didn’t know where/how to find him. Luckily, I met him one day by accident, when the shop was still closed, at a nearby vegetable market. I wanted to ask him about his closed shop. In fact, I wanted to offer him some help. But, instead of allowing me the opportunity to speak, he started to ask me about my well-being and my family as if he didn’t want to talk about his own problems!

Anyway, somehow I managed to offer my help to the shopkeeper, but he was really adamant about not accepting any financial assistance from anybody in spite of requesting him repeatedly. But I kept insisting on my offer. Finally, I managed to convince him that accepting help from others, financial or otherwise, doesn’t really belittle anybody. The shop was open once again with the little financial assistance I was allowed to provide. I was happy to visit his shop once again and taste the delicious tea he makes.

In these days and age, while it is very possible that most of our help doesn’t really benefit the right causes at the right times, I sure am glad that I got to help a truly deserving person back on his own feet.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/Candidate Task Card Topic.

For this topic, you can pick one of the following ideas and then extend it.

1) A hungry person once asked for some money so that he/she could buy some food. I felt sad for this person and then took him to a restaurant and offered him/her a generous meal. I also gave him some money. It immensely helped that person that day, and he/she was so grateful to me.

2) A few months ago, I helped a blind man cross a busy intersection. He was struggling to cross the road, and I helped him with that. Even though it made me a little late to reach your office, I did not feel any regret about what I did. It was rather the opposite.

3) A couple of months ago, I helped my cousin with an assignment that he was struggling even to start. I did not do the assignment for him/her. Rather, I helped him/her understand it so that he/she could finish it himself/herself.

4) Last summer, I visited my grandparents’ house. I stayed there with my parents for a week. During this time, I taught my grandfather the basics of using the internet and how he could find some important information using this technology. My grandfather found it very interesting and he recently informed me that it was indeed a great help for him as he can now find useful information easily.

5) A junior student in my college comes from a destitute family. However, he is a bright student and very amiable with others. So I decided to help this student by raising some funds so that he can support his education. I, along with a few of my friends, managed to collect enough money to support his tuition fees for the next four months. I also bought some books and study materials with the money for him.

6) A couple of years ago, I went to a poor neighbourhood and noticed that a mother and her young girl were shivering in bitter cold during the winter. I did feel very sad for them, and I asked my parents for some money. With this money as well as some of my savings, I purchased a few winter dresses for the mother and her baby girl. I still feel great because I had been able to help them.

7) A few weeks ago, I helped a senior citizen by carrying her groceries to her car from the shopping mall. She was over 75 years old and all alone. It was very tough for her to carry all the bags she had with her. So, I decided to go forward and help her carry those bags.

9 Comments to “Cue Card # 1: Describe a time when you helped someone”

Thank you for the ideas.

It was nothing. I love helping people.

These responses are awful. So full of flowery, people-pleasing language that you’d expect from a cheap politician. Most serious interviewers could see straight through all the fluff.

Can you provide a better one, smart guy?

I loved this writing. Thanks for giving me ideas.

These responses are incredibly weak. Nobody cares about what you did to help someone – it’s about demonstrating your own qualities and what you’ve learned from helping another person.

Response 1 hints at this in the final paragraph with 1 sentence discussing a “surge of joy,” but nothing else. Response 2 is slightly better in that offers a pivotal moment in which the author convinces the shopkeeper that offering aid is not to belittle.

And yet, there is so much left unanswered. Why were the authors the most suited to provide aid? What did they learn from the experience about themselves? What makes this experience of offering aid memorable – what was the sacrifice?

The types of sentences you’d want to see: “I knew the shopkeeper was a dignified and proud man who would be hesitant to accept handouts, so I posited the scenario where his shop fails and how the community would be let down. This lowered his guard and he came around to the idea that showing vulnerability is ok, especially when working towards the greater good.”

“I learned from the old lady the importance of asking when I need something. That I don’t have to do everything myself; people are happy to help. In practice, I now leverage my network more frequently.”

Maybe I’m thinking too much into this — but from an essay context, this could be better.

This is basically not a response to an essay topic. Rather, this is a written speech in response to the Speaking topic “Describe a time when you helped someone”. When you tell a story, you often let it flow naturally rather than making it to structured and organized.

I wouldn’t agree that the answers are “incredibly”, weak but I would say your way of saying it is much stronger.

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Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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50 sweet good morning texts to send to someone you love

Aside from a nice hot cup of coffee, there's nothing better than getting a sweet good morning text from your loved one.

After all, who doesn't love knowing that they are the first thing on their partner's mind when they wake up?

The simple act of letting your partner know that you're thinking about them can mean more for your relationship than you know.

“Intimate partnerships need meaningful ongoing connection to thrive. After years in a relationship, many of us stop prioritizing our partners because we are busy focusing on children, work and other responsibilities,” Lise Deguire, Psy.D. , a psychologist and author, tells TODAY.com. “Just like any other important person, our partners need to feel that we think of them often with love and affection.”

Sending a thoughtful message to your loved one is a great way to remind them how much you love and appreciate them, even on those rushed mornings when you're both hustling out the door.

Whether you send some words of affirmation , a silly joke, or a simple reminder that you're thinking about your partner, a sweet morning text is sure to bring a smile to their face.

We asked experts to weigh in on the most meaningful messages to send to your loved ones. From hilarious to heartfelt, these good morning texts will deepen your connection with those closest to you.

Good morning texts for her  

  • Good morning, I am thinking of you. “Everyone needs to feel that their partner remembers them and cares about them, more than anyone else,” Deguire says. 
  • Just the thought of you makes me smile. “This phrase can remind the reader of the early days of being in love and feeling treasured,” Deguire says. 
  • Good morning! I know you’ve been stressing about ___ this week. What can I do to help support you?  Specifically acknowledging that you've been actively listening to your partner will make them feel heard, according to Kelly Neupert, LPC , a licensed professional counselor and career coach. “Asking what you can do to help versus assuming what they need ensures that you don’t waste energy trying to mind-read and increases the chances of your partner getting their needs met.”
  • The sound of your voice is music to my ears.  Even your groggy, bleary morning voice is precious to your partner. If you both have some free time, follow up this sweet message with a quick phone call.
  • I appreciate everything you do for me, particularly... “Many of us feel our efforts are taken for granted," Deguire says, noting that this text lets the recipient know that their efforts are seen and appreciated.

Good morning texts

  • Good morning my love! I cherish every moment we spend together. This sweet, simple message will show her how important she is in your life.
  • Send a photo of a favorite memory of the two of you around this time of year. Sending a photo of an old memory will help spark feelings of joy and contentment for your partner. “It also might shed insight on the rituals you find meaningful between you and your partner, and serve as a reminder to celebrate them this year,” Neupert adds.
  • I think of you from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Remind your partner that she's always on your mind. Even if you spend the day apart, she's still in your heart.
  • You make the world a better place. “This phrase would ground the reader in knowing they have deep value in the world, and that their life makes a difference,” Deguire says. 
  • With you, every day is an adventure. Your relationship is always exciting, no matter how long you've been together. This message will show her how much you appreciate her spontaneity.

the day i helped someone essay

  • I hope your day is as wonderful as you are! Remind your partner that she deserves the best with this sweet sentiment.
  • Say thank you for something your partner has done recently that you haven’t acknowledged yet. The more specific you can be here, the better. A message like “I really appreciate you prioritizing spending the holiday with my family. I know it was probably stressful, but they were so happy to meet you and it was really important to me” is a solid way of expressing your gratitude, according to Neupert.
  • Every morning is brighter with you by my side. Your partner's smile is brighter than the morning sunshine. Tell her how much you adore her sunny disposition, today and every day.
  • I'm sending you a big virtual hug this morning. Sometimes, your schedule won't let you give your partner a morning hug, kiss, or pep talk. Make up for it with this thoughtful text.
  • Good morning! I have a fun date planned for us tonight. I'll pick you up at 7! Sometimes the best date is the one you don't have to plan. Build your partner's anticipation for a fun, creative date night.

the day i helped someone essay

Good morning texts for him  

  • I see how hard you work and I really appreciate it. According to Deguire, many men want to feel that their contributions are seen and valued.
  • You get me excited about what’s possible.  Mornings don’t have to be boring, and the thought of your bright future together will definitely put a pep in his step.
  • Say thank you for something your partner has recently done. Expressing this sentiment goes both ways in a relationship. “We often appreciate so many things, but forget to vocalize it past ‘thank you,’” Neupert says, adding that you should get specific and detailed about why the act mattered to you. 
  • Thank you for always being my rock. When you're having a tough day, he's always there to bring the sunshine. Tell him how much his support means to you with this thoughtful message.
  • This is ____ requesting a Zoom meeting with ____. Urgent quality time needed. Please confirm if ___ (time) works for you. “Even if we live with our significant others, it can be difficult to spend actual time reconnecting with them,” Neupert says. “Sending a calendar invite is a funny way to get on your partner’s radar.” 

the day i helped someone essay

  • Be sure to take care of yourself today. I love you! “A lot of men need encouragement from their partners to take good care of themselves,” Remind them that you care with this sweet text message.
  • Good morning! I’m so lucky to be with you. This short and sweet message is the perfect way to show your partner that you think the world of him.
  • I’m always on your side.  “We all want to feel that their partners have our backs, and that we can rely on our partners no matter what,” Deguire says.
  • Good morning sunshine! We’re patiently waiting for you to get up so we can tell you we love you. [Send picture with the dog] “Who doesn’t love pictures of their pets with a sweet message," Neupert asks.
  • You’re the cheese to my macaroni. You and your partner are a perfect pair, and this sweet message is sure to warm his heart.

the day i helped someone essay

  • Good morning rock star! What guy doesn’t love being called a rock star? We like this fun suggestion from Deguire, and it’s also suitable for anyone in your inner circle you adore. 
  • Good luck with your meeting today.  “It is always helpful for your partner to remember important aspects of your work life, which reduces stress and feeling isolated with pressure and anxiety,” Deguire says. 
  • I’m grateful for you this morning, and every morning! This message will make your partner feel the love as he starts his day.
  • Send a meme. Neupert says that texting your partner a meme — a humorous image, video, or word or phrase — is the best way to send them into a laughing fit, especially if it’s one that alludes to an aspect of your relationship or a recent experience.
  • You look extra cute when you're snoring. This text is equal parts silly and sweet, and it's guaranteed to bring a smile to your live-in love's face.

Good morning texts

  • Good morning! This is your daily reminder that you’ve got this. If he has a busy day ahead, bolster his spirits with this supportive text.
  • Sending you positive energy this morning! This cute message will brighten his day almost as much as the morning sunshine.
  • Good morning! I’m cheering you on today and every day. When he needs some extra support, a sweet message like this one will definitely boost his mood.
  • I'm already counting down the minutes until I see you again. Whether you're in a long distance relationship or you just kissed him goodbye for work, let him know that you're always thinking of him.
  • Morning! I hope your coffee is as hot as you are. This flirty message will start off his day with a smile.

Sweet and funny good morning texts for anyone

  • I saw this cute _____ and it reminded me of you. Bring on the adorable puppy and turtle photos. “Cute photos of animals almost always brighten a person’s morning,” Deguire says.
  • Good morning! I hope you have a great day! This simple yet sweet text will start their day off on a positive note, according to Mike Anderson , PhD, a sex and relationship therapist.
  • The thought of you makes me happy every day. “It is so meaningful to know that we have a loving impact on the people around us,” Deguire says. We agree that this heart-melting sentiment will make someone’s morning, and perhaps, entire day.
  • Remember when... Neupert recommends sending a photo or brief anecdote about a time you shared with a loved one. Who doesn't love walking down memory lane? Exactly.
  • One of my favorite things about you is... "Tell them something you’ve noticed about them, but that you haven’t vocalized to them before,” Neupert says. You can make this message about their personality, a kind act they did for you recently or a mix of both.

the day i helped someone essay

  • I can’t wait to see you later today.  Who said you need a long text message to express how much you care? “A little effort goes a long way when it comes to showing someone you value them,” Anderson says. 
  • Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. This sincerely sweet message is a great way to show how much you appreciate your loved one.
  • You’re the best, just remember that! Another short and sweet note: "This flattering message is perfect for letting someone know that you’re thinking of them,” Anderson says. “It’s sure to make them feel loved and appreciated.”
  • I love you as much as I love chocolate, and that means a whole lot. Chocolate aficionado? Try this missive. “Sometimes, the only way to capture how much we love someone is through a delicious chocolate reference,” Deguire says. 
  • I woke up and reached for you this morning and you weren’t there. I miss you and can’t wait to see you! If you don't live with your partner, Neupert says this one's for you. You can also send it if your live-in sweetheart is out of town.

the day i helped someone essay

  • Good morning! I know you’ve been stressing about ___ this week. How can I support you? This message works for just about anyone in your life. “It shows that you’re paying attention and care about how they’re feeling. It also gives them the opportunity to be direct with how you can help,” Neupert says.
  • Rise and shine! It’s time to start your day ... unless you’d rather stay in bed all day and watch Netflix. I won’t tell anyone. “Not everyone is a morning person,” Anderson says. “This is sure to put a smile on their face.”
  • Good morning! I hope you have a great day ... but if you don’t, just know that I’ll be here to listen to you vent about it later. “This is perfect to cheer someone up or give them a little bit of a positive attitude to face the day,” Anderson says. 
  • Morning. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two tired!  “Doesn’t ever hurt to start someone’s day off with a little bit of laughter,” Anderson says. Need some inspiration? Check out our list of dad jokes .
  • Want to quit our jobs and run away? Or pose this funny question by Neupert if you two are in need of a vacation. Who knows, maybe they’ll say ‘yes!’

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Perri is a New York City-born-and-based writer. She holds a B.A. in psychology from Columbia University and is also a culinary school graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute. She's probably seen Dave Matthews Band in your hometown, and she'll never turn down a bloody mary. Follow her on Twitter  @66PerriStreet  or learn more at  VeganWhenSober.com

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Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict

Cash has been one of President Biden’s advantages so far in 2024, and post-conviction money will help Mr. Trump close the gap with the Democratic incumbent.

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By Shane Goldmacher

  • May 31, 2024

Donald J. Trump’s campaign announced on Friday evening that he had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after his felony conviction, shattering online records for Republicans and raking in enough cash to help him close what has been a substantial financial gap with President Biden.

It is hard to put the enormity of the sum into proper perspective, but it would nearly match, in a single day, the $58 million that Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising arm raised online in the last six months of 2023, according to federal records.

The campaign first said on Friday morning it had collected nearly $35 million in the hours after the verdict. By Friday evening, the campaign had revised the figure up to $52.8 million in the 24-hour period following Mr. Trump’s conviction.

“This momentum is just getting started,” Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, two of Mr. Trump’s top advisers, said in a joint statement.

The figures will not be verifiable until the campaign committees and WinRed, the online processing platform for Republicans, make their filings with the Federal Election Commission in the coming months.

In addition, the campaign said on Friday morning that nearly 30 percent of the donors who gave online were new to WinRed, giving the former president an invaluable infusion of new people to tap for contributions as his campaign marches to November.

The one-day haul was significantly more than the $4 million Mr. Trump raised when his mug shot was released in 2023, after his booking in Atlanta for his indictment there.

Cash has so far been one of Mr. Biden’s advantages in the race. His main campaign committee entered May with $84 million, compared with $49 million for Mr. Trump.

The 24-hour fund-raising total could erase that edge entirely, though Mr. Biden has said his campaign has another $100 million spread across accounts that he shared with the Democratic Party. Mr. Trump’s campaign has not disclosed its total cash on hand with party accounts.

The Biden campaign has leveraged its cash to advertise in key battleground states since Mr. Trump emerged as the Republican nominee and as Mr. Trump has been absent from the airwaves.

The post-verdict total was far greater than the $26 million that the Biden campaign had announced four years ago in the 24 hours after he had named Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential pick .

In April, Mr. Trump’s operation, working in concert with the Republican National Committee, announced that it had raised $76.2 million, beating for the first time what Mr. Biden’s shared operations with the Democratic National Committee brought in — $51 million.

The conviction appeared to be driving Democratic donations, as well, though to a much lesser extent.

ActBlue, which processes online contributions for Democrats, registered three of its four biggest hours of donations in all of 2024 on Thursday evening in the wake of the conviction, topping out near $1.3 million in a single hour, according to its online ticker.

Rachel Shorey contributed reporting.

Shane Goldmacher is a national political correspondent, covering the 2024 campaign and the major developments, trends and forces shaping American politics. He can be reached at [email protected] . More about Shane Goldmacher

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

What Happens Next: Trump’s sentencing hearing on July 11 will trigger a long and winding appeals process , though he has few ways to overturn the decision .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country  and around the world . Here’s what voters , New Yorkers , Republicans , Trump supporters  and President Biden  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The political fallout of Trump’s conviction is far from certain , but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension .

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

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QUESTION 18 - When I helped someone Write a creative piece to the following prompt: When I helped someone …

The day I helped someone by Bahar Emami

I happily walked down the road, as I do every morning. The breeze blew in my face, making my wisps of blonde hair fly all over the place. The birds sang their lovely morning song and I whistled along in harmony. I was sca…

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Watch our Say Something Nice Day tribute to the power of kind words

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"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," is a pretty common saying. But it's not always easy to live by those words, especially in the days of social media, where it's easy to vent in anonymity from behind your keyboard.

Unkind words, whether spoken or written, may often seem like the language of our times, but National Say Something Nice Day, is an open invitation to break that mold.  

Say Something Nice Day, which is celebrated on June 1 st , dates back to 2006. The aim is to encourage people to be kind to others and spread happiness and goodwill as an antidote to negative words and behavior.

Some suggested ways to mark the day include:

  • Compliment a friend, family member, or coworker. 
  • Thank someone for being a friend or for their hard work.
  • Leave a kind note on someone's car or write a thank you letter.
  • Post a positive message on social media.

Of course, saying something nice should be an everyday habit. But at least by committing one day to kind words and positivity, we're taking a step in the right direction. And, who knows? You might just make someone feel good.

To mark Say Something Nice Day watch the video above to see how a teenager sent  a message of kindness to a stranger via a doorbell cam

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Names of soldiers killed in Black Hawk crash added to memorial wall

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This article was published as part of a content-sharing agreement between Army Times and The Fayetteville Observer.

FORT LIBERTY, N.C. — The U.S. Army Special Operations Command added five new names to its memorial wall during a ceremony Thursday, May 23, bringing the total number of command soldiers who died in the line of duty to 1,273.

The five USASOC soldiers, with the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment based at Fort, Campbell, Kentucky, were killed Nov. 10, 2023, when the Black Hawk helicopter they were on crashed in the Mediterranean Sea .

“They rapidly and bravely deployed without hesitation and volunteered to be upfront where the mission is hard,” Lt. Gen. Jonathan Braga, commander of USASOC, told the crowd gathered at Fort Liberty for Thursday’s ceremony. “They were willing to put their own lives in danger to answer the call and follow their passion to be a force of good in this world.”

The fallen are:

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Dwyer

Dwyer, 38, from Clarksville, Tennessee, commissioned from West Point as a fire support officer, then six years later became a warrant officer and went to flight school; first flying Black Hawks with the 101st Airborne Division, before piloting the MH-60L, known as a DAP or direction action penetrator.

“He never met a stranger as his humility, charisma and attitude made him legendary with his company ranks,” Braga said. “He loved flying. He loved people, loved rugby.”

Dwyer is survived by his wife Allie; son Duke, 7; son Brody, 5; mother Gail, father Steve; brothers Christopher and Timothy; and sister Marie, Braga said.

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The family of Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane M. Barnes pose for a photo after a U.S. Army Special Operations Command memorial ceremony Thursday, May 23, 2024, at Fort Liberty. (Rachael Riley/The Fayetteville Observer)

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane M. Barnes

Following Thursday’s ceremony, Barnes’ family said the Sacramento, California, native joined the Army because he came from a law enforcement service family.

“If you asked Shane, he’d say ‘Top Gun’ was his inspiration,” his father said.

When he was in fourth grade, his mother said, Barnes wore his grandfather’s flight suit for Halloween and after 9/11, it “cemented he wanted to protect” his country.

Barnes’ parents said that while in flight school, he met his wife. He was 34 when he was killed.

His widow, Samatha Barnes, said she doesn’t want her daughters to grow up being sad.

“I want them to know how much he loved her and if he could be here, he would, but what he chose to do, he was willing to do that,” she said.

the day i helped someone essay

Roses line the U.S. Army Special Operations Command's memorial Thursday, May 23, 2024. (Rachael Riley/The Fayetteville Observer)

Staff Sgt. Tanner W. Grone

Grone, 26, was intelligent, dedicated to helping his team and a calm, competent leader for soldiers in his charge, Braga said.

“When flying with Tanner, pilots and crew chiefs alike instantly felt more at ease knowing Tanner was there with them,” he said.

Originally from Gorham, New Hampshire, he is survived by his mother Erica, father Steve and sister Emily.

the day i helped someone essay

Family members gather at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command's memorial wall Thursday, May 23, 2024. (Rachael Riley/The Fayetteville Observer)

Sgt. Andrew P. Southard

Southard, 27, fit in with his teammates and was “someone trusted to (execute) even the most complicated tasks with honor and integrity,” Braga said. ”His infectious smile and professional drive made him a force within the unit, someone who was present, someone who was positive and devoted to his team and mission.”

From Apache Junction, Arizona, Southard is survived by his wife Ashley; daughter Hailey, 2; son Jack, 5; son Warren, 9; and his parents Kim and Frank.

Sgt. Cade M. Wolfe

Wolfe, 24, was known for his “quick smile, wit and strong work ethic,” often staying late for work, Braga said.

The Mankato, Minnesota, native was “always dedicated to getting one more thing done, smiling the entire time, even when he tried to be serious” and “couldn’t help but break into laughter,” Braga said.

Wolfe is survived by his wife Danielle; mother Julie; father Scott; stepmother Heather; stepfather Dave and brother Cooper.

“These men responded to the worst day of someone’s life, to a country and population in need,” Braga said. “It was not something for which they wanted to receive accolades or for something which they ever expected recognition. … They lived their passion. They lived their creed.”

the day i helped someone essay

Command Sgt. Maj. JoAnn Naumann and Lt. Gen. Jonathan Braga, the command team for the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, salute during a memorial ceremony Thursday, May 23, 2024, at Fort Liberty. (Rachael Riley/The Fayetteville Observer)

Gold Star families

Braga said that all of USASOC’s fallen teammates are memorialized in battlefields, cemeteries and on statues around the world, but also by men and women around the world.

He promised each Gold Star family their loved ones would not be forgotten, as their memories are shared with younger soldiers.

He told the families they are part of USASOC’s family, too.

Another Gold Star family at Thursday’s ceremony were the parents of Staff Sgt. Mark Alan Stets Jr., 39, who was killed Feb. 3, 2010, by an improvised explosive device while in Pakistan.

Stets was a senior psychological operations sergeant assigned to Company C, 8th Psychological Operations Battalion, 4th Psychological Operations Group.

the day i helped someone essay

Family members scan the U.S. Army Special Operations Command's memorial wall for their loved ones' names Thursday, May 23, 2024. (Rachael Riley/The Fayetteville Observer)

His parents, Nancy and Mark Stets Sr., came from Virginia Beach to attend Thursday’s ceremony. They said their son grew up “playing Army,” but first joined the Navy.

Nancy Stets said that her son was on his way to the dedication of a girls school in Pakistan when he and four other soldiers were killed.

“Even though they’re in a dangerous place, doing dangerous things, you don’t expect that to happen,” she said.

He left behind a wife and three teenage daughters.

The Stets said ceremonies like Thursday’s help keep their son’s memory alive.

“Every time we come down here, somebody comes out of the woodwork that knew Mark,” his father said.

For the first time in the 14 years since their son’s death, they said, they met a soldier this week who was serving with their son at the time of his death.

“Soldiers that are involved in the loss of one of their teammates, they have to bury them, and so it makes it hard for them,” Stet’s mother said. “They carry wounds of war that we don’t see.”

Staff writer Rachael Riley can be reached at [email protected] or 910-486-3528.

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  28. Names of soldiers killed in Black Hawk crash added to memorial wall

    Another Gold Star family at Thursday's ceremony were the parents of Staff Sgt. Mark Alan Stets Jr., 39, who was killed Feb. 3, 2010, by an improvised explosive device while in Pakistan. Stets ...

  29. Fact check: Trump delivers flurry of false and misleading claims as

    Former President Donald Trump has uttered multiple false or misleading claims about his Manhattan criminal trial this week as the trial has neared a conclusion.

  30. PDF LABOR IMPACTS ALASKÅNS EVERY DAY Labor trafficking occurs when someone

    IMPACTS ALASKÅNS EVERY DAY Labor trafficking occurs when someone is recruited or compelled into work or service, using force, deceit or pressure, by someone trying to subject them to involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or slavery. National Human Trafficking Hotline 24/7 Confidential Multilingual Hotline Text: HELP to 233733 Call: 1-888-373-7888