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Essay on Pollution in 100 words, 200 words, 300 words, 400 words, 500 words and 1000 words

Impact of pollution on our planet in concise essays of 100 to 1000 words. Explore causes, effects, and solutions to tackle this global issue.

Pollution, Garbage Dump, Waste

Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or pollutants into the environment, resulting in adverse effects on living organisms and ecosystems. It is a pressing global issue that poses significant threats to the well-being of both the natural world and human society. Various forms of pollution exist, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. Each form of pollution has its own set of causes, which can range from industrial activities and transportation to improper waste disposal and excessive use of chemicals. Understanding the causes of pollution is crucial in developing effective strategies and solutions to mitigate its harmful effects. In this article, we will explore the concept of pollution, delve into its causes, and discuss the importance of addressing this issue for a sustainable future.

Table of Contents

Essay on Pollution in 100 Words

Pollution is a grave issue as harmful substances and pollutants contaminate the environment, causing harm to living organisms and ecosystems. It exists in various forms, including air, water, soil, and noise pollution.

Air pollution occurs due to the release of harmful gases and particles into the atmosphere from industrial activities and vehicles. Water pollution happens when industrial waste, sewage, and chemicals enter water bodies. Soil pollution results from the infiltration of toxins into the soil, affecting plant growth and the food chain. Noise pollution refers to excessive noise levels that disrupt human well-being.

To address pollution, stricter regulations and sustainable practices are necessary. Individuals must conserve resources, manage waste responsibly, and adopt eco-friendly habits.

Essay on Pollution in 200 Words

Pollution has become a critical issue in today’s world as harmful substances and pollutants are introduced into the environment, causing detrimental effects on living organisms and ecosystems. Various forms of pollution exist, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.

Air pollution occurs when harmful gases and particulate matter are released into the atmosphere, primarily from industrial activities and vehicular emissions. These pollutants degrade air quality and pose risks to human health, leading to respiratory problems and allergies.

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans due to the discharge of industrial waste, sewage, and chemicals. It affects aquatic life and poses significant risks to human health, as consuming or using polluted water can lead to various waterborne diseases.

Soil pollution arises when harmful chemicals or toxins seep into the soil, affecting plant growth and the overall health of the ecosystem. Contaminated soil also has adverse effects on the food chain, as plants and crops absorb these pollutants, which can then transfer to animals and humans upon consumption.

Noise pollution refers to excessive noise levels that disrupt the peace and well-being of human beings and wildlife. Sources include construction activities, transportation, industrial machinery, and loud music. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to stress, hearing loss, and other health issues.

Pollution has severe consequences for both human health and the environment. It causes respiratory diseases, allergies, and even cancer in humans. Wildlife and ecosystems suffer from the disruption of natural habitats, decline in biodiversity, and imbalances in ecological systems.

To combat pollution, we must raise awareness and take proactive measures. Governments, industries, and individuals must work together to implement stricter environmental regulations and promote sustainable practices. This includes reducing emissions, adopting cleaner energy sources, practicing responsible waste management, and conserving natural resources.

In conclusion, pollution poses a significant threat to our planet and its inhabitants. The various forms of pollution have far-reaching effects on human health, wildlife, and the environment. Taking immediate and collective action is crucial to minimize pollution and create a healthier and sustainable world for future generations.

Essay on Pollution in 300 Words

Pollution has become a critical issue in today’s world as harmful substances and pollutants are introduced into the environment, causing detrimental effects on living organisms and ecosystems. Pollution exists in various forms, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.

Air pollution occurs when harmful gases and particulate matter are released into the atmosphere, primarily from industrial activities and vehicular emissions. These pollutants contribute to the degradation of air quality and pose risks to human health, leading to respiratory problems and allergies.

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans due to the discharge of industrial waste, sewage, and chemicals. This pollution not only affects aquatic life but also poses significant risks to human health. Consuming or using polluted water can lead to various waterborne diseases.

Soil pollution arises when harmful chemicals or toxins seep into the soil, affecting plant growth and the overall health of the ecosystem. The contamination of soil can also have adverse effects on the food chain, as plants and crops absorb these pollutants, which then transfer to animals and humans upon consumption.

Noise pollution refers to excessive noise levels that disrupt the peace and well-being of human beings and wildlife. Sources of noise pollution include construction activities, transportation, industrial machinery, and loud music. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to stress, hearing loss, and other health issues.

Pollution has severe consequences for both human health and the environment. It can cause respiratory diseases, allergies, and even cancer in humans. Wildlife and ecosystems suffer from the disruption of natural habitats, decline in biodiversity, and imbalances in ecological systems.

To combat pollution, it is crucial to raise awareness and take proactive measures. Governments, industries, and individuals must work together to implement stricter environmental regulations and promote sustainable practices. This includes reducing emissions, adopting cleaner energy sources, practicing responsible waste management, and conserving natural resources.

In conclusion, pollution poses a significant threat to our planet and its inhabitants. The various forms of pollution, including air, water, soil, and noise pollution, have far-reaching effects on human health, wildlife, and the environment. By taking immediate and collective action, we can strive to minimize pollution and create a healthier and sustainable world for future generations.

Essay on Pollution in 400 Words

Pollution is a significant concern in our world today as harmful substances and pollutants are introduced into the environment, causing detrimental effects on living organisms and ecosystems. There are various forms of pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.

Air pollution occurs when harmful gases and particulate matter are released into the atmosphere. Industrial activities and vehicular emissions are major contributors to air pollution. These pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, degrade air quality and pose risks to human health. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, and even cardiovascular diseases.

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Industrial waste, sewage, and chemicals are discharged into water sources, rendering them polluted and hazardous. Water pollution not only affects aquatic life but also poses significant risks to human health. Consuming or using polluted water can lead to various waterborne diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Soil pollution is the contamination of soil by harmful chemicals or toxins. This contamination often occurs through improper disposal of industrial waste, excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, and accidental spills. Polluted soil adversely affects plant growth, reduces agricultural productivity, and disrupts the balance of the ecosystem. These pollutants can also enter the food chain, posing health risks to humans and animals.

Noise pollution refers to excessive noise levels that disturb the peace and well-being of human beings and wildlife. Sources of noise pollution include construction activities, transportation, industrial machinery, and loud music. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to stress, hearing loss, and other health issues. It also disrupts natural habitats and communication patterns for wildlife, impacting their survival and behavior.

Pollution has severe consequences for both human health and the environment. It not only directly affects our well-being but also disrupts ecosystems, leading to a decline in biodiversity and imbalances in ecological systems. Addressing pollution requires collective effort and proactive measures.

To combat pollution, stricter environmental regulations and sustainable practices are necessary. Governments, industries, and individuals must work together to reduce emissions, promote cleaner energy sources, and practice responsible waste management. This includes adopting technologies that minimize pollution, conserving natural resources, and promoting recycling and reuse.

Individuals also have a crucial role to play in mitigating pollution. We can make a difference by conserving resources, using eco-friendly products, reducing our carbon footprint, and promoting awareness in our communities. By making conscious choices and adopting sustainable habits, we contribute to the preservation of our environment and the well-being of future generations.

In conclusion, pollution poses a significant threat to our planet and its inhabitants. The various forms of pollution, including air, water, soil, and noise pollution, have far-reaching effects on human health, wildlife, and the environment. It is imperative that we take immediate and collective action to reduce pollution through stricter regulations, sustainable practices, and individual responsibility. By doing so, we can create a healthier and more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

Essay on Pollution in 500 Words

Pollution is a pressing global issue that poses significant threats to the environment and human health. It occurs when harmful substances or pollutants are introduced into the ecosystem, causing adverse effects on living organisms and natural resources. Pollution manifests in various forms, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.

Air pollution is one of the most prevalent and concerning forms of pollution. It results from the release of harmful gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere, primarily caused by industrial activities, transportation, and the burning of fossil fuels. Pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter not only degrade air quality but also have severe health implications. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, allergies, and even premature death.

Water pollution is another critical environmental issue. It involves the contamination of water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans, due to the discharge of industrial waste, sewage, agricultural runoff, and chemicals. Water pollutants include heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, and microbial pathogens. This pollution not only harms aquatic ecosystems and wildlife but also poses serious health risks to humans. Consuming or using polluted water can lead to waterborne diseases, such as cholera, dysentery, and gastrointestinal illnesses.

Soil pollution, also known as land pollution, occurs when harmful substances or toxins enter the soil. It is caused by industrial activities, improper waste disposal, excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, and accidental spills. Soil pollutants include heavy metals, industrial chemicals, radioactive substances, and agricultural chemicals. Soil pollution affects soil fertility, reduces crop yields, and disrupts the balance of the ecosystem. These pollutants can enter the food chain, endangering human and animal health.

Noise pollution is an often overlooked but significant form of pollution. It refers to excessive noise levels that disturb the peace and well-being of individuals and wildlife. Sources of noise pollution include transportation, construction activities, industrial machinery, and urbanization. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to stress, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other health issues. Noise pollution also disrupts natural habitats, affecting the behavior and communication patterns of wildlife.

Pollution has far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human society. It disrupts ecosystems, leads to a decline in biodiversity, and damages natural resources. It also poses serious health risks, causing respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and various cancers. Additionally, pollution has detrimental socio-economic impacts, affecting tourism, agriculture, and overall quality of life.

Addressing pollution requires collective efforts and proactive measures from governments, industries, communities, and individuals. Stricter environmental regulations and enforcement are necessary to limit emissions, control industrial waste disposal, and promote sustainable practices. Industries must adopt cleaner technologies, improve waste management, and reduce their carbon footprint. Governments should incentivize and support the transition to renewable energy sources and promote sustainable transportation systems.

Individuals also play a crucial role in combating pollution. We can make a difference by practicing responsible consumption, conserving resources, reducing waste, and adopting eco-friendly habits. Simple actions like recycling, conserving water, using energy-efficient appliances, and opting for sustainable transportation contribute to reducing pollution levels.

Education and awareness are vital in addressing pollution. Educating the public about the causes, effects, and preventive measures of pollution can foster a sense of responsibility and inspire positive action. It is essential to promote environmental education in schools, organize awareness campaigns, and engage communities in sustainable initiatives.

In conclusion, pollution is a significant threat to the environment, human health, and overall well-being. The various forms of pollution, including air, water, soil, and noise pollution, have detrimental effects on ecosystems and society. However, through collective action, stringent regulations, sustainablepractices, and individual responsibility, we can mitigate pollution’s impact. By prioritizing the protection of the environment, promoting sustainable development, and adopting eco-friendly lifestyles, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier planet for present and future generations.

Essay on Pollution in 1000 Words

Pollution is a global environmental issue that poses significant threats to the well-being of both ecosystems and human society. It refers to the introduction of harmful substances or pollutants into the environment, resulting in adverse effects on living organisms and natural resources. Pollution exists in various forms, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. Each form of pollution has its own set of causes, consequences, and potential solutions. Understanding and addressing pollution is crucial for the preservation of our planet and the health of future generations.

Air Pollution:

Air pollution is one of the most pressing and widespread forms of pollution. It occurs when harmful gases, particulate matter, and pollutants are released into the atmosphere. The main sources of air pollution include industrial activities, transportation, power plants, and burning fossil fuels. Pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter can have severe health implications. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, allergies, and even premature death. Air pollution also contributes to climate change by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and depleting the ozone layer.

Water Pollution:

Water pollution is another critical environmental issue that affects water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. It occurs when pollutants, including industrial waste, sewage, agricultural runoff, and chemicals, contaminate the water sources. Water pollutants include heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, oil spills, and microbial pathogens. Water pollution not only harms aquatic ecosystems and wildlife but also poses serious health risks to humans. Consuming or using polluted water can lead to waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and gastrointestinal illnesses. It is essential to protect water bodies and ensure access to clean and safe drinking water for all.

Soil Pollution:

Soil pollution, also known as land pollution, refers to the contamination of soil by harmful substances or toxins. It is caused by industrial activities, improper waste disposal, excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, and accidental spills. Soil pollutants include heavy metals, industrial chemicals, radioactive substances, and agricultural chemicals. Soil pollution affects soil fertility, reduces crop yields, and disrupts the balance of the ecosystem. These pollutants can enter the food chain, endangering human and animal health. Soil conservation practices, responsible waste management, and sustainable agricultural practices are crucial for preventing and mitigating soil pollution.

Noise Pollution:

Noise pollution is often overlooked but has significant impacts on human well-being and wildlife. It refers to excessive noise levels that disturb the peace and tranquility of individuals and ecosystems. Sources of noise pollution include transportation, construction activities, industrial machinery, and urbanization. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to stress, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other health issues. Noise pollution also disrupts natural habitats, affecting the behavior and communication patterns of wildlife. Reducing noise pollution requires implementing noise control measures, promoting sound insulation in buildings, and considering noise reduction in urban planning.

Consequences of Pollution:

Pollution has far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human society. It disrupts ecosystems, leads to a decline in biodiversity, and damages natural resources. Air pollution not only affects human health but also contributes to climate change, global warming, and the depletion of the ozone layer. Water pollution poses risks to aquatic life and human health, impacting the availability of clean drinking water and threatening ecosystems. Soil pollution reduces soil fertility, affects crop productivity, and contaminates the food chain. Noise pollution affects human well-being, causing stress, sleep disturbances, and hearing loss while disrupting the behavior of wildlife.

Solutions to Pollution:

Addressing pollution requires collective efforts and proactive measures from governments, industries, communities, and individuals. Stricter environmental regulations and enforcement are necessary to limit emissions, control industrialwaste disposal, and promote sustainable practices. Governments should prioritize investment in renewable energy sources, promote energy efficiency, and encourage the use of cleaner technologies. Industries must adopt cleaner production processes, improve waste management, and reduce their carbon footprint.

Individuals also play a crucial role in combating pollution. We can make a difference by practicing responsible consumption, conserving resources, reducing waste, and adopting eco-friendly habits. Simple actions like recycling, conserving water, using energy-efficient appliances, and opting for sustainable transportation contribute to reducing pollution levels. Education and awareness are vital in addressing pollution. Educating the public about the causes, effects, and preventive measures of pollution can foster a sense of responsibility and inspire positive action. It is essential to promote environmental education in schools, organize awareness campaigns, and engage communities in sustainable initiatives.

In conclusion, pollution is a significant threat to the environment, human health, and overall well-being. The various forms of pollution, including air, water, soil, and noise pollution, have detrimental effects on ecosystems and society. However, through collective action, stringent regulations, sustainable practices, and individual responsibility, we can mitigate pollution’s impact. By prioritizing the protection of the environment, promoting sustainable development, and adopting eco-friendly lifestyles, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier planet for present and future generations.

  • Air Pollution
  • collective action
  • conservation
  • Environmental Issue
  • Global Issue
  • Harmful Substances
  • Human Health
  • Industrial Activities
  • Noise Pollution
  • Regulations
  • Renewable Energy
  • Responsible Consumption
  • Soil Pollution
  • Sustainable Practices
  • Transportation
  • Waste Disposal
  • Water pollution

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Essay on Noise Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on noise pollution.

Essay on Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is a form of pollution which has become very deadly nowadays. This pollution is increasing only and creates an unsafe environment . Noise pollution is when the level of noise increases more than the normal level. When the amount of noise exceeds, it becomes dangerous for living beings. Moreover, these unpleasant sounds cause several disturbances and create an imbalance in the environment.

Essay on Noise Pollution

In other words, high volume noises are abnormal. As the world is advancing at a rapid rate, so is noise pollution. Technology has made things easier for people by creating appliances and devices for almost everything. You want to mix or grind something? It can be done with a mixer and blender. You are feeling hot? Simply turn on the AC or cooler. Do you want entertainment at home? You can watch television or play music. However, people don’t realize this comfort comes with harmful effects too. All the mentioned appliances contribute to noise pollution. They disturb the natural rhythm of life and fall in the category of a pollutant .

What causes Noise Pollution?

As the world is turning to technology for their comfort, it is, at the same time, harming us. The industries no matter how big or small contribution to noise pollution . The equipment they use like compressors, exhaust fans, generators and more produce a lot of noise.

Similarly, the ever-increasing use of automobiles is a major cause of this pollution. Not only automobiles but other transport vehicles like airplanes, buses, bikes, trucks and more also are a part of it. People honk unnecessarily in the traffic and listen to loud music on the way which creates high levels of noise .

Furthermore, social events like marriages, parties, and religious functions in places like clubs, pubs, temples, halls and more create a lot of nuisance in the residential areas. In addition, the construction activities like mining, the building of flyovers, bridges and more also produce great noise.

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The Damaging Impact of Noise Pollution

sound pollution essay in 100 words

Similarly, it reduces the ear sensitivity to the sounds that the human body requires to regulate our rhythm of the body. Moreover, it also affects our psychological health. It may not be evident instantly, but in the long run, it changes our behavior.

When your sleep gets disturbed or you constantly have headaches because of too much noise, you tend to experience fatigue and even migraines.

Not only humans but noise pollution also impacts wildlife too. For instance, pets become aggressive or afraid when they hear a loud noise. It is one of the main reasons why crackers are not encouraged when pets are around. In short, we must make people aware of the impact of noise pollution. Likewise, we must encourage them to adopt ways that do not contribute to noise pollution. If everyone starts doing the same on an individual level, we will surely be able to reduce noise pollution to a great extent.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are the causes of noise pollution?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Noise pollution is caused by a lot of activities. Many industries produce a lot of noise through their equipment. Furthermore, social events and construction activities contribute to the levels of noise.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How does noise pollution impact us?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Noise pollution causes a lot of hearing problems. Furthermore, it affects our body rhythm and psychological health as well.”} }] }

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The Effects of Noise Pollution Cause and Effect Essay

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The introduction

The conclusion, works cited, noise pollution meaning.

When speaking about the effects of noise pollution, it is necessary to highlight some fundamentals of the issue. So, first of all, it should be pointed out that noise is considered to be a negative phenomenon both at physiological and psychological levels.

Generally, one is to keep in mind that noise seems to be one of the most important threats to the quality of a person’s life. The modern technological developments are recognized to be the basic reasons of noise appearance. Moreover, the effects of noise pollution are especially harmful for urban areas where industry and transportation are developed.

Some fundamentals of noise pollution

A sound pressure, which exceeds 70 dB, is recognized to be harmful for human ears. In most cases, “continuous exposure to such high level noise higher than the acceptable values can lead to a progressive loss of hearing and/or an

increase in the threshold of hearing” (Roba 2). It should be pointed out that such high sound levels are mostly associated with noise from factories, motorcycles, etc.

Noise pollution studies

The impact of noise pollution on people was also observed. For instance, those adults, who were annoyed by traffic noise (trains, air and road traffic) had hypertension; while for children, it was extremely hard to lean and to differentiate between the words under high sound levels.

Those people, who live in high traffic areas, have more health problems (higher blood pressures and lower heart pulse rates). The employees of some factories in Turkey also took part in the investigation. The results of the studies showed that approximately 50% of employees suffered from NIHL.

In other words, one is to keep in mind that noise-induced hearing loss seems to be the most widespread disease in industries. Lane is of the opinion that “Noise has numerous health effects, making noise pollution a public health concern; although, it has not been well addressed. To name a few, these effects include elevated blood pressure, noise-induced hearing loss, sleep disorders, and irritability” (1).

It is obvious that noise pollution is really a great problem, as there are not only adults, but also children who show the signs of noise-induced hearing loss. For instance, it might be noted that 15% of children (6-19 years old) in the USA suffer from NIHL.

Mental diseases, however, should also be taken into account, as certain studies have shown that children’s decreased attention, oppositional behavior, etc. mostly depended upon noise levels, which exceeded 55 dB. Certain difficulties with social adaptation because of high sound levels should not be neglected too. Isabelle Lane states that “Noise pollution via community noise also causes annoyance and disturbance among those with depression and anxiety and may make their

symptoms worse” (4). Generally, there are many unpleasant consequences, which noise pollution causes. A person’s ability to work well, his or her memory, concentration and motivation depend upon the conditions he or she works within.

The effects of noise pollution seem to be really destructive, as they deteriorate people’s quality of life. Various accidents in the workplace also occur because of noise pollution. The employees’ effectiveness and accuracy depend upon sound level they work within. Increased negative reactions are also caused by high sound levels; so, to prevent negative social and behavioral effects, one is to think about his or her hearing protection.

Lane, Isabelle. Noise Pollution, n.d. Web.

Roba, Mohammed Anis Saeed. The Effects of Noise Pollution on Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Pulse Rate of School Children at Jenin City, 2010. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). The Effects of Noise Pollution. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-effects-of-noise-pollution/

"The Effects of Noise Pollution." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/the-effects-of-noise-pollution/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'The Effects of Noise Pollution'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "The Effects of Noise Pollution." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-effects-of-noise-pollution/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Effects of Noise Pollution." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-effects-of-noise-pollution/.


IvyPanda . "The Effects of Noise Pollution." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-effects-of-noise-pollution/.

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  • Noise Pollution Essay


Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is one of the types of pollution we face daily. Like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and other types, noise pollution has a major impact on our health. Atmospheric pollution is not the only pollution we go through, but noise pollution can bring destruction to our lives. According to the World Health Organization, noise pollution is a dangerous health issue. The European Environment (EEA) says noise pollution is responsible for 16,600 premature deaths in Europe alone.

A person continuously facing noise pollution can start meeting health issues and can be dangerous in the long term. Several unpleasant noise distractions can bring problems later in life.

Cities have become noisier with car honking, loudspeakers; traffic, etc. leading to noise pollution. Construction of roads, buildings, apartments and other areas are also resulting in increased noise pollution.

What is Noise Pollution?

According to the WHO, noise pollution is a noise above 65db, which can severely affect both humans and animals. A noise beyond 75 dB can be painful and will affect the person severely.

It is impossible to see the danger posed by noise pollution. On land and under the sea, you can't see it, but it still exists. Humans and other organisms can be affected adversely by noise pollution if it is an unwanted or disturbing sound.                     

A decibel is the measurement of sound. Rustling leaves (20-30 decibels) or thunderclaps (120 decibels) to the wail of sirens (120-140 decibels) are all sounds that occur naturally in the natural environment. If a person hears sounds whose decibel level reaches 85 decibels or higher, their ears can be damaged. The sounds of lawnmowers (90 decibels), trains (90 to 115 decibels), and rock concerts (110 to 120 decibels) are just a few familiar sources that exceed this threshold.

The presence of noise pollution has a daily impact on millions of people. Hearing loss caused by noise is the most common health problem caused by noise exposure. Furthermore, loud noise can also lead to health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. All age groups are susceptible to these health problems, especially children. It has been shown that children living near loud airports and busy streets suffer from stress and other problems, such as memory problems, attention difficulties, and difficulties with reading.

Animals are also adversely affected by noise pollution. Caterpillars' hearts beat faster when loud sounds are made, and bluebirds have fewer chicks when loud noises are made. There are many reasons animals utilize sound, including to navigate, locate food, attract mates, and avoid predators. The noise pollution they encounter affects their ability to accomplish these tasks, affecting their survival.

Noisy environments are not only harming animals on land, but it is also getting worse for animals in the ocean. A once tranquil marine environment has become loud and chaotic because of ships, drilling devices, sonar, and seismic surveys. The negative effects of noise pollution are felt particularly by whales and dolphins. For marine mammals, echolocation is essential for communication, navigation, feeding and mate-finding. Excessive noise can interfere with echolocation.

It is the naval sonar devices that produce the loudest underwater noise. The use of sonar works similarly to echolocation in that sound waves are sent down into the ocean and bounce off objects, returning echoes to the ship that can pinpoint the object's location. Whales' ability to use echolocation is interfered with when they hear sonar sounds, which can reach 235 decibels and travel hundreds of miles under the surface. Research has shown that sonar can make whales strand on beaches and alter the feeding behaviour of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), which are endangered. Groups representing the environment have called on the U.S. Department of Defense to discontinue or reduce sonar-based military training.

Furthermore, hydrographic surveys can cause loud explosions from inside the ocean. Deep in the water, oil and gas are found using air guns that send sound pulses onto the ocean floor. There is potential for marine animals to be harmed by the sound blasts and to suffer serious damage to their ears. Additionally, the whales may also change their behaviour as a result of this noise. 

In Spain, bioacoustics researcher Michel Andre is studying the effects of noise pollution with the help of hydrophones. He has gathered data from 22 different locations during his project, LIDO (Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment). Using computers, the lab identifies 26 different species of whales and dolphins, including sounds produced by humans. In the analysis, underwater noise will be investigated for its effect on these animals.

What causes Noise Pollution?

Although the world is turning into the use of technology, at the same time, this technology is also harmful. Industries using compressors, exhaust fans, and generators are producing a lot of noise.

Similarly, bikes and cars with old silencers produce heavy noise that can lead to pollution. Planes, heavy trucks and buses are also part of this noise pollution. Low flying aircraft, especially military ones, causes noise pollution. Similarly, submarines can cause ocean sound pollution.

How Noise Pollution affects a Person?

Noise pollution can primarily start affecting the hearing ability of the person, causing permanent hearing impairment. Furthermore, it can cause an increase in blood pressure, hypertension, and other stress-related health issues. In many cases, noise pollution can cause a disturbance in a person's state of mind, which further causes disturbance in sleep patterns, stress, aggressiveness, and other issues. The psychological health of the person can also get disturbed due to regular exposure to noise pollution.  Noise above 45 dB can disrupt the pattern of your sleep. According to the WHO, the noise level should not be more than 30db. Change in the sleep pattern can also bring change in your behaviour.

If you have pets in your home or around your area, then noise pollution can bring a negative impact on the environment. Firecrackers can bring fear in them if they are regularly exposed to them. This will also bring change in their behaviour.

Effect on Wildlife and Marine Life

Animals and marine life are vulnerable to noise pollution. It can affect their listening skills, which further affects their behaviour pattern. These animals find it hard to listen during migration, which can negatively affect their lives. When it comes to marine life, noise pollution can lead to internal damage like physical problems in them.

Measures for Noise Pollution

There are many measures taken by the government and people to reduce the effect of noise pollution. Soundproof walls and windows are now being installed in many houses. Many flyovers in cities have soundproof walls to bring down the noise level to a nearby resident from vehicles running. As responsible citizens, we must contribute towards bringing down noise pollution. Needless honking should be stopped and officials should fine people doing it heavily. Hospitals and schools are built-in silent zones.

There should be rules to avoid noise in residential and sensitive areas. People need to be aware of health hazards from noise pollution.

One of the best ways to bring down noise pollution is by planting more and more plants. This process of planting trees can help to reduce the travelling of noise from one place to another.

Noise pollution is the most common problem faced by humans, thanks to various reasons that push many people to face health issues. Following standard measures can be helpful in the long term for both humans and the environment. The ultimate aim is to bring down noise pollution for a better environment.

Noise Pollution: Impact on Human Health

There are several ways in which noise pollution can harm human health:

Having an elevated blood pressure for a long period directly results in hypertension, which is caused by noise pollution.

Hearing loss occurs whenever humans are repeatedly exposed to sounds that exceed what their eardrums can handle, resulting in permanent damage to their hearing.

To function properly at work, it is necessary to get enough sleep every night. Sleep disorders affect energy levels throughout the day. Pollution causes disturbance in sleep cycles, which in turn results in irritation and unrest.

Heart issues such as blood pressure level, stress and cardiovascular diseases can arise in a healthy individual, but a person suffering from heart disease may experience a sudden increase.

It will affect your mental health also very badly because continuously hearing the noise this much loud will pressure your eardrums and that will badly affect your brain also


FAQs on Noise Pollution Essay

1. What are the significant factors causing noise pollution?

Multiple factors can result in noise pollution. Some of these are massive honking during road traffic, construction, poor urban planning, loudspeaker and others. Furthermore, firecrackers, the noise of bands and others can also result in noise pollution.

To eliminate or decrease noise pollution, it is crucial to know their effect. This will help to create measures and work towards it.

2. How can noise pollution be controlled?

There are different ways of controlling noise pollution. Some of the measures are-

Control at Receiver's End - For those people who are working in noisy installations- they can work on ear-protection aids like earplugs, earmuffs, noise helmets, etc.

Reducing Noise from Vibrating Machine - Another way is by the noise produced from the vibrating machine by vibration damping, beneath the engine.

Planting of Trees - One of the best ways to reduce noise pollution is to plant more and more trees along roads, around hospitals and schools.

3. Who is at the risk of the health effects of noise pollution?

When it comes to the effect of noise pollution, the risk of health effects can be for any age of the person. Sound louder than 80 dB can be hazardous. Be it, kids or young adults, high decibel sound can affect ears. People who listen to headphones can face noise-induced hearing loss issues. Additionally, there is the current scenario where people are completely used to using headphones and gadgets that impact their hearing ability. Because of that, those people are more likely to experience health problems caused by noise pollution.

4. In what different ways can noise pollution cause health problems?

We can say that there are three types of pollutants:

noise from transportation


transportation, noise from the surroundings


surroundings, and industrial noise

Noise from transportation: Traffic noise is mainly responsible for this disturbing noise, which has increased greatly since the number of vehicles has increased. Increased noise pollution causes older people to lose their hearing, headaches, and hypertension, among other diseases.

Noise from the Neighbourhood: Electronics, household utensils, etc. cause a lot of noise. Musical instruments, transistors, speakers, and others are the most common sources.

Noise from Industrial Processes: An industrial machine produces an especially loud noise due to its high intensity. A large number of studies have shown that industrial noise pollution damages hearing by 20% to 30%.

5. How does noise cause environmental pollution? What are the reasons why noise pollution must be taken seriously?

Noise pollution is caused by extreme noises generated by sources such as industry, transport, loudspeakers, etc, which adversely affect human health by causing headaches, migraines, mental imbalance, nervous breakdowns, and heart diseases.

There are numerous health hazards associated with noise. The following are some of the physical, physiological, and psychological effects of prolonged exposure to noise:

A reduction in sleep is one of the effects of repeated exposure to noise.

Noise noise, which affects human productivity and efficiency.

Taking pictures of someone invades their privacy and disturbs their peace of mind.

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Noise Pollution Essay

Noise Pollution is used to define an undesirable and unwanted sound that is often louder than what our ears could happily receive. There are many sources of noise pollution found in our houses and outside. Noise pollution is more prominent in urban areas as compared to rural areas. In the following essays, we will discuss everything about noise pollution including its effects on humans and other life forms.

Short and Long Essays on Noise Pollution in English

Short and long essays on Noise Pollution are given below in different word limits that is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Noise Pollution Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Noise louder than our ear could bear is considered noise pollution.

2) Noise pollution can be arises indoors or outdoors.

3) Noise pollution is higher in urban areas than in rural areas.

4) A sound is considered noise when its intensity is more than 70-75 dB.

5) Noise pollution is harmful to humans and living things.

6) Humans can suffer stress, cardiovascular disease, sleeplessness, etc due to noise pollution.

7) Noise pollution also disturbs and irritates animals.

8) Roads, airports, construction sites, etc are the areas with noise pollution.

9) By taking some simple steps, humans can reduce noise pollution.

10) By seeing the hazards of noise pollution, the government is taking steps to control it.

Essay 1 (300 Words) – Effects and Control of Noise Pollution


Whenever the sound level in our surroundings becomes noise, exceeding the permissible limit, the term noise pollution is used. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB) and any sound measured around 70 dB isn’t considered a noise. But, any sound above 70 to 75 dB is considered noise as it has severe consequences on human health and the ecosystem. In the below essay we will discuss the effects of noise pollution on human health and also some measures to control noise pollution.

Effects of Noise pollution on Human Health

Noise pollution has many severe effects on human health like sleeplessness, lack of concentration and performance degradation, stress, cardiovascular disease, etc. People who live in the proximity of noisy areas are unable to get sound sleep and are often irritated and stressed. Prolong exposure to noise could have a severe psychiatric effect on an individual.

Effect of Noise Pollution on Animals

Noise pollution also disturbs the environment as it scares away the animals and birds from a particular area, disturbing the ecological balance. Birds and animals get scared and disoriented due to noise and leave their resting place in haste and fear. Animals don’t understand the reason behind the loud noise as humans can and thus become very vulnerable to get confused and disoriented.

How to Control Noise Pollution?

Controlling noise pollution in some cases could be really easy while in others a daunting exercise. You can bring down the noise level of your neighborhood by taking some simple steps in your own house, like keeping the volume of your television and music system low, just enough to let you hear; avoiding unnecessary use of machinery, drill, etc in the house; ensuring that the privacy and peacefulness of your neighbors are maintained during celebratory events in your house.

Noise pollution has severe impacts on human health as well as on the environment, animals, and birds. Its health impacts on humans include both physical and psychological effects. Either humans or animals, when subjected to persistent noise pollution, could suffer from severe trauma, sometimes resulting in serious physical and mental disturbances.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Places where Noise Pollution Booms

When the decibel (dB) level of sound in an area passes the permissible limit (70 dB) it is usually referred to as “noise pollution”. Noise pollution has become a growing concern for human health as well as for the environment. In this essay, we will discuss some of the noise pollution examples.

Examples of Noise Pollution – Places where Noise Pollution Booms

Some of the most common examples of noise pollution are described below:

1) Construction Site

Construction sites are a very significant example of noise pollution. A busy construction site uses heavy and noise-generating machinery, all at the same time. Simultaneous use of several types of equipment at the same time generates noise that is much beyond the permissible limit.

2) Airports

Airports are other good examples of noise pollution. Engine noise and other mechanical noises coupled with aerodynamic noise generated by an aircraft during takeoff could easily reach up to 140 dB. The noise generated by the rotating fan blades of an aircraft when they reach supersonic speed could be deafening and disturbing for those living in the vicinity of an airport.

3) Roads and Highways

Busy roads and highways are some other examples of noise pollution. The vehicular movement on a road constitutes all kinds of vehicles – motorbikes, cars, trucks, buses, etc. Together, they generate noise beyond the permissible limit. Let’s also not forget the noise generated by honking and blowing horns. Highways are 24/7 busy with heavy traffic and huge transport vehicles and are a perfect example of noise pollution for any person residing in the vicinity of a highway.

4) Public Events and Concerts

Large public gatherings as in marriage functions, religious congregations, football matches, cricket matches, etc are also some of the most significant examples of the places with noise pollution.  For example, a religious event has too many people gathering at a place resulting in crowd. Also, there are several other activities like chanting, singing, and fairs are carried out simultaneously, thereby generating noise.

The sources of noise pollution are many and almost all of them constitute human activities of some form or the other. In some cases, noise could be considerably reduced by taking minor steps while in others it may require a collective effort and will to do so. Sometimes, to tackle noise pollution there might arise a need to make policy changes and to implement strict guidelines. Whatever the case may be, the capacity to bring a change is only in the hands of humans.

Noise Pollution Essay

Essay 3 (500 Words) – Sources and Control of Noise Pollution

“Noise Pollution” refers to the extension of noise in the environment we live in. It is also called sound pollution. Noise pollution is mainly caused due to human activities like transportation, construction work, heavy machineries, and urban settlements. The gravity of noise pollution and its effects on humans and the environment is often neglected. 

Sources of Noise Pollution

Potentially harmful noise could be generated by many sources. Below we will discuss some of the vital sources of noise pollution.

1) Transportation

Transportation is one of the main sources of noise pollution all over the world. Engine noise, horns, exhaust noise of autos, light motor vehicles, trucks, buses, etc generate constant noise pollution. During traffic jams or in narrow lanes, noise pollution becomes so prominent that sometimes it becomes difficult to hear one’s own voice. A busy road or high has a noise pollution level around 90 dB (decibel) or above against the permissible limit of 70 dB.

2) Construction Work

Construction work uses many types of machineries like – drill machines, bulldozers, transport vehicles, JCBs, dumpers, etc. Also, there is a lot of manual activity going on – welding, hammering, shouting, etc. Together these activities at a construction site constitute noise pollution. The noise level around a busy construction site could easily reach up to the level of 95 dB.

3) Organized Events

Many social events are organized in an urban settlement from time to time. Marriages, birthday celebrations, annual functions in schools and colleges, religious events are some of the regular events in an urban settlement. Such events commonly use loudspeakers and high sound music systems, which potentially contribute to noise pollution. In the events with huge public gathering, cheering and whistling, as in cricket match, the noise levels could easily reach up to the level of 105 dB.

How to Control Noise Pollution

Noise pollution could be effectively controlled by the following measures:

1) Noise Suppression at Source

The suppression of noise at source could be achieved by making some constructional changes or by using less noisy machineries and equipments. Regular servicing of transport vehicles and construction machineries will help reduce noise pollution at the source. 

2) Noise Control at the Receiver’s End

People, who are working in or near a noisy construction site, must use earplugs, helmets and similar equipments to reduce the effects of noise. Also, the houses constructed in the vicinity of noisy areas must be constructed using the material that absorbs noise. The doors and windows must be able to absorb noise and vibration and also completely isolate the room from the outside environment.

Till now noise pollution and its effects have been grossly neglected. But now governments around the world are starting to realize the severe health and environmental hazards caused by noise pollution. Noise pollution when it reaches beyond a specified limit could cause hearing loss and serious mental disturbances. There is a need to take collective measures for minimizing the effects of noise pollution. Persons at the source as well as the receiver’s end must take responsibility and take necessary measures to reduce the generation and reception of noise respectively.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Noise Pollution

Ans . The noise pollution rule was passed in India for the first time on 14th February 2000.

Ans . The green plants grown along the roadside to reduce noise pollution are called green mufflers.

Ans . The unit for measurement of noise is Decibel.

Ans . The permissible level of noise in residential areas in India is 55dB.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution: 100 Words, 200 Words

sound pollution essay in 100 words

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 1, 2024

essay on environmental pollution

One of the biggest risks to life as we know it is environmental degradation. The water we drink, the air we breathe, and the ecosystems on which we depend are all impacted by pollution. People, animals, and plants will decline if pollution levels continue to rise since they won’t be able to adapt to a significantly altered environment. Are you struggling to write an essay on environmental pollution? If the answer is yes, then this blog will help you get some ideas to write an effective essay. Keep reading further to know more!

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Environmental Pollution?
  • 2 Essay on Environmental Pollution – 100 Words 
  • 3 Essay on Environmental Pollution – 250 Words 
  • 4 Essay on Environmental Pollution – 500 Words 

What is Environmental Pollution?

The phenomenon of undesirable changes in the surroundings that are harmful to animals and plants, and leads to environmental degradation is known as environmental pollution. These changes can occur because of the solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants. For example, DDT, plastic, and heavy materials take more time to degrade and are known as notable pollutants. For the determination of risk assessment of public health, concentration of pollutants is measured.

Essay on Environmental Pollution – 100 Words 

The presence of contaminants in the environment is referred to as pollution. Gases like Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO), among others; solid pollutants like plastic, sewage, etc.; and chemicals like fertilisers, as well as those produced as byproducts in manufacturing, transportation, etc., are a few examples of polluting substances.

The immediate result of pollution is that it makes the world’s natural resources useless or toxic to use, as well as leads to the extinction of species and ecological imbalance. To stop more harm from occurring to the earth and its inhabitants due to environmental pollution, it is imperative to take proactive precautions.

Also Read: Essay on Pollution in Hindi 

Essay on Environmental Pollution – 250 Words 

When undesired elements, or pollutants, are present in the environment, it is said to be polluted. The environment is severely harmed by pollution, which poses a direct threat to it. Although the world has begun to understand the importance of addressing pollution if the planet and its biodiversity are to be conserved there is still a long way to go.

Everything that makes up the environment, including the air, water bodies, flora, and wildlife, is impacted by pollution in one way or another. There are four main types of pollution – Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution and Soil or Land Pollution . Additionally, pollution contributes to global issues including acid rain, global warming, and greenhouse gas consequences. A rise in the planet’s average surface temperature is referred to as global warming, and it causes starvation, floods, and droughts.

Environmental pollution has a wide-ranging impact. In addition to the current effects of pollution, a lack of effective pollution prevention measures also imperils the future of various species. The pollution is causing harm at a far faster rate than it can be healed. Reversing the environmental harm we have caused could take generations, and even then, it won’t be simple. It will require tight discipline and commitment to stop pollution.

The best ways feasible are being used by various nations to respond to these catastrophes. More efforts are being launched to raise public awareness about the dangers of pollution and the importance of preserving our ecosystem. Greener lifestyles are gaining popularity; examples include using wind and solar energy, new climate-friendly cars, and energy-efficient lighting. 

Also Read: Environmental Conservation

Essay on Environmental Pollution – 500 Words 

Pollution is the term used to describe the entry of pollutants into the environment. Noise, water, and air pollution are only a few of the several types of pollution. There is a direct relationship between the rise of pollution levels and illnesses among people. Therefore, it is important for everyone to be knowledgeable about pollution, its impacts, and effective ways to eliminate it. Our environment needs a balanced combination of all components, just like our body requires a balanced diet. The environment is polluted by any substance that is present above that limit for example rise in the levels of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes harm to human health due to poor air quality. 

All forms of pollution, whether in the air, water, soil, or noise, have a negative impact on living things. Deadly diseases that are brought on by the contamination of soil, water, air, or sound affect organisms.

Among the most common disorders brought on by air pollution are acute lower respiratory infections in children, ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Air pollution is a major contributor to a number of ailments in India, including strokes, bronchitis, heart attacks, lung diseases, cancer, and early mortality from heart disorders. The most pressing issue in the world now is global warming, which is caused by air pollution.

Around the world, poor drinking water quality is the reason behind 50% of child deaths and 80% of illnesses, including more than 50 different diseases. Water pollution causes diarrhoea, skin diseases, malnutrition, and even cancer, as well as other issues that are related to it.

 Every day, noise pollution has an effect on millions of people. The most frequent result of this is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Loud noises have the potential to cause stress, high blood pressure, heart disease, and sleep difficulties. Children in particular are prone to these health issues across the board in terms of age groups. Noise pollution is extremely harmful, and it’s especially deadlier for people with heart issues. 

Use of the 3Rs, or reduce, reuse, and recycle, is the first step in reducing pollution. People should use air conditioners less since they generate noxious gases, such as ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, which will minimise air pollution.

Reducing the number of vehicles on the road will also help to clean up the planet’s air. The more often cars are used, the more dangerous chemicals like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons that contribute to major air pollution are released into the atmosphere.

Increasing public awareness is a further means of reducing pollution on Earth. Through programmes like the “Go Green” campaign, which urges people to plant more trees and use recyclable materials in their daily lives, awareness can be raised about the significance of eliminating pollution on Earth. The “Earth Hour” is another globally recognised event that calls for everyone to turn off all lights for one hour in order to raise awareness of the significance of reducing electricity usage in order to minimise pollution on Earth.

The government’s obligation to maintain national laws is one way to reduce pollution on Earth. Offenders should be subject to harsh penalties, such as increased fines and longer prison terms, which will force them to reconsider their influence on the environment and serve as a message to those who are not currently involved but who might be in the future.

Must Read: Essay on Pollution: Elements, Type, Format & Samples

Related Reads

Light Pollution  Radioactive Pollution  Soil Pollution  Water Pollution  Air Pollution  Thermal Pollution  Noise Pollution 

Mentioned below are some of the ways to control environmental pollution:  Walk or ride a bicycle to work instead of driving. While replacing a car go for a fuel-efficient vehicle.  When leaving the room turn off the lights and television to save energy.  Buy energy-efficient appliances. 

There are many things that cause pollution such as by-products of coal-fueled power plants, vehicle emissions, fumes from chemical production, etc.  

We hope you got some ideas to write an effective essay on environmental pollution. To read more informative articles like this one, keep following Leverage Edu . 

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Essay on Noise Pollution for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Noise pollution or sound pollution refers to the presence of excessive and disturbing noise (from machines, transportation systems, aircrafts, trains, etc) in the environment that is very harmful to the physical and mental health of the living beings on earth.

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Long and Short Essay on Noise Pollution in English

Noise pollution has become one of the big problems in India affecting the human lives in many ways. We all should know the causes, effects and most importantly the preventive measures of the noise pollution in order to get prevented from the effects of it. School students generally get this topic to write something according to their own view during the competitions like essay writing, etc. We have provided below some easily written essay on noise pollution under different words limit for students. You can select any noise pollution essay according to your need and requirement.

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Noise Pollution Essay 1 (100 words)

It is considered as the environmental pollution caused in the environment by the excess level of noise through many sources. Noise pollution is also known as the noise disturbance. Excessive noise is harmful to the health and cause imbalance to the human or animal life. It has been a massive environmental issue in India which needs a proper attention to be solved however it is less dangerous than the water, air and soil pollution. Outdoor noise is hugely caused by the sources like machines, transportation systems, poor urban planning (construction of side-by-side industrial and residential buildings), etc. Indoor noise sources are household machines, building activities, loud music, etc. The most common impairment caused by the noise pollution is the permanent hearing loss due to ear drum damage.

Noise Pollution Essay 2 (150 words)

Normal level of the sound necessary to maintain the daily lives however undesired sound or noise which is not tolerated by the people, animals or plants causes noise pollution in the environment. Noise is commonly called as the unwanted sound created by many industrial or non-industrial sources used in the daily life in our surrounding. High level sound creates unpleasant effects and discomfort to the health especially to the ears.

Unwanted sound generally interferes with the daily routine activities like sleep in night, conversation, hearing ability, feeling of well being, etc. Water animals also affected by the noise pollution created by the noise of submarines and big ships in the ocean. Forest animals have been affected to a great extent due to the chain-saw operations (create extreme noise) by timber companies. Common sources of the noise pollution are household gadgets, transport vehicles, jet planes, helicopters, industrial machines, etc. According to the World Health Organization, industries must limit their sound production by 75 dB.

Noise Pollution Essay 3 (200 words)

Noise pollution the pollution caused by the high and unsafe level of noise in the environment causes lots of health disorders to the human beings, animals and plants. Common problems caused by the noise pollution are stress related illnesses, anxiety, communication problems, speech interference, hearing loss, lost productivity, sleep disruption, fatigue, headache, irritability, nervousness, weakness, reduce sensitivity to sound which our ear receive to maintain body rhythm, etc. It causes gradual impairment to the hearing ability over a long period of time. Continuous exposure to high level sound causes permanent damage to the eardrum.

High level of the noise causes huge nuisance, injuries, physical trauma, bleeding around brain, large bubbles in organs and even death to the marine animals specially whales and dolphins as they use their hearing ability to communicate, find food, defend and survive in water. Source of noise in the water is navy submarine’s sonar which can felt around 300 miles away. The consequences of the noise pollution are more dangerous and worrying in the near future.

There are many preventive measures of the noise pollution, some are like promoting soundproof rooms construction in the industries, industries and factories should be away from the residential building, repairing of motorbikes having damaged exhaust pipes, ban of noisy vehicles, airports, bus, railway stations and other transport terminals should be far from the living places, declaring silence zones near educational institutes and hospitals, allowing more vegetation along with roads and residential areas in order to reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound.

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Noise Pollution Essay 4 (250 words)

Noise pollution caused by the high level of unwanted sound in the environment which causes pain. Some of the main sources of the noise pollution like noise generated by the road traffic, air craft noise, railroads noise, noise generated by the construction (of buildings, highways, city streets, flyovers, etc), industrial noise, noise created in home on daily basis (due to electrical home appliances, plumbing, generators, air conditioners, boilers, fans, etc), and noise from consumer products (like household equipments, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, mixer, juicer, pressure cooker, TV, mobile, dryer, cooler, etc).

In some countries (highly populated countries like India, etc) poor urban planning also plays vital role in the noise pollution as this planning includes the construction of congested houses having large families in small space (causing fight for parking, fights for basic requirements, etc) lead to the noise pollution. New generation people play music in full volume and dance for late night causing lots of physical and mental disturbances to the neighbors. High level of noise causes loss of normal person’s ability to hear properly. High level of noise slowly affects the health and acts as slow poison.

It hugely affects the wildlife, lives of plants, and human beings. Normally, the ability of our ear is to accept the only certain range of sounds without making any damage to the ear. However, our ear cannot bear the regular exposure to loud levels of noise and get damage to the ear drums which results in the temporary or permanent loss of hearing. It also causes other disorders like sleeping disorders, fatigue, weakness, cardiovascular issues, stress, high blood pressure, communication problem, etc.

Noise Pollution Essay 5 (300 words)

There are various types of pollution in the environment, soil pollution is one of them and have become more dangerous to the health. It has become so dangerous that it can compared to the other most dangerous problems like cancer, etc in which slow death is sure. Noise pollution is the dangerous gift of modern living style and increasing level of industrialization and urbanization. If regular and effective actions not taken to control, it can very serious to the future generations. Noise pollution the pollution caused by the noise due to the increased level of unwanted sound in the environment. It is a big potential hazard to the health and causes huge level of communication problems.

High level of noise brings irritation in the behavior of many people especially diseased, old people and pregnant women. Unwanted sound causes deafness problem and other chronic disorders to the ear like damage to the ear drum, ear pain, etc. Sometimes high sound music pleases the listeners however irritates other people. Any undesired sound in the environment is injurious to the health. Some of the sources participating highly in the noise pollution are industries, factories, transportation, traffic, aeroplane engines, train sounds, home appliances, construction, etc.

The noise level of 60 db considered as the normal noise however, noise level of 80 db or above become physically painful and harmful to the health. Cities having high noise quantum are Delhi (80 db), Kolkata (87 db), Bombay (85 db), Chennai (89 db), etc. Limiting the amount of noise to a safe level has become very necessary for the life on the earth as undesired noise affects the health of human beings, plants and animals too. It is possible through the general awareness among public about the noise pollution, its main sources, it’s dangerous effects, as well as all the possible preventive measures to get prevented from the noise pollution.

Noise Pollution Essay 6 (400 words)

It caused by the noise when the level of noise gets increased than the normal level in the environment. Excessive amount of noise in the environment is unsafe for the living purpose. Unpleasant sound causes various disturbances in the natural balance. High volume noises are unnatural and create difficulty in escaping those generated noises. In such a modern and technological world, where everything is possible through the electrical appliances at home or outside the home, the risk of noise has increased to a great extent.

Increasing the demand of urbanization and industrialization in India is causing major exposure of people to the unwanted sounds. Understanding, planning and implementing strategies to get prevented from the noise pollution has necessary to curb within time. The sounds we make in our everyday life like loud music, unnecessary use of television, phone, traffic, dog barking and etc noise creating sources have become part of the urban culture as well as most disturbing things causing headache, sleep disturbances, stress, etc. Those things causing disturbance to the natural rhythm of life called as dangerous pollutant. Following are the causes or sources and effects of the noise pollution:

  • Industrialization is putting our health and life at risk because all the (big or small) industries are using big machines producing high pitch sound in large amount. Other equipments (compressors, generators, exhaust fans, grinding mills) used in the factories and industries also produces big noise.
  • Regular social events like marriages, parties, pub, club, disc or place of worship, temples, etc create nuisance in the residential area.
  • Increasing transportation in the cities (vehicles, aeroplanes, underground trains, etc) produces heavy noise.
  • Regular construction activities (including mining, bridges, building, dams, stations, roads, flyovers, etc) involve big equipments creating high level of noise.
  • Use of household appliances in our daily life is also the main reason noise pollution.
  • Noise pollution causes various hearing problems (damage to ear drums and loss of hearing) because of the unwanted sound.
  • It reduces ear sensitivity to the sounds required to regulate body rhythm.
  • Noise pollution affects the psychological health and causes the occurrence of aggressive behavior, sleep disturbance, stress, weakness, fatigue, hypertension, cardio-vascular diseases including other severe and chronic health issues in later life.
  • It creates communication problems and lead to misunderstanding.
  • Affects wildlife and makes pets more aggressive.

Preventive Measures:

General awareness should increased among people and all the rules should followed seriously by everyone in order to control the unsafe sound level in the environment. Unnecessary use of things generating high pitch sound should reduced in the home or outside the home like clubs, parties, bars, discos, etc.

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Essay 7 (800 words)

Noise pollution the pollution caused by the various noise sources whether by the industrial or non-industrial affecting the human beings, plants and animals health in many aspects. Regularly increasing level of the noise pollution is keeping the lives of people of present generation and coming generations at high risk. I have discussed below the sources, effects, legal aspects control noise pollution and conclusion of the noise pollution.

Following are the sources of noise pollution

The level of noise pollution has increased a lot in India by the urbanization, modern civilization, industrialization, etc. The spread of noise caused by the industrial and non-industrial sources. Industrial sources of noise include the use of big machines of high technologies working at high speed and high level of noise intensity in the various industries. Non-industrial sources of noise include noise created outside the industries such as through the transport, vehicles traffic and other means by people. Non-industrial source of noise can be natural or man made. Some of the industrial and non-industrial sources of noise pollution mentioned below:

  • Noise created by the low flying military aircraft has also added noise pollution to the environment to a great extent.
  • Road traffic noise is increasing day by day in the city because of the motors and exhaust system of vehicles like trucks, buses, autos, motorcycles, personal cars, etc. Tall buildings in the cities cause noise to resound in that area for some time.
  • Industrial noise created by the manufacturing plants because of the use of motors, compressors, fans, etc.
  • Construction noises created by the construction of tall buildings, roads, highways, city streets, etc through the use of pneumatic hammers, bulldozers, air compressors, dump trucks, loaders, pavement breakers, etc.
  • Rail roads noise (from locomotive engines, whistles, horns, switching or shunting operations in the rail yards) are also very effective in the creating high level of noise pollution as they create peak level of noise of around 120 dB to the 100 feet distance.
  • Noise created in the building because of the plumbing, generators, boilers, household equipments, music, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, fans, and other noisy activities in the neighborhood.
  • Another source of noise pollution is the use of variety of fire crackers (high sound generating) during the festivals and other family occasions.

Following are the effects of noise pollution

Noise pollution highly affects the health of human beings, animals and properties. Some of mentioned below:

  • Increasing noise pollution day by day is decreasing the efficiency and quality of work of human beings.
  • Noise pollution reduces concentration level as high level of noise causes fatigue and tiredness.
  • Hugely affects the pregnant women and cause irritation and abortion.
  • Causes various diseases (high blood pressure and mental illness) to the people because it disturbs the peace of mind.
  • High level of noise decreases quality of work and thus causes lack of concentration level.
  • It may cause temporary or permanent deafness because noise level of 80 to 100 db is unsafe for the people.
  • It also damage historical monuments, old buildings, bridges, etc because it weakens the structure by creating dangerous waves which struck to the walls.
  • Animals lose control on their mind and can be more dangerous because high level noise damage their nervous system.
  • It also affects the plants and causes poor quality crops production.

Following are legal aspects to control noise pollution

  • Constitution of India guarantees right to life, right to information, right to religion and noise.
  • Section 133 empowers human being to remove a public nuisance on a conditional or permanent order.
  • It is Control Rule 2000 under Environment Protection Act 1996 involves controlling the growing problem of noise pollution.
  • Factories Act Reduction of Noise and Oil of Machinery limits for noise exposure in the work zone.
  • Motor Vehicle Act involves the use of horn and change of fault engines.
  • Indian Penal code deals with the health and safety issues caused by the noise pollution. One can penalized under law of torts.

Increasing level of noise pollution has created the urgent need of general awareness about the sources, effects and preventive measures of the noise pollution. High level of noise should prohibited in the areas like working places, educational institutes, residential areas, hospitals, etc. Young children and students should motivated to not get involved in the high sound producing acts like use of high sound generating equipments and instruments on the occasions. Use of high level sound generating fire crackers should reduced during the occasions like festivals, parties, marriages, etc. Subjects related to the noise pollution should added into textbooks and activities can organized in the schools like lectures, discussion, etc so that new generations can more aware and responsible citizens.

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Essay on Noise Pollution for Students in 1000 Words

January 6, 2022 by ReadingJunction 1 Comment

Essay on Noise Pollution for Students in 1000 Words

In this article, we have published an Essay on Noise Pollution for Students in 1000 Words with Its Facts, Causes, Effects, and Control Steps.

Table of Contents

Essay on Noise Pollution (1000 Words)

Due to the improvement of technology, Sound pollution is increasing day by day, and it is becoming a major threat to Human Survival.

Also read: Essay on Pollution

What Is Noise Pollution? (Introduction)

Noise Pollution has become a significant threat to our times. The Increase in Urbanization, Transportation (All Formats), the Problem of Sound Pollution is a severe and multidimensional threat in the process of growth and development.  

Since Thirty years, the world has been facing a deadly menace for physical and mental health, resulting in the malfunction of the same human body areas. Major Causes are Air Transport, Rail Transport, Road Transport, Starting the Trucks, hard music and Harley Davidson Bikes.  

The natural effects on areas of concern are Sleeplessness hearing damage works environment. Overall, the Increase in Sound Pollution is a major threat to humans and other species.

Facts about Noise Pollution

These are some important facts about Noise Pollution-

  • The Chief Sources of Noise Pollution is from Air, Rail & Road Transport, which is the regular feature in all cities and even Rural Areas in India.
  • The other source is from political meetings, religious establishments, Television, and entertainment, barking dogs round the clock Transport is a Common phenomenon. Several studies in the U.S. have found that working in Sound Pollution doubles human body stress.
  • Industrial establishments, aero drums, Bus Complexes, Railway Tracks, and Industrial Cyran’s are the never-ending source of Sound Pollution in our Country and worldwide. In the ’80s, the U.S. Population and Airplanes ratio was 1,000:400, followed by Japan. Noise Pollution has been a continuous phenomenon since World War II worldwide and is high in developed countries as of now. 

Causes of Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution of Two types Community Noise and Industrial Equipment Sound comprises domestic sources like Refrigerator, Juice-mixer Grinder, T.V, Washing Machine and Gas Cooker, etc. The industrial sound includes Vehicles on Road, Construction Activities, Fireworks and Loudspeakers from Religious and Political Activities. 

  • Noise Pollution from the Industrial sector comprises engineering companies, printing presses, Textile mills, and metal works. 
  • N. P. From Transport systems, Alarm & Social events: Sound from Vehicles through Air, Road, Railway and Water Transport, alarms systems from Ambulances, VIP Vehicles & Fire Brigades. Social events like Marriages, parties, Pubs, Worship places are the Chief sources; rule-breaking on all fronts is a continuous threat to daily life.
  • Defence, Construction and Miscellaneous Sources: Defense equipment like Tanks, Explosion, Military aircraft, shooting exercises, launching of Rockets, Jet Plans creates Loud Sound, Construction in Residential areas is typical, and Construction of Roads, Flyover Bridges, and dams generate more Sound Pollution The other sources, like cutting of stones, mountains, automobile repair shops, blasting, Bulldozing, are the main activities of Noise Pollution

Effects of Noise Pollution

Some major effects were briefed as under- .

  • The Term “Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is used for the people who are prone to loud sounds, which are measured as 25% in  the United States.  Nearly 30 Million affected by hazardous sounds, mining Industry, manufacturing, and construction are shared for Sound Pollution, and hearing loss is a regular feature in older people. 
  • In Germany,  the effect of Noise Pollution on children is resulting in memory loss and reading impairment; the other feature is the baby understanding sounds in impact due to the sounds of T.V. or radio and acting as a barrier to learning the primary language. 
  • In Tokyo,  U.S. Military base is causing a vast noise resulting in irregular Blood pressures because of sounds resulting from winning thousands of Dollars as a lawsuit against the U.S. Air force.
  • In India,  Noise Pollution is causing two types, namely Auditory effects and Non-Auditory effects. The latter is causing Auditory Fatigue and Deafness the Non-Auditory is resulting in Annoyance, Lack of working efficiency, Interference in speech communication and physical disorder like increase in Heartbeats, B.P.etc.,

How to Control Noise Pollution?

1. In March 2011, the central pollution control board established the first part of the Noise Pollution Monitoring network in 35 major cities. The second and third phases will cover around 160 cities in India. 

2. The GOI had introduced the  Environmental protection  Act, Noise Pollution(Regulation and Control) Rules 2000,

  • Noise standards
  • Restrict the use of Loudspeakers
  • Restrict the over usage of horns, use of Constructions and Firecrackers 
  • Allotting responsibility to state pollution to take adequate measures etc.,

3. WHO Report to U.N. Conference on Environment listed the problems of Sound Pollution and measures to control, the features are:

  • Design and Fabrication of Silencing devices for Aircraft, Industrial, and Domestic Appliances.
  • Change in the Design and operations of machines, vibration control, soundproof cabins, and sound-absorbing materials can reduce it.
  • Sound-reducing limit to vehicular traffic, ban on honking horns, industrial establishments amusement areas, residential areas, and creation of Silent Zones near schools, hospitals, and residential areas.
  • Control of Indoor noise to 6dB in locating the buildings,  trees,  and shrubs may be planted in front of the building to provide some absorption.
  • Locate Bedrooms and living rooms on the quiet side whereas kitchen, bathrooms, and elevators on Noisy Sides

To reduce Noise pollution, we must create vegetation buffer zones in different parts of the city. There is an urgent need to form legislation to control Sound pollution and educate through Radio, T.V., and Newsreels in cinemas about Noise Pollution.

Its effects on human beings and, above all, Public participation and control is possible by the people’s participation to curb the menace for sustainable and  healthy life  on earth. Noise Pollution can only be curbed other than any pollution prevailing. I hope this essay on noise pollution helped in your project.

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sound pollution essay in 100 words

English Aspirants

Paragraph on Noise Pollution [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Paragraph on Noise Pollution in English: In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on noise pollution or sound pollution. Here, we’ve provided both short & long paragraphs on noise pollution (100, 150, 200, and 250 Words). All the paragraphs will be helpful for the students of all classes (class 5 to class 12). So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Noise Pollution: 100 Words

Noise pollution is the spread of noise with wide impacts on human life or that of animal life. The loud sound usually above 90dB causes noise pollution.

The noise produced by the sources like loudspeakers, motor vehicles, aircraft, bursting of crackers, Industrial noise, construction of building cause noise pollution.

The common problems caused by Noise Pollution are lack of concentration, anxiety, fatigue, headache, high blood pressure, disturbed sleep etc. Continuous exposure to a high level of noise can damage our hearing ability and even can cause deafness.

The necessary steps should be taken to minimize the level of noise and protect the people from its harmful effects.

paragraph on noise pollution in english

Noise Pollution Paragraph: 150 Words

Noise pollution is unwanted or disturbing sound that can have harmful effects on human or animal life. Loud sound above 90 dB causes noise pollution. Loudspeakers, vehicular horns, drum beatings, crackers bursting, Pneumatic drills, construction activities, etc. are the source of noise pollution.

Such noises have dangerous impacts on the faculty of hearing. Human ears cannot normally bear sound beyond a certain decibel. When that limit is crossed, eardrums get damaged and deafness follows. Apart from that, there are also other health effects like headaches, heart disease, stress, sleep disturbances etc. Noise pollution also has a significant effect on wildlife and ecosystems. It can disrupt the communication, breeding patterns and feeding patterns of animals.

Noise pollution can be reduced by using noise reduction technologies, noise control regulations and public awareness. It is crucial for us to take steps to reduce noise pollution to save human health from hazards.

essay on noise pollution

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Paragraph on Sound Pollution: 200 Words

Sound pollution or noise pollution constitutes one of the worst forms of pollution hazards today. When the pitch of a sound crosses a certain limit and becomes intolerable, the sound is said to cause pollution. High pitched sound, the continuous blaring of sound can cause physiological and psychological damage. They often lead to deafness, mental imbalance and even heart failure.

There are many factors that cause sound pollution. Indiscriminate use of microphones, shrill electric horns of motor vehicles, sounds emitted by trams, plying vehicles, aeroplanes, various fireworks and slogan-shouting all contribute towards creating this noise pollution. ln fact, we are living in an age when the entire environment is surcharged with sound pollution.

People must be made aware of the dangers of sound pollution. They should be conscious of the severe injuries sound pollution might cause. Noises should be effectively controlled by preventing indiscriminate use of loudspeakers, electric horns and high-sounding fireworks. To prevent this pollution the government have made laws restricting noise level up to a certain level. Any violation of the restrictions should be severely dealt with.

Essay on Noise Pollution: 250 Words

The worst problem that we face today is the unabated sound rending the air from morning till midnight. Sound at the high pitch affects our mind, chiefly the children’s mental growth is largely damaged by the constant noises. Sound at a growing rate leads to mental imbalance and complete deafness.

There are so many causes of noise pollution. Loudspeakers are used thoughtlessly on some occasions like marriage ceremonies, public meetings and religious festivals. In our city life, we have noises from electric horns of different vehicles, burst of crackers and fireworks, aircraft, road traffic, procession with loud slogans, agriculture machines and so on. Household equipment like television sets, mix-grinders, vacuum cleaners also cause indoor noise pollution.

It is now high time for us to be aware of the dangers of noise pollution. There are many preventive measures of noise pollution such as using earplugs, using soundproof rooms, noise-producing industries should be away from living places, planting more trees, etc. Thoughtless use of loudspeakers and electric horns and the use of deafening fireworks controlled. For this, massive awareness among people is very much necessary.

The High Court order on the control of noise should be followed rigidly. Mass media should be completely banned. The intensity of noise in our daily life should be effectively forward to telecast its dangers. If we are not alert now, we must have a deaf world very do soon.

Also Read: Paragraph on Pollution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Noise pollution occurs through different sources such as Industrial noise, aircraft, drill machines, horns of vehicles, loud amplifiers, bursting crackers, noise of household equipment, and so on.

Noise pollution can be prevented through the following steps: -We should not use loudspeakers -Soundproof doors and windows -Industries and factories should be far away from the living areas -Noise-proof machines should be introduced -Planting more trees -Strict govt. rules -Social awareness programs

Trees absorb and block sound, reducing noise pollution up to 10 decibels.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution - Check Samples for Various Word Limits

Noise pollution is hazardous to health. A person exposed to noise pollution may develop health problems. Several distracting noises can lead to issues later in life. To know more about noise pollution and to write a paragraph on noise pollution, refer to the samples provided below.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on noise pollution in 100 words, paragraph on noise pollution in 150 words, paragraph on noise pollution in 200 words, paragraph on noise pollution in 250 words, frequently asked questions on noise pollution.

What is noise? Anything unpleasant to our ears can be considered noise. We all listen to music, but it becomes irritating when very loud music is played. The smoothness and the originality of the music are lost, and it becomes unpleasant. This is how it pollutes the whole environment and becomes hazardous to our ears. The effects of water and air pollution can be visible, but noise pollution is hardly seen but is equally threatening. When we are exposed to loud noises for a more extended time, it becomes hazardous and may cause life-threatening diseases. It is always advisable to be careful while listening to music.

Noise pollution is a type of pollution that is caused due to loud, unpleasant noises. The adverse effects of noise pollution are not visible, just like the effects of water and air pollution, but it is equally threatening to the environment. Noise pollution is hazardous to our health. It is not merely an unpleasant and irritating sound for our ears. Our bodies and mind are harmed as a result of it. Noise pollution not only affects the ears but also harms concentration. Blood pressure and deafness are also caused due to noise pollution. The deafness can be either temporary or permanent. Along with human lives, it is also detrimental and hazardous to the lives of animals. It affects the brain’s functionality in animals. Therefore, keeping your pets and other animals away from unnecessary noise is always advisable.

Like air and water pollution, noise pollution is also a dangerous threat to the environment. Noise pollution can originate from our homes themselves. Playing loud music on the roads, burning loud crackers, etc., can be hazardous to the environment. Many older adults, newborn babies, pregnant ladies, patients, etc., will be affected due to the noise pollution caused by us.

There is a threshold above which sound that stop being pleasant to our ears. Any sound above 65 DB can be considered noise, and beyond 75 DB can be painful. Therefore, we need to start controlling it from our homes themselves by reducing the volumes of television, listening to music at low volumes, etc. We can avoid using loud horns and loud sounds from other vehicles in our society. We can restrict using unnecessary horns in public places. We cannot avoid the use of electric devices, but we can always limit their use at home, like mixers, drilling machines, etc.

Noise pollution is a threat to the environment that can cause adverse effects on human lives and also animals. It can affect our blood pressure and cause deafness, turning into a permanent disease. When it is Diwali, a festival of lights, we can stop burning high noise-making crackers, which is sometimes painful to our ears.

Like air and water pollution, noise pollution is a serious hazard to the environment. Noise pollution often starts at our own homes. Loud music on the roads, loud crackers, and other similar activities can be harmful to the environment. It is equally harmful to humans and animals – may be pets or street animals. Many older people, newborn babies, pregnant women, patients, and others will be harmed as a result of our noise pollution. Due to the increasing global urbanisation and industrialisation, noise pollution also has been increasing. The cities develop high rush and traffic and large crowds of people as a result of urbanisation. With the growing population and modernisation, the number of vehicles also increases, resulting in increased noise pollution. The Industrial Revolution resulted in many new inventions on the market. Almost all new inventions are equipped with heavy noise-making instruments. The noise pollution caused by this machinery affects a large area surrounding the companies and a large number of people. When these machines run for a long time, it affects the ears.

In celebrations, parties, marriages, etc., crackers are a significant source of making unnecessary noise. For the sake of our health, we must think about them and put a stop to these noises. It affects people of all ages, including children, the elderly, and those with cardiac problems. A noise-free environment will be a wonderful setting and atmosphere in which to live for everyone.

What are the effects of noise pollution?

Noise pollution can affect the brains of animals and newborn babies, which can have adverse effects on their lives for a long time period. It can affect someone’s heart, blood pressure, brain, ears, etc. Therefore, for our health, we must be careful and save lives.

How can I write a paragraph on noise pollution?

To write a paragraph on noise pollution, you will have to add the effects of noise pollution. You can write about the major sources of noise pollution and how it is affecting the environment.

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sound pollution essay in 100 words

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Essay on Noise Pollution

Students are often asked to write an essay on Noise Pollution in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Understanding noise pollution.

Noise pollution is unwanted or excessive sound that can disturb the environment. It’s often overlooked but it can harm our health and wellbeing.

Causes of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can come from various sources such as traffic, industries, construction sites, loud music, and airplanes.

Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can cause stress, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and even heart disease. It also affects wildlife by disrupting their habitats.

Preventing Noise Pollution

We can reduce noise pollution by controlling the volume of our devices, using earplugs, and supporting laws that limit noise levels.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Noise Pollution
  • Paragraph on Noise Pollution
  • Speech on Noise Pollution

250 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Introduction to noise pollution.

Noise pollution, also known as environmental noise or sound pollution, is an often-overlooked form of pollution that has profound impacts on human health and ecosystems. It is primarily caused by transportation systems, industrial processes, and recreational activities.

Impacts on Human Health

Prolonged exposure to high decibel noise can lead to serious health issues such as stress, sleep disturbances, hearing loss, and cardiovascular diseases. Noise pollution also affects mental health, causing anxiety and aggression, and can impair cognitive development in children.

Ecological Consequences

Noise pollution disrupts wildlife communication, breeding, and feeding patterns. It can lead to lower species diversity in urban areas and interfere with the natural behavior of animals, impacting biodiversity.

Regulation and Mitigation

Addressing noise pollution requires comprehensive regulations that limit noise emissions from various sources. Additionally, urban planning strategies can be implemented, such as creating green spaces to absorb sound and designing buildings that minimize noise transmission.

While noise pollution is an invisible form of pollution, its effects are tangible and far-reaching. It is crucial to raise awareness about this issue and implement effective strategies to mitigate its impact. As we move towards more sustainable living, addressing noise pollution becomes an integral part of the conversation.

500 Words Essay on Noise Pollution


Noise pollution, often an overlooked form of environmental pollution, has profound implications on human health and biodiversity. It refers to the excessive and disturbing noises in our surroundings that negatively impact various aspects of our lives and the ecosystem.

The primary sources of noise pollution are from human activities. Industrialization, urbanization, and modernization have significantly contributed to the increase in noise levels. Industries, construction activities, transportation, and public gatherings are the major contributors. Other sources include household appliances, loud music, and recreational activities.

Effects on Human Health

Noise pollution has a myriad of detrimental effects on human health. Chronic exposure to high noise levels can lead to auditory issues such as noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. However, the impact of noise pollution extends beyond auditory health. It can lead to non-auditory health effects including cardiovascular diseases, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment in children, and mental health issues like stress and anxiety.

Impact on Biodiversity

The adverse effects of noise pollution are not limited to humans. It poses significant threats to wildlife, impacting their behavior, physiology, and survival. Noise pollution interferes with animal communication, navigation, and predation, disrupting ecological balance. For instance, marine noise pollution from ships and seismic surveys can affect the behavior and physiology of marine mammals, leading to changes in their distribution and abundance.

Prevention and Control

Addressing noise pollution requires a multi-faceted approach. Implementing noise standards and regulations for industries, transportation, and urban planning can significantly reduce noise levels. Technological advancements can also play a role, with quieter machinery and soundproofing techniques offering potential solutions. Public awareness and education about the harmful effects of noise pollution are also crucial for its prevention and control.

Noise pollution is a pressing environmental issue that demands immediate attention. It not only affects human health but also disrupts biodiversity. As responsible inhabitants of this planet, it is incumbent upon us to understand the gravity of the situation and take necessary measures to mitigate this problem. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier and quieter environment for ourselves and future generations.

In the end, the fight against noise pollution is a collective effort. It requires the participation of governments, industries, and individuals alike. By adopting noise reduction strategies, enforcing regulations, and promoting public awareness, we can significantly curb noise pollution, paving the way for a quieter and healthier world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation
  • Essay on Environment Pollution
  • Essay on How to Prevent Water Pollution

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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sound pollution essay in 100 words

English Summary

100 Words Essay On Sound Pollution In English

Wikipedia defines the term to be as follows: “Noise pollution, or sound pollution, is the propagation of noise or sound with ranging impacts on the activity of human or animal life, most of which are harmful to a degree.”

Sound pollution is predominantly caused by vehicles, aircraft, industrial machines, loudspeakers, and crackers. When used at high volumes, other appliances that contribute to noise pollution include television, transistor and radio.

Sound pollution affects our health, in addition to affecting the environment. Issues arising from it include stress-related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. 

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Air Pollution Essay for Students in English: 100, 200 and 500 Words

Air pollution is becoming a serious issue that’s affecting human health, flora and fauna and overall well-being of Earth. As responsible citizens of the world, it’s our duty to take care of anything that’s harming the planet and leave it in better condition for future generations. Here are a few sample essays children can use to write about air pollution and learn about different ways to mitigate this crisis.

100 Words Essay on Air Pollution

200 words essay on air pollution, 500 words essay on air pollution.

Air Pollution Essay for Students in English: 100, 200 and 500 Words

Any physical, chemical, or biological alteration in the air is referred to as air pollution. The atmosphere contains a specific portion of the gas. It is harmful to survival to change the makeup of these gases. “Global warming” is the term used to describe the rise in global temperature caused by this imbalance in gas composition. Hazardous pollutants, whether present naturally or artificially, can modify the environment and have a negative impact on the ecosystem. Ineffective resource management and reckless human activity are harming the environment and therefore it is our responsibility as inhabitants of Earth to take care of it.

Pollution is any activity that tampers with the environment's fundamental characteristics and causes damage. The air we breathe is no longer clean and fresh, it has been contaminated by pollutants. The threat to Earth and its ecosystem is getting worse as a result of the contamination of the air, water, and soil. These pollutants are causing a number of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases—our immune system is getting affected negatively, and children are at a high risk of developing asthma and other breathing problems. There are numerous factors that frequently increase this air pollution. Automobiles, transportation methods, industrialization, expanding cities, etc. are the main causes of air pollution. The contamination of the entire atmosphere is brought on by the release of various toxic gases or dangerous components from such sources.

Air pollution, which has a negative impact on the environment, also has a significant impact on the ozone layer. The primary contributor to pollution is the ever-increasing demands of the human population. Daily human activities pump harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, making it more polluted than ever and accelerating climate change. The flora and fauna are also being severely impacted by the airborne harmful chemical releases. The rising contamination of the Earth's air, water, and soil—the essential life support systems of the planet—poses a major threat to the planet and its environment.

One of today's top environmental concerns is air pollution. There are numerous factors that frequently increase this air pollution. Toxic gases, particulates, paint, and batteries containing lead are released throughout the industrialization process. The ozone layer is also being destroyed and the world is being exposed to dangerous solar rays as a result of all the contaminants in touch with the atmosphere.

Ozone is a contaminant that exists at the ground level and can be harmful to human health. But the same ozone creates a layer of defence in the stratosphere. The "good" ozone, however, is being destroyed by ozone-depleting substances—such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals were once used in coolants, foaming agents, insecticides, solvents, and fire extinguishers and occasionally still are.

Primary and secondary pollutants are the two categories that have emerged as a result of the growing number of air pollutants. Primary pollutants, which include smoke, ash, dust, fumes, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and radioactive substances, have a direct negative impact on fresh air. Secondary pollutants are those that interact chemically with primary pollutants, as well as other elements in the atmosphere, such as sulphate trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen dioxide.

Causes of Air Pollution

The disposal of solid wastes that release methane gas and the breakdown of trash landfills are major sources of air pollution. This problem has become a severe environmental and health issue as a result of the population's rapid development, industrialisation, and greater use of cars, planes, and other transportation.

Common Effects of Air Pollution

Pollutants in the air we breathe every minute enter our bloodstream and travel to our lungs and entire body, producing a plethora of health issues. Animals can have health issues similar to people if they are exposed to air toxics in high enough quantities over an extended period of time. Air toxics also play a role in animal sickness, infertility, and birth abnormalities. Therefore, both directly and indirectly, pollution of the environment harms both plants, animals, and people.

What Can We Do

Using public transportation is a surefire short method to reduce air pollution because it uses less gas and electricity, even carpools help with the situation. A permanent, non-polluting, and extremely secure source of energy is the sun or solar power. Solar panels, which are special in design and simple to install, are also a technical benefit to society and the planet. They take in solar energy and store it to power various equipment and electronics. Another step you can take on this path is to plant more trees and live a simplistic life. Minimalist living is not only a trendy millennial lifestyle, but it also has significant societal and environmental benefits.

Air pollution may reach one million tonnes annually in the next decades if environmental protection measures are not taken seriously and effectively enforced. We need to drastically alter our everyday routines if we want to lower the level of air pollution. By making better use of raw materials, water energy, and other resources, we can reduce pollution. Human health can be safeguarded and economic wellbeing can be increased when less harmful compounds are exchanged for hazardous ones.

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