phd advisor gift

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10 Best Gift Ideas for PhD Research Supervisor on Completion of Your PhD

phd advisor gift

Completing a PhD is a significant accomplishment that requires years of hard work, dedication, and support. Along the way, your supervisor plays a crucial role in guiding and mentoring you, providing feedback and advice, and helping you navigate the challenges of research and academia.

When it’s time to graduate, it’s only natural to want to show your appreciation and gratitude to your supervisor for their contributions to your success. One way to do so is by giving a thoughtful and meaningful gift that reflects your appreciation and acknowledges the significance of the achievement.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a wide range of thoughtful and unique gift ideas that are sure to make your supervisor feel valued and appreciated. From personalized stationery to a membership to a prestigious society, we’ve got you covered with practical suggestions and expert tips. So, whether you’re a student seeking inspiration or a colleague looking to express your thanks, read on for our top recommendations on the best gifts for research supervisors.

I. Personalized Gifts: A Unique Way to Show Appreciation to PhD supervisor

Ii. books: a great way to show appreciation to phd supervisor, iii. gift cards: flexibility and convenience for phd supervisor, iv. artwork: a unique and impactful gift for your phd supervisor.

  • V. Handwritten "Thank You": A Heartfelt Way to Express Gratitude to PhD supervisor

VI. Personalized Stationery: A Practical and Thoughtful Gift for your PhD Supervisor

Vii. bottle of wine: a classic way to show appreciation to your phd supervisor, viii. jewellery: an elegant way to show appreciation to phd supervisor, ix. digital devices: a gift that can enhance productivity of research supervisor, x. membership to a prestigious society: one beneficial gift for a research supervisor.

  • Before you Close This Post....
  • Should I consider the supervisor's preferences or lifestyle when selecting a gift?

Are there any potential pitfalls or considerations to avoid when giving a gift to a supervisor?

Are there any non-material gifts or gestures that are appreciated by supervisors, is it appropriate to give a gift at the time of thesis defense or after the completion of all phd requirements, is it common to give gifts to supervisors after completing a phd, introduction.

Completing a PhD is a major accomplishment that requires dedication, hard work, and support from many people. Among these supporters is your PhD supervisor, who has likely played a pivotal role in guiding and mentoring you throughout your academic journey.

As you approach the end of your PhD program, it’s important to take the time to express your gratitude and show your appreciation for your supervisor’s contributions.

In this post, we will be sharing some thoughtful gift ideas that you can consider giving to your PhD supervisor to express your thanks.

Your PhD supervisor has likely provided you with personalized guidance throughout your academic journey, so why not return the favour with a personalized gift? Personalized gifts are a thoughtful and unique way to show your appreciation for your supervisor’s help and support.

These gifts demonstrate that you have taken the time and effort to create something special and meaningful just for them. Additionally, personalized gifts can serve as a lasting reminder of the mentor-mentee relationship that you have built during your PhD program.

Here are some examples of personalized gifts that you could consider giving to your supervisor:

  • Customized Pens: A pen is a practical and useful gift that your supervisor can use daily. Consider a high-quality pen with their name or initials engraved on it.
  • Personalized Mugs: A mug is a classic and versatile gift that can be customized in various ways. Consider a mug with a personalized message or photo printed on it.
  • Photo Frames: A photo frame with a memorable photo of you and your supervisor can be a sentimental and meaningful gift. Choose a photo that captures a special moment or memory from your PhD program.
  • Engraved Plaque: An engraved plaque with a personal message of appreciation can be a meaningful and long-lasting gift. Consider having a plaque made with your supervisor’s name and a heartfelt message thanking them for their guidance and support.
  • Personalized Tote Bag : A personalized tote bag with your supervisor’s name or initials can be a stylish and practical gift. Consider a high-quality tote bag that your supervisor can use to carry their academic materials or other personal items.

By choosing a personalized gift, you can demonstrate your gratitude in a unique and meaningful way. Your supervisor will appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort that went into creating a gift that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Books are a great way to show appreciation to your PhD supervisor. Particularly if you choose a book that is related to the field of their expertise, it can demonstrate that you value the knowledge they have imparted on you throughout your studies. Additionally, books are a thoughtful and lasting gift that can be revisited over time and continue to provide value.

By choosing a book that aligns with your supervisor’s field of expertise, you can demonstrate that you value their knowledge and contributions to the field. Additionally, reading the book yourself and discussing it with your supervisor can be a great way to continue your intellectual growth and maintain your relationship beyond the completion of your PhD.

If you’re not quite sure what to get your PhD supervisor, consider a gift card. Gift cards offer flexibility and convenience, allowing your supervisor to choose a gift that is tailored to their interests and preferences. Additionally, gift cards can be a great way to show your appreciation without worrying about choosing the “perfect” gift.

Here are some suggestions for different types of gift cards that may be appropriate:

  • Restaurant Gift Card : A gift card to a local restaurant or cafe can be a great way to treat your supervisor to a nice meal or coffee break. Consider a restaurant that your supervisor has mentioned enjoying in the past or a new restaurant that they may be interested in trying.
  • Spa Gift Card : After the stress and hard work of completing a PhD, a spa gift card can be a great way for your supervisor to relax and unwind. Consider a spa that offers massage, facials, or other services that your supervisor may enjoy.
  • Online Store Gift Card : An online store gift card can be a great option if you’re not quite sure what your supervisor would like. Consider a store that offers a wide range of products, such as Amazon or Etsy, to give your supervisor the flexibility to choose a gift that suits their interests.
  • Bookstore Gift Card: If your supervisor is an avid reader, consider a gift card to a local bookstore. This allows them to choose a book that aligns with their interests and preferences.
  • Experience Gift Card: Consider a gift card for a unique experience, such as a cooking class, wine tasting, or hot air balloon ride. This allows your supervisor to create a lasting memory and enjoy a new experience.

By choosing a gift card, you can give your supervisor the flexibility to choose a gift that suits their preferences and interests. This allows them to enjoy a gift that they truly value and appreciate.

Artwork can be a unique and impactful gift for your PhD supervisor, as it can serve as a visual reminder of your appreciation for years to come. When choosing artwork, consider the supervisor’s interests and tastes, as well as the decor of their home or office.

Here are some suggestions for choosing artwork that your supervisor may appreciate:

  • Commission a Local Artist: Commissioning a local artist to create a custom piece of artwork can be a meaningful and personal gift. Consider choosing an artist whose style aligns with your supervisor’s tastes, and work with them to create a piece that reflects your appreciation and gratitude.
  • Choose a Relevant Piece: If your supervisor has a particular area of expertise or interest, consider choosing artwork that reflects that. For example, if your supervisor is an expert in environmental science, consider a landscape painting or nature-inspired piece.
  • Consider the Decor: When choosing artwork, consider the decor of your supervisor’s home or office. Choose a piece that will complement their existing decor and be a standout feature in the room.
  • Think Outside the Box: Artwork doesn’t have to be limited to paintings or drawings. Consider unique or unconventional pieces, such as a sculpture or a mixed media piece, to add a unique touch to your gift.

By giving artwork as a gift, you can provide your supervisor with a meaningful and lasting reminder of your appreciation. Consider commissioning a local artist or choosing a piece that aligns with their interests and decor to make the gift even more special.

V. Handwritten “Thank You”: A Heartfelt Way to Express Gratitude to PhD supervisor

Sometimes the simplest gestures can be the most meaningful. A handwritten thank you note can be a heartfelt way to express your gratitude and appreciation for your PhD supervisor’s guidance and support throughout your academic journey. Here are some tips for writing a thoughtful note:

  • Be Specific: Include specific examples of how your supervisor has helped you, such as their guidance on a particular project or their mentorship throughout your studies.
  • Keep it Personal: Write the note in your own voice and use personal anecdotes to make it more meaningful.
  • Express Gratitude: Make sure to express your gratitude and appreciation for your supervisor’s contributions to your success.
  • Consider Including a Gift: To make the note even more special, consider including a small gift, such as a gift card or a box of chocolates.

By taking the time to write a handwritten thank you note, you can show your supervisor how much you truly value and appreciate their support. Adding a small gift can make the gesture even more special and memorable.

Personalized stationery can be a practical and thoughtful gift for your PhD supervisor, as it not only shows your appreciation but can also be useful in their professional life. Personalized stationery sets can be customized with the supervisor’s name, initials, or even their university logo, making it a unique and personalized gift.

When considering personalized stationery as a gift for your supervisor, it’s important to choose high-quality materials and designs that reflect their professional image. Here are some examples of personalized stationery sets that you could consider:

  • Personalized Notepads : Notepads with your supervisor’s name or initials can be a useful and practical gift that they can use in their daily work.
  • Personalized Pens : Engraved pens can be a stylish and functional gift that your supervisor can use when signing important documents or conducting meetings.
  • Personalized Letterhead : Customized letterhead with your supervisor’s name and university logo can be a great way to help them make a professional impression in their correspondence.
  • Personalized Business Cards : Business cards with your supervisor’s name, title, and contact information can be a valuable tool in their professional life.

By giving your supervisor personalized stationery, you can provide them with a practical and useful gift that reflects their professional image. Consider customizing the stationery with their name, initials, or university logo to make it even more special.

A good bottle of wine or whiskey can be a classic and sophisticated way to show appreciation to your PhD supervisor. It can also be a great way to celebrate the completion of a PhD or other special occasions.

When choosing a bottle of wine or whiskey as a gift, it’s important to consider the supervisor’s preferences and tastes. Here are some tips for selecting an appropriate bottle:

  • Research the supervisor’s taste preferences: Try to find out if the supervisor has a preference for a certain type of wine or whiskey. You can also consider their taste preferences for other drinks, such as beer or cocktails, to help guide your decision.
  • Consider the occasion: If you’re giving the gift to celebrate a special occasion, such as the completion of a PhD, you may want to choose a higher-end bottle to mark the significance of the event.
  • Choose a high-quality bottle: Whether you opt for a bottle of wine or whiskey, it’s important to choose a high-quality brand that reflects the supervisor’s professional image.
  • Presentation matters: Make sure the bottle is presented in an appropriate manner, such as in a gift bag or box, and include a note expressing your gratitude and congratulations.

Some examples of popular and high-quality bottles of wine or whiskey you could consider include:

  • Chateau Mouton Rothschild: A renowned Bordeaux wine that is often considered a collector’s item and a symbol of sophistication.
  • The Macallan: A well-regarded single malt Scotch whiskey that is known for its high quality and complexity.

By giving a good bottle of wine or whiskey as a gift, you can offer your supervisor a sophisticated and thoughtful token of appreciation. Remember to consider the occasion and the supervisor’s preferences when selecting the perfect bottle.

Jewellery is a timeless and elegant way to show appreciation and recognition for the hard work and dedication of your PhD supervisor. Gold, silver, and platinum are particularly significant metals that can add meaning and symbolism to your gift.

When choosing a piece of jewelry for your supervisor, it’s important to consider their taste and style. Here are some examples of different types of jewelry that may be appropriate:

  • A watch : A classic and practical gift, a watch can symbolize the importance of time and the value of the supervisor’s contribution to your education and career.
  • A necklace : A beautiful and feminine gift, a necklace can represent the supervisor’s supportive and nurturing role in your academic journey.
  • Cufflinks : A sophisticated and professional gift, cufflinks can symbolize the supervisor’s guidance and leadership in your academic and professional pursuits.

Each metal also has its own symbolism and meaning:

  • Gold: Gold is often associated with success, achievement, and excellence. Giving a piece of gold jewelry can symbolize the supervisor’s invaluable contributions to your academic and professional success.
  • Silver: Silver is often associated with appreciation, gratitude, and generosity. Giving a piece of silver jewelry can represent your deep appreciation for the supervisor’s mentorship and support.
  • Platinum: Platinum is often associated with prestige, exclusivity, and sophistication. Giving a piece of platinum jewelry can symbolize the supervisor’s exceptional knowledge and expertise in their field.

Some examples of high-quality and meaningful gold, silver, or platinum jewelry you could consider include:

  • A gold watch from Rolex : A classic and iconic piece of jewelry that can symbolize the supervisor’s invaluable contributions to your academic and professional journey.
  • A silver necklace from Tiffany & Co. : A beautiful and timeless piece of jewelry that can represent your deep appreciation for the supervisor’s guidance and support.
  • Platinum cufflinks from Cartier : A sophisticated and elegant piece of jewelry that can symbolize the supervisor’s exceptional knowledge and expertise in their field.

By giving a piece of gold, silver, or platinum jewelry, you can offer your supervisor a meaningful and lasting token of appreciation that will be treasured for years to come. Remember to consider the symbolism and meaning of each metal when selecting the perfect piece of jewellery for your supervisor.

Research supervisors often rely on technology to manage their workloads efficiently. Consider gifting them a digital device that can enhance their productivity and make their life easier.

Some popular digital devices that make great gifts for research supervisors include tablets , e-readers , and smartwatches . For instance, a tablet can help supervisors easily manage and review research papers, while an e-reader can provide a more convenient way to read academic journals and books. A smartwatch can also be a useful tool for keeping track of time, setting reminders, and managing notifications while working.

When choosing a digital device as a gift for your research supervisor, consider their preferences and the specific needs of their work. Make sure to choose a device that is compatible with their existing technology and software. Additionally, consider purchasing a protective case or screen protector to help keep the device safe and secure.

Here are some examples of popular digital devices from Apple :

  • iPad (tablet)
  • iPad Mini (tablet)
  • iPad Pro (tablet)
  • Apple Watch (smartwatch)
  • MacBook Air (laptop)

These devices offer a wide range of features and functionalities that can help research supervisors manage their workload efficiently and effectively.

Overall, gifting a digital device can be a practical and thoughtful way to show your appreciation for your research supervisor’s hard work and dedication.

One thoughtful and beneficial gift for a research supervisor is membership in a prestigious society. Joining such societies often means access to the latest research, networking opportunities, and chances for publication and collaboration. It can also help to build the supervisor’s professional reputation and credentials.

For instance, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is a professional association that serves technical professionals in a range of fields. An IEEE membership offers access to IEEE Xplore Digital Library, which contains articles, papers, and conference proceedings, as well as IEEE Spectrum magazine, industry standards, and many other resources.

Likewise, the American Chemical Society (ACS) is a society for chemists and related professionals, offering a wide range of resources, including access to scientific journals and networking opportunities. Similarly, the American Physical Society (APS) is a society for physicists, and offers access to Physical Review journals and other resources.

When choosing a society to gift, it is important to consider the supervisor’s interests and goals. You may also want to check if they are already a member of any societies, to avoid duplication. A membership to a prestigious society is a valuable and long-lasting gift that can support the supervisor’s future research and professional development, and show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

Before you Close This Post….

You might have completed your PhD and celebrating your success. In the meantime, you may be in search of better career opportunities with PhD Degree in your hand. You can visit my blog post on Exciting Career Opportunities for PhD Researchers and Research Scholars , which will guide you to the bright career opportunities for PhD graduates.

Choosing a gift for your PhD supervisor is an excellent opportunity to express your gratitude and appreciation for their invaluable support and guidance.

Whether you opt for a personalized gift, a book in their field of expertise, a gift card to their favourite restaurant or store, a piece of artwork, personalized stationery, a bottle of wine or whiskey, a piece of gold, silver, or platinum jewellery or a digital device, the key is to choose something that speaks to their personality and interests.

By showing that you’ve put thought and effort into selecting the gift, you’ll make the gesture all the more meaningful and memorable. Remember, the gift is just one way to say thank you; ultimately, it’s the sentiment behind it that matters most.

So, take some time to reflect on all that your supervisor has done for you and choose a gift that truly reflects your appreciation and gratitude.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should i consider the supervisor’s preferences or lifestyle when selecting a gift.

Yes, considering your supervisor’s preferences and lifestyle can help you choose a gift that they will genuinely appreciate and enjoy. Personalizing the gift shows thoughtfulness and consideration.

It’s essential to consider your supervisor’s preferences and any cultural or institutional policies regarding gift-giving. Avoid gifts that may be perceived as too personal or extravagant, as they could make your supervisor uncomfortable.

Yes, non-material gifts or gestures such as a heartfelt thank-you speech, organizing a small gathering to celebrate their accomplishments, or writing a tribute in a publication can be deeply meaningful to supervisors.

Both times are appropriate for giving a gift. Some students choose to present a gift at the thesis defense as a gesture of appreciation, while others may wait until all PhD requirements are completed.

Yes, it’s a common practice in many academic cultures to express gratitude to supervisors upon completing a PhD. However, it’s not mandatory, and some students may choose alternative ways to show appreciation.

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Gifts for PhD Advisor: Top Ideas in 2023

  • August 24, 2023

Finding the perfect gift for your PhD advisor can be a daunting task. You want to show your appreciation for their guidance and support throughout your academic journey, but you also want to choose something that is thoughtful and meaningful.

When it comes to gifts for PhD advisors, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to choose something that reflects your advisor’s interests and personality. This could be anything from a book on their favorite subject to a personalized piece of artwork.

Another important factor to consider is the level of formality in your relationship. If you have a more casual relationship with your advisor, a fun and lighthearted gift may be appropriate. However, if your relationship is more formal, you may want to choose a more professional gift.

Ultimately, the best gift for your PhD advisor is one that shows your gratitude and appreciation for their hard work and dedication. In the following sections, we’ll explore some unique and thoughtful gift ideas that are sure to impress your advisor and express your gratitude.

Best Gifts for PhD Advisors

Choosing a gift for your PhD advisor can be a challenging task. You want to show your appreciation for their guidance and support during your academic journey, but also want to ensure that the gift is thoughtful and meaningful. To help you find the perfect gift, we have compiled a list of the best gifts for PhD advisors. These gifts are not only practical but also convey your gratitude towards your advisor.

CAE Design Co Mug

CAE Design Co mug

If you are looking for a thoughtful gift for your PhD advisor, the CAE Design Co mug is a great option.

  • High-quality ceramic mug with a comfortable handle that makes the perfect novelty gift for anyone on any occasion.
  • Sublimation printed on both sides to accommodate left and right-handed use. Unique custom design will never peel or fade; microwave and dishwasher safe.
  • Perfect gift for anyone – We make a variety of fun, funny, cute novelty drinkware gifts under $20 with popular sayings for him or her, bosses, employees, mom, dad, teacher, professionals, graduates, husband, wife, coworkers, colleagues, adults, seniors, man, woman, male, female; going away, farewell, leaving, bye, thank you, graduation; Better than a Card!
  • The mug may be too small for some people who prefer a larger size.
  • The design may not be suitable for everyone’s taste.
  • The product may arrive with minor defects or imperfections.

The CAE Design Co mug has a smooth, white ceramic cup with an easy-grip handle that feels great in your hand as you sip your hot or cold beverage. The mug is professionally printed in the USA and makes the best novelty gift for men and women, young and old. It is both dishwasher and microwave safe, making it easy to clean and use.

The mug comes in both an 11 ounce and 15 ounce size option, and the designs are printed on both sides of the mug for both left-handed and right-handed people. The company produces cute, funny, inspirational, and unique designs that are perfect for any occasion.

Overall, the CAE Design Co mug is a great gift for your PhD advisor that they will surely appreciate. It is a high-quality product that is both functional and stylish, making it a great addition to any kitchen or office space.

Kisho Personalized Name Mug

Kisho Personalized Name Mug

If you’re looking for a unique gift for your PhD advisor, the Kisho Personalized Name Mug might be worth considering.

  • The mug is made from high-gloss ceramic, making it durable and long-lasting.
  • It features a personalized design, making it a thoughtful and meaningful gift.
  • The mug is dishwasher and microwave safe, making it easy to use and care for.
  • The mug only comes in one size (11 oz), which might not be suitable for everyone.
  • The design might not be to everyone’s taste.
  • The mug is relatively expensive compared to other mugs on the market.

This mug is a great gift idea for anyone looking to show their appreciation for their PhD advisor. The high-quality ceramic material ensures that the mug will last for years to come, while the personalized design adds a thoughtful touch.

The mug is also very easy to use and care for, thanks to its dishwasher and microwave safe design. However, the relatively high price might be a turn-off for some buyers, and the design might not be to everyone’s liking.

Overall, if you’re looking for a unique and thoughtful gift for your PhD advisor, the Kisho Personalized Name Mug is definitely worth considering. Just be aware of its limitations before making your purchase.

PhD Advisor Best Ever Literally Cute Funny For PhD Advisor T-Shirt

PhD Advisor Best Ever Literally Cute Funny For PhD Advisor T-Shirt

If you want to give a gift to your PhD advisor that will make them smile, then the PhD Advisor Best Ever Literally Cute Funny For PhD Advisor T-Shirt is a great option.

  • The shirt is made of high-quality materials and is very comfortable to wear.
  • The design is funny and will definitely make your PhD advisor laugh.
  • The shirt is available in a variety of sizes, so you can find the perfect fit for your advisor.
  • The shirt may not be suitable for all PhD advisors, especially if they have a more serious personality.
  • The design may not be appropriate for all occasions, such as formal events.
  • The shirt may shrink in the wash if not washed properly.

If you want to show your appreciation for your PhD advisor in a fun and lighthearted way, then the PhD Advisor Best Ever Literally Cute Funny For PhD Advisor T-Shirt is a great choice. The shirt is made of high-quality materials and is very comfortable to wear, so your advisor can enjoy wearing it all day long. The design is also very funny and will definitely make your advisor smile. Plus, the shirt is available in a variety of sizes, so you can find the perfect fit for your advisor.

However, it’s important to note that the shirt may not be suitable for all PhD advisors, especially if they have a more serious personality. The design may also not be appropriate for all occasions, such as formal events. Additionally, the shirt may shrink in the wash if not washed properly. Overall, if you’re looking for a fun and unique gift for your PhD advisor, then the PhD Advisor Best Ever Literally Cute Funny For PhD Advisor T-Shirt is definitely worth considering.

Personalized Gift Mug Advisor Gift PhD Advisor Travel Mug Personalized Dissertation Advisor Insulated Cup for Men Women Thesis Advisor Gifts Doctoral Advisor Mug Custom Name Gift Mug Accent Mug Multi 5

Personalized Gift Mug Advisor Gift PhD Advisor Travel Mug Personalized Dissertation Advisor Insulated Cup for Men Women Thesis Advisor Gifts Doctoral Advisor Mug Custom Name Gift Mug Accent Mug Multi 5

If you’re looking for a thoughtful and personalized gift for your PhD advisor, the Personalized Gift Mug Advisor Gift PhD Advisor Travel Mug is a great option.

  • Crafted from ceramic, making it durable and long-lasting
  • Vibrantly printed from edge-to-edge via Sublimation, ensuring the design won’t fade or peel off
  • Ships with a festive gold cord for easy hanging, so your advisor can display it as a keepsake
  • Hand wash only, which may be inconvenient for some users
  • Only available in four shapes: Circle, Oval, Heart, & Star
  • Best suited for those who enjoy personalized gifts

The Personalized Gift Mug Advisor Gift PhD Advisor Travel Mug is crafted from high-quality ceramic, making it a durable and long-lasting gift that your advisor can enjoy for years to come. The design is vibrantly printed from edge-to-edge via Sublimation, ensuring that it won’t fade or peel off over time. Plus, it ships with a festive gold cord for easy hanging, so your advisor can display it as a keepsake on their office wall.

While the mug is only available in four shapes (Circle, Oval, Heart, & Star), it can be personalized with your advisor’s name, making it a unique and thoughtful gift. However, it’s important to note that the mug is hand wash only, which may be inconvenient for some users. Additionally, this gift is best suited for those who enjoy personalized gifts.

Overall, if you’re looking for a personalized and thoughtful gift for your PhD advisor, the Personalized Gift Mug Advisor Gift PhD Advisor Travel Mug is a great option that they’re sure to appreciate.

PHD Advisor Husband Dad Legend Notebook

PHD Advisor Husband Dad Legend Notebook

If you’re looking for a thoughtful and personalized gift for your PHD advisor, the PHD Advisor Husband Dad Legend Notebook is a great option.

  • Personalized notebook with PHD advisor’s name on the cover
  • 120 ruled pages for notes, ideas, and thoughts
  • Compact size of 6 x 9 inches makes it easy to carry around
  • Limited to only 120 pages
  • Not suitable for those who prefer blank pages
  • Cover design may not appeal to everyone

This notebook is the perfect gift for your PHD advisor, whether it’s for their birthday, graduation, or simply to show your appreciation. The cover features the words “PHD Advisor Husband Dad Legend” followed by their name, making it a truly personalized gift. The compact size of 6 x 9 inches makes it easy to carry around, whether it’s to meetings or conferences.

The notebook contains 120 ruled pages, providing ample space for notes, ideas, and thoughts. The pages are of good quality and the lines are well spaced, making it easy to write legibly. The notebook is also lightweight and easy to carry around.

One downside is that the notebook is limited to only 120 pages, which may not be enough for some users. Additionally, some users may prefer blank pages instead of ruled pages. Finally, the cover design may not appeal to everyone.

Overall, the PHD Advisor Husband Dad Legend Notebook is a thoughtful and personalized gift that any PHD advisor would appreciate. It’s compact, well-designed, and contains ample space for notes and ideas.

Buying Guide

Choosing a gift for your PhD advisor can be a challenging task. You want to show your appreciation for their guidance and support, but you also want to make sure that the gift is appropriate and useful. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a gift for your PhD advisor:

Consider their interests and hobbies

One way to ensure that your gift is well-received is to choose something that aligns with your advisor’s interests or hobbies. For example, if your advisor is a coffee lover, you could consider a high-quality coffee maker or a gift card to a specialty coffee shop. If they enjoy reading, you could give them a book by their favorite author or a subscription to a literary magazine.

Look for something practical

Another approach is to choose a gift that your advisor can use in their professional life. This could be a new piece of equipment or software that would help them in their research, or a gift card to a conference or workshop that they have been wanting to attend. Consider their needs and preferences when making your selection.

Personalize the gift

Adding a personal touch to your gift can make it even more meaningful. You could create a custom plaque or trophy that acknowledges their contributions to your academic success, or you could put together a gift basket of their favorite snacks and treats. Consider what would make your advisor feel appreciated and valued.

Consider the budget

Finally, it’s important to consider your budget when selecting a gift for your PhD advisor. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to show your appreciation – a heartfelt thank-you note or a small token of appreciation can go a long way. However, if you do have a larger budget, consider investing in a high-quality gift that your advisor will use and enjoy for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good gift ideas for a phd advisor.

A good gift for a PhD advisor is something that shows your appreciation for their guidance and support throughout your academic journey. Some ideas include a personalized thank-you note, a gift card to their favorite restaurant or store, a book related to their field of study, or a small item that reflects their interests.

What are some unique gifts for a dissertation chair?

A unique gift for a dissertation chair could be something related to their hobby or interest outside of academia. For example, if your chair is a wine enthusiast, you could gift them a bottle of their favorite wine. Alternatively, you could gift them a personalized item, such as a custom-made piece of jewelry or a monogrammed notebook.

What are some thoughtful gifts for advisors?

A thoughtful gift for an advisor could be something that shows you have put effort into selecting it. Some ideas include a framed photo of you and your advisor, a personalized mug with their name or favorite quote, or a gift basket filled with their favorite snacks or treats.

What are some appropriate gifts for professors?

Appropriate gifts for professors include items that are professional and respectful. Some ideas include a nice pen, a book related to their field of study, a gift card to a local restaurant or coffee shop, or a small item that reflects their interests.

What are some gift ideas for a PhD candidate?

Gift ideas for a PhD candidate could include items that will help them in their research or studies, such as a book related to their field of study, a gift card to a local coffee shop or bookstore, or a personalized notebook or planner.

What are some ways to show appreciation to a PhD advisor?

Ways to show appreciation to a PhD advisor include sending them a personalized thank-you note, inviting them to a celebratory dinner or event, or writing a letter of recommendation for them. Additionally, you could offer to volunteer your time to assist with their research or projects.

How I do things

Tessa Benson

As a mother, I understand the struggle of finding the right gift for loved ones and the importance of making meaningful gestures. That’s why I created this website—to share my insights, experiences, and gift ideas with fellow parents and gift seekers.

Find out more about me

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by Derek Miller 6 min read

If you just try searching "PhD Graduation Gifts" on Amazon, you'll get a page full of mugs, shirts and keychains. They deserve better. I’ve been through grad school, got my PhD, and have a good idea of what they would truly appreciate as a thank-you gift. Here’s my hand-picked list below. 

This list is a compilation of my favorites from around the internet. Some are our own Genius Lab Gear inventions and some we’re just jealous we didn’t think of first! Some external links in this page are from affiliates, which means that any purchase of the items after clicking the link will result in a small monetary referral fee paid back to Genius Lab Gear at no cost to you. We appreciate your support which allows us to continue inventing and testing the best tools for scientists on the planet!

1. Academia Word Magnets

Academia is chock full of inside jokes, mannerisms, and cringeworthy habits that grad students and professors love to laugh about. These word magnets are designed specifically to let academics rant about their hardships, relish their big wins, and have a good laugh. These are perfect for the office refrigerator or the magnetic whiteboard, where colleagues can leave passive-aggressive phrases for lab mates to find later.  Get them on our site here  and bundle them with  other field-specific sets  based on the graduate's field of study.

professor PhD word magnets

2. The Pocket Scientist pocket ruler and equation reference

Whether they're climbing the academic latter or heading out to the "real world", they can carry this credit card-sized ruler and scientific reference every day. We even laser-engraved the backside full of basic science equations and physical constants.  See the product page  for a full list of features we've packed in!

Available from  our website  or  from Amazon .

the pocket scientist professor pocket tool

The Pocket Scientist at Genius Lab Gear

The Pocket Scientist on Amazon

How to use The Pocket Scientist – Full Feature Guide

P.S. We also have versions specifically for  Chemists ,  Physicists  and  Engineers  if those are a better fit for the person you have in mind!

3. Rocketbook Matrix cloud-connected reusable paper notebook

PhD students do a lot of work both on paper and with software. Rocketbook finally solved the problem of merging your hand-written notes into your favorite digital services. You simply use their app to take a photo of your pages of notes and the QR code and marked symbols on each page trigger the app to send the digitized page to any of the 9 pre-set digital destinations you choose. This includes OneNote, Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox, and even specific emails. Want a shortcut to send notes via email straight to your colleague or boss? This is what you’re looking for.

The Rocketbook Matrix is my personal favorite because it's designed for more technical scientific work. It's got 30 pages of graphing paper and one regular lined page for taking notes, plus a built-in ruler on the inside cover. Did I mention they are reusable? Use their " Pilot Frixion " pens and then wipe the page with a damp cloth after uploading your notes to use it all over again (and win one for the environment!). 

Usually, the best price is  on Amazon .


4. Wireless Laser Pointer and PowerPoint Presenter

Laser pointers are one thing you never think about until the moment you don’t have one that works. I personally  own this one  because it’s got everything you need, from the pen clip to volume buttons and slide control buttons. DinoFire has several tiers with different features, but you can’t go wrong with any of them. 

green laser pointer academic presentation gift

5. rOtring or Staedtler Mechanical Pencil

Mechanical pencils are an essential daily tool for researchers in STEM on the job and in the classroom. But in the new digital age, they often find themselves using touchscreens as well. 

That’s why my new favorite is the rOtring 800 Retractable Mechanical Pencil, (0.5 mm) . This one turns from a pencil to a stylus on the fly, and also ensures the tip isn’t poking holes in your pocket all day like most other models. This is truly the top-end mechanical pencil and will make a special gift. 


Check price on Amazon

Staedtler is another brand much-loved by scientists and engineers. This model is cheaper and will last a long time, but just isn’t convertible to a stylus. You can’t go wrong with either one.

6. Oh, the Places You'll Go! By Dr. Seuss

This might seem like it’s only for kids, but Dr. Seuss’ whimsical wisdom is often applied to the biggest moments of our lives. As a graduation gift, it’s perfect. The timeless message focuses on the success that lies within, as your graduate readies for a new phase in life. Plus, it’s a small book they can keep forever to pass the wisdom on to their kids.

dr seuss graduation book

7. Funny Coloring Book for PhD Students and Graduates

These adult coloring books are a hit in many fields, and this one is meant specifically for those who know the struggle of getting a PhD . It’s snarky, fun, and an amazing creative outlet. The satisfaction of just coloring inside the lines versus writing a 300-page thesis is a welcome relief.

funny phd graduate coloring book

8. Scientist Quote Desktop Canvas

We're super proud of our  little series of famous scientist quotes on canvas prints . These are 5"x7" and sit up easily on their own or can be mounted to a wall. This one sits next to me as I write, and helps me keep a sense of humility as I explore the unknown! 

Wernher von Braun science research quote canvas

9. Modern Lab Coat Pocket Protector

This is how your PhD grad will know they’ve finally made it. The venerable Pocket Protector became a cultural icon in the 1960's and 1970's, but somewhere along the way the newer generation of STEM researchers forgot about them. Scientists need these back in their labs to stay organized, stay efficient, protect their lab coats, and finish their experiments without being late to lunch. So we researched and tested every type ever made to methodically solve each problem and come up with this refreshed design . Available in spruce green, sapphire blue, and faded pink - the top 3 colors voted on by our fans! You can even get it from our Amazon page if that's easier.

pink women's pocket protector for science and STEM lab work

10. PhD Graduation Diploma Frame

They will definitely want to show off their hard work by displaying their newly minted Ph.D. diploma. This frame fits both 8.5”x11” and 11”x14” diplomas, which covers most institutions, and is the highest-rated frame on Amazon with many color choices. If they picked up a Masters degree along the way, you could grab the 2-pack so they can hang them both in their next office. 

phd graduation diploma frame

11. Gift Card in a Graduation Style Gift Box

If you want them to make their own decision on a graduation gift, the easiest way is to just grab an Amazon gift card in this graduation-themed gift box . Pick any custom amount and they’ll usually get it to you within 2 days.

amazon graduation gift card box

12. PhD Graduation Gift Bundle

If you can't decide by now, I can still help! Consider this decision made. I put together a  PhD Graduation Gift Bundle  just to make it easy for you. It includes PhD Self-Care and Academia-themed Word Magnets from above, plus a few fun science stickers. You'll save over 20% by bundling them together, so consider this decision made!

  • PhD Self-Care Word Magnets
  • Academia Word Magnets
  • Science Basics Word Magnets
  • Starter Word Magnets (144 tiles of connector words)
  • Marie Curie sticker
  • Science is for Everyone sticker
  • Einstein quote sticker

phd graduation gift bundle


What is the best graduation gift for doctoral students.

Getting a bachelor's degree is one thing, but getting a PhD takes a lot of hard work and dedication. PhD students deserve the best gifts and if you're looking for one, you should check out the following.

  • The Pocket Scientist pocket ruler and equation reference
  • Rocketbook Matrix Cloud-connected Reusable Paper Notebook
  • Wireless Laser Pointer and Powerpoint presenter
  • Rotring or Staedtler Mechanical Pencil
  • Oh, the Places You'll Go! By Dr. Seuss
  • Funny Coloring Book for PhD Students and Graduates
  • Scientist Quote Desktop Canvas
  • Modern Pocket Protector for lab coats
  • PhD Graduation Diploma Frame
  • Gift Card in a graduation style Gift Box
  • PhD Graduation Gift Bundle

Gifts Lists by Major

Scientist Gifts

Astrophysics Gifts

Biology Gifts

Biochemistry Gifts

Chemistry Gifts

Ecology Gifts

Geology Gifts

Genetics Gifts

Immunology Gifts

Mathematics Gifts

Marine Biology Gifts

Neuroscience Gifts

Microbiology Gifts

Pharmacy Student Gifts

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Physicist Gifts

Chemistry Teacher Gifts

Professor and PhD Advisor Gifts

Graduate and PhD Student Gifts

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Top 15 Best PhD Graduation Gifts in 2024

Chriselle Sy

I found the very best PhD graduation gifts. Below, I’ll discuss each. This article includes specific PhD graduation gift recommendations. I did my best to include a little bit about why new doctors appreciate each, and I link to where you can find them.

Note that The Grad Cafe is supported by our audience, I regularly use affiliate links throughout. That means I could get a small commission when you order something on this list. Thanks for your support!

Ready to discuss PhD graduation gifts? Read on.

Table of Contents

You Can’t Go Wrong With…

If you’re at a loss thinking about what to buy a Ph.D. graduate as a present, you can’t go wrong with cash, checks, and gift cards.

There’s no denying that PhDs can be incredibly expensive. Just look at the data from , which states that federal graduate student borrowers have $91,148 average loan balances. It doesn’t matter if they earned their degree in person or online — debt is debt. Cutting a check for any amount can help a PhD graduate buy what they need (or want). They can also choose to pay the amount toward their debt.

Of course, giving cash or a check isn’t everyone’s idea of a good present. In that case, you can always give a gift card .

PHD graduation gifts—Amazon black gift box with gift card inside

Amazon Gift Cards come in nice packaging, like this graduation gift box.

Amazon allows you to choose your gift card amount,  starting from $25 and going all the way up to $2,000. You can also send your gift card digitally if you’d rather skip the box altogether.

On Amazon, you can also choose gift cards from specific brands. For example, if you’d like to give the gift of tech, you can opt for an Apple gift card between $25-$500. And if you’re looking for PhD graduation gifts for her , try a Sephora gift card  between $25-$250.

Buy a Graduation-Themed Amazon Gift Card

Buy an Apple Gift Card

Buy a Sephora Gift Card

15 Best PhD Graduation Gifts [2024]

Check out these unique, fun gift ideas for a doctoral graduate near and dear to your heart!

1. A Care Package – CRAVEBOX Gourmet Specialty Snack Box

CraveBox snack box

Care packages are an excellent yet practical way to show you care. The CRAVEBOX Gourmet Specialty Snack Box is a 50-piece collection of gourmet snack samplers.

Why a PhD Graduate Would Like It:

Unless your recipient is a picky eater, they’re bound to like something in this package. After all, who wouldn’t want to try new types of snacks? They might even find their new favorite snack in this box!

Of course, you may want to ask about food sensitivities and preferences before choosing a box like this.

Buy the CRAVEBOX Gourmet Specialty Snack Box

2. Presentation Clicker and Pointer – Logitech R500s

Image of black clicker

The Logitech R500s is a presentation pointer and clicker that works from a 65ft range(20m). It has a red laser and customizable buttons. The R500s connects via a USB dongle/receiver, but it’s also universally compatible, including with Bluetooth.

PhD graduates, especially ones going into an academic or research-based career , will have to give a lot of presentations. A good clicker like this can make their presentations go more smoothly.

Buy the Logitech R500s

3. RocketBook Smart Reusable Notebook Set

Image of two black notebooks, two pens, and two pen cases

The RocketBook has been around for a while, but it’s still a pretty cool product all around. RocketBooks are essentially notebooks with special pages that let you scan and digitally convert notes. They come in various sizes and have reusable pages if you use the Pilot Frixion pen. That’s a win for the planet!

PhD graduates will likely write a lot  of notes in their lifetime. The RocketBook blends old-school handwritten notes with technology, allowing easily scannable and text-convertible notes with the app’s OCR (optical character recognition) feature. Some may find this gift a novelty, but it’s a great way to help the environment!

Buy the RocketBook Smart Reusable Notebook Set

4. Boogie Board Basics Reusable Writing Pad

Black writing board

The Boogie Board is a reusable writing pad for quick notes and reminders at work or home. You can use anything to write on it, as long as it has a dull pointy end. This board is good for 50,000 resets (board clears) — endless use!

This is one of the coolest gift ideas for PhD graduates because it reduces desk clutter and wasted paper.

Buy the Boogie Board Basics Reusable Writing Pad

5 . Mechanical Pencil + Stylus: rOtring 800+

Black mechanical pencil

This rOtring mechanical pencil and stylus hybrid lets you switch seamlessly from paper to screen. It’s a well-designed writing instrument that prevents writing fatigue thanks to its hexagonal barrel.

This mechanical pen and stylus combo is one of the best PhD graduation gifts for students . For many, pencils are the writing instrument of choice. rOtring is a known and reliable pencil brand, so there’s no doubt it will provide an enjoyable writing experience — and it’s a breeze to use!

Buy the rOtring 800+ Mechanical Pencil and Stylus

6. Hobonichi Techo 5-Year Diary

Front and back images of the Hobonichi Techo diary

The Hobonichi Techo is a well-known planner/diary loved for its sheer quality and flexibility. The Hobonichi Techo 5-Year Diary allows the user to plan and organize up to five years of their lives.

The Hobonichi Techo 5-Year Diary offers PhD graduates an easy way to keep track of their appointments and events — especially if they prefer pen and paper to phone apps.

Buy the Hobonichi Techo 5-Year Diary

7. HidrateSpark PRO Smart Steel Water Bottle

Black water bottle with glowing colored bottom

The HidrateSpark PRO Smart Steel Water Bottle keeps you hydrated with its reminder glow. You can even track your water intake through its free app and customize the bottle’s glow lights and light patterns. The best part? It keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hours!

The HidrateSpark PRO bottle makes a great gift for a PhD graduate, especially if they are so busy that they forget to take care of themselves. Dehydration is no joke!

Buy the HidrateSpark PRO Smart Steel Water Bottle

8. Leather Briefcase and Laptop Bag by KomalC

Brown leather business briefcase

This leather briefcase and laptop bag uses buffalo leather and durable YKK zippers to ensure years and years of use. It fits laptops without being too bulky while still having plenty of room for files, folders, and notebooks.

This KomalC leather briefcase is a high-quality bag a PhD graduate can take with them anywhere. It’s roomy and protects their laptops and important items without being too bulky or uncomfortable.

Buy the Leather Briefcase and Laptop Bag by KomalC

9. Custom Engraved Steel Business Card Case

Silver business card case

This beautiful two-tone business card case holds up to 15 business cards. It comes with free personalization, allowing three text lines with up to 25 characters for each line.

PhD graduates often carry business cards. So why not have a nice, engraved case to keep them all in great condition until it’s time to hand them out?

Buy the Custom Engraved Steel Business Card Case

10. Mechanical Retro Style Flip Clock

Retro clock image

This retro-style flip clock has a minimalistic design while still displaying the time down to the minute. It has a durable stainless steel frame and ABS plastic cards to ensure longevity. However, it has delicate inner mechanisms, so it’s not the best gift for someone with cats or young children.

This gift is a great conversation starter for your PhD recipient!

Buy the Mechanical Retro Style Flip Clock

11. Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker

Sonic bomb alarm clock image

This alarm clock was made for those who sleep through just about any other alarm. It comes with a shaker that users can put underneath their pillow (or anywhere else where it would make a racket) so the vibrations will wake them up when the alarm rings.

This Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker is one of the best PhD graduation gifts for students who sleep like the dead. This alarm clock might help the recipient avoid tardiness, though their sleeping partner might not appreciate it so much!

Buy the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker

12. FlexiSpot Laptop Desk Riser

Laptop desk riser image

This laptop desk riser is 27×19 inches — a relatively large desk surface when raised. It has five adjustment settings from 1.8 to 15.9 inches. This Flexispot product allows the user to turn any surface into a standing desk. Make sure you also check the Best Desks for Students .

Sitting all day while working is detrimental to your health. This laptop desk riser is an excellent choice for PhD graduates who spend way too much time at their workstations. And if they don’t want to stand, even the slight elevation of gaze reduces neck strain and back pain.

Buy the FlexiSpot Laptop Desk Riser .

*You can also add the FlexiSpot Anti-Fatigue Mat .

13. FlexiSpot EN1 Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk

Standing desk image

The En1 electric height adjustable desk has a 55×28 inch table top for a spacious work area. It runs quietly while adjusting height smoothly. Users can set the table’s height between 28-47.6 inches. It supports up to 154 lbs, which accommodates even the heaviest workloads.

The EN1 makes is a great PhD graduation gift for the same reason a laptop riser would — it helps your PhD graduate to stand more often, minimizing stress and back pain. This fully electric desk is also quite convenient, without requiring manual adjustments. What better way to kick off your graduate’s high-paying PhD job  than a fabulous new desk?

Buy the FlexiSpot EN1 Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk

14. Sony WH-1000XM4 Noise Canceling Headphones

headphones image

The Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones are legendary for great audio quality, comfort, and portability (they fold up to a smaller profile when not in use). It offers ANC (active noise cancellation) and even has built-in Alexa voice control.

If you want to give the gift of peace and focus, this pair of headphones is an incredible choice. While this one’s pricey, you can find other ANC headphones that are more affordable. The XM4s also have a newer version, the XM5 (but these don’t fold up into a smaller profile).

Buy the Sony WH-1000XM4 Noise Canceling Headphones

15. Microsoft Surface Go 3

Microsoft Surface Go 3 image

The Microsoft Surface Go 3 is a tablet that can replace a laptop. It runs on Windows, has a touch screen and decent battery life, and works with a stylus. You can also charge it with a power bank if you run out of juice.

The Microsoft Surface Go 3 is an excellent and pragmatic PhD graduation gift for students because of its productivity capabilities, including responding to emails and word processing. And, of course, it also works well for entertainment purposes. Save this for a loved one — it’s pricy!

Buy the Microsoft Surface Go 3

How Much Should You Spend on PhD Graduation Gifts?

The cost of your PhD gift depends on your relationship with the graduate. It can be anywhere from $10-$300, or maybe even more if you wish — but never spend more than you can afford. Here’s a general guide for how much you might want to spend:

  • Acquaintances : <$30
  • Friends : $25-$50
  • Closest friends and relatives: $50-$100
  • Significant others, children, and close loved ones: $100-$300+

Avoid superfluously expensive gifts for people you aren’t close with — that’ll just make them uncomfortable!

Finishing a doctorate is no easy feat — even the online PhDs  take endless hours to complete. Bottom line? Graduating with a PhD is a cause for celebration! And what better way to celebrate your new PhD-holder loved one than with a thoughtful present ?

PhD graduation gifts don’t have to be expensive or luxurious. They can be something as simple as a mug or a shirt with a witty PhD-related message. Doctorate graduation gifts can even be sentimental, like an engraved business card case.

If someone you know recently achieved a PhD (or even an MBA ), this list of the best graduation gifts for PhD students might offer some gift inspiration.

It can be challenging to come up with ideas for PhD graduation gifts, but there’s always a fantastic option out there waiting for you. But remember: if you can’t come up with any ideas that feel right, everyone loves cash or gift cards!

Do you have any other PhD graduation gift suggestions? Leave them in a comment below!

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you give a phd graduate.

The perfect PhD graduation gifts for doctoral graduates depend on your preference — unless the recipient specifically requests something. Cash, checks, and gift cards are popular options but may seem impersonal. Instead, you might give the graduate something pragmatic, like food, or something heartfelt, like a craft. Of course, the 15 suggestions on this list are also great PhD gifts.

What Are Good PhD Graduation Gifts for a University Graduate?

It truly depends — you can give something generic like a mug or shirt with a witty PhD-related saying or something more aligned with your recipient’s interest if you know them well.

What Is the Going Rate for PhD Graduation Gifts?

It really depends on your relationship with the recipient. Gifts can cost anywhere from $10-$300 and sometimes even more. If you’re more an acquaintance than a loved one, choose something on the lower price end to avoid making the recipient uncomfortable.

Is it OK to Give a Check as a PhD Graduation Gift?

Absolutely! Although some people may find checks or cash impersonal, a PhD graduate could probably use the money. After all, they can put it toward student loans or buy something they really need.

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phd advisor gift

Chriselle Sy

Chriselle has been a passionate professional content writer for over 10 years. She writes educational content for The Grad Cafe, Productivity Spot, The College Monk, and other digital publications.  When she isn't busy writing, she spends her time streaming video games and learning new skills.

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7 Best Gifts for PhD Students (By a PhD Student!)


My Top Pick: Care Package

CRAVEBOX Healthy Snack Box Variety Pack Care Package

Hi! I’m Chris. I’ve got a PhD, so I know allll about what it feels like to be going through the PhD process. I’ve listed some gift ideas I think would be great for a male or female PhD student. Here’s my list.

The best gift ideas for PhD students are:

  • Care Package
  • Messenger Bag
  • PowerPoint Presentation Clicker & Laser Pointer
  • Academic Career Guide Book
  • Leather Bound Notebook

Looking for a Graduation Gift?

Commemorative Graduation Bear

Best Gifts for PhD Students

1. care package.

Quick Review: A care package is best for a PhD student living away from home for college. Let them know you’re thinking about them and give them a bunch of study snacks!

Why a PhD Student would Like it:

A care package lets someone know you are thinking about them. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion for you to gift a care package – it’s great for a mid-winter pick-me-up. But, of course it’d also be a fitting gift for a birthday or Christmas, too. Care packages that have a range of snacks are great for students because we all like to snack while we study. I particularly like this CraveBox package as it’s much healthier than competitor. They have carefully picked out a diverse range of snacks that won’t show on the hips!

See my Full List of College Care Packages Here

2. Book Ends

Quick Review: PhD students read a lot of books. Brighten up their bookshelf with these classy bookends.

Fasmov Decorative Wood Bookends

PhD students read books . A lot of books. When I was a PhD student I was going through about 3 books a week – philosophy, social sciences, methodologies, theories … books, books and more books. So bookends is a relevant and classy gift. They will also brighten up a doctoral student’s office or bookshelf. Do they seem like they need a little more decoration in their office? If so, here is the gift you’ll want to get!

3. Messenger Bag

Quick Review: PhD students are always carrying documents and textbooks around. Get them a classy messenger bag to brighten up their wardrobe.

Waterproof Canvas Laptop Messenger Bag

A messenger bag is a popular style of bag for college students and professors (vis-a-vis Ted Moseby of  How I met your Mother ). Perhaps this is because college students and teachers are always carrying documents and textbooks around. If they’re also a teaching assistant, chances are they’ll be carrying around stacks of undergrad papers, too. If you like the idea of a messenger bag but want to shop different styles, check my full list of my favorite messenger bags for college students .

Related Post: Best Headphones for Studying at College

4. PowerPoint Presentation Clicker & Lader Pointer

Quick Review: PhD students give a lot of presentations. They present their research – but also give many lectures to undergrads. Get them a practical presentation clicker with laser pointer.

PowerPoint Presentation Clicker with Lazer Pointer

PhD students need to give presentations – and a lot of them. We have to give presentations about the progress of our research. Plus, we’re constantly asked to give guest lectures on our work to undergraduate students. Then, we go to conferences – where we do even more presentations.

A clicker helps you give your presentation as you can switch slides while walking around the stage. With this one, you can also use the lazer pointer to point out aspects of your presentation or slides that you want to highlight. It’s a great gadget for any PhD student (or professor, for that matter!).

5. Academic Career Guide Book

Quick Review: Getting an academic job after completing your PhD is incredibly difficult. There is 1 job for every 7 graduates. Give them a leg up with an advice book.


In the final year of my PhD, I spent a lot of time stressing about how I would get a job. This book helped me out hugely with tips on how to network and get a job. This book will help a PhD student fund out how to get a tenure-track position or a postdoc that will pay their way. It’s a book that can sit on the bookshelf and be browsed when needed.

6. Leather Bound Notebook

Quick Review: We’re always taking notes at meetings and conferences So get that PhD student a lovely leather bound notebook!

The Tree Of Life - Real Leather Journal

To be honest, I am always carrying around scruffy-looking $1.50 notebooks. I’d love a nice looking notebook like this instead. The great thing about this specific notebook is that it’s refillable – so I can fit those ugly $1.50 notebooks inside the leather binding and keep burning through them – while still having a classy looking notebook instead of my usual dog-eared notepads.

7. Funny Mug

Quick Review: There are tons of mugs out there with PhD themed quotes and images you can browse for, especially on Amazon. One example is below.

'PhD in Progress' Mug

Let’s face it, most of us get through our PhD on a very healthy dose of coffee. Grab the PhD student a themed mug for them to place by their desk or in the office. And while you’re at it, why not head to your local coffee roaster and pair this mug gift with a bag of high-quality grinds.

Final Thoughts

I hope this list of the best gifts for PhD students has given you some inspiration! If you feel you’ve still not found quite the right gift, consider checking out my list of gift ideas for undergraduates . You could also consider a college board game .

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Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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The gifts they actually want!

30 Gift Ideas for a PhD Graduation

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PhD students – how long have they been at school?  Too long to count.  During those final formative years, PhD students basically live and breathe their dissertation .  It’s a long slog and when they’re finally done – they deserve a celebration! That’s why we put together this list for gift ideas for a phd graduation. Celebrate their hard work in style with a gift that says congrats. 

PhD Graduation Gift Ideas | Doctoral Graduate Gifts | What to buy my wife for her PhD Graduation | What to get my husband for his PhD graduation | How to celebrate finishing a post-graduate degree | College Graduate | University Graduation

Gifts Fit For a PhD Grad

Not just anything will do, this person is a doctor now! Going through a PhD program is a huge endeavor, and definitely an occasion that should be celebrated. These gifts for a PhD graduate are perfect pick-me-ups after stressful school days and dissertation writing and perfect accessories to help them get started in their new career, whatever that will be. 

Personalized Phd graduation mug that says "It's Dr. Actually" on it

It’s Dr. Actually Personalized Mug

This personalized mug says “It’s Dr. Actually” on one side and the PhD graduate’s name and title (Dr. Name) on the back. Perfect for that first morning coffee after graduation! You can customize the interior color, too, to match their preferences.

Pairs well with a phd congratulatory wine label

PhD Wine Label

A PhD graduation is definitely the right occasion to break out a great bottle of wine or champagne. Make it even more celebratory by adding a custom wine label like this one; because this wine definitely pairs well with a PhD.

Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee and Espresso Maker by De'Longhi, White

Nespresso Coffee Machine

Now I know the PhD graduate will probably be wondering why you didn’t get this during the program to help with the long nights. That’s valid, but at least now that they’ve graduated they can afford to buy the pods, so… Anyway, if you want a big graduation gift for someone moving into a career, anything to make mornings easier is a win.

Dangerously overeducated t-shirt

Dangerously Overeducated T-Shirt

A hilarious t-shirt fit for a dangerously overeducated PhD graduate! What better way to show off all those painful years of higher education?

Elegant Diploma Frame 13x18 without Mat or 11x14 with Mat - UV Protected - Perfect Degree, College, Document, Certificate Frame - Picture Frame to Preserve and Display any Award, Graduation Gift

High Quality Diploma Frame

Not all frames are created equal when protecting important documents like diplomas. Especially if you want to hang them on the wall! This one has a business-style matting and frame style, plus preservation features like UV protection so the degree inside won’t fade over time.

Personalized Acrylic Sign for male phd graduates

Personalized Acrylic Sign

The PhD graduate you gift this to could display it at home, in their home office, or at work. Customize it with their name, specialization, and best of all, silhouette. This one has masculine figures, but the seller also offers a female version.

phd advisor gift

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Adventure awaits scratch off poster

Scratch Off Bucket List

It’s well known that undergoing a PhD program is pretty much all encompassing. Chances are, a new doctor hasn’t had the time or spare cash to go on too many adventures. If your PhD grad loves to travel, help them start this new chapter with something to look forward to like this scratch off bucket list poster that features popular tourist stops.

The Power of a PhD: How Anyone Can Use Their PhD to Get Hired in Industry

The Power of a PhD Career Book

Not everyone who graduates with a PhD knows exactly how they’ll be using it in their future career. If you’re shopping for a doctor who’s still unsure about career goals, this book can help them find meaningful work by utilizing their in creative ways.

RIGHTMELL Foot Spa Bath Massager with Heat, Epsom Salt,Bubbles, Vibration and Red Light,8 Massage Roller Pedicure Tub for Stress Relief,Foot Soaker Acupressure Points&Temperature Control

Spa Supplies or Spa Day

Now that they finally have some time to rest, help the recent grad relax by gifting some spa or relaxation related gifts. You can’t go wrong with a foot bath, or go bigger and purchase a day at the spa gift certificate for some real R&R.

3dRose Phd, Phinally Done Mug, 11 oz, Black

PHinally Done Mug

The huge relief someone feels when they finish their PhD dissertation?  This mug exclaims it.  

Personalized Silver Star Paperweight Engraved Free - Ships from USA

Personalised Silver Star Paperweight

For a fun and unique gift, this silver star paperweight can be personalised with a congratulatory message.  

Gift For Men, Genuine Leather Business Card Holder, Signature Pen, Key Chain Gift Set.

Business Card Holder Gift Set

They’re a doctor now –  they’re going to need a business card holder.  This genuine leather gift set also comes with a fancy pen and a key chain.  

Relax and Enjoy with the Soothing Lavender Spa Gift Basket by The Gift Basket Gallery

Deluxe Lavender Spa Gift Set

The feminine PhD graduate will love a long session of relaxation or two with this fragrant lavender spa gift set.  They just might never get out of the bath. And even if their not a mom, this list of gifts that promote relaxation has something on it for everyone.   

Ph.D. Definition Picture Frame - Personalization Available - 8x10 Frame - 4x6 Picture - Gloss White Finish

PhD Definition Picture Frame  

Here’s something for their mantle.  A definition of PhD that will resonate with someone defending their dissertation.  

Badge Button Pin She Wants the D Phd Funny Fun Graduation Gift Student Academic

Funny Badge Button

There’s nothing like a pun to make people laugh – this funny ‘She wants the PhD’ button will do just that.  

Not That Kind Of Doctor PHD Graduate Tee Shirt

‘Not That Kind of Doctor’ Shirt

Yes, once you get your PhD you become a doctor, but let’s be clear on what kind.   Funny t-shirts are cute gift ideas for a PhD graduation to lighten the mood. 

PhD Cufflinks Doctorate Education Degree Celebration Graduation Cuff Links

PhD Cufflinks  

For something a bit more subtle and elegant, these stainless steel cufflinks are a perfect little reminder of all the hard work they’ve gone through.  

Folded Book Art Sculpture. Graduation Gift. 3 Letters. PhD, MBA, EdD, DPT, DNP, Psi. Custom Orders Available, You Choose 3 Letters (PhD)

Folded Book Art Sculpture  

This unique art sculpture will be a neat addition to their bookshelf.  We guarantee that they’ll have nothing quite like this.  

‘Achieve Your Dreams’ Engraved Gift Pen with Light and Stylus Tip

This stylish pen comes in a keepsake presentation case and makes a great graduation gift.  It is engraved with the words ‘Achieve Your Dreams’ as a gentle reminder of never giving up.  

Dogeared 'Going Places' Compass Disc Gold Dipped Chain Necklace, 18'

Going Places Compass Necklace

This delicate necklace makes a nice gift for a girly PhD graduate – a reminder that there are so many places and so many possibilities to go from here. If you’re shopping for someone close to you high end jewellery that they can wear to a new job or enjoy as a keepsake also make great gift ideas for a PhD graduation.

Canvas One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book (Yearly Memory Journal and Diary, Natural Canvas Cover)

One Line a Day: Five-Year Memory Book  

Yes we remember the big events, but it’s the little things that make a life.  This five-year memory book is a great gift to encourage record keeping and revisiting previous thoughts and memories.  

Sorbus Wine Opener Gift Set Corkscrew Kit— Deluxe 9 Pieces Wine Tool Set Includes:Corkscrew Opener, Wine Stoppers, Corkscrews, Thermometer, Foil Cutter, Pourer/Stopper, Drip Ring-For Any Occasion!

Wine Gift Set

After a few long years (or sometimes more) of a PhD, the graduate deserves a good hard drink after their graduation.  This wine gift set coupled with a bottle of their favourite will definitely be appreciated.  

Kalorik Three-In-One Chocolate Fondue, Gummy, S'mores and Marshmallow Treat Maker

Chocolate Fondue and Treat Maker

Fondues are something that people love, but that they rarely purchase for themselves.  Satisfy their sweet tooth with this chocolate fondue and treat maker set.  

Candle that says "Look at you becoming a doctor"

Funny Doctor Graduation Candle

Sometimes you just have to commensurate a big moment with a funny gift. Becoming a doctor is no easy feat; remind them with this funny candle gift set.

Bits and Pieces - Indoor Water Lily Water Serenity Fountain - Compact & Lightweight Tabletop Decoration

Indoor Water Lily Fountain

Indoor water fountains are a great gift for any occasion, but especially for a graduate.  It is something special that they will treasure in their home for years to come.  

We pay your sales tax Tabletop Buddha Zen Garden Rock Sand Candle Holder Home/Office Decor Perfect Relaxing Gift Idea (Rock G16232)

Tabletop Zen Garden  

PhD’s are stressful but once done it’s time for some in-home relaxation with this tabletop zen garden.  

The Bon Appetit Gourmet Gift Basket by Wine Country Gift Baskets Gift for Families College Students Appreciation Thank You Congratulations Get Well Soon Care Package

Celebratory Gourmet Gift Basket  

No one in their right mind would scoff at a gift basket, and since this graduation is a big deal – gift them a big one!  

3dRose ct_151237_1 Phd Graduate School College Or University Graduation Gift Black Doctor Graduating Souvenir Ceramic Tile, 4-Inch

PhD Ceramic Tile  

For someone who likes to decorate their home with memories of their life, this ceramic tile is ideal and clearly states that a PhD was accomplished.  

NobleWorks - 1 Funny Graduation Card with Envelope - Cartoon Humor Card for Graduate, College or High School - Phd Cheney 3854

PhD Funny Graduation Card  

Know someone who graduated in English Literature? Get them this card, but only if you are familiar with their sense of humour!  

Mud Pie 'Graduation Cap' Big Shot Glass, Black

Graduation Cap ‘Big Shot’ Glass  

As previously mentioned, a PhD graduate needs a stiff drink at the end of their dissertation.  Help them out with this nifty ‘Big Shot’ glass!

Hopefully you found the perfect gift ideas for the next PhD graduation you go to! Whether you’re shopping for a friend or family member there are so many fun ways to celebrate this amazing achievement in someone’s life. Don’t forget to address all cards to “Dr. Name” to acknowledge this new chapter (and title) in their life.

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A US official says an 'unacceptably high' number of US weapons components have landed in Russian hands

US firms need to be vigilant with their exports, says Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh.

Singh said an "unacceptably high" number of US components have been found in Russia's weapons.

Companies shouldn't become "unwitting cogs in Russia's arsenal of autocracy," Singh said on Tuesday.

An "unacceptably high" number of US arms components are landing in Russian hands, a US official said on Tuesday.

"The percentage of Russian battlefield weaponry with US or allied branded components is alarmingly and unacceptably high," said Daleep Singh, US deputy national security advisor for international economics.

Singh was speaking at an event hosted by Washington think tank Brookings Institution on May 28 when he urged US tech companies to be more vigilant with their exports, per Bloomberg .

"I want to issue an urgent call for corporate responsibility," Singh said.

"Put your creativity and resources to work, know your customers, know their customers, and know the end users," he added. "Ensure that American firms are not unwitting cogs in Russia's arsenal of autocracy."

The 48-year-old Harvard and MIT graduate is widely seen as the architect of the Biden administration's economic sanctions on Russia when it first invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Singh left the White House for the private sector in February 2022 and was named PGIM Fixed Income's chief global economist in June 2022. He rejoined the Biden administration in February this year.

Singh's remarks on Tuesday spotlighted the difficulties the US faces in limiting the flow of its goods to Russia.

According to an investigation conducted by Nikkei Asia last year, Russia still managed to acquire hundreds of millions of dollars worth of US-made chips in spite of prevailing sanctions. The outlet said most of the goods were routed into Russia through Hong Kong and China.

"It took decades to build the financial sanctions architecture after 9/11. We've got to do that at warp speed for technology and goods companies," Singh said on Tuesday.

Representatives for the State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BI sent outside regular business hours.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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UNO Academic Advising Council Names Jessica Kampfe Advisor of the Month

Kampfe was nominated by her peers for her dedication to student success.

  • published: 2024/05/28
  • contact: Melissa Lindell Kozak - Sr. Director of Communications & Marketing, UNO CBA
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  • Academic Advising


Jessica Kampfe

Jessica Kampfe, Academic Advisor I, in the UNO College of Business Administration (CBA), was recently named the “Advisor of the Month” by the Academic Advising Council (AAC) for the month of May.

The award was presented to Kampfe at the May Academic Advising Council meeting.

Jessica’s nominators said:

“Jessica has been the sole MBA student advisor for the past nine years. We have more than 500 actively enrolled students, so she is incredibly busy providing exceptional service to our students on a daily basis. She offers early morning appointments a few times a week to accommodate our working professionals, and she works late at night making sure she's prepared for the next day's meetings. As student situations arise, Jessica is always quick to troubleshoot the issue and works collaboratively with others to help resolve any problems as quickly as possible. A primary example of this is her recent work with international students who have been facing financial and mental health challenges. She has worked closely with faculty, international advising, CAPS, and other resources on campus to assist these students. She also spends a great deal of time meeting with them and providing them assurance through the process. Through her work and dedication to the job, you can tell that she truly cares about each student and their success in the program. I strongly recommend Jessica Kampfe for Advisor of the Month due to her exceptional dedication and support in achieving my academic goals. She has been instrumental in navigating through exceptions and in facilitating the declaration of my minor. Jessica is consistently prompt in responding to emails, and her answers are always clear and helpful. Her deep understanding of the MBA program and its various concentrations is invaluable. I am truly fortunate to have her as my advisor!”

For being selected as the AAC Advisor of the Month, Kampfe will receive a certificate and gift card.

Nominate an Academic Advisor for the "Advisor of the Month Award"

If you know one of your colleagues has gone above and beyond in their exceptional service to students, their colleagues and/or the university, nominate them for the Advisor of the Month Award! Each month, one advisor will be selected at random from the nominations to receive the award at the Academic Advising Council meeting. All nominees will be recognized by AAC for their work.

Nominees must be at least .5 FTE whose primary role is academic advising. Once selected, advisors would not be eligible to receive the award again for one calendar year, although they can still be nominated in recognition of their work.

To nominate an academic advisor, complete the nomination form on the AAC website.

About the Academic Advising Council (AAC)

Monthly forums keep advisors up to date on topics ranging from best practices in advising to technology and program updates. The group, which formally launched in 2011, welcomes not just advisors to its meetings, but also many other professionals on campus who support UNO students.

The Academic Advising Council meets the third Thursday of each month at 1:30 P.M.

Meetings are open to the public

If you have a story idea, news tip or inquiry, please contact:

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  • June 17, 2023

23 Best Gift Ideas for Professors

Some academic occasions are to be celebrated, such as the end of a semester, graduation, or when your favorite professor retires. To honor the occasion, you may want to purchase a gift to thank your professor for all the hours and work they’ve put into your education. Trust us, professors work hard – when they aren’t teaching you, they’re likely in meetings, working on administrative tasks or doing research. 

But what should you buy? 

To help you find the perfect gift for your professor, we have prepared a list of 23 of the best gifts for professors you can buy online.

Best Gifts for Professors

In a hurry? Check out these top 3 staff picks:

The Legend Has Retired 11 oz Whiskey Glass

Sea Urchin Air Plant Kit

6 Pack - Beautiful Pink Sea Urchin Air Plant Kit

Bringing nature indoors, this exotic kit comes with 3 tillandsia air plants and 3 sea urchin shells to display them in. These unique plants can live without soil, absorbing their nutrients from the air. An attractive addition to any space, these versatile plants can be arranged in any style and will filter and cleanse the air around you. With low maintenance, and minimal watering, they will thrive anywhere.

What we like:

  • Comes with a convenient instruction sheet
  • An exotic and unusual gift 

What we don’t like:

  • The shells are on the smaller side, with some plants being too large to fit in them – a different pot may be needed if this is the case.

This is best for anyone looking for a gift idea for green thumbed professors, but are after something more unique than your typical indoor plant. These will certainly brighten up any professor’s face and office!

VOBAGA Coffee Mug Warmer

VOBAGA Mug Warmer for Office Desk Use

Professors usually spend their days being interrupted, often leading to the bitter disappointment of a cup of coffee gone cold. The solution – a coffee mug warmer. Suitable to sit on an office desk, this compact design has three temperature settings to either keep or warm up the temperature of the beverage, meaning no more wasted trips to the staff room to reheat a drink.

  • Safe and durable with an automatic shut off after 4 hours
  • Suitable for a range of mugs and materials
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Don’t expect drinks to become super hot – if your drink is cold when you use it, it will become warm but not piping hot. 
  • Can be a little bit noisy

This is the best gift for nearly every professor! If you’re looking for the best gift ideas for professors, this could be the leading choice. What better way to say thank you than to make sure your professor never has to sip a cold coffee again!

Related: Shop These 5 Best Planners for Law School

Tea Forte Single Steeps Organic Loose Leaf Tea Sampler

Tea Forte Single Steeps Loose Leaf Tea Sampler

Designed to relax the mind, body, and spirit, this organic tea leaf sampler offers a selection of gourmet teas for every mood. The pack comes with five varieties of tea, 3 of each blend – Darjeeling Quince, Mountain Oolong, Lemon Lavender, Orange Jasmine, and Vanilla Pear. Coming in pre-portioned single servings, these tea leaves can either be emptied into a teapot or infusing basket, for the perfect cup of tea. 

  • A great way to sample new and different flavors of tea
  • Convenient pre-portioned servings 
  • Well presented box
  • Some of the flavors are a bit hit and miss – down to personal preference

This is the best gift for professors who prefer tea to coffee or who enjoy cozying up with a good book and cup of tea.

Coffee Table Book

1000 Record Covers (Bibliotheca Universalis)

When deciding on a gift for a professor, you can’t go wrong with a coffee table book that showcases your teacher’s interest. Not only is it a personalized and thoughtful gift, but you have the freedom to make it as funny, serious or practical as you want. 

  • It’s unlikely that someone else has bought the same gift
  • Can play around with genre and price
  • Sometimes when there is too much choice, it’s hard to make a decision! 

This is the best gift for those looking for gifts for a college professor that they can perfectly tailor to the individual. 

Thank You Card

Hallmark Signature Gold Thank You Cards, Gold Script (10 Cards with Envelopes)

While a gift says thank you, it’s always nice to receive a personalized note to go alongside it. Or, sometimes, just a well designed and thoughtful thank you note is enough. With gold foil letterpress combined with a solid color background, these cards offer a simple yet elegant design, perfect for both men and women for any occasion. Made with premium paper, both the card and envelope look smart and professional.

  • Suitable to give to anyone
  • Elegant and quality design 
  • Envelopes are self-sealing
  • Limited choice of background-color

This set of thank you cards can be used for all your personalized thank you notes to your professors. In a pack of 10, you will have plenty of cards to hand out to the professors who have imparted you with their wisdom.

Pop Quiz Clock

Math Wall Clock

A unique and creative way to keep track of time, this analog display wall clock has a different math problem for each hour. A large design made from matte black powder-coated metal with white letters and numbers means this clock will stand out in any classroom, lecture hall or office. 

  • A fun way to tell the time
  • Discussion starter
  • Unique gift
  • Makes quite a loud ticking noise
  • May be a distraction to students in the class who become focused on solving the math problems rather than the lesson at hand!

This is the best gift for a professor who loves math, or any teacher that would enjoy a novel addition to their classroom or office. 

Inspirational Quote Pen

Aristotle Enlightened Quote Pen

This stylish gift is an ideal choice for any professor, as they always need a pen to hand. Coming in a range of engraved designs, from Aristotle quotes to Einstein quotes and even Hemmingway, there will no doubt be an inspiring saying that your professor will love. Made from metal, with a lacquered wood-colored finish, this elegant ballpoint pen is refillable and reusable. 

  • Not too heavy or too light
  • Uses the standard Parker ballpoint refill
  • On the bulkier side

Need a gift idea for a PhD advisor, college professor or university professor? This luxury pen is both a practical and stylish gift. 

MOKOQI Magnetic Levitation Floating Globe

MOKOQI Magnetic Levitating Globe with LED Light

The perfect desk companion, this floating globe is a high tech gadget that everyone would enjoy, even your PhD advisor! Simple to install and set up, it’s easy to make the globe levitate. You can even make it spin in the air and watch it rotate! Your professor’s office will have never looked cooler!

  • LED light feature makes it look cool in the dark
  • Great conversation piece
  • The magnets are powerful and can’t be close to computer devices or other electronic devices.
  • Smaller than expected

This is a fun, novelty Christmas gift for a professor - it will certainly add the wow factor to any office. 

G-WACK Stress Relief Desk Toy

Desk Sculpture Stress Relief Office Gift

Being a professor is a stressful and demanding job, so why not gift them with something to relieve the pressure? Therapeutic and entertaining, this desk toy releases stress as well as aids creativity. It is the ideal distraction and a productive brain break. 

  • Great desk addition
  • A good way to release stress
  • Novelty gift
  • Balls can fly everywhere!
  • A mix of magnetic and metallic balls, with less magnetic ones

This is perfect for those wanting to buy a gift for their professor that provides some humorous entertainment and a distraction from marking papers!

50 States, 500 Ideas

50 States, 5,000 Ideas: Where to Go, When to Go, What to See, What to Do

The travel experts at National Geographic have created this book to showcase the best travel experiences in every state. Mixing in the well-known with the unexpected, from off the wall museums to the best place to spot a sea otter, each entry gives useful information and fascinating facts about each state to fuel an adventurous spirit. There’s also a section on the Canadian provinces and territories. 

  • Fun and informative
  • Awesome pictures
  • The ideal reference to have while travelling
  • Small font 

Seeking to buy the perfect retirement gift for a professor? This book will encourage them to start planning the vacation of a lifetime!

The Legend Has Retired Whiskey Highball

What better way to see someone off into retirement than with something they can sip their favorite whiskey, bourbon or scotch from. This 11 oz personalized rocks whiskey glass is a fun way to celebrate retirement, while still being a thoughtful gift. 

  • Thoughtful and personalized for the occasion
  • Fun, and can double as christmas gifts for professors
  • A tad gimmicky 

Want to see your professor off in style? Here's a great retirement gift for a professor that they will love.

Happy Retirement Plant Pot

Personalized Retirement Pot

Another great retirement gift idea for a professor, this gorgeous pot for a plant can be personalized to fit the recipient. There are two sizes to choose from and you can also tell the seller exactly what you’d like printed on the pot.

  • A cute gift for any PhD advisor
  • Personalized for retirement 
  • This doesn’t come with the plant. You’ll need to add this before gifting (if you wish).

This is an amazing idea for anyone after a sweet and thoughtful retirement gift for their professor that ties in nicely with the occasion. 

Holiday Nut and Dried Fruit Gift Box

Oh! Nuts Holiday Gift Basket - 7 Nut Variety

You can’t go wrong with a well-stocked healthy gift box! Containing a selection of 12 healthy little treats, from protein-rich salted and roasted nuts to juicy dried fruit, there’s plenty to get those taste buds watering. Both a quality and healthy gift, Oh! Nuts use the best and freshest ingredients to build up their delicious holiday gift baskets. 

  • Suitable for vegans/vegetarians and those who have a dairy intolerance, and the box is certified Kosher
  • Well packaged
  • A good variety of fruit and nuts
  • Mixed reviews on the quality of taste – this is more of a personal preference though

1.8 pounds of a fresh assortment of nuts - makes a great gift basket for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.

Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker

Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 51 Ounce, 1.5 Liter

You’ll be hard pushed to find a professor who doesn’t like coffee! This stainless steel french press makes it simple to brew a delicious cup of coffee in just 4 minutes. The mesh filter helps to extract the coffee’s aromatic oils, ensuring maximum flavor in every cup. With a durable design, the coffee press comes with a Bodum Patented safety lid to stop spillages, and is dishwasher safe for easy cleaning. 

  • Comes in a variety of sizes
  • Easy to use and clean
  • No coffee grounds in the cup
  • Plunging mechanism not overly smooth
  • Glass is quite fragile

Moocoo Portable Espresso Machine

While we’re on the subject of coffee, if you feel like splashing out, this simple, light and sturdy portable coffee machine makes a great coffee. Due to advanced pumping technology, this espresso machine is able to provide the perfect crema in every single brew. Simple to use, this hand-powered machine requires no battery or electricity. It’s easy to clean and is dishwasher safe.

  • Takes both ground coffee or espresso capsules
  • The pump can froth milk
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Handy to take anywhere
  • On the small side – don’t expect a big cup of coffee
  • Higher-end of the price scale

Looking to buy an innovative and useful gift? Although more expensive than the other professor gifts, this could be given for a special occasion - perhaps as a retirement gift for your professor. 

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Both the number one national and international bestseller, renowned psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson answers one of life’s most difficult questions – what does everyone in the modern world need to know? Humorous and informative, this book covers all sorts of truths of ancient tradition alongside revelations from cutting-edge scientific research, discussing discipline, freedom, adventure, and responsibility. 

  • A mix of philosophy, psychology, and self-help
  • Witty and educational 
  • Covers a broad range of topics
  • Can ramble on in places – you may have to dig around for the point Peterson is making

Want to buy a book as a gift for a professor but are unsure what genre to go for? This bestseller provides a mix of both humor and education, making it a pretty safe yet interesting choice.  

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

Another book by Dr. Jordan Peterson, Maps of Meaning is a provocative hypothesis that explores the mind, morality, and structure of the world by honing in on the connection between neuropsychology, cognitive science, rituals, myths, and religious stories. It also looks at the Freudian and Jungian approaches to mythology and narrative. 

  • An interesting look at the world and our cultures
  • Technical and scientific mixed with fun and curiosity
  • Can be a challenging read

This is great for those looking to buy a gift for a PhD advisor who specializes in psychology, philosophy, religion, or any professor who enjoys having their world view challenged.

Stress Sign Wall Plaque Decoration

BIOLOGY Street Sign Wall Plaque Decoration

A novelty sign that can be used inside and outside. Covering a range of subjects such as BIOLOGY BLVD, SCIENCE ST, ENGLISH ST, HISTORY ST, these signs make for a humorous and personalized gift for your college professor or university professor. There’s even one that says RETIRED RD! Made from high-quality plastic and easy to install. 

  • Personalized to a specific subject
  • A limited number of subjects available

This is best for anyone looking for a fun gift to buy a professor, perhaps a little something for Christmas!

Solar System Color Changing Heat Sensitive Mug

Magic Heat Changing Coffee Mug Solar System

A thermochromic mug that, when activated by a hot liquid, will make the sun and planets and night sky appear, as if by magic. Like any heat sensitive color changing mug, this must be hand-washed. Also, it cannot be put in the microwave. With its cool design, this mug will certainly bring some cheer to any professor’s day!

  • Good quality
  • Fun and novel way to enjoy a hot beverage
  • Great images of the planets
  • Not suitable for a dishwasher or a microwave
  • Liquids must be very hot for the mug to work

This is for all the science professors out there, or any professor that would enjoy a cool gift! 

Jane Austen Books Coaster Set

Jane Austen Books - 6 Piece Fabric Top Coaster Set

A set of 6 individual coasters featuring titles from Jane Austen’s famous novels, perfect for any English lover or anglophile! Practically designed, with a fabric top to help absorb condensation and a non-slip recycled rubber back to protect furniture. 

  • Easy and safe to spot clean
  • Fun to look at
  • Functional – good protection for furniture
  • Colors come out quite dull
  • Strong rubber smell

This is an awesome gift for any English professor! These would make a good Christmas gift.

Mceal Wax Seal Stamp Regal Letter

Mceal Wax Seal Stamp, Silver Brass Head with Wooden Handle

With a choice of any letter in the alphabet, this wax seal stamp could be used on anything, like envelopes, wine bottles or gift packages to add a level of sophistication! With a 30mm silver-plated brass seal head and a wooden handle, this stamp not only looks good but has a great design. 

  • High quality and well made
  • Beautiful design
  • Easy to use
  • Doesn’t come with wax

This is a fun and unique personalized gift for a professor.

Newton’s Cradle Balance Ball

Newtons Cradle Balance Balls Desk Toy

Art-in-motion is a classic gift and the perfect accessory to any desk. Another stress-relieving gadget for that overworked professor, the simplicity of lifting one steel ball and letting it swing back into the other steel balls never grows old. 

  • Fun and entertaining gift
  • Will make any desk look cool
  • Simple and classic design
  • Pretty pricey

This is an awesome gift for a physics professor or for those looking to buy a stylish yet simple gift for any professor.

Professor Gifts Buying Tips

There are a couple of things you should consider before purchasing a gift for a professor:

Gift Etiquette for Professors

While there is no set etiquette when buying a gift for a professor, you may want to think about the type of gift you want to give – something funny or novel, something serious or educational, or something practical and useful. How well you know your professor or what subject they teach will influence the gift choice, as it’s always nice to be given something personal and thoughtful. If in doubt, there are plenty of excellent generic gifts out there where you can’t go too wrong, especially coffee-related paraphernalia like the French Coffee Press or the coffee mug warmer!

How Much Should I Spend on a Gift for a Professor?

Ideally, the gift should be under $35, as most professors aren’t able to accept high-cost items from students due to institutional regulations and ethical standards. Rather than focusing too much on the price, think about a gift that will mean something to the professor or something that you know they will use often. It could be an inexpensive book in their field or a thoughtful little addition to their desk, you don’t have to splash out too much. 

Gifts for Professors FAQ

What are appropriate gifts for professors.

Appropriate gifts for professors should ideally be budget-friendly (under $30) and considered thoughtful rather than luxurious.

What’s the best thank you gift for a professor?

The best thank you gift shows that you considered what he/she is interested in and show that you care. These can be small desk toys related to their field of work or even a simple thank you card including a favorite memory or takeaway from class.

Is it ok to give a professor a gift card?

A gift card in a small amount may be ok if it is personal or related to his/her interests. But keep this gift card in small amounts below $20 so they do not feel uncomfortable accepting it.

Professor Gifts Bottomline

When you put a little thought into thank you gifts for professors, we’re certain they’ll appreciate the gesture. Just remember, your gift isn’t a way to sway a decision about your grades! It’s there to say thank you!

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Principal gifts officer.

Development and Alumni Relations (DAR) supports Johns Hopkins’ focus on research, teaching and patient care, and its role as a national and global leader in higher education. We create and foster enduring relationships that result in advocacy and philanthropic support for Johns Hopkins University & Medicine; strengthening the institution through partnerships with donors, alumni, volunteer leaders, faculty, students, staff, and patients.

Johns Hopkins University supports a flexible work model that includes four different work modalities. This role has a hybrid work arrangement with an onsite presence of 3 to 4 days per week. The manager will confirm the team’s core onsite days where the majority/all team members will work in the office. Employees who travel on university business can count those days towards their onsite days.

The Principal Gifts Officer at Johns Hopkins University in the Office of Principal Gifts plays a pivotal role in advancing the institution’s philanthropic efforts. This position is responsible for identifying, cultivating, and soliciting principal gifts from prospective donors who can make transformative contributions in support of the mission of Johns Hopkins University and Medicine. As a new role this position will focus on constituents who are not yet affiliated or engaged with Johns Hopkins and whose philanthropic interests may align with the institution's highest priorities. The successful candidate will collaborate with institutional leaders, faculty, and volunteers to engage new prospects and donors, and secure support for strategic priorities and initiatives.

This role is dynamic and requires adaptability and excellent communication as a successful candidate will work directly with high level prospects and also play a behind-the-scenes role in support of or advisor to others. Success in this role will be made in the ability of the Principal Gift Officer to be creative, bringing an entrepreneurial outlook and strong intellectual curiosity to collaborative conversations that include multiple stakeholders at the institution.


  • Prospect Identification and Cultivation:
  • Identify and establish new principal gift level opportunities and relationships (especially with non-alumni) by mobilizing new networks, particularly with priority areas with global appeal. Build creative, persistent outreach to new philanthropic individuals and entities base on the University’s and Divisional Strategic Plans, as well as university-wide fundraising campaigns.
  • Develop personalized cultivation strategies for individual prospects, while tailoring approaches based on their interests and capacity to give.
  • Collaborate with administration, faculty, and volunteers to engage prospects effectively.
  • Conduct face-to-face meetings with prospects, including travel as necessary.
  • Solicitation and Relationship Building:
  • Recommend and implement solicitation strategies for principal gifts emphasizing the alignment of their philanthropic goals with institutional priorities.
  • Work closely with university leaders to leverage their relationships and vision in securing support.
  • Maintain a portfolio of prospects and provide outstanding stewardship by representing best practices.
  • Proposal Development:
  • Convene and lead the strategy in partnership with the Office of Principal Gifts proposal team to identify and articulate big ideas for principal level proposals that will appeal to unaffiliated prospects.
  • Guide the narrative, data, storytelling and budget development for principal level proposals with new unaffiliated prospects.
  • Individual and Industry Research:
  • Direct research efforts to qualify new unaffiliated principal level prospects’ interest and giving potential.
  • Stay informed about new significant philanthropic investment announcements and trends in philanthropy across higher education. Utilize this knowledge to enhance institutional strategy and advise leadership.
  • Develop a set of reporting mechanisms that underscores both data accuracy and creative storytelling to inform and engage institutional leaders, DAR colleagues and volunteers in our efforts to grow the pool of principal level prospects and donors.
  • Collaboration and Communication:
  • Collaborate with colleagues across departments to ensure a cohesive approach to fundraising.
  • Be aware of institutional and divisional funding priorities in the development of big ideas for support.
  • Cultivate relationships with corporate and foundation prospects as needed.
  • Draft proposals, newsletters, and other materials to communicate impact and opportunities.
  • Partner with University and Medicine communications colleagues to announce, as appropriate, and recognize new commitments for institutional support
  • Signature Site Visit and Event Planning:
  • Engagement of new prospects and donors at the principal gift level requires significant efforts to design and implement meaningful engagement through onsite visits to meet with institutional thought leaders and faculty experts.
  • Assist in planning and direction of high-level engagement events.
  • Bachelor's degree.
  • Five years of progressive fundraising experience in a complex environment with one or more years of direct experience with principal gifts.
  • Experience working in a fast-paced and complex environment
  • Proven success in securing seven-figure gifts
  • Campaign, media/communications and high-level event experience is desirable.
  • Strong oral and written communication, analytical, and organizational skills.

All applicants are expected to uphold the university’s core values which includes diversity and inclusion. All staff treat people with dignity and respect by being fair and consistent. We demonstrate an open-minded approach to understanding people regardless of their race, gender, age, national origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status or other characteristics. We show respect for the beliefs and traditions of others; encourage and promote practices that support cultural diversity; and discourage behaviors or practices that may be perceived as unfair, biased, or critical toward people with certain backgrounds.

Classified Title: Principal Gifts Officer  Job Posting Title (Working Title): Principal Gifts Officer    Role/Level/Range: ATP/04/PI   Starting Salary Range: Minimum: $134,600 - Maximum: $236,000 (targeted salary: $150,000; commensurate with experience)  Employee group: Full Time  Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm  Exempt Status: Exempt  Location: Homewood Campus  Department name: 10001648-Principal and Leadership Gifts  Personnel area: University Administration 

Total Rewards The referenced salary range is based on Johns Hopkins University’s good faith belief at the time of posting. Actual compensation may vary based on factors such as geographic location, work experience, market conditions, education/training and skill level. Johns Hopkins offers a total rewards package that supports our employees' health, life, career and retirement. More information can be found here: .

Please refer to the job description above to see which forms of equivalency are permitted for this position. If permitted, equivalencies will follow these guidelines: JHU Equivalency Formula: 30 undergraduate degree credits (semester hours) or 18 graduate degree credits may substitute for one year of experience. Additional related experience may substitute for required education on the same basis. For jobs where equivalency is permitted, up to two years of non-related college course work may be applied towards the total minimum education/experience required for the respective job.

**Applicants who do not meet the posted requirements but are completing their final academic semester/quarter will be considered eligible for employment and may be asked to provide additional information confirming their academic completion date.

The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. Johns Hopkins is committed to hiring individuals with a justice-involved background, consistent with applicable policies and current practice. A prior criminal history does not automatically preclude candidates from employment at Johns Hopkins University. In accordance with applicable law, the university will review, on an individual basis, the date of a candidate's conviction, the nature of the conviction and how the conviction relates to an essential job-related qualification or function.

The Johns Hopkins University values diversity, equity and inclusion and advances these through our key strategic framework, the JHU Roadmap on Diversity and Inclusion.

Equal Opportunity Employer All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.

EEO is the Law:

Accommodation Information If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the Talent Acquisition Office at [email protected] . For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. For more information about workplace accommodations or accessibility at Johns Hopkins University, please visit .

Johns Hopkins has mandated COVID-19 and influenza vaccines, as applicable. The COVID-19 vaccine does not apply to positions located in the State of Florida. Exceptions to the COVID and flu vaccine requirements may be provided to individuals for religious beliefs or medical reasons. Requests for an exception must be submitted to the JHU vaccination registry. For additional information, applicants for SOM positions should visit  and all other JHU applicants should visit .

The following additional provisions may apply, depending upon campus. Your recruiter will advise accordingly.

The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office.

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Graduation 2024 1

Students graduating from the Weatherhead School this spring experienced a number of activities marking the special occasion.

Both graduate and undergraduate students participated in the second annual New Alumni Welcome Ceremony on May 17th.  Co-Deans Andrew Medvedev and JB Silvers shared words of congratulations along with Professor of Organizational Behavior Ellen Van Oosten who shared uplifting advice with the graduates regarding their futures and the value of relationships.  Executive Director of Alumni Relations Brian Breittholz led the stolling process, where each graduate received a stoll, followed by a champagne toast.

Gary Von Linden

Gary von Lehmden (MGT ’81), traveled (with his family) from London to serve as the commencement speaker on Saturday, May 18. Lehmden is current CEO and Chairman of Summerhill Capital Investors, LLC. And previously served as Chairman and Head of EMEA Corporate Banking and as the Chief Lending Officer for Citibank N.A. in EMEA.

During his graduation remarks, von Lehmden shared, “What I often told my own people during reviews is “If you want something, you should ask for it. People can’t read your mind. You might not get what you are asking for (or at least not right away), but at least they have fair warning about how you feel and after some due consideration, things might just go your way.”   

He added, “Through past experiences, I've come to believe that success often comes down to how you navigate the unexpected twists and turns. Life has a way of presenting challenges and opportunities in equal measure. It's how you respond to them - with resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset - that will define your path.”

Graduation 2024

Along with the formal ceremonies, there were plenty of personal stories of achievement and life-changing moments.  Among them was the new direction of Yucui Dong, who, before stepping on stage to receive her diploma for a Master of Supply Chain Management, said yes to her fiancé in his proposal of marriage.  


  1. Advisor Gift for Phd Advisor Badass Advisor Coffee Mug

    phd advisor gift

  2. Phd Graduation Gift Ideas Done Phd Gift Black Mug for Women

    phd advisor gift

  3. Phd Graduation Gift I Just Became A Phd What Have You Done

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  4. Phd Advisor Gift Phd Advisor Print Phd Advisor Rainbow Phd

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  5. PHD Advisor Gift Ideas, Phd Advisor Mug, Best Gifts for PHD Advisor

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  6. Phd Advisor Gift For Academic Thesis Advisors/Supervisors, Jewelry Nec

    phd advisor gift


  1. #ದಿನಭವಿಷ್ಯ 04 May 2024 #rashibhavishya #dinabhavishya #dailyhoroscope

  2. Managing Graduate Student-Supervisor Relationship


  1. 14 Best Gifts for Professors or PhD Advisors (in 2024)

    9. Novium Hoverpen 2.0. If your PhD advisor loves physics, astronomy, space, or technology then they will definitely appreciate having this on their desk. It's a high-end refillable magnetic pen that hovers perfectly at an angle using magnets on all sides.

  2. Gift for Phd Advisor

    PHD Advisor Gift Ideas, Phd Advisor Mug, Best Gifts for PHD Advisor, PHD Advisor Presents N149 (967) Sale Price $18.86 $ 18.86 $ 23.57 Original Price $23.57 (20% off) FREE shipping Add to Favorites Smells like a Badass Academic Advisor, College Advisor Gift, Academic Advisor Gift, Phd Advisor Gift, Soy Wax 9oz Candle ...

  3. 10 Best Gift Ideas for Your PhD Research Supervisor in 2024

    Photo Frames: A photo frame with a memorable photo of you and your supervisor can be a sentimental and meaningful gift. Choose a photo that captures a special moment or memory from your PhD program. Engraved Plaque: An engraved plaque with a personal message of appreciation can be a meaningful and long-lasting gift.

  4. Gifts for Phd Advisor

    PHD Advisor Gift Ideas, Phd Advisor Mug, Best Gifts for PHD Advisor, PHD Advisor Presents N149 (956) Sale Price $18.86 $ 18.86 $ 23.57 Original Price $23.57 (20% off) FREE shipping Add to Favorites Funny Doctoral Advisor Tumbler Gift, For Retirement, Appreciation Gift, Birthday, Christmas Gift, Stainless Steel Insulated Cup ...

  5. Phd Advisor Gifts

    Check out our phd advisor gifts selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our mugs shops.

  6. 20 Thank You Gifts for PhD Advisor

    Your PhD advisor will appreciate any gift you choose to give them as a thank you, especially one that will make them smile and feel inspired to keep advising others after you. About The Author. Bonnie. Bonnie is a huge lover of all things gift giving! Well, aside from her fur ball kitty, that is. She's covered every holiday topic you'll ever ...

  7. Gifts for PhD Advisor: Top Ideas in 2023

    If you're looking for a thoughtful and personalized gift for your PHD advisor, the PHD Advisor Husband Dad Legend Notebook is a great option. Pros. Personalized notebook with PHD advisor's name on the cover. 120 ruled pages for notes, ideas, and thoughts. Compact size of 6 x 9 inches makes it easy to carry around.

  8. 25 Gift Ideas for a PhD Mentor

    Actually Wine Glass. Buy on Amazon. For the female PhD mentor, this wine glass reminds everyone that her title is doctor, nothing less. Women are often mistaken for being non-doctors (like assistants) so, while she probably won't keep it at work, it will at least remind her that you value her experience and education.

  9. 12 Best PhD Gifts for Doctoral Students (in 2024)

    PhD students deserve the best gifts and if you're looking for one, you should check out the following. Academia Word Magnets. The Pocket Scientist pocket ruler and equation reference. Rocketbook Matrix Cloud-connected Reusable Paper Notebook. Wireless Laser Pointer and Powerpoint presenter.

  10. Top 15 Best PhD Graduation Gifts in 2024

    And if you're looking for PhD graduation gifts for her, try a Sephora gift card between $25-$250. Buy a Graduation-Themed Amazon Gift Card. Buy an Apple Gift Card. Buy a Sephora Gift Card. 15 Best PhD Graduation Gifts [2024] Check out these unique, fun gift ideas for a doctoral graduate near and dear to your heart! 1.

  11. What type of gift could I give to my PhD advisor? [duplicate]

    6. As far as I'm aware, giving gifts to your PhD adviser upon completion in the US is not an obligatory ritual, as compared to Christmas gift exchange in families, or Mother's Day cards and flowers, which are obligatory rituals. Before you decide to give a gift and choose one, you should consider your adviser's personality, value system ...

  12. 7 Best Gifts for PhD Students (By a PhD Student!)

    Best Gifts for PhD Students. 1. Care Package. Quick Review: A care package is best for a PhD student living away from home for college. Let them know you're thinking about them and give them a bunch of study snacks! CRAVEBOX Healthy Snack Box Variety Pack Care Package. Check Price on Amazon.

  13. 30 Gift Ideas for a PhD Graduation They'll Love

    Deluxe Lavender Spa Gift Set. Buy Now. The feminine PhD graduate will love a long session of relaxation or two with this fragrant lavender spa gift set. They just might never get out of the bath. And even if their not a mom, this list of gifts that promote relaxation has something on it for everyone.

  14. Advisor Gifts

    WCGXKO Doctoral Advisor Gift Academic Advisor Gift Phd Advisor Appreciation Zipper Pouch Makeup Bag (DOCTORAL ADVISOR) $14.89 $ 14. 89. 5% coupon applied at checkout Save 5% with coupon. ... Financial Advisor Gifts Ideas For Men And Women - If At First You Don't Succeed Try Doing What Your Financial Advisor Told You To Do The First Time Mug 11oz.

  15. Advisor Gifts Phd

    Phd Advisor Gift, Phd Advisor Print, Phd Advisor Rainbow, Phd Advisor Thank you, Phd Advisor Quote, Phd Advisor Wall Art (114) $ 4.99. Add to Favorites PHD Advisor Gift Ideas, Phd Advisor Mug, Best Gifts for PHD Advisor, PHD Advisor Presents N149 (837) Sale Price $18. ...

  16. Gift ideas for advisor? : r/PhD

    Gift ideas for advisor? I just defended and graduated and noticed a lot of peers got their advisors "thank you" gifts. I didn't get mine one but they are having me for dinner next week and I feel like I should get them something to stay on their good side. We had a sometimes good sometimes bad relationship so I feel annoyed that I have to ...

  17. advisor

    This may help to explain what to many 20-something PhDs looks a bit on the extravagant side. (As a PhD advisor, I feel very tempted to add: maybe he is just a more gracious person....But in all sincerity, gifts totaling more than $100 from any one student would probably make me uncomfortable.) -

  18. What is a good gift for PhD advisor? : r/AskAcademia

    You should know your PhD advisor well enough to select a unique and personalized gift in the sub-$50 range, imo. If not, handwrite a truly nice letter. Late to the party here, but while a small heartfelt gift is good I have been the fan of donating money in their name to a charity they support eels like a good idea.

  19. What is a good gift for a PhD advisor? : r/PhD

    Alcoholic drinks. Specially if you are from a different country/culture from them, give something specific that they don't know. 1. Reply. Award. Share. rafaelluizmesquita. • 3 yr. ago. The institution I finished my PhD in has a policy that could land you in some serious trouble for giving your committee anything.

  20. A US official says an 'unacceptably high' number of US weapons ...

    The 48-year-old Harvard and MIT graduate is widely seen as the architect of the Biden administration's economic sanctions on Russia when it first invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

  21. UNO Academic Advising Council Names Jessica Kampfe Advisor of the Month

    For being selected as the AAC Advisor of the Month, Kampfe will receive a certificate and gift card. Nominate an Academic Advisor for the "Advisor of the Month Award" If you know one of your colleagues has gone above and beyond in their exceptional service to students, their colleagues and/or the university, nominate them for the Advisor of the ...

  22. Phd Advisor Gift

    PHD Advisor Gift Ideas, Phd Advisor Mug, Best Gifts for PHD Advisor, PHD Advisor Presents N149 (825) Sale Price $18.86 $ 18.86 $ 23.57 Original Price $23.57 (20% off) FREE shipping Add to Favorites Phd graduation card / Funny doctorate graduation card / Doctoral dissertation defense gift / PhDone, Ph Done ...

  23. 23 Best Gifts For Professors [BUYING GUIDE 2024]

    A cute gift for any PhD advisor; Personalized for retirement ; What we don't like: This doesn't come with the plant. You'll need to add this before gifting (if you wish). Personalized Retirement Pot This is an amazing idea for anyone after a sweet and thoughtful retirement gift for their professor that ties in nicely with the occasion.

  24. Raen Johnston and her Educational Journey: Lessons and Reflections from

    Raen Johnston, BS in Elementary Education, Middle Level Science and English, will represent the undergraduate Class of 2024 at the School of Education commencement ceremony. She says she is thankful for the experiences she had during her time at Drexel and praises the staff who supported her through ...

  25. Finding a Financial Advisor as an American Expat Overseas

    Bottom Line. Finding a financial advisor as an American expat overseas helps you overcome the unique challenges and embrace the opportunities that expatriate life presents. The journey begins by identifying your financial needs and goals, ensuring that the chosen advisor aligns with your requirements.

  26. Seven UF Students Named Summer 2024 Washington, D.C. Interns

    The Bob Graham Center announces the seven University of Florida students who are participating in the Center's Washington Internship program for Summer 2024. Students have earned positions interning with members of Congress, in a government agency, or within UF's Office of Federal Relations. The Washington Internship is intended for students interested in public service, public […]

  27. Gift for Phd Advisor

    Check out our gift for phd advisor selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our mugs shops.

  28. Principal Gifts Officer Job Details

    Classified Title: Principal Gifts Officer. Job Posting Title (Working Title): Principal Gifts Officer. Role/Level/Range: ATP/04/PI. Starting Salary Range: Minimum: $134,600 - Maximum: $236,000 (targeted salary: $150,000; commensurate with experience) Employee group: Full Time. Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.

  29. Gifts for Graduate Advisor

    Dissertation Defense Candle Dissertation Defense Survivor Phd Advisor Gift Dissertation Committee Gift PhD Graduation 2024 Gift For Graduate (1) Sale Price $26.34 $ 26.34 $ 30.99 Original Price $30.99 (15% off) Add to Favorites In My Finance Era Candle Gift for Graduation Financial Advisor Tax Accountant Graduate Gifts Vegan Soy Wax Non-toxic ...

  30. Ready to Make a Positive Impact in the World

    Both graduate and undergraduate students participated in the second annual New Alumni Welcome Ceremony on May 17th. Co-Deans Andrew Medvedev and JB Silvers shared words of congratulations along with Professor of Organizational Behavior Ellen Van Oosten who shared uplifting advice with the graduates regarding their futures and the value of ...