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150+ Zoology Project Ideas: Explore Animal Kingdom

zoology project ideas

Zoology, the study of the animal kingdom, is a captivating field that enables us to unravel the mysteries of the natural world. Engaging in zoology project ideas can be a rewarding way to delve into this scientific realm, gaining hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of the creatures we share our planet with. 

In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of zoology project ideas, guide you on how to choose the right project, offer tips for success, and showcase examples of successful projects.

Types of Zoology Projects

Table of Contents

Research Projects

Study of Animal Behavior: Investigate the behavior patterns of a particular species, shedding light on their social interactions, mating rituals, and daily routines.

  • Taxonomy and Classification: Explore the world of taxonomy by identifying and classifying new or existing species.
  • Endangered Species Conservation: Contribute to the preservation of endangered species by researching their habitats and threats.
  • Evolutionary Biology: Study the evolution of a specific animal group, tracing their lineage through the ages.

Observation and Field Studies

  • Bird Watching and Bird Identification: Observe and document bird species in your local area, noting their migration patterns and habitats.
  • Marine Life Observation: Dive into the underwater world, studying marine life like coral reefs, fish, and other aquatic organisms.
  • Insect Collection and Observation: Collect, identify, and document the behavior of insects in your region.

Experimental Projects

  • Animal Physiology Experiments: Investigate the physiological aspects of animals, such as their metabolism, respiration, or sensory perception.
  • Genetics and DNA Analysis: Explore the genetic makeup of a species, perhaps focusing on a particular gene or mutation.
  • Environmental Impact Studies: Analyze the impact of human activities on local ecosystems and propose solutions for conservation.

How to Choose the Right Zoology Project Ideas?

Selecting the right zoology project is crucial for your enjoyment and success. Consider the following factors:

  • Interests and Passions: Opt for a project that aligns with your interests and passions, as it will keep you motivated and engaged.
  • Available Resources: Ensure you have access to the necessary equipment and research materials.
  • Project Complexity and Scope: Choose a project that matches your level of expertise and the available time.
  • Alignment with Academic Goals: If the project is for a school or college, ensure it aligns with your academic goals and curriculum.

150+ Zoology Project Ideas: Category-Wise

Animal behavior and ethology.

  • Mating Behavior of Peacocks: Investigate the courtship and mating rituals of peacocks.
  • Foraging Habits of Ant Colonies: Study how ants locate, transport, and store food.
  • Communication in Dolphins: Explore how dolphins use sound signals for communication.
  • Nesting Behavior of Sea Turtles: Monitor and document sea turtle nesting patterns.
  • Sleep Patterns in Bats: Investigate the sleep patterns and behaviors of different bat species.

Taxonomy and Classification

  • New Species Discovery: Identify and classify a new or unidentified species.
  • Comparative Anatomy of Mammals: Compare the anatomical features of different mammal species.
  • Phylogenetic Analysis: Construct a phylogenetic tree for a group of related species.
  • Insect Taxonomy: Study and classify local insect species.
  • Plant-Animal Interactions: Examine the interactions between specific plant species and the animals that rely on them.

Conservation and Ecology

  • Impact of Invasive Species: Investigate the effects of invasive species on local ecosystems.
  • Habitat Restoration: Participate in habitat restoration projects for endangered species.
  • Wildlife Corridor Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of wildlife corridors in maintaining genetic diversity.
  • Climate Change and Wildlife: Study the impact of climate change on local wildlife populations.
  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Identify and protect biodiversity hotspots in your region.

Evolutionary Biology

  • Fossil Analysis: Analyze fossils to trace the evolution of a particular group of animals.
  • Comparative Embryology: Study the embryonic development of different species to identify evolutionary relationships.
  • Adaptive Radiation: Investigate instances of adaptive radiation in different animal groups.
  • Hybridization Studies: Examine hybridization between closely related species.
  • Vestigial Organs in Animals: Investigate the presence and function of vestigial organs in various animals.
  • Migration of Monarch Butterflies: Track the migration patterns of monarch butterflies.
  • Urban Wildlife Surveys: Study the adaptation of wildlife in urban environments.
  • Dolphin and Whale Watching: Observe and identify marine mammals off the coast.
  • Rainforest Canopy Exploration: Investigate the biodiversity in the rainforest canopy.
  • Herpetology: Reptile and Amphibian Surveys: Conduct surveys to document reptile and amphibian populations.
  • Effects of Pollution on Aquatic Life: Examine the impact of pollution on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Plant-Animal Mutualism Experiments: Study mutualistic relationships between plants and animals.
  • Animal Sensory Perception: Investigate the sensory perception of a specific animal.
  • Animal Respiration Rates: Measure the respiration rates of different animals.
  • Migratory Bird Navigation Experiments: Research how migratory birds navigate during their long journeys.

Genetics and Molecular Biology

  • DNA Barcoding: Use DNA barcoding to identify species and analyze genetic diversity.
  • Genetic Mapping of a Population: Create genetic maps to understand population genetics.
  • Gene Expression in Fish: Study gene expression in fish exposed to different environmental conditions.
  • Inheritance Patterns in Insects: Investigate Mendelian genetics in insect populations.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 in Model Organisms: Experiment with gene editing in model organisms.

Animal Physiology

  • Hibernation in Bears: Study the physiological adaptations of bears during hibernation.
  • Circulatory System of Birds: Explore the unique circulatory systems of birds.
  • Thermoregulation in Reptiles: Investigate how reptiles regulate their body temperature.
  • Neurobiology of Invertebrates: Study the nervous systems of invertebrates.
  • Endocrine System and Reproduction: Investigate hormonal regulation of reproduction in animals.

Human-Animal Interaction

  • Animal-Assisted Therapy: Examine the therapeutic benefits of interactions between animals and humans.
  • Zoos and Animal Welfare: Assess the welfare of animals in captivity at zoos.
  • Pet Behavior and Training: Study pet behavior and effective training methods.
  • Wildlife Rehabilitation: Participate in wildlife rehabilitation and release programs.
  • The Impact of Domestic Cats on Bird Populations: Research the effects of outdoor cats on local bird populations.

Wildlife Health and Disease

  • Parasite Ecology: Investigate the interactions between parasites and their host species.
  • Zoonotic Disease Transmission: Study diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans.
  • Wildlife Vaccination Programs: Develop and assess vaccination programs for wildlife.
  • Behavioral Responses to Disease: Examine how animals change their behavior when infected.
  • Antibiotic Resistance in Wildlife: Investigate antibiotic resistance in wildlife populations.

Animal Nutrition and Diet

  • Feeding Preferences in Insects: Study the feeding preferences of different insect species.
  • Herbivore Digestive Systems: Investigate the digestive systems of herbivorous animals.
  • Feeding Strategies in Birds: Examine the feeding strategies of various bird species.
  • Predator-Prey Interactions: Observe and document predator-prey interactions in the wild.
  • Gut Microbiota in Animals: Study the role of gut microbiota in animal nutrition.

Reproductive Biology

  • Sexual Selection in Frogs: Investigate the role of sexual selection in frog mating behaviors.
  • Egg-Laying Patterns in Fish: Examine the timing and location of fish egg laying.
  • Mating Systems in Insects: Study the different mating systems found in insect populations.
  • Reproductive Strategies in Marine Invertebrates: Investigate the diversity of reproductive strategies in marine invertebrates.
  • Parental Care in Birds: Document and analyze parental care behaviors in bird species.

Animal Cognition and Intelligence

  • Problem-Solving in Mammals: Test the problem-solving abilities of mammals using puzzles and tasks.
  • Tool Use in Birds: Study instances of tool use in different bird species.
  • Memory in Insects: Investigate the memory capabilities of insects in learning tasks.
  • Social Learning in Primates: Observe how primates learn from social interactions.
  • Language and Communication in Animals: Examine communication and language use in animals, such as primates and dolphins.

Animal Adaptations

  • Camouflage in Reptiles: Explore the mechanisms of camouflage in reptiles.
  • Desert Adaptations in Mammals: Study how mammals adapt to arid desert environments.
  • Arctic Animal Adaptations: Investigate how Arctic animals survive in extreme cold conditions.
  • Amphibious Adaptations: Examine adaptations in animals that can live both on land and in water.
  • Aquatic Adaptations in Birds: Study adaptations in birds for aquatic lifestyles.

Animal Sounds and Communication

  • Bioacoustics in Bats: Analyze the echolocation calls and communication of bats.
  • Songbird Communication: Investigate the songs and calls of songbirds and their role in communication.
  • Whale Songs and Behavior: Study the songs and behaviors of whales, including humpback and killer whales.
  • Insect Sound Production: Explore the sounds produced by insects, such as crickets and cicadas.
  • Communication in Social Insects: Examine the chemical and tactile communication in social insects like ants and bees.

Endangered Species and Conservation

  • Conservation Breeding Programs: Participate in breeding programs for endangered species.
  • Habitat Restoration for Amphibians: Restore habitats for endangered amphibians.
  • Rhino Anti-Poaching Efforts: Work on anti-poaching initiatives to protect rhinoceros populations.
  • Monitoring Rare Bird Species: Conduct surveys to monitor and protect rare bird species.
  • Sea Turtle Nesting Beach Protection: Protect sea turtle nesting sites through conservation efforts.

Zoology in Art and Culture

  • Wildlife Photography Project: Create a portfolio of wildlife photographs.
  • Zoological Illustrations: Create artistic illustrations of various animal species.
  • Animal Symbolism in Mythology: Explore the cultural and symbolic significance of animals in myths and legends.
  • Animal-Inspired Fashion: Design fashion items inspired by animal patterns or characteristics.
  • Zoological Sculpture Exhibition: Create sculptures representing different animal species.

Paleontology and Fossils

  • Dinosaur Bone Excavation: Join a paleontological team to excavate dinosaur bones.
  • Fossil Preparation and Cleaning: Learn the techniques of fossil preparation.
  • Fossil Identification: Identify and catalog fossils in local rock formations.
  • Amber Inclusions Study: Examine ancient insects and organisms preserved in amber.
  • Trace Fossils and Footprints: Investigate trace fossils, including dinosaur footprints and burrows.

Animal Welfare and Ethics

  • Animal Welfare Legislation Analysis: Research and evaluate the effectiveness of animal welfare laws.
  • Rescue and Rehabilitation of Wildlife: Work with wildlife rehabilitation centers to care for injured or orphaned animals.
  • Animal Rights Advocacy: Engage in campaigns and advocacy for the rights and well-being of animals.
  • Ethical Considerations in Animal Research: Explore the ethical implications of scientific research involving animals.
  • Pet Overpopulation Solutions: Investigate and propose solutions to address pet overpopulation issues.

Zoology in Education

  • Zoology Educational Videos: Create educational videos about various aspects of zoology.
  • Animal Dissection Projects: Conduct dissection projects for educational purposes.
  • Zoology Museum Exhibits: Develop exhibits for a zoology museum or educational institution.
  • Interactive Wildlife Workshops: Organize workshops to teach students and the public about wildlife conservation.
  • Zoology Curriculum Development: Create a zoology curriculum for schools or educational programs.

Insect Biology

  • Insect Migration Patterns: Study the migration patterns of insects like monarch butterflies.
  • Insect-Plant Interactions: Investigate the mutualistic or parasitic relationships between insects and plants.
  • Ant Colony Behavior: Analyze the social structure and behavior of ant colonies.
  • Bee Foraging Behavior: Study the foraging behavior of bees and their impact on pollination.
  • Insect Flight Mechanics: Explore the physics and mechanics of insect flight.

Aquatic Biology

  • Coral Reef Health Assessment: Assess the health of coral reefs and their associated ecosystems.
  • Marine Ecosystem Food Webs: Investigate the food web dynamics in marine ecosystems.
  • Freshwater Fish Diversity: Survey and document the diversity of freshwater fish species in local rivers.
  • Microplastic Impact on Aquatic Life: Study the effects of microplastic pollution on aquatic organisms.
  • Estuarine Ecosystem Dynamics: Examine the ecological interactions in estuarine environments.


  • Raptor Migration Monitoring: Monitor and record the migrations of raptors, such as hawks and eagles.
  • Nesting and Breeding Behavior of Songbirds: Study the nesting behaviors and breeding success of songbirds.
  • Waterfowl Ecology: Investigate the ecology and migratory patterns of waterfowl.
  • Owl Diet Analysis: Analyze the diet of owls by examining their pellets and prey remains.
  • Penguin Behavior and Conservation: Research the behavior and conservation status of penguin species.
  • Bat Roosting and Behavior: Study bat roosting sites and their daily behavior.
  • Carnivore Predation Patterns: Investigate the hunting and predation patterns of carnivorous mammals.
  • Primate Social Structure: Observe and document the social structures of primate groups.
  • Rodent Ecology and Population Dynamics: Analyze the ecology and population fluctuations of local rodent species.
  • Marine Mammal Vocalizations: Research the vocalizations and communication of marine mammals.

Invertebrate Zoology

  • Jellyfish Blooms: Monitor and study jellyfish populations and their ecological impact.
  • Crustacean Molting Behavior: Investigate the molting process in crustaceans like crabs and lobsters.
  • Squid and Cephalopod Behavior: Study the behavior and intelligence of cephalopods.
  • Freshwater Snail Distribution: Survey the distribution of freshwater snail species in different aquatic habitats.
  • Mantis Shrimp Color Vision: Explore the remarkable color vision of mantis shrimp.

Zoology and Technology

  • Wildlife Tracking with GPS: Use GPS technology to track the movement and behavior of animals.
  • Camera Traps for Wildlife Monitoring: Set up camera traps to capture wildlife in their natural habitats.
  • Virtual Reality Zoology: Design educational VR experiences to explore the animal world.
  • Bioinformatics and Genomic Analysis: Apply bioinformatics tools to analyze genetic data.
  • 3D Printing of Animal Models: Create 3D-printed models of different animal species for educational purposes.

Plant and Animal Interactions

  • Pollinator Gardens: Design and maintain a garden to attract and support pollinators.
  • Seed Dispersal Mechanisms: Investigate the various methods plants use to disperse their seeds.
  • Ant-Plant Mutualisms: Study the mutualistic relationships between ants and certain plant species.
  • Herbivore-Induced Plant Defenses: Analyze how plants respond to herbivore attacks.
  • Parasitic Plants and Their Hosts: Explore the interactions between parasitic plants and their host species.
  • Butterfly Garden Project: Create a garden to attract and observe various butterfly species.
  • Aquatic Insect Communities: Study the diversity of aquatic insects in streams and rivers.
  • Insect Biocontrol: Investigate the use of beneficial insects for pest control in agriculture.
  • Firefly Behavior and Synchronization: Research the behavior and synchronization of fireflies.
  • Insect Pollinators and Crop Yield: Examine the role of insect pollinators in crop production.

Amphibians and Reptiles

  • Amphibian Chytrid Fungus Research: Study the chytrid fungus and its impact on amphibian populations.
  • Reptile Coloration and Camouflage: Investigate the coloration and camouflage strategies of reptiles.
  • Amphibian Vocalizations: Record and analyze the calls of frogs and toads.
  • Reptile Diversity in Different Habitats: Document the reptile species found in various ecosystems.
  • Salamander Migration Patterns: Track the migration patterns of salamanders in your region.

Human Impact on Wildlife

  • Roadkill and Wildlife Mortality: Analyze the impact of roads on wildlife mortality.
  • Urbanization and Bird Nesting Success: Study how urban environments affect bird nesting success.
  • Noise Pollution and Bird Communication: Investigate the effects of noise pollution on bird communication.
  • Light Pollution and Nocturnal Animals: Explore how artificial light impacts nocturnal wildlife .
  • Hunting and Wildlife Population Management: Research the effects of hunting on wildlife populations.

How to Get Started With Zoology Project Ideas?

Once you’ve chosen your project, it’s time to get started:

  • Define Your Research Question or Objective: Clearly define what you want to investigate or achieve with your project.
  • Create a Research Plan and Timeline: Outline the steps, set milestones, and establish a realistic timeline for your project.
  • Gather Necessary Equipment and Materials: Ensure you have all the tools and resources required for your research.
  • Seek Guidance from Professors or Experts: Consult with mentors, professors, or experts in the field to refine your project plan and methodology.

Executing Your Zoology Project

With your project plan in place, you can now proceed with the research:

  • Data Collection and Recording: Accurately record your observations, measurements, and data.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation: Analyze your findings and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Troubleshooting and Adapting: Be prepared to encounter challenges and adapt your methods if necessary.
  • Documenting Your Findings: Keep a detailed journal or lab notebook, ensuring your findings are well-documented.

Tips for Success Zoology Projects

Here are some valuable tips to ensure your zoology project is a success:

  • Stay Organized: Maintain meticulous records, and organize your data and materials.
  • Collaborate with Peers or Experts: Collaborative efforts often lead to better results and innovative ideas.
  • Keep a Detailed Journal: Document your progress, thoughts, and setbacks in a journal.
  • Be Patient and Persistent: Research can be challenging, so remain patient and persistent in your pursuits.

Examples of Successful Zoology Projects

Let’s take a look at a few examples of remarkable zoology projects:

Case Study 1: Understanding Bird Migration

A student conducts a year-long study on the migratory patterns of a specific bird species, revealing new information about their routes and behaviors.

Case Study 2: The Genetic Diversity of Frogs

Another student investigates the genetic diversity of local frog populations, contributing to conservation efforts.

Case Study 3: Coral Reefs and Climate Change

A team of researchers studies the impact of climate change on coral reefs, offering insights into their resilience and vulnerability.

Zoology projects offer an exciting way to explore the animal kingdom and contribute to scientific knowledge. By choosing the right zoology project ideas, diligently executing your research, and effectively sharing your findings, you can make a meaningful impact in the field of zoology. The world of animals is waiting to be discovered, and you can be at the forefront of this exploration.

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Animal Studies and School Project Ideas

From Science Fair Project Ideas on Mammals to Experiments About Insects

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Animal research is important for understanding various biological processes in animals , humans included. Scientists study animals in order to learn ways for improving their agricultural health, our methods of wildlife preservation, and even the potential for human companionship. These studies also take advantage of certain animal and human similarities to discover new methods for improving human health.

Learning From Animals

Researching animals to improve human health is possible because animal behavior experiments study disease development and transmission as well as animal viruses . Both of these fields of study help researchers to understand how disease interacts between and within animals.

We can also learn about humans by observing normal and abnormal behavior in non-human animals, or behavioral studies. The following animal project ideas help to introduce animal behavioral study in many different species. Be sure to get permission from your instructor before beginning any animal science projects or behavioral experiments, as some science fairs prohibit these. Select a single species of animal to study from each subset, if not specified, for best results.

Amphibian and Fish Project Ideas

  • Does temperature affect tadpole growth?
  • Do water pH levels affect tadpole growth?
  • Does water temperature affect amphibian respiration?
  • Does magnetism affect limb regeneration in newts?
  • Does water temperature affect fish color?
  • Does the size of a population of fish affect individual growth?
  • Does music affect fish activity?
  • Does the amount of light affect fish activity?

Bird Project Ideas

  • What species of plants attract hummingbirds?
  • How does temperature affect bird migration patterns?
  • What factors increase egg production?
  • Do different bird species prefer different colors of birdseed?
  • Do birds prefer to eat in a group or alone?
  • Do birds prefer one type of habitat over another?
  • How does deforestation affect bird nesting?
  • How do birds interact with manmade structures?
  • Can birds be taught to sing a certain tune?

Insect Project Ideas

  • How does temperature affect the growth of butterflies?
  • How does light affect ants?
  • Do different colors attract or repel insects?
  • How does air pollution affect insects?
  • How do insects adapt to pesticides?
  • Do magnetic fields affect insects?
  • Does soil acidity affect insects?
  • Do insects prefer the food of a certain color?
  • Do insects behave differently in populations of different sizes?
  • What factors cause crickets to chirp more often?
  • What substances do mosquitoes find attractive or repellent?

Mammal Project Ideas

  • Does light variation affect mammal sleep habits?
  • Do cats or dogs have better night vision?
  • Does music affect an animal's mood?
  • Do bird sounds affect cat behavior?
  • Which mammal sense has the greatest effect on short-term memory?
  • Does dog saliva have antimicrobial properties?
  • Does colored water affect mammal drinking habits?
  • What factors influence how many hours a cat sleeps in a day?

Science Experiments and Models

Performing science experiments and constructing models are fun and exciting ways to learn about science and supplement studies. Try making a model of the lungs or a DNA model using candy for these animal experiments.

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research project on an animal


Animal Research Project for Kids at the Elementary Level in 2024

Whether you are doing a simple animal study or a fully integrated science, reading, and writing unit, this animal research project for kids includes everything you need. From the graphic organizer worksheets and guided note templates to the writing stationary, printable activities, projects, and rubrics.

Thousands of teachers have used this 5-star resource to have students complete self-guided animal research projects to learn about any animal they choose. The best part is, the resource can be used over and over again all year long by just picking a new animal! Learn all about this animal research project for kids at the elementary level below!

research project on an animal

What is the Animal Research Project?

The animal research project is a resource that is packed with printable and digital activities and projects to choose from. It is perfect for elementary teachers doing a simple animal study or a month-long, fully integrated unit. It’s open-ended nature allows it to be used over and over again throughout the school year. In addition, it includes tons of differentiated materials so you can continue to use it even if you change grade levels. Learn about what’s included in it below!

research project on an animal

What is Included in the Animal Research Project

The following resources are included in the animal research project :

Teacher’s Guide

The teacher’s guide includes tips and instructions to support you with your lesson planning and delivery.

Parent Letter

The parent communication letter promotes family involvement.

Graphic Organizers

There are graphic organizers for brainstorming a topic, activating schema, taking notes, and drafting writing.

Research Report

There are research report publishing printables including a cover, writing templates, and resource pages.

There is a grading rubric so expectations are clear for students and grading is quick and easy for you.

Research Activities

The research activities include a KWL chart, can have are chart, compare and contrast venn diagram, habitat map, vocabulary pages, illustration page, and life cycle charts.

research project on an animal

Animal Flip Book Project

There are animal flip book project printables to give an additional choice of how students can demonstrate their understanding.

Animal Flap Book Project

There is an animal flap book project printables that offers students yet another way to demonstrate their learning.

Animal Research Poster

The animal research poster serves as an additional way to demonstrate student understanding.

Poetry Activities

The resource includes poetry activities to offer students an alternative way to demonstrate their learning.

Digital Versions

There is a digital version of the resource so your students can access this resource in school or at home.

Why Teachers love the Animal Research Project

Teachers love this animal research project because of the following reasons:

  • This resource guides students through the research and writing process, so they can confidently work their way through this project.
  • It is a great value because it can be used over and over again throughout the school year because the pages can be used to learn about any animal.
  • It offers several ways students can demonstrate their learning.
  • It includes a ton of resources, so you can pick and choose which ones work best for you and your students.
  • It is printable and digital so it can be used for in-class and at-home learning.

This animal research packet is great because it can be used over and over again using absolutely any animal at all. The printables in this packet are ideal to use with your entire class in school, as an at-home learning extension project or as a purposeful, open-ended, independent choice for your students who often finish early and need an enrichment activity that is so much more than “busy work.”

The Research Report Process

This animal research project packet was designed in a manner that allows you to use all of the components when studying any animal. Because the printables can be used over and over, I will often work through the entire researching and writing process with the whole class focusing on one animal together, This allows me to model the procedure and provide them with support as they “get their feet wet” as researchers. Afterwards I then have them work through the process with an animal of choice. You may find it helpful to have them select from a specific category (i.e. ocean animals, rainforest animals, etc) as this will help to streamline the resources you’ll need to obtain.

Step 1: Brainstorm a list of animals to research. Select one animal.

During this stage you may want to provide the students with a collection of books and magazines to explore and help them narrow down their choice.

Step 2: Set a purpose and activate schema.

Students share why they selected the animal and tell what they already know about it. Next, they generate a list of things they are wondering about the animal. This will help to guide their research.

Step 3: Send home the family letter.

To save you time, involve families, and communicate what is happening in the classroom, you may want to send home a copy of the family letter. It’s so helpful when they send in additional research materials for the students.

Step 4: Research and take notes.

The two-column notes template is a research-based tool that helps the kids organize their notes. I added bulleted prompts to guide the students in finding specific information within each category. This method has proven to be highly effective with all students, but is especially useful with writers who need extra support.

I have included two versions of the organizers (with and without lines). I print a copy of the organizer for each student. I also copy the lined paper back to back so it is available to students who need more space.

Step 5: Write a draft.

Using the information gathered through the research process, the students next compose drafts. The draft papers were designed to guide the students through their writing by providing prompts in the form of questions. Answering these questions in complete sentences will result in strong paragraphs. It may be helpful to give them only one page at a time instead of a packet as it make the task more manageable.

Step 6: Edit the draft.

Editing can be done in many ways, but it is most effective when a qualified editor sits 1:1 with a student to provides effective feedback to them while editing.

Step 7: Publish.

Print several copies of the publishing pages. I like to have all my students start with the page that has a large space for an illustration, but then let them pick the pages they want to use in the order they prefer after that. I have them complete all the writing first and then add the illustrations.

Finally, have the children design a cover for the report. Add that to the front and add the resources citation page to the back. Use the criteria for success scoring rubric to assign a grade. The rubric was designed using a 20 point total so you can simply multiply their score by 5 to obtain a percentage grade. The end result is a beautiful product that showcases their new learning as well as documents their reading and writing skills.

In closing, we hope you found this animal research project for kids helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in these posts:

  • How to Teach Research Skills to Elementary Students
  • 15 Animals in Winter Picture Books for Elementary Teachers
  • How to Teach Informative Writing at the Elementary Level

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A Virtual Animal Behavior Research Project for an Introductory Biology Course

In December 2019, I was preparing to teach the lab section for the second half of an introductory biology sequence, which includes evolution, form and function, and ecology. I’d taught this course many times in the past, though I hadn’t for a few years before 2019. I knew I wanted to move away from rote learning through memorization or canned laboratory activities, and to create an authentic experience that would allow me the overarching theme of developing students’ scientific skills, as well as their science identity. Therefore, I redesigned the course so that our scheduled lab time was used for knowledge and skill development. The course focused on the research skills in the Vision and Change Biology Core Concepts (AAAS 2011) and supporting literature outlining how to apply the core concepts (Branchaw et al. 2020) so that students developed the necessary skills to conduct the research project at the end of the course.

Unfortunately, my initial plans were sidelined by the ongoing global pandemic, which required a portion of our laboratory activities to be conducted virtually. I ended up developing a multiweek virtual model to develop basic scientific knowledge and skills using BioInteractive resources that culminated in an eight-week-long animal behavior research project.

In developing this course, I focused on skill development because it’s essential for building confidence. When students are more confident in their skills, this confidence generates a sense of belonging in science, contributing to their science identity. This is essential for retention of students identified historically as Persons Excluded because of their Ethnicity or Race (PEERs), who may be marginalized and less comfortable in the science environment (Asai 2020).

Ethogram and Time-Budget Study

In order to move students toward more open-ended experiments, I chose ethograms with a time-budget study as their final research project. Ethograms are used in the field of animal behavior to collect data during observations and require making a series of field observations that result in a catalog of behaviors and activities identified by the observer.

For this research project, students conducted independent ethological research observing the behavior of an animal species of their choice. I asked students to choose between focusing on a group of animals or an individual, since these require different observational techniques. In observing a group of animals via webcam, students needed to understand that they should focus on one individual of the group for set intervals. Students could also choose to focus on an individual animal for longer and more frequent observations, though that comes with its own limitations.

Initial observations of specific behaviors helped students construct their data-collection instruments, which are used to construct a basic ethogram. Students determined how they would collect data, which helped to develop observational skills and rudimentary experimental design. I provided students with some examples of ethogram templates. (Many zoos have a basic version posted for students, such as this one: Virtual Classroom | Animal Ethograms - Denver Zoo .)

Finally, students used the list of behaviors they collected for their ethogram to observe their animal(s) several more times. They were required to create a data-collection tool to record the number of times each behavior was observed during a specified period of time for at least three more observation periods. These data were used to create a time-budget study, which is a study that identifies the activities an animal is performing in order to determine how the animal uses its energy during a specific time period.

Overall, ethograms and time-budget studies ease students into research before they are introduced to experimental variables and more advanced research methodology. Plus, it’s fun because they choose their own study animal, so it allows for an authentic final assessment in which students demonstrate the skills they have learned and take ownership of their project.

Weekly Modules

For context, this course consisted of a three-credit lecture and a one-credit lab. The first six weeks of the 15-week laboratory portion were conducted in a synchronous virtual format, using BioInteractive materials to teach the basic skills necessary to start the ethogram project. (The first six weeks, as well as the culminating project description, are presented here.) Starting in Week 7, we also conducted in-person lab activities that enhanced students’ background knowledge on animal behavior and taxonomy. All work for the ethogram project was submitted through the course learning management system.

Week 1: Science Literacy Part 1 & Evaluating Science in the News

The first week of lab class introduced students to the process of science by having them evaluate scientific news articles to prepare them for the literature review of their animal behavior project. During our synchronous meeting time, I provided a minilecture on scientific literacy, pseudoscience, and understanding logical fallacies, followed by a short quiz using an online polling system. I then assigned students into breakout groups. Each team completed the short handout for the activity “Evaluating Science in the News,” which involves using the CRAP (Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose) test to evaluate a science news source.

Each team evaluated a “science” article about SARS-CoV-2 that was filled with misinformation by filling out the handout. I assigned the extended version of the “ Scientist Role Models” activity as homework because I wanted them to begin creating their science identity so that they considered themselves as scientists.

Week 2: Scientific Literacy Part 2: Reading Scientific Articles

During Week 2, we continued exploring scientific literacy to scaffold skills they learned in Week 1. The synchronous virtual meeting began with a case study activity that provided students with information about experimental design and basic data analysis. This case study also showed an animal observation study in which there is no laboratory experiment, but data were still collected based on a hypothesis.

We discussed the case study as a class, with students responding in the chat or out loud. Once we completed the case study, I created teams for another article analysis activity. We used this activity to become familiar with the structure of a scientific paper and describe what kind of information is provided in each section (abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusion). The activity goals were:

  • Identify hypotheses in scientific writing.
  • Evaluate evidence in support of a claim in scientific and journalistic writing.
  • Identify appropriate search terms.
  • Effectively search library databases to find relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature.
  • Gain experience reviewing peer-reviewed literature.

Here are guiding questions that I asked students to keep in mind when reading a scientific article. (I also provided an optional resource article: “How to (Seriously) Read a Scientific Paper.” )

  • What basic research question are the authors trying to answer?
  • What makes that research question significant? (That is, why try to answer that question? Why does it matter?)
  • What data did the authors collect?
  • What is the authors’ interpretation of their data?
  • Do you think that the data they collected supports their conclusions? Why or why not?

This activity consisted of two parts:

Part 1: I reviewed how scientists formulate a hypothesis, test it, and share their information with their peers through publication. I briefly introduced a topic using a short video. While students watched the video, I asked them to focus on how an observation, no matter how trivial, could help form a testable scientific question and emphasized that observation is the beginning of all scientific investigations.

I used a video about penguin defecation to maintain the theme of research related to animal observation. It gave students a chuckle, but is related to actual research, which they review in Part 2 of the activity.

Part 2: Students were divided into groups to read an article about penguin defecation ( Meyer-Rochow and Gal 2003 ) related to the research depicted in the video. Students were asked to work as a team to identify various components of the article, including the scientist’s hypothesis, the evidence used to accept or reject the hypothesis, and whether the hypothesis was accepted or rejected. For the activity, students chose one person from their group to be the notetaker and one person to report back to the entire class when we reconvened.

When the groups finished, we reconvened and students shared out. I recommend doing this as a group activity after they watch the video, with a follow-up discussion, because both of my sections found this particularly difficult. The article was a bit complex for them to understand, but as we talked through it, they understood the importance of becoming familiar with primary literature. I also reminded students that they were not expected to fully understand the paper.

Homework for Week 2 consisted of a similar reading assignment that related to the work they would do in Week 4 (Lizard Evolution Lab). Students watched a BioInteractive video on reproductive isolation and speciation in lizards , then read “Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener” ( Stuart et al. 2014 ).

In the directions for the article analysis, I reminded students that they were working toward a course goal of being able to understand scientific journal articles. I also allayed students’ concerns about the complexity of the article by reassuring them that I would do my best to teach them the background information needed to understand each article before we read it. I also told them to focus their attention on what they wanted to glean from the article.

Week 3: Sampling Distribution Lab

During Week 3, students were introduced to graph analysis and the concept of sample distributions using the Sampling and Normal Distribution Click & Learn and its accompanying worksheet. I converted the worksheet to a Google Form that students could easily fill out and submit online, since they would be working asynchronously. During the synchronous meeting, we did a quick recap of the article that students read for their homework from Week 2. I also showed the annotated summary of the same article entitled “There's a new kid in town” posted on Science in the Classroom .

After the article discussion, I did a minilecture on sampling distribution and how to use the Click & Learn. I then allowed students to work individually or in teams during class time. I stayed online in the virtual classroom so that students could pop in if they had questions for me. This activity proved to be difficult for some students, so I set up individual virtual meetings to go over their questions. No homework was assigned this week as they were working on the activity asynchronously.

Week 4: Lizard Evolution Lab

Week 4 included one of the favorite activities for both of my groups. Like in Week 3, I spent the synchronous meeting time showing students how to use the Lizard Evolution Virtual Lab and its accompanying worksheet. I also showed the related video The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree , which helped students understand how the data for the virtual lab were collected. I reminded them that observational skills were key to this research and that this was the research from the article they read in Week 2.

As in Week 3, I converted the worksheet questions into a Google Form. Similarly, no homework was assigned as they worked on this virtual lab asynchronously.

Week 5: Animal Behavior & Communication Part 1

Students were now ready to apply their skills. For Week 5, I used the synchronous time to go over the following topics with students via videos, a minilecture, and exemplars of previous work:

  • How to keep a field journal (discussion and examples posted)
  • Overview on ethograms and how they are created (videos and examples posted)
  • Various types of animal behaviors that can be observed and methods of sampling animal behavior (videos)

I found several good video examples on YouTube and various examples of ethograms, which I also posted in the learning management system.

For homework, students reviewed the materials, then conducted an initial observation of an animal species of their choice. I’ve written about a similar project here: “Teaching Ecology and Animal Behavior in an Online Setting.” These observations helped them decide on the animal species they would like to study.

I also asked them to find at least two peer-reviewed articles about their animal species. I will admit that I was surprised that, at this point, students struggled with understanding what this meant. Many started off with non-peer-reviewed resources, such as encyclopedias and popular websites. I provided feedback on their resources and did not award the points for the assignment until they submitted peer-reviewed articles. In some cases, this took a virtual meeting to discuss this with students.

Week 6: Animal Behavior & Communication Part 2

For Week 6, students were introduced to a more in-depth example of animal observations so they could apply their problem-solving skills, as well as the knowledge we had learned in class thus far. This example really created a deeper understanding of the process of science once students saw how it was done.

For the synchronous class time, we used the How Animals Use Sound to Communicate Click & Learn. Students were provided with a Google Doc version of the accompanying worksheet so they could fill it in as we worked through the Click & Learn. With the class, I clicked through and discussed the “Introduction” slides to provide students with the knowledge base for the activity.

On Slides 3 and 4, students watched a video of the various animal behaviors identified and defined by the researchers. On Slide 3, I played the video and asked students to try to identify which of the auditory signals they observed the animals using. After this, we moved to Slide 4, which has the same video but highlights the auditory signals that students should have observed. This really showed that observational work, especially when there are multiple animals, is difficult.

This example connected with what students should have done during their observations the previous week. The example also assisted them in that week’s homework, which was constructing their data-collection tool. In addition, we discussed how animals use sound to communicate as we continued to watch the videos. This was much more interesting than reading about animal behavior in their textbook!

At this point, students should also have been thinking about the types of behaviors they could have been observing in Week 5. Some opted to redo their initial observation because they realized they did not adequately observe their animal. I loved that this happened because it let them experience the actual process of science in action. In other words, they realized that their original observational skills were not honed and were better able to understand the types of behaviors they should be looking for in their chosen species.

Once we finished the introduction of the Click & Learn, as a class, we worked through the first case study about how elephants communicate across long distances. This case study begins with an introduction to various types of elephant sounds and describes the combination of low- and high-frequency vocalizations used in elephant communication. This is a great thinking exercise that shows students how observational research can be used to develop a quantitative research study.

As homework for this week, students were asked to revise/develop descriptions of the behaviors they had identified. Then, they developed a definition for each behavior and created their data-collection sheet for the time-budget study.

The time-budget study was created by each student based on the list of behaviors they had generated. Once they identified the timeframe (e.g., observing animals for two 15-minute intervals twice per week at a specific time of day) for their observations, they would count how many times the animal presented with each behavior within the time they observed the animal. This is where they would use the ethogram to create a checklist used during the time-budget study observations. They were provided with a detailed instruction sheet for the entire project.

Once students submitted their data-collection table and received feedback from me (either written or via a meeting), they could start collecting data. They were required to collect data on three separate dates.

After Week 6

After working through Weeks 5 and 6, which helped students design their projects, students collected data for the rest of the semester (Weeks 7–14), with at least three separate data-collection periods required for their time-budget study. The final assessment for the course included an oral presentation of their results, as well as a written paper. I created a slide template for them and a sample of a research paper (I used a former student’s paper with permission), as many were not familiar with how to present authentic research.

After Week 6, the students met for in-person lab exercises (we were masked and in full PPE) where we practiced skills they would need to successfully complete their project. For example, they practiced behavioral observation skills via a pill-bug experiment where they made their own hypotheses and tested them.

During these final weeks, I also scheduled time to meet with students in-person to discuss issues with their projects. I tried to highlight the importance of interacting with a mentor (in this case, me) and helped them practice the skills they would use in graduate school or at work.

All but one student out of 30 successfully completed the project. The final presentations were conducted virtually. Students proudly presented their authentic research and clearly showed how they had developed their research skills with this project. I was ecstatic that students were able to accomplish so much during a global pandemic. They were able to get a feel for what it is like to work with a research mentor and develop their own research projects. I really enjoy mentoring students, and this is a perfect way to interact with them and model for them what it is to be mentored and to engage them in the process of science. Through the creation of the student-mentor bond, I was able to help them begin to see themselves as scientists. The seed for the base of their science identity was planted.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action . Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011.

Asai, D. J. “Race Matters.” Cell 181, 4 (2020): 754–757. .

Branchaw, J. L., P. A. Pape-Lindstrom, K. D. Tanner, S. A. Bissonnette, T. L. Cary, B. A. Couch, A. J. Crowe, et al. “Resources for Teaching and Assessing the Vision and Change Biology Core Concepts. CBE—Life Sciences Education 19, 2 (2020): es1. .

Meyer-Rochow, V. B., and J. Gal. “Pressures produced when penguins pooh—calculations on avian defaecation.” Polar Biology 27, 1 (2003): 56–58. .

Stuart, Y. E., T. S. Campbell, P. A. Hohenlohe, R. G. Reynolds, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. “Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener.” Science 346, 6208 (2014): 463–466. .

Melissa Haswell is currently the Associate Dean of Science and Mathematics at Delta College in Michigan. Previously, she taught introductory biology and science ethics for a biology majors program, and anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology for the nursing program at Davenport University, a private university in Michigan. When she’s not focused on working to improve higher education, she enjoys hiking and camping with her husband and Dalmatian, Chloe, as well as reading, cooking, and spending time with their two cats.

Related Articles

Tim Guilfoyle describes how he uses the BioInteractive short film Some Animals Are More Equal than Others and a claim-evidence-reasoning activity to have his students examine Robert Paine's starfish exclusion experiment.

Sheila Smith explains how she uses the "Creating Chains and Webs" BioInteractive activity to teach her students about the direction of energy flow in food chains and webs. She also uses the short film The Guide to introduce the topic.

Jim Clark describes how he uses the Steve Palumbi and Megan Morikawa Scientists at Work short film to demonstrate to his students that science is not always performed indoors at a lab bench.

The Curriculum Corner 123

Writing Unit of Study: Animal Research Project

research project on an animal

This free animal research project will provide you with a writing unit of study that will help you build excitement about writing informational text in your classroom.

You can download this free animal research project to help your writers develop their research and writing skills.

This project will be a great fit for your first, second or third grade writing workshop.

This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.

Free animal research project for your writing workshop

Why should I introduce my students to research through animal study?

Animal research can be a great topic for writing informational text because students tend to be curious about animals.

Nothing seems to spark interest in most kids like learning about animals in our world. Turn their enthusiasm into an engaging animal research writing project.

They can take the time to learn about different habitats and diets.

You can also encourage students to expand their vocabulary by having them create a glossary to accompany their writing.

This free animal research project will provide you with a writing unit of study that will help you build excitement about writing informational text in your classroom.

About this animal research project

Within this post you will find over 30 pages of anchor charts, mini-lesson ideas, writing planners and graphic organizers.

The unit will help guide your students through the complete process. In the end, you will be helping to teach your students how to write their own pieces of informational text.

The intended end product for students is an animal booklet that they can staple together to share with others.

Students who are ready for more advanced work, can create a larger project with less direction.

A description of the mini-lessons

Lesson 1: introduction.

  • Begin the unit by having the students brainstorm a list of animals that they might see everyday.
  • Then, have them brainstorm a list of animals they see when they visit the zoo or walk in the forest. You can do this on the blank anchor chart provided or on cart paper.
  • Another option is to place students in groups. They could work to create a list together.  
  • You might assign each group a continent and have them find animals that live there.
  • Pull the class together and have each group share what animals they found that live on their continent.

Lesson 2: Noticings

  • Next you might want to get your students familiar with common characteristics about informational texts that teach about animals.
  • Have them work in pairs or small groups to go through some books and record their “noticings” about the writing.
  • Then come together in a community circle to discuss those noticings and create a class anchor chart.

FREE Animal Research Writing Unit of Study from The Curriculum Corner | Finding Facts & Opinions Lesson

Lesson 3: Opinion vs. Facts

  • Before getting truly into this unit, you might need to conduct a lesson on opinions vs. facts.
  • After a brief discussion you can use the giraffe paragraph provided in our resources to give your students some practice differentiating between the two. This paragraph contains both opinions and facts.
  • With your class read through the paragraph and record facts and opinions on the T-chart.
  • Discuss both sides and how they are different from each other.
  • A black & white copy of this giraffe paragraph has also been provided.  You can have them work in pairs or groups to distinguish between the facts and opinions.
  • If you need more resources for your students surrounding fact & opinion check out our   Fact & Opinion Sort .

Lesson 4: Choosing a Topic for the Animal Research Project

  • We want to help students to narrow their topic choices by giving them some guidance.
  • Gather students and begin a discussion about choosing an animal research topic.
  • For this lesson we have provided two pages where students can individually brainstorm the animals they are interested in.
  • You might have students work in groups or independently to make their choice. Conference with students as needed to help.
  • Don’t shy away from letting more than one student research about the same animal.  This can be a great way to promote group work. It might also help out with some of your literacy center choices throughout this unit.

Lesson 5: Good Places to Find Information about an Animal

  • At this age we want students to begin to understand that all they read online about animals isn’t always true. Sometimes writing might sound true without being filled with facts.
  • Show students two possible places to find information online about their animal. One should be a trusted site with reliable and accurate information. Another should be a site that perhaps a child has created.  (There are many that you can find if you search.)
  • Pose these questions: Is everything on the internet true? Why?  How can you tell? Why is it important for your research writing to contain accurate information?

FREE Animal Research Writing Unit of Study from The Curriculum Corner | Researching Animals

Lesson 6: Taking Notes

  • Sometimes giving students resources and a blank sheet of notebook paper can be too overwhelming for them. Some students will copy word for word. Others might feel overwhelmed.  We need to guide them to read and pull out facts & relevant information to use later in their writing.
  • For this lesson we have provided four templates for note-taking that you might choose to use for your students.
  • You might need to provide different organizers to students depending on their needs.
  • You will want to model the organizers your students are use. Show them how to take notes as they read.
  • After initial teaching, you may find that you need to pull small groups for extra practice. Others might benefit from a conference as you take a look at the notes they are taking.

Lesson 7: Word Choice in Research Writing

  • To help students think about making their writing more interesting, have them brainstorm words about their animal.
  • Together brainstorm words that would be appropriate for animals. They might add words about what they look like, their movement, their habitats, their life cycles, their diets, etc. You can create a class anchor chart on the page provided.  You might even think about using the real life picture of the wolf in the download. This can get the students to begin thinking of more interesting words for animals (fierce, mighty, strong, etc).
  • Then, pass out the individual brainstorm pages. Students can use the anchor chart as a guide to begin their own word choice pages about their animal. This might be a good partner activity as well.

Lesson 8: Writing Sketch for the Animal Research Project

  • Next, you can model the writing sketch planner for your class.
  • One idea to help your students narrow down all of the information they have learned about their animals is to give them a specific number of animals facts that they can focus on.
  • Each of these facts can serve as the actual text that they will put on each page of their animal research book. Or the facts could serve as a focus for each paragraph in their writing.
  • You might find that this would be a good mini-lesson to do with smaller groups of children.

Lesson 9: Creating a Table of Contents

  • Another idea that can be a writing planner AND a page in their animal research book is the table of contents. Pull out one of the Table of Contents pages from the resources provided and model how to fill in the blanks on each page.
  • This page will then serve as their Table of Contents (with a focus discussion on what that is and the purpose it serves) and also their writing planner so they know what they will put in the pages of their booklet.

Lesson 10: Creating a Glossary

  • There are two pages provided in the resources that might help your students to learn to pull out topic specific words to put into a glossary for the end of their animal research book.
  • Be sure to model how you would like for your students to use these organizers (keeping in mind that you may need to copy more than one page if there are more words than the page provides for).
  • If your students need a refresher on ABC order check out these links for some added practice/review: ABC Order Task Cards & Fry Word ABC Order Task Cards

Lesson 11: Writing Your Animal Research

  • You will decide on the best method for your students to showcase their published animal research.
  • You may want your students to use their own creativity in the texts that they write and share. If you’d like a first experience to provide a bit more guidance, we have provided two different sets of pages for booklets.
  • One is more guided and the other has less structure and smaller lines for more writing.  15 pages are provided so that you or students can pick what fits their needs.
  • This “lesson” may actually become a series of lessons if you choose to model how each page can be used.  (We have also included a page with simple writing lines in case students need less guidance than the booklet pages provided.)

FREE Animal Research Writing Unit of Study from The Curriculum Corner | Blank Books for Writing

Lesson 12: Labeling Pictures

  • One final lesson idea that pairs well with writing informational text is to teach your students how to label pictures.
  • Since most nonfiction writing has real photographs, students can find some pictures online to print out and label for their booklet.  Hand-drawn pictures are also great if you would rather encourage some or all of your students in that direction.
  • Whatever you choose, show your class how to effectively label a picture so that it teaches the reader more.  You can use the picture of the polar bear provided to model how to add words or even short facts as labels.  (For example if the simple label “fur” wouldn’t add additional information to the book, you might teach them to label it with a short fact such as “dense fur protects the animal’s skin from the weather”.
  • To make this idea more user friendly, you might want them to use the page of blank white boxes provided to write their labels for their pictures.  Then all they need to do is cut them out and glue them to a printed picture.

Lesson 13: Writing Celebration

As always, find a way to celebrate your students’ writing.  

Invite guests (younger students or special adults) to read the books with your young authors. You might simply want to pair or group them, or some students might choose to present their book to everyone.  

Provide some light snacks if possible to give it a party atmosphere and pass out the author certificates to each child for his/her hard work.

You can download this free writing unit of study here:

Writing Download

As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!

You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Christine E.

Saturday 8th of May 2021

Thank you so much for this resource and the many pages that I can use in my homeschooling. It is exactly what I've been looking for to help me get my kids to write about our animal units! You are doing a great job, keep up the amazing work you do. I appreciate the hard work you put into putting these together.

Planning a Dynamic Writing Workshop - The Curriculum Corner 123

Saturday 14th of July 2018

[…] Animal Research […]

Editable Writing Management Binder - The Curriculum Corner 123

Friday 3rd of March 2017

[…] Writing Unit of Study: Animal Research […]

research project on an animal

How to Explode Student Engagement with this Habitat Research Project

Habitat Research Report for Primary Students Blog Post by The Mountain Teacher 202

One HUGE 2nd grade standard is researching and learning about animals and their adaptations. Students LOVE this unit, but teachers can be intimidated by the overwhelming pressure involved in guiding student research at such a young age. I love doing this 2nd grade animal research project with my students every March! This project has been reworked for a digital platform as well .

Animal Habitat Research Report for 2nd or 3rd Graders01

I love to start by playing a Brain Pop Jr, Flocabulary or YouTube video for my kids on all of the different habitats that exist. Typically, we have previously researched habitats during our social studies unit before starting this writing project, so they already have the background knowledge.

Then, I let students pick the habitat they are most interested in studying. From there, they pick 3-4 animals that live in the habitat that they would like to research more about. We use National Geographic Kids , Epic! Books and library books [all free resources] to learn about our animals.


Animal Habitat Research Report for 2nd or 3rd Graders Graphic Organizer

The next day, I model my own notes for students. Then, I give students lots of time to research their animals and take notes. It is really important that you are walking around the room and guiding students during this time.

If you have a struggling group of writers, I like to work with them at the back table during this time. We all research the same animals and take notes together. This helps them build confidence and feel sure about their writing in future days.


I break drafting days up into 2 days so that students can really focus on the craft of what they are writing. I also always model before releasing students to write on their own.

Animal Habitat Research Report for 2nd or 3rd Graders Graphic Organizer for Draft

Depending on what we have covered so far in the year, I encourage students to be sure to add:

  • embedded definitions
  • transition words
  • conjunctions
  • adjectives, adverbs and prepositions where appropriate
  • 3-4 details per fact


Animal Habitat Research Report for 2nd or 3rd Graders 303

On the last day for each animal (typically Friday), I give students time to publish. While they publish, I model then ask them to add a map and diagram to their writing. I also show them how to grade themselves on the rubric, so they can double check that they are not missing anything.

After they finish, I give them free time to explore other animals in their habitat while I grade their writing. I find grading at the end of each animal rather than at the end of the entire project saves me a TON of time.

We repeat steps 2-4 for either 3 or 4 animals. Some students may work faster, while some may take a bit more time on each step. I try to adjust the project to be appropriate for the majority of the class.

research project on an animal

When the project is done, I try to find a special way for us to share our work. This can include sharing to younger buddies, parents or doing an author’s chair.

Since they work so hard on this project, we make a BIG DEAL out of the finished project, and I typically send it home with parents during conferences. It makes a great writing portfolio and talking piece with parents.

Digital Animal Habitat Research Report for 2nd or 3rd Graders101

Teaching digitally or wanting to add a digital component to your writing block? This project can also be completed in a digital format . Students will go through the same process, completing all of their work on Google Slides rather than writing using paper and pencil.

Grab the resources pictured above here:

Animal Habitat Research Report Writing Project for Elementary Students01

Do you teach about a 2nd grade animal research project each year? Drop your ideas in the comments below!

Some other posts you might find helpful are:

  • Teaching Animal Habitats During Science Ideas
  • Animal Adaptations Writing Project
  • Life Science Unit: Animal Adaptation

Emily - The Mountain Teacher

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Quick links.

  • The Mountain Teacher 2024
  • Site Design by Laine Sutherland Designs

Research using animals: an overview

Around half the diseases in the world have no treatment. Understanding how the body works and how diseases progress, and finding cures, vaccines or treatments, can take many years of painstaking work using a wide range of research techniques. There is overwhelming scientific consensus worldwide that some research using animals is still essential for medical progress.

Animal research in the UK is strictly regulated. For more details on the regulations governing research using animals, go to the UK regulations page .

mouse being handled

Why is animal research necessary?

There is overwhelming scientific consensus worldwide that some animals are still needed in order to make medical progress.

Where animals are used in research projects, they are used as part of a range of scientific techniques. These might include human trials, computer modelling, cell culture, statistical techniques, and others. Animals are only used for parts of research where no other techniques can deliver the answer.

A living body is an extraordinarily complex system. You cannot reproduce a beating heart in a test tube or a stroke on a computer. While we know a lot about how a living body works, there is an enormous amount we simply don’t know: the interaction between all the different parts of a living system, from molecules to cells to systems like respiration and circulation, is incredibly complex. Even if we knew how every element worked and interacted with every other element, which we are a long way from understanding, a computer hasn’t been invented that has the power to reproduce all of those complex interactions - while clearly you cannot reproduce them all in a test tube.

While humans are used extensively in Oxford research, there are some things which it is ethically unacceptable to use humans for. There are also variables which you can control in a mouse (like diet, housing, clean air, humidity, temperature, and genetic makeup) that you could not control in human subjects.

Is it morally right to use animals for research?

Most people believe that in order to achieve medical progress that will save and improve lives, perhaps millions of lives, limited and very strictly regulated animal use is justified. That belief is reflected in the law, which allows for animal research only under specific circumstances, and which sets out strict regulations on the use and care of animals. It is right that this continues to be something society discusses and debates, but there has to be an understanding that without animals we can only make very limited progress against diseases like cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and HIV.

It’s worth noting that animal research benefits animals too: more than half the drugs used by vets were developed originally for human medicine. 

Aren’t animals too different from humans to tell us anything useful?

No. Just by being very complex living, moving organisms they share a huge amount of similarities with humans. Humans and other animals have much more in common than they have differences. Mice share over 90% of their genes with humans. A mouse has the same organs as a human, in the same places, doing the same things. Most of their basic chemistry, cell structure and bodily organisation are the same as ours. Fish and tadpoles share enough characteristics with humans to make them very useful in research. Even flies and worms are used in research extensively and have led to research breakthroughs (though these species are not regulated by the Home Office and are not in the Biomedical Sciences Building).

What does research using animals actually involve?

The sorts of procedures research animals undergo vary, depending on the research. Breeding a genetically modified mouse counts as a procedure and this represents a large proportion of all procedures carried out. So does having an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan, something which is painless and which humans undergo for health checks. In some circumstances, being trained to go through a maze or being trained at a computer game also counts as a procedure. Taking blood or receiving medication are minor procedures that many species of animal can be trained to do voluntarily for a food reward. Surgery accounts for only a small minority of procedures. All of these are examples of procedures that go on in Oxford's Biomedical Sciences Building. 

Mouse pups

How many animals are used?

Figures for 2023 show numbers of animals that completed procedures, as declared to the Home Office using their five categories for the severity of the procedure.

# NHPs - Non Human Primates

Oxford also maintains breeding colonies to provide animals for use in experiments, reducing the need for unnecessary transportation of animals.

Figures for 2017 show numbers of animals bred for procedures that were killed or died without being used in procedures:

Why must primates be used?

Primates account for under half of one per cent (0.5%) of all animals housed in the Biomedical Sciences Building. They are only used where no other species can deliver the research answer, and we continually seek ways to replace primates with lower orders of animal, to reduce numbers used, and to refine their housing conditions and research procedures to maximise welfare.

However, there are elements of research that can only be carried out using primates because their brains are closer to human brains than mice or rats. They are used at Oxford in vital research into brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Some are used in studies to develop vaccines for HIV and other major infections.

Primate in lab

What is done to primates?

The primates at Oxford spend most of their time in their housing. They are housed in groups with access to play areas where they can groom, forage for food, climb and swing.

Primates at Oxford involved in neuroscience studies would typically spend a couple of hours a day doing behavioural work. This is sitting in front of a computer screen doing learning and memory games for food rewards. No suffering is involved and indeed many of the primates appear to find the games stimulating. They come into the transport cage that takes them to the computer room entirely voluntarily.

After some time (a period of months) demonstrating normal learning and memory through the games, a primate would have surgery to remove a very small amount of brain tissue under anaesthetic. A full course of painkillers is given under veterinary guidance in the same way as any human surgical procedure, and the animals are up and about again within hours, and back with their group within a day. The brain damage is minor and unnoticeable in normal behaviour: the animal interacts normally with its group and exhibits the usual natural behaviours. In order to find out about how a disease affects the brain it is not necessary to induce the equivalent of full-blown disease. Indeed, the more specific and minor the brain area affected, the more focussed and valuable the research findings are.

The primate goes back to behavioural testing with the computers and differences in performance, which become apparent through these carefully designed games, are monitored.

At the end of its life the animal is humanely killed and its brain is studied and compared directly with the brains of deceased human patients. 

Primates at Oxford involved in vaccine studies would simply have a vaccination and then have monthly blood samples taken.

Housing for primates

How many primates does Oxford hold?

* From 2014 the Home Office changed the way in which animals/ procedures were counted. Figures up to and including 2013 were recorded when procedures began. Figures from 2014 are recorded when procedures end.

What’s the difference between ‘total held’ and ‘on procedure’?

Primates (macaques) at Oxford would typically spend a couple of hours a day doing behavioural work, sitting in front of a computer screen doing learning and memory games for food rewards. This is non-invasive and done voluntarily for food rewards and does not count as a procedure. After some time (a period of months) demonstrating normal learning and memory through the games, a primate would have surgery under anaesthetic to remove a very small amount of brain tissue. The primate quickly returns to behavioural testing with the computers, and differences in performance, which become apparent through these carefully designed puzzles, are monitored. A primate which has had this surgery is counted as ‘on procedure’. Both stages are essential for research into understanding brain function which is necessary to develop treatments for conditions including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and schizophrenia.

Why has the overall number held gone down?

Numbers vary year on year depending on the research that is currently undertaken. In general, the University is committed to reducing, replacing and refining animal research.

You say primates account for under 0.5% of animals, so that means you have at least 16,000 animals in the Biomedical Sciences Building in total - is that right?

Numbers change daily so we cannot give a fixed figure, but it is in that order.

Aren’t there alternative research methods?

There are very many non-animal research methods, all of which are used at the University of Oxford and many of which were pioneered here. These include research using humans; computer models and simulations; cell cultures and other in vitro work; statistical modelling; and large-scale epidemiology. Every research project which uses animals will also use other research methods in addition. Wherever possible non-animal research methods are used. For many projects, of course, this will mean no animals are needed at all. For others, there will be an element of the research which is essential for medical progress and for which there is no alternative means of getting the relevant information.

How have humans benefited from research using animals?

As the Department of Health states, research on animals has contributed to almost every medical advance of the last century.

Without animal research, medicine as we know it today wouldn't exist. It has enabled us to find treatments for cancer, antibiotics for infections (which were developed in Oxford laboratories), vaccines to prevent some of the most deadly and debilitating viruses, and surgery for injuries, illnesses and deformities.

Life expectancy in this country has increased, on average, by almost three months for every year of the past century. Within the living memory of many people diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, leukaemia and diphtheria killed or crippled thousands every year. But now, doctors are able to prevent or treat many more diseases or carry out life-saving operations - all thanks to research which at some stage involved animals.

Each year, millions of people in the UK benefit from treatments that have been developed and tested on animals. Animals have been used for the development of blood transfusions, insulin for diabetes, anaesthetics, anticoagulants, antibiotics, heart and lung machines for open heart surgery, hip replacement surgery, transplantation, high blood pressure medication, replacement heart valves, chemotherapy for leukaemia and life support systems for premature babies. More than 50 million prescriptions are written annually for antibiotics. 

We may have used animals in the past to develop medical treatments, but are they really needed in the 21st century?

Yes. While we are committed to reducing, replacing and refining animal research as new techniques make it possible to reduce the number of animals needed, there is overwhelming scientific consensus worldwide that some research using animals is still essential for medical progress. It only forms one element of a whole research programme which will use a range of other techniques to find out whatever possible without animals. Animals would be used for a specific element of the research that cannot be conducted in any alternative way.

How will humans benefit in future?

The development of drugs and medical technologies that help to reduce suffering among humans and animals depends on the carefully regulated use of animals for research. In the 21st century scientists are continuing to work on treatments for cancer, stroke, heart disease, HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s, and very many more diseases that cause suffering and death. Genetically modified mice play a crucial role in future medical progress as understanding of how genes are involved in illness is constantly increasing. 

Investigating Animals: Using Nonfiction for Inquiry-based Research

Investigating Animals: Using Nonfiction for Inquiry-based Research

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Young children are fascinated with the world around them, showing intense interest and curiosity about animals and their lives. Through the use of nonfiction, students can be encouraged and challenged to learn more about favorite animals and to document their findings with graphic organizers. Students begin their inquiry by comparing fiction and nonfiction books about animals, using a Venn diagram. They list things they want to know about animals on a chart. As a class, students vote on an animal to research. They revise their question list, and then research the animal using prompts from an online graphic organizer. After several sessions of research, students revisit their original questions and evaluate the information they have gathered. Finally, students revise and edit their work and prepare to present their findings to an authentic audience.

Featured Resources

Animal Inquiry Interactive: Students can use this online to tool to help them focus and organize their research about animals.

From Theory to Practice

This lesson focuses on teaching primary students doing research with nonfiction, informational material how to document their discoveries. In her Planning for Inquiry: It's Not an Oxymoron! , Diane Parker poses a series of questions that make inquiry-based learning seem essential for elementary grade students: "Do we want them simply to memorize facts and procedures in order to pass a test? Or do we want them to want to know, to seek to know, and ultimately, to understand themselves and their world more deeply as a result of their knowing?" (5). Certainly our youngest students deserve the kinds of richly engaging learning experiences that well-designed inquiry instruction can bring them. Further Reading

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 1. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
  • 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 7. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Materials and Technology

  • Access to the Internet
  • LCD Projector for full-class use of online Interactives
  • Quality nonfiction, informational picture books and videos
  • Chart tablets, journals, markers, and other writing materials


  • Bookmark the Websites about animals from the Resources section as well as any other sites of your choosing.
  • Assemble supplies listed above. Ask your school librarian for help gathering books and videos. The Nature Series videos such as “A First Look” distributed by Diamond Entertainment Corporation and the National Geographic Kids videos series are good options.
  • Prepare a chart with the heading: “What We Wonder about Animals.” Students will later add headings and supporting questions to define the scope of their research.
  • Choose an audience so that the students have a clear idea of exactly who they will be sharing their findings with. Examples might include visitors to a science fair, family members at an open house, and another class of grade-level students. Good writing comes when children research and write on a topic they care about for an authentic and interested audience with whom they want to share their findings.
  • Arrange for adult volunteers to serve as scribes or keyboardists as needed.
  • Because the Animal Inquiry student interactive will not allow students to save work, for the research phase of the project, print out blank forms from the interactive. Click the Print tab on the opening page and choose the pages you want to print. You can also record these headings and supporting questions on your “What We Wonder about Animals” chart. This will be the basis for the graphic organizers students will create using the interactive to document the findings of their research.
  • For a few days before beginning the inquiry lesson, give students an opportunity to experience a variety of informational texts through a genre study of nonfiction by exploring nonfiction, informational texts about animals during read alouds, shared reading, guided reading, and independent reading during reading workshop.
  • Test the Animal Inquiry student interactive on your computers to familiarize yourself with the tool and ensure that you have the Flash plug-in installed. You can download the plug-in from the technical support page.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • identify the characteristics of nonfiction texts.
  • pose questions.
  • participate in research.
  • document and record discoveries.
  • share their findings.

Session 1: Introducing the Genre and Beginnings of Inquiry

  • Share a fiction book about animals, such as The Three Bears or The Three Little Pigs , with the class .
  • Ask students to compare and contrast this type of fictional book about animals with the nonfiction books from recent reading workshop sessions. Have some nonfiction books on hand for prompting or verifying student responses with concrete examples.
  • True versus make-believe
  • Facts versus fiction (stories)
  • Photographs and sketches versus drawings, collage, and paintings
  • Working as a whole group, decide on the questions students want to explore to learn more about real animals. At this point, the questions need to be general, not specific to any one animal.
  • Record students’ questions on the chart, under the “What We Wonder about Animals” heading. Usually questions will include questions about what an animal looks like, how it moves and acts, what it eats, where it lives, what its babies are like, etc.

Session 2: Defining the Scope of the Investigation

  • Workings as a whole-class, choose an animal to study. Encourage the students to think of animals that they would really like to know more about and have them discuss various animals they might choose.
  • Record the list as students brainstorm animals which they have a sincere interest in investigating.
  • Give students small pieces of paper and have them sketch or write about the animal they would choose to investigate.
  • Make a graph of the votes, and select the animal with the most votes as that which the class will investigate together.
  • Review the “What We Wonder about Animals” questions generated during the previous session.
  • Ask students if there are any questions they want to add now that they have selected a specific animal, or any questions that they want to eliminate or change. Revise the list according to their responses.
  • On an Internet-connected computer with an LCD projector, lead students through a demonstration of the Animal Inquiry student interactive .
  • Use the prompts built into the interactive to organize and refine the questions from the “What We Wonder about Animals” chart.
  • Be sure students understand how the interactive works since they will be using it during a future session.

Sessions 3–5: Participating in Research

  • With students, begin to sort through the books, Websites, and other materials you have collected, and choose those that contain information about your chosen animal.
  • If desired, take a trip to the library to collect more information about the animal, introducing students to the process of collecting quality sources. Consult ReadWriteThink Lesson Research Building Blocks: Hints about Print for support in working with students on issues such as these.
  • From the very beginning of the research process, emphasize the importance of audience so students have a clear picture of who their audience will be. If several classes are doing animal investigations, it is fun to share the results and be one another’s audiences.
  • Help your students understand the needs and interests of their audience, thinking of ways they can choose to present their findings effectively. See ReadWriteThink lesson Teaching Audience Through Interactive Writing for support in teaching students about audience.
  • Different groups of readers can explore various texts in guided reading or during paired or individual reading time.
  • Help students record information that they find in the appropriate boxes on previously printed-out blank sheets from the Animal Inquiry student interactive. An adult volunteer can help with this process as well.
  • As you share the nonfiction, informational texts you have collected, have students record their discoveries. Record from these readings and from students’ other research on their sheets.
  • Explore appropriate videos and Websites and record this information as well.
  • During the fourth session, have students look at what they have recorded and assess their progress so far.
  • What information still needs to be collected?
  • Are any boxes still empty?
  • Is this information you want to keep hunting for or is this something you are no longer interested in or want to include on your chart?
  • What information is interesting, but doesn’t really fit in any boxes?
  • Did you find any information that contradicted information you had already recorded?
  • How could you find out which is correct?
  • The focus of an investigation can change during the course of research. You may find out things that you didn’t even know about and decide to add new questions that you want to explore.
  • You can eliminate questions that aren’t interesting or challenging.
  • Sometimes you can’t find the information you are looking for with the sources that you have. You might leave those questions for a later time or you might have to find other sources.
  • Sources are not equally reliable. Some may give less than accurate information. You need to see what several good sources say and record details that most sources agree upon as the answer to a question.
  • Using their observations to shape the direction of their research, have students decide what still needs to be done, and allow time and support to complete their interactives.
  • Use adult volunteers to help students type in their findings using the Animal Inquiry student interactive.
  • Encourage students to discuss their findings and report what they have learned through their research.

Session 6: Sharing the Findings

  • Ask students how they want their information to look in its final form. Since students will be sharing what they learned with their chosen audience, they need to decide how to revise and edit so that the information can be shared effectively with their audience.
  • Display large sheets of chart paper with labeled headings and captions reflecting the graphic organizers filled in with the results of the research. Individual students can use their smaller copies from the interactive for their personal journals and then can illustrate and write about a favorite fact that they learned about their animal. Other options might include art created by the students about the animal that would also be displayed. Adult volunteers can help students copy their writing to the larger charts.
  • Have students divide up the information to present orally to their audience, present in small groups, or come up with other ways to share the results of their research.
  • Once students have experienced a whole-group investigation of a favorite animal, match each student to a fourth or fifth grade buddy and let each pair research an animal of their choice using the same process. Ensure that the older buddies understand the process your class has used in the whole-group investigation. Provide each pair with the graphic organizers complete with headings and captions that your kindergarten students developed, so everyone understands what is to be researched and how the information will be recorded. Make sure that the pairs have a clear sense of the audience with whom they will be sharing their findings. Older students will be able to identify the steps of the writing process being used and may compare this with their own research writing. Book Buddy Biographies is a similar lesson, pairing students to investigate each other’s backgrounds.
  • Three other examples of writing reports can be found in the ReadWriteThink lesson Writing Reports in Kindergarten? Yes!
  • Older students can extend the animal study to mathematics with the ReadWriteThink lesson plan Bridging Literature and Mathematics by Visualizing Mathematical Concepts , which uses picture books to talk about size and ratio.

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Encourage students to assess their the processes and evaluate their work on an ongoing basis. Urge them to decide what is going well and what needs further attention.
  • At the end of each day, encourage students to reflect on what they learned and accomplished, and to share those thoughts either orally or in their reflection journals.
  • Use mini-conferences as you move around the room during independent reading to talk with individuals or pairs as they explore nonfiction texts. Encourage them to share what they found exciting or interesting.
  • posing questions
  • participating in research
  • documenting and recording discoveries
  • sharing their findings
  • the animal inquiry graphic organizer
  • the journals
  • the writing
  • identifying nonfiction by its characteristics
  • using nonfiction to learn about a topic
  • using graphic organizers to record and share their findings
  • effectively sharing their findings with an audience

This reflection can easily be done as a celebration as students and teacher share what they noticed, felt, discovered, and learned during this lesson, reflecting on what they accomplished and shared. This is a time to CELEBRATE the learning!

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This interactive tool allows students to create Venn diagrams that contain two or three overlapping circles, enabling them to organize their information logically.

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Computer model: a computer program designed to predict what might happen based off of collected data.

Ethical: relating to a person's moral principles.

Morals: a person's beliefs concerning what is right and wrong.

Zoologist: a person who studies animals.

Corn snake

Scientists learn a lot about snakes and other animals through basic research. Image by the Virginia State Park staff.

“Don’t worry, they aren’t dangerous” you hear the zoologist say as she leads you and a group of others toward an area with a number of different snakes. She removes a long snake from a larger glass enclosure and asks who would like to hold it. You take a step back, certain that holding a snake is the last thing you’d like to do.

"But how do you know they aren’t dangerous?” you ask. The zoologist looks up and smiles. She explains that scientists have studied this type of snake, and so we actually know quite a bit about it. This type of snake rarely bites and does not produce venom, so it isn’t dangerous to people. You nod along as she talks about the snakes, their natural habitats, and other details like what they eat.

Animals in the Research Process

How do we know so much about snakes or other animals? Animals are all unique, and scientists study them to learn more about them. For example, by studying snakes we have learned that they stick their tongues out because they are trying to pick up odors around them. This helps them sense food, predators, and other things that may be nearby. When research is performed to expand our understanding of something, like an animal, we call it basic research .

Scientists study animals for other reasons too. What we learn about animals can actually help us find solutions to other problems or to help people. For example, studying snakes helps us understand which ones are venomous so that humans know what kinds of snakes they shouldn't touch. Scientists also study animals to find new treatments to diseases and other ailments that affect both people and animals. If we learn what is in snake venom, we can create a medicine to give to people that have been bitten as a treatment to help them feel better. Using what we know about an animal or thing to help us solve problems or treat disease is called  applied research .

Brain model

Scientists use many other tools, such as computer models, in addition to animals to study different topics. Image by Andreas Horn.

No matter what type of research is being performed, scientists must consider many things when they study animals.  

Do Scientists Need to Study Animals?

Of course we can learn a lot from using animals for research, but are there alternative options? Sometimes there are. For example, scientists could use some other method, like cells or computer models, to study a particular topic instead of using animals. However, for a number of reasons , scientists have found that using animals is sometimes the best way to study certain topics.

What If Scientists Harm Animals for Research?

Some research using animals only requires scientists to watch behavior or to take a few samples (like blood or saliva) from the animal. These activities may cause the animals some stress, but they are unlikely to harm the animals in any long-term way. Studies of the behavior or physiology of an animal in its natural environment is an example of such research.

In other cases, scientists may need to harm or kill an animal in order to answer a research question. For example, a study could involve removing a brain to study it more closely or giving an animal a treatment without knowing what effects it may have. While the intention is never to purposely harm animals, harm can be necessary to answer a research question.

How Do Scientists Decide When It’s OK to Study Animals?

Rabbits in research

Many animals are used in research. But there is still debate on whether they should be used for this purpose. Image by the United States Department of Agriculture.

There are  many guidelines  for when it’s ok to use animals in research. Scientists must write a detailed plan of why and how they plan to use animals for a research project. This information is then reviewed by other scientists and members of the public to make sure that the research animals will be used for has an important purpose. Whatever the animals are used for, the scientists also make sure to take care of animal research subjects as best as they can.

Even with rules in place about using animals for research, many people (both scientists and non-scientists) continue to debate whether animals should be used in research. This is an ethical question, or one that depends on a person's morals. Because the way each person feels about both research and animals may be different, there is a range of views on this matter.

  • Some people argue that it doesn’t matter that there are rules in place to protect animals. Animals should never be used for research at all, for any reason. 
  • Others say we should be able to use animals for any kind of research because moving science forward is more important than the rights or well-being of animals. 
  • Lastly, there are people whose opinions sit somewhere in the middle. They might argue that it’s ok to use animals for research, but only in some cases. For example, if the results of the research are very likely to help treat something that affects people, then it may be okay to use animals.

Along with this debate, there are many advantages and disadvantages of doing animal research . Scientists must weigh these options when performing their research.

Additional Images via Wikimedia Commons. White rat image by Alexandroff Pogrebnoj.

Read more about: Using Animals in Research

View citation, bibliographic details:.

  • Article: Using Animals in Research
  • Author(s): Patrick McGurrin and Christian Ross
  • Publisher: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Ask A Biologist
  • Site name: ASU - Ask A Biologist
  • Date published: December 4, 2016
  • Date accessed: May 13, 2024
  • Link:

Patrick McGurrin and Christian Ross. (2016, December 04). Using Animals in Research. ASU - Ask A Biologist. Retrieved May 13, 2024 from

Chicago Manual of Style

Patrick McGurrin and Christian Ross. "Using Animals in Research". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 04 December, 2016.

MLA 2017 Style

Patrick McGurrin and Christian Ross. "Using Animals in Research". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 04 Dec 2016. ASU - Ask A Biologist, Web. 13 May 2024.

White lab mouse

Animals are an important part of research. But many argue about whether it's ethical to use animals to help advance scientific progress.

Using Animals in Research

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Essays articulate a specific perspective on a topic of broad interest to scientists.

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A guide to open science practices for animal research

Contributed equally to this work with: Kai Diederich, Kathrin Schmitt

Affiliation German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals (Bf3R), Berlin, Germany

* E-mail: [email protected]

ORCID logo

  • Kai Diederich, 
  • Kathrin Schmitt, 
  • Philipp Schwedhelm, 
  • Bettina Bert, 
  • Céline Heinl


Published: September 15, 2022

  • Reader Comments

Fig 1

Translational biomedical research relies on animal experiments and provides the underlying proof of practice for clinical trials, which places an increased duty of care on translational researchers to derive the maximum possible output from every experiment performed. The implementation of open science practices has the potential to initiate a change in research culture that could improve the transparency and quality of translational research in general, as well as increasing the audience and scientific reach of published research. However, open science has become a buzzword in the scientific community that can often miss mark when it comes to practical implementation. In this Essay, we provide a guide to open science practices that can be applied throughout the research process, from study design, through data collection and analysis, to publication and dissemination, to help scientists improve the transparency and quality of their work. As open science practices continue to evolve, we also provide an online toolbox of resources that we will update continually.

Citation: Diederich K, Schmitt K, Schwedhelm P, Bert B, Heinl C (2022) A guide to open science practices for animal research. PLoS Biol 20(9): e3001810.

Copyright: © 2022 Diederich et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work.

Competing interests: I have read the journal’s policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: All authors are employed at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and part of the German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals (Bf3R) which developed and hosts , a preregistration platform for animal studies and, a database for non-technical project summaries (NTS) of approved animal study protocols within Germany.

Abbreviations: CC, Creative Commons; CIRS-LAS, critical incident reporting system in laboratory animal science; COVID-19, Coronavirus Disease 2019; DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals; DOI, digital object identifier; EDA, Experimental Design Assistant; ELN, electronic laboratory notebook; EU, European Union; IMSR, International Mouse Strain Resource; JISC, Joint Information Systems Committee; LIMS, laboratory information management system; MGI, Mouse Genome Informatics; NC3Rs, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research; NTS, non-technical summary; RRID, Research Resource Identifier


Over the past decade, the quality of published scientific literature has been repeatedly called into question by the failure of large replication studies or meta-analyses to demonstrate sufficient translation from experimental research into clinical successes [ 1 – 5 ]. At the same time, the open science movement has gained more and more advocates across various research areas. By sharing all of the information collected during the research process with colleagues and with the public, scientists can improve collaborations within their field and increase the reproducibility and trustworthiness of their work [ 6 ]. Thus, the International Reproducibility Networks have called for more open research [ 7 ].

However, open science practices have not been adopted to the same degree in all research areas. In psychology, which was strongly affected by the so-called reproducibility crisis, the open science movement initiated real practical changes leading to a broad implementation of practices such as preregistration or sharing of data and material [ 8 – 10 ]. By contrast, biomedical research is still lagging behind. Open science might be of high value for research in general, but in translational biomedical research, it is an ethical obligation. It is the responsibility of the scientist to transparently share all data collected to ensure that clinical research can adequately evaluate the risks and benefits of a potential treatment. When Russell and Burch published “The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique” in 1959, scientists started to implement their 3Rs principle to answer the ethical dilemma of animal welfare in the face of scientific progress [ 11 ]. By replacing animal experiments wherever possible, reducing the number of animals to a strict minimum, and refining the procedures where animals have still to be used, this ethical dilemma was addressed. However, in recent years, whether the 3Rs principle is sufficient to fully address ethical concerns about animal experiments has been questioned [ 12 ].

Most people tolerate the use of animals for scientific purposes only under the basic assumption that the knowledge gained will advance research in crucial areas. This implies that performed experiments are reported in a way that enables peers to benefit from the collected data. However, recent studies suggest that a large proportion of animal experiments are never actually published. For example, scientists working within the European Union (EU) have to write an animal study protocol for approval by the competent authorities of the respective country before performing an animal experiment [ 13 ]. In these protocols, scientists have to describe the planned study and justify every animal required for the project. By searching for publications resulting from approved animal study protocols from 2 German University Medical Centers, Wieschowski and colleagues found that only 53% of approved protocols led to a publication after 6 years [ 14 ]. Using a similar approach, Van der Naald and colleagues determined a publication rate of 60% at the Utrecht Medical Center [ 15 ]. In a follow-up survey, the respective researchers named so-called “negative” or null-hypothesis results as the main cause for not publishing outcomes [ 15 ]. The current scientific system is shaped by publishers, funders, and institutions and motivates scientists to publish novel, surprising, and positive results, revealing one of the many structural problems that the numerous efforts towards open science initiatives are targeting. Non-publication not only strongly contradicts ethical values, but also it compromises the quality of published literature by leading to overestimation of effect sizes [ 16 , 17 ]. Furthermore, publications of animal studies too often show poor reporting that strongly impairs the reproducibility, validity, and usefulness of the results [ 18 ]. Unfortunately, the idea that negative or equivocal findings can also contribute to the gain of scientific knowledge is frequently neglected.

So far, the scientific community using animals has shown limited resonance to the open science movement. Due to the strong controversy surrounding animal experiments, scientists have been reluctant to share information on the topic. Additionally, translational research is highly competitive and researchers tend to be secretive about their ideas until they are ready for publication or patent [ 19 , 20 ]. However, this missing openness could also point to a lack of knowledge and training on the many open science options that are available and suitable for animal research. Researchers have to be convinced of the benefits of open science practices, not only for science in general, but also for the individual researcher and each single animal. Yet, the key players in the research system are already starting to value open science practices. An increasing number of journals request open sharing of data, funders pay for open access publications and institutions consider open science practices in hiring decisions. Open science practices can improve the quality of work by enabling valuable scientific input from peers at the early stages of research projects. Furthermore, the extended communication that open science practices offer can draw attention to research and help to expand networks of collaborators and lead to new project opportunities or follow-up positions. Thus, open science practices can be a driver for careers in academia, particularly those of early career researchers.

Beyond these personal benefits, improving transparency in translational biomedical research can boost scientific progress in general. By bringing to light all the recorded research outputs that until now have remained hidden, the publication bias and the overestimation of effect sizes can be reduced [ 17 ]. Large-scale sharing of data can help to synthesize research outputs in preclinical research that will enable better decision-making for clinical research. Disclosing the whole research process will help to uncover systematic problems and support scientists in thoroughly planning their studies. In the long run, we predict that the implementation of open science practices will lead to the use of fewer animals in unintentionally repeated experiments that previously showed unreported negative results or in the establishment of methods by avoiding experimental dead ends that are often not published. More collaborations and sharing of materials and methods can further reduce the number of animal experiments used for the implementation of new techniques.

Open science can and should be implemented at each step of the research process ( Fig 1 ). A vast number of tools are already provided that were either directly conceptualized for animal research or can be adapted easily. In this Essay, we provide an overview of open science tools that improve transparency, reliability, and animal welfare in translational in vivo biomedical research by supporting scientists to clearly communicate their research and by supporting collaborative working. Table 1 lists the most prominent open science tools we discuss, together with their respective links. We have structured this Essay to guide you through which tools can be used at each stage of the research process, from planning and conducting experiments, through to analyzing data and communicating the results. However, many of these tools can be used at many different steps. Table 1 has been deposited on Zenodo and will be updated continuously [ 21 ].


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Application of open science practices at each step of the research process can maximize the impact of performed animal experiments. The implementation of these practices will lead to less time pressure at the end of a project. Due to the connection of most of these open science practices, spending more time in the planning phase and during the conduction of experiments will save time during the data analysis and publication of the study. Indeed, consulting reporting guidelines early on, preregistering a statistical plan, and writing down crucial experimental details in an electronic lab notebook, will strongly accelerate the writing of a manuscript. If protocols or even electronic lab notebooks were made public, just citing these would simplify the writing of publications. Similarly, if a data management plan is well designed before starting data collection, analyzing, and depositing data in a public repository, as is increasingly required, will be fast. NTS, non-technical summary.


Planning the study

Transparent practices can be adopted at every stage of the research process. However, to ensure full effectivity, it is highly recommended to engage in detailed planning before the start of the experiment. This can prevent valuable time from being lost at the end of the study due to careless decisions being made at the beginning. Clarifying data management at the start of a project can help avoiding filing chaos that can be very time consuming to untangle. Keeping clear track of a project and study design will also help if new colleagues are included later on in the project or if entire project parts are handed over. In addition, all texts written on the rationale and hypothesis of the study or method descriptions, or design schemes created during the planning phase can be used in the final publications ( Fig 1 ). Similarly, information required for preregistration of animal studies or for reporting according to the ARRIVE guidelines are an extension of the details required for ethical approval [ 22 , 23 ]. Thus, the time burden within the planning phase is often overestimated. Furthermore, the thorough planning of experiments can avoid the unnecessary use of animals by preventing wrong avenues from being pursued.

Implementing open scientific practices at the beginning of a project does not mean that the idea and study plan must be shared immediately, but rather is critical for making the entire workflow transparent at the end of the project. However, optional early sharing of information can enable peers to give feedback on the study plan. Studies potentially benefit more from this a priori input than they would from the classical a posteriori peer-review process.

Most people perceive guidelines as advice that instructs on how to do something. However, it is sometimes useful to consider the term in its original meaning; “the line that guides us”. In this sense, following guidelines is not simply fulfilling a duty, but is a process that can help to design a sound research study and, as such, guidelines should be consulted at the planning stage of a project. The PREPARE guidelines are a list of important points that should be thought-out before starting a study involving animal experiments in order to reduce the waste of animals, promote alternatives, and increase the reproducibility of research and testing [ 24 ]. The PREPARE checklist helps to thoroughly plan a study and focuses on improving the communication and collaboration between all involved participants of the study (i.e., animal caretakers and scientists). Indeed, open science begins with the communication within a research facility. It is currently available in 33 languages and the responsible team from Norecopa, Norway’s 3R-center, takes requests for translations into further languages.

The UK Reproducibility Network has also published several guiding documents (primers) on important topics for open and reproducible science. These address issues such as data sharing [ 25 ], open access [ 26 ], open code and software [ 27 ], and preprints [ 28 ], as well as preregistration and registered reports [ 27 ]. Consultation of these primers is not only helpful in the relevant phases of the experiment but is also encouraged in the planning phase.

Although the ARRIVE guidelines are primarily a reporting guideline specifically designed for preparing a publication containing animal data, they can also support researchers when planning their experiments [ 22 , 23 ]. Going through the ARRIVE website, researchers will find tools and explanations that can support them in planning their experiments [ 29 ]. Consulting the ARRIVE checklist at the beginning of a project can help in deciding what details need to be documented during conduction of the experiments. This is particularly advisable, given that compliance to ARRIVE is still poor [ 18 ].

Experimental design

To maximize the validity of performed experiments and the knowledge gained, designing the study well is crucial. It is important that the chosen animal species reflects the investigated disease well and that basic characteristics of the animal, such as sex or age, are considered carefully [ 30 ]. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research provides a collection of resources on the integration of sex and gender in biomedical research with animals, including tips and tools for researchers and reviewers [ 31 ]. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid unnecessary standardization of biological and environmental factors that can reduce the external validity of results [ 32 ]. Meticulous statistical planning can further optimize the use of animals. Free to use online tools for calculating sample sizes such as G*Power or the inVivo software package for R can further support animal researchers in designing their statistical plan [ 33 , 34 ]. Randomization for the allocation of groups can be supported with specific tools for scientists like Research Randomizer, but also by simple online random number generators [ 35 ]. Furthermore, it might be advisable when designing the study to incorporate pathological analyses into the experimental plan. Optimal planning of tissue collection, performance of pathological procedures according to accepted best practices, and use of optimal pathological analysis and reporting methods can add some extra knowledge that would otherwise be lost. This can improve the reproducibility and quality of translational biomedicine, especially, but not exclusively, in animal studies with morphological endpoints. In all animal studies, unexpected deaths in experimental animals can occur and be the cause of lost data or missed opportunities to identify health problems [ 36 , 37 ].

To support researchers in designing their animal research, the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) has also developed the Experimental Design Assistant (EDA) [ 38 , 39 ]. This online tool helps researchers to better structure in vivo research by creating detailed schemes of the study design. It provides feedback on the entered design, drawing researcher’s attention to crucial decisions in the project. The resulting schemes can be used to transparently share the study design by uploading it into a study preregistration, enclosing it in a grant application, or submitting it with a final manuscript. The EDA can be used for different study designs in diverse scenarios and helps to communicate researcher plans to others [ 40 ]. The EDA might be particularly of interest to clarify very complex study designs involving multiple experimental groups. Working with the EDA might appear rather complex in the beginning, but the NC3R provides regular webinars that can help to answer any questions that arise.


Preregistration is an effective tool to improve the quality and transparency of research. To preregister their work, scientists must determine crucial details of the study before starting any experiment. Changes occurring during a study can be outlined at the end. A preregistered study plan should include at least the hypothesis and determine all the parameters that are known in advance. A description of the planned study design and statistical analysis will enable reviewers and peers to better retrace the workflow. It can prevent the intentional use of the flexibility of analysis to reach p -values under a certain significance level (e.g., p-hacking or HARKing (Hypothesizing After Results are Known)). With preregistration, scientists can also claim their idea at an early stage of their research with a citable individual identifier that labels the idea as their own. Some open preregistration platforms also provide a digital object identifier (DOI), which makes the registered study citable. Three public registries actively encourage the preregistration of animal studies conducted around the world: OSF registry,, and [ 41 – 45 ]. Scientists can choose the registry according to their needs. Preregistering a study in a public registry supports scientists in planning their study and later to critically reevaluate their own work and assess its limitations and potentials.

As an alternative to public registries, researchers can also submit their study plan to one of hundreds of journals already publishing registered reports, including many journals open to animal research [ 8 ]. A submitted registered report passes 2 steps of peer review. In the first step, reviewers comment on the idea and the study design. After an “in-principle-acceptance,” researchers can conduct their study as planned. If the authors conduct the experiments as described in the accepted study protocol, the journal will publish the final study regardless of the outcome. This might be an attractive option, especially for early career researchers, as a manuscript is published at the beginning of a project with the guarantee of a future final publication.

The benefits of preregistration can already be observed in clinical research, where registration has been mandatory for most trials for more than 20 years. Preregistration in clinical research has helped to make known what has been tested and not just what worked and was published, and the implementation of trial registration has strongly reduced the number of publications reporting significant treatment effects [ 46 ]. In animal research, with its unrealistically high percentage of positive results, preregistration seems to be particularly worthwhile.

Research data management

To get the most out of performed animal experiments, effective sharing of data at the end of the study is essential. Sharing research data optimally is complex and needs to be prepared in advance. Thus, data management can be seen as one part of planning a study thoroughly. Many funders have recognized the value of the original research data and request a data management plan from applicants in advance [ 25 , 47 ]. Various freely available tools such as DMPTool or DMPonline already exist to design a research data management plan that complies to the requirements of different funders [ 48 , 49 ]. The data management plan defines the types of data collected and describes the handling and names responsible persons throughout the data lifecycle. This includes collecting the data, analyzing, archiving, and sharing it. Finally, a data management plan enables long-term access and the possibility for reuse by peers. Developing such a plan, whether it is required by funders or not, will later simplify the application of the FAIR data principle (see section on the FAIR data principle). The Longwood Medical Area Research Data Management Working Group from the Harvard Medical School developed a checklist to assist researchers in optimally managing their data throughout the data lifecycle [ 50 ]. Similarly, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) provides a great research data management toolkit including a checklist for researchers planning their project [ 51 ]. Consulting this checklist in the planning phase of a project can prevent common errors in research data management.

Non-technical project summary

One instrument specifically conceived to create transparency on animal research for the general public is the so-called non-technical project summary (NTS). All animal protocols approved within the EU must be accompanied by these comprehensible summaries. NTSs are intended to inform the public about ongoing animal experiments. They are anonymous and include information on the objectives and potential benefits of the project, the expected harm, the number of animals, the species, and a statement of compliance with the requirements of the 3Rs principle. However, beyond simply informing the public, NTSs can also be used for meta-research to help identify new research areas with an increased need for new 3R technologies [ 52 , 53 ]. NTSs become an excellent tool to appropriately communicate the scientific value of the approved protocol and for meta-scientists to generate added value by systematically analyzing theses summaries if they fulfill a minimum quality threshold [ 54 , 55 ]. In 2021, the EU launched the ALURES platform ( Table 1 ), where NTSs from all member states are published together, opening the opportunities for EU-wide meta-research. NTSs are, in contrast to other open science practices, mandatory in the EU. However, instead of thinking of them as an annoying duty, it might be worth thoroughly drafting the NTS to support the goals of more transparency towards the public, enabling an open dialogue and reducing extreme opinions.

Conducting the experiments

Once the experiments begin, documentation of all necessary details is essential to ensure the transparency of the workflow. This includes methodological details that are crucial for replicating experiments, but also failed attempts that could help peers to avoid experiments that do not work in the future. All information should be stored in such a way that it can be found easily and shared later. In this area, many new tools have emerged in recent years ( Table 1 ). These tools will not only make research transparent for colleagues, but also help to keep track of one’s own research and improve internal collaboration.

Electronic laboratory notebooks

Electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) are an important pillar of research data management and open science. ELNs facilitate the structured and harmonized documentation of the data generation workflow, ensure data integrity, and keep track of all modifications made to the original data based on an audit trail option. Moreover, ELNs simplify the sharing of data and support collaborations within and outside the research group. Methodological details and research data become searchable and traceable. There is an extensive amount of literature providing advice on the selection and the implementation process of an ELN depending on the specific needs and research area and its discussion would be beyond the scope of this Essay [ 56 – 58 ]. Some ELNs are connected to a laboratory information management system (LIMS) that provides an animal module supporting the tracking of animal details [ 59 ]. But as research involving animals is highly heterogeneous, this might not be the only decision point and we cannot recommend a specific ELN that is suitable for all animal research.

ELNs are already established in the pharmaceutical industry and their use is on the rise among academics as well. However, due to concerns around costs for licenses, data security, and loss of flexibility, many research institutions still fear the expenses that the introduction of such a system would incur [ 56 ]. Nevertheless, an increasing number of academic institutions are implementing ELNs and appreciating the associated benefits [ 60 ]. If your institution already has an ELN, it might be easiest to just use the option available in the research environment. If not, the Harvard Medical School provides an extensive and updated overview of various features of different ELNs that can support scientists in choosing the appropriate one for their research [ 61 ]. There are many commercial ELN products, which may be preferred when the administrative workload should be outsourced to a large extent. However, open-source products such as eLabFTW or open BIS provide a greater opportunity for customization to meet specific needs of individual research institutions [ 62 – 64 ]. A huge number of options are available depending on the resources and the features required. Some scientists might prefer generic note taking tools such as Evernote or just a simple Word document that offers infinite flexibility, but specific ELNs can further support good record keeping practice by providing immutability, automated backups, standardized methods, and protocols to follow. Clearly defining the specific requirements expected might help to choose an adequate system that would improve the quality of the record compared to classical paper laboratory notebooks.

Sharing protocols

Adequate sharing of methods in translational biomedical sciences is key to reproducibility. Several repositories exist that simplify the publication and exchange of protocols. Writing down methods at the end of the project bears the risk that crucial details might be missing [ 65 ]. On, scientists can note all methodological details of a procedure, complete them with uploaded documents, and keep them for personal use or share them with collaborators [ 66 ]. Authors can also decide at any point in time to make their protocol public. Protocols published on receive a DOI and become citable; they can be commented on by peers and adapted according to the needs of the individual researcher. files from established protocols can also be submitted together with some context and sample datasets to PLOS ONE , where it can be peer-reviewed and potentially published [ 67 , 68 ]. Depending on the affiliation of the researchers to academia or industry and on an internal or public sharing of files, can be free of charge or come with costs. Other journals also encourage their authors to deposit their protocols in a freely accessible repository, such as protocol exchange from Nature portfolio [ 69 ]. Another option might be to separately submit a protocol that was validated by its use in an already published research article to an online and peer-reviewed journal specific for research protocols, such as Bio-Protocol. A multitude of journals, including eLife and Science already collaborate with Bio-Protocol and recommend authors to publish the method in Bio-Protocol [ 70 ]. Bio-Protocol has no submission fees and is freely available to all readers. Both and Bio-Protocol allow the illustration of complex scientific methods by uploading videos to published protocols. In addition, protocols can be deposited in a general research repository such as the Open Science Framework (OSF repository) and referenced in appropriate publications.

Sharing critical incidents

Sharing critical or even adverse events that occur in the context of animal experimentation can help other scientists to avoid committing the same mistakes. The system of sharing critical incidents is already established in clinical practice and helps to improve medical care [ 71 , 72 ]. The online platform critical incident reporting system in laboratory animal science (CIRS-LAS) represents the first preclinical equivalent to these clinical systems [ 73 ]. With this web-based tool, critical incidents in animal research can be reported anonymously without registration. An expert panel helps to analyze the incident to encourage an open dialogue. Critical incident reporting is still very marginal in animal research and performed procedures are very variable. These factors make a systemic analysis and a targeted search of incidence difficult. However, it may be of special interest for methods that are broadly used in animal research such as anesthesia. Indeed, a broad feed of this system with data on errors occurring in standard procedures today could help avoid critical incidences in the future and refine animal experiments.

Sharing animals, organs, and tissue

When we think about open science, sharing results and data are often in focus. However, sharing material is also part of a collaborative and open research culture that could help to greatly reduce the number of experimental animals used. When an animal is killed to obtain specific tissue or organs, the remainder is mostly discarded. This may constitute a wasteful practice, as surplus tissue can be used by other researchers for different analyses. More animals are currently killed as surplus than are used in experiments, demonstrating the potential for sharing these animals [ 74 , 75 ].

Sharing information on generated surplus is therefore not only economical, but also an effective way to reduce the number of animals used for scientific purposes. The open-source software Anishare is a straightforward way for breeders of genetically modified lines to promote their surplus offspring or organs within an institution [ 76 ]. The database AniMatch ( Table 1 ) connects scientists within Europe who are offering tissue or organs with scientists seeking this material. Scientists already sharing animal organs can support this process by describing it in publications and making peers aware of this possibility [ 77 ]. Specialized research communities also allow sharing of animal tissue or animal-derived products worldwide that are typically used in these fields on a collaborative basis via the SEARCH-framework [ 78 , 79 ]. Depositing transgenic mice lines into one of several repositories for mouse strains can help to further minimize efforts in producing new transgenic lines and most importantly reduce the number of surplus animals by supporting the cryoconservation of mouse lines. The International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR) can be used to help find an adequate repository or to help scientists seeking a specific transgenic line find a match [ 80 ].

Analyzing the data

Animal researchers have to handle increasingly complex data. Imaging, electrophysiological recording, or automated behavioral tracking, for example, produce huge datasets. Data can be shared as raw numerical output but also as images, videos, sounds, or other forms from which raw numerical data can be generated. As the heterogeneity and the complexity of research data increases, infinite possibilities for analysis emerge. Transparently reporting how the data were processed will enable peers to better interpret reported results. To get the most out of performed animal experiments, it is crucial to allow other scientists to replicate the analysis and adapt it to their research questions. It is therefore highly recommended to use formats and tools during the analysis that allow a straightforward exchange of code and data later on.

Transparent coding

The use of non-transparent analysis codes have led to a lack of reproducibility of results [ 81 ]. Sharing code is essential for complex analysis and enables other researchers to reproduce results and perform follow-up studies, and citable code gives credit for the development of new algorithms ( Table 1 ). Jupyter Notebooks are a convenient way to share data science pipelines that may use a variety of coding languages, including like Python, R or Matlab, and also share the results of analyses in the form of tables, diagrams, images, and videos. Notebooks contain source code and can be published or collaboratively shared on platforms like GitHub or GitLab, where version control of source code is implemented. The data-archiving tool Zenodo can be used to archive a repository on GitHub and create a DOI for the archive. Thereby contents become citable. Using free and open-source programming language like R or Python will increase the number of potential researchers that can work with the published code. Best practice for research software is to publish the source code with a license that allows modification and redistribution.

Choice of data visualization

Choosing the right format for the visualization of data can increase its accessibility to a broad scientific audience and enable peers to better judge the validity of the results. Studies based on animal research often work with very small sample sizes. Visualizing these data in histograms may lead to an overestimation of the outcomes. Choosing the right dot plots that makes all recorded points visible and at the same time focusses on the summary instead of the individual points can further improve the intuitive understanding of a result. If the sample size is too low, it might not be meaningful to visualize error bars. A variety of freely available tools already exists that can support scientists in creating the most appropriate graphs for their data [ 82 ]. In particular, when representing microscopy results or heat maps, it should be kept in mind that a large part of the population cannot perceive the classical red and green representation [ 83 ]. Opting for the color-blind safe color maps and checking images with free tools such as color oracle ( Table 1 ) can increase the accessibility of graphs. Multiple journals have already addressed flaws in data visualization and have introduced new policies that will accelerate the uptake of transparent representation of results.

Publication of all study outcomes

Open science practices have received much attention in the past few years when it comes to publication of the results. However, it is important to emphasize that although open science tools have their greatest impact at the end of the project, good study preparation and sharing of the study plan and data early on can greatly increase the transparency at the end.

The FAIR data principle

To maximize the impact and outcome of a study, and to make the best long-term use of data generated through animal experiments, researchers should publish all data collected during their research according to the FAIR data principle. That means the data should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. The FAIR principle is thus an extension of open access publishing. Data should not only be published without paywalls or other access restrictions, but also in such a manner that they can be reused and further processed by others. For this, legal as well as technical requirements must be met by the data. To achieve this, the GoFAIR initiative has developed a set of principles that should be taken into account as early as at the data collection stage [ 49 , 84 ]. In addition to extensively described and machine-readable metadata, these principles include, for example, the application of globally persistent identifiers, the use of open file formats, and standardized communication protocols to ensure that humans and machines can easily download the data. A well-chosen repository to upload the data is then just the final step to publish FAIR data.

FAIR data can strongly increase the knowledge gained from performed animal experiments. Thus, the same data can be analyzed by different researchers and could be combined to obtain larger sample sizes, as already occurs in the neuroimaging community, which works with comparable datasets [ 85 ]. Furthermore, the sharing of data enables other researchers to analyze published datasets and estimate measurement reliabilities to optimize their own data collection [ 86 , 87 ]. This will help to improve the translation from animal research into clinics and simultaneously reduce the number of animal experiment in future.

Reporting guidelines

In preclinical research, the ARRIVE guidelines are the current state of the art when it comes to reporting data based on animal experiments [ 22 , 23 ]. The ARRIVE guidelines have been endorsed by more than 1,000 journals who ask that scientists comply with them when reporting their outcomes. Since the ARRIVE guidelines have not had the expected impact on the transparency of reporting in animal research publications, a more rigorous update has been developed to facilitate their application in practice (ARRIVE 2.0 [ 23 ]). We believe that the ARRIVE guidelines can be more effective if they are implemented at a very early stage of the project (see section on guidelines). Some more specialized reporting guidelines have also emerged for individual research fields that rely on animal studies, such as endodontology [ 88 ]. The equator network collects all guidelines and makes them easily findable with their search tool on their website ( Table 1 ). MERIDIAN also offers a 1-stop shop for all reporting guidelines involving the use of animals across all research sectors [ 89 ]. It is thus worth checking for new reporting guidelines before preparing a manuscript to maximize the transparency of described experiments.


Persistent identifiers for published work, authors, or resources are key for making public data findable by search engines and are thus a prerequisite for compliance to FAIR data principles. The most common identifier for publications will be a DOI, which makes the work citable. A DOI is a globally unique string assigned by the International DOI Foundation to identify content permanently and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. An ORCID ID is used as a personal persistent identifier and is recommendable to unmistakably identify an author ( Table 1 ). This will avoid confusions between authors with the same name or in the case of name changes or changes of affiliation. Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) are unique ID numbers that help to transparently report research resources. RRID also apply to animals to clearly identify the species used. RRID help avoid confusion between different names or changing names of genetic lines and, importantly, make them machine findable. The RRID Portal helps scientists find a specific RRID or create one if necessary ( Table 1 ). In the context of genetically altered animal lines, correct naming is key. The Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Database is the authoritative source of official names for mouse genes, alleles, and strains ([ 90 ]).

Preprint publication

Preprints have undergone unprecedented success, particularly during the height of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic when the need for rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge was critical. The publication process for scientific manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals usually requires a considerable amount of time, ranging from a few months to several years, mainly due to the lengthy review process and inefficient editorial procedures [ 91 , 92 ]. Preprints typically precede formal publication in scientific journals and, thus, do not go through a peer review process, thus, facilitating the prompt open dissemination of important scientific findings within the scientific community. However, submitted papers are usually screened and checked for plagiarism. Preprints are assigned a DOI so they can be cited. Once a preprint is published in a journal, its status is automatically updated on the preprint server. The preprint is linked to the publication via CrossRef and mentioned accordingly on the website of the respective preprint platform.

After initial skepticism, most publishers now allow papers to be posted on preprint servers prior to submission. An increasing number of journals even allow direct submission of a preprint to their peer review process. The US National Institutes of Health and the Wellcome Trust, among other funders, also encourage prepublication and permit researchers to cite preprints in their grant applications. There are now numerous preprint repositories for different scientific disciplines. BioASAP provides a searchable database for preprint servers that can help in identifying the one that best matches an individual’s needs [ 93 ]. The most popular repository for animal research is bioRxiv, which is hosted by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory ( Table 1 ).

The early exchange of scientific results is particularly important for animal research. This acceleration of the publication process can help other scientists to adapt their research or could even prevent animal experiments if other scientists become aware that an experiment has already been done before starting their own. In addition, preprints can help to increase the visibility of research. Journal articles that have a corresponding preprint publication have higher citation and Altmetric counts than articles without preprint [ 94 ]. In addition, the publication of preprints can help to combat publication bias, which represents a major problem in animal research [ 16 ]. Since journals and readers prioritize cutting-edge studies with positive results over inconclusive or negative results, researchers are reluctant to invest time and money in a manuscript that is unlikely to be accepted in a high-impact journal.

In addition to the option of publishing as preprint, other alternative publication formats have recently been introduced to facilitate the publication of research results that are hard to publish in traditional peer-reviewed journals. These include micro publications, data repositories, data journals, publication platforms, and journals that focus on negative or inconclusive results. The tool fiddle can support scientists in choosing the right publication format [ 95 , 96 ].

Open access publication

Publishing open access is one of the most established open science strategies. In contrast to the FAIR data principle, the term open access publication refers usually to the publication of a manuscript on a platform that is accessible free of charge—in translational biomedical research, this is mostly in the form of a scientific journal article. Originally, publications accessible free of charge were the answer to the paywalls established by renowned publishing houses, which led to social inequalities within and outside the research system. In translational biomedical research, the ethical aspect of urgently needed transparency is another argument in favor of open access publication, as these studies will not only be findable, but also internationally readable.

There are different ways of open access publishing; the 2 main routes are gold open access and green open access. Numerous journals offer now gold open access. It refers to the immediate and fully accessible publication of an article. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) provides a complete and updated list for high-quality, open access, and peer-reviewed journals [ 97 ]. Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin offers a specific tool for biomedical open access journals that supports animal researchers to choose an appropriate journal [ 49 ]. In addition, the Sherpa Romeo platform is a straightforward way to identify publisher open access policies on a journal-by-journal basis, including information on preprints, but also on licensing of articles [ 51 ]. Hybrid open access refers to openly accessible articles in otherwise paywalled journals. By contrast, green open access refers to the publication of a manuscript or article in a repository that is mostly operated by institutions and/or universities. The publication can be exclusively on the repository or in combination with a publisher. In the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories (openDOAR), scientists can find thousands of indexed open access repositories [ 49 ]. The publisher often sets an embargo during which the authors cannot make the publication available in the repository, which can restrict the combined model. It is worth mentioning that gold open access is usually more expensive for the authors, as they have to pay an article processing charge. However, the article’s outreach is usually much higher than the outreach of an article in a repository or available exclusively as subscription content [ 98 ]. Diamond open access refers to publications and publication platforms that can be read free of charge by anyone interested and for which no costs are incurred by the authors either. It is the simplest and fairest form of open access for all parties involved, as no one is prevented from participating in scientific discourse by payment barriers. For now, it is not as widespread as the other forms because publishers have to find alternative sources of revenue to cover their costs.

As social media and the researcher’s individual public outreach are becoming increasingly important, it should be remembered that the accessibility of a publication should not be confused with the licensing under which the publication is made available. In order to be able to share and reuse one’s own work in the future, we recommend looking for journals that allow publications under the Creative Commons licenses CC BY or CC BY-NC. This also allows the immediate combination of gold and green open access.

Creative commons licenses

Attributing Creative Commons (CC) licenses to scientific content can make research broadly available and clearly specifies the terms and conditions under which people can reuse and redistribute the intellectual property, namely publications and data, while giving the credit to whom it deserves [ 49 ]. As the laws on copyright vary from country to country and law texts are difficult to understand for outsiders, the CC licenses are designed to be easily understandable and are available in 41 languages. This way, users can easily avoid accidental misuse. The CC initiative developed a tool that enables researchers to find the license that best fits their interests [ 49 ]. Since the licenses are based on a modular concept ranging from relatively unrestricted licenses (CC BY, free to use, credit must be given) to more restricted licenses (CC BY-NC-ND, only free to share for non-commercial purposes, credit must be given), one can find an appropriate license even for the most sensitive content. Publishing under an open CC license will not only make the publication easy to access but can also help to increase its reach. It can stimulate other researchers and the interested public to share this article within their network and to make the best future use of it. Bear in mind that datasets published independently from an article may receive a different CC license. In terms of intellectual property, data are not protected in the same way as articles, which is why the CC initiative in the United Kingdom recommends publishing them under a CC0 (“no rights reserved”) license or the Public Domain Mark. This gives everybody the right to use the data freely. In an animal ethics sense, this is especially important in order to get the most out of data derived from animal experiments.

Data and code repositories

Sharing research data is essential to ensure reproducibility and to facilitate scientific progress. This is particularly true in animal research and the scientific community increasingly recognizes the value of sharing research data. However, even though there is increasing support for the sharing of data, researchers still perceive barriers when it comes to doing so in practice [ 99 – 101 ]. Many universities and research institutions have established research data repositories that provide continuous access to datasets in a trusted environment. Many of these data repositories are tied to specific research areas, geographic regions, or scientific institutions. Due to the growing number and overall heterogeneity of these repositories, it can be difficult for researchers, funding agencies, publishers, and academic institutions to identify appropriate repositories for storing and searching research data.

Recently, several web-based tools have been developed to help in the selection of a suitable repository. One example is Re3data, a global registry of research data repositories that includes repositories from various scientific disciplines. The extensive database can be searched by country, content (e.g., raw data, source code), and scientific discipline [ 49 ]. A similar tool to help find a data archive specific to the field is FAIRsharing, based at Oxford University [ 102 ]. If there is no appropriate subject-specific data repository or one seems unsuitable for the data, there are general data repositories, such as Open Science Framework, figshare, Dryad, or Zenodo. To ensure that data stored in a repository can be found, a DOI is assigned to the data. Choosing the right license for the deposited code and data ensures that authors get credit for their work.

Publication and connection of all outcomes

If scientists have used all available open science tools during the research process, then publishing and linking all outcomes represents the well-deserved harvest ( Fig 2 ). At the end of a research process, researchers will not just have 1 publication in a journal. Instead, they might have a preregistration, a preprint, a publication in a journal, a dataset, and a protocol. Connecting these outcomes in a way that enables other scientists to better assess the results that link these publications will be key. There are many examples of good open science practices in laboratory animal science, but we want to highlight one of them to show how this could be achieved. Blenkuš and colleagues investigated how mild stress-induced hyperthermia can be assessed non-invasively by thermography in mice [ 103 ]. The study was preregistered with , which is referred to in their publication [ 104 ]. A deviation from the originally preregistered hypothesis was explained in the manuscript and the supplementary material was uploaded to figshare [ 105 ].


Application of open science practices can increase the reproducibility and visibility of a research project at the same time. By publishing different research outputs with more detailed information than can be included in a journal article, researchers enable peers to replicate their work. Reporting according to guidelines and using transparent visualization will further improve this reproducibility. The more research products that are generated, the more credit can be attributed. By communicating on social media or additionally publishing slides from delivered talks or posters, more attention can be raised. Additionally, publishing open access and making the work machine-findable makes it accessible to an even broader number of peers.

It might also be helpful to provide all resources from a project in a single repository such as Open Science Framework, which also implements other, different tools that might have been used, like GitHub or

Communicating your research

Once all outcomes of the project are shared, it is time to address the targeted peers. Social media is an important instrument to connect research communities [ 106 ]. In particular, Twitter is an effective way to communicate research findings or related events to peers [ 107 ]. In addition, specialized platforms like ResearchGate can support the exchange of practical experiences ( Table 1 ). When all resources related to a project are kept in one place, sharing this link is a straightforward way to reach out to fellow scientists.

With the increasing number of publications, science communication has become more important in recent years. Transparent science that communicates openly with the public contributes to strengthening society’s trust in research.


Plenty of open science tools are already available and the number of tools is constantly growing. Translational biomedical researchers should seize this opportunity, as it could contribute to a significant improvement in the transparency of research and fulfil their ethical responsibility to maximize the impact of knowledge gained from animal experiments. Over and above this, open science practices also bear important direct benefits for the scientists themselves. Indeed, the implementation of these tools can increase the visibility of research and becomes increasingly important when applying for grants or in recruitment decisions. Already, more and more journals and funders require activities such as data sharing. Several institutions have established open science practices as evaluation criteria alongside publication lists, impact factor, and h-index for panels deciding on hiring or tenure [ 108 ]. For new adopters, it is not necessary to apply all available practices at once. Implementing single tools can be a safe approach to slowly improve the outreach and reproducibility of one’s own research. The more open science products that are generated, the more reproducible the work becomes, but also the more the visibility of a study increases ( Fig 2 ).

As other research fields, such as social sciences, are already a step ahead in the implementation of open science practices, translational biomedicine can profit from their experiences [ 109 ]. We should thus keep in mind that open science comes with some risks that should be minimized early on. Indeed, the more open science practices become incentivized, the more researchers could be tempted to get a transparency quality label that might not be justified. When a study is based on a bad hypothesis or poor statistical planning, this cannot be fixed by preregistration, as prediction alone is not sufficient to validate an interpretation [ 110 ]. Furthermore, a boom of data sharing could disconnect data collectors and analysts, bearing the risk that researchers performing the analysis lack understanding of the data. The publication of datasets could also promote a “parasitic” use of a researcher’s data and lead to scooping of outcomes [ 111 ]. Stakeholders could counteract such a risk by promoting collaboration instead of competition.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an explosion of preprint publications. This unseen acceleration of science might be the adequate response to a pandemic; however, the speeding up science in combination with the “publish or perish” culture could come at the expense of the quality of the publication. Nevertheless, a meta-analysis comparing the quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles showed that the quality of reporting in preprints in the life sciences is at most slightly lower on average compared to peer-reviewed articles [ 112 ]. Additionally, preprints and social media have shown during this pandemic that a premature and overconfident communication of research results can be overinterpreted by journalists and raise unfounded hopes or fears in patients and relatives [ 113 ]. By being honest and open about the scope and limitations of the study and choosing communication channels carefully, researchers can avoid misinterpretation. It should be noted, however, that by releasing all methodological details and data in research fields such as viral engineering, where a dual use cannot be excluded, open science could increase biosecurity risk. Implementing access-controlled repositories, application programming interfaces, and a biosecurity risk assessment in the planning phase (i.e., by preregistration) could mitigate this threat [ 114 ].

Publishing in open access journals often involves higher publication costs, which makes it more difficult for institutes and universities from low-income countries to publish there [ 115 ]. Equity has been identified as a key aim of open science [ 116 ]. It is vital, therefore, that existing structural inequities in the scientific system are not unintentionally reinforced by open science practices. Early career researchers have been the main drivers of the open science movement in other fields even though they are often in vulnerable positions due to short contracts and hierarchical and strongly networked research environments. Supporting these early career researchers in adopting open science tools could significantly advance this change in research culture [ 117 ]. However, early career researchers can already benefit by publishing registered reports or preprints that can provide a publication much faster than conventional journal publications. Communication in social media can help them establish a network enabling new collaborations or follow-up positions.

Even though open science comes with some risks, the benefits easily overweigh these caveats. If a change towards more transparency is accompanied by the implementation of open science in the teaching curricula of the universities, most of the risks can be minimized [ 118 ]. Interestingly, we have observed that open science tools and infrastructure that are specific to animal research seem to mostly come from Europe. This may be because of strict regulations within Europe for animal experiments or because of a strong research focus in laboratory animal science along with targeted research funding in this region. Whatever the reason might be, it demonstrates the important role of research policy in accelerating the development towards 3Rs and open science.

Overall, it seems inevitable that open science will eventually prevail in translational biomedical research. Scientists should not wait for the slow-moving incentive framework to change their research habits, but should take pioneering roles in adopting open science tools and working towards more collaboration, transparency, and reproducibility.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable input and comments from Sebastian Dunst, Daniel Butzke, and Nils Körber that have improved the content of this work.

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Middle School Research Project - Animals - Printable and Digital

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Planning your middle school research project doesn't have to be overwhelming! Introduce your beginning researchers to sources, citations, note-taking, and more with this user-friendly research packet. Choose animal topics and use this research format to guide your students through their first full-fledged research project.

This resource is part of my Research Skills Project Bundle , which prepares students to research effectively with lessons on plagiarism, paraphrasing, and more. If your students are new to the research process, don't miss this bundle!

The packet includes:

  • Project outline and easy-to-follow steps
  • Note-taking page with a research paper outline
  • Two source pages (one blank and one fill-in-the-blank; choose for your class's ability level or differentiate within your class)
  • Sample bibliography page with citation tips
  • Detailed rubric

This resource includes the following digital versions:

  • Google Slides (link in PDF)
  • Easel Activity (link in My Purchases)

Starting a project can feel overwhelming for students who haven't done it before, those who struggle with organizing and planning, or really almost anyone! This easy-to-follow research project packet provides a clear list of steps for students to follow to get started, an organized paper outline for note-taking, and guided source citations, including a sample bibliography with labeled citation examples. The packet includes everything they need to be successful with their first research project!

As a bonus for you, the detailed rubric makes grading surprisingly easy when combined with the specific research paper outline that students will follow.

My students always enjoy this project, as they learn fascinating facts about their favorite animals and discover that researching and citing sources isn't as intimidating as they thought. I hope your students get as much out of this fun and engaging project as mine have!

Don't forget to teach research vocabulary and skills! Check out my complete Research Skills Project Bundle for skill-based activities that will help your students succeed.

(Cover clipart by Empty Jar Illustrations)

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Close up of a seated man holding a small bird with one hand and taking notes with the other.

Animal behavior research is getting better at keeping observer bias from sneaking in – but there’s still room to improve

research project on an animal

Professor and Associate Head of Psychology, University of Tennessee

Disclosure statement

Todd M. Freeberg does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Tennessee provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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Animal behavior research relies on careful observation of animals. Researchers might spend months in a jungle habitat watching tropical birds mate and raise their young. They might track the rates of physical contact in cattle herds of different densities. Or they could record the sounds whales make as they migrate through the ocean.

Animal behavior research can provide fundamental insights into the natural processes that affect ecosystems around the globe, as well as into our own human minds and behavior.

I study animal behavior – and also the research reported by scientists in my field. One of the challenges of this kind of science is making sure our own assumptions don’t influence what we think we see in animal subjects. Like all people, how scientists see the world is shaped by biases and expectations, which can affect how data is recorded and reported. For instance, scientists who live in a society with strict gender roles for women and men might interpret things they see animals doing as reflecting those same divisions .

The scientific process corrects for such mistakes over time, but scientists have quicker methods at their disposal to minimize potential observer bias. Animal behavior scientists haven’t always used these methods – but that’s changing. A new study confirms that, over the past decade, studies increasingly adhere to the rigorous best practices that can minimize potential biases in animal behavior research.

Black and white photo of a horse with a man and a small table between them displaying three upright cards.

Biases and self-fulfilling prophecies

A German horse named Clever Hans is widely known in the history of animal behavior as a classic example of unconscious bias leading to a false result.

Around the turn of the 20th century , Clever Hans was purported to be able to do math. For example, in response to his owner’s prompt “3 + 5,” Clever Hans would tap his hoof eight times. His owner would then reward him with his favorite vegetables. Initial observers reported that the horse’s abilities were legitimate and that his owner was not being deceptive.

However, careful analysis by a young scientist named Oskar Pfungst revealed that if the horse could not see his owner, he couldn’t answer correctly. So while Clever Hans was not good at math, he was incredibly good at observing his owner’s subtle and unconscious cues that gave the math answers away.

In the 1960s, researchers asked human study participants to code the learning ability of rats. Participants were told their rats had been artificially selected over many generations to be either “bright” or “dull” learners. Over several weeks, the participants ran their rats through eight different learning experiments.

In seven out of the eight experiments , the human participants ranked the “bright” rats as being better learners than the “dull” rats when, in reality, the researchers had randomly picked rats from their breeding colony. Bias led the human participants to see what they thought they should see.

Eliminating bias

Given the clear potential for human biases to skew scientific results, textbooks on animal behavior research methods from the 1980s onward have implored researchers to verify their work using at least one of two commonsense methods.

One is making sure the researcher observing the behavior does not know if the subject comes from one study group or the other. For example, a researcher would measure a cricket’s behavior without knowing if it came from the experimental or control group.

The other best practice is utilizing a second researcher, who has fresh eyes and no knowledge of the data, to observe the behavior and code the data. For example, while analyzing a video file, I count chickadees taking seeds from a feeder 15 times. Later, a second independent observer counts the same number.

Yet these methods to minimize possible biases are often not employed by researchers in animal behavior, perhaps because these best practices take more time and effort.

In 2012, my colleagues and I reviewed nearly 1,000 articles published in five leading animal behavior journals between 1970 and 2010 to see how many reported these methods to minimize potential bias. Less than 10% did so. By contrast, the journal Infancy, which focuses on human infant behavior, was far more rigorous: Over 80% of its articles reported using methods to avoid bias.

It’s a problem not just confined to my field. A 2015 review of published articles in the life sciences found that blind protocols are uncommon . It also found that studies using blind methods detected smaller differences between the key groups being observed compared to studies that didn’t use blind methods, suggesting potential biases led to more notable results.

In the years after we published our article, it was cited regularly and we wondered if there had been any improvement in the field. So, we recently reviewed 40 articles from each of the same five journals for the year 2020.

We found the rate of papers that reported controlling for bias improved in all five journals , from under 10% in our 2012 article to just over 50% in our new review. These rates of reporting still lag behind the journal Infancy, however, which was 95% in 2020.

All in all, things are looking up, but the animal behavior field can still do better. Practically, with increasingly more portable and affordable audio and video recording technology, it’s getting easier to carry out methods that minimize potential biases. The more the field of animal behavior sticks with these best practices, the stronger the foundation of knowledge and public trust in this science will become.

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EMCC STEM Students Pursue Pollinator Projects

6 students and 1 instructor smiling and posing around a classroom table, 3 close up photos of bees from the project

Undergrads Study Wildflower Growth; Conduct Native Bee Survey

Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) STEM students are busy, busy bees having engaged in Undergraduate Research Experiences, or UREs this semester. Some of our Mountain Lions just wrapped up a study of wildflower growth across different soil types while others are conducting a native bee survey — two things that can’t live without the other.

The wildflower study all started last fall when  Quail Forever , a wildlife habitat conservation group, donated a rather large sum of wildflower seeds to EMCC Biology Professor Dr. Catherine Parmiter to use in her classes. They couldn’t have come at a better time as her colleague, Professor Thasanee Morrissey, who also teaches biology and is the Program Analyst for the STEM Center, just happened to be looking for a research opportunity for her students.

They decided to create a URE for five of their students and the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative was born. The goal of the initiative was to determine which type of soil wildflowers would grow best in, with the understanding that more healthy wildflowers attract pollinators such as bees.

First, with the help of their Life Sciences Division colleagues Drs. Neil Raymond, Rachel Smith, and Jarod Raithel, along with the Facilities Department, an area was cleared next to the EMCC Community Teaching Garden where they constructed 16 research plots with four different soil types — native soil, pea gravel, compost, and sand. Next, they asked the MakerSpace to create some appealing signage to mark off the area. Then they planted nine different varieties of wildflower seeds and turned on the irrigation. After that, they monitored the plots weekly and kept track of the plants’ growth with written observations and digitized images.

Natalia Quinones, one of Dr. Parmiter’s students who is graduating this spring with an Associate in Biological Sciences and then transferring to  Arizona State University (ASU) to study microbiology, said one of the reasons she signed up for the URE was to boost her resume.

“I hope that this experience will allow me to join other research projects when I transfer to ASU,” she said.

Dr. Parmiter said the selection process for research opportunities at the university level is very competitive.

“Gaining research experience at the pre-Associate Degree level is essential for students such as Natalia as she navigates her transfer to ASU and later to medical school,” Dr. Parmiter said. 

For this URE, Natalia and her lab partner were responsible for identifying the types of flowers in each substrate of soil and measuring the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and pH content in each plot. 

“I learned more about plant growth and development,” Natalia said. “I gained more knowledge and new vocabulary about the subject. And I learned how to edit and rewrite procedures.”

Dr. Parmiter said Natalia’s field observations and attention to detail were an asset to the team.

“She is an excellent student researcher,” Dr. Parmiter said.

Natalia also works as a part-time lab technician in EMCC’s Life Science Lab, another gold star on her resume.

“I started as a student worker in September 2022 and the lab technicians were always patient and allowed me to make mistakes and learn from them,” she said. “And since they knew I wanted to pursue an education in microbiology, they educated and taught me skills that would apply to my field of study.”

Students who participated in the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative will earn  Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO) scholarships after they submit their research summaries.

“This scholarship is encouragement for all of the hard work that has gone into this project,” Natalia said. “It also shows that the school supports undergraduate students to work outside the classroom and gain hands-on experiences.”

Cierra Herrera, one of Professor Morrisey’s students who participated in the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative, is also big on hands-on experiences. 

“I learn best when I am doing, and I learned a lot,” Cierra said. “I love to learn and put that knowledge into practice and that is exactly what UREs do.”

Cierra, who is also one of EMCC’s  Animal Ambassadors , will graduate this spring and then transfer to the  University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa . She plans to double major in Animal Science and either Plant and Environmental Protection Services or Marine Biology.

“I’ve always been caring and conserving before I even knew what that meant,” she said. As unusual as it might sound for a 10-year-old, I hated wasting paper, always recycled, loathed littering, and it always hurt me to see animals suffering, especially because of us, and when we can do something about it. As I continued to go to school and learned more about biology, endangered species, and why they are being endangered, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to help these animals.”

Naturally, when Cierra heard about the native bee survey URE, she signed up for that one, too. A perfect complement to the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative, the EMCC Native Bee Project officially kicked off in March. It’s part of a collaborative effort with community colleges in Arizona and California conducting surveys to find out how many different types of bees exist across the two states, something that is currently unknown.

“One out of every three bites of your food you owe to bees,” Dr. Raithel said. “We don’t even have a baseline to know how many bees we have. They are crucial to our survival, yet we know so little about them.”

The EMCC Native Bee Project began over spring break with Drs. Parmiter, Raithel, and Smith spending four days at the  College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, Calif., learning how to identify, or “key,” native bees so that they could pass that knowledge on to their URE students. Since then, they have begun teaching their students how to catch, clean, dry, pin, key, and photograph native bees caught on and around campus. It’s a lengthy and sometimes nerve-racking process, but for Cierra, the keys are the bee’s knees.

“Looking at the bee under the microscope is my favorite part,” she said. “They are majestic creatures and so beautiful. It is crazy to see the variation of bees in our lab! They are all so unique.”

The  National Science Foundation -funded native bee URE will last three years with six students participating each semester. The data collected will be verified and entered into  Symbiota , a public database, and each bee will have an identification number that corresponds to the student who keyed it.

“It is mind-blowing just thinking about the fact that a native bee that I, myself, keyed will go into a national database with my name!” Cierra said. “That’s absolutely surreal to me, but it is really happening. It makes me a little emotional just thinking about it because I see it as a big deal and I’m only 20 years old and this is happening along with my fellow peers. I can only think about my future and what it has in store for me.”

Cierra’s professors describe her as a problem solver who never hesitates to roll up her sleeves and dive into the action.

“She was like our wildflower research group’s secret weapon — always diving fearlessly into problems and asking all the right questions,” Professor Morrisey said. “With her sharp critical thinking skills, she was like the Sherlock Holmes of our research team! But what’s even better is her team spirit — she’s the ultimate collaborator, bringing fresh ideas to the table.”

Professor Morrisey’s students wrapped up their wildflower growth URE and presented their findings at the  Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Annual Meeting on April 13 at Glendale Community College. 

“They did great and had a great experience at their first science conference,” Professor Morrisey said.

Cierra said she was nervous but ultimately enjoyed herself.

“It was really good!” she said. “One of the judges said our poster was eye-catching and easy to follow. He was really happy with our experiment in the design aspect — how we eliminated a lot of bias, controlled all of our variables well, and the quadrat sampling. It was really rewarding to hear that feedback.”

Are you an Estrella Mountain Community College student who would like to join the EMCC Native Bee Project or any other STEM Undergraduate Research Experience? Email Dr. Catherine Parmiter at  [email protected]

the stray dogs of chernobyl

How Some Animals Can Survive—and Even Thrive—After Being Exposed to Nuclear Radiation

Nearly 40 years of research into the contaminated area around Chernobyl is providing some clues.

When analyzing DNA from roughly 300 dogs, scientists discovered remarkable genetic differences in those living in the plant compared to those living 10 miles away in uncontaminated areas. The results hint at the long-term consequences of radiation on biology, showing that increased radiation could have impacted their physiology, evolution , and more.

“There is the possibility that we might find some aspect of their physiology that could provide other organisms protection,” Tim Mousseau, the study’s author and researcher at the University of South Carolina, tells Popular Mechanics .

The scientists can’t tell us exactly how the dogs and their descendants managed to resist radiation , but researching them offers a tantalizing opportunity to study how living things survive in its presence. Are they merely getting by? Or have they evolved a biological strategy of resistance?

For the dogs, we will have to wait a bit longer to find out. In the meantime, though, we can look to research on other animals. Scientists have been looking to man-made nuclear disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima, Japan , for decades to understand radiation’s effects on a menagerie of organisms that include simple life forms like bacteria and fungi, and also frogs, birds, and small mammals.

They want to know how living things can survive in such harsh environments. Or, even, if they could thrive. The answers to these questions hold enticing solutions for humankind in various ways, like advancing cancer therapy, achieving a route to safe space travel , or even developing protective strategies against future nuclear disasters .

Radiation’s Invisible Effects

To understand how animals might resist radiation at Chernobyl, it is first necessary to establish how radiation harms living things.

Radiation is everywhere on the planet. We catch it from the sun’s rays, rocks underground, and even fruits and vegetables. Most of this radiation is harmless, like microwaves and visible light. It is called non-ionizing radiation.

But nuclear radiation is in another category called ionizing radiation. It exists as high-speed charged particles or electromagnetic waves. It damages cells by its ability to ionize atoms and works in two primary ways . First, it ionizes atoms in molecular building blocks of cells; it can knock off the electrons and break the molecular bonds in DNA and other cell parts. Second, it can ionize water molecules, creating highly reactive free radicals in the body that also disrupt DNA’s molecular bonds.

High doses of radiation delivered over a short time period, like those endured by victims and clean-up workers at Chernobyl, cause acute radiation sickness and death within days. Studies of the atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki detailed hundreds of thousands of casualties and a range of illnesses , including cataracts, cancer, neurodevelopmental disorders, and more.

After the initial blast at Chernobyl, which delivered 400 times more radiation than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, plants and wildlife were devastated. In the area around the nuclear plant, the radioactive cloud killed a pine forest within months, turning the trees an eerie red color and earning it the name “the red forest.”

In the years following the accident, radiation levels slowly decreased as the radioactive particles decayed. Rumors circulated that animals had moved back into the abandoned area and thrived in the absence of humans. Scientists began considering whether the human effect on wildlife has been worse than radiation.

the stray dogs of chernobyl

But this, of course, was controversial. Mousseau wants you to know that radiation is overwhelmingly harmful to living things. He and his long-time colleague, Anders Møller, have presented many research papers showing a grim picture, with species in the fallout zone having more genetic mutations and smaller brains . They’ve documented a loss of biodiversity in insects , birds , and soil invertebrates .

Polina Volkova, an independent researcher who studies radiation’s effects on plants, paints a different picture. She tells Popular Mechanics that she has seen many large mammals in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone with her own eyes, including elk, deer, wolves, and bison. “Regarding radioresistance, we can expect that long-living organisms will develop strategies to mitigate the effect of chronic irradiation,” she says.

Other research papers have contradicted the work of Mousseau and Møller, showing no reduction in biodiversity in the area. There are published studies demonstrating a rich diversity of plants and animals have recolonized the red forest like a wilderness preserve. What both sides seem to agree on is that there is a wide range of responses to radiation, and living things have a great deal of variation in their responses. “There is tremendous variation in tolerance to radiation in different critters and different cell lines,” says Mousseau.

przewalski's horse the exclusion zone chernobyl

What Animals Can Survive Radiation?

The best-known examples of radiation-resistant organisms are bacteria and fungi. Michael Cox, a molecular biologist at the University of Wisconsin, tells Popular Mechanics that bacteria that evolved to live in harsh desert climates have developed multiple mechanisms for repairing the DNA damage that comes from radiation.

Scientists first demonstrated their resilience in experiments done nearly two decades ago. They took a thimbleful of soil from the Sonoran Desert and one from a marsh in Louisiana. Later, they exposed both samples to high doses of ionizing radiation, and the soil bacteria from the Sonoran Desert survived.

Cox explains that desert bacteria have evolved to go into a dormant state in the extremely harsh and dry desert locations. During this dormancy they acquire DNA damage, but when it rains, the bacteria need to spring to life, repair the DNA damage quickly, and reproduce while they can. The rush to repair and reproduce has endowed them with extra radiation-resistant capabilities.

“It’s one of the things that has made me confident that if we do something stupid and blow ourselves up, we are not going to wipe out all life on the planet,” says Cox. “There are some living things that will survive.”

There are also some fungi that not only survive in radioactive environments but even appear to use radiation as an energy source in a process known as radiosynthesis. These fungi contain melanin, which seems to have a protective effect against radiation damage. Even plants have shown some adaptation. Birch pollen and evening primrose seeds collected from the contaminated areas around Chernobyl have shown improved DNA repair systems since the accident.

As far as more complex animals go, there is much less known, and it is what Mousseau is trying to understand with his study on dogs. Although he remains skeptical that animals can evolve to thrive in high-radiation environments, he admits some may adapt to tolerate it.

fox in chernobyl

“We have reasons to believe it is very difficult to evolve resistance, but at the same time, one of the most profound observations of all our work is the tremendous variation among individuals and among species and their sensitivity to radioactivity,” he says.

Mousseau says that in studies of birds and small mammals, they found species with increased antioxidants, which neutralize the oxidative damage caused by free radicals and radiation. One example of this protective mechanism is in a small rodent called a bank vole, which is prevalent throughout the Chernobyl region.

In research published in 2018 , scientists studied the cells of bank voles that inhabit the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where background radiation levels are 100 times greater than in uncontaminated areas. The scientists took samples of skin cells from the Chernobyl bank voles and from those living in an uncontaminated area. They exposed the cell samples to a 10 Gy dose of gamma radiation. Typically, 4 to 5 Gy of gamma radiation over a short period of time is lethal to humans.

The researchers found the skin cells from the Chernobyl bank voles were able to sustain higher doses and had, on average, higher antioxidant levels. They later tested the cells against three DNA-damaging drugs and found that the Chernobyl cells were more resistant. “They had almost twice the total antioxidant capacity than the control cells,” Mousseau says.

But in order for scientists to truly understand the effects of radiation, they will have to keep probing the animals and plants in the region, looking for the secrets in their DNA that allow them to survive. And so Mousseau and others will continue to travel to the abandoned wasteland looking for clues into how life there persists.

Headshot of Monique Brouillette

Monique Brouillette is a freelance contributor who writes about biology. 

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10 conservation projects saving endangered wildlife

Conservation organisations around the world work to protect endangered and threatened species through a variety of techniques, including rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing wild animals; translocating animals to new habitats; reconnecting fragmented landscapes ; working with local communities to support coexistence with wildlife; and advocating for policy to protect species.  

Protecting wildlife is important because every species is a crucial part of its ecosystem. Animals provide us with ecosystem services —necessities like food, water, and soil—and help protect our planet. Biodiversity can even help us mitigate climate change . 

Here are 10 important conservation efforts that IFAW is currently supporting to protect wildlife, people, and the planet. 

1. Giving African elephants room to roam 

One of the biggest threats to African savannah elephants, and many other wild animals, is the fragmentation of their habitat. What does this mean, and how is IFAW working to solve it? 

As the world’s largest land animals, elephants need a lot of space. Their home ranges can span up to 11,000 square kilometres. In addition to needing large swathes of the African savannah to find food, water, and mates, elephants serve as vital ecosystem engineers, altering plant life and the soil to the benefit of animals and humans. That means protecting elephants indirectly protects countless other species of wildlife and promotes biodiversity. 

However, human development and drought continue to decrease the size of elephant habitats and break them up into smaller and smaller pieces. For example, when a large farm is built, not only does it clear away the natural vegetation once used as food and shelter by wildlife, but it also separates wild areas from each other. This restricts animals to small, isolated spaces, which can lead to population decline and inbreeding. 

IFAW is working to fix this issue across East and southern Africa through our Room to Roam initiative. We’ve engaged landowners across a wide landscape to lease their land for elephant conservation. We also work with local communities to support their needs through climate-resilient , wildlife-friendly livelihoods, agroforestry, clean water access , and climate-smart agriculture —all of which can prevent further competition between humans and elephants and encroachment into their habitats. In addition, we support the training and equipment of rangers , who work on the ground to monitor elephants and prevent poaching . 

2. Restocking and enlarging a park for greater one-horned rhinos  

Three decades ago, conflict in Assam, India, led to poaching, deforestation, and habitat fragmentation in Manas National Park , a UNESCO World Heritage Site. All rhinos were wiped out from the area. 

To bring them back, IFAW partnered with the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), the Assam Forest Department, and the national governments of India and Bhutan. Through our joint efforts, we doubled the protected forest area of Manas. After rescuing and rehabilitating orphaned rhino calves found in the nearby Kaziranga National Park, we release them into Manas to repopulate the area. With WTI and the Assam Forest Department, we established the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) near Kaziranga. 

We also ran educational campaigns for local children, promoting environmentally friendly lifestyles and livelihoods. To date, we have rehabilitated and released 21 rhinos from Kaziranga to Manas. Today, a total population of around 45 rhinos is thriving in the Greater Manas landscape. 

3. Changing shipping routes to save endangered whales  

Many endangered whales around the world face threats in the form of vessel strikes—being hit by ships and boats—and ocean noise pollution. 

IFAW is dedicated to eliminating both of these issues by changing shipping routes . South of Sri Lanka lies one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes—and it runs straight over an important feeding area for blue whales, the largest animals in the world. When we learned we could save hundreds of whales by simply moving that lane 15 miles south, we realized we had to act. 

Partnered with scientists, shippers, mariners, local whale watch operators, and others, we successfully persuaded authorities to change the routes. But this isn’t just a problem in this one area, so we’re also advocating for the US, Australia, and New Zealand to make their waters safer, too.  

In addition, we’ve worked with partners to create the Whale Alert app , which allows mariners to access real-time information about whales to avoid collisions. 

4. Helping communities coexist with elephants in China  

Around 300 of Asian elephants currently live in China’s Yunnan province, and due to habitat loss and fragmentation, elephants and humans often come into conflict here. When in search of food, these animals can destroy crops, damage properties, and sometimes harm or even kill people.   

In 1999, IFAW launched the Asian Elephant Protection (AEP) project. For more than 20 years, we’ve been promoting human-elephant coexistence through four strategies. First, we launched the first Human Elephant Conflict (HEC) Mitigation Community Ranger Network together with the local government. We provided human-elephant conflict prevention training to more than 500 local government officials and more than 100,000 citizens in more than 50 different communities. IFAW designs a curriculum and trains rangers on how to carry out trainings themselves, enabling us to reach more people. Rangers are now capable of holding regular prevention trainings in villages. Since the launch, IFAW has supported 10 rangers to provide over 590 trainings to more than 90% of the villages that have elephant movement in Jinghong. 

Second, we’ve been supporting communities through developing environmentally friendly livelihoods while building community resilience and tolerance to elephants. Since June 2020, IFAW has collaborated with local conservation departments and organisations to launch the Community Development for Asian Elephant Protection project, which helps local communities mitigate human-elephant conflict, restore local ecosystems, and build climate change resilience through activities such as beekeeping, alternative planting, and photovoltaic installation. 

Lastly, we use education to improve community awareness and knowledge of elephant conservation. We worked with education authorities and local schools to develop the first animal-themed school textbook titled ‘Knowing Elephants’ and a series of courses. We also have provided skill trainings on conservation and public awareness to 550 staff working at the nature reserve and local tour guides in collaboration with the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve and the Xishuangbanna Tropical Rainforest National Park since 2015. 

5. Protecting Kenya’s coastal ecosystems  

Kenya hosts coastal and marine ecosystems full of diverse marine life. The coast also supports the livelihoods of 2.7 million people, and these ecosystems face threats like rapid population growth and illegal fishing. The area’s natural resources need to be sustainably managed so the benefits can be enjoyed by all local communities. 

IFAW’s work in coastal Kenya focuses on supporting specialised marine mammal rescue training of government agency personnel, community based organisations, fishermen and local community members, supporting aerial and boat surveys of key marine species, diversifying local livelihoods to reduce the overextraction of marine resources, and improving waste management to reduce entanglements and ingestion by marine life. 

We aim to protect not only Kenya’s incredible marine biodiversity, such as sea turtles, dugongs, and rays, but also the livelihoods of people who depend on fishing, marine-based eco-tourism and other activities along the coast. 

6. Restoring wildfire-ravaged landscapes in Australia  

During Australia’s Black Summer of 2019 to 2020, bushfires ravaged the country and severely damaged Two Thumbs Wildlife Trust Sanctuary , a haven for birds, bats, marsupials, and mammals in southern New South Wales. 

IFAW has been working with Habitat Innovation and Management to restore the 724-hectare property. This involves installing 120 nest boxes including 20 revolutionary boxes capable of housing multiple tree hollow-dwelling species. We also helped carve out 20 tree hollows to provide more homes for these animals, dispersed seeds to enhance biodiversity, and helped with soil erosion control and fencing to aid in the recovery of this landscape. In addition, we planted 2,000 native grasses and trees to encourage birds like the glossy black cockatoo to repopulate the sanctuary. 

7. Preparing orphaned elephants for return to the wild  

For young elephants, it’s often a death sentence if they lose their mothers or become separated from their herds. In Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe, both home to endangered African savannah elephants , IFAW is working to change this. 

In 2012, IFAW’s partner organisation Wild is Life established the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery (ZEN) . We support the rescue and rehabilitation of elephant calves who end up there often as a result of poaching, human-wildlife conflict, falling into mud or ditches, or becoming separated from their herds. These orphans spend about three to five years in the care of rehabilitators, receiving round-the-clock, personalised attention from the keepers. Once they mature, it’s time to find them a herd to join in the wild. 

To give these elephants a new home after their rehabilitation, we worked with government agencies to secure an 85,000-acre (34,000-hectare) habitat in the Panda Masuie Forest Reserve. So far, six elephants have joined wild herds in this space. 

In Zambia, we helped create the Lusaka Elephant Nursery alongside Game Rangers International (GRI). Once the elephants rescued here are old enough to be weaned off milk, we move them to a release facility in Kafue National Park. Tracking them via satellite collars, we ensure that they integrate into wild herds. 

8. Removing snares around Hwange National Park  

Snares are often set by poachers to catch animals, and they can cause slow, painful deaths for their victims. 

In Zimbabwe, IFAW supports a team of rangers staffed by the Dete Animal Rescue Trust (DART) who patrol the buffer area bordering Hwange National Park and undertake the tedious task of removing snares. From July to September 2022, they recovered a total of 231 snares. Thanks to their dedication and supervision, the number of snares detected in the area plummeted by 80% between 2022 and 2023. From April to June 2023, they found only 43 snares. 

Now, wildlife is thriving more than ever in the park, including elephants, African fish eagles, Egyptian geese, and kudus. 

9. Disrupting online illegal wildlife trade  

Wildlife trafficking happens around the world, and the internet is no exception. It has made it easier than ever to trade endangered animals around the globe, threatening numerous species with extinction. 

As we are dedicated to combatting wildlife crime on the ground by supporting rangers and local governments, IFAW also works to fight the illegal trade that occurs online. We work as a convener across public and private sectors, engaging with governments, academia, law enforcement, civil society, online marketplaces, and social media platforms to deliver joint projects and activities and provide data, information, and training. We’ve provided more than 30 trainings globally to over 1,500 enforcers in China and 200 in Europe. 

In 2018, we helped launch the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online with WWF and TRAFFIC. The Coalition comprises 46 companies with over 11 billion total user accounts. Five years after its launch, our company partners reported blocking or removing more than 11 million listings that violated wildlife crime policies. These listings included countless big cats , reptiles, primates, birds, and parts from animals like elephants , pangolins , and sea turtles . 

10. Saving birds of prey in China  

China’s birds of prey —kestrels, eagles, owls, hawks, and others—are protected by law, but they are often victims of habitat degradation, human activities, and the illegal wildlife trade.  

To protect these apex predators of the sky, IFAW partnered with Beijing Normal University (BNU) to open the Beijing Raptor Rescue Center (BRRC) in 2001. Not only does the BRRC team provide personaliszed care to individual birds, but they also share best practices with law enforcement and other wildlife rehabilitators.  

Since its opening, BRRC has received about 5,900 birds, and more than 55 percent of them have successfully returned to the wild. 

If you’d like to learn more about IFAW’s conservation projects around the world, check out our projects page. You can also take action for animals by signing one of our petitions. 

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May 6, 2024

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Animal behavior research better at keeping observer bias from sneaking in—but there's still room to improve

by Todd M. Freeberg, The Conversation

Animal behavior research is getting better at keeping observer bias from sneaking in—but there's still room to improve

Animal behavior research relies on careful observation of animals. Researchers might spend months in a jungle habitat watching tropical birds mate and raise their young. They might track the rates of physical contact in cattle herds of different densities. Or they could record the sounds whales make as they migrate through the ocean.

Animal behavior research can provide fundamental insights into the natural processes that affect ecosystems around the globe, as well as into our own human minds and behavior.

I study animal behavior —and also the research reported by scientists in my field. One of the challenges of this kind of science is making sure our own assumptions don't influence what we think we see in animal subjects. Like all people, how scientists see the world is shaped by biases and expectations, which can affect how data is recorded and reported. For instance, scientists who live in a society with strict gender roles for women and men might interpret things they see animals doing as reflecting those same divisions.

The scientific process corrects for such mistakes over time, but scientists have quicker methods at their disposal to minimize potential observer bias . Animal behavior scientists haven't always used these methods—but that's changing. A new study confirms that, over the past decade, studies increasingly adhere to the rigorous best practices that can minimize potential biases in animal behavior research.

Biases and self-fulfilling prophecies

A German horse named Clever Hans is widely known in the history of animal behavior as a classic example of unconscious bias leading to a false result.

Around the turn of the 20th century , Clever Hans was purported to be able to do math. For example, in response to his owner's prompt "3 + 5," Clever Hans would tap his hoof eight times. His owner would then reward him with his favorite vegetables. Initial observers reported that the horse's abilities were legitimate and that his owner was not being deceptive.

However, careful analysis by a young scientist named Oskar Pfungst revealed that if the horse could not see his owner, he couldn't answer correctly. So while Clever Hans was not good at math, he was incredibly good at observing his owner's subtle and unconscious cues that gave the math answers away.

In the 1960s, researchers asked human study participants to code the learning ability of rats. Participants were told their rats had been artificially selected over many generations to be either "bright" or "dull" learners. Over several weeks, the participants ran their rats through eight different learning experiments.

In seven out of the eight experiments , the human participants ranked the "bright" rats as being better learners than the "dull" rats when, in reality, the researchers had randomly picked rats from their breeding colony. Bias led the human participants to see what they thought they should see.

Animal behavior research is getting better at keeping observer bias from sneaking in—but there's still room to improve

Eliminating bias

Given the clear potential for human biases to skew scientific results, textbooks on animal behavior research methods from the 1980s onward have implored researchers to verify their work using at least one of two commonsense methods.

One is making sure the researcher observing the behavior does not know if the subject comes from one study group or the other. For example, a researcher would measure a cricket's behavior without knowing if it came from the experimental or control group.

The other best practice is utilizing a second researcher, who has fresh eyes and no knowledge of the data, to observe the behavior and code the data. For example, while analyzing a video file, I count chickadees taking seeds from a feeder 15 times. Later, a second independent observer counts the same number.

Yet these methods to minimize possible biases are often not employed by researchers in animal behavior, perhaps because these best practices take more time and effort.

In 2012, my colleagues and I reviewed nearly 1,000 articles published in five leading animal behavior journals between 1970 and 2010 to see how many reported these methods to minimize potential bias. Less than 10% did so. By contrast, the journal Infancy, which focuses on human infant behavior, was far more rigorous: Over 80% of its articles reported using methods to avoid bias.

It's a problem not just confined to my field. A 2015 review of published articles in the life sciences found that blind protocols are uncommon . It also found that studies using blind methods detected smaller differences between the key groups being observed compared to studies that didn't use blind methods, suggesting potential biases led to more notable results.

In the years after we published our article, it was cited regularly and we wondered if there had been any improvement in the field. So, we recently reviewed 40 articles from each of the same five journals for the year 2020.

We found the rate of papers that reported controlling for bias improved in all five journals , from under 10% in our 2012 article to just over 50% in our new review. These rates of reporting still lag behind the journal Infancy, however, which was 95% in 2020.

All in all, things are looking up, but the animal behavior field can still do better. Practically, with increasingly more portable and affordable audio and video recording technology, it's getting easier to carry out methods that minimize potential biases. The more the field of animal behavior sticks with these best practices, the stronger the foundation of knowledge and public trust in this science will become.

Provided by The Conversation

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  • 30 April 2024

Zoos should focus on animal welfare before claiming to champion conservation

  • Donald Broom 0 ,
  • Hsiao Mei Yeh 1 &
  • Shawn Peng 2

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

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Taiwan Aquarium & Zoological Park Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Taipei Zoo, Taipei, Taiwan.

The global zoo community purports to act sustainably, as champions of conservation and research. Yet, in our view, this is a fallacy. Zoos remain mainly entertainment venues.

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  1. Animal Research Projects {for ANY animal}

    research project on an animal

  2. Animal wolf report trifold board poster 3rd grade

    research project on an animal

  3. Looking for a highly engaging animal research project for your students

    research project on an animal

  4. Animal Research Project for Kids at the Elementary Level in 2024

    research project on an animal

  5. Animal Research Project

    research project on an animal

  6. Animal Research

    research project on an animal


  1. How Animals Eat Their Food

  2. NTT Project animal details

  3. Multimedia Project: Animal Haven Ireland

  4. Gurr making in factory||Jaggery making #factory #shortvideo

  5. ATL Project.....ANIMAL PREVENTER PROJECT ##students #school #education

  6. Zoo Project


  1. Zooniverse

    From classifying animals in the Serengeti to discovering new exoplanets using the Kepler space telescope, researchers of all backgrounds have used the free project builder to create engaging, accessible citizen science projects. ... The contributions of Zooniverse volunteers produce real research. Our projects have led to hundreds of peer ...

  2. 18 Animal Science Lessons and Experiments

    1. Animal Habitats. In the Animal Habitats lesson, students play a game in which different parts of the classroom represent different habitats. Students will need to figure out what the right habitat is for the animal card they are given as they think about the relationship between habitat and animal survival. 2.

  3. 150+ Zoology Project Ideas: Explore Animal Kingdom

    150+ Zoology Project Ideas: Explore Animal Kingdom. General / By Stat Analytica / 21st October 2023. Zoology, the study of the animal kingdom, is a captivating field that enables us to unravel the mysteries of the natural world. Engaging in zoology project ideas can be a rewarding way to delve into this scientific realm, gaining hands-on ...

  4. Animal Studies and School Project Ideas

    Animal Studies and School Project Ideas. From Science Fair Project Ideas on Mammals to Experiments About Insects. Animal research is important for understanding various biological processes in animals, humans included. Scientists study animals in order to learn ways for improving their agricultural health, our methods of wildlife preservation ...

  5. Animal Research Project for Kids at the Elementary Level in 2024

    The animal research project is a resource that is packed with printable and digital activities and projects to choose from. It is perfect for elementary teachers doing a simple animal study or a month-long, fully integrated unit.

  6. A Virtual Animal Behavior Research Project for an Introductory Biology

    For context, this course consisted of a three-credit lecture and a one-credit lab. The first six weeks of the 15-week laboratory portion were conducted in a synchronous virtual format, using BioInteractive materials to teach the basic skills necessary to start the ethogram project. (The first six weeks, as well as the culminating project ...

  7. High School, Zoology Science Projects

    Migratory turtles and birds use this sense to guide them on long journeys. Homing pigeons use it to find their way home. New research suggests that large mammals, such as cows and deer, may also have the ability to sense the direction of magnetic north. In this animal behavior science project, you will… Read more

  8. Animal Research Writing Project

    About this animal research project. Within this post you will find over 30 pages of anchor charts, mini-lesson ideas, writing planners and graphic organizers. The unit will help guide your students through the complete process. In the end, you will be helping to teach your students how to write their own pieces of informational text.

  9. Zoology Science Projects

    In this project, water fleas (Daphnia magna), a semi-transparent freshwater crustacean, are used to study the effects of caffeine on heart rate. Don't worry about having to learn how to take a crustacean's pulse: you can actually see the heart beating under a microscope. Many variations of this experiment are possible.

  10. PREPARE: guidelines for planning animal research and testing

    Assess the reproducibility and translatability of the project. 2. Legal issues Consider how the research is affected by relevant legislation for animal research and other areas, e.g. animal transport, occupational health and safety. Locate relevant guidance documents (e.g. EU guidance on project evaluation). 3.

  11. Animal Research Project

    1 Animal Research Project Choosing Your Animal 2 Project Information We are going to do. a. research project AND paper over animals. The first part of this research will be learning about our animal: environment, appearance, survival, features, behaviors, traits, food chain, and more…. You will need to read and complete EACH SLIDE in ORDER.

  12. Animal Research Projects in Kindergarten Step-by-Step

    Step 3: I Investigate. I build "inquiry time" into your day to conduct whole class, shared research using the resources we've gathered. I model note taking and let children take their own notes using a combination of pictures and words. I also Incorporate what children are learning about the animal into their choice time discovery centers.

  13. How to Explode Student Engagement with this Habitat Research Project

    5. REPEAT. We repeat steps 2-4 for either 3 or 4 animals. Some students may work faster, while some may take a bit more time on each step. I try to adjust the project to be appropriate for the majority of the class. 6. SHARE. When the project is done, I try to find a special way for us to share our work.

  14. Research using animals: an overview

    Where animals are used in research projects, they are used as part of a range of scientific techniques. These might include human trials, computer modelling, cell culture, statistical techniques, and others. Animals are only used for parts of research where no other techniques can deliver the answer. A living body is an extraordinarily complex ...

  15. Teach Students to Write Animal Reports

    With animal research resources and a report template for guidance, students can explore new animal information that will help improve their understanding of the animal kingdom. ... Finding ideas for animal research topics can be a fun and engaging way to get kids started on their animal report project. There are plenty of online resources ...

  16. Investigating Animals: Using Nonfiction for Inquiry-based Research

    Students begin their inquiry by comparing fiction and nonfiction books about animals, using a Venn diagram. They list things they want to know about animals on a chart. As a class, students vote on an animal to research. They revise their question list, and then research the animal using prompts from an online graphic organizer.

  17. PDF Elementary Animal Research Project

    Animal Research Project Rubric for _____ Yes Some No 10 points 5 points 0 points 1. I decided on an animal to research. ☺ 2. I researched the information about my animal. ☺ 3. I neatly completed the research page . ☺ 4. I have no misspelled words or grammatical errors ☺ on my research page. 5.

  18. PREPARE: guidelines for planning animal research and testing

    Consider how the research is affected by relevant legislation for animal research and other areas, e.g. animal transport, occupational health and safety. Locate relevant guidance documents (e.g. EU guidance on project evaluation). 3. Ethical issues, harm-benefit assessment and humane endpoints Construct a lay summary.

  19. Animals in Research

    Scientists must write a detailed plan of why and how they plan to use animals for a research project. This information is then reviewed by other scientists and members of the public to make sure that the research animals will be used for has an important purpose. Whatever the animals are used for, the scientists also make sure to take care of ...

  20. On the past, present, and future of in vivo science

    VV: "Using animals in research is a privilege granted by society to the research community with the expectation that such use will provide either significant new knowledge or lead to improvement ...

  21. A guide to open science practices for animal research

    original image. Fig 1. Using open science practices throughout translational research studies. Application of open science practices at each step of the research process can maximize the impact of performed animal experiments. The implementation of these practices will lead to less time pressure at the end of a project.

  22. Experiment with Animal Behavior Science Projects

    Experiment with Animal Behavior Science Projects. (14 results) Investigate a question about animal ethology, their behavior. Discover what safely repels ants, how animals prefer to eat, what environments animals prefer, or how animals journey.

  23. Middle School Research Project

    Description. Planning your middle school research project doesn't have to be overwhelming! Introduce your beginning researchers to sources, citations, note-taking, and more with this user-friendly research packet. Choose animal topics and use this research format to guide your students through their first full-fledged research project.

  24. Animal behavior research is getting better at keeping observer bias

    Animal behavior research relies on careful observation of animals. Researchers might spend months in a jungle habitat watching tropical birds mate and raise their young. They might track the rates ...

  25. EMCC STEM Students Pursue Pollinator Projects

    EMCC STEM Students Pursue Pollinator Projects. Monday, May 13, 2024. STEM. Undergrads Study Wildflower Growth; Conduct Native Bee Survey. Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) STEM students are busy, busy bees having engaged in Undergraduate Research Experiences, or UREs this semester. Some of our Mountain Lions just wrapped up a study of ...

  26. How Some Animals Can Survive Exposure to Nuclear Radiation

    In research published in 2018, scientists studied the cells of bank voles that inhabit the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where background radiation levels are 100 times greater than in ...

  27. 10 conservation projects saving endangered wildlife

    Animals provide us with ecosystem services —necessities like food, water, and soil—and help protect our planet. Biodiversity can even help us mitigate climate change . Here are 10 important conservation efforts that IFAW is currently supporting to protect wildlife, people, and the planet. 1. Giving African elephants room to roam.

  28. Animal behavior research better at keeping observer bias from sneaking

    Animal behavior research relies on careful observation of animals. Researchers might spend months in a jungle habitat watching tropical birds mate and raise their young. They might track the rates ...

  29. Zoos should focus on animal welfare before claiming to champion

    Zoos should focus on animal welfare before claiming to champion conservation. The global zoo community purports to act sustainably, as champions of conservation and research. Yet, in our view ...

  30. 5 Arguments for Zoos, Fact-Checked and Unpacked

    Argument 4: "Zoos contribute scientific research into animal welfare and conservationism". According to the organization's website, all AZA-accredited zoos in the U.S. are required to ...