Home » Online Assignment Submission System in Django Source Code

Online Assignment Submission System in Django with Source Code

Online Assignment Submission System in Django Source Code

Online Assignment Submission System in Django with Source Code – This Django-based Online Assignment Submission System project is written in Python.

This is a role-based module in which teachers and students can manipulate the data in whatever way they like.

As Django , an online assignment submission system allows students to upload their assignments or projects rather than sending them in a module file.

By minimizing and limiting human error, the proposed method assists teachers in the monitoring and handling of students.

What is an Online Assignment Submission System?

The Online Assignment System is a web-based module that allows students and professors to exchange information regarding assignments and questions.

Students can submit assignments, and professors can edit and score them.

The best response will be uploaded as the best answer, and students can refer to it as notes.

Why do we use an Online Assignment Submission System?

All students, regardless of where they are in the world, can function on the same schedule by dealing with assignment submissions electronically over the internet.

\No one has to set aside time to send assignments via ordinary mail. The amount of paper that must be handled is reduced when using an electronic system.

Who are the Beneficiaries of the Online Assignment Submission System

Learners, their families, and their communities are the ultimate beneficiaries: particularly learners from low-income families and other disadvantaged groups, whose prospects of acquiring a good education and reaping the advantages will be considerably improved.

Definition of terms of Online Assignment Submission System

  • Assignment – As part of a job or course of study, someone is assigned an assignment or piece of work.
  • Student – A learner or someone who attends an educational institution is referred to as a student or pupil.
  • Online – The term “online” refers to a condition of connectedness.
  • Lecturer – Lecturer: A lecture is an oral presentation given by a university or college professor to deliver information or teach people about a specific subject.
  • Submission – The act of offering a proposal, application, or other document for evaluation or judgment is known as submission.

Major Functionalities Used in Online Assignment Submission System in Django

Features of Online Assignment Submission System in Django in the student side:

  • Manage Student Profile – The student updates his or her information details in the student profile.
  • Registration – Before registering, students must first register in order to make their own account.
  • View Assignments and Exams – Students can view their assignments and exams on this page.
  • Login – By default, students must first log in to gain access to the system.
  • View Course – The student can view all of their courses for the course.

Features of Online Assignment Submission System in Django in Teacher side:

  • Manage Teacher Profile – The teacher can update his or her information details in the teacher profile.
  • Registration – To begin the registration process, the teacher must first create their account.
  • Create Course – The teacher can add and amend course details in this section.
  • Login – By default, the teacher must first log in to gain access to the system.
  • Create Exam – The teacher can create and change exam information for the exam.
  • Create Assignment – The teacher can create and change assignment information for the assignment.

Online Assignment Submission System in Django Steps on How to Create a Project

Time needed:  3 minutes

These are the steps to run an Online Assignment Submission System Project in Django

install virtual env in Online Assignment Submission System in Django with Source Code

Project Details and Technology

This section contains information about the project and the technology used in this system.

Download the Source Code Here!

To summarize, students and professionals interested in learning the Python Django programming language will find this Online Assignment Submission System useful.

This project can be customized to your exact requirements. I hope you find this assignment useful in honing your skills.

This is how you create an Online Assignment Submission System in Python . You can always try new approaches to implement the Online Crime Reporting System in Django in your Django projects.

This Mini Project for an Online Assignment Submission System is available for free download and use strictly for educational purposes. It’s easy to grasp and use.

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If you have any questions or suggestions about the  Online Assignment Submission System in Django with Source Code , please feel free to leave a comment below.

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Django Online Classroom Management System with Source Code

This  Online Classroom Management System in Django  created based on python, Django, and SQLITE3 Database.

Teachers frequently utilize a Classroom Management System to guarantee that classroom lessons go well. Users can upload documents in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint format, as well as photos, to this online system.

Teachers can also create quizzes that students can take if they are already registered with the system.

A Online Classroom Management System in Django  is an easy project for beginners to learn how to build a web-based python Django project. We will provide you with the complete source code and database for the python project so that you can easily install it on your machine and learn how to program in Python Django.

To start creating a  Online Classroom Management System Project in Python Django , makes sure that you have  PyCharm Professional IDE  Installed in your computer.

This Online Classroom Management System in Django   Framework , Also includes a  Download   Source Code  for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click download now.

Teacher Features: Online Classroom Management System in Django

  • Dashboard – In this page, the teacher can see all the features of the system.
  • Login Page – The page where the teacher enters their system credentials in order to gain access to the system’s administrative side.
  • Manage Assignments – This is the page where the teacher can add new assignment.
  • Manage Submissions – This is the page where the teacher can view all the students who submit their assignment through online.
  • Add Resources – This is the page where the teacher can add new resources or lesson for their student.
  • Notify Students – This is the page where the teacher can can notify their students they submit or not.

User Features:  Online Classroom Management System in Django

  • Dashboard – In this page, user can view details of their courses or subject.
  • Register Page – The page where new user created their login credentials for the website.
  • Login Page – The page where the system administrator enters their system credentials in order to gain access to the system’s administrative side.
  • Assignment Page – In this page, Students can download the assignment that the teacher gives and they can upload their assignments upon the deadline of their assignments.
  • Notification Page – In this page, Students can view their notification if there is a new assignment uploaded.

Online Classroom Management System in Django  Steps on How to Create a Project

Time needed:  5 minutes

Here’s the step’s on how to create a Online Classroom Management System in Django with Source Code.

Create new Project for Online Classroom Management System in Django with Source Code

Finally, we will now start adding functionality to our Django Framework by adding some functional codes.

Functionality and Codes of the Online Classroom Management System in Django with Source Code

  • Create template for the instructor homepage in  Online Classroom Management System in Django .

In this section, we will learn on how create a templates for the instructor homepage. To start with, add the following code in your instructor_basic_page.html under the folder of instructor/templates/instructor.

Downloadable Source Code Below.

Anyway, if you want to level up your programming knowledge, especially python, try this new article I’ve made for you  Best Python Projects with source code for Beginners .

But If you’re going to focus on web development using Django, you can download here from our list of  Best Django Projects with source code  based on real-world projects.

How To Run The  Online Classroom Management System in Django ?

  • Step 1:  Extract/unzip the file
  • Step 2:  Go inside the project folder, open cmd and type the following commands to install Django Framework and run the webserver:
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python migrate
  • python runserver
  • Step 3:  Finally, open the browser and go to

In summary, this Online Classroom System in Django  with Source Code  can be useful to students or professional who wants to learn python programming language.

This project can also be modified to fit your personal requirements. Hope this project will help you to improve your skills. Happy Coding!

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If you have any questions or suggestions about  Online Classroom System in Django  with Source Code , please feel free to leave a comment below.

3 thoughts on “Django Online Classroom Management System with Source Code”

plz tell how the database connectiob are done

what kind of database are you using?

sql database.. You need to download an xampp. Or you can watch on youtube on how to install xampp

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online assignment submission project django github

Submitting your repository to GitHub Community Exchange

You can submit your repository to GitHub Community Exchange for others to view or contribute to.

In this article

About repository submissions.

Only public repositories owned by personal accounts can be submitted to GitHub Community Exchange.

There are three types of repository submissions:

  • Learn. A repository to share step-by-step instructions to build a project.
  • Collaborate. A repository seeking collaborators to work on a project.
  • Learn and Collaborate. A repository which is a combination of Learn and Collaborate .

Consider what the main purpose of your repository is when choosing the type of submission for your repository.

To promote your project and make it more discoverable to other students, you should assign one or more topics and GitHub Student Developer Pack offers to your repository. For more information, see " Classifying your repository with topics ."

Once a repository has been submitted to GitHub Community Exchange, it will be published immediately with the purpose, topics, and offers you've chosen. The GitHub Community Exchange community moderates all repository submissions.

Submission requirements

Your repository must meet a minimum set of requirements for a submission to be accepted. During the submission process, if the submission criteria hasn't been met for your selected repository, you will be notified of the missing items.

For a submission with a purpose of Learn , your repository must have:

  • A description.
  • A file to provide step-by-step instructions, with text and/or media, on how you built your project. Ideally, your file will deconstruct your project into small components and provide thorough details of each step, so that other students can code their project by following your instructions.
  • A file to provide a detailed description of your project.
  • A License so others are aware of what they can and cannot do with your source code.

For a submission with a purpose of Collaborate , your repository must have:

  • One or more issues for collaborators to work on.
  • file to communicate how to contribute to your project.

A good repository submission for both Learn and Collaborate purposes, is a repository that follows community standards. For more information, see " About community profiles for public repositories ."

Submitting your repository

  • From your GitHub Education dashboard, navigate to the GitHub Community Exchange home page.

Screenshot of a row of buttons and dropdown menus. The "Add repository" button is outlined in dark orange.

  • In the pop-up window, use the What is the purpose of your submission? drop-down menu and select one or more entries matching your submission.
  • Use the Which repository would you like to use? drop-down menu and select the repository for your submission. If the submission criteria hasn't been met, you will be notified of the missing items, and you can click on Edit your repository if you want to view the repository and make changes to meet the criteria.
  • Use the Which offers did you use for your project? drop-down menu and select one or more entries matching your submission.
  • Click Submit the project .

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Magda Rosłaniec

Posted on Dec 11, 2022 • Originally published at

How to prepare Django project before pushing on GitHub

This article is 2nd of Let's learn Django together in which we created a virtual environment and started a simple Diary project.

At one point, we would like to make our application live. Or at least to show the code to someone. Or simply have the history of our changes. Or store our code somewhere online. We can do it using a control version. The most popular version control system is called Git, and the most popular hosting provider is GitHub.

Part 2: How to prepare project before adding Git (version control)

Step 1: create .gitignore file, step 2: install python-decouple, step 3: store all sensitive data in .env file, step 4: how to use python-decouple in file, step 5: how to change secret key.

The file should be created in the main folder. There we write titles of all files we don't want to add to Git and push on GitHub. We usually don't want to have files with our virtual environment or settings for our code editor. We shouldn't store media files on GitHub (if we were adding them to our local database and don't want to have them live) as well as our local database. We can generate a .gitignore file using a website and copy it into our .gitignore

python-decouple is the library that separates the instance settings from code and allows to make changes in settings without redeploying the application. By instance settings, I mean all the secrets like secret_key, your database settings and passwords to your database or your Amazon S3 bucket and so on.

We need only an additional file called: .env and then we don't need different types of setting files (at least in a small app like the one we are building)

Let's install the python-decouple library. ( ) First, we need to make sure that we have our virtual environment activated. If not, we need to do it now: pipenv shell Be careful because python-decouple or decouple are not the same. There is also django-decouple library, but it isn't supported any longer.

  • pipenv install python-decouple

Now we can create a .env file. It also should be in the main folder.

What should we store in .env file?

Secret key:

We can start with storing there SECRET_KEY, that was generated when we were creating our project and we can find it in the website/ file. Of course, everyone needs to use the secret key from their own application, not the one I'm posting below.

Another variable is DEBUG. As we can read in settings, we shouldn't have DEBUG = True when we want to have our application live. It is an excellent tool to use locally. It allows us to see errors we made in our code and more easily find them and also find the solutions. Thanks to it, our media and static will also be applied locally.

But on production, it can lead to leaks of information like local variables, settings, libraries used and so on. So it is useful to set DEGUB to False on production and to True locally. We can do it adding DEBUG=True to .env file.

At the moment, we are storing only 2 variables in our .env file. While building the project, we may add some more things there.

Now we need to import config object from decouple library in

Let's add from decouple import config at the top of the file (even though the library is called python-decouple).

And then, we have to change our configuration parameters using config like this:


DEBUG = config('DEBUG', default=False, cast=bool)

Now we can initialize Git and push our code on GitHub or GitLab or Bitbucket. The instruction to install Git:

You should never push your SECRET_KEY on GitHub.

But if you did it, there is always a possibility to generate a new secret key. You can use a tool like this: or you can run this command in your command line:

python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'

And add generated key to the .env file remembering about using only config('SECRET_KEY') in file.

In this part we:

  • Created .gitingore file
  • Installed python-decouple library
  • Created .env file and stored there our secret key
  • Used config object from decouple library to link variables from .env file with
  • Learned how to create a new secret key if needed.

Commands used in the terminal (specific for Python/Django project)

  • pipenv shell

In my next article I will write about adding an app to a Django project and about using templates (html files)

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Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

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  • Joined Feb 11, 2020

Cool guide I really want to ready more Python articles.

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Online assignment submission project on python django.

online assignment submission project django github

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Online Assignment Submission Project on Python Django is a system that enable the student to submit their assignment or project online without submitting any physical file. The proposed system helps reducing and minimizing human error, capable to assist supervisors in process controlling and managing students. During lockdown its very help full project.

Functional requirements to explain

  • identity : administrator, teacher, teaching assistant, student (each person has their own school ID number, within 10 digits, there can be letters, and everyone has a password)
  • Administrator : issue questions, delete questions 、Teacher information management, class organization (a teaching class has a main teacher, there can be no teaching assistant, or more than one teaching assistant)
  • Teachers : teaching assistant management (specify the teaching assistant's authority), class management, problem setting, assignment assignment, corrective assignment, statistics job completion
  • Assistants : rights specified by the teacher to complete all or part of the work, classroom management, the question, assignments, correcting homework, work statistics completion
  • Students : complete and submit the Assignment .

Technology Used in the project Online Assignment Submission 

  • We have developed this project using the below technology
  • HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  • CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  • JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  • Python : All the business logic has been implemented in Python
  • SQLite : SQLite database has been used as database for the project
  • Django : Project has been developed over the Django Framework

Supported Operating System

  • We can configure this project on following operating system.
  • Windows : This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install
  • Python 2.7, PIP, Django.
  • Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating systemMac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.

Online Assignment Submission Project on Django Installation Steps :-

  • Install Python 3.7 Or Higher
  • Install Django version 2.2.0
  • Install all dependencies cmd - python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  • Finally run cmd - python runserver

Student Login Details :

teacher  Login Details :

Admin  Login Details :


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    Here's the step's on how to create a Online Classroom Management System in Django with Source Code. Step 1: Open file. First , open "pycharm professional" after that click "file" and click "new project". Step 2: Choose Django. Next, after click " new project ", choose " Django " and click. Step 3: Select file location.

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    Online Assignment Submission Project on Django Installation Steps :-. Install Python 3.7 Or Higher. Install Django version 2.2.0. Install all dependencies cmd - python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt. Finally run cmd - python runserver. Student Login Details :

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    First, we will need to add push our remote origin which is our remote. repository that we created on GitHub. Copy the HTTPs web URL and paste in cmd. Now, we will need to push our local repository to our remote repository or GitHub account we use. Now we can see your project on your GitHub repository. *** THANK YOU ***.

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    I had a similar issue where I was working on two independent projects where both were in a repo, and one of them used the other as an app: Create a virtualenv and install all dependencies for both projects.

  12. Submitting your repository to GitHub Community Exchange

    During the submission process, if the submission criteria hasn't been met for your selected repository, you will be notified of the missing items. For a submission with a purpose of Learn, your repository must have: A description. A file to provide step-by-step instructions, with text and/or media, on how you built your project.

  13. How to prepare Django project before pushing on GitHub

    Or at least to show the code to someone. Or simply have the history of our changes. Or store our code somewhere online. We can do it using a control version. The most popular version control system is called Git, and the most popular hosting provider is GitHub. Part 2: How to prepare project before adding Git (version control) Content

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    11. In general, and as long as your does not include sensitive information, uploading your Django project to GitHub will not compromise your super user account. Your user information is stored in your database, which should not be included in your Git repository. The most likely situation where this might be a problem is if you are ...

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    Complete project details with full project source code and database visit at:

  16. django projects on github

    Buy Project Report ₹301. Online Assignment Submission Project on Python Django is a system that enable the student to submit their assignment or project online without submitting any physical file. The proposed system helps reducing and minimizing human error, capable to assist supervisors in process controlling and managing students.