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Speech on Drug Abuse in English in Simple and easy Words

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Speech on Drug Abuse: Drug abuse has become the most common thing these days and many youth are destroying their lives by getting addicted to drugs. It’s very important to sensitize our youth on the subject of drug abuse. They are ruining the lives of our youth and putting their future in a great darkness. The use of drugs is making their lives vulnerable and prone to destruction. Therefore, it becomes very important to raise awareness about it amongst our youth and prevent them from succumbing to it. The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated annually on June 26th it serves as a significant platform for raising awareness and addressing the critical issue of substance abuse. You can even prepare a speech on drug abuse and deliver it on various occasions and platforms.

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Speech on Drug Abuse

Long and Short Speeches on Drug Abuse in English

For your help, we have posted below some short speech on drug abuse as well as long speech on drug abuse, which will give you a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and help you create an impressive brief to impress upon your audience and bring a change in society.

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 1

Dear Students – Warm Greetings to all of you! I welcome everyone to the school seminar hall.

Today, we are here to discuss about the fatal consumption of drugs and how it is destroying the lives of our youth. But before the discussion begins, I would like to deliver a short speech on drug abuse and would like to enlighten our students on this sensitive subject matter.

Drugs, as we all know, are an illegal matter which some people drink, smoke, inject or eat for the mental as well as physical effects that it leaves. There are several students who consume drugs out of fun or for various other reasons. People who deal in the selling of drugs create a network and mainly target students in order to make them addicted to drugs. Initially, the drugs are sold to the students for free and gradually when they get addicted to it, they start buying and consuming it. In fact, the students also eventually become a part of their network and start dealing in it.

It is observed that students start consuming drugs out of stress or unfair expectations of their teachers as well as parents. Lack of emotional support and disorder in their families make them vulnerable and increase their dependency on drugs. They use it in order to calm down their state of mental agitation. Other than this, it is poverty that compels some students to become a part of the selling and dealing network of drugs and derive their pocket money. Therefore, it becomes like a vicious circle of the drug addicted students from which they seem to find no escape unless the society comes for their rescue.

Sadly, the students fail to realize that the consumption of drugs has a severe impact on their physical and mental health, such as they start experiencing mental disorder, their intelligence level decreases, experience deadly diseases and untimely death. When one completely succumbs to the temptation of drugs, it gets very difficult for him/her to recover from its impact except in the centers for drug rehabilitation where they gain a new life, but which involves a high cost. In fact, there are many cases too where even rehabilitation centers fail because of the worst condition of the patients.

I, therefore, request all the students to refrain themselves completely from the consumption of drugs before it destroys their health, future and takes away their lives. Don’t even try to touch or come close to them. Drugs can even destroy a complete generation. So think wise and act smart. Shape your future which seems bright and full of achievements. The drugs that doctor prescribes to his/her patients must only be taken in order to combat a specific disease otherwise the government must take strict measures to ban its illegal trade in the market and save our youth from destruction.

I want to conclude by saying that drug abuse should be an absolute ‘No’ for all and I sincerely hope that our students will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. Remember that our country needs you as you are its future and harbinger of progress.

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Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 2

Good Morning Friends – Welcome to the 77 th campaign for drug addiction ban.

It feels extremely great to see how the members of our organization are working hard in order to make every day count and reach out to the masses for spreading awareness about the drug addiction or drug abuse. Since day one and today it’s the 77 th campaign of our organization – we haven’t really ever thought that we will grow this big, i.e. currently we have more than 200 people working for us and have gained a mass appeal. The response so far has been really good and we have been able to transform the life of the people for good, who earlier have been living under the influence of drugs.

So today I would further like to appeal to the masses to refrain themselves from using drugs and live a healthy life. Drug addiction or drug abuse is described as an excessive dependency on a substance, which inevitably becomes the compulsive need of the person using it. This need becomes so compulsive that without that substance the person cannot live his life like a normal person does. And, when such a substance is stopped being available in the market then that person is believed to be suffering from substance withdrawal.

The addiction of drugs has become one of the serious social problems in many developing as well as developed countries and it undeniably proves to be the principal obstruction in the all-round development of the people, society, country and the world at a large. Our country is a progressing country and it is already afflicted with so many other grave problems, such as unemployment, poverty and illiteracy that the problem of Adolescence and Drug abuse makes the situation even worse here as it further makes our economy regressive by destroying the lives of its youth.

Even sadder is the fact that several drug addicts cannot afford to make a purchase of expensive drugs so much so that in the end they have to resort to such activities as theft in their homes. These people are not born thieves, but their addiction to drugs makes them heinous and propels them to commit crimes in order to feed their body with drugs.

People can become addicted to drugs because of various reasons, some of which are mentioned below:

1. In order to de-stress themselves

When a person is under the influence of drugs, he/she forgets everything and enters into a trance-like state. However, it is only later that people realize that the use of drugs is only aggravating the problem and not really helping them in getting rid of the stress.

2. Out of peer pressure

Many times, people start taking drugs because their friends are addicted to them. However, once they start taking it, it becomes really difficult for them to get rid of this habit.

3. Style Statement

Many teenagers these days think that the habit of drinking, smoking and even drug addiction is what helps them look cool and create a style statement in the front of others. However, it’s only when these people get trapped in its vicious circle that they realize the irreparable they have caused to their lives.

Teenagers and every person for that matter must understand that the habit of drug abuse not only greatly affects their body and mind, but also finishes their bright future. So we should strictly say ‘No’ to drugs and save our lives as well the lives of our loved ones by spreading awareness in our surroundings.

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Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 3

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students – Warm Welcome to all of you! Today, standing in the prayer hall I would like to take this opportunity to deliver a brief speech on Drug Abuse.

I request our principal and teachers to kindly allow me to speak on this subject as it is a high time to enlighten our youth about the dangerous habit of drug abuse. In the present times, there are many factors that push a man to resort to drug addiction and make his/her life miserable. The most glaring factors are rapid industrialization and urbanization, which have given birth to a new kind of behavior among the youth of today, i.e. individualism and permissiveness. People these days prefer nuclear families and in many cases both parents are working, as a consequence of which they become less forbearing in comparison to their previous generations. People are living their lives in isolation and avoid getting social because the stress in the modern times has become way too much to make them withdrawn figures in their personal lives.

In the end, such people become involved in the habit of drinking, smoking, drug addiction, etc. Besides, when a child doesn’t feel satisfied at home or when he/she is deprived of love, affection and care of his/her parents, a feeling of discontentment comes in and such children become prone to drug addiction and ruin their lives completely. What is more painful to see that if the drug addicted people are not allowed the use of drugs, then he/she suffers from bouts of depression, painful and uncontrollable convulsions as well as vomiting!

It is an obvious fact that the addiction of drugs is ruining the path of progress of many individuals and our nation as a whole so much so that proactive measures need to be taken in order to keep a check on this destructive habit of our youth. The most significant step in this direction would be about spreading awareness amongst the people on a national scale.

Our Indian government has in fact formulated various campaigns and even has been able to gain success in this direction. The individuals whose family and friends suffer from the addiction of drugs are requested to approach the rehabilitation institutions and camps in order to provide treatment to the addicts.

Drug abuse should not be tolerated and be completely banned as a taboo. However, it is not advised to torture the addict or treat him/her inhumanely for this habit because if you try and convince the person about its treatment then he/she may willingly choose to opt for it and get rid of this addiction by admitting himself/herself at the rehabilitation centers.

A person who has become the victim of drug abuse is forced by his/her bodily conditions to carry on with the addiction, but sooner they realize the bad impact of this habit. All that these people need is a helping hand and therefore we should provide encouragement as well as support to these people in making these addicts come back to their normal lives and lead a healthy life.

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 4

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Fellow Colleagues and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to one and all!

Firstly, I would like to extend a note of thank you to our respected Principal and Vice Principal for gracing this speech ceremony with their presence and giving their approval too. And, to all the fellow teachers – as without your support this event wouldn’t have been possible. I would also like to congratulate our dear students for making the desired arrangement on a short notice.

The topic for today’s speech is Drug Abuse! I have chosen to speak on this topic because these days I observe many campaigns being run on Drug Abuse in order to teach the people about its ill effects. As a teacher, it also becomes my responsibility to help them spread the message wherever we can and most importantly beginning from our very own school.

Drug abuse is considered one of the banes of our so called civilized society. It has affected all the sections and regions of our society. People with the illicit use of drug are found everywhere, i.e. in urban and rural regions, among men and women, among rich and poor. But it is exceedingly practiced by our young girls and boys living in hostels in nearly all technical and educational institutions.

The grave situation of drug abuse is prevalent across the world and unfortunately our very country India is more strongly affected by it. Our country is a transit country because it is placed between the Golden Triangle consisting of Burma, Thailand and Cambodia, including Golden Crescent consisting of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran – the places where most of the drugs, chiefly heroin and opium are produced. Pakistan is undeniably the nucleus of the world when it comes to any unlawful activity and as far as the drug production is concerned – it is the hub. In fact, a big proportion of drugs go by India in order that it can be exported to other countries.

This happens through the network of drug mafia who further has connections with formidable smugglers as well as terrorists. In the process, unfortunately several young men as well as women become victims to this diabolic activity. Pakistan with the help of ISI is involving itself in a proxy war in the region of Kashmir against India through money earned with the help of drug mafia. Thus, terrorism and drugs share very strong connections.

This addiction to drug is so deadly that people fall prey to its use and become almost a slave. If a person doesn’t get its regular dose, then that person starts feeling a lack of it and becomes depressed with severe pain which even leads to a lack of sensation in arms and legs. Drugs are of various kinds, such as heroin, opium, charas, ganja, etc.

There are some injections too which lead to a state of severe drowsiness. In case, a drug-addict is not able to receive the required dose of drug when needed, then he/she would be ready to do anything for it even by resorting to unfair means, such as theft or may be hurting someone physically, etc.

I therefore request everyone to strictly say ‘No’ to drugs and get such people admitted to rehabilitation centers where their conditions can be improved before it gets horrible and proves fatal for that person.

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Speech on Drug Abuse Faq’s

What is the topic of drug abuse day.

Drug Abuse Day focuses on raising awareness about the harmful effects of drug misuse and addiction.

What is drug abuse in the English language?

Drug abuse in English refers to the harmful and improper use of drugs, often leading to health and social problems.

How can we say no to drugs?

We can say no to drugs by staying informed, making healthy choices, and seeking support from friends and family when faced with drug temptations.

How to write an essay about drugs?

To write an essay about drugs, start with an introduction, discuss the impacts, causes, and solutions, and conclude with your viewpoint on the topic.

What is drugs summary?

A drugs summary is a brief overview of key information about drugs, including their effects, risks, and uses.

What is drug abuse in a short introduction?

Drug abuse is when people misuse drugs, causing harm to themselves and society. It's a serious problem that needs attention.

What are a few lines on addiction?

Addiction is a strong, harmful craving for something, like drugs, that can be very difficult to control. It can lead to serious problems.

We can say no to drugs by being strong, confident, and making choices that keep us safe and healthy.

Addiction is a powerful need for something that can be harmful, like drugs or alcohol. It can affect a person's life in many negative ways.

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18 Best TED Talks for Addiction & Recovery

18 of the best TED Talks for addiction and recovery by healthcare professionals, athletes, a Fortune 500 entrepreneur, a former Miss USA, and more.

The best TED Talks for addiction and recovery , along with other powerful YouTube videos to play for clients in a treatment setting – or for yourself or for anyone who desires to learn more about substance use.

The following best TED Talks for addiction are entertaining, insightful, and though-provoking.

1. The 12 Steps According to Russell Brand (2018)

A 10-minute clip of Russell Brand’s interpretation of the 12 Steps . Humorous and honest.

2. Addiction: A Story of Stigma, A Story of Hope | Scott McFadden (2020)

This 18-minute talk delivered by Scott McFadden is one of the best TED Talks for addiction as it addresses stigma and sends a message of hope.

Excerpt: Scott McFadden is a Licensed Addictions Counselor, who also identifies as a person in long term recovery from heroin and other drugs. He shares a harrowing story of incarceration and a long journey to recovery while explaining the dynamics of addiction and the labels, shame, and stigma which have become the greatest obstacles to turning around the opioid epidemic.

He shows us the need to talk to one another to overcome the secret places where shame resides. This is a story of vulnerability and hope!

5. Addiction Neuroscience 101 (2018)

Approximately 25 minutes, an overview of the neurobiology of addiction.

4. Chris Herren Speaking on His Addiction Recovery Story | PeaceLove (2015)

A 17-minute motivational speech delivered by Chris Herren.

Excerpt: Hear former professional basketball player and motivational speaker Chris Herren speaking about his recovery from drug addiction. Since August of 2008, Herren has been drug-free and alcohol-free, and has refocused his life to put his sobriety and family above all other things.

5. Disconnected Brains: How Isolation Fuels Opioid Addiction | Rachel Wurzman (2018)

This fascinating 19-minute video clip from Rachel Wurzman is one of the best TED Talks for addiction as a biopsychosocial disorder.

Excerpt: Addiction to opioids is now officially a national emergency. But why are addiction rates spiking and what can we do about it? Neuroscientist Rachel Wurzman shares new research about how the brain reacts to opioids, replacing the sense of community and belonging human beings are losing. We are beginning to understand that solving the opioid epidemic will require us to focus on social factors surrounding those addicted.

6. Do You Have More Heart Than Scars? | Zackary Paben (2017)

A 17-minute inspirational talk by Zackary Paben.

Excerpt: How can resilience and interdependence impact the arch of our personal narrative to transcend from victim to hero? Since 1991, Zack has been empowering adolescents and adults as a mental health/recovery professional in a variety of modalities, including wilderness and residential.

As he continues to face his own visible and invisible scars, he innately has to acknowledge the wounds of others and encourage them in their own healing process.

7. Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong | Johann Hari (2015)

A 15-minute video from Johann Hari. This piece is somewhat controversial because it suggests that addiction is a social/environmental issue while failing to address the impact of trauma, genetics, brain chemistry, etc. This clip is an excellent tool for generating discussions and is one of the best TED Talks for addiction.

Excerpt: What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do — and if there might be a better way.

As he shares in this deeply personal talk, his questions took him around the world, and unearthed some surprising and hopeful ways of thinking about an age-old problem.

8. Great Leaders Do What Drug Addicts Do | Michael Brody-Waite (2018)

An 19-minute talk from Michael Brody-Waite, entrepreneur and addict in recovery.

Excerpt: This is my story from drug addiction and homelessness to founding and leading a company on the Inc 500 list. There are 3 principles that saved me from death and set me apart as a leader. They are small enough to fit in your pocket, yet big enough to change your life. The best part is that anyone can take these principles and immediately implement them after watching this talk.

9. The Harm Reduction Model of Drug Addiction Treatment | Mark Tyndall (2017)

This 17-minute video from Mark Tyndall about harm reduction and recovery is one of the best TED Talks for addiction treatment.

Excerpt: Why do we still think that drug use is a law-enforcement issue? Making drugs illegal does nothing to stop people from using them, says public health expert Mark Tyndall. So, what might work?

Tyndall shares community-based research that shows how harm-reduction strategies, like safe-injection sites, are working to address the drug overdose crisis.

10. How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris (2015)

16-minute talk by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris on the impact of trauma.

Excerpt: Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain.

This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who’ve experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer.

11. Let’s Quit Abusing Drug Users (2015)

19-minute video clip about addiction and recovery reform from Dr. Carl Hart. He discusses drug use in the context of poverty, social injustice, and ignorance. An excellent video for generating discussion and one of the best TED Talks for addiction and policy reform.

Excerpt: Carl Hart, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at Columbia University, offers a provocative, evidence-based view of addiction and discusses how it should impact drug policy.

12. The Merits of Harm Reduction | Melissa Byers (2019)

14-minute video clip from Melissa Byers about addiction, harm reduction, and recovery.

Excerpt: Melissa shares her family’s personal story of addiction and how harm reduction plays a much more significant role to recovery than people realize.

13. Nuggets (2015)

A 5-minute cartoon clip of a kiwi bird who tastes a golden “nugget.” This simple animation doesn’t require words to send a powerful message about addiction. Hauntingly accurate.

14. The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power | Gabor Maté (2012)

This 19-minute speech delivered by Gabor Maté is one of the best TED Talks for addiction.

Excerpt: Canadian physician Gabor Maté is a specialist in terminal illnesses, chemical dependents, and HIV positive patients. Dr. Maté is a renowned author of books and columnist known for his knowledge about attention deficit disorder, stress, chronic illness and parental relations.

15. Recover Out Loud | Tara Conner (2017)

One of the best TED Talks for addiction, this 10-minute video clip from former Miss USA, Tara Conner, is all about her personal experience with substance use.

Excerpt: Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006, shares her life-long struggle with addiction and what she has learned from 10 years of sobriety. Addicts are not bad people that need to get good, but sick people that need to get well.

In this challenging and at times humorous talk, she calls for a different response to the addiction crisis.

16. Revitalize | Living With Addiction | Amber Valletta (2015)

16-minute inspirational talk delivered by Amber Valletta.

Excerpt: Supermodel, actress, and fashion icon Amber Valletta opens up for the first time about her daily struggle of living with addiction.

17. Rewriting the Story of My Addiction | Jo Harvey Weatherford (2015)

10-minute video clip from Jo Harvey Weatherford about her personal recovery journey.

Excerpt: Jo Harvey Weatherford develops and implements drug and alcohol prevention programs on the campus of The University of Nevada. In this candid talk she discusses the importance of the stories we tell ourselves about our behavior, and how she rewrote her own story of addiction to alcohol.

18. The Stigma of Addiction | Tony Hoffman (2018)

This 15-minute video from Tony Hoffman is one of the best TED Talks for addiction. He shares about his substance use and stigma.

Excerpt: There is a stigma which many assign to drug addicts, even long after they have overcome their addiction. Tony discusses how his first time smoking marijuana led to his eventual drug addiction, homelessness, prison, and finally redemption.

For Families – The Island of Insanity: Navigating Through Loved Ones’ Addictions | Karen Perlmutter (2022)

A powerful 13-minute video for anyone who is traumatized by the addiction of a loved one.

Excerpt: With a master’s degree in clinical social work, Karen has seen first-hand that addiction is a tragedy with a profound effect on the family. She has ideas on how we can support families in combatting the devastating effects of this disease After earning her undergraduate degree through the University of South Carolina in 2003, Karen began working with teens and families through a therapeutic foster care agency. She pursued higher education in the field, earning her Master’s in Clinical Social Work at the University of North Carolina (Wilmington) in 2007, and continuing on to becoming a Licensed Independent Social Worker.

Karen has over a decade of experience working as a therapist with individuals, couples, and families. She specializes in the treatment of substance abuse and mental illness, and has developed a particular interest in supporting the holistic needs of families who are affected by these struggles.

best ted talks for addiction

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Address to the Nation on the Campaign Against Drug Abuse

September 14, 1986

The President. Good evening. Usually, I talk with you from my office in the West Wing of the White House. But tonight there's something special to talk about, and I've asked someone very special to join me. Nancy and I are here in the West Hall of the White House, and around us are the rooms in which we live. It's the home you've provided for us, of which we merely have temporary custody.

Nancy 's joining me because the message this evening is not my message but ours. And we speak to you not simply as fellow citizens but as fellow parents and grandparents and as concerned neighbors. It's back-to-school time for America 's children. And while drug and alcohol abuse cuts across all generations, it's especially damaging to the young people on whom our future depends. So tonight, from our family to yours, from our home to yours, thank you for joining us.

America has accomplished so much in these last few years, whether it's been rebuilding our economy or serving the cause of freedom in the world. What we've been able to achieve has been done with your help -- with us working together as a nation united. Now, we need your support again. Drugs are menacing our society. They're threatening our values and undercutting our institutions. They're killing our children.

From the beginning of our administration, we've taken strong steps to do something about this horror. Tonight I can report to you that we've made much progress. Thirty-seven Federal agencies are working together in a vigorous national effort, and by next year our spending for drug law enforcement will have more than tripled from its 1981 levels. We have increased seizures of illegal drugs. Shortages of marijuana are now being reported. Last year alone over 10,000 drug criminals were convicted and nearly $250 million of their assets were seized by the DEA, the Drug Enforcement Administration.

And in the most important area, individual use, we see progress. In 4 years the number of high school seniors using marijuana on a daily basis has dropped from 1 in 14 to 1 in 20. The U.S. military has cut the use of illegal drugs among its personnel by 67 percent since 1980. These are a measure of our commitment and emerging signs that we can defeat this enemy. But we still have much to do.

Despite our best efforts, illegal cocaine is coming into our country at alarming levels, and 4 to 5 million people regularly use it. Five hundred thousand Americans are hooked on heroin. One in twelve persons smokes marijuana regularly. Regular drug use is even higher among the age group 18 to 25 -- most likely just entering the workforce. Today there's a new epidemic: smokable cocaine, otherwise known as crack. It is an explosively destructive and often lethal substance which is crushing its users. It is an uncontrolled fire.

And drug abuse is not a so-called victimless crime. Everyone's safety is at stake when drugs and excessive alcohol are used by people on the highways or by those transporting our citizens or operating industrial equipment. Drug abuse costs you and your fellow Americans at least $60 billion a year.

From the early days of our administration, Nancy has been intensely involved in the effort to fight drug abuse. She has since traveled over 100,000 miles to 55 cities in 28 States and 6 foreign countries to fight school-age drug and alcohol abuse. She's given dozens of speeches and scores of interviews and has participated in 24 special radio and TV tapings to create greater awareness of this crisis. Her personal observations and efforts have given her such dramatic insights that I wanted her to share them with you this evening.

Mrs. Reagan . Thank you. As a mother, I've always thought of September as a special month, a time when we bundled our children off to school, to the warmth of an environment in which they could fulfill the promise and hope in those restless minds. But so much has happened over these last years, so much to shake the foundations of all that we know and all that we believe in. Today there's a drug and alcohol abuse epidemic in this country, and no one is safe from it -- not you, not me, and certainly not our children, because this epidemic has their names written on it. Many of you may be thinking: ``Well, drugs don't concern me.'' But it does concern you. It concerns us all because of the way it tears at our lives and because it's aimed at destroying the brightness and life of the sons and daughters of the United States .

For 5 years I've been traveling across the country -- learning and listening. And one of the most hopeful signs I've seen is the building of an essential, new awareness of how terrible and threatening drug abuse is to our society. This was one of the main purposes when I started, so of course it makes me happy that that's been accomplished. But each time I meet with someone new or receive another letter from a troubled person on drugs, I yearn to find a way to help share the message that cries out from them. As a parent, I'm especially concerned about what drugs are doing to young mothers and their newborn children. Listen to this news account from a hospital in Florida of a child born to a mother with a cocaine habit: " Nearby , a baby named Paul lies motionless in an incubator, feeding tubes riddling his tiny body. He needs a respirator to breathe and a daily spinal tap to relieve fluid buildup on his brain. Only 1 month old, he's already suffered 2 strokes.''

Now you can see why drug abuse concerns every one of us -- all the American family. Drugs steal away so much. They take and take, until finally every time a drug goes into a child, something else is forced out -- like love and hope and trust and confidence. Drugs take away the dream from every child's heart and replace it with a nightmare, and it's time we in America stand up and replace those dreams. Each of us has to put our principles and consciences on the line, whether in social settings or in the workplace, to set forth solid standards and stick to them. There's no moral middle ground. Indifference is not an option. We want you to help us create an outspoken intolerance for drug use. For the sake of our children, I implore each of you to be unyielding and inflexible in your opposition to drugs.

Our young people are helping us lead the way. Not long ago, in Oakland, California, I was asked by a group of children what to do if they were offered drugs, and I answered, "Just say no.'' Soon after that, those children in Oakland formed a Just Say No club, and now there are over 10,000 such clubs all over the country. Well, their participation and their courage in saying no needs our encouragement. We can help by using every opportunity to force the issue of not using drugs to the point of making others uncomfortable, even if it means making ourselves unpopular.

Our job is never easy because drug criminals are ingenious. They work everyday to plot a new and better way to steal our children's lives, just as they've done by developing this new drug, crack. For every door that we close, they open a new door to death. They prosper on our unwillingness to act. So, we must be smarter and stronger and tougher than they are. It's up to us to change attitudes and just simply dry up their markets.

And finally, to young people watching or listening, I have a very personal message for you: There's a big, wonderful world out there for you. It belongs to you. It's exciting and stimulating and rewarding. Don't cheat yourselves out of this promise. Our country needs you, but it needs you to be clear-eyed and clear-minded. I recently read one teenager's story. She's now determined to stay clean but was once strung out on several drugs. What she remembered most clearly about her recovery was that during the time she was on drugs everything appeared to her in shades of black and gray and after her treatment she was able to see colors again.

So, to my young friends out there: Life can be great, but not when you can't see it . So, open your eyes to life: to see it in the vivid colors that God gave us as a precious gift to His children, to enjoy life to the fullest, and to make it count. Say yes to your life. And when it comes to drugs and alcohol just say no.

The President. I think you can see why Nancy has been such a positive influence on all that we're trying to do. The job ahead of us is very clear. Nancy 's personal crusade, like that of so many other wonderful individuals, should become our national crusade. It must include a combination of government and private efforts which complement one another. Last month I announced six initiatives which we believe will do just that.

First, we seek a drug-free workplace at all levels of government and in the private sector. Second, we'll work toward drug-free schools. Third, we want to ensure that the public is protected and that treatment is available to substance abusers and the chemically dependent. Our fourth goal is to expand international cooperation while treating drug trafficking as a threat to our national security. In October I will be meeting with key U.S. Ambassadors to discuss what can be done to support our friends abroad. Fifth, we must move to strengthen law enforcement activities such as those initiated by Vice President Bush and Attorney General Meese . And finally, we seek to expand public awareness and prevention.

In order to further implement these six goals, I will announce tomorrow a series of new proposals for a drug-free America . Taken as a whole, these proposals will toughen our laws against drug criminals, encourage more research and treatment, and ensure that illegal drugs will not be tolerated in our schools or in our workplaces. Together with our ongoing efforts, these proposals will bring the Federal commitment to fighting drugs to $3 billion. As much financing as we commit, however, we would be fooling ourselves if we thought that massive new amounts of money alone will provide the solution. Let us not forget that in America people solve problems and no national crusade has ever succeeded without human investment. Winning the crusade against drugs will not be achieved by just throwing money at the problem.

Your government will continue to act aggressively, but nothing would be more effective than for Americans simply to quit using illegal drugs. We seek to create a massive change in national attitudes which ultimately will separate the drugs from the customer, to take the user away from the supply. I believe, quite simply, that we can help them quit, and that's where you come in.

My generation will remember how America swung into action when we were attacked in World War II. The war was not just fought by the fellows flying the planes or driving the tanks. It was fought at home by a mobilized nation -- men and women alike -- building planes and ships, clothing sailors and soldiers, feeding marines and airmen; and it was fought by children planting victory gardens and collecting cans. Well, now we're in another war for our freedom, and it's time for all of us to pull together again. So, for example, if your friend or neighbor or a family member has a drug or alcohol problem, don't turn the other way. Go to his help or to hers. Get others involved with you -- clubs, service groups, and community organizations -- and provide support and strength. And, of course, many of you've been cured through treatment and self-help. Well, you're the combat veterans, and you have a critical role to play. You can help others by telling your story and providing a willing hand to those in need. Being friends to others is the best way of being friends to ourselves. It's time, as Nancy said, for America to ``just say no'' to drugs.

Those of you in union halls and workplaces everywhere: Please make this challenge a part of your job every day. Help us preserve the health and dignity of all workers. To businesses large and small: We need the creativity of your enterprise applied directly to this national problem. Help us. And those of you who are educators: Your wisdom and leadership are indispensable to this cause. From the pulpits of this spirit-filled land: We would welcome your reassuring message of redemption and forgiveness and of helping one another. On the athletic fields: You men and women are among the most beloved citizens of our country. A child's eyes fill with your heroic achievements. Few of us can give youngsters something as special and strong to look up to as you. Please don't let them down.

And this camera in front of us: It's a reminder that in Nancy's and my former profession and in the newsrooms and production rooms of our media centers -- you have a special opportunity with your enormous influence to send alarm signals across the Nation. To our friends in foreign countries: We know many of you are involved in this battle with us. We need your success as well as ours. When we all come together, united, striving for this cause, then those who are killing America and terrorizing it with slow but sure chemical destruction will see that they are up against the mightiest force for good that we know. Then they will have no dark alleyways to hide in.

In this crusade, let us not forget who we are. Drug abuse is a repudiation of everything America is. The destructiveness and human wreckage mock our heritage. Think for a moment how special it is to be an American. Can we doubt that only a divine providence placed this land, this island of freedom, here as a refuge for all those people on the world who yearn to breathe free?

The revolution out of which our liberty was conceived signaled an historical call to an entire world seeking hope. Each new arrival of immigrants rode the crest of that hope. They came, millions seeking a safe harbor from the oppression of cruel regimes. They came, to escape starvation and disease. They came, those surviving the Holocaust and the Soviet gulags. They came, the boat people, chancing death for even a glimmer of hope that they could have a new life. They all came to taste the air redolent and rich with the freedom that is ours. What an insult it will be to what we are and whence we came if we do not rise up together in defiance against this cancer of drugs.

And there's one more thing. The freedom that so many seek in our land has not been preserved without a price. Nancy and I shared that remembrance 2 years ago at the Normandy American Cemetery in France . In the still of that June afternoon, we walked together among the soldiers of freedom, past the hundreds of white markers which are monuments to courage and memorials to sacrifice. Too many of these and other such graves are the final resting places of teenagers who became men in the roar of battle.

Look what they gave to us who live. Never would they see another sunlit day glistening off a lake or river back home or miles of corn pushing up against the open sky of our plains. The pristine air of our mountains and the driving energy of our cities are theirs no more. Nor would they ever again be a son to their parents or a father to their own children. They did this for you, for me, for a new generation to carry our democratic experiment proudly forward. Well, that's something I think we're obliged to honor, because what they did for us means that we owe as a simple act of civic stewardship to use our freedom wisely for the common good.

As we mobilize for this national crusade, I'm mindful that drugs are a constant temptation for millions. Please remember this when your courage is tested: You are Americans. You're the product of the freest society mankind has ever known. No one, ever, has the right to destroy your dreams and shatter your life.

Right down the end of this hall is the Lincoln Bedroom. But in the Civil War that room was the one President Lincoln used as his office. Memory fills that room, and more than anything that memory drives us to see vividly what President Lincoln sought to save. Above all, it is that America must stand for something and that our heritage lets us stand with a strength of character made more steely by each layer of challenge pressed upon the Nation. We Americans have never been morally neutral against any form of tyranny. Tonight we're asking no more than that we honor what we have been and what we are by standing together.

Mrs. Reagan. Now we go on to the next stop: making a final commitment not to tolerate drugs by anyone, anytime, anyplace. So, won't you join us in this great, new national crusade?

The President. God bless you, and good night.

Note: The President spoke at 8 p.m. from the Residence at the White House. The address was broadcast live on nationwide radio and television.


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10 Unmissable Ted Talks for Insights into Substance Abuse Recovery and Mental Health


In recent times, the global focus has been on addressing and managing substance abuse and mental health issues. TED conferences stand at the forefront of delivering actionable insights and practical strategies to help individuals in their quest for recovery and improved mental health. With invaluable learning experiences presented by some of the world’s leading experts in the field, these TED Talks will enhance your understanding of the subject matter and provide you with tips to take your recovery and mental health to the next level. Here are ten unmissable TED Talks to help you gain insights into substance abuse recovery and mental health.

1. Johann Hari: Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong

Johann Hari’s TED Talk offers a refreshing and informative take on addiction, forcing viewers to rethink the true meaning of the word. Hari delves into the scientific and sociological factors that contribute to addiction and discusses how re-evaluating our approach to addicts can lead to more successful recovery programs.

2. Kevin Briggs: The Bridge Between Suicide and Life

Kevin Briggs’ TED Talk shares the heart-wrenching accounts of his role as a patrol officer on the Golden Gate Bridge. Briggs provides unique insights into the field of mental health by recounting the stories of the individuals he has encountered and the importance of lending a listening ear to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

3. Nadine Burke Harris: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime

Nadine Burke Harris’ TED Talk examines the long-lasting impact of childhood trauma on overall health and well-being. Harris presents the correlation between adverse childhood experiences and chances of developing substance abuse and mental health problems later in life. This presentation helps to expand our understanding of the relationship between early-life trauma and long-term health consequences.

4. Eleanor Longden: The Voices in My Head

In her gripping and educational TED Talk , Eleanor Longden recounts her experience with hearing voices and being diagnosed with schizophrenia. Through her personal journey, Longden sheds valuable light on the road to recovery and emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and support in overcoming mental health difficulties.

5. Glenn Greenwald: Why Privacy Matters

Although not specifically targeted at substance abuse recovery or mental health, Glenn Greenwald’s TED Talk provides essential insights into the importance of privacy, which is a fundamental aspect of confidentiality in therapy sessions. This thought-provoking talk highlights the relevance of privacy in maintaining mental well-being and enabling personal growth.

6. Guy Winch: Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid

In this engaging TED Talk , psychologist Guy Winch drives home the notion of practicing emotional first aid. Winch explores the importance of taking care of our emotional well-being, just as we do with our physical health, to help prevent mental health issues and substance abuse relapses.

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7. Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

Brene Brown’s TED Talk delves into the concept of vulnerability, exploring its significance in human connection, empathy, and ultimately, recovery from substance abuse and mental health issues. Brown’s talk offers valuable insights on embracing vulnerability, allowing healing and fostering better connections with others.

8. Thomas Insel: Toward a New Understanding of Mental Illness

Thomas Insel’s TED Talk dives deep into the complexity of mental illness and challenges the preconceived stigma surrounding it. Insel’s presentation is a revelation for those seeking to enhance their understanding and empathy for individuals with mental health challenges and their families.

9. Nora Volkow: Addiction is a Disease of Free Will

In her riveting TED Talk , Dr. Nora Volkow, a leading neuroscientist, delves into the science behind addiction and the impact of drugs on the brain. By helping viewers understand the biological factors that contribute to addiction, Volkow’s talk works towards dismantling the stigma surrounding substance abuse and addiction.

10. Ruby Wax: What’s So Funny About Mental Illness?

In her humorous yet insightful TED Talk , Ruby Wax shares her personal experience with mental illness and discusses the importance of opening up conversations about mental health. Wax’s presentation encourages viewers to embrace humor in their approach to mental health and substance abuse recovery, fostering a more open and positive attitude.

These ten unmissable TED Talks provide a wealth of information and insights for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of substance abuse recovery and mental health. From exploring the science behind addiction to recognizing the role of trauma and vulnerability in recovery, these presentations offer valuable strategies and tips for making strides in the quest for improved mental well-being.

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The Dangers of Mixing Hydrocodone and Alcohol: What You Need to Know

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  • Drug addiction (substance use disorder)

Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a disease that affects a person's brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medicine. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana and nicotine also are considered drugs. When you're addicted, you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes.

Drug addiction can start with experimental use of a recreational drug in social situations, and, for some people, the drug use becomes more frequent. For others, particularly with opioids, drug addiction begins when they take prescribed medicines or receive them from others who have prescriptions.

The risk of addiction and how fast you become addicted varies by drug. Some drugs, such as opioid painkillers, have a higher risk and cause addiction more quickly than others.

As time passes, you may need larger doses of the drug to get high. Soon you may need the drug just to feel good. As your drug use increases, you may find that it's increasingly difficult to go without the drug. Attempts to stop drug use may cause intense cravings and make you feel physically ill. These are called withdrawal symptoms.

Help from your health care provider, family, friends, support groups or an organized treatment program can help you overcome your drug addiction and stay drug-free.

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Drug addiction symptoms or behaviors include, among others:

  • Feeling that you have to use the drug regularly — daily or even several times a day
  • Having intense urges for the drug that block out any other thoughts
  • Over time, needing more of the drug to get the same effect
  • Taking larger amounts of the drug over a longer period of time than you intended
  • Making certain that you maintain a supply of the drug
  • Spending money on the drug, even though you can't afford it
  • Not meeting obligations and work responsibilities, or cutting back on social or recreational activities because of drug use
  • Continuing to use the drug, even though you know it's causing problems in your life or causing you physical or psychological harm
  • Doing things to get the drug that you normally wouldn't do, such as stealing
  • Driving or doing other risky activities when you're under the influence of the drug
  • Spending a good deal of time getting the drug, using the drug or recovering from the effects of the drug
  • Failing in your attempts to stop using the drug
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to stop taking the drug

Recognizing unhealthy drug use in family members

Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish normal teenage moodiness or anxiety from signs of drug use. Possible signs that your teenager or other family member is using drugs include:

  • Problems at school or work — frequently missing school or work, a sudden disinterest in school activities or work, or a drop in grades or work performance
  • Physical health issues — lack of energy and motivation, weight loss or gain, or red eyes
  • Neglected appearance — lack of interest in clothing, grooming or looks
  • Changes in behavior — major efforts to bar family members from entering the teenager's room or being secretive about going out with friends; or drastic changes in behavior and in relationships with family and friends
  • Money issues — sudden requests for money without a reasonable explanation; or your discovery that money is missing or has been stolen or that items have disappeared from your home, indicating maybe they're being sold to support drug use

Recognizing signs of drug use or intoxication

Signs and symptoms of drug use or intoxication may vary, depending on the type of drug. Below you'll find several examples.

Marijuana, hashish and other cannabis-containing substances

People use cannabis by smoking, eating or inhaling a vaporized form of the drug. Cannabis often precedes or is used along with other substances, such as alcohol or illegal drugs, and is often the first drug tried.

Signs and symptoms of recent use can include:

  • A sense of euphoria or feeling "high"
  • A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Decreased coordination
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Anxiety or paranoid thinking
  • Cannabis odor on clothes or yellow fingertips
  • Major cravings for certain foods at unusual times

Long-term use is often associated with:

  • Decreased mental sharpness
  • Poor performance at school or at work
  • Ongoing cough and frequent lung infections

K2, Spice and bath salts

Two groups of synthetic drugs — synthetic cannabinoids and substituted or synthetic cathinones — are illegal in most states. The effects of these drugs can be dangerous and unpredictable, as there is no quality control and some ingredients may not be known.

Synthetic cannabinoids, also called K2 or Spice, are sprayed on dried herbs and then smoked, but can be prepared as an herbal tea. A liquid form can be vaporized in electronic cigarettes. Despite manufacturer claims, these are chemical compounds rather than "natural" or harmless products. These drugs can produce a "high" similar to marijuana and have become a popular but dangerous alternative.

  • Elevated mood
  • An altered sense of visual, auditory and taste perception
  • Extreme anxiety or agitation
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure or heart attack
  • Violent behavior

Substituted cathinones, also called "bath salts," are mind-altering (psychoactive) substances similar to amphetamines such as ecstasy (MDMA) and cocaine. Packages are often labeled as other products to avoid detection.

Despite the name, these are not bath products such as Epsom salts. Substituted cathinones can be eaten, snorted, inhaled or injected and are highly addictive. These drugs can cause severe intoxication, which results in dangerous health effects or even death.

  • Feeling "high"
  • Increased sociability
  • Increased energy and agitation
  • Increased sex drive
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Problems thinking clearly
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Panic attacks
  • Psychotic and violent behavior

Barbiturates, benzodiazepines and hypnotics

Barbiturates, benzodiazepines and hypnotics are prescription central nervous system depressants. They're often used and misused in search for a sense of relaxation or a desire to "switch off" or forget stress-related thoughts or feelings.

  • Barbiturates. An example is phenobarbital.
  • Benzodiazepines. Examples include sedatives, such as diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), clonazepam (Klonopin) and chlordiazepoxide (Librium).
  • Hypnotics. Examples include prescription sleeping medicines such as zolpidem (Ambien) and zaleplon (Sonata).
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Irritability or changes in mood
  • Problems concentrating or thinking clearly
  • Memory problems
  • Involuntary eye movements
  • Lack of inhibition
  • Slowed breathing and reduced blood pressure
  • Falls or accidents

Meth, cocaine and other stimulants

Stimulants include amphetamines, meth (methamphetamine), cocaine, methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, others) and amphetamine-dextroamphetamine (Adderall XR, Mydayis). They're often used and misused in search of a "high," or to boost energy, to improve performance at work or school, or to lose weight or control appetite.

  • Feeling of happy excitement and too much confidence
  • Increased alertness
  • Increased energy and restlessness
  • Behavior changes or aggression
  • Rapid or rambling speech
  • Larger than usual pupils, the black circles in the middle of the eyes
  • Confusion, delusions and hallucinations
  • Irritability, anxiety or paranoia
  • Changes in heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature
  • Nausea or vomiting with weight loss
  • Poor judgment
  • Nasal congestion and damage to the mucous membrane of the nose (if snorting drugs)
  • Mouth sores, gum disease and tooth decay from smoking drugs ("meth mouth")
  • Depression as the drug wears off

Club drugs are commonly used at clubs, concerts and parties. Examples include methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also called MDMA, ecstasy or molly, and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, known as GHB. Other examples include ketamine and flunitrazepam or Rohypnol — a brand used outside the U.S. — also called roofie. These drugs are not all in the same category, but they share some similar effects and dangers, including long-term harmful effects.

Because GHB and flunitrazepam can cause sedation, muscle relaxation, confusion and memory loss, the potential for sexual misconduct or sexual assault is associated with the use of these drugs.

Signs and symptoms of use of club drugs can include:

  • Larger than usual pupils
  • Chills and sweating
  • Involuntary shaking (tremors)
  • Behavior changes
  • Muscle cramping and teeth clenching
  • Muscle relaxation, poor coordination or problems moving
  • Reduced inhibitions
  • Heightened or altered sense of sight, sound and taste
  • Memory problems or loss of memory
  • Reduced consciousness
  • Increased or decreased heart rate and blood pressure


Use of hallucinogens can produce different signs and symptoms, depending on the drug. The most common hallucinogens are lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and phencyclidine (PCP).

LSD use may cause:

  • Greatly reduced perception of reality, for example, interpreting input from one of your senses as another, such as hearing colors
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Rapid shifts in emotions
  • Permanent mental changes in perception
  • Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure
  • Flashbacks, a reexperience of the hallucinations — even years later

PCP use may cause:

  • A feeling of being separated from your body and surroundings
  • Problems with coordination and movement
  • Aggressive, possibly violent behavior
  • Lack of pain sensation
  • Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Problems with thinking and memory
  • Problems speaking
  • Intolerance to loud noise
  • Sometimes seizures or coma

Signs and symptoms of inhalant use vary, depending on the substance. Some commonly inhaled substances include glue, paint thinners, correction fluid, felt tip marker fluid, gasoline, cleaning fluids and household aerosol products. Due to the toxic nature of these substances, users may develop brain damage or sudden death.

Signs and symptoms of use can include:

  • Possessing an inhalant substance without a reasonable explanation
  • Brief happy excitement
  • Behaving as if drunk
  • Reduced ability to keep impulses under control
  • Aggressive behavior or eagerness to fight
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Appearing under the influence of drugs, with slurred speech, slow movements and poor coordination
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Lingering odor of inhalant material
  • Rash around the nose and mouth

Opioid painkillers

Opioids are narcotic, painkilling drugs produced from opium or made synthetically. This class of drugs includes, among others, heroin, morphine, codeine, methadone, fentanyl and oxycodone.

Sometimes called the "opioid epidemic," addiction to opioid prescription pain medicines has reached an alarming rate across the United States. Some people who've been using opioids over a long period of time may need physician-prescribed temporary or long-term drug substitution during treatment.

Signs and symptoms of narcotic use and dependence can include:

  • A sense of feeling "high"
  • Reduced sense of pain
  • Agitation, drowsiness or sedation
  • Problems with attention and memory
  • Pupils that are smaller than usual
  • Lack of awareness or inattention to surrounding people and things
  • Problems with coordination
  • Constipation
  • Runny nose or nose sores (if snorting drugs)
  • Needle marks (if injecting drugs)

When to see a doctor

If your drug use is out of control or causing problems, get help. The sooner you seek help, the greater your chances for a long-term recovery. Talk with your health care provider or see a mental health provider, such as a doctor who specializes in addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry, or a licensed alcohol and drug counselor.

Make an appointment to see a provider if:

  • You can't stop using a drug
  • You continue using the drug despite the harm it causes
  • Your drug use has led to unsafe behavior, such as sharing needles or unprotected sex
  • You think you may be having withdrawal symptoms after stopping drug use

If you're not ready to approach a health care provider or mental health professional, help lines or hotlines may be a good place to learn about treatment. You can find these lines listed on the internet or in the phone book.

When to seek emergency help

Seek emergency help if you or someone you know has taken a drug and:

  • May have overdosed
  • Shows changes in consciousness
  • Has trouble breathing
  • Has seizures or convulsions
  • Has signs of a possible heart attack, such as chest pain or pressure
  • Has any other troublesome physical or psychological reaction to use of the drug

Staging an intervention

People struggling with addiction usually deny they have a problem and hesitate to seek treatment. An intervention presents a loved one with a structured opportunity to make changes before things get even worse and can motivate someone to seek or accept help.

It's important to plan an intervention carefully. It may be done by family and friends in consultation with a health care provider or mental health professional such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, or directed by an intervention professional. It involves family and friends and sometimes co-workers, clergy or others who care about the person struggling with addiction.

During the intervention, these people gather together to have a direct, heart-to-heart conversation with the person about the consequences of addiction. Then they ask the person to accept treatment.

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Like many mental health disorders, several factors may contribute to development of drug addiction. The main factors are:

  • Environment. Environmental factors, including your family's beliefs and attitudes and exposure to a peer group that encourages drug use, seem to play a role in initial drug use.
  • Genetics. Once you've started using a drug, the development into addiction may be influenced by inherited (genetic) traits, which may delay or speed up the disease progression.

Changes in the brain

Physical addiction appears to occur when repeated use of a drug changes the way your brain feels pleasure. The addicting drug causes physical changes to some nerve cells (neurons) in your brain. Neurons use chemicals called neurotransmitters to communicate. These changes can remain long after you stop using the drug.

Risk factors

People of any age, sex or economic status can become addicted to a drug. Certain factors can affect the likelihood and speed of developing an addiction:

  • Family history of addiction. Drug addiction is more common in some families and likely involves an increased risk based on genes. If you have a blood relative, such as a parent or sibling, with alcohol or drug addiction, you're at greater risk of developing a drug addiction.
  • Mental health disorder. If you have a mental health disorder such as depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or post-traumatic stress disorder, you're more likely to become addicted to drugs. Using drugs can become a way of coping with painful feelings, such as anxiety, depression and loneliness, and can make these problems even worse.
  • Peer pressure. Peer pressure is a strong factor in starting to use and misuse drugs, particularly for young people.
  • Lack of family involvement. Difficult family situations or lack of a bond with your parents or siblings may increase the risk of addiction, as can a lack of parental supervision.
  • Early use. Using drugs at an early age can cause changes in the developing brain and increase the likelihood of progressing to drug addiction.
  • Taking a highly addictive drug. Some drugs, such as stimulants, cocaine or opioid painkillers, may result in faster development of addiction than other drugs. Smoking or injecting drugs can increase the potential for addiction. Taking drugs considered less addicting — so-called "light drugs" — can start you on a pathway of drug use and addiction.


Drug use can have significant and damaging short-term and long-term effects. Taking some drugs can be particularly risky, especially if you take high doses or combine them with other drugs or alcohol. Here are some examples.

  • Methamphetamine, opiates and cocaine are highly addictive and cause multiple short-term and long-term health consequences, including psychotic behavior, seizures or death due to overdose. Opioid drugs affect the part of the brain that controls breathing, and overdose can result in death. Taking opioids with alcohol increases this risk.
  • GHB and flunitrazepam may cause sedation, confusion and memory loss. These so-called "date rape drugs" are known to impair the ability to resist unwanted contact and recollection of the event. At high doses, they can cause seizures, coma and death. The danger increases when these drugs are taken with alcohol.
  • MDMA — also known as molly or ecstasy — can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature. A severe spike in body temperature can result in liver, kidney or heart failure and death. Other complications can include severe dehydration, leading to seizures. Long-term, MDMA can damage the brain.
  • One particular danger of club drugs is that the liquid, pill or powder forms of these drugs available on the street often contain unknown substances that can be harmful, including other illegally manufactured or pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Due to the toxic nature of inhalants, users may develop brain damage of different levels of severity. Sudden death can occur even after a single exposure.

Other life-changing complications

Dependence on drugs can create a number of dangerous and damaging complications, including:

  • Getting an infectious disease. People who are addicted to a drug are more likely to get an infectious disease, such as HIV , either through unsafe sex or by sharing needles with others.
  • Other health problems. Drug addiction can lead to a range of both short-term and long-term mental and physical health problems. These depend on what drug is taken.
  • Accidents. People who are addicted to drugs are more likely to drive or do other dangerous activities while under the influence.
  • Suicide. People who are addicted to drugs die by suicide more often than people who aren't addicted.
  • Family problems. Behavioral changes may cause relationship or family conflict and custody issues.
  • Work issues. Drug use can cause declining performance at work, absenteeism and eventual loss of employment.
  • Problems at school. Drug use can negatively affect academic performance and motivation to excel in school.
  • Legal issues. Legal problems are common for drug users and can stem from buying or possessing illegal drugs, stealing to support the drug addiction, driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or disputes over child custody.
  • Financial problems. Spending money to support drug use takes away money from other needs, could lead to debt, and can lead to illegal or unethical behaviors.

The best way to prevent an addiction to a drug is not to take the drug at all. If your health care provider prescribes a drug with the potential for addiction, use care when taking the drug and follow instructions.

Health care providers should prescribe these medicines at safe doses and amounts and monitor their use so that you're not given too great a dose or for too long a time. If you feel you need to take more than the prescribed dose of a medicine, talk to your health care provider.

Preventing drug misuse in children and teenagers

Take these steps to help prevent drug misuse in your children and teenagers:

  • Communicate. Talk to your children about the risks of drug use and misuse.
  • Listen. Be a good listener when your children talk about peer pressure and be supportive of their efforts to resist it.
  • Set a good example. Don't misuse alcohol or addictive drugs. Children of parents who misuse drugs are at greater risk of drug addiction.
  • Strengthen the bond. Work on your relationship with your children. A strong, stable bond between you and your child will reduce your child's risk of using or misusing drugs.

Preventing a relapse

Once you've been addicted to a drug, you're at high risk of falling back into a pattern of addiction. If you do start using the drug, it's likely you'll lose control over its use again — even if you've had treatment and you haven't used the drug for some time.

  • Follow your treatment plan. Monitor your cravings. It may seem like you've recovered and you don't need to keep taking steps to stay drug-free. But your chances of staying drug-free will be much higher if you continue seeing your therapist or counselor, going to support group meetings and taking prescribed medicine.
  • Avoid high-risk situations. Don't go back to the neighborhood where you used to get your drugs. And stay away from your old drug crowd.
  • Get help immediately if you use the drug again. If you start using the drug again, talk to your health care provider, your mental health provider or someone else who can help you right away.

Drug addiction (substance use disorder) care at Mayo Clinic

  • Substance-related and addictive disorders. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Association; 2013. Accessed Aug. 15, 2022.
  • Brown AY. Allscripts EPSi. Mayo Clinic. April 13, 2021.
  • DrugFacts: Understanding drug use and addiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 15, 2022.
  • American Psychiatric Association. What is a substance use disorder? Accessed Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Eddie D, et al. Lived experience in new models of care for substance use disorder: A systematic review of peer recovery support services and recovery coaching. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019; doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01052.
  • Commonly used drugs charts. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 16, 2022.
  • Drugs, brains, and behavior: The science of addiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 16, 2022.
  • Drugs of abuse: A DEA resource guide/2020 edition. United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Accessed Aug. 31, 2022.
  • Misuse of prescription drugs research report. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 17, 2022.
  • Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide. 3rd ed. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 17, 2022.
  • The science of drug use: A resource for the justice sector. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Naloxone DrugFacts. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 31, 2022.
  • Drug and substance use in adolescents. Merck Manual Professional Version. Accessed Sept. 2, 2022.
  • DrugFacts: Synthetic cannabinoids (K2/Spice). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed Aug. 18, 2022.
  • Hall-Flavin DK (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. March 5, 2021.
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108 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best drug abuse topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on drug abuse, 💡 most interesting drug abuse topics to write about, ❓ drug abuse research questions.

Drug abuse essays are an excellent way to learn about the issue and its influence on various groups and populations while demonstrating your understanding.

Various substances, including alcohol, narcotics, and other mind-altering products, are a popular method for recreation in some communities.

However, they are prone to result in addiction, psychological as well as mental, and lead the person to pursue another dose before anything else.

In doing so, he or she can eventually ruin his or her life, which is why most drugs are currently banned around the world. This article will offer you some tips that will help you write an excellent essay and receive the top grade.

Youth is a major demographic that is affected by addiction issues due to drug consumption. Young people are impressionable and prone to search for new sensations. Drugs can offer a sense of novelty and provide an experience they have not had before, leading to considerable appeal.

Considering that young people are generally not wealthy and have to focus on work to succeed in life, essays on drug among youth can use a variety of excellent topics. You can offer your ideas on the reason for the phenomenon’s existence and ways in which it can be prevented.

However, remember that the purpose of the programs should be to help the people who are at risk.

There are many other drug abuse essay topics that you can explore, with poverty being a prominent example. Despite their conditions, many people turn to substance abuse to try and escape the unpleasant aspects of their life.

These population segments are more likely to suffer after acquiring a drug habit than young people because they generally receive less attention.

Furthermore, poor neighborhoods with relatively low amounts of surveillance by law enforcement are likely to house drug dealers who prey on vulnerable people.

You can discuss this topic or discuss a variety of other ones, as the relationship between poverty and poor outcomes has been researched deeply.

Here are some additional tips for your essay:

  • Try to use examples to illustrate your points about various aspects of the issue. Drug addiction essay quotations from people who are affected by the condition or have overcome it can offer valuable insights. They also legitimize your findings by providing parallels with the real world.
  • Alcohol essays are an excellent choice, as the substance is legal and available to everyone without much difficulty. Nevertheless, its effects can be devastating, especially if a person’s consumption is chronic.
  • Try to write a drug abuse essay outline before starting work, as it will help you to organize the essay. Select some prominent ideas that you want to discuss and organize them in a manner that represents a logical progression. You do not have to discard all of the other concepts, as you can make them sub-headings under your main titles.
  • Be sure to include a drug abuse essay introduction and conclusion in your work. They will help you provide a structure to the essay and make it easier for the reader to understand your ideas. The introduction should describe the topic and provide the thesis, and the conclusion should restate your main points.

Visit IvyPanda for drug abuse essay titles, and other useful samples on various subjects to help you with your writing work!

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  • Fentanyl – Drug Profile and Specific and Drug Abuse The drug has the effect of depressing the respiratory center, constricting the pupils, as well as depressing the cough reflex. The remainder 75% of fentanyl is swallowed and absorbed in G-tract.
  • Cases of Drug Abuse Amongst Nursing Professionals It is noteworthy that at the top of the information, the date posted is Monday, February 14, 2011, yet against the information, the date is February 11, 2011.
  • The Treatment of Drug Abuse Any medical practitioner treating a drug abuse patient has to be careful in many aspects, like: He has to be careful on the issue that if the addiction has effected the brain of the patient.
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  • Drug Abuse in Adolescents Aged 15-19 Years Old: A Public Health Menace In addition, the objectives of the paper are as follows: the first aim is to analyze the collected data and produce a review of the information.
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  • Sports as a Solution to Youth Substance Abuse: Dr. Collingwood’s View His comments made me realize that it would be unwise by the end of the day for any parent to leave their children under the mercy of the media where they learned that doing drugs […]
  • Intervention Techniques Focusing Drug Abuse and Alcoholism A technique of Family Intervention needs the concern, care and supremacy of love to penetrate the denial and start the treatment.
  • Critical Issues in Education: Drug Abuse and Alcoholism For this case, the ministry concerned has a very hard task of ensuring there are no critical issues that are left unsolved that relate to education, failure to which will affect the performance of students […]
  • The DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program’s Effectiveness While evaluating the effectiveness of the DARE program analysis in accordance with the methodologies and evaluation criteria used, the given assessments refer to various methods of the analysis of participants, as well as various data […]
  • Depression and Drug Dependence Treatment and Support She states that her father was the main person who was able to give the right pieces of advice and she was not afraid of making the wrong decision.
  • Drug Abuse and Dependence: Insights from Clients and Professionals If either the client or the professional wishes to determine the extent to which an individual is dependent on drugs, the only thing he or she would have to do is read the individual’s behavior.
  • Biopsychosocial Experience in Drug Abuse Treatment There has to be a preventive strategy in every intervention procedure to avoid the occurrence of a disease. I find the course of treatment in this intervention beneficial for the creation of the needed preventive […]
  • Addictive Behavior Programs and Drug Abuse Trends The involvement of stakeholders is an essential condition for the effectiveness of this model of work and its results, and all the roles should be allocated in accordance with the capabilities of the program’s participants.
  • Substance Misuse in American Youth: A Socio-Cultural Analysis The paper analyzes studies regarding some of the most widespread types of substances, as well as discusses the role of the rap culture in the growing number of young addicts in the U.S.
  • Social Behaviour as a Science: Drug Abuse in Youth Thus, the application of social psychology to the phenomenon of youth drug abuse helps to explain how social factors impact the prevalence of and risk for drug abuse.
  • ACTIQ Prescription Drug Abuse The fast-acting characteristic of ACTIQ is a result of being absorbed in the mucosal lining of the mouth. ACTIQ is a synthetic drug that is available as lozenges/lollipops, which are designed to be sucked in […]
  • Prescription Drug Abuse and Lebanon Students The first two authors are the representatives of the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at the American University of Beirut, and Martins is from the Department of Mental Health, the John Hopkins University.
  • Financial Planning for Drug Abuse Prevention in Virginia Estates Therefore, the first preferred sources for the program are the County Commission and the Alabama Department of Corrections. The program can be financed by the Montgomery County Commission in the short term and Alabama Department […]
  • Addressing the Drug Abuse in Parolees and Probationers The aim of the program is to address the drug abuse in parolees and probationers during their probations and decrease the use of drugs in them.
  • Problem of Drug Abuse in Schools The research worked on the hypothesis that the treatment would reduce or result in the total cessation of drug use, and better relations with family and friends.
  • Youth Drug Abuse Among, Education, and Policies Although drug abuse encompasses improper use of drugs disregarding the prescriptions of medical practitioners, the principal challenges of drug abuse occasion from abuse of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.
  • Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States The combination of Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are effective for the patients, who want to reduce and control the level of pain.
  • Drug Use Among Parolees and Probationers: A Comprehensive Plan To reduce drug use in probationers and the probability of a new crime, the approach to drug testing needs to be changed.
  • Drug Abuse and Medicaid Program The emergence of alcohol and drug abuse as a problem and the intensification of people with mental health problems, have exposed the society to the likelihood of involvement of the population in substance abuse.
  • Drug Abuse: Age, Gender and Addictive Susceptibility This incorporates the aspects of gender where males and females possess varying biological constitutions that might affect the prescribed treatments in the realms of addiction. It is important to consider the rapidity and susceptibility of […]
  • Prevention Research: The Fight Against Drug Abuse It is agreeable that US’s ‘War on Drugs’ has been an effective substance abuse prevention plan despite the hiccups that the program faces and its inability to attain some of its designated mandates within the […]
  • Drug Abuse Prevention Programs Additionally, it is possible to prospect the success of the program in case the required readiness from the community can be unveiled prior to the program execution.
  • The Cultural Context and Ethics of Prevention of Drug Abuse The first prevention strategy outlined in the document is the involvement of young people in all levels of the prevention program establishment. Concurrently, it is crucial to relate this technique with the subject of culture […]
  • Use of Psychotropic Medications in the Treatment of Drug Abuse This is because the mental illness is, literally, the one that sustains the abuse of drugs and thus after it is healed; the patient will have no reason to continue abusing the drugs.
  • Drug Abuse: Awareness Amongst the Youths This project is going to carry out a public awareness campaign with the aim of educating the young people on the hazards related to the vice of drug and substance abuse. The awareness campaign is […]
  • Spirituality Effect on Drug Abuse Treatment Programs The hypothesis of the study was that spirituality is appropriate in the formal treatment of addiction; the study confirmed this hypothesis.
  • Drug Abuse and Religious Spirituality Concept Particularly, this high rate of relapses was determined by Olmstead et a direct result of a degree of failure on the part of drug abuse treatment programs to sufficiently address the primary reason why […]
  • Drug Abuse and Harmful Health Effects The principle recognizes the importance of helping drug addicts out of the activity but also sees the importance of protecting their rights to health matters if the country is to realize economic development.
  • The Extent of Drug Abuse Among People in America Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Said He Lied about Crack Cocaine Use Because He Was Embarrassed Mayor lied about the use of crack cocaine The article titled “Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said he lied about crack […]
  • Drug Use and Abuse in America: Historical Analysis The new law was similar to the Boggs Act of 1951 in that it employed the same formula of using perceived increase in drug use in the country.
  • Drug Abuse as an Ethical Issue On the side of duties and obligations, the societal norms stipulate that individuals should be caring to other members of the society especially the children and the old.
  • Drug Abuse and Society Regardless of the many intervention measures that can be adopted to solve this problem of drug abuse, the most effective intervention measure is to create awareness to youths to enable them change their behaviors and […]
  • Prescription Painkillers, the New Drug Abuse of Choice Studies attribute the recent increase in the misuse of prescription drugs to an increase in the use of the Internet, which facilitates the growth of illegitimate online drug stores and uncontrolled online prescription drug sales.
  • Drug Abuse: Comprehensive Review The effects associated with drug abuse tend to vary depending on an individual’s age and the phase of drug abuse that the person is in.
  • Adolescent’s Drug Abuse and Therapy Success When one accepts to put up with negative peer pressure, they end up giving up the personal trusts and values thus the pressure becomes a form of a negative force.”Does peer pressure affect the decision […]
  • What Are Influences That Cause Drug Abuse on Youth?
  • What Are Some Solutions to Drug Abuse?
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  • What Does Drug Abuse Truly?
  • Why Do Children Need to Be Educated About Drug Abuse?
  • Why Has the American Government Not Managed to Stop Drug Abuse All These Years?
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  • How Drug Abuse Ruins Families and Destroys Relationships?
  • How Does Prescription Drug Abuse Affect Teens?
  • Does the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program Work?
  • What Is the Drug of Abuse?
  • What Are the Four Types of Drugs Abused?
  • Which Is an Example of Drug Abuse?
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  • What Are the Causes and Effects of Drug Abuse?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 108 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"108 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024,

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IvyPanda . 2024. "108 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "108 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024.

Let’s end the silence around abuse

In a world where so many are unable to do so, these courageous talks highlight the importance of speaking out against abuse, whether it's emotional, physical, sexual or online.

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How we turned the tide on domestic violence (Hint: the Polaroid helped)

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How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

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How we talk about sexual assault online

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How data from a crisis text line is saving lives

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Violence against women -- it's a men's issue

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How online abuse of women has spiraled out of control

United Nations

Office on drugs and crime.

  • Information For

26 May 2003 Stockholm, Sweden

Young People and Drug Abuse: Prevention and Treatment Bliss technology won't bring back lost paradise Hell on earth is more likely

Your Majesty Queen Silvia, Distinguished Members of Parliaments, Ladies and Gentlemen

Last March, I addressed the Stockholm Symposium on Cannabis. I am back to this wonderful city thanks to the Swedish Government and in particular to the National Drug Policy Coordinator, Mr. Fries, our host.

Our subject is Young people and drug abuse : a compelling subject, so very appropriate for the distinguished members of the many parliaments represented here. My belief is that, working together during the next couple of days, we shall demonstrate that successful (drug) policy, aimed at youth, can have a human touch.

It is about the compassionate heart of drug policy that I wish to speak. And I shall do so, not to launch a new slogan, but as a tribute to you, Queen Silvia, whom I salute as the symbol of Sweden's commitment to save young lives from addiction. Your call for the "right to hope" in a life, both exciting and drug-free, was the wonderful testimonial you brought to political leaders attending the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on drugs in 1998.

Five years since your call, the world drug situation has changed dramatically. To some extent change has been for the better. Yet this undeniable progress has not gone as far or as fast, as we had desired. In part this is because the rules of the drug game kept on changing, at times forcing governments to chase -- rather than to lead -- events. This message I delivered to Ministers last April, during the meeting of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs. But we should not only point to unpredictable changes in external circumstances - they are part of life. We should also have the courage to blame ourselves: our children's "right to hope" is indeed intertwined with our societies' ability to deliver the conditions for that hope to materialize. And, at present, not all societies are equally committed to control the drug problem.

I remain convinced that we shall make better, and faster, progress towards a world not threatened by drug trafficking and drug abuse if, and only if, we stay the course defined by the international Conventions (of 1961, 1971 and 1988) and further mapped out in New York in 1998. Yet, although necessary, staying the course is not a sufficient condition. We also need to make clear the consequences of changing the course -- something not done adequately so far.

We need to communicate louder and clearer that the risks involved in abandoning half a century of drug controls are so high and the resulting public costs and private suffering so big, that the Conventions are not up for negotiation. This was the Ministers' unanimous view in Vienna last month. What is under consideration, starting here, today in Stockholm, are the ways and means to account for the dramatic changes taking place in the world of drugs, so that governments can maintain control of the situation and lead. I look forward to listening to the debate. As a contribution to it, let me consider three issues that deserve, I believe, special attention.

My first proposition is the following: drug abuse among young people, while not a normal occurrence, could become such . The chemical technology of bliss -- namely, the consumption of synthetic substances, like ecstasy and speed -- is blurring the notion of drug addiction as parents and governments alike are confused about the severity of their impact. Not surprisingly, in the last decade, the consumption of bliss substances by young people has become more serious than in the past.

My second proposition follows from the preceding one: while societies' sufferings are similar, governments' responses differ . They range from benign neglect of substance abuse, to robust intervention against it. These differences magnify the misunderstanding in society and facilitate the spread of misinformation about which country is doing what about the drug problem - including the related costs and consequences.

My third proposition brings the argument forward by calling for joint action: drug risks for the young are no longer confined within national borders . Today's culture has abolished time and space. Life styles are shared instantly and internationally. The presence here of parliamentarians from so many countries is an excellent opportunity to realize 1) that the problems your constituencies face are not unique, and 2) that we must therefore develop a shared understanding of what needs to be done.

Bliss technology is on the rise

Let me offer you some facts on the first proposition. There was already some discussion on cannabis during the international symposium held here last March. In the second half of the '90s, cannabis abuse throughout Europe increased dramatically among students. In some countries (Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Italy, to name just a few), lifetime use almost doubled, reaching the 25-35% range. Almost all other European countries registered an increase in the same period (ESPAD survey 1995 and 1999).

Thanks to another variation on the technology of bliss (in this case, genetic engineering of plants), the active ingredients of cannabis have become much stronger. Today, we find up to 20 per cent THC in cannabis compared to a fraction of that amount (2-3%) in the 1960s. (I still remember the smell of the weak marijuana smoked by the "flower kids" in Berkeley, my alma mater.) Even though more research is needed, the increased THC level may result in even more problems for quite a number of young people.

Stronger cannabis is only one item on young people's bliss technology-menu. The increasingly popular dish on the menu is synthetic drugs in general, ecstasy and speed in particular. In the United States, lifetime use of ecstasy among 12th graders has almost doubled (to 10.5%) since 1996 (Monitoring the Future survey, 2002). Ecstasy abuse has also increased considerably in Eastern Europe and Russia. Only in Western Europe has its consumption declined (from a relatively high level), as it has for cannabis (ESPAD surveys 1995 and 1999).

We therefore have a growing number of reports of serious health consequences, even among first-time abusers. Though such consequences may not be immediately visible, ecstasy's neurotoxins impact the brain and hurt major organs (liver and heart).

As synthetic drugs are simple to produce with ordinary chemicals, are simpler to take, and are (erroneously) perceived to be relatively harmless, the threat posed by their consumption is enormous. I have called them "Public Enemy Number 1". They may, in a not too distant future, replace organic drugs at the top of the list.

Although I have mainly spoken about rich countries (which are, as we all know, at the origin of the bliss technology production), manufacturing and addiction are spreading to other parts of the world: for example, to the Far East, where the problem has turned into an alarming epidemic. Slowly, young people in developing countries are catching up with the experience of their northern peers.

Although I have dealt with cannabis and ecstasy separately, they are not separate in young people's minds or experience, as poly-drug abuse is on the rise. It is actually at the origin of an increased number of deaths around the world - a sort of stealth cause of death, as many of them are not attributed to bliss technology products.

My first conclusion is the following: alarm bells should be ringing all over the world. The data about adolescents are especially worrisome, as adolescents are establishing behavioural patterns that will accompany them for a lifetime. On the front, however, news is not so good.

Mixed responses to a common problem

Indeed, and this is my second point, not everyone seems to hear the alarm bells. Responses in various countries have been mixed.

Some countries are maintaining a fatalistic approach, even benign neglect. Somehow, families, educators, and governments alike consider drug abuse as an inevitable part, and not an exception, of growing up.

This attitude has stretched up to the acceptance of policies such as testing of pills in discos to prevent the "unsafe" ingestion of unknown chemicals. The dubious message being sent out is that it is relatively "safe" to use these pills once they are checked. It is ironical that we test people on the road (namely, after alcohol consumption) to prevent drunken driving, and we test pills (namely, before intake), thus condoning driving under drug intoxication. And then we read on Monday's papers about the weekend road massacres!

The wish to "stand outside oneself" (the original meaning of the Greek word ekstasis ) has accompanied human beings from the moment they exited the Garden of Eden. Not surprisingly the temptation is still there, and the call still strong. Yet, how different is the ekstasis brought about by one's control of the mind as practiced by ascetics and hermits in the past, and the one induced by the technology of bliss today.

Karen Armstrong has recently described these differences quite aptly (The Guardian, 23 May 2003). " Our desire for transcendence and unfettered bliss has got out of control. Today young people simply swallow a pill and enjoy states of mind that have formerly been the preserve of a few highly talented mystics, but without the traditional safeguards " (first difference). She adds: " the purveyors of ecstasies are no longer well meaning, highly trained priests. They are unscrupulous dealers who have no concern for their victims, many of whom die in the search of joy, liberation and transcendence " (second difference).

At a time when religion is fading, family bonds are weakening and society is splintering, the technology of bliss poses a new, enormous threat. It "promises" young people to become Saturday-night "masters of the universe". Law enforcement alone cannot control this compulsion for ekstasis . Since these changes are societal, society as a whole needs to share the responsibility. I thus invite the parliamentarians in this Hall, true representatives of society, to examine what they can do to help.

The need for a common response

Countries apply the Conventions on drug control in accordance with local conditions. Yet, the increase in abuse among young people is no longer a matter of national variations. It is a global trend, driven by an increasingly global culture and increasingly trans-national crime syndicates. We need a common response. Above all, we should not think of backing down from the overall commitment to protect the health of our youth.

This commitment was unanimously confirmed at the recent Ministerial meeting in Vienna. The Drug Commission confirmed the importance of current international drug control mechanisms. Ministers stressed the need for innovative prevention based on experience. Here lies another gap: prevention efforts do not always speak clearly to youth and to the pressures they are increasingly facing.

For greater impact, we need to:

  • Understand how young people perceive drugs in their life, and develop our prevention efforts based on that;
  • Increase the confidence of young people so that they can deal with their problems, without turning to drugs;
  • Involve young people in healthy activities, for example in various forms of volunteer work at home and abroad, where substance abuse is combatted.

Above all, society should stop sending conflicting messages to young people. I call for responsible behaviour on the part of media and the music industry: their role models in relation to drug abuse is crucial.


All countries are part of the drug problem. Commitment by all countries is needed for its solution.

I have invited you to think globally, but let me also ask you to act locally. It is important that the United Nations Conventions and their goals are translated into national policies. Your role in this process is fundamental. Drug abuse by youth cannot be addressed in isolation. Questions of education, employment, social inclusion, sexual health, and others need to be considered.

Hopefully, at the end of this meeting, you will return to your constituencies with renewed energy and engage everybody -- voters and fellow legislators alike -- in our common effort: a healthy future for our children also depends on you.

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Event Title Remarks by Dr. Hahn to the 2020 Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit April 15, 2020

(Remarks as prepared for delivery)

I want to extend my warmest greetings to all of you who are participating in this year’s virtual Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit.

I was looking forward to being with you in Nashville this year, but, unfortunately, as you are well aware, the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic has altered those plans – and impacted everyone’s lives in unprecedented ways. 

The FDA is helping lead the government response to the pandemic, working closely with the health care professionals and institutions on the front lines to support an all hands approach across government and the private sector.

We’re focused on several different areas, including developing and supporting medical countermeasures to diagnose, treat and prevent the disease. 

We’re engaged with partners across the U.S. government, academia, and regulated industry to explore, expedite, and facilitate the development and ensure the availability of promising and critical medical products to prevent and treat this novel virus. 

We want to make sure in this sea of new treatments, we get the right drug to the right patient at the right dosage at the right time. 

We want to bring hope, but not false hope. 

We’re also working to make sure the public gets the products they’re promised.  We’re keeping an eye on, and warning consumers to be cautious of, websites and stores selling products that claim to prevent, treat, diagnose or cure COVID-19 or unauthorized fraudulent test kits. 

Fraudulent products that haven’t been evaluated by the FDA for safety and effectiveness could be dangerous to patients.

Food availability and food safety are also vital to Americans’ well-being, and the FDA is working hard to help ensure the foods you, your family, and your pets eat are safe and available.

So as you can tell, we’re facing some big – indeed unprecedented -- health and logistical challenges. 

In light of these challenges, I want to specially commend the organizers of the conference for their efforts to ensure that this important meeting is taking place. 

This conference is a vitally important gathering – helping to forge critical connections and provide essential information, education and support to efforts to combat the opioid and stimulant crisis, which continues to affect our communities, schools, friends, families, and children. I am pleased that this work was not deterred.

At the FDA, we’re following a similar dual path.  Even as our staff works tirelessly to find answers and respond to the corona virus outbreak, we remain focused on our other important day-to-day, mission critical work. 

And among FDA’s many important responsibilities, none are more important than our continued efforts to battle and overcome the opioid crisis that has devastated the lives of so many in this country. 

In my work as a cancer doctor, I’ve seen the pain that can come from chronic illness, as well as the destruction and turmoil that can upend families and communities as a result of addiction to prescription pain killers.

That’s why our work on this crisis remains an urgent priority for me and a top public health issue for the FDA. 

It’s why we’re continuing full speed ahead to implement the SUPPORT Act, which stands for Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities, a law that provided our agency new authorities to build upon our efforts to confront the changing nature of the opioid crisis.

We continue to advocate and approve new and innovative ways to support treatment for addiction and overdoses. 

Some of these approaches have particular relevance during this time of “social distancing,” when individuals are more isolated. 

This situation can pose a special challenge to those who rely on the support and assistance of others for treatments they receive, in visits to clinics, or through actions from first responders who may otherwise be overwhelmed with coronavirus emergencies.

I want to urge all of you to maintain social distancing so that we can bring this pandemic under control.  But it’s also critical, especially if you are suffering from opioid use disorder, that you take necessary medicines and seek appropriate help, using all available tools, including newer options such as telemedicine.

For the FDA, coronavirus is a critical public health emergency and we are doing everything in our power to help people who need it.  We are not forgetting the work that needs to continue to address the opioids crisis. I do not have time today to discuss all of our many activities, therefore I will focus on one area I am particularly interested in; our work to provide treatments for opioid overdoses.

The FDA’s efforts to increase access to the life-saving drug Naloxone, which can reverse the powerful effects of an opioid overdose, whether from a prescribed medicine or an illicit drug, can play an important role in some of these situations.  Overdoses can happen at any time, and Naloxone can be administered by anyone.

To make it as easy as possible for people to use, FDA has approved three different forms of naloxone – injectable, auto-injector and nasal spray.  Extending this work, just last month we approved a generic single-dose pre-filled syringe version of naloxone, which provides another new and easier treatment option to stop or reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. 

We are also working hard to support manufacturers who are interested in developing over the counter naloxone products. Overall, these efforts are aimed at making  naloxone broadly available in ways that help assure it is used to save lives. It is our public health duty.  In short, we continue to be focused on finding and providing solutions.  

The FDA remains committed to addressing this national crisis on all fronts, from decreasing exposure to opioids and preventing new addiction, to supporting the treatment of those with opioid use disorder, to fostering the development of new and effective pain treatment therapies, and taking action against those who contribute to the illegal importation and sale of opioid products.

We are also collecting input from key stakeholders, including patients, harm reduction groups, clinicians, researchers and industry about methods to support the development of methamphetamine and cocaine use disorder treatment.

It’s worth noting that our response to the Corona virus mirrors our efforts to overcome the opioid epidemic in at least one important way – the understanding that it requires all of us working together.

Indeed, it’s due in large part to your work and voices – patients, family members, caregivers, doctors, first responders, or others involved in addressing this crisis – that we have been so successful in focusing attention on this critical and complex public health problem. 

As we move forward, I assure you that this continues to be an issue of the highest priority for the FDA, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with you to bring an end to this epidemic, and to joining together in person for your next meeting.

Thank you again for your concern, your advocacy, your passion, and your leadership.

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Speech on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse!

The unusual increase in the uses and abuses of alcohol and various drugs during the last two decades has become a frightening problem. Their adverse effects have produced serious concerns among the sociologists and social scientists.

Alcoholism and Drug

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Parents, guardians, teachers and the public at large, have also been deeply worried about the devastating consequences of alcoholism and drug abuse on the family life, social and personal life. Reports of serious accidents and murders committed during intoxicating states are not uncommon.

It is needless to point out that along with the widespread use of drugs; there is also a lot of misuse of drugs. This misuse leads to abuse of drug or drug dependence. Drug dependence refers to both psychological and physiological dependence. Drug abuse indicates excessive consumption of a drug regardless of whether an individual is truly dependent on it. Drug abuse may however, subsequently lead to drug dependence.

Use of drugs and alcohols is not quite a new thing. In the 6th century B.C. Persians were quite renowned in the use of alcohol. Similarly, people belonging to many early societies and cultures used alcohol extensively.

In India, the wide use of intoxicating drugs like ‘Somarasa’ goes back to around 2000 B.C. Kings and emperors used plenty of alcohols and drugs. In the Ramayana and the Mahabharata also there is reference to the use of drugs. During the Muslim rules in India, along with strong wine opium was used.

The other important drugs used in ancient India were known as cannabis and cocaine opium. In Orissa and some other states of India, women use to administer opium to small children to make them sleep or keep them quiet.

Opium is also taken by the people of Orissa and other states of India, specially by rural people to overcome certain minor illnesses like anxiety and worry, backaches, cold, pain and allied illnesses. In the interior districts of Orissa, tribal men and women take a strong wine named ‘Handia’. It is a type of country wine, very intoxicating in nature.

A psychoactive substance refers to one which when taken into the body can influence consciousness or state of mind. Psychoactive substance induced organic mental disorders have been differentiated from psychoactive substance induced disorders by DSM III-R.

While psychoactive substance induced organic mental disorder refers to the direct, acute or chronic effects of psycho­active substances on the nervous system, psychoactive substance use disorders refer to maladaptive behaviour associated with regular use of psychoactive substances. According to DSM III-R the two diagnosis usually coexist

About 1.4 billion prescriptions for more than 10,000 different chemical substances are written in the United States every year. About 20 per cent of them are for psychoactive or mood changing drugs like tranquilizers, sedatives, stimulants, sleeping pills and analgesics. It is estimated that 50 per cent of the patients suffering from chronic pain take between 1 to 5 pain relievers and 25 per cent of this group develop physical dependence on one of those drugs.

A survey conducted in 1985 shows that use of illicit drugs is more commonly found among the young adult population than among other age groups. It is interesting to note that particularly in the western countries drug use by women is increasing in a faster speed than by the men.

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English Summary

Short Speech on Drug Addiction in English for Students and Children

Good morning all of you! Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. Thank you for being present here on this special occasion.

Today I am going to speak on the topic- ‘Drugs Addiction’. Today’s youth addiction to drugs has drawn my attention to this topic.

Drugs are chemical substances which have an effect on our body. There are two types of drugs, one is legal and the second one is illegal. The legal drugs are basically the medicines which we use in our everyday use for various problems in our body such as body ache, headache, etc. These drugs are to cure our body ailments.

But the illegal drugs are the ones that are used to get into the state of being intoxicated or drunk. This helps people to lose their senses and forget everything. Consumption of such drugs is illegal and can have an adverse effect on our body. It can affect us badly both physically and mentally.

speech on the topic drug abuse

Young people often start with just tasting of these drugs and then end up getting addicted to it. They do this due to various reasons. They consume it sometimes because of unfair expectations and stress. The drugs make them feel high and its after-effects are quite relaxing. But its effects, in the long run, can damage their brain, liver, etc.

Students also get into this drug addiction when they fail to get emotional support. So they turn themselves towards drugs to calm their agitation and anger.

Poverty is also one of the reasons behind this drug-selling network. Drug sellers target students and make them addicted to drugs. Initially, they give drugs to the students for free and once, they get addicted, they start charging them. They also target poor children and make them sell drugs in order to earn some money.

Drug consumption makes students mentally and physically weak. It also attracts various diseases. It makes students depressed and makes their recovery difficult.

In the end, I would request you all to stay away from drugs and always reach your parents and family to resolve any problems in your life. Drugs may look attractive initially but it has the capacity to destroy the future of a person. We should say complete ‘No’ to the drugs.

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speech on the topic drug abuse

speech on the topic drug abuse

Reflections After Singapore’s Inaugural Drug Victims Remembrance Day

All images by xue qi ow yeong for rice media.

“A single hanging of a drug trafficker is a tragedy; a million deaths from drug abuse is a statistic.” 

That was the analogy Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam used in a 2022 BBC interview to describe media coverage of the death penalty in Singapore. 

With the recent initiatives to shine a light on the victims of drug abuse, spearheaded by the Inter-Ministry Committee on Drug Prevention for Youths, we see an attempt to shift focus to the other side of the story—the lived experiences of those who suffer as a result of drug abuse and trafficking. 

Mr Shanmugam announced in Parliament that Drug Victims Remembrance Day would henceforth be observed on the third Friday of May each year. This year’s inaugural Drug Victims Remembrance Day on May 17 was also marked with the launch of a roving exhibition. After a stint at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza, a smaller version of the exhibition is set to traverse the heartlands of Singapore from May 24th to June 21st. 

After years of laser focus on prevention programmes (remember those “Say ‘no’ to drugs” assemblies in school?), this feels like a step forward in furthering nuanced discussions on drug abuse.  

After all, we’ve seen a rise in young drug abusers and more “ permissive attitudes ” towards drugs, according to the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). Perhaps, with younger Singaporeans, education in lieu of fear may be more effective in turning them away from narcotics. 

Beyond what they see of drug abuse in the media (think cult favourite series like Breaking Bad and Euphoria ), the majority of Singaporeans aren’t likely to have any experience with drugs—nor any firsthand experience of the impact of drug abuse. 

This exhibition and the gazetting of Drug Victims Remembrance Day seem to be an effort to correct the misconception that drug abuse is victimless. 

As a drug abuse prevention strategy, it seems to be working. Over 79,000 pledges to remain drug-free have been made, CNB said on May 18 . These are simply pledges, nonetheless. 

But as a means of illustrating the lives and stories of people affected by drug abuse, it felt like there was room to delve deeper. 

Take the Candles for Victims exhibit, for example. The display is an attempt to paint a picture of just how deadly drugs can be. According to the World Health Organization, 600,000 lives worldwide were lost to drug abuse in 2019 alone. Each LED candle is supposed to symbolise a thousand of these lives. 

Beyond the candles, though, who were these people who had their lives cut short? What hopes and dreams did they have? 

And if the aim was to contextualise the drug abuse victim statistics, why not focus on the 20 lives lost to drugs in Singapore last year? 

The Victim Stories corner, however, presented more compelling stories. We heard from the families of drug abusers, like one woman whose father abused her. Though nameless and faceless, these real stories conveyed the devastating impact of the drug industry. 

The True Drug Cases: Where Violence Meets Death segment presented more real-life violent crimes committed by drug abusers. Graphic crime scene photos were flashed on-screen, accompanied by gnarly details of the crimes. 

We’re already well aware of the health risks of drugs. They’re clearly bad for you. But this segment was a reminder that innocent people can also be harmed when a drug abuser turns violent. 

We heard of a man who murdered his mother and grandmother after taking lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Another man crashed his vehicle into a bus while under the influence of ecstasy, meth, and amphetamines. Another man, a cannabis user, dunked his two-year-old daughter into water to stop her from crying, resulting in her death. 

This last case, though, was a somewhat confusing inclusion. At least from previous news coverage of the case , it wasn’t mentioned if the man’s drug use had any link to his child abuse and violence. 

The Home Exhibition is probably the most immersive section of the exhibit. Here, visitors step into a meticulously decorated set made to look like a typical lived-in HDB home. We get a glimpse into the chaos of a home where drugs have taken root. The effort that went into dressing this mock-up was clear, from the half-used toothpaste in the ‘bathroom’ to the toys strewn about the ‘living room’ just so. 

Actors play the roles of family members of drug abusers, acting out common fears, anxieties and worries. 

Image: Mr Shanmugam watching a living room scene in which two child actors react to their parents arguing over drugs. 

As a whole, the exhibition was a worthwhile visit but probably could have benefited from stronger curation and richer storytelling. After a thorough walkthrough, one question remained: beyond swearing off drugs ourselves, what can we do to help victims of drug abuse? 

In a time when other countries are liberalising their drug policies , fear tactics might not be enough to scare people away from trying drugs. But educating them about what it will do to them, their families, and their community might. 

At the same time, resources should also be included for people who feel moved by the exhibition to do their part for their communities. After all, as its name suggests, Drug Victims Remembrance Day should be all about keeping the victims in our thoughts.

The focus on drug victims also felt a little muddled. At times, particularly during Mr Shanmugam’s speech, the event felt more like an indictment of drug traffickers. 

Before he took the stage at the exhibition launch to give his speech, video re-enactments of drug abuse victims flitted across the screen: the elderly man whose child is relapsing, the girl who’s failing her test because daddy is on drugs, the woman who’s stressed at work because her brother is using. 

When it was time to address the crowd, a good chunk of his 19-minute speech was dedicated to vilifying drug traffickers.

“When activists campaign for a trafficker, who calculated and brought drugs into Singapore in order to make money, does your sympathy go towards him? Or does it go towards that little girl that you saw (in the video)?”

He later added, “We want these victims to be remembered, rather than just arguing on behalf of drug traffickers, who are the cause of the problems, who are out to make money from these killings and deaths.”

You can’t exactly have a victim without a perpetrator. And Mr Shanmugam’s speech certainly made those roles clear. 

He also took the opportunity to defend the death penalty as a drug trafficking deterrent, saying, ”In Singapore, traffickers are careful. They know that we have the capital punishment, serious punishments, so either they don’t traffic, or if they do traffic, they keep the amounts small.”

Generally, most Singaporeans strongly support the death penalty. In a Ministry of Home Affairs survey conducted in 2023, roughly 69 percent of respondents said that the mandatory death penalty was an appropriate punishment for trafficking a significant amount of drugs. 

Tough drug policies do indeed curb drug use and trafficking here. If we didn’t have them, we might very well have more drug abuse victims. But beyond praising the hardline policies that are already in place, we should be examining the other ways we can help them. 

Maybe it’s educating people on how to talk to someone who might be suffering from addiction . Maybe it’s discussing how employers can support their employees who are dealing with these issues in their families. Or perhaps we can look into reducing the stigma against drug offenders. 

And if drug trafficking is so bad, should we be doing more as a society to prevent people from falling into the trade? Socio-cultural factors come into play as well, especially when marginalisation, lack of education, and economic inequality push Singaporeans to the point of desperation. 

The Inaugural Drug Victims Remembrance Day is a good effort, but it’s only the starting point. The reality is that there are many overlooked victims out there. Instead of making it about vilifying traffickers—who may also be victims of addiction—let’s have more constructive conversations on what we can do for drug victims. 

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The post Reflections After Singapore’s Inaugural Drug Victims Remembrance Day appeared first on RICE .

The crowd observing a minute of silence for victims of drug abuse on May 17th, the inaugural Drug Victims Remembrance Day.

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Until the 1960s, it was uncertain whether whales made any sounds at all..

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Carl Zimmer

Produced by Alex Stern ,  Stella Tan ,  Sydney Harper and Nina Feldman

Edited by MJ Davis Lin

Original music by Elisheba Ittoop ,  Dan Powell ,  Marion Lozano ,  Sophia Lanman and Pat McCusker

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

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Ever since the discovery of whale songs almost 60 years ago, scientists have been trying to decipher the lyrics.

But sperm whales don’t produce the eerie melodies sung by humpback whales, sounds that became a sensation in the 1960s. Instead, sperm whales rattle off clicks that sound like a cross between Morse code and a creaking door. Carl Zimmer, a science reporter, explains why it’s possible that the whales are communicating in a complex language.

On today’s episode

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Carl Zimmer , a science reporter for The New York Times who also writes the Origins column .

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These whales still use their vocal cords. But how?

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We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Carl Zimmer covers news about science for The Times and writes the Origins column . More about Carl Zimmer



  1. Speech On Drug Abuse

    speech on the topic drug abuse

  2. Essay on International day against Drug Abuse

    speech on the topic drug abuse

  3. 💐 Topic on drug addiction. 144 Addiction Topic Ideas to Write about

    speech on the topic drug abuse

  4. Speech About Drugs

    speech on the topic drug abuse

  5. presentation on drug abuse

    speech on the topic drug abuse

  6. ⇉The Cons Of Drug Abuse Sample Essay Example

    speech on the topic drug abuse


  1. Health Magazine Hamari Sehat (हमारी सेहत) II 2 December 2023


  3. 1st Year English Topic Drug Abuse in Youth of Pakistan Explanation

  4. Detox

  5. European Drug Report 2023: Speech by Chair of EMCDDA Management Board Franz Pietsch

  6. Drugs of abuse


  1. Speech on Drug Abuse in English in Simple and easy Words

    The topic for today's speech is Drug Abuse! I have chosen to speak on this topic because these days I observe many campaigns being run on Drug Abuse in order to teach the people about its ill effects. As a teacher, it also becomes my responsibility to help them spread the message wherever we can and most importantly beginning from our very ...

  2. Speech On Drug Abuse

    Speech On Drug Abuse: The drug is a substance that can cause the death of an organism if taken more than the dosage. It causes a change in the physiological and psychological structure of the organism when it is consumed. ... In this article, we provide a long speech for students and children on the topic of Drug Abuse with about 500 words and ...

  3. 18 Best TED Talks for Addiction & Recovery

    Humorous and honest. 2. Addiction: A Story of Stigma, A Story of Hope | Scott McFadden (2020) This 18-minute talk delivered by Scott McFadden is one of the best TED Talks for addiction as it addresses stigma and sends a message of hope. Excerpt: Scott McFadden is a Licensed Addictions Counselor, who also identifies as a person in long term ...

  4. Address to the Nation on the Campaign Against Drug Abuse

    Regular drug use is even higher among the age group 18 to 25 -- most likely just entering the workforce. Today there's a new epidemic: smokable cocaine, otherwise known as crack. It is an explosively destructive and often lethal substance which is crushing its users. It is an uncontrolled fire. And drug abuse is not a so-called victimless crime.

  5. 10 Unmissable Ted Talks in Substance Recovery & Mental Health

    Here are ten unmissable TED Talks to help you gain insights into substance abuse recovery and mental health. 1. Johann Hari: Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong. Johann Hari's TED Talk offers a refreshing and informative take on addiction, forcing viewers to rethink the true meaning of the word.

  6. New thoughts on addiction

    10:34. Michael Botticelli. Addiction is a disease. We should treat it like one. Only one in nine people in the United States gets the care and treatment they need for addiction and substance abuse. A former Director of National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli is working to end this epidemic and treat people with addictions with kindness ...

  7. World Drug Day message: think health, not drugs

    On 26 June, the world will commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which serves as a reminder of the need to combat the problems illicit drugs pose to society. "We must recognize the major impediment to development posed by drug abuse and illicit trafficking," said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his message.

  8. Containing Substance Abuse: Lessons from Drug Control

    We could make a broadly similar order of magnitude to compare alcohol abuse and drug abuse. This leads me to the following three observations. First, proportionally, drugs kill more than other addictive substances [200,000 deaths per year out of 200 million annual users vs 5 million deaths from 2 billion smokers]. That is why they are controlled.

  9. theme "Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives".

    the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 25 June 2021 Madam Chair, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, It is an honour to meet with you to commemorate the 2021 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, with the timely and appropriate theme "Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives".

  10. Message on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

    The theme of this year's International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, "Better Knowledge for Better Care", highlights the need to understand drug dynamics trapping so many millions of people in a downward spiral, to inform balanced solutions that are based on scientific evidence, to know better what the issues are and to ...

  11. Drug addiction (substance use disorder)

    Cannabis often precedes or is used along with other substances, such as alcohol or illegal drugs, and is often the first drug tried. Signs and symptoms of recent use can include: A sense of euphoria or feeling "high". A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception. Increased blood pressure and heart rate.

  12. 108 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Fentanyl - Drug Profile and Specific and Drug Abuse. The drug has the effect of depressing the respiratory center, constricting the pupils, as well as depressing the cough reflex. The remainder 75% of fentanyl is swallowed and absorbed in G-tract. Cases of Drug Abuse Amongst Nursing Professionals.

  13. Start A Conversation: 10 Questions Teens Ask About Drugs and Health

    At the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), our goal is to help people get accurate, science-based information about drugs and health. To help you start a conversation about drugs and health, we've compiled teens' 10 most frequently asked questions from more than 118,000 queries we've received from young people during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week ®.

  14. Understanding Drug Use and Addiction DrugFacts

    Many people don't understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will.

  15. Let's end the silence around abuse

    Leslie Morgan Steiner was in "crazy love" -- that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and threatened her life. Steiner tells the story of her relationship, correcting misconceptions many people hold about victims of domestic violence, and explaining how we can all help break the silence. 10:56. Esta Soler.

  16. Speech On Drug Abuse 1

    Speech on Drug Abuse 1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The speaker delivers a speech to students on the dangers of drug abuse. They explain that some students start taking drugs due to stress, family problems, or poverty, which can lead to addiction. Once addicted, it is difficult to recover and stop taking drugs, as they ...

  17. Words Matter: Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction

    Addiction is a chronic but treatable medical condition. Often unintentionally, many people still talk about addiction in ways that are stigmatizing—meaning they use words that can portray someone with a substance use disorder (SUD) in a shameful or negative way and may prevent them from seeking treatment. 9 With simple changes in language harmful stigma and negativity around SUD can be ...

  18. Speeches

    Sixth Inter-Parliamentarian Meeting on Drug Issues. 26 May 2003 Stockholm, Sweden. Young People and Drug Abuse: Prevention and Treatment Bliss technology won't bring back lost paradise Hell on earth is more likely Speech. by. Antonio Maria Costa Executive Director United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. As delivered

  19. Remarks by Dr. Hahn to the 2020 Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit

    April 15, 2020. Linkedin. (Remarks as prepared for delivery) I want to extend my warmest greetings to all of you who are participating in this year's virtual Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. I ...

  20. Campaign Against Drug Abuse

    Drug abuse costs you and your fellow Americans at least $60 billion a year. ... On March 4, 1987, President Reagan delivered a speech from the Oval Office on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy.

  21. Speech on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (556 Words)

    Speech on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse! The unusual increase in the uses and abuses of alcohol and various drugs during the last two decades has become a frightening problem. Their adverse effects have produced serious concerns among the sociologists and social scientists. Parents, guardians, teachers and the public at large, have also been deeply ...

  22. Research Topics

    Research Topics. En español. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is the largest supporter of the world's research on substance use and addiction. Part of the National Institutes of Health, NIDA conducts and supports biomedical research to advance the science on substance use and addiction and improve individual and public health.

  23. Short Speech on Drug Addiction in English for Students and Children

    Drug sellers target students and make them addicted to drugs. Initially, they give drugs to the students for free and once, they get addicted, they start charging them. They also target poor children and make them sell drugs in order to earn some money. Drug consumption makes students mentally and physically weak.

  24. Reflections After Singapore's Inaugural Drug Victims Remembrance Day

    Before he took the stage at the exhibition launch to give his speech, video re-enactments of drug abuse victims flitted across the screen: the elderly man whose child is relapsing, the girl who ...

  25. Whales Have an Alphabet

    Featuring Carl Zimmer. Produced by Alex Stern , Stella Tan , Sydney Harper and Nina Feldman. Edited by MJ Davis Lin. Original music by Elisheba Ittoop , Dan Powell , Marion Lozano , Sophia Lanman ...