
Essay on Disadvantages of Science

Students are often asked to write an essay on Disadvantages of Science in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Science

The dark side of science.

Science has transformed our world, but it also has drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages of science is the creation of harmful technologies. For instance, the development of nuclear weapons poses a significant threat to humanity.

Environmental Impact

Science has also contributed to environmental degradation. Industrialization, largely powered by scientific advancements, has led to pollution and climate change, threatening our planet.

Health Concerns

Finally, science has indirectly led to health issues. As technology makes life easier, people become less active, leading to obesity and related health problems. In conclusion, while science has many benefits, it also has significant downsides.

250 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Science


Science, a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work, has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits to humanity. However, the same science, when misused or misunderstood, can have detrimental effects.

Dependency on Technology

One of the significant disadvantages of science is the over-reliance on technology. With the advent of advanced machinery and equipment, humans have become excessively dependent on them, leading to a decrease in physical activities and an increase in lifestyle diseases.

Environmental Degradation

The scientific advancements in industrial sectors have led to environmental degradation. The excessive exploitation of natural resources and the emission of harmful pollutants have resulted in climate change, posing a severe threat to biodiversity.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Science has also contributed to the development of weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, and similar destructive technologies have the potential to wipe out entire civilizations and cause irreparable damage to the environment.

Loss of Jobs

The rise of automation and artificial intelligence, products of scientific advancements, has led to significant job losses. Many traditional jobs are becoming obsolete, leading to increased unemployment and social inequality.

While science has its disadvantages, it’s important to remember that these issues primarily stem from misuse or overuse. The key lies in using scientific advancements responsibly and sustainably, ensuring they serve humanity without causing harm. Through education and ethical practices, we can harness the power of science for the betterment of mankind and the environment.

500 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Science

Science, the systematic study of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, has undeniably transformed our lives. It has brought about numerous advancements that have significantly improved human life. However, it is also important to acknowledge the downsides that come with these scientific developments.

Weaponization of Science

One of the primary disadvantages of science is its potential for misuse in the creation of weapons of mass destruction. The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II are grim examples of scientific knowledge applied destructively. Today’s nuclear arsenal, biological weapons, and chemical warfare are all products of science, posing a constant threat to humanity.

Another disadvantage of scientific advancement is environmental degradation. Industrialization, a product of scientific progress, has led to the overexploitation of natural resources and pollution. The burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming, while the improper disposal of industrial waste leads to soil, water, and air pollution. Despite advancements in renewable energy, the damage to our planet continues at an alarming rate.

Health Implications

Science has also had a negative impact on human health. The rise of processed foods, made possible by scientific advancements in food production, has contributed to global health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, the overuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a significant public health concern.

Dependence on Technology

The rapid advancement of technology, a product of science, has made us heavily dependent on it. This over-reliance often leads to a decrease in human interaction and a loss of basic skills. Furthermore, the widespread use of technology has raised concerns about privacy and security, as data breaches and cyberattacks become more common.

Ethical Concerns

Scientific advancements often raise ethical questions. Genetic engineering, for instance, opens up possibilities for designer babies, challenging our notions of natural birth. Similarly, advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics raise questions about job displacement and the nature of consciousness.

In conclusion, while science has undeniably improved our lives, it has also brought with it a host of disadvantages. These include its potential misuse in warfare, environmental degradation, health implications, over-dependence on technology, and ethical concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to approach scientific advancements with caution, ensuring they are used responsibly and ethically. As we continue to advance scientifically, we must also strive to mitigate these disadvantages, creating a balance that allows us to enjoy the benefits of science without suffering its potential drawbacks.

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science disadvantages essay

Essay on Science- Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Science, as we all know, plays a major role in our day to day life. Because of science, we are having an easy life and we must give the scientists and their discoveries the credit. Science has been playing a big role in the world since many years and the discoveries made by the scientists are remarkable. Science has its own advantages and disadvantages and people should know that. Also, depending too much on technologies and scientific discoveries might not turn out to be fruitful. Science has always been a part of every individual’s life. It plays a major role in all the sectors of the life and therefore it is important to understand the pros and cons of science.

Advantages of Science

Science plays a big role in our life and there are many advantages of it such as-

  • Better transport- with the increase in science and its technology there have been many things that are being manufactured. In earlier days transportation was a problem but today because of various discoveries and improvements in the technologies transportation has become very simple and easy.
  • Better communication- Communication is a major thing and helps in sustaining the human touch. In earlier days people used to communicate through letters or by sending pigeons. But with the improvement in technology and science, the ways of communication has improved and people now can even see each other while talking. It is giving a rise to the virtual world.
  • Increase in productivity- with the improvement in science a lot of machines are being invented which helps in increasing the productivity in the factories and generating higher revenues. It has also made the human work simpler and easier.
  • Improved health- Every day there is a new discovery in the medical sector and the scientists are making new medicines to fight the problems that are being faced by people.
  • Helps in being aware- With the improvement in science, people are getting aware of the surroundings and other things as well.

Disadvantages of science

With many advantages come certain disadvantages. Science has few disadvantages as well.

  • The risk to health- The increase in technology can be a risk to the health and people might fall sick because of the use of chemicals in the industries and other manufacturing companies.
  • Increases the chances of warfare- As the country progresses, the risk of warfare also increases. A lot of developed countries see the developing countries as a threat and the increase in their technologies can also be a risk.
  • Depending only on inventions- People nowadays are depending a lot on the inventions and the technologies, which in return is a problem and therefore there should be a limited usage of technologies.
  • Increases pollution- The use of chemicals and dumping the old gadgets increases the risk of pollution.
  • Increased competition- With the increase in scientific discoveries, there is always an ongoing competition between the people and the country.

Science is a need to humanity but the people should be aware of their advantages and disadvantages. Science also helps in the growth of a human being and of the community in general.

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Santosh Kumar

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English Summary

Disadvantages of Science Essay

Science is the God of the 20th century. It has provided all the material comforts and physical and mental powers to man. It has shortened time and distance and revolutionised the means of communication.

It has invented a number of machines which have relieved man of much of his drudgery (dull difficult work and physical exertion). Electricity has become a mode of all work. Science has given food to the hungry, clothes to the naked and home to the homeless.

It has given eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf, legs to the lame and life to the dying, so to say. It has enabled man to fly over mountains like a bird, to swim underwater like a fish and to go into the recesses of the earth like a rat.

Science has carried man into the outer space Man has already toured the Moon; he may soon set foot on the Mars and the Venus any day.

Medical science has done wonders. It has given relief to the suffering human race. It has prevented and cured many fatal diseases. In many other ways science has increased human comfort, safety and happiness.

It has helped us to cultivate an objective dispassionate outlook of life. It has dispelled ignorance and superstitions. The faiths of yesterday have become the superstitions of today. Science has made us methodical, logical and clear-headed.

Science today is like an Aladdin’s Lamp performing wonder after wonder and making conquest after conquest. Atomic energy has brought about a complete revolution in our control over the vast forces of Nature.

But if science is a blessing, it is not an unmixed blessing. It has its destructive side, too. The destruction was done by modern weapons, i.e. A and H Bombs shows the miraculous but Satanic power that science wields today.

Science has made modern war very destructive and painful. War today is a naked dance of Death, a cruel carnage (killing) of mankind and a period of national and international travail (pain and suffering).

Even peaceful citizen women, children, old men, animals, etc. are exposed to bombing from the air and economic blockade from the sea. Inventions like Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs are the fatal gifts of science to mankind. It is feared that if recourse is taken to an Atomic war it would wipe out the entire humanity in no time.

The greater the forces of Nature, which man has conquered, the narrower has grown his heart. If you have a thunderbolt like an Atomic Bomb in your hand, you require the strength of an angel or a god to control yourself. Science has dethroned God and signed the death warrants of humanity. It has enslaved man and made him a machine without a heart to feel.

Another evil effect of science is that it has made people irreligious and sceptical. Their belief in God and spiritualism is shaken. Science lays stress on the matter and not on the spirit. “ Vain is your science ” is not the foolish cry of men like Gandhi and Tolstoy.

From the above, it is easy to conclude that science is not enough. Science has, no doubt, given us material comforts but it has denied us spiritual joy. It has not afforded us any knowledge of the ultimate aim of life – the chain of birth and death and the salvation of the human soul.

The method of science is no longer applicable to our inner spirit to the realisation of truth and appreciation of beauty, to our emotions and inner recognition of goodness and to over sensitiveness to art and literature.

Much that is vital in life is beyond the scope of science. It may not be possible for science to reveal the ultimate mysteries of life and the universe around us.

There are two sides to man’s life: the material and the spiritual. Science rules over the domain of matter but it has no sway over the kingdom of spirit where religion alone is the supreme ruler.

There are problems like man’s relation with God and nature, the question of birth and death, the immorality and migration of the soul, the idea of sin and virtue.

These problems science has been unable to explain so far, although they form an integral part of our life. In view of all this, science shall have to be supplemented by religion and philosophy in order to have a full and complete picture of the universe and human life.

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science disadvantages essay


The ethics issue: Should we stop doing science?

Scientific research may lead to benefits and advances, but they seem to go hand-in-hand with death and destruction. Should we quit while we're ahead?

By Michael Brooks

5 July 2017

futuristic lab


Realise human potential vs Everything else

Science has the capacity to cure diseases, improve crop yields, reshape the planet and carry us into the cosmos, but is any of that worth the risks? The march of science has improved the lives of some, but not all. And it has inadvertently precipitated a problematic population explosion (see “ The ethics issue: Should we impose population controls? ”) and an unfolding environmental catastrophe. As Winston Churchill once said, “It is arguable whether the human race have been gainers by the march of science beyond the steam engine… Give me the horse.”

Add to that the development of weapons of mass destruction, disgraceful research such as the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on African Americans, and a few accidents such as the 1978 release of smallpox in Birmingham, UK, and perhaps the ethical thing to do would be to quit while we’re ahead. We have enough knowledge, surely?

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Science has given us the power to design life, reshape the planet and colonise other worlds. but should we new scientist grapples with the big ethical questions.

Not according to Lewis Dartnell at the University of Leicester, UK. Having spent years assembling The Knowledge , a detailed handbook for rebuilding a scientific civilisation after an apocalypse, he thinks there is still plenty of room for more insight. Scientific exploration of the world around us is just what we do – and it has been the making of us, he reckons.

“Through it we serendipitously discover whole new areas of understanding, which then offers the means to build fundamental new kinds of technology,” Dartnell says. “I…

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Science : Advantages, Disadvantages, Essay, Speech, Composition

Advantages and disadvantages of science essay, article, speech, composition, what is science.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science : Science today has given us such comforts as were unimaginable a few years ago. Today we have electricity, telephone, television, internet, computers, machines for everything, robots, etc. all of these things have made the life of a man very comfortable. Electric fans, cars, trams, and aero-planes, etc are among other scientific inventions and discoveries which have increased the happiness of man.  Science has made this world a global village with the inventions of the internet, the telephone, and the computer. Any kind of information is just at the distance of a “click”.

Advantages of Science

Science has made traveling easy and efficient with the inventions of airplanes, bullet trains, and ships. The inventions of modern vehicles have shortened distances. There are airplanes that have shortened the distances. For travel within a country, there are modern and advances models of buses and cars, providing the luxury lifestyle. To move within a city, people use motorbikes, bicycles, and taxis. Not only traveling is advanced now, but everything has a big impact on science. Science has changed the teaching methods, for example, teachers used blackboards and chalks in past, but now they are using multimedia projectors.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science

Role of Science in Life

Science has played a great role in health care. There are now such medicines that are developed only for a specific person according to his physical and mental health and according to his genetic makeup. In the past, cancer had no cure and there was a high rate of deaths. But now many modern techniques have been developed which are helping in the treatment of deadly diseases.

The men who lived in big cities are benefited in few ways while harmed in many other ways. Their life is so busy and mechanical that they have no time to share. Their lives have become artificial, devoid of charm and delight.

Disadvantages of Science

On the destructive side, science has invented disastrous weapons which can ruin everything in seconds. The inventions of laser beams, cobalt bombs, and megaton bombs have increased the chances of human destruction thus if these weapons are used, they would spell disaster for the whole of mankind.

So there should be the limited use of science / Disadvantages of Science i.e. Only use science for good purposes. Scientists have the responsibility to stop the inventions of disastrous weapons otherwise, man will ruin this world with his own hands.

Conclusion of Advantages and Disadvantages of Science:

Only use science for good purposes. Scientists have the responsibility to stop the inventions of disastrous weapons otherwise, man will ruin this world with his own hands.

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Published: Jun 12, 2023

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What Are the Most Obvious Disadvantages of Science?

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Essay on Science: Sample for Students in 100,200 Words

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  • Oct 28, 2023

science disadvantages essay

Science, the relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding, has ignited the flames of human progress for centuries. It’s a beacon guiding us through the uncharted realms of the universe, unlocking secrets that shape our world. In this blog, we embark on an exhilarating journey through the wonders of science. We’ll explore the essence of science and its profound impact on our lives. With this we will also provide you with sample essay on science in 100 and 200 words.

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What Is Science?

Science is a systematic pursuit of knowledge about the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It aims to understand the underlying principles governing the universe, from the smallest particles to the vast cosmos. Science plays a crucial role in advancing technology, improving our understanding of life and the environment, and driving innovation for a better future.

Branches Of Science

The major branches of science can be categorized into the following:

  • Physical Science: This includes physics and chemistry, which study the fundamental properties of matter and energy.
  • Biological Science : Also known as life sciences, it encompasses biology, genetics, and ecology, focusing on living organisms and their interactions.
  • Earth Science: Geology, meteorology, and oceanography fall under this category, investigating the Earth’s processes, climate, and natural resources.
  • Astronomy : The study of celestial objects, space, and the universe, including astrophysics and cosmology.
  • Environmental Science : Concentrating on environmental issues, it combines aspects of biology, chemistry, and Earth science to address concerns like climate change and conservation. 
  • Social Sciences : This diverse field covers anthropology, psychology, sociology, and economics, examining human behavior, society, and culture.  
  • Computer Science : Focused on algorithms, data structures, and computing technology, it drives advancements in information technology. 
  • Mathematics : A foundational discipline, it underpins all sciences, providing the language and tools for scientific analysis and modeling.  

Wonders Of Science

Science has numerous applications that profoundly impact our lives and society: Major applications of science are stated below:

  • Medicine: Scientific research leads to the development of vaccines, medicines, and medical technologies, improving healthcare and saving lives.
  • Technology: Science drives technological innovations, from smartphones to space exploration.
  • Energy: Advances in physics and chemistry enable the development of renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Agriculture: Biology and genetics improve crop yields, while chemistry produces fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Environmental Conservation : Scientific understanding informs efforts to protect ecosystems and combat climate change.
  • Transportation : Physics and engineering create efficient and sustainable transportation systems.
  • Communication : Physics and computer science underpin global communication networks.
  • Space Exploration : Astronomy and physics facilitate space missions, expanding our understanding of the cosmos.

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Sample Essay On Science in 100 words

Science, the bedrock of human progress, unveils the mysteries of our universe through empirical investigation and reason. Its profound impact permeates every facet of modern life. In medicine, it saves countless lives with breakthroughs in treatments and vaccines. Technology, a child of science, empowers communication and innovation. Agriculture evolves with scientific methods, ensuring food security. Environmental science guides conservation efforts, preserving our planet. Space exploration fuels dreams of interstellar travel.

Yet, science requires responsibility, as unchecked advancement can harm nature and society. Ethical dilemmas arise, necessitating careful consideration. Science, a double-edged sword, holds the potential for both salvation and destruction, making it imperative to harness its power wisely for the betterment of humanity.

Sample Essay On Science in 250 words

Science, often regarded as humanity’s greatest intellectual endeavor, plays an indispensable role in shaping our world and advancing our civilization.

At its core, science is a methodical pursuit of knowledge about the natural world. Through systematic observation, experimentation, and analysis, it seeks to uncover the underlying principles that govern our universe. This process has yielded profound insights into the workings of the cosmos, from the subatomic realm to the vastness of space.

One of the most remarkable contributions of science is to the field of medicine. Through relentless research and experimentation, scientists have discovered vaccines, antibiotics, and groundbreaking treatments for diseases that once claimed countless lives. 

Furthermore, science has driven technological advancements that have reshaped society. The rapid progress in computing, for instance, has revolutionized communication, industry, and research. From the ubiquitous smartphones in our pockets to the complex algorithms that power our digital lives, science, and technology are inseparable partners in progress.

Environmental conservation is another critical arena where science is a guiding light. Climate change, a global challenge, is addressed through rigorous scientific study and the development of sustainable practices. Science empowers us to understand the impact of human activities on our planet and to make informed decisions to protect it.

In conclusion, science is not just a field of study; it is a driving force behind human progress. As we continue to explore the frontiers of knowledge, science will remain the beacon guiding us toward a brighter future.

Science is a boon due to innovations, medical advancements, and a deeper understanding of nature, improving human lives exponentially.

Galileo Galilei is known as the Father of Science.

Science can’t address questions about personal beliefs, emotions, ethics, or matters of subjective experience beyond empirical observation and measurement.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Science

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The modern age is the age of science. The world has become smaller. The railway engine has replaced the bullock cart. The airplane takes us to distant places in a few hours. Man can fly at a speed of more than 2000 kilometers per hour. Man has reached the moon with the help of science.

Science has changed our domestic life. Electricity is used in place of coal. We cook on gas stoves. Computers, televisions, and radios have made life more pleasant. Heaters, irons, washing machines, freezers, and room coolers are in common use.

We can talk on the mobile phone at a distance of thousands of kilometers. Everything is made with the help of machines. The cost of production has gone down.

Farmers use many machines in agriculture. Chemicals are used in the fields. In the field of medicine and surgery, science has made wonderful progress.

But science has also produced many destructive weapons. It has given atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, tanks, missiles, etc. in the hands of man. It has raised the threat of a nuclear war. Science can be man’s friend as well as an enemy.

Speech on: Advantages and Disadvantages of Science

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science disadvantages essay

Understanding Science

How science REALLY works...

  • Understanding Science 101
  • Scientific findings frequently benefit society through technological and other innovations.
  • Technological innovations may lead to new scientific breakthroughs.
  • Some scientists are motivated by potential applications of their research.

Benefits of science

The process of science is a way of building knowledge about the universe — constructing new ideas that illuminate the world around us. Those ideas are inherently tentative, but as they cycle through the process of science again and again and are tested and retested in different ways, we become increasingly confident in them. Furthermore, through this same iterative process, ideas are modified, expanded, and combined into more powerful explanations. For example, a few observations about inheritance patterns in garden peas can — over many years and through the work of many different scientists — be built into the broad understanding of genetics offered by science today. So although the process of science is iterative, ideas do not churn through it repetitively. Instead, the cycle actively serves to construct and integrate scientific knowledge.

And that knowledge is useful for all sorts of things: designing bridges, slowing climate change, and prompting frequent hand washing during flu season. Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies , solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications:

  • New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications. For example, the discovery of the structure of DNA was a fundamental breakthrough in biology. It formed the underpinnings of research that would ultimately lead to a wide variety of practical applications, including DNA fingerprinting, genetically engineered crops, and tests for genetic diseases.
  • New technological advances may lead to new scientific discoveries. For example, developing DNA copying and sequencing technologies has led to important breakthroughs in many areas of biology, especially in the reconstruction of the evolutionary relationships among organisms.
  • Potential applications may motivate scientific investigations. For example, the possibility of engineering microorganisms to cheaply produce drugs for diseases like malaria motivates many researchers in the field to continue their studies of microbe genetics.

The process of science and you

This flowchart represents the process of formal science, but in fact, many aspects of this process are relevant to everyone and can be used in your everyday life. Sure, some elements of the process really only apply to formal science (e.g., publication, feedback from the scientific community), but others are widely applicable to everyday situations (e.g., asking questions, gathering evidence, solving practical problems). Understanding the process of science can help anyone develop a scientific outlook on life.

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Scientific results regularly make their way into our everyday lives. Follow scientific ideas from lab bench to application:

  • The structure of DNA: Cooperation and competition
  • Ozone depletion: Uncovering the hidden hazard of hairspray

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  • Science and society
  • What has science done for you lately?
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Disadvantages Of Science (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Science is known to be a significant game changer in the physical world due to its innovative transformation that shaped numerous insights, applications and experiences. There are numerous scientific concepts developed by the human civilization responsible for transforming new norms and practices of the modern society. Numerous inventions and developments have been made to stimulate improvements in our lifestyle as well as to improve the productivity of the population. With the advent of scientific inventions and adaptations, there are undesirable changes brought about by the applications of science, bringing up several disadvantages in our practices. This paper will discuss the disadvantages of science that has been responsible for creating undesirable outcomes to the population. It seeks to provide relevant sources of information regarding the application of scientific disadvantages.

One disadvantage of science is the tendency to violate ethical norms or standards. There are numerous scientific practice that manipulates the natural well-being of an organism. This is applied by exploiting the characteristics of organism by changing the DNA structure through the application of genetics inside the laboratory. Examples are cloning, which derails the complexity of moral values and virtues. The Reason behind is to create an artificial well-being that changes the structure of a certain organism into a mutated form. The transformational changes with regards to the structure and application of scientific experiments violate several moral issues that generate conflicting interest opposition groups against researchers and other scientists. As a result, there are lawsuits that filed by the interest groups, which could spark public attention to the public, in particular with the members of the media who will become curious about the case and starts to establish a mass coverage.

Financial costs are some of the major disadvantages of science because business companies are taking advantage against the growing number of research and experimentation of scientists to determine the existence of a scientific phenomenon. Newly discovered scientific materials requires facilities that costs a significant value that is not cheap. Companies conducting research and experimentation are challenged because they need to invest a significant amount of equities so that they can sustain the expenses covered by the experimentation. Costs are usually amounting to at least in an eight-digit figure, which is very costly for companies supporting scientific researchers in order to prove the existence of a certain fact. In this case, research needs to generate numerous sponsors, causes, and free from any tax liabilities so that the process of confirming a new phenomenon enables research and experimentation to become successful in the field of science.


Science is a complex of research and exploration of new knowledge and application so that the value of rendering new insights and applications becomes efficient and accurate. Improving the level of knowledge through new phenomena seeks to find a better solution that stimulates new lifestyle, practice, belief, and trends to the society in order to make a community productive. Although there are challenges such as negating the beliefs of morality as well as the growing expenses of conducting researches, scientists are still optimistic to find solutions to prove that there will be more discoveries in to fulfill new applications. The essentials of developing science and technology enhance creativity to acknowledge the differences and changes that can be adapted and adjusted by the present society. Challenges are usually solved through unity and support for researchers and explorers to prove a certain fact (Nikoletseas, 2014).

  • Nikoletseas, Michael M. (2014). Parmenides: The World as Modus Cogitandi. ISBN 978-1-4922-8358-4

science disadvantages essay

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  • Science and Technology Essay


Essay on Science and Technology

Science and technology is the ultimate need of an hour that changes the overall perspective of the human towards life. Over the centuries, there have been new inventions in the field of science and technology that help in modernizing. Right from connecting with people to using digital products, everything involves science and technology. In other words, it has made life easy and simple. Moreover, humans now have to live a simple life. There is modern equipment explored by tech experts to find something new for the future.

Science and technology have now expanded their wings to medical, education, manufacturing and other areas. Moreover, they are not limited to cities, but also rural areas for educational purposes. Every day new technologies keep coming, making life easier and more comfortable.

Brief about Science

Throughout history, science has come a long way. The evolution of the person is the contribution to science. Science helped humans to find vaccines, potions, medicines and scientific aids. Over the centuries, humans have faced many diseases and illnesses taking many lives. With the help of science, medicines are invented to bring down the effect or element of these illnesses.

Brief of Technology

The mobile, desktop or laptop which you are using for reading this essay, mobile you use for connectivity or communication or the smart technology which we use in our daily life, are a part of technology. From the machinery used in the factory to the robots created all fall under tech invention. In simpler words, technology has made life more comfortable.

Advancement in science and technology has changed the modern culture and the way we live our daily life.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology

Science and technology have changed this world. From TV to planes, cars to mobile, the list keeps on going how these two inventions have changed the world we see through. For instance, the virtual talks we do use our mobile, which was not possible earlier. Similarly, there are electrical devices that have made life easier.

Furthermore, the transportation process we use has also seen the contribution of science and technology. We can reach our destination quickly to any part of the world.

Science and technology are not limited to this earth. It has now reached mars. NASA and ISRO have used science and technology to reach mars. Both organizations have witnessed success in sending astronauts and technologies to explore life in the mars.

Other Benefits

Life is much simpler with science and technology

Interaction is more comfortable and faster

Human is more sophisticated


With the progress in science and technology, we humans have become lazier. This is affecting the human mind and health. Moreover, several semi-automatic rifles are created using the latest technology, which takes maximum life. There is no doubt that the third world war will be fought with missiles created using technology.

Man has misused the tech and used it for destructive purposes.

 Man uses them to do illegal stuff.

Technology such as a smartphone, etc. hurts children.

Terrorists use modern technology for damaging work.

Science and Technology in India

India is not behind when it comes to science and technology. Over the centuries, the country has witnessed reliable technology updates giving its people a better life. The Indian economy is widely boosted with science and technology in the field of astronomy, astrophysics, space exploration, nuclear power and more. India is becoming more innovative and progressive to improve the economic condition of the nation.

The implementation of technology in the research work promotes a better life ahead. Similarly, medical science in India is progressing rapidly, making life healthy and careful. Indian scientists are using the latest technology to introduce new medical products for people and offer them at the lowest price.

The Bottom Line

The main aim of writing this essay on science and technology is to showcase how humans have evolved over the years. Since we are advancing, the science and technology industry is also advancing at a faster pace. Although there are challenges, the road ahead is exciting. From interaction to transportation and healthcare in every sector, we will witness profitable growth in science and technology.


FAQs on Science and Technology Essay

1. How technology changed humans?

Technology has certainly changed the way we live our lives. Not a single piece of technology has failed and is continuously progressing. Be it the small industry or large, technology is a boom to your society. Technology can encompass ancient technologies like calculators, calendars, batteries and others. In future, the technology worlds include Blockchain technologies, smart cities, more advanced intelligent devices, quantum computers, quantum encryption, and others. Humans are updated with technology. This is a good sign for the coming generation.

2. What are the top technologies?

In the last few years, there has been a massive update in technology. From individuals to companies, everywhere, the use of technology is required. Some of the top technologies we are witnessing are

 Data Science

 Internet of Things


 Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

 Virtual Reality

 Edge Computing

Intelligent apps

Artificial Intelligence

Each of these technologies is in the use of daily life and even in making products. However, to use this technology, there is a requirement of skilled professionals and they need proper training to use them.

3. Is the topic Science and Technology an appropriate topic for students?

Yes, Science and Technology are one of the most important topics every student should know in their schooling. The world is growing rapidly at an increasing rate where one should be equipped with minimum knowledge about these concepts. Science and technology have become a part of everyone’s life today. Therefore understanding them is definitely important.

4. Does writing essays improve English?

Yes, of course it does. Writing is absolutely fundamental to language learning. As with anything, however, it is important to learn when and what you write. If you do it all the time, your writing might sound forced. If you only do it when you don't have anything better to do, you might find yourself procrastinating, and not do it at all. It's also a lot more effective to compose essays when you are in that mindset of an essay. So, to answer your question, yes.

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Advantages and disadvantages of science

science disadvantages essay

Science has brought an amazing revolution in human life. Modern man enjoys flying in the currents of air, swimming under the depths of ocean and walking on the roads of space. At the same time science has made many lethal weapons for the purpose of total destruction and annihilation of humanity. Here is a depiction of bright side as well as dark side of science.

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Advantages of science

1. industrialization.

Science has brought a great revolution in terms of economic progress due to industrialization. Industrialization has changed us from toes to hair of head. We have variety of things available at shopping malls and industrial outlets.

2. Surplus food

Stories of famine and droughts are now the part of ancient history. Science has accelerated production of cereals, fruits, meat and vegetables. Modern man enjoys a variety of edibles.

3. Fast travelling and communication

Modern ways of travelling have made this world a true global village. Aero-planes, Air conditioned buses, ships and bullet trains have shortened the geographical distances. Modern man travels through oceans, air, mountains landscapes at a greater speed. Now the world is at the distance of click. Internet, Television, Radio and fax have enabled us to enjoy communication with global community just like our family members.

4. Innovation

Science has brought innovation in every field of life. Distance learning, connected classroom technology and online courses have changed the concept of education. Now education has become a global concern. Modern tools are being used in investigation of diseases once were a challenge in health department. Technology is being shifted from garage to pocket due to innovative research done in scientific field.

5. Problem solving technique

Scientific progress has changed our thought process. Modern man applies scientific approach to daily life problems. It has given us computational control over the world. Scientists are trying to control human mind which will be the last hit to scientific progress.

Disadvantages of science

1. unemployment.

Solving a problem generates a new problem as a by-product. Industrialization has replaced human beings with machines. It has accelerated economic progress many fold but at the same time unemployment is increasing due to machines. It is increasing social depression and mental agony.

2. Materialistic approach

Geographical distances are shrinking but the distance between heart and mind is on rise due to scientific progress. Modern man is less humanistic and more robotic in approach and nature. This is the age of spiritual destruction and moral death. Spirituality is going down with the increase of our dependency over science.

3. Pollution

Industrialization has increased pollution level. Greenhouse effect has caused global warming which is a threat-call to our future. The world is consuming billions of dollars every year to neutralize or reverse this issue but the problem is still going out of control. Pollution is the by-product of scientific progress and industrialization.

4. Human annihilation

Scientific progress has made the world more divided and less stable as compared to the past. Modern man has invented atom bomb, hydrogen bomb and missile technology for the destruction of fellow beings. Developed countries are making these things to make their future more secure however these war heads are increasing feelings of insecurity across the globe.

5. Uncertain future

With the scientific progress our future is becoming uncertain which is compelling us towards a closed-street and narrow valley. World is becoming prone to 3rd world war as more and more flash points are emerging on the map of globe. Perhaps it will be the last world war on this planet.


The twisting nature of science leaves us clueless to guess whether we are making scientific progress to make this planet a heaven or this scientific progress in the long-run, is a mean to our total destruction and human annihilation to change this earth into hell. Time will answer this question.


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Short Essay On Science | Advantages and Disadvantages of Science | Importance Of Science Speech


advantages and disadvantages of a scientific essay, article, speech, composition

What is science?

Pros and cons of science: Science has given us conveniences today that were unthinkable just a few years ago. Today we have electricity, telephone, television, internet, computers, machines for everything, robots, etc. All this has made the life of man very comfortable. Electric fans, automobiles, trams, airplanes, etc. – are among the greatest inventions and scientific discoveries that have increased human happiness.  Science has transformed this world into a global village through the inventions of the internet, the telephone, and the computer. Every piece of information is just a click away.

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Benefits of science

Science has made travel easy and efficient with the invention of airplanes, high-speed trains, and ships. The invention of the modern car made it possible to reduce distances. There are planes that have shorter distances. For domestic travel, there are modern and sophisticated models of buses and cars that offer a luxurious lifestyle. People use motorcycles, bicycles, and taxis to get around the city. Today, not only is travel advanced, but everything has a great influence from science. Science has changed teaching methods. For example, teachers used to use blackboards and crayons, but now they use multimedia projectors.

science disadvantages essay

Role of science in life

Science has played a major role in health care. Today, there are medications that are developed just for a particular person based on their physical and mental health and genetic makeup. In the past, cancer was untreated and the mortality rate was high. But today, many modern techniques have been developed to help treat deadly diseases.

Men who have lived in large cities benefit little, while they suffer many other damages. Their lives are so busy and mechanical that they don’t have time to share. His life had become artificial, devoid of charm and joy.

Shortcomings in the scientific field

On a destructive object, science has invented such destructive weapons that can destroy everything in seconds. The inventions of the laser beam, the cobalt bomb, and the megaton bomb increased the likelihood of human destruction so that the use of these weapons would be synonymous with disaster for all humanity.

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Therefore, the use of science should be limited/flawed, i.e. use science only for good purposes. Scientists must stop the invention of catastrophic weapons, or man will destroy this world with his own hands.

Conclusion on the advantages and disadvantages of science

Use science only for good purposes. Scientists must stop the invention of catastrophic weapons, or man will destroy this world with his own hands.

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Wonder of Science Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on wonder of science.

Wonder of Science Essay: Looking at the age when a man led a life like a savage, we notice how far we have come. Similarly, the evolution of mankind is truly commendable. One of the major driving forces behind this is science. It makes you think about the wonder of science and how it has proven to be such a boon in our lives. Most importantly, science has helped develop a great civilization . All the advancements that man has been able to make are with the help of science only. However, it won’t be wrong to say that science is a two-edged sword. It comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

wonder of science essay

Advantages of Science

To say that science has a lot of benefits would be an understatement. The benefits of science do not just limit to one sphere, but it has proven useful in various spheres of the world. When we talk about innovations in science and engineering, electricity is the first thing that comes to mind. It has helped power the world through its development.

That is to say, all the credit goes to science, as it weren’t for science, life in the 21st century would be impossible. After all, it is quite hard to imagine a world without computers , medicines , televisions , AC’s, automobiles and more. In addition, science has contributed largely to the medical field as well.

It has helped cure deadly diseases and also perform surgeries which were hard to perform before. Therefore, science has changed the world in unimaginable ways.

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Disadvantages of Science

As the saying goes ‘there is no rainbow without rain’, similarly science has drawbacks of its own. One must always remember that anything in excess is poison, and science is no different. If it falls into evil hands, it can cause destruction on a massive level. For instance, science is used to create nuclear weapons.

science disadvantages essay

These are deadly enough to cause war and wipe out full-fledged countries. Another drawback is the pollution caused by it. As the world became more industrialized because of science, pollution levels increased. All the high-scale industries are now polluting natural resources like water, air, wood, and more.

Subsequently, this industrial growth has increased rates of unemployment as machines are replacing human labor. So, we see how it also has a considerable amount of drawbacks as well.

In conclusion, we can say that surely science is very beneficial to the modern man. But, innovations and discoveries have also become destructive in various ways for mankind.

Therefore, it must be properly used for the greater benefit of mankind. We must ensure the wise use of these scientific inventions in order to save the world from the evil side of science. As Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam once stated that science is a beautiful gift to humanity, we must not distort it, likewise, we must live by this quote and monitor the utilization.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are the advantages of science?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Science has helped mankind evolve from a savage to an educated being. It offers a lot of advantages for humans in different spheres of the world. These advantages come in the form of electricity, computers, automobiles, mobile phones, long-distance calling, cure of diseases and more.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Discuss the disadvantages of science?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”When used improperly, science can have various negative effects. These disadvantages are at both individual levels as well as global level. It can cause disasters like nuclear disasters through the invention of nuclear weapons. It also pollutes the environment excessively and increases unemployment through the development of machines replacing human labor.”} }] }

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  • 08 May 2024

Illuminating ‘the ugly side of science’: fresh incentives for reporting negative results

  • Rachel Brazil 0

Rachel Brazil is a freelance journalist in London, UK.

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Sarahanne Field giving a talk

The editor-in-chief of the Journal of Trial & Error , Sarahanne Field wants to publish the messy, null and negative results sitting in researchers’ file drawers. Credit: Sander Martens

Editor-in-chief Sarahanne Field describes herself and her team at the Journal of Trial & Error as wanting to highlight the “ugly side of science — the parts of the process that have gone wrong”.

She clarifies that the editorial board of the journal, which launched in 2020 , isn’t interested in papers in which “you did a shitty study and you found nothing. We’re interested in stuff that was done methodologically soundly, but still yielded a result that was unexpected.” These types of result — which do not prove a hypothesis or could yield unexplained outcomes — often simply go unpublished, explains Field, who is also an open-science researcher at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Along with Stefan Gaillard, one of the journal’s founders, she hopes to change that.

Calls for researchers to publish failed studies are not new. The ‘file-drawer problem’ — the stacks of unpublished, negative results that most researchers accumulate — was first described in 1979 by psychologist Robert Rosenthal . He argued that this leads to publication bias in the scientific record: the gap of missing unsuccessful results leads to overemphasis on the positive results that do get published.

science disadvantages essay

Careers Collection: Publishing

Over the past 30 years, the proportion of negative results being published has decreased further. A 2012 study showed that, from 1990 to 2007, there was a 22% increase in positive conclusions in papers; by 2007, 85% of papers published had positive results 1 . “People fail to report [negative] results, because they know they won’t get published — and when people do attempt to publish them, they get rejected,” says Field. A 2022 survey of researchers in France in chemistry, physics, engineering and environmental sciences showed that, although 81% had produced relevant negative results and 75% were willing to publish them, only 12.5% had the opportunity to do so 2 .

One factor that is leading some researchers to revisit the problem is the growing use of predictive modelling using machine-learning tools in many fields. These tools are trained on large data sets that are often derived from published work, and scientists have found that the absence of negative data in the literature is hampering the process. Without a concerted effort to publish more negative results that artificial intelligence (AI) can be trained on, the promise of the technology could be stifled.

“Machine learning is changing how we think about data,” says chemist Keisuke Takahashi at Hokkaido University in Japan, who has brought the issue to the attention of the catalysis-research community . Scientists in the field have typically relied on a mixture of trial and error and serendipity in their experiments, but there is hope that AI could provide a new route for catalyst discovery. Takahashi and his colleagues mined data from 1,866 previous studies and patents to train a machine-learning model to predict the best catalyst for the reaction between methane and oxygen to form ethane and ethylene, both of which are important chemicals used in industry 3 . But, he says, “over the years, people have only collected the good data — if they fail, they don’t report it”. This led to a skewed model that, in some cases, enhanced the predicted performance of a material, rather than realistically assessing its properties.

Portrait of Felix Strieth-Kalthoff in the lab

Synthetic organic chemist Felix Strieth-Kalthoff found that published data were too heavily biased toward positive results to effectively train an AI model to optimize chemical reaction yields. Credit: Cindy Huang

Alongside the flawed training of AI models, the huge gap of negative results in the scientific record continues to be a problem across all disciplines. In areas such as psychology and medicine, publication bias is one factor exacerbating the ongoing reproducibility crisis — in which many published studies are impossible to replicate. Without sharing negative studies and data, researchers could be doomed to repeat work that led nowhere. Many scientists are calling for changes in academic culture and practice — be it the creation of repositories that include positive and negative data, new publication formats or conferences aimed at discussing failure. The solutions are varied, but the message is the same: “To convey an accurate picture of the scientific process, then at least one of the components should be communicating all the results, [including] some negative results,” says Gaillard, “and even where you don’t end up with results, where it just goes wrong.”

Science’s messy side

Synthetic organic chemist Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, who is now setting up his own laboratory at the University of Wuppertal, Germany, has encountered positive-result bias when using data-driven approaches to optimize the yields of certain medicinal-chemistry reactions. His PhD work with chemist Frank Glorius at the University of Münster, Germany, involved creating models that could predict which reactants and conditions would maximize yields. Initially, he relied on data sets that he had generated from high-throughput experiments in the lab, which included results from both high- and low-yield reactions, to train his AI model. “Our next logical step was to do that based on the literature,” says Strieth-Kalthoff. This would allow him to curate a much larger data set to be used for training.

But when he incorporated real data from the reactions database Reaxys into the training process, he says, “[it] turned out they don’t really work at all”. Strieth-Kalthoff concluded the errors were due the lack of low-yield reactions 4 ; “All of the data that we see in the literature have average yields of 60–80%.” Without learning from the messy ‘failed’ experiments with low yields that were present in the initial real-life data, the AI could not model realistic reaction outcomes.

Although AI has the potential to spot relationships in complex data that a researcher might not see, encountering negative results can give experimentalists a gut feeling, says molecular modeller Berend Smit at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. The usual failures that every chemist experiences at the bench give them a ‘chemical intuition’ that AI models trained only on successful data lack.

Smit and his team attempted to embed something similar to this human intuition into a model tasked with designing a metal-organic framework (MOF) with the largest known surface area for this type of material. A large surface area allows these porous materials to be used as reaction supports or molecular storage reservoirs. “If the binding [between components] is too strong, it becomes amorphous; if the binding is too weak, it becomes unstable, so you need to find the sweet spot,” Smit says. He showed that training the machine-learning model on both successful and unsuccessful reaction conditions created better predictions and ultimately led to one that successfully optimized the MOF 5 . “When we saw the results, we thought, ‘Wow, this is the chemical intuition we’re talking about!’” he says.

According to Strieth-Kalthoff, AI models are currently limited because “the data that are out there just do not reflect all of our knowledge”. Some researchers have sought statistical solutions to fill the negative-data gap. Techniques include oversampling, which means supplementing data with several copies of existing negative data or creating artificial data points, for example by including reactions with a yield of zero. But, he says, these types of approach can introduce their own biases.

Portrait of Ella Peltonen

Computer scientist Ella Peltonen helped to organize the first International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing in 2022 to give researchers an opportunity to discuss failed experiments. Credit: University of Oulu

Capturing more negative data is now a priority for Takahashi. “We definitely need some sort of infrastructure to share the data freely.” His group has created a website for sharing large amounts of experimental data for catalysis reactions . Other organizations are trying to collect and publish negative data — but Takahashi says that, so far, they lack coordination, so data formats aren’t standardized. In his field, Strieth-Kalthoff says, there are initiatives such as the Open Reaction Database , launched in 2021 to share organic-reaction data and enable training of machine-learning applications. But, he says, “right now, nobody’s using it, [because] there’s no incentive”.

Smit has argued for a modular open-science platform that would directly link to electronic lab notebooks to help to make different data types extractable and reusable . Through this process, publication of negative data in peer-reviewed journals could be skipped, but the information would still be available for researchers to use in AI training. Strieth-Kalthoff agrees with this strategy in theory, but thinks it’s a long way off in practice, because it would require analytical instruments to be coupled to a third-party source to automatically collect data — which instrument manufacturers might not agree to, he says.

Publishing the non-positive

In other disciplines, the emphasis is still on peer-reviewed journals that will publish negative results. Gaillard, a science-studies PhD student at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, co-founded the Journal of Trial & Error after attending talks on how science can be made more open. Gaillard says that, although everyone whom they approached liked the idea of the journal, nobody wanted to submit articles at first. He and the founding editorial team embarked on a campaign involving cold calls and publicity at open-science conferences. “Slowly, we started getting our first submissions, and now we just get people sending things in [unsolicited],” he says. Most years the journal publishes one issue of about 8–14 articles, and it is starting to publish more special issues. It focuses mainly on the life sciences and data-based social sciences.

In 2008, David Alcantara, then a chemistry PhD student at the University of Seville in Spain who was frustrated by the lack of platforms for sharing negative results, set up The All Results journals, which were aimed at disseminating results regardless of the outcome . Of the four disciplines included at launch, only the biology journal is still being published. “Attracting submissions has always posed a challenge,” says Alcantara, now president at the consultancy and training organization the Society for the Improvement of Science in Seville.

But Alcantara thinks there has been a shift in attitudes: “More established journals [are] becoming increasingly open to considering negative results for publication.” Gaillard agrees: “I’ve seen more and more journals, like PLoS ONE , for example, that explicitly mentioned that they also publish negative results.” ( Nature welcomes submissions of replication studies and those that include null results, as described in this 2020 editorial .)

Journals might be changing their publication preferences, but there are still significant disincentives that stop researchers from publishing their file-drawer studies. “The current academic system often prioritizes high-impact publications and ground-breaking discoveries for career advancement, grants and tenure,” says Alcantara, noting that negative results are perceived as contributing little to nothing to these endeavours. Plus, there is still a stigma associated with any kind of failure . “People are afraid that this will look negative on their CV,” says Gaillard. Smit describes reporting failed experiments as a no-win situation: “It’s more work for [researchers], and they don’t get anything in return in the short term.” And, jokes Smit, what’s worse is that they could be providing data for an AI tool to take over their role.

Ultimately, most researchers conclude that publishing their failed studies and negative data is just not worth the time and effort — and there’s evidence that they judge others’ negative research more harshly than positive outcomes. In a study published in August, 500 researchers from top economics departments around the world were randomized to two groups and asked to judge a hypothetical research paper. Half of the participants were told that the study had a null conclusion, and the other half were told the results were sizeably significant. The null results were perceived to be 25% less likely to be published, of lower quality and less important than were the statistically significant findings 6 .

Some researchers have had positive experiences sharing their unsuccessful findings. For example, in 2021, psychologist Wendy Ross at the London Metropolitan University published her negative results from testing a hypothesis about human problem-solving in the Journal of Trial & Error 7 , and says the paper was “the best one I have published to date”. She adds, “Understanding the reasons for null results can really test and expand our theoretical understanding.”

Fields forging solutions

The field of psychology has introduced one innovation that could change publication biases — registered reports (RRs). These peer-reviewed reports , first published in 2014, came about largely as a response to psychology’s replication crisis, which began in around 2011. RRs set out the methodology of a study before the results are known, to try to prevent selective reporting of positive results. Daniël Lakens, who studies science-reward structures at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, says there is evidence that RRs increase the proportion of negative results in the psychology literature.

In a 2021 study, Lakens analysed the proportion of published RRs whose results eventually support the primary hypothesis. In a random sample of hypothesis-testing studies from the standard psychology literature, 96% of the results were positive. In RRs, this fell to only 44% 8 . Lakens says the study shows “that if you offer this as an option, many more null results enter the scientific literature, and that is a desirable thing”. At least 300 journals, including Nature , are now accepting RRs, and the format is spreading to journals in biology, medicine and some social-science fields.

Yet another approach has emerged from the field of pervasive computing, the study of how computer systems are integrated into physical surroundings and everyday life. About four years ago, members of the community started discussing reproducibility, says computer scientist Ella Peltonen at the University of Oulu in Finland. Peltonen says that researchers realized that, to avoid the repetition of mistakes, there was a need to discuss the practical problems with studies and failed results that don’t get published. So in 2022, Peltonen and her colleagues held the first virtual International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing (PerFail) , in conjunction with the field’s annual conference, the International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications.

Peltonen explains that PerFail speakers first present their negative results and then have the same amount of time for discussion afterwards, during which participants tease out how failed studies can inform future work. “It also encourages the community to showcase that things require effort and trial and error, and there is value in that,” she adds. Now an annual event, the organizers invite students to attend so they can see that failure is a part of research and that “you are not a bad researcher because you fail”, says Peltonen.

In the long run, Alcantara thinks a continued effort to persuade scientists to share all their results needs to be coupled with policies at funding agencies and journals that reward full transparency. “Criteria for grants, promotions and tenure should recognize the value of comprehensive research dissemination, including failures and negative outcomes,” he says. Lakens thinks funders could be key to boosting the RR format, as well. Funders, he adds, should say, “We want the research that we’re funding to appear in the scientific literature, regardless of the significance of the finding.”

There are some positive signs of change about sharing negative data: “Early-career researchers and the next generation of scientists are particularly receptive to the idea,” says Alcantara. Gaillard is also optimistic, given the increased interest in his journal, including submissions for an upcoming special issue on mistakes in the medical domain. “It is slow, of course, but science is a bit slow.”

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-01389-7

Fanelli, D. Scientometrics 90 , 891–904 (2012).

Article   Google Scholar  

Herbet, M.-E., Leonard, J., Santangelo, M. G. & Albaret, L. Learned Publishing 35 , 16–29 (2022).

Fujima, J., Tanaka, Y., Miyazato, I., Takahashi, L. & Takahashi, K. Reaction Chem. Eng. 5 , 903–911 (2020).

Strieth-Kalthoff, F. et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Edn 61 , e202204647 (2022).

Moosavi, S. M. et al. Nature Commun. 10 , 539 (2019).

Article   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Chopra, F., Haaland, I., Roth, C. & Stegmann, A. Econ. J. 134 , 193–219 (2024).

Ross, W. & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. J. Trial Error https://doi.org/10.36850/e4 (2021).

Scheel, A. M., Schijen, M. R. M. J. & Lakens, D. Adv. Methods Pract. Psychol. Sci . https://doi.org/10.1177/25152459211007467 (2021).

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Two decades of studies suggest health benefits associated with plant-based diets

But researchers caution against broad diet recommendations until remaining knowledge gaps are filled.

Vegetarian and vegan diets are generally associated with better status on various medical factors linked to cardiovascular health and cancer risk, as well as lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and death, according to a new review of 49 previously published papers. Angelo Capodici and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on May 15, 2024.

Prior studies have linked certain diets with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. A diet that is poor in plant products and rich in meat, refined grains, sugar, and salt is associated with higher risk of death. Reducing consumption of animal-based products in favor of plant-based products has been suggested to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. However, the overall benefits of such diets remain unclear.

To deepen understanding of the potential benefits of plant-based diets, Capodici and colleagues reviewed 48 papers published between January 2000 and June 2023 that themselves compiled evidence from multiple prior studies. Following an "umbrella" review approach, they extracted and analyzed data from the 48 papers on links between plant-based diets, cardiovascular health, and cancer risk.

Their analysis showed that, overall, vegetarian and vegan diets have a robust statistical association with better health status on a number of risk factors associated with cardiometabolic diseases, cancer, and mortality, such as blood pressure, management of blood sugar, and body mass index. Such diets are associated with reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, gastrointestinal and prostate cancer, and death from cardiovascular disease.

However, among pregnant women specifically, those with vegetarian diets faced no difference in their risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension compared to those on non-plant-based diets.

Overall, these findings suggest that plant-based diets are associated with significant health benefits. However, the researchers note, the statistical strength of this association is significantly limited by the many differences between past studies in terms of the specific diet regimens followed, patient demographics, study duration, and other factors. Moreover, some plant-based diets may introduce vitamin and mineral deficiencies for some people. Thus, the researchers caution against large-scale recommendation of plant-based diets until more research is completed.

The authors add: "Our study evaluates the different impacts of animal-free diets for cardiovascular health and cancer risk showing how a vegetarian diet can be beneficial to human health and be one of the effective preventive strategies for the two most impactful chronic diseases on human health in the 21st century."

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Materials provided by PLOS . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Angelo Capodici, Gabriele Mocciaro, Davide Gori, Matthew J. Landry, Alice Masini, Francesco Sanmarchi, Matteo Fiore, Angela Andrea Coa, Gisele Castagna, Christopher D. Gardner, Federica Guaraldi. Cardiovascular health and cancer risk associated with plant based diets: An umbrella review . PLOS ONE , 2024; 19 (5): e0300711 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300711

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Race against time: How scientists tracked the strongest solar storm to hit Earth

  • Reported By: Sibu Tripathi

Inside the global effort to track the strongest solar storm, which triggered the most powerful auroras seen in over 500 years.

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The Sun has reached peak activity in its 11-year cycle as it blasts off plasma and materials towards the inner and outer solar system without a pause. Earth was in the firing line when the strongest solar storm left the Sun in the first week of May. 

During the first full week of May, a barrage of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched clouds of charged particles and magnetic fields toward Earth, creating the strongest solar storm to reach Earth in two decades. 

As they slammed into Earth's magnetic field,  they triggered one of the strongest displays of auroras on record in the past 500 years.

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Work had already begun to track the peak activity on the Sun in 2023 when scientists predicted the solar maxima , the period of intense activity on the Sun, would be earlier than anticipated. They had accurately predicted it to happen in 2024. 

The first signs of an impending solar storm were observed on May 7 with two strong solar flares. From May 7-11, multiple strong solar flares and at least seven coronal mass ejections, the most powerful explosions from the Sun, stormed toward Earth. Eight of the flares in this period were the most powerful type, known as the X-class. 

The origin was from sunspot AR3664, a colossal feature that is a staggering 15 times wider than Earth itself. Sunspots are temporary, dark regions on the surface of the Sun with temperatures of about 3,800 to 4,500 degrees Celsius. These are regions of intense magnetic activity, which are thousands of times stronger than Earth's magnetic field.  

This gargantuan sunspot is so immense that it can be observed with the naked eye through ordinary eclipse glasses, without the need for magnification. In the days that followed, it began exploding with some of the strongest flares and coronal mass ejections. 


Scientists at the Center of Excellence in Space Sciences India (CESSI) were observing the activity of the Sun ramping up. Their calculations revealed that the mega sunspot contained four times higher magnetic flux, electric current and energy compared to a normal flare-producing active region. 

"We realised immediately that we were dealing with a super active region capable of producing multiple strong flares and CMEs," Dr Dibyendu Nandi of the CESSI told IndiaToday.in. 

CESSI issued a rare severe class space weather bulletin immediately and alerted scientists at Isro and other institutions associated with the AdityaL1 mission, India's maiden solar probe , to begin tracking and ensuring the safety of assets in space. 

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Meanwhile, the US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center also issued predictions and global alerts. It sent notifications to operators of power grids and commercial satellites to help them mitigate potential impacts.

As the alerts began pouring in, several big missions, including Nasa's ICESat-2 — which studies polar ice sheets — entered safe mode. SpaceX began countermeasures to safeguard Starlink satellites, which were reeling under pressure from the solar storm. Isro's Master Control Facility (MCF) sprung into action to save over 50 spacecraft India has in orbit. 

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Travelling at a staggering speed of 48 lakh kilometres per hour, the coronal mass ejections barrelled through space to slam into Earth. Starting May 10, the intense activity kicked off a stunning display of auroras in several parts of the world including India , the rarest of rare occurrences. 

Elizabeth MacDonald, NASA heliophysics citizen science lead, said that all the CMEs arrived largely at once, and the conditions were just right to create a historic storm. 

Scientists compared it to one of the biggest solar events in decades and the aurora display was the best in over five centuries. 

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Nasa has said that the giant sunspot that triggered the storm is now on the other side of the Sun and Earth is safe from any impact. However, it's not over yet. 

The sunspot is starting to come into view of Mars.

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Photos: AFP, Nasa, Getty, IISER, IIA

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Caitlin Clark Is Here. Can the Business of the W.N.B.A. Flourish?

Clark’s arrival has many betting on the W.N.B.A.’s success. But certain structural disadvantages persist, including how much the players earn.

Caitlin Clark dribbling during an Indiana Fever game.

By Jacob Meschke and Santul Nerkar

The business of women’s basketball is booming. And the start of the 2024 W.N.B.A. season has many wondering if the sport is entering a new economic era.

The arrival of stars like Caitlin Clark, the former University of Iowa phenom who is now a rookie with the Indiana Fever, has boosted interest and ticket sales. All the league’s teams will fly charter for the first time this season, team sponsorships are growing , and marquee players are racking up endorsement deals . A new TV deal could fill its coffers and further elevate the league’s profile.

But there are still obstacles the league needs to overcome before attaining the kind of stature that other professional sports leagues have. The average W.N.B.A. salary is around $120,000, much lower than the N.B.A.’s, and the relatively low pay has traditionally prompted even the highest-earning players to play overseas during the league’s off-season in order to make extra money. The league has long had stars, but it has struggled to market their skills and personalities to a mass audience.

How the W.N.B.A. capitalizes on the current moment — and approaches its more prominent place in the media landscape — could have a significant effect on the league’s future.

A chance to capitalize.

More than 18 million people, a record, watched the University of South Carolina beat Clark and Iowa in the women’s N.C.A.A. tournament final this year, up from the roughly 10 million who watched the title game in 2023, which was also a record. This year, for the first time, more people watched the women’s final than the men’s.

Clark has had a unique effect. In her four years at Iowa, she broke the Division I scoring record for men and women and led the Hawkeyes to consecutive national title games. She also helped sell out arenas and boost TV ratings, and has become one of the most visible stars in all of college sports. According to a March poll conducted by Seton Hall University’s School of Business, Clark was the most well-known college basketball player in the country, with 44 percent of Americans saying they had heard of her.

Supporters of the W.N.B.A. are hoping that the growth in the college game translates to the pros. Last year’s finals averaged 728,000 viewers per game, the highest in 20 years.

Players say they can sense a difference already. Sue Bird, the former Seattle Storm and University of Connecticut star, said in an interview that compared with 2002, when she entered the league, the W.N.B.A. is taken more seriously by fans. The common sentiment back then, Bird said, was that “you were taking a step down” coming from playing college basketball.

“They were accustomed to a certain standard in college, and they’re now seeing it in the W.N.B.A.,” Bird said.

And so far, the interest in Clark seems to have carried over to the league. A record 2.5 million people watched the W.N.B.A. draft on April 15, when Clark was selected No. 1 overall. Three of the Fever’s first four games are being nationally televised, on ESPN, ESPN2 and ABC, and the other was on Amazon Prime. As a testament to the league’s growing popularity, the Bay Area will get a W.N.B.A. team in 2025, and another team is reportedly planned in Toronto .

W.N.B.A. players — even stars — don’t make a lot.

When the Indiana Fever picked Clark in the draft, many — including President Biden — were shocked to learn her starting salary: $76,535.

Clark’s college endorsements — valued at more than $3 million, according to On3 , a site that tracks name, image and likeness deals for college athletes — and ones she has signed with since getting to Indiana make her base salary a small portion of her overall compensation.

Base salaries in the W.N.B.A. range from about $64,000 for rookies drafted in the third round to about $240,000 for veterans. Out of roughly 144 players in the league, 22 make more than $200,000 annually, and 78 make less than $100,000, according to Spotrac , a site that tracks players’ contracts.

Players can earn more, with bonuses for those who win individual awards and whose teams are successful. The league pays a small, rotating cohort of players a total of $1 million each season to participate in leaguewide marketing partnerships.

But lucrative endorsements are not a reality for the bulk of the league’s players, and some see the promise of sponsorships as the wrong answer to improving player compensation.

“The new messaging point around a player in the new rookie class is, ‘Don’t worry about the top pick, because she can make up to a half-million dollars,’” said Terri Jackson, executive director of the W.N.B.A. players’ union.

In turn, players have looked overseas, playing for teams in countries like Russia, Turkey, China and Australia that pay more than the W.N.B.A. Brittney Griner had been playing in Russia when she was detained for nine months.

Today, about half of W.N.B.A. teams share ownership with an N.B.A. team, and in some cases facilities and front offices. That includes the Fever, who share ownership and facilities with the Indiana Pacers. Ownership of the W.N.B.A. itself is still split between the collective 30 N.B.A. teams and 12 W.N.B.A. teams. In 2022, the W.N.B.A. announced $75 million of new investments from more than two dozen investors, including N.B.A. and W.N.B.A. team owners.

New deals could change things.

The leagues remain worlds apart when it comes to revenue. But proponents of higher pay for W.N.B.A. players point out that they make a lower share of league revenue than N.B.A. players do, 10 percent compared with around 50 percent.

Negotiations for media rights, a key driver of the revenues of sports leagues, are underway for the N.B.A. and W.N.B.A. The two leagues have generally negotiated rights deals together.

The current deal expires at the end of the 2024-25 N.B.A. season. At that point, the W.N.B.A. could choose, for the first time, to separate its agreement from the N.B.A.

The league must prioritize continuing to expand its fan base and market its stars, as the N.B.A. did with Larry Bird and Magic Johnson in the 1980s, said Len Elmore, a former N.B.A. player and a senior lecturer at Columbia University’s Sports Management Program.

“Television rights are what’s catapulted N.B.A. salaries,” Elmore said. “It comes down to having those players, and it comes down to TV.”

The current collective bargaining agreement between the W.N.B.A. and the union that represents the players governs players’ compensation. Chiney Ogwumike, a forward for the Los Angeles Sparks, said the recent growth of the W.N.B.A. was buttressing the players’ case that they should receive a greater share of league revenue.

“The numbers are supporting players finally being rewarded as drivers of revenue,” she said in an interview.

Endorsements are a wild card.

As the profile of the college game has risen, stars have earned millions through endorsements. For instance, Angel Reese, now in her rookie season with the Chicago Sky, had N.I.L. deals worth a reported $1.8 million while at Louisiana State University.

But more endorsement deals are happening with W.N.B.A. players. Clark is reportedly signing a $20 million deal with Nike. The company is also making a signature shoe with A’ja Wilson, the Las Vegas Aces star.

Research has consistently demonstrated that women’s sports receive a tiny fraction of the media attention that men’s sports do, limiting their reach and ability to attract new fans. That has changed in recent years, with global sponsorships for female athletes increasing 22 percent in 2023, according to SponsorUnited, which tracks company sponsorships and deals.

But now, there’s an upside for companies in that pursuit. Compared with leagues like the N.B.A. and the N.F.L., “it’s not as cluttered,” said Sarah Lane, the chief marketing officer at CarMax, which became a partner of the league in 2021.

Bird said she was optimistic that the current crop of rookies, combined with the league’s existing stars, would draw more attention — and sponsorships — to the W.N.B.A.

The current stars, Bird said, “have a certain value both in their play and their marketability, and that will just grow the pot and the pie for everybody else.”

Santul Nerkar is a reporter covering business and sports. More about Santul Nerkar

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  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology Essay

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology Essay. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. With the rise of science and technology, modern methods, new opportunities, ethical standards, policies, equipment, institutions ...

  15. Benefits of science

    The process of science is a way of building knowledge about the universe — constructing new ideas that illuminate the world around us. Those ideas are inherently tentative, but as they cycle through the process of science again and again and are tested and retested in different ways, we become increasingly confident in them. Furthermore, through this same iterative process, ideas are ...

  16. Disadvantages Of Science, Essay Sample

    One disadvantage of science is the tendency to violate ethical norms or standards. There are numerous scientific practice that manipulates the natural well-being of an organism. This is applied by exploiting the characteristics of organism by changing the DNA structure through the application of genetics inside the laboratory.

  17. Essay on Science for Students and Children

    Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Science as a Subject. In class 1 only a student has Science as a subject. This only tells us about the importance of Science. Science taught us about Our Solar System. The Solar System consists of 9 planets and the Sun. Most Noteworthy was that it also tells us about the origin of our ...

  18. Science and Technology Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Science and Technology. Science and technology is the ultimate need of an hour that changes the overall perspective of the human towards life. Over the centuries, there have been new inventions in the field of science and technology that help in modernizing. Right from connecting with people to using digital products, everything ...

  19. Essay on Science in Everyday Life in English

    500 Words Essay On Science in Everyday Life. Science is a big blessing to humanity. Furthermore, science, in spite of some of its negativities, makes lives better for people by removing ignorance, suffering and hardship. Let us take a look at the impact of science in our lives with this essay on science in everyday life.

  20. Advantages and disadvantages of science

    Disadvantages of science. 1. Unemployment. Solving a problem generates a new problem as a by-product. Industrialization has replaced human beings with machines. It has accelerated economic progress many fold but at the same time unemployment is increasing due to machines.

  21. Short Essay On Science

    The benefits of science; Essay on the pros and cons of science; scientific essay; Talk about the pros and cons of science. Articles about the pros and cons of science; An Essay on Science; A brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of science

  22. Wonder of Science Essay for Students & Children

    In addition, science has contributed largely to the medical field as well. It has helped cure deadly diseases and also perform surgeries which were hard to perform before. Therefore, science has changed the world in unimaginable ways. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Disadvantages of Science

  23. Illuminating 'the ugly side of science': fresh incentives for reporting

    A 2012 study showed that, from 1990 to 2007, there was a 22% increase in positive conclusions in papers; by 2007, 85% of papers published had positive results 1. "People fail to report [negative ...

  24. Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures

    Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures Wiley to shutter 19 more journals, some tainted by fraud ... Wiley has retracted more than 11,300 papers that appeared compromised, according ...

  25. Century of statistical ecology reviewed

    A special review examines highly-cited papers in statistical ecology. The review, which covers a century of research, details how models and concepts have evolved alongside increasing ...

  26. Two decades of studies suggest health benefits ...

    To deepen understanding of the potential benefits of plant-based diets, Capodici and colleagues reviewed 48 papers published between January 2000 and June 2023 that themselves compiled evidence ...

  27. Race against time: How scientists tracked the strongest solar storm to

    From May 7-11, multiple strong solar flares and at least seven coronal mass ejections, the most powerful explosions from the Sun, stormed toward Earth. Eight of the flares in this period were the most powerful type, known as the X-class. The origin was from sunspot AR3664, a colossal feature that is a staggering 15 times wider than Earth itself.

  28. Geophysical Research Letters Call for Papers

    Geophysical Research Letters is a gold open access journal that publishes high-impact, innovative, and timely communications-length articles on major advances spanning all of the major geoscience disciplines. Papers should have broad and immediate implications meriting rapid decisions and high visibility.

  29. What Caitlin Clark's Arrival Could Mean for WNBA's Business

    Clark's arrival has many betting on the W.N.B.A.'s success. But certain structural disadvantages persist, including how much the players earn. By Jacob Meschke and Santul Nerkar The business ...