How to Talk About Your Family in English

presentation about my family in english

Talking about your family should be one of the easiest things to do in English.

These people are your family, so you should know them very well. Talking about your family for over five minutes should be no problem for you.

But many students stumble over this topic and just don’t know what to say.

In this guide, I have mapped out several things you can talk about — from describing who they are and what they look like to the activities you like to do together to future plans and stories.

Just follow all the steps below and you will find that you can talk about your family for several minutes.

Table of Contents

How many people in your family? And who are they?

When you first start introducing your family, you just need to say some basic simple things about them.

presentation about my family in english

How many people are there in your family? And who are these people?

The listener needs to get an overall general picture of who your family is before you go into any details.

Let’s say you come from a family of four people — mum, dad, older sister and you. You could say:

There are four people in my family — me, my mum and dad, and my older sister.

Now we have a very clear general picture of your family and who they are.

Other variations of a basic introduction of your family could be:

I come from a small family — there are just three of us. Me, my mother and father.

My family is very big. There are seven of us. Me, my mum and dad, my three brothers and our little sister.

Sometimes people might say nuclear family to describe the size of their family. This is used to describe a family of four people — two parents and two children.

I come from a nuclear family — my mum and dad, me and my big brother.

Nuclear Family — while we used this term in the past, today it is a little antiquated. But you can still use it.

Some families may just have one parent. How to talk about this?

In my family, it’s just me and my mum. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

There’s just me and my dad in my family. No brothers, no sisters.

And some families have two dads or two mums.

In my family, there are three people — me and my two dads.

One term I have heard used in IELTS tests is ‘family members’. For example;

I have four family members.

Please do not use this phrase!

It sounds very strange in English.

Your family are the people closest and dearest to you — they are not members.

We only have members of a club or a society.

Where Do All Your Family Live?

To create a bigger picture in your introduction, you should talk about where your family live .

Which city? In a house? In an apartment?

presentation about my family in english

Let’s look at some options.

We all live in a small city in Thailand. We live in a house — it’s a small house but big enough for all the four of us.

I live with my family in Beijing. We live in an apartment. There are only three of us, so there is plenty of room for us.

Other than the city and country where you live, and the type of home you live in, you don’t need to say much more than this.

But maybe one person in your family does not live with you. How to talk about this?

We all live in a house in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. But my sister doesn’t live with us. She is at college in Canada, so she lives there. I think she lives in a student dormitory, but I’m not sure.

Me and my family live in an apartment in Tokyo. My older brother is married though and has his own family now. They live in their own apartment — it’s not too far from us.

Who Are All The People In Your Family?

This is where you provide a little detail about each person in your family. You can say their name and what they do — job or student.

At this stage, that is all you need to talk about.

presentation about my family in english

Let’s take a look at some things to say:

Well, there’s my dad — he works for a construction company. I think he’s a manager of some kind. And my mum — she does some work at home, writing articles.

And my sister, Chloe, she’s at university — she’s studying marketing in Australia.

And then me. I’m still at school.

So, my dad — he’s a teacher — he teaches computer stuff there. And my mum works in a kindergarten. My older brother, Sam, is working — but I can’t remember what he does. My younger brother, Luke, is in middle school, and I am in high school.

Usually, when we are talking about our parents in English, we don’t give their names. We know their names, but we don’t use them — and we don’t tell other people their names unless they ask.

But we do tell other people the names of our brothers and sisters.

What Do They Look Like? What Kind Of People Are They?

As you are describing all your family , you just need to give a brief description of each person.

In terms of a brief description, you can just talk about their height, their body shape, and some other general features like hair colour and distinguishing features. If you were talking about each person for any length of time, then you could go into more detail — but for the sake of your family, just keep things simple.

presentation about my family in english

The same applies to their personality — no need to give too much detail. A general overview is enough.

Let’s look at some ideas…

My dad is pretty tall and thin. His hair is dark brown, but he is losing it now, so he has very little hair. He’s kind of quiet most of the time.

My mum is short — actually much shorter than my dad — and she has a lot of energy. She is always active and doing things. She’s funny too — she has a great sense of humour.

Then there’s my big sister — she’s beautiful and has long hair and green eyes. But she is always angry these days — and not just with me, with everyone. We just stay out of her way.

My dad is a little bit fat, and he wears glasses. He is pretty strict with me and my brother, especially about studying. If he catches us playing computer games when we should be doing our homework, he will lose his temper.

My mum is more easy-going. She thinks studying is important, but she lets us do things we like to do too. She used to have black hair, but it’s gone a little grey in the last few years. She is always singing around the house.

My dad always seems busy — he works a lot. He is about the same height as me, but he is fat. He doesn’t have time for sport. My mum is slim though — she goes running every morning, and she only eats healthy food. Unlike my dad.

My little sister is very cute. She is always playing tricks on me and likes to joke around. She has long black hair and a cheeky smile.

In this part, all you need to do is give a brief description of what they look like and an idea about their personality.

Check my article on describing people – How to Describe Someone’s Physical Appearance in English .

What Do You Like To To Together?

Most families enjoy doing some activities together. Even if it is just the simple act of eating together — there are some things that families always do together.

What do you do with your family?

Are there some things you only do with certain people in your family?

presentation about my family in english

These are some ideas for you to look at:

My mum always insists that the family sits together and has Sunday lunch together. It is very important to her. We have a big lunch and it is a good time to talk together and share things about our lives.

We always go on holiday every year together. My dad loves to plan this big holiday — he makes me and my sister join him at the dinner table and we go over travel destinations.

Then about one week before we go, we start preparing what to take. It’s always a really great time, and I look forward to it every year.

Me, my brother and my dad like to go fishing together. To be honest, my dad really enjoys fishing — me and my brother just like to go and look around by the river and the boats.

Think about the things you like to do with your family — or some of your family — and then talk about that.

Maybe you have an interesting story to tell from when you did something with your family.

Who Are Your Extended Family?

Your extended family are people outside of your immediate family. Usually, we mean people like grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

presentation about my family in english

You can introduce these people in the following ways:

I only have my grandfather on my mum’s side and my grandmother on my dad’s side who is still around. The others have passed away.

On my dad’s/mum’s side — this means the relatives that come from your father’s family or mother’s family.

Still around — this is a polite and more sensitive way to say still alive. In English, we prefer to use very sensitive words and expressions when talking about death.

Passed away — this is a more acceptable way of saying they have died.

Be careful when talking about the subject of death in English.

People often talk about how many cousins they have.

I have a lot of cousins — I think around thirty or more. If we have a big family get together, the house is very crowded.

I have three cousins. One of them I see all the time, we are like sisters. But the others live far away, so I don’t see them very often.

And we might talk about aunts or uncles that we have.

When I was very young, I went to see a football game with my uncle and cousins. My uncle is a lifelong fan of Arsenal football club.

One of my aunts likes to read the same kind of books I like. So I like to talk to her about books she has read to get some ideas of other things to read.

In English, we can often say one word to refer to many of our relatives.

These words include:

  • Grandfather
  • Grandmother

I know that in many other languages — particularly Asian languages — there are different words for each person in the family.

This is not the same in English.

What Do You Like About Your Family?

And what do you not like?

They are our family — of course, there are many things we like about them. And there are many things we don’t like about them too.

presentation about my family in english

You can talk about these when introducing your family.

My dad has got a really great sense of humour — he says really funny things at times. But he has this annoying habit of whistling around the house. It drives all of us insane, but he cannot stop doing it.

My sister is really good at maths. If I ever have trouble with my maths homework, I know I can rely on my sister to help me. She thinks maths is easy. But one thing that drives me mad about her is her music. She plays loud rock music from her room. It sounds terrible!

If you say one or two things you like about someone from your family followed by one thing you dislike about the same person, it will make your English sound more rounded and fluent.

Future Plans For Your Family

None of us can tell what the future will bring.

But try to imagine what the future could be for your family. Maybe there are already some plans in store — your sister planning to go abroad to study or your older brother getting married.

You could also talk about your family’s hopes and dreams.

My sister is going to Australia next year. She will start college and study there. She is very excited about it.

My brother is planning his wedding right now. He will marry his girlfriend in a big ceremony. All of my cousins, aunts and uncles will be there. My dad is really worried about how much it will cost!

My mum hopes I will do well in my high school tests. Then she wants me to go to university. She said she wants me to be a doctor — but I would like to be a writer.

Tell Stories About Your Family

One of the best things you can do when talking about your family is to tell a story about them.

This can really help to describe your family in a great way.

presentation about my family in english

All you have to do is tell the story in the right chronological order and try to make it sound interesting.

When me and my brother were little kids, dad used to take us to the forest near where we lived. There was a boating pond there, and we used to run around exploring things and looking for frogspawn.

As we ran around, my dad used to bury coins in the bank of the pond. And when me and my brother got back from running around, he would tell us that pirates buried their treasure beside the pond.

This would be impossible! But we never thought about this…

So we dug the banks of the pond looking for treasure and we found the coins my dad buried there.

We thought we had found gold and silver!

The story can be funny, sad, exciting. It can be about a dangerous incident or something that made you feel very happy.

Think about a story about your family — you should have many stories to tell.

I hope I have given you some things to think about when introducing your family.

You should find there are many things to talk about — they are your family after all.

Just go through each section above and try to think of ways to talk about your family using the same exercise. If you follow all the above patterns clearly, you could probably talk about your family for over ten minutes!

And please — let me know in the comments below!

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10 thoughts on “how to talk about your family in english”.

' data-src=

In fact talking about the family is one of the most popular topics in many cultures where everything revolves around the family. I like the way the article starts from the concrete and works into the abstract. That is always a good way to approach any topic. Start with the physical description and weave up to telling stories about the person.

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Thanks Leona! I’m glad you liked it.

' data-src=

I love your way, it helped me a lot, I hope I’m good at English someday.

Thanks for your kind comment, Trang! Keep trying and you will find success. Never give up!

' data-src=

Excellent work sir, even we all know about our family literally we dont know how to frame those mind words . Thank you .

Many thanks, Kusuma! I am glad this article is helpful to you. Best wishes!

' data-src=

Thanks a lot. I am a teacher. This article helped me a lot when prepairing my lesson about describing people. You have got a unique style of presenting!

Thank you very much! I take that as a very high honour!

' data-src=

Very nice, well structured and detailed piece of writing about family

Hi Saumen! Many thanks!

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Making English Fun

Making English Fun

My Family: Class Presentation Script Examples

Welcome to our collection of “My Family Presentation Scripts,” a resource lovingly crafted for elementary school students.

In this compilation, we look into the tapestry of family life, heritage, and traditions.

From the daily routines that bind a family to the ancestral stories that shape their identity, these scripts are an invitation for young learners to celebrate and share their unique family narratives.

Ideal for classroom presentations, these stories not only foster a deeper understanding of personal backgrounds but also cultivate respect and appreciation for the diverse family structures and cultures within our communities.

My Family Presentation Examples

Explore our scripts to tell the story of your family in your classroom but remember to adapt them for you and if you are a teacher for your students!

you can download them from the link at the end of the article.

My Family: Class Presentation Script Examples For Younger Learners (Ages 6-7)

My family members script.

“Hi, I’m [Student’s Name]. I want to tell you about my family.

I have a mom, a dad, a big sister, and a little brother.

My mom is a teacher, and she helps me with my homework.

My dad is a chef, and he cooks yummy food.

My big sister plays games with me, and my little brother makes funny faces.

We all love each other and have fun together.

My family is special to me!”

Our Family Traditions Script

“Hello, my name is [Student’s Name].

Today, I’ll talk about our family traditions.

Every Sunday, we have a family picnic in the park. We bring sandwiches and play soccer.

On birthdays, we bake a big cake and sing songs.

My family also celebrates holidays together, like Christmas, when we decorate our house and give each other gifts.

These traditions make our family feel happy and close.”

My Family’s Pets Script

“Good day, everyone! I’m [Student’s Name], and I’ll tell you about my family’s pets.

We have a dog named Buddy and a cat named Whiskers.

Buddy loves to play fetch, and Whiskers likes to sleep in the sun.

They are part of our family because they make us laugh and we take care of them.

I love my pets very much because they are my best friends.”

My Family: Class Presentation Script Examples

My Family: Class Presentation Script Examples For Ages 8-10

My family’s heritage script.

“Hi, I’m [Student’s Name], and I’m going to talk about my family’s heritage.

My family is from Italy, and we have some cool traditions.

We make homemade pasta and pizza, and we speak Italian at home sometimes.

Every year, we celebrate Italian festivals and listen to Italian music.

Learning about my heritage is important because it helps me understand where my family came from and the history of our ancestors.”

A Day in My Family’s Life Script

“Hello, my name is [Student’s Name], and I want to share a day in my family’s life.

We start our day with breakfast together.

Then, we all go to work and school. After school, I have soccer practice, and my sister has dance class.

In the evening, we cook dinner together and talk about our day.

Sometimes, we play board games or watch a movie.

Every day is busy, but we make sure to spend time together because that’s what makes our family strong and happy.”

My Family’s Holiday Celebration Script

“Good morning, everyone. I’m [Student’s Name], and I’ll talk about how my family celebrates a holiday.

We celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights.

We decorate our house with lights and candles.

We also make rangoli, which are colorful patterns on the floor.

Our family gathers to eat special foods and share stories.

Diwali is about light over darkness and good over evil. It’s a time for being with family and having fun.”

My Family’s Vacation Adventure Script

“Hi, I’m [Student’s Name], and I want to tell you about a vacation adventure my family had.

Last summer, we went camping in the mountains.

We hiked trails, saw a waterfall, and even spotted some deer.

At night, we sat around the campfire, roasted marshmallows, and told stories.

It was an adventure because we explored new places and tried new things.

I love going on vacation with my family because we make great memories together.”

My Family’s Cultural Background Script

“Hello, my name is [Student’s Name], and my presentation is about my family’s cultural background.

We are from Mexico, and our culture is rich with traditions and celebrations.

We celebrate Dia de los Muertos, where we remember family members who have passed away.

We make an altar with photos, candles, and flowers.

Our culture is also known for delicious food like tacos and tamales, and we love to have big family meals.

Learning about my culture is important because it teaches me about my roots and the customs that are part of my identity.”

My Ancestors’ Story Script

“Good day, everyone! I’m [Student’s Name], and I’ll be sharing my ancestors’ story.

My great-grandparents came to this country many years ago.

They traveled by boat and brought only a few things with them.

They worked hard to build a new life here.

My family tells stories about their courage and determination.

Knowing about my ancestors is important because it shows me where my family started and how far we’ve come.

It makes me proud of my heritage and inspires me to work hard too.”

You can download these scripts to edit from the link here.

We also have an article and download on tips for great presentations for kids here on the site which is ever popular!

we hope these stories have encouraged your students to view their families with admiration and pride.

Each script, whether it’s about daily life, cultural heritage, or ancestral journeys, is a testament to the unique bonds and histories that make up our family narratives.

These presentations serve not just as a tool for sharing personal stories but also as a means to foster empathy, understanding, and connection among classmates.

Further Reading


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Making English Fun!

presentation about my family in english

I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.

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My Family - Present and talk about my family in English

My Family - Present and talk about my family in English

Subject: English language learning

Age range: 5 - 18

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

23 November 2022

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  • A2 speaking

Talking about your family

Sam wants to play Game of Kings, but Jack is more interested in Sam's family.


Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and follow the instructions to practise your speaking.


Jack: Hi Sam. How’s it going? Sam: Good. How are you? Jack: Fine, thanks. Hey, is that the new version of Game of Kings? Sam: Yeah, do you want to play? It’s great! Jack: Oh! You can’t buy that here! Where did you get it? Sam: From my brother. He sent it to me. Jack: What? Charlie? Sam: No, my other brother, Rob. He lives in the States ... in New York. Jack: Really? I didn’t know you had another brother! Sam: Yeah! Well, he’s my half-brother. Jack: But ... I don’t get it ... Sam: He’s my dad’s son. My dad went to New York to study and married an American. Jack: Your mum’s American?! Sam: No, no, not my mum. That was ages ago ... before he met my mum. Jack: Ah, OK, I get it now. Wow, I didn’t know that! So, how old is your half-brother? Sam: Er, he’s five years older than me, so he’s twenty-three. Jack: Cool. And do you see him often? Sam: Not very often ... I’ve been to visit him twice. Well, three times, but the first time I don’t remember because I was really little. But we speak on Skype a lot. Jack: And have you met Rob’s mum? Sam: Yeah. She’s really nice. She’s from Mexico originally. She’s married to someone else now. Jack: And what does your mum think? Sam: Er ... she’s fine about it! She knew my dad was divorced and had a son. Jack: Huh ... OK. Sam: OK, enough questions. Do you want to play Game of Kings or what? Jack: Yeah, cool.

Jack: Hi Sam. How’s it going? Sam: Good. H__ are you? Jack: Fine, thanks. Hey, is that the new version of Game of Kings? Sam: Yeah, d__ you want t__ play? It’s great! Jack: Oh! You can’t buy that here! Where did you get it? Sam: From m__ brother. He sent it to m__. Jack: What? Charlie? Sam: No, my other b______, Rob. He lives i__ the States ... in New York. Jack: Really? I didn’t know you had another brother! Sam: Yeah! Well, he’s my half-b______. Jack: But ... I don’t get it ... Sam: He’s my dad’s s__. My dad went to New York to study and m______ an American. Jack: Your mum’s American?! Sam: No, no, not my m__. That w__ ages ago ... before he met m__ mum. Jack: Ah, OK, I get it now. Wow, I didn’t know that! So, how old is your half-brother? Sam: Er, he’s five y____ older t___ me, so h__ twenty-three. Jack: Cool. And do you see him often? Sam: Not very often ... I’ve b___ t__ visit him twice. Well, three times, but the first time I d___ remember because I w__ really little. But we speak on Skype a lot. Jack: And have you met Rob’s mum? Sam: Yeah. She’s r_____ nice. She’s f___ Mexico originally. She’s married t__ someone else now. Jack: And what does your mum think? Sam: Er ... she’s fine about it! She knew my dad w__ divorced and h__ a son. Jack: Huh ... OK. Sam: OK, enough questions. Do you w___ to p___ Game of Kings or what? Jack: Yeah, cool.

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What is your family like?

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Wonderful World English

Meet My Family – Free Lesson Plan & PPT for ESL Teachers

presentation about my family in english

Meet  David De’ Ath , co-founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike.

If you’re an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher or a teacher of young learners looking for some tips and materials on teaching the subject of families and family trees, you’re in the right place!

This lesson is an important aspect of English language learning, especially for young learners, as it helps them build comprehension of everyday family words.

From basic words like “me,” “mom,” and “dad” to terms like “family tree” and “baby cousin,” this lesson is a must for any young learner in an ESL curriculum.

Teachers should include materials and visual prompts to teach a lesson on families and family trees effectively. The goal is for students to understand and produce the vocabulary and be able to answer the question, “Who’s this?”. Teachers can use TPR well and keep the lesson fun and engaging.

I am an experienced ESL teacher who has taught this lesson to families many times; it is good fun and great to have in a student’s English toolkit.

I have provided the materials I use for this lesson, along with the PPT and lesson plan for you below, for free!

Feel free to use these materials in your classroom; you can add or take away anything to your class however you see fit.

Let’s jump in!

presentation about my family in english

Family Tree ESL Lesson

This lesson is a staple in any English curriculum.

Learners need to understand the vocabulary associated with family members at a basic level before moving on to more complicated areas.

Students typically love to get involved and discuss their parents or siblings, so this lesson can be a lot of fun.

With the right mix of games and activities, songs, and movies, this will surely be a success.

Below, we will look at the lesson plan on the subject of families for a 45-minute class for young ESL learners, as well as some materials and games to include.

Here is the lesson plan:

1. Lesson Plan

This lesson is focused on the key sentence: “How does it taste?”, and teaches students to reply with “It’s sour,” “It’s spicy,” “It’s sweet,” or “It’s salty.”

This lesson is for very basic-level English learners, so I don’t overwhelm them.

If you believe your students can handle a little more, then go ahead and include more vocabulary, such as “it’s bitter” or “it’s delicious,” for example.

This plan should be used as a guide to accompany the PPT supplied below:

presentation about my family in english

Meet My Family

Objective: To teach ESL students family-related vocabulary, foster comprehension, and enable them to talk about their family in English.

You will need An interactive whiteboard for the PPT, a whiteboard/blackboard to keep score of points, paper, pencils, and flashcards of family vocabulary (optional).

1. Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greetings and classroom rule review.
  • Split the class into teams (e.g., boys vs. girls or by the row they are sitting in).
  • Review content from your previous lesson (if applicable).

2. New Topic Introduction (3 minutes):

  • Introduce the new topic: “Family.”
  • Show a basic family tree diagram and explain the concept.

3. Family Vocabulary (8 minutes):

  • Introduce family vocabulary words like mother, father, sister, brother, etc.
  • Show pictures of family members and ask, “Who is this?”

4. Family Tree Exploration (3 minutes):

  • Show a more detailed family picture and explain relationships like grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
  • Encourage students to identify relationships on the family tree.
  • Invite students to point at the family member and produce the language; give points to whoever does this well.

5. Play movie (4 minutes):

  • Play a relevant movie to boost comprehension.

6. Make a family tree (8 minutes):

  • Show students a family tree and discuss.
  • Hand out blank pieces of paper and have students fill in the names or pictures of their family members.

8. Present (10 minutes):

  • Select a few students to come to the front and present their family tree to the class.
  • Ask questions related to the family tree and award points for correct answers.
  • Students can produce sentences such as “This is my mom. She is beautiful,” for example.

9. Wrap-up and Rewards (4 minutes):

  • Review all the new language and relationships discussed in the lesson.
  • Congratulate the winning team; small rewards such as stickers can be an excellent token of appreciation.

If you’re looking for some great ideas for games and activities that you can include within your lesson plan for this lesson or any other, the guide below is for you!

Related Article:  Fun Classroom Games to Play – Teacher’s Guide

presentation about my family in english

2. Free PPT

Below is the PPT I made for you to use in your class; you can download this and use it as it is with the lesson plan above, or you can edit it however you would like:

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3. Materials

Some great materials are available on the subject of families and family trees.

You can use  YouTube , copyright-free images on sites like Canva, or check out useful platforms such as  Teachers Pay Teachers .

Make sure to use appropriate and relevant resources to make sure your class is fun and engaging.

It is great to make the most of flash cards and props in ESL lessons.

You can show an image of your own family and discuss this with your students; they will surely find this interesting.

And if your school has materials you can use, be sure to make the most of them!

The video below is great for teaching the subject of families and has all the key vocabulary needed for this lesson:

Any eye-catching video or song on the subject will keep your students captivated and more receptive to retaining the newly learned language.

Another key lesson is “How does it taste?” check out the link below for more free materials!

Related Article: How Does it Taste? – Free Lesson Plan & PPT for ESL Teachers

presentation about my family in english

“Meet My Family” is a delightful theme that allows students to delve into family vocabulary and relationships, which are integral parts of everyday life.

This lesson opens a window for students to talk about their families, promoting a personal connection to the English language.

Utilize this guide’s lesson plan and PPT as a springboard if you’re seeking inspiration for your teaching journey.

Feel free to personalize the PPT by adding or removing slides to seamlessly align with your lesson objectives.

Incorporating enjoyable games, activities, and materials will undoubtedly make your lesson engaging and memorable.

If this material aids your teaching venture, we’d be thrilled if you could share this post and follow us on the platforms mentioned below.

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Cheers to impactful teaching and the joy of learning.

Have a wonderful day!

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The Beginner’s Guide to Talking About Family in English

Talking about yourself often leads people to start asking about your family.

Just in case that happens, it’s a good idea to have some words and phrases ready.

Here are some general vocabulary terms and phrases in English you’ll need to tell everyone about your family!

How to Talk Effortlessly About Your Family in English

Terms to describe types of family structures, immediate family—talking about those closest to you, extended family—discussing other family members related by blood, family by marriage—discussing family related to your spouse, 12 expressions to describe your family, to look like, to take after, to run in the family, like father, like son, to have something in common, to be named after, to get along with, to be on good terms, to be close to, to look up to, to get together, to start a family, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

People generally begin a conversation about family with simple phrases like these:

Do you have any family around here?

Tell me about your family.

If that’s the case, you can give a short description that tells the other person how big is your family is and maybe where they live.

Here’s an example:

There are six people in my family—me, my parents, brother and two sisters and we live in…

This gives a general picture of your family and gets the conversation going.

And depending on where that conversation takes you, you’ll want to have the following words in your arsenal!

You’ll need to be familiar with  family structures  to accurately describe your family members.

Here are some more questions people usually ask:

How big is your family?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

When people ask these questions, they usually want to know about your immediate family .   This means the family closest to you and who may or may not live with you. 

People might also ask you questions like these:

Do you live with your grandparents?

How often do you see your cousins?

Usually they ask this when they’re interested in finding out about your extended family .  Your extended family includes relatives like your grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

When you marry, your family grows bigger. A question you might hear is:

Does your spouse come from a big family?

After marriage, you now have a new set of relatives from your spouse’s side of the family called your in-laws .  The conversation might not go this way, but if it does, you’ll be ready!

All right, let’s move on to some useful expressions you can use to talk about your family relationships.

To look like means to resemble someone physically or to be similar in appearance to someone.

If you’re tall with big eyes like your older sister, you’d say:

I look like my older sister.

To take after means to look or behave (act) like someone older than you in your family. Some of your family may walk, talk or even smile just like another family member.

So if your father and sister both like to gesture with (move) their hands when talking, you’d say:

My sister takes after my father in the way she waves her hands around when she talks.

To run in the family refers to a quality, ability or skill that’s shared by all or many of your family members. Some families may have lots of members who are good at sports, music, cooking, etc.

It could also be that many of your family members have thick curly hair, so then you’d say:

Thick curly hair runs in my family .

In many cases, a son’s character or behavior closely resembles (is similar to) that of his father.

For example, if both your father and brother like to spend their money wisely, you’d say:

He spends money like our dad— like father, like son .

Chip off the old block

Another expression that’s similar in meaning is a chip off the old block . In this expression, the chip refers to a small piece of wood (the son) that’s part of a bigger piece or the block (the father).

So then you’d say:

My brother is a chip off the old block .

Both of the above expressions are generally used when referring to male members of the family.

The expression to have something in common refers to two or more people in a family sharing similar interests, likes and dislikes.

If you’re asked this, you could talk about your shared interests:

What do you and your family like to do?

For example, you could answer:

My siblings, cousins and I have many things in common . We enjoy camping, cycling and playing board games.

The opposite of this would be:

I don’t have much in common with my brothers. They’re much older than me and we have different interests.

To be named after someone is to give someone the same name (usually the same first name) as an older family member. This is commonly done in honor and respect for the older person.

For example, this would mean you have the same name as your grandmother:

I was named after my grandmother.

So if your grandmother’s name is Esther, your name would also be Esther.

To get along with means to have a good relationship with someone.

If you say this, it means you agree on many things and have a good relationship:

I get along very well with my younger sister.

The opposite would be this, which means the relationship between you and your cousin isn’t very good:

I don’t get along with my cousin.

To be on good terms also means to have a good relationship with someone.

If you and your sister get along very well, then you’d say:

I’m on good terms with my sister.

The opposite would be:

I’m not on good terms with my cousin.

If you and your cousin are not even talking to each other, you can also say:

I’m not on speaking terms with my cousin.

To be close to means that you have a close relationship that cannot easily be broken.

If you say this, you’re saying that you enjoy being with your mother and sister, get along very well and have a strong relationship:

I’m very close to my mother and sister.

To look up to means to respect and admire someone else.

If you say this, it means you respect and admire the things your brother says and does:

I’ve always looked up to my older brother.

To get together means to meet up and do things together.

If someone asks you:

How often do you see your family?

You might say:

We get together every weekend to play soccer, watch a movie or eat pizza.

To start a family means to start having children. You might hear your parents ask you:

When are you and your husband/wife going to start a family ? I want grandchildren!

Or maybe your brother just sent a text and so you call your best friend saying:

I just heard that my brother and sister-in-law are planning to start a family . That means I’m going to become an aunt (or uncle) soon!

Don’t just memorize these words, though. The best way to learn family vocabulary is to see them used by real English speakers.

You can do that by reading English books , listening to English music or watching English movies . These resources can show you other vocabulary and phrases that you would want to use in daily conversation. They can also describe the situations in which certain expressions or terms are appropriate.

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So there, now you’re ready to answer any question about your family, whether you’re on that summer vacation or at that weekend barbecue.

The more you practice, the more you can talk freely about your family. And if any of your relatives are about to start their own family, you’ll have more parties to attend and more opportunities to use these words and expressions!

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


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The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


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The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

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Games4esl logo

Download this family PPT and use it in class today. This PowerPoint lesson is for teaching members of the family vocabulary in English. First, students will learn the names of the members of the family, and then they will play a fun guessing game to review. This family PPT is great for teaching kids and beginner English language learners. See below to preview and download this PPT, and check the bottom of the page for related resources.

Related Resources

For more free lesson materials for teaching family members in English, check out these related resources: Family Worksheets Family Flashcards Family Lesson Plan Family Vocabulary Exercises Questions About Family

presentation about my family in english

  • Teaching primary
  • Lesson plans

This lesson provides an opportunity for primary children to see different kinds of families.

A child's drawing of a family


Most primary course books include a unit on families, but they are usually very traditional, with a mum, dad, brother and sister. This lesson provides teachers and primary children with an opportunity to see different kinds of families that might better reflect their own experiences. In this lesson primary children do a series of simple and supported vocabulary and reading activities which lead to them writing about their own families. At the end of the lesson they draw pictures of their families and they make a classroom display of their texts and pictures.

Learning outcomes:

  • Use family vocabulary 
  • Identify key language in short descriptions of different families
  • Write simple sentences about your own family using 'I've got' and 'My family is...'
  • Some learners write sentences using present simple tense and other structures

Age and level:

5-8, 9-12 (A1)

Approximately 45-50 minutes

Several options are presented for this lesson. Teachers can use just paper and pencils or crayons for drawing. They can also use any or a mix of the following:

  • Lesson plan
  • Presentation (PowerPoint or PDF)
  • Descriptions of families (PDF)
  • Images of families (PDF)

These can be downloaded below along with the lesson plan in PDF format. 

Family's course - a simple plan but full of positive energy

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Dan's Real English

English for Conversations about FAMILY – Questions, Answers, Vocabulary

Family is a must-learn topic if you want to have conversations with real English speakers in everyday situations. We look at different ways to talk about your family (and families in general) using questions, answers and natural spoken English vocabulary.

Questions about family and relatives

Here are some questions about family that you might need to answer or discuss:

  • Do you come from a big family?
  • Can you describe your family?
  • How important is family life in your country?
  • How do you usually spend time with your family?
  • How do you think family life has changed in recent years?
  • Is it better to be older or younger than your siblings?
  • Are “only” children happier than children who have siblings?

Talking about your family in English: phrases

You can use these phrases to describe your family and individual members of your family .

Saying how big your family is

  • My family’s quite small
  • There are only three of us in my family / We’re a family of three (there are 3 people in my family)
  • I have a huge extended family .
  • There are four of us altogether in my family.

Talking about individuals in your family

  • Both of my kids are grown up, now.
  • I’ve got two small children – my eldest is 6 and the other one’s still a toddler.
  • My parents / mum and dad are quite elderly now, but they like to keep busy.
  • My sister’s called Jasmine, and she works as a hairdresser in London.
  • Richard’s my brother, and he lives in Spain.
  • My father-in-law’s a really strange guy.
  • Auntie Naz is on my mum’s side (of the family).

Talking about your relationship with family members

  • I get on/along really well with my sister
  • I’m really close to my dad.
  • My sister and I have a lot in common .
  • My sister and I usually get on/along well with each other .
  • My brother and I often fall out with each other . (we argue or take offence, and then we don’t talk to each other)
  • My brother and I have always got on really well (with each other).
  • My mum’s always been there for me.
  • Of all my siblings, Phil is the one I think I feel closest to .
  • I’m not on very good terms with my mum.
  • My sister and I are real soul mates . (like best friends)
  • My dad’s always been really supportive .

Comparing ages of people in your family

  • older than ….. – My brother’s older than me .
  • elder …… – Jack’s my elder brother. He’s 2 years elder older than me.
  • the eldest – Kim’s my eldest daughter. (She’s the eldest).
  • the oldest … Gramps is the oldest member of our family.
  • younger …… – Jack’s my younger brother. He’s a year younger than me.
  • the same age as – Uncle Pete’s the same age as my dad.
  • as old / young as ….. – Ali’s as old as me / Ali’s as old as I am .
  • the same age – Bill and Ben are the same age (as each other).
  • a year/month/day.. older / younger – my son’s a year older than my daughter .
  • quite a bit older / younger – Murad’s quite a bit older than I am .
  • a lot older / younger – Kay’s a lot older than Phoebe .
  • way older / younger – Bill is way older than Sean .

My family: full answers to questions

Here are some longer answers to family-related questions about age and appearance. You can use example phrases and structures here to build full answers to questions about your own family:

Who are the oldest and youngest people in your family?

Well, my dad’s the eldest member of my family. He’s sixty-one, and he’s about five years older than my mum. I’m the eldest child in my family, and then there’s my brother Jack, who’s 2 years younger than me. I also have two sisters, and Kate is the eldest, followed by Jenny, who’s six years younger than her. Jenny’s the baby of the family.

Describing appearance and personality

My mum’s quite a small lady. She comes across as very quiet, but she’s actually very talkative. My dad’s quite tall, he’s got short grey hair, and he’s going a bit bald now. He’s a very calm person and doesn’t usually get angry or upset about things.

Key family vocabulary for speaking

The following vocabulary and word combinations (collocations) will help you describe what kind of family you come from, relationships between family members and family activities:

Different kinds of family: collocations

  • a big/large family
  • a happy family
  • a single-parent family
  • a close-knit family
  • immediate family / close family – you, your mum, dad, brothers and sisters (or any other family members you grew up with)
  • extended family – anyone outside your immediate family (cousins, etc)

Family members

  • in-laws – someone connected to your family only by marriage (e.g. your wife’s dad = your father-in-law
  • relatives – people you are related to either by blood or by marriage
  • half-brother / half-sister – a sibling you share only one parent with
  • step-family – family members who are not blood relatives (e.g. your step-brother is a child from different parents to your own).
  • generation: people born at the same period of time (e.g. “in my mum’s generation,…”)
  • distant relatives – relatives not closely linked to your own family (you maybe share a great-grandparent)
  • ancestors – family members (or past generations) who died a long time ago)
  • descendants – your ancestors’ offspring (you and your extended family are descendants of your ancestors)
  • only children – children without brothers and sisters

Family life and activities: collocations + phrases

  • Spend time with the/my family – I enjoy spending time with my family
  • Enjoy family time – I really enjoy family time
  • Start a family – I never planned to start a family.
  • Raise a family – For me, raising a family has been very rewarding.
  • A family man – Luckily, my dad’s always been real family man.
  • Family means a lot to me.

Talking about a typical day with your family

  • Well, in the mornings we all wake up at different times
  • I usually wake my mum up
  • My dad’s usually up (awake) earlier than the rest of us
  • We usually have breakfast together
  • I usually take my younger brother and sister to school
  • We tend to go out for walks together at weekends
  • On a typical evening, we might all stay in and watch TV

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Meet the Family: Family Members and How to Introduce Yourself

Get to know the family: close family and extended family among others

Discover how to talk about family members smoothly and easily. Register for the free to ABA English course to learn English the fun way. Join our family and move up to the next level!

Family is a universal topic of conversation. It may not be what you are going to talk about the minute in which you are first introduced to someone, but it will not take long before you end up sharing stories that include members of your family or listening to stories about other people’s families. In addition to hearing about someone else’s family, you may be invited to meet them. This is why family members are a basic theme when learning English.

Let’s see the vocabulary you will need to know about family members.


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The immediate family.

This generally refers to the people in your family with whom you share your home. Let’s take a look at who these people could be:

  • Child/children

And how could you use this vocabulary in a conversation?

I live with my parents, my oldest brother and one of my sisters. I have four other siblings. Sometimes I wish I was an only child!

My wife has a daughter and a son, but I don’t have any children of my own.

The Extended Family

Here we extend a little beyond our own home to embrace the other members of our family with whom we share blood ties. So, we add:

  • Great-grandparents
  • Great-grandmother, great-grandfather
  • Grandparents
  • Grandmother, grandfather
  • Grandson, granddaughter
  • Second cousin

Let’s look at how you could include these members of the family in conversation:

I never met my great grandparents, but when I was a child I had a very close relationship with both my grandmothers. I used to go to visit my grandparents on my mother’s side every day after school.

I have one aunt and two cousins on my mother’s side. My father is an only child, so I don’t have aunts or uncles on his side.

Informal Names

It is important to keep in mind that there are contexts in which we must use more formal terms to talk about our families. Those are the words which we have seen in the previous two sections. There are, however, situations which allow us to use a more informal and relaxed register. In these cases, we could say:

  • Mum, mommy, mom
  • Dad, daddy, pa
  • Grandma, gran, nana, nan
  • Granddad, grandpa, gramps

Can I spend the night at gramps’ house, mum? I haven’t seen him or grandma in ages!

The Assembled Family

This is where we find a group of people who can be as much part of the immediate family as of the extended family, even though we do not share blood ties. These are not members of the political family. This is where we will find the stepfamily (adoptive family). The vocabulary for these family members is very easy, since it is the same as that which is used for the immediate and extended family which we saw above, only adding the prefix step- to each member. Let’s see some examples:

  • Stepbrother
  • Stepdaughter
  • Stepchildren

In the case of sister and brother , the prefix Half- is also used to refer to a sibling with whom you share one parent.

Let’s see some examples to make this clearer:

When I was ten my mother got married to a man who had a daughter and a son, so now I have a father, a stepfather, a half-sister and a half-brother.

The In-Laws

As we did when forming the names of the members of the adoptive family, to talk about our political family we use the vocabulary terms that we already know and add the suffix -in-law . Then we will have:

  • Mother-in-law
  • Father-in-law
  • Brother-in-law
  • Sister-in-law
  • Daughter-in-law

We’ll be spending this Christmas at my in-laws in Alabama. My sister-in-law and my brothers-in-law are all going with their children. It’s going to be a really big table!

Getting to Know Your In-Laws

The moment has finally come, we are going to meet our in-laws. Since we definitely want to make a good impression, it is good to greet them and to converse in their language. Let’s look at some possible ways to start a conversation:

  • Good afternoon, it’s lovely to meet you!
  • You have a beautiful home!
  • Mary tells me you’re a keen tennis player.
  • Thanks for a lovely dinner. I had a great time and I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.

You now have the necessary vocabulary to be able to talk about your family and to enjoy listening to the anecdotes of others. If you want to have even more tools for conversation and more English practice, remember that at ABA English we are waiting for you. Our English course has six different difficulty levels, so there is sure to be one for you. Through our course you will learn everything you will need to manage yourself calmly and fluently in any situation that requires you to speak English, from the most informal to those that require more formality and correction. What are you waiting for? Start to enjoy speaking English!

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Meet the Family: Family Members and How to Introduce Yourself

How to Describe Family Connections

  • You can do it directly:

Carlos is my uncle.

Mark is my oldest brother.

  • Another way to describe a familial link is by using an apostrophe + s . This combination is used to indicate possession in English.

Richard is my father ’s brother.

Geena is my brother-in-law ’s daughter.

Mike lives near my sister ’s stepfather.

  • The link becomes a little more complicated to decipher when you add an apostrophe to two consecutive words, for example:

Tim’s brother’s brother-in-law bought a new boat.

Janet’s sister’s husband was sick yesterday.

Sabrina’s brother’s son has lots of toys.

Tips about family members in English

Keep in mind the following advice when you describe your family:

  • If you want to talk about your brothers and sisters, that is, both men and women, use the word siblings .
  • To talk about both your mom and your dad, use the expression parents .
  • To talk about marriage, you can say “ Lisa and John got married in 1991 ,” or “ Lisa and John married in 1991 .” The expression married without got is more formal. Also, avoid saying “ Lisa got married with Mark .” It’s better to say “ Lisa got married to Mark .”

Exercises about family members

Are you familiar with riddles? Show what you’ve learned by solving the following riddles:

  • Who is my sister’s husband’s daughter?
  • Andrew lives with two women: Erika and Natasha. Erika is his daughter’s mom and Natasha is his wife’s daughter. Who are these women?
  • Who is my father’s father’s grandson?
  • There are three apples, two fathers, and two sons. How do you distribute the apples giving each person one apple?
  • Erika is Andrew’s wife and Natasha is Andrew’s daughter
  • It is myself.
  • There are three people, all related to each other: the grandfather, the father and the son.

Meet the Family: Family Members and How to Introduce Yourself

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Meet the Family: Family Members and How to Introduce Yourself

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  19. Meet the Family: Family Members and How to Introduce Yourself

    Tips about family members in English. Keep in mind the following advice when you describe your family: If you want to talk about your brothers and sisters, that is, both men and women, use the word siblings. To talk about both your mom and your dad, use the expression parents. To talk about marriage, you can say "Lisa and John got married in ...

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