
मेरे शहर पर निबंध (My City Essay in Hindi)

My City

मेरा शहर सिर्फ इतना ही नहीं है जितना मैं अपनी जगह पर रहता हूं बल्कि वह मेरी पहचान का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा भी है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की अपने शहर की अच्छी यादें जुड़ी हैं और वे हमेशा किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन का हिस्सा बनी रहती हैं। मेरे लिए मेरा शहर एक ऐसा स्थान है जहां मैंने अपने बचपन का अधिकांश समय गुज़ारा है। यह एक ऐसी जगह है जिससे मैं प्यार करता हूं और मेरा सारा जीवन गुज़ारना चाहता हूं। यह एक ऐसी जगह है जिससे मैं जुड़ा हुआ हूं।

मेरे शहर पर छोटा व बड़ा निबंध (Long and Short Essay on My City in Hindi, Mere Shahar par Nibandh Hindi mein)

निबंध 1 (300 शब्द).

मैं सिर्फ 2 साल का था जब मेरे माता-पिता नोएडा में स्थानांतरित हो गए थे। नोएडा एक नियोजित शहर है जो कि भारत के राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र का एक हिस्सा है। यह शहर 17 अप्रैल 1976 को अस्तित्व में आया था और दिन से हर साल इस दिन को नोएडा दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

मेरा शहर मेरी लाइफ़लाइन

मैं पिछले 12 वर्षों से नोएडा में रह रहा हूं। मुझे अभी भी हमारा पुराना घर याद है जहां मैंने अपने जीवन के 3 साल बिताए थे। यद्यपि मैं उस समय बहुत ही छोटा था पर अभी भी मेरे मन में अपने दोस्तों की यादें ताज़ा हैं जो हमारे पड़ोस में रहते थे।

हम पहले 3 वर्षों के लिए किराए के आवास में रहे और फिर एक सभी सोसाइटी में हमारे अपने फ्लैट में चले गए जिसमें सभी आधुनिक सुविधाएं मौजूद थी। मेरा विद्यालय मेरे घर से सिर्फ 3 किमी की दूरी पर है और मेरे माता-पिता का कार्यालय भी करीब है।

नोएडा अपने बड़े मॉल और शॉपिंग कॉम्प्लेक्स के लिए जाना जाता है। दिल्ली और एनसीआर के अन्य हिस्सों के लोग विशेष रूप से इन मॉलों में अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ अच्छा समय बिताने के लिए आते हैं। मैंने इन सभी मॉल को देखा है और यहाँ व्यतीत किए गए मजेदार समय का आनंद लिया है। हम फ़िल्में देखने, गेम खेलने और परिवार के रात्रिभोज के लिए इन मॉल में जाते थे। चूंकि पिछले कुछ महीनों से मेरे माता-पिता ने मुझे दोस्तों के साथ मॉल में जाने की इजाजत देनी शुरू कर दी है हालांकि वे मुझे मेरे घर से ले जाते हैं और मुझे यहीं छोड़ जाते हैं। इन मॉल की यात्रा बेहद रोमांचक हैं। मुझे विशेष रूप से इन मॉल पर बोलिंग और एयर हॉकी जैसे विभिन्न गेम खेलने से प्यार है।

नोएडा फूड़ीज़ डिलाईट

नोएडा निश्चित रूप से फूड़ीज़ डिलाईट है। आस-पास के कई कार्यालयों और शैक्षणिक संस्थानों की वजह से नोएडा स्वादिष्ट सड़क भोजन का केंद्र है। सभी प्रकार के खाद्य पदार्थ, लखनऊ कबाब से चीनी मोमोस तक – यहां उपलब्ध सभी चीजें बहुत स्वादिष्ट हैं।

मेरा शहर देश के सबसे अधिक रोमांचक शहरों में से एक है। सब कुछ यहाँ बहुत मज़ेदार है। मैं चाहता हूं कि यहां की सरकार महिला सुरक्षा को भी मजबूत करे।

निबंध 2 (400 शब्द)

लखनऊ शहर में मेरा जन्म हुआ है। यह वह जगह है जहां मेरा परिवार और विस्तारित परिवार रहता है। जब मैं 10 साल का था तब से हम यहाँ रह रहे हैं लेकिन लगभग 2 साल पहले हमें मेरे पिताजी के व्यवसाय की वजह से राजस्थान में स्थानांतरित होना पड़ा। मैं और मेरे माता-पिता उदयपुर, राजस्थान में रहने लगे लेकिन मेरे दादा दादी लखनऊ में ही रहते थे। हालांकि मेरे पिता की परियोजना पूरी हो चुकी है और जल्द ही हम लखनऊ लौट जाएंगे। मैं अपने तेरहवें जन्मदिन को अपने ही शहर में मनाऊंगा और इसके बारे में मैं बेहद उत्साहित हूं।

लखनऊ की मेरी प्रारंभिक यादें

हम एक संयुक्त परिवार में रहते थे। मैं अपने माता-पिता और दादा दादी के साथ रहता था। लखनऊ की मेरी शुरुआती यादें मेरे दादा-दादी, उनकी कहानियों, लखनऊ की सड़कों और आसपास के बाजारों की सप्ताहांत यात्राओं से संबंधित हैं। मुझे याद है कि मैं सुबह दादाजी के साथ घूमने जाता था जहाँ वे अपने बचपन के अनुभवों के बारे में बताते थे। मुझे बोगनविले प्लांट की ताजगी आज भी याद है जो हमारे पिछवाड़े में लगा हुआ था। मुझे अपनी दादी के साथ शाम को सुंदर सफेद संगमरमर मंदिर पर जाना आज भी याद है। मैं हमारे पड़ोस में सड़क की दुकान पर ताजा तैयार कबाब परमानों की खुशबू आज भी महसूस करता हूँ। अपने माता-पिता के साथ बाज़ार में सप्ताहांत की यात्राओं की याद मेरे जेहन में आज भी ताज़ा हैI हमने खरीदारी की और साथ में खाना खायाI ऐसा करने में हमें बहुत मज़ा आया।

लखनऊ में मेरा पसंदीदा स्थान

लखनऊ अपने बाजारों, अपने शानदार भोजन और सुंदर स्मारकों के लिए जाना जाता है। लखनऊ में मेरा पसंदीदा स्थान इमाम बारा, मरीन ड्राइव, हज़रत गंज बाजार और भूतनाथ बाजार है। मेरे जेहन में इन जगहों की बहुत यादें ताज़ा हैं।

मैंने कई बार इमाम बारा का दौरा किया है। पहली बार जब मैं अपने माता-पिता के साथ इस जगह पर गया था तब मैं बहुत छोटा था। कुछ साल बाद मैंने अपने स्कूल भ्रमण की यात्रा के रूप में इस जगह का दौरा किया। हम उस स्थान भी गए जब मेरी मामी और ममेरे भाई हमारे पास आए थे। मैं इमाम बारा बार-बार जाता हूं और अभी भी इससे बोर नहीं हुआ हूँ।

हम अक्सर शाम में मरीन ड्राइव जाते थे। नदी की तरफ टहलना बेहद मनोरंजक था। मुझे अपनी मां के साथ भूतनाथ और हज़रत गंज बाजार में खरीदारी करना बहुत पसंद थाI हम दोनों प्यार से खरीदारी करते हैं और विभिन्न प्रकार की चीज़ों को खरीदते थे जो वाकई अद्भुत थीI

मैं नवाबों के शहर में वापिस जाने का इंतजार नहीं कर सकता। मैं लखनऊ के स्वादिष्ट कबाब और कोरमा खाने के लिए तरस रहा हूं। मैं शहर में अपनी सभी पसंदीदा जगहों पर जाकर अपने पुराने दोस्तों से मिलना चाहता हूं।

Essay on My City in Hindi

निबंध 3 (500 शब्द)

मैं चंडीगढ़ में रहता हूं। मैं यहाँ पैदा हुआ और बड़ा हुआ तथा मुझे इस जगह की हर चीज़ पसंद है। हमारे देश में सबसे सुंदर मेरा शहर है। यह भारत में सात संघ शासित प्रदेशों में से एक है और यह पंजाब और हरियाणा दोनों की राजधानी भी है।

शहर का इतिहास और उत्पत्ति

चंडीगढ़ भारत का पहला योजनाबद्ध शहर है। इसकी उत्पत्ति स्वतंत्रता के बाद हुई थी। भारत के विभाजन के दौरान पंजाब को दो भागों में बांटा गया था। पंजाब की राजधानी लाहौर को नवगठित पाकिस्तान का एक हिस्सा बनाया गया जिससे राज्य के दूसरे हिस्से के पास कोई राजधानी नहीं रही। पंजाब को राजधानी देने के उद्देश्य से चंडीगढ़ की योजना बनाई गई थी। 1966 में पूर्वी पंजाब से एक नया राज्य बनाया गया था। इसे हरियाणा के रूप में जाना जाने लगा। चंडीगढ़ शहर पंजाब और हरियाणा की राजधानी के रूप में कार्य करता है।

चंडीगढ़ शहर – योजनाबद्ध और संगठित

चंडीगढ़ एक अच्छी तरह से योजनाबद्ध के तहत बनाया जाने वाला शहर जाना जाता है। दुनिया भर में इसके डिजाइन और वास्तुकला के लिए इसकी सराहना की जाती है। चूंकि यह तत्कालीन भारतीय प्रधान मंत्री पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरू के सपनों का शहर था। अमेरिकन आर्किटेक्ट अल्बर्ट मेयर को विशेष रूप से इसे डिजाइन करने के लिए कहा गया था। लोकप्रिय फ्रांसीसी वास्तुकार ले कोर्बुज़िए ने विभिन्न इमारतों की रचना की और शहर की वास्तुकला में योगदान दिया। शहर को विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में बांटा गया है और प्रत्येक क्षेत्र का अपना बाजार और आवासीय क्षेत्र है। शहर में सुंदर पेड़ों की एक किस्म को एक साथ अच्छी तरह से लगाया गया है।

चंडीगढ़ का मुख्य आकर्षण सुखना झील है जो सेक्टर 1 में बनी एक कृत्रिम झील है। यह 1958 में बनाई गई थी और तब से शहर में सबसे लोकप्रिय स्थानों में से एक रही है।

जिस तरह से यह बनी थी उस तरह के व्यवस्थित दृष्टिकोण के साथ चंडीगढ़ के लोगों ने इसे बनाए रखा है। न केवल शहर को अच्छी तरह से डिजाइन किया गया है बल्कि यह हर तरह से बहुत साफ भी रखा जाता है। जैसा कि देश के अन्य भागों में कूड़ा देखा जाता है वैसा आपको इस शहर में कोई कूड़ा नहीं मिलेगा। शहर में यातायात पुलिस अत्यंत सतर्क है। कोई भी यहां यातायात नियमों को तोड़ने की हिम्मत नहीं कर सकता। प्रत्येक स्तर पर अनुशासन बनाया रखा जाता है। लोग यहां शांति और सद्भाव में रहते हैं।

सुखना झील – मेरा पसंदीदा स्थान

शहर में मेरा पसंदीदा स्थान निश्चित रूप से सुखना झील है। यह जगह दिन में देखने लायक होती है। सुबह का वातावरण शाम को पूरी तरह से अलग होता है। सुबह में यह जगह शांत और ताज़ी हवा से भर जाती है। यह आराम करने और खेलने का सबसे अच्छा स्थान है। शाम को यहाँ नाव की सवारी का आनंद ले रहे लोगों और नाश्ते करने वाले लोगों की भारी भीड़ होती है। बच्चों के लिए इलेक्ट्रॉनिक झूलों को भी स्थापित किया गया है। यह जगह शाम के वक़्त लोगों की हलचल के साथ भर जाती है। मित्रों और साथियों के साथ बाहर जाने के लिए यह अच्छी जगह है। मैं सुबह में जल्दी और शाम को इस जगह पर जा सकता हूं। जब यह जगह शांत हो जाती है और जब यह लोगों से भरी होती है तब मैं इसे प्यार करता हूँ।

चंडीगढ़ सिर्फ मेरा शहर ही नहीं है बल्कि यह मेरी जीवन रेखा भी है। मैं यहां अपने सारा जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहता हूं। मुझे नहीं लगता कि मैं किसी अन्य शहर में इतनी खुशी और शांति से जिंदगी जीने में सक्षम हो पाउँगा।

निबंध 4 (600 शब्द)

जब मैं 3 साल का था तब से मैं दिल्ली में रहता हूं और मैं इस शहर को बहुत प्यार करता हूं। यहां जीवन बहुत तेज़ है, यहां लोग जोश से भरे हुए हैं और जो भोजन आप यहां प्राप्त करते हैं वह बहुत लज़ीज़ है। भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली का अतीत ऐतिहासिक और सुंदर है।

दिल्ली का ऐतिहासिक अतीत

दिल्ली का इतिहास 12वीं शताब्दी का है। यह केवल भारत में ही नहीं बल्कि दुनिया भर में सबसे पुराने बसे शहरों के रूप में जाना जाता है। दिल्ली में इब्राहिम लोदी, जहीरुद्दीन मुहम्मद बाबर, शेर शाह सूरी, पृथ्वी राज चौहान, कुलाब-उद-दीन अयबक, जलाल-उद-दीन फिरोज खिलजी, शाह आलम बहादुर शाह प्रथम और अकबर शाह द्वितीय समेत अनेक शक्तिशाली राजाओं ने शासन किया है। शहर को विभिन्न सम्राटों द्वारा कई बार तहस-नहस किया गया और फिर से बनाया गया।

यह माना जाता है कि पांडव भी देश के इस हिस्से में रहते थे। उस युग के दौरान दिल्ली शहर इंद्रप्रस्थ नाम से जाना जाता था। कहा जाता है कि उस समय के दौरान पुराने किले का निर्माण किया गया था।

दिल्ली के सुंदर स्मारक

दिल्ली अपने सुंदर स्मारकों के लिए जाना जाता है। शताब्दियों से यहाँ कई शानदार स्मारक स्थापित किए गए हैं। कई नए भवनों का निर्माण बाद में किया गया है और वे बहुत शानदार भी हैं। दुनियाभर के पर्यटकों ने इन स्मारकों को देखने के लिए दिल्ली की यात्रा की है। यहां मेरे शहर के कुछ सबसे लोकप्रिय स्मारकों पर एक नजर डाली गई है:

लाल किला दिल्ली में सबसे पुराना स्मारकों में से एक है। लाल बलुआ पत्थर से बने किले में विभिन्न संग्रहालय शामिल हैं। 16वीं शताब्दी में मुगलों द्वारा वास्तुकला का यह शानदार नमूना स्थापित किया गया था। मुग़ल सम्राट लगभग 200 वर्षों तक यहां रहे थे।

  • हुमायूँ का मकबरा

ऐसा कहा जाता है कि हुमायूं का मकबरा अद्भुत ताजमहल की प्रतिकृति है। यह लाल बलुआ पत्थर और सफेद संगमरमर से बना है। कब्र इस्लामी वास्तुकला की फारसी शैली का एक उदाहरण है। कब्र 47 मीटर ऊंची और 91 मीटर चौड़ी है और सुंदर फारसी-शैली वाले बगीचे से घिरी हुई है।

  • लोटस टेम्पल

जैसा कि नाम से पता चलता है यह मंदिर कमल के आकार में बनाया गया है। इसमें सफेद संगमरमर से बनी 27 पंखियां हैं। इसमें नौ दरवाजे हैं जो मुख्य हॉल में खुलते हैं। इसकी क्षमता एक बार में 2500 लोगों को समायोजित करने की है। यह शानदार भवन काफी बड़ा है।

लोटस टेम्पल पूजा का एक घर है लेकिन यह हर धर्म से संबंधित लोगों के लिए खुला है।

  • क़ुतुब मीनार

एक और अन्य वास्तुशिल्प प्रतिभा का नमूना कुतुब मीनार है जो लाल रेत से बना है। यह कुतुब उद-दीन-ऐबक द्वारा बनाई गई थी। यह 73 मीटर लंबी इमारत एक यूनेस्को विश्व धरोहर स्थल है। इसमें टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी सीढ़ियों के माध्यम से जुड़ी पांच मंजिलें शामिल हैं।

इंडिया गेट शहर के एक अन्य ऐतिहासिक स्मारक है जो दुनिया भर के कई पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करता है। शहीदों के नाम इस स्मारक पर उत्कीर्ण हैं। इस स्मारक पर अमर जवान ज्योति जलाई गई है जो भारतीय सैनिकों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करती है।

  • अक्षर धाम मंदिर

अक्षर धर मंदिर भक्ति और पवित्रता का एक स्थान है। यह दिल्ली में स्मारकों की सूची में नवीनतम है। यह वर्ष 2005 में जनता के लिए खोला गया था। सुंदर नक्काशीदार मंदिर और अन्य अद्भुत इमारतों के अलावा अक्षरधाम परिसर में हरे-भरे बागान और जल निकाय शामिल हैं।

मैं इन सभी जगहों पर गया हूं और इन्हें बार-बार फिर से देखना चाहता हूं। मेरे पास इन जगहों की सुंदर यादें हैं।

ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों के अलावा दिल्ली में कई जगहों के आसपास भी खरीदारी करने के लिए बाज़ार भी शामिल हैं। यह निश्चित रूप से दुकानदार को खुशी दे सकता है। मुझे अलग-अलग बाज़ारों में जाना अच्छा लगता है जो मुझे अच्छी चीजें खरीदने का अवसर ही नहीं देते हैं बल्कि मुझे स्ट्रीट फ़ूड का आनंद लेने का मौका भी देते हैं। मैं दिल्ली के अलावा कहीं रहने की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता हूं।

संबंधित पोस्ट

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समाचार पत्र पर निबंध (Newspaper Essay in Hindi)

मेरा स्कूल

मेरा स्कूल पर निबंध (My School Essay in Hindi)

शिक्षा का महत्व

शिक्षा का महत्व पर निबंध (Importance of Education Essay in Hindi)


बाघ पर निबंध (Tiger Essay in Hindi)

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Essay on My City Lucknow

My city Lucknow is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh and it is also the largest city in the state. Lucknow is a very beautiful city and is an urban city. The city has many monuments and historical feel to it. It is also the eleventh most populated city in India. Lucknow is also known as the City of Nawab, Shiraz-e-Hind, Constantinople of the East and The Golden City of India.

Lucknow is a city, which is named after Lakshman, the brother of Lord Ram from the Ramayana. It is said that Lakshman had a palace in this city, which was known as Lakshmanpuri. The city was had different names such as Lakhshamvati, Lakshmanauti, Lakshnaut, and Lakhnau, which is now spelled as Lucknow. The City was ruled by Nawabs. Lucknow was ruled by the Delhi sultanate from 1350 onwards. With the arrival of the British in India, Lucknow became an important center for rebellion in the year 1857. Lucknow was then ruled by Humayun and made it a part of the Mughal Empire in the year 1555. It was then ruled by Jahangir. During the British Raj, many activities against them took place in Lucknow. The Khilafat Movement, which was a united effort to oppose the British rule started from this city. The famous Kakori case also took place in Lucknow. The city has major historic relevance. Lucknow today still has the Nawabi feel, which makes it different from the rest of the cities in the country.

The architecture of Lucknow

The architecture of Lucknow is very unique and it has buildings of different styles and they all were made during the Mughal and British era. The city has maintained the architecture and it makes it look beautiful. The Bara Imambara, Rumi Darwaza, Chattar Manzil, Asafi Imambara and many other places are beautiful and the buildings look ancient. The Hazartganj market in Lucknow has a mix of both modern and old architecture. It has long lamp posts, a construction like the Victorian era, which makes it look very pretty.

Art and Culture

Lucknow like other cities of India has a mixed culture. It is also the home of mixed language and people from different cultures live here. The culture of Lucknow has become famous across the country and even the world. The traditions the Nawabs used to follow are still followed and that is what makes Lucknow different. The food you eat here is very different. The famous Tunde Ke Kabab is a renowned dish and it is famous across the globe. The Biryani and kebabs are also very famous. The people of Lucknow are artistic and also they have the inherent poetic worm in them. The spoken language of Lucknow is Hindi and Urdu. There are many famous Urdu poets who are from Lucknow like Mirza Dabeer and Mir Babar Ali Anis. The city was earlier known as the major Muslim centric. The people of Lucknow celebrate all the festivals with joy and love.

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Santosh Kumar

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Essay on My City for Children and Students

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Essay on My City: My city is not just the place I live in but an essential part of my identity. Everyone has fond memories of their city and they always remain a part of a person’s life.

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Target Exam ---

My city for me is a place where I have spent most of my childhood. It is a place I love and want to be in all my life. It is a place where I belong. Here are essays on My City of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My City essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on My City in English

We have provided below short and long essay on my city in English. These short and long my city essay have been aptly written in easy and understandable language for better memorization and easy presentation.

After going through the essay you will know how is my city an integral part of my life, what does my city constitutes and how many other lives, families it supports etc.

You can use these essays in your school’s/college’s essay writing, speech giving and debate competitions or during discussing about your city with friends and family.

My City Essay 1 (200 words)

My father has a transferable job and hence we are always on a move. We have changed as many as four cities since my childhood. I never thought that there would be any one city that I would really be able to call home until I moved to Jaipur. It has been just two years that we have shifted to this place but it feels like home already.

I love everything about this place – from the house we have rented for accommodation to my school, from my neighbourhood to the local markets, from the beautiful monuments to the delectable food. Everything here is just amazing. But what I like the most about this city is the people here.

The people here are very warm and friendly. Our neighbourhood aunty is always ready to extend help to my mother whenever our father is out on official tours. Her kids are as friendly as her and I have found my best friend in her daughter. I have also made some really close friends in my school.

I also love the fact that there is so much to explore in this city. The never ending bazaars full of beautiful clothes and home décor items, the ancient monuments and the beautiful temples – I just love everything about this city. Finally, there is a place I feel like calling my own. This is my city and I would love to live here forever.

My City Essay 2 (300 words)


I was just 2 years old when my parents shifted to Noida. Noida is a planned city that forms a part of the National Capital Region of India. The city came into existence on 17 th April 1976 and the day is celebrated as Noida Day each year.

My City My Lifeline

I have been living in Noida for the last 12 years. I still remember our old house where I spent 3 years of my life. Though, I was very young at that time, I still have fond memories of my friends who lived in our neighbourhood.

We stayed in a rented accommodation for the first 3 years and then moved to our own flat in a beautiful society that has all the modern amenities. My school is at a distance of just 3 km from my house and my parents’ office is close by too.

The Mall Excursions

Noida is known for its big malls and shopping complexes. People from Delhi and other parts of NCR specially visit these malls to spend good time with their family and friends. I have visited all these malls and just love the fun time spent here. We go to these malls for movies, gaming and also for family dinners. Since the last few months my parents have also started allowing me to go to the malls with friends although they pick and drop me to the place. Excursions to these malls are super exciting. I especially love playing different games such as bowling and air hockey at these malls.

Noida Foodie’s Delight

Noida is certainly a Foodie’s delight. With so many offices and educational institutes around, Noida is a hub for delectable street food. All kinds of food items, from Lucknowi kababs to Chinese momos – everything available here is just delicious.

My city is one of the most happening cities in the country. Everything here is just awesome. I just wish the government here strengthens women security too.

My City Essay 3 (400 words)

Lucknow is my city of birth. It is where my family and extended family lives. We used to live here until I was 10 years old but around 2 years back we had to move to Rajasthan because my father’s business demanded so. I and my parents shifted to Udaipur, Rajasthan however my brother continued to live there with our grandparents because of his preparation for IIT JEE exam as he say I am studying from the best coaching institute for IIT JEE in Lucknow so can’t leave this. However, my father’s project is now complete and we shall soon be moving back to Lucknow. I will be celebrating my thirteenth birthday in my very own city and I am super excited about it.

My Early Memories of Lucknow

We lived in a joint family. I lived with my parents and grandparents. My early memories of Lucknow are all related to my grandparents, their stories, the streets of Lucknow and the weekend trips to the nearby markets. I remember going for morning walk with my grandfather who used to narrate his childhood experiences on the way. I remember the freshness of the bougainvillea plant that grew in our backyard.

I remember my evening visits to the beautiful white marble temple with my grandmother. I remember the fragrance of the freshly prepared kabab paranthas at the street stall in our neighbourhood. I also remember my weekend trips to the market with my parents. We shopped and ate and had a lot of fun during that time.

My Favourite Spots in Lucknow

Lucknow is known for its markets, its scrumptious food, beautiful monuments and. My favourite spots in Lucknow are the Imam Bara, Marine Drive, Hazrat Ganj market and Bhootnath market. I have a lot of fond memories of these places.

I have visited Imam Bara quite a few times. The first time I visited this place with my parents when I was very young. A few years later I visited the place as a part of my school excursion. We also went to the place when my maternal aunt and cousins visited us. I can visit Imam Bara over and over again and still not get bored.

We often visited marine drive in the evening. A stroll by the river side was extremely rejuvenating. I also loved shopping trips to Bhootnath and Hazrat Ganj markets with my mother. We both love shopping and the variety of things we got there was just amazing.

I just can’t wait to be in the city of Nawabs yet again. I am craving to have the delicious kabab roles and korma of Lucknow. I also want to visit all my favourite places in the city and meet my old friends.

My City Essay 4 (500 words)

I live in Chandigarh. I am born and brought up here and I simply love the essence of this place. My city is the most beautiful one in the country. It is one of the seven union territories in India and is the capital city of both Punjab and Haryana.

History and Origin of the City

Chandigarh happens to be the first planned city in India. Its origin dates back to the post independence era. During the partition of India, Punjab was also divided into two parts. Punjab’s capital, Lahore formed a part of the newly formed Pakistan and the state was thus left without any capital. Chandigarh was planned with the aim of giving a capital to Punjab. In the year 1966, a new state was carved from Eastern Punjab. It came to be known as Haryana. Chandigarh serves as the capital of both Punjab and Haryana.

Chandigarh City – Planned and Organized

Chandigarh is known to be a well-planned city. It is appreciated for its design and architecture all over the world. Since it was the dream city of the then Indian Prime Minister, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru special care was taken to build its architecture. American Architect, Albert Mayer was specially called to lay its design. Popular French architect Le Corbusier designed various buildings and contributed to the city’s architecture. The city is divided into various sectors and each sector has its own market and residential area. The city is well planted with a variety of beautiful trees.

Chandigarh’s main attraction is the Sukhna Lake which is an artificial lake in sector 1. It was created in 1958 and has since been one of the most happening spots in the city.

The people of Chandigarh have kept up with the systematic approach it was built with. Not only is the city well designed but it is also kept extremely clean in every way. You will not find any litter around as is seen in various other parts of the country. Traffic police in the city is extremely vigilant. No one can dare to break the traffic rules here. The discipline is maintained at every level. People live in peace and harmony here.

Sukhna Lake – My Favourite Spot

My favourite spot in the city is of course Sukhna Lake. The place is becoming happening by the day. The atmosphere here in the morning is completely different compared to that in the evening. In the morning, the place is calm and serene filled with fresh air. It is the best place to relax and unwind. In the evening, it is crowded with people enjoying boat rides and having snacks. Electronic swings have also been installed for children. The place is full of hustle and bustle during the evening hours. It is a good place to go out with friends as well as family. I can visit the place early morning as well as in the evening. I love it when it is calm and quite as well as when it is full of people.

Chandigarh is not just my city, it is my lifeline. I wish to spend all my life here. I don’t think I will be able to live as happily and peacefully in any other city.

My City Essay 5 (600 words)

I live in Delhi since I was 3 years old and I am completely in love with this city. Life here is fast, people here are full of life and the food you get here is just awesome. The capital of India, Delhi boosts of a rich historical past and beautiful edifices.

Delhi’s Historical Past

The history of Delhi dates back to the 12 th century. It is known as the oldest inhabited cities not just in India but around the world. Delhi has been ruled by several powerful kings including Ibrahim Lodi, Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur, Sher Shah Suri, Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Qutub-ud-Din Aybak, Jalal-ud-din Firuz Khilji, Shah Alam Bahadur Shah I and Akbar Shah II to name a few. The city was destructed and re-built several times by different emperors.

It is believed that the Pandvas also lived in this part of the country. During that era, the city was known by the name, Indraprastha. The Old Fort (Purana Qila) is said to have been constructed during that time.

Delhi’s Beautiful Monuments

Delhi is known for its beautiful monuments. There are a number spectacular monuments standing tall since centuries. Many new edifices have been built later and are as magnificent. Tourists from around the world visit Delhi to see these monuments. Here is a look at some of the most popular monuments in my city:

Red fort is one of the oldest monuments in Delhi. Made of red sandstone, the fort encompasses various museums. This brilliant piece of architecture was built by the Mughals in the 16 th century. The Mughal emperors lived here for almost 200 years.

  • Humayun’s Tomb

It is said that Humayun’s Tomb is a replica of the marvellous Taj Mahal. It is made with red sandstone and white marble. The tomb is an example of the Persian style of Islamic architecture. The tomb is 47 metres high and 91 metres wide and is surrounded by beautiful Persian-style garden.

  • Lotus Temple

As the name suggests, this temple is built in the shape of a lotus. It has 27 petals made of white marble. It has nine doors that open into the main hall. The marvellous edifice is big enough to accommodate up to 2500 people at a time.

Lotus Temple is a Bahai House of Worship however it is open for people belonging to any religion.

  • Qutub Minar

Yet another architectural brilliance, Qutub Minar is also made of red sand stone. It was built by Qutub Ud-Din-Aibak. This 73 metre tall edifice is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It consists of five storeys that are connected through spiral staircase.

India Gate is yet another historical monument in the city that draws numerous tourists from around the world. The names of martyrs are engraved on this monument. The Amar Jawan Jyoti lit under this monument is a tribute to the Indian soldiers.

  • Akshar Dham Temple

Akshar Dham Temple is a place of devotion and purity. It is the latest addition in the list of monuments in Delhi. It was opened for public in the year 2005. Besides the beautifully carved temple and other marvellous buildings, the Akshar Dham complex includes lush green gardens and water bodies.

I have been to all these places and can visit these over and over again. I have beautiful memories of these places.

Apart from the historical monuments, Delhi also includes numerous places to shop around. It can certainly be called a shopper’s delight. I love visiting different markets that do not only give me an opportunity to buy good stuff but also gives me a chance to have delectable street food. I can’t imagine myself living anywhere other than Delhi.

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on My City

Cities are vibrant and full of life, each one unique in its own way. Cities are large human settlements with dense populations, advanced infrastructure, and a variety of economic activities. Cities are the hub of culture, commerce, education, and entertainment, making them great places to live, works, and visit. A city’s unique character is often defined by its history, architecture, attractions, businesses, and people. From the towering skyscrapers of Bangalore to the historic sites of Delhi, cities have something for everyone. Today we will discuss about my city in detail.

Short and Long My City Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My City in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on My City will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My City Essay 10 Lines (100-150 Words)

1) My beautiful city Varanasi is full of wonderful places to explore.

2) It is a city with a strong sense of spirituality.

3) My city is known for its unique temples, ghats, and other attractions.

4) Some of the major attractions are Vishwanath temple, Sankatmochan temple, Sarnath, etc.

5) The city is also known for its famous silk as well as delicious cuisine.

6) It is one of the holiest and oldest cities of the Hindu religion.

7) My city is well connected by rail, road, and air.

8) There are many educational institutions such as the Banaras Hindu University.

9) It is believed that those who die in Varanasi attain Moksha.

10) People from different countries visit my city to feel its beauty.

Short Essay on My City (250 – 300 Words)


Lucknow, the capital of UP, is known as the City of Nawabs, as many powerful rulers shaped the city for centuries. The city offers a vibrant cultural mix of art, music, food, dance, and architecture in its many historical monuments and sites.

My Beautiful City Lucknow

Lucknow is my hometown and I find it absolutely beautiful. It is the capital of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for its culture, heritage, and hospitality. Not to forget, the magnificent Lucknowi Cuisine. It is also known for its parks and gardens, especially Hussainabad Imambara, The Rumi Darwaza, Julaha garden, and the many Mughal-era buildings. The city has a unique sophistication and charm to it that I am always mesmerized by.

What makes my City Unique?

Lucknow has everything to offer and what makes it unique is its warm hospitality. The locals of the city are known for their courtesy and warmth. This is the reason why I feel safe in my hometown. Lucknow also has festivals to offer throughout the year. Every festival brings its unique essence here. Lucknow also preserves its past by keeping its heritage alive through the Nawabs. It is a great mix of heritage and modernity. This unique combination of old and new makes Lucknow unique and beautiful.

My city Lucknow is truly one of the most vibrant, historical, and fascinating cities in India. The culture, the hospitality of the people, the variety of food, and the inclusive nature of the city, make it a place like no other. It is a place of everyone should visit at least once to experience its beauty and charm. 

Long Essay on My City (500 Words)

The city I am from is a vibrant and lively place. It is a small town with a big heart, full of energy and enthusiasm. I love so many things about and of this city. The city is full of life with its array of colorful buildings, interesting attractions, and exciting events. It’s a city of food lovers and there is something available for everyone. Growing up here has been an amazing experience and I am proud to call this city my home.

My Beautiful City Delhi

Delhi, the capital of India, is my beautiful and beloved city. Renowned for its culture, history, and hospitality, Delhi is truly a cosmopolitan city and vibrant metropolitan. With a rich history that adorns its walls, Delhi is one of the most visited cities in the country. It is the center of art, culture, and politics of the country. From the majestic Red Fort to the grandeur of the Mughal gardens, Delhi has something to offer to everyone. A bustling city has become my favorite place to be.

History of My City

Delhi has a long and unique history. Once ruled by many kingdoms, including the Mughal dynasty, Delhi rose to prominence under the rule of the British and the Mughals. The city prospered through centuries of rule and was home to many historical monuments. The Old Delhi area was the center of Mughal architecture. The Red Fort, Jama Masjid, and Purana Qila are some of the most notable monuments there. During the British Raj, Delhi also saw major development projects in the New Delhi areas and even today is home to some of the major government offices and memorials like the India Gate, Rashtrapati Bhavan, and Rajghat.

Places to Visit in my City

Delhi is home to plenty of places to visit. From historical monuments to sprawling gardens, and vibrant markets, Delhi has something for everyone to enjoy. If you love history, then don’t forget to visit the Red Fort and Humayun’s Tomb. Other notable monuments include the Lotus Temple, Qutub Minar, and Jantar Mantar. If you want to revel in serenity and nature, then visit the mango orchards, Deer Park, and the Lodi Gardens. For those who want to indulge in shopping, the local Dilli Haat, the Sarojini Nagar Market, and the Khan Market should be at the top of your list. Delhi is full of entertainment options for kids. Kids can explore the various species of animals and birds and learn about them in a fun way at Delhi Zoo.

Delhi is one of the most vibrant and historic cities in India. From its historical monuments to rich gardens, Delhi has something amazing for every one of us to discover. I have been fortunate enough to live in this city, and I am proud of it. With its multiple cultures, languages, and flavors, it has certainly carved its place amongst the top cities in the world. Delhi is my city and I love it.

I hope the above-provided essay on My City will be helpful to you in understanding my city and its specialties.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My City

Ans. Due to pollution, city life is getting unhealthy as compared to village life. However, it depends on individual preferences.

Ans. Mumbai.

Ans. Mumbai is the most populated city in India.

Ans. Jaisalmer is the Golden City of India.

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Essay on My City Lucknow

Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, is a city that echoes with the tales of its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. Nestled along the banks of the Gomti River, Lucknow is not just a city; it’s a reflection of India’s glorious past and a hub of nawabi culture. As a resident of this enchanting city, I take pride in sharing the essence of Lucknow with the world.

Quick Overview:

  • Lucknow boasts a captivating history, primarily marked by the reign of the Nawabs of Awadh.
  • The city is dotted with architectural marvels like the Bara Imambara, Chota Imambara, and the Residency, reflecting the grandeur of its past.
  • Lucknow is synonymous with its vibrant culture, encompassing classical music, dance, and traditional arts.
  • The city is famous for its tehzeeb (etiquette) and the timeless tradition of ‘Pehle Aap’ (you first), showcasing its courteous and refined way of life.
  • The nawabi cuisine of Lucknow is legendary, with kebabs, biryanis, and various other delicacies that tantalize the taste buds.
  • Iconic eateries like Tunday Kababi and Idris ki Biryani have become cultural landmarks, drawing food enthusiasts from far and wide.
  • Lucknow is renowned for its Chikankari embroidery, a delicate and intricate craft that has gained international acclaim.
  • The city’s skilled artisans continue to create timeless pieces of clothing, preserving this traditional art form.
  • Lucknow comes alive during festivals like Diwali, Eid, and Holi, where the entire city is adorned with lights and decorations.
  • The annual event of ‘Lucknow Mahotsav’ showcases the diverse cultural heritage through music, dance, and traditional crafts.


In conclusion, Lucknow is not just a city; it’s a testament to the grandeur of India’s history and the grace of its cultural tapestry. The architectural marvels, the refined tehzeeb, the delectable cuisine, the intricate Chikankari, and the vibrant festivals together create a unique and unparalleled identity for Lucknow. As a resident, I feel fortunate to be a part of this city that effortlessly blends tradition with modernity, making it an epitome of timeless elegance.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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Essay on My City

My city is not just the place I live in but an essential part of my identity. Everyone has fond memories of their city and they always remain a part of a person’s life.

My city for me is a place where I have spent most of my childhood. It is a place I love and want to be in all my life. It is a place where I belong. Here are essays on My City of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My City essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on My City in English

We have provided below short and long essay on my city in English. These short and long my city essay have been aptly written in easy and understandable language for better memorization and easy presentation.

After going through the essay you will know how is my city an integral part of my life, what does my city constitutes and how many other lives, families it supports etc.

You can use these essays in your school’s/college’s essay writing, speech giving and debate competitions or during discussing about your city with friends and family.

My City Essay 1 (200 words)

My father has a transferable job and hence we are always on a move. We have changed as many as four cities since my childhood. I never thought that there would be any one city that I would really be able to call home until I moved to Jaipur. It has been just two years that we have shifted to this place but it feels like home already.

I love everything about this place – from the house we have rented for accommodation to my school, from my neighbourhood to the local markets, from the beautiful monuments to the delectable food. Everything here is just amazing. But what I like the most about this city is the people here.

The people here are very warm and friendly. Our neighbourhood aunty is always ready to extend help to my mother whenever our father is out on official tours. Her kids are as friendly as her and I have found my best friend in her daughter. I have also made some really close friends in my school.

I also love the fact that there is so much to explore in this city. The never ending bazaars full of beautiful clothes and home décor items, the ancient monuments and the beautiful temples – I just love everything about this city. Finally, there is a place I feel like calling my own. This is my city and I would love to live here forever.

My City Essay 2 (300 words)


I was just 2 years old when my parents shifted to Noida. Noida is a planned city that forms a part of the National Capital Region of India. The city came into existence on 17 th April 1976 and the day is celebrated as Noida Day each year.

My City My Lifeline

I have been living in Noida for the last 12 years. I still remember our old house where I spent 3 years of my life. Though, I was very young at that time, I still have fond memories of my friends who lived in our neighbourhood.

We stayed in a rented accommodation for the first 3 years and then moved to our own flat in a beautiful society that has all the modern amenities. My school is at a distance of just 3 km from my house and my parents’ office is close by too.

The Mall Excursions

Noida is known for its big malls and shopping complexes. People from Delhi and other parts of NCR specially visit these malls to spend good time with their family and friends. I have visited all these malls and just love the fun time spent here. We go to these malls for movies, gaming and also for family dinners. Since the last few months my parents have also started allowing me to go to the malls with friends although they pick and drop me to the place. Excursions to these malls are super exciting. I especially love playing different games such as bowling and air hockey at these malls.

Noida Foodie’s Delight

Noida is certainly a Foodie’s delight. With so many offices and educational institutes around, Noida is a hub for delectable street food. All kinds of food items, from Lucknowi kababs to Chinese momos – everything available here is just delicious.

My city is one of the most happening cities in the country. Everything here is just awesome. I just wish the government here strengthens women security too.

My City Essay 3 (400 words)

Lucknow is my city of birth. It is where my family and extended family lives. We used to live here until I was 10 years old but around 2 years back we had to move to Rajasthan because my father’s business demanded so. I and my parents shifted to Udaipur, Rajasthan however my grandparents continued to live there. However, my father’s project is now complete and we shall soon be moving back to Lucknow. I will be celebrating my thirteenth birthday in my very own city and I am super excited about it.

My Early Memories of Lucknow

We lived in a joint family. I lived with my parents and grandparents. My early memories of Lucknow are all related to my grandparents, their stories, the streets of Lucknow and the weekend trips to the nearby markets. I remember going for morning walk with my grandfather who used to narrate his childhood experiences on the way. I remember the freshness of the bougainvillea plant that grew in our backyard.

I remember my evening visits to the beautiful white marble temple with my grandmother. I remember the fragrance of the freshly prepared kabab paranthas at the street stall in our neighbourhood. I also remember my weekend trips to the market with my parents. We shopped and ate and had a lot of fun during that time.

My Favourite Spots in Lucknow

Lucknow is known for its markets, its scrumptious food and beautiful monuments. My favourite spots in Lucknow are the Imam Bara, Marine Drive, Hazrat Ganj market and Bhootnath market. I have a lot of fond memories of these places.

I have visited Imam Bara quite a few times. The first time I visited this place with my parents when I was very young. A few years later I visited the place as a part of my school excursion. We also went to the place when my maternal aunt and cousins visited us. I can visit Imam Bara over and over again and still not get bored.

We often visited marine drive in the evening. A stroll by the river side was extremely rejuvenating. I also loved shopping trips to Bhootnath and Hazrat Ganj markets with my mother. We both love shopping and the variety of things we got there was just amazing.

I just can’t wait to be in the city of Nawabs yet again. I am craving to have the delicious kabab roles and korma of Lucknow. I also want to visit all my favourite places in the city and meet my old friends.

My City Essay 4 (500 words)

I live in Chandigarh. I am born and brought up here and I simply love the essence of this place. My city is the most beautiful one in the country. It is one of the seven union territories in India and is the capital city of both Punjab and Haryana.

History and Origin of the City

Chandigarh happens to be the first planned city in India. Its origin dates back to the post independence era. During the partition of India, Punjab was also divided into two parts. Punjab’s capital, Lahore formed a part of the newly formed Pakistan and the state was thus left without any capital. Chandigarh was planned with the aim of giving a capital to Punjab. In the year 1966, a new state was carved from Eastern Punjab. It came to be known as Haryana. Chandigarh serves as the capital of both Punjab and Haryana.

Chandigarh City – Planned and Organized

Chandigarh is known to be a well-planned city. It is appreciated for its design and architecture all over the world. Since it was the dream city of the then Indian Prime Minister, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru special care was taken to build its architecture. American Architect, Albert Mayer was specially called to lay its design. Popular French architect Le Corbusier designed various buildings and contributed to the city’s architecture. The city is divided into various sectors and each sector has its own market and residential area. The city is well planted with a variety of beautiful trees.

Chandigarh’s main attraction is the Sukhna Lake which is an artificial lake in sector 1. It was created in 1958 and has since been one of the most happening spots in the city.

The people of Chandigarh have kept up with the systematic approach it was built with. Not only is the city well designed but it is also kept extremely clean in every way. You will not find any litter around as is seen in various other parts of the country. Traffic police in the city is extremely vigilant. No one can dare to break the traffic rules here. The discipline is maintained at every level. People live in peace and harmony here.

Sukhna Lake – My Favourite Spot

My favourite spot in the city is of course Sukhna Lake. The place is becoming happening by the day. The atmosphere here in the morning is completely different compared to that in the evening. In the morning, the place is calm and serene filled with fresh air. It is the best place to relax and unwind. In the evening, it is crowded with people enjoying boat rides and having snacks. Electronic swings have also been installed for children. The place is full of hustle and bustle during the evening hours. It is a good place to go out with friends as well as family. I can visit the place early morning as well as in the evening. I love it when it is calm and quite as well as when it is full of people.

Chandigarh is not just my city, it is my lifeline. I wish to spend all my life here. I don’t think I will be able to live as happily and peacefully in any other city.

My City Essay 5 (600 words)

I live in Delhi since I was 3 years old and I am completely in love with this city. Life here is fast, people here are full of life and the food you get here is just awesome. The capital of India, Delhi boosts of a rich historical past and beautiful edifices.

Delhi’s Historical Past

The history of Delhi dates back to the 12 th century. It is known as the oldest inhabited cities not just in India but around the world. Delhi has been ruled by several powerful kings including Ibrahim Lodi, Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur, Sher Shah Suri, Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Qutub-ud-Din Aybak, Jalal-ud-din Firuz Khilji, Shah Alam Bahadur Shah I and Akbar Shah II to name a few. The city was destructed and re-built several times by different emperors.

It is believed that the Pandvas also lived in this part of the country. During that era, the city was known by the name, Indraprastha. The Old Fort (Purana Qila) is said to have been constructed during that time.

Delhi’s Beautiful Monuments

Delhi is known for its beautiful monuments. There are a number spectacular monuments standing tall since centuries. Many new edifices have been built later and are as magnificent. Tourists from around the world visit Delhi to see these monuments. Here is a look at some of the most popular monuments in my city:

Red fort is one of the oldest monuments in Delhi. Made of red sandstone, the fort encompasses various museums. This brilliant piece of architecture was built by the Mughals in the 16 th century. The Mughal emperors lived here for almost 200 years.

  • Humayun’s Tomb

It is said that Humayun’s Tomb is a replica of the marvellous Taj Mahal. It is made with red sandstone and white marble. The tomb is an example of the Persian style of Islamic architecture. The tomb is 47 metres high and 91 metres wide and is surrounded by beautiful Persian-style garden.

  • Lotus Temple

As the name suggests, this temple is built in the shape of a lotus. It has 27 petals made of white marble. It has nine doors that open into the main hall. The marvellous edifice is big enough to accommodate up to 2500 people at a time.

Lotus Temple is a Bahai House of Worship however it is open for people belonging to any religion.

  • Qutub Minar

Yet another architectural brilliance, Qutub Minar is also made of red sand stone. It was built by Qutub Ud-Din-Aibak. This 73 metre tall edifice is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It consists of five storeys that are connected through spiral staircase.

India Gate is yet another historical monument in the city that draws numerous tourists from around the world. The names of martyrs are engraved on this monument. The Amar Jawan Jyoti lit under this monument is a tribute to the Indian soldiers.

  • Akshar Dham Temple

Akshar Dham Temple is a place of devotion and purity. It is the latest addition in the list of monuments in Delhi. It was opened for public in the year 2005. Besides the beautifully carved temple and other marvellous buildings, the Akshar Dham complex includes lush green gardens and water bodies.

I have been to all these places and can visit these over and over again. I have beautiful memories of these places.

Apart from the historical monuments, Delhi also includes numerous places to shop around. It can certainly be called a shopper’s delight. I love visiting different markets that do not only give me an opportunity to buy good stuff but also gives me a chance to have delectable street food. I can’t imagine myself living anywhere other than Delhi.

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